
Remarks Max Alt SVFR 1000ft Holding Point H Note 1 H Suggested Min Alt RXWKRIWKH0EHWZHHQ:HVW'UD\WRQDQG$LUSRUW6SXU 1000ft 700ft Max Altitude — On Request Reporting Point H Holding ( Heathrow QNH)

U Altitudes - Delaford Park crossing of Colne Airport of (1.25nm West Spur Junction of M4 Motorway and Motorway spur to London Heathrow 'HVFULSWLRQRI5HIHUHQFH HELICOPTER ROUTES IN THE LONDON CTR and LONDON CITY CTR HELICOPTER ROUTES IN THE LONDON CTR and CITY Pilots are to be at the lower altitude on arrival point which applies. — Compulsory Reporting Point S Note: West Drayton West Airport Spur U TQ 035 826 N51 31.95 W000 30.52 U TQ 052 784 N51 29.65 W000 29.15 S TQ 075 786 N51 29.72 W000 27.25 6LJQLÀFDQW3RLQWV National Grid & Lat Long 1RWH8QOHVVRWKHUZLVZFOHDUHGE\$7&SLORWVDUHQRWWRÁ\6 H2 Route Abbreviations: Map references are to the 1: 50,000 of .     2021 Continued Remarks Max Alt SVFR H Note 1 Holding Point 600ft H 1000ft 700ft 750ft 850ft H 1500ft Note 1 Suggested Min Alt 1500ft 650ft 1200ft 500ft 1500ft 2000ft Max Altitude Golf course at Western Golf course at Western edge of Road roundabout Midway between Sunbury and the middle of Knight M3 Motorway South Thorpe Green (M25 of intersection) Kitsmead Lane over M3 M3 Motorway Junction 3 (VRP) Intersection of London Control Zone M3 Motorway 'HVFULSWLRQRI5HIHUHQFH Richmond Chertsey Thorpe Barrow Hills M3 Junction 3 Bagshot U TQ 184 725 N51 24.15 W000 28.76 U TQ 059 668 N51 24.15 W000 28.76 S 683 TQ 112 N51 24.15 W000 24.27 U TQ 018 679 N51 24.03 W000 32.27 U SU 990 662 N51 23.21 W000 34.68 U SU 919 626 N51 21.35 W000 40.84 S SU 908 619 N51 20.95 W000 41.95 6LJQLÀFDQW3RLQWV National Grid & Lat Long H3 Route     2021 O HU HUVRQ Note 2 Remarks Max Alt SVFR Holding Point 600ft1000ft Note 1 Note 2 Suggested Min Alt Max Altitude FRSWHUVGXHWRVORZFOLPELQJGHSDUWXUHVIURP+HDWKURZ+HOLFRSW 3ULRULW\&DWHJRU\$% &KHOLFRSWHUV GHÀQHGLQ&$30DQXD RSWHUURXWHVDUHQRWSHUPLWWHGWRÁ\FORVHUWKDQIWWRDQ\S at River Park and Football ground H Note 1 Golf course East of Gate, H7/H3 join 1500ft 'HVFULSWLRQRI5HIHUHQFH Barnes London Heliport Roehampton S TQ 266 762 N51 28.20 W000 10.77 S TQ 234 765 N51 28.45 W000 13.42 U TQ 215 746 N51 27.47 W000 15.11 6LJQLÀFDQW3RLQWV National Grid & Lat Long When Heathrow Runways 09L/09R are in use, the Route H3 between Sunbury Lock and Roehampton is not available to Caution - large number of tall structures above 500ft lie within 600m of the high water marks of the River Thames. Caution - large number of tall structures above 500ft lie within 600m the high water marks River 6SHFLDO9)5KHOLFRSWHUV7KHVHFORVXUHVGRQRWDSSO\WR)OLJKW Note 1: RI$LU7UDIÀF6HUYLFHV 'HOD\VPD\EHH[SHULHQFHGIRU9)5KHOL 3LORWVDUHUHPLQGHGWKDWDLUFUDIWRSHUDWHGRQWKHQRWLÀHGKHOLF pilots are recommended to obtain Heathrow runway information on the ATIS frequency 128•080 before contacting Heathrow Radar on ATIS pilots are recommended to obtain Heathrow runway information on the 125•625, or London Heliport on 134•280. Note 2: vessel, vehicle or structure. H3 continued Route     2021 F HOYHKLFOH Note 2 Note 5 Note 3 Note 4 Remarks Max Alt SVFR Holding Point Suggested Min Alt