

WHEREAS, the Fountain Valley General Plan Update was approved by the City Council on March 21, 1995 through Resolution No. 8637; and

WHEREAS, in April 2009 the former Fountain Valley Agency for Community Development ( FVACD) utilized funds from the Low-Moderate Income Housing Fund to purchase a 3. 96- acre vacant parcel located at 11360 Warner Avenue at a foreclosure sale with the intent of developing an affordable workforce housing project; and

WHEREAS, in February 2012, the property located at 11360 Warner Avenue was transferred to the Fountain Valley Housing Authority ( FVHA) acting as the " housing successor" with the dissolution of redevelopment; and

WHEREAS, the General Plan Housing Element that was certified by the state on February 4, 2014 designates the property at 11360 Warner Avenue as a site to construct 128 affordable housing units to help achieve the city's Regional Housing Needs Assessment ( RHNA) numbers; and

WHERAS, during the planning process it was discovered that the property at 11360 Warner Avenue contained restrictive land use covenants that limit development on the property to an assisted living facility only; and

WHEREAS, On April 19, 2016, the City Council and Housing Authority conducted a joint public hearing where the City Council adopted Resolution No. 9547 consenting to the sale of the Property located at 11360 Warner Avenue. On May 3, 2016 the Fountain Valley Housing Authority adopted Resolution No. 07 approving the Agreement and related actions to sell the Property at 11360 Warner Avenue to Welbrook Senior Living, LLC; and

WHEREAS, the sale of the 11360 Warner Avenue property leaves a deficit in the city planning to achieve the city's RHNA numbers; and

WHEREAS, on April 19, 2016, the City Council approved the Harbor Blvd South Island Specific Plan for an approximate 6. 5 acre area located at 16790- 16842 Harbor Blvd; and

WHEREAS, the City of Fountain Valley has proposed to amend the Harbor Blvd South Island Specific Plan to allow for up to 194 affordable housing units by right to help meet the city' s RHNA numbers; and WHEREAS, on October 11, 2017, the Fountain Valley Planning Commission held a public hearing regarding this matter and adopted Resolution No. 17-42 recommending approval of an amendment to the Harbor Blvd South Island Specific Plan and Addendum to the adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration; and

WHEREAS, the City Council conducted a duly noticed public hearing on October 17, 2017 conducted in the City Council Chambers, 10200 Slater Avenue, Fountain Valley, as required by the Fountain Valley Municipal Code, Title 21, and the State of California, to consider the requested amendment to the Harbor Blvd South Island Specific Plan, the Addendum to the adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration, and the Planning Commission' s recommendation; and

WHEREAS, that recommendation was considered at a public hearing conducted by the City Council on October 17, 2017 at which time interested persons had the opportunity to testify in support or opposition to the proposal.

NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Fountain Valley does hereby ordain as follows:


An Addendum to the adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Harbor Blvd South Island Specific Plan was prepared pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15164 to address minor technical changes associated with the development of the 194 affordable units. Per 15164( b), an addendum to an adopted negative declaration may be prepared if only minor technical changes or additions are necessary or none of the conditions described in Section 15162 calling for the preparation of a subsequent EIR or negative declaration have occurred. Per section 15162, when a negative declaration has been adopted for a project, no subsequent EIR shall be prepared for that project unless the lead agency determines, on the basis of substantial evidence in the light of the whole record that substantial changes are proposed in the project which will require major revisions of the previous EIR or negative declaration due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects;

The Addendum includes a traffic memo that evaluates the traffic impact associated with the net vehicle trips of the 194 affordable units compared to the trips of the land uses allowed by the Specific Plan, an air quality analysis of the operational emissions of the net vehicle trips, greenhouse gas emissions associated with the residential development, and a noise analysis of the traffic noise on Harbor Boulevard to the residential units.

Per 15164, an Addendum need not be circulated for public review but can be included in or attached to the adopted Negative Declaration. The decision making body shall consider the Addendum and Mitigation Monitoring Program with the adopted Negative Declaration prior to making a decision on the project. The Planning Commission has reviewed the Addendum and Mitigation Monitoring Program to the adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration, and has found that the environmental document considers all environmental effects of the proposed residential project, and is complete and adequate, and fully complies with all requirements of CEQA and the CEQA Guidelines.

The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council adopt the Addendum and Mitigation Monitoring Program to the adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Harbor Blvd South Island Specific Plan.

The City Council finds that none of the conditions described in CEQA Guidelines § 15162 requires the preparation of a Subsequent MND. Specifically, the City Council has determined the following:

There are no substantial changes in circumstances. There are no substantial changes with respect to the existing conditions or circumstances under which the Project was evaluated in the Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan MND. The site conditions have remained the same since April 19, 2016 when the Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Project and MND were approved. Thus, the Project site has been and remains in its existing condition approximately eighteen months after the adoption of the Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan MND. There have not been any substantial changes in the existing environmental setting on the section of the site since April 19, 2016.

There is no new information of substantial importance. There is no new information of substantial importance, which was not known and could not have been known with the exercise of reasonable diligence at the time the MND was adopted that shows the Project will have one or more significant effects or substantially more severe effects not discussed in the MND. The Project and its associated impacts all remain the same as contemplated and evaluated in the 2016 MND. There are no mitigation measures that were considerably different from those analyzed in the Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Project MND, with the exception of site- specific measures, based on site- specific studies that would reduce project environmental effects. Consequently, there is no new information indicating that new significant or substantially more severe environmental effects would result from the development of the Project than identified in the Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Project MND.

The Addendum requires additional mitigation to reduce potential interior and exterior noise levels of any residential units constructed along the site closest to Harbor Boulevard however, these mitigation measures do not require major revisions to the previously adopted negative declaration due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects.

The City Council finds that the proposed project will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment provided the mitigation measures identified in the Addendum and Mitigation Monitoring Program and the Mitigated Negative Declaration, that were prepared pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act ( CEQA), are incorporated into the project. The City Council finds that the proposed mitigation measures in the Addendum and Mitigation Monitoring Program, along with the mitigation j measures in the adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration, will reduce potentially significant environmental impacts created by the project.

The Fountain Valley City Council finds that the proposal of amending the Harbor Blvd South Island Specific Plan to allow for affordable housing as a permitted use within the 6.49-acre specific plan area located at 16790- 16842 Harbor Boulevard will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment. The City Council hereby adopts the Addendum and Mitigation Monitoring Program to the adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Harbor Blvd South Island Specific Plan.


The City Council hereby finds:

1. The proposed development is generally consistent with the actions, goals, objectives and policies of the General Plan. Section VIII of the attached Specific Plan outlines the consistency between the Harbor Blvd South Island Specific Plan and the Fountain Valley General Plan.

2. The design, location, shape, size, operating characteristics and the provision of public and emergency vehicle access and public services and utilities ( e. g., drainage, fire protection, sewers, water, etc.), would ensure that the proposed development would not endanger, jeopardize or otherwise constitute a hazard to the public convenience, health, interest, safety or welfare, or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity and zoning district in which the property is located.

3. The proposed development would ensure quality development by encouraging greater flexibility with more creative and aesthetically pleasing designs for major urban developments.

4. The proposed development would ensure the timely provision of essential public services and facilities consistent with the demand for the services and facilities.

5. The proposed development would promote a harmonious variety of housing choices and commercial and industrial activities, attain a desirable balance of residential and employment opportunities and result in a high level of urban amenities and the preservation of the natural and scenic qualities of open space.

6. The subject property is physically suitable for the proposed land use designation.

7. The proposed project has been reviewed in compliance with the provisions of the LCalifornia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the city's environmental review procedures. An Addendum and Mitigation Monitoring Program to the adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared for this project as shown in Section 1. 8. There would be no potential significant negative effects upon environmental quality and natural resources that would not be properly mitigated and monitored.


The City Council hereby adopts the Harbor Blvd South Island Specific Plan marked Exhibit A" and the Addendum and Mitigation Monitoring Program to the adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration along with the Mitigated Negative Declaration marked Exhibit B" attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance by reference, for the approximate 6. 5 acre area located at 16790— 1 6842 Harbor Boulevard. The Specific Plan boundaries are depicted on " Exhibit C" attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance by reference.


The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and cause it to be posted as required by law. This Ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after the date of adoption.

PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Fountain Valley 7th at a regular meeting this day of November, 2017, by the following vote:

AYES: Brothers, Nagel, Vo, Collins NOES: None ABSENT: McCurdy ABSTAIN: None


1) ,_.

Rick Uliller ohn . Collins City Clerk o


Colin Burns Attorney for the City Table of Contents Harbor Blvd. South Island

Table of Contents

I. Introduction

1. 1 Purpose and Intent 3 1. 2 Site Location 3 1. 3 Project Overview 4

II. Planning Context

2. 1 Jurisdictional Considerations 7 2. 2 Existing and Surrounding Uses 9

III. Specific Plan Elements

3. 1 Land Use Plan 16 3. 2 Circulation 17 3. 3 Grading 17 3.4 Infrastructure 18

Cio IV. Development Standards

4. 1 Commercial and Manufacturing Uses 19 4. 1. 1 Purpose and Intent 19 4. 1. 2 Permitted Uses 19 4. 1. 3 Conditional Uses 20 4. 1. 4 Development Standards 21 4. 1. 5 Parking Standards 21 4. 1. 6 Accessory Structure and Uses; Appurtenances 21 4. 1. 7 Signage 22 4. 1. 8 Time Limit 22 4. 2 Affordable Housing 22 4.2. 1 Purpose 22 4.2. 2 Applicability 23 4. 2. 3 Definitions 23 4.2. 4 Affordable Housing Agreement and Restrictions 24 4. 2. 5 Development Standards 25 4. 2. 6 Development Incentives 26 4. 2. 7 Pre-Application Procedures 27 4.2. 8 Application 27 4. 2. 9 Findings 27

V. Design Guidelines

5. 1 Commercial and Manufacturing Uses 28 5. 1. 1 Site Planning Guidelines 28 Cof

November 2017 Page 1 Table of Contents Harbor Blvd. South Island

5. 1. 2 Architectural Character 28 5. 1. 3 Landscape Architecture 29 5. 1. 4 Auxiliary Structures/ Equipment 30 5. 2 Affordable Housing 31 5. 2. 1 Site Planning Guidelines 31 5. 2, 2 Architectural Character 31 5. 2. 3 Landscape Architecture 31 5. 2.4 Auxiliary Structures/ Equipment 32

VI. Implementation

6. 1 Methods and Procedures for Implementation 33 6. 2 Enforcement of the Specific Plan 33 6. 3 Amendments to the Specific Plan 33

VII. Nonconforming Uses & Structures

7. 1 Nonconforming Uses 34

VIII. General Plan Consistency 8. 1 Circulation Element 35 8. 2 Growth Management Element 35 8. 3 Land Use Element 36 8.4 Air Quality 36 8. 5 Parks, Recreation and Open Space 36 8. 6 Conservation Element 37 8. 7 Public Safety 37 8. 8 Housing Element 37 8. 9 Noise Element 38

List of Exhibits

1. 1 Regional Location 4 1. 2 Local Vicinity 5 2. 1 Plotted Easements— Planning Area 1 10 2. 2 Plotted Easements-- Planning Area 2 11 2. 3 Plotted Easements— Planning Area 3 12 2. 4 Land Use Plan 14

List of Tables

2- 1 Existing Land Use Summary 9 3- 1 Proposed Land Use Summary 16 3- 2 Average Flor Area Ratio 16 4- 1 Affordable Housing Development Standards 25 4-2 Development Incentives 26 5- 1 Landscaping 29 7- 1 Nonconforming Uses and Structures 34

November 2017 Page 2 HARBOR BLVD . SOUTH ISLAND Specific Plan


City of Fountain Valley, California

Adopted April 19, 2016— City Council Resolution No. 9549

Amended October 17, 2017— City Council Resolution No.

6 EXHIBIT A kme Harbor Blvd . South Island


Prepared For: City of Fountain Valley Community Development Department Planning Division

Planning Consultant: Phillip Schwartze The PRS Group

Architect: James Goodman, AIA James Goodman, Architecture

go) Section 1


1. 1 Purpose and Intent

The Harbor Blvd. South Island Specific Plan regulates development of a +_6.50- acre site in the City of Fountain Valley in accordance with the provisions of the City's General Plan and the Fountain Valley Municipal Code (" FVMC"). This document contains design guidelines and development standards that apply to the development sites currently addressed as 16790, 16800, 16830, and 16842 Harbor Blvd. and which help in further implementing the goals and policies of the City's General Plan. The land use plan for the development has been designed with the following goals in mind: Provide a planning framework that responds to the physical and market driven Aspects of future development opportunities; Embrace aspects of good urban design, including considerations for functionality, Social needs, economic viability, respect for the environment and aesthetic qualities; In recognition of the unique context of the property, reclaim the site and transform it Into a productive land use; and

11; Encourage compatible land use and interface with adjacent properties.

Implementation of the Harbor Blvd. South Island Specific Plan provides the parameters for establishment of a cohesive planned development. This will be achieved by coordinating the land use, intensity, scale and aesthetic characteristics of development with goals and policies of the Fountain Valley General Plan.

1. 2 Site Location

The development site is located within the City of Fountain Valley, as shown in Exhibit 1. 1, Regional Location. The City of Fountain Valley is 9.75 square miles in size and located in the central portion of Orange County, just south of Los Angeles. Incorporated in 1957, it is a City that combines a half century of history and tradition with a modern approach to business, neighborhoods, people, and community. The subject sites are located on the northeastern side of the City, bordered by South Harbor Blvd. to the west, the Santa Ana River Channel to the east and south, and industrial property to the north. Regional access to the site is readily available from 1- 405, two miles to the south. Exhibit 1. 2, Local Vicinity, shows the development site within its local context.


November 2017 Page 3 Exhibit 1. 1: Regional Location

yr t 14, 11. MM to N corn Ave liyt i KkSo k-a' sounRrEsr q . q • i NAN< Ave ANANEMl z 4:

V/ Call Rd . SOUTHEAST : VlBallRd PI, Taft Ave Dress iwi. ANA/ 1 MT E Villa Park GetntosAve 3+, VillaParkHd d CemtosAve DisneylandResortt•) r.

Katelta Ave. Stanton Kalaha Ave WKalcllaMr SS i 4 R N dK Otan9errGd Ave omp N

S ANAHEIM I Chapman Ave N J REBORE Orange N aL sum, t.am( I5a11 Ave 5 4, t. ED i I Garden Grove E Garden Groves. Flask Ave e,>,,.,. m„ _ E North 1 1 ° WesttninlerAve r.17thSt \ tel Blvd 6,. t, Y.$•, I a NazaldAvt S A0 1 Westminster 0 w C It z Qe' W Isl St W 1st St Rohe Ave w Santa Ana Fustin Roles Ave Midway City

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a XX; t t a laa

a roe Adam Ave Adams Ave a ohn Wayne Airport c, 1 1

Indianapolis Ave j 0 I 4 untington r• r E t . unnesrroc Beach aqv o i Victor.* Si e 1 Univ . f

pt* n Costa Mesa 4 ` ' fP 7 Map data© t2014Goggle, v o, u 4 , 60 .

1. 3 Project Overview

The Specific Plan area covers approximately+ 6.50 acres, which has been occupied for i many years with uses such as, retail, self-storage facilities, warehouses, outdoor building material storage, truck rentals, vehicle storage and used car sales . The development of this underutilized property via the Specific Plan regulations will allow for a high-quality set of projects that complements and enhances the existing neighborhood. The new development will bring forth new life to an underutilized set of properties that will allow all of the sites to be used productively for the future, while also allowing for consistent land uses in this area of Fountain Valley.

November 2017 Page 4 i i1 Cpy' Exhibit 1. 2: Local Vicinity


annng +real 1 APN144251-54& 144511-01 e -

I 1 - P• 1

ann ng Area 2 APN144-251- 21, 144511-078i 144511-08

k. i ti

I I Cr r

Planning Area 3 I APN144511-05 i



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4 November 2017 Page 5

1 Upon approval, the Harbor Blvd. South Island Specific Plan site will be subject to the various development standards and design guidelines contained in this document as

adopted or amended.





November 2017 Page 6 C, Section II

Planning Context

2. 1 Jurisdictional Considerations

A. Authority for Specific Plan

This Specific Plan was prepared in conformity with Government Code §§ 65451, et seq. Together with the zoning regulations adopted by the FVMC, and other Applicable Law, this Specific Plan sets forth the regulations for the Harbor Blvd. South Island Specific Plan.

Pursuant to Government Code § 65450, a specific plan must include text and a diagram or diagrams which specify all of the following in detail: The distribution, location, and extent of the uses of land, including open space within the area covered by the plan. The proposed distribution, location, extent, and intensity of major components of public and private transportation, sewage, water, drainage, solid waste disposal, energy and other essential facilities proposed to be located within the land area covered by the plan and needed to support the land uses described in the plan. Cy. Standards and criteria by which development will proceed, and standards for the conservation, development, and utilization of natural resources, where applicable. A program of implementation measures including regulations, programs, public works projects and financing measures necessary to carry out the above items. A discussion of the relationship of the Specific Plan to the General Plan.

This Specific Plan is compatible and consistent with the goals and policies outlined in the General Plan. This Specific Plan will further the goals and policies of the General Plan as more fully described below.

This Specific Plan was prepared to provide the essential relationship between the policies of the Fountain Valley General Plan and actual development in the Project area. By functioning as a regulatory document, the Specific Plan provides a means of implementing the General Plan. All future development within the Specific Plan boundaries must be consistent with the standards set forth in this document.


November 2017 Page 7 F B. General Plan

The City of Fountain Valley General Plan is the primary policy planning document that provides the framework for management and utilization of the City's physical, economic, and human resources. The General Plan consists of nine elements: Land Use, Housing, Circulation, Parks & Open Space, Conservation, Public Safety, Noise, Growth i Management and Air Quality. Each element contains a combination of goals and policies to guide development within the City.

The City of Fountain Valley General Plan designates these sites as Commercial/ Manufacturing. The Commercial/ Manufacturing category provides opportunities for a broad range of manufacturing, retail and service commercial and professional office uses intended to meet the needs of Fountain Valley residents and businesses. Commercial and Manufacturing development is largely located along major is thoroughfares and the freeway corridor. A Conditional Use Permit is required for many developments within any commercial manufacturing land use designation in the City. The City has taken this regulatory approach to address land use problems resulting from extensive strip commercial development along major arterials and to meet General Plan policies calling for an expansion of commercial activity when such expansion benefits the community.

C. Zoning Regulations

The City of Fountain Valley's zoning regulations serve as the primary tool for implementation of land use policy. Under California law, zoning regulations must be consistent with the General Plan, meaning that each land use category must have one or more corresponding zone districts, and the development standards and land use regulations contained in the zoning regulations must reflect the policy statements contained in the Land Use Element. While the General Plan may be somewhat general in its discussion of permitted land uses and development intensities, the zoning regulations must provide the specificity property owners and developers seek in identifying how particular properties can be used and developed. The site is zoned M- 1 Manufacturing). Any proposed self-storage project is allowed as a conditional use in the M- 1 zone. The existing A- 1 Self-Storage facility was established as a permitted use by the County of Orange prior to incorporation into the City of Fountain Valley.


A Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact, in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act( CEQA) was prepared for this project. This Mitigated Negative Declaration assessed the potential environmental impacts resulting from development implementation such as traffic/circulation, noise, air quality and aesthetics and noted mitigation measures to be implemented to fully mitigate for those potential impacts.


November 2017 Page 8 C.„ 2. 2 Existing and Surrounding Uses

A. Land Uses on Site

The three project sites are located along a frontage road adjacent to South Harbor Blvd. The frontage road provides the only vehicular access to the individual properties to South Harbor Boulevard because the Santa Ana River Channel blocks access from the east and the South Harbor Boulevard Bridge crossing the Santa Ana River Channel blocks access from the south.

The most northerly portion of the Harbor Blvd. South Island Specific Plan properties is vacant and has been used for a variety of land uses. This property is located at 16790 and 16800 South Harbor Blvd. and is an irregularly shaped property comprised of two parcels ( 0.75 and 1. 197 acres) with two major utility easements running through them.

Table 2, 1: Existing Land Use Summary

Development Planning Existing Use Building Area Site Area Intensity @ 0.6 Area F.A. R. Coy 1 Auto Dealer 1, 200 s.f. 1. 947 acres 50, 887 s. f. 1 Building 2 Materials 15, 650 s.f. 2. 862 acres 74, 801 s. f.

3 Self-Storage 59, 178 s. f. 1. 683 acres 43, 987 s. f.

Existing development is legal non-conforming.


November 2017 Page 9 Exhibit 2. 1 Easement Exhibit for Planning Area 1


SCALE 1"= 80'

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November 2017 Page 10 3THESies roe Exhibit 2. 2— Easement Exhibit for Planning Area 2

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November 2017 Page 11 mm`~`r1166.1l Exhibit 2. 3 - Easement Exhibit for Planning Area 3

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November 2017 Page 12 24411Tre0cmwmKTIMPORTION C

Southern California Edison has a thirty (30) foot easement, overhead, running north/south and along the easterly boundary of parcel 144-251- 34 and there is another thirty( 30) foot pipeline easement for the Orange County Sanitation District running from the north boundary to the south boundary along the eastern boundary of parcel 144-511- 01.

Ramser Development Company purchased the two contiguous sites in 2005 from the Robert Wilson Trust as an operating RV& Boat Storage facility along with a small retail building along the" South Harbor Blvd." frontage, this building had experienced a fire and was immediately demolished upon transfer of ownership. The site then was under the jurisdiction of the County of Orange. In 2006 the site received a blanket residential designation from the County of Orange.

In 2006 the RV& Boat Storage was closed down and the site was leased to Avis Rent a Car System to store excess cars from their John Wayne Airport operations. In 2007 the property was leased to ABS Automotive and became a used car dealership primarily selling via the Internet. All processing of permits and uses were done through the County of Orange as they had jurisdiction at the time.

In 2008 Payne Development obtained a contract to purchase the property, subject to the processing and approval of a tax subsidized apartment project being developed on the site.

In 2009 the City of Fountain Valley annexed the subject property into the City jurisdiction and continued the use of R.V. and boat storage.

The ABC Roofing Materials Warehouse, the middle portion of the Specific Plan area, is located at 16830 South Harbor Blvd. and is comprised of three small parcels APN' s 144-511- 07, 144-511- 08 and 144- 251- 21) totaling 2. 862 acres.

This property owner presently wishes to continue the existing uses consisting of wholesale and retail sales of roofing and other construction materials and outdoor storage contained in a building containing 15, 650 square feet on parcel 144- 511- 07. Parcel 144- 511- 08 contains a 733 sq. ft. structure, a separate 1, 600 sq. ft. structure, and a separate 3,200 sq. ft. open shade structure. Parcel 144- 251- 21 contains a 1, 100 sq. ft. open shade structure.

Subsequent land uses will be in conformance with the design standards contained in this Specific Plan.

The A-1 Self-Storage property is at 16842 South Harbor Blvd. and is the most southerly of the three separate ownerships and comprises a single parcel (APN 144- 511- 05) that is 1. 683 acres. This property presently contains 497 storage units in five two story buildings totaling 59, 178 square feet and 2,400 square feet of outdoor storage C

November 2017 Page 13 4,• 10) containers.

Subsequent land uses will be in conformance with the design standards contained in this Specific Plan.

Exhibit 2.4: Lane Use Plan


ann ng rea 1 aC [ APN144251348144511-01•

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annng rea2 APN 144-251- 21, 144511-07& • t• 144.511-0*;

I 7

Planning Area 3 A141144511. 05



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Page 14 F November 2017 i 11, B. Surrounding Land Uses

The overall Specific Plan site is bounded by South Harbor Blvd. on the west and the Flood Control Channel to the east and south. The adjacent uses are as follows:

East: Santa Ana River Channel Flood Control facility North: Manufacturing/commercial uses in the City of Fountain Valley West: Both detached and attached Single Family homes, across South Harbor Blvd. South: South Harbor Boulevard Bridge and River Channel



November 2017 Page 15 Section III

Specific Plan Elements

3. 1 Land Use Plan

Specific land use concepts for Planning Areas 1, 2 and 3 will be provided as part of future entitlement processes for those sites.

Table 3- 1: Proposed Land Use Summary

Planning Maximum Existing Use Building Area Site Area Area F. A. R.

1 R. V. and boat storage 1, 947 acres 1. 11 2 Building Materials 74, 801 s.f. 2. 862 acres 0. 6 3 Storage, personal self- 81, 375 s.f. 1. 683 acres 1. 11

storage ( mini- storage)

F.A.R. calculations for a potential self-storage shall not include carports, garages, parking garages, elevator shafts, mechanical rooms, stairways, and exterior patios associated with the use within the same development. F.A.R. calculations shall not apply to residential uses. Density of residential uses shall comply with 4.2.

Table 3- 2: Average F. A. R. for Harbor Blvd. South Island Specific Plan

Planning Maximum Building Area Site Area Area F. A.R.*

1 94, 140 s. f. 1. 947 acres 1. 11

2 74, 801 s. f. 2.862 acres 0. 6 j 3 81, 375 s. f. 1. 683 acres 1. 11 Total I 250, 316 s. f..I 6.492 acres

Average F.A.R. for Commercial and Manufacturing type uses in Planning Areas 1- 3 = 250, 316 s.f. building area/282,792 s.f. site area: 0. 885 F.A.R. shall not exceed 0.885 F.A.R. If residential, the development standards found in Section 4. 2 shall be utilized

November 2017 Page 16 3. 2 Circulation

A. Circulation/Access

The sites are all directly accessible by vehicles from South Harbor Blvd. via the frontage road as described previously.

Vehicular access to Planning Area 1 is provided at the northern end of the property from the frontage road off South Harbor Blvd. Future development will require the addition of a pedestrian sidewalk along the Harbor Boulevard frontage road.

Planning Area 2 (ABC Roofing Materials) achieves access for vehicles and pedestrians via an existing 2 lane ingress/egress point on the frontage road to South Harbor Blvd. No change is proposed. Future development will require the addition of a pedestrian sidewalk along the Harbor Boulevard frontage road.

Planning Area 3 (A-1 Self-Storage) has an existing gated access for vehicles and pedestrians. No change is proposed. Future development will require the addition of a pedestrian sidewalk along the Harbor Boulevard frontage road.

Regional access to the Specific Plan properties is provided directly by the 1- 405 Freeway via South Harbor Blvd. to the south and by the 22 Freeway via South Harbor Blvd to north. theriW B. Parking

Planning Area 1 is to be determined. Future parking requirements must comply with this Specific Plan. Planning Area 2 has 7 parking spaces, 1 of which is accessible. Planning Area 3 has 6 parking spaces total. 5 spaces are standard and 1 is accessible.

C. Pedestrian Orientation

Pedestrian access will be available from customer parking areas and direct access from the public sidewalk on the east side of the frontage road from South Harbor Blvd.

3. 3 Grading

The entire Specific Plan site contains a relatively level pad that is approximately 4- 6 feet below South Harbor Blvd. Future projects may require compacted fill. The goal is to provide a balance of cut and fill to minimize import or export of material, utilize the existing grades and the masonry block perimeter walls currently in place.

All grading activities will comply with standard city grading regulations.


November 2017 Page 17 3. 4 Infrastructure

Future upgraded and/ or additional infrastructure improvements will be established as conditions of approval of future projects.

A. Water

A water main lies within the South Harbor Blvd. right-of-way. Additional lateral service lines for domestic service and fire service to the future development will be provided per the Public Works Department Conditions of Approval as needed.

B. Sewer

Each Owner/developer will be responsible for installation of 4-inch sewer laterals connected to City's sewer main in the public right-of-way per the Public Works Department Conditions of Approval for their respective developments.

C. Utilities

Utility meters will be provided for the Specific Plan per City and utility provider requirements. Electric power service is provided by Southern California Edison. Natural gas service is provided by Southern California Gas Company. Telephone service is provided by AT&T. Any additional Electric, gas, telephone, and cable services to the future development will be provided through extension of existing facilities. All new utility service will be underground as required by the Fountain Valley Municipal Code.

D. Solid Waste Disposal

The City of Fountain Valley contracts with Rainbow Disposal Services for all of its waste removal services. Collection containers will be stored on the ground level of each project and screened according to City standards.

E. Storm Drainage

All on- site storm water facilities built subsequent to the approval of this Specific Plan will be treated as required by an approved Water Quality Management Plan and discharged into the existing channel and 24" storm drainage pipe located in the Caltrans right-of-way at the southwest corner of the site.

November 2017 Page 18 C.0 Section IV

Development Standards

4. 1 Commercial and Manufacturing Uses

4. 1. 1 Purpose and Intent

The Harbor Blvd. South Island Specific Plan will promote use of the site with a new productive and compatible land use. The intent of these regulations is to guide new development to create a high-quality product and environment.

The development standards contained in this Specific Plan apply only to the property within the Specific Plan area boundaries. These development standards supersede all provisions, standards, and requirements of the FVMC zoning regulations, except in those instances where the Harbor Blvd. South Island Specific Plan development standards remain silent. In instances where these development standards do not address specific issues or other relevant considerations, then the regulations set forth in the FVMC apply. If a conflict arises between the regulations contained in this Specific Plan and the FVMC, then the standards contained in this Specific Plan take precedence.

Cre Uses listed under Permitted Use are permitted by right. Uses listed under Conditional Use are permitted with the approval of a Conditional Use Permit. Any use not listed as a Permitted Use or Conditional Use is prohibited in the Harbor Blvd. South Island Specific Plan.

4. 1. 2 Permitted Uses

Agricultural production Agricultural produce market, wholesale Greenhouses, commercial, wholesale only Agricultural products processing Apparel and fabric products manufacturing Assembly of prepared materials Bakery products distribution Chemical product manufacturing Electronics and appliance manufacturing Food and beverage product manufacturing Furniture/fixtures manufacturing, cabinet shops Glass product manufacturing Handcraft industries, small-scale manufacturing Laundries and dry cleaning plants Leather, fur products Pharmaceuticals manufacturing Cor Photographic processing

November 2017 Page 19 Plastics, synthetics, rubber products manufacturing Printing and publishing Research and development ( R& D) Stone and stone cut products Storage, personal self-storage( mini- storage) Textile manufacturing Warehousing, wholesaling and distribution facilities Woodworking shops, including cabinetry Accessory entertainment uses Auto parts sales Auto sales and rental, new Auto sales and rental, used Auto repair and maintenance, minor Auto repair and maintenance, major Business support services Catering services ti Offices— Administrative, business, professional Pest control services Repair services for consumer products

4. 1. 3 Conditional Uses

Indoor amusement/entertainment facilities Schools- Specialized training and education Studios ( dance, martial arts, music, photography, etc.) Caretaker's quarters Accessory retail sales Alcoholic beverage sales, on- premises Antiques, art galleries, collectibles Equipment sales and rental Furniture, furnishings & appliance stores Garden supply and equipment sales and services Heavy equipment sales and rental Lumber yards Plant nurseries and garden supply stores Recreational vehicle sales and rental Restaurants Restaurants-- Accessory cafeterias Specialized sporting goods store Ambulance services Automated teller machines (ATMs) Contractor' s storage yard Gunsmiths Storage, outdoor Veterinarians, animal hospitals, kennels, boarding

November 2017 Pae9 20 110' Broadcast studios Parking lots and garages Telecommunications facilities Transit stations and terminals Vehicle and freight terminals

4. 1. 4 Development Standards

Unless otherwise provided in this Specific Plan, the non- residential development standards for projects in the M- 1 Zone of the Fountain Valley Municipal Code shall apply to projects in the Harbor Blvd. South Island Specific Plan.

A. Floor Area Ratio Planning Areas 1 to be determined and 3 - Maximum floor area ratio is 1. 11 for self-storage uses. All other uses limited to maximum floor area ratio of 0. 6. Planning Area 2— Maximum floor area ratio is 0.60 for any use.

