
Parish Council Minutes

Extraordinary Meeting


Date of Meeting: 17 December 2018 Attendees: Andrew McKersie, Julie Downton, Mark Wakefield, Will Kingdom, Valerie Jackson, Keith Goodenough Apologies: Valerie Jackson

Item Action With Target Status who completion

1. Conflict of Interest – JD advised of her membership of the Camel Valley and Moor Protection Society.

2. Application for a wind turbine at Lower Tregeen – A letter from the Camel Valley and Protection Society, suggesting to councillors to ask for a community payment in the event that they supported the application, was read to the meeting. JD expressed concern about seeking such a payment. The applicant, Mr Quinn, advised that no additional payment was available but that an existing community fund from Otter Power was available to the Davidstow Parish. Mr Wannacott, on behalf of the applicant, summarised the basis of the application and the detailed application pack that had been submitted to Council. AMcK queried the choice of positions for the photomontages, included in the pack. In summarising the views of councillors, JD advised that she was particularly interested in the environmental aspects of the application and noted that support had been provided by relevant bodies. AMcK noted that there was very limited residential opposition to the application although he expressed concern that the photomontages included in the application pack were misleading and that the turbine would be much more visible than implied from a number of locations. Councillors voted with 4 in support of the application and one abstention. Councillors therefore voted to support the application.

3. AOB – Mr T Steed submitted a letter indicating his interest in becoming a parish councillor.

Date of next meeting – 7th January 2019, 7pm, Methodist Hall,