
Public service media remit in 40 European countries IRIS Bonus 2015-3

Public service media remit in 40 European countries European Audiovisual Observatory, Strasbourg 2015

Director of publication - Susanne Nikoltchev, Executive Director

Editorial supervision - Maja Cappello, Head of Department for Legal Information

Editorial team - Francisco Javier Cabrera Blázquez, Sophie Valais

European Audiovisual Observatory

Publisher European Audiovisual Observatory 76, allée de la Robertsau, 67000 Strasbourg, Tel: +33 (0)3 90 21 60 00 Fax: +33 (0)3 90 21 60 19 E-mail: [email protected] http://www.obs.coe.int

Cover layout - P O I N T I L L É S, Hoenheim, France

Please quote this publication as Josephine M. A-C., Public service media remit in 40 European countries, IRIS Bonus 2015-3, European Audiovisual Observatory, Strasbourg, 2015

© European Audiovisual Observatory (Council of ), Strasbourg, 2015 Opinions expressed in this publication are personal and do not necessarily represent the views of the Observatory, its members or the Council of Europe. A publication of the European Audiovisual Observatory

Public service media remit in 40 European countries

Marie Anne-Carole Josephine


Intended as a free working tool to also accompany the reading of the IRIS Special on “Public service activities online: remit and financing” (http://www.obs.coe.int/en/shop/irisspecial/- /asset_publisher/A0cy/content/iris-special-online-activities-of-public-service-media-remit-and- financing), this IRIS Bonus developed into something more comprehensive thanks to an idea of the European Union (there is therefore more to come…) and to the strong commitment of Marie Anne-Carole Josephine during her stay at the European Audiovisual Observatory in summer 2015. The following tables provide an overview of the definition of the public service remit in the 40 countries that are members to the Observatory, and indicate:  the adopting bodies,  the concerned broadcasters,  the legal sources defining the remit, with mention of the specific articles,  the links to the texts in their original language and in English translation where available. For practical reasons the countries are listed in two groups, members of the and non EU members, and follow the alphabetical order of the ISO country codes. As public service remit is an evolving concept, the tables also provide an indication of the date of adoption and expiry of the respective national sources. We would be grateful to our readers if they could flag up eventual changes in their national frameworks, so as to allow us keep the tables up-to-date. A special mention goes to Sophie Valais for her thorough guidance and supervision of Marie Anne-Carole Josephine’s work during the drafting process.

Strasbourg, October 2015

Maja Cappello IRIS Coordinator Head of the Department for Legal Information European Audiovisual Observatory

1 2 Table of Contents

EU member states ...... 2 Non-EU member states ...... 2

3 4 EU member states

5 6 AT -

Links Date of Concerned Titles of the documents defining PSM Relevant Type of Adopting body adoption / English / Original broadcaster remits provisions document expiry date language

Rundfunkgebührengesetz 1974 Nationalrat (The Federal Constitutional Act law http://www.ris.bka.gv.at/Dokumente/Erv ORF Art. I as revised in (The National Council ) Ensuring the Independence of no.396/1974 /ERV_1974_396/ERV_1974_396.pdf 2015 Broadcasting) 2001 Nationalrat Audiovisuelle Mediendienste-Gesetz Part 1. §1 law http://www.ris.bka.gv.at/Dokumente/ ORF as revised in (The National Council ) (The Audiovisual Media Services Act) Parts 7, 8, 9 no.84/2001 Erv/ERV_2001_1_84/ERV_2001_1_84.pdf 2014 KommAustria-Gesetz - KOG (Federal Act on the establishment of 2001 Nationalrat an Austrian Communications Authority law http://www.ris.bka.gv.at/Dokumente ORF Parts 1 & 2 as revised in (The National Council ) ("KommAustria") no.32/2001 /Erv/ERV_2001_1_32/ERV_2001_1_32.pdf 2013 and a Federal Communications Board (KommAustria Act – KOG))

Bundesgesetz betreffend 1999 Nationalrat law https://www.rtr.at/ ORF die Einhebung von Rundfunkgebühren §1, 3 as revised in (The National Council ) no.159/1999 de/m/RGG (The Broadcast licence fee Law) 2013

(OR) https://www.ris.bka.gv.at/GeltendeFassung.wxe?Abfr Bundesgesetz über den Österreichischen Part 1. 1984 age=Bundesnormen&Gesetzesnummer=10000784 Nationalrat Rundfunk (ORF - Gesetz) Sections 1, law ORF as revised in (The National Council ) (The Federal Act on the Austrian 3, 4, 5 no.379/1984 2015 Broadcasting Corporation (ORF Act)) Parts 2, 3, 4 (EN) https://www.rtr.at/en/m/ORFG/2294_orfg- eng.pdf

Österreichischer http://zukunft.orf.at/rte/upload/texte/veroeffentlichu Rundfunk ORF-Programmrichtlinien policy ORF Preamble 2005 ngen (Austrian Broadcasting (ORF Programming Guidelines) document /komm_kommunikation/programmrichtlinien.pdf Corporation )

Österreichischer http://zukunft.orf.at/rte/upload/texte/ Rundfunk ORF-Leitbild policy ORF All 2005 veroeffentlichungen/komm_kommunikation/leitbild.p (Austrian Broadcasting (ORF Mission Statement) document df Corporation )

Comments For an overview of the legal framework about public service broadcasting in Austria, see : https://www.rtr.at/en/m/Gesetze

7 BE -

Date of Concerned Titles of the documents defining Relevant Type of Links Adopting body adoption / broadcaster PSM remits provisions document expiry date English / Original language Le Parlement fédéral de 1831 Belgique VRT/ RTBF/ Constitution belge http://www.senate.be/doc/con Art. 127 Constitution as revised in (The Belgium Federal BRF (The Belgian Constitution) st_fr.html 2014 Parliament ) Le Parlement fédéral de 1980 https://wallex.wallonie.be/inde Belgique VRT/ RTBF/ Loi spéciale de réformes institutionnelles Art. 4 law as revised in x.php?doc=3144&rev=2476- (The Belgium Federal BRF (Special law related to institutional reforms) 2010 4465 Parliament )

The Community

Date of Concerned Titles of the documents defining Relevant Type of Links Adopting body adoption / broadcaster PSM remits provisions document Expiry date English / Original language https://cjsm.be/media/sites /cjsm.media/files/public/me diadecreet_officieuze_coord inatie20140812.pdf Decreet betreffende decree 2009 De Vlaamse Gemeenschap Part II VRT de -omroep en de televisie B.S. as revised in (The ) Title II (EN) (Act on radio and broadcasting) 12/08/2014 2014 http://www.vlaamseregulat ormedia.be/sites/default/file s/act_on_radio_and_televisi on_broadcasting.pdf

1997 http://www.vrt.be/sites/def De Vlaamse Gemeenschap self- VRT VRT Statuten (VRT's Statute) All as revised in ault/files/attachments/VRT- (The Flemish Parliament ) regulation 2009 Statuten_0.pdf

De Vlaamse Gemeenschap en de Vlaamse Radio- en 2011 http://www.vrt.be/sites/def Telesieomroeporganisatie Beheersovereenkomst to be ault/files/attachments/Behe (The and VRT Chapter II contract (VRT’s Management contract) renewed in ersovereenkomst_VRT_2012 the The Flemish Radio- and 2016 -2016.pdf Television Network Organisation ) De Vlaamse Gemeenschap en http://www.cjsm.vlaanderen de Vlaamse Radio- en 2015 .be/raadcjsm/SR_media/advi Telesieomroeporganisatie Beheersovereenkomst 2016 to be ezen/20150611-advies- (The Flemish Community and VRT Chapter 3 contract (VRT’s Management contract 2016) renewed in beheersovereenkomst- the The Flemish Radio- and 2020 Vlaamse-Gemeenschap- Television Network VRT.pdf Organisation )

8 The French Community

Date of Concerned Titles of the documents defining Relevant Type of Links Adopting body adoption / broadcaster PSM remits provisions document Expiry date English / Original language

http://www.csa.be/system/d Le Parlement de la Fédération ocuments_files/1440/original Décret sur les services decree 2003 Wallonie-Bruxelles /D%C3%A9cret%20SMA%20c RTBF de médias audiovisuels Titles IV, V M.B. as revised in (Parliament of the oordonn%C3%A9%20au%201 (Decree on audiovisual media services) 20/03/2015 2015 - ) 2%20mars%202015.pdf?1431 957507

Le Parlement de la Fédération Décret portant statut de la Radio-Télévision 1997 http://www.gallilex.cfwb.be/ Wallonie-Bruxelles belge de la Communauté française (RTBF) Chapters I, decree RTBF as revised in document/pdf/20355_004.p (Parliament of the Federation (Decree on the Statute of the public II, III D.14-07-1997 2015 df Wallonia-Brussels ) broadcaster RTBF)

Gouvernement de la Communauté française et 2012 http://www.dgregierung.be/ Radio-Télévision belge de la Contrat de gestion RTBF 2013 Titles II, III, to be desktopdefault.aspx/tabid- RTBF contract Communauté française (RTBF’s management contract 2013) IV, V renewed in 3013/630_read- (The French-Speaking Belgian 2017 36699/630_page-2/ Radio and Television )

The German Community

Concerned Titles of the documents defining Relevant Type of Date of Links Adopting body broadcaster PSM remits provisions document adoption English / Original language

http://www.dgmedien.be/Po rtalData/39/Resources/doku Parlament der Dekret über [die audiovisuellen 2005 mente/7.1._2005_06_Dekret Deutschsprachigen Mediendienste] und die Kinovorstellungen decree BRF Art. 3, 5, 5.1 as revised in __ber_die_audiovisuellen_M Gemeinschaft (Decree on Audiovisual Media Services and BS 06.09.05 2013 ediendienste_und_die_Kinov (The German Community ) Cinema Exhibitions) orstellungen_Stand_25_Mae rz_2013.pdf

Dekret über das Belgische Rundfunk- und http://www.dgmedien.be/Po Parlament der Fernsehzentrum der Deutschsprachigen rtalData/39/Resources/doku 1986 Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft decree mente/7.1._1986.06.27_Dekr BRF Art. 1 as revised in Gemeinschaft (Decree on the Belgian Radio and Television BS 05.08.86 et__ber_das_Belgische_Rund 2013 (The German Community ) Centre of the Germanspeaking Community - ('BRF-Act')) _und_Fernsehzentrum.pdf

Regierung der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft und dem Geschäftsführungsvertrag zwischen Belgischen Rundfunk- und der Regierung der Deutschsprachigen Fernsehzentrum der Gemeinschaft und dem Belgischen Rundfunk- 2011 http://www.dgregierung.be/ Deutschsprachigen und Fernsehzentrum der Deutschsprachigen to be desktopdefault.aspx/tabid- BRF All contract Gemeinschaft Gemeinschaft renewed in 3013/630_read- (The Government of the (The management contract between the BRF 2014 36699/630_page-2/ German-speaking Community and the Government of the Germanspeaking and Belgian Radio and the Community) Belgian Radio and Television Centre )


9 BG -

Date of Links Concerned Titles of the documents defining PSM Relevant Type of Adopting body adoption / English / Original broadcaster remits provisions document expiry date language

https://www.cpdp.bg/do wnload.php?part=rubric_e lement&aid=1500 Народното събрание на 2008 Република България Закон за Електронните Съобщения law BNT (БHT) Chapter 11 as revised in (National Assembly of the (Electronic Communications Act) SG. 41/22 (EN) 2015 Republic of Bulgaria ) https://www.cpdp.bg/do wnload. php?part=rubric_element &aid=1517

http://www.crc.bg/files/_ bg/ZRT_2015.pdf Народното събрание на Chapter 1 law no. 1994 Република България Закон за Радиото И Телевизията Article 6/ BNT (БHT) 138/24.11.199 as revised in (EN - 2011) (National Assembly of the (Radio and Television Act) Chapter 3 8 2015 https://www.mtitc.govern Republic of Bulgaria ) Section II ment.bg/upload/docs/Rad io_and_Television_Act_en. pdf

Българска Национална Правилник за Редакционната Дейност в 2006 http://bnt.bg/file/2013/04 Телевизия policy BNT (БHT) Бьлгарската Национална Телевизия Chapters I, II as revised in /Pravilnik-redakcionna- (Bulgarian National document (Editorial Policy of BNT) 2011 deinost-2011.pdf Television )


10 CY -

Links Date of Concerned Titles of the documents defining PSM Relevant Type of Adopting body adoption / English / Original broadcaster remits provisions document expiry date language

ΒΟΥΛΗ ΤΩΝ Ο περί Ραδιοφωνικού Ιδρύματος law no. 1959 http://www.cylaw.org/no ΑΝΤΙΠΡΟΣΩΠΩΝ Κύπρου Νόμος PIK (CyBC) All KΕΦ.300Α as revised in moi/enop/non- (the House of (Law on the Cyprus Broadcasting 46/1959 2010 ind/0_300A/full.html Representatives ) Corporation)

ΒΟΥΛΗ ΤΩΝ http://www.crta.org.cy/i O περί Pαδιοφωνικών και Tηλεοπτικών 1998 ΑΝΤΙΠΡΟΣΩΠΩΝ law mages/users/1/CRTA- all PSM Σταθμών Nόμος All as revised in (the House of no.88(Ι)/98 LAW7%281%2998%20FIN (Law on Radio and Television Stations) 2010 Representatives ) AL%202011.pdf

Αρχή Ραδιοτηλεόρασης http://www.riknews.com. Κώδικας ∆ιακυβέρνησης ΡΙΚ policy Κύπρου PIK (CyBC) All 2011 cy/pdf/rik/corporate_gov (RIK - Corporate governance code) document (Cyprus Radio ernance_code.pdf Television Authority )


11 CZ -

Date of Links Concerned Titles of the documents defining Relevant Type of Adopting body adoption / broadcaster PSM remits provisions document English / Original language expiry date

http://www.zakonyprolidi.cz/cs/2001 Parlamentu Česke -231/zneni-20150502 Republiky České Televizi Zákon o provozování rozhlasového a Part 1 2001 law (The Parliament (Czech televizního vysílání Section 3 as revised in no. 231/2001 (EN - 2010) of the ) (Act on Radio and TV Broadcasting) Part 5 2015 http://www.rrtv.cz/en/static/docum Republic ) ents/act-231-2001/Act-on-RTV- broadcasting-reflecting-AVMSD.pdf

http://www.zakonyprolidi.cz/cs/1991 Parlamentu Česke -483/zneni-20111014 Republiky 1991 Zákon České národní rady o České televizi law (The Parliament CT Art. 2, 3, 3a as revised in (The Act on Czech Television) no. 231/2002 of the Czech 2011 (EN - 2005) Republic ) http://www.ceskatelevize.cz/english/ act-on-czech-television/

http://img.ceskatelevize.cz/boss/ima Rada pro ge/contents/statut-ct/pdf/statut- rozhlasové a ct.pdf?verze=2012-04-11 televizní vysílání 1991 Statut Česká televize law (The Council for CT Chapter 3 as revised in (Statute of Czech Television) no. 231/2003 Radio and 2012 Television (EN - 2005) Broadcasting ) http://www.ceskatelevize.cz/english/ ct-statute/

http://img.ceskatelevize.cz/boss/ima Rada pro ge/contents/kodex-ct/pdf/kodex- rozhlasové a ct.pdf televizní vysílání Kodex České televize self- (The Council for CT Art. II, VI 2003 (Czech Television Code) regulation Radio and (EN) Television http://img.ceskatelevize.cz/boss/pag Broadcasting ) es/english/pdf/ct-code.pdf


