I l\-3


Seventeenth-Century l^/eek St. Mary,

Cornwa I I

Vol. 2: The Probate Records

S. A. Raymond t i: ,!

;l- :| 1 C0L}.lI LL, Wi I I i am, of Creddacott

This volume Íncludes probate records relating to no less than eight persons of this surname. The probabi I ity is that they were al I related, although this cannot be proved owing to the loss of the pre-1603 parish register.

This decedent was survived by his widow, phi I I ippa, who was buried 18.12.16081. Two children may be Ídentif Íed: Margaret and Thomasine; the latter married John 0rchard2.

0ther relationships are not clear. This decedent perhaps ass i sted Joan colwi I I as executri x of her brother John,s estate: he held € 20 on her behalf . She also received another f 20, "beinge her grandfathers bequeath,'. It is unl ikely that she was this decedent's grand-daughter, since this would imply that Margaret and walter were his great- grandchildren. It may be conjectured Joan, John, and Richard3 vlere l,/illiam,s siblings, and that Mary and Walter were his neice and nephew

The reference to rent due to Mr. Speccott indicates that this decedent was the lessee of Creddacott4. He may be the William Colwiil Iisted in the ,l569 rrluster Er roll,þ and perhaps acted as attorney in a deed of 15156 In 15g3/4, he paid the subsidy on goods valued at î 87 one of the highest assessments in the parish on this ro I I . 7

1 P.R. 2 She is no.ZB. 3 P robably the Richard of Jacob stow who b ecame joint essee of Exe in I5lS. This I eas emayh ave included Whiteleigh; if so, Richard was f ather of l,lÍlliam oft Whiteleigh, the churchwar den ment i oned be I ow. 0ne of the other lessees was John Br ocke, perhaps the father of this d ecedent's godson. S ee R.l^l. Go ulding, comp., Record s of the Charit known as Bla nchminster's Charit ln e ar s 0 ra 0n ' P. 4 B. L. , Add. ch.64zB5- 7 ind i cates that the speccotts of Thornbyry. were londs of cred¿acoti. inèv arso held Goscott, but we know that this *vas tenãírte¿ uv Àrinur Milton, n0.30. 5. H.L. Douch; ed:,, he Muster Roll o f 1569 , 1984, p.122. 6. D. R.0. , 25698/ Box 7. P.R.0., E179/88/252. 3

1.e. COLLWILL, William Account dated 8.4.I5g7I; exhibited at Launceston I .4.1607. By Philipe Collwil-l, administratrix.

Onus: the saide accomptant chargeth her selfe witb-ell. s¡:che goods as aar contayned in an ínventori exhibited in courte in the Archdeconry of Cornwall amonting to the fuII some of f, 210-06-04 whereof she asketh a.l-l-owance J_ayde out as folowith Exposita:

paid for the charges of thadminestracion t_ 2-00 paid in expens j-n obtayninge the same 3-O4 paid to Thomas Pears 5-O4-00 paid to lvlr Specotte for rente dew befor his deathe 2-00-00 paid to lvlarye Collwil_l- beinge geven to her by her uncle John Collwil_l_ deceassed 2-00-o0 pqid to Walèer Coltwill geven unto hyme by his uncfe the beste fetherbed performed and his beste mare in price 6-00-00 paid to Arthur Ivtilbgn and to Wil_-l_iam Coll-wilJ- of Whitlyelfor a rate dew to the churche of lvlarye Í{eke aforsaide B-00 paid for subsedye dewe befor his deathe B-00 paid to John Piper for other dewties dewe to the churche 3-00 paid for his grave in the churche to the pore and other charges bestawid at the tyme of the buriall 1-l_3-04 paid to Wil-l-iam Joll for his wages behinde to paye 14-o4 paid to Joane Gilbarte for her wages behinde to paye 5-00 paì-d for a mortuarye l_0-oo i+

paid to hime for a quarters t- l3 paid to John Gaye for 2 sheppe 6-08 paid to Robarte the smythe for worke 4-OO paid to Joann Collwil-l- beinge her grandfathers bequeath 20-00-00 paid al-l-so Lo Joann Coll-wil-I for beinge executrix unto John Collwi1l- her brother the goods remaininge in the hands of the deceassed 20-oo-00 paid to Richard Collwi11 beinge allso his brothers bequeath 5-00 paid to Richard Charels for his servinge good with lvlargerit the daughter of the deceassed 40-o0-00 paid to Brocks sonne beinge his godsone 2-OO paid to John Sherme for a bushell- of whett 1-00-oo paid for writtinge the inventorie and other charges bestawj-d uppon the preysors at the same tyme 10-o0 paid to John lv1el-l-owse for halfe a bushell of rye t l4 paid for registringe hyreinge and examininge of this accompte for fees dew to the courte Lo-00 paide for writtinge of this accompte 3-O4 paid to John Orchard al-s l"lelhov/se and Tamsyn his wief daughter of the deceased for their portion of the deceaseds goods 5-00-00 paid to 5

6 I totar expenditr-.r" ] f. I12-17-08

[ttrus remains ig the hands of the B ãaministratrix] / t l 5

[allocation by , 8.D., official of the Ãrchdeaconry of_ Cornwall, 8.1. L6O7 /8¡ residue to administratrix]9

l-. 29 July has been deleted in mss and this date inserted. 2. Whiteleigh 3. Blank 4. Amount obl-iterated. 5. name lightly crossed out in mss. 6. Latin translated. 7. Latin translated. 8. Amount either not written in or obliterated; actually f, 97-08-08. 9. Latin translated and summarised. It

2. MILT0N, Richard, yeoman

A Richard Milton is mentioned in tax lists of 1524/51 , .2 L 1543¡4', probably 1545/6"," and 1593/4*; the name is also mentioned in the 1569 muster roll5. It is possÍble, but unlikely, that all these sources refer to this decedent; it is more probable that there were at least two of this name, perhaps father and son. It i s ev i dent that th i s testator had no surviving widow or children; the only certain kin are his brother William and William's daughters. It is clear, however, that he was also related to Arthur Mi lton6 i n some way; perhaps he was another brother.

This decedent held two leases of which record has survived. A deed dated 30.6.1598 records that he was tenant of South Lumhead, Hill Park, Hill Meadow, and Helshall Mead at that date; this deed records the sale of these tenements by Thomas St. Aubyn, esq., to Robert 0rchard7. Milton also had a lease of a burgage tenement owned by Thomas Nicholls at the time of his deathS. Both Ieases were for Iife only. In the 1593/4 subsÍdy, he paid 8/- on goods valued at 13.

The number of bedsteads in hi s inventory suggests that he needed servants in order to work his land. 1

1 . T. L. Stoate, êd. , Cornwal I Subsidies in the Rei nof Hen r VIII, 1524 an an e enevo ence o P. 2. Tbilf , p. 148.' 3. P.R.0., E179/87/178. 4. P.R.0., E179/88/252- 5. H. L. Douch , êd. , The Cornwa I I Muster RoII of 1569, 1 984 , p.122. 6. N0.30. 7. D.R.0., 25698/Box 0/10. 8. P.R.0., C3/376/92. r

2 W I/IYLTON, Richarde, yeoman will dated^8.10.1598; buried [ ]lr proved Launceston, beiore Mastei wi]-1iau Parker, [ -n.].¿.1-60L2 ["a 3. e. , of f icìal- of ttre Archdeaconry of Cornwall ] "beinge in good and perfectt memorye" "I commende my soule to almightie god my maker and redemer and my bodye to be buried in the churche or churcheyarde of St lvlarye Weeke " Poor of Weell St - tvlary ro/-, "to be distributed at my buryalJ- " Repair of Week St. lvlary church 6/8 "to thre men to ri-nge my knylls" r/- Brother Will- Iv1ylton' s daughters 3/4 each l"farie, d. Richard Wil-liams "my golde ringe" lvlargrett, d. Richard W¿ll-iams ttin goJ-de one riall of xvs" ,,in 6 Iv1arie, d. Arthur ivtyltons Spani-sh-e mgnyes [o]ne pece of lteJne ' shillinges" Margrett, d. Arthur Mylton 2/6, "in Spanishe monyes" 9" t l8 2/6, "in Spanishe [*orr]ye" t 110 r -t11 L l--, d. Arthur lvlylton 2/6, "in go1d" John Ju.l-e and Arthur lvly].ton 5/-; named overseers Residue to Richard Wil-liams of Week St. lvlary, named executor.

Witnesses: .Tohem SC Jule Waltor Colwil1

1 No P.R. or B.T. avail-able for this date 2 Date torn q

3 Latin translated and abbreviated 4 Deleted in mss. rlulyltonl 5 Torn; only the 'd' of daughter, and the "lton" of remain. 6. Torn. 7. Torn; could be [ni]ne 8. Name torn out completely 9. Torn. j-0. Complete line torn out; probably only one bequest 11. Fore-name torn out completely. lo

2 l. MYLTON, Richard, yeoman rnventory'1 dated L2.2.1600/r By Arthur l"lylton and John Jul-e his apparrelJ- 2-O0-OO his monyes in his pursse 2-O0-OO one fetherbed two bolsters one peire of 2-OO-00 bl-anketts and one coverlett thre bedstedes 1-00-00 one table bord with a lyttle shorte 1-O0-00 tabl-e borde and two formes one presse to kepe cl-ottres one chest 1-06-OB and two coffers in tymber wj-th two peire of wheeles one harrowe one peire of whipping trees and 2-I3-O4 a sellepp one keve and two barrells 6-OO thre paires two hedtowes and one paire B-O0 of runges fower little pannes one tittle skillett r_5-00 and a pottle pann two brazin croocks one brandize one peire 1-l_o-00 of pott hangings and a peire of crokes in pewtri 4-00 one stoninge troffe 6-OB

€ t5-09-o8

1. This inventory is in the hand of John Jewell. \\ .

3. MILT0N, Degory, yeoman, of Sladdacott

This surname was present in Week St. Mary in 1525, and was shared by a number of different families in the early seventeenth century. The relationship of Degory to Richard, to John, to Edward, and to Arthur, are not clearl. This testator was survived by his widow Honour, who re-married )3 15.10.1602', and by at Ieast four chiidren: Alexander', Wi I I iam4, Al ice, who married a Thorur5, and Mary, who married Roger Bastard6. Alexander was probably the eldest; he was named executor, and made responsible, with his mother, for the maintainance of his siblings.

The reference to Sladdacott suggests that this testator was lessee of that farm.

1 See nos. 2, 1 5, 1 I, and 30. 2 P. R. The name of her second husband Í s i ndec i pherab I e. 3 His Archdeaconry of Cornwall will shows hÍm as being res Í dent i n l.lh itstone, and i s therefore not included in this volume. He was, however, buried in Week St. Mary; cf. P.R., 6-7.1678. 4 No.31 . 5 See 31 l^l. 6 We may assume that her name is the one torn out of her father's will; see 31. Roger Bastard's will is no.24. t7.

3 W I{ILLTON, Dygory, yeoman, of Sl-adacott 12, proved 8.D., officiaÌ; until the majority

"being sicke of bodye but [ttr]anckes be unto god of quiet and perfyct mind and memory" "my soul-e to aÌlmight god and my body to be buryed in the church or church yard of Mary Week" Honoure, wife "the one hal-fe of all my corne, âs well that which is in the mowehay as all-so that which is j-n the fye1d"; "my beste crocke and my best pann with three other indyferent smalJ- panns"; "my best cubbord"; "one halJ-fe of all my pewter +i€b6 vessel]rr'- rrort" halfe of alJ- my tymber vessell"; "one half of. all my bedding"; "one hal-fe of alJ- my victayles"; "one halfe of all my piggs and pultrye"; "o.þehal'fJi of all my sheepe". Al-is, daughter t ]8, payabÌe at age 16. Willyam, son î6, payable at age l-6. i le [ ]10, payable at age 16. chI llt French and Daniel- "al-l- my cattell and all French my t )r2 for and concerning the payment of one obliqacon which thev do stand [bouna]8 to l{ärris ivlyoser âs in the sayd bond is more at large declared"

"a1so my will [i" that]t#" chillderen shal-l þg mantayned meate drinck and cl-otheing at the cost fand cnar]gd5 of Honor my wyfe and Alexander my sonn". Residue to Alexander, son, named executor. t3.

16 Witnesses: X Rodger Bastard Richard Williams Robart t ]shall

1. AlmosÈ the whole of the first line of this will has been torn off¡ the year alone remains. 2 The earliest extant parish register begins ín L6OI/2 3 1600 is a conjectural reading; 1601 is equally possibl-e. LaÈer years are less like1y in view of the absence of a burial entry in the P.R. 4. i.e. of Alexander, named executor in the wilL. 5. Latin trans!-ated; the word translated 'majority' is indecipherable. 6. Crossed out in mss. 7. Amount torn 8. Amount torn 9. Two l-ines torn out here; there could be two bequests missing. 10. Amount torn l_l_. Name torn; perhaps Charles )-2. Torn l-3. Torn 14. Torn 15. Torn 16. Testator made a mark, but his name is not noted beside it. \l¡¡- -

4. H0RE, Wa Iter, husbandman

This testator left a widow, MargêFy, a daughter, Margaret, and three step-children: Richardl, Elizabeth, 2 and Mary-, the off-spring of his wife's previous marriage to John Sutcott.3 Mary was already married at the date of her step-father's death; her husband was probably Wi I I i am Trefry. *A

Walter Hore is I isted in the 1569 muster rol l5; in the subsidy rolls of 1570/16 and 1599 /16007 he v{as assessed on goods valued at î3 and 34 respectively. He may have had some interest in land at West 0rchard. In 1576, Michael Bowden accused hÍm - perhaps in a collusive action - of entering premises there illegallyS. It is, perhaps, not without relevance that Michael Bowden witnessed the will of his step-son, Richard Sutcott9.

1 H is will is 11 l^l. 2 N 0.63. 3 H e is mentioned in the 1569 muster roll, and died c .1586/7; cf. H.L.Douch, ed., The Cornwall Muster R oll of 1569, 1984, p.122, andW120. 4 No.63. 5 Douch, op cit, p.122. 6 P.R.0. , E179/88/232. 7 P.R.0. , E|79/88/265. B P.R.0. , c8/1/81. 9 No. I 1 . \5.

4 W HOARE. WaJ-ter, husbandman. will dated l-O.3 .tøOt/zI; burie d, 14.3.] 60I/2i proved 22.4.1602 [before Master Witliam^parker, 8.D., officiaÌ of the Lord ]2. ubeinge perfecte of remembrance but some what sicke of body for the which b]-essinge r yeelde unto god most hartie thankes"

"my sofe unto the al-mightie god my maker and redeemer and my body to the earth whereof it is mad.e,' Poor of Week St. Ivlary f/- Repair of Week St. tvlary church r/- Ivlargarett Hoare, daughter EI4, "to be payde her with in one yeere after my deceasse and my best panne and crocke and my best bedsteede fetherbed boul-ster bl-anketts coverl-id to be del-ived after the death of wife Margerie" El-izabeth Sutcott, d. wife LI4, "j-n fufl satisfaccon and recompence of al-l- such legacies and guiftes as was given her by her father John Sutcotts l-ast will- and testament"; fL4 "to be payde her with in one yeeare after my decesse and my second best be{steede r fether bedd fUouf sted bl-anketts and coverl-id to be delivered after ftne death of]4my wife Malgerie" Richard Sutcott, s. wife A cow, 6. f,20, "in full satisfaccon and recompence of all- such legacies and guiftes as was given unto hym by his father John Sutcotts last will and testament " Walter Lee, godson I'my great table borde after the death of my wife Margerie but my wil-l is that shee shall- have the use of the same tableborde duringe her life" TL lvlarie Trefrie "one litle hamer panne contayning a gal.ì-on or there about" Johan Lee "one panne contayninge three gallons or thereabout " Residue to l"largerie, wife, named executrix, but "my said executrix shall- leave all- the goodes which shee shall have at the tyme of her death unto Elj-zabeth Sutcott her daughter and Margaret Hoare my daughter betweene them equally to be devided". Nicholas Will als Heale the elder, and Robert Orchard, named overseers, "in recompense of their paynes I gi-ve unto everie of them" 3/4

Witnesses Wal-ter O Hoare Edmond O Orchard Thomas O Blacke John S{ Orchard

l_ The Arabic numerals could be read as 1602, i.e. 1602/ 3 ¡ however, the regnal year ís 44 Elizabeth I. 2 Latin translated and abbreviated 3 Inter.l-ined 4 Interlined I-1 .

4 I HORE, Walter, husbandman Inventory dated I7 .3.160I/2 By Roberte Paynter and George Alee his wearinge apparelJ- f. 1-10-O0 one blacke gildinge Price t-00-o0 fower keen 6-00-00 three stares and one bul-l-e 4-00-o0 three heaffer yerlinge and one stare yerlinge 2-OO-00 three heaffers and ii younge calfs 4-00-o0 fowre piggs r_-00-00 duecks and hennes 1-O0 corne in the mowhey and in the earth l_o-00-00 hey and strowe 5-00 woode and fursses 3-O4 ii tabl-e bords formes borde chares and plankes l_6-00 v beddsteeds and iii cooffers 1-00-00 iii fetherbeedds v fetherbolsters iiii coverfedds one dowest bedd iiii blancketts v sheitts and twoo carpetts 4-00-00 one pere of iron bound wheles one weyne one butt yakes stringe sheeres and culters harrowes and saddfes 1-l-3-04 bacon and beaffe 13-O4 vi brason crockes 1-O0-00 xv brason pannes 3-00-00 pewter vessells and candelstickes 10-00 bucketts keeves barrelfs and tubbes 6-08 \9. one broche brandise irons gredell showeles mattockes and beattrihers ropes hatchett hookces and other small implements 5-O0 vi silver spones 16-O0 diverse debts dew from diverse persons 5-00-00 one hedd peace and other furniture 2-O6

L 49-O2-O2 \q

5. BEAF0RD, Thomas, husbandman

This decedent was related to the Thomas who purchased much of the manor of Swannacott i n the 1 570s ; 1 h Í s son John i nherited the Swannacott estate. The Beafords t¡lere one of the most substantial fami I ies in Week St. Mary, with roots in the pa rish going back to at least t 1525'.

When this testator died, he left his widow Thomasine, at least three chi ldren, and at Ieast two grandchi Idren. His Son John3 *urried Joan4; John the younger u/as their son. Thomas's younger son l,li I I iam marr j.ed Margaret Leigh 17.8.1603, soon after his father's deathS. William's sister, Alice, evidently married into the Spettigue fami. Iy, and had a daughter Beatri ce. Margaret Beaford, who is also mentioned in this will, was either the wife of George, who was probab ly Thomas ' s cous i n , or the daughter of John6.

Thomasrs wi I I indicates that he had a lease of East Reeve Ho-use, and of Week St. Mary's fair, from George Grenville. In 1593/4, he paid the subsidy on lands valued 7 at t3' ; the same assessment was made i n 1 599/ 1 6008- His status is indicated by the fact that he could name Degpry Chamond - one of the wealthiest men in the

Hundred of Stratton - as h i s executor - Z-o

1 See chapter 5, section 1 . ? T. L. Stoate, ed. , Cornwal I Subs idies i n the Reign of Hen r VIII 1524 , P. 3. Eîiwill and inventory were amongst the bombed probate records of the Archdeaconry of Exeter; cf. appendix A. 4- She was buried 20.5-1623, per P.R. Perhaps she was the Joan, daughter of Robert Burdon of Burdon, ment i oned i n J.L.V ivian, êd., The Visitations of the County of com rlstn 1, , ilfi p- 5. P.R. 6. George þras probably the son of the elder Thomas; he released his rights in Swannacott to his brother William, 17.8.1600; cf. D.R.0., 25698/Box 0/10. For Margaret, the daughterof John, see D.R.0., 25698/Box AA/2 Conveyance, 20.11. 1613, John Hardy to John Beafor å: re Odmi I l. 7- P.R.0., E179/B B/ 252, 8. P.R.0., E179/B 8/ 265. ?.\

5 w BEAFFORD, Thomas, husbandman. Will dated L3.4"1602; buried 4.5.1602; proved 7.6.1602 [at Launceston, before Master wi]-liam parker, 8.D., official; administration grantefl to wirl-iam Beaford for himself and Thomasine his mother]f .

"beinge of whol-e mynde and perfect remembryannce god be thanked"

"I comende my soule to the almightye god my onJ-ye maker and redemer from whence it came and rny bodye to be layd and buried ín the parishe church of Weeke" "poore mens boxe of Week', 3/4 .or Alce Spectigrew, daughter "l-r-r-r---,,, yeowes to remayne in my executors Ìrands and then to take order for the increase therof for her oneJ-ye maynteynance and that her husband to take noe benefite by these and after her decease to remayne to Beatrice Spectigrewe her daughter for ever" Beatrice Spectigrew f4, "!o bg.p?vd at the age of xvr-r-l-Lh y"r"" and to remayn in my executors hands before that tyme" John Beafford the younger Ê1, "or the second best peice of brase at his choise " Beatrice Wa]-ker "one yeo sheepe" Ivlargerett Beafford "one yeo sheepe" John Davyes "one yeo lamb" Thamsyne Beafford, wife "fyve sylver sponnes t-o her onelye use and to bestowe them at her pleshir"; also 7/-, "which John Beafford my sonne oweth mé which ï payd for him to Edward Callacott but if my wife inioye any parte of the corne in the earth quielty fttren ti:at gitte to be voyd] 2 " God chil-dren I/- each 'L2- .

William Beafford "one baye nage of age of iii yeres and one baye mare of the age of tow yeres old and the lease of the feare of weeke wlth all things therunto appertçynitrg and the fright and]3 terme of tñe East Rive House4- which I tooke of George Grinville esquire for xxith y"t"t ioyntlye with iohn Beafford my sonne payinge xiis yerelye unto John Beafford at fower teimes of the yere or els assigne or assignes xiiis come of the lease after m within one yere next ensi William Beafford my sonne one yearde of holtand yerelye duringe the terme"

Wil-1iam, s t'one steere " Residue to Tamsyne, wife, and William, son, named joint executors. B 9 Degorye Chamond, esq., & Richard Goode, gent., named overseers-

Witnesses: Thomas X Beaford Richardfo coode Walter Wallridg

1. Latin translated and abbreviated. 2. Added at l-ef t side of will. 3. Interl-ined. ¿" East Reeve House 5. Torn; perhaps "quarter" 6. Torn; perhaps "thereof " 7. Torn 8. Entered on verso 9. Ditto 10 This is conjectural; the signature is al-most illegib1e, but the final two letters are clear. Li.

5 I BEAFFORD. Thomas Inventory dated L2.5.L6O2 By John Cl-ifton and John Julle fower oxen 9-00-00 three keyne 6-00-o0 one heaffer of three yeres of age 1-10-O0 one steare of the same age 1-O6-08 three heaffers of tow yeres of age and tow steares of the saJne 5-06-OB three heaffer yearlings 2-O0-OO one bay mare 3-00-oo one baye col-te 2-O3-O4 one baye mare col-te 1-10-00 syxe brassen pannes 3-O6-08 tow brassen crockes l--o0-o0 one brassen scil-lett 2-OO tow fether bedes and one tewsse bed with coverletts blanketts sheitts and other things to the same belonginge 6-13-04 tow stanndinge bedstedes and tow trocl_e bedstedes 1-00-00 one presse 10-oo I one volvinge table borde and one squre tabl-e borde 1-OO-O0 three formes and one great stanndinge cheare and to litle cheares 6-08 three coffers 3-O4 tow litle stoninge trouffes 2-O6 three brassen candlestickes 3-O0 torv fl-uches of bacon and one fluch of beff l_0-oo one chattle leasse of the feare of Weeke holden of George Grinvill esquire with bordes and poles thereunto belonj_nge 2-O0-00 24.

the corne in the moyhaye 2-00-00 thre keves 10-00

tow barrel I s 2-00

one I onge peare of whe i I t s 3-04 fyve sylver spoonnes 1-13-04 one dossen of platters 10-00 fowen pogengers 2-00 fyve sat.lcers 1-08 one table clothe 3-04 one yeo sheepe 5-00 one barrow pegge 6-08 tow sowes 13-04 tow I itle peggs 6-08 tow geasse and one gander with t l 2 s-oo t l 5-00 t l 8-04 t I griddle i lhouckes 5-00 for his apparel I and money in his purse and all other th i ngs 5-00

g 6l-09-10 3

Th i s word is very indistinct; perhaps volringe volinge. or 2. This and t hä fol Iowing entries are too faded to be read f ul Iy 3 Actual ly t 57-09- 10. ,15

6. Rolle, George, esq.

George Rolle was the younger son of George Rolle of , founder of one of the maj or county fami I i es

,t of Devon.' His sister Jackett, who is mentioned in the subsidy rolls of 1570/1 and 1571/2, married Richard Gi lbert of Tackbear, Bridgerule, one of the witnesses to George's wi I I.2 George married Margaret, the hei ress of the Marrais fami ly of Marrais. Margaret had original ly been intended to marry his brother Christopher, who presumably died. Her inheritance included the manors of "East 0rchard Marrais", that is,Marrais, and Titson3, and lands in 22 parishes in Devon and Cornwall. The marriage settlement was dated 27.4.15414.

George and Margaret had at I east three sons , but noth i ng i s known concern i ng Maur i ce and Robert , apart from the i r mention in a deed of 1588.5. Rndrew was the only surviving 6 son; -his marriage to Christian Manning in 1601/2 was the T first to be recorded in the parish register. Andrew had three sisters: Florence married Peter Bennett of PerranarþJortha I ; Margaret married Henry Lamerton of ; Honour married Degory Burdon of l./eek o St. Mary.' George's widow, Margaret, survived for seventeen years after her husband's death; she was buried 1.5.16209.

After h i s marri age, George Rol le became act i ve on the Iand market, purchasing, for example, the manor of St. Gennys in the 1560s.19witf,in Week St. Mary, he purchased au

1 1, a burgage tenement from Si r John Roscarrocke and 12 Iand at Bakesdown f rom his wif e's uncle, John Ma"ui'' His Iands in Week St. Mary formed only a small proportion of the parish's total acreage; nevertheless, he þJas the wealthiest man in the parish, and usual ly headed the I ists of contributors to the subsidy and other levies. His name first appears in this connection in the subsidy roll of 3, 1558.1 which impl ies that he did not take up residence at Marrais until the 1550s. In 1569, he l'Jas the only inhabitant able to furnish a light horseman fully equrppe0;14 ln subsequent years ' he was regularly assessed to the subsÍdy on lands valued at î1015, and 4ç in 157516 he supplied two light horse-lo In 1599/1600, 7 increased to î'12'1 hÍs assessment on Iand was 'h' smal I value of the goods enumerated in his inventory, and the absence of references to cropS, I i vestock ( apart from his horse), and agricultural equipment, suggest that he had handed over the management of the estate to his son before his death.

êd., 1 A pedigree of the fami IY i s printed in J. L.Vivian, The Visitations of the Count of Devon, com risin e era s S a ons 0 an an 0oper, ' P. eea so exan er The H i stor of Great Torrin ton in the coun i of evon, p. evens one s n e ñ-ñshÍre pa rish of St. Gi Ies in the Wood. 2. Her will is Printed in Guide to Cornish Probate Records, 1984, P.31. Sh te as he-r TTster', that iS, her sister-in-law, and Andrew bequethed her 'c ozen' , that i s, her nePhew, a French bowl wo rth î3. 3. Th i s manor adj o i ns Marrais, but is in the Parish of Marhamchurch. 2--

4 D.R.O , 96M / 115/3t ; 96t4/87 /20; 96t4/ 115/27 . 5 D.R.O , 96t4/ 115 / 19 . 6 N0.41 7 P. R. H.t former married name (she t^ras a widow) is too f ade d to read. However, it is given in her burial entry 20 .8.1604 in the parÍsh register. I am ind'ebted to Professor E.W.F.Tomlin for this reference. 8. Vivian, op cit, p.656. 9. P. R. 10. Roger Parnall, Wreckers and Wrestlers: a hÍstory of St. Gennys pari sh, 1973, p.40. See no. 41 fof a f u I Ier descrîþTT-on of the Rolle estate. 11. R.I .C., BAT 10 and 39. 12. P.R .0., c3/288/31. 13. P.R .0., E179/87/196. The previous extant roll is for 1547/8 (E17e/87/1s6. 14. H.L . Douch, ed. , The Cornwa I I Muster Rol I of 1 569, 1984 , p .122. 15. P.R.0., E179/82/232 (13 Eliz.l); E179/88/226 (14 Eliz.l); Transcri t of Second Pa ment of La Subsid ranted z p- n oun oom ) 6 flqnscript ..., op cit, p.16. 7 P. R. 0. ; twgTgg /265. 2s-

6 w RoLLE, Georgel, esqtire2. witl dated 26.2.I599/L6OOt died 5.2.1602/33; proved 2i-.6.1603 [before Wi]-liam Parker, 8.D., official of the Archdeaconry of Cornwall; administratioq granted to the executor in the person of John Bewes, proctor)4. "my soul to almighty God my only savior and redemer by whose deathe and passion I truste and verily beleave to be saued and my bodye to be buryed wþere it sha}l please god to call me according to the discrecon of my executor" Poor of Week St. l4ary f.2 Richard Palmer f,I p.a., "in regard of his longe service with me"; to be paid "out of my lands and tentes lying in the parishe of St. Genys", quarterlY. Power granted to Richard to distrain if necessary. tr þtro]rna.s- Kynsman, servant, and "my three women servants dwellJ-ng with me in my house at the tyme of my death" 13/4 each Three daughters f,5-10-00 ach, "and t lI by me to them geven" Residue to son, Andrew Rol-le, named executor. Witnesses: - Richard SC Gilbert Hen: Verchil-l George Rolle

m9 see his l_ I am grateful to the late H.N.W. Toms for lettÍng transcript of this wi1l, which is one of the most illegible in this collection. 2 Descrj-bed as "armiger" on verso. 3 Date of birth giveñ in P.R.o., c3/2e8/3l- He was buried IO.2.L6O2/3, per P.R. 4 Latin translated and abbreviated 5 lorn 6 Partly obliterated; partly indecipherable a1 .

6 I ROLLE, George, esquire

¿l Inventoryr dated 17 .6.1603 By John Sherme, Richard Palmer, and Robert Orchard

his wearing apparel-l Ê 5-O0-O0 in mony 25-00-00 one bed steed and bedd performed 4-00-00 one mare and her colte 5-00-o0 fower cushions and three ioynt stooles 10-00 two chestes 1-00-00 his bookes 3-06-08 one chaire two presses 2-00-00

2 Ê 46-16-08

1. This Ínventory is Ín the hand of John 0rchard. 2. Actually f.45-I6-O8 3o

7 . C0l,lLING, John, yeoman

Information concerning this decedent is sparse, and is confi ned to probate records , and to the pari sh reg i ster. John Cowl i ng had three sons and two daughters. Wi I I i am rltaS probably his heir: he married Joan Burnbery's sister Gracel; their son was also named t./i t I iam2. 0f Simon, nothing is known. Leonard ended his I ife as a labourer worth a mere î 1.18.8 3. Elizabeth was baptised 12.8.16024. Nothing is known of Margery, other than the fact that she was teft a life interest in her father's tenement at I^/hiteleigh. John's widow Catherine married Robert Wickett of r on 23.10.t011J; Elizabeth took her step-father's nut.6.

John Cowl ing earned his I ivel Íhood primari ly from agriculture; he engaged in both stock rearing and arable farming. But he also had a spinning wheel, cards, and a piece of wool; spinning brought him a smal I income.

1 See 27l.l 2 No. 148 3 No. 44 I 4 P. R. 5 P.R. 6 See 44 l.l jr.

7 W COWLYÀIG, John, yeoman will- dated II.2.1602/3; buried 14.3 .1602/3; proved 2I.6.1603 Ibefore lvlaster Wi11iam Parker, 8.D., official- of the Lord Àrchdeacon of Cornwalt. ]1 "beyng perfect in mynd and memory thancks [¡]"2 to god and yet sycke and weake in body" "my soufe to almyghty god my itraker and redemer when hit shal-l pleas god to seperat the same frome the body and my body to the chrystien buryall with in the churche of Weke St lv1ary" Church of Week St. lvlary 3/4 Poor of Week St lvlary 3/4

Wyllm, son '[ ] ot three of the seconde"3 best platters performed and my best coffer to be payd him with in I )4 yeres next after my decesse" l"largery, daughter \rd of "estate of enheritance" in "Vleke Whitleagh"5; Week St Iv1ary, for 15 years, if she lives, paying "one greayne of wheat" at l"lichaelmas. Leonard, son ditto Ivlargery, daughter rc/- Leonard, son ro/ - symon, son î2, to be paid within three years of testators death. Elizabeth, daughter î2, ditto Residue to Catheren, wife, named executrix

Witnesses: .fohn X Cowlyng WyJ-Im O ColwyJ-l the elder Henrici O Prust t>-

Catheren O Kytto Richard O Jorye Thomazine O Jorye "and others" "Itm6 I the above wrytten John Cowtyng doe give these somes undre.wrytten unto suche persons are here undre written" Wyllm Colwyll f'l John Vüebb of Lanncells LO/- Wyllm Co1wyll the younger f,l John Crodacott a1s Tril-l 14/6 Henry Kitto f,l--15-1O, "to be payd on whitson lt{onday next"

I Latin translated and abbreviated. 2 Torn. 3 Torn. 4 Torn. 5 Whiteleigh 6 This section is written on the left side of the mss in the original, with the list of witnesses to the right.



I 74.

7 T. COWLING, John, husbandman, or whiteteigrr]1 rnventory2 dated Ivlarch , ftøoz¡zl By William Col-wil-l- of Whietly3 and Thomas Jollow of wetheven4

in redy mony 2-OO his apparell 1-OO-OO two keene and three heaffers {:oo-ool foure yearlings t l one mare price t l É two hens and one cocke 10' his corne in the moohey and in the grounde { l his beyffe baken butter and cheyse rt l6 his pannes and pewter vessefls rt l7 his bedding rt ]B one brandyse one gryd irone one toster t l õne showell- onê dung fourke one mattyÇke and one corne pycke t 1 bucketts and one bol-e butter crockes cuppes Qne keve and one tubb tymber ware t I one spynnyng torne one peare of wolle cards- õne fórm one t ] and other tymber ware t l one candlestyck t l one hoocke and one hatchet t l o o:!lr- for woode without and within doores t l tryffylls forgotten t l for a chettel lease the score and tenth parte of t ] f6orr t l

f, 18-17-O2 3t+

1 Torn: only the W remains, but the pJ-ace must be l{hiteleigh in view of the will. 2 The right side of this inventory is badly torn; most amounts are missi.g, as is the precise date- 3 Whiteleigh 4 Witheven in Jacobstow 5 lOd is probably meant, but LO/- is possible. 6 Only the 'X' survives; this could be any amount above ß/-, but is not likely to exceed f,1, i.e. xxs. 7. Ditto 8. Ditto o Deleted in mss. 10. Torn 35

8. 0LIVER, I,Ji I I iam, yeoman of Bakesdown

1 A John 0l iver is I isted in the 1569 muster rol I ;

perhaps he was l,lilliam's father. l,Jilliam may be presumed to have had a lease of one of the tenements

at Bakesdown. His inventory shows that he was a relatively substantial yeoman farmer; his cattle

alone were worth f13-13-4. In his will, he made provision for his widow, Thomasine, and his son Degory.2 The condition of the legacy to Margaret Lark suggests that she may have been his daughter.

1 . H. L. Douch , od. , The Cornwall Muster Roll of 1569, 1984, p.122. 2. He is n0.85. 3.

8 W OLLIVER, Wj-lJ-iam, yeoman, of Bakesdonel. wi]-t dated 13.5.1603; buried 15.5.1603; proved^lg.9.1603, Ibefore lvlaster Wi]-liam Parker, E}.D., off1cial].2 "being syek of body but tha[nks]3 b" to God of perfit mind and memory"

"*y sol- t_o, al-mighty god and my body to be buryed in the chlurch odo church yead of St Mary Week". Jacob La[rk] a cow, to pay debt of 35/-. Jacob Lark f,1 Ivlargert Lark f3, payable within part of a year after death of teÁtator's wife5. Mary Ollyver, sister 6/8 El-izabeth Pethick, god-daughter i ]6 Degory, son "a11 my stoning [trou]ghes"7 Poor of Week St. Ivtary 3/48 Henry Dawe I/-9 Residue to Tamsin, wife, and Degory, son, named joint executors.

Witnesses: Rogerus Bastard Katheri-n Burman

l_ Bakesdown 2 Latin translated and abbreviated 3 Torn 4 Torn 5 What part of a year was specified, but has been torn. 6 Torn 7 Torn B The '3' is torn, but the amount begins "th¡" 9 Probabl-e amount; the entry actually reads xiil J, and 12/- coul-d therefore be intended. 3r.