B. Building Setbacks Front 20 feet

Sides ( each) None required Rear None required

C. Building Height: 60 feet or 4 stories

D. Minimum Building 20 feet Separation

E. Maximum Building 80% Coverage

4. 1. 5 Parking Standards

Parking for Storage, personal self-storage (mini-storage) projects will be 2 spaces per 10, 000 s.f. of gross floor area.

Parking for all other uses will be as set forth in FVMC § 21. 22. 040

A. Parking Setbacks Front 15 feet

Sides ( each) None required Rear None required

4. 1. 6 Accessory Structures and Uses; Appurtenances

A. All ground-mounted mechanical equipment must be screened from public view or enclosed within a building.

November 2017 Page 21 gm) B. Exposed gutters, downspouts, vents, louvers, and other similar elements must be painted to match the surface to which the area attached, unless they are used as part of the design theme.

C. Utility connections must be designed to coordinate with the architectural elements of the building( s) so as not to be exposed.

4. 1. 7 Signage

This Specific Plan uses the building and site signage standards in accordance with FVMC Chapter 21. 24.

Each planning area shall submit a Master Sign Plan incorporating channel letters to be reviewed by the Sign Committee

4. 1, 8 Time Limit

A condition precedent to a Conditional Use Permit or Precise Plan, becoming effective is that an applicant must exercise the land uses granted pursuant to a Conditional Use Permit or Precise Plan by obtaining a valid building permit within one year from the date a Conditional Use Permit or Precise Plan is approved. The Planning Commission may grant extensions to this time period not to exceed a total of one year. Any request for extension must be submitted in writing to the Planning and Building Director a minimum of 90 days before the expiration date. If a building permit is not obtained within this time period, the Conditional Use Permit or Precise Plan will expire.

4. 2 Affordable Housing

4. 2. 1 Purpose

A. The Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Affordable Housing Policy Specific Plan Affordable Housing Policy) is intended to facilitate the provision of affordable housing units through construction of new units.

B. These regulations are intended to encourage the development of affordable housing units by assisting both the public and private sector in making the provision of these units economically viable, while providing assurances to the city that these units will maintain a high degree of quality and will remain affordable to the target population over a reasonable duration of time.

C. The Specific Plan Affordable Housing Policy provides a density increase for affordable housing development that in most cases exceeds density bonuses permitted by state law( Government Code Section 65915). Consequently, a development may utilize the Specific Plan Affordable Housing Policy and state density bonuses.

November 2017 Page 22 4.2. 2 Applicability

Affordable housing, as defined in the Definitions, shall be allowed by right in the Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan area, subject to the policies, provisions and standards of this section. Housing cost for all units constructed ( 100%) must be affordable for low-income households earning 80% or below the County median income adjusted for family size as defined in Sections 50052.5 and 50053, respectively, of the California Health and Safety Code of Regulations, commencing with Section 6900. All affordable units can be single category or there can be a mixture of affordable unit types although all units must be affordable to low, very low or extremely low income households.

4.2. 3 Definitions

A. " Affordable housing" means housing capable of being purchased or rented by a household with " extremely low", "very low," "low," income levels at an " affordable housing cost or" affordable rent," as those terms are defined by the state of California.

B. " Affordable housing specific plan zone" means a zoning district that applies in caddition to existing zoning designation where the city encourages the provision of, r affordable housing units as described in this chapter.

C. The" very low," " low," and " moderate" income levels are defined by the state of California in Sections 50105, 50106, 50079.5 respectively, of the California Health and Safety Code, and in Subchapter 2 of Chapter 6.5 of Division 1 of Title 25 of the California Code of Regulations, commencing with Section 6900. These income levels are:

1. Extremely Low Income. Up to and including thirty percent of the Orange County median income, adjusted for family size, as defined by the state law;

2. Very Low Income. Up to and including fifty percent of the Orange County median income, adjusted for family size, as defined by the state law;

3. Lower Income. Fifty-one percent to eighty percent of Orange County median income, adjusted for family size, as defined by the state law.

D. " Affordable housing cost" and " affordable rent" are defined in Sections 50052.5 and 50053, respectively of the California Health and Safety Code, and in Subchapter 2 of Chapter 6.5 of Division 1 of Title 25 of the California Code of Regulations, commencing with Section 6900.

E. All of the state laws and regulations referenced above, or their successors, as the

November 2017 Page 23 go) same from time to time may be amended, are incorporated herein as though fully set forth. In the event of any inconsistency or discrepancy between the income and affordability levels set forth in this chapter and the levels set in state laws and regulations, the state provisions shall control

4. 2. 4 Affordable Housing Agreement and Restrictions Required

The following uses are permitted with the execution of an affordable housing agreement by the city and the developer in accordance with the provisions of California Government Code Section 65864 et seq.

A. Affordable residential developments shall prepare and submit affordable housing restrictions on the subject property to the City. The restrictions shall limit the future use of the property to affordable housing and will be required to be recorded on the property at the County Offices. The level of affordability is defined herein as all units will be available to persons and families of extremely low, very low and low income, at an affordable housing cost or affordable rental cost, as those income and affordability levels are defined by State law, for a period of not less than fifty-five (55) years, unless a longer period is required by a construction or mortgage financing program, mortgage insurance program, or housing grant, loan or subsidy program. The period of affordability required hereunder shall run concurrently with any period of affordability required by any other agency; provided, however, that the affordability period shall not be less than as set for in this section. The project developer shall be required to enter into an appropriate agreement with the city to ensure affordability is maintained for the required period.


November 2017 Page 24 Cor 4. 2. 5 Development Standards

Table 4-1: Affordable Housing Development Standards

Development Feature Requirement Minimum lot size Minimum area and width for parcels proposed in new subdivisions Lot area 10, 000 sq. ft. Lot width 60 ft.; 65 ft. for corner lots Maximum density ( 1) 30 units per acre Minimum density 20 units per acre Maximum number of dwelling units per parcel 1 unit per 1, 452 sq. ft. of site area Setbacks required Minimum setbacks required. See FVMC 21. 18. 090 for setback measurement, allowed projections into setbacks, and exceptions to

required setbacks Front 20 ft.

Sides ( each) 5 ft.; 10 ft. corner lot Between residential structures 20 ft., plus 5 ft, for second story; 15 ft. between side walls and front or rear of other buildings, plus 2. 5 ft. for each additional story. See FVMC 21. 08. 050( b) and ( c) Multi story 2- story nonresidential or multifamily structures shall be set back 25 ft. from an existing single- family development; 3-story or taller structures shall be set back from single- family residential a minimum of 100 ft. Rear 25 ft. or 20% lot depth, whichever is less Height limit ( 2)( 3) 35 ft./3 story Site coverage 40% Minimum floor area ( 3) As required by FVMC 21. 08.040 Table 2-4 Private open space— multi-family units 100 sq. ft. per unit with no dimension smaller than 10 ft. Landscaping As required by FVMC 21. 20 ( Landscaping) Parking As required by FVMC 21. 22 ( Parking and Loading)


1) Maximum Number of Dwelling Units Allowed per Net Buildable Acre in a Multi- Family Project. The actual number of units allowed is determined through the subdivision or land use permit process, as applicable.

2) Maximum Allowed Height of Structures. See also Section 21. 18.050 ( Height measurement and height limit exceptions). No architectural features, windows, etc., above second story eave line.

3) See Section 4. 2.6 for Development Incentives.

November 2017 Page 25 4.2. 6 Development Incentives

A. General. In order to reduce costs associated with the development and construction of affordable housing, the property development standards are established for the Specific Plan Affordable Housing Policy. These property development standards have been established in order to facilitate and promote the development of affordable housing in the city and shall be extended upon approval of an affordable housing agreement. As a further inducement to the development of affordable housing the city has developed a number of enhanced development standards as outlined in table "A". Incentives shall be targeted to improve the project design or yield the greatest number of affordable units and required level of affordability.

Table 4-2: Development Incentives Table" A"

Affordable Housing Incentives Affordable Housing Specific Plan provides the following affordable housing incentives for house- holds at or below 80% AMI HEIGHT 60 ft. 4 stories

Minimum Unit Size 1 bedroom— 450 sq.ft. 2 bedroom— 700 sq.ft. 3 bedroom —900 sq.ft. 4 bedroom -- 1000 sq.ft.

A development may utilize the Affordable Housing Incentives in Table" A" as an alternative to the use of the State density bonus but may not utilize bot the Affordable Housing Incentives and State density bonuses. With the exception of the development standards contained in Table "A" above, affordable housing developments shall meet all applicable provisions of the Fountain Valley Municipal Code ( FVMC) including but not limited to, Residential Zoning Districts, General Property Development and Use Standards, Parking Standards, and Landscaping Standards. Those projects wishing to follow the State density bonus regulations shall comply with the process outlined in State law and all applicable provisions for the FVMC.

November 2017 Page 26 Cov 4. 2, 7 Pre- application Procedure

Prior to submitting an application for an affordable housing development, the applicant or prospective developer should hold preliminary consultations with the Planning and Building Department, and other city staff as may be desirable, to obtain information and guidance before entering into binding commitments or incurring substantial expense in the preparation of plans, surveys and other data. Such preliminary consultations should include information on potential federal, state and local affordable housing funding availability, and program requirements in guaranteeing the project's consistency with the objectives of the Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Affordable Housing Policy.

4.2. 8 Application

A. An application for an affordable housing development must be for a parcel or parcels of land that is under the control of the person, corporation, or entity proposing the development. The application shall be accomplished by the submittal of: a. A letter requesting consideration of an affordable housing agreement for the subject property. b. A dimensioned site plan with statistical information relating to parking, landscaping, lot coverage, etc.

c. Conceptual dimensioned elevation drawings. d. The proposed operating pro-forma detailing the financial capability for assuring the continuing existence, maintenance and operation of the project as an affordable 111'w housing project. The operating pro-formas will be analyzed by a contracted housing financial analyst. e. Such other information as may be required by the director to allow for a complete analysis and appraisal of the planned development.

4.2. 9 Findings

In approving a development project which utilizes the Harbor Blvd South Island Specific Plan Affordable Housing Policy, the City Council, upon the recommendation of the Planning Commission, shall make the following findings to ensure that the application is appropriate to the purpose and the location.

A. The concessions granted for density and deviation from design standards are commensurate with the level of affordability. Specifically, the greater the extent of concessions and incentives, the greater level of affordability. B. The design of the proposed project, even with the concessions for density and deviation from design standards, is appropriate for the scale and style of the site. Specifically, the development will provide an attractive visual transition and will not significantly impact the integrity of the surrounding neighborhoods. C. The developer has agreed to enter into an agreement to maintain the affordability of the project specific to the requirements of the city and any funding sources with greater or longer affordability requirements.


November 2017 Page 27 Section V

Design Guidelines

This Specific Plan envisions a new area of possible storage, personal self-storage ( mini-storage) development. Design guidelines provide an overall vision for development of the Specific Plan area, and will guide implementation of the Plan. These guidelines will ensure that improvements will conform to a high standard of design, ensure compatibility with the surrounding community, and enhance the overall image of the City.

5. 1 Commercial and Manufacturing Uses

5. 1. 1 Site Planning Guidelines

The successful integration of effective site planning techniques, incorporated with basic design elements of individual development, will enhance the visual experience of the development area.

A. Building Orientation Buildings should be oriented toward streets and open spaces to create internal connectivity and embrace surrounding neighborhoods.

B. Entries and Driveways Clear, identifiable, and street-oriented entryways must be provided at the project and parking entrances. Parking entrances must be designed to ensure safe pedestrian traffic by providing clear line-of-sight of walkways from vehicles by utilizing a 15' line of sight triangle. Parking is not allowed on the west side of the Harbor Boulevard frontage road. Sidewalks, driveways, and curb ramps must be in full compliance with accessibility and universal design requirements as contained in Chapter 11B, California Building Code.

5. 1. 2 Architectural Character

Implementation of this Specific Plan will result in a high-quality development that complements and enhances the existing neighborhood fabric, and that which considers both users and adjoining uses. The architectural character will enhance the City's diverse architectural heritage and complement the existing characteristics of surrounding non- residential buildings. The architectural design character in each Planning Area shall be complimentary to one another. Building elevations will be detailed and articulated with projections and recesses to avoid long, plain surfaces. The structures will be characterized by differentiated massing,


November 2017 Page 28 materials and colors. The resulting developments will provide pedestrian friendly buildings that raise the level of design quality for the neighborhood.

The typical storage business appearance with multiple exterior-accessible storage spaces with roll- up doors shall be discouraged. Most storage spaces shall be accessible from the interior of a building and a limited number from at grade roll- up doors.

5. 1. 3 Landscape Architecture

The landscape design concept for any new development shall reinforce the contemporary styling of the architecture. The overall design provides landscaping at the front of buildings and adjacent to the driveways and open parking spaces. The Santa Ana River right- of way to the east will screen the rear of the building. Drought tolerant plantings shall be encouraged. In general, the frontage is a low water requirement landscape with flowering shrubbery and evergreen ground cover. The property lines shall be screened with continuous shrubbery screens with overhead trees

Frontage along Harbor Boulevard will consist of low water use, drought tolerant landscape screening.

Table 5- 1: Landscaping

Development Feature Planning Areas 1, 2, & 3 Landscape Setbacks Street 20 feet Sides None required Rear None required

Landscape Standards Minimum Site Coverage 10%

Minimum planter width 4'- 0"

Number Trees on street frontage One 24" box tree per 20 lineal feet

Number of Shrubs on street frontage One 5 gallon shrub per 3 lineal feet

Specimen trees at main site entrance of One 36" box tree on either side of main each Planning Area driveway

November 2017 Page 29 Fl 5. 1. 4 Auxiliary Structures, Equipment, and Utilities y

A. Additional Building Components Stairs should remain within the building envelope, as defined by an outermost wall. Exterior lighting fixtures should be compatible with the architectural style of the building.

B. Mechanical Equipment/Storage

All air conditioning/ heating equipment, gas and electric meters must be screened from public view with landscaping or fencing or placed outside of public view.

Rooftop-mounted air conditioning units visible from neighboring properties must be screened.

All exterior mechanical equipment must be screened.

Screening materials must blend with the building materials and design and any landscaping within the vicinity.

Screening must be opaque and erected in a manner consistent with the building facade.

Exterior storage of equipment, supplies, refuse, or their receptacles is prohibited.

All exterior storage, trash receptacles, and dumpsters must be screened by dense landscaping, fencing or walls, in accordance with standards described above.

C. Utilities

All utilities, aside from street lights, within the Specific Plan area must be placed underground, excluding any existing above-ground utilities.

The location of above-ground appurtenant utility boxes and similar equipment, if required, must be consolidated whenever possible. To the extent possible, utility meters must be screened from view from public rights-of- way.

Utility connections to a building must be located to be as unobtrusive as practicable, with the preference being at the side or rear.

November 2017 Page 30 C, 5. 2 Affordable Housing

5. 2. 1 Site Planning Guidelines

The successful integration of effective site planning techniques, incorporated with basic design elements of individual development, will enhance the visual experience of the development area.

A. Building Orientation Buildings should be oriented toward streets and open spaces to create internal connectivity and embrace surrounding neighborhoods.

B. Entries and Driveways Clear, identifiable, and street- oriented entryways must be provided at the project and parking entrances. Parking entrances must be designed to ensure safe pedestrian traffic by providing clear line-of-sight of walkways from vehicles by utilizing a 15' line of sight triangle. Parking is not allowed on the west side of the Harbor Boulevard frontage road. Sidewalks, driveways, and curb ramps must be in full compliance with accessibility and universal design requirements as contained in Chapter 11B, California Building Code. CO. 5. 2. 2 Architectural Character

Implementation of this Specific Plan will result in a high-quality development that complements and enhances the existing neighborhood fabric, and that which considers both users and adjoining uses. The architectural character will enhance the City's diverse architectural heritage and complement the existing characteristics of surrounding non- residential buildings. The architectural design character in each Planning Area shall be complimentary to one another.

Building elevations will be detailed and articulated with projections and recesses to avoid long, plain surfaces. The structures will be characterized by differentiated massing, materials and colors. The resulting developments will provide pedestrian friendly buildings that raise the level of design quality for the neighborhood.

The typical storage business appearance with multiple exterior-accessible storage spaces with roll-up doors shall be discouraged. Most storage spaces shall be accessible from the interior of a building and a limited number from at grade roll- up doors.

5. 2. 3 Landscape Architecture

The landscape design concept for any new development shall reinforce the contemporary styling of the architecture. The overall design provides landscaping at the front of buildings and adjacent to the driveways and open parking spaces. The Santa Ana River right-of way to the east will screen the rear of the building. Drought tolerant plantings shall be encouraged. In general, the frontage is a low water requirement

November 2017 Page 31

1 landscape with flowering shrubbery and evergreen ground cover. The property lines shall be screened with continuous shrubbery screens with overhead trees Frontage along Harbor Boulevard will consist of low water use, drought tolerant landscape screening. Landscaping shall comply with FVMC for affordable housing projects in all Planning Areas.

5.2.4 Auxiliary Structures, Equipment, and Utilities

A. Additional Building Components Stairs should remain within the building envelope, as defined by an outermost wall. Exterior lighting fixtures should be compatible with the architectural style of the building.

B. Mechanical Equipment/Storage

All air conditioning/heating equipment, gas and electric meters must be screened from public view with landscaping or fencing or placed outside of public view.

Rooftop-mounted air conditioning units visible from neighboring properties must be screened.

All exterior mechanical equipment must be screened.

Screening materials must blend with the building materials and design and any landscaping within the vicinity.

Screening must be opaque and erected in a manner consistent with the building facade.

Exterior storage of equipment, supplies, refuse, or their receptacles is prohibited.

All exterior storage, trash receptacles, and dumpsters must be screened by dense landscaping, fencing or walls, in accordance with standards described above.

C. Utilities

All utilities, aside from street lights, within the Specific Plan area must be placed underground, excluding any existing above- ground utilities.

The location of above-ground appurtenant utility boxes and similar equipment, if required, must be consolidated whenever possible. To the extent possible, utility meters must be screened from view from public rights-of- way.

Utility connections to a building must be located to be as unobtrusive as practicable, with the preference being at the side or rear.

November 2017 Page 32 Cie Section VI


6. 1 Methods and Procedures for Implementation

The Specific Plan development regulations, standards, and specifications supersede the relevant provisions of the FVMC. Any development regulation and building requirement not addressed in the Specific Plan is subject to the FVMC.

The City of Fountain Valley requires two levels of review for the Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan. The first level is site plan and sign review by Precise Plan and Zone Change for the Specific Plan by the Planning Commission. The second and final level is review by the City Council for adoption of the Zone Change to adopt the Specific Plan.

Site Plan and Design Review:

Before the City issues building permits, conceptual architectural and landscape architecture plans must be approved by the City's Design Review Board and subsequently reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission must also approve the site plan. Cor 6. 2 Enforcement of the Specific Plan

Enforcement of the provisions of this Specific Plan will occur as follows: The Planning and Building Director is responsible for interpreting and enforcing the site development standards and design guidelines. Any decision by the Planning and Building Director may be appealed to the Planning Commission The appropriate City departments will aid the Planning Commission and the Planning and Building Director in fulfilling their enforcement roles as needed or directed.

6. 3 Amendments to the Specific Plan

Any proposed change to this Specific Plan that would substantially alter the Land Use Concept, Development Standards, or Design Guidelines contained within this document requires an amendment to the Harbor Blvd. South Island Specific Plan. All amendments

must be processed pursuant to provisions contained in Government Code § 65453, and in the same manner as a zoning text amendment. The Planning and Building Director will make the final determination as to whether or not an amendment is required.

November 2017 Page 33 Section VII

Nonconforming Uses & Structures

7. 1 Nonconforming Uses and Structures

The purpose of this section is to address the non- conforming uses and structures that currently exist on the Planning Areas. Said non-conforming uses will be subject to Section 21. 56 on the FVMC.

Table 7- 1: Nonconforming Uses and Structures

Description of Property Length of Amortization* k, Where the property is unimproved One year. Where the property is unimproved except for structures of a type for Three years. which the City Building Code does not require a Building Permit.

Where the property is unimproved except for structures which Three years. contain less than 100 square feet of gross floor area.

Signs** Fifteen years.

A nonconforming use conducted in a structure designed to serve a Five years. use allowed in the zoning district Type IV and Type V structures (light incombustible frame and wood Twenty-five years. frame construction).

Type I and Type II structures (fire resistive) and Type III structures Thirty years. heavy timber construction and ordinary masonry construction).

The length of amortization shall be measured from the City Council approval date of this Specific Plan.

All non-conforming signs, such as pole signs, shall be removed within 15 years of the approval of this Specific Plan. The approval of this Specific Plan shall serve as notice ( FVMC 21. 56) to the property owners.


November 2017 Page 34 Section VIII

General Plan Consistency

The purpose of this section is to ensure that the Harbor Blvd. South Island Specific Plan is consistent with the goals and policies of the City of Fountain Valley General Plan, as required per Government Code § 65454. A general discussion of how the Specific Plan conforms to the pertinent goals and policies identified in the General Plan is provided herein. Only those goals and policies that apply to or have relevance to the proposed development are discussed.

8. 1 Circulation Element

Goal 3. 3- Provide a circulation system that supports existing, approved and planned land uses throughout the City while maintaining a desired level of service on all streets and at all intersections.

Policies: - 3.4. 3— Require new development projects to mitigate off-site traffic impacts to the maximum extent feasible in order to maintain the City's LOS standard.

Policies: - 3.4.6— Require that driveway access points onto arterial roadways be limited in number and location in order to ensure the smooth and safe flow of vehicles and C„, bicycles. The Specific Plan site allows for commercial/ manufacturing uses as well as housing uses which are compatible with the surrounding uses. Access to all of the properties are provided by a frontage roadway that provides one single access point onto South Harbor Blvd. a major arterial. Self-storage facilities are by nature, one of the lowest traffic generators per square foot than any other manufacturing or commercial facility. Also, as outlined in the Addendum to the adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration, the proposed trip generation traffic count of affordable housing will be less than the trip generation traffic counts in the adopted Mitigation Negative Declaration for the approved Harbor Blvd South Island Specific Plan.

8. 2 Growth Management Element

Goal 10. 5- Implementation Programs: 1. Development Mitigation Program-" ensure that all new development pays its share of the costs associated with that development."

Planning Area 1 has been vacant for years and has primarily been used for outside storage since its conversion from orange groves. Planning Area 2 is currently being used as a building materials sales facility. Planning Area 3 is currently developed as a self- storage facility. All required infrastructure will be paid by the developer/owners and dramatically increase the assessed value of the properties while not impacting the schools, parks or circulation.

November 2017 Page 35 8. 3 Land Use Element

Goal 2. 1 Maintain and enhance high quality development throughout the City.

Policies: 2. 1. 1- Maintain and continue to enhance high quality mixed use development throughout the City.

Policies: 2. 1. 2- Encourage variety, quality, consistency and innovation in land use practice.

Policies: 2. 1. 3- Promote quality commercial and industrial development.

Policies: 2. 11. 1 — Minimize the visual impacts of commercial and industrial parking.

Policies: 2. 12- Enhance the City' s economic base and business environment.

The Harbor Blvd. South Island Specific Plan development allows for a mixture of uses including commercial/ manufacturing type uses as well as affordable housing. The Specific Plan contains design guidelines that will create a unified setting with the thorough and consistent use of building materials and landscaping that are coordinated with the architectural style and be consistent with the principles, policies, and standards of the FVMC.

41) Parking is contained within the development and screened from the arterials.

Non-conforming uses and site development standards will be addressed pursuant to Section VII of this Specific Plan.

8.4 Air Quality

New construction activities will conform to the Air Quality Element of the General Plan Three-Tiered approach per current AQMD requirements and other mitigations noted in the Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for the Specific Plan.

8. 5 Parks, Recreation and Open Space:

Goal: 4.3— Conserve, protect and enhance the natural resources in Fountain Valley.

Policies: 4.3. 1- Ensure the optimal use and support of the natural resources.

The implementation of the projects both existing and proposed will reutilize developed land and many building structures. New landscaping will be installed along with water quality protective measures that will ensure no impacts to the environment.

November 2017 Page 36 8. 6 Conservation Element

Goal: 5. 1- conserve, protect and enhance the natural resources in Fountain Valley to ensure their optimal use and support to the benefit of all present and future citizens of the City.

Policies: 5. 1. 1- Develop an environmental mitigation monitoring program to address the natural resources found in Fountain Valley.

The implementation of the developments in the Specific Plan area will have new methods for water conservation, preservation of water quality, establish drainage patterns, eliminate flood hazards and provide state of the art energy conservation methods. Production of solid waste will be minimal.

The landscaping standards will utilize drought resistant plants and only be established where visual screening can be fully recognized thus preserving water. WQMP's will be implemented and eliminate unnecessary run off and water pollution. All new construction will be in conformance with current design standards and building codes that include energy efficient construction and lighting and nonpolluting paints. The addendum and adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration contain mitigation measures for all new development to ensure the highest environmental protection.

8. 7 Public Safety

Goal: 6.3- Minimize risk and damage from flood hazards within the city.

Policies: 6. 3. 1 — Maintain siting and development standards to reduce risk and damage from flood hazards within the city.

Goal: 6.4- Minimize fire losses and damage within the City.

New construction will contain all of the current building codes and flooding/fire hazard programs contained within the Uniform Building Codes. This will include new fire hydrants, fire ruck access and state of the art visual monitoring equipment and safety lighting for public security.

8. 8 Housing Element

Goal: 2— Promote and encourage the development of a variety of housing opportunities to accommodate current and projected households.

Policies: 2. a— Promote the construction of additional dwelling units to accommodate Fountain Valley's share of regional housing needs in accordance with adopted land use policies.

Policies: 2. e— Promote development of compatible mixed- use projects with residential Coe

November 2017 Page 37 ti

components at medium to high densities within commercial designations, where determined appropriate.

Policies: 2.f— Continue to utilize Planned Community districts or Specific Plans to allow and promote a variety of lot sizes and housing types in new development.

Goal: 3— Conserve and support affordable housing opportunities in the City.

Policies: 3. a— Promote and expand affordable home ownership opportunities for lower and moderate income households in the City.

Policies: 3.f— Provide regulatory incentives to encourage the development of affordable housing.

The Harbor Blvd. South Island Specific Plan allows for a mixture of uses including commercial/ manufacturing types of uses as well as affordable housing. The Specific Plan will promote the construction of additional dwelling units to accommodate Fountain Valley's share of regional housing needs in accordance with adopted land use policies. The Specific Plan will provide regulatory incentives to encourage the development of affordable housing.

8. 9 Noise Element

Policies: 7. 1. 1. d- The City shall minimize potential transportation noise through proper design of street circulation, coordination of routing and other traffic control measures.

The Harbor Blvd. South Island Specific Plan development has been designed with careful consideration to sensitive noise receptors in the nearby neighborhood. The site orientation, construction materials, and building placement and nature of the use will serve to minimize noise impacts in the neighborhood. Mitigation measures outlined in the addendum to the adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration will reduce potentially significant environmental impacts created by the project.



Lead Agency:

City of Fountain Valley 10200 Slater Avenue Fountain Valley, CA 92708 714) 593-4400

Project Proponent:

Santa Ana RV Storage, LP 130 W. 3rd Street Tustin, CA 92780 949) 515-7901

1 Environmental Consultant:

Phil Martin & Associates 4860 Irvine Boulevard, Suite 203 Irvine, California 92620 949) 454- 1800


October 4, 2017 EXHIBIT B


Section Page

I. Introduction 1 II. CEQA Guidelines § 15162 1 III. Purpose of an Addendum 3 IV. CEQA Guidelines § 15164 Addendum to an EIR or Negative Declaration 3 V. Project Background 4 VI. Scope of Addendum 4 VII. A Mitigated Negative Declaration Addendum is the Proper Method to Address the Proposed Development 4 VIII. Environmental Analysis of the Proposed Project 5 IX. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program 21 X. Conclusion 21


Table Page

1. Construction- Related Regional Pollutant Emissions 6 2. Local Construction Emissions at the Nearest Receptor 7 3. Operational Regional Pollutant Emissions 8 4. Project Related Greenhouse Gas Emissions 9 5. Project Consistency with GARB Scoping Plan Measures 11 6. Buildout Noise Contours 16 7. RHNA New Housing Construction Needs by Income Group 2014-2021 19 8. Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Alternative Land Use — Trip Generation Comparison 20


Appendix A— Air Quality/Greenhouse Gas Analysis Appendix B— Noise Analysis Appendix C - Traffic Memo


Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan- Addendum Page i October 4, 2017

3 I. Introduction

On April 19, 2016, the Fountain Valley City Council approved Resolution No. 9549 that approved the Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan, subject to conditions of approval, for the development of approximately 6. 5- acres along the east side of Harbor Boulevard and north of the Santa Ana River with a self-storage facility and several existing uses on the site to upgrade to new development standards in the future ( the Project"). Resolution No. 9549 also adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration (" MND") and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (" MMRP"). A Notice of Determination (" NOD") was filed on April 20, 2016 with the Orange County Clerk- Recorder in compliance with California Public Resources Code Section 21152 and California Environmental Quality Act Section 15373 acknowledging the approval of the Project and the Mitigated Negative Declaration.

The City of Fountain Valley ( the " City") has prepared this Addendum pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act ( Public Resources Code Section 21000 of seq.) CEQA") in response to the request by the Project applicant ( Santa Ana RV Storage, L. P.) to allow the development of up to 194 affordable residential units throughout the Project. The development of up to 194 affordable residential units would replace all or some of the existing uses or developed in conjunction with other uses allowed by the Project.

II. CEQA Guidelines § 15162

CEQA authorizes a lead or responsible agency to prepare an Addendum to a previously adopted MND if some changes or additions are necessary, but none of the conditions described in CEQA Guidelines § 15162 requiring the preparation of a Subsequent MND or CEQA Guidelines § 15163 requiring the preparation of a Supplement to an MND have occurred.

CEQA Guidelines§ 15162 Subsequent EIRS and Negative Declarations

a) When an EIR has been certified or a negative declaration adopted for a project, no subsequent EIR shall be prepared for that project unless the lead agency determines, on the basis of substantial evidence in the light of the whole record, one or more of the following:

1) Substantial changes are proposed in the project which will require major revisions of the previous EIR or negative declaration due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects;

2) Substantial changes occur with respect to the circumstances under which the project is being undertaken which will require major revisions of the previous EIR or negative declaration due to the involvement of new significant environmental

r I Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan- Addendum Page 1 October 4, 2017 effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects;

3) New information of substantial importance, which was not known and could not have been known with the exercise of reasonable diligence at the time the previous EIR or negative declaration was certified as complete or the negative declaration was adopted, shows any of the following:

a) The project will have one or more significant effects not discussed in the previous EIR or negative declaration; b) Significant effects previously examined will be substantially more severe than shown in the previous EIR; c) Mitigation measures or alternatives previously found not to be feasible would in fact be feasible and would substantially reduce one or more significant effects, but the project proponents decline to adopt the mitigation measure or alternative; or d) Mitigation measures or alternatives which are considerably different from those analyzed in the EIR would substantially reduce one or more significant effects on the environment, but the project proponents decline to adopt the mitigation measures or alternative.

CEQA Guidelines§ 15163 Supplement To an EIR

a) The Lead or Responsible Agency may choose to prepare a supplement to an EIR rather than a subsequent EIR if:

1) Any of the conditions described in Section 15162 would require the preparation of a subsequent EIR, and 2) minor additions or changes would be necessary to make the previous EIR Only 1 adequately apply to the project in the changed situation.

b) The supplement to the EIR need contain only the information necessary to make the previous EIR adequate for the project as revised.

c) A supplement to an EIR shall be given the same kind of notice and public review as is given to a draft EIR under Section 15087.

d) A supplement to an EIR may be circulated by itself without recirculating the previous draft or final EIR.

e) When the agency decides whether to approve the project, the decision- making body shall consider the previous EIR as revised by the supplemental EIR. A finding under Section 15091 shall be made for each significant effect shown in the previous EIR as


Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan- Addendum Page 2 October 4, 2017 C

Given that none of the conditions requiring preparation of a Subsequent or Supplemental Negative Declaration are present, an Addendum to the previously adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration is proper ( CEQA Guidelines § 15164) for the proposed Project.