12 DE -

Date of Links Concerned Titles of the documents defining PSM Relevant Type of Adopting body adoption / broadcaster remits provisions document English / Original language expiry date http://www.gesetze-im- .de/bundesrecht/gg/gesa Grundgesetz mt.pdf 1949 Der Parlamentarische Rat für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland (EN) All PSM Art. 5 Constitution as revised in (The Parliamentary Council) (Basic Law for the Federal Republic of http://www.gesetze-im- 2014 Germany) internet.de/englisch_gg/basic_la w_for_the_federal_republic_of_g ermany.pdf http://www.die- medienanstalten.de/fileadmin/Do wnload/Rechtsgrundlagen/Gesetz e_aktuell/15_RStV_01-01- Staatsvertrag Section II Interstate 2013.pdf Die Bundesländer für Rundfunk und Telemedien All PSM Articles Treaty 2013 (EN) (The Länder ) (InterstateTreaty on Broadcasting and 11, 11e, 41 no.15 http://www.die- Telemedia) medienanstalten.de/fileadmin/Do wnload/Rechtsgrundlagen/Gesetz e_aktuell/15_RStV_english_01- 01-2013.pdf Die Bundesländer und die Vertrag zum Europäischen Französische Republik Fernsehkulturkanal http://www.arte.tv/static/c5/pdf/ Article 19 Treaty 1990 (The Länder and the French (Interstate Treaty zwischenstaatlicher_vertrag.pdf Republic ) of the Länder and the French Republic) Die Außerordentliche Gründungsvertrag Europäische 1991 http://download.www.arte.tv/pe Mitgliederversammlung ARTE Wirtschaftliche Interessenvereinigung All contract as revised in rmanent/u6/pdf/ContratdeForma (ARTE extraordinary General (ARTE Founding Contract) 2009 tionARTE_actu2009_DE.pdf Assembly ) Die Bundesländer ARD Staatsvertrag 1991 as revised http://www.ard.de/download/34 ARD All contract (The Länder ) (ARD Interstate Agreement) in 2009 8930/ARD_Staatsvertrag.pdf Satzung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Landesrundfunkanstalten und der öffentlich-rechtlichen 1950 http://www.ard.de/download/34 ARD Rundfunkanstalten All law as revised in 8928/ARD_Satzung.pdf (Länder Broadcasters and DW) der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (ARD) 2014 (ARD Statute) http://www.ard.de/download/18 Grundsätze für die Zusammenarbeit Landesrundfunkanstalten 99726/Grundsaetze_fuer_die_Zus ARD im ARD Gemeinschaftsprogramm All self-regulation 2013 (Länder Broadcasters) ammenarbeit_im_ARD_Gemeinsc (ARD Programming Guidelines) haftsprogramm_.pdf Interstate 1991 Die Bundesländer ZDF-Staatsvertrag http://www.zdf.de/ZDF/zdfportal ZDF All treaty as revised in (The Länder ) (ZDF Interstate Agreement) /blob/26073604/1/data.pdf no.15 2009 1962 ZDF Fernsehrat ZDF Satzung http://www.zdf.de/ZDF/zdfportal ZDF All self-regulation as revised in (ZDF Broadcasting Board) (ZDF Statute) /blob/26076544/1/data.pdf 2015 ZDF Fernsehrat ZDF-Leitlinien policy http://www.zdf.de/zdf-leitlinien- ZDF All 2013 (ZDF Broadcasting Board) (ZDF Guidelines) document 26888690.html 2015 ZDF Fernsehrat Selbstverpflichtungserklärung des ZDF http://www.zdf.de/ZDF/zdfportal ZDF All self-regulation to be renewed (ZDF Broadcasting Board) (ZDF Code of Conduct) /blob/36642580/1/data.pdf in 2016 ZDF Compliance-Regeln Mitarbeiterkodex zur ZDF Fernsehrat Korruptionsverhütung http://www.zdf.de/ZDF/zdfportal ZDF All self-regulation 2013 (ZDF Broadcasting Board) (ZDF Compliance Rules /blob/26890782/1/data.pdf Staff Codex for the Prevention of Corruption) Bilanz der ZDF Fernsehrat Selbstverpflichtungserklärung http://www.zdf.de/ZDF/zdfportal ZDF All report 2014 (ZDF Broadcasting Board) des ZDF /blob/35383630/1/data.pdf (ZDF Public Service Remit Report)


http://www.gesetze- Die Bayerische bayern.de/jportal/portal/page/bs verfassungsgebende Verfassung des Freistaates Bayern 1998 bayprod.psml?showdoccase=1&d Landesversammlung BR (Constitution of the Free State of Art. 111a Constitution as revised in oc.id=jlr- (The Bavarian Constituent State ) 2013 VerfBY1998rahmen&doc.part=X& Assembly) doc.origin=bs&st=lr 2003 http://www.br.de/unternehmen/ Der Bayerische Landtag Bayerisches Rundfunkgesetz law BR All as revised in inhalt/organisation/bayerisches- (The Bavarian State Parliament) (Bavarian Broadcasting Treaty) no.2003, S.782 2012 rundfunkgesetz100.html Der Bayerische Rundfunk (BR Rundfunk- und Verwaltungsrat) und das Bayerische Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und http://www.br.de/unternehmen/ Rundfunkbeitragssatzung des BR law no. Kunst BR All 2012 inhalt/organisation/br-satzung- (BR Statute) 51-52/2012 (The Bavarian Broadcaster (BR rundfunkbeitraegen-100.html Broadcasting and Supervisory Boards) and the Bavarian State Ministry for Science, Research and Art) http://www.br.de/unternehmen/ Der Wertekodex des BR policy BR BR All 2014 inhalt/organisation/wertekodex- (BR Values Codex) document bayerischer-rundfunk100.html http://www.br.de/unternehmen/ BR Qualitätsbericht BR BR All report 2012 inhalt/organisation/unser-wert- (BR evaluation report) pdf-100.html http://www.hr- online.de/servlet/de.hr.cms.servl 1948 et.File/2010_hr- Der Hessischer Landtag Gesetz über den Hessischen Rundfunk law no. HR All as revised in Gesetz_neu_07072010_1?enc=d3 (The State Parliament of ) (HR Broadcasting Law) 1948, S.123 2010 M9aHJteXNxbCZibG9iSWQ9MTE3 MDQ0MTYmaWQ9Mzk2MDAyNz MmZm9yY2VEb3dubG9hZD0x http://www.hr- 1949 online.de/website/derhr/home/d Der Rundfunkrat des HR HR Satzung self-regulation HR All as revised in ownload.jsp?key=standard_docu (The HR Television Board) (HR Statute) no.1949, S. 357 2005 ment_33664284&row=0&rubrik= 33266 Der Freistaat Sachsen, das Land Sachsen-Anhalt und das Land Staatsvertrag über den 1991 Thüringen http://www.mdr.de/presse/unter MDR Mitteldeutschen Rundfunk All legislation to be revised in (The Free State of , the nehmen/download1278.html (MDR State Treaty) 2016 Land of Saxony-Anhalt and The Land of ) Leitlinien für die http://www.mdr.de/unternehme policy MDR MDR Programmgestaltung des MDR All 2013 n/organisation/dokumente/down document (MDR programming guidelines) load2590.html 2014 http://www.mdr.de/unternehme MDR Entwicklungsplan policy MDR MDR All to be renewed n/organisation/download3586- (MDR Development Plan) document in 2018 download.pdf Statusbericht 2014 zur Umsetzung des 2014 http://www.mdr.de/unternehme Entwicklungsplans des MDR MDR MDR All report to be renewed n/organisation/download3954- (Status Report on the implementation in 2015 download.pdf of the development plan of the MDR ) Bericht des MDR über die Erfüllung der http://www.mdr.de/unternehme Leitlinien für die Programmgestaltung MDR MDR All report 2013 n/organisation/dokumente/down (MDR programme guidelines load3758-download.pdf evaluation report) Die Länder Freie und Hansestadt , Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Niedersachsen 1991 NDR-Staatsvertrag law https://www.ndr.de/der_ndr/unt und Schleswig-Holstein (The NDR All as revised in (NDR State Treaty) no.1992,S.39 ernehmen/staatsvertrag100.pdf Länder Free and Hanseatic City 2005 of Hamburg, Mecklenburg-West Pomerania, and Schleswig Holstein) Medienübergreifende Kriterien für öffentlich-rechtliche Programmqualität 2013 policy https://www.ndr.de/redirectid.js NDR NDR (Cross-media criteria for the All to be renewed document p?id=qualitaet105 programme quality of public service in 2014 broadcasting) NDR Leitlinien für die 2015 policy https://www.ndr.de/der_ndr/unt NDR NDR Programmgestaltung All to be renewed document ernehmen/leitlinien104.pdf (NDR Guidelines) in 2017


law no. http://www.radiobremen.de/unt Radio Gesetz Land Bremen All Brem.GBl. 2014 ernehmen/organisation/gesetz10 (Radio Bremen Law) S.241 0.pdf http://www.radiobremen.de/unt RB Rundfunkrat Satzung von Radio Bremen Radio Bremen All self-regulation 2014 ernehmen/organisation/satzung1 (RB Broadcasting Council) (Statute of Radio Bremen) 00.pdf Staatsvertrag über die Errichtung einer http://www.rbb- law gemeinsamen Rundfunkanstalt der 2002 online.de/unternehmen/der_rbb/ Die Länder und Berlin GVBl. RBB Länder Berlin und All as revised in struktur/grundlagen/rbb_staatsv Brandenburg Nr.34 S.634 (Broadcasting State Treaty of the 2013 ertrag.file.html/140121- Länder Berlin and Brandenburg) rbb_StV2013.pdf

Staatsvertrag über die Zusammenarbeit http://www.rbb- law zwischen Berlin und Brandenburg im 1992 online.de/unternehmen/der_rbb/ Die Länder Berlin und Berlin GVBl. RBB Bereich der Medien All as revised in struktur/grundlagen/medienstaat Brandenburg Nr.34 S.638 (Media State Treaty Berlin and 2013 svertrag.file.html/140121- Brandenburg) medienstaatsvetrag-2013.pdf http://www.rbb- self-regulation 2003 online.de/unternehmen/der_rbb/ RBB Rundfunkrat RBB Satzung RBB All Berlin ABl. as revised in struktur/grundlagen/satzung_des (RBB Broadcasting Board) (RBB Statute) Nr.2009/1324 2014 _rundfunk.file.html/rbb-Satzung- 13022014.pdf http://www.rbb- online.de/unternehmen/der_rbb/ RBB Rundfunkrat Unternehmensleitlinien des RBB policy RBB All 2009 struktur/grundlagen/unternehme (RBB Broadcasting Board) (RBB guidelines) document nsleitlinien.file.html/unternehme nsleitlinien.pdf http://www.rbb- Zielvorgaben des rbb online.de/unternehmen/der_rbb/ RBB Rundfunkrat zur Erfüllung seiner RBB All report 2015 struktur/grundlagen/die_zielvorg (RBB Broadcasting Board) programmlichen Aufgaben aben_des.file.html/rbb- (RBB public service remit report) zielvorgaben-2015-2016.pdf Der Landtag des Saarlandes 2002 http://www.lexsoft.de/cgi- Saarländisches Mediengesetz law (The State Parliament of the SR All as revised in bin/lexsoft/justizportal_nrw.cgi?x (SR Media Law) Abl. S.498, 754 ) 2013 id=186198,1 http://www.sr- SR Satzung self-regulation 1999 SR Rundfunkrat online.de/sronline/der_sr/wir_ub SR (Statute of the Saarländischer All Abl.S.536/ as revised in (SR Broadcasting Board) er_uns/rundfunkrat/satzung_saar Rundfunk) S.3073 2003 laendischer_rundfunk100.pdf http://download.sr- SR Rundfunkrat SR Bericht gegenüber der Öffentlichkeit SR All report 2015 online.de/oeffentlichkeitsbericht/ (SR Broadcasting Board) (SR public service remit report) 0000_pdf_2015_2016.pdf Das Land Baden-Württemberg und das Land Rheinland-Pfalz 2014 http://www.swr.de/- SWR Staatsveertrag (The Länder SWR All legislation as revised in /id=12673462/property=downloa (SWR State Treaty) Baden-Württemberg and 2015 d/nid=7687068/l3e12x/index.pdf Rhineland-Palatinate) Rundfunkrat und http://www.swr.de/- Verwaltungsrat des SWR SWR Hauptsatzung /id=16061110/property=downloa SWR All self-regulation (Broadcasting and Supervisory (SWR Statute) d/nid=12338976/3pjp20/hauptsat Boards of SWR) zung-des-suedwestrundfunks.pdf Verwaltungsrat des SWR SWR Unternehmensleitbild policy http://www1.swr.de/SWR- SWR All 2014 (SWR Supervisory Board) (SWR guidelines) document Leitbild/pdf/SWR-Leitbild.pdf


Der Nordrhein-Westfalen http://www1.wdr.de/unternehm Gesetz über den Westdeutschen 1985 Landtag en/organisation/rechtsgrundlage WDR Rundfunk Köln All legislation as revised in (The State Parliament of North n/rechtsgrundlagen_gesetz100.p (WDR Law) 2011 Rhine-Westphalia) df http://www1.wdr.de/unternehm 2003 Der Rundfunkrat des WDR WDR Satzung en/organisation/rechtsgrundlage WDR All self-regulation as revised in (The WDR Broadcasting Board ) (WDR Statute) n/rechtsgrundlagen_satzung100. 2012 pdf http://www1.wdr.de/unternehm Der Rundfunkrat des WDR Erfüllungsbericht WDR All report 2013 en/organisation/aufgabe/aufgabe (The WDR Broadcasting Board ) (The WDR public service remit report) _erfuellungsbericht102.pdf

http://www1.wdr.de/unternehm Der Rundfunkrat des WDR WDR Programmrichtlinien policy WDR All 2013 en/organisation/aufgabe/aufgabe (The WDR Broadcasting Board ) (WDR Programming guidelines) document _programmrichtlinien100.pdf

http://www.dw.com/popups/pdf /11930460/dw-gesetz-pdf.pdf law 1997 Der Deutsche Bundestag Deutsche-Welle-Gesetz DW All BGBl. I as revised in (EN) (The German Bundestag ) (DW Broadcasting Act) S.3456 2004 http://www.dw.com/popups/pdf /23377265/deutsche-welle-act- pdf.pdf http://www.dw.com/de/leitbild- werte-grunds%C3%A4tze-und- Der Rundfunkrat der DW The Deutsche Welle Leitbild policy visionen/a-1503551 DW All 2013 (The DW Broadcasting Board ) (DW vision and values) document (EN) http://www.dw.com/en/vision- and-values/a-1715714 http://www.dw.com/popups/pdf Der Rundfunkrat der DW Aufgabenplanung Deutsche Welle policy DW All 2015 /44249265/aufgabenplanung- (The DW Broadcasting Board ) (DW work plan) document 2014-bis-2017.pdf

Comments ¹The Treaty is a type of legislation which has a nationwide effect but which is not a federal law. The Treaty is passed by the Laender, according to the law in the Federal Republic of Germany.