I I OLLMR, William

Inventofy dated'10. 7. IfOOS]1 By william Pethek and l{illiam Blake his wering aparell and his purse 5-00 peutor dishes 6-08 brasone panns r-oo-00 brougone crookes 6-08 brandes crok hangins gredel and tostes 2-OO braketts 4 barells and kaoves 13-04 buter pannokes drinke cannes 2-O8 tunnes l--06 bedclothing 1-l_4-00 bedsteds 2-00-00 one cofer r_-00 table bords and formes 3-O4 sheipe 3-r0-00 beaff and baken 10-00 candellstickes trenchers wooden dishes 1-00 wheat and malt 5-00 charn dung pott 4-00 hickes hoghed matuks shovel euell 3-O4 windingshet sackes seeives 5-00 paners r_-00

woode 2-OO amar amaar sadell- girses roopes t-l_4-00 vi kyen B-OO-OO ii hefers z-tz{o+f2 iiii yearlings 2-OO-00 38^- iiii calves 1-O0-O0 ii piges 14-O0 wheat 2-r3-O4 otes and hurle 2-O0-O0 beanes and peason 2-OO stoning trowes 15-00 Iaders r-o4 capes and glasses t13

E 33-04-04 4

1- Year not stated in the inventory; inferred from the wilI. 2. Torn; the 4d is a guess. 3. Torn A Actually f,33-10-10, without the final figure. This could be due to arithmeti-cal error - but it is also possibJ-e that some Roman numerals have been mis-read: the hand j-s very crabbed, and manuscript somewhat faded. 3q

9. CORY, Ivlathew

There were many of this surnarne in seventeenth century Week St. Ivlary, but this decedent is not mentioned elsewhere, despite hj-s evident wealth. His widow, Agnes, re-married some four months after her husband's death.l Her new spouse was George r,eigh2 - who had stood bond for her as administrator of lvlathew's estate.

1. P.R. The marriage took place on 23.I.1604/5. 2. His will is no. 55 below. He made interesting provisions for Agnesr second widow-hood. l.l€

9 A C0RYE, Matthewe

Buried 12.9.1604; admin. bond 8.10.1604, in f40, f rom Agnes Corye, widow and administratrix, bound with 1 George L.ya, yeoman, of Week St. MarY, to Wi I I i am Huchenson, D. D., Archdeacon of Cornwall.2 Account to be exhibited by 29.9.1605.

Signatures:3 Witnesses: JoI I l^lt l 4

1. Latin translated. 2. There appear to be two marks, with no names given; however, names could have been written on that part of the manuscrÍpt which has now disintegrated. 3. 0n Wi I I iam Hutchinson's previous career as archdeacon of St. AIbans,1581-1604, see Robert Peters , 0cu I us E ISCO I administration in the archd eaconry o ans 4. There couTd-have been at Ieast one other signature on that part of the manuscript which has now disintegrated. r+r

10. IVIILL, lvlary

All- that is known concerning this decedent is that she paid the 1599-1600 subsidy on goods val-ued at f3^,I and that she was survived by her daughter Honour, the wife of Jotrn Jewel-I.

I P.R.O., EL79/BB/265. r+2 l0A tvtILL. Ivlarv, widow

Buried L2.I2.1606; admin - bond 18 .12 ' 1606 , in f'4O ' from John Joule of Jacobstow, cornwa11, smith, husband 'l of Hone*, daughter and administratrix of the deceased, to Will-iam Huchenson, D.D., Archdeacon of Cornwall-; account to be delivered into court by 1.11'f607'

Signature: Jotrn Jo1ru1 Vüitness: .fohn Hicks

rsusan' 1. She is also referred to as in the mss' L+3 . ll- SUTCOTT. Richard, veoman

This decedent was ttre step-son of Walter Hore, and therefore the son of John Sutcottl. His sister Elizabeth married William A:

1 No.4. 2 P .R. 3 No.4. 4 See introduction, p t+r+

11 l,,f SUTC0TT, Richard, yeoman

2 l{ill dated 6.4.16071: bur I e d1 0. 4 .1607'; proved 31 .7 .1607 Ibefore Master I^Ji I I i åm- Pa k êl B .D., official of the Archdeaconry of Cornwa I I l 5 ' "being of good and perfitt memory though sick in body"

"my soule unto a I lm i ghty god my creator and redeemer and my bodye to be buried in christian buriall" Elizabeth Axforde, sister one cow Res idue to Margery Hore4, mother, named executor

Witn.rr.r,5 Willia 0 Axforde Michel I 0 Bowden Grace 0 Gloyard

1. There are two copies of this will. Apart from slight differences of spel I ing and common form, the other copy (a) is nuncupative, (b) refers to the testator's sister as Elizabeth Sutcotte: she was Ieft a "rugged cowe" , ( c ) refers to the testator's mother as Margaret Hore, (d) lists the witnesses in the body of the will, not underneath. Witnesses are given as Wi I Im Axeforde, MÍchael Bawden, and Grace Glawen. Despite these differences, the other copy was probably copied from the wi I I abstracted above. Th i s wi I I was the subj ect of legal proceedings, which have not been abstracted. 2. This testatorrs status or occupation is given in the parish register, but the handwriting is indecipherable. 'Yeoman' is a possible reading. 3. Latin transl.ated and abbreviated. 4. Referred to as "Margerte Hore" in note re grant of probate. 5. The "sÍgnatures" of William Axford and MÍchael Bowden are in the same hand, and are therefore treated as office copies. The "signature" of Thomas Mi l l, also in the same hand, has been deleted, and, in its place, the name of Grace Gloyard has been entered in a different hand. This cannot be her signature, however, since she made her mark on her depos ition (wh ich has not been edited). Al I signatures are therefore treated as office copies. r+5.

12. PAWLEY, John

The surname'Pawlyn'was present in lieek St. Mary in 1543, and had perhaps become 'Pawley' by the seventeenth century. l This decedent died chi Idless, but his widow Agnes out- Iived him by over thirty years; she was buried 24.1. 163g/40.2 Her wi I I indicates that she lvas a TrewÍn; the Degory Trewin who witnessed her husband's wi I l, and who praised his goods, may have been her father. The parish register indicates that John Pawley lived at Ketleigh; he probably rented a smal I piece of land there, although no evidence survives. His inventory indicates that he earned a small living from husbandry.

1 . T. L. Stoate , êd. , Cornwall Subsidies in the Reign of Henr VIII, 1524 p 2. PIRT Her wil I is n0.66 below. t\L. t2 W PAWLY, John wirr dated 20.1 .1607/B; buried 1.4-l-6081; proved LB.4.1608 [trefore Master William_larker, 8.D., official of the Lord Àrchdeacon of Cornwall]' ',beyenge of perfect memorye thancks be to the almyghte god but somwhatte grevyd in bodye" "my sowl-le to almyghty god and my body to be buryed the hol-ye to reste" Poor of Week St. Ivlary "namely unto Agnes Gobber Kattheren LokYer and unto George Beafford" 12d each John Paw1y, brother "one brassen krocke whyche I had of my fathers goods ", and f,l .00.00 Chrystyan, sister "one pane whych I had of my fathers goods", and f.l .00 .00 Brothers chi.l-dren f/- each Wifers brothers chi]dren f/- each Residue to Agnes, wife, named executrix. "thys was spocken in the presence of Degory Trewyn thelder and Thomsyn Olyn wyddow"

1. of Kitley, per P.R. 2. Latin translated and abbreviated. r+-1.

12 r PAWLYE, John Inventory dated 18.4.1608 By Degory Trewyn, Roger Bustard and Simon Frenche

hys apparelJ- and beddyng picce E 1-06-08 one kene picce 2-00-00 one haffer yearlynge picce 1-00-oo fyve yeoes and lambes picce 2-00-00 one pigge picce 4-00 three litle pannes and one skyllyeit 14-00 tooe brasen poottes picce 8-00 one dossen of pewter dissches fyfe pengjerd and fowre socers 10-00 a kyeve a tubbe and ii boolJ.s and buckett9 picce 6-08 a l-itl-e codron picce 1-00 the setlyn of the howse 14-00 yn corne 6-08 other smal-l implements of the howse to-00

f' 10-01-00 u-g

I 3. TUCKER, Nicholas, husbandman

We may presume that this testator had retired from husbandry: such capital as he had was tied up in bonds, and his inventory shows no evidence of agricultural- activity apart from the possession of two horses. Despite his retirement, his father was still alive; we may presume from the evidence of the wil-l- that he was the.John Tucker, clerk, mentioned in the inventory. Nicholas's wife, Joan, pre-deceased him; she was buried I 31.1.1604/5-. He left two daughters, Priscilla and Florence, for whom he made provision in his wiIl. Florence received the major part of his goods, and he presumabJ-y intended her to occupy his "owne chamber" in the house - presumably leased - which he gave to Ralph Dennis. There is, unfortunately, Do mention of this house in the inventory, and its l-ocation is unknown.

I P.R r+cl

13 w TooKER, NichoJ-as, husbandman

will-1 dated tB. t2.l-60B; buried 23.I2.1608; proved i-8. t .1608/9 ftefore lvlaster William parker, 8.D., officia-l- of the Lord Árchdeacon of CornwalJ.] 2. "beinge of hole and perfect remembrance thankes be to God for the same"

"my soule to almightie god my maker and redemer and my boddy to the christian buriall within the church yard of Weeke St Mary"

Prissella, daughter î6, due within 3 months of testatorrs death; aJ-so bond f,.or î.2 due from testatorrs father Ralphe Dennis "my howse half a yeare after my decesse except my owne chamber payinge the lords rent" J wichþ1as ] Dennis, godson L" of bond for f,2, due from testator' s. father, "as sonne as my executor shal-l recover the same" Residue to Florence, daughter, named executrix.

1 This will is in the hand of John 0rchard. 2 Latin translated and abbreviated 3 Handwriting somewhat faded 9o

13 I TOOKER, Nicholas rnventoryl d"t"d 10.1 .1608/9 By John Fetherstone, gent, and Walter !{oJ-ridge

in reddy mony 6-08 two fether beds two fether bolsters one payre of sheets one payre of blankets two coverleds price 2-00-00 fower brasen panes price 2-00-00 one brasen crocke price 6-08 fiftene pewter dishes price B-00 three keeves and fower tubs price Ì3-04 three barrels price 3-00 six bedsteeds price 13-O4 one stone and a hal-fe of tallowe price 6-00 two horsses with their furniture price 3-06-08 his wearinge cl-othes price r2-00 three bords price 5-00 one cobord and two coffers pris 3-O4 dewe from Digorie Triplet 1-10-O0 dew from John Tooker elarke 4-00-o0 dew from Siprian Brooke 1-10-00 trifels forgotten r-o0


1. This wÍll is in the hand of John 0rchard. 2. Not totalled; actually f,18.05.0o 5r

14. :PALMER, Richard, .yeoman

This surname was present in Week St. Mary in 1569 George Rolle Ieft this decedent €1 per annum, t o be paid out of his tenements in St. Gennys, "in regarde of his long service with me".2 pulmer, in his own wi I l, described Rol le's heir, Andrew, as his master. The connection with the Rol Ie fami ly i s accentuated by the fact that Thomas Kinsman, one of Palmer's Iegatees, was also a servant of the RolIes.3

It may be conjectured that much of Palmer's weaith derived from his service with the RoIles. This conclusion is strengthened by the fæt that he made Andrew Rolle his residuary legatee and executor. In addition to his rspecialties' , Palmer also engaged in agriculture, probably keeping enough I ivestock, and growing enough corn, for the needs of his own household. No indication is given as to the location of his tenement, but it is probable that he was a tenant on the Rol le fami ly's manor of Marra i s.

Palmer married Margaret Row on 29.11.1604; he had no chi tdren4. It is possible that his wif e bras in fact a Rol Ie, in vÍew of her surname. 1 H.L.Douch, ed., The Cornwall Muster Roll of 1 569 , 1 984 ,p .122. 2 6 W. Pal mer pra i sed George R0lle's Inven rorv. 3 6 t^l. 4 P.R. s2. l-4 W PALI4ER, Richard, yeoman wilÌ dated 26.5.1-608; buried [ ]]t proved 26.2.L6O)/LO [Uetore lvlaster Wi]-l-iam larker, g.O., official of the Lord Ãrchdeacon of Cornwa1l]2 "beinge perfecte of remembrance thannckes begyven unto almightie god" "my sou.Ie unto almightie god my maker and redeemer and my bodye to be buried in the chauncefl of the parishe church of Week St. Iv1ary when i-t shal-l please god" Poor of f,l--l-0-00 Repair of Week St. Iy1ary church 6/8 Ivlargarett, wife LAO; also "one cowe and all my deade goods of howshold stuffe" ivlargarett Barbor, sister f,5 Avise Petheck, sister f,3 Sister Avise Petheck's daughter L5 John Langdon IO/- Ivlargarett Langdon, wife of John IO/- "the poore mayde at Marrys3 called the poore pand" 6/- Henry Lamerton's children Ê1, to be divided equally Robert Orchard fO/-¡ "for the makinge of this my wil1 and for to be one of overseers hereof" Thomas Kynsman rc/-, "to be an other of my overseers rl I'1iche11 Bawdon the younger and his children 6/8 Residue to "my master Andrew Rolle esquier, named executor; Roberte Orchard and Thomas Kynsman named overseers. lfitnesses: Robte Orchard Richardi X Palmer lvlichell X Bauden 53

1. The P.R. has a page missing at this point. The last entry on the previous page is for 24.10.1609; the next entry is 28.11.1611. The earLiest B.T. entry is for lO.5.t6tl. 2. Latin Èranslated and abbreviated 3, .Marrai s sç

14 T PALI'{ER, Richard, yeoman rnventoryl d-a"d 20.r.1609/Lo By George Sherme and Ivlaurice lvloyse

his wearinge apparell 2-O6-æ mony in his purse 2-10-00 one bay mare 3-00-00 two kine 5-O0-00 corne i-n the mowhay 1-16-00 corne in the ground l_3-04 one bedsteede one fetherbed fower blancketts one dust boulster one coverled one rug and one fether pillow 3-06-08 in wood B-00 nyneteene pound and a halfe of woJ-l 1-05-00 thre sackes and one canvas shitt 5-O4 three pannes one skil.J-ett and one caldron l_-00-o0 in pewter and cande.l-stickes l_-o2-oo two brasen crockes 16-00 clomen vessells and glassen bottells 4-OO

tymber vessells 2-OO one sword and hangins 3-O4 in cloth and yearne 9-00 in butter and cheise l_4-o0 sixe sifver spones 1B-O0 one tabl-e bord fower coffers and one bord cloth l_-oo-00 in bacon and ottrer victua.l-I 2-10-00 five bords two dores and a baskett 7-00 one pigg t_2-00 one iron barr huckes hachetts axe matockes and showel--l- 4-O6 55 in stame 2-O8 saddells girses and ropes r-08 beanes and malte 1-00 turns and cardes r-o4 leather 1-O8 in plterie 3-O4 debts due by specialtie and otherwise from diverse persons 70-00-00 seaves rangers griddells and other things 2-OO


1. This inventory is in the hand of John 0rchard. 2. Not total]-ed; actually f,l01.06.06 5L,

1 5. MI LT0N, John, weaver, of Spearl and

There were Miltons in Week St. Mary in 1525, but the relationships of this decedent t o Richard, to Degory, and to Arthur, are not clearl. John Mi tton Ieft five children, at least two of whom were under five: Degory, his eldest, Thomas2, John, James, baptised 13.2.1606 /73, and Margery, baptised 13.4.1604j Hi, widow Thomasine was buried 1o-7.1628-5 Al I his chi ldren survived into adulthood.6

Mi lton described himself as a weaver, and Ieft his Iooms - the tools of his trade - to his eldest son.

However, he t,las a I so engaged i n husbandry: he kept a small number of livestock, and cultivated some arable - probably sufficient for his household needs. Spearland was probably only a small tenement.

1. See n0s. 2, 3, and 30. 2. His wi I I is no. 95 be I ow. 3. P.R 4. P.R 5. P.R 6.More information on their careers is given Ín no.95. 5-t

15 W IvIILTON, John, weaver, of Sparland l_

will dated 15.9.1609; buried I )2 , proved 26.7.l-610 [betore Master Wi]-liam B.D., official- of the Lord Archdeacon of Cornwall llarker, "being of hol-e and perfite remembrance thanckes be to god for the game"

"my soule to almightie god my maker and redeemer and my body to be buried in the church yeard of Whitestone,, Dygorie, eldest son !'my lumbes and'all that thereunto belonges"

Thomas, second son E2 John, son f.24 James r sort f.2 Ivlargerie, daughter f,3 Pre-ceding bequests all due within three months of testator I s death Residue to Thamsine, wife, named executor

l Spearland 2 See l4w, note 1. 3 Latin translated and abbreviated 4 This bequest interlined 58,

15 I MILION, John Inventory dated 13.10.1609 By william colw.ill of Whietlyl and John Tay1er of Trefrewse 2 for his apparrell 6-O8 for his tredding 1-00-o0 in reddy mony 5-00 his brasen pannes 1-00-o0 his brasen crockes r3-04 his peter vesseJ.l 7-00 for his iron ware 3-04 for his timber vessell 10-o0 for his l-umbes and slayes and that there unto belonges 1-00-o0 his corne in the motray 2-00-o0 two keene and one heafer 5-r4-O4 three hogges 1-O0-00 his pultry 1-08 things not heere named that are forgotten 5-00


1. !{hiteleigh 2. Trefrouse 3. Not totalled; actualty f ]-4-06-04. 5t.

16. JONES, Owen, gent.

This testator had a daughter Ùlargery, born 26.J.I.L6O4 I but it may be presumed that both she and her mother pre- deceased Owen; his will makes no mention of them. He named his sister Alice, the wife of the rector, as his executrix; other kin were his sister Lucy, his brother David, and their respective children.

It is probable that Owen Jones was the lessee of the burgage tenements known as Hartham Parks, Twenty Penny Hay, and part of Sarah's Hay; these were leased from John Beaford, who is al-so mentioned as a debtor in Jones' inventoryz. The fact that the inventory makes no mention of l-ivestock other than horses - suggests that Jones had retired from agricultura.l- activity, and rel-ied upon rents and interest for his income.

1. P.R. 2. D.R.O. 25699lgox, 0/ lO., John Hel-e, gentr âs trustee for Sir Warwick HeIe, to George Heler êsg., 3.2.I626i7. The l-ease j-s mentioned in passing in this deed, and in an accompanying exemplification of a decree in Chancery; this decedent was probably the first life in an old lease which in 1626/7 was in fact held by the second or third l-ife. There is no record of any other Owen Jones in the parish. Co

16 I^l J0NES, Owen, gent. t^/i I dated I -25.2. 1610 /1t; buried 16.g. 16111; proved 6.9.1611, Iat Launceston, before Master Wi I I i am Parker, 8., 0., officÍal of the Lord Archdeacon of Cornwa I i l' "beinge weak and sÍcke of bodye but sound and perfect of mynd and memorye God be pra i sed,'

"my soule to almighty God my maker and redemer and my body to the earth"

Luce, s i ster 12 p.4., to be derived from 120 "putt to use"

Res i due to A I ce, s i ster, wi fe of John Kers I ake, clerk, for life; on her death, or "in her life tym e as she shall think fitt and convenient,', to Reese, son of Davyd Jones, brother, and to Luce, s i ster, and her children, to be divided equally, or at the disc retion of executrix. Alce named executor; Henry ph itli ppes c I enk , named overseer. '

Witnesses: Jo Kers I akeJ AIce 0 Halth, widow Judith 0 Anderson, wido Mary, wife of t l U Bastard

B.T. See 14 W, note 1. The entry notes that this decedent was "brother to Alce, wife of John Kerslake,'. 2. Lat i n trans I ated and abbrev i ated. 3. This is undoubtedly the signature of the rector; there is another example at 18 A. The other signatures are all Ín the same hand, and have therefore been treated as roffice copies' . The wi t I itself i s not in Kerslakers hand. 4 Fore-name partly torn; it may be assumed that the mrsslng name was Roger; cf.24. lot,

16 I JONES, Owen, gent Inventory dated l-.9.161L By Thomas Phillipps, clerk, and George Bryant, labourer his apparel L 2-O0-OO one coffer r-oo one mare colt pastured with William Aleegh gent in Weeke St l"lary ctaymed by the said Wil-liam AIeegh 1-r0-00 and one other mare colt claymed by Nicholas Wi1l.s als Heale of St lvlary Week likewise I -10-O0 one bed perfourmed 2-O0-00 one hacknye saddle and bridef 2-OO one poynada 1-O0 dew unto hym by one specialtye from Will-iam Aleegh junior 15-00-00 and by an other billf 1-10-O0 dew unto hym atso by specialtye from Nicholas Wil-ls als Heale of Week St l"IarY 4-O0-O0 dew likewise by speciaJ-ty from Georg ' Colwil-l of the same r_-02-o0 dew likewise by specialtye from John Beafford thelder of the same 2-00-00 by an other bil-12 3-09-o0 dew by specialty from John MilI of Brendon 4-O0-00 dew from Phiflippe Egber of St l"lary Week 1-00-oo dew from Witliam Beafford of the same 5-00 dew from Richard Prust of Lancells3 gent by his bill r-00-00 bz one capcase j-ron and 2 litle boxes 1-00

f 40-1t-oo

I. i.e. from William Leigh juníor 2- i.e. from John Beaford the elder 3. . l.Z .

L6 Z JONES, Owen

Certificate 5.9.1611, by Thomas Phillippes, to Ivlaster Wj-lliam Parker, "officiaLl of Cornwal-l-", that he took the oath of Al-ce Kerslake, executrix of Owen Jones.

Signature: Thomas Phillippes l.t+

17. ANDERS0N, Judith, widow

1 This testator witnessed the will of Owen Jones by making her mark. It may be presumed that she had no children; she made her neice, Sidwell 0rchard, her executrix. Her wi I I indicates that she was the sister of John 0rchard, but makes no reference to her husband's fami ly, concerning whom nothing is known- It is probable that her husband left her the E2 she had invested in a l l obl igatorie". Judith also had I "bi smal amount wool and yarn, which probably I a I of I I provided her with a small income. She was one of the poorest testators to leave a will and inventory- .t

1. 16 l^/ Gs.

17 W AI{DERSON, Judethe, widow

Wil-l- dated 19 .4.16L2; buried ..3.4.161-2; proved., 29 .6.1613 tbefore lvlaster Will-iam Parker, B.D. , officiaJ-]' "beinge of perfect memorye thankes be to [cod]2" Tamson Orchard, wife of John "my l-ittel-l coffer and Orcharde otherwise Þlj-fes, brother all that is in it"; also of testator "the one hal-fe of one cowe that is with Edwarde Milton"; also "to have the occopassion of my pan befor she can provide some of her one and after to remayne the her daughter Sedwelle"; also "my seconde besÈ Peticotte" - Sidwel-l- MiJ-es, d- Tamson other half of mother's cowi also 5.'.- "for my howse rent" Residue to SedwiLl- Orcharde otherwise lIiles, named executor.

Witnesses: Edwarde X Mil-ton Judethe X Anderson John X Orchard gtherwise l'lifes thelder John SC Saunder

I Latin translated and abbreviated. .";- Torn 3 Almost certainly the scribe of this will; signs "þr trne" bC

L7 I AI{DERSON, Judeth Inventory undated By John Orchard otherwise l,lil-es, and Barnabas Hill all her apparie.Il f' 1-00-00 a liteÌI woole and yearne 500 one olde bed steede and two coffers 2-00 one cloming crocke and three dishes 1 one panne and one skillet 10-00 one bill obligatorie 2-00-o0 one square table borde 1-06 two bede blankets and an ol-de rugge 4 one bolster 3-00 one bagge of fethers 2-OO fower platers and a sauser 4-O0 a paire of panniers and a tube I if theare be any mony in other mens hands unknowne as yet unto us 3-04

f, 4-11-091

John Orchard als Ivliles Barnabas Híll

1. Actually f. 4-11-11. b-1

18. MILT0N, Edward, husbandman

An Edward Milton is listed in the 1569 muster roll1, and one of this name r,Jas assessed on goods valued at î3 in 15g3/4.2 There were, however, many families of this name in the parish, and it is uncertain whether these two references relate to this decedent.

The administration bond shows that Edward's widow Sidwel I acted as his administratrix; he probably died childless, as no baptisms are recorded in the parish reg i ster.

It may be presumed that Milton had a Iease of a few acres which fel I in on his death. His inventory indicates that he earned his I ivel ihood from husbandry.

The reference to "one cowe that i s with Edwaré MÍ lton " i n the wi I I of Jud ith Anderson3 ,uggests that he rented the animal from her.4 He also made his mark as witness to her will.

1 H.L.Douch, êd., The Cornwall Muster Roll, 1569, 1984, p.122. 2 P. R. 0. , 8179 / 88/ 252. 3 17 l^l. 4 This lvas a c ommo n p ractice in West Penwith in the e i ghteenth and ear I y n i neteenth centuries; cf. Joh n Rowe, Cornwa I I in the Age of the Industrial Revol ution, 1953, pp.235-6. For Pembrokeshire ex amp es 0 f the s ixteenth and seventeenth centuries, see Franc i s Green, 'Pembrokesh Í re i n by-gone days , circa 1580-1620t, National Librar of Wales Journal 9(2), 1955-6, p.24 tt l-8 I IVIILTON, Edward, husbandman

Buried 26.9.161 3*;^l_ inventory dated 28.5.1-614; exhibited 18. 7 .L6I4. By ,John Saunder and John Orchard als lvlilhouse al-l his wearinge apparell f' 6-08 one l-itle young pigge 1-O4 all his wheate and ots 3-O0-00 one fletche of bacon 5-00 two hennes and cheekons Ì-00 hey and woode 6-08 one olde showle and mattocke 6 three old sackes r-00

f. 4-o2-O2

1. Mylton per P.R. bq


Admin bond 18'.7.161,4, in 18, from Sidwel-l Milton, widow and admínistratrix, bound with Johnl Ol-l-iver of Launceston, taylor, to Master William Parker, rector of Blislande 2 Inventory to be exhibited by 24.8.16143; account by

30 - 6.1615.

Signature: John Olliver Witness: Jo Kerslake, clerk

1. Latin translated Z. B1is1and 3. "feast daie of St Bartholomewe"in mss. 1o.

19. PETH I CK, William, of Lower Bowdah

william Pethick and his son John were both resident in week st- Mary in 1s25, and it is probable that this decedent was descended from them.1 He may perhaps be the william pethick who went to the 1569 muster with a bow and twerve urrorr.2 He had six chirdren; most, if not all, were of mature age at his death. George was named executor and residuary legatee jointly with his mother. Nothing more is known concerning him. His brother Wi I I iam, whose wi I I survives3, had a wife named Jane, whose maiden name i s not known. Hi s four children - simon5, l,lilliam6, Elizabeth and MaryT - lrere al ive when their grandfather died, and are al I mentioned in his will. This testatorrs other son, Degory, was a bachelor on his father's death; it is likety that his i nheritance enabled hÍm to establ i sh h i s own household, since he married Margery t.li H of Thrushelton just four months after his father's buriat.S william also had three daughters: Avis, Elizabeth, and Joan. HÍs widow, Marg€Fy, survived him; she rvas buried 20.2. 1615 /10.9

The tenement at Lower Bowdah rvas probably leased from the Leigh family.l0 l,lilliam,s wearth not sorely 'uas dependant upon this tenement; he also owned Gifford's Mi I I at l'lhitstone, and probabty had other land as wel l. His inventory, unfortunatery, gives r ittre information concerning the mi I I , although the corn valued at 1ì.

f3- 1 7-0 may have been desti ned for it. The maj or investment revealed by the inventory are the I ivestock, and particularly the cattle; the Iatter were valued at f.40. The inventory also reveals the possession of carpernter's tools, and of yarn for spinning - both of which may have provÍded the fami ly with a source of income. This suggestion is strengthened by the mention of thirteen pounds of wool, and of the purchase of timber, in the will. In addition, and although the invenlory does not mention it, there was also interest to be had from money lending: at least one debt of î-4 was due, according to the will.

In the subsidy of 1599-1600, Pethick was assessed on 1 goods valued at t3.1 He praised the inventory of William 0tiv"r12.

1. T.L.Stoate, êd., Cornwall Subsidies in the Rei nof Henr VIII 1 524 an an e enevo ence o p. 2. HlT.oouch, e d., The Cornwall Muster Roll of 1569, 1984, p.122. 3. No.9 0. 4. P.R. entry dated 3 .1.1624/5. 5. Bapt ised 2 2.12. 1 60 5 per P.R. His will is no. 104. 6. BurÍ ed 3.1 .1624/5 per P. R. 7. Th ey are m entioned in their f ather's will; cf.90 l,l 8. i.e. 15.8 .1614, pêF P. R. 9. P. R. 10 . See 104. 11 . P.R 0., 8179/88/265. 12 .81 -t:- - t9 W PETHICKE, Willyam, ttre el-der will dated 17.1 .1613/14; buri ed 12 . 4. l- 6141 ; proved 27 . 4 . I6L4'¡ [before Master William Qarker, 8.D., official of the Lord Archdeacon of CornwalJ-]z "beinge sicke of boddye but whole of mynd and perfect of memorye thancks by gyven to god"

"my soule to almightie god my creator and redeemer and my boddye to the earthe whereof it was made to be buryed in honest and comlye manner in the churche or churcheyarde of St lvlarye Weeke" Poor of Week St Mary 3/4 Avys, daughter f-2O., and "one of my anchell heyfers " EJ-izabeth, daughter ditto Johan, daughter f.l0 Digorie, son "my second best heyfer yereling and one pigg thirtee pownds of blacke and blue wooll- which I now have aJ-1 my parte of the tymber which I bough of Mr Abbott at Luffi-noco.tþ in the countye of [oe]vónt. ogeather with thomas Rowe and my sonne WilJ-yam"; al-so "all those greest mylls . a. cal-]-ed Giffords Mylls'... i n the parJ-she of lVhitston il William and Symon, sons " one yeb/e lambe" of WyJ-lyam Pethick t ].6daughters ditto of Wyllyam Pethick "al-so my wiJ-l intent and meaning is t lt my sonne Wifffyþ I standeth bounden wth me for the payeúent thereof that my said son Willyam shall receyve and take of George Blake the said some of fower pownds and fower shillings which the said George oweth unto me and therewj-th that my said sonne Willyam shall paie and discharge the said bond unto Richard Langford" -ì3, i l Vùi1lyam, son L/- Godchildren I'l- each Residue to Ivlargeryê, wife, and George, son, named joint executors

Witnesses: Willmi X Pethick sen Richard Veale Peter Edmonds John Veale

1. Described as "senior" in P.R. 2. Latin translated and abbreviated. 3. Luffincott. 4. Obscured 5. Gifford's lvli1L, $lhitstone. is not listed in Gover. or mentioned in the Ordnance Survey maps avai.Iable to me. 6. Torn 7. Probably at l-east one whole line has been lost at the fold. 8. Torn. -ì\.

t- 19 I PETHICKE. Willyam. the elder, of Bowda Inventory dated 15.4.1614. By George Lee and John Jufe als Pytton forcer oxen f r5-00-00 three steers two of three yeares ol-de and one of two yeares olde 6-00-o0 eight keyne and heifers ]-6-00-00 three yearelings and three calves 3-00-o0 one horse and one colte 3-O6-08 one and twentye ol-de sheepe and nyne lambs 4-r_0-00 three swyne or piggs 1-00-00 al-l his pultrye 3-04 corne in the mowhaye and reddye thrasht 3-17-O0 one coopboarde 1-13-O4 twelve platters six sawcers three saltes a pinte pott of pewt,er and fower lattyn candlesticks 18-OO five brasse pannes and a skyllett 2-L3-O4 three brassen crocks 1-O1-OO one brandyce a grydyron toster pott hangers and crooks and two spitts 3-O4 beife bacon and porke 1-l_o-o0 butter and cheese and other provysyon 6-O8 two plough shaires two yoakes stapes and crookes one culter one hedtowe and Ìrarrowe and tends and other provision for ploughe 6-O8 two hatchetts one hooke two axes a thwartesawe and other carpenters tooles and tooles for husbandrie 13-04 one fetherbedd and boulster three dust bedds and boul-sters fower payres of blancketts fower coverletts and one sheete :5-03-O4 -ì5. one stoning troffe to-00 fower bedsteeds three cofers one table boarde formes stooles chayres keeves tubbs barrells and other wodden vessells 1-O6-08 yarne 17-O4 brydle saddfes trusse roapes and other furnyture for horses 5-00 other things not particul-arlie valued 6-08 aLl his wearing apparrell 2-00-00 his purse and girdle 13-04


1. Bowdah. 1lo.

20. 0RCHARD, Robert, I abourer of Week 0rchard

There t,lere many 0rchards in early modern Week St. Mary; three llere assessed to the subsidy in 1524.2 This wilt indicates that there t,vere at least three who bore the

nameRobert. This testator was probably related in some way to the Robert 0rchard who witnessed his will3; his godson Robert was the son of his brother John - ôs, indeed, was his godson Ì^lilliur.4

This Robert 0rchard married Joan Painter 8.7.16025; 6 Joan was buried three months before hen husband -

They lef t three chi ldren, John, I,li I I iam, and Mary. It i s possibie that their sons had already been provided for, in view of the fact that their Iegacies were relatively smal I comparied to the value of the residual estate inherited by Mary.

Robent 0rchard was comparatively wealthy for a labourer. It is probable that he leased a few acres at Week 0rchard to keep his cow, but unlikely that he had any other land. His income was derived from weaving; he had wool, yarn,

and cloth valued at 39, as well as three rturnes'. He also derived interest from 120 invested in bitls and bonds - money which he may have saved as a labourer, although it may equal ly wel I have come to him as a Iegacy. -ì-ì.

1 This statu s is given in his burial entry in the P-R. 2 T.L. Stoat e, ed., Cornwall Subsidies in the Rei n of Hen r VIII 1 524 an an e enev0 ence o pp. 3. He-p urchased a numbe r of Week st. Mary tenements from Thomas St. Auby n in 1598 (D. R. 0. , 25698/ Box 0/ 10) , and lvas churchwarden in 1609 ( P.R .) 4. P. R. , bapt i sm of Ro bert, 25.1 1.1 607. This indicates that Robert's father lvas John of tJestcott. 5. P. R. 6. She was buried 24.2.1613 /14, per p.R. .ì8.

20 W ORCHARD, Robert, of Week Orchard will dated 15.5.L6I4; buried 20.5.16141; proved 18.7.1614 l-before ivlaster Wil-liam-larker, 8.D., official of the Lord Archdeacon of Cornwall]' "beinge sick in bodie but perfect of remembrance god be thancked" "my soule to almightie God hoping by Jesus Christ to have full remision of all my synnes and my bodie to the earth where and when it shall please God" Roberte Orchard, godson, of Wescott 3 3i4 WilJ-iam Orchard, nephew and godson f,3 John Mil-ton, godson 6d Cherietie Orchard 6/B Wil-liam Orchard, son Ê3. due within 9 months of death John Orchard, son L5, ditto Elizabeth Bowden f,I, and"halfe of my best whit woll", or 2/6 William. son "one of my brason carke", and "all my armor" Residue to lv1arie, daughter, named executrix- "dew to mee by now from Roberte OrcÏ¡ard of Sladacott", f'1-O8-00. "f rom Ttromas Wolfe", ß/ -.

Witnesses: Robto X Orchard Robto Orchard of Ladacott 4 Thome X Kynsman Willm X Orchard

l-. Labourer per P.R. 2. Latin abbreviated and translated. 3. Westcott 4.'Staddacott -ìq.

20 I ORCHARDT Robte, widower Inventory undated l By Thomas Kinsman and Richard Langforde three bedes with bol-sters blanketts and coverletts f, 3-00--o0 one peece of newcloth 2-OO one sorde and dagger 5-00 one greate sacke of wolle 7-10--OO xii--,.ti of midel-l wolle at viiid pounde 8-00 ii pottles of morte 200 one pecke of wheate 2-OO all the pewter vessell- 12-00 the pans we vafew wourth Ì3-O4 ii crockes 13-04 x1i ot yearne 1-00-00 one co\¡/e and a calfe 3-00-00 al-l his furse and other wood r0-00 one shove.l-I and one mattocke 2-OO iii turnês 2-OO iii stockes of bees 7-OO all the bief and bacon 16-00 ii brandises 2-OO the rest of the implements in the two chambers and the hal1 r,'re vallew wourth 8-O4 aJ-l his bi1ls and bandes with all other such money as was dew unto him we valewe some 20-00-o0 to all his appareJ-I with money in his purse we vafew wourth t-l-o-00 all the reste of goods not before prised we do valew wourth 10-o0

L 4r-r5-00

I. Date of death given as 20.5.J-614- Bt

2I TAYLOR, John, hus Trefrouse'

This decedent was survived by his daught'=r Joan and his wife Elizabeth; it is likety that Joan was a minor, in view of the provision made for her in the will-. Elizabeth survived her husband by 24 years: she was buried 2C-12.16363. Taylor al-so made provision in his will- for his sister Phi.IJ-ippa, who Ìrad married a Beaford4, and a 'cousin'- It may be doubted whether any of his legatees benefited from the will-: the total of the inventory was barely sufficient to cover Taylor's debts. It is to be noted that George Trewin, one of his creditors, helped to praise his inventory.