CEQA requires that the decision making body consider the Addendum along with and in conjunction with the adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration prior to making a decision on whether or not to approve the addition of up to 194 affordable residential units on the site. A brief explanation of the decision not to prepare a Subsequent Mitigated Negative

Declaration pursuant to § 15162 should be included in an Addendum or elsewhere in the record and must be supported by substantial evidence.

CEQA Guidelines Section 15164 Addendum to an EIR or Negative Declaration

In accordance with CEQA Guidelines § 15164, the City, as the lead agency, has prepared this Addendum to the previously adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration. As further described below, the City has determined that the clarifications provided herein will result in none of the conditions described in CEQA Guidelines § 15162 requiring the preparation of a Subsequent Mitigated Negative Declaration.

III. Purpose of an Addendum

Phil Martin & Associates has prepared this Addendum for the City pursuant to the Cie California Environmental Quality Act ( Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seq.) CEQA") in response to the request by the City to amend the Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan to allow the development of up to 194 affordable housing units. CEQA authorizes a lead or responsible agency to prepare an Addendum to a previously adopted MND if some changes or additions are necessary, but none of the conditions described in CEQA Guidelines § 15162 requiring the preparation of a Subsequent MND.

IV. CEQA Guidelines § 15164 Addendum to an EIR or Negative Declaration

In accordance with CEQA Guidelines § 15164, the City, as the lead agency, has prepared this Addendum to the previously adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration. As further described below, the City has determined the information provided herein will result in none of the conditions described in CEQA Guidelines § 15162 requiring the preparation of a Subsequent Mitigated Negative Declaration.

Given that none of the conditions requiring preparation of a Subsequent MND ( CEQA Guidelines § 15162) are present and only report upgrades to the previous MND are necessary to reflect the proposed amendment to the Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan to allow the development of up to 194 affordable housing units, an Addendum to the previously adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration is proper and complies with CEQA Guidelines § 15164. CEQA Guidelines § 15164( b) states, " An Addendum to an adopted negative declaration may be prepared if only minor technical changes or additions are necessary or none of the conditions described in Section

Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan- Addendum Page 3 October 4, 2017 15162 calling for preparation of a subsequent EIR or negative declaration have occurred." In the case of the proposed Project, none of the conditions in Section 15162 declaration have occurred. Thus, calling for the preparation of a subsequent negative the right to prepare an Addendum and not a subsequent MND.

CEQA requires the decision making body consider the Addendum along and in conjunction with the final Mitigated Negative Declaration prior to making a decision on whether or not to approve to amend the Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan to allow the development of up to 194 affordable housing units. A brief explanation of the decision not to prepare a Subsequent Negative Declaration pursuant to Section 15162 should be included in an Addendum or elsewhere in the record and supported by substantial evidence.

V. Project Background

The approved Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan allows the development of approximately 6.5- acres along the east side of Harbor Boulevard and north of the Santa Ana River with a self-storage facility and several existing uses on the site to upgrade to new development standards in the future. The approximately 6. 5- acre site is comprised of three parcels that are developed, including a self-storage facility, a building material facility and vehicle storage and used car sales facility.

Scope of Addendum VI. J The scope of this Addendum is to provide information in support of allowing the development of up to 194 affordable residential units in place of or along with the development allowed by the Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan approved April 19, 2106. The development of up to 194 affordable residential units would replace all or some of the existing uses or developed in conjunction with other uses allowed by the Project. As such, the Addendum discusses and identifies the potential environmental impacts associated with the Project to the environmental impacts that could be associated with the development of the site in general terms according to the adopted Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan MND. Any significant differences in potential impacts due to the Project are identified. All applicable mitigation measures adopted by the City as part of the Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan MND are also identified. Any public comment on this Addendum shall be limited to the proposed development of up to 194 affordable residential units with in the Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan site.

VII. A Mitigated Negative Declaration Addendum is the Proper Method to Address the Proposed Development

The City finds that none of the conditions described in CEQA Guidelines § 15162 requires the preparation of a Subsequent MND. Specifically, the City has determined the following:

Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan- Addendum Page 4 October 4, 2017 i Cri No Substantial Changes in Circumstances. There are no substantial changes with respect to the existing conditions or circumstances under which the Project was evaluated in the Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan MND. The site conditions have remained the same since April 19, 2016 when the Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Project and MND were approved. Thus, the Project site has been and remains in its existing condition approximately eighteen months after the adoption of the Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan MND. There have not been any substantial changes in the existing environmental setting on the section of the site since April 19, 2016.

No New Information of Substantial Importance. There is no new information of substantial importance, which was not known and could not have been known with the exercise of reasonable diligence at the time the MND was adopted that shows the Project will have one or more significant effects or substantially more severe effects not discussed in the MND. The Project and its associated impacts all remain the same as

contemplated and evaluated in the 2016 MND. There are no mitigation measures that were considerably different from those analyzed in the Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Project MND, with the exception of site-specific measures, based on site- specific studies that would reduce project environmental effects. Consequently, there is no new information indicating that new significant or substantially more severe environmental effects would result from the development of the Project than identified in the Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Project MND.

VIII. Environmental Analysis of the Proposed Project

The City conducted an environmental analysis of the Project along with the environmental analysis contained in the Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan MND. The purpose of the environmental analysis comparison was to determine if the Project would have any new or additional impacts to those identified in the Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan MND. City staffs comparison of each environmental discipline is provided below.

Aesthetics-- The development of up to 194 affordable units on the 6. 5- acre site would result in a density of approximately 30 units/ acre. The residential units that could be developed for each of the three parcels could not exceed the maximum Floor Area Ratio ( FAR) as allowed by the Specific Plan. Therefore, the maximum number of the affordable units for each parcel would be determined by the maximum density of the Specific Plan. The affordable units would be up to three stories in height. The Specific Plan allows a maximum building height of 60 feet, or four stories, whichever is highest. All residential development would have to meet the development standards in the Specific Plan, including the maximum density, building setbacks, minimum building separation, maximum building coverage, etc. Residential development would also have to meet the design guidelines in the Specific Plan, which include building orientation, entries and driveways, architectural character, landscape architecture, mechanical equipment/storage, and utilities. The compliance by all residential development with the Specific Plan would not have any aesthetic impacts.

Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan- Addendum Page 5 October 4, 2017 I f j

Agricultural Resources - The same as the Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan MND, there are no agricultural resources within or adjacent to the Project site that would be impacted. The Project will not have any agricultural resource impacts.

Air Quality - An air quality analysis was prepared to evaluate the potential air emissions associated with the development of 194 affordable residents units compared to the emissions generated by the development of the approved Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan. The air quality analysis is included in Appendix A. A summary of the air quality analysis is presented below.

Short-Term Construction Impacts

Construction-Related Regional Air Quality Impacts

The construction- related criteria pollutant emissions for the construction of the 194 affordable housing residential dwelling units are shown in Table 1. As shown, none of the analyzed criteria pollutants exceeds the regional emissions thresholds. The construction of the proposed residential dwelling units would have a less than significant air quality impact.

Table 1 Construction- Related Regional Pollutant Emissions

Pollutant Emissions (poundslday_ Activity VOC NOx CO SO2 PM10* PM2. 52

Demolition On- Site3 3. 72 38.32 22. 30 0. 04 3.40 2. 03 Off-Site4 0. 23 5. 53 1. 85 0. 02 0.49 0. 15 Total 3. 95 43. 85 24. 16 0. 05 3.89 2. 17 Grading On- Site2 2. 77 30. 67 16. 58 0. 03 1. 33 2. 75 Off-Site3 0. 08 0. 05 0. 59 0. 00 0. 04 0. 05 Total 2. 85 30. 72 17. 17 0. 03 1. 37 2. 80 Building Construction On- Site2 2. 68 23. 39 17. 58 0. 03 1. 50 1. 41 Off-Site3 0. 96 4. 26 7.47 0.03 2. 08 0. 58

Total 3. 64 27. 65 25. 05 0. 05 3. 58 1. 99

Source: CaIEEMod Version 2016.3. 1. 2 Mitigated on- site values for fugitive dust used during demolition/ grading to show compliance with SCAQMD Rule 403. 3 On- site emissions from equipment operated on- site that is not operated on public roads. Off-site emissions from equipment operated on public roads.

Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan- Addendum Page 6 October 4, 2017 1119

Paving On- Site2 1. 64 15. 24 14. 66 0. 02 0. 82 0. 76 Off-Site3 0. 07 0.04 0. 54 0. 00 0. 17 0.05 Total 1. 71 15. 29 15. 20 0. 02 0. 99 0. 80 Architectural Coating On- Site2 61. 80 1. 84 1. 84 0. 00 0. 13 0. 13 Off-Site3 0. 15 0. 10 1. 18 0. 00 0. 37 0. 10 Total 61. 95 1. 93 3. 02 0. 01 0. 50 0. 23 Total of overlapping phasess 67. 31 44. 87 43. 27 0. 09 5.08 3. 03 SCAQMD Thresholds 75 100 550 150 150 55

Exceeds Thresholds no no no no no no

Construction-Related Local Air Quality Impacts

The development of the proposed 194 affordable housing residential dwelling units were analyzed for the potential local air quality impacts due to construction-related fugitive dust, diesel emissions, toxic air contaminants and construction- related odor impacts. The emission thresholds were calculated based on the Central Orange County, source receptor area ( SRA) 17 and a disturbance value of two acres per day. As shown in Table 2, none of the analyzed criteria pollutants exceeds the calculated local emissions Cy thresholds at the nearest sensitive receptor. Therefore, the local emissions generated by the Project are less than significant.

Table 2 Local Construction Emissions at the Nearest Receptors

On- Site Pollutant Emissions (pounds/day) Phase NOx CO PM10 PM2. 5 Demolition 38. 32 22. 30 3. 40 2. 03 Grading 30.67 16. 58 1. 33 2. 75 Building Construction 23. 39 17. 58 1. 50 1. 41 Paving 15. 24 14.66 0. 82 0. 76 Architectural Coating 1. 84 1. 84 0. 13 0. 13 SCAQMD Threshold for 50 meters? 114 1, 041 19 6

Exceeds Threshold? no no no no I

F 5 Construction, architectural coatings and paving phases may overlap. 1 6 Source: Calculated from CaIEEMod and SCAQMD's Mass Rate Look- up Tables for 2 acres in SRA 17 Central Orange County.

The nearest sensitive receptors lie as close as approximately 150 feet(- 46 meters) west( across Harbor 1 Boulevard); therefore, the 50 meter threshold was used. 1 I Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan- Addendum Page 7 October 4, 2017

g cee7 Long-Term Operational Impacts

The operations- related criteria air emissions of the project were analyzed using the South Coast Air Quality Management District ( SCAQMD) CalEEMod air emissions model. The existing uses on the site would be eliminated with the development of the proposed 194 affordable residential units and the operational emissions of these existing uses were deducted from the air emissions model for the Project. The long- term operational emission sources include mobile sources ( motor vehicle trips), area sources ( hearths, consumer products, landscape maintenance equipment, architectural coatings), and energy consumption ( generation of electricity and natural gas).

The project' s worst-case summer or winter VOC, NOx, CO, SO2, PM10, and PM2. 5 emissions are shown in Table 3. As shown, even before the operational emissions by the existing uses are credited, none of the analyzed criteria pollutants would exceed the regional emissions thresholds with the development of the 194 affordable residential units. After credit for the reduction in the emissions of the existing uses, the project's overall regional operational emissions are even lower. Therefore, the long- term operational emissions generated by the Project are less than significant.

Table 3 Operational Regional Pollutant Emissions8

Pollutant Emissions ( pounds/day) Activity ROGs NOx CO SO2 PM10 PM2. 5

Area Sources2 5. 03 3. 08 17. 32 0. 02 0. 32 0. 32 Energy Usage3 0. 08 0. 69 0. 29 0. 00 0. 06 0. 06 Mobile Sources4 1. 47 6. 28 20. 06 0. 07 5. 81 1. 61 Subtotal Emissions 6. 58 10.05 37.67 0. 09 6. 19 1. 98 41 Car auction, ABC Roofing Materials, A- 1 Self-

Storage - removed 2. 43 - 3. 35 - 10.49 - 0. 04 - 3. 07 - 0. 86 Total Emissions 4. 15 6. 70 27. 18 0. 06 3. 12 1. 12 SCAQMD Thresholds 55 55 550 150 150 55

Exceeds Threshold? no no no no no no

As discussed above, the proposed 194 affordable residential units would not exceed SCAQMD thresholds for local and regional construction- related emissions and regional

operational emissions.

Biological Resources- The same as the Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan MND, there are no biological resources either on or adjacent to the Project site that will be impacted. The Project will not have any biological resource impacts.

s Source: CaIEEMod Version 2016.3. 1.

Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan- Addendum Page 8 October 4, 2017 60

Cultural Resources - The same as identified in the Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan MND, the development of up to 194 affordable residential units would not have any cultural resource impacts. The Project will not have any cultural resource impacts.

Geology and Soils - The same as the Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan MND, the implementation of Mitigation Measure No. 3 and 4 for the proposed Project will reduce potential geotechnical impacts to less than significant.

Greenhouse Gas ( GHG) Emissions - A greenhouse gas analysis was prepared to evaluate the potential greenhouse gas emissions associated with the development of 194 affordable residents units. The greenhouse gas analysis is included with the air quality analysis in Appendix A. A summary of the greenhouse gas analysis is presented below.

The GHG emissions for the Project were calculated using the CaIEEMod model. The results of the modeling are shown in Table 4. As shown, the projects subtotal emissions are 1, 727.46 MTCO2e per year. After the operational emissions of the existing uses on the site are deducted, the net Project emissions are 613.92 MTCO2e per year. Therefore, the projects GHG emissions are less than significant.

Table 4

09 Project Related Greenhouse Gas Emissions9

Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Metric Tons/Year) Category Bio- 0O2 NonBio-0O2 CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e

Area Sources10 0. 00 45. 20 45.20 0.00 0. 00 45. 53 Energy Usage1l 0. 00 406. 91 406.91 0.01 0. 00 408. 71 Mobile Sources12 0. 00 1, 111. 63 1, 111. 63 0. 05 0. 00 1, 112. 87 Solid Waste13 18. 11 0. 00 18. 11 1. 07 0. 00 44. 88 Water14 4. 01 80. 65 84. 66 0.42 0. 01 98. 14 Construction15 0. 00 17. 27 17. 27 0. 00 0. 00 17. 34 Subtotal Emissions 22. 13 1, 661. 66 1, 683. 78 1. 56 0. 02 1, 727.46

9 Source: CaIEEMod Version 2016.3. 1. 1° Area sources consist of GHG emissions from consumer products, architectural coatings, and landscape

equipment. 11 Energy usage consist of GHG emissions from electricity and natural gas usage. 12 Mobile sources consist of GHG emissions from vehicles. 13 Solid waste includes the CO2 and CH4 emissions created from the solid waste placed in landfills. 14 Water includes GHG emissions from electricity used for transport of water and processing of wastewater. 15 Construction GHG emissions based on a 30- year amortization rate.

le Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan- Addendum Page 9 October 4, 2017 Nar)

Car auction site, ABC Roofing Materials, A-1 Self-Storage being removed 24.72 1, 039. 83 1, 064. 55 - 1. 75 0. 02 1, 113. 54 Total Emissions 2. 59 621. 82 619. 23 - 0. 19 0. 00 613. 92 SCAQMD Draft Threshold 3, 000.0 Exceeds Threshold? No

Greenhouse Gas Plan Consistency

The City of Fountain Valley does not currently have a Climate Action Plan. Therefore, the project is compared to the goals of the California Air Resources Board ( GARB) Scoping Plan.

Scoping Plan

The Air Resources Board ( ARB) approved a Climate Change Scoping Plan in December 2008. The Scoping Plan outlines the State' s strategy to achieve the 2020 greenhouse gas emissions limit. The Scoping Plan " proposes a comprehensive set of actions designed to reduce overall greenhouse gas emissions in California, improve our environment, reduce our dependence on oil, diversify our energy sources, save energy, create new jobs, and enhance public health" ( California Air Resources Board 2008). The measures in the Scooping Plan have been in place since 2012.

As shown in Table 5, the project is consistent with the applicable GARB strategies and would result in a less than significant greenhouse gas impact. Therefore, the project would not conflict with any applicable plan, policy or regulation of an agency adopted for the purpose of reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases.

At a level of 613. 92 MTCO2e per year, the Project's GHG emissions are below the SCAQMD screening threshold of 3,000 metric tons per year of CO2e for all land uses. Furthermore, the Project will comply with applicable Green Building Standards and City of Fountain Valley's policies regarding sustainability as dictated by the City's General Plan. The Project greenhouse gas impacts are less than significant.

Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan- Addendum Page 10 October 4, 2017 C Table 5 Project Consistency with CARB Scoping Plan Measures16

Scoping Plan Measures to Reduce Project Compliance with Measure Greenhouse Gas Emissions California Light- Duty Vehicle Greenhouse Consistent. These are CARB enforced Gas Standards — Implement adopted standards; vehicles that access the project standards and planned second phase of that are required to comply with the the program. Align zero- emission vehicle, standards will comply with the overall alternative and renewable fuel and vehicle CARB Scoping Plan strategy, which is to technology programs with long- term reduce GHG emissions to 80 percent below climate change goals. 1990 levels by 2050. Energy Efficiency — Maximize energy Consistent. The project will be compliant efficiency building and appliance with the current Title 24 and Green Building standards; pursue additional efficiency standards. including new technologies, policy, and implementation mechanisms. Pursue comparable investment in energy efficiency from all retail providers of electricity in California. Low Carbon Fuel Standard — Develop and Consistent. These are GARB enforced adopt the Low Carbon Fuel Standard. standards; vehicles that access the project that are required to comply with the standards will comply with the overall CARB Scoping Plan strategy, which is to reduce GHG emissions to 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050. Vehicle Efficiency Measures — Implement Consistent. These are CARB enforced light-duty vehicle efficiency measures. standards; vehicles that access the project that are required to comply with the standards will comply with the overall GARB Scoping Plan strategy, which is to reduce GHG emissions to 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050. Medium/ Heavy- Duty Vehicles — Adopt Consistent. These are GARB enforced medium and heavy-duty vehicle efficiency standards; vehicles that access the project measures. that are required to comply with the standards will comply with the overall CARB Scoping Plan strategy, which is to reduce GHG emissions to 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050.

16 Source: CARB Scoping Plan( 2008).

Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan- Addendum Page 11 October 4, 2017 Green Building Strategy — Expand the use Consistent. The California Green Building of green building practices to reduce the Standards Code ( proposed Part 11, Title carbon footprint of California' s new and 24) was adopted as part of the California existing inventory of buildings. Building Standards Code in the CCR. Part 11 establishes voluntary standards, that are mandatory in the 2016 edition of the Code, on planning and design for sustainable site development, energy efficiency ( in excess of the California Energy Code requirements), water conservation, material conservation, and internal air contaminants. The project will be subject to these mandatory standards. High Global Warming Potential Gases — Consistent. CARB identified five measures Adopt measures to reduce high global that reduce HFC emissions from vehicular warming potential gases. and commercial refrigeration systems; vehicles that access the project that are required to comply with the measures will comply with the overall GARB Scoping Plan strategy, which is to reduce GHG emissions to 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050. Recycling and Waste — Reduce methane Consistent. The state is currently emissions at landfills. Increase waste developing a regulation to reduce methane diversion, composting, and commercial emissions from municipal solid waste recycling. Move toward zero-waste. landfills. The project will be required to comply with City programs, such as City's recycling and waste reduction program, which comply, with the 50 percent reduction required in AB 939 ( 75% by 2020 per AB 341).

Water — Continue efficiency programs and Consistent. The project will comply with all use cleaner energy sources to move and applicable City ordinances and CAL Green treat water. requirements.

The Project's estimated GHG emissions of 613.92 MTCO2e per year are lower than the 1, 727.46 MTCO2e per year of emissions that would be generated by the development of the approved Specific Plan. Therefore, the GHG impacts of the Project are less than significant.

Hazards and Hazardous Materials —The same as the Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan MND, the development of up to 194 affordable residential units would not have any significant hazardous material impacts.

Hydrology— The same as the Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan MND the development of up to 194 affordable residential units would not significantly change or

vit) Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan- Addendum Page 12 October 4, 2017 tor

alter the existing drainage patterns on the site. Therefore, the Project will not have any significant hydrology impacts.

Land Use — The same as the Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan MND the development of up to 194 affordable residential units would be consistent with the Specific Plan and not have any land use impact.

Mineral Resources - The same as the Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan MND the development of up to 194 affordable residential units would not result in the loss or the availability of any local important mineral resources. The Project will not have any mineral resource impacts.

Noise— A noise analysis" was prepared for the Project and is included in Appendix B.

City of Fountain Valley Municipal Ordinance18

Chapter 6.28 of the City's Municipal Code specifies noise standards, including interior and exterior, applicable to the proposed residential development. The noise standards are presented below.

Section 6. 28. 050 Exterior Noise Standards.

a) The following noise standards, unless otherwise specifically indicated, shall apply to No r all residential property within a designated noise zone:

Noise Zone Noise Standard Time 1 55dB(A) 7a. m. - 10p. m. 50 dB( A) 10 p. m. - 7 a. m.

In the event the alleged offensive noise consists entirely of impact noise, simple tone noise, speech, music, or any combination thereof, each of the above noise levels shall be reduced by 5 dB(A).

b) It is unlawful for any person at any location within the City to create any noise, or to allow the creation of any noise on property owned, leased, occupied or otherwise controlled by such person, when the foregoing causes the noise level, when measured on any other residential property, either incorporated or unincorporated, to exceed:

1) The noise standard for a cumulative period of more than thirty minutes in any hour; or 2) The noise standard plus five dB(A) for a cumulative period of more than fifteen minutes in any hour; or

17 South Harbor Boulevard Project, Noise Analysis, September 2, 2017, Kunzman Associates, Inc. 18 City of Fountain Valley Municipal Code. June 2017.

1, Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan- Addendum Page 13 October 4, 2017 3) The noise standard plus ten dB( A) for a cumulative period of more than five minutes in any hour; or 4) The noise standard plus fifteen dB(A) for a cumulative period of more than one minute in any hour; or 5) The noise standard plus twenty dB( A) for any period of time.

c) In the event the ambient noise level exceeds any of the first four noise limit categories set forth in subsection ( b) of this section, the cumulative period applicable to said category shall be increased to reflect said ambient noise level. In the event the ambient noise level exceeds the fifth noise limit category, the maximum allowable noise level under said category shall be increased to reflect the maximum ambient noise level.

Section 6. 28. 060 Interior Noise Standards.

a) The following interior noise standards, unless otherwise specifically indicated, shall apply to all residential property within a designated noise zone:

Noise Zone Noise Standard Time 1 55 dB(A) 7 a. m. - 10 p. m. 50 dB(A) 10 p. m. - 7 a. m.

In the event the alleged offensive noise consists entirely of impact noise, simple tone noise, speech, music, or any combination thereof, each of the above noise levels shall 44111 be reduced by five dB(A).

b) It is unlawful for any person at any location within the city to create any noise, or to allow the creation of any noise on property owned, leased, occupied or otherwise controlled by such person, when the foregoing causes the noise level, when measured on any other residential property, either incorporated or unincorporated, to exceed:

1) The interior noise standard for a cumulative period of more than five minutes in any hour; or 2) The interior noise standard plus five dB(A) for a cumulative period of more than one minute in any hour; or 3) The interior noise standard plus ten dB(A) for any period of time

c) In the event the ambient noise level exceeds either of the first two noise limit categories set forth in subsection ( b) of this section, the cumulative period applicable to said category shall be increased to reflect said ambient noise level. In the event the ambient noise level exceeds the third noise limit category, the maximum allowable noise level under said category shall be increased to reflect the maximum ambient noise level.

Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan- Addendum Page 14 October 4, 2017 Coy

Section 6. 28. 070 Special Provisions.

The following activities shall be exempted from the provisions of this chapter:

5) Noise sources associated with the construction, repair, remodeling or grading of any real property, provided said activities take place between the hours of seven a. m. and eight p. m. Monday through Friday, nine a. m. through eight p.m. on Saturday and at no time on Sunday or any legal holiday. For purposes of this exception the use of saws, buffers, sanders, drills, and sprayers shall be included, as shall similar activity;

9) Noise sources associated with the landscape maintenance of real property, provided said activities take place between the hours of seven a. m. and eight p. m. Monday through Friday, nine a. m. through eight p. m. on Saturday, or nine p. m. through six p. m. on Sunday or legal holidays. For purposes of this exception, the phrase landscape maintenance of real property" shall include, but not be limited to, the use of power mowers, edger's, chain saws, trimmers, hedge cutters, and other devices that are not hand- powered. Leaf blowers shall not be included in said exception and shall be regulated as provided in Chapter 6. 10 of the code.

Traffic Noise

Noise Impacts to Off-Site Receptors Due,to Project Generated Traffic

The Project is estimated to generate approximately 792 average daily vehicle trips, which is an overall reduction of 53 average daily vehicle trips from the uses allowed by the Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan. Because there would be a reduction in traffic trips, project generated vehicle trips will not noticeably increase ambient noise levels in the Project area.

Traffic Noise Impacts to the Proposed Project

Harbor Boulevard is west of the site and the only roadway in the vicinity that may generate traffic noise and impact the proposed residential use. The City of Fountain Valley General Plan Circulation Plan identifies Harbor Boulevard as a Major Arterial. Per the City' s Circulation Plan, Major Arterials have a maximum capacity of approximately 56, 300 average daily trips. It is important to evaluate potential noise impacts of the noisiest possible future traffic condition. These conditions occur when the maximum amount of vehicles pass at the greatest speed, which in this case corresponds to Level of Service C ( LOS C) conditions, or about 75% of the buildout capacity. Therefore, Harbor Boulevard is expected to accommodate up to 42, 225 vehicles per day at Level of Service C.

FHWA modeling was , conducted to calculate the noise levels associated with the buildout vehicle traffic noise on Harbor Boulevard. Buildout traffic noise levels from Harbor Boulevard could reach up to 77.4 CNEL at the closest portion of the Project

Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan- Addendum Page 15 October 4, 2017 1 property line, approximately 75 feet east of Harbor Boulevard. The distances from the centerline of Harbor Boulevard to the 60, 65, 70, and 75 CNEL noise contours are shown in Table 6.

Table 6 Buildout Noise Contours19

Distance to Contour (feet) Roadway 75 CNEL 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL

Harbor Boulevard 130 412 1, 305 4, 120

Based on the City of Fountain Valley Noise/ Land Use Compatibility matrix20, residential land uses are compatible in environments where the exterior noise level is not expected to exceed 60 CNEL and normally compatible where exterior noise levels reach up to 65 CNEL. New construction or development in environments where noise levels are up to 65 CNEL is allowed as long as a detailed analysis of the noise reduction requirements is made and needed noise insulation features included in the design.

The exterior noise levels associated with the development of residential units on the site would exceed both the clearly compatible and normally compatible noise standard at the area of the site closest to Harbor Boulevard. Future residential dwelling units could potentially be exposed to noise levels of up to 77 CNEL if adjacent to Harbor Boulevard.

Typical residential construction that provides air conditioning and/ or air circulation systems ( allowing for closed windows) typically provides 20 dB of exterior to interior noise level reduction. For the Project, residential units located adjacent to and facing 411 Harbor Boulevard would need to have a Sound Transmission Class ( STC) rating of at least 35 to achieve interior noise levels of 45 CNEL. Residential units that are located further from Harbor Boulevard may require a lower STC.

The use of air conditioningand/ or air circulation systems that allow closed windows, if noise levels are at or below 65 CNEL at the exterior of the units, the interior noise level limit of 45 CNEL would be met without the use of upgraded materials. However, for residential units with exterior noise levels up to 70 CNEL, the residential window/wall assemblies will need a STC rating of at least 28. The use of upgraded construction materials and the shielding of outdoor use areas the future traffic noise along Harbor Boulevard is not anticipated to exceed the City of Fountain Valley noise/ land use compatibility guidelines. However, a site specific noise study will have to be prepared prior to construction to determine the final STC rating of all window/wall assemblies.

19 Exterior noise levels calculated 5' above pad elevation, perpendicular to subject roadway. 20 City of Fountain Valley General Plan Noise Element, January 1995.

Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan- Addendum Page 16 October 4, 2017 96 Existing Operational Noise Impacts to the Proposed Project

While the Project assumes that 194 affordable residential units would be developed over the entire 6. 5- acre site, the development of the units would likely be phased. As a result, some of the existing uses, including the self-storage facility, roofing supply company and a vehicle storage and used car sales facility would remain until developed, if developed at all.

The activities associated with the daily operation of the existing uses that generate noise include activities in parking lots such as car doors slamming, vehicle start- ups, conversations, car alarms, truck deliveries, materials being loaded and unloaded, etc. Noise generated by car door slamming, engine start- up, car alarms and vehicle pass-by's may be audible to the residential dwelling units that are developed adjacent to the existing on- site uses.

For the purposes of determining worst-case noise impacts to residences due to parking lot related activities, it will be assumed that a residential dwelling unit could be located anywhere within the confines of each Planning Area. In terms of residential development adjacent to an existing self-storage facility, it is assumed the majority of the deliveries will include small moving vans, personal vehicles, and minimal large truck deliveries. As stated in the Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Mitigated Negative Declaration, self-storage facilities do not generate a significant number of noisy diesel trucks and most of the cars and gasoline- powered trucks that access this Cov type of site have a very low noise signature compared to diesel- powered trucks. In addition, trucks are prohibited from idling for more than 5 minutes per the SCAQMD regulations. The A- 1 Self-Storage hours of operation are 7 a. m. — 8 p. m., therefore, there is minimal noise after closing.

The ABC Supply Company that occupies the middle of the site is a distributor of construction materials including roofing, siding, windows, gutters, etc. Their operating hours are M- F, 6: 30 a. m. - 4 p. m. and Saturday from 7 a. m. — 11 a. m. Truck deliveries are limited to the hours of operation with no nighttime deliveries.

The existing vehicle storage and used car sales facility hours of operation are daytime hours Monday through Saturday. There are no operations in the evening or nighttime hours.

The operational noise levels of the existing businesses on the site have to comply with Section 6.28.050 of the City's Municipal Code. The noise levels that are generated by the existing uses are not excessive and do not exceed city noise standards. Therefore, the development of affordable residential units adjacent to any of the existing businesses is not anticipated to have a significant noise impact to the residential units.

The following measures are recommended to reduce potential interior and exterior noise levels of any residential units constructed along the west side of the site closest to Harbor Boulevard.

Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan- Addendum Page 17 October 4, 2017 Mitigation Measure No. 1 Outdoor use areas for all residential units shall not be located along the west project boundary adjacent to South Harbor Boulevard.

Mitigation Measure No. 2 Prior to the issuance of residential building permits, a noise study shall be submitted to the City to show both interior and exterior noise levels comply with Fountain Valley Municipal Code Chapter 6. 28 Noise Control.

Mitigation Measure No. 3 Prior to the issuance of a residential building permit, a detailed noise report shall be submitted to the City to prove the windows of the residential units facing Harbor Boulevard have a minimal STC rating of 35, or a lower rating as documented by the noise report.

Population and Housing— The development of up to 194 affordable residential units 58221 could generate approximately residents. Based on a 2010 population of 55, 313 people, 582 new residents represents a city population increase of approximately 1% if all of the residents live outside and move to Fountain Valley. While it is anticipated that many of the residents that will occupy the residential units live in Fountain Valley there will be some residents that move to Fountain Valley from outside the city. While some future residents may move to Fountain Valley, the number is not anticipated to significantly increase the city' s population. Therefore, it is anticipated the city' s 1411) population would not significantly increase due to the project.