O\QPHDVWGRZQVWUHDPRI,VOHRI'RJV6XSSRUWLQJ 2000ft 1000ft 1500ft Max Altitude 9DX[KDOODQG:HVWPLQVWHU%ULGJHV7KLVGRHVQRWDSSO\WRWUDIÀ VDUHQRWSHUPLWWHGWRÁ\FORVHUWKDQIWWRDQ\SHUVRQYHVV 6SHFLÀF$UHD%RXQGDU\ Thames crossing the River North abeam (Road Bridge) CTR boundary crossing River Thames Chelsea Road BridgeLondon Heliport 1500ft H 'HVFULSWLRQRI5HIHUHQFH London Bridge 9DX[KDOO%ULGJH London Heliport S TQ 381 781 N51 29.03 W000 00.70 U TQ 330 805 N51 30.45 W000 05.07 S 683 TQ 112 N51 29 25 W000 07.60 S TQ 286 778 N51 29.03 W000 09.00 S TQ 266 762 N51 28.20 W000 10.77 6LJQLÀFDQW3RLQWV National Grid & Lat Long Caution - large number of tall structures above 500ft lie within 600m of the high water marks of the River Thames. Pilots are Caution - large number of tall structures above 500ft lie within 600m the high water marks River There are no Holding Points on H4 east of London Heliport. The nearest Holding Point is at , outside the There are no Holding Points on H4 east of London Heliport. &DEOHFDUFURVVHV5LYHU7KDPHVDW1(DSSUR[LPDWH 1RKHOLFRSWHUVWRKROGRQWKDWSRUWLRQRI+WKDWOLHVEHWZHHQ : Ferris Wheel: The Ferris Wheel (464ft AMSL) lies within the boundary of H4 at Jubilee Gardens (513012N The London Eye Ferris Wheel (464ft : Ferris Wheel: operating under Flight Priority Category A or B. A operating under Flight Priority Category Note 5: UHPLQGHGWKDWDLUFUDIWRSHUDWHGRQWKHQRWLÀHGKHOLFRSWHUURXWH Note 1: ¶6SHFLÀHG$UHD· (*5  Note 2: towers (289ft and 285ft AMSL) equipped with aviation warning lights; cable between towers unlit. towers (289ft and 285ft Note 3 : EHWZHHQ/RQGRQ%ULGJHDQG9DX[KDOO%ULGJH Note 4: or structure. H4 Route     2021 Remarks Max Alt SVFR Holding Point H Suggested Min Alt 2000ft 800ft H 1500ft Note Max Altitude Roundabout on Roundabout on 1RUWKRI8[EULGJH&RPPRQ Zone Boundary midway EHWZHHQ+DUHÀHOGDQG Northwood 'HVFULSWLRQRI5HIHUHQFH 8[EULGJH&RPPRQ Northwood U TQ 062 855 N51 33.53 W000 28.22 S TQ 071 906 N51 36.20 W000 27.32 6LJQLÀFDQW3RLQWV National Grid & Lat Long Pilots may be required to communicate with Approach (126•450). Pilots may be required to communicate with Northolt Note: H5 Route     2021 HOYHKLFOH Note 1 Remarks Max Alt SVFR H Holding Point 1000ft 600ft 1000ft 650ft 800ft H 1500ft Suggested Min Alt 1500ft 2000ft Max Altitude VDUHQRWSHUPLWWHGWRÁ\FORVHUWKDQIWWRDQ\SHUVRQYHVV River Thames at Barn Elms River Park and Craven Cottage Football ground London Heliport H Note 1 Golf course East of Roehampton Gate, H7/H3 join Golf course South West Golf course South West corner of Cemetery North East of Gas Works Golf course North West of Golf course North West town 'HVFULSWLRQRI5HIHUHQFH Barnes London Heliport Roehampton &HDVDU·V&DPS Morden Banstead S TQ 234 765 N51 28.45 W000 13.42 S TQ 266 762 N51 28.20 W000 10.77 U TQ 215 746 N51 27.47 W000 15.11 U TQ 220 711 N51 25.53 W000 14.77 U TQ 229 672 N51 23.45 W000 14.12 S TQ 243 614 N51 20.23 W000 13.02 6LJQLÀFDQW3RLQWV National Grid & Lat Long Caution - large number of tall structures above 500ft lie within 600m of the high water marks of the River Thames. Pilots are Caution - large number of tall structures above 500ft lie within 600m the high