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Raymond1988 MA Vol 2.1.Pdf I l\-3 ,J- Seventeenth-Century l^/eek St. Mary, Cornwa I I Vol. 2: The Probate Records S. A. Raymond t i: ,! ;l- :| 1 C0L}.lI LL, Wi I I i am, of Creddacott This volume Íncludes probate records relating to no less than eight persons of this surname. The probabi I ity is that they were al I related, although this cannot be proved owing to the loss of the pre-1603 parish register. This decedent was survived by his widow, phi I I ippa, who was buried 18.12.16081. Two children may be Ídentif Íed: Margaret and Thomasine; the latter married John 0rchard2. 0ther relationships are not clear. This decedent perhaps ass i sted Joan colwi I I as executri x of her brother John,s estate: he held € 20 on her behalf . She also received another f 20, "beinge her grandfathers bequeath,'. It is unl ikely that she was this decedent's grand-daughter, since this would imply that Margaret and walter were his great- grandchildren. It may be conjectured Joan, John, and Richard3 vlere l,/illiam,s siblings, and that Mary and Walter were his neice and nephew The reference to rent due to Mr. Speccott indicates that this decedent was the lessee of Creddacott4. He may be the William Colwiil Iisted in the ,l569 rrluster Er roll,þ and perhaps acted as attorney in a deed of 15156 In 15g3/4, he paid the subsidy on goods valued at î 87 one of the highest assessments in the parish on this ro I I . 7 1 P.R. 2 She is no.ZB. 3 P robably the Richard of Jacob stow who b ecame joint essee of Exe in I5lS. This I eas emayh ave included Whiteleigh; if so, Richard was f ather of l,lÍlliam oft Whiteleigh, the churchwar den ment i oned be I ow. 0ne of the other lessees was John Br ocke, perhaps the father of this d ecedent's godson. S ee R.l^l. Go ulding, comp., Record s of the Charit known as Bla nchminster's Charit ln e ar s 0 ra 0n ' P. 4 B. L. , Add. ch.64zB5- 7 ind i cates that the speccotts of Thornbyry. were londs of cred¿acoti. inèv arso held Goscott, but we know that this *vas tenãírte¿ uv Àrinur Milton, n0.30. 5. H.L. Douch; ed:,, he Cornwall Muster Roll o f 1569 , 1984, p.122. 6. D. R.0. , 25698/ Box 7. P.R.0., E179/88/252. 3 1.e. COLLWILL, William Account dated 8.4.I5g7I; exhibited at Launceston I .4.1607. By Philipe Collwil-l, administratrix. Onus: the saide accomptant chargeth her selfe witb-ell. s¡:che goods as aar contayned in an ínventori exhibited in courte in the Archdeconry of Cornwall amonting to the fuII some of f, 210-06-04 whereof she asketh a.l-l-owance J_ayde out as folowith Exposita: paid for the charges of thadminestracion t_ 2-00 paid in expens j-n obtayninge the same 3-O4 paid to Thomas Pears 5-O4-00 paid to lvlr Specotte for rente dew befor his deathe 2-00-00 paid to lvlarye Collwil_l- beinge geven to her by her uncle John Collwil_l_ deceassed 2-00-o0 pqid to Walèer Coltwill geven unto hyme by his uncfe the beste fetherbed performed and his beste mare in price 6-00-00 paid to Arthur Ivtilbgn and to Wil_-l_iam Coll-wilJ- of Whitlyelfor a rate dew to the churche of lvlarye Í{eke aforsaide B-00 paid for subsedye dewe befor his deathe B-00 paid to John Piper for other dewties dewe to the churche 3-00 paid for his grave in the churche to the pore and other charges bestawid at the tyme of the buriall 1-l_3-04 paid to Wil-l-iam Joll for his wages behinde to paye 14-o4 paid to Joane Gilbarte for her wages behinde to paye 5-00 paì-d for a mortuarye l_0-oo i+ paid to hime for a quarters t- l3 paid to John Gaye for 2 sheppe 6-08 paid to Robarte the smythe for worke 4-OO paid to Joann Collwil-l- beinge her grandfathers bequeath 20-00-00 paid al-l-so Lo Joann Coll-wil-I for beinge executrix unto John Collwi1l- her brother the goods remaininge in the hands of the deceassed 20-oo-00 paid to Richard Collwi11 beinge allso his brothers bequeath 5-00 paid to Richard Charels for his servinge good with lvlargerit the daughter of the deceassed 40-o0-00 paid to Brocks sonne beinge his godsone 2-OO paid to John Sherme for a bushell- of whett 1-00-oo paid for writtinge the inventorie and other charges bestawj-d uppon the preysors at the same tyme 10-o0 paid to John lv1el-l-owse for halfe a bushell of rye t l4 paid for registringe hyreinge and examininge of this accompte for fees dew to the courte Lo-00 paide for writtinge of this accompte 3-O4 paid to John Orchard al-s l"lelhov/se and Tamsyn his wief daughter of the deceased for their portion of the deceaseds goods 5-00-00 paid to 5 6 I totar expenditr-.r" ] f. I12-17-08 [ttrus remains ig the hands of the B ãaministratrix] / t l 5 [allocation by william Parker, 8.D., official of the Ãrchdeaconry of_ Cornwall, 8.1. L6O7 /8¡ residue to administratrix]9 l-. 