It may be assumed that this decedent was the John Taylor of Tref rouse wtro praised the inventory of John liil-ton5, Ivli.l-ton's daughter Margery, who was stil-l- a minor, was one of hís credi-tors.

Taylor described himself, and was described by his praisors. as a husbandman. The parish register buriaJ- entry, however, describes him as a labourer. He probabJ-y rented a field at Trefrouse to pasture his co\,v, calf , and piglets, but he probably also Ïrad to find emplo)¡ment as a labourer in order to support his family. l-. The P.R. describes him as 'labourer'. 2. See 15 I 3. Ditto 4. It has not been possible to identify her husband- 5. 15 r. 82. 2I W TAYLDER, John, husbandman Nuncupative will dated 10.12 .L6I4; buried L4-L2-l 614I¡ proveá I5.3.L6L4i5 fbefore Master Nathanie]- Bearde, clerk, vicar of , proctor of Master WilliamrParker, B-D-, official of the Lord Archdeacon of CornwallJ- "perfect of memory but somewhat sicke in body" "his soule to almighty god his maker and redemer and his body to the earth wherof it is made" Johane Tay1der, daughter f,2, "to be paid at the will and pleasure of his executrix" Phillippa Beaford, sister IO/- John Davy, cousin 2/ - Residue to Elizabeth, wife, named executrix "A note of such depts as he did then make knowne to owe" to lvlargery Milton f'3 to John C.l-ifton L2 to George Treweyne f.Ì-13-00 to Agnes Blagdon f,1-l-3-00

Witnesses: - 3

l-. Described as "labourer" in P.R- 2.. Latin translated and abbreviated- 3. l"lark only made 8"

2L I TAYLDER, John, husbandman rnventory dated 13. 3 .L6I4/5 By John Coll-will and George Treweyne his purse and gerdle valew 2-08 his wearing apParrell valew 1-O0-00 -three brazen -pannes and one little brazen crocke vafew 18-e0 eight platter dishes and two podgers and two sawsers valew 4--OO al1 his bedding valew 2-10-00 three bedsteads fower l-ittle coffers and one chest valew r6-00 all other little smale implyments of howshow.Id stuffe 13-04 one cow and one haffer Price 3-06-08 two little piggs Price 6-08

î. 9-r7 -O4 8t+

22. GRIST, Samuel

This decedentrs daughter phitlippa married Michael

Luca s 17 .6.1602; the i r daughter I sett was bapt i sed ,| 17 -7 - 1 606. 'By the date of her father' s admi n i strat i on bond, Phillippa was a widow, although there is no buriar entry in the week st. Mary parish register for her husband. Samuel's widow Mary survived him; it v,/as her death in 1620 which prompted phitlippa to obtain a grant of admini stration for her father's estate - five years after his death.

Samuel was the tenant of a messuage in Week St. Mary, which Thomas Nichol Is of sold to Andrew Rol Ie in ) 161 1". It may be presumed, however, that the lease referred to in Samuel's inventory related to the tenancy of that one-third part of Hill park, HÍll Meadow, south

Lumhead, Hel sha I I Hay, and Hel sha I I Mead, wh i ch John Beaford sold to the Hele family in 1626, ôt which date it was tenanted by Samuel,s widow and daughter.4

The inventory is unlikely to be very accurate, in view of the lapse of time between Samuel's death and the praising of his goods: most of his property would atready have been distributed. It would be interesting to know what his "bal iance of brasse" was used for. ç85

Th i s decedent w i tnes sed the tak i ng of seizin of one-th i rd of Odmill and Pennickrs Park in 1587, when,lohn Beaford purchased the property from George Mayne. 5

1 P. R. 2 She l'las buri ed 4 .4.1620 per P. R 3 D.R.0., 96t't1/ 115 /20 . 4 D.R.0., 25698/Box 0/10. 5 D.R.0., 25698/Box AA/2. gr

22 I GRIST, Samuell Buried Ll-.4.1615; inventory'dated1 L.7 .1620. By William Clyfton and Jotrn Orchard

one cheist pri-ce r-06 old borde 1-00 two peticotts 3-O4 a bedsteede and the furniture 2-O6

two trenchers a cup and a nale 2 one ballance of brasse 6 other apparell and other things 2-00 a lease for diverse yeeres yeat to come yf Phillipp Lukis lives so longe B-00 -00

f, 8-11-00

This inventory is in the hand of John 0rchard. g-t

22 A GRIST, Samuell

Admin. bond 27.7.L62O, in EzO, by Philipplaì Lucas, widow, of Week St. Ivlary, daughter of the deceased. bound with John Orchard, Çentl,, of Week St. lvlary, to Ivlaster Will-iam Parker, 8.D., Archdeacon of the Archdeaconry of CornwaÌl. Inventory to be exhibited by 25.12.i6202; account by 1 .7 .162I.

Witnesses:- Lewes Sherte

Signatures: Phillipp X Lucas; ,Johes Orchard

1 Latin translated 2 "the feast of Chrismas" i-n mss. g8

23. BEAF0RD, Benjamin

The Beaford family were already amongst the more substantial tax-payers of Week St. Mary in 1525, l when two of this name contributed to the subsidy. This decedent had two brothers, George, who is mentioned in Benjaminrs will, and William. They were probabty the sons of Thomas Beaford, who purchased much of the manor of Swannacott in the 1570s, and who died in 1587.2. In 1600, Benjamin and George released their rights in Swannacott to their brother William.3 It may be that Benjamin's €30 invested in bi I Is and bonds represented the capital he received from this transaction.

Benjamin's widow, l^li Imot, survived him for eighteen years; she was buried 26.3.1635.4. His two daughters, Alice and Beatrice, both married5. AIice, the eldest, was the first to do so; she married George Rattenbury on 13.4.1618 - just eleven months after her father's death. Beatrice was probably much younger than her sister; it rvas not until 14.5.1626 that she married John Seccomb. We are not told whether either of them followed their father's instructions in choosing their husbands. a

Th i s decedent probably reta ined a few fields at Swannacott for his Iivestock. Most of his income, however, probab Iy deri ved from h i s i nvestment i n bilts and bonds.

T. L. Stoate , ed . Cornwal I Subsidies in the Rei n of Henr VIII, an an enevo e c e o p 2 S ee chapter 5, section 1 . Thomas's death is recorded i n C.R.0., ACP/WR184 1120. 3. D . R.0. , 25698/Box 0/ 1 0. 4. P .R. 5. P .R. Qo.

23 W BEAFORD. Beniamin will undated; buried 19-5 -I6L7; proved 15'I0 'L6I7 ill Launceston, before lvlaster willia1 Parker, E}.D., ArChdeacon of the ArchdeaconrY of CornwallJ- "beeing in perfitt memory (thankes be unto God) " "vnto altmighty God my soule, and my body to the earth" A1ce, eldest daughter f,15, "to be Paide unto her at

to Betteris Beaford her sister and in the meane ti-me that she remaines unmarried she strewing her selfe dutifull unto her mother Willmott .Beaford is to have both at home and abroade fitting meanes after ten Pound in the Ìrundred according to the true meaning Ìreereof " Betteris,youngest daughter Ditto, but remainder to Alce Poor of Week St PlarY 3/4 George, brother "all my waring clothes" Residue to Willmott, wife, named executrix

Witnesses: - Beniamin X Beaforde Richard Finch, cleerke Degory Burdon William Beafford QI ,

23 f BEAFFORD, Beniamin Inventory dated 18. 5.16L7 By Digory Burdon, gent., Will-iam Beafford, and George Colwill to kine to yearelings and one weanynge cal-fe f, 6-00-o0 one horse 1-00-o0 9 sheepe and three l-ambs 1-]-6-00 4 piggs L--00-00 4 brasse panns and 2 little skil-lets I -10-OO 2 crockes 14-OO pewter I6-OO earthen vesseffs l_-o0 timber vessells 1-00-00 bedding with the furniture thereto belonging 5-00--00 for napery 3-00 to brandises and other iron implements 3 .00 a halfe of a flych of bacon 3-00 one sylver spoone 4-OO 4 candelsticks 4-00 all detts by bill or bands or other wise whatsoevèr 30-00-00 five geese and other pullin 6-00 all his wearing clothes with his purse and gerdle 1-O0-00

I Overseers and praysers of all f. 50-19-00 his goods Degory Burdon Willm Beafford George Colwill l. Actual-ly f,5L-0O-00 42.

24. BASTARD, Roger

This decedent married Mary, the daughter of Degory Milton. She was still alive in 1621 /2, but there is no record of her burial in Week St. Mary.1 His surivivng chi ldren were his son John, and his daughters Austin, Mary, and Susan.2 John was baptised 24-6.16043; it is probable that his sisters were oldêr than him, since there is no record of their baptisms in the parish register.

It would be interesting to know how Roger came to be buried at St. Probus. It may be conjectured that he died there whilst on a journey. The Hugh fami Iy, who witnessed his will, and, presumabiy, his death, we re i nhab itants of St. Probur.4

Bastard himself witnessed two wi I Is - those of Degory Milton5, his father-in-law, and William 0lìv...6 He also prai:;ed the goocls of John Pawlr,ry.T The tt..lo wills are in the same hand, and although there are sl ight differences in Bastard's two s ignatures as witness, it may be assumed that he wrote both wills. q3.

No information Ís avai lable concerning the location of this decedentrs farm; it is evident, however, that he had a relatively substantial acreage, which ,p.rovided him with modest wealth. Agriculture v,,as his sole source of income. In 1599/1600, he paid the subsidy on goods valued at f3.8

1 No.3. See also 31. 2 Susan was a I i ve by 30. 1 . 1617 / 18, when she was named as a I ife in a lease that was subsequently the subject of a case in Chancery; cf. P.R.0., c7 /544/St . 3 P. R. 4 Christian Hugh died c.1644; cf. Index to Cornish Probate Records, 1600-1649 art 2: surnames , P. 5. ñõ: 3I^l 6. No. 8l,.l 7. No. 12 i. 8. P. R. 0., 8179/88/265. aç.

24 l,l BASTARDE, Roger, yeoman 1 Nuncupative w I I 2 2 dated 0.6 .1617; buried 19.6.1617 at St. Probus proved 9 6.1 618 Master Wi I I iam ; [before 3 Parker, B. D. , Archdeacon of the Archdeaconry of Cornwa I I l "his soule unto almightie god and his body to the earth when and where it shal I please god" Poor of Week St. Mary 2/- Godchi ldren 4d each

Austin, daughter f6- 1 3-4, "to be payd her within twoo yeres after his decease or before at the discretion of his executrix

Mary, daughter â5, d i tto

Susane, daughter f5, d i tto John, son f5, ditto

Res i due to Mary, wi fe, named executri x

Witnesses: Richard Hughe, Christian his wife 4 John Hugh

1. This wÍll is in the hand of Robert 0rchard of Sla ddacott. 2 P.R 3 Lat n transrs I ated and abbrev i ated . 4 Chr st i an name i s i n the hand of the wi I I 's scri be. 4s.

24 r easrafnn]1, Roger Inventory dated 14.7 .16l'7 By John Shermer Wafter lvlill, John Thorne, and George Danger his wearinge appareJ-l f l_-l-0 .o0 *o br-""n panes 4 00-00 three brasen crockes I 00-00 in pewter vessells bason candlesticks and morter l_ 6.-00 three fetherbedds and al-l- other beddinge and furniture unto the same 7-00 -OO bedd steads tablbords formes tymber keves barrel.l-s tubbes and tornes 2-r0 -00 three sifver spones 4-OO pothangyns serings of iron brandise irons hyrrowes syves iron stuffe mattockes showe-l-ls axes hatchettes and Ïrukes l_3-04 roppes girses brydells and saddles 6--OB one cubbord 6-08 oxbowes woode furses and Yokes 6-08 butter chese and bacon 13.-04 in mal-te 2-OO corne in the earth as wheat etc and barley 5-00-00 stony trooffes l_0-00 one sworde and dager 3--O4 a wynsheate sackes sawes buckette and other smafe implements forgotten 6-08 fower keene B-00-00 one stare of twoo Yeres of age I -06-08 two yerlings and three cal-fes 3--00-o0 one olde mare l---06.-08 1t

o VI prgges 1-03-00 geese and pultrie 8-00

t 38-01-08 2

1 Torn 2 Actually f40-10-00. ql .

25 BLAGKDON, Agnes, widow

This decedent is descrj-bed as the wife of Anthony in her parish register burial- entry, but we may assume from the probate records that she had lost her Lrusband. Her poverty is evident, and is ref.l-ected in a poverty of information concerning her - which is made worse by the tattered state of the probate records. It seems probable that she had no children: she made bequests to her mother, Agnes Dawe of , and to a number of chil-dren, probabJ-y including those of Samuel Dawe, who was presumably her brother-

Despite her poverty, Agnes was able to fend money to her neighbours; indeedr wê know of no other source of livelihood. One of her debtors was John Taylor, who owed her f,l '13 -00 at his death in l-614f .

l-. No. 21 W above. q8

25 w BLACKDoN], Agnes, widow

Nuncupative will-2 d-a"d 9. 3. ]16]17.'8; buried ]- 4.3.161-7.' 83 proved l-8. 5 .1617 /:B [¡"! re Master Will-iam Parker, 8.D., Archdeacon of CornwalJ-l 8

"every one t l children" 3/4 "every of her bro[ther l three younger children" t l "her s[ister ] el-dest daughter no[ ] t ] "Item her wil-l- and intenltion is that ] and John Where thelder t ] above said t ] whome she did put in trust should have the some of three pounds of her goods to reman in there custodye to be by them distrubyted bestowad on her mother Agnes Dawe of oterham 5 if she hade neede as they sha.l- thincke fj-ttinge" Residue to Samue.l--l- Dawe, named "*e"rtor6.

l-. Surname speJ-t "Blackadon" on verso of will-. L. A l-arge part of this wil-l is torn away, and it l_s possible that seperate J-egacies have been run together in this abstract. 3 Blagadon, wife of Anthony, in P.R. 4. Latin abbreviated and trans.Iated. The last part of the note of probate has been torn off. 5 Otterham 6 Ir{uch of the wording here is missing, and the identification of Samuef Dawe as executor is conjecturaf. q1 .

25 I BLACKDONT Agnes, widow rnventor/ a.t"a 6.4.1-618 By t ] and John Where, yeoman lwearlinge apparell- vafew 5 -00 I I c.]-othes 5-00

I su ]mes of mony due unto her by specialties and otherwise 4-00-00

f. 4-10-00

l-. The l-eft hand side of this inventory is missj-ng. lØ

26 PAINTER, Robert. husbandman. of Wes t Orchard t_

This decedent married l"Iary, the widow of Thomas sutcott, in or before l58l-2; she was buried |- 4-4-]1620¿. His stepson, John sutcott, had a son and daughter when Robert died. rt is interesting to note that Robert praised the inventory of wal-ter Hore4, who had married the widow of another John sutcott. rt may be assumed. that the two John sutcotts were related j-n some way - perhaps unc.r-e and nephew. Painter al-so had at l-east one chi]-d of his own: his daughter tr El-izabeth5 married John saunders6, and gave her father at ieast nine grand-children before his death. rn J-SBJ-, Painter was described as being of west orchard, and was tenant of l-ands in Burracott and Borado*.r7, the ownershippof which passed from stephen French of otterham to his brother John at that date8. rt is evident that painter had retj-red from farmi-ng at the date of his death: his inventory makes no reference to agrJ-cul-ture. lvlost of his substance was on loan, ât l-east parti-ally to hj-s step-son. The inventory total- is probabJ-y mis leading: it was insufficient to meet the legacies in his wi-l-l-; furthermore, the evidence of assessments to the subsidy suggest he was much weal-thier. In I5g3,'4, and again in 1599/16009, he was assessed on goods val-ued at f-4 - which indicates that he was one of the more substantia.l- inhabitants. rt is ]i-kely that he had made some provision for his family before his death or at .l-east that legacies had been claimed before the inventory was drawn up. to\ ,

.l P.R.o. , c2 (.ras r ) Es,t 64 2 Ditto 3 P.R. 4 No. 4 I 5 Her name is recorded in the P.R. entry for the marriage of her daughter Joan, 22.1.1-62C 1. 6. No.46. '/. These tenements may have been in either or Week St. lvlary: the manor of Burracott and Boradown lay in both paristres, but the major part was in Poundstock. B. P.R.o., c2 (.ras. r ) P5i64. 9. P.R.o.. EI79 88"252, and El-79 88/'265. toz

26 W PAINTER, Robert, husbandman witL dated 24.3 .1617 /8; buried 29 .3. l-61-8 ; proved 9.).2.1618 [before lvlaster William., Parker, 8.D., Archdeacon of the Archdeaconry of CornwaJ-l ]- "beinge sicke of body but perfect of mynde and memorie" "my sou.l-e unto the hands of almightie god my creator and to Jesus Christ my onely saviour and redeemer by the meritts of whose death and passion onely I trust to be saved and my body to be buried in the church yeard of Weeke St Ivlarie whensoever it shall- pleas god to call me to his mercie" Poor of week st ÙIary | )2, "to be distributed by mY executor"

Marie, wife f.t_0 Robert Sander, s. John Sander L2O, due at age 2I "every other of John Sander's children f.l- each, ditto John Sutcott, wife's son "a11 such mony as Ïree oweth me yf tree doe seal a refease unto my executor beinge lawfully demanded" John Sutcottrs son and daughter f'l- each, due at age 2I Godchildren 4d each Residue to John Saunder, son-in-J-aw, named executor

Witnesses: George X Al-ee Roberto X Painter Johes .S,Cl;¡'{rrcfi a rd

l_ Latin transl-ated and abbreviated. 2 Amount obscured. lo3,

26 I PAINTER, Robert 1d"a"d rnventory 13. 5. Ì61-B By George Alee and John Orchard

2 his qirdle purse and mony in the same 2-OO debts owinge 8-00-00 one bed performed r-06-oB his wearinge apparell 2-l_o-o0

f, 11-18-O8

1. This inventory is in the hand of John 0rchard. 2."girdle" deleted in mss. to t+.

27. BURNBERY, Joan, spinster

It is not entirely clear whether this testator,s probate records should be included in this volume, in

view of the fact that her praisers describe her as I 'of Puworthy' . HobJever, the dec i s ion to i nc I ude her has been made on the basis that she was buried in week st. Mary, and that the grant of probate is headed

"St Mary l^leeke". Her connection with the parish was suffic iently strong to persuade her to leave a bequest to its poor.

Joan Burnbery was a spinster - a word which indicates her occupation rather than her marital status. It may be assumed that she vlas a widow, since she mentions her mother- i n- I aw and s i ster- i n- I aw. It seems that her maiden name was Burnbery, and that she married a Burnbery - perhaps a cous in.2 She had two brothers,

John and Roger, and three s i sters. Margery and Agnes were presumably single, but Grace had married t^/i I I iam Cowl i ng, a member of a Week St. Mary fami ty.3. Joan was probably residing with the cowl ings when she died: this would explain her presence in the parish, and the fact that she made her brother- i n- I aw her executor. ta€

I Pyworthy, Devon. Two of thÍs name paid the subsidy in Pyworthy in 1524; cf. T.L.Stoate, €d., Devon Lay Subsidy Rolls, 1524-7, 1979, p.134. 2 This TS t[e Sfmpfelf interpretation of the evidence. 0ther interpretations are possible, for example, it could be that her burial entry in the P.R. should refer to her as the widow of Robert, rather than his daughter. The mistake could easi ly be made, espec i a I ly if she were not wel I known in the p arish. 3. See no. 7 above.

I toG

1 27 w BURNBERY. Johan, spinster, "late of Puworthy" wil--l- dated l'.8.161-9; buried ÌO . B .I6Lg¿; proved B 'I2 ' l-619 'b"fo." l'Iaster William pa5ker, 8.D., Archdeacon of the Archdeaconry of Cornwal-I -1- "sicke in body but being of good remembrance and perfitt mynd and, memory god be thanked for it" ,,my soule unto almighty God my creator and Jesus christ my redeemer and my Uoay unto christian buriall" Poor of Week St lr{ary I/B Jolrn Burnbery, brother IO/-, due 12 months after death death walter Burnbery. cousin 5/ '', ditto John Burnbery, cousin 5/- , ditto Elizabeth BurnberY, cousin LO/-- ditto John cowling, cousin ÊI, due 4 years after death Johan Burnbery, mother-in- law - r'mY best aPorne" El-izabeth Osborns two daughters 2/- Grace Cowling, sister "my best petty cote and wast cole and secound best aPorne" trlargery Burnbery, sister "my best hate and best peace of boddice and under cote" Annis Burnbery, sister "my secound best wast cote and. secound best wering band and a dawl-ice aPorne " Johan Burnbery, sister- "one smoke and one wast in-l-aw cote and two o.Id cotes" Roger BurnberY, brother 4/-, due 12 months after death Residue to Wil-Iiam Cowling, brother-in-1aw, named executor

Witnesses: Johan X BurnberY Johem SC Colwil-I Grace X Cowling lo-1

t_ Pyworthy, Devon. 2 The P.R. burial- entry reads "Jone the daughter of Robert Burnbery J-ate of Pyworthy " 3 Latin translated and abbreviated. \oG.

21 I BURNEBERY, Johan, of Puworthyf, spinster Inventory dated 30.B .L62O By John Colwill- of !{hitely 2 and John Reede in reddy mony 3-06 her apparell 2-O5-O4 on ol-d cofer 1.-00

f. 2-o9-l_o

l- . Pyworthy, Devon. 2. Whiteleigh. \oq

28. FRENCH, Simon, husbandman

Two members of th i s fami ly are recorded i n the 1Ezs l subsidy roil. rr,is testator had at reast two sibrings: a brother, who is not named in the will, and his s ister Joan, who married a member of the Lawrence family- It is probabre that wilriam and Erizabeth Lawrence þ/ere Joan's ch i I dren: the term ,cous i n , was frequentiy used in the sense of nephew or niece. Simon married Jul iana pnout2; however, the couple had no chi ldren of their own. Consequentty, Simon made a number of bequests to the ch i r dren of h i s siblings, as well as to more distant relatives, and to the children of his neighbours.

This testator praised the inventory of John pawrey 3, whose widow i n turn witnessed simon's wi I r . It i s possible pawreys that the were near neighbours of the French fami ly; if so, this might indicate that simon farmed at Ketleigh- This is the only clue to the location of Simon's farm, which would have been relatively substantial. The row varue placed on the lease was almost certainry due to the fact that it wouid expire on the death of his widow.4 However, the entry Ín the inventory "for grounde that is payed for before hand', suggests that his Ieasehold was insufficient for this purposes; it seems probable that \\o

he was renting land by the year. The purpose of this arrangement is not clear. It is evident that Simon

earned a reasonable livelihood from farming, and also had a small income from his investment in bills and bonds. In the 1599/1600 subsidy, he paid tax on goods val ued at €3.5

T. L. Stoate, êd. , Cornwal I Subsidies in the Rei nof Hen r VIII 1524 an ' ô[l e enevo ence o , P. 2 Fno. 139 for her will and inventory. 3 No. '12 I . 4 No lease is mentionecl in 39 I. 5 P. R. 0. , E179 / 88/ 265 . t \t .

28 W FRENCH, Simon, husbandman

Wil-l dated 28 -9.l-620; buried 5-, f I .l620; proved 4.4.i-62I rbefore Master Wil-l-iam parker]f "beinge sicke of body but perfect of mynd thankes be to almi-ghtie God" "my soule to almightie God my maker and redeemer and my body to Christian buriall" Poor of Week St. Ivlary 3/4 Repair of Week St. Mary church 3i4 Johan Lawrence, sister "one dust best bedsteede bouster courl-id and bl-ancketts which is over the hal-l- and my second best c.l-ocke"; afso "my second best pann" WiÌl-iam Lawrence, godson and cousin f,5 El-izabeth Lawrence, cousin f6-l-3-O4 Thomas Frenche, brother,s son f.l

John French the el-der of , î2-l-O -OO cousin Simon French, s.Samuell French, IO/- cousin Sousan, d. Robert Ivlarrice \O/- Marie , d. Robert lvlarrice IO/ - Margerie Treweene, god-daughter 5/- Simon Langdonr Çodson 3/4 Other god-children f/- each Residue to Julyan, wife, named executrix

Witnesses: - Simon X Frenche Johes SC Orchard 2 Agnes X Pawley l_ Latin translated 2 ProbabJ-y the scr--ibe of this wil-l_. \\z

28 I FRENCH, Symon, husbandman

Inventory dated l-O.Ll_ .1620 By George Alee and WiLl-iam Peathicke

hJ-s purse and girdJ-e in price f 1-00-o0 his wearì-nge apparrell in price l- l_o-00 fower keine in price 7-00-00 five yonge bul-l-ockes in price 4-O6-OB one horse in price 2-O0-00 one and twenty sheepe in price 3-00-00 two piggs in price 1-00-o0 two brason crockes in price L0-00 sixe pannes in price 2-00-00 seaven peater pJ-aters thre podingers and fower sausrlrs .ind one saufter in price 7-OO two l-atten candel-lstickes in price r-o4 three keaves one peal-e and tow litteÌÌ barell-s in price 6-08 one pecke and one sead lippe in price r-o4 one ol-d tabl-e board in price 3-04 one ol-d cheare in price t_-o0 the woden dishes two bucketts and tow boules in price I -08 three old bedsteeds and fower coffers in price Ì0-00 the beddinge and bed cothes in price 2-O0-O0 all the wolle and peece of cl-oth in price I -00-00 the butter cheese and bakon in price l_ 3 -o4 al-l- his workinge toofes in price 5-o0 one horse harrow roapes and breassts with whípps in price 5-00 I13.

one paire of old corsl-etts in price r_ 3-04

one peare of seame paniers in price B one old harnys saCell and two old packe sadel-s with girsses in prj-ce 2-O6 the pothangings brandis and gridingtire in price r-o4

one lautron in price 6 all the timber in price 1-O6-08 al-l the woode and furses in price 6-OB al-l- the corne in the mowhaye and in the grounde price 6-r0-00 all- the heaye and strawe in price 6-08 a-l-l- the corne that is threast in price 5-00 al-l- the sackes and windinge sheete in price 4-OO for grounde that is payed for before hand B-00--00 for one chattell lease price 5-OO-00 al-l- bil-ls and bands price 10-o0-00 al-l other things oute of mynde and not seene 3-O4

f. 62-03-00 l_

1. ActuaJ-ly Ê 61-03-00 \t\

29. KERSLAKE, Alice, nee J0NES

This is the only wi I I in this volume by a woman whose husband surv i ved her. John Kers I ake, the rector

years tvas of Week St. Mary from 1 580 for forty- s i x ' buried 19.3.1625/61; he r,rras in his eighties when he died.2 His wife gave her maiden name in her wi I I, 3 presumably married women did not normally make wills- She also held Iands in the manor of Swannacott, including Castie Ditches, in her own nut..4

Apart from her husband, Al i ce was surv i ved by her s i ster Lucy, and by her name-sake Al ice Jones - perhaps Lucy' s daughter.5 Her brother 0wen pre- deceased her6; she al so had a brother named David. T

D.R 0 Episcopal Registers, 20 (Bradbridge), f .54; P.R 2 He was 37 in 1586; cf . Joseph Foster, Alumni 0xonienses: the members of the UniversiÇ-õ-f

3 or e wl s of some fourteenth-century married women, see Jacques Beauroy, 'Fami ly patterns and relations of Bishop's Lynn will-makers in the fourteenth centufy' , in Lloyd Bonfield, Richard Smith, and Keith Wrig I-fson, eds. , The World We Have GaÍned: histories of o ultti n'an s0c a t s ruc ure: ess ays pre sen e o e er as e on hiS leventieth birthday,1986, p.26. 4. Her rights in Castle Di tches were chal lenged by Andrew Rolle; cf. P. R.0. , C2/ Jas. I /K1 116, and c7/544/57. 5 Lucy did have chi ldren; cf . 16 bl. 6 No. 16. 7 Ibid. i\5

29 w JONES, AIce, "wífe of John Kersl-ake clerke p-.=o.l of the church ancl parishe of Week St l"lary" wilt dated 4.9.1-611-; buried 7.I1 .L62O; proved l-5.11 -l'620 ibefore Master Nathanael- Beard, clerk, ¡1[.4., vicar of A-Itarnun, prgctor of lr{aster Will-iam Parker, Archdeacon of CornwalJ- ]' "beinge weak and sicke of boQ'e but sound and perfect of miñd and memorye G[od be]r'praysed (with the good wil-l- leave and,sufferance of the said John Kerslake m¡' said husband) "4 "my soule to almightye God my maker and 're]deemer and my bodye to the chrj-stian buriall" Luce Jones, sister "all myne apparell exceptinge one sute therof for Al-ce Jones " Al-ce Jones as above; al-so a cowr and rc/- Toby Risdon r-2 Willi rm Ha¡¡l

Witnesses: Alce X Jon[""] Thomas SC PhiJ-J-ippes, cf erk Alce 0,loneIsl, spinster John 0 orchaIt]¿ ;oIrr]n Where

l-. Describel a¡; "rectoris" in the note of probate ?- Latin translated an.J abbreviated. 3. Obscured in mss. 4. Brackets are as gi.'ren j.n i-rss. \ \to

30. IVIILTON, Arthur

The Mil-ton f amily in Week St. Iv1ary may be traced back to 1525, when Thomas Mi-l-ton paid the subsj-dy on goods va.lued ate4f. He was probabJ-y Arthur's grandfather. Thomas lvli.l-ton and Thomas ùIilton junior are mentioned in 1543-442, suggesting a father and son relatj-onship; Thomas junior was probabty Arthur's father, and Al-ice JeweJ-l-'s husba.rd3. Thomas died c.15844. There is no evidence concerning Arthur's wife. She evÍdently died before he did.

Arthur was related in some way to Richard and wil-liam Mil-ton: perhaps he was their brother5. Richard l-eft bequests to some of Arthur's children, who were probabJ-y all of mature age at their father's death - no baptisms for them are recorded in the Week St. Mary parish register, which commences in l_602. John, named executor in his father's wil-l-, was presumably the e.l-dest, al-though he renained a bachel-or til-l- his death6. His brother Wil-liam married Priscil-l-a TuckerT, probably not J-ong before his father's death, although there is no marriage entry in the parish register. No marriages are recorded for Arthur's other two sons, George and Degory.B Arthur al-so had five daughters: Prudence, Mary, Phil-Iippar Avj-s, and Ivlargaret.

Prudence married Thomas Col-will- on 26th lv1ay 16199; Mary married a Headon, but her marriage is not recorded in the parish register.

Arthur had a l-ease t_0 of Goscott and Horridge from Humphrey Speccottr €sÇ[.r of Thornbury, Devon; he succeeded his father in this tenancy j-n l-584. The l-ease was for his own and his t \1.

motherrs lives only, and consequently it is not listed

amongst his chattles in his inventory. He paid î10 as an antry fine; his rent was €6 per annum, plus two'capons' at chris,tmas, and a heriot of the best beast. Goscott lvas one of the largest farms in week st. Mary, and it

i s not surpri s i ng that Arthur h,as one of the wea Ith i est

tenant farmers in the parish. His wealth was based on

agricu lture, a lthough i t may be noted that he a I so had equipment for spinning. In the 1599-'1600 subsidy, 1 he was assessed on goods valuedat â4.1 He served as churchwarden in 1sg7.12

1. T.L.Stoate, ed. Cornwall Subsidies in the Rei n of Henr VIiI, an an e enevo ence o p 2 . T5-fð, p. 148. 3 C.R.O DD/EN/195f . This is al ease of Goscott to Alice Jewell, wido w, and he r so n Arthur Mi Iton. It notes that Goscott was prev ious Iy in the tenune of Th omas Milton, decea sed , and it may therefore be i n ferred that h e was Art hur' s father - although it is not clear wh y his mot her was surnamed Jewel l. 4 C.R.O ., DD/EN/1951 5 N0.2. He praised R icnaro s i nventory. 6 In hÍs inventory (81 I), he is described as a bachelor; administration of h i s estate was granted to his nephew Arthur. 7 See 97 W. Priscilla's maide n name is given in the P.R. baptismal entry for he r son Arthur, dated 21.3.1620/1. priscilla's wi ll is no.113. Arthur's i s n0.92. B. The l.li I t iam, son of Degory, recorded in 31 l,l, was . probably his son 9. P.R. 10. c.R.0., DD/EN/1951. 11. P.R.0., E179/88/265. 12. No.1 C. \\g .

30 W ¡{YLTON, Arthur Wil-l- dated 2.II.1616; buried 12.3.1620/I; proved L9 .2 -_+62I/2 l-bef ore william Parker, Archdeacon of CornwalJ-J' "being perfect of memory but sumewhat sicke in bodye, for which blessinge I yeelde God most hartye thannckes" "my soufe to aÌmightie God my maker and redeemer and my body to the earth wherof it is mad" Poor of Week St. Mary 3/4 llary Heddon, daughter "the debts and bands which Thomas French oweth me, and my executor to avowe the sute for the same, yf the same cannot otherwise be payde, but my will is that yf she cannott be payde or satisfyed tþçreof to the valew- of vta or above that then mv executor to paye her- v--l_1 in mony for the same bande, and he to have the benefitte of the same bande" Will-iam Mylton, son 85, due within one year of death George l'lyJ-ton¡ son L5, dj_tto Digorye MyJ-ton, son L5, ditto Prudence lv1ylton, daughter L5, ditto Phillippe l'lilton, daughter L5, ditto Avice lvly1ton, daughter 85, ditto lvlargarett, daughter 3/4 Residue to John Mylton, son, named executor.

Witnesses: Arthur X l"lil-ton Robte SC '0 rc h a rd John Juel-l Wil-liam lvlylton

1. Latin translated \tî

30 I MYLTON, Arthur 1d.a"u rnventoro 22.3.1620/ By Robert orchard, war-ter corwylJ-, and Thomas corwyrl

hj-s wearinge apparell¿ purse and gerdelJ_ f 2-00 -00 two fether bedds provided with woll_enn 4-00-o0 in lynnen 6-OO one table borde 6-OB in tymber and other l_itl_e wood.e l_0-00 keves barrel-Is and other wooden2 .re"sel_l_, t6-00 one cubborde formes vo cooffers and iiiio beddsteads l_-l_3-o4 pewter dishes and candlestickes l_0-o0 in crocke brasse and pann brasse 5-00-oo harrowes with thei_r furniture 10-o0 whealJ-s chaynes plowstuffe and other iron stuffe 2-00-00 in hey and strowe l-3-o4 chares stowel_J_s and vesseJ_1s 3-O4 showefs evil_l_s mattockes and other towfes 6-08 victual-Is in the sal_te and att the roffe 2-O0-00

in butter and cheese 3-O4 corne thrashede 1O-00 corne ín the mowhey and in the earth 58-00-00 o v oxen and bulle 22-OO-OO iiiior keene and viio calfes t0-1 3-o4 o x younge cattell_ 9-O0-00 one mare 2-r3-O4 in sheepe I 3-04 \2.o,

in pulJ-en 10-o0 cheese vecke and cheese wringe 5-O0

in piggs 6--OO-00

a wyndinge sheatte sackes and seaves 3-O4

a saddl-e girsses and roppes 4-OO

cl-omen vessel-l-s l_-o0

in peason and beanes 3-O0

three spittes 4-OO

in ladders 5 -00 spininge tornes cards and other smale implements forgotten l_-00-.-oo three silver spones and sil-ver ringe 10-oo

3 f, 133 04--08

1 This inventory is in the hand of Robert 0rchard 2 Interl-ined 3 Actually f, l-33-14.-08. \ 2\"

31. MILT0N, William, the elder, yeoman

This decedent was the son of Degory Milton his sister Alice is mentioned in both his own will, and his father's, and it i s un I ikely that the name mi ss ing from Degory's will is that of l,,lilliamrs sister Mary.2

Wi I I iam was also related to Arthur Mi Iton, whose wi I I .) he witnessed"; perhaps Arthur was his uncle. It is possible that John Milton4 was another uncle, Ín view of the fact that Iegacies were made to his sons James and Degory.