Date of Links Concerned Titles of the documents defining Relevant Type of Adopting body adoption / broadcaster PSM remits provisions document English / Original language expiry date https://www.retsinformation.dk/F orms/R0710.aspx?id=161625

(EN - 2010) Bekendtgørelse af lov om radio- og Kulturministeriet law no. 2010 http://www.kulturstyrelsen.dk/file fjernsynsvirksomhed Chapters 3, (The Danish Ministry DR 477 of as amended admin/user_upload/dokumenter/ (The Radio and 4, 5, 6, 6a of Culture ) 06/05/2010 in 2014 medier/radio_og_tv/Engelsk_side/ Act) Promulgation_of_the_Radio_and_T elevision_Broadcasting_Act_2010.p df

Kulturministeriet law no. Bekendtgørelse om vedtægt for DR https://www.retsinformation.dk/p (The Danish Ministry DR Chapter 2 2004-20399- 2010 (The DR Statute Act) dfPrint.aspx?id=130039 of Culture ) 236 http://www.pressenaevnet.dk/Lov e-og- Part 1 regler/Medieansvarsloven.aspx Kulturministeriet law no. 1998 Bekendtgørelse af medieansvarsloven Part 2 (The Danish Ministry DR 1998-02-09- as amended (EN) (The Media Liability Act) section 5 of Culture ) 85 in 2014 http://www.pressenaevnet.dk/Info Parts 5, 6 rmation-in-English/The-Media- Liability-Act.aspx

http://kum.dk/fileadmin/KUM/Doc 2014 Radio- og tv-nævnet uments/Kulturpolitik/medier/DR/P DRs Public Service Kontrakt to be (The Danish Radio and DR All contract ublic_Serviceaftale_2015- (DR's Public Service Contract) renewed in Television Board ) 18/DR_public_service- 2018 kontrakt_for_2015-2018.pdf

http://www.dr.dk/NR/rdonlyres/58 Radio- og tv-nævnet policy F20E64-09C8-41AD-A6CA- (The Danish Radio and DR DRS Etik (DR's Ethics) All 2014 document 32C608468968/6053535/DRs_Etik_ Television Board ) 19_12_2014.pdf

2014 http://www.dr.dk/NR/rdonlyres/D Radio- og tv-nævnet Mediepolitisk aftale policy to be 8F466AE-9EFB-4617-B8CD- (The Danish Radio and DR All (Media Policy Agreement) document renewed in 5737425911FD/5967498/Mediepoli Television Board ) 2018 tisk_aftale_20152018.pdf


17 EE -

Date of Links Titles of the documents defining Relevant Type of Adopting body Concerned broadcaster adoption / PSM remits provisions document English / Original language expiry date

2007 https://www.riigiteataja.ee/en/ Riigikogu Eesti Rahvusringhääling Sections ERR law no.88 as revised compare_original/52706201400 (The Parliament of Estonia ) (The Estonian Act) 4, 5, 6 2014 5

https://www.riigiteataja.ee/akt/ 2010 104032015014.pdf Riigikogu Meediateenuste seadus ERR Chapter 2 law no.802 as revised (The Parliament of Estonia ) (The Media Services Act) (EN) 2014 https://www.riigiteataja.ee/en/ compare_original/50611201301 9 General Eesti Rahvusringhäälingu seadus Riigikogu Principles of self- http://err.ee/files/ERR_good_pr ERR (Good Practice of Estonian Public 2010 (The Parliament of Estonia ) Good regulation actice_ERRpdf.pdf Broadcasting) Practice

2014 Rahvusringhäälingu nõukogu ERR arengukavas policy to be http://err.ee/files/ERR_arenguk (The National Broadcasting ERR All (ERR development plan) document renewed in ava_2015-2018.pdf Council ) 2018


18 ES -

Date of Links Titles of the documents defining PSM Relevant Type of Adopting body Concerned broadcaster adoption / remits provisions document English / Original language expiry date Las Cortes http://www.boe.es/buscar/act.php RTVE/ RNE/ RTVA/ Ley General de la Comunicación 2010 Generales law ?id=BOE-A-2010- RTVC/ CCMA/ CRTVG/ Audiovisual Title IV as revised in (The Parliament of no.7/2010 5292&tn=1&vd=&p=20150501&acc EITB (Audiovisual Act) 2015 Spain ) =Elegir Las Cortes Ley de la radio y la televisión de RTVE/ RNE/ RTVA/ 2006 Generales titularidad estatal Art. law http://noticias.juridicas.com/base_ RTVC/ CCMA/ CRTVG/ as revised in (The Parliament of (Act on state-owned radio and 2, 3 no.17/2006 datos/Admin/l17-2006.t1.html EITB 2012 Spain ) television) Las Cortes Ley de financiación de la Corporación de RTVE/ RNE/ RTVA/ 2009 http://noticias.juridicas.com/base_ Generales Radio y Televisión Española law RTVC/ CCMA/ CRTVG/ All as revised datos/Admin/l8- (The Parliament of (Act on the funding of the Spanish Radio no.8/2009 EITB in 2011 2009.html#aAfectadoPor Spain ) and Television Corporation) Las Cortes http://www.rtve.es/contenidos/do Generales Mandato-marco a la Corporación RTVE law RTVE All 2007 cumentos/MANDATO_MARCO_18 (The Parliament of (RTVE’s current framework mandate) no.470/2007 _12_07.pdf Spain ) Ley de la radio y televisión de titularidad Parlament de autonómica gestionada por la Agencia Catalunya Pública Empresarial de la Radio y law http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/b RTVA All 2007 (The Catalan Televisión de Andalucía (RTVA) no.18/2007 oja/2007/252/1 Parliament) (The law on the Andalucian Regional Public Broadcaster) http://dogc.gencat.cat/ca/pdogc_c anals_interns/pdogc_resultats_fitx Parlament de Llei de la Corporació Catalana de Mitjans a/?documentId=415418&language Catalunya law CCMA Audiovisuals All 2007 =ca_ES&action=fitxa (The Catalan no.11/2007 (The law on the Catalan CCMA) (EN) Parliament) http://statics.ccma.cat/multimedia /pdf/nohash/llei-ccma-ang.pdf Parlament de Mandat marc del sistema públic http://statics.ccma.cat/multimedia Catalunya audiovisual resolution CCMA All 2010 /pdf/nohash/mandat-marc- (The Catalan (Mandate under the public broadcasting no.612/VIII sistema-public-audiovisual.pdf Parliament) system) Parlamento de http://www.crtvg.es/crtvg/portal- Lei de Creación da CRTVG 1984 Galicia law de-transparencia/informacion- CRTVG (Law on the establishment of Galicia All as revised in (The Parliament of no.9/1984 institucional/referencias-legais/lei- Television) 2002 Galicia ) de-creacion Ley de creación de la radiodifusion y Parlamento de televisión de la comunidad autónoma de 1984 Canarias Canarias law http://www.boe.es/diario_boe/txt. RTVC All as revised in (The Parliament of (Law on the establishment of the no.13/2014 php?id=BOE-A-2015-1115 2015 Canary Islands ) autonomous broadcaster in the Canary Islands) Las Cortes Estatuto de información de la http://www.rtve.es/contenidos/co Generales self- RTVE, RNE Corporación RTVE All 2008 rporacion/Estatuto_de_la_informa (The Parliament of regulation (The Statute) cion.pdf Spain ) Ley de creación del Ente Público "Radio http://www.eitb.eus/multimedia/c Eusko Legebiltzarra 1982 Televisión Vasca" law orporativo/documentos/ley-5- (The Basque EITB All as revised in (Law on the creation of the Basque no.5/1982 1982-creacion-ente--texto- Parliament) 2012 public broadcaster) refundido-no-oficial.pdf

Eusko Jaurlaritza Decreto sobre la comunicación http://www.euskadi.eus/contenidos/in decree formacion/normativa_mcs/es_araudia/ (The Basque EITB audiovisual All 2011 no.231/2011 Decreto%20comunicaci%C3%B3n%20a Government) (Decree on audiovisual communication) udiovisual.pdf


19 FI -

Date of Links Concerned Titles of the documents defining Relevant Type of Adopting body adoption / broadcaster PSM remits provisions document English / Original language expiry date

https://www.finlex.fi/fi/laki/alkup /1993/19931380 Eduskunta Laki Yleisradio Oy:stä 1993 Yleisradio Oy law (TheParliament of (Finnish Broadcasting Company Ltd Chapter 3, 5 as revised in Ltd no.1380/1993 Finland ) - FBC Act) 2012 (EN) http://www.finlex.fi/en/laki/kaan nokset/1993/en19931380.pdf

http://www.finlex.fi/fi/laki/ajanta sa/1998/19980745 Eduskunta Laki valtion televisio- ja radiorahastosta 1998 Yleisradio Oy law (TheParliament of (Act on the State Television and Radio Chapters 1, 2 as revised in Ltd no.745/1998 (EN) Finland ) Fund) 2014 http://www.finlex.fi/en/laki/kaan nokset/1998/en19980745.pdf

Laki http://www.finlex.fi/fi/laki/ajanta Eduskunta sananvapauden käyttämisestä 2003 sa/2003/20030460 Yleisradio Oy law (TheParliament of joukkoviestinnässä Chapter 2 as revised in Ltd no.460/2003 Finland ) (Act on the Exercise of Freedom of 2015 (EN) Expression in ) http://www.finlex.fi/en/laki/kaan nokset/2003/en20030460.pdf http://www.finlex.fi/fi/laki/ajanta sa/2011/20110710 Eduskunta 2003 Yleisradio Oy Kuvaohjelmalaki law (TheParliament of All as revised in Ltd (Act on Audiovisual Programmes) no.710/2011 (EN) Finland ) 2013 http://www.meku.fi/images/kuva ohjelmalaki_710_2011_en.pdf

https://www.finlex.fi/fi/laki/ajant Eduskunta asa/2014/20140917 Yleisradio Oy Tietoyhteiskuntakaari law (TheParliament of Chapter 12 2014 Ltd (Information Society Code) no.917/2014 Finland ) (EN) https://www.finlex.fi/fi/laki/kaan nokset/2014/en20140917.pdf



Date of Links Concerned Titles of the documents defining PSM Relevant Type of Adopting body adoption / broadcaster remits provisions document English / Original language expiry date France Loi relative à la liberté de communication 1986 http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/af Assemblée Nationale Télévisions, (Loi Léotard) Titles III, law as revised in fichTexte.do?cidTexte=LEGITEXT (National Assembly ) , (Law relating to freedom of VIII Chapter 1 no.86-1067 2014 000006068930 Arte France communication) Loi relative à la communication http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/af France audiovisuelle et au nouveau service public 2009 fichTexte.do?cidTexte=JORFTEXT Assemblée Nationale Télévisions, de la télévision law Titles I, II, IV as revised in 000020352071&fastPos=1&fastR (National Assembly ) Radio France, (Law relating to audiovisual no.2009-258 2013 eqId=1252180105&categorieLien Arte France communication and the new television =cid&oldAction=rechTexte public service) Décret relatif à l'organisation et au http://legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTe France Le Gouvernement fonctionnement xte.do;jsessionid=9642D86F0590 Télévisions, decree (The French du Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel (CSA) All 2014 B4B76C769876942EA363.tpdila1 Radio France, no.2014-382 Government) (Decree on the organisation and funtioning 0v_3?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000028 Arte France of the Higher Audiovisual Council (CSA)) 792676&dateTexte=

http://legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTe France Loi pour la confiance dans l'économie 2004 xte.do?cidTexte=JORFTEXT00000 Assemblée Nationale law Télévisions, numérique Art. 1 as revised in 0801164&fastPos=1&fastReqId= (National Assembly ) no.2004-575 Radio France (Law on confidence in digital economy) 2015 894322720&categorieLien=cid&o ldAction=rechTexte

http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/af France 1881 Assemblée Nationale Loi sur la liberté de la presse law fichTexte.do?cidTexte=LEGITEXT Télévisions, Art. 2 as revised in (National Assembly ) (Act on freedom of press) 29/07/1881 000006070722&dateTexte=2015 Radio France 2014 0717

http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/af France 2009 Assemblée Nationale Code du cinéma et de l'image animée Book I Title I law fichCode.do?cidTexte Télévisions, as revised in (National Assembly ) (Cinema and Animated Image Code) Chapter I no.2009/669 =LEGITEXT000020908868&dateT Arte France 2015 exte=20150717

L'Etat et France 2011 Télévisions France Le contrat d’objectifs et de moyens (COM) contract to be http://archive.dgmic.culture.gou All (The French Télévisions de France Télévisions no.3 renewed in v.fr/article.php3?id_article=1743 Government) 2015

2010 L'Etat et Radio France Le contrat d’objectifs et de moyens (COM) contract to be http://archive.dgmic.culture.gou (The State and Radio Radio France All de Radio France no.2 renewed in v.fr/article.php3?id_article=1654 France) 2014

2012 L'Etat et Arte France Le contrat d’objectifs et de moyens (COM) contract to be http://archive.dgmic.culture.gou (The State and Arte Arte France All d’Arte-France no.3 renewed in v.fr/article.php3?id_article=1744 France) 2016

Avis relatif au d'exécution pour le Conseil supérieur l'année 2013 du contrat d'objectifs et de decision of http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/af de l'audiovisuel moyens entre l'Etat et Radio France administrative fichTexte.do?cidTexte=JORFTEXT Radio France All 2014 (The Higher (Decision relating to the management bodies 000029755138&dateTexte=&cat audiovisual Council ) contract between the State and Radio no.2014-16 egorieLien=id France)

http://www.cnc.fr/c/document_l Le Centre national du ibrary/get_file?uuid=0dd614ac- Les missions du CNC cinéma et de l'image a5fb-4aed-8955- conformément à l’ordonnance n°2009-901 animée 2009 518f1fc7ddd1&groupId=18 du 24 juillet 2009 policy (The French National CNC All as revised in (the CNC’s responsibilities document Center for Cinema 2012 (EN) regulating, promoting, supporting and the Animated http://www.cnc.fr/c/document_l negotiating, training, protecting) Image ) ibrary/get_file?uuid=9cc8f929- a32d-4c0d-b6bd- c9ee5d718a08&groupId=21

Comments 21 GB -

Date of Links Concerned Titles of the documents defining PSM Relevant Type of Adopting body adoption / broadcaster remits provisions document English / Original language expiry date Part 3 2003 law http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpg The Parliament All PSM Communications Act Chapter 1 as revised in no.2003 c.21 a/2003/21/contents Chapter 4 2010

2010 law http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpg The Parliament All PSM Digital Economy Act 2010 Section 22 as revised in no.2010 c.24 a/2010/24/contents 2015

http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/bi self- naries/broadcast/code-july- Ofcom All PSM Ofcom Broadcasting Code All 2010 regulation 15/Ofcom_Broadcast_Code_July_2 015.pdf

http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/bi naries/broadcast/reviews- Ofcom All PSM PSB Annual Report All report 2015 investigations/psb- review/psb2015/PSB_Annual_Repo rt_summary.pdf

http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/bi Ofcom’s review of Ofcom All PSM All report 2014 naries/consultations/psb-review- public service broadcasting 3/summary/PSBR-3.pdf