29 July has been deleted in mss and this date inserted. 2. Whiteleigh 3. Blank 4. Amount obl-iterated. 5. name lightly crossed out in mss. 6. Latin translated. 7. Latin translated. 8. Amount either not written in or obliterated; actually f, 97-08-08. 9. Latin translated and summarised. It 2. MILT0N, Richard, yeoman A Richard Milton is mentioned in tax lists of 1524/51 , .2 L 1543¡4', probably 1545/6"," and 1593/4*; the name is also mentioned in the 1569 muster roll5. It is possÍble, but unlikely, that all these sources refer to this decedent; it is more probable that there were at least two of this name, perhaps father and son. It i s ev i dent that th i s testator had no surviving widow or children; the only certain kin are his brother William and William's daughters. It is clear, however, that he was also related to Arthur Mi lton6 i n some way; perhaps he was another brother. This decedent held two leases of which record has survived. A deed dated 30.6.1598 records that he was tenant of South Lumhead, Hill Park, Hill Meadow, and Helshall Mead at that date; this deed records the sale of these tenements by Thomas St. Aubyn, esq., to Robert 0rchard7. Milton also had a lease of a burgage tenement owned by Thomas Nicholls at the time of his deathS. Both Ieases were for Iife only. In the 1593/4 subsÍdy, he paid 8/- on goods valued at 13. The number of bedsteads in hi s inventory suggests that he needed servants in order to work his land. 1 1 . T. L. Stoate, êd. , Cornwal I Subsidies in the Rei nof Hen r VIII, 1524 an an e enevo ence o P. 2. Tbilf , p. 148.' 3. P.R.0., E179/87/178. 4. P.R.0., E179/88/252- 5. H. L. Douch , êd. , The Cornwa I I Muster RoII of 1569, 1 984 , p.122. 6. N0.30. 7. D.R.0., 25698/Box 0/10. 8. P.R.0., C3/376/92. r 2 W I/IYLTON, Richarde, yeoman will dated^8.10.1598; buried [ ]lr proved Launceston, beiore Mastei wi]-1iau Parker, [ -n.].¿.1-60L2 ["a 3. e. , of f icìal- of ttre Archdeaconry of Cornwall ] "beinge in good and perfectt memorye" "I commende my soule to almightie god my maker and redemer and my bodye to be buried in the churche or churcheyarde of St lvlarye Weeke " Poor of Weell St - tvlary ro/-, "to be distributed at my buryalJ- " Repair of Week St. lvlary church 6/8 "to thre men to ri-nge my knylls" r/- Brother Will- Iv1ylton' s daughters 3/4 each l"farie, d. Richard Wil-liams "my golde ringe" lvlargrett, d. Richard W¿ll-iams ttin goJ-de one riall of xvs" ,,in 6 Iv1arie, d. Arthur ivtyltons Spani-sh-e mgnyes [o]ne pece of lteJne ' shillinges" Margrett, d. Arthur Mylton 2/6, "in Spanishe monyes" 9" t l8 2/6, "in Spanishe [*orr]ye" t 110 r -t11 L l--, d. Arthur lvlylton 2/6, "in go1d" John Ju.l-e and Arthur lvly].ton 5/-; named overseers Residue to Richard Wil-liams of Week St. lvlary, named executor. Witnesses: .Tohem SC Jule Waltor Colwil1 1 No P.R. or B.T. avail-able for this date 2 Date torn q 3 Latin translated and abbreviated 4 Deleted in mss. rlulyltonl 5 Torn; only the 'd' of daughter, and the "lton" of remain. 6. Torn. 7. Torn; could be [ni]ne 8. Name torn out completely 9. Torn. j-0. Complete line torn out; probably only one bequest 11. Fore-name torn out completely. lo 2 l. MYLTON, Richard, yeoman rnventory'1 dated L2.2.1600/r By Arthur l"lylton and John Jul-e his apparrelJ- 2-O0-OO his monyes in his pursse 2-O0-OO one fetherbed two bolsters one peire of 2-OO-00 bl-anketts and one coverlett thre bedstedes 1-00-00 one table bord with a lyttle shorte 1-O0-00 tabl-e borde and two formes one presse to kepe cl-ottres one chest 1-06-OB and two coffers in tymber wj-th two peire of wheeles one harrowe one peire of whipping trees and 2-I3-O4 a sellepp one keve and two barrells 6-OO thre paires two hedtowes and one paire B-O0 of runges fower little pannes one tittle skillett r_5-00 and a pottle pann two brazin croocks one brandize one peire 1-l_o-00 of pott hangings and a peire of crokes in pewtri 4-00 one stoninge troffe 6-OB € t5-09-o8 1.
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