
The Third International Conference on Culinary, Fashion, Beauty, and Tourism (ICCFBT) 2020 ICCFBT Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Universitas Negeri Padang, November 4th – 5th 2020 2020 ISBN 978-623-95788-2-4


Heru Pramudia.,S.ST.Par.,MSc Universitas Negeri Padang Jln. Prof. Dr. Hamka, Air Tawar, Padang, Sumatra Barat, Email: [email protected]


The purpose of this research is to design an oven as a baking tool for Lemang Bambu for household industries with heat generated by LPG gas, so that the processed lemang is more space-efficient, time-efficient, and hygiene. So far, the production of Lemang Ketan Bamboo is still conventional, namely using a charcoal stove which generally burns in the yard of the house. With the popularity of this traditional food throughout Indonesia. The conventional baking process takes a long time, the position of the bamboo must be rotated regularly avoiding no parts burn. The burnt part of the bamboo tends to make the Lemang skinned or hard. The fire when baking certainly produces smoke which is not good for health. Burning is carried out outside the room (field), this requires sunny or rainy weather. The oven is one solution that can reduce failures in making Lemang Bamboo, of course, the production cost of this oven is affordable for the community as a home industry business. With the use of the oven to prevent the product from burning, rotating the bamboo while oven is also not needed. Using a gas oven will certainly not produce smoke. This Oven can be placed in a room such as a kitchen, so it doesn't take up too much space. Besides the shorter baking time, making bamboo lemang is safer and more hygienic and saves labor. This tool is made in several stages, (1) identification of needs, (2) needs analysis, (3) design, (4) manufacture and (5) testing. This Oven Lemang Bamboo produces Lemang products according to the quality of conventional lemang products.

Keywords: Lemang Ketan Bamboo, LPG Gas, Oven.

Introduction Lemang is a made from glutinous cooked in bamboo, after previously being rolled with a . The rolls of bamboo leaves filled with mixed with are then put into a piece of bamboo and then burned until cooked. Lemang is better eaten warm. How to consume lemang varies from region to region. There are those who like to enjoy it sweet (plus jam, kinca, serikaya) or salty (, eggs, and other side dishes), or some eat it with fruits such as . One of the wealth of culinary traditions in Indonesia that often appears during Ramadan is lemang sticky rice. This food is usually served as a dish to break the fast. For the Malays, lemang is usually eaten during Eid al-Fitr or Eid al-Adha. Ulun Lampung, on the coast, becomes lemang as Eid and traditional . The also like lemang, even a city like Tebing Tinggi is known as "Kota Lemang". Lemang is used as a celebratory food by the Dayak tribe which is served at their traditional parties. Lemang is also the food of the Negrito native people in Kelantan and the Semai tribe.


Heru Pramudia, A Specific Gas Oven

Lemang is also a legendary specialty of the Samarinda community which is produced and traded by the Banjar people on Jalan Pulau Sebatik, Samarinda. The ingredients for making lemang are actually simple, a mixture of glutinous rice and coconut milk which is then cooked through a smoking process in a bamboo stick. Because it is only made of glutinous rice and coconut milk, lemang usually has a neutral taste to be enjoyed with added sweet or salty flavors, such as sticky rice or rendang

Picture 1: The Process of Conventional Making Lemang Bamboo Source: Artharini (2015)

With the popularity of this traditional food throughout Indonesia, this type of food is still consumed and needs to be preserved. This food processing is still traditional, namely using a furnace by using hot coals with a long cooking process and the position of the bamboo must

be rotated regularly so that no parts will burn or burn. The burnt part of the bamboo tends to make the lemang skinned or hard. Another trend in making this is done with the help of hot coals which of course will produce a lot of smoke and is not good for the health of the people around. Weather conditions are also a concern. Because in the manufacture of lemang, especially when the combustion is carried out outside the room (in the field), this requires sunny and rainy weather. The oven is one solution that can reduce failures in making bamboo lemang. By using the oven, you can prevent the product from being burnt. The process of turning bamboo is also not required when roasting using a gas oven. Because the heat generated by a gas oven tends to be flat and the heat generated can be controlled. The use of a gas oven will certainly not produce smoke during roasting. This grill can be placed in a room such as a kitchen, so it doesn't take up too much space. In addition, the baking time can be determined, making it safer and more hygienic and saving labor. An oven is a device in the form of an insulated thermal chamber used for heating, baking or drying an ingredient, and is generally used for cooking. The working principle of a gas oven is derived from small fires that appear in the oven pipes. This fire comes from LPG gas and produces heat. Gas oven is an oven that uses Elpigi gas as the main fuel in the oven burning process.


The 3rd International Conference on Cullinary, Fachion, Beauty, and Tourism (ICCFBT)2020

Figure 2: Design of a Gas Oven for a Bamboo Lemang Burning Machine Source: Research Data (2019)

Methods This research Objectives and Contribution are (1) Creating a special oven that can be used for burning Lemang Sticky Bamboo; (2) Creating and developing lemang ovens by applying the rules of appropriate technology for baking purposes produced by Lemang; (3) Creating lemang ovens with oven production costs that can be affordable to the middle to lower class. The purpose of this research activity is to refer to the activity to be achieved, so in this activity several methods are used, namely in an effort to solve problems that arise, the use of methods that are problem solving and applicable. Based on the method above, a solution to this problem is given by developing a Bamboo Lemang Oven with the LPG Gas Utilization System as a Heat Grader with the following steps: 1. The implementation team explained about: (a) the importance of using a Lemang Oven with an LPG Gas Utilization System, (b) Increasing capacity and productivity by using a Lemang Oven with an LPG Gas Utilization System as a Heat Grader. 2. The implementation team designed an oven based on appropriate technology 3. The Implementation Team makes a Bamboo Lemang Oven with heat from LPG gas. 4. The implementing team conducts oven testing and evaluates and revises if necessary.


Heru Pramudia, A Specific Gas Oven

Result and Discussion Oven Assemble

Cutting Folding and Welding Assembling Material Boring

Trials Lemang Table 1 The composition of the material for making Lamang Bamboo

No Materials Conventional Innovation by Process Specific Oven 1 Glutinous Rice 1000 gram 1000 gram 2 Coconut Milk 1000 gram 1000 gram 3 Salt 20 gram 20 gram 4 Bamboo 3 pcs 3 pcs 5 Banana Leafs 2 sheets 2 sheet


The 3rd International Conference on Cullinary, Fachion, Beauty, and Tourism (ICCFBT)2020

Process Flow Making Lemang

Figure: Process Flow of Making Bamboo Sticky Lemang

Organoleptik Test Result

Figure: Panelist Test Result Diagram on Texture, Aroma, Taste and Colour of Conventional Making and Using Oven Lemang Bamboo

Conclusion The results of the research resulted in product quality that tended to be the same. The organoleptic test showed that the panellists liked the color, taste, texture and aroma of the Oven-baked Lemang Bamboo. It can be concluded that the innovative processing of Lemang Bamboo baked using an oven is quite liked by the panellists in terms of colour, taste, texture and aroma.


Heru Pramudia, A Specific Gas Oven

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