Wi I I iam himself was a bachelor, and he therefore left his estate to relatives and neighbours, H€ evidently resided with the Colman fami Iy, who witnessed his wi l l; Richard Colman received a Iegacy "towards the cost of my diett". The Iocation of their house is not known, nor is the Iocation of the Iand on which this decedent ran his I ivestock. It is possible that he had no Iand of his own, but rented his animals to ne i ghbours . It may be that he a I so had on i nterest i n cloth: his inventory includes two fleeces, and a piece of new cloth - although the inclusion of the tz2-.

latter with the entry for his 'wearing apparel I' may indicate simply that he þras about to have some new clothes made for himself. He also presumably derived some interest from the debts he was owed.

1 No. 3. 2 The w ife of Roger Bastard; cf. 24 l,l . 3 No. 30 . Arthur's son Wi I I i am would presumab I y be l,li I li am 'the younger' . 4 No. 15 \23.

31 W lvlILTON, William, the.l-der, !êorTlâÍt 123 will- dated Ì9,. I.tOZt,iZ buried 22.2-1621722, proved 8.3.162I/22 tbefore wil-liam Parker, ordinqry during the visitation of Valentine, ]4 "beir[g'l sicke in body but perfect of remembrance for which bJ-i_essing.J I yeeld God thannckes"

"my sole to al-mightie God m[y] maker and redemer and my body the christian buryall when and where it shall please God to call me" Poor of Week St. lvlary rc/- Godchil-dren I/ - each Alice Thomas, sister L2 John Thomas, cousin f.I lvlary Bastard, si-ster r,2 Johan Heryne 5/- Wi j-l_iam lvli-l-ton, cousin î4, and "my beast peare of breeches" John lt{il-ton, cousin Lo/ - Richard Cofman "towards the cost of my diett one cowe and my fyve you sheppe, and my best sute of apparell (except WiJ-l-iam lvli-l-t,ons breeche s " Ivlary Colman L2, "my bedd pann crocke and platters" James lt{ilton "one sute of apparell"

Agnes }lilton 2:./ - Will-iam MiJ-ton, s. Digory Mil-ton 3/4 John Bastard and Suzan Bastard, cousins 2/6 eac}: Avice Mi.l-ton 2/- Austne Bastard and lvlary Bastard 2/- Residue to Robert Orchard, named executor \zt$,

Witnesses: Richard 0 l,'lells Richard 0 Colman Mary 0 Colman

1 This wi I I is in the hand of Robert 0rchard of Sladdacott. 2 Month torn, but probably either January or February. The right hand side of the first seven lines of this Ínventory has been torn off . 3 Descri bed as "bache l our" i n P. R. 4 Latin translated and abbreviated. This is Bishop Carey. t25.

31 r l-urr,toN], Will-iam, thelder, yeoman rnventory' a"t"a 6.3.1622,, 3 By Humfry Havqton of Week St [tUary] and Nicho.l-as Sture of Jacobstowá

his purse and mony in the same 2.-O4 all his wearinge apparell and one pece of newe cl-oth 1.-10-00 one fether bedd one other bolster one peece of bl-anckette two coverledds and one bedd stead r -14-00 two olde coffers 2-O4 two f-l-ezes of wolle r-08 one brasen crocke and one brasen panne l_4-00 vio pJ-ater dishes 6 -00 fower keene 8-00-00 v yeos and one l-ambe t_-06-08 two silver spones 3-00 one l-itl-e broch and other smale i-mplements forgotten r-o4 disperett debts dew from diverse men by special-ties and otherwise 5 -O0--00

f, l-9 0l_-04

l_ The first eight l-ines of this inventory are torn on the right hand side. This inventory is in the hand of Robert 0rchard. 2 Jacobstow. \21'.

32 DOBELL als WILLTAIvIS , Robert, husbandman

This testator was survived by his widow, Joan, and by his children, Henry and Mary. Nothing further is known concerning his family.

His inventory does not reflect his total wealth: the will records sj-x sheep that are not l-isted j-n the inventory, and it may be assumed that these at least were removed before Dobell's goods were praised. The sheep constitute the sole source of income that can now be identified for this testator; it is, however, clear that he would Ìrave had to work as a labourer in order to maintain himsel-f . 12-ì.

32W DoBELL al-ias WTLLIAI{I, Robinge, husbandman wiLl- dated I.2.1622/3; buried 22.2.1622/32; proved j- 6.4.1623

"being sicke in body but perfitt in memory for whi-ch blessing I doe ilde God most humbly and hirtie thinkes " "my sofe unto allmighty God my maker saviour and redemer by whose death and passion I hope to be saved and my body to be buried in Èhe holy iurth" IvIary, daughter f4, due within one year of death Henry, son 6 sheep, fI, and "wearinge apparrell" , ditto. Residue to Johan, wife, named executor Witnesses: Robert X Dobefl Digory $Ç Pearce alias will l- iames ] Ri-chard X Wil-lis

l-. The ]ast r-wo f etters are interlined 2. WiÌlms al-s Dobell per P.R. \ 28,

32 I WILLIAIv1S, Robert, husbandman Inventory dated 14.4.1623 By Richard Jordon and Thomas Tackell

his weareing appareJ-l 4-OO his pus and mony therein 7 one bed 2 blanketts andl a coverfed and one bolster 6-08 2 three podgers L1 one litIe pann r-o4 one iron brandise 3 one table bord 6 one shovell 4 pewtere and spones 1-00


t. Deleted in mss. 2.'Podgersr interl-ined beside an indecipherable deletion raq .

33 AXFORD wi I1iam. husbandma n. of Week Orchard

This decedent married E.Lizabeth, the daughter of John Sutcott, and step-daughter of Walter Horel, oD 23.I-l 604//52 Their son T¡omas was baptized 23.4.16073. Elizabeth foÌ.1_owed in her mother,s f ootsteps by marrying again after her first husband's death: her second husband was Wafter woolridge4 - wtro praised her first husband's inventory. Her second. marriage was solemnized 16-6.L6245'

Wilfiam Axford lived at Week Orchard, and served as tithingman in l-6176. we may presume that he was a tenant of the manor of lvlartrayês, and had suf ficient land to earn a reasonable living from it. The va.Iue of his cattfe al-one exceeds 50% of the totaf value of his estate'

1. No.4 2. P.R. 3. P.R. 4. No. 72. 5. P.R. 6. P.R.O. sc2,'163/rO t3o.

33 t^l AXF0RD1, William, husbandman

Nuncupative will2 dut.d 17.3-1622/3; buyied z1 .3.1622/3; proved 2.12.1623 [before Master parker]' "his soule to almightie God hi s maker and redeemer and his body to the earth" Poor of l^/eek St. Mary 3/4 Poor of St. Mynver4 3/4 Godch i I dren 4d each

Agnes Wolridge 10/-, to be paid 4+ years after death Johan Hore 10/-, ditto 5 John Wills "his servant boye" 10 /-, "to be payde hym att thende of his covenant" Ben i amen Tho rn 2/6

John Cocke "his b est s utt of appare II"

Residue to Elizabeth, wife, and Thomas, so n, n amed joint executors; whol ly to Thomas on wife ,S death

Witnesses: Thomas 0 Blake Sara 0 Blake, wi fe of Andrew B I ake AIice 0 Cocke, wÍfe o f John Cocke

1. The P.R. burial entry cal ls him "Axh/orthy". ¿- This will is in the hand of Robert 0rchard of Sladdacott. 3 Latin translated and abbrev Í ated. 4 St. Minver. 5 Could be "Wi lks" \3i,

33 I AXFORDE, Wil-l-iam

1 Inventory' dated 21. l-l- .1623 By George Al-ee, Thomas Bl-ake, and Walter Wolridge, yeomen his purse gerdeJ-l and mony and al-l his apparellf. 2-00-o0 all his cattel-l l_6-00-00 one nagge 1-OO-OO piggs 13-04 pultrye r-00 corne in the earth 3-06-08 fower brasen pannes and one cowdren 1-06-08 three brasen potts and one l-itl-e possent 13-04 xv plater dishes of tynn iii podginers ixo so\dsers l- 3-04 one cubborde one tabfe borde and forms f-00-00 fower bedsteads and iii coffers 5-00 two l-itl-e fetherbedds dowest bedds and all- the beddclothes 2-10-00 keeves barre.l-ls and a1l- other tymber stuffe 5-00 one barre of iron and all other iron stuffe 6-08 one wyndínge sheate sackes and seaves 3-O4 chares c.Iomen potts and ottrer things forgotten 6-08

2 f, 30-10-00

1. This inventory is in the hand of Robert Orchard of Sladdacott. 2. Actually f,30-tl--00 \32- .

34 HARTSETT. Francis. labourer

This testator was survived by his wife Jane, whose second husband was Samuel Evans; Samuef and Jane were married l-3.8 .ir626l. Francis evidentl-y had no children.

The inventory indicates that Francis had two "spyninge tornes", from which he and his wife presumably earned a part of their livelihood. In the parish register, Ìre is described as a labourer; it may be assumed that Ìris work as such was casuaf. He is one of the poorest decedents to be included in this volume.

l_. P.R. r-3ß.

34 W HARTSETT, Francis WilI1 undated; buried 28.2.1623 4 2 ; proved 11.3.1623/4 f-before tvlaster Witliam Parker] ! "beinge sick in bodye but perfectt in memorye thanncks be to almightie God therfore" v'my sowle to almightie God my creator and my body to the christian buryall" George Orchard IO/- Resj-due to Johan, wife, named executrix "In witness wherof I the said Francis Hartsette have here unto sett my signe" Witnesses: John O Orchard William O Symon John O Chepman

1. ThÍs will is in the hand of Robert 0rchard of Sladdacott. 2. Name spelt Harfoot in P.R., which deseribes hrm as " Iabourer " 3. Latin transl-ated and abbreviated \èr+,

35 HEADON, Thomasine, widow, spinster

I This decedent was the daughter of l"lartin Hore , and the widow of James Headon2. She had no children, and made her sister, Elizabeth Osborne, her heir.

Thomasine was described by her praisers as a spinster: this was clearly an occupational designation, since she was a widow, al-though there is no other evidence of her trade. She aÌso seems to have had a few acres of arabl-e, and presumably derived interest from her investment in bills and bonds.

I Her sister Elizabeth Osborne was described in the P.R. as the daughter of lvlartin Hore when she married Josias Osborne on 18.6.1609. 2 There is no record of his buria.l- in the P.R. t35.

35 w HrDoNl, Thomasine

Will- dated 22.6.1624; buried 2.7 .1624; proved 2I.7 .rU .4,2 Ibefore lvlaster William Parker, Archdeacón of CornwalJ-, "being weake of body but perfitt of mind (thankes be to God) "

"my soule to almightie God my maker and my body to be buried in the church yard of the parish of Week St l"lary" "two sisters of James Hidon my f,l each husband late deceaged" "fj-ve children of my sister f,l- each Ei-l-zabeth Osborne "

Ej-zabeth Osborne, god-daughter, E2 d. sister Eizabeth John, s. Robert Wickett 5/- Eizabeth Tom 5/- Residue to Eizabeth Osborne, named executrix Poor of Week St. Mary 3/- "the preacher att my funerall" 5/-

Witnesses: Thomsine X Hidon I4tn Col-l-w Robert Wickett

l_ SpeJ-t 'Headon' on note of probate, andrHayden' in P.R. 2 Latin translated and abbreviated. l?{o

34 I IIARTSETTE, Franncis I Inventory' dated tO. 3 .L623/4 By william Cowlinge and John Chepman

his wearing apparell- 8-00 all- his bedd clothes 10-00 atJ- his pewter and brasen crockes and the earthen potts 4-O0 all the tymber vessells r-00 twoo spyninge tornes 1-00 one brandise iron huke hatchett and one showell 1-00 twoo coffers 3-OO

f, 1-08-00

1.This inventory is in the hand of Robert 0rchard of Sladdacott. t3-r.

35 I HIDON, Thamsine, sPinster Inventory dated L9.7.1624 By Robert Wickett and William Colwil-I

her wearing apParrell f, 1-03-OO

I 5 -00 I one chest and t'wo ol-d coffers

I one brassen pann 3-O4 i one crock 2-00 4 platters 2 powgers 2 sausers 2-O6 one tubb and bofe and a hook and hatchett r-06 her woodden dishes trenchers and spoones and earthen potts r-o2 her bedding and bolster 10--00 her corne reddY threshed r3-00 her corne in the ground 2-O0-00 one brandise 6 her bills bandes and other desperatt debts 16-00-00 her purse girdle and knife and in reddy moni 3-00


L. Not added; total f, 21-05-00 t ?8.

36. TREt,JIN, George, yeoman

Trewi n was a common surname i n Week St. Mary; three of this name paid the subsidy in 1525.1 rr,is testator died a bachelor2, and made his brother Degory3 his res i duary I egatee and executor. He a I so had a brother John, and Ieft legac ies to Degory's ch i Idren Joan4 E and Andrew' , and to John I s ch i I dren Margaret and Dorothy. Both brothers I i ved i n St. Gennys. George also made bequests to a number of other Trewin relatives; no Iess than five of his Iegatees were named John Trewi n.

George was the Iessee of Ashbury, and of a tenement called Cross Park; he also leased Iand in Endellion, which he had sub-let. His I ivel ihood was based primari ty on I i vestock, but he a I so deri ved a sma I I income from interest on specialtÍes. He paid the subs idy on goods valued at î3 in the assessment of 1624-5.6 John Taylor bequethed him l1-13-0 in 16147, and he praised Taylor I s Ínventory.S

1 T. L. Stoate, ed., Cornwal I Subs idÍes in the Rei nof Hen r VIII, 1524 an an e enev0 ence o 'Þ 2. TF-p. n . make s no mention of a wife or chi ldren who may have predeceased h im. 3. His wil I was proved at Exeter in 1627:' cf. appendix A. 4 . N0.88. 5. no. 1 1 1 . 6. P.R.0., E179/88/2e4. 7. 21 hJ. 8. 21 I. r?'q

36 w TREWEENE, George will dated 20.l-0 -L624; buried L.L2.16247 nroved 31.l- .L624, 5 ibefore lvlaster will-iam Parker, Archdeacon o.f cottt*all 1' ,,being of perf itt memory thankes be given to the almightì e cod bút somewhat grieved in body" ? "mysouletothealmightieGodmymakerandredeemer" and my body to ine cníistian buriall whensoever it shal-l- pleasä God to seperate the one from the other" Poor of Week St MarY IO/- John Treweene the efder "al-l- my right- a¿d interest in Crosse Parke' which I did take of hims"; also "a11 suctr debbtes as he owes me excePte five Poundes which he shal1 PaY to r¡Y executor " El-izabeth and t"largerie, d' s a cow and ro'l- each John Treweene the elder Johane, d. Degorie Treweene, f,l-O; al-so "all that mY brother righte interest and reversj-on of Eone tenement in Endetlion' whi-ch I did take of Walter Roscarocke gent and now in the tenure óf one C.Iemente Codofree or of his assignes" Francis, cousl-n, d. John f' 2 Tre\¡/eene of Weeke St l"larie Degorie Trew@ene of west sty1e6 e3 the younger Andrew, cousin, s- Degorie L2, "and one colte" Treweene, brother t"largarett, d. ,{ohn Treweene f.4 of St. Gennis', brother Dorothy Treweene, ditto f,3 Thomas Treweene, cousin "a11 such debttes as he oweth me" n e tå9rr3¡8É as he SEÈådF? 8'"8 É Tä?*EÊ a"¡¡t"s Poundstock "tl"E8ü " oweth me" John Treweene the Younger of f.2 Weeke St Marie John French the Younger of f.2 Trevalga ìqFo ,

Godson, s. Roger Kerby 6/B Go^lson, s. Humfrie Pethicke 6,,8 l"larie tlorris "now apprentice 5/ -- to Degorie Treweene my brother" Johane Treweene, wife of "my mare" John Treweene of Weeke St Ivlary Residue to Degorie Treweene of St GennisS, named executor

Witnesses Degory Trewyn sen Georg¡i X Treweene wil-limi X Bray Cornel-io SC Clifton

"Ivlemorandum that Johane Treweene the daughter ofoDegorie Treweene is to have her monye two yeeres due- next after the death of George Treweene" lo"t "Thomas Treweene is to have the monyes for his chil-dren within one yeere next after the death of George Treweene" 1l_

I Described as "groome" in P.R- 2 Latin translated and abbreviated 3 "my maker and redeemer" interlined 4 This is presumably the lease in Week St. Mary referred to in 36 I. There are two small- fields named'Cross Park' l-isted in the tithe apportionment (p.R.O., IR 29/6,/206)r one in Little Stowe, and one in Sl-addacott. One of these may be indicated, but it may be that a different, unidentified tenement is meant. 5. i.e. presumabJ-y Broganowe, ês mentioned in 36 I 6. frrgsl steel 7. St. Gennys a Ditto 9. Inter.l-ined l_o. This is written on the verso of the will. 11. Ditto rr\t.

36 I TREWEYNE, George, Yeoman Inventory'dated1 20.L2.1624 By William Browne and Humfry Pethecke his wearinge apparell and bedd cfothes L 2-0O-0O his purse and mony in the same 2-00-00 his coffers 4-OO fower sylver spones 13-04 .ro stuers 12 -06-08 six keene and heaffers r4-oo-oo two yerlings 1-13'04 one mare and colte 3-06{08l 23 ,:ertayne leases in Broganowe- Ashburie - 2-O0-0o and Week St Marie disperett debts dew by specialtie and othérwise and other implements just remembred 5-00-OO

f- 43-O4-OO

1. This inventory is in the hand of Rober"t Qrchard of Sladdacott. ?. Presumably in Endell-ion: see 36 w 3. ashbury \\+1 -

37 WOOLFE Thomas

t- This decedent married Honour Bowden, probably c.l-609 -l-l- she pre deceased hi-m, bej-ng buried l-3.3 -I624,i52 - There were four children3: Joan, baptized 2I.4-¡614, l"largaret, baptized 22.Il-.161-8, John, baptized B.ll- -1620, and I'Iary, baptized 29.2.1623/4. Joan and l'lary both died in infancy: they were buried 9.6.161,4 and '22.6.1624 respectively- John and I'larg-ret4 were aged four and five respectively when they were orphaned by their fatherrs death-

Woolfe had a cow and cafves, but it j-s likely that he had to work as a day labourer in order to support his family. In :1614, Ìre owed Robert Orchard \,5, / -5.

f . i.e. during the period for which al-l- P-R- entries have been l-ost. Honour' s maiden name is given in the P R. baptismal entries for her children. 2. P.R. 3 The following information is derived from the P.R 4. Her wilL is no.77; she named her brother John as her executor. 5. 20 w. ìt+".

37 W WOOLFE, Thomas wil-l- dated 26.3.1625; buried 28,3.1625; proved 20.4.L625 þefore John Saunders, of f iciaJ- ]' "beinge of perfect minde and me4ory though sicke of bodye thanks be to almighty cdgf " "my soule to almighty God my maker and redeeme by whom I hope and be.l-eeve to be saved, and my body to be buryed in christj-an buryall "

Residue to John, son, and ivlargarett, daughter. ¡amed executors;; friends Barnard Bacway of Kil-khamton-, and William Pethicke and Wal-ter Woolrudge of tutary Weeke' named overseers.

Witnesses: Thomas X Woolfe Al-ice X Cocke George SC Lamerton JohaneXWhore Thomas Axfod Judeth X Saunders

f Latin translated and abbreviated 2 Torn 3 4 Week St. Mary \ tlÉ+ .

37 I WOULFE, Thomas Inventory dated 4.4.1625 By Georgl"]lar"" and John Hannaford his purse and gerdell and wearing apparrell 13 04 one cow and cafes 2--10-00 one podge 4-00 fower panes one codorne 1 -04-00 fower crockes and a skel]-ett 1-r0 00 eyght brode dishes and nine podgers and iiií old dishes vi sowsers one c;uarte and one pintte r_ 5-00 v candell-stickes one chaforne dishe ii stoning guges i tinnige cope and one basone 5-00 ii pott hangines ii brandises 2-OO i shoull i matticke i hocke i hatchett i eve.l-.1- and i Picke 2-OO iii cofers i keefe i barell i toube 5-00 i table bord ii beed steeds i forme 6-08 iii featherbeads iiii bol-sters ii coverlids ii blanketts i peere of old corses shittes i bord cloth 3-00-o0 i fleache of bacone B-00 fuel-l- and wood 3-O4

f, l-f-08-04

l-. Torn t l+5.

37 A WOLFE, Thomas Admin bond 20.4.1625, in f 30, from wil-liam Pethick of week st" Ivlary, yeoman, administrator, bound with walter Ley of week St. Ir{ary, y"o*"rrf , to wil-l-iam Parker, Archdeacon of Cornwal-L2; William Pethick to administer the estate during the minoritíes of the joint executors, John and lrlargarett Wolfe. Account to be delivered to the executors with "alf such goods chattIelrs]3 and debts as shall- remayne due"; a1so, administrator to "educate and maintaine the execut[ors] according to theyr degree and cal-ling"

4 Signatures: Wil-liame Pethicke ; Walter X LeY 5 Witnesses: Obadiah ReYno.Ides ; John Bawden Thomas Pearson

I. Latin transfated 2. Ditto 3. Torn 4. "Walter Leys signe" in mss; the ending 's' is grammatical, and not part of his name. 5. Jotrn Bowãen mav have made his mark; the mss i-s not cfear. \+{a.

38 MARTEN. PTi scil-l-a. widow

I This decedent was the daughter of Thomas lvlarten, gent it seems likely that she married an orchard, and reverted to her maiden name in her widow-hood2- This suggestion is strengthened by the evidence that s.Laddacott was the home of Robert orchard in 16l-43, and that it was owned by Priscill-a's L father'. priscil-la was survived by her daughters. It is probable that Anne l'larten, who died in 16965, was one of them; she l-ef t a legacy to her 'cousin' Robert Marten of , who was probabry Thomas's heir6, and therefore Priscifl-a's brother.

Priscil-la's father was a gentlemen¿ possessed of considerabfe l-ands in neighbouring parishes, it is therefore probable that prj-scil-l-a had a comfortabfe income, although there is no direct evidence.

I. p.R. His inquisition post mortem is P.R.O., cI42/4L9/'26. 2. Walter Orchard. her rèsiduary legatee, was perhaps her brother in .law. 3. No.2O W 4. P.R.O. , cL42/4r9;'26. 5. No.l-64. WARDS 5/6/'L383 6. P.R.O. , cL42.'4I9/26; see also P-R-o \l.r-ì

38 W MÄRTEN. Priscílla, widow I Nuncupative wil-l- dated 16 -L2'1625; buried 2I-:I?:!?2., pro.r"ã 14.l- .1625/6 [before John Saunders' ottacaarl ,,hersouletoJesusChristherredeemerandherbodieto the earth" Poor of 5/- Her chil-dren a sifver spoon each Daughters "a'II her wearing apparell to be devided amongst them" Robert Orchard, godson "one silver spoone guilt" Residue to Wafter Orchard, "her gossiPP" named executor

Witnesses: Robert O Orchard Joan O Orchard Nichol-as O Steere

1. The P.R. describes her as the daughter of Thomas l'larten, gent. 2. Latin translated and abbreviated. underneath the note of probate on the verso it is noted that "1"1r orchard will- bri-ngtheinventorywithallspeed''.Itisnot,however, attached. \rLg,

39 FRENCH. U-ana, widow

l_ simon French, this decedent's husband, was buried 5.I1-1620 the coupte had no children, and J¿liana was made her husband,s executrix and residuary legatee. She was a prout by birth, and left the bulk of her estate to ber brother Trromas Prout; she also made a number of minor bequests to other Prout relatives.

Like her husbandr iluliana derived a reasonable livelihood from agriculture; it is possible that she farmed at ) K etleigh-.

l. P.R. His will is no-28. 2. See 28. \t+q

39 W FRENCH, Julian. widow 1, will- dated 13-l-1 .1625; buried 20-I-1625,t6 groved 30.1-1625,¡'6 lbefore John Saunders, offici all "being somewhat greeved in bodie, but yet perfit in .eme*Érance (thañkes be to God for the same) " "my soufe unto almightie God my maker and reedemer from whãnce it came, and next my bodie to be buried in the church yeard of Weeke Sct l"larie"

Repair of Weeke Sct l"lariedrurch 2/ - John Prout the el-der of f'1 Tremaine JuJ-ian, d. John Prout, 3/4 god-daughter John Proutrs other four 3/ - each chifdren Degorie Prout of Trewenne 3 3/4 Degorie Proutr s two children r/- each Johane, Ivlarie, and E1nor, d's 3/4 each John Prout Johane Bowden, wife of 34 Penticost Bor¡vden Susan Batten 3/4 Blanch Burnard, wife of Tho 3/4 Burnard John Mayne and Tho Mayne 2/- each lr{arie, d. Robert lvlayne "the second best Pan mY gowne a troucle bed a paire of blankets a bowster a coverfed and a bedlit that belongs to the said bed" John French of Trevalga's "one chest" youngest daughter William, s. Lawrence Arten L/- Elizabeth, d. Lawrence Arten r/- Brother Thomas Proutrs three one sheep each children \50,

Residue to Thomas Prout, brother, named executor

"lvlemorandum that al1 these legacies above mencioned are to be paid within one halfe yeere next after the proving of this my last wiLl and testament"

Witnesses: Julian X French Johes X Hannifer Cornelio SC Clifton

l-. Widow of Simon per P.R. 2- Latin translated and abbreviated 3. t5r.

39 I FRENCH. Jul-ian, widow Inventory undated By William Pethicke and John Prout her purse and girdle f 3-04 her her wearing aPParrell 2-O0-00 for iiii anchel-l- kime l-0-00-o0 for iii heaffers and a stewer 8.-OO-O0 for ii other heaffers 2-ro-oo for ii yearlings l- -o6-08 for i nagge l--10-o0 for viiii sheepe 2-05 -00 for ii piggs ro.-00 for i-ii heanes and ii cokes L-08 for wheate and otes that now is in 3-10.-00 the mowhay for wheate that now is in the earth 1-l-3 04 for the hay and straw 5-O0 for butter and cheese 10-00 for the morde 2-OO for ii 'fleches of baken r3.-04 for ii dustbedds iii coverledds iii 2-OO-00 paire of btanketts one fether boa'Ister and ii dust boul-sters for i bored cloth and one sheete 4-00 for v pannes r-I 3-04 for ii crockes B-00 for vii platters ii- podgers iii socers and one sal't seller ro-00 for ii latting candfestickes L--O4 for ii brandizes i pot hanging i griddle 5-00 i toster and i friing Panne ì5a. for i table board ii bedsteeds and i chaire 6--OB for iii coffers and i chest and ii formes 10-oo for iii keeves i tubb ii barrefs i fl-esh Ì3 -04 bucket and a standert for i harrowe and furniture of one horse 5-00 for iii mattockes ii shovells ii evil]s 5-00 i ax i hatchet and i trooke and the rest of the ireware for i winding sheete and iii sand sackes 4 -O0 and iii seeues foripeckeiseÌIiop r-o0 for ii saddles and gesses and ii paires of dung pottes and i paire of long croockes and iiii ladders 5-O0 for timber wood and furses 6-OB for all- the residue out of minde and not 3-O4 seene wee do praise in

L 43-r2-OO

Wi.l-l-iame SC Peth icke Johes X Prout tsB.

40. C0CKE, John , husbandman

This decedent may perhaps have been the son of William 'Coke', who took a bill to the 1569 muster.l l^Jilliam Axford left John hi s "best sutt of apparel l " when he died in 1622/32: Ì,JillÍam's widow, Elizabeth Woolridge, witnessed Cocke's wi Il. It is not known whether they were related. Cockers widow Alice was buried 27.8.16433; no chi ldren can be identified.

Although Cocke described himself as a husbandman in his will, no evidence of husbandry is to be seen in hÍs inventory. The presence there of a "threed torne" indicates that weaving was one of his sources of i ncome.

H. L. Douch , êd. The CornwaII Muster RoII of 1569, 1 984 , p.122. 2 N0.33. 3 P.R. \ç\.t

40 W C0CKE, John, husbandman tlilll dated 1.t1.1625; buried 2.6 .1626 ;,proved 7 .10 .1628, Ibefore Master Henry Lockett, official f' "Isick inJ body but perfect of memory for which Iblessing I] ueelde God most hartie thanckes" 3 "my soule unto almightie God my maker and I l and my body to the christian buryall" Residue to Al ice, wife, named executrix

Witnesses: I^lilliame P et hi cke E I i zabeth 0 BI ake Elizabeth 0 Wo lridge, wi fe of Wa lter Wo I ri dge

This will is in the hand of Ro be rt 0rchard of Sladdacott. Its right hand s i de i s bad ly torn. 2. Latin translated 3. Probably 'redeemer' . I 55.

40 r cocKE, fuonn] rnventoryl d"a"d I l.a -L628 By waltter wolJ-ridge] and John Saunder his appareJ-l purse and gerdelJ- one dowst bedd iiio blanketts ii i ] two bolsters and a piltowe 2 one litle pann one cowdren and two litl-e brasen crockes in pewter dishes iii litle candlg¡ickes two olde caffers one tub L ] and twoo title bowles one borde and forme and one chfair] one pott hangers one g[ridj3 iro.t and toster one threed torne triffelling things forgIotten]

Walter Wollrj-dge John Saunder

0rchard 1 in the hand of Robert T his inventory is torn; o fS fã¿¿ãcott. Its right hand side is badly rema i n. n OV a I ues !\|ords at 2 I ti ;-põssióið-tnut there u,ere additional t his pbint which have now been lost' 3 c onJ ectura I read i ng . t5(",

4)t ROLLE, Andrew, €s 0 -- , of MarhaYes

This decedent was the son of George Ro.l-le l_ , and probabJ-y the onJ-y resident member of the county gentry2 He married Christian Manning 22.2.1601/2, but she died soon after the marriage, and was buried with her first husband at l'lorwenstow on 20 .8.16044. His second wife was Grace Roberts al-ias Robinson of , whom he married in L62Ot2I5. She bore her husband seven children, the first within four months of the date of the marriage l-icence. Dorothy was baptised 9.4.I62L, followed by George on 27 -6-1622, AbeJ- on l-4.3.1-623,/4, Thomas on rB.5 -L625 (he was buried 6.7.1625), Margaret on I7.g.1626, John on 23-g-L6276, and Samuel on B.IC -|628 just l-9 days before his father's burial-7. Andrew' s widow re -married at Ivlarhamchurch , 6 -9 - l-631- ; her second husband was William Lamerton. She was buried Il--4.L645 at lvlarhamchurch8.

Andrew' s inquisition Post *orte*9 shows trim possessed of lands in Week St. lvlary, Marhamchurch, St. GennYs, Whitstone, and Lel-ant. His holdings in Week St. MarY were as folfows:

Ivlanor of lvlar rais Hefd of Dennis Ro.l-Ie, ?ñ of his manor of Hil-ton--, for IC1 per annum (including Great and Little IPPIePen, Bakesdown and Bakesdown Down, and the manor of Titson). Service not known. Va1ue, with manor of Titson, f 5 P.a- Great lpplepen and Littl-e Held as above. Value L3¡'4 Ipplepen: 30 acres of land, p.a. L2 acres of pasture r5-l

Bakesdown and Bakesdown Held as above. Val-ue f'l- Down: messuage, garden, p. a. orchard, 2C acres of land, 3 acres of meadow, 20 acres of pasture, 5 acres of wood, 40 acres of futze and heath I/IoLn. part of manor of Hel-d of the King as of Swannacott his fee of Week St- lvlary East West, bY knight service. Worth 3.'- P. a. Castle Ditches and Week Held as above. Worth L3/4 St. l"lary: 5 cottages, p. a. 20 acres of land, 4 acres of meadow, 6 acres of wood, 50 acres of furze and heath; common of pasture on Greenamoor, Hartham, and Westwood

Stuarts: IiL2L]n part of B Hefd as above. worth 3/4 acres of land & I0 acres of p. a. pasture Ketteigh: I acre of wood He I d. as above; worth 4d p a Haydah: 3/4 of messuâ9ê, Held as above. worLh 6/8 garden, orchard, 20 acres p- a. of l-and, 3 acres of Pasture, and 40 acres of furze and Ìreath Week St. MarY: burgage Hefd of Thomas Prust, gent.. tenement and of the Lord of the Borough of Week St- ¡{ary, in free Áocage. Worth 2/- p. a. Thinwood: messuage, garden' Held of Robert Bennett , gent. , orchard" 20 acres of land. as of his mapor of 4 acres of meadow, and 50 Cataboroughtt. worth l'Oi- acres of fwrze and heath p.a. This is not the place to go into details of Rol.l-e's holdings in other parishes; it is sufficient to note here that these included the manor of Titson, in lvlarhamchurch, which was adjacent to Marrais , and the manor of Crackington, in St' Gennys'

Much of this .l-and was inherited from George Roll-e. \53.

However, like his father, Andrew was active on the land market, anxious to increase his hotdings' In l-611, he purchased part of Cast-Ie Ditches, part of Haydah, and a variety of rights pertaining to the manor of Swannacott and borough of Week St. Iv1ary - incfuding an interest in the fair from Thomas Nichol--l-s of Le=unLI2 . Two years l_ater, he bought a further part of Bakesdown, whictr he aiready tenanted, from Nicholas Putt, husbandman, af 'l? eoughi.Ila5. Ín L626, he purchased a number of tenements - parts of Sarah's Hay, Sarah's House, Stuarts, Twenty penny Halr Castl-e Ditctres, Hartham Park, and wood Parks, - most of which were within the borough of week st. lvlary or the manor of Swannacott f rom Will-iam Pearse r Çf€nìt ' , of -14

It is possible to identify a few of the tenants of these properties. In 161-1, George Co.J-wil-l, John Jewel-l-, and Samuel Grist, each occupied one of the tenements in week st. ivlary; John Kerslake, the rector, was the tenant of part of castle Ditches, although the validity of his lease was challenged c.1614; John Pearse was tenant of the halfendeal- of Haydahl5. It may be presumed that Degory pearse, who held part of Haydah in I628L6, was Johnrs heir. Another part of Haydatr was held by william clifton in t62817 - rt is rikery that Richard Parmer was afso a leading tenant of the manor of Marrais , but there is no direct e.riderrcef B.

one consequence of the purchase from Nicholls was a l-aw \*1 .

19 suit against John Jewel I for fai lure to pay rent- Jewel l's response to the suit may explain Andrew's failure to re-marry for sixteen years after the death of his first wife: Jewel I declared that Andrew had carried off his wife Mary, and had "detayned" her for some twelve years ! l.las Andrew's purchase of Jewel I's tenement intended to spite his concubine's husband?

Like his father, Andrew Rol Ie was the wealthiest man in the parish: in the subsidy of 1626/7 he was assessed on lands valued at î10, almost twice as much as the next highest assessment.20 In 1628, the assessment was set at L11.21

The inquisition post mortem is of particular interest Ín assessing the relationship of Andrew's Prerogative Court of Canterbury will to his total wealth, since it Íncludes a transcript of a separate wi l l "for the settl inge of al I my mannors mesuags lands and tenements". It is most unfortunate that his inventory does not also survive - a circumstance that deprives us of the opportunity to assess total wealth. It is probable that the inquisition post mortem wi I I had no Iegal force, since real property could not be devised by will. Nevertheless, it did indicate the testator's wishes to his executrix, and in view of the fact that \t.o() it was incorporated into the inquisition post mortem, it may be assumed that its provisions were carried out.

