
_!-•_ 12 — 28,1991 — Unlon.County Classified 7FRANCWSES CHEVROLET HYUMDA1 SERVING CRANFORD. GARW0OD and KENILWORTH A Forbes Newspaper 3E& Vol. 98 NO. 14 Published Every Thursday USPS 136 800 Second Class , AT THE Thursday, April 4,1991 Postage Paid Cranford, N.J. 50 CENTS NEW ROUTE 22 In brief Legislative map puts Dog licenses Orariford, Garwood DRIVE AWAY A BRAND NEW CAR AND Cranford police will begin canvassing house-to-house in new 22nd District today to make sure dogs are properly., licensed All dogs over 6 months old must have a Cranford and Garwood now license Owners should display By Donald Pizzl Jr. move from the 21st toth e 22d Dis- TO 1991 licenses in a front win- Forbes stkif writer trict, which also .will include dow during the canvass.. The new legislative map Berkeley Heights, Clark, Fan- adopted last week by the Legisla- wood, Mountainside, New Provi- POTA dence, : Scotch Plains, Westfield, LEASING TRUCKS tive Apportionment Commission IISUZU Drug workshop has generated drastically different Gree'h Brook, North Plainfield, opinions from state and county Passaic, Warren, Watehung and Cranford High School ETA. politicians. Dunellen. Kenilworth remains in will present a workshop, 'Par- Reactions have ranged from the 21st District enting: Facing the Chal- State Sen. Donald DiFrahcesco, The new district contains towns lenges," on drug and alcohol who described the chance to rep- in four different counties, the rtia- abuse at 7:30 p.ni?Wednesday resent this area as "thrilling," tojority of which are in Union County. : in the school auditorium. Union County Republican chair- : Speakers are Detective Sgt man Frank McDermott, who said Representation in the 22d in- Eric Mason, school substance the redistricting was tantamount cludes Assemblyman Bob Franks abuse coordinator Jeff Lamb- to "wholesale slaughter" in that itof New Providence, who is state ert and student counselor An- fractured the legislative districts Republican chairman and-already gelo Pienri. in Union County, moving portions in place in the: district, and Di- of the current 21st District to Fraricesco of Scotch Plains who Essex County, : (Please turn to page A-13) Blood drive BRAND NEW'91 CAVA11ER BRAND NEW'91 CORSKAtT MJW©WW199TEX BRAND NEW ^SONATA Gl Ctwv*oW 3-Or VL'Coupi»,' }Jl EfI 4-Cvt Era, 5- ChwraM 4-tV S*dwi 3,1 L MF1 B-Cy* Enp. BRANDHtW^fP HwnJal»« HaUv I«L EF1 *C* Ena AUTO, A community'* blood drive . Spd Man Tim*. P*w Stig & BrakM, AW. IwO, AUTO, IW Sbd A Bt^tM. AIR,' FWO, CUM, ChamM s-10 EL »«. EH 4-0y< En. rwrnao BnMa, Mln.lUI-S>a FWD. Paaka lH d. 3.4L EFI 4-Cyl Eng, AUTO, AJWFU ^twvo, Sport Mm, B<*t St*. Y/QLtu, Coosot*, TH, T«i**«, aid Potamkin Gtk, #460. Uw Tim, PM Bnfcai, Iki Sog. Dao ItaaHM 0M, UaJntanarto Ffaa BaSaiy. Dual FWEnt Bnkbf. Am, FWO, AM/FM S('CMS, will be held Monday from 3 "to • »*cl Po**ml(ln S*. M7h VW. #M7iS45aO. VlN. #ME123327. USRP: S12.B17. Tgtal of Pyriv OBO Bat, Ban* H,T/Gtaa. WiPotnUi 89c Ramok) CnM MM, Br Data. M Wlpam, act TX, 0/ BWoo, Opl Mal^Ooof Eds* OuanM. V €ourt decision results MSRP;'»06M. Total d PymU StO.WO.'ttOOC, t« $12,740/«2000 Down. $270 fWundtbia Bw «K*. VM. «M22SS3IO. USM"! Ott2..ToW of PotamMn, O*. »JM. VH. ' « S»g t a«*4<, FU« a. Fml bum 4-Or B«hn. tJ«. 4^Cy( Eno, ^SpdMm targets on time." Neri, advised elders totabl e the Tiww, Pwr Strg & Brtksi, AIR, FWD, AM/FU SI Tiana W»d, ftw UP BBg, I _ Dlao ffcvjm, Tiano, far 8*01 Brtkx. A»V AU/FM a Can Friday. .', •• •. -j •.•••- ' ••..••••"•. . •....-.: Judge John Pisansky was touted * C*u, TOiiM, Rr Wog, FJ WU Cyn.Contd*. BcM n>. RMkk, n apt •«* Pu^mi*. a*. AM, FWD, AM/FM « Ca««. W Dateo. T«~T» WM Spin, Driw^Ua AMsag, T/Olaaa. nr D^oa FM Sttvao. T/QlaM. FV Doloa, CoruoU, trnin> CkxM, Ft U*M, B/5 MtdQi, «*d Pot«r*ki Glk. MM. VM. »UJ10W». USaP: 111077. ToU d "We were some of the lucky few that got to be in awarding of the bid until they had mtxtWlon, Fold Down IV a. Mel PotamlclftQ 8*. ,. ..._ .... as.'Hama ' CM IM CtaCag uuMv, atcl Potantti w. "Is there a Christmas tree there?" asked a voice by township attorney Ralph Tay- Pyn* »TI4a 12301 Dorm. O1« tlUmMila Fn* Mn,ial Poamldn M. *H». VNf #<5i. Vtt»U74Ot«0«TltSm tllXMS. ToUl ol #410. VM. #ME0«a2fl. MSflP: t11.S74.Toy of $w D^oalL tun. PiKtaM Opt Naosraat. MBHP: »M.I»4. TotM d Mi a place where theiSBlKeratures were cool and cool time to evaluate'.;.the /percentage fyrtita 110360.' $2000 Down. $340 n*hjnd«blti Pymti S12,500, »2000 Down. $375 IWundtMi ryntt t5»«. tSW Ooim. WOO nataokWa she did riot immediately recognize. "Well, you bet- 1 lor as a "compromise," one the &4to D*po*t. $3040 PurchaM Opt. IIB*4O. taoo Ooori flnoh «no MFD IWMtl. Board answers 64o Dopoalt. $3544 Puctou Opt- , 8ao OapoaL t4l» Rnftaaa Opt, 150 ter light the lights for me, Mom^ause I'm coming means 70 degrees*' said Soneywell of mountainous township can reverse by enacting rate used in seven categories to : Taif. "By mid-Febniary, temperatures' were rising III STOCK home." . : ... .'• • "^^ . •.••. _ ;. . a new ordinance or going out toaward the bid. He claimed. Guer- DRIVE AWAY DRIVE A\rVAY Cranford Board of Education into the high-90s." DRIVE AWAY DRIVE AWAY DRIVE AWAY N0W1 DRIVE AWAY candidates respond to Chroni- The Air Force master sergeant said he was "awe- bid for 1991. Last April when Po- tin had relied heavily on the tow- FOR ONLY FOR ONLY FOR ONLY FOR ONLY, FOR ONLY .' FOR ONLY struck*1 by the homecoming welcome he received at A 1978 graduate of Cranford High School, Honey- lice Chief Robert Gucrtin recom- ing and storage and "if the figures cle questions. Page B^IO. * well joined the Air Force in May 1979 and worked were recalculated," they would YOU YOU ^ YOU You the family home at 100 Centennial Ave. mended Benner's be awarded the "I expected only family and close friends but the his way up through the ranks achieving master contract based on submission of a see the Neri Corp. was far ahead OWN IT OWN IT OWN IT sergeant grade, which he said was "two rungs from of Benner's, FOR ONLY FOR ONLY mayor was here; all my neighbors; a bunch of the more favorable bid, the lone dis- FOR ONLY Centennial guys came from VFW Post 335 down the street-I'm the top," meaHlng..he has to go through two more senting vote came from governing Governing body members stuck sergeant positions to reach the first commissioned $ The Wednesday Morning now officially a member of it My family had the body member Dan Aschenbach to their guns, despite the fact an- Christmas tree lit There was a huge banner and officer post of second lieutenant He said he in- . other lawsuit loomed on the hori- $9989 '10,394 Club celebi-ated its 100th anni- tends toserv e eight more years. who felt "uncomfortable" with the 8995 versary last week. Page A-ll. what really surprised me the most was that my best issue, knowing there could be zon, and later became a reality. friend, Scott Anderson, came here from where he's (Please-turn to page A-8) Principal Joseph Neri in a let- ter to the mayor last year said, "You can be assured that I will Airplane noise challenge you individually and HUNDREDS OF USED CARS & TRUCKS!! VANS Hundreds complained about Cranfbrdites adopt immigrant Russian family collectively before a higher au- •85UBARON M PARI8ENNE . _ '8» TEMPO t8T«9 •S7PARKAVE. •-«0 MU8TANQ QT thority." He asked the township to W3SSI Fad 4-Or Stdm, 4XM. AUTO, PS/PB, BRAND N£W 1991 OffVROin airplane: noise at a recent By Donna Hendel Roof, VB. J AIR. AMVfM «, Blo.-1T.4H.irJ. B*. #P- go on a rotation system, utilizing JISSS JS51 • •»*»• fSW- AIB, AkVFM SIC«, PW Federal Aviation Administra- 1 7Ba,VW.#KB)7«e38, CruMh, . YAH Chronicle associate #HI40M81 . #PM0. WN. I yuMHuk.tlOlmt.am Root, Ra»y.Wt»«, all towing services in order to be ^a j ^^r • CrUa^ Aa Tradadltlo. 18M6 irt. ak. tion hearing. Page A-15. eSEXCa. S296SIB/ S MMg*. ata. Oor«4Mwl lO I "W CHEVY Q20 VAN $«8«9 W ACCORD Ud W97» I •">«»*, VIM. #tf 113878, If you arrived in a foreign coun- fair, with the township setting the BRAND NEW'91 PRIZM Hyunday i 4-Or,'4-Cyl,y,, S-Sppd Man |«J.»44 ml. »lk. #H-133A, -VIM. I BsuaHa, VB, AITTO, PS/PB, AM, AM/FM Oao UX, \HL MFI 4-CV< Eng, AUTO, Mftgl IWcaa, FWD, TramT , film.film T/aU»«T/aU , AM/FHH ti *axi*30&* |St CM' CrulM, aid. B8.102 ml, 8ft. to l Pa/fe. Pw " try where you didn't know the lan- rates tob e charged. AM/FM Batao, Dto Oodi, V Oltm. H Dafog, Had FnM BcUa BB. C (M B/d MM te r I,„ hAVTOM* Dual MM. aid Manikin Glk. 4SM. VlN. *MZOI43ia. USRP: "1 97 UATIUT4A guage and didn't understand the Neri contended the township •IISK. Total Ol Pytnte tt3.140. «20a) Dtol (nd» tSCO UFR #HA1t24«0. 1 #P-i01»,VIN, #Y»«C«672. naWa). UM Kalundabla Sao CMpoA tHHS FuchaM Opl. •88CAVAUER Out of date customs, wouldn't it be wonderful unfairly tabulated the percentage . FuctaM FMoa hck MOO l« tlma Buytr Cndl 1 (lOCO Inpoit '8SBHOMCO4X4 N4M ' Ford. *4iA Hed HanTraM, fi/Pt, I'M BRONCO It J11.B97 to be adopted—not just by one totals submitted by towingser - AIR. T/OUaa. AU/FM 8< Caaa, at 55J89 BF«d4»4«)r, KV, AUTO, PS/PB, P*r Old radio equipment may be DRIVE AWAY '87 CUTLA83 SUPREME «S68» I W^M iti SW. #P8M. VlN. #H ml. 801. #M37»A m. #JUB44a<4. | WndAok, AW. Ttl WW, Cllit*. Eddla ChaaiDM A'U EH M Eft* *8pd. AUTO WWO, Pw Sag I family, but by an entire commu- vices and awarded the bid to •8STEMP0 «3M9 Bnkaa. AM. P«« WWoVLdia. TH Cnika, AMffM Sano Caaa. 33 putting township firefighters' YOU Icud. wMnyt Hool, ve, AUTO, pa/re,; wul..n. „,„ 31l2s1 Slk FOR ONLY cn_<7jw UNii Ainn ps/on AIB YI •89CHEWC180O • toe4s SSSSS^jTISi.J«j ••""• ' Oal Tank, RaM Whb, Capt ChaVi, Sola Bad Ftn Brda, Dool nity? That's exactly what many Benner's when in reality, Neri Glasa, AM/FM 81 CMl, Mo., 40.000 ml, AIR, n DM, AM/FM W CM, ale. ST.S41 I •"» M'HAQE !,.„• V I nadl/Uddar, Oak Trim. Ouakm WaVCatAI Cwng, MnTTraaV lives in danger. Page B-6. OWN IT Stk. #P4S4-A, VlN. »FOI12aG7. mart, Wal-To^UI Crpl. aid PolanVIn 8*. #818. VH. WCI0IT- Cranford.residents have done for Corp. underbid Benner's. Both I W. Van USRP; II«,8W. Convmlon Pkg MSHP: Htm. ml.6»(.#MC«0,VIN,#H23S0358. .. -| {JfJ'^i^g'fiffi/a^'notUW * FOR ONLY •87 SPECTRUM $3849 Alia and Oleg Freydin and their Guertin and Taylor disputed this Ch4«y 4-IV, 4^yl, B-8pd Man Tram, I'eaDAVTONA . $57691 FM Sttrao. Fold DOOM IV Saal, ato. I AIR, tut enht. Woodwaln Sldaa: «te. 1 «^^;AIR, Hdtp, 422. VlN. #UJ044015. • •S9CAMRYDEU1XE MAW ml. Stk. #P407, VlN. *Kni2aH0. children Artur, 8, and Renata, 5. claim. 5 1 VlN; #H84SM7J. IAIR, T/Qtaa.. AM/FM 8lan». alo. 39.0W I •_„., . .i,- — - . __,„ I I Another try ml. 8*. tianr-K VlN. #JO44»3»D,' I'S7 QALANT (7789 1 r»ro, ~rv ~> ' ' ' ,' ' The Freydins recently arrived In a 1989 lawsuit Neri Corp. 8369 "86UBARON $3879 ,.. _!_,_._„ . , .. ; | Mltaublahl 4.Dr,>Cyl,.AUTO, Ff V*l Or,' I M ml, 8*. •'MVAMWAQON S12.B97 claimed the township placed ctuy^f 44M, 4-Cyl TUHBO, AUTO, from the Soviet Union as part of PS/Pfl,Piw8yWhdArk, AIB. Rf Del, AM/ I . mutT I AIR, AM/FM Radio, alo.' 12,ua'mi. Slk! The VFW will make a third 55J^Ui5^ 4___l. F«PB, P»r WlnoVLck. AIR, T/Otaaa. Rr I ^^ #P-10«4.VIN.*LA00O2«7. . the large influx of' Soviet Jews strong emphasis on different cate- FM EIC1U, elo. 39,710 ml. Slk.ESTATE WQN . J5780 - otl, AM/FM St CMS, Cmiaa, ato. 42,4(5 • attempt to hold an Easter egg #aS*»A-VW #QN21S8» I who finally have been granted gories and switched them in 1990 BUldi, VS. AUTO, P8/PB. Pw Wind. AIR, I ml BH. #P-tSS3, VlN. #H40071S4. I hunt Saturday at noon at •86 SKVHAWK $39M $ to an entirely new set of specifica- .Hukfc, 4-Or, 4 - gTMn I Unami Park. Two inches of permission to emigrate. GUARANTEED AM/FM R«dk>, «(c., 66,000 ml. SlkI . BY.TAUHUS . .• ™'™l, 81/Wlna7t^<. AIR. AM/FM St Caa*. tW. tions. Taylor said the township I Ford 4* VB, AUTO, PS/PB, Pwr uymi:nt. ygu ••1 FOftD WBO *10,77« ' "* ""*• This is the weekend we lose •88 COROLLA LE $5389 |#p«B, VlN. #0Xiai1S9. I '87 AEROSTAR XLT tM79 I W»dA<*<, AW, AWFM SI OaM. CTUM and introduced them to the vari- J -^«MJ» •* 8tk, #MU,:.VIN an hour of sleep but gain an tun yd cjula iinanciny ihii v;iu:k' at tad <52TwS? &* AUTO,^ continuing P«* WlndAfk, AIH, I*, alo. 40*79 ml. 870^ ml,, Slk. ety of special foods for Passover. f'otoinkin. We Guuiqntee It! #MNA180».. . , extra hour of daylight Clocks »21,S3S The Soviet resettlement effort $WM|«.468^Sfc.#P-tM,VIN.«KS«»163.| .„ c6NT,NEMTAL should be set ahead an hour at fU'ijuidlcii of ynur pu^t (firdil •B8SKADOW •« E180 Hl-TOP I, VB, AUTO, PS/PB, PW St locally is coordinated by the na PS/ Z "87 CAPRICE CLASSIC $6889,, Unodn «W Roadala*. vi Ailro, pftra $500 2 aim. Sunday to begin day- piohleitis, cult Poturnkin lor your new with budget light-saving time, Jewish Federation of Central New or uttihur finanting. l OVER BOOK! Jersey. A member contacted SPRING AHEAD Nancy and Jeffrey Heller of hearings CALL 'TIL 1 0 PM! WORLWSLARGEST AUTO DEALER Buy this week and get '500.00 over Broad Street the morning of Dec. "Book Volue" for your trade-in. You must ONE HOUR 10 to ask if they could pick up a (9)8)757-4000 present thjs ad at ihc timu ol sale. family at Kennedy Airport at 2:30 WELCOME TO AMERICA: Alia and Oleg Freydin and their children, Renata and Artur, enjoy a that afternoon and host them for meal in their hew home in New Jersey. By Cheryl Moulton •i at least one week "Nancy and I Town elders left no cost saving I I- had expressed interest in spon- very few sentences. Alia, 28, had holiday." take for granted. For example, rock unturned when they heard soring a Russian family toaccli - been trained as a seamstress and Meanwhile, Jeff, an attorney, in- Oleg could not get over the air^ the township departments of fi- 1 * mate them to New Jersey life, but knew almost no English. troduced the Freydins to super- plane food they had been served. nance and administration budgets we certainly hadn't expected such The Freydins arrived on the eve markets, playgrounds, and other "It was so wonderful," he said. this week, laying the groundwork short advance notice," Jeff said, of Hanukkah, They had heard of places typically American. He also They marveled" at the quality of for future infrastructure changes. SATURDAY NIGHT laughing. "Still, we did what we Passover and Yom Kippur and showed them a U.S. map to help local highways and the abundance According to the Citizens Bud- had todo ; we cleaned the house, knew what Christmas was, butthe Freydins acclimate them- of cars, clean tap water and sweet get Advisory Committee (CBAC) Potamkin borrowed a mattress and made air. The four of them were aston- subcommittee on administration had never heard of Hanukkah. selves. Guide to inside sure we had. a sign to carry at the Members of Cranford's Temple ished by the excellence andLvari- and finance, close to $1,3 million Cver 1800 in stock! Open til 10PM! airport Welcoming the Freydins." Beth-El made sure the children Nancy, an investment officer for ety of fresh fruit They never had could be saved by the townshipi f Classified...... C-ltoC-12 Returning to Cranford in the received Hanukkah gifts for each TIAA, said, "Jeff really left his seen a fresh pineapple., ^ all its recommendations are put Editorials...... ,...A4 now-crowded van, Jeff learned of the eight nights of the holiday. practice for about two weeks to be "Maybe because they come from into action. Township Committee Entertainment ..B-6 to B-9 that the Freydins were from Rabbi Ronald Hoffberg gave them with the Freydins. As a result, an area not far from Chernobyl, members explored every alterna- Garwood,.. A-8.A-9 Gomel in Byelorussia, or White menorahs of their own toligh t they are now just like family tonone of the Freydins drank milk," tive measure available tocu t costs Rt. 22 West NORTH PLAINFIELD 9o 757-4000 Kenilworth A-6, A-7 us." The Freydin children espe- Jeff said. and streamline running of the ( 8) Russia, the region from which his and arranged for them to receive *9500 Savings On Je«p Grand Wagoneer 4WD, 5.9L V8 Eng, AUTO, PS/PB, AIR, P/Wlnd/Lcks, Cruise, Ltfir Int. Tow Pkg, AM/FM St Cass, T/Qlasa, Rr Deofg, HD Shooks, Lcklng Diff'tl, etc. Letters..., .-A4 grandparents came. This was the complimentary membership in cially enjoyed playing with the Nancy said many in the commu- township. Although the process Obituaries .....A-14 first time the Freydins had ever the temple. Heller daughters, Deena, 5, andnity have gone out of their way towas time consuming and the hour Potamkin Stk. #319. '90 VlN. #LP504437. MSRP: $29,143. Sale Price $19,643. Price INcs $1500 MFR Rebate, 60 month closed-end leaeS. 13,000 ml/yr, 8c/ml thereafter. 1st mo pymt & Rebecca, almost 2. late, solid. groundwork was laid security deposit due at Inception of lease. All leases subject to primary lender approval. Prices include all costs except tax, license, doc. and registration fees. Religion news A-14 left the Soviet Union. Oleg, 30, a Nancy said, "The Freydins took help the Freydins become com- Social news A40, A-ll furniture maker and flour miller, the religious rituals of Hanukkah The Freydins were introduced fortable with their new lives. for redefining several areas Sports.. B-l to B4 knew some English words but very seriously and embraced the to many experiences Americans (Please turn to page A-8) (Please turn topag e B4) A-2 CRANFORD CHRONICLE Thursday, April 4,1991 Thursday, April 4,1991 CRANFORD CHRONICLE A-3 College to cut 16 teachers Traffic engineer testifies against South Ave. site for market End of Gulf war reminds Army wife of WW II memorial Engineering firm recedes award . J Dames & Moore Moore,, a consultinconsulting a state-of-the-artt carbocarbcn absorp- The South Avenue site for a pro- "unless more than four trucks commercial-industrial-research Fahey said he had "many more engineering firm in Cranford, has tion emissions control system at to Kelp close budget deficit posed Waldbaum's supermarket is were using the loading dock." In site. ' • . questions" to pose to Simoff at the By Pet^r Wamsteker received an erigineering excels American Fiji Seal Inc. The sys- ill-equipped to handle parking, .next hearing April 15; Mahoney, ' With the Gulf war now over and part of its own monument to the «lence award from the Consulting^ tem, coupled with the use of nega- this case, the loading area, be- While Simoff would not suggest American troops returning home, men who died in both world wars. Engineers Council of New Jersey Sixteen faculty members at state law mandates that the state general auto traffic, truck traffic cause of its size, "wouldn't work." "safe" truck routes to the site, he representing Ginsberg and War- tive air pressure, provided a cost- and. unloading operations, accord- ren Hanscom, also plans to intro- the wife of one World War II vet- Joseph Luciano of Jersey City, a as part of thd organization's" 1991 effective means of emission con- Union County College will not he should provide at least 43 percent Waldbaum's attorney, Brian re-stated that the Waldbaum's eran from the 294th Engineer .