
E622 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 24, 2012 In the today, an average of and the expansion of water services became ple the justice they deserve. In doing so, we twelve men and women per day go to work effective instruments allowing local industries affirm the dignity of humankind everywhere. and never make it home to their families, hav- to grow and expand. Mr. Dahlberg’s top pri- It has been said that ‘‘all it takes for evil to ing lost their lives due to an accident in the ority had always been increasing economic triumph, is for good men to do nothing.’’ This workplace. Unfortunately, many of these acci- development and job creation in Grantsburg. is one of the reasons I am proud to have dents could have been prevented. Under out- These accomplishments made by Mr. joined with so many of my colleagues in co- standing leaders such as AFL–CIO President Dahlberg in Grantsburg illustrate an ideal rela- sponsoring the resolution affirming the occur- Richard Trumka, Indiana AFL–CIO President tionship between the public and private sector. rence of the Armenian genocide throughout Nancy Guyott, and Northwest Indiana Federa- He has shown that government can work with my career in Congress. I will continue to do tion of Labor President Dan Murchek, AFL– business to create the environment necessary for as long as it takes. CIO union members have continued the flight for sustained economic growth and develop- In recognizing the Armenian Genocide we of their predecessors to ensure that the lives ment, even during difficult economic times. do not seek to persecute any person or state; lost were not in vain. I commend and thank Mr. Dahlberg for all of we seek to build a path that will lead to rec- Since the passage of the landmark Occupa- the years he has served the public, and I ask onciliation between Armenians and Turks. And tional Safety and Health Act (OSHA), the my colleagues to join me in extending best in doing so, we will remain true to our nation’s unions of the AFL–CIO have been instru- wishes to him on the occasion of his retire- highest aspirations for justice and peace. It mental in a movement toward the Act’s goal ment. was President Lincoln who called upon the that all American workers would have the right f ‘‘better angels of our ’’ when he said in to a safe workplace. The AFL–CIO and its his Second Inaugural Address that all Ameri- unions are to be commended for their con- COMMEMORATING THE ARMENIAN cans should ‘‘do all which may achieve and tributions to the passage of OSHA and many GENOCIDE cherish a just and lasting peace among our- of the subsequent laws and regulations involv- selves and with all nations.’’ ing workplace safety. It is because of the or- HON. LAURA RICHARDSON Mr. Speaker, the Armenian Genocide has ganization and demands of labor unions that OF CALIFORNIA been officially recognized by 42 states. These employers and the government have acted to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES States have gone on public record rejecting any claim or assertion that denies the occur- improve the quality of life of the American Tuesday, April 24, 2012 workforce. rence of one of history’s worst crimes against In Northwest Indiana, the steel industry has Ms. RICHARDSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise humanity. I believe it is time for us to join played a vital role in supporting our local com- today to pay tribute to the victims and sur- these nations in that endeavor by passing H. munities and stimulating the economy. On vivors of one of the darkest chapters in human Res. 304, the ‘‘Affirmation of the United States April 26, 2012, in accordance with Workers history, the Armenian Genocide. Today, April Record on the Armenian Genocide Resolu- Memorial Day, United Steelworkers members 24, marks the 97th commemoration of the first tion.’’ will pay a special tribute to their fallen com- genocide of the 20th Century where Ottoman Mr. Speaker, I ask for a moment of silence rades whose lives have been cut short in the Turkish authorities ordered the systematic an- in memory of the millions of silenced voices workplace. These fine men and women will nihilation of more than 1.5 million Armenians. and interrupted lives of those Armenians who forever be remembered by their devoted col- The Armenian Genocide was carried out from perished between 1915 and 1923 in the geno- leagues and a grateful community. 