The importance of the inquisition post mortem wi I I is that, without it, we would have I ittle indication of the provision Andrew made for his younger children, or, i ndeed , f or h i s wi dow. It emerges that he uJas able to divide his estate between all the members of his immediate family, giving to some a Iife interest in specific parts of the estate, to others, substantial capital sums as general charges on the estate, and to al l hi s chi ldren "competent menteynance" unti l they vlere of age to inherit.0n only two points do the two wi I ls repeat each other: Grace RoI Ie was named as executrix in both, and both mention the bequest of an annuity payable to Andrew's sister, Florence Bennett, out of lands in Bakesdown. The existence of the inquisition post mortem will emphasises, if emphas Í s were needed, the amount of i nformation which may be denied to us in the wills of other I anded testators. \tot

No.6. Andrew received a French bowl in the wi I I of his aunt Jackett; cf . Guide to Cornish Probate Records, 1 984, p.3 1 . 2 It is not clear when the Grenvi I Ies were resident at Swannacott. They do not appear in subsidy rolls for the parish. 3 P.R. The precise date is indecipherable. 4 I am i ndebted for th i s i nformat i on from the Morwenstow parish register to Professor E.W.F.Toml in. He suggests that Christian was the daughter of John Kempthorne, who d i ed 1 59 1 , and that she rva s born before 1558. She married John Manning in 1585, or perhaps a little earlier; her first husband died 6.8.1601. The marriage was childless. Cf.E.l.l.F.Tomlin, The Church of St. and St. John the Ba tist, orwens ow: a gu e an s ory' , pp. 5 J. L. V i v i an , êd. , T[e Mãrrìãþè -ti cences of the from the B i shops Reg i sters , 1523- 1631, 1 887, p ãaf Z, p.7Íffi reference to the I ate H. N . l^/. Toms . 6 John eventually succeeded to his fatfter's estate, and t-o the estate of the senior branch of the fami ly; cf. Daphne Drake, 'Members of parl i ament for ,, Devonshi re Association Re ort and Transactions ' P. 7 These dates are t aken from the P. R. They are also mostly g i ven in J,L.Vivian, ed., The Visitations of th e Count of Devon, co m rls ln the era s sl a ons o an p. B. Vivian, op cit, p.656. 9. P.R.0., C142/443147 10 The manor of Hi lton i s i n l^lh itstone. 11 It has not been possible to identify this manor. 12. D.R.0., 96t4/115/20- The inquisition post mortem of He nry Nichol ls, Thomas's fathen, refers to most of th ese tenements; a copy survives amongst the Ro I I e family papers; D.R.0., 96V1/115/31 . 3 D.R.O .,96t4/115/19. 4 D.R.O .,96t41115/22. 5 D.R.O , 96M / 115/20. Jewel I 's surname cannot be read n this document, but is given in P.R.0., c3 /3 76 /92. Samuel Grist is no. 22i he died in 1615. T here is no evidence to show who succeeded to the tenancy. For the cha I I enge to John Kers I ake , see P.R .0., C2lJas I/K1 /16. 6 P.R.0., c142/443/47. 7 D i tto I No . 14. 9 P.R.0., c31376/e2. 20. P.R.0., E17e/Be/305. 21 . P.R.0., E179/Be/313. 22. P.R.0., c142/443/47. 23. See 41 t^i ii. \t"2- -

l_ 4l- w i Ror,r.r, Andrew, esquire, of lvlarrei-s wil-l-2d.a"d 22-Io.1628; buried 27 .L)J62B3 proved 20.2.I62q/9 I at London, before Sir Henry l'larten, Ivlaster of the Prerogative -court of canterbury; oath of Grace RotLe, executrix, to be taken before Will-iam Churton_ând Thomas Snel.Iing, clerks, commissioners j-n those parts | ' "being of good and perfect memorY thankes be unto God" "my soule unto allmightie God and my body to christian buriafI " Poor of Week St. Mary f. 2, "to bee distributed as my executrix shall- thincke fitt" Poor of St. Gennys f' f, "to bee distributed ...at the discretion of my executrix" Repair of Week St. I'lary church f.l_ Florence Bennet, sister 1- 2 p.a., for life, payable out.of l-ands in Baxstone- ;distraint authorised i-n case of non-payment Wife, for life, "if she soe longe "my sifver gilt contínue unmarried"; then "to such tankerd my best gilt of my chi.l-dren as shal-I then bee bol-e my gilt beaker mY and my heire" , best silver sal-t my best dozen of silver spoones t' Dorothie. daughter "my chaine of gold" - but wife to have the use of it during Ìrer .l-ife, and al-so dj-sPosal of it if Dorothie dies first "every other of my younger " a peece of Plate chi.l-dren" such as my wife shal-l deli-ver them" Priscilla Chepman, servant f. I 06-08 Walter Fenton, servant f. l-3-06-08; I due after 3 months; % due within one year Wal-ter Fenton' s chif dren 5/- each tb3

George Burdon's ch i ldren 5/ - each George Lamerton's chÍldren 5/- each Nathaniel I Lamerton 6/8

Marie Prynne, widow 13/ 4

Margarett, wife of John Langdon 13/ 4 William Kever, "my friend" "a gold ringe" worth î1 Johane, wife of Degorie Lamerton ditto Armynel l Kever "a gold ringe" wortn 10/ - Res idue to Grace, wife, named executri x

WÍtnesses: Ric 0 Veale Johis 0 Sherme de Hackthorne 6 Walter 0 Fenton Degory 0 Dodgent Jhon 0 Lee

1 Marrais. 2 P.R.0., PROB 11/155. The p ossesslon o f 'bo na notabilial in more than one dioc ese h ad long sin ce be come a wholly fictitious qualificat i on for executor S who wished to prove wills in the Pr erog a ti ve Court of Canterbury; cf . J. R. H. þJeaver. an d A. Beardwood, ed s. , Some 0xfordshire Wills Proved in the Prerogative Court o f CanfeFbuiy, 139f-I5fO eTy,-39, 1958, p.5. mTI_e-n-ãT no possessions outside of the Diocese o f Exeter. 3. He died 24.10.1628, per P.R.0., C142/443/ql. 4. Lati n abbrev i ated and trans I ated. 5. Bakesdown. 6. Hackthorne, Marhamchurch. løt+

I 41 w ii ROLLE, Andrew, €sg. ¡ of Ivlarreis witt-2 dated 22.ro -:1628

"beinge of good and perfect memory(thanks be unto God) doe make this my will and testament for the settlinge of al-l my mannors mesuags l-ands and tenements " Grace, wife Estate of"inheritance in Tettisdon', l"larhamchurch, f or l-ife; reversion to Georger son Abel-l-¡ sorì "and to such StonyknolJ.e als East Knolle, woman as shal-be his wief- PoundstocJe "in the Possession at the tyme of his death" of John Hore his assignee or assignees" ; afso Highgr Crackinton, St. GenYs', "in the possession of Roger Gist his assigneg or assigneesrr; al-so Haynud', Week St. lvlarY. "nowe in the severa.Il holdj-ngs or possessions of DegorY Pearse and Will-iam Clifton, their assignee or assignes"; for l-ives of Abell and his wife; reversion to George' son John, son, "and to such Mouth. olherwise Tremouth, woman as shal-be his wief St Genys", "now in the Possession at the tyme of his death" of Richard l'larshall- and John Ivlarshall their assignee or assignes"; also Eastwood Westwood otherwise Goveewoode. St Genny" / "rto*e in the Possession of Stephen lvlarshall- and Degorie l"larshall his sonne and Edward Raw1e or of some or one of them their assignee or assignes"; for lives of John and hi-s wife; reversion to George, son Residue of estate of inheritance to Grace, wife, R¡chard Veale of Bridgerule, and William Ke¡errof LancestonÕ; they to levy 2OO márks to pay to Dorothy, daughter, at age 2J-, or on marriage if married with consent of mother, and of themselves, nor of the most parte of them" ditto to Ivlargaret, daughter; L2oO to Samuel-, son, êt age l-8, also 2O,./- p.a. to Richard Veafe and William Kever, "to elpry of them for his paines untiLl the said portions be -l-evied- and paid"; afso Grace, Richard Veafe, and wi-lliam Kever to l'allowe competent menteynance" to said chifdren until portions paid. Same also for George, son' untif he Þe 1I, al-so ãl1-owance to sisteroFl-orãnce Bennett of 40/- p.a. for l-ife, from Baxstone-. Residue to George, son' when all paid. lø5

1 Marrais. 2 This will forms part of Andrew Rolle,s inquÍsition post mo-rtem, P.R.0., C142/443/ql .It is the only will, as distinct from a testament, to be included in this volume. See volume 1, p. , for the distinction. 3 Titson, Marhamchurch. 4 Higher Crackington, St. Gennys. Ã Haydah. 6 Tremoutha, St. Gennys. 7 Perhaps l,'looda, St. Gennys. 8 Launceston. 9 Bakesdown. lGb.

42. BLAKE, Thomas, husbandman

This decedent married Jane Lamerton at some time before the commencement of the surv i v i ng pari sh register. The couple had at least six children. Andrew-2 married Sarah, the daughter of Thomas Marten the younger of Holsworthy, on 15.1.1619 /20.3 Thomas a I so married before h i s father's death: the marri age did not take place in Week St. Mary, and we only know that his wife's name was El izabeth. This decedent also had at least four daughters. Tessa died in infancy; she was buried 1 1.5.1608.4 El izabeth, bapti sed 1 1 .3.1 603/45, married Arthur Adams al s Anderdon 12.11.16276- Juliana married an AIphaT; it is Iikely that the Sandercocks, mentioned Ín Jane's o will', t,lere Avis's children. Thomas had at Ieast nine grandchi ldren at the date of his death.9 His widow was buried 8.4.1641.10

Despite the fact that he was described as a husbandman in his wi I I, thÍs decedent was one of the wealthiest inhabitants of Week St. Mary, and had probably held one of the I argest farms in the pari sh. Unfortunately, we do not know which one. At his death, he had retired from farming, and had invested his wealth in bills and bonds. In the subsidies of 1624/511, 16261112, and 1628/913, he was assessed on goods valued at î5, one rb"l

0f the h i ghest assessments i n the pari sh. It was probably thi s Thomas Blake who served as churchwarden i n 161 1 / 1214 He witnessed the wi il s of Walter Hore 1 5, and wiliiam Axfordl6; he also praised the latter,s goods.

It may be presumed that Andreb/ had already received the major portion of his inheritance before his father,s death - He recei ved a scant 13/ 4 i n Thomas,s wi I t. The prime purpose of th i s wi t t was to make adequate prov i s i on for Andrew's brothers and s i sters , and for his mother. Andrew was named as overseer of the wi I l, and also praised his father,s goods.

1 Her maiden name is given in the P.R. entry for the marriage of her son Andrew in 1620/1- Her wiil i s no.67 . 2 No. 1 23. He was the executor of his mother's wilt; cf .67 W. 3 P.R. The Holsworthy p.R. gives her baptism as 21 1 .9. 600. I am Í ndebted io the I ate H. N . l^/. Toms for this information. 4 P. R. 5 P. R. 6 P-R- I am indebted to the late H.N.t.l.Toms for the al ias. 7 N0.67 W. The name i s otherwi se unknown. I N0.67 W. 9 Andrew had four children at his father,s death; cf.123. Thomas's will refers to the'chÍldien'or botn núis gnd J!liana' thus indicating that both had at least two- Elizabeth's. daughter riizabetñ wâs born jù;i- t9n days before her grandfather,s ouiiãt; cf.-p.R. 10. P. R. 11. P.R.0., E179/8 B/ 294. 12. P.R.0., E179/8 e/ 305. 13. P.R.0., E179/B e/ 3r3. 14. B. T. There wer e two of this name in the paris h in the first deca de or so of the seventeenth cen tury; it is assumed he re that earl ier references i n the subsidy rolls (p re- 1 60 1 ) refer to the Thomas whose daughter Prisci II a was married in 1604; cf. D. R.0., 96t4/115/36. 15. 4 h/. 16. 33 l,l. \Gg.

42 Vl BLAKE, '1h' ,rr. '' s, husbandman will dated 2.5-1628; buried l-7.1-1 .1628, proved 24.)-I.1628 John Ivl proctor of the lord fbefore MEster-t Saunders, .4., otlr-cr-al, - l f "being sick of body but perfat of mynde thankes be to almighty God" "my soul-e to almighty God my maker and redeemer by whom I hope and believe to be saved and my body to christian burial-I" Poor of Week St. Ivlary 6/8 Repair of Week St. l'lary churct,2/ -' Jane, wife î4, î4, plus "halfe of my corne which I have in my mowhay and in the ground at the time of my death my best bed per- formed my best crock my two second best pans my two best platter dishes performed two sil-ver spoones and the use of 2 other si.l-ver spoones during her l-ife and after ber death I give and bequeth the onemto my daughter Avise and the other unto my daughter Julian" Avis, daughter €f , "which she owetlt me", PIus 3/4. her children 3i'4 each. Julian, daughter 3i4 her children 3/4 Andrew Bl-ake, son 13/'4 Sara, his wife 3/4 Son Thomas Blake's children 3/4 each Thomas B1ake. son L2O. due within 18 months of testatorrs death Elizabeth. his wife 3/4 Mary Orchard, god .chiJ-d I,/ - walter Allye, David Bl-ake, 6d each Thomas Axford, Jacque l"leIles, Susan Saunders, and Elizabeth Boden, god -children 3 Residue to rÉidc6ftr .âAam, ô¡ghter 1,2 namea execut t ] \t21.

Thomas Digan, Humphry Lamerton, and Andrew Blake¡ sofi¡. named overseers

Witnesses: 4 Andrew X? Bl-ake

1. Latin translated 2. Torn; sse 42 Z: 3. Torn 4. lt is not clear whether Andrew signed or made his mark; he made his mark on his own wiJ-l, cf. no.123 w.

'I r-ìo ,

42 I BLACKE, Thomas Inventory dated 28.l-1 .1628

By Walter W ull-ridge and Andr ue Blacke

his purse and gerdell 4-OO his apparrell 1-OO-00

one fetherbed performd 3-OO-O0 tow dust beads tow coverleds tow bl-anketts 608 fower brasin panes 2-IO-00 tow crockes 1-OO-00 sixt putter disses and three pouggers 12 00 three sousers

three coffers tow barrell-s tow keafes one 1.-OO-O0 tube three bedstedes the corring in the ground and in the 10-00-oo mouehaye

one Latting candeJ-J- sticke l_-oo - 00

fouer silver spounes 1-OO-OO one tining cup 3-00 three peages 1-10-00

one yearling l- -oo--00 heaye 5-00 due uppon bandes 60 -00-00 despert debt 20- 00-00 trifells forgotton 3-O4


l-. Not totalled; actual-Iy f, 1O4-14.-00. t-1 \

42 Z BLAKE, Thomas

Commission 23.1-l-.16281 from Henry Lockett, M.4., officia.I of Cornwall, to Wil-liam Churton, clerk, Vicar of Poundstockn Richard Co.l-e, clerk, curate of Week St. Ivlary, and Will-iam Langford, clerk, rector of Whitstone and Stratton, to administer an oath to El-izabeth, wife cf Arthur Adam, daughter and executrj-x of Thomas Blake, late of Week St. Mary, in f olÌowi-ng form: "You shall- swear you believe this testament annexed is the l-ast will and testament of your deceiased]2father you shal-l truly performe the contents of the t, estament] and pay his debts and legacies as far as the l-awe byndes you you shal-L exhibit into the Registers offifce.1 a true and perfect inventory of al-l- the goods chattails and debts before the feast of the nativity of our Lord next coming and passe a just and perfect ac[countj when thereunto shee shafbe lawfally required soe [frefp] yol, God and the contents of this testament" Ja: Parker Reg[ istrar.i

"This was administered by me Richard Co]-e Cl-arke the xxiiiith day of November: Anno Predicto"

r-.atin translated and abbreviated ¿ Torn \-r2.

43 BLAKE, Ambrose

The only surviving evidence concerning this decedent is printed beÌow. He was probably related to the other Blake families in the parish, but no evj-dence is available to prove this. Elizabeth Oxnam, his administratrix, was probably his daughter. \-t 3.


I 43 A BLAKE, Ambrose I I I l

I l Buried 27.12.1628; admin bondl L7-2-1628/9, in f'AO, from i l : Thomas Oxnam and John Oxnamf yeomen, of St Coflobe l"laiore2,

I to william Parker, Archdeacon of cornwal-l. E1ízabeth, wife I

; ¡ of Thomas oxnam, named administratrix. Account to be Ì i exhibited by 31.1- .L629/3O. ! I I i

I I Signatures: Thomas Oxnam; John Oxnam Witnesses: Ralphe Kete; Ralphe Kete3

1. A printed form is used 2. St. CoLumb tvla jor 3. Although the name is the same, the signatures are different- Perhaps father and son. \-lt+.

44 COWLING, teonard, labourer

Thjs'decedent was the son of John CowJ-ing, yeoman l_ , and had evidently declined in the social scafe. His father l-eft him a third of his estate in Whiteleigh for term of fifteen years when he died in l-602,'3, but this probably amounted to no more than a few fiel-ds; when his term fe-l-l- in, he was unabl-e to secure any other l-and, and had to earn his living as a day labourer - perhaps working for, andT'or J-iving with, his step'-father, Robert Wickett, who praise d his inventory. He had l-ittle to Leave, but j-ncfuded a number of 'cousins', as wefl as his brother Wil-l-j-am. and his sister Elizabeth, amongst his legatees. He died a þacfief or ;

l_ No 7 ; P R r.ì5

44 W COWLINGE, Leonard, l-abourer l{il-r. dated 28.4.ir629; buried 6.5.I62gf ;"pto.r"d 2-9 -1629 !before Master Henry Lockett, officiaf]' "being sicke in body but perfeacte in memory for which bJ-essinges doe yeald God most humbell- and heartie thankes" "my sole unto al-myghttie God my maker saveuar and redeemer by whose death and passion I hope to be saved and my body to be burj-ed when it shalI please God to cafl me" Maintainance of Week St. lvlary church It'- El-izabeath Wickett, sister I,' - Wil-riam Cowlinge, brother L/ - Prudence Stauton, cousin IO/- Wal-ter Stauton the youngêr, cousin f/- u-ân€, d.william Co.l-lirg, brother f/-

Wif liam Cowl j-nge, cousin, s.William I¡ - Colling, brother Margeret Stauton, cousin It - Residue to iH j4orrrr". Stauton, cousin and godchild, named executor

Witnesses: Leonard X Cowling Digory SC Pearce Jakuotte x Venton walter X Stauton

1. Baohelor per P.R. Z. Latin translated 3. l"lss reads "to his sonne William Cowlinge my cosen" 4. Obscured in mss \-ì l¡r .

44 I COWLINGE, Leoneard, labourer Inventory 1dated 13.5.L629 By Robarte Wickette and Digory Pearse his purse and mony in the same valeud 1-00 his wearinge aPParell valeud 6-08 one coffer valeud r-o0 dassperate deates dewe from dyveres r -r-o -00 persónes by specialty and other wise valeud

f' 1-18-OB

1. This inventory is in the hand of Degory Pearse. tl"l .

45 LAI{G. James, husbandman, and lr{arv, his wife

These decedents were survived by their daughter Joan, who married ,John Cawsey shortly after her motherrs deathl ' They held a burgage tenement of the Rolles, which descended to their daughter2. This gave them sufficient land to have a cow and a yearling; there is no evidence as to their other sources óf income, although the amount of the administratrix's bond (efOO) suggests that the inventory under-valued the estate-

1. The marriage took place 18.1.L629/3O'Pêr P-R. 2. D.R.o., gøítt/lOZ/t[. This lease of two burgages is dated 1674; Joan is named as the previous tenant. r-tg,

45 A LAÀIG, James, and his wife lvlarY Admin. bond 23.7.1629I, in f.lOO, from Joane Lang of Week St. lmary daughter and administratrix. bound with Thomas Prust, yeoman, of Week St. l{ary, to William Parker, Archdeacon of Cornwall. Account to be exhibited by 30.6.1630.

S j-gnatures : X2 . . Tho: Prust Witness: Obadiah Reynolds

t. A printed form is used. 2. Mark made, but no name is entered; presumably, this was the mark of Joan Lang. \11 .

45 I LAllGE, James, husbandman, and LAIiIGE, Mary, widow Ivlary buried g -7 .L62gI; inventory2¿-¡"U 24.7 .1629 By thomas Prust and Thomas TrewYne theyre wearinge aPParreli f, 1--00.-00 one chattell lease of one burgage tenement 3-C6-C0 with appurtencs in Weeke St l'lary aforesaid one cowe and one Yarlinge 2-06-08 one old duste bedd and furniture 5-00 one tabell- borde 3"O4 one cubbord 5 -00 one brassen pott and one littell panne 5-00 in pewter 2 -OO one old coffer B


Thomas Prust Thomas Trewine

P- R he 1 There i s no buriat entry for James in the , evidently d ied first, since MarY is described as a widow in he r burial entrY. 2 This inve ntory is in the hand of HenrY Prust, gent. ( no.1 a2 ) 3 Not added t total actually î.7-13-8. \80 ,

46 SAUNDERS, John, of Week 0rchard

It i s probab I e that John Saunders was descended from one of one of the three men of this surname resident in Week St. Mary who paid the subsidy in 1543.1 He married Etizabeth, the daughter of Robert Painter2; the couple had at Ieast ten chi ldren. Robert was named j oint executor and residuary legatee of his father's estate. Abraham was under 23 at the time of his father's death. The other sons were Samuel, baptised 11 -7 - 1613'

John, bapt i sed 28.5. 1 6 1 5, and another John , bapt i sed 26.12.1619.4 There were also seven daughters: Margaret, who was probably the eldest5, Elizabeth, baptised 2.5.1616, Judith, baptised ?0.9.1617, Barbara, baptised 13.11.16086, Priscilla, baptised 25.12.16117, Joan, and Susan.S At John's death, only two of his children

had married: Joan married John 0rchard 22.1-1620/19 ; the name of Susan's husband i s not known. Joan's daughter Sarah was baptised 4.3.1620/110; no other baptisms are recorded before John's death, but his wi I I indicates that Susan had other children.

John Saunders Iived at Week 0rchard; it may be presumed that he had freehold Iand there, since no Iease is l 1 mentioned in his invento.y. A number of leases are mentioned: he had Haydah, a Week St- Mary farm; in \gt .

Poundstock, he had AIlery's and Burracott, and he had a valuable lease in st. Juliot. The total value of his Ieases, according to the inventory, lvas î168 - more than fifty per cent of the inventory total - It i s probable that most of the Ieased land lvas sub-let, and that he derived a substantial income from rent. He also had money Ient out on specialties totalling €32.3.4, which Iikewise earned income-

Some of h i s debtors were connected by marri age: Thomas Painter was probably related to John's wife; Robert 0rchard was the father of his son-in-Iaw.

In addition to his property and investment income' this decedent earned a modest income from husbandry - which probably provided him with rather more than he required for household purposes. He paid the subsidy in 1626/712 and 1628/g13 on goods valued at 33; he served as churchwarden in 1612/1314, witnessed the wi I t of Judith Ande.ronl5, praised the goods of Edward Miltonl6 and John Cocke.17

1 . T. L. Stoate, €d. , Cornwall Subsidies in the Rei n of Henr VIII, 15 an an e enevo ence 0 , P. 2. tro7'6. The identificatÍon of John's spouse is made in the P.R. entry for the marriage of his daughter Joan, 22.1.1620/1. 3 There is no baptismal entrY in the P.R., he t^tas probably bapti sed in the period for which the P.R. is missing; cf. 14 l.l, note 1. iGr

4. P. R. It i s I ikety that the eldest John died i n infancy, but there is no record of a burial i n the P. R. 5. There is no record of her baptism, but she is named first in her father's will i n a list of fi ve daughters wh i ch i s othenwi se arranged in order of age. 6 See the P.R. for the forgoi ng bapt i sms . 7 B. T. I There are no baptismal entries for Joan and Susan. 9. P. R. 10. P.R. 11. Unle SS the lease of Burracott included a house atl.l eek 0rchard. 12. P. R. 0., 8179/89/30s. 13. P.R. 0., E17e/8s/313. 14. c.R. 0., Glebe Terriers, Week St. MarY,1613- 15. 17W 16. 18 r 17. 40 I \93 .

46 W SAUNDER, John

WiÌl dated 22 -:12 -,I{ I t buried 14.7 .1629; proved 3I - 5 - l-630

"being perfect of remembrance-cod but somewhat sick in body- -. for wñiðh blessinge I yeeld most] hartie thanckes" "my soufe unto almi{hty C"ql my maker a4d redeemer and my body to christian buriatl- when Iand where,it.l shall pJ-ease God to call-e me " Poor of Week St lvlary 5,/-- Elizabeth, wife "fyve silver [spoo]nnes" Margaret, daughter Ê30, due B years after death Elizabeth, daughter f,30, due 10 years after death Judeth, daughter f3O, due 12 years after death Barbara, daughter f.30, due 14 years after death Prece.l-.1-a, daughter f,30, due Ì6 years after death If any daughters die before marriê9e, legacy to be divided between other, unmarried daughters Abraham, son f.10, due within L year of 23rd birthday Samuel-l- ¿ son Êl-0, ditto John, son f.l-O, ditto Daughter Johan' s children 2/6 each, "as well- boren and unboren " "my daughters son" 2/- Daughter Susan' s chil-dren 26 Susan, daughter 2/'6 Residue to Elizabeth, wife, and Robert Sander, son, named joint executors

Witnesses: John Saunder Robte Orchard waltre Orchard

t. This will- is torn on the top right edge. \8t+.

1 46 I SAìtrDER, John, of Weeke Orchard Inventory dated 27 .7 .l-629 By George Alee, Arthur Hofman, and John Orchard i horse L 2 -l-0 -00 ii kine 4 -O0-00 iiii". .o yearlings ii calves 4-00 -00 vii pigges ix rosters 2-00-00 geesse dux and PulterY B-00 iii fetherbéds bolsters bl-anketts and B-00--00 coverleds v dustebeds bolsters bl-anketts and coverl-eds 4-O0-00 i standinge bedsteed i truckell- bedsteed i 2 -r0--00 table boráe i forme vi joyned stoofes i armory i paire of andiers xvi brasen pannes 24-OO-OO iii brasen crockes 1-05-00 i cubbord tabÌeborde and formes f -l-5--00 i tableborde ii sc,uar tablebords i cheste 1-00 -00 iiii--. .os cofers i truncke v other bedstees l-4-00 i chest for corne and timber in the house 2-00-00 keefes tubs barrelfs and standers 1-06-00 v stoni-ge troffes and v littett stonige 7 -O7 -OO troffes r-L par-re of wheeles bownd with iron i weane 7 -00 -o0 ii butt chaines youkes and other plow stuffe and iron bordes and timber 1-00--o0 viii aykers of wheat l-2-00-00 xii aykers of woots and barlaY LO -00 -00 v silver spoones I -00-00 r 85. i chattall- l-ease in Afworthie ¿ 1 5-00 -00 i chattal-l- Lease in Burrowecot É 24.-00.-00 i chattel-L l-ease in Headae 4 9-OO-O0 i chattal-l- l-ease in St Ju1eté r 20.-00 -o0 ii beedsteed ii dastebeds ii bol-sters iii 1-00 -00 bJ-a4ç6s i cover leed i bras6n crock ii brason Panes 1-10--00 iii keeffes i tub i tabl-eborde shefves i 10 -o0 cheese racka i cheese wringe i greate stonige troffe ii littelI stonige 2 -r0-00 troffes formes i moldinge bord i threshinge borde i great planke resters timber provided for buildinge with other things a spetial-tie from John Bl-ake 7 -10-OO a spetialty from Thomas Painter 6-r-6 -08 a spetialty from Robert Orcharde 7 -l_o-00 a spetialty from William Beaford 4-06-08 a spetialty from Wil-l-iam Alee gent 6 -00-00 a muskett furnished l- 3-oo his apparell and pursse 2-00 -00 for things out of memory l-efte unmentioned 1-00-00

L 307-01 ..04

George AIee Arthur Homan senior John Orchard

L. week Orchard 2. Allerys, Poundstock 3. Burracott, mostlY in Poundstock, but some in Week St. MarY 4- Haydah 5 . St. Jul-iot \ f36

47 PEARCE John bachelor

Th i s decedent was perhaps a descendant of the John

'Pers' who paid the 15ZS subsidy in Week St. Mary.1 He had two sisters at the date of his death: Joan Brealy, who was a widow, and At ice Mi I l. He resided with

Charles Mi I l, Al ice's father-in-law, in what may

be presumed to have been an extended fami ly.2 The Mi I I fami ly featured prominentry amongst his legatees, and Charles Mi I I acted as executor duri ng the

minority of his son Richard, who had been named executor in the will.

The supposedly "desprett" debts pearce was owed at the date of his death were recovered by his executor; they

yislded a small income. He had presumably been engaged in husbandry before his retirement; perhaps

he had farmed at C I ubworthy i n North petherwi n.

It is not clear why two wi I I s have surv i ved for th i s testator. Both have been ed i ted.

1 . T. L. Stoate ,e d., Cornwall Subsidies in the Rei n of Henr V III l5 an an enev0 ence 0 p 2. Fno.58. \g-1

47 W i PEARSE, John, bachelor wil] dated L4.5.l 629l-; note on reverse reads: "to his 2 said frind Thomas Prowte at Clowbery in North Petherwyn" "being somwhat greived in body but perfect in remembrannce thanks be to God for the same" "my soule to almighty God from whence it came and my body to christian burYall" Julyan Brealy, sister, wife of f' 4 PhiJ-ip Brealy deceased sister Johan3 Breal-yes daughters t"IúirEareù f, t each and Johan Brealy 4 al-ice 14y11, sister, wife of John l"lil-l L2 John MilJ-, s. Charf es MYll f'1 El-izabeth MyJ-l, d. Charl-es l4il-1 €. 1 I4ary Lark, "now servant to the right f, l_6 worshipful- lvlr Trewen" Poor of North PetherwYn 5 f, 1, "to be Put to the stocke for the use of the poore"

Poor of Week St. MarY LO,/- 'fto be distributed amongstl thêm" Poor of Jacobstow rci -, ditro Poor of Whitson6 5i'-', ditto Poor of Boyton 5/-, dirro howse of Tamerton" 7 3/-, "to be "A.l-mes distributed betweene them"

"three poor weomen att Launceston that 3/-, "to be sit at the townes endtt devided between them" Julyan8 Kyttow, widow, "at Cornworthye"v 5/- E1ízabeth Kyttow, d. Joahne KYttow 4/'- Joahne Kyttow's youngest daughter I/- Edward l"Iill-, s. John l,lyllf O 3/4 \98, Eulale, d.John MYll 314 Johne Holman, "now servant to Charles 2/- Mill.' Richard Southward's chi Idren 1l- each

Dorothy Med I and 5l- Edmond 0l I i ver and l.Ji I I i am Thorne 1l- each William Dobb "all such goods as are in his howse e.xcePt i ng one chest that i s there the which I give to Mary Larke" Messuage, etc., Margaret Brea Iy and Johne Brea lY ' kinswomen in ClowbeFFY, il North Petherwyn' ' in tenure of William Doult or his assignees Residue to Richard, s.charles Mi I i , named executor "AI l these legacyes abovesa id sha l l be payd at the end of one half year after mY death" witn.rr.r12, John lP]earce Willm t l Johistl Dare Garthored, d.Charles MYI I f, I Anne, d.Charles MYI I I 1

1.Trcwills survive for this testator; both are transcribed here: see 47 l.lii for the second. 2 . Clubworthy, 3 .Johan and Julyan are used interchan g eab ly in this will. 4 .Mi I I and Myl I are used interchangea b ly in this will. 5 . North Petherwin. 6 . l.lh i tstone. 7 . North Tanierton. B . See note 3. H. Douch . 9 . Canworthy, l.larbstow. i owe this identification to L. l0.Interlined. 1 I . See note 2. 1 2. Torn \81 .

47 w ii PEARSE, John, Bachefor WiÌl- dated 12.6 t63C1; proved 28 .7.l-63J

"being somewhat sicke weake and grieved in bodye but perfect in remembrance thankes be to God for the same" "my soule to almightie God in heaven my maker and creator frðm whence it ca.e wholy relying my seffe on the meritts of Jesus Christ my saviour and redeemer hoping that by him I shall- be saved Lne ftoty ghost the comforter assuring mee that in and through Christ_all_my sinnes are pardoned and my bodie to christian buriIall]" Poor of Week St }4ary 10,'- Poor of North PetherwYnne 2 l-0.'' - Poor of Boyton 6/B 3 "a.l-mes howses" of "Tamerton 3/'- 4 "the poore women att Lancesöon being three 3,'- that stand begging att the townes end" tr Mr Hancocke'"for preachíng my funerall sermon"IO/- John lvliLl, brother-in-law "my best suite of clottres and my best cloke" Thomas Hele "my wearj-ng clothes " A-l-ice lvlill, sister, wi-fe of John Mil-l- f.2 Edward I4i11, s. John Mill 3i4 Eul-al-ia Mi11, d. John lvlil-l- 3/4 John l4il-l-, s.Charfes 1"1íl-l f,l_ Gertrude Mil-1, d. Charl-es IvIil-l- f.l- Anne tli11. d.Charles Mil-l f,1 El-izabeth Mil-1, d.Charfes lvlil-l- tl- Joane Kittowe 5/- El-izabeth Kittowe, her daughter 4/- Joane Kittowe's youngest daughter r/- Joane Hol.Imon 2t- \10 ,

Marye Larke f16, payable within 6 months of death Margarett Brayl ie and Joane î.2, "to buy them Braylie, sisterrs children clothes"; also tenement- i n Great C t ubberyb

Residue to Richard Mill, s. Charles Mill, named executor.

1 No burial is recorded in the P. R 2 North Petherwi n 3 North Tamerton.

,{ 4 Launceston. .t 5 Presumably Richard Hancock, who signed the 1641/2 protestat i on return as v i car of North Petherwin; cf. A. J. Howard , ed . , The Devon Protestat i on Return s , 1641 , 1973,0.78. 6 eT[bworthy, North Petherw i n . rq\-

47 I PERS, John, bachelor Inventory dated 25.7 .1629 By Robert Colles of Boyton and William Cowling of Weeke St. Mary his apparrell f, 1-00-00 his goods possest at the tyme of his death 1-10-00 desprett debts owed unto him 16-O0-OO

f, 1

1. Not totalled; actua]-ly € 18-10 -00. It appears, however, that ttre inventory is incomplete; the account indicates that the total wealth recorded in the inventory amounted to f.24-I5-O3, and this figure has been used for comparative purposes. \42-.

47 C PEARS, John Account dated 25.7.1630 minority of iey'Richard Charles Mill, administrator.,during the I,4i11, his natural sonJ'

Onus: âs appears r, za-rs {o rl3 L received by the gdministrator, l_ n the inventory]

Exposita: payd for the funeral-l- expencs f, 1-191 l payd .to Wil-tiam Seargeant for a debt 1l-oo{ l due by specyaltY more I am to have allowance for 3 years e-ooi l dyet for the PtY deceased payd John BrealYes 2 children 2--00-.i l

payd IvIr Hancock for a funerall sermon 10-.t J payd to John BrealY 4oo{ I payd Afice l'1y11 4Os: payd to the poore of 2-10 [ ] Mary Week 4 payd 3 poore weomen of St StePhens (giving 3-l l them by wiJ.l) payd tg EÇward Myll 3s 4d payd Eulalia o_toe] Myll 3o 4" payd ,John lv1yll xxs payd Gertread l"1j-11 xxs 2-oo-lpol

payd Ann 1"1y11 xxs payd Elizabeth I"1i11 xxs 2 -oo{ool payd for drawing registring and allowing 13-[ ] this account

f' 36-02-06 5 I q3.

I allocation by Henry Locket, D.D., official of Cornwa11, àt attarnun, 28.7.1630. Excess of expenfliture over receipts amounting to f' 11 -07-03 notedl"

1. Latin translated. 2. Latin translated and summarised- 3. The right Ìrand edge of this account has been torn off , añd most of ['he pence figures. are missing' rf the total, and the allocation, are both correct, then the total receipts of the administrator are as noted here. 4. St. StePhen-bY-Launceston 5. The totãl of Lhose figures which remain is f'36-01-OO- 6. Latin translated and summarised; only the rC' of 'Cornubiensis t remains. tt$.

48 C0Ll^lI LL, John, yeoman, of Th i nwood

The Colwi I ls of Thinwood had I ived there since at

least 1569, when John Colwill "de Thinwood,, b,as recorded in the muster roll.1 He died before t 12.2.1594/5'; this testator was probably his son. The latter was survived by his widow Thomasine, who v.ras buried 15.11.1643.3 No baptismal entries are to be found in the Week St. Mary parish register for the children named in his will: Nathaniel, John,

Katherine, and Mary. Another daughter, Martha, was buried 5.8.1624.4 John married l,/ilmot penwarden 1.5.16205; their son John was baptised 3.3.1 629-6

Livestock accounted for more than fifty per cent of this decedent's wealth, although his arable crop was also relatively substantial, being valued at

î1 1 - 1 0-0. It was probably th i s decedent who pa id the subsidy on goods valued at f4 in the reign of James I.7

H. L. Douch, ed. , The Cornwa I I Muster Rot I of 1 569, 1 984 , p.122. 2 c.R.0., ACP/WR184 / 120. 3 P.R. 4 P.R. The B.T. Eives the date as 5.8.1627. Unfortunately, i I Iegibi I ity prevents a check of the B.T. entry for 1624, and the P.R. entry for 1627. II is just possible that there were two daughters named I'lartha, who t.Jere buried exactly three years apart. 5 This was her second marriage: her maiden name was Seldon, and her first marriage was to Degory Penwarden,30.11.1605. She had children by this earlier marriage: two are recorded Ín the Week St. Mary parish register, which also records that the family I ived at Plymsood, Jacobstow. It is possible that other baptisms could be found in the Jacobstow register. 6 P.R. 7 P.R.0., E179/87/194. I P. R. \q s.