^member of the memorial commit- competition. rehired in an effort to help close. This lack of support by the state is- ing to a traffic engineer testifying Fahey, countering. Simoffs testi- proposal had not planned ade- duce testimony from a real estate: trol. • '"•""' outrageous, particularly in a time •at Monday's Zoning Board of Ad- mony, said Union County had ap- quately to handle truck and auto appraiser, land use planner and Combat Battalion was reminded tee who served with Company B The firm was cited for applying an estimated $2.97 million 1991-92 y, y p this month of an accident which recalled where he was at the time "budget gap.7' ~-. - • h g by-so~ f|g _ rproyed thhe two-JanetJ , entrance-exit traffic. Traffic engineer. HaT Simoff, tes- For the better part of the 3 Vi- It is expected that Searings will" ^Hed-29 menras-they prepared- dFthe accftlenp————— College trustees also voted many students." to Waldbaum's as well as the p for combat in Sherborhe, England. "I was looking for my yoilnger March 26 to adopt a terminal Brown said enrollment for thetifying for Ronald Ginsberg, posed traffic signal. State Depart- half hour hearing, Fahey cross- be scheduled also fpr April 22 and owner of Union County Foodtown 29 for the opponents of the Johanna Watson of Cranford, brother in the billet when the leave and reduced load plan for spring semester is up by 11 per- ment of Transportation officials examined Simofl", disputing his force of the explosion blew the MEDICAL BREAKTHROUGH faculty and a terminal leave plan cent over last year, which is fur- stores, said the site did not'have a also had endorsed the proposed traffic statistics, analyses and con- Waldbaum's proposal. This will wife of the late Jim Watson, a sufficient number of parking former Company A ijcommander door out of my hand. You could, for non-faculty. The Plainfield ther exacerbating the college's fis- traffic configuration. Fahey. also clusions. While this is only the include Mahoney^ witnesses and • : PUTS AN EHD TO YO-YO DIETING FOREVER! spaces and that the small size of, comments from the public. About M?ith the 294, recently shared a hear the explosion a mile away," Center will be closed for this sum- cal problems. • . . . questioned Simoff as to howfirst expert witness presented "by he said. mer and the Scotch Plains cam- "Because of the downturn in the the lot combined with a proposed trucks would travel to the South attorney Dennis Mahoney in op-25 residents attended Monday story about the accident and the pus for the second summer ses- economy, many families cannot traffic signal at the entrance Avenue site if it was a position to the Waldbaum's site, night's hearing. '••• subsquent steps leading to two Luciano along with Dickinson sion. afford to send their sons and would cause traffic signal at the memorials dedicated to the memr Debevoise : of Short Hills, and TflE UCC president.Thomas Brown daughters away to college and entrance would cause traffic con- ory of all battalion men who were Watson were among the many said he will develop a plan by must look to their local commu- gestion and safety hazards. He killed. participants - who helped launch April to.discontinue low enrollr nity college," the UCC president noted emergency vehicles and Her husband, who died before the project CARBOHYDRATE ment programs and also devise a said. "With the ErHitsa funding we equipment might not be able to the project wa§ completed, had According to Debevoise in a reductibn-in-force plan, also de- anticipate in 1991-92, we maygain access to the property under lived in Cranford since 1956. She speech he gave at a dedication signed to help alleviate the have to curtail enrollment in these conditions. subsequently took over as commit- service at St Paul's Church, Jer- ADDICTS DIET 1991-92 budget shortfall. some programs, and, indeed, may Regarding auto traffic, Simoff tee treasurer, traveling to. She- sey. City, the project was the : have to limit enrollment overall." said the proposed retail use for rbome two years ago for the dedi- brainchild of Jim Orrico of A Brown reported -the $2.97 mil- Company who also died before Dr. RachaelF. Heller and lion budget gap results from an 8. The trustees voted not to reap- the site would greatly increase cation service. traffic on airea roads,., whereas The accident, an antitank mine the project was complete. His: ^_t Dr. Richard F. Heller percent cut hi state aid, a reduc- point four assistant professors and wife, Angle, later took over for tion in the county appropriation 12 instructors. Eleven are mem- traffic would not increase greatly explosion, happened during a bers of the English/fine arts/mod- if the site were used for commer- training exercise March 20, 1944, him as committee secretary. • If every pound you lose comes right back... of about $400,000 and increased cial-light industrial-research pur- costs resulting from salary in- .ern languages department, two less than two months prior to the After an extensive letter writing • If you constantly crave snack foods... creases, mandated health benefits each in the business'and mathe- poses, asif is zoned currently. D-Day invasion at Normandy and fund-raising campaign two matics Departments, and one in Trucks delivering to the pro- Beach. News of the accident was memorial plaques—one commem- • If one doughnut always leads to another—and another.,. payments, increased cost of non- :at: salary items, and increased debt the. biology. department The re-posed stores store would be trav- not widely reported due to strict orating the 29 Company C men duction will save an estimate eling on roads such as Centennial, censorship rules in effect at thekilled in Sherborne and one dedi- Ifou may have more than an ordinary weight problem. You may services resulting from the open- THE WARDLAW-HARTRIDGE SCHOOL cated in memory of the 16 battal- ing of the new Commons Building. $400,000. ..._: Lincoln and Walnut avenues, and time. be suffering from a carbohydrate addiction,which you can con- The board last month raised tu- Simoff said all these roads had Following the war, many of the ion men killed following the inva- "Our primary problem is a de- "substandard bridges" that would Mid-afternoon, when most school classes In the Upper School, all students develop battalion's members returned to sion—were dedicated March 12,. quer. Drs. Richard and Rachael Heller of the Mt. Sinai School of crease in state aid for the third ition by $5 a credit, bring tuition 1989 at St Paul's Church. Medicine have devised a medically sound, easy-to-fpllow plan for consecutive yean 2 percent in for part-time students to $50 per allow minimal clearance for end, is just the beginning of new learning ex- their minds and bodies through participation Sherbprne to visit friends and the 1989-90,11 percent in 1990-91 and credit and increasing the rate for trucks passing. Underneath. Once periences at the Wardlaw-Hartridge School. inabroad range of sports and extra curricular familiesjwho sheltered them. Another service followed June 6 permanent weight loss and a lifetime of good health. 8 percent in 1991-92," Brown said. full-time students from $1,020 to the trucks entered the proposed After classes that provide the strong and programs — football, soccer, field hockey, IN MEMORIAM: Plaques in memory of war casualties and 29 One member, fearing that the at the Sherborne Abbey War Me- $1,200 a year. . Waldbaum's loading area, the ve- men killed would be forgotten, de- morial where the plaques were THIS IS NOT JUST ANOTHER DIET- "We anticipate that state aid, in hicles could unload adequately, broad intellectual and artistic background tennis, basketball, swimming, Softball, base- U.S. soldiers killed-'during a[World War II.training exercise In unveiled alongside the plaques 1991-92 will proyide_«iji]y 18 per- that readies young people for college and a' ball, volleyball, chorus, band, drama, and a Sherbome, England are posted On thlsjTianument there. cided to work towards establish- IT IS A REVOLUTION IN HEALTHY WEIGHT-LOSS. cent of our total revenues, while ing a memorial dedicated not only dedicated to the men who died in productive life, most Wardlaw-Hartjidge.stu- variety of clubs. to; the soldiers who died the acci- World War I and II. dents head for any one of a host of after DUTTON UCC offers 13 professional* . This stimulating learning environment suc- dent but to those soldiers from the K :.Luciano said that a group of bat- school enrichments. , '•..;.'. battalion who died in Europe im- tiilion members had attended the At bookstores now Penguin USA ceeds in building strong students. We • are service which at the time marked u Elizabethtown Water mediately following.the invasioa ; eivriichment courses for April In the Lower School, they attend our After '. prbud that 88% of our students are admitted A committee was formed de* the 45th anniversary of. the acci- School Progranrwhichoffers a structured to thejr first choice college. . • " voted to the project Funds were dent He has had discussions with nominees for Thirteen single-session courses p.m., April 22; "Misconceptions. study hour^ Afterwards, students explore their Come join us at our next Open House and other members about the possibik Offered fpr non-credit in areas of its annual'rhydrant flushing raised, a sculptor was hired and About Divorce and How Women creativity in a wide variety of arts and crafts leafn how your child can be a part of the- the community of Sherborne of- ity of returning again in 1994 in. professional and/or personal en- Can Protect Themselves," 7 to 9 Elizabethtown Water Co.. Began hydrants. honor of the 50th anniversary. pride awards richment will be conducted dur- p.m" April 24, Cranford; "Build and outdoor activities: Here, the after school total learning experience of The Wardlaw- fered to make the memorial a hours are filled with fun and learning. Hartridge School; its annual fire hydrant flushing Customers may experience dis- ing April at: Union County College. Long-term Financial Security this week. colored water for short periods of _. m.'. *.'••••• Cranford Chamber of Commerce New this semester is "Gas and Through the Use of Mutual The water company flushes its is seeking nominees for this year's Oil: Is There an Investment Op- Funds,"7:30 to 9 p.m., April 24, time while flushing is being done jaycees contmumg membership drive hydrants each spring to prepare in their neighborhoods. The water Johnnie Philadelphia Bacardi , "Pride of Cranford" awards which : portunity for You?" to help inves- Scotch Plains; "How to Overcome. •"•• OPEN HOUSE AT THE UPPER SCHOOL • its system for the summer months. still will be safe and any discolor- Cranford Jaycees will continue a day party, fishing derby, Child will supplant its Citizen of the tors counterbalance gas and oiYoul r Fear of Speaking Forever," ation will disappear rapidly. How- membership drive with an open Walker Red 1.75 Uter Rum FOR GRADES 8-12 — THURSDAY, APRIL 4 AT 9;O0AM Hydrant flushing is the process of Shield program, leadership con- 1.75 Uter Year award. . consumer price fluctuations. The 9 a.m. to noon, April 27, Cranford; forcing water through mains to ever, it is best to wait until the meeting next Thursday at 8:30ferences, Halloween parade and 750 ml Members of the public are in- class will examine risks and re-"Standing Ovation Speaking," 7 to • LOWER SCHOOL ENTRANCE TESTING • dislodge small particles of rust water is clear before using dish or p.m. at the VFW hall, South Ave- scholarship award. vited to nominate any single indi- wards of being an investor in en- 9 p.m., April 29, Cranford; and and sediment Such sediment clothes washers. nue and Thomas Street The goal of the Jaycees is to de- Dekuyper Amaretto vidual or organization who has ergy resources. The course will be "Building a Second Income;" 7:30. FOR GRADES 1*7— SATUROAY, APRIL 13 AT 8:30AM does not affect water purity, but it The organization is open to any- velop leadership skills through contributed a community service held 7:30 to" 9 p.m. April 10 on the to 9 p.m., April 29, Scotch Plains. can cause water to become discol- Elizabethtown will flush hy- Peachtree Di Amore to Cranford in the past year. one over the age of 18 interested community development More in- Scotch Plains campus. Call 709-7601. ored, when'the peak demands of drants in the evening, between in serving the community. Annual formation is available from mem- 750 ml 750 ml AwardeeS will be honored at a Another new course, "The Sur- Upper School • 1295 Inmah Avehue -Edison, NJ 08820 • (201) 754-1882-. the summer cause water to travel the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m., to $ Lower School • 1040 Plaintield Avenue • Plainfield, NJ 07060 • (201) 756-0035 projects include a blood drive, bership . chairman Richard $y99 banquet April 24 . at Schering- est Way to Financial Indepen- at an increased velocity through reduce any inconvenience to mor Firecracker four-mile race, flea Flamini, 272-8779, or by attending Plough Corp,, Keniiworth. Devel- dence," will deal With attitudes, the mains. /~ torists and to eliminate possible market, sports program^ town holi- next week's meeting. opment awards also will be pre- spending habits, risk factors and Student wins two hazards to children. The company sented at the banquet"; -v.c;ov,, ^ Ih addition, hydrarft flushing is anticipates the program will be w disciplines,':^'-wilV be'heldV7c3&to ; aM ,tM]|jjuiir> -prul.-JiOV part of Elizabethtown's year-long GalloChablls Deadline for nominations, either m;Ap^ll5^nS•'•• . /, '. ;• Diamond Our policy .on corrections As Seen on TV starring Cathy Lte Cnsbj YALL COME! No calories to count, no foods to • Conventional delivery room available; Pendant The Crawford Chroniclewill promptly correct errors of fact, context weigh, arid no need to go hungry • Muhlenbergfs Cesarean section rate is among Craft Market .05 carat '98* or presentation and clarify any news content that confuses or mis- ; while you lose an average of 14 * the lowest—and therefore best—in the state; leads readers^ Please report errors to Chronicle editor Patricia An- lbs. per month. Millions are derson, 102 Walnut Ave., Cranford, NJ. 07016, 276-6000. All correc- calling the Micro Diet the most • In-ioom bonding with baby 24 hours a day or April 12, 13 & 14 '00 tions and clarifications vM appear in this space on this page as a effective and affordable at mother's request; .08 catat -*158 . plan ever.' • ' Sin in- \\ convenience ana courtesy to our readers. ^Family link programs indudingprenatal $ :. of Qrani>'s .10 carat - 175:oo Mountainside attended the chapter's recent 46th anniversary cel- CALL 1-800-732-0937 ebration. • ••.'""• NewSpetMCareNurseryforbabiesneedb^ • VTP dinner for new morhs and^dads; 14 kt. YellowGold] • Special visitation hours.for graTTRlparents Barrings Setting & Chain special medical and nursing care. • [U It UTS \\ IK'I and siblings. ••'.: . •:--.:'''•• :-/r ,\' /-...^'••••- :.: .07 tw -*104°° What lies beyond the horizon ? To find the Obstetrician, G\ w or Bediatridan thafs right for you, call Bar more information or to arrange a tour .10 *u,- the FREE Healthlink Physician Refenal of the ChiM Birth Center, call 668-2353. THE GREATEST TEXAS BAR-B-QUE Service at 668-3000. The entire world, EAST OF THE PECOS 14 kt Yellow Gold April3-May4 Setting MUHLENBERG REGIONAL ., if yoi^know hew to get there MEDICAL CENTER, INC. Mosey on over for some down-home Park Avenue &: Randolph Road, Plainhefd, NJ 07061 • cooking, including Hot 'n Spicy The Diamond Experts Chili, Sam Houston's BBQ Pbrk Ellqn R. Ramer. Certified Gemologist Appraiser Giria L. Vted, Certified Gemologist Appraiser Ribs, BBQ Rourid-Up Burgers, JlJRiatered Jeweler ^lCkaBBQBfei i IJ ^H ^^ v * ^*v~ ^^ ^^ ^m ^B«-^^ ^^^ ^H^^ |^ ^a. a^^^v Hf kt^ T~ — — v^ w HV ^^^ ^ ||>r te, Caramel Apple Grannies and our Texas Saloon Specials featuring OPEN HOUSE The Texas Bulldog complete with a free Sheriffs Badge. YOUR PERSONAL JEWELER SINCE 1945 SUNDAY, JIPRIL 7, 3 TO 5 PM Call for our live entertainment scheduler ORATORY PREP The 12 North Avenue West • Cranford, NJ 07016^ UTlCJa. (908) 276-6718 DAB & RESTAURANT 1 Beverly Rd., Summit (273-1084) AGS ACCREPrreD GEM LAB (A?g^CERTIFIED GEMOLOGIST APPRAISERS BRIDGEWATER CRANFORD MONTCLAIR "The Best of College Prep" MORRISTOWN SUMMIT M0N., TOES.. & m. 0:48-8:30 • THUHS. 0:48-8^0 • SAT. 9:30-8:00 • CLOSED WED. Thursday, April 4,1991 CRANFORD CHRONICLE A-5" v4 CRANFORD CHRONICLE Thursday, April 4,1991 bounty office offers seniors Plan board approves doctors' office, Moen improvements Viewpoint tors. It was preliminarily submit- ing for screening of neighboring the board's concepts so, therefore, Commentary to reverse mortgages -ted to the-boardJnJuly, bhliditto to tfmsit e than owners to educate themselves y A letter from a township resi- be longer lasting and the board originally hoped for by the appli- Older homeowners who fitint o cant", noted board member about the various plans offered. Chronicle associate dent submitted to the board prior agreed. 0 the category of "house richbu t"Most important," she continued, The Planning Board has unani-' to the hearing took issue with the "Consider what the buffering Robert McArthur as the board Let's help our own cash poor" could use a copy of "A "this brochure is the first step in mously approved applications for fact that "this is the fourth office will look like in a couple of years mulled final approval. ','! think Advocates, speak up Guide to Reverse Mortgages," a they (the applicant) can be a good J investigating revejrse mortgage op- construction of a doctors' office building in * the last- couple of said board chairman Henry The implementation of a public safety department is viewed To the Editor: '.---Y brochure recently released by the tions," .:• m.. building on North Avenue and for years that's gone up on North Av- Dreyer. "Shrubbery looks , a lot neighbor and, when all improve- I am concerned with the way the to helelp ssecure e JobsJob, feed,feed,::. Union County register nf d j-Moen- irp niarte. T think tjysome --as-a- means to reduce TtotiiTlt U.srgovernmenns forgiving other shelter "the^homeless; and help-.j- artd mortgages: ~ warehouse, packaging and distri- structed" on that centrally located fence." have a building that'll be a credit There is an indication $225,000 could be saved over two years by countries of the billions of dollars those that are on a fixed income. J gaily responsiSbite=far recording, fil- Register Joanne Rajoppi said a ing and preserving all property bution center. roadway. ; Beroy explained the interior de- to the neighborhood." the consolidation of police and fire administratioa At first blush of debt owed, toth e U.S. I canChink its about time we make a,t reverse mortgage is."simply a type # building owned by The Moen "Hopefully, the applicants will sign of the building indicating that bigger effort in helping our own. :, . transactions within the 21 munici- the dollar amount is impressive, but the substantiating figures understand trying to create good of home equity conversion pro- palities of Union County. In 1990 Organization and used by the give more attention to the aesthet- the second floor would be a labo- and charts are coriftising. Advocates have done a poor, job of diplomatic relations with them, This country cannot survive ifr.o gram designed to transform the Commodity Holding Corp., which ics of the building," stressed the ratory and support facility for the internally we are slowly coming).; the register cited a 40 per cent explaining the benefits of consolidation to the community ' but at what cost The taxpayers of equity in homes into cash, either increase in the number of home packages dates and nuts for distri- letter, "more than just a rectangu- building, that the other two floors this country are the ones that will apart The people of this country., as- a monthly payment or lump bution, received approval March lar structure on a 100-by-200-foot would be used for physicians' of- Police and,fire representatives are voicing disapproval of the are the ones that Will keep this/> foreclosures compared to 1989. for phobia victi plan to do away with their chiefs in favor of. one safety director. be paying for these diplomatic re- sum to homeowners while they These significant and dramatic in- 21 for exterior window and door- lot" It also asked the board to fices and the basement would be lations and at a great cost country going and these are thej? still live in their home. For senior way .alterations, as well as con- note that "the architect's render- used to store medical records. '-;The Phobia Release Education . Could internal damage outweigh the benefits? Somehow, some- ones that we need to help «flrski > creases, Rajoppi believes, are in- I want to know when are we citizens who need more income, dicative of the negative impact struction of a driveway and side- ing usually doesn't look like the Dr. Paul JiP. Bolanowski told the Program (PREP) will begin its one has to start answering questions. Is a guesstimated $100,000 going to forgive our own hungry, this is the greatest country lit the,. but who don't want to sell their walk on the property located at actual building six months later." board that he and twerother doc- spring series of treatment groups savings per year worth tampering with successful forces? world; let's keep it that, way for ; the downturn in the economy has homeless, unemployed, and our u home, this can be an attractive al- had on residents' lives. ?The 125 Moen Ave. In addition, the Architect Richard Beroy's artis- tors will be maintaining office with application interviews to be Implementing Citizens Budget Advisory Comrtiittee (QRAC) citizens that live on a fixedin -always. Lefs help one another. <:_,* ternative." board gave the organization untiL- tic rendition of the building de- hours between 9 a.m. and 5 pm.,held this month. •'••' Michael Crincoli present economy and recession recommendations could save even more. If cost saving, isihe come? Companies are closing up The brochure answers 12 basic are deeply felt by those livmg on Oct 1 to plant landscaping to picted a three-story brick veneer Monday through Friday. "SQctims of these disorders suffer ultimate goal, the governing body should put its own house in or laying off people because of 406 Willow Ave,;.