
Thursday, November 25, 1954. 7 THE HOPEWELL HERALD Page Three Group's Ambition Realized Heavy Calendar in Township Court Notes of Interest il-^s Jo>i€ Waaaotiri. -BJ- g-ie2 a With Purchase of Ambulance :ra-.e M.csaeJ A Tracer* co^ part} o> a^r i>*-r^"* Mr i::d Mrs. PENNINGTON a b^sy Hopeweii As amixiio:! of a group of aiee o' jajna.-o 3 W^hi^r:., « : _- ao=.e 15th 1 flt American Legio™, Post 413, ia^ beer ro*>e Utters, ' re- . f . , realized vizz. ~ze- >.sr».ii«e- uf a Q—*: i>'~ •»aicn ca:> be aojcsied to two Guests Entertained Mrs. Vannoy's Brother I M ^i Ja^e Ke-i-Sird: s^e-^: :i;e Packard amb-jli^ce for ^he tended se-it.D? 2os.'.ios.s. Other i>-etes hate _d a- tae ^ooie o: ^^r p^re^-.~, rescue aquad. be^:: lio-.a-e-l by interested citizeos ' Derrick Hoa?i=ad, Past Command Theatre Club JDies In Chicago as foi!o»3: Large first aid kit, Pen-I -* ua>s :r. :he cojci> jail in l:ea of ' er; Charles Beil, thiirmaa of the 32 inasgie ban- ! Macj members their guests of i George ft Dje, bro-.^er o: M.->. ^ M ^^ R . h.J,,- .3 ,..,,. fund r^*^'^g coniz^_;"t^- Tor *£;e ,.n>_ «r= '•J'j.--? Slj5 He H2.S ^isrgel ', by •««• Woman s Home League [the Tae-acer Club enjoyed an et/eaii>g [George H Vaanoj of EJS^ \\v::..-.g •*.-a taking 3 cdr wifhoii: ihi toulaaee, and William L. B:rkbead, it zf-r S

Tie English, 3B class attended the first nighter" showing of "Twelti Xight" at the Little Theater on the campus of New Jersey College for Women. The Queens Theater Guild Bank Helps When You Need It of Rntgers University presented the play. This class, which publishes the This bank is eager to cooperate when warranted school newspaper, "Centralia" saw the Shakespearean presentation as a in writing and the prelude to the study of English financial help is needed. Talk over your drama later this year. T C Hutch- inson, class teacher, sponsored the problems with us. year's best values tnp.

The student body enjoyed a. very THE RED 0fi TAG MEANS assembly program recentlj when Bill Holcombe's orchestra ren O WAYS BETTER dered a progranr ranging from Bach to Bop. The program was made pos- 1. Thoroughly Inspected sible through the courtesy of Trenton 2. Reconditioned for Safety Local, American of Mu- sicians. 3. Reconditioned for Performance 4. Reconditioned for Value The Junior Red Cross Club at Cen- 5. Kor.es:!y Described ment Drive this week. The goal is THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK 6. Warranted in Writing ]00 per cent participation in mem- bership. Part of the money realized = PENNINGTON, NEW JERSEY from the drive will be used by the club to buy materials needed for pro- MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM ject activity. and FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION The Girl's Auxiliary and Varsity Club win have Itg annual Bake Sale on Friday, December 10, instead of a Banking Hoars Mondays through Fridays: 9 a. BL to 2 p. m. previously planned date. Open Friday Evenings — 5:30 to 7:30 "It's the Service AFTER the Safe That Goats" Students in charge of this project are John Bntt and Gale Stout Baked GARTLA^VD CHEVROLET goods will go on sale at 3:30 p. m. U. 8. SAVINGS BONDS FOR SALE when a "motorcade" of students will 65 East Broad St. PboM 6-0660 Hopowofl, N. J. canvass the area.