48 w CoLl,ÌùrrL, John, "the elder", yeoman

WiÌt dateri ]l'7'..1I.L628; buried 27.5.1ø¡Of ; proved 28.7.1630 "being somewhat weake and grieved j-n body but yet perfect of remembrance thankes be to God for the san[e]" "my soufe to almightie God in heaven from whence it came and my bodie to christian burial-l- " Thomsyn Cofwill-, wife "my best r{ther] bedd Performed and one cowe and one Pla-tt-er performed one l-ittfe crdckl and panne"; also f.3 p.a., PaYable quarterly, with "her diet and sufficient attendance as long as she l-iveth so as mine executor doe hold the J-iving during her life and not .' otherwise no mony to be Pair-d]"' John Co1lwi1l, sorì L6, payable within 1 Year of death; also "one Paire of breeches a doubfett and a paire of stockings" Katherine Co11wil1, f,,6, payable wj-thin 2 Years of daughter death; also "one yearling" I'iarie Col-lwill, daughter f,B. payable within 2 Years of death; also "one yearling and one platter performed" lvlarie Col-l-wiIl- the "one heifer of two Yeeres of younger, d. John ColJ-will age and as much graye cl-oth the younger to make her a gowne" Wil-l-iam Co1wil1 , godson, "one yeo sheepe" s. Wal-ter Col-lwil-l- I"lartha Wearie t'or¡e yeo sheepe" Wil-l-iam Prowt. servant t'one yeo lambe" Residue to Nathaniel-l- Colwill, son, named executor

Witnesses: Arthur X Colùwill- John Colwil-l Willem cofl-wil-1 Cornelio SC Clifton

l_ "ye elder" per P.R. 2 It is possible that a word is missing here. \îø.

48 I COLWILL, John, "theldêr", yeoman, of Thinwood

1 Inventory dated l-5.6. l-63 J By Thomas Prust, Walter Col-wil-l, and Arthur Col-will- five oxen f. 12-ô0-00 fower yonge steers 7 -00 -00 five yong heafors 5-OO-00 fower yarlings 3-10-O0 fower mel-tch keene B-t_0-00 fower rearinge calves l_-o6-08 one dunne mare 2 -10-00 one l-ittel-l- co]te 1-O0 -O0 one yeo and lambe 6-08 too ol-de pigs and sixe rearj-nge pigs t_ .10-00 one payre of iron bound wheefs and abutte l_0-oo-o0 and other tymber ploughstuffe too harrowes with tennes belonginge to 13-04 the same corne in the mowhey r_-Ì0-00 wheate now growinge in the earthe 7-O0 --00 otes now growinge in the earthe 2-O0 -O0 fower brazen pannes too other Itttel-I pannes 4-00-00 and one l-ittel-l- skil-l-ett too brazen crocks and one l-ittell- possentt 1-00 -00 too silver spoones 6-08 fower latten cande.l-l- sticks 4-00 pewter vessell l_0-00 one fryinge panne 1-00 too fetherbeds and one other old fetherbed 5-00 too fether bolsters and one fether pilJ-ow r_0-o0 \q-1 , one dust bedd and a bo.l-ster to the same 5-00 fower coverfeds l.-00-00 fower payre of b.Ianckets 2 -00-00 one payre of sheets B-00 fower beddsteeds 16-O0 one chest and fower ol-d coffers 10-00 too keeves with other timber vessells 1-00-00 too morestone troughes l-6 -00 chaynes crooks hedtowes and other ofd iron stuffe 13-O4 one muskett furnished l_3-04 beefe baken and other provision for the r_0-c0 howse his purse girdell and his wearinge apparrell 2-10 -OO one tabl-e borde 6-08 geese and other pultery 6-08 plancks bords and ottrer timber stuffe 5-00 tryffels nott seenne and forgotten 3 "04

2 f. 77-OI-OB'

Arthur X Colwi-l1- Walter Colwill-

1. This inventory is in the hand of Henry Prust, gent.(142)' 2. Actually f, 82-16-08. rq8,

49 KINSMAN Thomas

This decedent was a client of the Rolle family: in 1599/1600 his name appears as a servant and Iegat ee of

1 George Rol le'; Richard Palmer, a fel low servant, Ieft him 10/ - and named hÍm overseer of his wi I I2; he married Prisci I la Chapman, a servant and legatee of ? _,,4 Andrew Rolle." His marriage took place 25.6.1629'; he must have been at least forty years of age at this date. His death just over a year after his marriage Ieft him without male heirs.

Kinsman held three Ieases: two in l^leek 0rchard, and one in Bakesdown. It may be assumed that al I three properties ttrere held of the Rolle family as of the manor of Marrais. These Ieases were of considerable value, and represented some s i xty per cent of Ki nsman ' s total wealth. Livestock accounted for a Iarge proportion of the remaining estat e, being valued at î.24-6-0. Kinsman also had corn valued at î5.

K i nsman served as churchwarden on at least two occasÍons: in 1613-145, and again in the late 1 620s.6 He witnessed the will of Mary Tref ry.7

1 6 W. 2 14 W. 3 41 ï^li 4 P. R. 5 P.R., C R.0. , Glebe Terrier, Week St. Mary,1613. 6 C.R.O GIebe Terrier, Week St. Mary, c.1625-30. 7 63 l^l. \qÎ ,

49 W KYNSMAN, Thomas wilt dated 5. B.1630 ; buried 20 -8 - 1630 ; proved 22 '9 ' l-630 ' "beinge sicke in body but perfect of renfenþrance fg. which bi-essinge I veelde God most hartie thainckes" ',my soufe unto almightie God my maker and redemer and my body to the chriÃtian buryil when and where it shal-l- pJ-ease God to call me " Repair of Week St. Ivlary church 6/8 Poor of Week St. Mary 6i8 Godchifdren I/- each Thomas Corye, cousj-n f, 10, due withÍn one year of death John Al-ee, cousin f, l-0, ditto Alice Al-ee, cousin f. l-o, ditto Cousj-n Cipran Barinr s children f' 1-10-00 each William Dadgen Testatpr's estate in Baxtonl upon entering into bond for Payment of r- 50 within one year of death to executrix; otherwise, to have e10, and estate to go to executrix. John Cory, s. Thomas CorY Two tenements in Week Orchard, upon death of wife

PreciI.l-a, wif e Tenements in Week Orchard. for life John Cory "my best brasen crock my best bedsteade mY best stony troffe" - but wife to have their use duríng her life Phillipp Dadgyne, sister 5t- Agnes Alee, sister l,t - Thomas Cory's "twoo Younger 5/-- each chifdren" þo'

Judeth Saunder 5l'- Residue to Priscilla, wife, named executrixi Robert Orchard and John ColwyÌI named "rulers" and overseers "Item owe unto John Sherme" Ê 5 Anne Kynsman, cousin f. I

Witnesses: Thomas Kinsman Robte SC Orchard Walter Wullridge

.l - Bakesdown zê\.

49 I KYNSMAN, ThOMAS 1 I nventory dated 2.9. I 630 By Walter Wolt"idge, George Alee, and Alexander Mylton all his wearinge apparell î 2-00-00 vio brasen panes 2- 10-00 two brassen crockes 1-05-00 i n pewter 13-04 clomen potts and candlestÍckes 3-00 one fetherbedd and twoo dowest bedds 3-00-00 with ther furniture two beddsteads chests coffers tab I ebords 1-13-04 [ ]ls and other tymber implements the greate stony troffes 8- 04 the twoo I itle stony troffes 2-00 v i ctua I s butter and cheese 6-08 corne in the mowhey 5-00-00 one bare of iron one harrowe and tenes 1-00-00 twoo saddles one woodpicke and other smale implements forgotten one chattel I lease in or cal Ied Baxton 2 52-00-00 with thappertenances lyinge in Weeke St Mary aboves a i d two other cha teI I Ieases in or cal led 25-00-00 Weeke 0rchard 5 within the parishe of Weeke St Mary fower keene 8-00-00 2êA. fower heaffers 6-00-00 fower steers 6-00-00 fower calfs 2-06-00 one ma re 2-00-00

î 120-04-08 4

1 This inventory is in the hand of Robert 0rchard of Sladdacott. 2 Bakesdown 3 Week 0rchard 4 Actually f 119-07-08. loz

50 BURD0N. Georqe

ThÌs decedent was probably the son of Degory Burdon, whose wife Honour was the daughter of George Rol lel - Although his father rated a mention in the visitation return, George did not.

No record of his marriage can be traced; perhaps it took place c.,l609-112. George and his wife Jane had four children: George3, Honour, baptised 14-2-1614/15, Robert, baptised 3.3.1615116, and Joan, baptised 20-2-1621/2. Joan died in inf ancy; she was burie d 26.6.16244

Ihose children living received a legacy of 5l- each in their uncle Andrew RoIIe's will.

I t is unlikely t hat the inventory is accurate: the vaiue of the goods praised did not warrant probate procedures being fol iowed. Probably the bulk of the deceased's goods had been dÍstrÍbuted before the inventory was drawn up. The time-lag between the date of the inventory and the grant of admÍ n i strat i on suggests that it had been hoped to avoid the Archdeaconry court.

Devon 1 J.L. Vivian, €d., The Vis Ítations of the Count of com risin the Hera S V S a ons 0 an p XC êF ' t 2.There is cr gap iñ tne P rr oetween 24.10.1b09 and 28.11.1611. 3.There is no baptismal entry in the P.R. 4.P.R. 5 .41 l^l i 2,or+ I 50 r BURDEÌ.r, [deorge] rnventory2 dated t ].1630; proved 28.8.1632 By George Verth and wiJ-J-i{n ] his wearinge apparoll 1-00 his beed clothes 2-OO i- 4 L rt


Admin. granted to George Burden, son 5

l-. The top right hand corner of this inventory is missing; the foiename is given in the note of probate' 2. There is no burial entry in the P.R. 3. Torn. 4. Not totalled; actually 3/4. 5. Latin translated. There is no administration bond. 2ß)ç

51 COLWILL, Wil-l-iam, v€onâD. of Whítel-eiqh

This decedent may perhaps be identj-fied as the son of Richard Col-wil-l- of Jacobstow, whose l-ease of Ex in 1575 from the Blanchminster trustees may have incl-uded Whitej-eighf If this is so, then Wil-l-iam was the nephew of the Wil-liam who died c.1597, and whose administrator's account appears .34 above'. His widow, Thomasine", was buried 17.2.I64L/2' . Their chi.l-dren were ,¡ohn5, Thomas, William, and Margery. It is probable that all these chil-dren were born before the end of the sixteenth century: all- were married by 1619.

6 John, the el-dest, married Wilmot Tucker 22 .6. r-6r- 3 ; she died 23.5.16337. The couple had at l-east three chi.l-drenI

George, baptised 14 .2.16J-5,.'J-6, Wil-.1-iam, baptised 2I - 3.16187'19, and John, who was buried 5.8.1624.

Thomas, the second son, married Prudence, daughter of 9 Arthur i"li]-ton- r orr 26.5.161-9f0. There were no chi.Idren of this marriage.

William married Joan lrthite of on 7.5.1617 l-1 their children were .Tohn, Thomasine, and l"1ary12.

Margery married Roger, the son of Roger Frost, alderman, of Great Torrington, on B.¿.16t913; their chil-dren were Roger, Rebecca, and Christine T4 .LoC

The ColwilJ-s of Whiteleigh were one of ttre leading yeoman families of seventeenth century Week St. Ivlary' Thj-s decedent was probably the Wi}l-j-am Colwil-l who paid the the subsidy on goods vafued a L 5 in 1593 -4I5, and at f. 6 in 1599...1-6COt6 and at some time during the reign of James lrl-7. His son John became responsible for the payment of the family's subsj-dy before his father's death: he paj-d on goods var-ued at f. 5 in 16 26-718 and 1628-919. rt seems lrkely that John had accepted responsibility for some of his father's farming activities - but not all. The inventory clearly shows that Wil-liam had a considerable interest in agriculture. His livestock were valued at f, 29-L4-OO, his arable at f, 7-I3-O4-

This decedent served as churchuvarden in 15g7.20 He witnessed the wiil and praised the inventory of John Cowiing2l, and praised the inventory of John Milt on.22 -?¿,1

hminster's R.t^l. buld ing , êd., Records of the Chari known as BIanc CharitY, in the pa r s ra ' P' ¿ No. 1, which see also for references to others of this name. 3 ¡6i í.68 - 4 P.R. 5 No .l- 20 . 6 P.R. 7 P.R. Her husband is described as 'the el-der' in the burial entry. I P.R. Another son named John is mentioned in John's wil-l- - but he was probabty the son of the fatterrs second marriage wife, I'largaret. o 30W l_0. P.R. 1l_. P.R. 12. l{o baptismal entries appear in the P-R- 13. P.R. 14. It may be presumed that their baptisms appear in the Great Torrington, Pari sh reg i ster. 15- P.R.o., EI79:88,;252. This taxpayer is described as ' junior' 16. P .R.O., Er79/88,,265 T7. P .R o., EI79t87 L94 ]-8. P .R o., EL79/89, 30 19. P .R o., 8r79,/89 / 3r3 20. l- (- 2r. 7 W & I 6 22- 1 I 1þg,

51 w COLWILL, William, the el-der, yeoman , of Whietlyl wil-l dated 20 -L.l-630,, I ; buried l-9.6.1631; proved 22.7.1631

"being but sick and weake of body but perfitt of mynd and memory thankes be to God" "my soule to almightie God my maker and redeemer and my body to christian buriaLl to be buried in the church of Week St lv1ary" Margery Frost, daught,er f, 10, due within three months of death of testator and wife Thamsine Poor of Week St. Mary 5/ -, "to be distributed to them after my burial.J-" John Colwil-l, eldest son "one great stoning trowe standing in the chamber bel-owe the entry and one standing bedstead in the chamber over which I doe use to ly uppon", due within three months of death of testator and wife Thomas Collwil-I, second son "one payre of great anirons and one spitt", due as above Wil-liam Col-wil-l-, youngest son "one of my best brassen pannes", due as above

Johan Col-l-will-, son Will-iam' s "one great stoning trowe wife standing in the chamber without the haIl dore which I promised her in marriage"; also "my best fether bed and bolster my best coverlett and my best payre of blanketts in .l-ew of a payre of wheels which I gave her which I have sold away"; due as above

George Col-lwil-Ì, son John' s "one cubberd and one e.l-dest son table boarde standing in the parlour", due as above

William Col-wil-l-, son John' s I3/4, due as above sedond son 2Æq

John Colwill, son Wil-l-iam's son "fower of my best silver spoones " , due as above

Roger Frost, daughter l"largery' s "two silver spoones", and son I3/4; due as above Thamsine Colwil-l- and l'lary Colwill, 6l B, d.ue as above son Will-iam' s two daughters Rebecka Frost & Christian Frost, 6, B each, due as above daughter lvlargeryr s two daughters Godchildren Li - each, due as above Residue to Thamsine, wife, named executrix

Witnesses: Will-mi X ColwelÌ rd* sc cotl-wilt- Junr Ivlargery X Frost

Codicif: Executrix to give bond to daughter lvlargery Frost for Payment of her legacy as stated in wil-I; otherwise to be paid within one year of testator's death George Col-wi'll, neptrew, son of "the silJ.ing wl¡ich is John Col-wiLl about my house"

Witness: Roberto Orchard

1. $lhiteleigh ?-to,

5l- I COLWILL, William, the elder Inventory dated 2).6.1631 By Robert Orchard and Wal-ter Co1will his wearing apparelfe € 3-C0 -00 sixe oxen price 13-06-08 five keene price 10-00-00 one heafer and three yerlings price 3-00-00 three calves price l-B -oo one mare price 1-10 -00 seaven piggs price l_6-00 geese and puJ-trie price 3 -04 seaven brasen pannes price 2-r3-O4 two brasen potts and one ski.l-l-ett price l-B--00 fower fether bedds bol-sters blanketts and 4-OO-O0 coveringe three dust bedds and coveringe l_o-o0 in pewter chaffen dish and candlestickes price 1-00--00 tabl-e boardes formes stowefs and chaires price 13-04 boarde cl-othes sheetes and other naperie price 6-08 clomen vessels price I-06 keeves barrells and all- other wooden vesseles 13-04 corne in the earth price 7 -00.-oo corne unthrassed and ots thrashed priced 13-04 two payre of wheels harrowes strings and all 3-05-00 other plowe stuffe price sadel-es girses sackes wynnying sheett price 6-08 in victual-l-s butter and cheese price 1-f0-oo in wood price 5-OO fower stoning trooffes price 1-O6.-OB 2rr-

a payre of andirons and a spitt price IO'-OO sixe silver spoones Price 18-oO one old spruge chest and all other coffers price 1-10 -o0 o1d bedsteads Price 6-08 potthangings brandin and other old irons price 3-04 one muskett Ìread peece and other furnyture 13 04 belonging price a pecke and old seaves Price 1-OO tlrmber and other smale things forgotten 3-O4

f, 62-02-06 I

Ì ,lI

1 I a\2.

52 BLAKE, Wil-liam. veoman, of Bakesdown

This decedent,s widow, AJ-ice, survived him nearJ-y thirty years: she was buried B -2.1660/II . He was al-so survived by four sons - Thomas2, Edmond, Andrew, and John - and an un-named daughter. There are no baptismal entries in the parish register for any of these chil-dren; however, the el-dest, Thomas, did not marry untiÌ 24.LI.16643, which suggests that he was fairly young at the time of his father's death. His sister married Thomas ¡4i11- a few years before her father died, and her two children, John, and Thomas, were remembered in their grand-fattrer's wj-Il-4

It is probable that Thomas Blake, ês William's eldest son, had been provided for before the making of this wifJ- al-though it may be noted that he described himsel-f as a husbandman when he made his own will in 1668, recording a descent in the social scale which may have been due to being cut out of his father's wi1l. The purpose of William's wil-l- was to make provision for Ìrj-s three younger sons, and for his widow, who was to five with his executor, Edmond.

William Blake had a lease of what was probably the largest tenement at Bakesdown, comprising some fifty to sixty acress; this l-ease was h'orth almost fifly per aent bflthe tot'al vaùue Óf; his inventoried goods and chattefs. He was primarily a stock farmer: his animals were va.Iued at f- 27.1-8, although he also had arabl-e worth f, 6. ?*\3.

In 1628-9, this decedent was assessed to the subsidy on goods valued at r. 36.

Ì P.R. 2 No.116. 3 P.R. 4 No marriage or baptismal entries are to be found in the P.R. 5 See below 6 P.R.O., EL79/89/3r3. 2\t+.

52 w BLAKE, willyam, f"o*"rr]I will dated 2 ,.l-2.rE- ]; buried 27.6.1631; proved [ ].lr-l-631--

"being of sound.e and perfect memorie thancks be given to aJ-lmightye God" "my soule to atl-mightie God my creator [and redeþmer with assured hope of my salvatyon in and by the merrytts of my .l-ord and sãvyeur Jesus [cfrristþ and my bodye to christyan buryal-l when it shall pl-ease God to cal-l- me out of this Itransiþorie world" Andrew Blake, son t, 6{ lOâ,PaYable within one year of death John Bl-ake, youngest son f. 5, payable within 6 months of death Thomas Bl-ake, eldest son ri- John, s. Thomas lv1yll, son-in-l-aw f, 3, payable at age 2I; until then, to be paid "after ttre rate of eight pownds for the use of one [hundreþ powndes for a yearerr; if John dies, to be given to his brother Thomas Myll

Thomas, s. Thomas tsiyJ-l, son-in-l-aw f, 2, payable at age 12; if thomas dies, to be given to his brother John !1y11 at age 2I tl L12 Ia:-ice, wife ] t ], payable within 6 months'of death

"yf the said Alice -my wlfe and my executor doe not agree tõ lyve and keepe howsJ togeathei then my [executþr shall paye unto her yearlie ogt_of the_proffytts and yssues of my tenement in Bakesdon' t ] shillings sterling for and dureing the terme of fiftye yeares next followeing [after] ry death and fullye to be ended yf my sonnes ihomas-stáke and John gl-aÈe or [eithe] of them doe so long lyve and the said Alice doe also so long lyve"; Alice "to have and take furses for her owrìe necessarie use in Bakesdon Downe4 there from tyme to tyme dureing the said terme" Willyam Drowne of Whitston5 2,'- 2-\5,

Edmund, s. Wi1lyam Drowne L/- Avice Blake, god-daughter, 3/4 d. Anthony Blake Sara Burdon, god-daughter Bd lvlargarett, vr. John Langdon 21- Symon and Anne, s. and d. John 2/- Langdon l"larye, d. Richard [e]UUins of 6d Ivlarhamchurch Residue to Edmond Blake, named executor

Witnesses: I¡Iillmi X B1ake Ricd Veale Johis Hannaford Johis Langdon

I There are several troles in the mss. 2 The date on which this was to be paid was indj-cated, but the mss is torn at this point. 3 Bakesdown 4 Bakesdown Down 5 lVhitstone 2-16.

52 I BLAKE, Wi.l-Iiam Inventory dated l-.9.1631 l_ By George Aleigh, Andrew Bl-ack, and George Bowden 2 6 kine 'prised att f, 16 -00-00 i heffer now prised att 2-00-00 3 yearlinges prised att 3-O0-O0 3 calfes prised att 1-l-3--04 I mare prised att 2-L3-O4 3 pigges prised att 1-l-0-00 pultrey all prised att 5-00 corne 2 accres wheat !3 aoots 2 more \ aII 6-OO-00 prised att i chattell lease of a teniment cal-Led Bakeson4 30-00-00 determinable uppon 2 lives prised att

Goodes within the hows l- table bord with a frame 5-00 1 ol-d coffer prised att 1-OO l- beere barrele att 2-OO 3 keefes prised att 5-OO l- bead and bol-ster5 and bed clothes aÌl prised att 1-06-08 all- his husbandry toules att 5-00 I pott with other small- emploments in and about the howse all prised att 5-00 money in his purse att his death 8-09 as for his waring aparile6 i coate prised att 4-OO all the rest of his clothens geven awaye by himself

f, 66-04-01 A\I 1. Gives date of death as 27.'6.163I. 2. The praisors names are written by the scribe at the foot of the inventory rather than at the top. 3. '\'interlined above a mark that could be either 's', 'f', or 'i', but was probably intended to be '1'. 4. Bakesdown. 5. Interli-ned. 6. Interlined. 2rS

53 ORCHARD will-iam

There were many of this name in seventeenth century Week St. Ivlary; unfortunately, there is insuffj-cient evidence to enabl-e us to link this decedent with other Orchard familj-es. Wil-liam had three known chil-dren: William, John. and Edmond. Ai-t three had married by the date of their

f ather ' s death; John pre-deceased V'IiIliam, ês , presumably, did william's wife. William al.so had a number of grand- children. most of whose names are unrecorded only lvlargery, Edmond's daughter, j-s mentioned by name in this wil-l-l.

It is probable that this decedent wou.l-d have described himseff as a husbandman, or perhaps as a yeoman. His principl-e wealth consisted in his livestock, val-ued at f, 27-I3-O4; he also had corn valued at î- 3. It was probabJ-y this WiJ-liam Orchard

who paid the subsidy on goods vaLued at f. 1 in 1626-72. He witnessed the will- of George Leigh3, and may have witnessed that of Robert orchard4-

t No record for any of the :ebove mentioned vital events is contained in the P.R. 2 P.R.O., Er79/89/305. 3 No.55 W 4 No.20 W 'a\1 .

53 W ORCIARD, William Nuncupative will dated l-0.9.1632; buried 30.1.I632i3i proved l-7.3.1633/4 ibefore Ivlaster Nathaniel Beard, clçrk, proctor of -, I1[.4., Archdeacon of Cornwall]'

"he did commend his soule to allmightie God his maker and saviour and his body to christian buriall" l"largery, d. Edmond, son "one cowt'

Walter Orchard ttone heafer " William Orchard, son, named executor, to "distribute the residue of his goods amongst the children of his sonne John Orchard defunct and the residue of his owrìe chi.l-dren and to performe his funerall" Witnesses: Edm: O Orchard George O Orchard Wil-lm O Orchard ju Rich: O Kent

1. Latin translated and abbreviated Lb'

53 I ORC¡IARD, William Inventory dated 6.2.L632/3 By Robert Orchard and ,John PhilJ-ipps

I kine and 2 heyfers I 20-00-00 6 uearlings and 6 calves 7-00 -00 corne 3-00-00 hay 6-08 money 2-O4-OO his wearing apparrell 2-O0-00 provisions for the house 6-O7 piggs and pouJ-trey 13-04

L 35-10-08 1

1. Actually f, 35-10-07. Probably the figure for provisions should be 6-08, i.e. a minim was l-eft out from the viiid. art.

54 PEARcE, Jane. spÍnster

It is not possible to identify any of this decedent's relatives, although the Burdon family may have been her kin. The designation 'spinster' indicates her occupation, rather than her marital status: her "spininge turnne" was valued at 6d, and her "payre of woll cards" at I/6¡ she also had a "l-j-ttle bagge of course wooll". Despite the small value of Ïrer total inventory, she was able to l-oan moneys out, and derived a small- income from interest payments. ¿2.2..

54 W PEARSE, Jane, spinster Nuncupatiye will dated L.2.1635/6; buried 20.2.1635,.6; proved f: ï. 3.L635i 6.

"being sicke of body but of perfect memory" "her soule to almightie God and her body to christian buriall " Susanna Burdon, "if she were J-iving" f.2 Residue to George Burdon, named executor

Witnesses: Mr. George O DerrhiLl Alíce O Burdon

1. Probably 7; could be I7, or perhaps 27 223.

54 I PEARSE, Jane, spinster

1 Inventory' dated l-O. 3.1635, 6

By Thomas prust and John Trewyne, both of weeke st Marie her wearinge apparreJ-J- and mony in her 6.-CC purse being iis one cubbord IC-00 eight pewter dishes 600 one bedsteed 3-O4 one tubb one skj-l1-ett one chayre and other timber vessell-s 2-OO one specialty wherein Jotrn Orchard of 2-O1-08 Westcott and lvil-lj-am Syrmons both of the parishe of Weeke St. Marj-e ar joyntly bounde to her and her assignes in the soome of fower pounds for the palment of one and forty shiJ-J-ings eight pence earthen vessells and a l-ittl-e bagge of course woolL I .06 one side or flitche of baken and one B-00 gamon one tablebord 6-08 too other 1ittell olde bords 1 -10 one coffer three formes and one payre of wol-l cards 1-06 one brazen pott 3-00 too brazen pannes IO -00 one blankett too o].de sheets and one ol-d 3-00 dust bolster one spininge turnne 6 cupps and a glasse 4 triffells forgotten to be praysed and 10 -00 vaJ-ued

2 f, 5 -o9 -O4

Thomas Prust John Trewene 1- This inventory is in the hand of Henry prust, gent (n0.142). 2. Actually f5-15-04. 2et+

55 LE I GH, George, yeoman

The relationship of this testator to the Leighs of Leigh is not entirely clear; however, the subsidy 12 rolls'suggest that George was the son Humphry Leigh-, the great-grandfather of Weymond teigh.3 George's first wife, Joan, was buried 20.7.1603;4 there is no evidence of any chi ldren from this marriage. His second wife, Agnes, had also been married before: she lvas the widow of Matthew Cory.5 Before their marriage, George stood bond for her as administratrix of her first husband's estate. Agnes was buried 26.11. 1649.6

The couple had three children: John, baptised 12.5.1606, Alice, baptised 29.5.1608, and l^lalter.T JohnS married Judith, daughter of John Saunders,9 on 18.10.1636,10 just after the death of his ¡¿ther - from whom, presumably he inherited an estate. Walter and AI ice married within three months of each other, which may have occasioned the making of this will. Watt.r1l married Mary, the daughter of William Pethickl2, on 28.11. 1632.13 Alice married Arthrr14, son of FrancÍs Blake, on 17.2.1632/2.15 George made his wi I I too soon for his grandchi ldren to be mentioned in it; nevertheless, two were alive at his death, 2as

and another d i ed as an i nfant : Wa I ter' s daughter Joan b,as baptised 15.12.1633, and his son Wiltiam 24.1.1635/6; Alice's daughter Joan was baptised

1 6 4. 6. I 634 and buri ed 5 .6. I 634.

This decedent probably ourned the freehold of Groves

End; no mention is made of a lease. He also had a I ease of tenements i n Burracott. It may be conj ectured that the lease of Froxton, Whitstone, which John Leigh had at his death in 163917 , h,as inherited from George. It may be noted that John was descri bed as yeoman in his invento.y18, whereas his brother l^lalter described himseif as a husbandrun.l9

George Leigh's I ivestock were valued at î1-'10-0; his arable crop at f11. These were the sources of his livelihood. He. paid the subsidy on goods valued at f 3 in 1593/420 , 1626/721 , and 1628/g.22

DespÍte his i I I iteracy, this testator regularly praised the goods of his neighbours.23 H. also witnessed the wi I I of Robert pain l'er.24 77t-

P.R.0., E179/88/226i E179188/252. The single entry for Humphry in 1572 is succeeded by entries for William and George in 1594. See also J.L.Vivian,ed., Vi s itation of. .. Cornwal l. . . 1620, Harlei an Society, 9, 1874, p.1. 2 VivÍan, op cit. 3 N0.94. 4 P.R. 5 No.9 6 P.R. 7 P.R. No baptismal entry appears for Walter; perhaps lewas baptised c.1610-11. The pages for these years are mi ss ing from the pari sh regi ster. 8 It i s assumed here that he bJas no.64. There were, however, a number of others named John Le Í gh , and the identification is not certain. o N0.46. 10. P. R. 11. No. 101 . 12. N0.90. 13. P. R. 14. No. 139. 15. P. R. 16. P.R. 17 . N0.64. 18. 64 I. 19. 101 I,l. 20. P.R . 0. , E179 / 88/ 252. 21 . P.R .0., E179/89/ 305. 22. P.R .0., E179/89/ 313. 23- Nos. 4 I, 19 I, 26 I, 28 I, 33 I, 37 I, 46 I, 49 I, and 52 I. 24. 26 W. az-?

55 W ALEE, George, Yeoman wil-l dated L2.3.] 632,"3: buried 7.g.16361; proved 30-1 .I636,i7 ,{before l"laster Roger Bownsafl, cler}, proctor of Robert Hall, ¡4f .4., Archdeacon of Cornwalll-

"being of perfect memory and whole of bodie (praised be my Goõ)" "my soufe to almighty God my maker and redeemer and my body to christian buriall- when it shall- please God to call me" Repair of l¡Ieek St. l"lary church 2i - Poor of Week St. l"lary 2/'-, " to be distributed bY my executor" Agnes, wife "one house in Grovesend otherwise Alcuen3 within the foresaid parish of Week St l"lary call-ed the parlour and the chamber over the Same with libertie to goe come and returne to and from the same in and through the hal-l and entry at Grovesend als Afcuen aforesaid and one house at Grovesend aforesaid cafled the se.Ilar and the chamber over the same with a sufficient way to goe come dryve carry and recarry to and from the same and also commons in the towneplace of Grovesend als Alcuen aforesaid-fer-pigg3- L aad-pulèry-* and a place to make her fewell- on and also one hearbe garden and the orcharde in the Said Grovesend als Alcuen lying on the south side of the houses there and one other garden or orchard there adioyning to the foresaíd house cal1ed the se1Iar with libertie to goe recarry and recarry to and from the same in the usuall and accustomed way and wayes and one close of land and pasture in Grovesend als Alcuen aforesaid commonly called the Southtowne to be used and occupied to pasture onely and not to tillage togeather with a sufficient way to goe come dryve carry and recarry to and from the said close in over and through the close called the Bovetowne with libertie to bake brew and make mault in one other house there called the bakehouse at the will and pleasure of the said Agnes my wief togeather with all lawfull wayes and used and accustomed to and from the premisses and to and from every parte thereof with a1I and singular thappurtenances and also all kynd of fewel-l 2-29

that shal-be growne on the foresaid close ca.l-led the Southtowne to have ho.l-d and enioy unto Agnes imediatly from and after my death for and during the fu1l and whol-e term and tyme of forty yeeres from my death if Agnes so long shall happen to lyve and so that Wa-l-ter Alee my son so long shall happen to lyve yeeÌding and paying therefore yeerely during the said terme to my executor two shillings and repayring and mayntayning the premisses in all- necessarie reparacions ... "; also tr lands and tenements in Borracott als Boroughcott, Poundstocke' for 40 years if Agnes l-ives; also "ithe third parte of all my corne and grayne both in the mowehay and afso in the ground!; also "two kyne thone of them to be the best when the herriotts that sha.l-be due on my death shalbe paid and thother to be appoynted by me executor"; also "the featherbedd in the parJ-our and one dustbedd and al-l coverl-ids blanketts and bolsters belonging to the said bedds"; "Item my will intent and meaning is that my said wief shal-l have the use and occupacon of the bedsteeds in the parlour and in the chamber over the same during her lief but not to be removed Lhence and after the death of my said wief the same bedsteeds shall remayne to my efecutor"; al-so "eight pewter pJ-atters fower pewter poddingers one pewter chamberpott one pewter cand.l-esticke two pewter tars six brasse pannes and one skillett of brasse all which were the goods of my said wief before the tyme of my marriage with her"

Alice, daughter r.4O¡ i-.e. f.13-06-08 to be paid yearly for three years; also "the great coffer in the haIl and one brasse pann called commonly the thicke panne " Ann Langdon, god-daughter 5/- 221 . John, s. Thomas Cory Reversion of Borracott als Boroughcott on death of wife, for term of sixty yearsr or Iives of Thomas Cory, John Alee, and Alice Alee thomas Cory's children LO/- "equa11y to be devided amongst them" John Al-ee, cousin and godson f / - lulemorandum that Agnes be quit of any rents etc. due for Grovesend: also "it shall and may be lawfull to and for my said wief to make a doore from the foresaid house called the parlour into the courtJ-odge thereto adioyning and that she shalJ- have liberty to goe and come to and from the said parlour through the said courtledge" Agnes Pethj-cke 5l - Residue to Walter Alee, son, named executor

Witnesses: George X Alee Willm Orchard Wil1m Orchard jun Will-j-am Dagen Jhon Lee

This date is given in the Devon and Cornblall Record Soc iety transcript, perhaps from the B. T. , wh ich is now lost. It is not in the original parish register. 2 Lat i n trans I ated and abbrev i ated. 3 Groves End. 4 Deleted in mss. 5 Burracott, Poundstock. L7o,

55 I ALEE, George Inventory dated 10.12.1636 By wiJ-liam Pethicke and Wal-ter Woolridge his purse and gerdle and wearing apparelL f' l--10-c0 two mil-ch kine and one heafer 6 -,J0-00 three yearlings 2-00 -oo for one gray mare 1-'0 -00 six piggs 1-10 -00 one fetherbed three boulsters and a 2-00-00 pillowe foure coverledds and three pairs of blanketts 2-00 -00 fifteene pannes and one cauldron 6-00-00 foure crockes 2 -00 -10 sixe and twentie Platters 1-Lo .00 seaven sawcers and two Porringers 2-OO two tining cuppes two tyning candlestickes 3-00 two tyning sa.l-t seflers and one tyning pott one latten candlesticke l.-00 for two table boards and one cupborde L-06-08 two formes and one chaire 1-06 three keives two barrells one trendle 1 -C0 -00 three bucketts two boules and six dishes 2-00 foure cheeses and two gallands of butter 6-08 two ftitches of bacon and one quarter of t-06-08 beife two stoning troughes l_o-00 one corslett furnished 1-00- 00 one harrowe 2-OO 23\. for iron stuffe 3-00 five bedsteads r-00-00 two dust bedds 5-00 one truncke and three cofers 10-00 one windsheete one packe and foure sandsackes 10-00 one paire of sheetes one board cloth and one carpett 10-o0 corne in the mowhay malt in the floore made 6-O0-00 and unmade the corne in the ground 5-00-00 for one chattle lease of Burracottl 2 -10-00 for other triffes or things forgotten or now 5-00 out of memorie

L 48-04-06

1. Burracott, Poundstock. 13a,

56 C0RY Thoma s

There were several persons of this name in early seventeenth century Week St. Maryl, and the linkages between members of this family are uncertain. Judith Cory, buried 31.5.1625, was probably this decedent's wife, and Cornelius, bapti sed 13.5.1612, and buried 9.3.1613/42, his son. The grant of administration to a kinsman suggests that he had no surviving children.