2015 http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/bbctru policy to be BBC Trust BBC BBC Trust work plan All st/assets/files/pdf/about/how_we_ document renewed in operate/2015/workplan.pdf 2016 2006 Department for Incorporation http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/bbctru self- to be Culture, Media BBC BBC Royal Charter and purposes st/assets/files/pdf/about/how_we_ regulation renewed in and Sport and BBC Parts 4, 5 govern/charter.pdf 2016 2006 Department for Parts http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/bbctru to be Culture, Media BBC BBC Royal Agreement 5, 14, 15, 21, contract st/assets/files/pdf/about/how_we_ renewed in and Sport and BBC 24 govern/agreement.pdf 2016 http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/bbctru BBC Trust assessment processes policy st/assets/files/pdf/about/how_we_ BBC Trust BBC Parts A, B 2012 Guidance document document govern/pvt/assessment_processes_ guidance.pdf http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/bbctru self- st/assets/files/pdf/regulatory_fram BBC Trust BBC BBC protocol – Editorial standards All 2015 regulation ework/protocols/2015/b2_editorial _standards.pdf

http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/guideli BBC Executive Sections policy BBC Editorial Guidelines 2010 nes/editorialguidelines/pdfs/Editori Board 1.2, 1.4 document al_Guidelines_in_full.pdf

http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/aboutt Purpose plan for delivering Purpose policy hebbc/insidethebbc/whoweare/pub BBC Trust BBC 2008 the BBC public purpose priorities document licpurposes/pdf/purpose_plan_citiz enship.pdf 2014 BBC Executive priorities, Summary http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/aboutt BBC Executive policy to be BBC Workplan & Statements All hebbc/insidethebbc/howwework/re Board document renewed in of Programme Policy ports/pdf/workplan_210714.pdf 2015


http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/annua BBC Trust BBC BBC Annual Report All report 2014 lreport/pdf/2014-15/bbc-papc- 2015.pdf NatCen Social http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/bbctr Research BBC Purpose Remit Survey UK report All report 2014 ust/assets/files/pdf/review_report and _research/ara_2014_15/uk.pdf BBC Trust NatCen Social http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/bbctr Research ust/assets/files/pdf/review_report BBC England Purpose Remit Survey in England All report 2014 and _research/ara_2014_15/england.p BBC Trust df NatCen Social http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/bbctr BBC Research Purpose Remit Survey in Northern ust/assets/files/pdf/review_report Northern All report 2014 and _research/ara_2014_15/northern_i Ireland BBC Trust reland.pdf NatCen Social http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/bbctr Research ust/assets/files/pdf/review_report BBC Scotland Purpose Remit Survey in Scotland All report 2014 and _research/ara_2014_15/scotland.p BBC Trust df NatCen Social http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/bbctr Research BBC Wales Purpose Remit Survey in Wales All report 2014 ust/assets/files/pdf/review_report and BBC Trust _research/ara_2014_15/wales.pdf http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/ Channel 3 self- binaries/consultations/c3-c5- Ofcom and Statement of Programming Obligations All 2013 regulation obligations/statement/statement.p Channel 5 df http://www.s4c.cymru/abouts4c/a policy S4C S4C’s Content Policy Statement All 2013 uthority/pdf/e_datganiad_polisi_cy document nnwys_2013.pdf



GR -

Date of Links Concerned Titles of the documents defining PSM Relevant Type of Adopting body adoption / broadcaster remits provisions document English / Original language expiry date

http://www.esr.gr/arxeion- Προεδρικο Διαταγμα Υπ’ xml/uploads/PD.109-2010.pdf (The Εναρμόνιση της ελληνικής presidential Government of ERT ραδιοτηλεοπτικής νομοθεσίας Art. 2, 2 decree 2010 the Hellenic (EN) (Presidential Decree on Audiovisual Media no.109-2010 Republic) http://wwwen.uni.lu/content/downlo Services) ad/31285/371490/file/Greece_translat ion.pdf

Νομοσ υπ' Νέα Ελληνική Ραδιοφωνία, Ίντερνετ και (The Hellenic law https://nomoi.info/%CE%A6%CE%95% ERT Τηλεόραση Art. 2, 3 2013 Parliament) no.169-2013 CE%9A-%CE%91-169-2013.html (Act on New Hellenic Radio, Internet and Television)

Νομοσ υπ' Συγκέντρωση και αδειοδότηση http://www.ert.gr/switch- 2007 (The Hellenic Επιχειρήσεων Μέσων law no. off/fek/Nomos%203592- ERT All as revised in Parliament) Ενημέρωσης και άλλες διατάξεις 3592-2007 2007%20Metavasi%20stin%20Psifiaki% 2012 (Law on Ownership and Concentration of 20Epoxi.pdf Mass Media Corporations)


24 HR -

Date of Links Concerned Titles of the documents defining Relevant Type of Adopting body adoption / broadcaster PSM remits provisions document English / Original language expiry date

http://www.zakon.hr/z/196/Zako n-o-elektroni%C4%8Dkim- medijima 1996 Hrvatski sabor Zakon o Elektroničkim Medijima Chapter 3 law HRT (CRT) as revised in (the Croatian Parliament ) (Electronic Media Act) Section 3 no.153/09 2013 (EN) http://www.e- mediji.hr/repository_files/file/50 2/

(consolidated version - 2010) http://narodne- novine.nn.hr/clanci/sluzbeni/201 2_07_76_1759.html (amendment act - 2012) http://narodne- 2001 Hrvatski sabor Zakon o Hrvatskoj Radioteleviziji law novine.nn.hr/clanci/sluzbeni/201 HRT (CRT) Chapter 3 as revised in (the Croatian Parliament ) (The -Television Act) no.28/2001 0_12_137_3515.html 2012

(EN - 2001) http://www.legislationline.org/d ocuments/id/5866%282001%29

Nadzornog odbora HRT i Hrvatski sabor Statut Hrvatske Radiotelevizije 2005 self- http://www.hrt.hr/uploads/medi (The Supervisory Board of HRT (CRT) (Statute of the Croatian Chapter IV as revised in regulation a/Statut_HRT-a_05.pdf HRT and the Croatia Radio-Television Act) 2012 Parliament )

http://www.e- mediji.hr/files/dokumenti/Statut Vijeća za elektroničke _175.pdf 2009 medije Statut Agencije Za Elektroničke Medije self- HRT (CRT) Chapter 3 as revised in (The Electronic Media (Statute of the Agency for Electronic Media) regulation 2010 http://www.e- Council ) mediji.hr/files/repozitorij/Statute _of_the_AEM_Croatia.pdf

Hrvatska radiotelevizija i 2013 Vlada Republike Hrvatske http://www.hrt.hr/uploads/medi Ugovor HRT i Vlada Rh to be (The Croatian radiotelevision HRT (CRT) Chapter 1 contract a/UGOVOR_HRT_I_VLADA_RH_2 (HRT Agreement) renewed in and the Government of the 013-2017.pdf 2017 Republic of Croatia )


25 HU -

Links Date of Concerned Titles of the documents defining Relevant Type of Adopting body adoption / broadcaster PSM remits provisions document English / Original language expiry date

Hungarian : http://hunmedialaw.org/dokumentu The Media Council m/735/Public_service_media_code_ Due to be of the National Hungarian 110622_EN.pdf The whole Guideline/st reviewed in Media and public service Közszolgálati Kódex code andards September Infocommunications media English : 2015 Authority http://hunmedialaw.org/dokumentu m/735/Public_service_media_code_ 110622_EN.pdf

Hungarian : http://net.jogtar.hu/jr/gen/getdoc2. Adopted : 2010 cgi?docid=A1000184.TV 2010. évi CLXXXV. törvény a The Hungarian The whole In force : 1 All médiaszolgáltatásokról és a Law Parliament act January 2015 tömegkommunikációról Consolidated English : http://hunmedialaw.org/dokumentu m/153/Mttv_110803_EN_final.pdf

Hungarian : http://njt.hu/cgi_bin/njt_doc.cgi?do cid=132460.256038 Act CIV of 2010 on the Freedom of Adopted : 2010 The Hungarian The whole All the Press and the Fundamental Rules Law Consolidated : Parliament act of Media Content 15 March 2014 English : http://hunmedialaw.org/dokumentu m/152/Smtv_110803_EN_final.pdf

Comments The Hungarian Media Act has been amended numerous times since it's introduction, the latest of which announces the unification of the three broadcaters (Hungarian Television, Hungarian Radio, Duna Television) in a new company named Duna Médiaszolgáltató Zrt. The amendment also announces the Hungarian PSM's obligation to prepare a strategic plan every year. The changes went into effect on 1 July, 2015. It was also established that the Code of Public Service Media, the main document that provides a detailed description of the Hungarian PSM remit, will be reviewed by the end of September 2015, in terms of the adopted changes to the law.

Source: http://www.mtva.hu/hu/sajto-es-fotoarchivum/2015-julius-1-duna-mediaszolgaltato-zartkoeruen-mukoedo-nonprofit-reszvenytarsasag-elnevezessel-egyesuel-a- negy-koezszolgalati-mediaszolgaltato


Date of Links Concerned Titles of the documents defining Relevant Type of Adopting body adoption / broadcaster PSM remits provisions document English / Original language expiry date

http://www.dcenr.gov.ie/NR/rdo THE 2009 nlyres/DE7C0393-76C1-42A5- order no. (The National RTÉ/ TG4 Broadcasting Act Part 7 as revised in A176- 18/2009 Parliament ) 2014 88C512F7AB9C/0/BroadcastingA ct2009.pdf

http://www.dcenr.gov.ie/NR/rdo Department of European Communities nlyres/88659371-2873-4851- Communications, regulation RTÉ/ TG4 (audiovisual media services) All 2010 BCDE- Energy and Natural no.258/2010 Regulations 6C03F7B6E19E/0/SI258of2010.p Resources df

Department of BROADCASTING AUTHORITY OF Communications, order no. http://www.irishstatutebook.ie/ RTÉ/ TG4 IRELAND All 2009 Energy and Natural 308/2009 pdf/2009/en.si.2009.0389.pdf (ESTABLISHMENT DAY) ORDER Resources

http://www.bai.ie/wordpress/w Code of Fairness, Broadcasting self- p- RTÉ/ TG4 Objectivity & Impartiality All 2013 Authority of Ireland regulation content/uploads/20130408_BAI in News and Current Affairs COFOI_OnlineVer_bf.pdf

Broadcasting self- http://www.bai.ie/?ddownload= RTÉ/ TG4 Code of Programme Standards All 2015 Authority of Ireland regulation 93950

Code of Conduct for media service Broadcasting providers of on-demand audiovisual self- http://www.bai.ie/?ddownload= RTÉ/ TG4 All 2014 Authority of Ireland media services regulation 5753 (ODAS Code of Conduct) 2014 Broadcasting self- to be renewed http://www.bai.ie/?ddownload= RTÉ/ TG4 BAI Access Rules All Authority of Ireland regulation in 2016 and 91990 2018

Broadcasting BAI Compliance and Enforcement policy http://www.bai.ie/?ddownload= RTÉ/ TG4 Part 3 2014 Authority of Ireland Policy document 77259

http://www.bai.ie/wordpress/w Broadcasting policy RTÉ/ TG4 BAI Work plan All 2014 p-content/uploads/BAI- Authority of Ireland document Workplan-Eng-Final.pdf

http://www.bai.ie/wordpress/w Broadcasting policy RTÉ/ TG4 Broadcasting Services Strategy All 2012 p-content/uploads/BAI-BSS- Authority of Ireland document 2012-BF.pdf

27 Department of http://www.dcenr.gov.ie/NR/rdo RTÉ Communications, nlyres/E08E7E6A-6873-45BB- RTÉ (NATIONAL TELEVISION MULTIPLEX) All decree 2010 Marine and Natural 9303- ORDER Resources 3FE70A6F22C2/0/SI85_2010.pdf Department of http://www.rte.ie/documents/a Communications, Public Service Broadcasting Charter self- RTÉ All 2004 bout/public-service- Marine and Natural (RTÉ) regulation broadcasting-charter.pdf Resources 2014 https://static.rasset.ie/documen Raidió Teilifís Éireann policy RTÉ RTÉ Digital Priorities All to be renewed ts/about/18050-rte-digital- (RTÉ) document in 2016 strategy-doc-v10.pdf 2009 http://www.rte.ie/documents/a Raidió Teilifís Éireann policy to be renewed RTÉ RTÉ Statement of Strategy All bout/rte-statement-of-strategy- (RTÉ) document in 2014 2010-2014.pdf (still in force) RTÉ Annual Statement http://static.rasset.ie/document Raidió Teilifís Éireann RTÉ of Performance All report 2013 s/about/rte-compliancedocs- (RTÉ) Commitments commitmentsv3.pdf 2010 Raidió Teilifís Éireann policy http://www.rte.ie/documents/a RTÉ RTÉ Public Service Statement All to be renewed (RTÉ) document bout/rte-pss-2010v1.pdf in 2015 http://www.tg4.ie/assets/files/P Teilifis na Gaeilge TG4 policy TG4 All 2012 rogrammeStandardsGuidelines- (TG4) Programme Standards & Guidelines document 2012.pdf Teilifis na Gaeilge self- http://www.tg4.ie/assets/files/P TG4 TG4 Public Service Statement All 2011 (TG4) regulation SB-Charter.pdf 2011 http://www.tg4.ie/assets/files/c Teilifis na Gaeilge policy TG4 TG4 Statement of Strategy All to be renewed orporate/Corp-Strategic-Plan- (TG4) document in 2015 en.pdf Teilifis na Gaeilge TG4 Statement of Performance http://www.tg4.ie/assets/files/S TG5 All report 2011 (TG4) Commitments OC2011-B.pdf


28 IT -

Date of Links Concerned Titles of the documents defining PSM documentsType of Adopting body adoption / broadcaster remits document English / Original language expiry date http://www.quirinale.it/qrnw/s tatico/costituzione/pdf/Costituz Assemblea ione.pdf costituente RAI Constitution of the Italian Republic art. 43 Constitution 1947 (EN) (Constitution http://www.quirinale.it/qrnw/s Assembly ) tatico/costituzione/pdf/costituz ione_inglese.pdf http://www.normattiva.it/uri- Norme di principio in materia di assetto res/N2Ls?urn:nir:stato:legge:20 del sistema radiotelevisivo e della RAI- Parlamento 2004 04-05-03;112!vig= Radiotelevisione italiana law italiano (Italian RAI Art. 17-21 as revised in (EN - 2010) (General principles on the no. 112/2004 Parliament ) 2014 http://wwwen.uni.lu/content/d radiotelevision system and on RAI - ownload/31290/371510/file/Ital Radiotelevisione italiana) y_translation.pdf http://www.normattiva.it/uri- res/N2Ls?urn:nir:stato:decreto.l Parlamento Testo unico dei servizi di media legislative 2005 egislativo:2005-07-31;177 italiano (Italian RAI audiovisivi e radiofonici Art. 45-50 decree no. as revised in (EN - 2010) Parliament ) (Audiovisual media services code) 177/2005 2015 http://wwwen.uni.lu/content/d ownload/31290/371510/file/Ital y_translation.pdf Approvazione della convenzione tra il Ministero delle poste e delle telecomunicazioni e la RAI - Radiotelevisione italiana S.p.a. per la Il Presidente concessione in esclusiva del servizio della presidential 1994 pubblico di diffusione circolare di http://www.camera.it/_bicame Repubblica RAI All decree of expires in programmi sonori e televisivi sull'intero rali/rai/norme/convenz.htm (President of 28/3/1994 May 2016 territorio nazionale the Republic) (Convention between the Ministry of telecommunications and RAI for the concession to provide public service broadcasting on an exclusive basis)