water marks River Note: UHPLQGHGWKDWDLUFUDIWRSHUDWHGRQWKHQRWLÀHGKHOLFRSWHUURXWH or structure. H7 Route     2021 Continued Note 4 Remarks 1000ft 1500ft Max Alt SVFR H Note 4 H Holding Point 600ft 700ft Suggested Min Alt 800ft H 800ft 2000ft 1500ft 1500ft 2000ft Max Altitude Railway Station 1200ft Midway between Sunbury Lock and the middle of Knight Reservoir Princes Coverts Intersection of A3 trunk Intersection of road/Railway line of A3 West A3/A244 intersection A3 trunk road West of A3 trunk road West A3/A244 intersection Intersection of London A3 trunk Control Zone/ road - North abeam a large supermarket 'HVFULSWLRQRI5HIHUHQFH Hersham Sunbury Lock 2[VKRWW(DVW Arbrook Esher Common Esher Common 2[VKRWW:HVW U TQ 121 654 N51 22.61 W000 23.39 S 683 TQ 112 N51 24.15 W000 24.27 S TQ 160 611 N51 20.23 W000 20.11 U TQ 149 624 N51 20.97 W000 21.00 U TQ 136 621 N51 20.85 W000 22.17 THEN U TQ 136 621 N51 20.85 W000 22.17 OR S TQ 101 609 N51 20.23 W000 25.20 6LJQLÀFDQW3RLQWV National Grid & Lat Long H9 Route     2021 Note 4 Note 3 Note 4 Note 5 Remarks 1000ft 1500ft Max Alt SVFR H H H H H H 800ft Holding Point 800ft Note 2 600ft 700ft Suggested Min Alt 2000ft 1000ft 800ft Max Altitude Zone boundary midway EHWZHHQ+DUHÀHOGDQG Northwood A40, South of Northolt Aerodrome runway intersection +RWHO&RPSOH[1RUWK(DVW of the junction motorway A4 at spur and main road North perimeter of London (Heathrow) Junction of M4 motorway and motorway spur to London (Heathrow) Stockley Park Business Centre East of terminal 4, South A30 Open space South of railway line 'HVFULSWLRQRI5HIHUHQFH Northwood Gutteridge Sipson Airport Spur Hayes Bedfont S TQ 071 906 N51 36.20 W000 27.32 U TQ 097 845 N51 32.90 W000 25.12 U TQ 076 772 N51 29.00 W000 27.10 S TQ 075 786 N51 29.73 W000 27.25 U TQ 082 804 N51 30.70 W000 26.60 U TQ 088 745 N51 27.53 W000 26.17 CROSSING HEATHROW U TQ 095 726 N51 26.50 W000 25.55 6LJQLÀFDQW3RLQWV National Grid & Lat Long H9 Route     2021 m Remarks Max Alt SVFR Holding Point Suggested Min Alt $LUSRUWLVQRWQRUPDOO\DYDLODEOHWR69)5KHOLFRSWHUWUDIÀF Max Altitude 'HVFULSWLRQRI5HIHUHQFH 6LJQLÀFDQW3RLQWV National Grid & Lat Long Runway 27L missed approach procedure requires a left turn at 1000ft AAL. Pilots holding at Bedfont must remain in visual missed approach procedure requires a left turn at 1000ft Runway 27L 'XHWRHQYLURQPHQWDOUHVWULFWLRQV+VRXWKRI/RQGRQ+HDWKURZ AIP). - 5 Helicopter Operations (UK AERODROME REGULATIONS AD 2.20 LOCAL or EGLL Refer to pages 809/810/811 Between Northwood and Airport Spur, pilots may be required to communicate with Northolt Approach (126•450). pilots may be required to communicate with Northolt Airport Spur, Between Northwood and Helicopters will be held at Bedfont during daylight hours when the reported weather conditions are equal to or better than 5 k : The holding manoeuvre is to be carried out to the south of the Northolt Aerodrome Boundary. The holding manoeuvre is to be carried out the south of Northolt : visibility and 1500ft reported cloud ceiling will be held at Feltham all other times. Note 4: between 2100 and 0800 local when London Heathrow Runways 09L/09R are