1 See 86 and 100 2. P.R. *3.

56 A CORY, Thomas, junior Buried 25.2.1636¡7; admin. bond 22-3-1636/7, in E 40' by Humfry Coryr Çêrit. ¿ of Stratton, kinsman and administrator, with John stile of stratton, to Robert HaLl, M.4., Archdeacon of Cornwall. Account to be exhibited by 28.2.1637 /8.

Signature: Houmfery CorY Witness: Will: Noyes 23u-.

Th i nwood 57C OLt^lI LL. Thomas, husb andman, of

This decedent v',as a Colwill of Thinwoodl ' and was relatedinsomewaytoJohnColwill'whomhedescribed as his ,cousin, . perhaps he was a nephew.2 His first wife, Margaret, died 23-7 '16283; by her' he had a daughterElizabeth,whomarriedJohnKernickofSt. I I ipa Breward in 16144, and had ch i tdren John ' Phi ' baptised 18.11- 1616, Robert, baptised 4'2'1618/9' Mathew, baptised 2-2-1620/1, and Christopher' baptised in 1623- AII these baptisms took place in St' Breward.5 Secondly, Thomas CoIwilI married Joan Jory 24.5-1630, by which date he must have been in his sixties.There were no chi ldren by this marriage' Joan survived him; her date of death is not known' ItSeemslikelythatThomaS,ssecondmarrÍaget¡taS not approved of by his daughter Elizabeth and her family ; Thomas's wil I, and Joan's executorship' were chal Ienged by John Kernick j unior ' Thomas's grandson and heir by primogenitu"'7

ItmaybepresumedthatThomasColwillfarmedpart of Thinwood, probably in association with the chi ldren ofJohnColwill;indeed'itmaybethatheshared their house and formed part of an extended family' 7ZS.

He was primari ly a stock farmer, atthough he also had arable: his livestock were valued at 121 , compared to arable at g6-3-4. It should, however, be noted that the inventory was taken in May, when arable crops would have been worth t ittle. colwi I I also earned interest on capital lent out amounting to 126-13-4. He was assesd to the subsidy in 1626/7 and 1628-97 on goods valued at E4'

1 P.R. burial entrY, 13.5.1637- 2 See n0.48. 3 P.R. 4 J.L.Vivian, êd., The Marr i a e Licences of the Diocese of Exeter r0m e S o s e s ers, , P. 5 t homa s aylor, €d. , The Parish Re i sters of St. Breward in Cornwall 6 7 The i nterrogatories and depositions attached to the will are not edited here 8 P.R.0., E179/89/ 305. 7*.

57 w COLWILL, Thomas, husbandman 13.5.16371; proved 4.g.1637 witl dated t5.I .IG35/6; burieC HaIl, tb";;r;-¡rã"tã, Narhaniel- BealÇ, IvI.A., proctor of Robert ï.e., Archdeacon of Cornwalll'

,,sicke in bodie but good and perfecte of remembrance thankes be to God" ,,my sole to allmighty God my maker and my body to be buried witfr in the parish aforsaid" "to as many poore as and doe t ]3 ta each íf at my burYall" Week St. l'larY 5;'-, to be Paid Poor of within six months the rj-ngers 4,t'- Catheren Collwill, cousin ro/'- l{ary Briante Lo/ - Chil-dren of John Collwill, cousin 2/- each. Andrewe Coflwil-1 3/- William I'lil-ton and his son ),/ - each Henry Cittre and his two daughters 6d each Phillipe Bafford and her son L/- each 4 Thamas l"lilton IvIr Clifton t'tell-ard 6/- Cromwill ChaPPell 2/6 hís sister 5 6d John Cornicke june L/- Leonard PerrY 2/- Thomas PerrY "my best sute exceptting mY cloke "

Residue to Jone, wife, named executor

Witnesses: Thomas X Collwil-I John Seccombe Thomas X PerrY 2.71

l. Described in P. R. as "of Thynwood", i.e., Th i nwood. 2. Lat i n trans I ated and abbrev i ated. 3. Illegible in mss. 4. i.e. of Cromwil I Chappel 4.That is, Mr. Cl ifton, the mi l ler. John "the Mi l larde' is referred to in Launceston in 1568; cf. Richard Peter and 0tho Bathurst Peter, The Histories of Launceston and Dunheved, in the oun o ornwa u, ' P. æÈ

57 I COLWILL, Thomas, husbandman Inventory dated 16.5 .L637 By William Rattenbury, John seccombe. and Thomas Perry

seven keyne and fower calves f, 16-10-00 two yearlings 1-1 3-04 one colt 1-10-00 two piggs 1-00-00 geese and pu1trY 6-08 corne already threshed out r3-04 corne in the earth 4-ro-00 pewter vessell 6-00 pannes crocks and some o1d brasse 1-06-08 one bedd two pillowes two Paire of 2-00-00 blanketts and one rugge one flitch of bacon 10-00 one ricke and other wood 1-00-00 in ready money 2-00-00 debts owed 20-00-00 more owed beinge desPerate debt 6-r3-O4 fower o1d coffers some iron ware and other implements of houshold stuffe 13-04 his purse and apParrle 1-0 2-00

f, 61-14-08 'r31 .

58 MILL, Charles, qent. . of Brendon

Th i s decedent was probably the son - of John Mi I I of Brendonl; his mother Elizabeth was buried 29-4. 16102' He married phi¡ippa c.161g3; the children were John, buried 8.1-1631/24, Anna, baptised 23'3'1620/15'

Richard, bapti sed 1 .2.1623/4 and buried 15.1 . 1631/26 , charles, baptised 29.4.1627 and buried 3.5.16277, Elizabeth, baptised 7 -4-16298, Joan, baptised 16.12.16329, and Gert.ud.'10' All are mentioned i n the wi I I of John Pearce, whose s i ster Al Í ce married Charles's brother John. Charles's son Richard was named as executo of Pearce's estate, but 1. Charles acted on his behalfl Phi I I ippa survived her husband; she was buried 10.9-16æ12'

Charles Mill, gent13., occupied one of the largest farms in the parish, and it is clear that his i nventory does not reflect h Í s wea Ith. It seems to have been taken as an after-thought, long after his assets had been distributed, and two years after his death. The subsidy rolls of 1626-7 and 1627-8 provÍde a better indication of his standing in the community: he was assessed on Iands valued at î 314. His name is listed thÍrd on these rolls, after Andrew Rolle, .rq15., and Wiltiam Leigh, Ztf-c' gent., - although others had higher assessments ' Milt served as churchwarden in 1620/t16' He lent money to 0liver and Robert Trick in

1627 .17

1 t-þ was buried 6.7.1635 Per P.R. 2 J Polsue, Lake's Parochial H i stor of the A C ount of Cornwa 0 . 4, p. p age o e s missing at this point. es 3 H er name is given in the P.R . bapt i sma I entri f or her ch i I dren. 4 P olsue, op cit. Th ere 1s no baptismal entrY in t he P.R. 5 P .R. Edward. 6 P .R. Polsue, opc it., gives h i s name as A ccord i ng to the P.R., this i s not correct. 7 P .R. 8 P .R. 9 P .R. daughter 1 0.See 47 I.J I. There i s no mention of this in the P. R. Perhaps the scribe of John Pearce's w i I I made an err0r. 11.47 l.l i & ii; 47 C. Alice's husband may alternativelY h ave been Charles's unc I e. 12.P.R. 1 3. ' Gent ' per Polsue, op cit. 14.P.R.0 ., E179189135 and E179/89/313. 15.No.41 16.P.R. 17 .P. R.0. , scz/163/11. ?-ru

58 I l,tILL, Charles Buried 6.7.I637L'¡ inventory dated 8.8.1639; exhibited I0.8.1639' By Degory Congdon and Edward Crouncl two suites of apparrell beds blankets coverletts boulsters pilloùãs sahrcers candLesticks a paire î. 3-O0-O0 of andirons and all ottrer things valued att

f. 3-00-00

1. 'gent' per P.R. ?.u-z

59. D0DGI NG, Thomas , husbandman , of P i qsdown.

This decedent may perhaps have been descended from the Wi I I iam 'Dogel I' of Week St. Mary who paid the subsidy in 1543.1 Thomas married Phi I t ippa, sister of Thomas Kinsman, 15.5.1606.2 Their son William3 was baptÍsed 21 .6.1607.4 No other children are recorded in the parish register; however, the presence of beds and bedding valued at L12-10-0 in the inventory suggests the presence of either more chi ldren, ot servants. Phillippa vlas buried 5.12.1647.

Thomas Dodging farmed at Pigsdown6; his livestock were valued at î.24-10-0, compared to corn at î10. He also had î5 on Ioan, from which he received interest. He was assessed to the subsidy on goods valued at 14 in 1626-76 and 1628/g.7

T L S t o a t e e d c o r n w a I S u b S i d i e S i n t h e R e I n 0 i H e n r V I I I a n a n e e n e V o e n c e o p e e n c a o n 0 e I surname D o g e t I w I t h D o d g i n g I s n o t c e r t a i n t I I however, D o d g I n g w a s S p e I t i n m a n v d i f f e r e n t ways. 2 P. R. The ent ry gives the husbandrs name as rD ogler. I am gratefu I to Mrs. June Ross for bringing th i s entry to my attent i on. 3 No. 93. 4 P.R The surname is spglt "Dogel l " 5 P.R 6 P.R bur ial entry 2.6 .1637 . 7 P.R .0., E17 e/gsl305. I P.R .0., 817 e /8s /313 . '2ll3

59 I DODGYNE, Thomas, husbandman Buried 2-7.:-:637I; inventor"2 u-a"u 1.9.1637

By Degory Trewene and Thomas Cory, yeomen, of Week St. l"lary hj-s girdJ-e purse and mony in the same f. 2-00-oo his wearing apparle 3-00-00 fyve keene price 12-10-00 six younge cattle price B-00-00 fower caLves price 2-00-00 seaven piggs price 2-00-00 corne in the mowhey and in the earth 10-00-o0 three fether bedds performed 10-00-o0 two dowestbedds coverings bo.Isters and t-10-00 blancketts fyve beddstreeds l_-00-00 tenn brasen panes 6-00-00 six brassen potts 2-10-O0 in pawter ware 2-00-00 a cubbord table borde and formes cϡares 2-10-00 and junestolles chests and coffers t-00-00 one harrow with the tones 3-00 stony troffes 1-00-00 keeves barrells tubbes ard all other tymber vessells 1-00-o0 sackes and wynding shatte 10-00 napery lynnen and carpett l_-oo-00 hey strow and woodrickes 2-00-00 victualls in the salte 2-00-00 butter and cheese 10-00 debts dew by specialtie and otherwise 5-00-o0 fower sylver spones 10-00 beanes and peason r0-00 one coarslett l_-00-00 spitts pott hangins and all other iron 17-00 and other smale implements forgotten

€ 82-00-00

Phi llippe vid et-l.lo-õãàsi;s rilio adminis;trator3

1 . Per P. R. , named "Dodge"; residence given as "Pegson'r, i.e. Pigsdown. 2. This inventory i s i n the hand of Robert 0r"chard of S I addacott. 3. This note, in a different hand to the rest of the inventor! , i s entered at the foot of the mss to indicate grant of administratÍon. 2ç5

60 BEAFORD, Deqory, bachelor

Degory Beaford was one of Will-iam Beaford'sI ten chi.l-dren, none of whom married2. His mother, l'largaret3, was probably the sister of wil-tiam Leigh of Leigh, whose son wil-liam, and randson We1.mond4, owed money on bond to this decedent. One of his other debtors, John Harris of St. Clements, was al-so related by marriage: he married lvlary, Degoryrs second cousin-..5 George Rattenbur!r Degory's executor and residuary legatee, was his cousin Al-ice's husba.rd6.

Despite the closeness of his connection with two of the parish's leading famil-ies, i.e. the Beafords and the Leighs, Degory Beaford is one of the poorer decedents in this collection. Even the Beafords coufd become poverty stricken: Degory's uncle, George Beaford, was referred to in one will as one of the poor of Week St. t"Iary7 -

This decedent had no land; such wealth as he possessed which was not much - was invested in bonds. We are given no clue as to any other source of livelihood, but it may be suggested that he lived in with one of his legatees, and was employed as a servant. a\¡"

1 l'li I I i am t¡as the son of Thomas , no.5. 2 P.R. See also no.61. 3 Her marri age took pl ace 17 .8. 1 603, per P.R 4 94. 5 Mary þras daughter of John Beaford the youn9€F, probably a grandson of Thomas Beaford. See also J.L.Vivian, êd., The Marriage Licences of the Diocese of Exeterffio sRe i sters, P. t r e marr age o ohn and Mary. ' 6. See no.23. 7. 12 l^l. f.url

60 W BEAFFORD, Degorie, bachel-or Will- dated 2I.4.1638; buried 27.4.1638; proved 28.5.1638 [before l'laster Nathaniel Beard, M.4r, proctor of Robert ÈaIl-, I'1.4., Archdeacon of Cornwatl]t "being much payned in bodie but graved in bodie but perfect in rernembrance thanks be to God for the same " "my soule to almightie God in Ìreaven my maker ar[d] reãeemer hoping that the merits of Christ Jesus hath satisfied the wrath of God for my sins the holy comforter assuring me of the same that in and through him I_ shall be saveá and next I committ my bodie to christían buriáll" Agnes Beafford, sister 5/'-, due withj-n six months of death John Seccomb's three 6i8 each children: Anne, Beniamyn, and John Seccombe Residue to George Rattenbury, cousin, named executor

Witnesses: Degorie X Beafford John X Seccombe Cornelio SC Clifton

1. Latin transl-ated and abbreviated bs

60 I BEAFFORD, Degorie rnventoryl d"t"d l-. 5.1638 By Thomas Prust and George Colwill his purse gerdell and mony in his purse L 4-L0 one band or writinge obligatorie of fortie 2-00-00 shillings wherin wilfign Leigh and Weymon Leigh s{.and bound írt 4'- for the paymentt of forty shillings one band wherçin Thomas Trewyne standeth 3-00-o0 bounde in six" for the paymentt of three pound too specialties dew from John Harris the t-l-0-00 one oi three pound for the paymentt of xxxs and the óther of xxs for the payment of xs more in mony lentte to lvlr WiIIiam Leigh l--00-00 his wearinge aPParrell 12-OO

f, 8-06-l-0

Thomas Prust George X Colwill

ThÍs inventory is in the hand of Henry Prust, gent. (No. 142 ) al+q

61 BEAFÐRD, Aqnes, spinster

This decedent was Degory aeaford's sisterl; like him, such wealth as she possessed was invested in bonds. The designation'spinster' indicates her occupation, although her inventory does not mention any relevant equipment. Perhaps she lived with her sister Katherine, who may have provided the 'spinning turn'.

1. No.6O, g.v. for her parents. see 60 w for Ìrer re.Iation- ship to Degory. À5()

61 W BEAFFORD, Agnes, spinster Nuncupati_ve wil-l dated 20.1I.163g; buried 17.11.163g1. proved [ ]-e.1639 fbefore lvraster Roger Bownsa]-l, proctår)2.

"being sick in body but of perfat mynde and memory" "her soule unto almighty God and her body unto christian buriall " Residue to Katheren Beafford, sister, named executrix

Witnesses: George O Rattenbury John O Seccombe

1- Descri-bed as the daughter of william Beaford in p.R. 2. Latin trans.l-ated Lsr.

61 I BEAFFORD, Agnes, sPinster Inventory dated 22.LI.1638 By Ttromas Prust and George Colwelì-, both of Week St. tvlary

her wearing apparell her purse girdle and E 2-00-00 money in the same due unto her by virtue of divers 14-00-00 speciallyes desperate debts due unto her 3-00-oo one old bedtye and one old coverled 5-00 one o1d coffer and one little box 2-OO triffles forgotten and not praised valewed 3-00

f. r9-ro-00

Thomas Prust George Colwell

t I 2"S2 .

62 BLAKE, Joan, widow

This decedent was the widow of Francis Blake of Marhamchurch, who died c.1615-161. Three sons and two daughters survived her: George, the eldest, John, Arthur, Margaret and Elizabeth. At least three were married when Joan made her wi I I . Noth i ng is known concerning George's marriage2, but he had a son,

Humphrey. John marri ed Mary, the daughter of wi t I i am c I i fton , on 24.1.1621/2; their children þrere Francis, baptised 20.3.1622/3, John and Joan, baptised 26.11.1626, and George, baptised 19.1.1628/94. Arthur married AIice, the daughter of George Leigh5, 17.2.1632/3; their children b,ere Joan, baptised 4.6.1634, and John, baptised 5.2.1636/16. Margaret married Witliam Spry7, by whom she had three children by 1634.

A lmost 50% of the va I ue of Joan' s i nventory is accounted for by her Iease of two tenements in Mi I Ihouse, wh i ch seems to have descended to her youngest son, ArthurS - perhaps he accepted the lease in I ieu of his Iegacy of â40. It may be presumed that George had a I ready entered h i s patrimony, and that John had received sufficient assistance from his parents to establish his own household.

Joan's I i vestock were of much more value to her than her arable - î-17.19. I as opposed to f3 - but it should be noted that th i s i nventory was taken in mid-winter. 2.S3.


2. 3. P.R. 4. P. R. 5. N0.55. 6. P. R. 7. The marriage is not recorded in the P-R. 8. Cornwall Hãarth ...Taxes, pp-35-6. Arthur pqid 64, although in 1662 the tax was paid bY John Dodging. .Lí+

62W BLAKE , Johane, widow wil-Ì dated 19.4.1634; buried l-.L.1638i9; _proved. .,f 19.3 .1638/'9 [Uetore l"laster Nathaniel Beard, proctorJ "being somewhat greeved and weeke in body but perfect in remembrance thanks be to God for the same" "my soule to almighÈy God in heaven my maker and creator from whence it came hoping that through tL.re meritts and satisfaction of Jesus Christ his sonne I shall have pardone for my sins and my soule shall.'be saved and next my bodye to christian buriall" Poor of Week St. l'Iary LO/' William Drowne 3/4 Elizabeth, w. WiIIiam Drowne "my best cloake and a wearing suite throughout of myne owrre worst wearing apparell " Wil-liam Drowne' s children r/.- Godchildren, "so many of them 6d each as come to my buriall or come to demaund it of my executrix" George, eldest son "a fetherbed my second best and soe many keive boards as to make a keive" John, son "a cheeserecke ttre fesser in myne howse a stocke of bees my best stocke and two platters the second best " Arthur, youngest son f-4O; f,20 within one year of death; L2O within two Years. Aleo "my second best Panne" lvlargarett, daughter, w. "a stocke of bees" William Sprey Ivlarye, w.John Blake "all- my best wearing apparell throughout" John Blake's four children f,, - each John, s.John Blake, grandchil-d 6/B

Ë;umphrye, s.George Blake, 1, grandchild '2.S5.

Will-iam and lvlargarett Spreyrs l-l - each three children Avice, d.Anthony Blake L¡- Residue to Elízabeth, daughter, named executrix

"Sealed signed and delivered in Johane X Blake the presence of us to Cornelius Clifton to the use of my foresaid executrix" Jos.ias X Browne Cornelio SC Clifton

1. Latin translated and abbreviated 2Sb

62 I BLAKE, Joane, widow Inventory dated l-.I. L638i'9 By Andrew Black and William SPrY hir purse and gerdell and wearing aperell f' 2-00-00 two kyne the which more the hereinl 7 -L3-O4 two kine 6 -O0-00 fower yerlJ-ngs 3 l-0 -oo two piges 13-04 all hir gJ-esse and other Pultrie 3.-00 seven bras panns one cudron and one skillet 6-]0-o3 two brazen crookes r.-00-o0 all hir peuter vessells r-00-o0 iii candell stukes and two salters and 3-04 one chafer ii tabell bords L2:o0 thre beddsteed l-3.04 one keefe one trenell one hogshed and two barrels 1-O0-O0 to buckets and to bales 2-OO feather beades performed 5--00-00 one other peare of blankets 2-00 alt hir ctorning vessell- 300 to silver spoones 10-oo one side sadell and one pack saddel-l 5-00 one spitt one brandiron one peare of pott 3-00 crokes and one griddell fower fLeches of bacon with other vittell in 10-o0 the saftin 2,5-r - all hir corne in the ground and in the mowhay 2-0c-00 all hir haye and straw I {O-00 one cheesewring one harro\^¡ one musterd rÈ 00 mill one trending stone and to stoning traffes dishes and trenchers 1- O0 iiii cofers 5 -00 2 one chattell leasse of two tenements in 40-00-00 t"tillhouse for one life in possesione all other things out of mind and not praised 6-O0

f, 86 -I2 04 3

William Sprye Andrew XBlake

1. Interlined 2 This line deleted in mss- 3. Actually f, 81-17-04. 2sg,

63 TREFRY, IvlarY

This decedent was the daughter of John Sutcott, and ste¡rdaughter of Wal-ter Horel. Her husband was probably Wi-l-l-iam Trefry, who was buried 23.I.1617/ß2; their marriage took place before 10.3.1-6'JI,/23. Ttrere were no chil-dren, and this decedent left most of her goods to her sisters and 'cousins'.

It is probable that Wil-l-iam Trefry left his widow a small amount of money: she had Ê2 invested in bonds, and f,5 in cash. The l-atter amount is relatively high; perhaps a debtor repaid her just before she died. Apart from this smal-l capital, the probate records give no clue as to Ivlaryts source of live.l-ihood.

l. ¡Iis wil-1 is no.4 above. This identification is made through the P.R. entries for the two marriages of Mary's sister Elizabeth: as El-izabeth Sutcott, she married Will-iam Axford, 23.I.),604,/5; as a widow, she married walter woolridge, 16.6.1624. See also nos.33 &72- 2. P.R. 3. She is given her married name in 4 W. asq

63 W TREFRIE, Mary, widow wil-Ì dated 7 .3.I625,i6, buried 12.L. f 6g8/ 91; proved 29 .r.r63j/e "beinge perfect of memory but sume what sicke in body" "my sofe to almightie God my maker and redeemer and my body to the earth when and where it shall please God to calle me" Poor of Week St lr{ary LO/- Elizabeth Wolridge, sister LO/- thomas Axforde, cousin LOt'- Ivlargerett Beare, sister "my silk boddes and silver huckes my gownde and seconde beste hatt"

Daniel-l Beare L," - Walter Al-ee, cousin f. 2 Residue to lv1arj-e Beare, cousin, named executrix; Wal-ter vtolrudge, brother-in-law, Thomas Kinsman, neighbour, and Walter AIee, cousin, named overseers. Johane Hore Lt'- john Saunder Ll- John Cory Ii- Agnes Wolridge L/ -

Witnesses: Robert 0 Orchard Walter0Wolridge Thomas X Kinsman

1. Widow per P.R. LTæ

63 I TI{EFRIE, Iv1ary, widow Inventory dated f4.1 .1638/9 By Walter Wollridge, Degory Trewine, and Thomas Cory her wearinge apparell praysed f, 3-O0 00 her beed and beed clothinge praysed 2--O0-00 brasinge poots and panns praysed 2-10-00 pewter vessell praysed 16-00 vi sifver spons praysed 1-10-00 one tabte bord formes and stool-s praysed 500 one coffer praysed 2-OO debts dewe by bills and bands and other 2--00-00 debts praysed in mony praysed 5-O0-OO other impJ-ements not praysed nor 5 -O0 valued praysed


walter0woJ-lridge DegoryOrrewine Thomas X Cory Ltêl

64 LEIGH, John, eoma n

This decedent was the son of George and Agnes Leigh; he vlas baptised 12.5.16062, and married Judith, the daughter of John Saunders3, on 18.10.16364 - just after his father,s burial. The couple had no chi Idren, and Judith re-married on her husband's dath; her marriage to John Johns took place 20.4.1640.5

Her brother, Robert Saunders, stood bond with her as administratrix of her husband's estate.

John Leigh ha d a lease of Froxton, Whitstone, valued at f25, which he probably inherited from his father.

He derived a comparatively good I iving from a combination of arable farming and animal husbandry - which were of roughly equal importance in his economy.

He witnessed his father's will6, and was fined 1/- in 1631 for "prophane swearing".T Despite this conviction, he was probably the ',Johannes Ley, gent " . , who served as juror at the Michaelmass, i627, session of the Stratton Hundred court.S 1to:-

1 N 0.55 but see no.55, note 5 2 P .R. 3 N 0.46 4 P .R. 5 P .R. 6 5 5 W. 7 P .R.0., sP16/1e1/46. 8 P .R.0-, SCz/163/11- This was not the only occasion on wh i ch he served as j uror. LtoZ .

64 L ALEE, Johnr !êoÍìârr Buried L7 .6.1639 ; j.nventory dated 3. 7.1639 By Walter Wool-ridge, Thomas Cory the el-der, and Robert Saunder

his wearing apparell purse and girdle L 2-OO--OO 3 kine 8-00-o0 3 calves 2-00.-00 I nagg and one colt 4-10-OO 6 pigges t-10-oo pullen 3 -00 corne in the ground 5 acres of wheat and t7-o0-o0 2 akers of oats one chattel-I l-ease cal-Ied Froxt,>nlfor one 25-00 -o0 lief one bed 2 coverletts and other furniture l_-l-0-o0 2 crockes I pan 1 skil-lett 2 coldrons 1-t0-o0 7 pewter platters and sawsers 10-00 iron ware 5-00 winnowing sheets sackes saddles 1--00-00 timber vesselfs l_o-00 small things forgotten 5-O0 provision of victualls 1-00-00 tiinber boards firewood or fuell L-10-o0

f 68-03-00

Wa.l-ter WuJ-Irig Thomae X Cory Roberti X Saunder l. Froxton, Whitstone. ,L{ott

64 A ALEE, John

Admin. bond L5.7.1639, in 200 marks, from Judith Alee of Week St. Ivlary, widow, bound with Robert saundersf of Vfeek St. Ivlary, to Robert lfall, Archdeacon of Cornwall. Account to be exhibited by 30.6.1640.

Signatures: Juditho X AIee; Roberti x Saunder Witnesses: Willm Orchard; Thomas Colmer

t. Latin translated




I ?J.S .

65 COLWr LL. Walter, veoman, of Week Town

This decedent was probably related in some way to John Colwill of Thinwood, who was his son Will-iam's godfatherl. He married Ivlary, daughter of Jules and Alice Hatch, in JuIy L6222; their first chiÌd, William, was born just two months later, being baptised on 15 .g .16223. lgalterrs wil-I records f ive other children: Rebecca, Joan, Abigail, Elizabeth, and Honour. Honour was baptised 7.5.16264; baptismal records for the other children have not been found. Abigail married a Pottle before her fattrer's death, but again there is no entry in the parish register.

Wa.l-ter Colwil-I had a fease of a burgage tenement in Week St. llary (i.e. Week T'own), and of a few acres of land at Reeve House, part of the manor of swannacott. It may be presumed that he leased at least the latter from John Beaford: a Star Chamber suit of c.I62t reveafs him acting as Beaford's bailiffs. In 1637, he witnessed Beaford's receipt for f. 650, proceeds of the sale of swannacott to George Itele6.

This decedent's horses were valued at f' 6'13iO4; the presence of two colts suggests an interest in Ìrorse-rearing. The total vafue of his livestock was f. tl '06-08. His limited acreage did not permit arable farming: the only cereals in his inventory are oats valued at 5/'-. 1{êL

This decedent served as churchwarden in 1629.7 He acted as attorney for Wi I I Í am Pearse, gent. , of Davidstow, vlhen the latter sold his lands in 0dwood to Robert 0rchard.8

1 48 l,l. 2 P. R. The day of the month is too faded to read. 3 P.R. l^lill iam is no. 1 17. 4 Th i s date is gi ven in the Devon and Cornwa I I Record Soc i ety' s transcri pt of t he P.R. It is presumable de ri ved from the now lost B.T. It is not recorded in the P.R. 5 P.R.0., STACS/301/7.I owe this reference to the I ate H. N. t^l. Toms . 6 D.R.0., 25698/Box )/lO. 7 P. R. 8 D.R.0., 25698/Box U/16. zJo-\

65 W COLWYLL, Walterr 1rêomên wilÌ dated 5.8.1639 ; buried l-.9 .l-639 I proved 21.10.1639

"beinge sicke in bodye but perfect in memory for which blessinge I yeelde and give God most hartie thancks"

"my soule to almightie God my maker and redeemer and my body to the christian burial-l when and where it shall please God to cafl rne"

Poor of Week St. Mary 3/4, "to be distributed by my executrix" Godchil-dren Il - each Rebecca, daughter f, 2, due within l-2 months of death Johan, daughter f- 2, "yf she be lyvinge att the tyme of my death"; due within 18 months of death Abygall Pottl-e, daughter ri- El-izabeth, daughter L 4, due within 2 years of death Honor, daughter f. 2, and "one brasse crocke" Williamr son "my blackemare my best brasen pann my best brasen crocke and a fether bedd performed but my will is that my wief Iv1ary shall have the use and occupacon of the said crockes bedd and pane during her lief"; also "a1l- my wearing apparell- and thone moytie and halfendeall of all my twoo closes of land and pasture with thappuqtennances cal-Ied Reyve Houses' having all my estate and term therin he payinge one moytie of the rents for the same" Resi-due to lv1ary, wife, named executrix.

Witnesses: Walter 0 ColwylJ- George Q Colwyll Robto SC Orchard

1. "of Weeke Towne" per P.R. 2. Reeve House. 2be .

65 r coLwYLL, walter

1 Inventory' dated 4. 10. 1639 By John Colwyll and Cornelius Clifton, yeomen

his purse and mony in the same 4-OO his wearing apparell l-10-00 twoo old mares 2-t3-O4 one cow and one calfe 3 .00-00 fyve piggs 1-r3-04 three tablebords r0-00 one fetherbedd performed 2-O0-00 three dowest bedds with coverledds 1-10.-00 blancketts and bolses fower brasen panes 2-00-00 three brasen crockes 1 06-08 twoo chares and formes 2-O6 three coffers and one chest l_3-o4 keves barre.l-Is and tybes 5-00 one stony troffe and twoo stony posses t3-04 cuppes and earthen' potts 1-O0 pothangers and other iron j-mplements l--06 one chattel-I lease of one tenement and 3-00-00 burgaydge v^¡ith thappurtennances in Week Towne ¿ one other chattl ]ease of the tenement 2-00-00 cal-led Reyvehouse' with thappurtenances twoo colts 4-00-00 j-n pewter vesselfs 10--00 in ots 5-O0 '2J.1 wood hey and furse ricke 13 04 one mattocke saddles and sackes 4--00 in napery 3-00 roppes ladders dunge potts and corne 5-00 crabes

€ 29-07 -O4 4

1. This inventory is in the hand of Robert 0rchard of Sladdacott. 2. Week Town 3. Reeve House 4. Actually f- 29-O4-O4 L'to

66 PAt,lLEY, Agnes, widow

This decedent was probably the daughter of Degory Trewin, and married John Pawley at the turn of the century; she outlived him by more than thirty y.urr.1 They had no children, and Agnes left her estate to her 'cousins', Degory and Andrew Trewin.2

Agnes had î6 invested in bills and bonds. Her "threede turns", which she left to Mary Trewin, indÍcate another source of income. The presence of two bedsteads suggests that she had a lodger. She probabty continued to reside at Ketleigh3, and witnessed the wi I lof Simon French4, who had himself pra i sed her husband' s goods. Her i nventory Í nd i cates that the value of her chattles v,,as roughly equivalent to those of her husband's -

1 No. 12. 2 Nos.83 and 111. 3 No. 12. 4 28 l^l. 5 12 I. I'ì\ .

66 W PAWLEY, Agnes, widow will-1 dated 24-r.L63g/40; buried 10.3 -l 639/4& ; proved 8.4.1640 [Uefore l*laster Nathaniel Beard, IYI'A', of Roberl Hall, M.4., Archdeacon of Cornwal-l ¡>roctor "being sicke and greeved in >odye but of a good sound and perfeõte remembrañce thankes be to God for the same" ,,my soule unto almightie God the father from whence he came and I wholy reÍie *y selfe uppon the rich mercies of God the tottã hoping tttat in and through hi1.all my sinnes ar forgiven ire ãnA by the powerfull workinge of God the holy lnost in my feé¡le and declaying sni:''[te r assure my that r ãnarr ¡" saved I l-my bodie to christian"ãrÉ" and decent buriall" Michae.l-, s.John Treweene, "on leetell crock" deceased, brother James, 'cozqn', s.John Treweene rc/- of Grampitt c deceased, brother Cousin Thomas of v- Grampite's eldest child Doritie, w.George Causie "my Ieetell Pans" Ivlarie, d.Thomas Treween of "my best Petticoate" Week St. lvlary, cousin Marie, d.Degorie Treween "my threede turns" Elezebth, W.William Saunders "my second beste wastcoate of week st. Iv1ary and pettecoate wJ-th rnY doust boulster and doust beade and toe blanckets and my best hatt" All to be paid within one year of death' Residue to Degorie Treweene and Andrew Treweene, both of Week St. t"Iary, cousins, named joint executors

Witnesses: Agnes X PawIeY Vùilliam X Saundres Jackob X Pearon

1 . This r^lill is in the hand of Cornelius Clifton' 2 . Widow per P.R. 3 . Latin translated 4 . Obscured 5 . Grampitt has not been identified. arr

66 I PAWLEY, Agnes, widow I rnventory' aateA 16. 3 .L639/4o By Weymond Leigh, gent., and Thomas Corrye, yeoman her purse and girdle 4-O6 her wearing apparell l-06--08 iii little pannes one col-dren one 1-00-00 skillett and one brasen crooke one chest one cubband a table boord r6-00 coffers and a]-l other timber stuffe two old beede steeds one doust beede and 13-04 boulsters with the beede clothes all her peater I2-00 bonds and bil1s and desperatt debts 6-O0-00 aLl other things out of minde and unprissed 2-O0


Weymond Leigh Thomas X Corrye

1. This inventory is in the hand of cornel ius cl ifton. ar3

67 BLAKE Jane widow

Jane Lamerton married Thomas gLakel at the turn of th: century; he died in L628. There were at l-east fj-ve chil-dren and nine grandchi.l-dren alive at the date of Thomas's death; in her widowhood, Jane became grand -mother to at least eight more chi.l-dren, and probably more 2

Thomas had been one of the most substantial husbandmen in Week St. ¡'lary. His widow was adequateÌy provided for: however, the amount she received by his will- was raÈher less than the value of her inventory: it is probable that Thomas made other provision for her before his death. This coL-rclusion is strengthened by the fact that Jane's appraisers -were rather more conservative in their valuations than Thomas's. The same feather bed was vafued at L2 in 164I, compared to f.3 in 162A; three silver spoons were val-ued at 618 in 164I, compared to four valued at €1 thirteen years earlier.

Jane had a cow, and presumably rented land on which to keep it, or perhaps the cow was leased to a SmaU husbandman or day labourer. She also derived an income from f,l4 invested in bi11s ardbonds.

I No.42. 2 Andrew fathered five children in this period¿ cf.no.I23. Grace, Elizabethrs daughter. was baptized I1-4.1630. There are no further baptisms for the Adams als Ànderdon famiJ-y; however, it may be presumed that the other four mentióned in this will were the testatorrs grand-children - unless, of course, the Arthur and Elizabeth mentioned Èì+ were her son-in-law and daughter. The sandercocks mentioned in the wilt may have been children of Avis. a,-15.

