
From: Major E.A. Kaye – CCF Contingent Commander

8 February 2013 Dear Parents,

CCF Advanced Infantry Camp - Camp Plain, Friday 22 March – Saturday 30 March 2013

The Combined Cadet Force (CCF) will be conducting an Advanced Infantry Cadre for the more Senior Cadets. The aim of the Cadre is to take the Fourth year Army, and Fourth year RAF who wish to attend, through a package of advanced training in preparation for the NCO Cadre.

This Camp will run in parallel with the Easter Recruit Camp at Knook Camp, , Wiltshire from Friday 22 – Saturday 30 March 2013. This is an opportunity for boys to be trained and to put into practice more advanced infantry skills, building on what they have already been taught. This Camp has been well received by the Cadets in previous years and again this year requests for places have been high.

Cadets must parade at CCF HQ at 10.00am on Friday 22 March and will return to school on Saturday 30 March at approximately 1.00pm.

The all-inclusive cost of the Camp will be £55.00.

Detailed information will be sent to you, via your son, nearer the Camp dates but for now I would request that you please complete the enclosed Parental Consent Form and return it direct to my SSI, C/Sjt Matt Fisher, along with payment, by Tuesday 26 February 2013. Cheques should be made payable to ‘Abingdon School’.

On the morning of Saturday 20 April at 1000 we will be having a Passing Out Parade at school, during which we will present the cadets with their badges and certificates.

Again, more detailed information will be sent to you nearer the time, but I am delighted to invite you to attend this event. Could you please ensure you complete the part of the consent form indicating whether or not you intend to attend.

Thank you for your continued support.

Yours sincerely

Major E. A. Kaye CCF Contingent Commander [email protected]