- questions that will help home- screen its parking lot : building with, what he called,, "a , "With present practice, I doubt from Irrational, fears of a variety Garwood,. fixed incomes" she said. . order first The CBAC laid it all out in black and white. IVfost business being slow, maybe some owners assess the: advantages and The guide is available by re- The application presented by traditional approach" to a front we'll''go. past 7 p.m.," he said of of objects suchlas insects, riding obvious, even to the casual observer, was the 81-page report of these billions of dollars should disadvantages of such loans. • quest through the register's office North Avenue Associates involved lobby window extending through employees in the building after of- on elevators, or being in a close or Since the concept of reverse site plan approval for an office fice hours. crowded situation. Others experi- from the administrative and finance subcommittee which illus- :•,-. •••••••:. r-v. .. ••" at Union County Courthouse, 2 all three floors near the elevator. trated poor management was eating up taxpayers' money. Was mortgages is not well-known to Broad St, Elizabeth 07207, -building with a parking lot which Beroy.'.told., the board he pre- Building engineer Donald . erice sudden panic attacks most people, Rajoppi urges home- would accommodate three doc- ferred shrubbery in lieu of fenc- Guarriellp of Clark indicated that marked by fear and feelings of this missed by the governing body? Over $1.3 million in cost 527-4787. dread. savings could be realized if the recommendations are taken he believed "some lighting fix- : tures can certainly be put on a PREP combines a variety of seriously. * Discass like mature adults First Fidelity lowers rates oil former savings bank CDs timer for security purposes." treatment methods found;to be ef- Yet the township has a "special committee" working feverishly "The applicant has reduced the fective in the management; of anx- To the Editor •.'•."•.' .':.''• A By Rosalie Gross letters toa n estimated 70,000 af- arranging for trustee letters and going tob e disappointed." iety disorders. CaU 272-03Q3. to address all the issues involved in forming a public safety George and Dorothy size of the building to comply with department If $1.3 million is more than $225,000, what is the In recent weeks I have found longasIresideinOanford. ' fected customers were mailed transfers for each separate IRA The Fidelity spokesman said ac- notes taped to my car window on The 25 years I have spent In this!' of Cranford felt pretty confident March 22 from Newark arid account The resident who felt his quiring institutions traditionally agenda? More importantly, whose agenda is'it? two separate occasions. The notes, neighborhood have been pleasant'' that they were locked info attrac- should have arrived in sufficient CDs represented a contract with adjust rates because "savings in-. Mayor Ed Force made it clear late.last September when he which were both unsigned, told It seems tom e that the true dis*" tive rates on certificates of de- time to satisfy the seven-day the bank, said,. "I resent that a stitutions that were in trouble typ- formed the Public Safety Department Research Committee he me that my car is "a poor image grace of the neighborhood would^: posit (CD) in their Individual Re- contract-can:be so easily broken." ically paid above market rates for The Most Powerful notice requirement under Fidel- 1 11 was in charge of this project When governing body member for the neighborhood," an "eye-be anyone who would leave such'' tirement Accounts at the: now de-. ity's contract with the Resolution Levine said that once a bahk is depositors money. He said when Dan Aschenbach requested to be in on the preliminary study, sore" and "a disgrace to taxpayers a note in the first place. Maybe if ftjnct City Federal Savings. But Trust Corp. (RTC). Levine esti- seized by the ^government, '"that City Federal was selling CDs, iri- offer we've ever made. Force refused saying, "This ihyiimetable and my committee." People yearn for hometowns and owners of homes." the person who is- leaving these'L. ...thjejr_i:high-.- rates __vanished this,- mated- Fidelity acquired~250,0O0 -contract is essentially abrogated;"- -tererest -rates'rWetje higher arid There was little doubt left in the minds of those who heard the The fact is that I am a taxpayer notes has enough guts to sit down' w»eek,when the newiwiier, First to 300,000 former City Federal He said Fidelity "is not unsym- "they felt compelled to pay pre- ,and I find absolutely nothing to be with me and discuss the situation 1 Fidelity,; Bank, lowered _the rates pathetic that the customer is dis- mium rates, double digit rates for confrontation that Force wanted a.public safety,department, at ; customers in 48 branches from , Save $25 to $75 on walk disgraceful about my car. I will like mature adults, we may be- -to current market levels. appointed that rates are being ad- long terms that are not support- Recycling Mowers any cost What is becoming more clear is the timetable. Force's to be way they used to be . While Gordimer acknowledged RTC in January. . Recycled dippings help the, park my car in the neighborhood, able to come to a resolve. Levine said the March 22 mail- justed. We understand Deode are able in the current market" environment. Recycling' i second three-year term is up this year. He has yet to announce as I have for the past seven years, Wayne Zuhll Ftfrst Fidelity's right under fed- 21"posh, 21"soM[ eral law to adjust the rates,-he ing for an April Lrate change "ex- available on all Hi-Vac equipment/ Recydor his intentions. for this yearns election, opting instead to. keep and I .will continue. to do so as ,. Brookside Place ceeded, in our view, the seven-:day Mowers, Riders') Tractors. everyone ^essinfcJlheJbmatiorL^^ By Moore " Sprawling progress? That's wliat was angered by what he felt was ==A-ftinny-thing happened,on the short notice. The local couple re- requirement..We-acted-within-the- and the upcoming election seem to be running parallel to each' we've all unthinkingly accepted. '. letter and spirit of the require- way to the 21st century: We've Sort of a .Manhattanizing manifest ceived a letter March 27 from i Total Protection other.'"- y,.. ,' • •• .:. :' •. • - .-.• •' . ' •"•. . • • • •' "_ . ' ' ''. • somehow misplaced the 19th and First Fidelity informing them the ment" He added that a letter Six CASSETTES •CD'S Warranty ' Bonus Offer destiny. It's actually been the kind weeks earlier informed customers For a limited time.purchase The repercussions of consolidation already have become evi- at least hallf of the 20th century. of progress which happens when new rates would take effect April You provide Usual maintenance a mower or rider and Thanks that Fidelity had the right to ad- GIFT CERTIFICATES we cover ALL repairs FREE fr dent Police and firemen have publicly aired their objections. We old-timers recall those peri- nobody stops to wonder \vhether Keep cats inside • .1. "••.•• •••':•••: '••,.. $50-5100 of Snapper These objections have merit They ask simply, "If it ain't broke, just rates. He said riiany custom- ACCESSORIES •2 years. No questions asked I accessories, and ods as when people lived in it's good or-bad. In other words, To the Editor :. "That left me two business; ers had rates in the 10- to 15- receive a $50$1O0 why fix it?" To date, no one has answered that question. The places which had names like Liv- blind progress. : I would like to.thank the Cran- TotheEditor: days," said Gordimer. "I don't percent range for up to 15 years. U.S. Savings Bond. one meeting held so far was a fiasco. Not only was the commit- ingston or Whippany or Turners- Step 2 of this blind progress has ford Police Department and First Not long ago I watched an adors, thirik that's sufficient notice. I These have been reduced to the able half-grown black and white, tee not pt-epared to answer questionsti b, some Inemberl s openly ville. Those used to be* places been adoption of municipal land- Aid Squad for their excellent job cfon't know if it's, legal." He said 7-percent range. • Powerful Warranty' Et Saving* • Powerful Bonus use laws like building codes and in the aid of my brother. Having kitten walking on a sidewalk hi ah earlier brochure notified cus- iimiiiiiiiiii ridiculed police and firemen when they asked questions. The many of us can remember as hay- Gordimer, whose highest-rate H2.99 SAVE up to ingl centers in which we 1 west Cranford. meeting was viewed as an attempt to placate the men who ^trTs l^S^cm'" ffi* zoning —things recognized as nec- fallen down the stairs, he was co- tomers that, they would receive CDs paid 8.5 percent for five $500.00 Vlsivisitt storestoress wrug(drug> , groceryce , essary to keep the factories away matose and in grave condition A week later the kitten was lying! seven days notice.if fixed rates on Tndon. guard this town, further inciting negative reaction, which tee- ware, etc.) and the n^° retur^ n"al to ou- r dead in the middle of West Holly, years, felt Fidelity did not satisfy * vBSSClICSi miiiiii ii¥v from the houses and to protect when: they arrived. Their quick were to be changed. the seven-day requirement He tered precariously on the edge prior to the meeting. houses on foot values both present.and potential. response and transportation to Street First Fidelity's director of public (unless already marked lower, long play or doubles) It.was a disgrace to hear one study committee member make said he spent most of Friday Those town centers also had the I cannot argue with the need for the proper hospital played a big Many things can happen to a cat, relations, Paul Levine, said that checking rates at other banks and snide remarks under his breatiitiiroughout the meeting. It was municipal building, lawyers' and those laws in the '40's and '50's, part in his survival. " [ ' outdoors, and nearly all of them enlightening to watch the commissioner of public safety sit doctors' offices, • a school and when they started. It is comforting to know that we are bad. So, cat owners, please, ALSO ON SALE! throughout an entire four hours and never once speak The probably a bank. Chances are Step 3 inevitably has been the live in a town where We have su- keep your cats healthy and alive;"-* 50 entire meeting was a revelation in itseE there was a railroad station or at decay of one-time "downtowns" perior emergency services there keep them indoors. jj Oldie Cassettes *6 ea. A3 for. MB? Meanwhile the study committee merrily pursues the quest least the intersection of two cross- into evolving slum areas, into to help us when we need them. Bill Ridley) While'^g^in^U&dms^ theirealvpjraHems. that fester heneath country roads. In the first half of v whjcE 'lowering, values • have " Jane James. 54-Third-Ave. } & Mm 433 South Ave.W fcCVl A A if f|Mon-SatlO-6 : NolntM>*1f no payments the :20th cejatuiy; thereI'-niay have Garwood • Thurs'til 8:30 itni^i October 1st nequntiOXdottnp^rm*. the surbtce^ASi^^^tJjeing driven into a-systein that "works; channeled .the folks at. the, bottom 414 Lincoln Park E. Westfleld (opp. Midas) \|Q*f "f I I W Saayour pMrtidpathg Snapper dttiv lot M *<•** on been a trolley stop, forthat was of the economic ladder. They de- Specializing in Mo nog ramming wvrmnty *nd pmmo&ont. . ' Several • weeks; agOj ifye^jjommittee was given the go-ahead toWhen mass existed without further investigate' tne formation of public safety department today's masses. serve better, as their fate is that of ... , Ours .— Yours society as a whole. • within the township/ If questions are. not answered, voices not As we all know, those times FOOD WAREHOUSE heard, fears not taken seriously, arid more information not laid have given way to progress, in the. Only recently, a growing num- SAVE CASH! OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Belle Mead Middlesex ber of people have figuratively 5 120AN. Union Ave. ' Mon.-Sat: 9:30-5:00, Thur. 9 Sale Thru Hlllsborough Lawn & Garden Middlesex Power Equip. on the. table, the $24.45 savings over 18 month per average form of big and even bigger hous- Calendar of meetings 4/8/91 NOW OPEN SUN. 9-5 stood back and examined New Cranford, N.J. 07016 '"': (908) 272-2033 635 Route 28 taxpayer will not matter. What will matter in the end, is the ing developments eating up the IMPERIAL BOILED HAM 820 Route 206 consequences of fixing something that is not broke. spaces between what once were Jersey as a single entity in terms Thursday, April 4 (908) 874-8300 (908) 968-0778 places. . of what so-called progress has 7:30 p.m. Cranford Mayor's Com- 8 p.m. Cranford Planning Board? ROOT BEER SODA $-149 59 done and surely will do if it con- mittee on Airplane Noise, Munici- 95 Ib ib. Municipal Building ; 1 tinues on its present course. It's pal Building : 10 Case 24 $ J09 WtwIa.Ham Half of « Ham Bernardsville Plscataway become obvious that the course is 8 p.m. Kenilworth Planning Thursday, April 18 S 1201. bottles Quart Bottle 10-12 Ib. Avtf.10 Ib. box 6-6 Ib. Avg Malone Power Equip. Stelton Mower downhill. \ Board, Borough Hall 7:30 P-m. Cranford Mayor's Com-j B&Q KOSHER DILL IMPERIAL Quimby Lane 1203SteltonRd. Marge and J^atty expect theni That's what led to legislative ap- Saturday, April 6 mittee on Airplane Noise, Munici-j PICKLE CHIPS SUCED BOILED HAM (908)766^6565 (908)985-1117 proval for the State Planning Act 8:30 a.m. Cranford Township pal Building « MATT'S SERVICE CENTER 89 $ 95 At Our My parents have -been replaced by exact dupli- they would do without her working her fingers to the Committee budget workshop, Mu- 8 p.raCranford Board of Educa-S 98 The concept is to invent a better 2 I i0 d. Ib. Pack Dell Station Bound Brook Raritan cates. The pfeoplell call Mom and Dad could not bone." And I, mild mannered reporter that I am, nicipal Building tion budget hearing, Lincoln; par gallon I' Caw 4 Gal. possibly be-the same parents I grew up with..wOh bask in the long awaited, richly deserved praise. .'.., kind of progress for the parts of Lawnmower Repair Shop Somerset Lawn & Garden the state still relatively free of Monday, April 8 School •'•,••• • r SAN GIORGIO PASTAS FLORIDA TOMATOES yeah, they look the same, remember everything from just recently I had lunch with my parents. No, we 7 p.m. Kenilworth Borough Monday, April 22 . •'.'.• ! Oil Change SpeciaPV^EE Electrical, • Cut Zltl • Cut Spaghetti 237 W. Union Ave. 201 West End Ave. my childhqod...but you can't fool me. did not go to Denny's/although Dad did all he could bulldozers and mini-malls, and to • Elbow Macaroni 95 reshape progress to begin revital- Council workshop, Borough Hall 7 p.m. Kenilworth Borough' I Up to 5 qts. Oil, Filter, & Lube (908)356-0846 (908)722-0250 : It was a gradual change...and if I were more on the to convince me that Marge and Patty would be hurt Council workshop, Borough Hall ! I System Check 195 - ization of the areas which once 7:30 p.m. Cranford Township TuesdayrApril 23 _...... -.-.,-.j|. ,79* I *±5 ball I would have picked up on this whole thing a lot I met them here were "places." : Committee budget workshop, Mu- T I Check condition of Belts; I 2Olb. caso Ib.-.-!-.-. 6x6casa of 25 lbs. Clark Scotch Plains sooner. I'm coping as best as I can, considering I though I was late, I never had to worry about my Some say we begin the process nicipal Building 8 pm Granford Township Com-» tax . Alternator output* • MANCINI ~~ FROZEN ClartTPower Equip. Anderson Lawnmower,, have to get use to these new parents who have throw folks. By the time I got there, Dad had met all the of dying at birth. Medicine aims to 8 p.m. Cranford Board of Educa- mittee, Municipal Building j All Fluid Levels Checked I and Battery • FRIED PEPPERS FRENCH FRIED POTATOES 1132Westffeld Ave. 1716 E. Second St. all caution to the wind. Where are the parents who waitresses, knew their names, how many kids they 8 p.m. Kenilworth Borough! Good for Most Cars slow that process. Today's plan- tion workshop, Lincoln School ____._. •~---tytintAmii)1 | :. Good (or most cars, Foreign »nd Domestic j 29 oz. Cam of (908) 381-3777 (908) 322-1945 Council, Borough Hall ' .'••..,• j Bag used to think I did everything wrong? Who moni- had and how many surgeries each had endured over ners are hoping state planning 8 p.m. Kenilworth Board of Edu- Can 6/Slb. Bags tored my every movc.who unjustly accused me at a lifetime. ._ 8:30 p.m. Garwood Borough j Straight Of Cilnkla Cut medicine will work for whatever cation^ Harding School HBrake Special Westfleld every bend? Could these people be the same ones we live in this state we're hi Tuesfay, April 9 Council, preceded by workshop at \ MARVEL DOWNY FLAKE PANCAKES Fords 7, Borough Hall | . Brake SoeciapRear Drums Brakes! Fords Lawnmower Mclntyre's Lawnmower who reminded me every day for 18 years that I may 7 p.m. Garwood Board of Educa- I • $7095 $ 95 I LONG LIFE LIGHT BULBS An earlysymptom of the disease 95 235 Elmer St. never grow up...that they brought me into this world of sprawl development has been tion budget hearing followed by Wednesday, April 24 ''..{ 53 2B 40 $4 39 Pack of 769 King Georges Rd. ' and could take me out? I seriously doubt it . Front Disc- #« $ 4 98 Avg.ll/• -"'-a • ' 8 Packs of (908)232-2528 the disappearance of the "places" workshop, Lincoln School 8 p.m. Garwood Planning Board, I Install Rear Shoes, Cut Rear I i p ' 2000Hours. 60-75& JL~ 12 Pieces *1O (908)738-1955 The stable, regimented, you can "set your clock by I Install Bandlx Metallic Pads, Resur- Drums, Inspect Wheel Cylinder* 4 K to which folks once related. Re- 8 pm. Cranford Township Com- BoroughHall [ face Rotors, Clean and Repack and Brake Unes us" parents have completely forgotten all the rules. search has shown that when peo- mittee, Municipal Building Thursday, April 25 J I Wheel, Bearing*, Inspect Callpen, I ATTENTION UTOE LEAGUES. WE ARE YOUR ONE STOP SHOP. Martinsville Now they live like gypsies, taking off early in the I Brake Hoses, Seals ( Good for most cars, Foreign, and Domestic. ' I ONE SALESMAN TO TALK TO, ONE DEUVERY TO TAKE IN & ONE CHECK TO WRITE ple are asked to design their own 8 p.m. Kenilworth Borough 7:30 pm. Cranford Mayor's Com-} : Martinsville Power Mower morning for God knows where. Heaven forbid I Shenanigans version of an ideal community, Council, Borough Hall mitee on Airplane Noise, Munici-i L Good for most cars, Forelgnwd Domestic should suggest they let me know when they will be ; BOULEVARD WHOLESALE FOODS 1948 Washington Valley Rd. By Cheryl Moulton the result usually is something 8:30 p.m. Garwood Borough pal Building (908)302-1566 back...I hear, "We don't know, we have a lot of er- reminiscent of the way things CoUncil, preceded by workshop at Cranford "A WAREHOUSE OF SAVINGS' 200 South Ave Hours: MOM.