in use. Note 5: FRQWDFWZLWKDLUFUDIWRQÀQDODSSURDFKWR5XQZD\/ Warning: Note 1: Note 2 Note 3: H9 Route     2021 Continued Note 3 Note 4 Note 5 Remarks 1200ft 1500ft Max Alt SVFR H H H Note 2 H Holding Point 800ft 1200ft Note 1 700ft 600ft Suggested Min Alt 2000ft Max Altitude A40, South of Northolt Aerodrome runway intersection Roundabout on A40 Roundabout on URDG1RUWKRI8[EULGJH Common A40 roundabout on Target Hangar Lane Junction Station 650ft Golf course West of Golf course West Common memorial in Stike War Poges village Delaford Park Bridge over River Thames Bridge over River North of CTR Boundary 'HVFULSWLRQRI5HIHUHQFH Gutteridge 8[EULGJH&RPPRQ Target Hangar Lane Pumpkin Hill Stoke Poges Iver Cookham U TQ 097 845 N51 32.90 W000 25.12 U TQ 062 855 N51 33.53 W000 28.22 U TQ 125 839 N51 32.58 W000 22.67 U TQ 184 826 N51 31.82 W000 17.63 U SU 943 845 N51 33.17 W000 38.52 U SU 990 835 N51 32.55 W000 34.39 U TQ 035 826 N51 31.95 W000 30.52 S SU 898 857 N51 20.23 W000 13.02 6LJQLÀFDQW3RLQWV National Grid & Lat Long H10 Route     2021 y reminded DFKWUDFN Note 4 Note 1 Remarks OHRUVWUXFWXUH 1000ft 800ft Max Alt SVFR H Note 6 H Note 1 H Holding Point 550ft 1000ft Note 6 800ft Suggested Min Alt SXEOLVKHGPD[LPXPDOWLWXGHZKHQRSHUDWLQJ69)5 1500ft 1000ft 1200ft Max Altitude RLQWGXHWRWKHLQWHUDFWLRQZLWK+HDWKURZ5XQZD\5ÀQDODSSUR SHUPLWWHGWRÁ\FORVHUWKDQIWWRDQ\SHUVRQYHVVHOYHKLF Bridge Thames at Barn River Elms Park and Craven Cottage Football ground A40, South of Northolt Aerodrome runway intersection Bridge 700ft Bridge across River Thames at NE corner of Gardens and Common North of Chiswick Fly-over 'HVFULSWLRQRI5HIHUHQFH Barnes London Heliport Bridge U TQ 229 781 N51 29.31 W000 13.82 S TQ 234 765 N51 28.45 W000 13.42 S TQ 266 762 N51 28.20 W000 10.77 U TQ 202 763 N51 28.38 W000 16.19 U TQ 190 778 N51 29.23 W000 17.27 U TQ 186 791 N51 29.85 W000 17.52 6LJQLÀFDQW3RLQWV National Grid & Lat Long %HWZHHQ+DQJHU/DQHDQG&KLVZLFN%ULGJHSLORWVPXVWÁ\DWWKH Between Iver and Hanger Lane, pilots may be required to communicate with Northolt Approach (126•450). Between Iver and Hanger Lane, pilots may be required to communicate with Northolt Aerodrome Boundary. The holding manoeuvre is to be carried out the south of Northolt When Heathrow Runways 09L/09R are in use, Route H10 between Gutteridge and is subject to delays due slow Between Target and Brentford the route alignment turns from the A40 to the A406 at the Hanger Lane intersection (Hanger Lane). A40 to the and Brentford the route alignment turns from Target Between Caution - large number of tall structures above 500ft lie within 600m of the high water marks of the River Thames. Pilots are Caution - large number of tall structures above 500ft lie within 600m the high water marks River H10 Route Note 6: WKDWDLUFUDIWRSHUDWHGRQWKHQRWLÀHGKHOLFRSWHUURXWHVDUHQRW Note 1: Note 2: Note 3: Note 4: frequenc ATIS Helicopter pilots are recommended to obtain Heathrow runway information on the climbing departures from Heathrow. 128•080 before contacting Heathrow Radar on 125•625, or London Heliport 134•280. Note 5: 3LORWVVKRXOGHQVXUHFRUUHFWYLVXDOLGHQWLÀFDWLRQRIWKHWXUQS     2021