The purpose of the Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Affordable Housing Policy( Specific Plan Affordable Housing Policy) is to:

Facilitate the provision of affordable housing units through the construction of new units;

Encourage the development of affordable housing units by assisting both the public and private sector in making the provision of these units economically viable, while providing assurances to the city that these units will maintain a high degree of quality and will remain affordable to the target population over a reasonable duration of time; and

Provide a density increase for affordable housing development that may exceed density bonuses permitted by state law ( Government Code Section 65915). Consequently, a development may utilize the Specific Plan Affordable Housing Policy as an alternative to the use of state density bonus but may not utilize both F the Specific Plan Affordable Housing Policy and state density bonuses.

21 3. 0 persons per household, California Department of Finance, Table 2: E- City/County Population w and Housing Estimates, 1/ 1/ 2017.

Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan- Addendum Page 18 October 4, 2017 441 Cie As defined by the proposed Specific Plan Amendment, affordable housing must be affordable for low-income households earning 80% or below the County median income adjusted for family size as defined in Sections 50052.5 and 50053, respectively, of the California Health and Safety Code, and Subchapter 2 of Chapter 6.5 of Division 1 of Title 25 of the California Code of Regulations commencing with Section 6900. All affordable units can be in a single category or there can be a mixture of affordable unit types, although all units must be affordable to low, very low or extremely low- income households.

As shown in Table 7 below22, the City's Regional Housing Needs Assessment ( RH NA) shows Fountain Valley has a current housing need of 358 units, consisting of extremely low, very low, low, moderate and above moderate units. Once developed, the 194 affordable units would meet approximately 55% of the City' s RHNA housing needs. Additionally, this would allow for 100% of the lower income categories to be met.

Table 7 RHNA New Housing Construction Needs by Income Group 2014-2021

Housing Unit Percent of Need Income Category Construction Need by by Income Group Income Group Extremely Low( 0- 30% County median lncome)23 Very Low ( 31- 50% County median 42torg83 23. 2% income) Low (50- 80% County median income) 59 16. 5% Moderate (80- 120% County median 65 18. 2% income) Above Moderate ( over 120% County 151 42. 2% median income) Total Housing Unit Construction Need 358 100% Source: SCAG Adopted Regional Housing Needs Determinations, 2012.

The Project would have a positive impact to the City's RHNA allocation for affordable housingbyallowingthe developmentp of affordable housingtowards meetingFountain Valley's RHNA housing needs. The development of up to 194 affordable residential units would not have any population or housing impacts.

Public Service and Utilities — The same as the Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan MND the Project would not have any significant public service or utility impacts.

22 Table 4-1, page 4-2, Fountain Valley 2014-2021 Housing Element. a The Extremely Low Income allocation is a subset of the Very Low Income allocation and is assumed to be 50 percent of the Very Low Income allocation.

Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan- Addendum Page 19 October 4, 2017 Recreation — Residential development would have to provide on- site recreational facilities for residents, or pay the state required Quimby fee. Payment of a Quimby fee would require the developer of affordable units to pay a fee that would be used by the City to upgrade existing or provide new recreational facilities in Fountain Valley for use by its residents, including Project residents. Payment of the required Quimby fee and/or providing on- site recreational facilities would reduce recreational impacts to less than significant.

Transportation —A traffic memo was prepared for the development of 194 affordable residential units on the site and is included in Appendix C.

As shown in Table 8, the traffic analysis concludes that the Project will result in less traffic on a daily 24-hour and PM peak hour ( weekday) basis and a small increase in traffic during the AM peak hour compared to the development allowed by the Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan. The net decrease in weekday 24- hour and PM peak hour volumes is 53. and 15 vehicle trips, respectively. The net increase in the AM peak hour volume is estimated at 11 vehicles per hour.

Table 8 Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Alternative Land Use— Trip Generation Comparison

Trip Generation Rates pM Peak Hour Sallt phi Peak Hour Split po1N land Use Unit St l tv ! iota , Bats ! n out MI in ant

GI Affordable Housing* DU 194 4.08 0.50 40% 60% ! 0.34 55% 45% RI 6dsitng Land Use car nuctionSite, Aec Moie`lals. and` Rootfrp Acres 6.49 n/ a n/ a n/ a n/ a n/ a n/ a n/ a A-I Self- Storage

Project Trip Generation

I AM Peak Hour Volume PM Peak Hour Volume Land use Unit Quant ly no Total In Qstt Iv fll , in Oil GI Affordable Housing DU 194 792 97 39 58 66 36 30 GenerattonSubtotal 792 97 39 58 66 36 30 t i Project Trip Reduction

AM Peak Hour Volume PM Peak Hour Volume

land Use Unit Quantity A4I Total ! n Q Mal ! R slut 12 25 RI Exlsitng Land Use Acres 6 358 23 inn11 12 37 ; Reduction Subtotal 358 23 11 12 37 12 25

AM Peak Hour Volume PM Peak Hour Volume ADI in Ssd 1 a' t t g y

u k,X-c'< ,, a,"- 0,1- a> g,.'`, l•. ,.

t a+__. .._ a, m..> C ..,. .., .., id., ts 4a,& J: x, v,,, x....,»,.. a, a... c- m; u ?

Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan- Addendum Page 20 October 4, 2017

I I 1 Cof

The traffic report that was prepared for the Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan concluded that for all scenarios, including the existing ( no project), the existing with project, the future year ( no project) and the future year ( with project) conditions, there were no significant traffic or circulation impacts. As a result, no traffic mitigation measures were required. Based on the traffic memo that was prepared for the Project, all study area intersections and roadways are calculated to continue to operate at or above target level of service ( LOS) criteria during all previously analyzed scenarios. The traffic and circulation conclusions for the adopted Specific Plan remain unchanged with the proposed 194 affordable housing units. The traffic memo concludes the project would not have an impact to any roadways that serve the project site.

IX. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program

The approval of Ordinance No. 9549 on April 19, 2016 adopted a MMRP as required by Public Resources Code § 21081. 6. Public Resources Code § 21081. 6 states that when a governmental agency adopts or certifies a CEQA document that contains the environmental review of a proposed Project, " The public agency shall adopt a reporting or monitoring program for the changes made to the Project or conditions of Project approval, adopted in order to mitigate or avoid significant effects on the environment. The reporting or monitoring program shall be designed to ensure compliance during Project implementation."

All applicable mitigation measures of the approved MMP for the Harbor Boulevard Col South Island Specific Plan will be incorporated into the Project to reduce impacts to less than significant. In addition, Mitigation Measures No. 1, 2 and 3 are recommended to reduce noise impacts to less than significant.

Pursuant to CEQA § 15164, the adopted MND, as updated with this Addendum, can be relied upon for documentation of the effects of the proposed Project on the environment. Because the Project does not exceed the thresholds outlined in CEQA Guidelines 15162 and 15164, no further analysis of the environmental impacts of the Project is required in a Subsequent MND. Based on all of the data presented above and in the adopted MND, it is recommended that the proposed development of up to 194 affordable residential units be processed for compliance with CEQA as an Addendum to the adopted Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan MND. The Project does not alter the conclusions contained in the MND as certified by the approval of Ordinance No. 9549 by the Fountain Valley City Council on April 19, 2016. The analysis presented above for the proposed development of up to 194 affordable residential units justifies the preparation of an Addendum to the adopted MND.

X. Conclusion

The Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan MND was used as a basis for analysis in this Addendum along with Project specific special studies ( air quality, noise and traffic). Upon review of the Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan MND, the information contained in this Addendum and all of the supporting evidence, it is the Coe Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan- Addendum Page 21 October 4, 2017


j€ conclusion of this Addendum that the potential impacts associated with the development of up to 194 affordable residential units will not be any significantly greater or different than those impacts identified in the Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan MND with the addition of Mitigation Measures No. 1 and 2. This Addendum identifies the applicable mitigation measures of the Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan MND along with three new mitigation measures to mitigate and control potential impacts of the Project to less than significant.

This Addendum provides the City with the information supporting the conclusion that the development of up to 194 affordable residential units on the project site will not cause substantial physical changes in the environment that would require preparation and processing a new negative declaration. Such documentation would only be required due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of a previously identified significant effect for the proposed development residential units. The facts cited above and provided in this of up to 194 affordable with § 15164( a) of the Addendum allow the City to use an Addendum in accordance State of California CEQA Guidelines for this Project.

It The Fountain Valley City Council serves as the CEQA Lead Agency for this Project. the appropriate CEQA is recommended that the Addendum be adopted as environmental determination for the development of up to 194 affordable residential units on the Project site. J



Page 22 Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan- Addendum October 4, 2017 C,,, Appendices available upon request from the Planning Department include...

1. Appendix A -- Air Quality/ Greenhouse Gas Analysis 2. Appendix B — Noise Analysis

3. Appendix C — Traffic Memo






Lead Agency:

City of Fountain Valley 10200 Slater Avenue Fountain Valley, CA 92708 714) 593- 4400

Project Proponent:

Santa Ana RV Storage, L. P. 130 W. 3rd Street Tustin, CA 92780 949) 515- 7901

Environmental Consultant:

Phil Martin & Associates 4860 Irvine Boulevard, Suite 203 Irvine, California 92620 949) 454- 1800

October 10, 2017


1. 1 Introduction

This is the Mitigation Monitoring Program ( MMP) for the Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Addendum project. It has been prepared pursuant to the requirements of Public Resources Code§ 21081. 6 which, among other things, states that when a governmental agency adopts or certifies a CEQA document that contains the environmental review of a proposed project, ' The public agency shall adopt a reporting or monitoring program for the changes made to the project or conditions of project approval, adopted in order to mitigate or avoid significant effects on the environment. The reporting or monitoring program shall be designed to ensure compliance during project implementation."

The City of Fountain Valley is the lead agency for the project, and is therefore, responsible for administering and implementing of the MMP. The decision- makers must define specific reporting and/or monitoring requirements to be enforced during project implementation prior to final approval of the proposed project.

3. 2 Monitoring and Reporting Procedures

This MMP includes the following information: ( 1) mitigation measures that will either eliminate or lessen the potential impact from the project; (2) the monitoring milestone or phase during which the measure should be complied with or carried out; (3) the enforcement agency responsible for monitoring mitigation measure compliance; and ( 4) the initials of the person verifying the mitigation measure was completed and the date of verification.

The MMP will be in place through all phases of a project including project design preconstruction), project approval, project construction, and operation ( both prior to and post- occupancy). The City will ensure that monitoring is documented through periodic reports and that deficiencies are promptly corrected. The designated environmental monitor will track and document compliance with mitigation measures, note any problems that may result, and take appropriate action to rectify problems.

Each mitigation measure is listed and categorized by impact area, with an accompanying discussion of:

The phase of the project during which the measure should be monitored; Project review and prior to project approval o During grading or building plan check review and prior to issuance of a grading or building permit On-going during construction Throughout the life of the project The enforcement agency; and The initials of the person verifying completion of the mitigation measure and date. The MMP is provided as Table 1- 1 ( Mitigation and Monitoring Program).

109 Mitigation Monitoring Program 1. 0- 1 I I

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tc a


Lead Agency: City of Fountain Valley 10200 Slater Avenue Fountain Valley, CA 92708 714) 593-4400

Project Proponent:

Santa Ana RV Storage, L. P. 130 W. Street Tustin, CA 92780 949) 515-7901

Environmental Consultant:

Phil Martin& Associates 4860 Irvine Boulevard, Suite 203 Irvine, California 92620 949) 454- 1800

EXHIBIT B January 12, 2016 o Environmental Checklist For CEQA Compliance



A Project Title 1 1 B. Lead Agency and Name and Address C. Lead Agency Contact 1 D. Project Location 1 E. Environmental Determination 1 F. Project Sponsor' s Name and Address 6 G. General Plan/ Zoning Designations 6 H. Description of Project 6 1. Surrounding Land Uses 8 J. Discretionary Actions 8 K. Cumulative Projects 8 L. Environmental Factors Potentially Affected 13 M. Environmental Checklist 14 I N. Explanations of Environmental Checklist 22 I. Aesthetics 22 II. Agricultural Resources 27 III. Air Quality 27 IV. Biological Resources 38 39 x V. Cultural Resources VI. Geology and Soils 39 111) VII. Greenhouse Gas Emissions 41 43 F VIII. Hazards and Hazardous Materials 45 is IX. Hydrology and Water Quality z X. Land Use 48 Xl. Mineral Resources 50 XII. Noise 50 57 XIII. Population and Housing XIV. Public Services 57 XV. Recreation 58 XVI. Transportation/ Traffic 59 XVII. Utilities and Service Systems 66 Significance 67 I XVIII. Mandatory Findings of 1 tl

Appendices I

Appendix A— Air Quality/Greenhouse Gas Reports Appendix B— Geotechnical Report 1 Appendix C— Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Appendix D— Preliminary Water Quality Management Plan Appendix E— Noise Report 1 I Appendix F— Traffic Report I i

Page i Harbor Boulevard South Island SpecificP Plan Mitigated Negative Declaration— January 12, 2016 I

i I 3

Environmental Checklist cii; For CEQA Compliance


Figure Page i 1. Regional Map 2 2. Local Vicinity Map 3 i. 3. Aerial Photo 4 4. USGS Topo Map 5 5. On- Site Photographs 7 6. Self-Storage Site Plan 9 7. Off-Site Photographs 10 8. Photo Orientation Map 11 9. Cumulative Projects Location Map 12 li 10. Building Elevations 25 11. Building Elevations 26 12. Noise Measurement Locations 51 13. Typical Construction Equipment Noise Generation Levels 56


Table Page illw 1. Cumulative Projects Location Map 8 2. Ambient Air Quality Standards 29 1 3. Air Quality Monitoring Summary ( 2009-2014) 31 4. SCAQMD Daily Emission Thresholds of Significance 32 5. Construction Activity Equipment Fleet 33 6. Construction Activity Emissions Maximum Daily Emissions ( pounds/ day) 33 7. Daily Operational Impacts 35 8. Project Emissions for 2016 ( pounds/ day) 35 l 9. Maximum Daily Disturbed Acreage Per Equipment Type 36 c 10. LST and Project Emissions ( pounds/ day) 36 11. Daily Operational Emissions 37 t 12. Construction Emissions ( Metric Tons CO2e 42 I 13. Operational GHG emissions 43 14. Short-Term Noise Measurements ( Db[A]) 52 15. Fountain Valley Noise Ordinance Standards 52 I 16. Near Term Traffic Noise Impact Analysis 53 17. Approximate Vibration Levels Induced by Construction Equipment 54 18. 2015) of Service at k Existing ( Level Study Area Intersections 60 19. Baseline ( 2017) Level of Service at Study Area Intersections 61 20. Baseline ( 2017) With Project Level of Service at Study Area Intersections 62 21. Trip Generation of Alternative Floor Area Ratios for Mini-Warehouse Use 64 1 I

110" Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Page ii Mitigated Negative Declaration- January 12, 2016

E a Environmental Checklist For CEQA Compliance

PLANNING DEPARTMENT k A. Project Title: Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan

B. Lead Agency and Name and Address: City of Fountain Valley 10200 Slater Avenue Fountain Valley, CA 92708-4735

C. Planning Director and Phone Number: Steven Ayers ( 714) 593- 4431

D. Project Location: The project is located in the City of Fountain Valley as shown in Figure 1, Regional Map. More specifically, the project is located at 16790- 16842 South Harbor Boulevard as shown in Figure 2, Vicinity Map. An aerial photograph of the site and surrounding area is shown in Figure 3, Aerial Photo. The existing topography on the site is shown in Figure 4, USGS Topography Map.

E. Environmental Determination:

the babasisi of this initial evaluation, I find that:

I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant impact on the environment and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared.

111) I find that although the proposed project could have a significant impact on the environment, there will " not be a significant effect in this case because revisions in the project have been made by or agreed to by the project proponent. A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared.

5 I find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT is required.

I find that the proposed project MAY have a " potentially significant impact" or " potentially significant unless mitigated" impact on the environment, but at least one effect 1) has been adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and 2) has been addressed by mitigation measures based on an earlier analysis as described on attached sheets. An ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required, but must analyze only the effects that remain to be addressed.

I find that although9 the pproposedp pproject1 could have a significantg effect on the environment, because all potentially significant effects 1) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier EIR or NEGATIVE DECLARATION pursuant to applicable standards, and 2) have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to that earlier EIR or NEGATIVE DECLARATION, including revisions or mitigation measures that are imposed upon the proposed project, nothing further is required.

Signature: Date:

14) Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Page 1 Mitigated Negative Declaration— January 12, 2016 i '\ Phil Martin& Associate lnc. HARBOR BOULEVARD SOUTH ISLAND SPECIFIC PLAN CITY OF FOUNTAIN VALLEY

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t t ate=^i4a cov developmentP in Fountain Valley (Goal 2.6 the self-storageg facilityis well designedg and will improveP the appearance of the project site as a whole ( Goal 2. 8) and the project proposes the use of drought tolerant landscaping throughout the site to improve the streetscape along the west side of the project and the east side of Harbor Boulevard adjacent to the site ( Goal 2. 9). The self-storage facility proposes a 20 foot landscaped setback along the west project boundary, a landscape buffer along the west portion of the north project boundary to buffer the self-storage project from the existing commercial use to the north, a 4'4" landscape buffer along the southern project boundary adjacent to the ABC building supply business to the south and a landscape strip along the east project boundary adjacent to the Santa Ana River. The landscaping proposed for the self-storage facility and the landscaped required by the Specific Plan will meet Goal 2. 9 of the General Plan.

The proposed self-storage buildings will be constructed of burnished reinforced concrete masonry blocks with fixed glass, painted steel canopies, prefinished metal coping, prefinished insulated metal panels and prefinished exterior rated metal roll up doors. Building renderings of the proposed self- storage facility are shown in Figures 10 and 11.

t The proposed self-storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan will be required to meet the applicable goals and policies of the Community Design section of the General Plan Land Use Element and the Design Guidelines of the Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan. Project compliance with the General Plan and the Specific Plan will result in less than significant visual impacts for the proposed self-storage facility and development allowed by the Specific Plan.

d) Create a new source of substantial light or glare that will adversely affect day or nighttime views in the area? Less Than Significant Impact. There is existing light and glare on the site that is generated by the nighttime security lights and glare from the automobiles and recreational vehicles that are stored on the site. Site improvements on the roofing materials company and the self-storage facility also generate some nighttime lighting and daytime glare. However, none of the existing uses generate any light or glare that significantly impacts any surrounding land uses.

New sources of light and glare will be generated by the proposed self-storage facility and include city required exterior safety and security lighting throughout the site, advertising signage at the west side of the building and nighttime interior lights. The headlights of customers entering and leaving the site after dark will be new sources of light on the site, but not new or unique to the area where car headlights are currently prevalent. The light from the headlights of cars and trucks that enter and leave the self- storage site will extend to the existing land uses west of the site. The existing block wall along the west side of Harbor Boulevard that separates the site from the residents west of Harbor Boulevard will prevent headlights of the cars leaving the proposed self-storage facility from shinning into the yards of any residences west of the site.

The project will generate glare from the metal building surfaces and building glazing of the proposed self-storage facility. Glare is currently generated from the existing motor vehicles currently stored on the site. Therefore, project generated glare from the self-storage site will not be new or unique to the area. Glare is also generated currently by the other existing businesses on the site. While glare is not new or unique to the project site, the proposed self-storage facility could generate more glare compared to the existing conditions due to the presence of the glass proposed for Building A of the self-storage project.

The news sources of light and glare that will be generated by the project are not anticipated to significantly impact the adjacent surrounding commercial or residential land uses. The light and glare that will be generated by the project is not anticipated to be any brighter or more intense than the light Coo and glare that is generated by other commercial uses in the immediate project vicinity and the existing

Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Page 24 Mitigated Negative Declaration— January 12, 2016 i

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Source:James Goodman Architecture

C., Figure 11 Building Renderings i 1 5171 motor vehicles that are currently stored on the proposed self-storage site. The City does not allow flood lighting and all project lighting and glare must meet and comply with Fountain Valley Municipal Code Section 21. 18.060. The compliance of the proposed self-storage facility and the development allowed by the Fountain Valley Municipal Code will reduce light and glare impacts to less than significant.


a) Convert Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, or Farmland of Statewide Importance (Farmland) as shown on the maps prepared pursuant to the Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program of the California Resources Agency, to non-agricultural use? No Impact. The project site is developed and there are no agricultural uses either on or adjacent to the site. The site is designated " Urban and Built Up Land" by the State of California Department of Conservation Orange County Important Farmland 2012 map. The proposed self-storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan will not convert prime, unique, or farmland of statewide importance to non- agricultural use and impact farmland.

b) Conflict with existing zoning for agricultural use, or a Williamson Act contract? No impact. Please see Section " II. a" above. is c) Conflict with existing zoning for, or cause rezoning of, forest land ( as defined in Public Resources Code section 12220(g)), timberland (as defined by Public Resources Code section 4526), or timberland zoned Timberland Production ( as defined by Government Code section 51104(g))? No Impact. Please see Section" Il. a" above.

d) Result in the loss of forest land or conversion of forest land to non-forest use? No Impact. See Response to Section " Il. a" above.

e) Involve other changes in the existing environment, which due to their location or nature, could individually or cumulatively result in the loss of Farmland, to non-agricultural use? No Impact. The proposed self-storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan will not result in the loss of any farmland, either individually or cumulatively and have no impact to farmland.

III. AIR QUALITY: Will the project:

a) Conflict with or obstruct implementation of the applicable air quality plan? Less Than Significant Impact. The Air Quality Management District ( AQMD) adopted an updated clean air blueprint" in August 2003. The 2003 Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP) was approved by the EPA in 2004. The AQMP outlined the air pollution measures needed to meet federal health- based standards for ozone by 2010 and for particulates (PM- 10) by 2006. The 2003 AQMP was based upon the federal one- hour ozone standard which was revoked late in 2005 and replaced by an 8-hour federal standard. Because of the revocation of the hourly standard, a new air quality planning cycle was initiated. With the re- designation of the air basin as non- attainment for the 8- hour ozone standard, a new attainment plan was developed and shifted most of the one- hour ozone standard attainment strategies to the 8- hour standard. The attainment date changed from 2010 to 2021. The updated attainment plan also includes strategies to ultimately meet the federal PM-2. 5 standard.

Because projected attainment by 2021 requires control technologies that do not exist yet, the SCAQMD requested a voluntary "bump-up" from a " severe non- attainment" area to an " extreme non-attainment" designation for ozone. The extreme designation will allow a longer time period for these technologies to develop. In April 2010, the EPA approved the change in the non- attainment designation from

Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Page 27 Mitigated Negative Declaration- January 12, 2016 11111 n severe- 17" " extreme."extreme. This reclassification sets a later attainment deadline ( 2024), but also requires the air basin to adopt even more stringent emissions controls.

The proposed project does not directly relate to the AQMP in that there are no specific air quality programs or regulations governing small self-warehousing projects. Conformity with adopted plans, forecasts and programs relative to population, housing, employment and land use is the primary yardstick by which impact significance of planned growth is determined. The SCAQMD, however, while acknowledging that the AQMP is a growth-accommodating document, does not favor designating regional impacts as less-than-significant just because the proposed development is consistent with regional growth projections. Air quality impact significance for the proposed project has therefore been analyzed on a project-specific basis.

I The proposed self-storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan will not significantly affect regional air quality plans. The self-storage project will not generate new or additional vehicle emissions that exceed AQMD adopted thresholds based on the air quality analysis. Therefore, the project will not impact the AQMP.

b) Violate any air quality standard or contribute to an existing or projected air quality violation? Potentially Significant Unless Mitigation Incorporated. An air quality and greenhouse gas report2 was prepared for the project. A copy of the air quality and greenhouse gas report is attached in Appendix A.

1 The project is located in the South Coast Air Basin, which is within the jurisdiction of the South Coast Air Quality Management District ( SCAQMD). The SCAQMD sets and enforces regulations for stationary sources in the basin. The California Air Resources Board ( CARB) is charged with controlling motor vehicle emissions.

The primary agencies responsible for regulations to improve air quality in the SCAB are the South Coast Air Quality Management District ( SCAQMD) and the California Air Resources Board ( CARB). The Southern California Association of Governments ( SCAG) is an important partner to the SCAQMD, as it is the designated metropolitan planning authority for the area and produces estimates of anticipated future growth and vehicular travel in the basin which are used for air quality planning. The SCAQMD sets and enforces regulations for non- vehicular sources of air pollution in the basin and works with SCAG to develop and implement Transportation Control Measures ( TCM). TCM measures are intended to reduce and improve vehicular travel and associated pollutant emissions.

The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency ( U. S. EPA) is the primary federal agency for regulating air quality. The EPA implements the provisions of the Federal Clean Air Act ( FCAA). This Act establishes national ambient air quality standards ( NAAQS) that are applicable nationwide. The EPA designates areas with pollutant concentrations that do not meet the NAAQS as non- attainment areas for each criteria pollutant. States are required by the FCAA to prepare State Implementation Plans ( SIP) for designated non- attainment areas. The SIP is required to demonstrate how the areas will attain the NAAQS by the prescribed deadlines and what measures will be required to attain the standards. The EPA also oversees implementation of the prescribed measures. Areas that achieve the NAAQS after a non-attainment designation are redesignated as maintenance areas and must have approved Maintenance Plans to ensure continued attainment of the NAAQS.

The CCAA required all air pollution control districts in the state to prepare a plan prior to December 31, 1994 to reduce pollutant concentrations exceeding the CAAQS and ultimately achieve the CAAQS. tior2 Air Quality and GHG Impact Analysis, Storage Depot, Fountain Valley, CA, Giroux& Associates, June 19, 2015.

Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Page 28 Ii Mitigated Negative Declaration— January 12, 2016 i

The districts are required to review and revise these plans every three years. The SCAQMD satisfies this requirement through the publication of an Air Quality Management Plan ( AQMP). The AQMP is developed by SCAQMD and SCAG in coordination with local governments and the private sector. The AQMP is incorporated into the SIP by GARB to satisfy the FCAA requirements discussed above.

Criteria Pollutants, Health Effects, and Standards

Under the Federal Clean Air Act ( FCAA), the U. S. EPA has established National Ambient Air Quality Standards ( NAAQS) for six major pollutants; ozone ( 03), respirable particulate matter ( PM10), fine particulate matter ( PM2.5), carbon monoxide ( CO), nitrogen dioxide ( NO2), sulfur dioxide ( SO2), and lead. These six air pollutants are often referred to as the criteria pollutants. The NAAQS are two tiered: primary, to protect public health, and secondary, to prevent degradation to the environment (i. e., impairment of visibility, damage to vegetation and property).

Under the California Clean Air Act ( CCAA), the California Air Resources Board has established z California Ambient Air Quality Standards ( CAAQS) to protect the health and welfare of Californians. State standards have been established for the six criteria pollutants as well as four additional pollutants; visibility reducing particles, sulfates, hydrogen sulfide, and vinyl chloride. a Table 2 presents the state and national ambient air quality standards. A brief explanation of each pollutant and their health effects is presented in the Table 1 footnotes.

Table 2 Ambient Air Quality Standards

Federal Standards2 Standards1' 3 D Pollutant Averaging Time State Primary'' Secondary" 0.09 ppm

1 Hour m3) I Ozone( 03)s 180 pg/ 0. 070 ppm 0.075 ppm 8 Hour Same as Primary 137 pg/ m ) 147 pg/m)

m3 Respirable m3 f 24 Hour 50 150 Particulate Matter pg/ pg/ Same as Primary

8 AAMb m3 PM18) 20 pg/ Same as Primary

m3 Fine Particulate 24 Hour 35 pg/ Same as Primary 8 AAM6 m3 m3 Matter( PM2.5) 12 pg/ 15 pg/ Same as Primary 20 35 ppm

1 Hour m3 m3) None 23 mPg / m ) 405mg/ Carbon Monoxide 9.0 ppm 9 ppm 1 m3) 8 Hour m3) None CO) 10 mg/ 10 mg/ I8 Hour 6 ppm 1 m3) Lake Tahoe) 7 mg/

AAM6 0.030 00.053 ppm ppm Same as Primary Nitrogen Dioxide 56 pg/ m) 100 pg/m ) I NO2) 0. 18 ppm 1 Hour 438 pg/ m3) s 0.030 ppm I

AAM m3) q 80 pg/ 0.04 ppm 0.14 ppm 1

m3) i Sulfur 24 Hour m3) 105 pg/ 365 pg/ Dioxide 0. 5 ppm SO2) 3 Hour 3 1, 300 pg/ m) 0.25 ppm I

1 Hour m3) 655 pg/

m3 Lead? 30 day Avg. 1. 5 pg/ mil)

Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Page 29 Mitigated Negative Declaration— January 12, 2016 l I i YE 1 I i 4 l i



Federal Standards2

Standards1' 3 b Pollutant Averaging Time State Primary" Secondary'

m3 v Calendar Quarter 1. 5 pg/ Same as Primary

K 4~ . _ Extinction coefficient of=

0.23 per km-- visibility> 10 4 ; i r Visibility Reducing 8 hour miles Particles i i 0.07 per km -- Z30 miles` ma for Lake Tahoe)

Sulfates 24 Hour 25 m3 F@steral pg/ Standards K ppm

Hydrogen Sulfide 1 Hour m3) 42 pg/ i 0' 01 ppm Vinyl Chloride 24 Hour 3 I 26 pg/m ) 1 1. California standards for ozone, carbon monoxide ( except Lake Tahoe), sulfur dioxide ( 1` and 24 hour), nitrogen dioxide, PM1o, PM2.5, and visibility reducing particles, are values that are not to be exceeded. All others are not to be equaled or exceeded.

2. National standards( other than ozone, PKo, PM2.5, and those based on annual averages or annual arithmetic mean) are not 1 to be exceeded more than once a year. The ozone standard Is attained when the fourth highest eight hour concentration in a i I year, averaged over three years, is equal to or less than the standard. For PM10, the 24 hour standard is attained when the 1 expected number of days per calendar year with a 24- hour average concentration above 150 pg/ m' is equal to or less than f one. For PM2.5, the 24 hour standard is attained when 98 percent of the daily concentrations, averaged over three years, are equal to or less than the standard. Contact U. S. EPA for further clarification and current federal policies. t t 3. Concentration expressed first in units in which it was promulgated. Equivalent units given in parentheses are based upon a i reference temperature of 25' C and a reference pressure of 760 torr. Most measurements of air quality are to be corrected to a reference temperature of 25' C and a reference pressure of 760 torr; ppm in this table refers to ppm by volume, or micromoles of pollutant per mole of gas.