-Weil. 8-6 CALL FOI! EASY DIRECTIONS rands to do." How many errands can a retired cou- 7, BoroughHall 900 Lincoln Blvd. ple have to do everyday? Their schedule makes .used to be,• even though, many 272-4060 Tluirs. & Fri. 8-8 201-469-8401 Thursday, April 11 1 mine look like I'm on vacation. As for catching them were tooyoun g to remember. ' Sflt. 8-5 • Suil. 9-5 IVV Acc.nitt Food St.))!!/' ' Middlesex, NJ < at hqjme at dinner time...forget it, they eat-out—at Pitted against statewide efforts' 7:30 p.m. Cranford Mayor's^ Com- Denny's. It is "the" in place for seniors and after to reshape New Jersey's future mittee on'Airplane Noise, Munici- all...Marge and Patty expect them, •. ; • development pattern is an array pal Building About letters of agents who perceive • Marge and Patty know just how Dad likes his pota- tioirof sprawl as being thefr be 4:30 p.m. Cranford Library board •ni liiv v ai«r atawa nil toes (with, a lake of gravy) and Mom never has to ohahce-.to' retire to a better place of trustees ' ' . many residents'- letters asi pos- remind them she drinks only decaffeinated coffee -Mom, meanwhile, zeroed in on wrapping rolls up far away from New Jersey. But as 8 p.m. Cranford Board of'Educa- sible onusubjects of local inter- with milk, not cream. Just last week Mom was talk- in napkins, securing sugar packets discreetly in her with garbage, we've discovered tion, Lincoln School : est Letters to the editor may pocketbook, and getting to know Hank and Bertha in be submitted t>y mail or by fax CD, ing about Marge's latest adventure when she moved there is no more away. 8 p.m> Kenilworth Board of Edu- mm mm into her new house. I didn't know who "Marge" was the next booth. If anything good can be said cation budget hearing and candi- no later than 3 p.m. Tuesday. or how she related to our family. Dad straightened Coming in the door, all waitresses greeted me by about a recession, maybe it's the dates night, Harding School All letters should be typed or me out: "Marge is our waitress at Denny's," he said name; the cook and the patrons- within a three-booth fact that it will slow our sightless 8:15 p.nu Cranford Board of Ad- clearly written arid include the to me as if I had no sense in my head. How could I radius of my parents, waved and asked how the progress while the medicine of justment, Municipal Building writer's signature, address and have been so dumb? They talk about Marge and paper was coming. Mind you, I had never laid eyes today's growth management effort Tuesday, April 16 .' daytime telephone number- Patty as if they were members of the family, and Ion any of these people in my life. Bertha thought I gets a chance to work 7;3O p.m. Cranford To\ynship Unsigned letters will not he resent that After all, was Marge or Patty there when looked riot only thin, but anemic, recommending iron Committee workshop, Municipal published and names will not' supplements and liver twice a week. Hank, clapped be withheld from publications I was growing up, when my "real parents" were Dad on the back, and said jovially, "She's a beauty," David Moore is executive director Building around? I think not of the NJ. Conservation Founda- 8 p.m. Garwood Board of Educa- The editor reserves the rijght as if I were a new Chevy. to edit for clarity or because of Mom and Dad's whole philosophy on life and how tion, a private, nonprofit, member tion,. Lincoln School After that it was all downhilL In between the supporie organization. Wednesday, April 17 length or to avoid llfeeL .„ A to live has changed. My .mother even hasstarted to praises, suggestions from surrounding tables that I wear jeans. Jeans. This from the woman who thought "eat, eat, eat," the napkin tucked into my neck in six Current 10 years ago only "hippies" wore jeans. She even, places by six different people, my mother whipping Annual asked my big brother if he would take her for a ride Annual Annual out her lint remover to "run over my coat," and the FORBES NEWSPAPERS (EfteCranforti PATRICIA ANDERSON Rate Rate Rate ftlh^1ilt^ — •—. Editot , ••••" :'.' him...we sighed, realizing they are in a phase and p this too will pass. please everyone, I was exhausted. MALCOLM S. FORBES, JR. ROSALIE GROSS Rate indexed to 2-year U. S. Treasury Note When I left, laden down with six doggie bags in- Edltor-in-Chter [• Rate is guaranteed for 18 months. • Rate indexed to our Prime Rate, Meanwhile, I, the child voted most likely to send News Editor cluding Bertha's chicken, "because you need it more CHARLES A. LYONS |f You can withdraw money without penalty after 9 months. auction yield. • Guaranteed rate floor of 7.00% my parents toa n early grave, have become the neat- than me, dear" and all the rolls from the surround- Servinf Craiifitfd, Oturwood CHERYL MOULTON, est thing since sliced bread. EVERYTHING I do is . Chief Executive Officer «nd KwJlworth PETER WAMSTEKER • Quarterly interest payments. ing tables wrapped carefully in napkins, I wondered JOHN J. O'BRIEN i» If rates have gone up after 9 months, renew at higher rate, • $5,000 minimum deposit. wonderful, great, the best I can do no wrong. More if perhaps there might be a saving gracp to, the Reporters • $5j000 ipirumum deposit, 2-year term. than that.they thinhikk II''m ffamous , WWheh n tthehy Introit- ^'oie ugly scene, maybe I could write about it President and Publisher j* $1,000 minimum deposit. • Available for IRAs. hl l b ld rite bt it EDWARD F. CARROLL PnbUibed every Thursday by Forbe* New»- KAREN KAS8INGER, • No fees, no commissions. duce me to anyoney, , it goes like this, "This is our Turningg around at the door,, I looked at the seoa of p«pew, A Divlalon of Forbea, Inc., 10* Wal- Depositors are insured up to $100,000 by the FDIC. Executive Editor ' nut Ave., Cranford, KJ. 07016. Second elaaa JOHN SCHNEIDER Depositors are insured up to $100,000 by the FDIC. Depositors are insured up to $100,000 by the FDIC. daughter, Cheryl, she is a reporter, you know, AND smiling faces and waving arms, and waved a wave Advertising Sales ' Full details at any Midlantic office -- or call (908) 321 -2119. MICHAEL CASE postage paid at Cranford, NJ. PO8TMAB- Full details at any Midlantic office -- or call (908) 321-2119. Full details at any Midlantic office -- or call (908) 321 -2119. she has a column called Shenanigans," which my I'd seen Miss America use. My father, always on the, Advertising/Marketing Director TEB: please send address changes to Forbes father just happens to have handy (folded up lif his ballTinched toward a new couple who had just sat Newspapers, Fulfillment Offloe, P.O. Box ANNPOIICAY'••'-''' wallet). down, and as I walked out the door I heard him say, GEORGE GANNON 787, Bedmlnster, NJ. 01921. claisifled Advertising My mother, launches into a blow by blow descrip- "That's our daughter, Cheryl, she is a reporter...has Circulation Director Subierlptlon rates by mall one year within LENA B, MOORE Union County $20.00. Out of county 9M.V0. DEBRACtmiA , MidmticNationalBank . MIDLANTIC MOantliQnalBank tion of the trials and tribulations of a reporter, in- her own column, you know..." Outofitat«»Z7.00. cluding the heart rending "how hard she works" and What can I say...can't live with them...certainly General Manager Office Manager ' i Rate shown is aimplo Inlorosl. Substantial Interest penally Is required lor oarly wlihdrawal. MidlanticNationaTBank Rato shown is simple Interest. Substantial interest penalty Is required lor early withdrawal. "how thin she looks," topped off by "God knows what cant live without them. Ralo shown is simple Inioroat. Substantial inlorost penalty Is required lor early withdrawal. Thursday, April 4,1991 CRANFORD CHRONICLE A-7 A-6 CRANFORD CHRONICLE Thursday, April 4,1991 School candidates address Chronicle questions The Chronicle has asked the Education by the New Jersey leg- Cliff Rhyner the district to begin to explore the four candidates for the JKeiv islature and the, Quality Educa- The current curriculum is ad- possibility of developing a com- ilworth Board of Education toje tion Act ofjl990^ are_going_to pro- dressing ^yeryone^s demands. The munity-service-program- for^our- spond""to~!two. questions. Candi- "vide a great~ch~allenge to all the~ addition of a morning band class older children in conjunction with dates for three seats in the April communities in the coining years. has greatly improved the enroll- the regional high school district 30 election are incumbents Car- The concept of a citizens budget ment'to that program, I under-, I truly believe that our children mine Rossetti and Patricia Fecho, review committee is a viable op- stand there are 55 students en- need to be taught how to. give Clifford Rhyner, and William tion that will certainly warrant rolled and learning instruments. r Since that type of program is something back to^outxornmunity Schultz. The questions and an- further discussion in the future as so as to assist them in becoming swers follow. a solution toward improving the working we should look into other Tines of communicaQon between a areas-to-seiFir-earlyclasses^cah" >roductivo-mGmbcrs-of-socictjL-— In view of the anticipated elimi- Board of Education artd local tax- work for other teachers. nation of. state aid, how can the payers as it relates to the efficient I think we should ask our teach- William Schultz A-6 CRANFORD CHRONICLE Thursday, March 28,1991 school board work with, a citizens use of tax dollars.. ers for input concerning new and The current curriculum is cer- budget review committee to achieve 1 ' . . • -T innovative^ ideas about curricu- tainly addressing the vast majority smore efficient use of tax dollars? William Schulfa lum. We are fortunate to have a of the children's needs. A great . Currently, Kenilworth does not very talented teaching and sup- deal of credit should be given to ' Patricia Fecho prescribe to utilizing a Citizens port staff at Harding and. their the.students, parents, faculty, ad- Three Democratic councilmen bolt In light of the Quality Education budget review committee and I suggestions should be welcome. If ministration and school board in Act, many school districts, includ- support this practice. The commu- elected to the board I would be- consort with Rutgers University ing Kenilworth, are going to be nity has entrusted to the duly come better informed of areas^ for the vast improvements in the faced with the loss of substantial elected members of the school that are of concern to the teachers "students HSPT match scores. This from party, befcome Independents school aid. This anticipated mone- board the responsibility to submit and the board and at that time curriculum, which today is re- By Peter Wamsteker the emergency meeting, Mancino ence of special interest groups tary elimination will have signify a budget that provides "for the ed- would work with the ..faculty and -ferred to as the Kenihvorth- said yesterday that the committee and have found this to be an ins- ', cant ramifications on all our tax- ucation pf the children of Ken- board to revise curriculum. Rutgers Math Program, has be- Councilmen Gregg David, Albert is nowCawarc of what thfey arfe urmountable task, • , , . payers. Preparing a prudent bud- come the standard for which Testa, and Jeffrey Corcione re- ilworth which is consistent with faced with and that they will "try "As Independents, we offer the. get in these unstable economic districtwide goals and objectives" other school districts strive to nounced their affiliation with the times is at best a difficult task but Carmine Rossetti achieve. . Democratic party Tuesday stating to handle this the best we can;" voters an alternative to the status and is fiscally responsible. I trust "What we have here is a little quo, one which will be more re- with the proposed changes it will the current budget Will meet this During the past three years, the they will serve the remainder of be even more of a challenge. / Kenilworth Board of Education Having accomplished this feat, their terms as Independents "free bit of a puzzle. We're going to look sponsive .to the real needs pf ev- criteria and the current board . however, we certainly cannot be- for qualified candidates and if we eryone. Furthermore; with bur ex- I believe the school board and has improved the expenditure of of the influence of special interest members should be congratulated a great deal of funds for the pur- come complacent We must trans- groups," can't, we'll go without," he said. perience on Borough Council, we , citizens would definitely benefit for submitting for our approval, a act the same vigorous initiatives '•••• Screenings will take place at 9are fully aware of the .problems by utilizing the services of a bud- budget that is 4.5 percent below pose of revising and updating our in order to improve the students' The announcement appeared in get review committee whose current curriculum. Our math a press release sent to local news a.m. Saturday for mayor and 10 facing Kenilworth and pledge to ; the state-imposed spending cap of arts and communication skills. It a.m. for Council candidates in the continue our efforts, on behalf of . members have knowledge and ex- 7^55 percent program is nationally recognized. would further enhance the image organizations .early Tuesday BOOK EXCHANGE: Harding youngsters, frorh left, Joseph pertise in various fields. I under- We have raised our basic skills morning and comes a week before . basement of Mancino's travel the borough." I Do you, feel the.current curricu^ of our community if we were to agency at 624 Boulevard. The release is dated April 1 and Perraioli, Erin Murphy, Clay BoeninghaUs, Erin Lamb and stand several municipalities' are him.is addressing children's needs?standard so as to service more achieve the same success and ad- the Democratic and Republican ..Sebastian Kotoalczyk trade books during monthly book ex- encouraging citizens to come for- children annually and we have parties are required to file the Mancino could not offer an ex is signed by Corcione, Testa and | What changes, if any, would you miration in these disciplines as, : David. j change organized by second grade teacher Emily Ciechacki ward and be a part of the budget- like tx> make? adopted a whole language ap- we have achieved in mathematics. names of their candidates for the planation as to why the council- ary process and have thus gained proach toward teaching reading June primary; rrienwould want to declare their The lone Democrat now on ; for grades 1 to 3. . • , , Programs should stimulate and new insights and perspectives on Patricia Fecho and writing. The administration challenge the students and yet be David said in an interview independence except to say that Council, Lawrence dementi, said expenditures. ' . has informed the community that Tuesday that a certified letter had none of them gave any indication Tuesday that word of the others' I feel the curriculum offered at scrutinized so as to minimize ex- Council to review concept All school budgets are put to a Harding School has seen signifi- test scores are improving each cessive stress arid anxiety. been sent Monday to Democratic they were dissatisfied during the decision was new to him but that yqar and that HSPT scores for our Municipal Committee chairman two-day screening process. it wouldn't affect how he works public vote and the citizens must cant changes over the past several decide its fate: If a committee of years. We have been working in eighth grade students are excel- I look forward to working for the; Livio Mancino notifying the com- "I wished I knew that something with his colleagues. of domestic dispute panel lent We have also improved our mittee that they "do not wish to "I guess they did what they felt non-partisan representatives were conjunction with Rutgers Univer- community in our efforts to plan, was wrong: Maybe we could have By Peter Wamsteker given the opportunity to review, sity to redevelop our math pro- computer class offerings dramati- coordinate and execute these pro- seek re-election in any capacity worked it Out," Mancino said. they had to do but Tve been a cally duringmy tenure as 4board on the Democratic line." - . A proposal creating a panel that ••' But Fan-ell said that creation of question and offer suggestions on gram and have seen a vast .im- grams and I am confident in my None of the councilmen would Democrat for a year and half and the budget formulation, this would member. '. i ability to make significant contri- "This took a .lot of thought; JL I'm still, a. Democrat,'! Clementi would assist the Municipal Court^ the panel is not something; that is provement in our students' mathe- ; say specifically-whai caused them ; ihl resolving neighborhood dis-° mandated." "Municipalities' tfiat do ^certainly have an impact on the matical skills. This new method of butions to insure theiFsuccess. was a decision we did not take said; ' • -' .•;•,. • :\ .• ''•'•'••, • ' '. .; • . On anersonal note, I would like to reach their final decision, putes will be reviewed Monday by so are acting at their own desire," way the public perceives the bud- teaching rmath has gained not only lightly," said David. "But I feel it which was made l&te: Monday If Testa and David • &£"' ': 'However, the future remains un- on the East Coast" certain. If a. citizens budget re- Specializing in General While he is home, however, he view committee were to be arid Family Medicine, plans to enjoy quality time with !