67 l^l BLAKE, Jane, widow l^/i I I dated 12.1.1638/9; burÍed 8.4.1641 1 ; proved 7 .6.1641 [before Master Nathan iel Beard M.4., proctor of Robert Hall, Archdeacon of Cornwatll 2 "bei ng of perfect mynd and memory ( though weake of body ) than ks be to almighty God m v maker and redeemer by whom I beeleeve and irust to b e saved" "my soule to almighty God and my body to be chested3 and,byfye¿ in the parishe of weere buriall" aioresayd in christian Repair of Week St. Mary church 4/- Poor of l,leek St. Mary 5/_

Jul ian Al pha, daughter "my best sute of aparre I I throughout my syde saddell"; also î.2. Thomas Blake, son f 4, and "one silver s poone " Grace Anderdon î 1, and "a petticoate" Elizabeth Anderdon f 1, and "my second best pett i coate " Jane Anderdon f 1, and "a petticoate', Arthur and Mary Anderdon € 1-10-0 each, Anne Sandercocke r1

Thomas, John, and Wi I I i am 3/- Sandercocke

Hanna B I ake 1/-, and "my truncke" Margarett BIake 1/- "and one l ittel l boxe" Grandchildren,,,not before 1/ - each n amed " 711Þ

Residue to Andrew, son, named executor

Witnesses: Jane X Blake Judethe X Alighe Georgium SC Lamerton

1 Black per P.R. 2 Latin transtaied. 3 The use of this term suggests the ceremony caIIed 'chesting', common in the West of , where the coffining of the body t,,,as accompanied by eating and drinking; cf. Clare Gittings, Death, Burial and the Individual in Early Modern- Eng a-r-ì ,

67 f BLAKE, ,Jane, widow Inventory dated 30.4.1641 By Andrew Treweene and Thomas Axford her wearing apparell f. 4 -00-00 one fithirbed performed 2-00-o0 one trunke one coffer and one boxe 6-O8 three silver spoones 6-OB one side saddell 6-08 one flaske 6 one cowe 2-10-00 bills bondes and disperate debts r4-o0-00 her purse and girdle r8-00

Andrew Treweene Thomas A>

6B LWILL, sane widow, of White]-eiqh

Thomasine was the widow of wi.Iliam colwil-L, yeoman, who died in 16311. At that date, there were four children and nine grand-ctrildren alive. By 164Il'2, their son wílliam had died2, as had their son-in.-law, Roger Frost3, and their daughter in-law, wilmot4' John, their widower son' re-married before his mother's death5'

Thomasine was named as executrj-x and residuary legatee in her husband,s wiII, and most of his legacies were not payable untilJ- her deattr- It may be presumed that she continued to farm that part of whiteJ-eígh which had not been set aside for John before his father's death. The inventories of will-iam and Thomasine therefore enabfe us tocompareeconomicconditionsonthesamefarmin163]- and ]164I/2. It appears that little had changed other than valuations. Thomasine,s arabfe was valued at i7-13-0' compared to wiltiam,s at f, 7-.3-O : very little change. Her livestock, however, was said to be worth more than a third more than her Ïrusband's f' 41-15-0' as opposed to E2g-I4-o..Thedifferencearose,notfromanincreasein the numlrer o! stock, but from a variation in the valuation placed upon stock- For example, six oxen were said to be worth f, 13 -6-8 in 1631, compared to f' l-8 ín L64I/2; similarly, three calves in 1631 were va.l-ued at I8/-' compared to f our thought t.o be worth f, 3 in L64I/ 2.

Thomasine left most of her goods to her widowed daughter a-ì1

I{argery Frost. This may explain why her son John's inventory totalled a mere f, 36-L7- 66, compared to Thomas's f. 62- 2-r 67 , and her own f' 66-,4- 6.

1. No.5l-. 2. He was buried 19.6.163f, Pêr P.R- 3. He was presumable buried in Great Torrington; his wife. I$argery.' is described as a widow in this will. 4. She was buried 23.5.1633, Pêr P.R. 5. There is no entry in the P.R. for this marriage. His second wife, l"l"rga.ét, is mentioned in t,hj-s witl, and in hj-s own, Do.120. Lto

68 w COLWYLL, Thamsine, widow will dated 12.7.163'7; buried I7.2.L64L,/2 L ; proved 2.6.:..642 [before Ivlaster George Hat1, Archdeacon of Cornwall l' "beainge weake of body but perfect of memory (thannkes be given to God" "my soule to almightie God my maker and redeemer and my body to the christian burialJ. when and where it shall- please God to call me" Poor of \¡Ieek St. l"lary 6t'8, "to be distributed by my executrix" John Colwy11, son, and lvlargarett 3/4 his wife George, Wj-Il-iam. and John, sons 6/8 each of John Colwill, son Thomas Co1wyl1, son, and 3/4 Prudence his wife Johan Co1wyl1, widow, 3/4 daughter-in-l-aw Son William Colwyll's chj-fdren 6/83 Roger and Christian, s.& d. f. 3 each lvlargery Frost Rebecca, d.Ivlargery Frost î.4 Residue to ivlargery Frost, widow, daughter, named executrix.

Witnesses: Thamsine X Colwyll wYdowe Robto SC Orchard Johem Colwill- Thomas X Colwyll Georgium Co1will

1. Described as "of Whetley", i.e. vühitel-eigh, in P.R- 2. Lati-n trans.l-ated and abbreviated 3. "fower" deleted; "eight" interfined in mss. 28r '

l- 68 I COLWILL, Thomazine, of WhitelY wi-dow Inventory dated IB.2.164I/2 By WiJ-liam Batte and Richard Crothacott her purse and girdle and her wearing apparell- L 2-00-00 her sixe oxen l-B-J0-0c five kine and a hafer 12--O I -00 three l-itIe stures 3-00-00 fower cafves 3-OG 0C thírtine sheepe and one lambe 3-0 5--OO five peges 1-05-O0 one fatte pege 1-05 -00 the corne in the ground and in the barne 6.-00-o0 the foddar 1-00 -00 fower stoning troufes 3-O0 the victualls provided in Ìrouse l--00 -00 three feather beds and two feather bolsters 3-10--OC two peare of blanketts 1.-00 -00 three coverleds l-2-00 fower bedsteeds l-2 -.0c one spruse chest 1-r0 -00 fower litl-e cofers 10 -00 three brase panns 1-00 -o0 two brazine croks 12-00 two brase skefletts 3-O0 for puater dishes r--t 5-o0 three latting candelstickes 2 -06 one muskett furnished 13-O0 for woodinge vessefLs 13-O0 forms stolls and chears 3-00 29}. for plow stoufe 6-00 one wembing shette and sackes 3-00 a peare of shetts 6"-00 pothangings brandise and crockes 2-OO gise and pultry 3-00 for drie timber 6-00 for things forgotten to be PraYsed 5 -00

f, 66-04-06

l. Whiteleigh ?ß3.

69 John, husbandman

Although this decedent was one of the weal-thieÉ inhabitants of the parish, little information concerning him survives' His burial- is not recorded in the parish register, nor is that of his idow, and nor are the baptisms of three of his four chitdren. only the baptism of John, his youngest son is recorded: that took p]-ace 2'g'1639' The baptismal entry indi-cates that this decedent lived at creddacottl, which was presumably the farm whose fease he held ',in possession,. Al-l- his children were mínors at the date of his death. The paucity of documentation suggests he was a recent migrant to the parish - perhaps from North Petherwin, where his 'overseers ' dwel-t '

John Woolfe had rel-ative.Iy substantial agricultural and financial interests. His livestock were valued at f25-O6-O8, his corn at f.5, and hj-s investments in bonds at f.80.

1. P.R. 2;g).

69 W WOOFFE, John, husbandman wiÌl- dated 20.8.1641-; buried ]1, proved 7.6.1642

"beinge sike in bodye but fperfectL2i¡ mynde thankes be therefor unto allmightY God" "my soule unto God [who] gave it and my bodY to bee burYed in the church yearde of w{ek] st }Iary" Johnothon, eldest son f. 20, due within one Year of death Hanna, eldest daughter î- 20, due at age l-6 llary Woofe L 20, due at age 20 John Woofe L 20, due at age 23 Residue to Geartrude. wife. named executrix, she "to mayntane these 4 chifdren untill they shall accomplysh the age of eightene" ,'when these legacies of twentye powndes a peece shall grow due to be paid by Geartred that she pay it óver unto Richard Kyttow the younger and Edward Chapman of the parysh of North Petherwin whome T doe intreate and ordãynã to put it to the b{_nefit an{ profyt they can for these my children"

Witnesses: John Woofe lvlil-1" X Heafe Epaphras X Paull-

"Acknowfedged by the saide John Woofe to be his last will and testament" 3 Witness: Edw Chapman codi-ci14: - If any children die before reaching age 2I, their portion to be divided between surviving children Witness: Edw Chapman

1. Burial- not recorded in P.R. 2. The right-hand side of this will has crumbled away. 3. Noted at foot of wil-L 4. Entered on left-hand side of will- a8s.

69 I WOFE, John Inventory dated 23.2.164I/2 By Henry Chapman, Richard Kittow. and Edward Chapman his purse and wearing aPParrell Ê 4-00 -00 two horses 5-00 -00 I yong cattle and 3 earlings lt -oo - o0 3 kine 8-00-00 2 piggs 13-04 6 pannes 2-10-00 2 crocks r-10-o0 14 pewber dishes 13-O4 2 featherbeds and bolsters 5-00-00 other bedclothes 2-00-o0 corne in the ground 3-00-oo the corne in the mowheaYe 2-00-o0 money ougheing upon bonds 80-00-o0 the flesh haye butter cheese and some other 3-00-o0 things which ar nott formerJ-y praised pigges geese and other PoulterY 13-O4 one chattle lease in possession and one in 30-00-oo reversion

E L54-07-08 I

Henry ChaPman Richard Kittowe Edw: Chapman

1. Actually f, 159-00-00. TrFJc '

70 BRYAI{T, John, vêolTl€lrl

John Bryant's f irst wife \^/as l'largery Toms: their marriage took place 24.6-J627I. Thomas was prokrably a child of this marrl-age.2

3 l"largery died within a few years of her marrrage Her widower husband re-married: his second bride was lvlary, the daughter of John Col-will- of Thinwood4. Their first chil-d, Hannah, was baptised28.5.L634, and buried 4.7.16345. A second son. John, was baptised 3'3'1638'"96 l"lary,s burial- is not recorded in the parish register.

This decedent farmed in a small way. He had the lease of a few closes in North Petherwin, and presumably held l-and in Week St. IvIary also. His livestock was valued at f, 7, and he had corn worth f, 2. However, his major source of income was probably the Ê 70 he had invested in bonds.

John Bryant was the first to die of those who set their hands to the protestation in week st. lvlary, which was taken 4.3.164I¡'27. He made his mark. ,91 .

I P.R. 2 This interpretation is strengthened by the fact that the testator felt it necessary to appoint overseers to protect the interest of his eldest son one of whom, John Toms, was his first wife's brother. The executors appointed were Thomas's step-mother and step-brother on this interpretation of the evidence. 3 There is no buriaL entry in the P,R. 4 No.4B. She received a legacy in the wil-l of Thomas Colwill-, who was rel-ated in some way to John Colwill-, cf.no.57. It may be presumed that Nathaniel Colwill, one of the wit.nesses to this will-, was Mary's brother. 5. P.R. 6. P.R. 7. I am grateful to the l-ate H.N.W. Toms for supplying me with a copy of a transcript o.f the protestation return for Week St. Mary made by himself and R. Wal.ter. I have used this in preference to the published edition edited by T.L.Stoate. lVhere there are differences between the two transcripts, this is noted. a88 ,

7J W BRYANT, John, Yeoman 9.1. L64Ii2-, buried 20.3.]-64L/i2; proved -7'6'1642 wil-l- dated of CornwallJr [trefore George Ha]-Ì, M.A', Ãictraeacon be to "gri-eved in bodie but perfect of memorie thankes God" "mysoufetoatmightieGodinheavenfromwhenceitcame trusting afwaies ín the merits of his sonne christ Jesus who hath wrought my satisfac ion and his holy his sonne next commend spirit assuring mee that T sñall- be sa ed and *! foai" to chrj-stian buriall" Poor of Week St l"larY rc/- now sort L 2-I3 04, "whictr remains Thomas ¡ in the hands of John Tomme mY brother in lawe as coming to *" from him for certaine goods and imPlements of howsehol-d stuffe- which of late he bought of mee"; due within six months' also f' 10, due within one Year; also "all those closes of land and pasture with their app,-.rtenances call-ed the Furse Pä?xes scituate in withín tþe Parish of North Pátn"t*y"1 to have and to holde ...during the.-,'term to me graunted and unexPired- after ñy death to begin ..'' Itt .:. if rhomas BrYant doe happen to die without issue théñ those closes shall come and descend unto my youngest sonne John BrYant tå"i.tini and estate for himself and his wifes tife with whom marrie withall onlY he shal-I if

aforesaid" Wiltiam, s.George BrYant f. 1-10-00 Phillipp, d.George BrYant IO/ -, "the which mY will is that mY sonne Thomas shall oav them out of the {urze] þ"it"" within f a hal-fel Yeare after mY death" 7î1

Godchildren I/- each, oD their demand Residue to lvlarie, wife, and ,fohnr sorl, named joint executors. Phillipp Egbeare and John Tornne named overseers, ',for my soñne Thomas Bryant that he may Ìrave what I have given him according to tÞis my last will and testament anã I do give them for their paines twefve pence a peice"

Witnesses: John X BrYant Nathaniell X Colwill Phillipp X Egbeare Cornelius 'sC Clifton

1. Furze Parks, Troswell, North Petherwin ßo,

7C I BRYAI{T, John, Yeoman rnventoryl d"t"d 30. 3 .1642 By Weymond Leigh, gent., and WilLiam Dodgine, yeoman his girdle purse and money in the same 1- 2-00-00 his wearing apparrel-l 2-00-o0 one cowe and three younge cattle 7-00-00 corne in the earth and corne in the sacke 2-O0-00 beddes bousters and beddeclothes 4-00-00 two old beddesteedes 6-OB pottes pannes couldrons and alJ- peater stuffe 2-00-o0 two table boordes one cheste coffers formes 1-O0-O0 and stooles tubbes barrells and all other vessell timber 6 -08 one wombing sheete and sackes 5-OO woode and woode rickes 1-00-00 bands and bil-les and desperate debtes 70-oo -00 one spitte agridle brandise and all other 3-O4 iron earthen pottes cuppes and glasses 1-04 all other things out of minde and unpreised 3-O4

f. 92-06-04

1 This inventory is in th¡ hand of Weymond Leigh, gent., of Leigh (no.94). lÎt.

7T SAUNDER s. wil-liam carpenter of Stuarts

t Witliam Saunders married Elizabeth Orten c.l-615-20 The couple had at least six chil-dren, two of whom died in infancy. Andrew and Honour were probably the efdest: there are no baptismal entries in the parish register for them, v¿hich, together with the absence of a marriage entry, suggests migration from another parish. Rachel was baptised 13.I0.1622; she was foll-owed by two chil-dren who died in infancy, i.e- Anne, baptised 30'8'1630' buried 3.1.I63L,i2, and Dorcas, baptised 24-6-1632, buried 23.L2-1632. tlary was the youngest: she was baptised l--I2.1633' Elizabeth was buried just two years after her husband,

on 29 .II.16442 .

Saunders was a witness to the will- of Agnes PawIeY; 3 his wife was a legatee

This decedent had a fease of a few acres at stuarts, valued at f. 3 by his appraisers. He had livestock worth L J4- 9-O . He \^/as, however, primarily a carpenter in the eyes of his neighbour:s. The tools of his trade were valued at L6,'-; these were left to his heir' He also trad ,'timber and woode" valued at f.3, which he presumably used in his trade.

1. Her maiden narne is recorded in the P'R' entry for Rachel's baPtism. 2. P.R. 3. No.66, 7<2.

71 W SAUNDERS, Will-iam wiLl- dated 24.6.1642¡ buried 2 ^7 'L642; proved 2 '9 'l-643 '

ilbeing weake of body but perfit of memory thankes be to God" and "my soule unto allmightie God my maker and redeemer my bodye to be bured and interr-ed in christian burYall" Andrew, son "my mare colte and all- mY tules wh-ich I have that doe be lound to my trade" Rachell-, daughter "on blake kowe and on steere of tooe Years ou'Id which is now in the keeP of Thomas Saunders"; af so 10,"- l"lary, daughter "on kowe and on steere calfe"; also f, I Elizabeth, wife "my Ìrouse and ground thereunto beloungin and mY Part in Sturt&' al-so "ã11 mY houshould goodes yf shee keePe Ìrer selfe a widdowe " Godchildren 1,,'- each 4 "411 this that I have given is to be PaYed within month of mY death" Residue to Honour, daughter, named executor

Witnesses: William X Saunders wil-1 Leigh Andrew Treweene Thomas Axford

1. Stuarts aq3 .

71 A SAUNDERS, William

Saunders' Admin. bond 2.9.L643, in f' 50' by Elizabeth glakel of widow, of Week St. l"Iary, bound with John of Week St. lvlary, to George HatI, 1"1'4" Archdeacon shalbe Cornwall-. Account to be exhibited when "she 2 IawfullY re';uired" -

Signatures: x x3 4 Witnesses: Will-m Orchard Tho: Col[ l

1. Latin translated day of 2. The words ,iã"p""i"Ily on this side the last hai¡e lreen d'ereted in the mss; the month was ";î;;;left blank' 3.Thesemarksarenotannotatedintlremss;theyare presumably the marks of Elizabeth Saunders and John Blake. 4. This signature is illegible; perhaps colvert' oE Colwill - alt+.

7L I SAUNDERS, Willi{-nil, carpenter InventorY dated 22-7 -1642 yeoman By Welrmond Leigh, gent. , and Andrew Trew{eene] , his girdle purse and money in the same 5 "00 his wearing aPPareII 2-00-00 one chattle 3-00-00 al-l his working tooles belonging to his trade 16-00 two kine 5-OO-00 one steere and a caffe 2-00-00 three heifers 4-00-00 one old horse 1-04-00 one cofte 2-00-00 5-00 one littfe Pigge crockes panes couldrens and peater dishes 1-00-oo one table borde and two old bedesteedes 10-00 two dust bedes boulsters and bede clothes 1-00-o0 timber and woode 3-O0-00 potte hangi-ngs and a brandize 1-06 one old cheste and two coffers 5-O0 atl other things out of minde and unprised 5-00

f, 26-rr-06

Weymond SC Leigh Andrew Treweene '41ç.

72 W00LRITDGE, l.lalter, Yeoman tllalter Woolridge was an old man at the time of his death: in 1602, he v,,as old enough to witness a will1, although he probably did not marry his f irst wife until c.1610.2 He had three chi ldren by this marriage: El izabeth was baptised 10.6.16143, followed by George on 13.12.16164. George died in infancy; he was buried 27-2-1616 /l'5 The third chi ld was probabty Agnes: she was buried in 7 March 1637.6 Anstice, Watter's wife, wâs buried 24-8-1617. walter re-married: his second wife l|las Elizabeth, the widow of Wi I I i am Axford an¿ daughter of John Sutcott.9 The marriage was solemnized 16.6 .1624.10 There were no children of this marriage; however, Elizabethrs son by her fi rst husband, Thomas Axofrd, wôs aged seventeen when his mother re-married; this testatorrs inventory reveals that most of his wealth was Ioaned to his step-son at the date of his death- Perhaps the Ioan u,as in return for board. Thomas was not, howeVer, mentioned in his step-father's wÍIl, ôrd it was ELizabeth Gliddon, walter,s only surviving child, who was named executri x. walter's second wife presumably died before he dÍd; her burial is not recorded in the Week St. Mary parish register. Walterrs daughter El izabeth had married John

Gl iddon before her father died, and had had a daughter ' Avis. There are no marriage or baptismal entries in ?llt '

the parish register, although in 1641 / 2 John Gl iddon was resident in the parirh.12

This decedent witnessed - and probably wrote - three of the wills in thÍs volume other than his o*n-13 He 14 also praised seven inventories - He was named as overseer i n the wi I I of Thomas Woo I fe, and acted as attorney for William Pearce of Davidstow in 1626'16 He probably signed the protestation return-17

1 5 l^l. 2 There i s no marri age entry in the P.R The marr i age prob ably took place in the period for which pages oft he register are missing. 3. P. R. 4. P.R. 5. P. R. 6. P.R. The exact date is obscured in the mss. There is no baptismal entry in the P.R., she iS, however, mentioned in the will of Willia m Axford (33 l.l), and must therefore have been a I i ve before Woolridge's second marri age. 7. P.R. B. N0.33. o No.4. 10 . P.R. 11 . See no.33. 12 Cornwal I Protestation, p.273. 13 5W , 49 !\l, and b3 W. 14 13 I, 33 I 40 I, 49 I, 55 I, 63 I and 64 I 15 37l^l 16 D. R. 0. , 96t4/ 115 /22 17 Stoate-gives "Wallter 0ldridge" as making hil T9fk. The I atõ H. N. W. Toms a I so made a tran scr i pt of th i s return in associatÍon with R. l^lalter; their reading is that'l,lallter 0llnedge" signed. It is not clear whether either of these readings is correct- ffi-t.

72 W WULRIDGE, Walter, yeoman wiLl dated 12.5.1642; buried 19.11-.1642; proved 24-LL-1643

"beinge sicke of body butt perfect of memory thanks be to God" "my soule to the afmighty God my maker and redemer ard my body to chrj-stian buriall when it shall please God to seperatt the one from the other" Poor of Week St t"lary 3/4, "to be distributed by my executor" "tlre ringers at my funerall" 2/- Avice, d.John Gliddon, son in "my best brassene panne" law Thomas Prust and Henry Prust L / '- each Residue to Elizabeth Gliddon, daughter, w.John Gl-iddon, named executrix

Witnesses: Walter Wullridge Thomas Prust Henrie 'SC ?'rust Lq$.

72 I WULRIDGE, walter Inventory dated 3.1L1643 By Thomas Prust and John CausY his wearinge aPParrell f, 1-00-o0 too brazen potts and one iron skillett l-0-00 fower brazen pans and too l-ittel-l milke pans l_-l-o-00 pewter vessell 13-04 three bedsteeds one joyne stooLe and 6-08 one chayre one fetherbed one olde dust bed too fether l_-10-00 bofsters three coverleds one old blankett sixe smafe silver spoones 9-00 three olde tabelbords and one old coffer 5-O0 too pott crooks and one payre of potthangings r-00 one stoninge troffe 2 -OO sixe table naPkins 2-00 certayne debts dewe to hyme from Thomas r9-o0-00 Axford at the tyme of his deathe other debts dew by spetialties and other I-O0-00 wyse beinge desPeratte

25-10-00 L

Thomas Prust John X Causey

l-. Actually Ê 26-09-00 aqq-

73 wiil aam 1abourer

Thistestatormarriedtwice'El-izabeth'hisfirstwife' lvlargaret' was buried was buried 26"L L6ni4L;;his widow' is recorded in the week st ' 27 .IO.L65I2. Neither marriage l'laryparishregíster"Theonlyrecordedbaptismisthatof stle was the Margaret, 8-5-16193'; it is possible that about other "l"largerYe" buried 9 '6 '1622' Information that his chifdren is uncertain' Cann's will indicates secondwifehadatleastfivedaugtrters:whetherthese marriagê' is were his, or the hj'ldren of a previous uncertain-ItispossiblethatWilliamHuntly'Richard and Giddy, and Stephen Coffin' were all- sons-in-law' If so' there that Priscilla Sandercock was a daughter' were at least six grand -children'

his first wife's burial Cann is described as a labourer in É that he possessed entry'. However, his inventory indicates a pack saddle' a mare and colt, a pair of panniers' that ,,gisses", and a halter. These possessions suggest help to explain he was a carrier' This occupation might and chifdrens' the absence of entries for his marriages also Trad two scythes baptisms from the parish register' He Ìrarvests - presumably for use on his neighbours' In addition' he together wíth other "workeing toules"' Protestation6' kept a few cattle. He made his mark on the 1. P. R. 2. P. R. 3. P. R. 4. P. R. 5. P. R. cuestion the reading 6. As WiLliam Came. Toms and Walter of hís surname. joo,

73 W CAIIN, WiJ-J-Yam Nuncupativewill-datedl-O.6'L643;buriedt6'6'1643'; proved 12.7.1643 , ,,being sicke of body but of perfect mynde and memory" ,,hi.ssouletoalmightyGodhismakerandhisbodyto christian burYa11" aII l"largaret, wife "one heyfor yearling -and such goods as sÌ¡e had before he mairied with her for her owne use and after her death to be left and e<¿ua11Y divided betwene five of her daughters " two chi1u.""3l*u.f3*"3iå' william Huntryes rå1".3'."r3i: parents excePt theY doe qive sufficient securitY to his executrix for her discharge and to be Putt to use for them" Richard Giddyes two children 11-06 -OB each, condítion ditto stephen coffins two children f.l-06-o8 each, condition ditto ,,and his wil-f was that tþese childrens Ieg""y"sf s}.ould be paíd to theír parentsz on the third day of lvlay next iãrioting if itt"v give good security to his executrix for her discharge" Residue to Priscilla sandercock, named executrix

Witnesses: Fforence O Veale Priscilla O l"li1ton "with others"

I. "legacYes" interlined 2. "to their parents" interlined 3Pt -

73 r CA\IN, Wil-l_iam fnventory dated L7 -6.1643 By Wirliam Milton and John Gliddon

one mare and coul_t price f' 2-t_3-O4 one cowe price l--13-C4 toe haffers price 2-I3-O4 one haffor yerling price 9-)0

one brason pott price l_ 3-c0 one cheist price 6-0J one tabl-e borde price 6- l0 one packe saddel-l and for gisses and hal_ter price 3-C0

toe coffers price l_-oo

toe seyth to sneeds price 2-O) one payre of panners and J-ong crooke t_-00

and all the rest of his workeing tou.l_es 2-OO price

al-l the tember and fuell- as unknowne 5-00 al-l his wering cl-oth price 16-00 one l-ittell skel-lett price 1-O0

his bede and bede clothers price 2-OO

L I2-O740 1

Willo Milton John X Gliddon

1 Actual-ly f, 10-07-00. 3o>

74 COCKE, ice, widow

This decedent was the widow'of John Cock& she had no children. Her Ïrusband earned part of his income as a weaver, and it may be presumed that his widow did the same'

2 Alice witnessed the wills of william Axford and Thomas woo1fe3.

t No 40 2 No .33 W 3 No .37 W 3oz

74 W CORKE, Afice, widow iÙil]-dated22.8.1643;buried27.8.1643;provedI.9.1643.

and ,'though and weake of body yet of. perfect minde sicke maker and redeemer memory thanks ¡"-to almighty côA-my fy *nä." I trust to be saved" and mv "my soufe to almisÞtv 9o9 TY-itI::..iÎl,,redeemer ¡àäV to be buryed in christian þuryarr"

rr Johane Hooper VI a etice, Sara, and Weltinne' "one or two naPkins d's Johane HooPer a peecet' John Collins and his IOt - daughter John Saunder 3,¡ 6 Godchildren 6d each l"lary Treween and Beaten 1 /''- eacn' Cory Robert Orchard 2 and his 6d each sister Joane Susan Langman Beaten Gibbs 6d Judeth Johns and her 6d each two children Robert Saunder 2/- each Residue to l"largarett Saunder' named executor

x Cocke Witnesses: Alice Johane X Hore Georgium SC Lamerton John X Col-Iins

I. Torn 2. Saunder deleted; Orchard interfined nouç,

74 r coRKE, Alice, widow rnventory dated 30.8 .1643 By Thomas Corye and Robert Saunderl

her purse and girdel 2-OO her wearing aparill 1-10 {0 for her bead bousters pillose to blanckets I 05_00 and to eover lids 4 cofer 10-c0 to cheares and a forme 1-00 on tablebord 4-OO for woode timber and such implaments 8-00 toe bras pans and on cauldren ro--o0 to brasine crocks 13-O4 for pweter 1-10-00 for to brandises on gridle and a toster 2-OO for vitLes 4 --OO for other things un named and unpraysed 3-'04

f, 7 02-04 1

1. This information is given at the foot of the inventory. 2. Actually Ê 7-O2-O8. w. :î'5 NORTHÀIVI, WilLiam, husbandman

William Northam and his wife nlizabethl died within a few days of each other. The couple had no surviving children, and nothing is known concerning other rel-atives. A small, unidentifiable farm was leased; it provided a small amount of arable, together with sufficient pasture to run a cow and a few horses. Northam made his mark on the protestation.

1. No.76. 2. See 76 I for this testator's inventory 30(c.

75 w NoRTHAIvI, William, husbandman wíIl dated 4.I.L643i4; buried t ]. r. L64Et'4L; proved 6.2.L643/4

"beinge sicke in bodye but perfitt in memory thankes be to almightye God" ,'my soule to almightye God my creator and my bodye to the cristen buriall" Al-1 to Elizabeth, wife, named executor

Witnesses : DanieIl0Cole John SC Orcharde ttrelder JohnOorchard the younger

1 . Day obscured, but before his wife. 3or

76 NORTHAI4, Elizabeth, widow

This decedent died a few days after her husband Wil-Ii-*]. Nothing is known concerning her relatives. Her husband left her his whole estate, which she divi-ded between her neíghbours and perhaps her refatives.

1. No.75. 3og.

76 w NoRTHAlvl, El-izabeth witl dated 1I.1 .1643/4, buriedt].r. 1643/4I; proved 6-2.l-643,4 "beingesickeinbodyebutperfittinmemoryethankesbe to almightY God therfore" "mysouletoalmightyGodmycreatorandmybodyeto thã christen burial-l" Yeevens "al-} william Northam2 apparell John excePting one graye jerkin"; also LO/-

Poor of Week St. IvIarY 6iB Agnies Anderton 6d John Orchard senior 6d Lidea DYer 2/- Daniell Cole's three r/6 children Samuell Yeevens and Oliver 5.i - Yeevens named Residue to Dorrythye Dyer and Thamzine Circome' joint executors

Elyzabeth X Northam "Sealed signed and delivered to John orõhard to the use of my executors in the Presents of those whose nam'¡s are hereunder written"; Samuell X Yeevens John X Orchard junior John SC Orcharde senior

husband' no.75 1. Day obscgred in mss, but buried after her 2. "His" aetelãd, "wilíiam Northam" interlined u,

76 I NORTHAM, Wil.].iaml and Elizabeth rnventory dated lg.I .1643/4 By John orcharde the erder and .Tohn orchard the younger

her purse and her wearinge apparrell I 2-00 her peuter dishes 2-OO one olde cohre praised l_-06-08 too mares and a colte praised 2-00-00 one brasen crocke a caLdren and a skill-et l_o-o0 her vessell timber and caffers 5-o0 for workin toyels 1-00 her corne and her heye 6-O8

her bed and bede clothes 3-O4 one chattell l_ease t--o6-oB alJ- other implements of house holde stufe 1-O6

f 6 -14-10

1. Vvilliam inter-Iined. Strictly speaking, this is Elizabethts inventory; however, had a seperate invent_ory been prepaied tor wiitiam, the details would have been précJ_sely the same. The praisors were evidentry not sure how to head the inventãiv. ito.

77 l,,l00LFE, Margaret

Thi s testator was the daughter of Thomas Woolfe. She was baptised 22.11.1618, and was thus aged twentry-six when she died. She was orphaned at the age of fÍve, and lvas probably brought up by t,Ji I I i am Peth ick, the overseer of her father's will.2 He owed money to her brother and executor, John l^loolfe, perhaps arising from his guardianship.

Margaret and her brother jointly inherited their father's small est at e, valued at f 11-8-4. She had succeeded in doubl ing her capital by the time of her death: debts owing to her were valued at f10. William WarmÍngton borrowed some money from her, presumably through her guardian, when she r.ras still a minor in 1627.3 Her inventory shows no household equipment, and it is therefore probable that she was a livÍng-in servant.

1 N0.37. 2 See 37 I^l. Her godson, Wi I I iam Pethick, was probably re I ated to her guardian. Another overseer of her fatherl s will, Walter Wootridge (no.72) died in 1642- Noth i ng i s known concern i ng the th i rd overseer, Bern ard Backway. 3 P.R.0., scz/1s6/23. 3t¡ '

77 w wooLEF, Ivlargreat

WiIl undated; buried 15 -4.L645 ; proved 26.7 .L647

"being sick in bodey but ¡erfect in memory thinkes be God" "my bodey to the ground and soufe to the allmighty from whenc it came" Grace Gibingesf "my seckgnd best hat and wastiiot] ' Ivlary Gibinges "my seckond best cheier and my seckond best smocklr; also "one holJ-end cap and one cros cl-oth the best cozves apren and one outer waskot and one under kot of bere" Mary Lee "my best hat"; also my seckond best apren" Walter Àl-ee' s chi-Idren 6d each, "when that the said John Woolef doth receve his mony which is dew from Wil-l-iam Pethick" William Pethick, godson 6/'- , ditto Honner Bodon "my flannel-l- waskot and best nacking except to" 3my Johan Lee "one nacking with aprell" Annes Lee t'one carthen" Grace Jibinges "one aprone cfoth with apreIl" Iv1ary Gibinges "my ouJ-d hat and my ould aprong" ùlary Toker "my ould hoes and shooes" Grace Gibinges "my best apron"

Grace Boden "my wrast waskot and one lace wooking" John Woolef, brother, named executor 312. .

Witnesses: Margeritt X Woo,lfe Grace X Gibinges Wii-liam Dadgin

1. Could be Gilinges 2. This word is not completed in the mss. 3. i.e. except for following legacies. 3\3.

77 I WOLFE, Ir{argarett rnventor/ aatea 3I.5 .1645 By Thomas Cory and Robert Saunders her wearing apparrell f, r--o0-00 mony in her purse or coffer 3 due to her by b¿¿ds and otherwise spirate l_c-o0-00 and daspirate f' 1l--00-3

Thomas X Cory Roberti X Saunder

1¿ This inventory is in the hand of l,{illiam 0rchard. 3tl+,

78 ORCIARD al-s IvIILHOUSE Thomasíne widow

This decedent was the daughter of William Colwiflf, and widow of John Orchard al-s }lilholr."2. She was married before 1597. lwo children may be identified: John, her administrator, and Sidwell-3. Their narnes do not appear in the parish register. The date of her husband's death is not known. Thomasine and her husband received a legacy of f 5 from her fath"r+. Thomasine also received a legacy from Judith Anderson, her sister-in--1awi Judith made Sidwel-I her residuary legatee and executri¡r, and made no other l-egacies.5

Thomasine feased a few fields on which a heriot was due at her death; she kept a pig, a few bul-J-ocks, and had a smal-I plot of arabl-e. The reference to soldiers seizing a bullock indicates that Week St. Iv1ary did not escape the effects of civil war.

I No. t 2 See lCandITW 3 She is named as Thomasine's daughter in 17 w. 4 1c 5 L7 w. 3rs.

7B I MILH0USE als 0RCHARD, Thamsine, widow 3 Buried 18.12.16451; inve çtory2 dated December 1 645 admin granted 26.7.1647.-

her wearing apparrel I 10-00 three bullock es w hereof one was I -00-00 taken av',ay by the soldirir another v{as t aken for ah eryott and the other worth an acre and halfe of corne in the 2-10-00 ground one pigg 6- 08 on pan one crocke one platter and I -00-00 other small implements

3 5-06-08

hdmin g ran to John Mi I house, Sorì of the deceased , 2 6.7 .16 471t.d

1 0rchard al s Mi I lowse per P. R. 2 This inventory is in the ha nd of William 0rchard. 3 The day of the month is not g i ven, îor ar e the names of the praisers. 4. Lati n trans I ated. There is no administration bond. jt(o,

79 EGBEARE.Philip

I Philip and ivlary Egbeare were married before l-610 there is no evidence of chil-dren. I'lary was buried 27.2.L653/42 - Egbeare leased a property in the parish either a burgage tenement, or part of Furze - which Henry Cory of Stratton sol-d to John Beaford in l-6103. He had sufficient land to grow corn val-ued at f, 3, and to rup two cows - The amount of the bond suggests that his estate may have been under-val-ued by his praisors. In 161-I, he ov/ed Owen Jones L Ê l*, but was himself owed Ê 5-l-0-O0 at his death- fn 164I/2., he was named as overseer in the wiÌl of John Bryantr,6 with the specific task of ensuring that Bryantrs son by Ïris firstt marriage received Ïrís due from his step-mother and step-brother, Bryant''s executors-

Egbeare made his mark on the protestation-

1. Royal Institution of Cornwall. Henderson parish notes: Week St. I{arY 2. P.R. 3. See note t. 4. No.l6 I 5. No.70 W -3t-l

79 I EGABEARE, PhilliP Buried L9.4.1646; inventory dated lL-5-1646; admin. 16.5 .1646. By John Harper r:f r,esantf and George Weavell of North Petherwin for his purse and girdle 2-O6 for his wearing apparrelJ- 1-OO-00 for two kee 5-00-00 for corne in the earth 3-00-00 for bedes and bed clothing 3-00-00 for pann brasse L-10-00 for crocke brasse r6.-o0 for pewter dishes 10-00 for a tabl-ebord and a chest l3-04 for other tymber $¡are 6-00 for a harrow and other ire ware 5-00 for desperate debt due uppon specialtyes 5-10-00 for al-l other thinges remembred or not 15-00 remembred

î- 22 -O7 -rO

John X Harper George X Wevill

I. Lezant 3rg.

79 A EGGABERE, PhilliPP Admin bond trOÎ.5.L646, in f, 50, from ì/tary Eggabere, widôw and administratrix, bound with George wivell of North petherwin2, to George Hall-, Archdeacon of cornwall; account to be exhibited by 30-4.1647.

Signatures: lvlary X Eggaber; Georii X Wivell- Witnesses: Obadiah Reynolds, Tho Colmer

'Seale d signed and dellivere 9nv Mary E gber to Richard Short"

I. tvlss damaged at this point; date taken from verso 3: r"ñf3"i!'ñ38ååt18 tn. root or the bond.