1915 to 1923 through massacres, deporta- cide committed by the Ottoman Empire. Mr. Speaker, I ask that you and my distin- tions, and death marches where hundreds of LIST OF 53 NOBEL LAUREATES URGING THE guished colleagues join me in observance of thousands were herded into the Syrian Desert TURKISH GOVERNMENT TO ACKNOWLEDGE ARMENIAN GENOCIDE Workers Memorial Day, and in remembering to die of thirst and starvation. Sadly, to this , , (2003); the many workers who have lost their lives on day this chapter of history has yet to be admit- ted by the Government of Turkey. , Nobel Prize, Chemistry the job, while honoring the hardworking, loyal (1989); Philip W. Anderson, Nobel Prize, men and women of America’s unions who Many international observers, including then Physics (1977); Kenneth J. Arrow, Nobel have taken up the struggle to improve safety Ambassador and later U.S. Treasury Sec- Prize, Economics (1972); , Nobel conditions in the workplace. The great men retary Henry Morgenthau, witnessed the night- Prize, (2004); Baruj Benacerraf, and women of our unions are the finest rep- mare firsthand and reported detailed accounts Nobel Prize, Medicine (1980); Gunter Blobel, resentation of America’s workforce, and I am of the atrocities to their governments. Re- Nobel Prize, Medicine (1999); Georges proud to represent the many dedicated men spected organizations and eminent scholars Charpak, Nobel Prize, Physics (1992); Steven Chu, Nobel Prize, Physics (1997); J.M. and women of labor unions throughout North- and historians agree and recognize the Arme- nian Genocide, including the Elie Wiese´l Coetzee, Nobel Prize, Literature (2003); west Indiana. Their unwavering commitment to Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Nobel Prize, Phys- their fellow workers is to be admired. Foundation for Humanity and the renowned ics (1997); Mairead Corrigan Maguire, Nobel International Association of Genocide Schol- f Prize, Peace (1976); Robert F. Curl, Jr., Nobel ars. Their judgments are supported by 53 Prize, Chemistry (1996); Paul J. Crutzen, CONGRATULATING MARK DAHL- Nobel laureates who signed an open letter to Nobel Prize, Chemistry (1995). BERG FROM THE VILLAGE OF the Government of Turkey on April 9, 2007. I Frederik W. de Klerk, Nobel Prize, Peace GRANTSBURG ON HIS RETIRE- ask unanimous consent to include in the (1993); , Nobel Prize, MENT AFTER 43 YEARS OF PUB- RECORD a listing of those Nobel laureates. Chemistry (1998); John B. Fenn, Nobel Prize, LIC SERVICE Mr. Speaker, the historical record is clear Chemistry (2002); Val Fitch, Nobel Prize, Physics (1980); Jerome I. Friedman, Nobel and the Armenian Genocide is a tragic fact. It Prize, Physics (1990); Donald A. Glaser, Nobel HON. SEAN P. DUFFY must be acknowledged and remembered so Prize, Physics (1960); Sheldon Glashow, Nobel OF WISCONSIN that it will never be repeated. Prize, Physics (1979); Roy J. Glauber, Nobel IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES As a member of the Congressional Caucus Prize, Physics (2005); Clive W.J. Granger, on Armenian Issues, I know that the refusal of Nobel Prize, Economics (2003); Paul Tuesday, April 24, 2012 modern-day Turkey to acknowledge one of the Greengard, Nobel Prize, Medicine (2000); Mr. DUFFY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to worst examples of man’s inhumanity in the David J. Gross, Nobel Prize, Physics (2004); recognize the honorable contributions made 20th Century haunts survivors of the Armenian , Nobel Prize, Medicine (1977); Dudley R. Herschbach, Nobel Prize, by Mr. Mark Dahlberg, a retired Trustee for Genocide, as well as their families. As a Mem- Chemistry (1986). the Village of Grantsburg, Wisconsin. ber of Congress from California, which is , Nobel Prize, Chemistry Mr. Dahlberg has served the public at the home to more Armenian-Americans than any (2004); Roald Hoffman, Nobel Prize, Chem- local government level for a total of 43 other state, I believe this is not only an affront istry (1981); , Nobel Prize, years—as Village President (1995–2009), and to the memory of the victims and to their de- Economics (2002); Eric R. Kandel, Nobel twice as a Trustee (1969–1995, 2009–2012). scendants, but it does a disservice to the Prize, Medicine (2000); , Nobel During his time in office, the small north- United States as it seeks to stand up for the Prize, Chemistry (1982); Edwin G. Krebs, Nobel Prize, Medicine (1992); Sir Harold W. western Wisconsin Village of Grantsburg has victims of violence today. Kroto, Nobel Prize, Chemistry (1996); Finn E. seen unprecedented economic growth. Today, The issue of recognizing the Armenian Kydland, Nobel Prize, Economics (2004); Leon this town is considered to be the main manu- genocide and helping the Armenian people is M. Lederman, Nobel Prize, Physics (1988); facturing hub in Burnett County. With Mr. neither a partisan nor geopolitical issue. Rath- Anthony J. Leggett, Nobel Prize, Physics Dahlberg’s facilitation, tax increment financing er, it is a question of giving the Armenian peo- (2003); Rudolph A. Marcus, Nobel Prize,

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