• formed, as one currently does not Pediatric Illness/Injury Mom, three brothers and two sis-, Flower arranging demo . exist, I believe it should consist of • WALK-IN MEDICAL CARE FOR.MINOR ters, whom he hasn't seen for 18 Lori Eipel of Added Attraction in Garwood will demonstrate people who can offer expertise in EMERGENCIES : months. He also will visit those flower arranging at a meeting of Garwood Preschool Mothers at *the areas of education, finance or • PHYSICAL EXAMS who sent him letters of support (the various phases of construction • ROUTINE GYNECOLOQY while he was fighting over, 7:30. p.m. Tuesday in the home economics room of Lincoln School. • APPOINTMENTS BY REQUEST, and engineering. These people • EVENINGS, SATURDAYS now. seas—nephews Kyle and. Jason All mothers of preschool children are invited. Call 654-8586. (should be prepared to commit • 24 HOUR EMERGENCY CALL Rowe, ages 4 and 6 respectively^ considerable time and energy to , * LAB, EKG ON PREMISES and their classmates at Cranford ' the review process. WEIGHT REDUCTION /. Child Care Center and niece Jes- School budget hearing ' Such a committee could provide Medicare/Major Ins. Accepted sica's first-grade class at a Plain- .'the board with additioanl view- "Experience You Can Trust" field Catholic school. A public hearing on the $259 million school budget for 1991-92 will be held at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the music room at Lincoln "• points aiid recommendations 19 Holly St. "I was working with some great School. The board will approve a final budget figure and tax levy * which may prevent or minimize Cranford, N.J. guys, over there (in Saudi Arabia) for the April 30 school election'.The board's Workshop will follow the need for future expenditures. FLAG PRESENTATION: VFW Ladies Auxiliary president Katherine Madara presents Mayor Tom but just the mere fact that we had Both the boaitl and the review Tel: 272-7666 • Dolly a flag that had flown over Capitol building. The flag was presented in memory of the'late at 8 p.m. and the monthly business meeting will be at 8 April 16. . (1 mile oH exit 137 G.8.P.I all the support from home_ and The school board has invited the Borough Council for a budget ^committee must be able to con- Open 0 a.m. Mon'-Sat. AH. Suns.: 11-7 Mayor Georgiana Gurrieri. Also attending the presentation are former post commander Benny knowing everyone out here cared review at 7 p.m. Monday. The meeting is open to thepubUc. sider and explore these proposals about us kept us going*" said Allmont. and auxiliary members Margaret Castaldo,. Lena Cummlng, Connie Gobdell, Lottie L j and their -Ihiaitatibns with open -SwerenTiTOBTrrai —Hbhe^yv?eHradding-on-behalf of'all- ..I . L . . * — — i '. - TV ' J*_.J_ .I...... jT_a_i>_n* {VwM ; Parrott and Elizabeth Alimohti. -•• . .. ' ' . _ his fellow armed forces,' "We can't • changing economic Conditions, we thank everyone enough." Runimage sale at church won't be caught short Women's Circle of St Paul's United Church of Christ is sponsor- Granfordites adopt Russian family and help them settle ing a rummage sale in the church hall today from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. ! Ralph Urrico and tomorrow from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. when shoppers may fill a bag I believe that school boards can (Continued from page A-l) invited the Freydins for sabbath teach the Freydins how to grocery forget what's been done for us." for $2.50. always work with, and listen to, Cranford Barber Shop offered all dinners. Others involved from the shop in this country and Marty Oleg first worked for the Eli- new ideas. After all, the main ob- of them free haircuts. They en- temple are Phyllis Zuhl, Barbara Metzger installed new kitchen zabeth school system as a cafete- jective is to provide the best for Save up to $6.00 per bag. joyed a breakfast at the Cranford Folkart 'and" Ellen Meth. Gayle cabinets and repared existing one ria worker for four hours a day. " Absentee ballots our children. What needs to be Sandwich Shop and received free and David Salomon have offered in their Elizabeth apartment My hands want to get busy," he kept in mind is that any outside RaqiMwt* pettmariMd after April 16, 1991 will wot b« honored. copies of Vogue magazine and to be hosts foe., the next Soviet Michael Scher of Cranford do- explained, adding, "My job is very Applications for absentee ballots for the April 30 school election review committee has to also be Offtdd Salts Cadi R«fw_d CwtHknta samples of shampoo , from Style Jewish family^ttrarrive in Cran- nated draperies and Millie and are available from business administrator Louis Cirahgle inboard made up of responsible individu- «_(»« r _t*Wl). in Elizabeth with furniture and father is first generation Ame- ally affixed to the doorposts of Oleg commented. "They know point in time. Also, state aid cuts (IM t«tli padi-t< (»i Mow). curtains. rican. Welcoming the Freydins to Jewish homes. some English words but still The second soggy Saturday in a row forced the cancellation do not necessarily mean higher "Adopting Soviet refugees was a New Jersey has been a good ex- Because of that last gift, Alia speak mostly Russian at home." again of the Easter egg hunt The Public Celebrations Committee taxes in order to have enough great experience and I recom- perience." and Oleg decided to have a party Renata and Artur attend the is hoping for better weather this Saturday when the hunt is funding support mend it to everyone," said Jeff. "It Also assisting the Freydins are to thank everyone in Cranford Jewish Educational Center in scheduled to begin at noon at Garwood Baseball League field for A thorough research of items in puts into perspective what is cur- the Bernstein, Cohen, Colodner, who had been so nice to them. Elizabeth. _ preschoolers to third graders. Barbara Fabre and Sharon Legg the budget must be done to estab- rently happening in Israel: 1,000 Cotler, Fine, Friedman, Greens- They invited everyone to their Cleg's mother and father re- are in charge. lish which are most necessaiy to msurance. Scotts Soviet Jews are arriving daily.' tcin, Kane, Koved, Lewis, Mazur, Elizabeth apartment for a me- cently joined his sister, who immi- achieve both efficient and effec- Nancy added,. "We have truly ex- zuzah hanging party, and more Oslick, Reese, Rubin, Schwartz, grated in December, in Toledo, tive use of our tax and educa- DENIS A. DANKOSKY Mutt b« poifmarU«d by April 16, 1991 tended our family. Orice they be- Solomon, Springer, Steinbach, than 20 of their new friends at- Ohio. His cousin's sister and an Mayor's Saturday tional dollars. Cooperation with came relaxed and comfortable Tarler and. Werschulz families. tended Hoflberg came, also, to uncle and aunt already live in the community and the board is Agent with us, our relationship was: so Dr. Stanley Goldstein did an bless their new home Brooklyn. Mayor Tom Dolly will be in his Borough Hall office Saturday 104 Walnut Avenue wonderful" emergency root canal on Oleg and "I think maybe all the people in Oleg said, "Because of so many from 10 a.m. to noon to meet with residents who are invited to This past year has provided this Cranford, NJ 07016 •••' Joan Rose of Orchard Street accepted whatever insurance Cranford have helped to welcome kind people from Cranford, for us, discuss any matter with him.. district with enough controversy 276-0088 Scotts Early Bird Refund Offer only good with this certificate. Not available in store. helped coordinate the drivers and would pay. Joan Finkelstein us," said Oleg in his increasingly being here in America is like to raise questions as to who is STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES the Temple Beth-El members who worked with Mrs. Katcher to proficient English. "We will never being part of one big family." watching the OlKand whether our Home OHIces: Bloomlngton, Illinois. Debra Zuravnsky Thursday, April 4,1991 CRANFORD CHRONICLE A-ll is engaged to marry SPECTRUM Timothy Day in'92 Veronica Zuravnsky and Leonard Zuravnsky of Nancy L. Morrison, Cranford announce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Debra Ann, to Timothy Day of .Plymouth''Meet- ing, Pa., son of Jerry and Anne Day of Boulder, Colo. Ralph M^Lagriqla Tl^ffd^1ttat^

School and Union County College. She is employed • '•>$:'. united in marriage by Periodontics and Oral Medicine, Livingston, as a dental hygienist Her fiance graduated from Air /••; The wedding of Nancyi^nne Morrison and Ralph Academy High School in Colorado Springs and at- Mark Lagriola took place recently at Wiley Church, tended Pennsylvania State University. He is em- V *< Marlton. The bride is the daughter of Eleanor and ployed by NJ. Bouras of Summit as a sales repre- Ralph Morrison of Marlton and the bridegroom is sentative. ...'•' the son of Lois and Ralph Lagriola of Cranford. The couple will be married in June 1992 The ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. Doug- las Gilmore and a reception followed at Venice Plaza, Berlin, , The bride's sister, Lynda Morrison of Marlton, was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Susan Racette of Chicago, the bridegroom's sister, Lori Ciampoli and Robin Nocelia,-both of Marltoh, Barbara Michels of Trenton and Marisa Lang of Mount Laurel. Kelsey Smith of Medford served as flower girL Brian Donovan of Wood-Ridge, the bridegroom's cousin, was best man. Ushers included Jim and George Morrison of Marlton, brothers of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Wloran Rick Weiss of Wellington, Jeff Rosenblum of Hobo- ken and Glenn Engemann of Kenilworth. _... L- V Jennifer Ann Haydu Mrs. Lagriola, an accountant for AL. Laboratories, graduated from Cherokee High School, Marlton, in WELCOME: Greeting Teresa Abraham, 6th District American home fife chairman, are 10Qth 1984 and from Rider College in 1988. Her husband anniversary chairman Barbara Ullpm and longtime members Marguerite Rearwin and Ethel Heim, wed to Robert Moran graduated from Cranford High School in 1982 and Rider College in 1986. He is a loan officer for GMAC Mortgage. . ,- . . . at Church of St. Anne Mr. and Mrs. Lagriola are residing in Wood-Ridge Mr. Connors, Miss Walsh Jennifer Ann Haydu, daughter of Mr. .and Mrs.following a honeymoon trip.to Aruba. John Haydu of Garwood,- was married recently to Robert Moran Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs^Moran of Berkeley Heights. ., —~ :• ' - '.~~r'.' Mary Kk^ A nuptial Mass was celebrated by the Rev. Robert Rischmann at the/Church of St Anne. A reception followed at Mayfair Farms, WesTOriihg^. planning Junfe bridal Daneen Joseph was matron of honor and brides- maids were Joanne Tantillo, Lisa Haydu, sisterrin- Thomas Walsh of Oak Lane announces the engage- law of the bride, Teresa Costa and Dana. Kelly; merit of his daughter, Mary Kay, to Keith Joseph cousin of the bride. Erin Moran, sister of the bride- Connors, of Plandome, N.YrMiss Walsh is also the •MEMORY OF MOM: At March 2bcentennlal luncheon Ruth Mysiak, rlghtr Wednesday Morning - groom, was junior bridesmaid. daughter 6f the late Susan Bermingham Walsh. Club vice president; introduces Sylvia, left, and Cecilia, daughters of the late Helena Macklin, who The couple will be married in June at St Michael Patrick Moran, brother of the bridegroom, was best Mr. Day, Miss Zuravnsky died suddenly^ few^weeksafter^taking office as this club year's WMCjpresident. . man. Serving as ushers were Scofet Joseph, John Church." Haydu Jr., brother of the bride, Anfh|)riy-Genna and Miss Walsh, a 1981 graduate of Cranford High school, received a bachelor's degree in computer Gerald PydesW. Timothy Mulroywas junior usher j and Kevin Mulroy served as ring bearer. science from Douglass College in 198EL She is a tech Births Wednesday Morning Club marks century nical sales consultant with AT&T, Newark, and is The bride is a graduate of David. Brearley High Wednesday Morning Club CWMC) entered its sec- WMC's major community endeavor during most of School and Elizabeth General Medical Center School pursuing a master's degree at Polytechnic Univerr Mark and Elizabeth Benner of Kenilworth an- its 1Q0 years has been the public library. The club sity. ;•• •' •'/...... ' . "•..- '• •• '.•'•: nounce the birth of a daughter, Aimee Rose, March • ond century at a gala luncheon March 20 at Bal- of Nursing. She is employed as a nurse at Overlook tusrol Golf Club, Springfield. organized the town's first subscription library in Hospital. The bridegroom is a graduate of St Mr. Connors, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Connors 25 at Englewood Hospital. Aimee joins a sister,, 1985 and help found the first public library in 1910. of Plandome, is a certified public accountant and a Melissa,Gene, 3. Grandparents are Vivian and Rich-t The organization's 100-year history of members Joseph's High School; He attended Union County self improvement and service to the community, WMC supplied books and services during the next College and is a police officer for Union County convertible bond salesman with Crefevale Interna- ard Benner of Cranford and.Mary Jane Jones in 50 years and has continued to make donations of tional, New York City. He received his bachelor's Virginia. was extolled by state and local women's club lead- Police Department ers. Historic documents of WMC and photographs money and volunteer service. After a honeymoon in Aruba, the couple is residing degree in accounting from Villanova University in The club also contributes to Cranford Family : were displayed. . ..,- • 1985,-: •...... ;• ,. "•'• '.>•.: .• •'' • Bill and Mary Ellen Kripaitis pf 23 Locust Dr. are HEAD TABLE: WMC: president Cora Foltz, left, enjoys a light moment with Marlon Arnao, in Clark. the parents of their first child, Kimberly Erin, born A highlight of the afternoon was a vocal medley, Care Association, supports a Cherokee Indian girl March 19 at Rahway Hospital. Grandparents are An- including the club song, by Ann Mineur Weeks, and contributes to projects of the NJ. State Feder- presfdertt of the N.J. State Federation of Women's Clubs, and Idanharie Eggers, 6th District VP. gelo arid Mary Fusco of Union and Russell and Mary Whose late mother was a longtime WMC member, ation of Women's Clubs. Social news Children's songfest Kripaitis of Rahway. The deadline for wedding and engagement . 'Pierce '.Joyce/ of WestfieldWill perform a program Emily Elizabeth Kole was born March 19 at Over- announcements is 5 p.m. Friday, An article may ^music fopchildlwtagesB't o 7 at a benefit concert lpok^Hospitalto Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Koleof>Yf.m- be submitted to the Chronicle either by mailing field; She is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mre. it to P.Or- Box 626, Cranford, or dropping it off Sponsored by the-^estfleld Jaycees, the program, George Forrester of New Providence, formerly of at the, office at 102 Walnut Ave. Forms are- billed "My First Concert," will benefit the pediatric Cranford, and Mr., and Mrs. Edmund Kole of West- available upon request orthopedic center at Overlook Hospital, which is field. "'. . ,:..•".•' . • . ;.•;•;• ••' . •' . " J Black and white photographs are preferred, under the auspices of Westfield Jaycee Foundation. but good quality color pictures are acceptable. Joyce will perform favorite children's songs and his Kevin and Nancy Yurek of Colonia announce the] There is no charge for publishing announce^.. own compositions. Tickets are $5 in advance and birth of their first chjld, Matthew Austin, March 23 at! ments or pictures. at the door. They may be purchased in Westfiel JFK Medical Center. He is the grandson of Frankj Birth announcements may be telephoned to Elm Street Deli, Scarborough Video, Rorden Realty, and Antoinette Spano of Colonia and Evelyn Yurekj the office, 276-6000. . Mr. and Mrs/Hagrlola Choo Choos, Castle Bootery and GeigerV ofHazlet "' ' :

NEWIBALT U SHE'S HOT A BAD STUDENT. COTTON PERFECT" BUT I'D LOVE TO SEE THOSE C'S CLASS STARTING SOON! IMC A DDE AD M What makes ihcdinercncc between JUM COtffiZTION ' VIvHrrEMIm* J^ passing and doing great in Schoolr For your child, it could be Sylvan Learning Center. First; we test to pinpoint buy l.Cotton Perfect* bm or Ibriefs and get a strengths and weaknesses. Then, we customize programs which include lots of Starts 4/17/91 7:30-9:00 pm individual attention, motivation and rewards. The ivsult: iinprwvd leamiitK Cost $10.00 skills and study habits-increased confldencc.and .better grades'. So, lor Uu 5W

, ' •> -PROCLAMATION; pqmmuhication^chalrmanBartja^^ ^J"gr ^^mro *^"^J mfcSl £M Week's sings "Songs of the Century." rejads the Township Committee's congratulatory message. Country Folk Art dent Helen Markowjch,$nd' members' Helen Popiel and Anne VanJaeckel. Show & Sale need l

LIMOUSINE - • ... masterpieces made from melon, Carrying a lame selec 592 Springfield Ave. The speaker will explain how to home of Mrs. Henrik Salcher, 3 formation. tion of Bridal Gowns to Westfield Hadassah study Central Ave. will discuss his melon selection WESTEWf ROUND-UP iff: reduce the chance of becoming a Robinson farm suit every price range. 1-800-842-9004 victim of an assaujt crime. His or- tips and carving techniques. He April 5-6-7,1991 " Friday. April 19,1991 uassio Vats — Lincoln Stretches group to meet The performers are pianist has written a series of books on (All Colors Avallablfl) ganization's motto is "Saving Lives to reopen Sunday Deborah Brown, cellist Hilda Lecture on birds garnishing and is founder and ex- Edison, New Jersey - \ Five to Six O'clock 35AldenSt. Weddings Are Our Specialty The single world will be scruti- through Education." i • Cranford, NJ • Theatres •Airports I Goluses of Cranford, "soprano A program on bird populations ecutive chef of International Culi- AT THE BEAUTIFUL NEW „«• » Corporate Accounts nized at the final study group The Dr. William Robinson Plan- forvthe,presentation of ' 201-276-2299 Hour* Rosarian officers Will be in- Sandra Lee Smith and mezzo so- in the state and the world will be nary Consultants. RARITAN CENTER EXPOSITION HALL meeting of the season of Roselle- stalled at a dinner June 3. tation House and Museum will re- Cranford Hadassah at 8 p.m. open for spring Sunday from 1 toprano Drude Roessler. presented by the American Alli- FROM: NJ Turnpike, exit #10 , To West on OPEN EVENINGS ance for Wildlife Education at a I-287, exH at Rt #514 (one exit south ol NJ Tmpk), Rt.#514to Tues & Thurs Tuesday at the^ home of Esther 4 p.m. after being closed for the Garden St. Pkwy. N.,-exlt #127 ^to 440 w t0 ,A67 meeting of Echo Lake Naturalists to 440 Wl t0 287 Rarltan Center Tarler. The-discussion, which will winter. Flea market Garden St. Pkwy. 8., -exit #129 ^ ': Pkwy. & Expo Hall be drawn from the book, "Jewish Zoologist to speak Camera Club at 8 p.m. Tuesday at Presbyterian THE LEADING FOLK ART SHOW IN THE NATION FEATURING Marital Status, will be preceded The house, located at 593 Mad- Church, Westfield. An indoor flea market will take OVER 100 QUALITY FOLK ARTISANS FROM ACROSS THE COUNTOY Free. Alan Hess will si^h all purchases DDED at Newcomer Club ison Hill Rd., Clark, was occupied Barbara Ward will present a place from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sat- by a short meeting. Those plan- The organization's monthly Friday evenlnfl, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Adm. $8.00 (Eariy Buying PrMlegos) TTOACTiCNS ning to attend are asked to call until 1973. Costumed docents will slide show, "Palace of India," at a urday at Roselle Catholic High Sat. & Sun. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Adm. $4.00 A To Place Ad Here Anne Bryant of NJ. Zoological meeting of the Cranford Camera birding trip will begin at 7 a.m. &ca Skyddr© Pblle & Toy© Custom Headpieces and Flowers 272-3342 for more information. give the history of the 301-year-old School, Raritan Road. Children under 10-Adm, $2.00 Society will speak to the Cranford house. A demonstration of quilling club at 7:30 p.m. Monday at the April 13 at Sandy Hook. Call 233- Grained frame* and boxei: Scherentchnlrle; batkeU, (Merced lamp »hade»; country 475 Union Avenue, Middlesex, NJ 06&46 • Bridnl Party Accessories • Silk Flowers Please Call Newcomers Club at 7:45 p.m. will be featured. The museum Community Center. 3814. and period furniture; Wlndeor chain; Qralned and painted furniture; rag ruga; • Custom Ribbon Printing • Invitations Tuesday at the Community Cen- sampler*; teddy bears; redware; iponeeware; «att glaze stoneware; theorem*; • Wedding & Shower l'nvors shop contains hand-crafted tin- fraktura; tinware; blacksmith; carved toy*; *lgn»; weathervaner, decoy*; Shaker / Annette Rosarians to hear ter. ware, woodcraft and stitchery plus La Leche League box**; pantry boxes; folk art watercolor*; atendllrig; wWrllglfl*; floorcloth*; dummy R.S.V.P. 356-5400 Please rw^l0tcr...Llmlttfd Attendance Upcoming events include the in- board*; quilt*, country textile*; flreboards; herbal; wreath* and potpourri; candle*; souvenirs. Genealogist to talk Melon carving A discussion of nutrition and At lecture on crime stallation of hew board members braided and hooked rug*; and all country need* for MM/ " Hoiirti Tu«.-Fri. 9i30-5, TIUIM. 'til Ti.'lO, weaning will take place at this Drees Co&t\ Door Frize-Refreehitients April 30, candlelight bowling at Edward Barnard, a certified ge- Chef Harvey Rosen will present Sal. 9:30-4 Or By'Appolnbifent Gary Denney of the national month's meeting of the La Leche .'^Country •» Western Attire Discount on Purchases 1-8OO-334-O531 Garwood Lanes May 4 and a fam- nealogical record searcher from a free demonstration of melon •BETTYLONG f*k7nS*>L© RHONDABUKELV 300 North Ave, • Garwood safety organization, Citizens ily picnic June 23. Musical Club Guilford, Conn., will speak next carving at Kings Super Market in League at 8 p.m. next Thursday at Against Crime, will speak at 34 W. Holly St Interested persons (313)634-4151 P.O.Box in ononvllle,MUB462 (3131634-4153 789-3880 Persons interested in joining Two instrumentalists and two Thursday at 1 p.m at a meeting of Garwood from 3 to 4 p.m. Wed- Monday's meeting of the Rosary the Genealogical Society of the nesday. may call 233-7363 or 789-8910. Altar Society °of St Michael the Newcomers may call 70M219 vocalists will perform at at meet- or cone tothi s Tuesday's meet- ing of the Musical Club of West- West Fields at the Westfield Li- » Church at 8 p.m. in the school caf- field at 1 p.m. Wednesday at the brary. Call 233-7236 for more in- eteria. ing. Rosen, known for decorative i. •

• ?