4. National Standards: The levels of air with protect Primary quality necessary, an adequate margin of safety to i the public health. 1 t 5. National Secondary Standards: The levels of air quality necessary to protect the public welfare from any known or anticipated adverse effects of a pollutant. 6. Annual Arithmetic Mean 7. The ARB has identified lead and vinyl chloride as' toxic air contaminants' with no threshold level of exposure for adverse u health effects determined. These actions allow for the implementation of control measures at levels below the ambient 1 concentrations specified for these pollutants. 8. On September 21, 2006 EPA revoked the annual 50 pg/m3 PM10 standard and lowered the 24- hour PM2.5 standard from 65 i pg/ma. Attainment designations are to be issued by November, 2009 with attainment plans due April, 2013. 1 9. On March 12, 2008 EPA lowered the 8- hour Ozone standard to 0. 075 ppm from 0. 08 ppm. Attainment designations are to 3 be issued by March 2010 with attainment plans due by March, 2013 No Standard

1 Monitored Air g 1I Quality i 1 Air quality at any site is dependent on the regional air quality and local pollutant sources. Regional air quality is determined by the release of pollutants throughout the air basin. Long term air quality monitoring is carried out by the South Coast Air Quality Management District ( SCAQMD) at 38 air- monitoring areas with a designated ambient air monitoring station in most areas. Existing and probable future levels of air quality around the project area can best be best inferred from ambient air quality measurements conducted by the SCAQMD at the Anaheim monitoring station. This station measures both regional pollution levels such as smog, as well as primary vehicular pollution levels near busy I roadways such as carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides. Pollutants such as particulates ( PM- 10 and 1 PM- 2.5) are also monitored at Anaheim. Table 3 is a 6-year summary of monitoring data for the major air pollutants compiled from this air monitoring station. I l C 1i

I i

1 i 3


Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Page 30 a Mitigated Negative Declaration— January 12, 2016 I j a i I Table 3 Air Quality Monitoring Summary( 2009-2014) Number of Days Standards Were Exceeded, and Maximum Levels During Such Violations)

Pollutant/Standard 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014


1- Hour> 0.09 ppm ( S) 0 1 0 0 0 2

8- Hour> 0. 07 ppm ( S) 2 1 1 0 0 6

8- Hour> 0.075 ppm ( F) 1 1 0 0 0 4

Max. 1- Hour Conc. (ppm) 0. 093 0. 104 0.088 0.079 0. 084 0. 111 0. 081 Max. 8- Hour Conc. ( pp m) 0. 077 0. 088 0.072 0.067 0.070

Carbon Monoxide

8- Hour> 9. ppm ( S, F) 0 0 0 0 0 0

Max 8- hour Conc. (ppm) 2. 7 2. 0 2. 1 2. 3 2. 6 xx

Nitrogen Dioxide

1- Hour> 0. 18 ppm ( S) 0 0 0 0 0 0

Max. 1- Hour Conc. ( ppm) 0.068 0.073 0.074 0. 067 0.082 0. 076

Inhalable Particulates (PM- 10)

m3 ( 1/ 59 2/ xx 24- hour> 50 µ g/ S) • 1/ 56 0/ 57 2/ 57 0/61

m3( 0/xx 24- hour> 150 µ g/ F) 0/56 0/ 57 0/ 57 0/61 0/ 59

m3) 85. Max. 24- Hr. Conc. (µ g/ 62. 43. 53. 48. 77.

Ultra-Fine Particulates (PM- 2. 5)

m3 ( 2/ 352 4/ 347 1/ 331 4/xx 24- Hour> 35 µ g/ F) 4/ 334 0/331

m3) 39.2 50. 1 37. 8 45. 0 Max. 24- Hr. Conc. (µ g/ 64. 5 31. 7

xx not available Source: South Coast AQMD Air Monitoring Station Data Summary, Anaheim Station( 3176)

Air Emission Thresholds

In the " March 2015 CEQA Air Quality Handbook", SCAQMD establishes significance thresholds to shown There are assess the impact of project related air pollutant emissions and are in Table 4. operational emissions. A project with separate thresholds for short-term construction and long- term daily emission rates below these thresholds are considered to have a less than significant effect on air quality. The thresholds below are used to evaluate the potential project air emission impacts. F

111411i Page 31 Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Mitigated Negative Declaration— January 12, 2016 6

100 Table 4 SCAQMD Daily Emissions Thresholds of Significance

Pollutant Construction Operations

ROG 75 55

i NOx 100 55

CO 550 550

PM- 10 150 150

PM- 2. 5 55 55

SOx 150 150

s Lead 3 3 Source: SCAQMD CEQA Air Quality Handbook, November, 1993 Rev,

I Sensitive Receptors Air quality impacts are analyzed relative to those persons with the greatest sensitivity to air pollution and are called " sensitive receptors." Sensitive population groups include young children, the elderly disease). Residential areas and the acutely and chronically ill ( especially those with cardio- respiratory adjacent to a proposed project site are considered sensitive to air pollution exposure because they may I be occupied for extended periods of time and the residents may be outdoors when exposure to air emissions is the highest. The residences west of the site, west of Harbor Boulevard are considered the closest sensitive receptors and are approximately 150 feet from the project site. likire Construction Activity Impacts

buildings. Because such emissions are Dust is typically the primary concern during construction of new source, are called " fugitive not amenable to collection and discharge through a controlled they emissions." Emission rates vary as a function of many parameters (soil silt, soil moisture, wind speed, excavation, etc.). Because of the inherent area disturbed, number of vehicles, depth of disturbance or uncertainty in the predictive factors for estimating fugitive dust generation, regulatory agencies typically use one universal " default" factor based on the area disturbed assuming that all other input parameters into emission rate prediction fall into midrange average values. l Average daily PM- 10 emissions during site grading and other disturbance are shown estimated to be about 10 pounds per acre. This estimate presumes the use of reasonably available control measures RACMs). The SCAQMD requires the use of best available control measures ( BACMs) for fugitive dust from construction activities.

I The CalEEMod was developed by the SCAQMD to provide a model to calculate both construction uses. emissions and operational emissions from a variety of land The model calculates both the daily maximum and annual average emissions for criteria pollutants as well as total or annual greenhouse gas ( GHG) emissions.

I Although exhaust emissions will result from on and off-site heavy equipment, the exact types and numbers of equipment will vary among contractors such that such emissions cannot be quantified with certainty. However, the pieces of construction equipment necessary to construct the project were 1, 2 to estimated and the construction emissions were modeled using CalEEMod2013. 2. identify daily emissions for each pollutant during project construction. maximumCiv Page 32 Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Mitigated Negative Declaration— January 12, 2016 l 1 in CaIEEMod2013. 2.2. The modeled prototype The proposed self-storage project was modeled construction equipment fleet and construction schedule for the project is shown in Table 5.

Table 5 Construction Activity Equipment Fleet

Phase Name and Duration Equipment 1 Concrete Saw Demolition ( 20 days) 2 Dozers 1, 000 square feet 2 Excavators 1 Grader Grading ( 8 days) 1 Excavator 1 Dozer 3 Loader/Backhoes 1 Crane 3 Forklifts Construction ( 230 days) 1 Generator Set 1 Welder 3 Loader/Backhoes 2 Concrete Mixers 1 Paver Paving 2 Paving Equipment 18 days) 2 Rollers 1 Loader/Backhoe

qui) Referencing the aequipmentui ment fleet in Table 5, the worst case daily construction emissions are shown in Table 6.

Table 6 Construction Activity Emissions Maximum Daily Emissions (pounds/day)

Maximal Construction ROG NOx CO SO2 PM- 10 PM- 2.5 Emissions

2016 5.4 Unmitigated 21. 7 41. 5 32. 5 0. 0 8. 9 4. 9 3.4 Mitigated 21. 7 41. 5 32. 5 0. 0

2017 0 2 1. 0 Unmitigated 1. 7 16.9 13. 5 0. 1. 0. 0 1. 2 1. 0 Mitigated 1. 7 16. 9 13. 5 l50 SCAQMD Thresholds 4001. 550 150 , ' a5 The peak daily construction emissions for the proposed self-storage project are calculated to be below SCAQMD CEQA thresholds. The only model-based mitigation measure applied for the project was watering all exposed dirt surfaces at least three times a day to minimize the generation of fugitive dust generation during grading activities.

Page 33 Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Mitigated Negative Declaration— January 12, 2016 f f

410 While construction activities are not anticipated to cause dust emissions to exceed SCAQMD CEQA thresholds, mitigation through enhanced dust control measures is recommended for use because the air basin has a non-attainment status. In addition, due to and proximity of adjacent residential uses the following mitigation measure is recommended to reduce construction particulates.

Mitigation Measure No. 1 Prior to the start of demolition, grading or construction, to control fugitive dust the project contractor shall implement and maintain through construction the following: Apply soil stabilizers or moisten inactive areas. Prepare a high wind dust control plan. Address previously disturbed areas if subsequent construction is delayed. Water exposed surfaces as needed to avoid visible dust leaving the construction site (typically 2-3 times/day). Cover all stock piles with tarps at the end of each day or as needed. Provide water spray during loading and unloading of earthen materials. Minimize in- out traffic from construction zone. Cover all trucks hauling dirt, sand, or loose material and require all trucks to maintain at least two feet of freeboard. Sweep streets daily if visible soil material is carried out from the construction site. Similarly, ozone precursor emissions ( ROG and NOx) are calculated to be below SCAQMD CEQA thresholds. However, because of the regional non- attainment for photochemical smog, the use of coo emissions recommended. The control measures to control diesel exhaust is reasonably available following mitigation measure is recommended to control combustion emissions:

Mitigation Measure No. 2 Throughout construction the project contractor shall: Utilize well-tuned off-road construction equipment. Establish a preference for contractors using Tier 3 or better heavy equipment. Enforce 5-minute idling limits for both on-road trucks and off-road equipment.

Long- Term Operational Emissions The operational emissions of the proposed self-storage project were calculated for a project build-out year of 2017 and are shown in Table 7. As shown, the operational emissions will not exceed applicable SCAQMD operational emissions CEQA thresholds of significance.

the CalEEMod program. Air pollutant emissions due to the project were calculated using The primary sources of emissions generated by the proposed project will be from the operation of motor vehicles, including delivery trucks. Natural gas combustion and re-current painting of the facilities will also contribute to emissions. The maximum daily emissions are shown in Table 8. cir Page 34 Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Mitigated Negative Declaration— January 12, 2016 9 P i l

Table 7 Daily Operational Impacts

f Operational Emissions ( lbs./day) 1. Source ROG NOx CO SO2 PM- 10 PM- 2.5 Area 4. 7 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 Energy 0. 0 0. 5 0.4 0. 0 0.0 0.0 Mobile 1. 9 5.0 24.0 0. 1 5.0 1. 4 1 Total 6. 6 5. 5 24.4 0. 1 5.0 1. 4 I SCAQMD i 55 55 550 150 1' 50 = 55 " I Threshold Exceeds No No No No No No I Threshold? Source: CaIEEMod2013. 2.2 Output provided in Appendix A 1 Table 8 Project Emissions for 2016 ( pounds/ day) s


Total Project Emissions 6. 9 7. 3 27. 2 0. 1 5. 3 0.4

SCQAMD Thresholds 55 55 550 150 150 55 i

Exceed Thresholds No No No No No No

Table 8 shows that the total project emissions are below the SCAQMD thresholds for all criterion pollutants. The project will not have a significant impact on regional air quality.

Localized Significance Thresholds 4 4 The SCAQMD developed analysis parameters to evaluate ambient air quality on a local level in addition to the more regional emissions- based thresholds of significance. These analysis elements are called Localized Significance Thresholds ( LSTs). While an LST analysis for a project is optional, the analysis II r was conducted due to the presence of existing residents west of the project, west of Harbor Boulevard. For the project, the primary source of potential LST impact would be during project construction. LSTs li are applicable for a sensitive receptor where it is possible that an individual could remain for 24 hours i} such as a residence, hospital or convalescent facility. s

LST screening tables are available for 25, 50, 100, 200 and 500 meter source- receptor distances. For this project the nearest sensitive use is the adjacent residences west of Harbor Boulevard and a distance of 25 meters was selected for the LST analysis.

LSTs are only applicable to the following criteria pollutants: oxides of nitrogen ( NOx), carbon monoxide CO), and particulate matter ( PM- 10 and PM-2. 5) and represent the maximum emissions by a project that are not expected to cause or contribute to an exceedance of the most stringent applicable federal t or state ambient air quality standard.

The SCAQMD has issued guidance on applying CalEEMod to LSTs. LST pollutant screening level concentration data is currently published for 1, 2 and 5 acre sites for varying distances. Since CalEEMod calculates construction emissions based on the number of equipment hours and the

1g Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Page 35 Mitigated Negative Declaration- January 12, 2016

y I

maximum daily soil disturbance activity possible for each piece of equipment, the equipment anticipated construction is shown in Table 9. The equipment shown is to be used by the project during project used to determine the maximum daily disturbed- acreage by the project for comparison to LSTs.

Table 9 Maximum Daily Disturbed Acreage per Equipment Type

Equipment Type Acres/8- hr-day Crawler Tractor 0.5 t Graders 0. 5 Rubber Tired Dozers 0. 5 Scrapers 1

s Based on the above equipment information, the project will result in 1. 0 disturbed daily acre during peak construction grading activity:

I 1 grader x 0. 5 + dozer x 0.5= 1. 0 acre disturbed)

The following thresholds and emissions ( pounds per day) are shown in Table 10 based on the equipment listed in Table 9.

Table 10 LST and Project Emissions (pounds/day)


LST 1. 0 acres/25 meters Rio CO NOx PM- 10 PM- 2. 5 Central Orange County Max Oin ite Emissions 62 .. 89 i Demolition 5 3 Unmitigated 35 46 2 Mitigated 35 46 3 t. Grading 9 5 5 Unmitigated 26 38 3 Mitigated 26 38 5 Construction 2 F Unmitigated 19 29 2 2 2 Mitigated 19 29 j Paving 1 Unmitigated 15 20 1 1 1 Mitigated 15 20 CaiEEMod Output provided in Appendix A.

6 The calculated project LSTs were compared to the maximum daily construction activities. As shown in Table 10, the project construction emissions meet the LST for construction thresholds and will be less than significant.

Operational Emissions I s The operational emissions of the self-storage project were calculated using CalEEMod2013.2.2 for an target The calculated operational assumed project build- out year of 2017 as a for full occupancy. Cv Page 36 Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Mitigated Negative Declaration— January 12, 2016 i

c 3 1 i I i s i


emissions are shown in Table 11. As shown, the operational emissions will not exceed applicable SCAQMD operational emissions CEQA thresholds of significance.

Table 11 Daily Operational Emissions

Operational Emissions (lbs./day) PM- 10 PM- 2. 5 Source ROG NOx CO SO2 0 0. 0 0.0 0.0 Area 4. 7 0.0 0. 0.4 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 Energy 0. 0 0. 5 0. 1 5. 0 1. 4 Mobile 1. 9 5. 0 24. 0 0. 1 5. 0 1. 4 Total 6. 6 5. 5 24.4 150 150 - 55 SCAQMD Threshold 55 55 ` 550 ` No No No No Exceeds Threshold? No No Source: CalEEMod2093.2. 2 Output provided in Appendix A Assumes use of natural gas heaths for residential use

V t The implementation of the two mitigation measures will reduce air emission impacts of the proposed self-storage facility to less than significant.

c) Result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of any criteria pollutants for which the project region is non-attainment under an applicable federal or state ambient air quality standard ( including releasing emissions that exceed quantitative thresholds for ozone precursors)? Less Than Significant Impact. As stated in Section " III. b" above, the project would not thresholds. The project along with term air emissions that exceed District generate any short- or long-

other development would not result in any cumulative air emissions that exceedAlthoughDistricttwo mitigationemission ,,,,,,,,, considerable impact to air emissions. thresholds and have a cumulatively Ill. b" above), the measures are recommended to further measures are recommended ( see Section " reduce particulates during project grading and construction and reduce photochemical smog because photochemical The proposed self-storage facility and the the air basin is nonattainment for smog. development allowed by the Specific Plan will not have any significant cumulative criteria pollutant impacts.

pollutant concentrations? Less Than Significant d) Expose sensitive receptors to substantial Impact. As stated in Section" lll.b" above, the project would not generate any air emissions that exceed District thresholds. The residences west of the project, west of Harbor Boulevard, are considered

sensitive land uses. However, because the project would not generate any air emissions that exceed adopted emission thresholds, are more than 150 feet from the proposed self-storage facility and separated from the project by Harbor Boulevard, the residents would not be significantly impacted by project emissions. The proposed self-storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan will not significantly impact any sensitive receptors, including residents west of Harbor Boulevard.

a substantial number of people? No Impact. The project e) Create objectionable odors affecting would not generate any odors and impact people in close proximity to the project. Like the existing self-

storage facility adjacent to and north of the project and the existing self-storageodors.facility at the south end storage would not generate any Any future change of of the project, the proposed self- facility the existing roofing materials facility or the self-storage facility at the southern end of the site would be evaluated for potential odor impacts at the time site development plans are submitted to the City. Since s both existing businesses propose to remain, they would not generate any new or greater odor impacts j Page 37 Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Mitigated Negative Declaration— January 12, 2016 i iw compared to their existing condition with the project. Therefore, the proposed self-storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan will not have any odor impacts.


a) Have substantial adverse effects, either directly or through habitat modifications, on any species identified as a candidate, sensitive, or special status species in local or regional plans, policies or regulations or by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife or the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? No Impact. The Specific Plan site is developed with buildings and other site There are no plants or improvements. The only vegetation present is introduced urban landscaping. sensitive or special status species. The animal species on the site that would be a candidate for a proposed self-storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan will not impact wildlife or wildlife habitat.

b) Have substantial adverse impact on any riparian habitat or other natural community identified in local or regional plans, policies, and regulations or by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife or the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? No impact. There is no riparian habitat or other natural communities on the site. The proposed self-storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan will not impact riparian or other natural communities.

c) Have a substantial adverse effect on federally protected wetlands as defined by Section 404 of etc.) through the Clean Water Act (including, but not limited to, marsh, vernal pool, coastal, means? No Impact. Please see Section direct removal, filing, hydrological interruption, or other IV.b" above.

d) interfere substantially with the movement of any native resident or migratory fish or wildlife species or with established native resident or migratory wildlife corridors, or impede the use of native wildlife nursery sites? No Impact. There is no habitat on the site that serves as a migratory wildlife corridor. While the Santa Ana River channel adjacent to and east of the site may serve as a wildlife corridor, the proposed self-storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan will not impact or impede the continued use of the river as a wildlife corridor by either resident or migratory


e) Conflict with any local policies or ordinances protecting biological resources, such as tree preservation policy or ordinance? No Impact. There are several introduced non- native trees along the west boundary of the roofing material property and the front yard setback of the self-storage facility at the southern end of the site. Both of these properties are proposed to remain as they current exist. The proposed self-storage project will not require the removal of any existing trees. The City does not of non- native trees. The proposed self- have a local policy or ordinance that prohibits the removal storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan will not impact trees.

f) Conflict with the provisions of an adopted Habitat Conservation Plan, Natural Community conservation plan? No Conservation Plan, or other approved local, regional, or state habitat Impact. The City of Fountain Valley is not located within any adopted Habitat Conservation Plan, Natural Community Conservation Plan, or other approved local, regional, or state habitat conservation plan. The proposed self-storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan will not conflict with or impact a conservations plan. coo Page 38 Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Mitigated Negative Declaration— January 12, 2016

F I f V. CULTURAL RESOURCES: Will the project:

a) Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a historical resource as defined in 15064. 5? No Impact. There are no buildings or historical resources on the site and none of the historical The proposed self-storage facility and the buildings are candidates for a building. existing f development allowed by the Specific Plan will not impact any historical resources.

b) Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a unique archaeological resource as E defined in§ 15064.5? No Impact. Please see Section "V.a" above. site? No Impact. paleontological resource or disturb or destroy a unique c) Directly or indirectly The Fountain Valley General Plan does not identify the presence of any paleontologicaldisturbed inresourcesthe past toin storage has been proposed for the self- facility 1 Fountain Valley. The site that is site improvements. Because the site has been disturbed and construction of the existing allowpaleontological resources are not known to exist in Fountain Valley, it is unlikely that paleontological construction. The proposed self-storage facility and the uncovered project resources will be during development allowed by the Specific Plan will not impact any paleontological resources.

formal cemeteries? No Impact. those interred outside of human remains, including d) Disturb any in the past. In site have been used as a cemetery properties within the Specific Plan addition,None of thenone of the properties are known to have been used for any activities that have resulted in human remains being present on the property. The proposed self-storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan will not impact human remains.

VI. GEOLOGY AND SOILS: Will the project:

a) Expose people or structures to potential substantial adverse effects, including the risk of oss, injury, or death involving:

i. Rupture of a known earthquake fault, as delineated on the most recent AlquistPriolo Earthquake Fault Zoning map issued by the State Geologist for the area or based on other fault? ( Refer to Division of Mines and Geology Special substantial evidence of a known Publication 42.) Less Than Significant Impact. A geotechnical feasibility report was prepared for the project.3 A copy of the geotechnical report is included in Appendix B. There are in a active area. southern California, is located seismically The site, like the majority of site. either on or adjacent to the A designated Alquist Priolo Earthquake no known: active faults adjacent to the site. The Newport-Inglewood fault zone is Zone is not located within or Faultlocated approximately 5 miles southwest of the site and the closest known fault to the site. in the region. However, due to their distance mayalongotheroccur active faults fromGroundshakingthe project and smaller anticipated earthquakes they will generate lower horizontal Inglewood fault. The potential for the site to have a surface rates than the Newport- faultaccelerationrupture is considered low. The proposed self-storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan will not be significantly impacted by a fault rupture.

seismic ground shaking? Potentially Significant Unless Mitigation Incorporated. ii. BecauseStrong the project site is located in southern California and a seismically active area, the potential for strong ground motion at the project site is estimated to be 0.567g within 50 years associated 3 Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed SelfStorage Development, 16790 South Harbor Boulevard, Fountain Valley, California, NorCal Engineering, July 10, 2015. ei) Page 39 Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan 12, 2016 I Mitigated Negative Declaration— January I 1

the Newport Inglewood fault. The following mitigation magnitude 6. 9 earth quake along withmeasurea is recommended to reduce strong seismic ground shaking impacts to the project to less r than significant.

Mitigation Measure No. 3 A geotechnical investigation shall be submitted to the City prior to the that identifies the design and issuance of a grading permit construction measures that shall be incorporated into the project to reduce potential strong seismic ground shaking in compliance with the 2013 California Building Code (CBC). The incorporation of the recommended mitigation measure will reduced potential strong ground shaking impacts to the proposed self-storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan to less than significant.

failure, liquefaction? Potentially Significant Unless iii. Seismic-related ground including

Mitigation Incorporated. The project site is located in an area thatCDMG,is mapped1997). Groundas potentiallywater California Seismic Hazards Zones Map ( liquefiable on the State of

was encountered during on-site borings at 13 feet below the surface during the on-groundsite geotechnicallevel. The groundwater 5 feet below Historic groundwater levels shows 1jroectinvestigation.site has a moderate liquefaction potential due to the historic groundwater level of 5 feet belowp the ground surface and medium dense sand layers below that level. t x The following measure is recommended to reduce potential liquefaction impacts of the project to less than significant. w. Mitigation Measure No. 4 As recommended in the geotechnical investigation and approved by the City Building Official, compaction grouting shall be performed between 5 and 15 feet below ground grade level to correct on-site E liquefaction hazards in compliance with the 2013 California Building Code. The incorporation of the recommended mitigation measure will reduced potential liquefaction u impacts to the proposed self-storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan to less than significant.

I iv. Landslides? No Impact. The project site and the area adjacent to and surrounding the site are flat. There are no hills or other topographic relief features either on or adjacent to the site that would impact the project by a landslide. The proposed self-storage facility and the development allowed I i by the Specific Plan will not have or be exposed to landslide impacts.

b) Result in substantial soil erosion or loss of topsoil? Less Than Significant Impact. The City will require the grading and construction contractor to install and maintain throughout project grading and

construction all applicable City required short-term construction soil erosion controlstoragemeasures to reduceThe proposed self- facility. impacts construction of the and minimize soil erosion during I contractor will be required to submit a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan ( SWPPP) to identify all

Best Management Practices ( BMPs) that will be incorporated into the project priorerosion.to the start of grading reduce and minimize soil The City has to completion of construction to and maintained and maintain will be required to install l measures that the contractor standard soil erosion protection requirement the City for is minimize off-site soil erosion. The by throughout and construction to the contractorgradingto incorporate all applicable mandated soil erosion control measures into project construction will minimize and reduce potential soil erosion impacts.

Page 40 Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan 12, 2016 I Mitigated Negative Declaration— January 1 t I c) teral Be located on a geologic unit or soil that is unstable,site orlandslide,that would become unstable as a result result in on- or off- project, and potentially of the report dingot bsidenceany liquefaction or collapse? No Impact. The preliminary project geotechnical impact ject other than condition that would geologic or soil liquefaction unstable on potential eproject tto mitiga# Measure No. 4 in Section VI. IiI above is recom ded impacts. The proposed self-storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan will not have any significant unstable soil conditions with implementation of Mitigation Measure No. 4 above. ode ( 1994), 18- 1- B of the soil, as defined in Table Be located on expansive o s report hat d) Than Significant Impact.pac he or Less 4 substantial risks to life property? creating low to low expansive soil. upper soils have a very storage site states that the prepared for the self- wasAs a result, the proposed self-storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan will have less than significant expansive soil impacts.

No Impact. e) Have soils incapable of adequately supporting the use theofsepticdisposaltanksof orwastealternativewater? wastewater are not available for systems where sewers disposal system. underground public sewer The City will require all served an existing The project site is by development within the Specific Plan to connect to and be served by the existing publicThe sewerproposedsystem.self- wastewater disposal. use septic tanks for allow the project to ThestorageCityfacilitywill notand the development allowed by the Specific Plan will not have any septic tank or alternative wastewater disposal impacts. VII. GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS: Would the project:

so called a) Generate greenhouse gas emissions, either directlyImpact.or indirectly, "Greenhouse thatgases"may have ( a significant Less Than Significant becausevii impact on the environment? in the earth) activity heat near the surface of td by human of their role in trapping Greenhouse vgaitys an global climate change, commonly referred to as "globalwarming." increase in the temperature of the earth's atmosphere by transparency to short wavelength visible sunlight, but near opacity to outgoing terrestrial long wavelength heat radidioin some parts of he infrared spectrum. The principal greenhouse gases ( GHGs) are carbon 15364. 5 water vapor. For purposes of planning and regulation, Section oxide, ozone, and n thous oxide, 1 California Code of Regulations defines GHGs to include carbon Fossildioxide,fuel con ptheon ln the and sulfur hexafluoride. hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and aft) sector ( on-road motor vehicles, off-highway mobile sources isransportation

emissions with about largest source of GHG emissions, accounting for largestapproximatelycontributorshalf ofofGHGGHG emissions globally. sources are the second i industrial and commercial one-fourth of total emissions. California has passed several bills and the Governor has signed at least three executive orders greenhouse gases. AB 32 is one of the most significant pieces of environmental legislation regarding components of AB 32 include: 1 adopted. The major that California has Require the monitoring and reporting of GHG emissions beginning with sources or categories of sources that contribute the most to statewide emissions. Requires immediate" early action" control programs on the most readily controlled GHG sources. Mandates that by 2020, California's GHG emissions be reduced to 1990 levels.

j a Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed SelfStorage Development, 16790 South Harbor Boulevard, Fountain Valley, California, NorCal Engineering, July 10, 2015, page 16. 4111111) Page 41 1 Specific Plan Harbor Boulevard South Island 12, 2016 I Mitigated Negative Declaration— January 1 4 tsingleonmibuteted E 1

00 California 25- 40%, from business as usual, to be of GHG gases in by Forces an overall reduction achieved by 2020. I. Must complement efforts to achieve and maintain federal and state ambient air quality standards and to reduce toxic air contaminants. Maximum GHG reductions are expected to derive from increased vehicle fuel efficiency, greater use of structural efficiency. Additionally, through the California and increased energy renewable energy Action R industry-specific protocols CCAR or the Climate Climate Action Registry ( been develoedgeneralsourcesGHG are categorized into GHG emissions have for assessing and reporting owned). Direct sources sources ( i. e. not company owned) and indirect direct sources ( i. e. company fu ssions. Indirect include combustion emissions from on-and off-road mobile sources, andfugitivesources. sources include off-site electricity generation and non-company owned mobile

Thresholds of Significance I Under CEQA, a project would have a potentially significant greenhouse gas impact if it:

Generates GHG emissions, directly or indirectly, that may have a significant impact on the environment, or,• g Conflicts with an applicable plan, policy or regulation adopted to reduce GHG emissions.

standards. CEQA qualitative or based on performance identification may be quantitative, I guidelines allow the lead agency to "select the model or methodology it considers most appropriate." The most common practice for transportation/combustion GHG emissions quantification is to use a riv computer model such as CaIEEMod, which was used in some of the previous air quality emission analysis.

On December 5, 2008 the SCAQMD Governing Board adopted anleadInterim quantitativee. g., stationaryGHG where the SCAQMD is the agency ( Threshold for industrial projects In Significance Tons ( MT) CO2 equivalent/ year. etc.) of 10, 000 Metric projects, rules, plans, source permit E September 2010, the Working Group released revisions which recommended a threshold of 3,000 MT threshold CO2e for all land use projects. This 3,000 MT/year recommendationof anhas been used as a guideline for 1 . proct. In gas analysis for this the greenhouse aae presumed to oa of the guideline evel significance, project related GHG emissionsQin s i F reduction at the project level. enhanced GHG 5 requirement for Construction Activity GHG Emissions

than two years. During project construction, the i for the project will be less TheCaIEEMod2013.build- out timetable2.2 computer model calculates that project construction activities will generate the 1 annual CO2e emissions shown in Table 12. j Table 12 Construction Emissions (Metric Tons CO2e)

I CO2e

Year 2016 526.2 Year 2017 14. 3 i 1 Total 5405. Amortized 18. 0 CalEEMod Output provided in Appendix A.

Page 42 Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan I Mitigated Negative Declaration— January 12, 2016 i I l i 1 exceselsencetriggernumerical i


year emissions a construction emission for than SCAQMD GHG policy activities are s- J1 The activitiesamortizest construction lifetime. As shown, the amortized GHG emissions from the project


Project Operational GHG Emissions Theoperationaltotal operationalemissionsemissionsare belowofthetheself-guidelinestoragethresholdproject areofshown3,000inMTYTableCO2e13. Assuggestedshown, thebyGHGthe SCAQMD. Table 13 Operational GHG Emissions

Consumption Source MT CO2(e) tonslyear 0.0S Area Sources 861. 9 Energy Utilization 913.9 Mobile Source Generation 97. 0 Solid Waste 3 198. Water Consumption 0018. i Annualized Construction Total, 2,088 8 000 Guideline hiesi olid4)

Specific Plan will not have any development allowed by the storage and the The proposed self- facility 1I gas impacts. significant greenhouse regulation adopted for the purpose of reducing the vt) b) Conflict with an applicable plan, policy or greenhouse gases? No Impact. The City of Fountain Valley has not developed or emissions of adopted a Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan for the purpose to reduce GHGs. Therefore, thethe projectapp wil{ GHG planning document for the project is AB-32. As discussed in SectionGHG "emissions.Vll.a" above, As a result, construction increase in of ri not have a significant SCAQMD threshold 3, 00 libe below the mmended GHGMT/year.emissions The proposedgeneratedself-bystoragethe projectfacility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan will not impact and conflict with any applicable plan, policy, or regulations to reduce GHG emissions. i k VIII. HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: Will the project: 3

5 Assessment ( ESA) Environmental Site a) Create a significant hazard to the public Impact.or the environment A Phase l through the routine transport use, hazardous materials? No tl or disposal of included in AppendixC. was prepared for the property located at 16790 and 16800of theHarborPhaseBoulevardI ESA is to identify the potential i present on the site. A copy G hazardous materials that are

I asbestos that exists 1 Based on the ESA, there is the potential for asbestosconstructedto be presentprior toin 1980.the existing Any building located at because the building was 16800 Harbor Boulevard

F would, by law, have to be properly removed prior to the demolition of any buildings. r



5 Phase I Environmental Assessment, 16790 and 16800 Harbor Boulevard, Santa Ana, CA92708, December 13, 2004, Centec Engineering. Illir Page 43 Island Specific Plan y Harbor Boulevard South Mitigated Negative Declaration— January 12, 2016 1 recolonallesover 3 h ce he of During project grading and construction hazardous materials willconstructionmaintnbe stored and used on the proposed the contractor to self- storage site by solvents, etc. It wiUyebe the operateubricant paints, hazardous materials include diesel fuel, gasoline, responsibility of the contractor to use and store all hazardous materials in compliance with applicable Federal, state, and local laws and regulations during project construction. The proposed self-storage facility will not store or use any hazardous materials associated with the operation of the self-storage facility other than typical janitorial chemicals to clean and maintain the I facility. The project would not have any significant hazardous material impacts. The other two properties, including the building supply company and the self-storage facility, will remain exist. Development plans are not proposed for either site at continue to operate as they currently l thisand time. The continued use of the existing uses will not create any significant hazards to the public or the environment with their existing uses. 1 The proposed self-storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan will not have a hazard impact to the public or the environment through the routine transport, use or disposal of hazardous materials.

xl b) hazardous materials Create a significant hazard to the public or thethe environmentrelease of through reasonably foreseeable accident conditions involving r upset and self-storage with the proposed faclity i environment? No Impact. There are no uses associated other uses allowed by the Specific Plan that would create or release hazardousthematerials into the c Planmateill environment. The proposed self-storage facility and the development allowedrelease of environment involving hazard impacts to the public or not any Ilif

c) Emit hazardous emissions or handle hazardous or acutely hazardous materials, substances, or waste within one-quarter mile of an existing orproposed school? Less Than Significant Impact. I There are no existing or proposed public schools within one-quarter mile of the project site. A private site. The os Modern Technology School is located in a one-story commercial privatebuilding approximately 1, 000 feet north of the project and less than one-quarter mile and the I ee of tsecho toth j Amigos High School is located approximately one-half the n materials that will be used during project construction and the janitorialratcleaningonal will materialsimpactused to clean once it is constructed self-storage and maintain the facility t e vicn Modern isting t 1 Technologyproject. ThereSchool,are no LosschoolsAmigosproposedHigh School,for development or any otherpgwithin one-quarter mile of the site. 1 site at this time. The The two remaining properties, including thedevelopmentbuilding supplyis proposedcompany forandeitherthe self-storage facility, will as exist and no x continue to operate they and act any area continued operation of the existing uses will not emit any hazardous the Specific Plan will not ment by school. The proposed self-storage facility and the development

F have any significant hazardous emission impacts. pursuant hazadous materials included on a list of site which is the Be located on a sgnrflcompiledant I d) l! create j to Government Code Section 65962.5 and, as a result, public or environment? No Impact. Based on the Phase I ESA the projectSectionsite is not listed as a pursuant to Government on Cortese" list hazardous material site the " w65not allowed pec and the development by proposedhazardous self-impactstorageto thefacilitypublic or environment with the development of the site per Government Code Section 65962. 5.

