
Parish Council Minutes

Annual Meeting

Date of Meeting: 4th November 2019 Attendees: Andrew McKersie, Julie Dowton, Phil Potter, Valerie Jackson, Tony Steed Apologies: Mark Wakefield, Will Kingdom

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1. Conflicts of Interest – PP, TS, VJ and AMcK advised they had attended Council training on the Code of Conduct and had found it helpful. At the training, it had been suggested that where a councillor has a conflict they should withdraw from the meeting when the item was discussed. Councillors were of a view that it would be more appropriate for interested parties to be present, as long as conflicts were declared. It was fully understood that councillors would not be able to vote on items where they had an interest. Following the training, AMcK advised that he had sought guidance from the governance manager about the possible conflict with membership of Davidstow Residents Action Group (DRAG) and Dairy Crest. The guidance was that given the large number of people affected by Dairy Crest that the issue would not be considered a conflict. Notwithstanding the guidance AMcK and PP considered it appropriate to continue to declare their membership of DRAG. TS declared his interest in planning application PA19/09148

2. Minutes of Meeting 7th October – The minutes of the meeting were approved.

3. Matters Arising – AMcK confirmed he had submitted feedback on planning applications discussed at the previous meeting. AMcK advised that he had spoken to 2Commune, the supplier of the Council’s website, and that no further discount on annual fees would be available. 2Commune had reiterated the levels of support provided (eg automatic updates to comply with legislation and protection from hacking etc). Usage statistics were surprisingly high with about 200 hits per month. On reflection, the annual fees were not considered too high and it was noted that considerable effort would be required to change supplier. Councillors agreed to review the situation again at the time of the next renewal.

4. Planning PA19/09148 - Construction of farmhouse, together with associated works, to replace the farmhouse approved

and commenced under PA11/00989 to allow for more suitable siting. Farm Access To Hendraburnick, Davidstow, , PL32 9SG – Mr Wannacott, on behalf of Mr Steed, provided councillors with on overview of the development. Councillors noted that the proposed development broadly replaced a planning application that had previously been approved. It was understood that the Cornwall Council planning officer had visited site and signalled that he was supportive. Councillors agreed to support the proposed development. PA19/07512 - Application for a Certificate of Lawful Development for an Existing Use namely the conversion of an agricultural building to residential use. Little Trevivian, , Launceston Cornwall PL15 8PS – Councillors noted that the planning application appeared to be for retrospective consent for the conversion of a listed agricultural building into a residence. Councillors agreed a neutral response to the application.

5. Dairy Crest Update- AMcK and PP advised that they had attended a meeting earlier in the day with Dairy Crest (Saputo) and the Environment Agency to address on-going issues. The meeting was described as generally positive. There had been some emission issues but Dairy Crest advised that they had plans to install new aeration capability on Tank BT1 which was expected to eliminate odour. The work was scheduled to be complete in 6-8 weeks. The Environment Agency advised that they were minded to declare that the proposed increase in cheese production would constitute a ‘Substantial Change’ and require Diary Crest to seek approval for a revised environmental permit. On this basis Councillors were of a view that they would be prepared to withdraw their requirement for a condition to be imposed on new production for Dairy Crest’s planning application. If the Environment Agency formally confirmed their decision to declare the implementation as a ‘Substantial Change’, AMcK was authorised to withdraw the requirement for a condition. Dairy Crest had received feedback from the Highways officer about proposed new entrances to the site. The officer had indicated that he would not support any new entrance on the A39 because of speeding concerns and there was insufficient room for any new entrance on the A395. Focus would therefore be on the existing Blacka Lane junction, with Dairy Crest to undertake video monitoring to help develop new plans.

9. AoB – None

Date of next meeting – 2nd December, 7am Methodist Hall,