A-12 CRANFORD CHRONICLE Thursday, April 4,1991

Thursday, April 4,1991 CRANFORD CHRONICLE A-13 Spring home & garden Legislative map puts Cranford, Garwood in new district Delegates to gather at UCC (Continued from page A-l) has been an jthe legislature for'12 THE NEW 22d DISTRICT embraces 90,000 people in eight for county GOP convention i years aild has been minority towns in Essex County, mostly in leader with his base in the 22d. Republican suburbs. McDermott Four hundred nine delegates deputy surrogate, attorney in not organize it as you spring clean it? Assemblyman Chuck Hardwick of said the split of districts among from the 21 municipalities of Cranford; Philip Kurnos * of the two counties began with a Union County will gather for the Springfield, deputy mayor, imme- Clutter is an annoyance in most Are items of clothing wrinkled The first step isHormally a part necessary baggage. Consider Westfield, who would have served iseVolds7dnd^aTnajorT)robIem= the surviving materials. point you straight to the areas that in the district, announced this problem of geography and was annual Union County Republican diate past mayor, delegate to , In many. It can cause you to and drawers? unused items to friends" ^Nevermann, who runyg-farime HBefl^igamzlnirflrst" I—=—: t "patched together" dividing the Convention at 1C'a.m. Saturday at Union County League of Munici, way. As you go through the house or charities, rather than sending organizing business in the Los representation—in—wfial—would- U nion ^g- selee ^itJ^ I sgend valuable time searching for Does looking for an item often start throwing out things that are them out with the trash. Just be- Closets are a real problem for; election. Angeles area called "Out frohi many householders. You can McDermott called the new 22d a under normal circumstances be Republican' organization candi- former freeholder chairman; necessities^ make you late for consume more time than using it? broken, no longer working, wrong cause you dont need it, doesn't Republican Bassano's and Demo- dates for county clerk and free- former mayor, former councilman, work or appointments, or just Does it ever take more than five size and so oa If you haven't mean no one else does. , Under", offers this advice: "Start avoid dealing with kitchens and 'Very positive GOP district" that by asking yourself what frustrates living rooms by eating out and not will insure at least one GOP domi- crat Cohen's new district holder. president of Frank H. Lehr Asso-, make your home look and feel out minutes to locate anything? ; worn or used an item for at least Having disposed of unnecessary The convention is expected to dates (engineers); Andrew Mac-, of control,, no. matter-how clean it Do you have a lot of duplicate, one full yeair, it's probably un- you most, what wastes the most of entertaining. But no matter how nated constituency in Union However, Essex County GOP' maybe. items, you're ready to reorganize your time, and what it is you wish you try, you cannot avoid standing County. The Somerset County leaders are desirous of having an nominate by acclamation Walter Donald of Fanwood, borough unnecessary items? • '"*'.'. Halpin of Fanwood to serve a councilman in third term oncoun-, Tom Nevermann, a specialist in you had more time to do. The in front of the closet every mom- , towns in the 22d district will be a Essex and not a Union senator, Are there things stacked on • answers to those questions should minority with only 10,000 of the • McDermott said. Maureen Ogden sixth term as county clerk. cil, executive.salesman with Digi- organizing and storing household every available flat surface? (Continued on facing page). tal Equipment Corp.; Mario Papa- "stuff' offers a few. pointers on district's population, said of Millburn holds the second as- For freeholder,, there are seven Are you embarrassed to let McDermott sembly seat in the new district contenders for three spots. They rozzi of Cranford, supervising par! getting organized. First, here is a _ jjeople see inside your home? role officer with the New Jersey. - The biggest changes for Cran- The chairman said that the are: •' : . . ' .'. .' • • 1 quiz to help determine whether " If your answer to more than a ADDED HANDS James Fulcomer of Rahway, Department of Corrections in inter-county rift over seats is "too your home is disorganized: couple of these was "yes", then ford and Garwood will be thg loss charge of electronic monitoring;' We Specialize UV Nanny'* of State; Sen; C. Louis Bassano early to sort out" but sent "shock former freeholder, former coun- do things fall outof closets or you need a spring organizing as DISTRICT MAP shows communities in new 22nd District. waves" through the GOP. The situ- cilman,' Rahway GOP chairman, Victor Trzesniowski of Westfield,' cabinets when you open them? much as a spring cleaning sessioa and freshman assemblyman and Westfield representative to Domestic Live In & Live Q OUTDOOR POWER EQUIPMENT former county freeholder Neil ation might not clarify until the teacher at Elizabeth High School; ** -ft said Hardwick. "Senator DiFran-' Union-Essex -21st district as "a April 11 filing date for candidates, James Keefe of Roselle,' former county's Community Development' Sale Effective April 6-8 1991 . Cohen, both of whom will remain Block Grant Council, president of in the 21st cesco and Assemblyman Franks much better Republican district he said. assistant county attorney, former Chosen "Best8uy"by are outstanding public servants than the one we have now but WRT & Associates, an executivdj V Those politicians who now will search firm. i a Leading Consumer Magazine represent this area expressed and, will serve the people here given the choice, I'd rather have well" ^ the people^ with whom I've had Convention officials ihcluddj pleasure at the opportunity, while 1 Court decision on towing Bassanq and Coheh expressed DiFrancesco, a Scotch Plains the relationship . It's like starting (Continued from page A4) county GOP vice chairman Gertj REBATES: (Friedrich + Utility + Rainbow) resident who is a partner in a all over again. " aldine Mattson of Cranford as pai%; ob HSD20V displeasure. "could not use the previous year's monthly rotation April 1 and will liamerttarian. For more informal} FROM $99°° to $4O3 Westfield law firm, said he is "re- Coheh was less than thrilled bid specs "even if they wanted „ 3-WAY Hardwick said that his new leg- ally pleased" with the chance to with the changes, stating that "I alternate with* Benner's each tion call Mary Ellen Harris at; SALES: SERVICE: - CONVERTIBLE islative district was not a factor in to," since it was against state law month until the township goes out Union County Republican Head»| Froo: •All Work dona on p'ramiiai represent this area. believe the map will be chal- to do so. He claimed Neri wanted, •Eitimaiai . •Eloclricaf MOWER his decision not to seek re-elec- "I'm not happy about losing lenged in court, for many reasons to hid or decides how to approach quarters, 24i-9877, or John - Dei •Inilollalionlt •Mechanical tion, stating that the district is three of my towns—Westfield, which can't be, discussed now be- bidding and "now they are un- towing within the .township, for Simone, 241-0470. ' ..''.*, •Delivery. •Recharging uting Side Discharge heavily Republican and no oppo- 'happy with bidding and want ro- this year. environmental recovery unili Cranford and Garwood,".Bassano cause they'll be part of litigation." •Removal • Mulch /..••• sition to his nomination was ex- tation," insisting, "Now Neri is Neri'5 son Frank said last week, •Diipojol (lo protect ihd onvironmont) said. "I represented Cranford for The, new 21st has 103,000 citi- •Rear Bag pected. 18 years in the Assembly and Sen- zens in five, towns in Union unhappy; " well, losers are un- "All we wanted was a chance to Advertise Kevin Yurok ... at your option •21 in. cutting width.' "All indications show, that the ate and Westfield for 16 years." County including Union, which is happy." show the kind of wdrkwe do, and . • Big '3-bushel easy on, easy how we have been given that in the Chronicle! ' (Folmorly of people will be served well by. it," home to Bassano. and Cohea It According to the police depart: oft bag, •, . . He described the revised ment, Neri Corp, began' their chance." , 907A Wood Ave., RbsellQ Aldp'sin LIGHTWEIGHT • No rust die-cast aluminum Cranford) •••I DEPENDABLE • high-vacuum dock. • Fingertip height adjusters jStarKldrd wiridow.orily 2414 •3-1-91 teS-27-91 RUGGED ,_• from 1" to:3". •8-lnfch'Wheels. , Spring home & garden • Two-year limited warranty.

-—Removing seasonal items such items,: toys and other paraph- and accessible, often on a daily . J from turningirito next month's straightening outJri e puzzlesj Ann» Orgarrizing as sweaters can help as well. ernalia basis. If there are items in the biology experiment Gambrel, another professional or-; 1-STEP These can be stored in a large Living rooms and family rooms Wtehen that are used only once or In the bathroom, ji lazy susan or ganizer, recommends even putting; MOWING (Continued from preceding page) plastic storage container with a< . often are cluttered with mag- itwice a year, get them out of the slide-out bin tinder the sink can file cabinet in a child's room. • I NO CLIPPINGS! tight-fitting lid that keeps out dirt azines and newspapers. Never- "*'"; Wtehen. Your 18-quart pot or help you effectively use those ing looking for something to wear. and,moisture. Tucker Housewares rnann's advice is to get rid of them Christmas decorated cookie jar storage spaces that normally seem • NO RAKING! Nevermann offers three tips for makes specially designed bins, all IF there's a magazine article can be stored in the basement or impossible to reach. Above the PLANTING TODAY Authorized Dealer for: • NO BAGGING! closets: get rid of wire hangers called Accessibles, with clear you hope to read some day, look garage and retrieved when sink, in the medicine cabinet, you BOR FUTURE which can damage clothes and front-loading hatches for easy for it at the local library. Clip oUt heeded. . can alleviate a great deal of morn- LENNOX Self Propelled buy and use a shoe rack, and use viewing and retrieval even when those you absolutely must have, One of the toughest problems is ing stress by eliminating items + Electric Sta racks for ties, belts and other ac- stacked on top of another. These storing leftover foods. The best that you don't use every day. And GENERATIONS cessories. and toss the rest of the magazine, Models Avail.' ie are great for storing out-of-season ftemember to recycle all news- solution is a modular kitchen if storage Space is limited, a set of papers and as many magazines as storage system with containers free standing shelves behind and CUSTOMIZED PROFESSIONAL local rules will allow. that nest and stack with tight fit- above the toilet tank can add Westfield HM20MU ner ting lids. Select a brand that is valuable space without creating CONSULTATION BY MAIL Kitchen organizing presents microwave and dishwasher safe an obstacle course. Upholstery SCHMIEDE Save time and money decorat- some unique problems as well. ing your home with the "Deco- Not only do things need to be and transparent. This is a must if The children's room needs to rate-A-Rpom" Questionnaire you want last nights meatloaf have the Children involved in WESTFIELD Shop from an award-winning designer. stored but they need to be visible HADtmUSA HOMELITE SASEto: ••..,• •.•••... I "Old or new, we've got you covered" \ TREE EXPERT CO. NJ PLUMB. LIC. 6320 ANDERSON LAWNMOWER •",'.,• . 601 Central 'Ay^^^^M^p^::9.:(!^9]|i,.'233-7.^81..- 1716 E 2nd St. ALL WORK DONE ON PREMISES 'SHCfB-M-HOm SERVICE AVAILABLE * Trimming Scotch Plains, N.J. Dept. 10 442 Morris Ave. • Repairs " 07081 Greenvlew « Removal Lawn Maintenance • Design Planting GREEN LIGHT SPECIALS YOUR PROFESSIONAL HOMETOWN BUILDER Slate & Brick Patios & Walkways Modern Equipment SANDRO PAVING CO. SPECIALIZING IN: R.R. Ties • Stone Walls • Seed • Sod THE Rahway, NJ. • Room.additions, add-a-levels, kitchen State Certified Fully Inaund expansions, dormers and great rooms. PLANT A TREE • Complete parking lot • • Offering an EXTERIOR SHELL i Crabicide Green® does two jobs HONDA'S maintenance progranrfoi1 the do-it-yourselfer. cd. • Driveways Immediate Service • Architectural Blueprints with all SAME DAY SERVICE - FREE ESTIMATES i i • Sidewalks construction orders. in just one application! Insured for Your Protection • Curbing • Rve year warranty. • • Seal coating CALL MANNY AT TREE SERVICE >abgrass Preventer ''Mower For • Patio's -:•-• : •:....;....: "UViv'• .Climbbi/'1c lite Jop" and Lawn Fertilizer SUGGESTED RETAIL • Excavating & Additions 499-7177 Ask for JOE •(Cranibrd, Westfield, I Stops crabgrass and PRICE 233-TREE Scotch Plains, Fanwood 233-0822 other grassy weeds FREE ESTIMATES — iytcWtyj; FOR THE BEST PRICES IN UNION COUNTY 388-5886 Days 353-7886 Even. Dedicated to quality, value & service 1975 889-8736 I Feeds, greens and 1 Senior Citizen Discounts thickenslawns • . Over 8 yrs. experience FREE ESTIMATES i I Contains Win-Ite" for FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED FULLY INSURED ; controlled, long-lasting STATEMENT HOME LANDSCAPE greening DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION CO, INC. Honda's Complete Line Of Mowers Includes COMPLETE LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION "DIRT CHEAP" SCREENED TOP SOIL — Features Such As: NnrPfanUngsiTnrapbnling •DnIni)g«Sy$tonvi. AMBERG PERENNIAL FARM Delivered - Spread Dccki.Pttfot.Walks «GndngmtExcmtloii 233-0873 • Easy Starting OHV Commercial Engines Mixed with Natural Organic Material .^ ©GreenvievM AND GARDEN CENTER , 2100 Lamberts Mill Rd • Westfield M • Multi-Speed or Infinite Speed Hydrostatic Models • Trw Removal iPbntinj Poltorak Excavating • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • R«fM«M«i nd PortfdSa Av*ll«bt* Upon • 19" or 21" Aluminum or Steel Gutting Decks W* dutmilH M WailuMiuhl|i kid t 968-6795 P.O. Box 268, Fanwood 322-7455 DECKING SALE • High Capacity Bagging or Mulching Models • Self-Propelled or Push Models "Tfte Natural Alternative" • Roto-Stop™ (Stops Blade With RheenrAir Conditioning Engine Running) No Payments, No interest + FACTORY DIRECT Until July, 1991 DECKING • SPINDLES • Poor l Select VERTICAL OFF 10-15% BLINDS MFGRS. Water f 5/4"X6" Qual. S4S .53 LF 2"X2"X48"D/BTRS4s1.33Ea. UP TO 70% LIST Pressure? • Can't take a shower • Vertical Blind* and flush the toilet • 1" Mini Blinds at the same time? 2"x6" PlusS4S ,67 LF 2"X2"X8" D/BTR S4S 2-75 Ea •1/2 Micro Blind* * Reduction of MSRP for the • Can't water the lawn summer, It'll make • Pleated Shades HR215HXA. MSRP reductions for the way you'd like? you wish you'd • Duette Pleated other models vary. For a limited • Are you fed up •Top Treatments time. Actual selling price is Hving this way? • bought air conditioning 8" CLASSIC • POSTS • • UNDERCARRIAGE* • Stock Pleated determined by Dealer. CEDAR Select •» /*r« • Stock Blind. this spring. #2 BTR ft A . e Then...Call Vs At 4"X4"X8' 10-15% 7-65 Ea. 2"x8" PLUSS4S «O*I LF • Stock Shades OCTAGON Qual. S4S • Wood Blind* • 2" Blind* Get "Mower For Your^H^Money" At One Of These GAZEBO • Blind Cleaning Honda Power Equipment Dealers." Select n n» • Retape & Record ** $ 00 4"X4"X1O' 10-15% 8.35 Ea. 2"X1O" #2BTB 1.06 LF Un-Gate Equip. PLUS S4S Sales & Service Walts Outdoor Center Insured • Lie. No. 3932 2295 Qual.S4S The Motorcycle Mall Rick's Cycle Center, Inc. Addalla's Floral Garden Inc. • Can Today For A VISIT OUR 165 Washington Ave. 3545 U.S. Route 22 14 West Main St. Larlson Lane 628 North Stiles St. Delivered and Set up FACTORY Belleville, NJ 07109 Somervllle, NJ 08876 Bound Brook, NJ 08805 Rlngoes, NJ 08551 Linden, NJ 07036 FREE. ESTIMATE SHOWROOM (201)751-4545 (201) 637-6122 (201)356-1193 (201)782-5654 (201) 486-1347 • BOARDS* Mon-Fri9 8 We've been correcting This summer, when It's hot arid &lr conditioning Isn't on sala, remember Summit Honda Chestnut L/M & Equip. Inc. Hlllaborough L & G Equip. Metuchen Mower Inc. East Brunswick Honda STD/BTRS1S2E(RL) .50 LF Thurs Eve till 8 v pressure problems for this ad. It'll remind you that you could have gotten Rheem Air Conditioning Sale Sat-Sun 10-3 OFFER EXPIRES APRIL 3qf1B91 312 Broad St. 421 Chestnut St. B20 Route 206 212MalhSt. ' 307 Cranbury Rd. for less money. Besides that, you would already have your Rheem Air 1"xf2" STD/BTRS1S2E(RL) .77 LF Belle Mead, NJ 08502 Metuchen, NJ 08840 E.Brunswick, NJ 08816 years now with mdny Conditioning Installed and "cool Ing your 1»x8" A/BTRS1S2E(RL) 1.42 LF ends (201)689-5270 (201)874-8300 201) 528-5300 (201) 257-6945 happy custotnersl home. Rheem quality air conditioning, and a FREE SHOP AT HOME SERVICE 273-0333 1"X1O" The Eardly Petersen Co house ready for summer. 1 x12 A/BTRS1S2E(RL) 1.96 LF April 20 Call For Appointment 224 Elmer St, M. Cross That's a springtime deal that will look oven A/BTR S1S2E (RL) 2.40 LF HONDA Westfield, NJ 07090 better when the hot days get here. Give us a BUILDERS GENERAL I * 4> Stock may be limited. S« your local dealer for availability. (201) 232-5723 '.04II for a (tee quota. 