Page 44 Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Declaration— January 12, 2016 i Mitigated Negative 1 haveenorthwesttexandallowedlssionsCCodeojooltonthazardousSpecificThetehavehetosoe 4111 e) For a project located within an airport land use plan, or where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport, will the project result in a safety hazard for people working or residing in the project area? No impact. The closest airport to the project is John Wayne Airport, which is approximately four miles southeast of the project. The project site is not located within the John Wayne Airport land use plan. The operations at John Wayne Airport will not have any safety impacts to the proposed self-storage facility or development allowed by the Specific Plan.

f) For a project located within the vicinity of a private airstrip, would the project result in a safety hazard for people residing or working the project area? No Impact. There are no private airstrips within the vicinity of the project. The proposed self-storage project or development allowed by the Specific Plan will not be impacted by a private airport.

g) Impair implementation of or physically interfere with an adopted emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan? No Impact. All of the proposed improvements are located on private property and away from Harbor Boulevard, which could be used as an emergency evacuation route. The proposed self-storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan will not interfere with or impact an emergency evacuation route or emergency response plan.

h) Expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss, injury or death involving wildland fires, including were wildlands are adjacent to urbanized areas or where residences are intermixed areas The with Midlands? No Impact. There are no designated wildland fire in Fountain Valley. project site is not located in a designated wildland fire area and will not be exposed to or impacted by a wildland fire.


discharge requirements? Less Than Significant a) Violate any water quality standards or waste Plans Impact. A Preliminary Water Quality Management was prepared for the project. A copy of the Preliminary Water Quality Management Plan is included in Appendix D. l c During construction of the proposed self-storage project, silt could be generated from site, especially if occurs. construction occurs during the winter months when rainfall typically The City will require the project contractor to prepare a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan ( SWPPP) in accordance with California State Water Resources Control Board ( State Water Board), Construction General Permit Order 2009-0009-DWQ, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System ( NPDES) General Permit No. CAS618030 ( Permit). The SWPPP will require the contractor to implement Best Available Technology Economically Achievable measures to reduce and eliminate storm water pollution from all construction activity through the implementation of Best Management Practices (BMPs). The purpose of the SWPPP is to identify pollutant sources that may affect the quality of the storm water that will be discharged from the site during all construction activity. The SWPPP will require the contractor to identify, construct, and implement the storm water pollution prevention measures and BMPs that are necessary to reduce pollutants that are present in the storm water that is discharged from the site during construction. The SWPPP will include specific BMPs that must be installed and implemented prior to the start of construction. The installation and maintenance of all required BMPs by the contractor during construction will reduce potential water quality impacts to less than significant. The project developer will be required to have a Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) approved by the City prior to the start of grading. The project applicant has prepared a preliminary WQMP that

B Preliminary Water Quality Management Plan, Fountain Valley Self Storage Facility, DRC Engineering, Inc., December 15, 2014. Nuo)

Page 45 Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Mitigated Negative Declaration— January 12, 2016 I

se identifies the Best Management Practices ( BMPs) that will be used on- site to control the pollutants during the life of the project that are predictable by the project from entering the storm water runoff from the site. The types of pollutants that are anticipated to be generated during the life of the project I include suspended solids, sediment, nutrients, heavy metals, pathogens, oil and grease, trash and debris, etc. The State required WQMP identifies the measures that will be included in the project including use of a retention/detention basin, storm water clarifier, and catch basins with BMPs. 1 The preliminary WQMP states that on- site surface water flows will be directed to an 800 square foot bio retention area proposed along the west project boundary. The bio retention area will be approximately 8" deep and be fitted with filter inserts and connected to an underground infiltration system to filter site. Overflow from the underground filtration debris and materials from the surface water from the system will drain over the project driveway into Harbor Boulevard that is adjacent to and west of the I site. In addition, the self-storage project includes a 3,411 square foot underground infiltration area along the south side of the side of the site to collect the first 3 inch of rainfall for percolation. The City must review and approve the WQMP for compliance with State law prior to the issuance of a building permit for the self-storage facility. i The installation of and the regular maintenance of a required SWPPP and WQMP will reduce storm water runoff pollutants generated from the self-storage site during both project construction and the life I of the project to less than significant.

b) Substantially deplete groundwater supplies or interfere substantially with groundwater recharge Q such that there will be a net deficit in aquifer volume or a lowering of the local groundwater table level ( Le., the production rate of pre-existing nearby wells would drop to a level which ir would not support existing land uses or planned uses for which permits have been granted)? Less Than Significant Impact. The project will require the use of water for dust suppression during project grading and construction. The amount of water that will be required to control dust during grading and construction will be minimal and will not significantly impact existing groundwater supplies.

1 minimal water operations. The project will The proposed self-storage facility will consume during daily have approximately three employees and the amount of water that will be consumed on a daily basis by the employees will be minimal and not impact the City's ability to meet the demand of the project without impacting its local water supply.

i The overall project site is developed and almost completely covered with impermeable surfaces. Thus, there is very little area on the site currently that is available to absorb rainfall to recharge the local groundwater. The self-storage development that is proposed for the automobile storage site proposes of landscape area and will allow groundwater percolation. In addition, approximately 9, 199 square feet I the proposed 3,411 square foot underground infiltration system along the southern project boundary will allow additional groundwater recharge through on-site percolation. The project site is currently 100% impermeable, thus the project will increase the amount of area available for surface water percolation to

recharge the groundwater. Thus, the proposed self-storage project would have a positive impact to i percolation compared to the condition. The City receives groundwater by allowing increased existing its water supply from local wells and has stated that it has adequate capacity to meet the water supply 1 needs of the project. The project will not significantly deplete groundwater supplies or cause a drop in production rates of wells. The proposed self-storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan will have a less than significant impact on groundwater supplies.

A c) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river, in a manner, which would result in substantial erosion or siltation on or off site? No Impact. The surface runoff on the site currently drains in two

Page 46 Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan i Mitigated Negative Declaration- January 12, 2016 EI. I

I i s I s

440) directions. Surface water runoff on the proposed self-storage site currently sheet flows in a westerly ' direction into Harbor Boulevard. Because of the increase in pervious area on the site for surface water percolation, the proposed self-storage project will reduce the amount of storm water that is presently generated from the site during a peak storm event from the current 2.79 cubic feet per second (cfs) to self-storage 2.48 cfs with the development of the proposed facility. The existing on- site drainage altered the project. The proposed storm drain collection and pattern will not be significantly by underground bio retention system will adequately control the post-development runoff of the project, which will be less than the existing condition. As a result, the runoff from the proposed self-storage site will not alter the course of any downstream streams or rivers or cause substantial erosion or siltation downstream of the site.

parcels within the Specific Plan. The No development is proposed at this time for the two remaining proposed self-storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan will not have any erosion or siltation impacts on or off the site.

d) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river, in a manner, which would result in flooding on or off site? No Impact. As discussed in Section " IX.c" above, the proposed self-storage project will not alter the existing drainage patterns on the site. The existing drainage patterns on the self-storage site to the west to Harbor Boulevard will remain with the development of the self-storage facility. Maintaining the existing on-site drainage pattern along with the proposed underground storm water bio retention system will prevent significant flooding impacts on or off the self-storage site. Since no development is proposed for the two remaining parcels of the Specific Plan no significant drainage pattern impacts would occur on either parcel. The proposed self-storage facility and the E . I development allowed by the Specific Plan will not have any erosion or siltation impacts on or off the yrii) site.

e) Create or contribute runoff water, which would exceed the capacity of existing or planned storm water drainage systems or provide substantial additional sources ofpolluted runoff? No Impact. As discussed in Section " IX.c" above, the storm water runoff from the proposed self-storage facility will be less than the current condition by approximately 0.31 cfs. The project will not impact the capacity of I the storm water drainage systems that currently serves the site, but rather increase its capacity by generating less storm water compared to the current condition. j The project will be required to treat surface water runoff prior to its discharge to meet Regional Water Quality Control Board water quality requirements and provide safeguards that surface water runoff will not provide sources of polluted runoff. As discussed in Section " IX.a" above, a Preliminary WQMP, has I been prepared and states that an 800 square foot bio retention area will be installed along the west

project boundary and maintained to remove and prevent most project generated pollutantsThe installationfrom the the site into the local storm drain system. storm water prior to being discharge from I and maintenance of the BMPs in compliance with the WQMP will reduce and filter most project runoff pollutants. The proposed self-storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan will not impact surface water quality.

f) Otherwise substantially degrade water quality? No Impact. Please see Section "IX.e" above.

g) Place housing within a 100-year flood hazard area as mapped on a Federal Flood Hazard other flood hazard delineation map? No Impact. The s Boundary or Flood Insurance Rate Map or Furthermore, the site is located in flood zone X, project does not propose to construct any housing.

3 Page 47 Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Mitigated Negative Declaration— January 12, 2016 I

I which is outside the 100-year flood plain of the Santa Ana River. The proposed self-storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan and will not be impacted by a flood hazard.

I h) Place within a 100-year flood hazard area structures that will Impede or redirect flood flows? No 1 Impact. The project is outside the 100- year flood plain of the Santa Ana River. Therefore, the i I proposed self-storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan will not have an impact with placing structures within a 100-year flood hazard area and impeding or redirecting flood flows. r

i) Expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss, injury or death involving flooding, e including flooding as a result of a levee or dam? Less Than Significant Impact. The levee along the Santa Ana River that is adjacent to and east of the project site was constructed to FEMA 100- year I standards. The risk due to a levee break at the Santa Ana River is considered low and will not I significantly impact the project. The project will not expose people to any greater flooding than the condition. I existing I I The project site is located approximately twenty miles downstream of Prado Dam, which is on the is part of a regional flood control system and on- flood protection I Santa Ana River. Prado Dam going 5 upgrades and improvements to protect downstream flooding. The proposed self-storage facility and the 5 development allowed by the Specific Plan will have a less than significant impact with regards to I

exposing the project to flooding from a Santa Ana levee or Prado dam failure. t

j) inundation by seiche, tsunami, or mudflow? No Impact. There are no bodies of water adjacent to or 1 in close proximity to the site that could impact the project due to a seiche. The site is more than six I miles from the Pacific Ocean and approximately 50 feet above sea level. The Fountain Valley General Plan does not identify any portion of the city at risk due to a tsunami. There are no hillsides or other my geotechnical conditions either on or adjacent to the project that would inundate the site due to a mudflow. The proposed self-storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan will not be impacted by a seiche, tsunami, or mudflow. t s X. LAND USE AND PLANNING: Will the project: 1 t I a) Physically divide an established community? No Impact. The project is an infill site surrounded by I commercial use to the north and south, the Santa Ana River to the east and residential use to the west, west of Harbor Boulevard. The proposed self-storage facility will replace an existing automobile storage business. The two remaining properties, including the building supply company and the self- I storage facility, will continue to operate as they currently exist and no development is proposed for either site at this time. The Specific Plan will not divide or significantly impact any of the established commercial and residential communities adjacent to the site. The development allowed by the Specific 1 Plan will not impact an established community. F

b) Conflict with applicable land use plan, policy, or regulation of an agency with jurisdiction over 1 the project (including, but not limited to general plan, specific plan, local coastal program, or zoning ordinance) adopted for the purpose of avoiding or mitigating an environmental effect? Less Than Significant Impact. The current General Plan land use designation for the area of the current The proposed Specific Plan is Commercial Manufacturing and the zoning is M1 Manufacturing. I M1 zone allows a FAR of 0.60. While self-storage facilities are allowed in the M1 zone with approval of I a Conditional Use Permit ( CUP), the project will require a zone change from M- 1 to Specific Plan ( SP) g I to be consistent with the proposed Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan, if approved. The SP I zone will establish the development standards for the project based on the standards set-forth in the g Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan. I 11, I Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Page 48 12, 2016 I Mitigated Negative Declaration— January q i III E


The existing self-storage facility at the southern end of the Specific Plan site was approved by the County of Orange with a Use Permit in 1983. The entire Specific Plan area was annexed by Fountain Valley in 2009. The FAR of the proposed self-storage facility is 1. 11, which exceeds the allowed FAR of 0.60 in the M1 zone and conflicts with the M1 zone development standards. The development of the 1. 947 acre self- square feet of self-storage storage site at a 0. 60 FAR would allow the development of up to 50,965 i! space. The project proposes 96,733 of self-storage space, or 45,768 square feet more than allowed by the 0.60 FAR. The current maximum FAR in the Commercial Manufacturing land use designation and the M1 zone is 0.60 FAR. Prior to the City of Fountain Valley General Plan update in 1995 and the Development Code ( zoning code) update in 2000, the maximum FAR in the MI Manufacturing zone was 1. 0 FAR. There are five (5) existing self-storage uses in the City of Fountain Valley. Four( 4) of the five ( 5) were approved prior to the FAR change in General Plan Update in 1995. Of these four( 4), three 3) of them have FAR's between 0.60 and 1. 0; the other has a FAR of 0.46 FAR. The self-storage use approved after the General Plan Update of 1995 has a FAR of 0. 60 FAR.

The proposed three-story self-storage building is approximately 38'8" tall and set-back approximately 150 feet east of Harbor Boulevard. This proposed set-back will somewhat buffer the project from motorist on Harbor Boulevard and the existing residents west of Harbor Boulevard. The other existing land uses surrounding the site include commercial uses to the north and the Santa Ana River to the east and south. While the proposed self-storage facility exceeds the current allowable 0. 60 FAR in the M1 zone by 45,846 square feet, the additional self-storage space would not have any significant land use impacts with the adjacent surrounding land uses. The proposed self-storage facility will meet all Specific Plan. I other development standards proposed in the Harbor Boulevard South Island

of several applicable goals and policies of the Land The proposed self-storage facility meets the intent viii Use Element of the General Plan, which include: Goal 2. 1, " Maintain and enhance high quality development throughout the City." and Policy 2. 1. 1, Encourage variety, quality, consistency and innovation in land use practice," and Policy 2. 1. 3, " Promote quality commercial and industrial development."

Self Storage will remain as The other two properties, including ABC Roofing Supply and A- 1 they I There is no development proposed currently exist and continue to operate in their existing capacities. I will not conflict with the M1 zone. for either site at this time. The continued use of the existing uses I The Specific Plan proposes to increase the allowable FAR of the existing A-1 Self Storage site Planning Area 3 in the proposed Specific Plan) from the current 0.60 to 1. 11 for self-storage use only, project. Approval of I which would be consistent with the FAR requested for the proposed self-storage f the Specific Plan would allow the A-1 Self Storage facility to increase from its current 59, 178 square feet of self-storage to 81, 375 square feet, an increase of 22, 197 square feet. An increase in the not result in development of 22, 197 additional square feet on the A- 1 Self Storage site would any I uses because the Santa Ana I significant land use impacts with any of the adjacent surrounding land Materials Warehouse is I River extends along the east and southern project boundary, the ABC Roofing adjacent to and north of the site and the site is separated from the residential development to the west by Harbor Boulevard. i I Warehouse site ( Area 2 in the The existing development on the ABC Roofing Materials Planning square The current M1 zone allows the site to be I proposed Specific Plan) totals 15, 650 feet. developed with a FAR of 0.60, which allows the development of up to 74,801 square feet, an increase site. The proposed Specific Plan of 59, 151 square feet compared to the existing development on the will allow a maximum 0.60 FAR for Planning Area 2 for any use. Therefore, the 0. 60 FAR proposed for

Page 49 Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan I Mitigated Negative Declaration— January 12, 2016 I E i

irthe site by SSpecificecific Plan would not change from the intensity of development currently allowed by the M1 development standards for Planning Area 2.

s The 1. 11 FAR proposed for the self-storage development at the north end of the Specific Plan Planning Area 1 in the proposed Specific Plan) and the A-1 Self-Storage facility (Planning Area 3 in the proposed Specific Plan) would conflict with the existing 0. 60 FAR development standard for the M1 I zone. The average FAR for the whole project will be 0. 885 FAR with 250,316 square feet of maximum building area and 6.492 acres of land. M From a land use standpoint, while the proposed 1. 11 FAR proposed for the two self-storage sites would conflict with the existing FAR of 0.60 allowed by the M1 zone, the development of self-storage facilities on the site at the proposed FAR of 1. 11 would not have any significant land use impacts with existing 1 surrounding land uses or traffic (see section "XVI"). c) Conflict with any applicable habitat conservation plan or natural community conservation plan? I No Impact. See response in Section " IV.f° above. The proposed self-storage facility and the I development allowed by the Specific Plan will not impact any habitat conservation plan or natural community conservation plan since none exist in the City of Fountain Valley.

I Xl. MINERAL RESOURCES: Will the project:

a) Result in the loss of availability of a known mineral resource that would be of value to the I region and the residents of the state? No Impact. The Fountain Valley General Plan does not adjacent properties. The geotechnical identify any locally important minerals either on the site or any feasibility report that was prepared for the self-storage site did not identify the presence of any mineral resources on the property. The proposed self-storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan will not result in the loss of a locally important mineral resource or impact mineral resources, a

b) Result in the loss of availability of a locally important mineral resource recovery site delineated on a local general plan, specific plan or other land use plan? No Impact. See Response to " Xl. a" 1 ` above. I XII. NOISE: Will the project result in:

f a) Exposure of persons to or generation of noise levels in excess of standards established in the local general plan or noise ordinance or applicable standards of other agencies? Less Than Significant Impact. A noise study7 was prepared for the Specific Plan and is included in Appendix E. i I The specific plan site is occupied by an existing surface automobile storage facility, roofing material supplier and a self-storage facility. The existing uses on the site generate noise associated with the E daily activities of each land use. The noise generated by the existing uses is not excessive and does not exceed any city noise standards. The project site is surrounded by existing commercial and residential uses. Traffic on Harbor Boulevard adjacent to and west of the project site generates the greatest noise levels in the immediate project vicinity. i On- site noise measurements were taken Thursday, June 18, 2015, at approximately 1: 40 PM to 2: 15 PM to determine the existing baseline noise levels in the project area. The locations of the noise measurements are shown in Figure 12.

Co' 7 Noise Impact Analysis, Storage Depot, City of Fountain Valley California, Giroux& Associates, June 19, 2015.

Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Page 50 Mitigated Negative Declaration-- January 12, 2016 a l 4111

The measured noise levels are shown in Table 14. One noise meter was placed approximately 80 feet east of the centerline of Harbor Boulevard. The measured existing Leq was 64 dB and equates to a Community Noise Equivalent Level ( CNEL) of 66 dB. A second noise meter was located at the closest residential receptors west of Harbor Boulevard. The meter was located at a stop sign on Goodale Avenue approximately 70 feet west of the centerline of Harbor Boulevard. The measured noise levels of 67 dB Leq equate to a CNEL of 69 dB. There is an existing noise wall along the west side of Harbor Boulevard that separates the residents from traffic noise on Harbor Boulevard. The homes are predominately single story in height and the existing noise wall provides at least a 5 dB attenuation level such that a sensitive receptor west of Harbor Boulevard would experience traffic noise levels of approximately 65 dB CNEL.

Figure 12 Noise Measurement Locations


V-44, ‘ Q14,,14,1,

s U

l y. I 61

I/ 1 2

2 2421'

Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Page Mitigated Negative Declaration January 12, 2016 51NIT 11. 0# Table 14 Short-Term Noise Measurements( dB[A])

Lmin L33 L53 L90 I Meter Lmax L10 Leq 58 56 64 63 62 Meter 1 64 72 56 47 70 67 65 E Meter 2 67 76 i

Noise Standards

I The Fountain Valley Municipal Code, Chapter 6.28.050 contains the City's noise standards and are shown in Table 15. The noise ordinance establishes exterior noise limits that cannot be exceeded at neighboring properties due to noise generated on private property. The noise standards are in terms of I noise levels that cannot be exceeded for a specified period of time. 2 The City's noise ordinance limits are stated in terms of a 30-minute limit with allowable deviations from the 50 n percentile standard. The louder the noise level, the shorter the time becomes that it is allowed to occur. The municipal code allows the " not to exceed" noise limits to be adjusted upwards if the background noise level exceeds the applicable noise standard.

Table 15 Fountain Valley Noise Ordinance Standards

Exterior Noise Noise Zone 1 Time Standard

7 a. m.- 10 p. m. 55 dB All properties located in 45 dB 10 p. m.-Periodfor7 a. m. residential zone districts

t The proposed self-storage project would have to meet the residential noise standards at the closest sensitive noise receptor, which are the residents west of Harbor Boulevard, approximately 150 feet I from the project site. The not to exceed noise value for these standards is as follows: I 1. The noise standard for a cumulative period of more than thirty (30) minutes in any hour; or 2) The noise standard plus five (5) dB(A) for a cumulative period of more than fifteen ( 15) minutes in 1 any hour; or 3) The noise standard plus ten ( 10) dB(A) for a cumulative period of more than five (5) minutes in any hour; or 4) The noise standard plus fifteen ( 15) dB(A) for a cumulative period of more than one ( 1) minute in 1 any hour; or 5) The noise standard plus twenty (20) dB(A) for any period of time. j The Fountain Valley Municipal Code has the following caveat:

t In the event the ambient noise level exceeds any of the first four noise limit categories set forth in subsection ( b) of this section, the cumulative period applicable to said category shall be increased

to reflect said ambient noise level. In the event the ambient noise level exceedsincreasedthe fifthto noisereflectlimitthe under said shall be i maximum allowable noise level category t category, the level. ( Ord. 806 § 2, 1976) 1 maximum ambient noise


Page 52 Plan Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific i Mitigated Negative Declaration- January 12, 2016 iiF. As shown earlier in Table 14, the existing noise levels at the residential units west of Harbor Boulevard meter 2) exceed the noise standards and warrant an upward noise level adjustment as allowed by the 3 Municipal Code. Project Traffic Noise The long-term noise concerns for the proposed self-storage facility include mobile noise from vehicles on area roadways. Noise impacts to the self-storage project by motor vehicle traffic on Harbor Boulevard were addressed using the California specific vehicle noise curves (CALVENO) in the federal Prediction Model, FHWA-RD- 77- 108). The the FHWA Traffic Noise roadway noise model ( Highway noise model calculates the Leq noise level for a particular reference set of input conditions and makes a series of adjustments for site-specific traffic volumes, distances, roadway speeds, or noise barriers. Table 16 summarizes the calculated 24-hour CNEL level at 50 feet from the roadway centerline along project area roadway segments for a posted 45 mph travel speed. Existing conditions, with and without project, were evaluated.

Table 16 Near Term Traffic Noise Impact Analysis CNEL in dB at 50 feet from Centerline)

Project Existing Existing Segment Road No Project With Project Impact 74. 1 0. 1 Harbor Blvd./ Edinger-Heil 74. 1 74. 1 0. 1 Harbor Blvd./ Heil-Warner 74. 1 0. 1 74.2 74.2 401) Harbor Blvd./ S. of Warner I i The noise levels on Harbor Boulevard with the project show no discernable project traffic noise level increase or impact. Because the project area is built-out, the addition of 462 net project trips per day to Harbor Boulevard is minimal. The increase in noise levels on the 42,000 vehicles per day on HarborexistingBoulevard in the project area will not be discernable, thus the project traffic noise impact is less than significant.

noise generator. The self- 1 not anticipated to be a significant The proposed self- storage project is diesel trucks and most of the cars and generate a significant number of noisy storage facility will not I gasoline powered trucks that will visit the site have a very low noise signature compared to dieselk west of the self-storage site. sensitive land use is more than 150 feet I powered trucks. The nearest This distance separation and the noise masking effect created by the traffic along Harbor Boulevard west of the site of substantial perception to the residents any M adjacent to the site will preclude any operational noise level increase. The estimated operational noise levels by the proposed self-storage project will not exceed the noise levels allowed by the Fountain Valley Municipal Code, Chapter 6. 28. 050.

would not proposed self-storage project Q noise levels generated the Based on the noise study, the by Boulevard and the noise impacts the residents west of Harbor a impact surrounding land uses or existing would be less than significant.

b) Exposure ofperson to or generation of excessive ground borne vibration or ground borne noise levels? No Impact. The project site is surrounded by commercial uses to the north, the Santa Ana Boulevard to the south and west. There are no groundborne River to the east and south and Harbor

Page 53 Boulevard South Island Specific Plan NJHarbor4 Mitigated Negative Declaration- January 12, 2016

i t cow vibration or ground borne noise sensitive land uses ( residential, hospital, senior housing, and library) adjacent to the proposed self-storage project.

Typical background vibration levels in residential areas are usually 50 VdB or lower and below the threshold of human perception. Perceptible vibration levels inside residences are typically attributed to the operation of heating and air conditioning systems, door slams or street traffic. Construction activities and street traffic are some of the most common external sources of vibration that can be perceptible inside residences.

Construction activities generate ground- borne vibration when heavy equipment travels over unpaved surfaces or when it is engaged in moving soil. The effects of ground- borne vibration include discernable movement of building floors, rattling of windows, shaking of items on shelves or hanging on walls, and rumbling sounds. Vibration related problems generally occur due to resonances in the structural components of a building because structures amplify groundborne vibration. Within the " soft" sedimentary surfaces of much of Southern California, ground vibration is quickly damped. Groundborne vibration is seldom annoying to people outdoors ( FTA 2006). F, Vibration is most commonly expressed in terms of the root mean square ( RMS) velocity of a vibrating object. RMS velocities are expressed in units of vibration decibels. The range of vibration decibels VdB) is as follows:

65 VdB - threshold of human perception 72 VdB - annoyance due to frequent events 80 VdB - annoyance due to infrequent events 94-98 VdB- minor cosmetic damage F Clov To determine potential impacts of the project's construction activities, estimates of vibration levels induced by the construction equipment at various distances are shown in Table 17.

Table 17 Approximate Vibration Levels Induced by Construction Equipment F

Equipment 25 feet 50 feet 100 feet 150 feet Large Bulldozer 87 81 75 71 Loaded Truck 86 80 74 70 1 Jackhammer 79 73 67 63 Small Bulldozer 58 52 46 42 FTA Transit Noise& Vibration Assessment, Chapter 12, Construction, 2006)

At the closest sensitive land use to the project, which are the residents west of Harbor Boulevard, due F to distance separation construction vibration will be less than the vibration annoyance threshold and far below the damage threshold. As a result, construction activity vibration impacts will be less than significant.

The adjacent commercial uses north of the proposed self-storage site are not considered a vibration F sensitive land use. Thus, the project would not have any significant ground borne or vibration impacts to the adjacent commercial use. The proposed self-storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan will not have any significant ground borne or vibration impacts.

c) A substantial permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels toyexisting without the project? Less Than Significant Impact. The site is designated for commercial

3 Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Page 54 s Mitigated Negative Declaration— January 12, 2016 i


I r

i commercial uses to the north, the Santa Ana River and manufacturing use and surrounded by existing and west. As discussed in Section " Xll. a" to the east and south and Harbor Boulevard to the south i above, the proposed self-storage project will not generate any noise levels that will significantly impact any adjacent land uses. The operational noise levels of the proposed self-storage facility and other uses allowed by the Specific Plan will, like the existing uses on the site, have to comply with Fountain Valley Municipal Code 6. 28. 050 as discussed in Section " XII. a" above. The existing land uses within the Specific Plan would continue to operate in their existing capacities and do not generate significant Because the proposed self-storage will not noise levels that exceed City noise standards. facility i generate any significant noise levels during its operation and would be required to comply with Fountain i Valley Municipal Code 6.28.050, the proposed self-storage facility would not have any significant uses. As a result, the permanent ambient noise level increases and impact surrounding land permanent noise level increases by the proposed self-storage facility and uses allowed by the Specific Plan will be less than significant.

d) A substantial temporary or periodic increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels existing without the project? Less Than Significant Impact. The existing noise levels on the proposed self-storage site and the noise levels in the immediate vicinity of the site will increase temporarily to construct the proposed self-storage facility. The short-term construction noise will be generated during demolition of the existing site improvements, grading and the construction of the proposed self-storage buildings and other improvements. Noise will also be generated by construction workers commuting to the site, materials and supplies being delivered to the site, the operation of electrical equipment, etc. All construction activity will be required to comply with the Fountain Valley of a. m. to 8 m. r Municipal Code, Chapter 6. 28 Noise Control that restricts construction to the hours 7 p. Monday through Friday and 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. on Saturday. Construction in Fountain Valley is not allowed on Sunday or legal holidays• I Nu) markedlybecause the noise strength of construction Temporary construction noise impacts will varya g used and its level. Much of the equipment ranges widely as a function of the equipment activity construction 1 proposed self-storage site is flat and will not require extensive heavy grading. The primary equipment noise sources to develop the project will be during fine grading and paving activities and and construct the self-storage project. As loader/backhoes and a dozer will likely be used to grade with equipment noise of F shown in Figure 13, this type of construction equipment is the noisiest approximately 85 dB(A) at 50 feet from the source.

I Construction noise levels are atmospherically attenuated by a factor of 6 dB per the doubling of the distance from the construction noise source. This noise level reduction assumes a clear line-of-sight with no other machinery or equipment noise in the area that could mask project construction noise. line- of-sight conditions and as a Buildings and other potential noise barriers that could interrupt the f sites would be reduced. result the potential " noise envelope" around individual construction 1

The nearest noise sensitive land use for the proposed self-storage project is west of Harbor Boulevard I construction equipment on the and more than 150 feet from the project site. In this case, a piece of I project site that generates a noise level of 85 dB equipment noise level at 50 feet from the source of Harbor Boulevard. Therefore, the would be reduced to less than 75 dB at the closest residence west t

project would not have any significant short-term construction noise impacts to any noise sensitive land 4 uses.

e) For a project located within an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport, will the project expose people residing or working no public airports in the of in the project area to excessive noise levels? No Impact. There are City I Fountain Valley or the immediate project vicinity. John Wayne Airport is the closest airport to the site

Page 55 Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan j Mitigated Negative Declaration— January 12, 2016 1

40. Figure 13

Typical Construction Equipment i Noise Generation Levels

Noise Level( dBA) at 50 Feet

70 80 90 100

mot R Compactors( Rollers)

Front Loaders toriemem

z Backhoes i a

Tractors Lu ? o @ ua Scrapers, Graders

a8mom Pavers

6 momemomm 1 Trucks v

tiiimti m Concrete Mixers f 1 Pumps am 3 22iCD o u n Cranes{ Movable)

CO al on c Cranes( Derrick)

1111" rli Pumps i CO Generators riot.