29 2011 http://www.segretariatosociale. normally (Ministry and Contratto di servizio 2010-2012 rai.it/dl/sociale/website/Conten RAI All contract expires in RAI) (Contract of service 2010-2012) tItem-51423263-15e4-4b02- 2013 ad05-95da13a172bf.html (still in force) Resolution no. Approvazione delle linee-guida sul contenuto degli ulteriori obblighi del servizio pubblico http://www.agcom.it/documen AGCOM generale radiotelevisivo ai sensi resolution ts/10179/539919/Delibera+587- (Italian dell’articolo 45, comma 4, del testo RAI All no. 2012 12-CONS/7bd1a40e-ce8f-4d3c- Communication unico dei servizi di media audiovisivi e 587/12/CONS 8b92- s Authority ) radiofonici (approval of the guidelines e3c4354a34ee?version=1.0 of the minimum obligations of public service broadacsting according to Article 45(4) of the AVMS Code) http://www.rai.it/dl/docs/1289 831244546Codice_etico_intero. pdf RAI (italian Codice etico self- RAI All 2003 (EN) PSM ) (Code of ethics) regulation http://www.rai.it/dl/docs/1397 743611847Code_of_Ethics_ENG .pdf http://www.rai.it/dl/docs/1339 42139319600_Modello_Organiz Modello di organizzazione, gestione e zativo_2012_- controllo ex D.lgs.231/01- parte _Parte_Generale.pdf RAI (italian self- RAI generale All 2012 (EN) PSM ) regulation (Model of organization, management http://www.rai.it/dl/docs/1397 and control) 743628958Model_of_Organizati on_231_- _General_Part_ENG.pdf http://www.rai.it/dl/docs/1406 RAI (italian La Corporate Reputation della RAI self- RAI All 2014 876962672Corporate_Reputatio PSM ) (Corporate reputation of RAI) regulation n_def_31_07_2014.pdf


30 LT -

Date of Links Concerned Titles of the documents defining PSM Relevant Type of Adopting body adoption / broadcaster remits provisions document English / Original language expiry date

http://www3.lrs.lt/pls/inter3/dok paieska.showdoc_l?p_id=471236 Lietuvos Lietuvos Nacionalinio Radijo ir &p_tr2=2 Respublikos 1996 Televizijos Įstatymas Chapter 1 law Seimas LRT as revised in (Law on the National Radio and articles 3, 4 no.I-1571 (The Parliament 2014 Television) (EN) of Lithuania) http://www3.lrs.lt/pls/inter3/dok paieska.showdoc_l?p_id=120115

http://www3.lrs.lt/pls/inter3/dok Lietuvos paieska.showdoc_l?p_id=478453 Lietuvos Respublikos Visuomenės Respublikos 1996 Informavimo Įstatymas law Seimas LRT article 41 as revised in (Law on the Provision of Information to no.I-1418 (The Parliament 2012 the Public) (EN) of Lithuania) http://www3.lrs.lt/pls/inter3/dok paieska.showdoc_l?p_id=458157

http://www.lrt.lt/userfiles/files/L RT%20valstybine%20program%C 2012 5%B3%20strategija.doc LRT LRT valstybinė programų strategija policy to be LRT All (Lithuanian PSM) (State Strategy of the LRT Programme) document renewed in 2017 (EN) www.lrt.lt/userfiles/files/LRT%20 valstybine%20program%C5%B3% 20strategija.doc


31 LU -

Links Concerned Titles of the documents defining PSM Relevant Type of Date of Adopting body broadcaster remits provisions document adoption Original /

Chambre des députés du Grand Duché du 1991 Luxembourg CLT-UFA, Loi sur les médias électroniques law no. Art. 14 as revised in (Parliament of the RTL Belux (Law on Electronic Media) A-47/1991 2013 Grand Duchy of (Consolidated version) Luxembourg ) http://www.legilux.public.lu/leg /textescoordonnes/compilation Chambre des députés Loi portant création de l’établissement /code_administratif/VOL_5/PRE du Grand Duché du public “Autorité luxembourgeoise SSE.pdf Luxembourg CLT-UFA, indépendante de l’audiovisuel” law no. All 2013 (Parliament of the RTL Belux (Law on the creation of the A-163/2013 Grand Duchy of Independent Audiovisual Authority of Luxembourg ) Luxembourg)

Le Gouvernement du Contrat de concession entre le Grand Duché de Gouvernement, CLT-UFA, RTL Group et Paragraphs 2012 http://www.adr.lu/wp- Luxembourg CLT-UFA, Bertelsmann AG 1, 2, 3 self- to be content/uploads/2012/10/RTL.p (The Government of RTL Belux (the concession contract between the Appendices regulation renewed in df the Grand Duchy of Luxembourgish Goverment; CLT-UFA, 1, 2 2020 Luxembourg) RTL Group, Bertelsmann AG)

Comments The Act on the creation of the Independent Audiovisual Authority of Luxembourg has amended the Act on Electronic Media. It has been added as "Chapter 8" of the Electronic Media law.

The following texts are layed down by the Concession Contract : - Basic rules on public service (Règles de base concernant le service public); - The General commitments of CTL-UFA on Luxembourgish Radio and Television public services (Engagements generaux de CLT-UFA relatifs aux services publics luxembourgeois de television et de radio) as mentioned in "Appendix 1"; - And the Charter of Journalists at RTL in Luxembourg (Charte des Journalistes de RTL à Luxembourg) as mentioned in "Appendix 2".

32 LV -

Links Date of Concerned Titles of the documents defining PSM Relevant Type of Adopting body adoption / broadcaster remits provisions document English / Original language expiry date

http://likumi.lv/doc.php?id=21403 Latvijas 9 Republikas 2010 Saeima Elektronisko plašsaziņas līdzekļu likums Chapters XII; law no. LTV as revised in (EN) (The Parliament (The Electronic Mass Media Law) XIII 118 (4310) 2014 http://neplpadome.lv/en/assets/d of the Latvian ocuments/anglu/Electronic%20Ma Republic ) ss%20Media%20Law%2012.2014.p df

Latvijas http://likumi.lv/doc.php?id=64879 Republikas Par presi un citiem masu informācijas 1990 Saeima law no. LTV līdzekļiem All as revised in (EN) (The Parliament 2014/32.2 (Law on the Press and Other Mass Media) 2005 http://www.vvc.gov.lv/export/sites of the Latvian /default/docs/LRTA/Likumi/On_the Republic ) _Press_and_Other_Mass_Media.d oc

http://neplpadome.lv/lv/assets/do Jauna Latvijas elektroniskā sabiedriskā cuments/JSEM/Mis%20Vert.pps Latvijas Televizija medija misija, vērtības, mērķi policy (The Latvian LTV All 2012 (Public Television: responsibilities, document (EN) Television ) challenges and financing mechanisms) http://ltv.lsm.lv/public/assets/user files/dokumenti/citi/public_televisi on.doc

Vadlīnijas Elektronisko plašsaziņas līdzekļu likuma piemērošanai, Nacionālā veidojot ziņu, informatīvi dokumentālos elektronisko un diskusiju raidījumus, it īpaši plašsaziņas http://www.neplpadome.lv/lv/asse pirmsvēlēšanu laikā policy līdzekļu padome LTV All 2014 ts/documents/Lemumi/Priekshliku (The NEPLP guidelines for enforcement of document (The National miNEPLPvadinijam_05_03.doc the Electronic Mass Media Law regarding Electronic Mass news, documentary and informative talk Media Council ) shows, especially in the pre-election period)

Nacionālā elektronisko Jauna Latvijas sabiedriskā plašsaziņas elektroniskā medija izveides koncepcijas http://neplpadome.lv/lv/assets/do policy līdzekļu padome LTV detalizācija All cuments/sabiedriskais%20pasutiju document (The National (New Latvian electronic media public ms/KMKoncp_030613_LSEM.pdf Electronic Mass service concepts in details) Media Council )

Nacionālā elektronisko Elektronisko plašsaziņas līdzekļu nozares 2012 plašsaziņas attīstības nacionālā stratēģija policy to be http://neplpadome.lv/lv/assets/do līdzekļu padome LTV All (National Strategy of Electronic Media document renewed in cuments/Srategija_28_08_14.pdf (The National Industry) 2017 Electronic Mass Media Council )

Comments 33 MT -

Date of Links Concerned Titles of the documents defining Relevant Type of Adopting body adoption / broadcaster PSM remits provisions document English / Original language expiry date Parlament ta’ Part III 1991 Malta law http://www.ba- TVM Broadcasting Act Paragraphs as revised in (Parliament of no.350/1991 malta.org/file.aspx?f=1391 11, 13 2011 Malta ) 2012 The Government Broadcast Distribution Services regulation http://www.ba- TVM All as revised in of Malta Regulations no.468/2012 malta.org/file.aspx?f=1337 2013 2005 The Government The Broadcasting Authority regulation http://www.ba- TVM All as revised in of Malta (Enforcement Powers) Regulations no.263/2006 malta.org/file.aspx?f=1072 2010 Requirements as to Standards and The Government Sections regulation http://www.ba- TVM Practice applicable to News Bulletins 2008 of Malta 1 , 4 no.896/2008 malta.org/file.aspx?f=1074 and Current Affairs Programmes Broadcasting authority directive on 8th March The Malta programmes and advertisements expired on http://www.ba- Broadcasting TVM Articles 3, 5 self-regulation broadcast during the period 11th april malta.org/file.aspx?f=1486 Authority 8th March to 11th april 2015 2015


34 NL - THE

Links Date of Concerned Titles of the documents defining PSM Relevant Type of Adopting body adoption / broadcaster remits provisions document English / Original language expiry date

http://wetten.overheid.nl/BWBR00 25028/volledig/geldigheidsdatum_ law 2008 03-07-2014#Opschrift Staten-Generaal Mediawet NPO Art. 2.1 BWBR as revised in (The States General ) (The Media Act) 0025028 2014 (EN - 2011) http://www.wipo.int/edocs/lexdoc s/laws/nl/nl/nl076nl.pdf

http://wetten.overheid.nl/BWBR00 25036/geldigheidsdatum_03-07- 2014 Rijksoverheid law 2008 Mediabesluit (Government of the NPO Art. 2 BWBR as revised in (The Media Decree) Netherlands ) 0025036 2014 (EN - 2001) http://www.lexadin.nl/wlg/legis/no fr/eur/arch/ned/mediadecree.pdf

Minister van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap; NPO en http://www- 2010 Commissariaat voor assets.npo.nl/uploads/media_item Prestatieovereenkomst Co- to be de Media NPO All /media_item/57/25/prestatieovere (The Performance agreement) regulation renewed in (Ministry of enkomst2010_2015- 2015 Education, Culture 1407852097.pdf and Science; NPO and The Dutch Media Authority)

2011 http://www- NPO-organisatie Meerjarenbegroting self- to be assets.npo.nl/uploads/media_item NPO All (NPO organisation) (The Multiannual budget) regulation renewed in /media_item/57/23/meerjarenbegr 2015 oting20112015-1407850561.pdf

2015 http://www- NPO-organisatie Meerjarenbegroting self- to be assets.npo.nl/uploads/media_item NPO All (NPO organisation) (The Multiannual budget) regulation renewed in /media_item/64/26/MJB_2015- 2019 2019-1410608433.pdf

2010 http://www.publiekeomroep.nl/sy NPO-organisatie Concessiebeleidsplan to be NPO All contract stem/files/28/original/concessiebel (NPO organisation) (Concession plan) renewed in eidsplan20102016.pdf 2016

http://www- 2016 assets.npo.nl/uploads/media_item NPO-organisatie Concessiebeleidsplan to be NPO All contract /media_item/97/56/NPO_Concessi (NPO organisation) (Concession plan) renewed in ebeleidsplan_2015- 2020 1434370090.pdf

Comments For an overview of the NPO's missions and vision, see : http://www.npo.nl/overnpo/missie-en-visie

35 PL -

Date of Links Concerned Titles of the documents defining Relevant Type of Adopting body adoption / broadcaster PSM remits provisions document English / Original language expiry date

Sejm http://isap.sejm.gov.pl/Download Rzeczypospolitej ?id=WDU19970780483&type=3 Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej Chapter IX Polskiej PRTV (The Constitution of the Republic of Articles 213, Constitution 1997 (Parliament of the Poland) 214, 215 Republic of (EN) Poland ) http://www.sejm.gov.pl/prawo/k onst/angielski/konse.htm

http://isap.sejm.gov.pl/Download ;jsessionid=8E46502DC8AEA1D8F 60EE90A59800D64?id=WDU1993 Sejm 0070034&type=3 Rzeczypospolitej law 1992 Polskiej Ustawa o radiofonii i telewizji PRTV Chapter 4 U.1993 as revised in (Parliament of the (Broadcasting Act) (EN) No.7 poz. 34 2012 Republic of http://www.krrit.gov.pl/Data/File Poland ) s/_public/Portals/0/angielska/Doc uments/Regulations/broadcasting _act_28022013.pdf

http://isap.sejm.gov.pl/Download Sejm ?id=WDU20050850728&type=3 Rzeczypospolitej law no. 2005 Polskiej Ustawa o opłatach abonamentowych U.2005 PRTV All as revised in (Parliament of the (Licence Fees Act) No.85, (EN) 2012 Republic of poz.728 http://www.krrit.gov.pl/Data/File Poland ) s/_public/Portals/0/angielska/Doc uments/licence_fees_act_310120 13.pdf


https://legislacja.rcl.gov.pl/docs// Rozp.KRRiT .w sprawie trybu post 2/240987/241032/241033/dokum powania w zwi zku z prezentowaniem ent125842.pdf i wyja nianiem w publicznej radiofonii i telewizji polityki pa stwa przez Krajowej Rady naczelne organy pa stwowe Radiofonii i (Regulation concerning time and regulation no. 2011 Telewizji framework allocation of time for PRTV All Dz.U.04.253.2 as revised in (National transmission of free election 531 2014 (EN) Broadcasting programmes, procedure of action http://www.krrit.gov.pl/Data/Files Council) concerning allocation of time, scope /_public/Portals/0/angielska/Docu of registration and method of ments/bip-wybory-czas-14-04- preparation and broadcasts of 2014-4_eng.docx election programmes in public radio and television programme services)

http://www.krrit.gov.pl/Data/Files Rozp. KRRiT z dnia 27 kwietnia 2011 /_public/Portals/0/regulacje- r.w sprawie terminów przedkładania prawne/polska/radiofonia-i- oraz zakresu planów finansowo- telewizja- programowych przedsięwzięć w publiczna/rozp_plany_finansowo- zakresie realizacji misji publicznej programowe_191011.pdf Krajowej Rady opracowywanych przez jednostki Radiofonii i publicznej radiofonii i telewizji Telewizji regulation no. PRTV (Regulation of the national All 2011 (National U.99, poz.580 broadcasting council of 27 April 2011 Broadcasting (EN) concerning the deadlines for Council) http://www.krrit.gov.pl/Data/Files submitting as well as the scope of /iwojciechowska/rozp_plany_finan Financial and Programme plans of sowo- projects involving pursuance of the programowe_191011_eng_3.doc public mission by public radio and television broadcasting organizations)

http://www.krrit.gov.pl/Data/Files Rozp. KRRiT z dnia 21 sierpnia 1996 r. /_public/Portals/0/regulacje- w sprawie trybu postępowania w prawne/polska/radiofonia-i- związku z prezentowaniem i telewizja-publiczna/6.pdf wyjaśnianiem w publicznej radiofonii i Krajowej Rady telewizji polityki państwa przez Radiofonii i naczelne organy państwowe regulation no. Telewizji PRTV (Regulation of the National All Dz.U.96.109.5 1996 (National Broadcasting Council of 21 August 26 Broadcasting (EN) 1996 concerning the procedure Council) http://www.krrit.gov.pl/Data/Files related to presenting and explaining /_public/pliki/regulations/21augus the policy of the state by supreme t1996.pdf national authorities in public radio and television)