965-1800 Power tSii' your UcaltT fur ilualk No payi»fni». ni( IntciVKt until July. I'WI.ihniunh Dial llnaniv. on approved credit via imbing & Heath SUPFW COM^NY THE BUND DEPT. 261 W.GRAND ST. ELIZABETH NJ 072O2 Mmula hiutr I'qulpim'm Civdll Card offtnil l>y Dial Njtlun.il Hank. We specialize In EDISON Tor iiptinumi rufrnrinaiui' and ufuv. uv tveummend you ivad Ilic MMTV manual hcl'ntv U|UT.IIIIIK tnur I lumla IVwvr l!(|i>lpmcul. Equipment volunteer counselors SUPER FIRM #8553 CHRISTIAN CHURCH from the state may be substan- trained by the Internal Revenue Bible Institute and the United Church of Christ 1 DELUXE FIRM #411? • ••• •••&•••:••• : tially larger than in previous- Service and the NJ. Division of Sherwood Conservatory of. Music. 213 Center St/:" years. In some cases, the amount Deal has participated in several 1800 Raritan Rd, Scotch Plains Taxation are providing free in- (By Union Co. College) PEACE Garwood may range up to $500. come tax assistance to senior citi- Twin international competitions includ- .Taxpayers who are eligible will ing the Tchaikovsky Piano Compe- FELLOWSHIP zens. The counselors have had Twin ea. pc. 789-1285 • npt receive the "homestead re- more than 150; interviews with tition in Moscow. He arranges his 889-1690 9595 0RA bate" automatically. By April 15, ea. pc. Reg. $179.95 own sacred hymn transcriptions Rev. Doug I^ovcjoy-Cartcr residents over 60 since Feb. 1. It CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY 07016 Piistor is clear that many residents, both Reg. $99 and has released four profes- FUNERAL DIRECTORS Minister Doug McCullcy (201)276-8740 .; Assistance offered homeowners arid tenants, are not Full, ea pc, Reg. $246 $123 sional recordings. • Putors Dean &! Vlrtinii Knudjen Worship and Sunday School Queen, Deal will share scripture, per- FRED H. GRAY, JR. fully aware that they may be eligi- Full, earp^J.'r...Reg. $159 $89 Sunday School 9:45 A.M. Sunday - 10:00 A.M. Worship 9:30 A.M;, in filing tax forms ble for a homestead rebate. To 2 pc set, Reg. $662 $311 form several vocal numbers and DAVTO B. CRABIEL Sunday Worship 11:00 A.M. Wednesday - 7:30 P.M. Teaching Child Care Available claim'this, they must prepare and Queen, play the piano during worship WnXIAM A. DOYLE The Volunteer Income Tax As- send in the combined state tax re- 2 pc. set .....Reg. $499 $249 King, 2 pc set Reg. $938 $469 services. There is ho charge and PAULETTE J. CRABIEL sistance site at? RSVP, 60 Prince turn and rebate 'application by the public is invited. Your children will learn of God's Si, Elizabeth, has reopened for April 15. KENILWORTH Raritan Road love and gain a biblical foundation thje 1990 income tax year. Baptist Church for life's decisions In our Sunday Volunteers will be on hand Feb. Free tax assistance to area se- POSTUREPEDIC GOSPEL QHAPEL School. to April 12 to offer free assistance nior citizens will continue to b,e PREMIUM Newark Ave. & 23rd St., Kenllworth 611 Raritan Road, Cranford in} fillingou t federal and state tax available until April 15. To make PREMIUM #1950 WESTFIELD: 318 East Broad St., Fred H.Gray, Jr. Mgr. 233-0143 (Adjacent to the Days Inn) forms, particularly to low income, use of this, they should contact ULTRA FIRM #8563 CRANFORD: 12 Springfield Ave., William A. Doyle, Mgr. 276-0092 First elderly and handicapped taxpay- Cranford Library, 709-7272, or Ssrvlcei: ers, jndiyjduajsseeking assistance Kenilworth Library, 276-2451, for 14JM& Blbla Hour ancU 272-7088 i; Twin Sunday School For All Ages sWouid bring per^ln^1^tax^docu ~ -Tvvli 7:00 PM - Evenlhg Services Sunday Service St" ments such as last year's return, may contact also the, Community ea. pc; Center, 709-7283. Other taxpayers Reg. $278 I Monday, 7:30 PM - Boys Brigade Sunday School—9:40 A.M. ' W-2 forms, interest statements Reg. $238 Dooley Funeral Service, Inc! Wednesday, 7:30 PM • Prayer and Bible Study Sunday Worship-lliOO A.M. and tax package received in the may obtain New Jersey tax forms Full, ea. pc..... Reg. $418 $209 Friday, 7:00 PM - Youth Meeting Wed. Evening Bible Study—7 P.M. Church mail. Persons seeking state prop- from libraries, post offices and We're Here When Caring & Courteous Service to the Call For More Information . tie ire in Fellowship wtih'lhe Omucrviltve Bipllsl Asoculif erty tax rebates must have their banks, or may call the State Divi- Full, ea pc...... Reg. $338 $169 Queen, You Need Us 170ElmStreot block and lot number. Call sion of Taxation, ir800-323-4400,- Queen, a pc set... Reg. $1,098 $549 Cranford/WestfieldArea Since 1913 Westfield, New Jersey 07090 3SJJ-6O7O to make an appointment or consult their paid tax preparer. 2 pc set...... Reg. $798 $399 > Redeemer Lutheran Churd . 233-2278 King, 2 pc set.Reg. $1,398 $699 SCOTCH PLAINS Clark and Couperthwalte place King, 2 pc set Reg, $998 $499 BAPTIST CHURCH (NoarVMCA) Church School 9:00 AM Advertised bedding sold in sets only. 333 PARK AVE. SCOTCH PLAINS Westfield, NJ Worship 10:30 AM Westfield 322*5487 232-1517 Dr. Robert L Harvey, Pastor HEALTH-AIDS BUNK SOFA* DAY FREE Pastor James A. Brlx Rev. Paul E. Krllsch, Pastor BEDS BEDS 556 Westfield Avenue Mr. Charles L. Hutchison - Roger Borchin, D.C.E. Universal Raised 233-0255 , -Director of Christian Education . Sunday Worship Services r-ToiletSeat White Iron, Brass DELIVERY •'Sunday School ;...... 9:30 AM 8:30 am & 11:0O am FROM -Joseph£ Dooley & Wood So if you can't make it to Worship i 11:00 AM Sunday School and > Manager , YouthMoellng.. 7:00 PM Adult Blblo Class 0:50 am us; just pick up the phone Wednesday: Prayer Mooting.;. 7:00 PM Nursery Service Provided FROM & we'll come to you I Thursday: Christian Weight During Worship Services and Education Hour $299 Loss Group 7:00 PM Christian Day School Nursery Child care provided. Through Grade 6 #6980 Drivwr unit ivtllablk 2/cs lot1 both ildM. HOURS SALE TERRILL ROAD CALVARY Mon-Frl 8:30-10 LUTHERAN CHURCH $28.00 Sat. til 8:00 BAPTIST CHURCH Open Alternate Sundays To Place Your 1340 Terrill Rd. Scotch Plains 108 St., Cranford 276-2418 Deluxe Church Services 322-7151 The Rev. C. Paul Stockbte, D.D., Pastor Folding Walker Cranford Rev. David E. Buck, Pastor Clark Drugs • #1909 Hi Way Sleep Venter Here, Please 2/cs 218 North Avenue Sunday: SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICES 9:45 AM - Sunday School Youth/Sin 392 ROUTE 22 WEST • GREENBROOK, NJ - i&9-0001 276-0255 Call Annette 11:0O AM - Morning Worahlp 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. &-Surgical #1912 Franc/6 J. Dooley Jr. 6:1 B AM - Church Training SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL & ' 2/cs C\ SI.AI ING. |iisl p.isl S'l RIKi: X SI^ART howling l;nu: "•• at '• ..•• •' 7:16 PM - Evening Worship ADULT FOHUM Manager $0 Westfield Ave., Clark • 381-7100 Adult 17 N. Union Avo. • Cranford t Wadnesd&y: 9:45 a.m. David Markowitz, B.S.R.P. I.Y lOTOn-SArUHIW. 10 TO !i • SMNPAY. 1 2 TO 4 1-8OO-334-O531 7:00 PM - Prayer Meeting A Congregation of the Evangelical SALE Nursery Care Provided Lutheran Church In. America $39.00 276 0002 Established 1962 J

Thursday-April 4rl991~CRANFX)RDeHR0NietE-B--l- A-16 CRANFORD CHRONICLE Thursday, April 4,1991

Lady Bears

around 4 returnees If you're one; of our Kings Signature Club rnerSbers in Garwood, Our special recipes and ideas include Orange-Jicama Salad, Russian The Brearley girls' softball team, minus key players from last year's our April issue otTalkingsense is on its way to you. And that's good Blinis and Chilled Cream Cheese and Salmon Tart. squad, has only four returnees. And if you aren't already a Kings Signature Club member, you're Coach Marge Egan said this Week newsindeed. she is trying to rebuild around Along With two pages of moneyrsaving specials as always, you'll find missing otTalkingsense newsletter's members-only specials as well as those girls. . $ its helpful tips on.health and nutrition along with our seasonal recipes. Returning at shortstop is four- 50.Q0 worth of valuable coupons for Signature Club members only. year starter Kim Eagan who also They're yours to take advantage of for Tout weeks from March 31st : What's more, a Kings Signature Club card can entitle you to free has starred in basketball-and field checik-cashing privileges. hockey. The other returning se- through April 27th. T^Y niors are Joann Cheeka at second Our lively articles include an introduction to our Environmental So make a point of joining the Club this week. Membership is base and Chrissy Davenport play- absolutely free and we'll give you a temporary card right on the spot so ing either first base or the out- Shopping Tours which will inform you oh how to make environmentally field. The Lady ; Bears will be wise purchasing decisions. you can take advantage of all of our members-onlysavings right away. looking to sophomore Tina Kaufman as their mainstay on the mound. Egan will experiment at BUTCHER'S CORNER GROCER'S CORNER DAIRY CORNER FARMER'S CORNER COUPON CORNER different positions until she can find the right combinations: USDA Choice Beef Ferrier Fresh 'N Natural Orange Red Ripe California $ Sharina Western and Christine or Grapefruit $199 49 Czander, both juniors, will share Filet Mignon ib. Water Pt. i oz. bti. _ Strawberries pt. 1 •Mazola the catching duties' with Egan Whole, Untrimmed 4-7 lb. avg. wgt. Sprite, Diet Coke or Coca-Cola Del Monte Sweet Ripe looking to move Western to center Trimmed Filet Mignon Steaks AH Varieties, _ 12/12 ozrrahs $3.99 Minute Maid Orange Juice MARGARINE fields Karen , the lone jun- $ jl-lb. qtrs. ior returnee, will see action at 6-Pfcck ••• •;•••• • ; lb. *8.?9 Orangina Regular or From Concentrate^———__qt. 2/ 3 Cantaloupes $19? first base and the outfield, bound- Boneless Chuck or Shoulder Diet 1 ltr. htL 99' Minute Maid Premium Choice ing out the hifleld will be Kara Roast __lb..$1.89 Orange Juice •; • '-'A' gal". .»t89 ••12 size ,.: ,:'..; ' .'.. ea. JL • •' $ '. Good 3/31/91-4/6/91 Shield, a junior,.arid sophomore Chuck Cubes for Stewing lb, 1.89 Evian 1.5 ltr btl. Old South Premium Sweet Ripe Mexican v LU149 Melissa Toma Spring Water Pink Grapefruit Juice xh gal. $1.99 • • Limit one coupon/item per customer < Outfield positions will be filled USDA Choice Beef TJ. by junior Stacy Bober, sopho- MangOS 14 size ea, •.* • ••'••••.. Hi-C Drinks 9 Pack Chiquita; ' - •Northwest -;:-.-: •'• ; mores 3Faye Papadhrea arid Tara $ 79 ; C London Broil ib : All Flavors 2 qt. 14,05 oz. pkg. 1.99 Granny Smith Apples _lb. 99 'INovella •.••.. "• • . •"••; .•. '•'•. ~ Jiffy Pop Microwave -Juices .•,;^-^. gai.; _lb. 99C •Inland Valley This season most Lady Bears $ ZestyShallots Popcorn 10-5 oz. pkg. 1.69 Tropicana Pure Premium Large Sweet Spanish Onions lb. 49* will be «young and inexperienced Kings Fresh $ •FROZEN Orange Juice______32 oz. 1.69 New York State _ •-•••• but Egan is "hopeful" that as the Ground Beef ib. Mazola OrangeJuice__64 oz. btl. $2.99, Yellow Globe Onions 2 lb. bag 79C •POTATOES ;•••.:••• . • Phbtos by QDorgo Pacclollo season progresses they will start $ HE-E-ERE'S THE WIND UP by Bear pitcher Tina Kaufmann In to mesh arid be presentable." The Family Pack, 3 lbs. or more Grapefruit Juice_ 64 oz. 2/ 5, !40 OZ; . team will host Pingry tomorrow at Corn Oil gai. Orange-Strawberry-Banaha Crisp Tender California a pre-season girls' softball game against Spotswood. Fat Content Not to Exceed 20% $ 4 p.m. in its season- opener. The Ocean Spray Cran-Raspberry or Juice ______64 oz. L99 Romaine ; Good 3/31/91-4/6/91 LU152 Lady Bears then will travel to Fresh Western Grain-Fed Cran-Orange Sauce 12 oz. pkg. 89* * •. Limit one coupon/llem per customer Bound Brook Tuesday. Center-Cut Ritz Bits Sandwiches Cheese or Friendship .Lettuce ib. Peanut. Butter _1O:5 oz. $2.29 Pork Chops ib. Sour Cream 16 99 Hot House Seedless Boneless Center-Cut Bonne Maman s Cucumbers ea. 99* I Salted or Sweet Sports matter $ Axelrod Yogurt. _qt. l;19 •Hotel Bar Pork Chopps lb. 3.99 Stonyfleld Yogurt. _8oz, 2/99* Tender Jersey Fresh Spinach lb. 99* Rib Boneless Rib or Loin End Preserves 49 FriendshipCottageCheese 16 oz. *1A9 :BUTTER total of 420 students. That's 25 percent of the entire *1A9 $ Maine Russet With this. £y AILIes studentpopulation^" Pork Roast L $ or Jellies 13 oz. jar Walden Farms Dressing 12 oz. 2/ 3 •l-lb. qtrs. •Coupon' ...••' PK516 by Goorgo Pacclollo Country-Style SparelUbs lb. 1.99 Kraft Velveeta __2-lb. *5.99 Thomas A Santaguida, athletic director at Brear- Brearley teams have won numerous conference, Potatoes 5 1b. bag 99 :y Regional High School, is celebrating his 30th county and state championships. Last; season the JUMPiN' Brearley catcher Sher-ina Western almost became a bowling pin in a slide for home Campbell's Kraft Grated Fresh Store-Made Italian-Style Excellent for Baking I Good 3/31/91-4/6/91 : , . ear in the field of education as a teacher, coach soccer team was Group 1 state champion.The foot- plate by a Spotswood: runner during last week's pre-season softball game. ••'.-. I"Ork Sausage lh. *249 Tomato Soup Parmesan Cheese; I LU15I nd athletic director. '-:-•:'."'.' ball team also has won several state championships. Veal Sausage lb. »3.99 ECLUB '•'• . : Limit qnc coupon/item ptr customer . "Of all my experiences in administration^I'm most The wrestling team-had several qualifiers for this • Regular or Special ^Request rpud of the cahiaraderie and family-life atmos- "year's; ^te ^ujrriament and?"the girls'" basJtettjall Frozen Sliced^ here that exist at Brearley among the coaches and feamiiad an4outstanding recorcl this winter. - " St Michael Boar's Head Oven-Roasted Take advantage of our weekly •White or Hdents." said Santaguida; "Our coaches are very Also, the school has an excellent record of helping Cranford and Bre^lfeyi^t© open Beef Liver ib. Light Crispbread _ .3.5 oz. 69' members-only savings. ^Assorted 99! lose to our students. They get involved with stu- student-athletes get college scholarships. Not only $ Chicken $£99 Peeled and Deyeined Strawberry Preserves 12 oz. 249 JOIN THE CLUB, •roll of 1000 ents not only as athletes, but as people. This atti- that; Brearley can point to alumnus Tony Siragusa, Pterdue •'•••• 'v. •' • Breast ib. V< With this ide creates a bond between coach and athlete that now a professional football player with the In- On golf links this coming week Coupon 'i oes beyond sports." Roaster Boneless Breast lb. ^4.29 Brawny 3rPack Black Forest Ham ^__lb. $749 IT'S FREE! :SCOTTISSUE dianapolis Colts. • $ $19! After graduating from Colgate University in 1960, Both Cranford and Brearley high schools will open; against Elizabeth at Echo Lake Country Club, the Fresh Ground Chicken _lb. 1.89 Santaguida's involvement with athletics is no acci- on the golf links this coming week. The teams hEtve Cougars' home course. They will face Summit Tues- Towels pkg. 19ft sheets •JIL> With love from Kings From France Kings Fresh antaguida began his career as a history and physi- dent He was a three-sport high school letter winner Perdue Done It! 60% Brie _ lb. »6.99 '. Good 3/31/91-4/6/91 al education teacher and assistant basketball coaoh been practicing their shots on school fields in antici- day and Iselin Wednesday before their next home Cutlets 14 oz. pkg. $3.39 LU153 at Plainfield High School. His Plainfield football match, next Thursday vs. Clark, All games will begin Ground Beef t Dayton Regional High School, Springfield, during team won the state championship in 1955. He was pation of their first matches. Tenders ___9 oz. pkg. *2A9 FREEZER CORNER With love from Kings Limit One coUpon/ltetn p«r customer • e 1960-61 school year. Cranford golf team members have been preparing at 4 p.m. Farnily Pack, 3 lbs. or more captain and leading scorer on the 1955-56 basketball The Brearley golf team has its largest turnout ever Fat Content Not to Exceed 15% In 1966 he joined the Brearley staff as a physical team which won the Union County championship for the 1991 season by working on all aspects of their USDA Choice American Non Dairy Topping ; Fresh Baked 3-Pk. r of Dayton Regional for one year, then took a third and sixth respectively last year. Sophomores $ Coupon Besides his duties as athletic director, Santaguida pates a successful season. . USDA Choice American Vegetables 10 oz. 1.29 Gourmandise with Walnuts lb. 849 Members Save :8 oz. btl. save of absence to do graduate work at New York Eric Nowicki and Vinnie DiGiano, who also saw Cracklebread _3.5 oz. *IA9 Fresh ri\iyersity in 19Y7. He returned to'Brearley in 1978 is also well known throughout the state and the East action last year, will return. Other players returning Returning lettermen are Fricke, Tom Pennella, Semi-Boneless Giorgio Breaded Coast as a football, basketball and.track official at Steve Gaeta, Ken O'Conrier, Bob Cox and Mark Sctid- Mushrooms,.. 8 oz. *1.79 00 > become athletic director and physical education, from-last year are Tom Bowne, Pete Semen, Marc Leg off Lamb ib French Roast Cod Fillets •Good 3/31/91-4/6/91 LU146 ealth ed and driver ed department chairman. both high school and college levels. SkarecW and Jim Smith. eri. Other contenders are Eric Mariasso, J'de Tripodi, Lean Pockets ''••• •• • 5 oz. 99* OFF Limit one coupon/Item per customer Chris Sapienza and Doiri Tripodi. . C 1' lb. or more "A key to our successful sports program at Brear- ..