Compressors rommom "~

r_ 1: Pneumatic Wrenches

ti i Concrete and located approximately four miles southeast of the project. The project site is not located within the q0) land use plan of John Wayne Airport. Because the Specific Plan site is more than four miles from John Wayne Airport, the proposed self-storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan will not be impacted by noise levels at John Wayne Airport.

f) For a project located within the vicinity of a private airstrip, would the project result in a safety the project area? No Impact. There are no private airstrips hazard for people residing or working that would be impacted by the proposed self-storage project or development allowed by the Specific Plan.

Xlll. POPULATION AND HOUSING: Will the project:

a) Induce substantial population growth in an area, either directly( for example, by proposing new homes and businesses) or indirectly ( for example through extension of roads or other infrastructure)? Less Than Significant Impact. The proposed self-storage facility is estimated to employ 3 full time employees the first year with 2 full time and 2 part-time employees after the first year of operation. While some of the employees may move to Fountain Valley once employed by the

project, it is anticipated that most, if not all, of the employees will commute from their currentTherefore,place theof Fountain if live outside the city. residence and not move specifically to Valley they proposed self-storage project will not directly induce a substantial population growth in Fountain Valley. The other businesses within the Specific Plan will continue to operate as they presently exist and the Specific Plan will not change or impact their existing number of employees. if the existing ABC Roofing Materials Warehouse and the A-1 Self Storage businesses expand in the future, the additional people that would be employed by the expansions is not anticipated to substantially induce a growth in the

city's population because employees are anticipated to either live toin Fountain Valley orAswoulda result,commute any place of and not move specifically Valley. from their existing residency 4111) future expansion of the existing businesses as allowed by the Specific Plan is not anticipated to have a significant impact on the population growth in Fountain Valley. L i construction of necessitating the b) Displace substantial numbers of existing housing, replacement housing elsewhere? No Impact. There is no housing on the proposed self-storage site project. Furthermore, there is no housing on any of the other parcels that will be demolished by the within the Specific Plan. As a result, neither the proposed self-storage facility nor development allowed for the other two parcels by the Specific Plan will be required to construct replacement housing elsewhere in the City. The Specific Plan will not impact housing.

c) Displace substantial numbers ofpeople, necessitating the construction of replacement housing elsewhere? No Impact. As discussed in Section " XIII.b" above, there are no houses on the project site. The proposed self-storage project and development allowed by the Specific Plan will not displace any existing residents and require the construction of replacement housing.


a) Will the project result in substantial adverse physical impacts associated with the provision of governmental facilities, need for new or physically altered new or physically altered

governmental facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental impacts, in order to maintain acceptable service ratios, response times or other performance objectives for any of the public services:

i. Fire protection? Less Than Significant Impact. The Fountain Valley Fire Department will provide fire protection services to the project. The project could require fire protection services during al) Page 57 Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan 2016 Mitigated Negative Declaration- January 12, construction of the proposed self-storage facility for accidents or other on-site construction emergencies. Once constructed, the self-storage project will require operational fire protection services such as fire safety inspections, emergency calls for accidents, fires, etc. While the project will require fire protection services during both construction and the life of the project, any increase in the level of fire protection is not anticipated to significantly impact the Fire Department's ability to protection service to the community. The impact by an adequate level of fire thecontinueproposedto provideself-storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan on fire protection services will be less than significant.

Police protection? Less Than Significant Impact. The Fountain Valley Police Department will services to the project. The project could require police protection provide police protection services during construction of the self-storage facility to respond to theft, vandalism, accidents and emergencies. Once constructed, the self-storage project will construction related police otherrequire operational police services such as routine police patrols, vandalism, break-ins, and other

operational service calls. While the project will require construction and operational police protection services, any increase in the level of police protection is not anticipated to significantly impact the Police Department's ability to continue to provide an adequate level of service to the community. The impact by the proposed self-storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan on police protection services will be less than significant.

iii. Schools? No Impact. The project does not propose any housing will not directly generate any students. The project is located in the Garden Grove Unified School District and will be required to payconstructionthe Stateofrequiredthe proposeddeveloperself-storagefee to facility.the District Thepriordeveloperto thefeeissuancewill beofuseda buildingto off-setpermitthe costfor of any K-12 students that may be indirectly generated to the Garden Grove Unified School District by the project. The proposed self-storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan will not impact the Garden Grove Unified School District.

iv. Parks? No Impact. There are no aspects of the project that will impact park facilities in Fountain Valley. The proposed self-storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan will not impact existing parks.

v. Other public facilities? No Impact. There are no public facilities or services that will be impacted by the proposed self-storage facility or development allowed by the Specific Plan. g r E 6 XV. RECREATION

regional or other a) Would the project increase the use of existing neighborhood ll occur or be recreational facilities such that substantial physical deterioration of the finallity accelerated? No Impact. The proposed self-storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan will not impact recreation facilities. Please see Public Services Section" XIV.a.iv" above.

No b) Does the project include recreational facilities or require theeffectconstructionon the environment?or expansion of have an adverse physical recreational facilities that might proposes recreational facilities. nor the Specific Plan Neither the proposed self-storage facility TheImpact.p proposed self-storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan will not impact recreation facilities. Please see Public Services Section "XIV.a.iv" above. cot Page 58 Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan 12, 2016 Mitigated Negative Declaration— January wirks l

TRANSPORTATIONITRAFFIC: Will the project: XVI. i of ortation a) Conflict with an applicable plan, ordinance orpolicy establishingInto measures ofeffectiveness for system, the circulation taking clato the performance of onentsonenfs of thenc culatron travel and relevantp and non-motorized including mass transit Impact. A traffic was prepared system, including but not limited to intersections,Less Than Significant streets, highways and freeways, pedestrian and mass transit? t and bicycle paths,

sThisimated to for the project. A copy of the traffic report is included in Appendixat a 1.F.11 FR !

storage psty of 4 The proposed development of the 1AM and 44 PM trips. net number vehlcle taps day, including 63 vehicle tripstelytakes488 netinto account the vehicle trips that are currently generated by the existing vehicle storage use on the proposed self-storage site. The traffic report evaluated four area intersections that will serve the project to determine if the self- storage traffic would impact any of the four intersections. The four studied intersections include: 1 1. Harbor Boulevard and Edinger Avenue (signalized);

2. Harbor Boulevard and Heil Avenue (signalized); controlled); and Frontage Road ( one-way stop- i 3. Harbor Boulevard and i 4. Harbor Boulevard and Warner Avenue ( signalized);

used to te the peak hour Existing weekday 24-hour traffic counts were taken on CU)Thursday, analysisAprilis 23, 2015 to gather existing traffic volume data. The Intersection Capacity ed to capacity and generally expressed as a percent. volume of traffic using the intersectionp capacity ed at numoerrpanddepes of lanes The percentage represents that portion of thea guidehour torequired intersection traffic and provides J accommodate all determine a level of service also be used to intersection. This percentage toLcOalculate LOS foe the canrtions method is used the intersection. The 2000 HCM operations utilized capacity of t unsignalized intersections and is based on average intersection delay for the intersection as a whole. The HCM method is consistent with Caltrans procedures for determining LOS at unsignalized intersections. l

Table 18 shows the results of intersection level of service2015analysiscondition.for the Asstudyshown,area allintersections,study area unsignalized, for the signalized/ existing separatedintersectionsbycurrently operate at Level of Service C or better during AM and PM peak hours. The City of Fountain Valley minimum Level of Service is LOS D.

factor of 1% per year projectAopening year of 2017 was used as the Baseline toambientdeterminetrafficthe growthtraffic conditions at the time I anticipated to open. An storage is 1 tthe proposed self- facility development within 2015edvolumeseinl lth traffic hows oto the s. Table 19 was determ ne the 2017 taffic Harbor Corridor Mixed Use Plan San Ana I I Avenue intersection. The LOS at that study area intersection LOS for BaselineBoulevard2017 conditionsand Warneris the same as the existing 2015 exception of the Harbor with the other conditions, peak hours. ll forecast to decline from this intersection is hours s the existingintersections015 i tLOS during both peak are estimated to continue to operate at e0am

conditions. x

Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Traffic Impact Analysis, Fountain Valley, CA,VA Consulting, December 2015 i) Page 59 Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan 12, 2016 Mitigated Negative Declaration- January approximaeneratedslf-agtszationcomccountpmodesreport8abothdailya

Table 18 Existing (2015) Level of Service at Study Area Intersections E Existing( 2015) Signalized Intersections AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour ICU LOS ICU. :_ LOS

11 1. Harbor Blvd/ Edinger Ave 0.73 C 0. 68 B

t 2. Harbor Blvd/ Heil Ave 0.67 B 0. 57 A

4. Harbor Blvd/ Warner Ave 0.79 C 0. 79 C 4 1 Existing( 2015) AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour - Unsignalized Intersection Avg. Delay', I Avg. Delay( Sec.Neh) LOS '` ( Sec.Neh) LOS 3. Harbor Blvd/ Frontage Road 0.2 A 1. 8 A HCM- Sec/Delay) 1 Baseline 2017 with Project Conditions

Table 20 shows the calculated intersection level of service for the Baseline year 2017 compared with the traffic volumes by the project. As shown, the peak hour traffic volumes at all of the studied intersections will continue to operate at Level of Service D or better with no change from the Baseline

11100 2017 level of service. In addition, the roadways that are adjacent to the project are calculated to t operate below their design capacity, based on 24- hour volumes for Baseline 2017 with the project conditions. Table 20 shows that with the project generated trips, the four studied intersections are I forecast to continue to operate at an acceptable LOS ( LOS D or better) according to City of Fountain Valley performance criteria for forecast existing plus project conditions.

Harbor Boulevard and Frontage Road Intersection Analysis

A detailed operational, queuing and traffic signal warrant analysis based on peak hour volumes was at Boulevard. All traffic performed for the existing stop- controlled Frontage Road intersection Harbor that will be generated by the proposed self-storage project as well as any future on-site uses will access the site at this intersection. l A sensitivity analysis was prepared of the level of service and queuing analysis for the intersection considering a range of potential acceptable critical gaps for westbound left and right turns on the stop- controlled approach. The critical gap is the smallest time gap between vehicles as perceived by a stopped driver that will safely accommodate either a left or right turn from the Frontage Road onto Harbor Boulevard. The delay ( in seconds) to a driver while waiting for this critical gap to appear in the i controlled movement. The default flow of conflicting traffic is used to determine LOS for each stop- a right from the project l critical gap time is 6. 8 seconds to make a left turn and 6. 9 seconds to make turn l site at this intersection. g i Because the vast majority of traffic at the Harbor Boulevard and the Frontage Road intersection is not and estimated to be below 10 required to stop, the overall average delay at the intersection is low I considered, regardless of the r seconds per vehicle ( LOS A) for all existing and future traffic scenarios vehicles are required to specific critical gap values. However, on the westbound approach where stop 1 101

Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Page 60 Mitigated Negative Declaration— January 12, 2016 1 I 1 is-3 N 0: Q us C aQ O:0 m 0 I J. o "

0 io :_ a) 1

N i o e• m coNo a 0 0• o• L Q CD m C c 1 Q N w N O o m 0 0 m o_. mal p X Z ' i ac x R 0c a N a NCo m 2 O 2 co CO Cl 4) Q V o 0 o Q . a V u) Q C v 0 i o m Q 0 co c 0 I6.

z aa a G Z aD M CO r•-• 0 a TLO g m o tOti T4G)4+ CO NdVo 0 o V) a) v . T as 9 v c N n ' rn . U) g 0 Q U m 0 H % to 0 Q O J w T .'

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All PM peak hour conditions from the existing condition through 2017 with the project, the forecast delay for the westbound approach could be up to several minutes with a theoretical LOS F. Most of this delay on the westbound approach is associated with left-turns from the Frontage Road that requires Boulevard. acceptable gaps in the traffic in both directions on Harbor Nevertheless, the forecast delay values. For the Baseline 2017 with the project on the westbound approach is sensitive to critical gap conditions, the forecast worst case delay during the PM peak hour is reduced from 522.5 seconds to 174. 1 seconds with a 1. 0 second critical gap reduction. This delay is less than forecast delay for existing PM peak hour conditions ( 181. 3 seconds) considering a non-reduced critical gap value. The gap analysis shows that considering a reasonable range of critical gaps, existing worst case peak hour delay on the frontage road could vary from over one to several minutes with existing traffic volumes and could vary from three to nine minutes with the estimated traffic that would be generated by the uses allowed by the Specific Plan. The highest Specific Plan traffic volumes on the westbound hour trips. Furthermore, the 95th frontage road approach are estimated to be less than 50 PM peak percentile left-turn queue on the westbound approach is estimated to be between 75 to 100 feet (3 to 4 vehicles), which can easily be accommodated on the frontage road, if necessary. Also, the southbound left turn from Harbor Boulevard onto the Frontage Road has an estimated nominal 95th percentile t queue length. Although a worst case delay between 3 to 9 minutes is calculated for the westbound frontage road traffic, it is unlikely that motorists would sit and wait up to 9 minutes to make a left southbound turn onto Harbor Boulevard. Rather, it is anticipated that motorists would make a right turn in lieu of left turns at and Heil Avenue intersection. The Harbor Boulevard and make legal u- turns at the Harbor Boulevard intersection at Heil Avenue and Harbor Boulevard has excess capacity and could accommodate the

additional project traffic with a high level of service. In addition, because a user trip to a self-storage unit is discretionary, it is reasonable to assume that some drivers would shift trips to off-peak hours if they considered the delays at the Frontage Road and Harbor Boulevard intersection to be excessive. The peak hour traffic forecasts on the Harbor Boulevard and Frontage Road intersection do not meet the minimum thresholds to satisfy traffic signal warrants. Thus, a traffic signal is not warranted at this intersection.

The proposed self-storage facility will not have any significant traffic impacts to the local transportation system. Should development proposals for the two remaining properties as allowed by the Specific Plan be submitted in the future, those projects will be analyzed in accordance with CEQA at the time the development plans are submitted to the City for approval.

b) Conflict with an applicable congestion management program, including, but not limited to level of service standards and travel demand measures, or other standards established by the county roads or highways? No Impact. The Orange congestion management agency for designated County Congestion Management Program ( CMP), to which the City of Fountain Valley subscribes, requires the preparation of a detailed Traffic Impact Analysis ( TIA) for any project that generates over a CMP route. The estimated 462 net 2,400 daily trips, or adds more than 1, 600 average daily trips to daily vehicle trips will not require the preparation of a project TIA or add more than 1, 600 average daily trips to a CMP route. Thus, the self-storage project will not individually or cumulatively exceed the level of service standard by the CMP for the preparation of a TIA. The proposed self-storage facility or the

Page 63 Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan vii) Mitigated Negative Declaration— January 12, 2016 I co development allowed by the Specific Plan will not impact a CMP roadway or cause roadway


c) Result in a change in air traffic patterns, including either an increase in traffic levels or a change substantial risks? No Impact. John Wayne airport is located location that results in safety in airport the site. The self-storage project and the closest to i four miles southeast of the approximatelyproject would not change air traffic patterns or have substantial safety risks at John Wayne airport. The proposed self-storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan will not be impacted by or impact air traffic patterns at John Wayne airport.

e The traffic study also analyzed the development of all propertiesThewithintrafficthe specificalsoplananalyzedat the same storage which s 1. 11. as the proposed self- facility, r FAR of aufew other existing lf- development of all properties at a FAR of 1. 0, whit is the floor area ratio storage facilities in Fountain Valley. Table 21 shows the traffic that would be generated with the development of all properties at a FAR of

1. 11 and 1. 0. As shown, the development of all self-storage use at a FARtripsofat1. a0 1.would11 FAR.generate The proposed project and 8 fewer 85 fewer daily trips than the approxirriatelyreason the project would generate fewer trips compared to the proposed project, even though the entire I site would be developed at a FAR of 1. 11, is because self-storage generates fewer daily vehicle trips than the existing ABC Roofing company. Therefore, increasing thelevelFARofof servicethe site ofwiththeallstudiedself-storagearea traffic than the project. With that, use would generate less intersections would be the same as or less than the level of service of the proposed project.

Table 21 Ratios for Mini-Warehouse Use Generation of Alternative Floor Area 11110 Trip f AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour 1. 0 FAR Volume Volume j 24- Hr Out Total In Out Total In Land Use FAR Quantity Weekday sf) i 32 62 49 13 43 11 0. 6 59, 151 314 1. Mini-Warehouse( ABC Roofing Site) 7 5 22 11 11 0 84, 811 212 12 2. Mini-Warehouse( Storage 1. Depot) 2 2 1 1 4 2 1. 0 14, 133 35 3. Mini-Warehouse( A- 1 Self- Storage) 29) 7) ( 22) 117) ( 15) ( 8) ( 7) ( Exist. Pre-Owned Auto 40 17 23 Dealership Use 444 61 49 12 Net Trip Generation 1 AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour 1. 11 FAR Volume 24- Hr Volume Out Total In Out Total In Land Use FAR Quantity Weekday sf)

32 62 49 13 43 11 0.6 59, 151 314 1. Mini-Warehouse( Ex. ABC Site) 12 Roofing 13 7 6 24 12 1. 11 94, 140 235 Clio' 2. Mini-Warehouse ( Storage Page 64 Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Mitigated Negative Declaration— January 12, 2016 1 Ethesey i

Depot) 197 55 3 2 1 6 3 3 3. MiniWarehouse (A-1 Self- 1. 11 22, Storage) 117) ( 15) ( 8) ( 7) ( 29) ( 7) ( 22) Exist. Pre- Owned Auto Dealership Use 50 73 44 19 25 Net Trip Generation 487 63

A parking demand study was conducted at the existing A-1 Self Storage facility at the southern end of the project in April 2015. The A-1 Self Storage facility provides seven ( 7) parking spaces including six rental office and outside of space. The 7 spaces are located at the i parking spaces and one handicap the access control gate. Storage customers can also park inside the gated area within the alleys between the storage buildings while accessing their storage units. The peak parking demand occurred during the 12 noon hour with 9 accumulated vehicles and included vehicles parked at the rental office and also cars parked at the storage units inside the gated area. Based on an existing 59,178 square feet of the site, the observed peak parking demand equals 1. 52 square feet of self-storage space. Typically, parking space supply should parking spaces per 10, 000 be approximately 15% higher than the demand to allow for a nominal overage and circulation

considerations. Therefore, based on the observed peak parking demand, parking at 1. 75 spaces per 10,000 square feet is recommended as a conservative parking space need for the proposed Storage Depot project. i The proposed Storage Depot project proposes a total of 22 regular parking spaces, 1 handicap space and 1 loading space. Based on the proposed 94,140 square feet of self-storage, the 23 proposed parking spaces equates to a parking space rate of 2.44 spaces per 10,000 square feet, which is 60% more than the parking spaces currently provided for the existing A-1 Self Storage facility and almost 40% higher than the recommended rate of 1. 75 parking spaces per 10,000 square feet of self-storage. Therefore, the parking that is proposed for the Storage Depot project is adequate to meet the anticipated parking demand of the project and no significant parking impacts are anticipated.

design feature ( e. d) Substantially increase hazards due to a g., sharp curves or dangerous equipment)? Less Than Significant Impact. The intersections) or incompatible uses ( e.g., farm existing Harbor Boulevard frontage road will continue to provide access to the proposed self-storage businesses on the site. The project does not propose to i facility as well as the other two existing change or alter the design of the existing frontage road that current provides access to the project site. The proposed self-storage project proposes to maintain the existing driveway that currently serves the automobile auction site and would not alter or change its current design other than to meet current Fountain Valley driveway design standards. Any future driveway design changes or alterations of the other two properties would be evaluated in the future when, and if, development plans are submitted to the City for approval. The Specific Plan does not propose any site design features that will increase l traffic hazards to the entrance of the proposed self-storage facility or any other property within the Specific Plan. The proposed self-storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan will not have any significant transportation design impacts.

access? No Impact. The existing public streets and circulation e) Result in inadequateq emergencyg Y system will continue to provide adequate access to the existing and proposed uses within the Specific Plan for emergency vehicle access. Police, fire, paramedic/ambulance and other emergency vehicles will continue to have adequate access to respond to an on-site emergency. The proposed self-storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan will not impact emergency access to the site. r Page 65 Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Mitigated Negative Declaration— January 12, 2016 410 f) Conflict with adopted policies, plans or programs supporting alternative transportation ( e.g., bus turnouts, bicycle racks)? No Impact. There are no Orange County Transit Authority bus shelters properties within the Specific Plan. The closest or bus stops on the frontage road that serves the OCTA bus service line to the project is a north-south service on Harbor Boulevard (Line 43) adjacent to the site. The closest bus stop is on Harbor Boulevard at Warner Avenue, approximately one-quarter mile south of the project site. The Specific Plan does not propose to add a bus stop on the frontage 1 road the serves the site or propose any changes or modifications to the existing bus stops on Harbor Boulevard in the vicinity of the project. The self-storage project does not propose any on- site bicycle racks and the project is not required by the Fountain Valley Municipal Code to provide bicycle racks. 1 The proposed self-storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan will not conflict with or impact alternative transportation.


a) Exceed wastewater treatment requirements of the applicable Regional Water Quality Control Board? Less Than Significant Impact. The Orange County Sanitation Districts treats wastewater that is generated from the site. The proposed self-storage facility is estimated to generate approximately

gallonsa sself-storage 128 of wastewater per Twastewaterhe by of RegionalpropoWater will be required to meet all treatment Quality

r Board and the Orange County Sanitation Districts before a wastewater discharge permit will be issued. The receipt of a wastewater discharge permit by the project applicant will ensure the project meets or of Water Control Board. As a exceeds the wastewater treatment requirements the Regional Quality result, the project would not exceed the wastewater treatment requirements of the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board. The other existing businesses on the site will remain and their water future development of the two( consumption will not change due specifically to the project. Any

00. that will remain in their current condition consistent with the Specific Plan will increase the amount of wastewater that is currently generated. Based on the types of the existing uses, any size increase in the existing uses would not generate a quantity of wastewater that would exceed the wastewater Districts treatment plant. The proposed self- treatment requirements of the Orange County Sanitation 1 storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan will have a less than significant impact on wastewater treatment requirements.

b) Require or result in the construction of new water or wastewater treatment facilities or expansion of existing facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental effects? Less Than Significant impact. The existing water main in Harbor Boulevard has capacity to 1. provide the required water supply for both fire flow and the needs of the project without the need to construct new water supply facilities or expand existing facilities.

t The 8- inch sewer line in the frontage road adjacent to the site has adequate capacity to serve the site. t The Orange County Sanitation District has adequate capacity at the Fountain Valley Waste Water Treatment Plant ( Plant # 1) to treat the wastewater generated by the project without the need to treatment facilities. The proposed self-storage and 1 construct new or expand existing wastewater facility the development allowed by the Specific Plan will have less than significant impact to existing water and wastewater facilities. 1

c) Require or result in the construction of new storm water drainage facilities or expansion of effects? No facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental existing i storm water compared to the 1 Impact. The proposed self-storage project will generate less surface existing condition because there will be more pervious areas provided on the site to absorb rainfall than fF


s 80% of the water consumption, which is estimated to be 160 gallons/ day. 00, I 3 Page 66 Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan l Mitigated Negative Declaration— January 12, 2016 1 F

i wastewaterday. requirementsgeneratedthetheControlfacility the existing condition. New on- site storm drains and bio retention facilities will be constructed by the self-storage project to collect, retain and discharge surface storm water from the site to the existing off- site storm drain facilities. Because the project will generate less off-site storm water than the exiting condition, the project will not have to construct new or expand any existing off-site storm drain facilities. Therefore, the existing storm drain facilities that serve the site are adequate and new facilities will not have to be constructed or expanded. The proposed self-storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan will not have a significant storm drain capacity impact.

d) Have sufficient water supplies available to serve the project from existing entitlements and resources, or are new or expanded entitlements needed? Less Than Significant Impact. The 10 proposed self-storage facility is estimated to consume approximately160 gallons of water per day. The City has an adequate water supply to meet the demand of the project without impacting its local water supply. The proposed self-storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan will have a less than significant impact on water supply.

e) Result in a determination by the wastewater treatment provider that serves or may serve the project that it has adequate capacity to serve the project's projected demand in addition to the provider's existing commitments? Less Than Significant Impact. Please see Section " XVII. b" above.

t) Be served by a landfill with sufficient permitted capacity to accommodate the project's solid waste disposal needs? Less Than Significant Impact. The construction of the proposed self-storage facility will generate various types of debris during project construction. The concrete and asphalt that is removed from the proposed self-storage site can either be ground and reused on the site as base material for driveways or sold to a recycler. Other types of debris such as rocks, metal, wood, etc. that cannot be recycled would be hauled to a County landfill. Once operational, the self-storage project is estimated to generate approximately 580 pounds per dayil of solid waste.

Rainbow Transfer/Recycling is the current contract solid waste hauler for the City of Fountain Valley and would serve the project. The solid waste that is collected in Fountain Valley is taken to Rainbow's Materials Recovery Facility ( MRF) in Huntington Beach. All recyclables are recovered and the remaining solid waste is taken to the Bee Canyon landfill. The City of Fountain Valley adopted a Source Reduction and Recycling Element (SRRE) in 1992 that outlines the City's commitment to a 25% solid waste reduction by 1995 and a 50% reduction by 2000. The solid waste generated by the project will be recycled and the materials that cannot be recycled would be hauled to the Bee Canyon landfill. The city' s waste hauler would actively recycle the solid waste generated by the proposed self-storage project and any future expansion allowed by the Specific Plan to reduce the amount of material that is hauled to Bee Canyon landfill. The proposed self-storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan will not have a significant solid waste impact on the capacity of the Bee Canyon landfill.

g) Comply with federal, state, and local statutes and regulations related to solid waste? No Impact, The City of Fountain Valley complies with all federal, state, and local statutes and regulations related to solid waste. The proposed self-storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan will not have any solid waste impacts because all development will be required to comply will all applicable solid waste statues and regulations and large quantities of solid waste will not be generated.


A0 Information provided by project applicant. http://www.calrecycle.ca.Qov/wastechar/wastegenratesfCommercial. htmWaste. Office at 0.006 pounds/sq.ft./day. 414 Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Page 67 Mitigated Negative Declaration- January 12, 2016 NaiiI5E CW XVIII. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE:

a) Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal, or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? No Impact. The Specific Plan site is developed with existing uses including a vehicle storage facility, roofing material company and a self- There are no storage facility. The only vegetation on the site includes introduced landscaping. important plants or wildlife on the site that would be significantly impacted by the development allowed by the Specific Plan. Similarly, there are no examples of California history or prehistory on the site or suspected to be found on the site that would be impacted. The proposed self-storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan will not impact biological or historical impacts.

b) Does the project have impacts that are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? Cumulatively considerable" means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects, and the effects of probable future projects.) Less Than Significant Impact. Based on the air quality report prepared for the self-storage project, the short-term construction emissions and the long-term operational emissions will be less than and not exceed any adopted air emission thresholds. Similarly, the project will not have any individual or cumulative noise or traffic impacts. The project will not have any significant individual or cumulative impacts. There has not been any project impacts identified that along with the development of the cumulative projects would result in any significant cumulative impacts.

c) Does the project have environmental effects that will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? Less Than Significant Impact. There are no impacts associated with either the proposed self-storage facility or the development allowed by the Specific Plan that would cause substantial adverse effects and significantly impact human beings either directly or indirectly.






Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Page 68 Mitigated Negative Declaration— January 12, 2016 Appendices for the adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration are available upon request from the Planning Department




Lead Agency:

City of Fountain Valley 10200 Slater Avenue Fountain Valley, CA 92708 714) 593- 4400

Project Proponent:

CooSanta Ana RV Storage, L. P. 130 W. 3rd Street Tustin, CA 92780 949) 515- 7901

Environmental Consultant:

Phil Martin & Associates 4860 Irvine Boulevard, Suite 203 Irvine, California 92620 949) 454- 1800

February 10, 2016








APPENDICES 4411 APPENDIX A- Caster Properties Letter


Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan—--February 10, 2016 Page i Mitigated Negative Declaration— Response to Comments Co,



This Response to Comments document contains the public agency comments received during the public review period of the Mitigated Negative Declaration, a list of the public agencies commenting on the Mitigated Negative Declaration and the responses of the City of Fountain Valley, as the lead agency, to the environmental points that were raised in the public agency comment.


Project Location

The Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan project totals approximately 6. 5 acres and is located at 16790- 16842 South Harbor Boulevard, along the east side of Harbor Boulevard and north of the Santa Ana River. The project site is divided into three planning areas with a used vehicle storage and used car sales facility in Planning Area ' 1, the ABC Roofing company in Planning Area 2 and the A- 1 Self-Storage facility in Planning Area 3. The project site is surrounded by existing urban development including single-family detached residences to the west, commercial uses to the south and north and the Santa Ana River channel adjacent to and east of the site.

Description of Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan

The project applicant proposes to construct a self-storage facility on a 1. 947 acre irregularly shaped parcel in the north end of the Specific Plan ( Planning Area 1) with 644 self-storage units in two buildings that total 96,733 square feet. The self-storage project proposes 23 parking spaces with 9 spaces adjacent to the customer service office including one accessible parking space, and another 14 spaces on the site behind an automatic gate that will provide site access to the self-storage units. All of the buildings are contemporary in design and include textured masonry, prefinished insulated metal panels, and aluminum glazing on all sides of the building. There will be 3 full time employees the first year with 2 full time and 2 part-time employees after the first year of operation. Planning Areas 1 and 3 can be built to a maximum Floor Area Ratio FAR) of 1. 11 for self-storage use only. All other uses are limited to 0. 60 FAR. Planning Area 2 can be built to a maximum FAR of 0.60 for any use. The average FAR for the entire project will be 0. 885 FAR with 250, 316 square feet of maximum building area on 6.492 acres of land.


The Mitigated Negative Declaration was circulated for a 20-day public review period pursuant to CEQA Guideline § 15105( a) from January 14, 2016 to February 3, 2016. The notice of availability of the Mitigated Negative Declaration was filed with the Orange County Clerk Recorder.

The Mitigated Negative Declaration is an informational document, intended to disclose the environmental consequences of approving and constructing the proposed Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan project. All written comments received during the 20-day public review period are addressed in this Response to Comments document.

Chapter 1— Introduction and List of Commenters milk 1. 0- 1

k g' Cr.


Responses to comments received on the Mitigated Negative Declaration during the public review period are presented in Chapter 2, Comments and Responses. The City received one comment letter. The comment tetter is numbered at the top and bracketed to indicate how the letter has been divided into individual comments. Each comment is designated a number with the letter number appearing first, followed by the comment number. For example, Letter 1 would have the following format: 1- 1. The bracketed letter precedes responses to the letter's comments in Chapter 2 of this Response to Comments.

The comment received to the Mitigated Negative Declaration by the City of Fountain Valley has been carefully reviewed. The comment received was evaluated based on environmental issues raised. The information provided in the responses to comments provides clarifications and additional information necessary for the decision makers and the public to understand the environmental consequences of the proposed project and for the decision makers to act on the project. All responses to comments contain a good faith reasoned effort at full disclosure regarding the disposition of these significant environmental issues.


The following is the only letter received on the Mitigated Negative Declaration with an identifying letter number, the agency that submitted the letter, and the date of letter. A copy of the letter is attached in Appendix A.