Rady nadzorcze http://s.v3.tvp.pl/repository/attac spółek Telewizja resolution Statut Spółki TVP S.A. hment/d/b/a/dba55827b0f2d95d9 Polska - S.A. TVP All no.15/VIII/20 2014 (TVP's Statute) 40c1e86955112bd1395835796108 (Supervisory 14 .pdf Board of TVP)

Krajowej Rady http://www.krrit.gov.pl/Data/Files Radiofonii i 2014 /_public/Portals/0/konsultacje/str Telewizji Strategia Regulacyina policy to be PRTV All ategia-regulacyjna-krajowej-rady- (National (Regulatory Strategy) document renewed in radiofonii-i-telewizji-na-lata-2014- Broadcasting 2016 2016.pdf Council)

Comments For an overview of the status, tasks and funding of public broadcasters, see: http://www.krrit.gov.pl/en/for-broadcasters-and-operators/public- broadcasters/ 37

PT -

Date of Links Concerned Titles of the documents defining PSM Relevant Type of Adopting body adoption / broadcaster remits provisions document English / Original language expiry date

http://www.pgdlisboa.pt/leis/lei_ mostra_articulado.php?nid=923&t Assembleia da Lei da televisão e dos serviços 2007 abela=leis República audiovisuais a pedido law no. RTP Chapter V as revised in (The Assembly of (Television and On-demand Services 27/2007 2014 (consolidated version - 2011) the Republic) Law) http://www.anacom.pt/render.jsp ?contentId=1105532#.VcDG4_nD- so

Assembleia da Estatutos da rádio e televisão de http://www.rtp.pt/wportal/grupo/ República law no. RTP portugal All 2014 governodasociedade/estatutos.ph (The Assembly of 39/2014 (Statute of RTP public broadcaster) p the Republic)

Governo de Contrato de Concessão de serviço 2015 Portugal e RTP http://www.rtp.pt/wportal/grupo/ público de Rádio e Televisão to be (The Portuguese RTP All contract governodasociedade/contrato_con (Concession Contracts of the Public renewed in government and cessao_pdf.php Television Service) 2031 RTP)


38 RO -

Date of Links Concerned Titles of the documents defining PSM Relevant Type of Adopting body adoption / broadcaster remits provisions document English / Original language expiry date

http://www.cna.ro/LEGE-Nr-504- Parlamentul României 2002 din-11-iulie-2002.html Legea audiovizualului law (The Parliament of TVR/ SRR All as revised in (Audiovisual Law) no.504/2002 (EN - 2009) Romania ) 2009 http://www.cna.ro/The-Audio- visual-Law,1655.html

Legea privind organizarea şi http://www.cna.ro/LEGE-Nr-41- funcţionarea Societăţii Române de din-17-iunie-1994,2196.html Parlamentul României Radiodifuziune şi Societăţii Române de law (The Parliament of TVR/ SRR Televiziune Chapters I, II 1994 no.41/1994 (EN - 1998) Romania ) (the Law on the organisation and http://www.cdep.ro/legislatie/eng/ functioning of the public audiovisual vol51eng.pdf service)

Guvernul României Ordonanţei de urgenţă a Guvernului law http://www.legex.ro/Legea-140- (The Romanian TVR/ SRR privind comunicaţiile electronice All 2012 no.140/2012 2012-121721.aspx Government ) (Act on Electronic Communications)

http://www.ancom.org.ro/uploads Ordonanţei de urgenţă a Guvernului /links_files/OUG_2011_111.pdf Guvernul României 2011 privind comunicaţiile electronice Ordinance (EN - 2012) (The Romanian TVR/ SRR All as revised in (Emergency ordinance no.111/2011 http://www.ancom.org.ro/en/uplo Government ) 2014 on electronic communications) ads/links_files/OUG_2011_111_en. pdf

Televiziunea Română Carta TVR policy http://www.tvr.ro/misiunea- TVR All 2012 (TVR) (TVR Charter) document viziunea-si-valorile-tvr_4.html#view

Radio România Societăţii Române de 2010 http://www.srr.ro/files/CY1923/14 Misiune Viziune Valori şi Principii policy Radiodifuziune SRR All as revised in /VIZIUNE%20MISIUNE/VIZIUNE- (Vision-Mission-Values and Principles document (SRR) 2013 MISIUNE.pdf of Radio Romania)

Consiliului de Priorităţile şi obiectivele strategice de 2010 http://www.srr.ro/prioritatile_si_o Administraţie ale dezvoltare ale Consiliului de Chapters policy to be biectivele_strategice_de_dezvoltar Societăţii Române de SRR Administraţie al SRR 7, 8, 9 document renewed in e_ale_consiliului_de_administratie Radiodifuziune (Board of SRR's development priorities 2014 _al_srr-12170 (Board of SRR) and strategic objectives)

Autoritatea Naţională http://www.ancom.org.ro/uploads pentru Administrare /links_files/Planul_de_actiuni_ANC şi Reglementare în OM_2014.pdf Comunicaţii Plan de acţiuni policy TVR/ SRR All 2014 (National Authority (Action Plan) document (EN) for management and http://www.ancom.org.ro/en/uplo regulation in ads/links_files/Action_Plan_2014.p communications ) df Autoritatea Naţională pentru Administrare şi Reglementare în http://www.ancom.org.ro/en/uplo Comunicaţii Plan de acţiuni policy TVR/ SRR All 2015 ads/links_files/PLAN_PUBLIC__201 (National Authority (Action Plan) document 5.pdf for management and regulation in communications )


39 SE -

Date of Links Concerned Titles of the documents defining PSM Relevant Type of Adopting body adoption / broadcaster remits provisions document English / Original language expiry date http://www.riksdagen.se/sv/Doku ment- Chapter 4 Lagar/Lagar/Svenskforfattningssam Kulturdepartemen sections 3, 8 2010 ling/Radio--och-tv-lag- tet Radio- och tv-lag law no. SVT/ UR/ SR Chapter 5 as revised in 2010696_sfs-2010-696/ (Ministry of (Radio and Television Act) 2010:696 sections 1, 2015 (EN) Culture ) 12 http://www.radioochtv.se/docume nts/styrdokument/radio%20and%2 0television%20act.pdf http://www.svt.se/omsvt/fakta/pu Kulturdepartemen governmental 2014 Tillstånd för AB att blic- tet decision to be SVT sända tv och sökbar tex All service/article1713807.svt/binary/S (Ministry of Ku.2013/2525 renewed in (SVT broadcasting license) %C3%A4ndningstillst%C3%A5nd%2 Culture ) /MFI 2019 02014%20-%202019 Kulturdepartemen governmental 2014 http://www.radioochtv.se/Docum Tillstånd för AB att sända tet decision to be ents/Beslut/Tillst%C3%A5nd/13- SR tv och sökbar tex All (Ministry of Ku.2013/2524 renewed in 03013%20regeringsbeslut_sandnin (SR broadcasting license) Culture ) /MFI 2019 gstillstand-sr.pdf?epslanguage=sv

Kulturdepartemen governmental 2014 http://www.radioochtv.se/Docum Tillstånd för Sverige Utbildningsradio AB tet decision to be ents/Beslut/Tillst%C3%A5nd/13- UR att sända tv och sökbar tex All (Ministry of Ku.2013/2526 renewed in 03018%20regeringsbeslut_sandnin (UR broadcasting license) Culture ) /MFI 2019 gstillstand-ur.pdf?epslanguage=sv http://www.svt.se/omsvt/fakta/pu blic- Krav på tillgänglighet till tv-sändningar service/article1716348.svt/binary/K Kulturdepartemen governmental 2014 för personer med funktionsnedsättning rav%20p%C3%A5%20tillg%C3%A4n tet decision to be SVT / UR (The Government Bill on Education and All glighet%20till%20tv- (Ministry of Ku.2013/2534 renewed in Accessibility – Public service s%C3%A4ndningar%20f%C3%B6r% Culture ) /MFI 2019 broadcasting) 20personer%20med%20funktionsn eds%C3%A4ttning%202014%20- %202016 Kulturdepartemen governmental http://www.radioochtv.se/docume tet SVT:s Anlagsvillkor decision nts/ps%20anslagsvillkor/anslagsvill SVT All 2014 (Ministry of (SVT appropriation conditions) Ku.2013/2532 kor%20svt%202014.pdf?epslangua Culture ) /MFI ge=sv Kulturdepartemen governmental http://www.radioochtv.se/docume tet UR:s Anlagsvillkor decision nts/ps%20anslagsvillkor/anslagsvill UR All 2014 (Ministry of (UR appropriation conditions) Ku.2013/2533 kor%20ur%202014.pdf?epslanguag Culture ) /MFI e=sv Kulturdepartemen governmental http://www.radioochtv.se/docume tet SR:s Anlagsvillkor decision nts/ps%20anslagsvillkor/anslagsvill SR All 2014 (Ministry of (SR appropriation conditions) Ku.2013/2531 kor%20sr%202014.pdf?epslanguag Culture ) /MFI e=sv http://www.svt.se/omsvt/fakta/pu Sveriges Sveriges public service blic- Television SVT redovisning All report 2015 service/article2711775.svt/binary/P (SVT) (SVT's public service report) ublic%20service- redovisning%202014 Sveriges Radio Sveriges Radio public service redovisning http://sverigesradio.se/diverse/ap SR All report 2015 (SR) (SR's public service report) pdata/isidor/files/3113/14763.pdf Sveriges Utbildningsradio public service http://www.radiotjanst.se/Docum Utbildningsradio UR redovisning All report 2015 ents/Arsredovisning/URpsredovisni (UR) (UR's public service report) ng2014.pdf?epslanguage=sv

Comments For an overview of the "Public Service Broadcasting in the ", see : http://www.dr.dk/NR/rdonlyres/AE3A5D9B-0C1A-44F6-8B3D- 0F4BF3CCB9D8/292036/NordiskPSB1.pdf

40 SI -

Links Date of Concerned Titles of the documents defining PSM Relevant Type of Adopting body adoption/ broadcaster remits provisions document Original language expiry date

http://www.pisrs.si/Pis.web/pregle dPredpisa?id=ZAKO1608 Državni zbor 2001 (National Assembly Zakon o medijih (ZMed) Chapters law no. RTVS as revised in (EN - 2007) of the Republic of (The Mass Media Act) 1, 2 35/2001 2012 http://www.akos- Slovenia) rs.si/files/APEK_eng/Legislation/m ass-media-act.pdf

Državni zbor Zakon o audiovizualnih medijskih http://www.uradni- (National Assembly law no. RTVS storitvah (ZAvMS) All 2011 list.si/1/objava.jsp?sop=2011-01- of the Republic of 87/2011 (Act on Audiovisual Media Services) 3715 Slovenia)

http://www.pisrs.si/Pis.web/pregle dPredpisa?id=ZAKO4461 Državni zbor Zakon o Radioteleviziji Slovenija (ZRTVS- 2005 (National Assembly 1) law no. RTVS Part II as revised in (EN) of the Republic of (Radio and Television Corporation of 96/05 2012 http://www.arhiv.mk.gov.si/filead Slovenia) Slovenia Act) min/mk.gov.si/pageuploads/min_e ng/legislation/ZRTVS_1..pdf

Nadzorni svet RTV https://www.rtvslo.si/files/RTV_Slo Slovenija in venija/statut_2012.pdf Programske sveta RTV Slovenija Statut Javnega zavoda Radiotelevizija self- 2006 (The Supervisory Slovenija regulation RTVS Part I as revised in Board of Radio (Statute of the public institution no. 06/2006, 2012 Television Slovenia Radio television Slovenia) 9/2012 (EN) and the Programme http://www.rtvslo.si/files/RTV_Slov Council of Radio enija/rtvs-statut-angl-fin.pdf Television Slovenia )

http://www.rtvslo.si/poklicnameril a Svet RTV Slovenija Poklicna Merila policy (The Council of RTV RTVS All 2000 (EN) (Professional standards) document Slovenia ) http://www.rtvslo.si/strani/profess ional-standards/17#1

Programski svet RTV Programske Standarde policy http://www.rtvslo.si/programskist RTVS All 2006 Slovenija (Program Standards) document andardi

Svet RTV Slovenija Etična Merila policy (The Council of Radio RTVS All 2007 http://www.rtvslo.si/eticnamerila (Ethical Standards) document Television Slovenia )

Svet RTV Slovenija Programsko-poslovni načrt http://www.rtvslo.si/files/letno_po (The Council of Radio RTVS All report 2015 (Operating program plan) rocilo/ppn_2015.pdf Television Slovenia )



Links Date of Concerned Titles of the documents defining PSM Relevant Type of Adopting body adoption/ broadcaster remits provisions document English / Original language expiry date

http://www.zakonypreludi.sk/zz/2 Národná rada 000-308 Slovenskej republiky Zákon o vysielaní a retransmisii Parts 2, 3, 4 2000 law no. (The National RTVS (Law on Broadcasting and Part 7 as revised in 308/2000 (EN - 2012) Council of the Retransmission) Section 30 2015 http://www.culture.gov.sk/extdoc/ Slovak Republic ) 3626/308_aj_342

http://www.zakonypreludi.sk/zz/2 Národná rada 007-343 Slovenskej republiky 2007 Audiovizuálny zákon law no. (The National RTVS Part 4, 6, 7 as revised in (EN) (Audiovisual Law) 343/2007 Council of the 2015 http://old.culture.gov.sk/uploads/ Slovak Republic ) H_/gP/H_gPiFGyYCAm855cIJmCAw /act-343.pdf

http://www.zakonypreludi.sk/zz/2 Národná rada 010-532 Slovenskej republiky Zákon o Rozhlase a televízii Slovenska 2010 Sections law no. (The National RTVS (Act on the Radio and Television of as revised in 2, 3, 4, 5 532/2010 (EN - 2012) Council of the ) 2015 http://www.culture.gov.sk/extdoc/ Slovak Republic ) 3651/act_RTVS_340

Zmluva o zabezpečení služieb verejnosti Ministerstvokultúry v oblasti rozhlasového a televízneho 2013 Slovenskej http://www.rtvs.org/download.pl?I vysielania to be republiky RTVS All contract D=66&hash=jljufOrc1NQ6BlkBj8AIB (Contract with the State on the content, renewed in (The Ministry of UiKUhpmvR3u objectives and ensuring of services to 2017 Culture of the the public in television broadcasting) Slovak Republic )

Národná rada Slovenskej republiky http://www.rtvs.org/download.pl?I Štatút Rady RTVS self- (The National RTVS All 2011 D=7&hash=8evBmEM4vwLwHTON (Statute of RTVS' Council) regulation Council of the VGjmfT0isIQ9md4s Slovak Republic )

Štatút programových Pracovníkov a http://cdn.srv.rtvs.sk/a542/file/ite Dozorná rada RTVS spolupracovníkov Rozhlasu a televízie self- m/sk/0000/statut-programovych- (The Supervisory RTVS slovenska All 2011 regulation pracovnikov-a-spolupracovnikov- board of RTVS ) (Statute on programming, staff and rtvs.52.pdf employees)



Non-EU member states



AL -

Date of Links Concerned Titles of the documents defining PSM Relevant Type of Adopting body adoption/ broadcaster remits provisions document English / Original language expiry date

http://ama.gov.al/preview/wp- content/uploads/2015/03/LIGJI-Nr- 97-2013-PER-MEDIAT- Kuvendi i Ligji AUDIOVIZIVE-NE-REPUBLIKEN-E- Shqipërisë "për mediat audiovizive në republikën e Articles law SHQIPERISE.pdf (The Albanian RTSH shqipërisë" 4, 6, 2013 no. 97/2013 People's (Law "On Audiovisual Media 91, 116, 117 Assembly ) in the Republic of Albania") (EN) http://www.institutemedia.org/Do cuments/PDF/Law%20on%20Audio visual%20Media.pdf

Rezolutë për vlerësimin Kuvendi i e veprimtarisë së Autoritetit të Mediave Shqipërisë http://ama.gov.al/preview/wp- Audiovizive për vitin 2014 (The Albanian RTSH All resolution 2014 content/uploads/2015/04/Rezoluta (Parliamentary resolution People's -AMA-7.5.2015.pdf on the assessment of the Authority Assembly ) Audiovisual Media for 2014)

Autoriteti të Vendim Mediave Për miratimin e Kodit të Transmetimit të decision of Audiovizive http://ama.gov.al/preview/wp- Autoritetit të Mediave Audioviziv administrative (Albanian RTSH All 2014 content/uploads/2015/03/5kodi_i_ (Decision on approval of the bodies Audiovisual transmetimit.pdf Broadcasting Code of Audiovisual Media no. 01/2014 Media Authority) Authority)

Kuvendi i Shqipërisë http://www.qbz.gov.al/doc.jsp?do Statuti i Radiotelevizionit Shqiptar self-regulation (The Albanian RTSH All 2000 c=docs/Vendim%20Nr%20440%20 (Statute of RTSH) no.440/2000 People's Dat%C3%AB%2001-06-2000.htm Assembly )



Date of Links Concerned Titles of the documents defining PSM Relevant Type of Adopting body adoption/ broadcaster remits provisions document English / Original language expiry date

http://parliament.am/parliament.p hp?id=constitution&lang=arm&enc Հայ ժողովուրդը Հայաստանի հանրապետության =utf8&lang=arm&enc=utf8 1995 (Armenian People NCTR / ARMR սահմանադրություն Art.83.2 Constitution as revised in by a nationwide / ARMTV (The Constitution of the Republic of (EN) 2005 referendum ) Armenia) http://parliament.am/parliament.p hp?id=constitution&lang=eng&lang =eng

(version from 2010) http://www.parliament.am/legislat ՀՀ Ազգային ion.php?sel=show&ID=3853&lang= ժողովի Հայաստանի հանրապետության law 2000 arm NCTR / ARMR Art. (The Parliament օրենքը 10-ի ՀՕ-100- as revised in / ARMTV 28-30, 36-37 of the Republic of (Law on Television and Radio) Ն 2015 (EN - 2015) Armenia ) http://www.parliament.am/legislat ion.php?sel=show&ID=1464&lang= eng



Date of Links Concerned Titles of the documents defining PSM Relevant Type of Adopting body adoption/ broadcaster remits provisions document English / Original language expiry date

www.rak.ba/hrv/download.php?na me=Zakon%20o%20komunikacijam a%20- Parlamentarna %20izmjene%20sl%20gl%2098%20 skupština Bosne i 2003 2012&file=1392030832.pdf Hercegovine BHRT/ RTV Zakon o komunikacijama Art. 4, 12, law as revised in (The Parliamentary FBiH/ RTRS (Law on communications) 36-37 no. 31/03 2012 Assembly of Bosnia (EN) and Herzegovina) http://www.ohr.int/ohr- dept/legal/oth-legist/doc/hr-dec- enacting-the-law-on- communications-of-bih-52.doc

www.rak.ba/bos/download.php?n ame=Zakon%20o%20komunikacija ma%20- Parlamentarna %20izmjene%20sl%20gl%2098%20 skupština Bosne i 2012&file=1392030624.pdf Hercegovine BHRT/ RTV Zakon o komunikacijama - izmjene law All 2012 (The Parliamentary FBiH/ RTRS (Act amending the law on no. 98/12 Assembly of Bosnia communications) (EN) and Herzegovina) http://www.rak.ba/eng/download. php?name=communication_law&fi le=1301488494.pdf&folder=

http://www.rak.ba/bos/download. php?name=kodeks_o_audiovizueln im_medijskim_uslugama_i_medijs kim_uslugama_radija_- _nesluzbeni_precisceni&file=13929 CRA Kodeks o audiovizuelnim medijskim 07636.doc&folder= (The law 2011 BHRT/ RTV uslugama i medijskim uslugama radija Communications Art. 3 no. 98/11, as revised in FBiH/ RTRS (Code on Audiovisual and Radio Media regulatory Agency 78/13 2013 Services) BH) (EN - 2011) http://www.rak.ba/eng/download. php?name=code_on_audiovisual_a nd_radio_media_services_- _unofficial_consolidated_text&file =1392907201.doc&folder=

http://www.mkt.gov.ba/bos/doku menti/zakoni/default.aspx?id=276 &langTag=bs-BA Parlamentarna skupština Bosne i Zakona o Javnom radio-televizijskom 2005 Hercegovine BHRT/ RTV Art. 3-6, law sistemu Bosne i Hercegovine as revised in http://www.ohr.int/ohr- (The Parliamentary FBiH/ RTRS 11-13 no.78/05 (Law on public broadcasting system) 2010 dept/legal/laws-of- Assembly of Bosnia bih/pdf/011%20- and Herzegovina) %20PUBLIC%20INFORMATION/RTV - Communications/BH/BH%20PBS%2 0SYSTEM%20LAW%2078-05.pdf


http://www.fmks.gov.ba/kultura/le gislativa/bih/38.pdf

Parlamentarna (EN) Zakona o Javnom radio-televizijskom skupština Bosne i http://www.ohr.int/ohr- sistemu Hercegovine BHRT/ RTV law dept/legal/laws-of- Bosne i Hercegovine - izmjene All 2010 (The Parliamentary FBiH/ RTRS no. 32/10 bih/pdf/011%20- (Law on amendments to the law on the Assembly of Bosnia %20PUBLIC%20INFORMATION/RTV public broadcasting system) and Herzegovina) - Communications/BH/BH%20Law%2 0on%20Amendments%20to%20th e%20Law%20on%20the%20PBSys% 2032-10.pdf

Parlamentarna skupština Bosne i Zakon o javnom radio-televizijskom http://www.bhrt.ba/wp- Hercegovine servisu Bosne i Hercegovine law RTV FBiH All 2005 content/uploads/2014/01/Zakon- (The Parliamentary (Law on Public Broadcasting Service of no. 255/05 o-Javnom-RTV-servisu-BiH.pdf Assembly of Bosnia Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Herzegovina)

Upravni odbor 2003 http://www.bhrt.ba/wp- Radiotelevizije BHRT Statut self- BHRT All as revised in content/uploads/2014/01/Statut- Bosne i Hercegovine (BHRT Statute) regulation 2011 BHRT.pdf (The Board of BHRT)

Upravni odbor http://www.bhrt.ba/wp- Radiotelevizije Izmjene i dopune Statuta BHRT self- content/uploads/2014/01/Izmjene- BHRT All 2011 Bosne i Hercegovine (BHRT Statute - amendments) regulation i-dopune-Statuta-Radiotelevizije- (The Board of BHRT) Bosne-i-Hercegovine.pdf

http://www.mkt.gov.ba/bos/doku Odluku o politici sektora menti/zakoni/default.aspx?id=1461 telekomunikacija Bosne i Hercegovine Art. 1 (2) &langTag=bs-BA Vijeće ministara BHRT/ RTV za period 2008. -2012. Godine policy (The Council of 2009 FBiH/ RTRS (Decision on the telecommunication Parts document Ministers ) sector policy of Bosnia and Herzegovina 1.2, 1.5, 2.5 (EN) for the period 2008 – 2012) http://www.rak.ba/eng/index.php? uid=1272017726



CH -

Links Date of Concerned Titles of the documents defining Relevant Type of Adopting body adoption/ broadcaster PSM remits provisions document English¹ / Original language expiry date

(DE) https://www.admin.ch/opc/de/cla ssified- compilation/19995395/index.html# a93 Das Schweizervolk (EN) und die Kantone/ 1999 https://www.admin.ch/opc/en/cla et les La Constitution fédérale de la SRG SSR Art. 93 Constitution as revised in ssified- cantons suisses Confédération suisse 2014 compilation/19995395/index.html# (The Swiss People and (The Swiss Federal Constitution) a93 the Cantons ) (FR) https://www.admin.ch/opc/fr/clas sified- compilation/19995395/index.html# a93 (DE) Die https://www.admin.ch/opc/de/cla Bundesversammlung ssified- der Schweizerischen compilation/20001794/index.html Bundesgesetz über Radio und Eidgenossenschaft/ (EN) Fernsehen/ 2006 L'Assemblée fédérale law https://www.admin.ch/opc/en/cla SRG SSR Loi fédérale sur la radio et la Art. 23-37 as revised in de la Confédération no. 784.40 ssified- télévision 2010 suisse compilation/20001794/index.html (Federal Act on Radio and Television) (The Federal Assembly (FR) of the Swiss https://www.admin.ch/opc/fr/clas Confederation ) sified- compilation/20001794/index.html (DE) https://www.admin.ch/opc/de/cla ssified- Der Schweizerische compilation/20063007/index.html Bundesrat/ Radio- und Fernsehverordnung/ (EN) 2007 Le Conseil Fédéral Ordonnance sur la radio et la ordinance https://www.admin.ch/opc/en/cla SRG SSR All as revised in Suisse télévision no. 784.401 ssified- 2015 (The Swiss Federal (Ordinance on Radio and Television) compilation/20063007/index.html Council ) (FR) https://www.admin.ch/opc/fr/clas sified- compilation/20063007/index.html (DE) http://www.bakom.admin.ch/the men/radio_tv/marktuebersicht/ssr _srg/04634/index.html?lang=de&d ownload=NHzLpZeg7t,lnp6I0NTU0 Der Schweizerische 42l2Z6ln1acy4Zn4Z2qZpnO2Yuq2Z6 Bundesrat/ 2007 gpJCDfHt2gWym162epYbg2c_JjKb Konzession SRG SSR/ Bundesgesetz über to be NoKSn6A-- SRG SSR Concession octroyée à SRG SSR All contract Radio und Fernsehen renewed in (FR) (SRG SSR Concession) (The Swiss Federal 2017 http://www.bakom.admin.ch/the Council ) men/radio_tv/marktuebersicht/ssr _srg/04634/index.html?lang=fr&do wnload=NHzLpZeg7t,lnp6I0NTU042 l2Z6ln1ae2IZn4Z2qZpnO2Yuq2Z6gp JCDfHt2gWym162epYbg2c_JjKbNo KSn6A--


Département fédéral (DE) de l’environnement, http://www.srgssr.ch/fileadmin/pd des transports, de fs/Statuten%20der%20SRG%20SSR. l’énergie et de la pdf communication/ Departement für SRG SSR Statuten/ (EN) Umwelt, Verkehr, Statuts de la SRG SSR http://www.srgssr.ch/fileadmin/pd Energie und SRG SSR (Statutes of the Swiss Broadcasting All co-regulation 2009 fs/Statuten_SRG_en.pdf Kommunikation Corporation) (The Federal Department for the (FR) Environment, http://www.srgssr.ch/fileadmin/pd Transport, Energy and fs/Statuts%20de%20la%20SRG%20 Communication) SSR.pdf

(DE) http://www.srgssr.ch/fileadmin/pd SRG SSR idée suisse SRG SSR Programmcharta/ policy fs/Programmcharta_de.pdf (Swiss Broadcasting SRG SSR Charte du programme de la SRG SSR All 2006 document Corporation ) (SRG SSR Programming Charter) (EN) http://www.srgssr.ch/fileadmin/pd fs/Programmcharta_en.pdf (DE) Minimalstandards Programmqualität http://www.srgssr.ch/fileadmin/pd SRG SSR/ fs/Minimalstandards- SRG SSR idée suisse Standards minimaux applicables à la Programmqualitaet_2009_deu.pdf policy (Swiss Broadcasting SRG SSR gestion de la qualité des All 2009 document Corporation ) programmes SRG SSR (FR) (Minimal standards of programming http://www.srgssr.ch/fileadmin/pd quality - SRG SSR) fs/Minimalstandards- Programmqualitaet_2009_fra.pdf (DE) http://www.srgssr.ch/fileadmin/pd fs/09020_SRG_Service_public_d.pd Bericht über den Service public f der SRG SSR idée suisse (EN) SRG SSR idée suisse Rapport sur le service public de SRG http://www.srgssr.ch/fileadmin/pd (Swiss Broadcasting SRG SSR All report 2009 SSR idée suisse fs/ Corporation ) (SRG SSR idée suisse’s public service Public_service_en.pdf (FR) remit report) http://www.srgssr.ch/fileadmin/pd fs/Le%20service%20public%20sous %20toutes%20les%20coutures.%2 02009.pdf (DE) Regionalrat SRG Statuten der SRG Deutschschweiz http://www.srgssr.ch/fileadmin/pd All co-regulation 2011 und die SRG SRR Deutschschweiz (SRG Deutschschweiz Statutes) fs/Statuten_der_SRG_Deutschsch weiz.pdf Statuts de la Société de (FR) Regionalrat Radiodiffusion et de Télévision de La RTSR All co-regulation 2010 http://www.srgssr.ch/fileadmin/pd und die SRG SRR Suisse Romande fs/Statuts%20RTSR%202011.pdf (RTSR Statutes) (DE) http://www.srgssr.ch/fileadmin/pd fs/Statuten%20der%20Corsi.pdf Statuten der CORSI CORSI / SRG SRR CORSI All co-regulation 2009 (CORSI Statutes) (IT) http://www.srgssr.ch/fileadmin/pd fs/Statuto%20della%20Corsi.pdf (DE) http://www.srgssr.ch/fileadmin/pd fs/Statuten_der_SRG.R__Deutsch_ Statuten der SRG SSR .pdf SRG R. / SRG SRR SRG R. All co-regulation 2009 Svizra Rumantscha (RM) http://www.srgssr.ch/fileadmin/pd fs/20120627_Statuts_SRG_SSR_Svi zra_Rumantscha.pdf

Comments ¹Available links both in French and German as original languages of the 50Swiss Confederation.