1. Letter 1 — Brian Caster, Caster Properties, Inc., January 27, 2016.


The Mitigation Monitoring Program for the Harbor Boulevard South island Specific Plan project includes a description of the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act, a list of the mitigation measures identified by the Mitigated Negative Declaration and a compliance checklist. The intent of the Mitigation Monitoring Program is to provide a mechanism to prescribe and enforce a means for properly and successfully implementing the mitigation measures as identified within the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the project. The Mitigation Monitoring Program is provided in Chapter 3.

Chapter 1— Introduction and List of Commenters

1. 0- 2 r(


e t(


jI IIfFtEF1tEsI Letter 1: Brian Caster, Caster Properties, Inc.


A- 1 objects to the requirement in the Plan that "[ a] II non- conforming signs, such as billboards and pole signs, shall be removed within 15 years of the approval of this Specific Plan." Plan, at p. 37. Such requirement violates the Outdoor Advertising Act ( Bus. & Prof. Code, § 5200 et seq.), which provides, among other things, the following protection for owners of advertising displays:

No advertising display which was lawfully erected anywhere within this state shall be compelled to be removed, nor shall its customary maintenance or use be limited, whether or not the removal or limitation is pursuant to or because of this chapter or any other law, ordinance, or regulation of any governmental entity, without payment of compensation ... .

Bus. & Prof. Code, § 5412. In that regard, the Plan fails to provide the owners of any non- conforming signs any compensation for the forced removal of their signs as required by law. In addition, the requirement in the Plan that all non- conforming signs be removed within fifteen 15) years of approval of the Plan may also violate the First Amendment right to free speech. See, Metromedia v. City of San Diego, 453 U. S. 490 ( 1981); see also, Central Hudson Gas & Elec. v. Public Svc. Comm' n, 477 U. S. 557( 1980).


C, The comment is noted. The comment does not raise any CEQA issues. Therefore, no response is required by CEQA.


Chapter 2— Response to Comments C., 2.0- 1 3. 0 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM



8 I6 IW


3. 1 Introduction

This is the Mitigation Monitoring Program ( MMP) for the Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan project. It has been prepared pursuant to the requirements of Public Resources Code 21081. 6 which, among other things, states that when a governmental agency adopts or certifies a CEQA document that contains the environmental review of a proposed project, "The public agency shall adopt a reporting or monitoring program for the changes made to the project or conditions of project approval, adopted in order to mitigate or avoid significant effects on the environment. The reporting or monitoring program shall be designed to ensure compliance during project implementation."

The City of Fountain Valley is the lead agency for the project, and is therefore, responsible for administering and implementing of the MMP. The decision- makers must define specific reporting and/ or monitoring requirements to be enforced during project implementation prior to final approval of the proposed project.

3. 2 Monitoring and Reporting Procedures

This MMP includes the following information: ( 1) mitigation measures that will either eliminate or lessen the potential impact from the project; (2) the monitoring milestone or phase during which the measure should be complied with or carried out; (3) the enforcement agency responsible for monitoring mitigation measure compliance; and ( 4) the initials of the person verifying the mitigation measure was completed and the date of verification. 0' The MMP will be in place through all phases of a project including project design

preconstruction), project approval, project construction, and operation ( both prior to and post- occupancy). The City will ensure that monitoring is documented through periodic reports and that deficiencies are promptly corrected. The designated environmental monitor will track and document compliance with mitigation measures, note any problems that may result, and take appropriate action to rectify problems.

Each mitigation measure is listed and categorized by impact area, with an accompanying discussion of:

The phase of the project during which the measure should be monitored; o Project review and prior to project approval During grading or building plan check review and prior to issuance of a grading or building permit On- going during construction Throughout the life of the project The enforcement agency; and The initials of the person verifying completion of the mitigation measure and date. The MMP is provided as Table 3- 1 ( Mitigation and Monitoring Program).

Chapter 3— Mitigation Monitoring Program 3. 0- 1 O 2, m ei 1 c al

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m Q m Uca ) APPENDIX A

Comment Letter




46) 1


9 q5 Letter 1

CASTER Properties, Inc, EE Famdy owned business since 1959'

4607 Mission Gorge Place San Diego, CA 92120 Phone( 619) 287.8873 Fax( 619)

awv.alstorag . com RECEIVED

January 27, 2016 2 8 2016


Mr. Steven Ayers Planner fi City of Fountain Valley 10200 Slater Avenue Fountain Valley, CA 92708

Dear Mr. Ayers,

A- 1 objects to the requirement in the Plan that "[ a] ll non-conforming signs, such as billboards and pole signs, shall be removed within 15 years of the approval of this Specific Plan." Act( Bus.& Prof. Code, § 5200 et Plan, at p. 37. Such requirement violates the Outdoor Advertising seq.), which provides, among other things, the following protection for owners of advertising displays:

N] o advertising display which was lawfully erected anywhere within this state shall be compelled to be removed, nor shall its customary maintenance or use be limited, whether or not the removal or limitation is pursuant to or because of this chapter or any other law, 1. 1 ordinance, or regulation of any governmental entity, without payment

of compensation....

Bus. & Prof. Code, § 5412. In that regard, the Plan fails to provide the owners of any non-

compensation for the removal of their signs as required law. In conforming signs any forced by addition, the requirement in the Plan that all non-conforming signs be removed within fifteen ( 15) Amendment right to free speech. See, years of approval of the Plan may also violate the First Central Hudson Gas & Elec. v. Metromedia v. City of San Diego, 453 U. S. 490 ( 1981); see also, Public Svc. Conrm' n, 477 U. S. 557( 1980). A- 1 appreciates the opportunity to comment on the Plan. Please contact me at( 619)287- 8873 ext. 117 once you have had a chance to review these comments if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you.

it ee' ely Oft Caster O Self Storage co, J Environmental Checklist For CEQA Compliance

F. Project Sponsor' s Name and Address: Santa Ana RV Storage, L. P. 130 W. 3`d Street Tustin, CA 92780 949) 515-7901

G. General PlanlZoning Designations: The Fountain Valley General Plan land use designation for the site and the property to the north is Commercial Manufacturing. The Santa Ana River is adjacent to and east and south of the site and to the west, west of Harbor Boulevard, the land use designations are Low Density Residential, Medium Density Residential and Low Medium Density Residential.

The zoning of the site and the property north of the site is M1 ( Manufacturing). The Santa Ana River is adjacent to and east and south of the site and to the west, west of Harbor Boulevard, the zoning is R1, Single Family Residential, R3, Medium Density Multiple Dwelling, and GH, Garden Homes.

H. Description of Project: The project applicant proposes the Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan (" Specific Plan") for approximately 6.5 acres along the east side of Harbor Boulevard and north of the Santa Ana River for the development of a self-storage facility and several existing uses on the site to upgrade to new development standards in the future. The 6.5 acre site is comprised of six parcels and will be divided between three Planning Areas that are occupied with a self-storage facility (Planning Area 3 - APN 144- 511- 05), a building material facility ( Planning Area 2 -- APN 144- 251- 21, 144-511- 08, and 144- 511- 07) and a vehicle storage and used car sales facility ( Planning Area 1 — APN 144-251- 34 and 144- 251- 01). Planning Areas 1 and 3 can be built to a maximum Floor Area Ratio ( FAR) of 1. 11 for self-storage use only. All other uses are limited to 0. 60 FAR. Planning Area 2 can be built to a 00, maximum FAR of 0.60 for any use. The average FAR for the entire project will be 0. 885 FAR with 250,316 square feet of maximum building area on 6.492 acres of land.

The Specific Plan will allow the existing used vehicle storage and used car sales facility site in Planning Area 1 to be developed as a self-storage development consisting of up to 96,733 square feet of self- storage units. The storage with a customer leasing- office and both drive up and interior loaded self- Specific Plan would allow both the A- 1 Self-Storage facility and the ABC Roofing property to upgrade in the future to new development standards. Surface photographs of the existing uses are shown in Figure 5. E Q Storage Depot proposes to construct a self-storage facility on a 1. 947 acre irregularly shaped parcel in the north end of the Specific Plan with 644 self-storage units in two buildings that total 96,733 square feet. The self-storage project proposes 23 parking spaces with 9 spaces adjacent to the customer service office including one accessible parking space, and another 14 spaces on the site behind an automatic gate that will provide site access to the self-storage units. The parcel includes two utility easements that extend through the property. Southern California Edison has a thirty ( 30) foot easement with an overhead electrical line that extends in a north/south direction through the middle of the site, thus the need for two separate storage buildings. There is a thirty ( 30) foot pipeline easement along the east portion of the site for the Orange County Sanitation District running from the north boundary to the south boundary along the eastern boundary of parcel 144-511- 01.

Building A, is on a single level, fronts on Harbor Boulevard and includes the main customer service office, restrooms and 31 self-storage units. Eight of the self-storage units are accessed from the F project driveway. There is a large landscape area between the Building "A" and the street. Building " B" is located east of the power line easement and has 3 levels with a total of 571 interior loaded self-

Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Page 6 Mitigated Negative Declaration— January 12, 2016 tr1 vi W N . 0

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i' 43 i '. j p p i• x ver ,' ML..) ii.. 1 t13L Environmental Checklist tioFor CEQA Compliance

storage units. These self-storage units are served by elevators in two lobbies that are located on the west and east sides of the Building " B".

iTherek.. will be 41 drive- up units around the perimeter of the ground floor of building providing larger storage units with the dimensions of 10 feet wide by 25 to 30 feet deep. This building will have exterior design elements including glass partitions and architecturally framed panels fronting onto Harbor Boulevard. All of the buildings are contemporary in design and include textured masonry, prefinished insulated metal panels, and aluminum glazing on all sides of the building. Building B features architectural elements on the northwest and southwest corners that will be visible from Harbor Boulevard and provide the primary project signage. There will be 3 full time employees the first year iwith 2 full time and 2 part- time employees after the first year of operation. The site plan for the proposed self-storage facility is shown in Figure 6.

I I. Surrounding Land Uses: The existing land uses surrounding the project site include a self-storage facility to the north, Harbor Boulevard adjacent to and west of the site and further west are single-family detached residences, to the south is the Santa Ana River and Harbor Boulevard as it passes over the i river, and to the east is the channelized Santa Ana River. Figure 7 shows photographs of the surrounding land uses. Figure 8 is a photo orientation map of the on- site photos.

f J. Discretionary Actions: The discretionary action required from the City of Fountain Valley includes a General Plan Amendment for the Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan, a zone change from M- 1 to Specific Plan ( SP) and a Precise Plan for the proposed self-storage facility. in addition, a lot line adjustment to merge parcels 144- 511- 01 and 144-251- 34. 0,10 K. Cumulative Projects: The Cityof Fountain Valleyhas identified seven projects in the Cityof Santa Ana that, along with the proposed project, could have cumulative impacts. The cumulative projects are i shown in Table 1. An aerial photograph showing the location of the cumulative projects is provided in Figure 9. There are no additional cumulative projects that along with the proposed project could have potential cumulative impacts. I Table 9 Cumulative Projects

f Project Address Project Type Units Sq. Ft. 1. C& C Development North 1206 N. Harbor Blvd. Commercial 9,450 2. C& C Development North 1206 N. Harbor Blvd. Single Family 95 l 3. C& C Development North 1206 N. Harbor Blvd. Livework 15 4. C& C Mixed Use 815 N. Harbor Blvd. Apartments 70 5. C& C Development 520 S. Harbor Blvd. Single Family 35 6. City Ventures- Magnolia 4226 W. Fifth St. Single Family 28 7. Ventures 1010 S. Harbor Blvd. Live/ work& Residential 81 x City 8. 5" and Harbor Apartments 421 N. Harbor Blvd. Apartments 99 9. 5"' and Harbor Apartments 421 N. Harbor Blvd. Commercial 10. 700 i 1. The Line 3630 Westminster Ave. Apartments 228


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Environmental Checklist For CEQA Compliance


The environmental factors checked below will be potentially affected by this project, involving at least one impact that is " Potentially Significant Impact" as indicated by the checklist on the following pages.

0 Hazards & Hazardous Aesthetics 0 Public Services Materials

0 Agriculture Resources 0 Hydrology/ Water Quality 0 Recreation r Air Quality 0 Land Use/ Planning 0 Transportation/ Traffic

Biological Resources 0 Mineral Resources 0 Utilities/ Service Systems

0 Cultural Resources 0 Noise 0 1 Mandatory Findings

Geology/Soils Population/ Housing

Evaluation of Environmental Impacts: YI I. A brief explanation is required for all answers except " No Impact" answers that are adequately supported by the information sources a lead agency cites in the parentheses following each question. A " No Impact" answer is adequately supported if the referenced information sources show that the impact simply does not to projects like the one involved ( e. the project falls outside a fault apply g., vil rupture zone). A " No Impact" answer should be explained where it is based on project- specific factors as well as general standards ( e.g., the project will not expose sensitive receptors to pollutants, based on a project- specific screening analysis).

All answers must take account of the whole action involved, including off-site as well as on- site, cumulative as well as project-level, indirect as well as direct, and construction as well as operational impacts. t

ii. " Potentially Significant Impact" is appropriate if there is substantial evidence that an effect is significant. i If there are one or more "Potentially Significant Impact" entries when the determination is made, an EIR is required. 1 III. " Potentially Significant Unless Mitigation Incorporated" applies where the incorporation of mitigation measures has reduced an effect from " Potentially Significant Impact" to a " Less-than-significant Impact". The lead agency must describe the mitigation measures, and briefly explain how they reduce i; the effect to a less-than-significant level. 5 I t


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Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Page 13 ',/ t11) Mitigated Negative Declaration— January 12, 2016 3 F

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i Environmental Checklist I kw For CEQA Compliance 1 s M. Environmental Checklist: I Potentially r Potentially Significant Less Than 1 Significant Unless Significant No impact i Impact Mitigation Impact 2 Incorporated I I. AESTHETICS: Would the project: a) Have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista? LI b) Substantially damage scenic resources, including but not limited to trees, rock outcroppings, and historic buildings within a state scenic highway? c) Substantially degrade the existing visual character 1 or quality of the site and its surroundings? d) Create a new source of substantial light or glare 1 that will adversely affect day or nighttime views in the area? CII 1 t II. AGRICULTURAL RESOURCES: In determining whether impacts to agricultural resources are I significant environmental effects, lead agencies may refer to the California Agricultural Land Evaluation and Site Assessment Model ( 1997) prepared by the California Department of Conservation as an optional model to use in assessing impacts on agricultural farmland. In determining whether impacts to forest resources, including timberland, are significant environmental effects, lead agencies may refer to information compiled the California Department of and by Forestry Fire Protection regarding the state' s I c inventory of forest land, the Forest and including Range Assessment Project and the Forest Legacy a Assessment project; and forest carbon measurement methodology provided in Forest Protocols t adopted by the California Air Resources Board. Would the project: a) Convert Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, or 5 Farmland of Statewide Importance ( Farmland) as shown on the maps prepared pursuant to the I Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program of the California Resources Agency, to non- agricultural 1 use? __ _ g b) Conflict with g existing zoning for agricultural use, or 5 a Williamson Act contract? c) Conflict with existing zoning for, or cause rezoning I of, forest land ( as defined in Public Resources I Code section 12220(g)), timberland ( as defined by Public Resources Code section 4526), or

I timberland zoned Timberland Production ( as defined Government by Code section 51104( g))? i d) Result in the loss of forest land or conversion of t I forest land to non-forest use? 1 e) Involve other changes in the existing environment, which due to their location or nature, could i individually or cumulatively result in the loss of Farmland, to non- agricultural use or conversion of forest land to non- forest use? g

a ille Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Page 14 R Mitigated Negative Declaration- January 12, 2016

i a i i Potentially Potentially Significant Less Than Significant Unless Significant No Impact Impact Mitigation Impact vi) Incorporated

III. AIR QUALITY: Where available, the significance criteria established by the applicable air quality management or air pollution control district may be relied upon to make the following determinations. Would the project: a) Conflict with or obstruct implementation of the applicable air quality plan? b) Violate any air quality standard or contribute to an existing or projected air quality violation? c) Result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of any criteria pollutants for which the project region is non- attainment under an applicable federal or state ambient air quality standard including releasing emissions that exceed quantitative thresholds for ozone precursors)? 7 d) Expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant

concentrations? e) Create objectionable odors affecting a substantial number of people?

IV. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES: Would the project: a) Have substantial adverse effects, either directly or through habitat modifications, on any species identified as a candidate, sensitive, or special status species in local or regional plans, policies or regulations or by the California Department of Fish 44 and Wildlife or U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service? Ei b) Have a substantial adverse impact on any riparian x habitat or other sensitive natural community identified in local or regional plans, policies, i regulations, or by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife or U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service? c) Have a substantial adverse effect on federally protected wetlands as defined by Section 404 of I the Clean Water Act ( including, but not limited to, marsh, vernal pool, coastal, etc.) through direct removal, filing, hydrological interruption, or other means? d) Interfere substantially with the movement of any native resident or migratory fish or wildlife species or with established native resident or migratory E wildlife corridors, or impede the use of native wildlife nursery sites? e) Conflict with any local policies or ordinances protecting biological resources, such as tree preservation policy or ordinance? f) Conflict with the provisions of an adopted Habitat Conservation Plan, Natural Community Conservation Plan, or other approved local, regional, or state habitat conservation plan? 1 Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Page 15 Mitigated Negative Declaration— January 12, 2016 Potentially Potentially Significant Less Than Significant Unless Significant No Impact Impact Mitigation Impact ce Incorporated

V. CULTURAL RESOURCES: Would the project: a) Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of an historical resource as defined in 15064. 5? CZ I b) Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a unique archaeological resource as defined in § 15064. 5? Ei 1 c) Directly or indirectly disturb or destroy a unique paleontological resource or site or unique geologic feature? CZ d) Disturb any human remains, including those interred outside of formal cemeteries? Ei

VI. GEOLOGY AND SOILS: Would the project: a) Expose people or structures to potential substantial adverse effects, including the risk of loss, injury or death involving: i. Rupture of a known earthquake fault, as g delineated on the most recent Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning map issued by the State Geologist for the area or based on other substantial evidence of a known fault? ( Refer to Division of Mines and Geology Special iiIrePublication 42.) ii. Strong seismic ground shaking? CI iii. Seismic- related ground failure, including liquefaction? iv. Landslides? El b) Result in substantial soil erosion or loss of topsoil? c) Be located on a geologic unit or soil that is junstable, or that would become unstable as a result of the project, and potentially result in on- or off-site landslide, lateral spreading, subsidence, 1 liquefaction or collapse? CM 1 d) Be located on expansive soil, as defined in Table 18- 1- B of the Uniform Building Code ( 1994), I creating substantial risks to life or property? i e) Have soils incapable of adequately supporting the use of septic tanks or alternative wastewater disposal systems where sewers are not available for the disposal of waste water? El

VII. GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS Would the project: a) Generate greenhouse gas emissions, either directly or indirectly, that may have a significant impact on the environment? i i r.

41110, Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Page 16 Mitigated Negative Declaration-- January 12, 2016

I i Potentially Potentially Significant Less Than Significant Unless Significant No Impact Impact Mitigation Impact Incorporated

b) Conflict with an applicable plan, policy or regulation adopted for the purpose of reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases? 4 i VIII. HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: Would the project:

a) Create a significant hazard to the public or the 1 environment through the routine transport, use, or disposal of hazardous materials? El b) Create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through reasonably foreseeable upset and accident conditions involving the release of hazardous materials into the environment?

c) Emit hazardous emissions or handle hazardous or acutely hazardous materials, substances, or waste within one-quarter mile of an existing or proposed school? d) Be located on a site which is included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962. 5 and, as a result, would it create a significant hazard to the public or the environment? El e) For a project located within an airport land use plan, or where such a plan has not been adopted, I within two miles of a public airport, will the project

1result in a safety hazard for people working or residing in the project area? f) For a project located within the vicinity of a private airstrip, would the project result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the project area? El g) Impair implementation of or physically interfere with an adopted emergency response plan or I emergency evacuation plan? El i h) Expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss, injury or death involving wildland fires, including were wildlands are adjacent to urbanized I areas or where residences are intermixed with

wildlands? i. IX. HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY. Would the project: a) Violate any water quality standards or waste discharge requirements? b) Substantially deplete groundwater supplies or interfere substantially with groundwater recharge such that there would be a net deficit in aquifer volume or a lowering of the local groundwater table level ( e.g., the production rate of pre- existing nearby wells would drop to a level which would not

Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Page 17 `" 111111 Mitigated Negative Declaration— January 12, 2016


3 Potentially Potentially Significant, Less Than Significant Unless Significant No Impact Impact Mitigation Impact ow Incorporated

support existing land uses or planned uses for which permits have been granted)? c) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river, in a manner, which I would result in substantial erosion or siltation on or

off-site? d) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river, in a manner, which would result in flooding on or off-site? El e) Create or contribute runoff water, which would exceed the capacity of existing or planned storm water drainage systems or provide substantial additional sources of polluted runoff? f) Otherwise substantially degrade water quality? El El g) Place housing within a 100-year flood hazard area i as mapped on a federal Flood Hazard Boundary or Flood Insurance Rate Map or other flood hazard delineation map? Cl El h) Place within a 100- year flood hazard area structures, which would impede or redirect flood flows? El i) Expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss, injury or death involving flooding, including flooding as a result of a levee or dam? j) Inundation by seiche, tsunami, or mudflow?

X. LAND USE AND PLANNING: Would the project: a) Physically divide an established community? El b) Conflict with any applicable land use plan, policy or regulation of an agency with jurisdiction over the project ( including, but not limited to general plan, 1 specific plan, local coastal program, or zoning e ordinance) adopted for the purpose of avoiding or mitigation an environmental effect? 1 c) Conflict with any applicable habitat conservation plan or natural community conservation plan? El

i Xt. MINERAL RESOURCES: Would the project: a) Result in the loss of availability of a known mineral resource that would be of value to the region and the residents of the state? El x b) Result in the loss of availability of a locally 1 important mineral resource recovery site delineated 1

on a local general plan, specific plan or other land 3 use plan? El i

E ar liWIHarbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Page 18 Mitigated Negative Declaration— January 12, 2016

I 1

Potentially Potentially Significant Less Than Significant Unless Significant No Impact It Impact Mitigation Impact Incorporated

XII. NOISE: Would the project result in: a) Exposure of persons to or generation of noise levels in excess of standards established in the 1 local general plan or noise ordinance, or applicable standards of other agencies? 0 b) Exposure of person to or generation of excessive groundborne vibration or groundborne noise levels? c) A substantial permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels existing j without the project? ri d) A substantial temporary or periodic increase in i ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels existing without the project? 0 e) For a project located within an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport, will the project expose k people residing or working in the project area to excessive noise levels? p f) For a project within the vicinity of a private airstrip, would the project expose people residing or c working in the project area to excessive noise levels? is lig

XIII. POPULATION AND HOUSING: Would the project: a) Induce substantial population growth in an area, i either directly ( for example, by proposing new t homes and businesses) or indirectly ( for example through extension of roads or other infrastructure)? I b) Displace substantial numbers of existing housing, necessitating the construction of replacement 5 housing elsewhere? 1 c) Displace substantial numbers of people, I necessitating the construction of replacement housing elsewhere? El

XIV. PUBLIC SERVICES: a) Would the project result in substantial adverse physical impacts associated with the provision of new or physically altered governmental facilities, b need for new or physically altered governmental I facilities, the construction of which could cause I significant environmental impacts, in order to r. maintain acceptable service ratios, response times or other performance objectives for any of the public services: Fire protection? Police protection? Schools? I

Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Page 19 4 Mitigated Negative Declaration— January 12, 2016 5

1 Potentially Potentially Significant Less Than Significant Unless Significant No Impact Impact Mitigation impact Cow incorporated

Parks'? i Other public facilities? Y XV. RECREATION: f I a) Would the project increase the use of existing neighborhood and regional parks or other f recreational facilities such that substantial physical deterioration of the facility would occur or be accelerated? CI LI G b) Does the project include recreational facilities or

require the construction or expansion of recreational facilities that might have an adverse physical effect on the environment? El i I I XVI. TRANSPORTATION/ TRAFFIC: Would the project: a) Conflict with an applicable plan, ordinance or policy establishing measures of effectiveness for the performance of the circulation system, taking into E account all modes of transportation including mass transit and non- motorized travel and relevant i components of the circulation system, including but I not limited to intersections, streets, highways and I freeways, pedestrian and bicycle paths, and mass i transit'? Cow b) Conflict with an applicable congestion management F. program, including, but not limited to level of 1 I service standards and travel demand measures, or I other standards established by the county congestion management agency for designated roads or highways? El 1 c) Result in a change in air traffic patterns, including either an increase in traffic levels or a change in w location that result in substantial safety risks? CI d) Substantially increase hazards due to a design i feature ( e. g., sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible uses ( e. g., farm 1 equipment)? 1 e) Result in inadequate emergency access? s f) Conflict with adopted policies, plans or programs y regarding public transit, bicycle, or pedestrian 1 facilities, or otherwise decrease the performance or 1 safety of such facilities? CI El 1

XVII. UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS: Would the project: a) Exceed wastewater treatment requirements of the 1 applicable Regional Water Quality Control Board? CI CI i b) Require or result in the construction of new water 1 or wastewater treatment facilities or expansion of

facilities, the construction of which could libyexisting i

Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Page 20 Mitigated Negative Declaration— January 12, 2016 l 1 E I Potentially Potentially Significant Less Than Significant Unless Significant No Impact impact Mitigation Impact is Incorporated i

cause significant environmental effects?

c) Require or result in the construction of new storm water drainage facilities or expansion of existing facilities, the construction of which could cause

significant environmental effects? f d) Have sufficient water supplies available to serve the project from existing entitlements and resources, or are new or expanded entitlements

needed? e) Result in a determination by the wastewater treatment provider which serves or may serve the project that it has adequate capacity to serve the project's projected demand in addition to the provider's existing commitments? f) Be served by a landfill with sufficient permitted capacity to accommodate the project's solid waste disposal needs?

g) Comply with federal, state and local statues and regulations related to solid waste? 0


a) Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal, or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? 1 b) Does the project have impacts that are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? Cumulatively considerable" means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects, and the effects of probable future projects.) c) Does the project have environmental effects that will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly?

Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Page 21 4) Mitigated Negative Declaration— January 12, 2016 1 I

N. Explanation of Checklist Responses

I. AESTHETICS: Will the project: I a) Have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista? No Impact. The project site is not part of any approved or designated scenic vista. Furthermore, the Fountain Valley General Plan does not designate any scenic vista that is either adjacent to or directly visible from the site. The proposed self- storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan will not have an impact on a scenic vista.

t b) Substantially damage scenic resources, including but not limited to trees, rock outcroppings, I and historic buildings within a state scenic highway? No impact. There are no state designated scenic highways and no scenic resources such as trees, rock outcroppings, or historic buildings within a state scenic highway that are adjacent to the site and would be removed or altered by the project. The proposed self-storage facility and the development allowed by the Specific Plan will not impact any state scenic resources. I

c) Substantially degrade the existing visual character or quality of the site and its surroundings? Less Than Significant Impact. An auto storage facility with two buildings and surface parking for the I storage of automobiles and recreational vehicles currently occupy the portion of the project site that is proposed for the self-storage facility. The other two on- site uses include a roofing supply company and F a self-storage These two uses are proposed to remain in their conditions with i facility. existing existing I I approval of the project. The proposed site improvements include the construction of a one- and three- i story self-storage building totaling approximately 96,733 square feet for the 1. 947 acre self-storage site. The existing improvements on the proposed self-storage site will be demolished and replaced with the Crov self-storage buildings and site improvements. Landscaping will be provided along the west, south, and i east boundaries of the property. The highest concentration of landscaping will be on the west side of the property in the front yard setback near the main entrance. Landscaping will also be provided i through landscape fingers in the parking lot. 3 1 E The Specific Plan allows a floor area ratio ( FAR) of up to 1. 11 compared to the existing development i standard of 0.60 FAR in the MI zone. The proposed 1. 11 FAR will apply to self-storage uses only and C only in Planning Areas 1 and 3— all other uses in the Specific Plan, and any use in Planning Area 2, will have a maximum development of 0.60 FAR. The project will increase the amount of development allowed on each parcel. Increased development by the project will change the visual character of the lparcels by allowing more building square footage, which will reduce the amount of designated open i area on each parcel.

1 The applicable goals and policies of the Community Design section of the Land Use Element of the 1 Fountain Valley General Plan that are applicable to the project include:

1 Goal 2. 6 Improve architectural quality of development within Fountain Valley. i Policy 2. 6. 1 Promote residential, commercial and industrial development which achieves harmony without monotony in the built environment. g Goal 2. 8 Well designed commercial and industrial development. k I Policy 2.8. 1 Work with commercial center owners and tenants to improve the appearance and character of these developments. z c gj Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Page 22 i Mitigated 12, 2016 I Negative Declaration— January I t a 3..

Goal 2. 9 Attractive streetscapes throughout the City.

Policy 2.9. 1 Encourage landscaping to enhance streetscapes.

Policy 2.9. 4 Buildings shall present fully finished facades on all sides visible from freeways or streets.

The Specific Plan provides Design Guidelines to ensure that development allowed by the Specific Plan will conform to the City's standard of design, ensure the compatibility with the surrounding community, and enhance the overall image of the City.

As part of the Design Guidelines, the Specific Plan includes Site Planning Guidelines for the integration of effective site planning techniques and includes building orientation toward streets and open spaces and clear, identifiable and street-oriented entryways and sidewalks and driveways to comply with the California Building Code requirements for accessibility and design.

The Specific Plan also provides architectural guidelines so that development complements and enhances the existing surrounding development. The architectural design character includes building elevations that are detailed and articulated with projections and recesses to avoid long, plain surfaces. Buildings will be characterized by differentiated massing, materials and colors. For self-storage facilities, a typical storage facility with multiple exterior-accessible storage spaces and roll- up doors is discouraged. Most storage space will be encouraged to be accessible from the interior of a building with a limited number of at grade roll- up doors.

The overall landscape design is to provide landscaping at the front of the building and adjacent to the driveways and open parking spaces. Drought tolerant plants will be encouraged to minimize water requirements. Property lines are encouraged to be screened with continuous shrubbery and overhead trees. Trees are also recommended throughout the landscaping.

The Specific Plan also includes development guidelines for auxiliary structures, equipment, and utilities. For auxiliary structures, stairs should remain within the building envelope, as defined by an outermost wall. Exterior lighting fixtures should be compatible with the architectural style of the building. For mechanical equipment and storage, all air conditioning/ heating equipment, gas and electric meters must be screened from public view with landscaping or fencing or placed outside of public view. All rooftop-mounted air conditioning units that are visible from neighboring properties must be screened and all exterior mechanical equipment must be screened. Exterior storage of equipment, supplies, refuse, or their receptacles is prohibited and all exterior storage, trash receptacles, and dumpsters must be screened by dense landscaping, fencing or walls.'

For utilities, all utilities, aside from street lights, within the Specific Plan area must be placed underground, excluding any existing above- ground utilities. The location of above-ground appurtenant utility boxes and similar equipment, if required, must be consolidated whenever possible. To the extent possible, utility meters must be screened from view from public rights- of-way. Utility connections to a building must be located to be as unobtrusive as practicable, with the preference being at the side or rear.

The proposed self-storage facility incorporates the design guidelines of the Specific Plan in terms of building orientation, landscaping, design, etc. The self-storage project also meets and complies with the applicable Fountain Valley Community Design goals and policies because the project will be compatible with the adjacent surrounding land uses and improve the quality of architecture of

Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan, September 18, 2015

Harbor Boulevard South Island Specific Plan Page 23 Mitigated Negative Declaration— January 12, 2016 00, r_ r ati e' i: r; A: e E

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lanning Area 1 i APN144251-34& 144-511-01 i

Planning Area 2 APN 144251- 21, 144511- 07& 144511-08


Planning Area 3 APN 144511-05