Links Date of Concerned Titles of the documents defining Relevant Type of Adopting body adoption/ broadcaster PSM remits provisions document English / Original language expiry date

(consolidated version - 2015) http://www.althingi.is/lagas/nuna/ 2011038.html Althingi 2011 Lög um fjölmiðla law (The Parliament of INBS Section V as revised in (Media Law) no. 38/2011 (EN) Iceland ) 2015 http://eng.menntamalaraduneyti.is /media/MRN-pdf/Media-Act-38- English-translation-nov-2011.pdf

http://www.althingi.is/altext/pdf/1 41/s/1236.pdf Lög um Ríkisútvarpið, fjölmiðil í Althingi almannaþágu law (EN) (The Parliament of INBS (Act on the Icelandic National Art. 2, 3 2013 no. 23/2013 http://eng.menntamalaraduneyti.is Iceland ) Broadcasting Service, a public-service /media/MRN- medium) pdf/Log_um_Rikisutvarpid-2013--- ENSKA.pdf

self- Stjórnar RÚV Samþykktir RÚV http://www.ruv.is/sites/default/fil INBS All regulation 2013 (INBS Board ) (INBS Articles of Association) es/samthykktirruv30072013.pdf no. 30/2013

http://www.ruv.is/sites/default/fil Stjórnar RÚV Starfsáætlun stjórnar RÚV policy INBS All 2013 es/starfsaaetlun_stjornar_- (INBS Board ) (Work program of the INBS Board) document _undirritud.pdf


51 LI -

Date of Links Concerned Titles of the documents defining PSM Relevant Type of Adopting body adoption/ broadcaster remits provisions document English / Original language expiry date

Landtag 2003 Gesetz über den "Liechtensteinischen law https://www.gesetze.li/get_pdf.jsp (The Parliament of the LRF All as revised in Rundfunk" (LRFG) no. 229 ?PDF=2003229.pdf Principalty of Liechtenstein ) 2012

Landtag 2005 Mediengesetz (MedienG) law https://www.gesetze.li/get_pdf.jsp (The Parliament of the LRF All as revised in (Media Law) no. 250 ?PDF=2005250.pdf Principalty of Liechtenstein ) 2012

Gesetz über die elektronische Landtag Kommunikation (Kommunikationsgesetz; law https://www.gesetze.li/get_pdf.jsp (The Parliament of the LRF All 2006 KomG) no. 91 ?PDF=2006091.pdf Principalty of Liechtenstein ) (Law on electronic communication)

Die Regierung des Fürstentums Liechtenstein mit dem Statuten des Liechtensteinischen 2003 Verwaltungsrat des LRF self- http://www.radio.li/uploads/tx_dc LRF Rundfunks All as revised in (The Government of the regulation ddownloads/Statuten__LRF.pdf (LRF Statute) 2011 Principalty of Liechtenstein and the Supervisory Board of LRF )

Eignerstrategie der Regierung des Die Regierung des Fürstentums Fürstentums Liechtenstein für den Liechtenstein Liechtensteinischen Rundfunk policy http://www.radio.li/uploads/tx_dc LRF All 2012 (The Government of the (Strategy of the Government of document ddownloads/Eignerstrategie.pdf Principalty of Liechtenstein ) Liechtenstein for Liechtenstein Broadcasting)


52 MA -

Links Date of Concerned Titles of the documents defining PSM Relevant Type of Adopting body adoption/ broadcaster remits provisions document English¹ / Original language expiry date

http://haca.ma/pdf/commaudiovis uelleAr.pdf 2003 برلمان المغرب يقع في Art. 3-11, law القانون المتعلق باالتصال السمعي البصري ,SNRT The Parliament of) as revised in SOREAD-2M (Law on audiovisual communication) 46-53 no.77/03 (Morocco 2008 (FR) http://haca.ma/pdf/commaudiovis uelle.pdf

http://haca.ma/CC/SNRT.pdf 2012 برلمان المغرب يقع في law to be دفتر التحمالت SNRT The Parliament of) SNRT All (Terms of reference of SNRT) no.6093 renewed in (Morocco (FR - 2006) 2017 http://www.haca.ma/pdf/Cahier% 20de%20charges%20SNRT%20VF.p df http://www.snrt.ma/documents/C الشركة الوطنية لإلذاعة -self ميثاق أخالقيات SNRT SNRT All 2013 harte%20D%C3%A9ontologie%20S و التلفزة (Charter of Ethics) regulation (SNRT) NRT%202013%20.pdf

http://www.mincom.gov.ma/medi a/k2/attachments/Cahier_des_Cha rges_SOREAD_2M_BO_6093_Ar_1. 2012 pdf برلمان المغرب يقع في law to be دفتر التحمالت SOREAD-2M The Parliament of) SOREAD-2M All (Terms of reference of SOREAD) no. 6093 renewed in (Morocco (FR - 2006) 2017 http://www.haca.ma/pdf/Cahier% 20de%20charges%20Soread%202 M%20VF.pdf

Comments ¹ Links are available in French.

53 ME -

Date of Links Concerned Titles of the documents defining PSM Relevant Type of Adopting body adoption/ broadcaster remits provisions document English / Original language expiry date

http://www.ardcg.org/index.php?o ption=com_docman&task=doc_do wnload&gid=436&Itemid=9999999 Skupština Crne Zakon o Javnim Radio-Difuznim Servisima 9 2008 Gore Crne Gore law RTCG Art. 2-10 as revised in (The Parliament of (Law on Public Broadcasting Services of no. 74/08 2012 Montenegro ) Montenegro) (EN) http://www.ardcg.org/en/index.ph p?option=com_docman&task=doc _download&gid=74&Itemid=4

http://www.ministarstvokulture.go v.me/ResourceManager/FileDownl oad.aspx?rid=109536&rType=2&fil e=Zakon%20o%20elektronskim%20 Skupština Crne medijima.pdf Gore Zakon o elektronskim medijima law RTCG Art. 3-7, 73 2010 (The Parliament of (Law on electronic media) no. 46/10 Montenegro ) (EN) http://www.ardcg.org/en/index.ph p?option=com_docman&task=doc _download&gid=69&Itemid=4

http://www.rtcg.me/sw4i/downloa d/files/article/Statut_RTCG_19_03 Savjet RTCG _2012.pdf?id=3 Statut RTCG self- (RTCG Council and RTCG All 2012 (RTCG Statute) regulation he) (EN) http://www.rtcg.org/docs/eng_sta tute_rtcg.pdf

http://www.rtcg.me/sw4i/downloa d/files/article/principi_i_standardi_ Programski principi i profesionalni rtcg.pdf?id=81 Savjet RTCG standardi RTCG policy (RTCG Council and RTCG (Programme principles and professional All 2003 document (EN) he) standards of public service broadcasting http://www.rtcg.me/sw4i/downloa RTCG) d/files/article/eng_principles_stan dards_rtcg.pdf?id=79

2011 Savjet RTCG http://www.rtcg.me/sw4i/downloa Strategija RTCG 2011-2015 policy to be (RTCG Council and RTCG All d/files/article/Strategija_RTCG_201 (RTGC Strategy) document renewed in he) 1-2015_1.pdf?id=93 2015

Savjet RTCG Etički kodeks Radija i Televizije Crne Gore self- http://www.rtcg.me/sw4i/downloa (RTCG Council and RTCG (Code of Ethics of the Radio Television of All regulation 2011 d/files/cms/attach?id=14 he) Montenegro) no. 01-3704



Links Date of Concerned Titles of the documents defining Relevant Type of Adopting body adoption/ broadcaster PSM remits provisions document English / Original language expiry date http://www.avmu.mk/images/Kon Собрание на solidiram_tekst_na_zakon_za_med Република 2013 iumi_18.11.2014.pdf Македонија Закон за медиуми law MRT All as revised in (EN) (The Assembly of (Media law) no.184/2013 2014 http://avmu.mk/images/LAW_ON_ the Republic of MEDIA_as_published_in_the_Offici Macedonia ) al_Journal.pdf

http://www.avmu.mk/images/KON SOLIDIRAN_TEKST_Zakon_za_audi o_i_audiovizuelni_mediumski_uslu gi_od_Agencijata__18.11.2014.pdf

Собрание на Република Закон за aудио и аудиовизуелни (EN - 2013) 2013 Македонија медиумски услуги law http://www.avmu.mk/images/Law MRT Art. 104-114 as revised in (The Assembly of (Law on audio and audiovisual media no.184/2013 _on_Audio_and_Audiovisual_Medi 2014 the Republic of services) a_Services_as_published_in_Offici Macedonia ) al_Journal.pdf (Amendment - 2014) http://www.avmu.mk/images/Prev od- Zakon_za_izmenuvanje_i_dopolnu vanje_na_zakonot_za_mediumski_ uslugi.pdf Совет за http://avmu.mk/images/stories/pu радиодифузија на Преземи Предлог стратегија за blikacii/strategija_za_razvoj_na_ra Pепублика развој на радиодифузната дејност diodifuznata_dejnost_2007_2012.p Mакедонија во Р.М. 2007-2012 Sections policy df MRT 2007 (The Broadcasting (Strategy for Development of 4.4 - 4.12 document (EN) council of the Broadcasting Activity in the Republic http://avmu.mk/images/stories/pu Republic of of Macedonia 2007-2012) blikacii/ba%20development%20str Macedonia ) ategy_2007_2012.pdf Совет за http://avmu.mk/images/stories/Ak радиодифузија на ciski_plan_za_implementacija_na_ Pепублика strategijata_za_razvoj_na_radiodif Акциски План Activities policy 2007-2012 Mакедонија MRT uznata_dejnost_2007_2012.pdf (Action Plan) no. 7, 9, 10 document still in force (The Broadcasting (EN) council of the http://avmu.mk/images/stories/Im Republic of plementation_Action_Plan.pdf http://www.avmu.mk/images/stori Совет за Преземи Предлог стратегија за es/Predlog-Strategija-i-Akciski- радиодифузија на развој на радиодифузната дејност plan.pdf Pепублика во Р.М. (2013-2017) со акциски план Activities 2013 Mакедонија (Strategy for Development of no.1 policy to be MRT (The Broadcasting Broadcasting Activity in the Republic (1-4, 15) document renewed in (EN) council of the of Macedonia 2013-2017 – 3 (1, 2) 2017 http://www.avmu.mk/images/Stra Republic of (Proposal), supplemented by Action tegija_final.pdf Macedonia ) plan)


55 NO -

Date of Links Concerned Titles of the documents defining PSM Relevant Type of Adopting body adoption/ broadcaster remits provisions document Original language expiry date

https://lovdata.no/dokument/NL/l ov/1992-12-04-127 Stortinget Lov om kringkasting og audiovisuelle law 1992 (The Parliament bestillingstjenester (kringkastingsloven) Sections NRK no. 1992-12- as revised in of the Kingdom of (Broadcasting and on demand services 6-1 to 6-4 04-127 2015 (EN - 2013) Norway ) Act) http://www.medietilsynet.no/glob alassets/engelsk/engelsk_kringkast ingsloven_2013.pdf

https://lovdata.no/dokument/SF/f Forskrift om kringkasting og audiovisuelle orskrift/1997-02-28-153 Kulturdepartemen bestillingstjenester regulations 1997 tet Sections NRK (Regulations No. 153 of 28 February 1997 no. 1997-02- as revised in (Ministry of 3-13, 6-1 relating to broadcasting and on-demand 28-153 2015 (EN - 2013) culture ) services) http://www.medietilsynet.no/glob alassets/engelsk/engelsk_kringkast ingsforskriften_2013.pdf

http://www.nrk.no/informasjon/nr ks-vedtekter-1.5392437 Norsk Rikskringkasting 1996 (version from 2014) As vedtekter self- NRK All as revised in http://www.nrk.no/informasjon/nr (The Norwegian (NRK's Articles of Association)¹ regulation 2014 k-plakaten-1.12253429 Broadcasting Corporation Ltd ) (EN - 2009) http://www.nrk.no/about/bylaws- for-nrk-as-1.4029866

http://fido.nrk.no/dc56f69a3a3561 76df1c33e9e14fefaf831d323cf9823 Norsk 1cc2ed732cb82c8078c/nrk_%2020 Rikskringkasting 2015 15_2020.pdf As NRKs langtidsstrategi policy to be NRK All (The Norwegian (NRK Strategy) document renewed in (EN) Broadcasting 2020 http://fido.nrk.no/7a5f22d4bbcc61 Corporation Ltd ) 56ed6d81e696a41d715ebb7e8680 c8ab86dc4804a0c1ab6090/nrks_st rategy_2015_2020.pdf

Norsk Rikskringkasting 2016 http://fido.nrk.no/7f66d072c56832 As NRKs langtidsstrategi policy to be 55369d18746e03119f8b5ec2d9978 NRK All (The Norwegian (NRK Strategy) document renewed in 7205cd437c69ce008e254/nrk_201 Broadcasting 2021 6_2021.pdf Corporation Ltd )

Norsk Rikskringkasting http://snutt.nrk.no/retningslinjer/ As Redaksjonell etikkhåndbok policy NRK All 2015 om_nrk/redaksjonell_etikkhandbo (The Norwegian (Editorial ethics handbook ) document k_2015_v2.pdf Broadcasting Corporation Ltd )

Comments ¹The provisions of the Articles of association encompasses the NRK's statement56 of commitments. RU - RUSSIAN FEDERATION

Date of Links Concerned Titles of the documents defining PSM Relevant Type of Adopting body adoption/ broadcaster remits provisions document English / Original language expiry date

Об общественном телевидении в Правительство Российской Федерации presidential http://static.kremlin.ru/media/eve России RTRS (Decree of the President of the Russian All decree 2012 nts/files/41d3e35ae26895f2608c.p (The Russian Federation “On Public Television in the no.455/2012 df Government ) Russian Federation”)

http://base.consultant.ru/cons/cgi /online.cgi?req=doc;base=LAW;n=1 82870;fld=134;from=181731- 7;rnd=0.27927847564018915 Государственная Федеральный закон от 27 декабря 1991 1991 federal law дума RTRS "Закон о средствах массовой All as revised in no.2124-1 (The State Duma ) информации" 2014 (Law “On Mass Media”) (version from 2003) http://www.legislationline.org/doc uments/id/16867

ртрс.рф/files/f3/f6/f3f63338a3c96 8161dd6439412720f38/Изменени Федеральная целевая программа я в федеральной целевой Правительство "Развитие телерадиовещания в 2009 программе согласно России Российской Федерации" policy to be RTRS All Постановлению 890.pdf (The Russian (Federal Target Program on the document renewed in Government ) "Development of Tele- in 2015 (EN) the Russian Federation") http://www.oktogon.at/Gearplus/ Hilversum_2012/Olga_GEAR_plus_ 2012.pdf

(version from 2002) http://www.1tv.ru/first/ustav.pdf 1TV 2002 Устав policy ( 1TV All as revised in ('s Charter ) document Russia ) 2007 (version from 2007) http://www.1tv.ru/first/ustav_izm eneniya_2007.pdf



Date of Links Titles of the documents defining PSM Relevant Type of Adopting body Concerned broadcaster adoption/ remits provisions document English / Original language expiry date

http://cocukhizmetleri.aile.gov.tr/d ata/5422bc94369dc316585c0e01/1 Sayılı Radyo ve Televizyonların Kuruluş ve Türkiye Büyük Millet .5.6112.pdf The Turkish Radio and Yayın Hizmetleri Hakkında Kanun 2011 Meclisi Art. 4-8/ law Television Corporation (Law on the Establishment of Radio and as revised in (The Grand National 34-37 no. 6112 (TRT) Television Enterprises and Their 2014 Assembly of Turkey ) (EN) Broadcasts) http://www.rtuk.org.tr/Icerik/Dow nloadReport/7077

http://www.rtuk.org.tr/Icerik/Dow Radyo ve Televizyon Üst Yayın Hizmeti Usul ve Esasları Hakkında nloadReport/7088 Kurulu Yönetmelik self- 2011 (The Radio and TRT (Radio and Television Supreme Council By- All regulation as revised in Television Supreme Law on the Procedures and Principles of no. 28103 2014 (EN) Council ) Media Services) http://www.rtuk.org.tr/Icerik/Dow nloadReport/7077