• "I enjoy what I'm dping," Santaguida said. "Brear- Hip Bone Removed for Easy Carving Welch's Grape"Juice^_l2 oz. 99 Members Save JJight first-year players who expect to see action Brearley has 19 matches scheduled. The Bears will Shank Half Leg of Lamb lb. '2.49 C Large ;y is tiie stability and commitment of our coaching ley coaches dbri't compete against one another, they Celeste Cheese Pizza _6^ oz. 99 149 aff," he said. "Also, -because our teams are success- compete against other schools. They make me look are Greg Currid: Brian-Hartmannr Ken Hartmann,;; open Tuesday^ against Union at Suburban Golf Club Boneless Leg of Lamb Coffee 14 oz. bag only :Regular (1 lb. 2 oz.) or Jeff Osnatb, Eric Sheara, Rich Smith, Paul Subacius and^,face New Providence Wednesday,; both~~at TJ;30 Chambord French Premium Shrimp $400 ;Sprinkled (14.5 oz.) il, we have an unusually high rate of student partic- good and the Brearley program one of the best Whole, Half or Butterflied tb. *349 Ice Cream ;.. '., •' • •—_pt- $1.89 jation. In the fall we had 110 letter winners out of a around." and Rob Willis. p.m. Their first home match is set for next Thursday With love from Kings\ 1 ib. or more Prev. Eroz. T OFF : Nabisco Cranford will open its 20-match season Monday vs. iVIanville. USDA Choice American Oregon Farms Cooked & Cleaned 26-30 ct. 99? Carrot Cake •'. 17 M oz. *249 Linguine io o 99 ICHIPS AHOY! Loin or Rib / $^799 Chocolate or Marble'ISAS With this ; With Red Clam Sauce : COOKIES Coupon Lamb Chops ib. / FLORAL CORNER Eggplant Parmigiana Cheesecake 3> 1 till scores in basketball hoop dilemma Loin Tail Removed of Rib Short Cut 20 oz. XOFF Jersey Fresh ;Good,3/3l/9l-4/6/91 LU145 Lamb Steaks Cut from Leg lb. HS9 Members Save Hebrew National Limit one coupon/Item per customer y Cheryl Moulton members, requesting a variance to play basketball, but not before sport, basketball. Our yard is so Oscar Mayer Daffodils. 10 stems Score one for the Township on their property for a basketball 11-year-old Brian himself wrote a small, we can't fit it anywhere For the Feeling of Spring Frankfurters 00 mmittee. At their March 19 hoop, with hopes this would keep letter to town elders. else. Sincerely, Brian Reppert." Sliced Bacon ib OFF eeting, town elders tried to do problems at bay. No such luck. "Dear Township Committee It was a plea from someone who Gladiolus 10 stems or Knockiviirst INew! General Mills i/hat was right and for Brian Bureaucratic red tape and a bevy members,'' he wrote, "I think the knew nothing of township ordi- Regular, Thick or Low-Salt •12'oz.V .' ••• . •:'.. eppert of N. Union Avenue, this of. town ordinances knocked that basketball hoop should stay be- nances, rules, regulations or po- •BASIC 4 99: pant he could still play basket- theory down. The township could cause it gives me something to do. tential accidents. Although town CaHfornia Iceherg all. • • •• ••• ••••. •:.' '•••• '. ,..-: ' not give-a variance for something Also the guys can come oyer and elders knew the hoop was in vio- ittiio^ht^ Letttkce ^ •14.5 pz: box .. With this ftan-playing—lafionrthi. „ Fresh Farm-Raised Coupon dangerous situation and an 11- to look like Briair and his friendid s basketball.' I"can practice on my .to let Brian keep the hoop. Placed Members Save 50*,' jrear-old boy who "just wants to would have to find' another place -> hoop and I can get better at the in the township right of way put Catfish Fillets ih Members Price ; Good 3/31/91 -4/6/91 'LU147 \>\hy basketball," and it is iany- the township directly liable for Natural-Pack • . Limit one coupon/Item per customer • 5>rte*s guess how it will turn out any injuries originating from Cajun Marinated Soverning body members were those who played basketball, in- Catfish Fillets: J"b, *$A9 Tbm-AH^Ibes [iot about to tell Brian he had to UCC Spring Run features cluding if one was hit by a car. Fresh Long Line-Caught 18 oz. pkg. : Minute Maid up the game he loves so Yellowfin Tuna Steaks . Jb *9.99 Members Save 50* ~ nuch, but finding a solution to a Township attorney Ralph Tay- Members Save : Premium Choice basketball hoop in the township 14 categories for runners lor pulled no punches when he New Zealand (•ight of way was a problem. A said the township would be liable 100 •ORANGE problem town elders knew, they Fourteen age and gender cate- and third place overall male and and the Repperts would not in- Bouquet |»ad to solve, one way or another. gories will be featured for runners female finishers. demnify the township against in- Orange Roughy $£"99 OFF iJUICE 96 oz. -WitFf this— J jury. Governing body members Coupon * tast year the township had participating in Union County Col- The course will consist of the Fillets ib ™ . Members Save lege's seventh annual five-kilo- fiat campus and Nomahegan Park, were stumped. Brian's father, who Holland fcomplaints about a basketball attended _ the meeting, appealed •Good 3/31./9f-4/6/9l LU150 '*• fcoop on a pole fronting Garden meter "Spring Run" at 11:30 a.m. across the street from the Cran- Prev. Proz. 5-7 oz.. avg. ea. , 1', ford campus^ Mileage markers for some help, a solution to the tulips - Limit one coupon/item per customer street Although the property April 14 at the Cranford campus. problem, but remained stumped 10 stem OFF faces N. Union Avenue, the rear Separate categories for males will be posted, with the course ac- Fresh New En§ 6pens onto Garden Street, which and females will be designated for curately measured with a sur- also. He did not want to tell Brian \s where the problem began. A each of the following age groups: veyor's wheel. A large, digital the hoop had to come down. Sea Scallops ib Concerned resident of Garden 14 and under, 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, clock and electronic printing Mayor Ed Force saved the day P.S- All prices effective through April 6.1991, We timer by Racetlming Systems will reserve the right to limit quantities; we do not sell street complained about boys 40-49, 50-59, arid 60 and over. Tro- when he suggested the township to dealers;, and we cannot be responsible f6r Maying basketball in the street phies will be awarded to overall be featured, along with computer- allow the Repperts to put Brian's typographical errors. Not all items available in all tost year. Contending it was a dan- male and female winners, and top ized scoring and postcard results hoop on the property next door, stores. „••••' :. ••,•'•••.'•• Jerous situation, the resident prizes also will include three $50 by CompuScore. which just so happened to belong Ssked the township to "do some- gift certificates at Efinger"s Sport- Pre-registrations are due Mon- to the township. Town elder Ed Enter Our French ling." Ultimately the township ing Goods, Bound Brook, and two day; check-in and post- Robinson said he remembered 450 Route 206 North & Hills Drive, Bedminster Engineer sent a letter to N. Union $40 gift certificates at Metuchen registrations for both races will be playing in the street whe,n he was Dinner-For-Eight kvenue residents, the Repperts, Center for Sporting Goods, Edi- conducted from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Monday-Saturday 8 am-10 pm Sunday 8.am-8 pm a kid and he thought it was'"kind Sweepstakes v idvising them the basketball.hoop son. Medals will be given to first on the day of the race. Pre- of sad the kids get chased away One lucky winner will be 300 South Avenue, Garwood Snd pole was in the township second and third place male and registration fees are $6 for the 5-K Jrom playing these days." entitled to an elegant French fight of way and they had 10 days race and $5 for the fun run; post- Larry Potts, our Deli Corner Manager Monday-Saturday 8 ani-10«pm, Sunday 8 am-9 pm female finishers in each age cate- Force instructed the township Photo by Goorgo Pacclollo dinner prepared and served by at Kings ID West Caldwell, invites you 778 Morris Turnpike, Short Hills ' remove it, or the township gory. registration fees are $7 for the 5-K engineer to work with the Rep- LET IT FLY: Cougar Jeff Kleihsorgen practices the shot put in our own Service With Style to roam the aisles and discover the Monday-Saturday 8 am-10 pm, Sunday 8 am-8 pm li/ould. In addition, a one-mile fun run race and $6 for the fun run. perts to see if "it can be worked catering staff at the Kings great foods from France during our Meanwhile, the Repperts will be held at 11 a.m., with Call 709-7091 for more informa- out," which Brian's dad thinks anticipation of Cranford's April 9 track opener vs. Shabazz. Cookingstudio nearest you. French celebration. irafted a letter to governing body plaques awarded to first second tion. will make his son very happy. CHRONICLE'ThursdayrApriI-471991 Thursday April 4.1991 CRANFORD CHRONICLE B-3 Malpiie pitches no-hitter for Owls5 second win year, but I'm encouraged." graduate, is the starting first baseman and By Al Lies This \vili be Casalino's 19th year coaching cleanup hitter on the team. Wright is also a Sports writer basebalL For the last five years he was head candidate to be an Academic AJbAmerican History was made last weet at Union coach at Irvington High School. He has an with a.3.8 grade point average. County College. This is the first season for the overall winning percentage of .590 with more No stranger to sports, Wright lettered in Owls baseball team. Last week they played a than 300 wins to his credit .: . three sports at Cranford—track, basketball doubleheader against Orange Community Col- CasaJino began his coaching career at Bar- and baseball. He played baseball for Rider ^ lege in Middletown, N.Y. They won their first College his freshman year, then transferred to u i Union last year. - •• Carfagno, nd. in the second game Mike Malone His grandfather, Thomas Quinn~held the" pitched a no-hitter record setter 10-0, striking became head cc-adi at Essex COunty College American record for the mile as a member of out six arid walking three. and also coached the fall season as the JV the New York Athletic Club in 1948. His mile But the 2-1 team has yet to play a home coach at Montclair State College. In 1#87, at record time was 4:09. game. Games scheduled for Friday and Mon- Irvington High School, his team completed day at Nomahegan Park were called due to This first seasoiw the UGC team will play\3l one of the most successful; seasons in the games, including 10 doubleheaders, as a memr STS-''IS EMPLOYEE OWNED wet grounds.. school's history with a 21-4-1 record and the . Needless to say, head coach Jim Casalino is ber of the Garden-State Athletic Conference, Watchung Conference championship. Robert Region 19. Daylight home games are played at pleased with the team's performance in its Bruno, and. George Harris are assistant Nomahegan Park.' Home games under the inaugural year. "Before the season started, I coaches, thought our overall hitting would be solid, but lights are at Warraanco Park . the pitching staff was a question mariC'-* he A graduate of Montclair State College, Cas- The next home contest is this afternoon at 4 said. "Then we go up to Orange, and Carfagno alino-resides in Union with his wife Jo-Ann p.m., a doubleheader against Sussex County and Malone really showed me something. Of and daughter Lauren. '•'••.'.,' College. The Owls will host Middlesex Tues- course, it's a long season and this is our first. , Alex Wright, a 1988 Cranford High School day at 3:30 and Bucks next Thursday at 3/. 100% PRICE GUARANTEE* Coach confident in young Lady Bear tracjksters •IF AFTER PURCHASING TIRES AT STS. YOU FIND A LOWER PRICE WITHIN 30 DAYS AND THE TIRES ARE IN STOCK READY FOR MOUNTING.SIMPLYBRtNGUSACOPYOFYOURINVOICEANDWEWILLREFUNDIOO^OFTHEDIFFERENCEOFTHECOSTOFTHETIRES. By Trlcla Anglim dedication will be the keys to run, 200 meter, high jump and certainly be a challenge, but if the» their success," Hagan said. long. jump. "Denise deserves a team applies itself, it coukjl.be the EXPRESS TIRE SER VICE, v ^v H * v v ^ * www tw STS VALUE PACKAGE Team correspondent COMPUTERIZED WHEEL • ALL WHEELS HAND TORQUED The strength of the team is intremendous amount of credit She best all-around team at Brearley TIRES INSTALLED IN 45 MINUTES OR LESS. ^ LOOK FOR THE STS« Brearley coach David Hagan ex- its returning letter winners. Re- has been part of a small, close- in quite a few years. We have ex- BALANCING • FREE TIRE DISPOSAL pects his Lady Bears to be good perienced athletes in every event, OR YOUR STS.VALUE PACKAGE • IS FREE! > 'EARLYBIRD KEYDROP BOX' . STS. NO HASSLE GUARANTEE' turnee sophomore Tricia Anglim knit team during her four years at TUBELESS VALUE ASSEMBLY competitors in Mountain Valley last year competed! jn the high Brearley. Denise has often been a with one exception~distance." (PER TIRE VALUE S 17.45) (PER TIRE ONLYS1745) Conference dual meets this jump, long jump, hurtles and an challenge, but always a pleasure Jessica has been the key TIRE PROTECTION POLICY MOST CARS spring. Although they may be a assortment of running events. She to work with," said Hagan. "The in the distance program over the little weak in some events due to is a strong competitor and should program will miss her greatly past two years. She is put this sea- the team's being so young, they when she graduates." should still compete adequately in help the team in the long jump son due to major back surgery and hurtles. Junior Maria Gomez, Durham is in the top 10 percent during the winter season. A sec- the individual conference champi- BECAUSE SO AAUCH IS RIDINiG ON YOUft TIRES* onships, he said. "an extremely dedicated individ- of her class. Rutgers, University of ond surgery is slated for May. ual," is consistent in the high hur- Massachusetts and University of. "Jess was able to score in every. They will open their season Sat- dles, intermediate hurdles and Rhode Island all have expressed urday morning at the; conference dual meet and also anchor our . .. Photo by George PacdeDo MICHELIN MICHELIN MICHELIN MICHELIN the javelin, according to Hagan, interest in her. East Stroudsberg distance relays last year as a XGH4 relays. Their first dual meet is set He said her .performance will be. University already has offered her sophomore. It will be hard to rep- LEADING OFF, Breadey runner Don Oaybp aims for second XA4 xzx XA4 for Tuesday at 4 p.m. when the ; base during a pre-season baseball game\vs: Bloomfield. The PREMIUM ALL SEASON IMPORT SIZE ALL-9EASON LIGHT TRUCK ALL SEASON key in the dual meet schedule. a scholarship. lace Jessica this yeah We are STEEL BELTED RADIAL . IMPORT SIZE STEEL BELTED RADIAL STEEL BELTED RADIAL Lady Bears will host Bound : Junior Nicole Naney showed According to coach. Maureen hoping for her quick recovery and Bears face St. Mary's In Elizabeth today. '^—^ \ SIZE WHITEWALL STEEL BELTED RADIAL SIZE jBLACKWALL WHITE Brook •••'-. SIZE PLV LETTER Hagan, "The outdoor season will return next year," the coach said. P155/80R13 . 52.95 SIZE BLAGKWALL 175/70R13 66.S5 _,. , ••...• •_„„. ,^, , considerable improvement m the P185/75R14 ' 78.95 145R13 . 42.95 LT185/75R14 94.95 185/70R13 • . 73,85 108.95 witThh e onlteaym fiveconsist returnins of 17g athletes, varsity. , v. ou u ^ -«,«w«ro^ P195/75R14 82.95 155R13 «i ' • 47.95 176/70R14 77.95 LT205/7SR15 P205/75R15 " ' • 89.95 . 165R13 53.95,, 1B5/70R14 . 79.95 LT23S/75R15 123.95 129.95 letter winners. ' . winter season. She has improved 1/\fr93.95 •• 175R14 • : 62.95 195/70R1.4 • .'• 84.95 30X950R15" The newest additions .to thedramatically in. tjie.shot put and s sweep all live g^ 1B5R14•'- ' .. . 66,95 •_. 31X105OR15 -142.95 team are freshman Rhonda shows solid potential in the dis-: McFarland and Kimberiy Glasco; cusi "She will be a major figure in Cranford Squirt ice hockey team rout was JosrrTWandel, with his games, against Stoney Creek's splits and kick saves. sophomores Irene Piccininni and Hagfirfield Levent Justins ethi Demeters season,, a" senio saidr concluded its 42-9-4 season last second of the weekend, and Scott Penguins and the Saltfleet Brains. The final game of the tour, Kelly Anne Moore.who will com is returning hurdler and strong week with a five-game sweep of Seidorf getting his first Goal- In the 5-1 victory over the Pen- against the Saltfleet Bruins, pete in the sprint events. The shot putter and discus thrower. As its Canadian opponents in an ex- tender Mike Jorda was robbed of guins, Fisher continued his scor- Cranford won 8-3. Taliercio had middle distance events will fea- a senior, her leadership and ex- hibition tour. The Squirts played his second consecutive shutout on ing with one goal and three as- three goals, four assists, Fisher, ture Michelle Schaefer Marnette ample are important factors in the teams from Stoney Creek, a "phantom" goal which even the sists, and Purcella and Taliercio three goals and three assists, "WORLDWIDE ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT LEADER' and Megha Muchhala, all fresh- morale and development of the Grimsby and Saltfleet, Canada. Wentworth coach said never each scored "twice and had one while , Mandel and Purcella men. The distance runners for the new members, according to the They shut out the Stoney Creek crossed the goal line. . assist Ben Arnold had his best rounded out the scoring blitz. Ar- QniDceswne QniDcesnnt Dmocesronc Dniocesrone team are sophomores Elizabeth" coach. "This should "be her best nold and new partner Seltzer Atoms 4^0. Jason Brauth, playing Three hours later, Cranford met gime, breaking up many Penguin DESERT DUELER Cuppari and Kelly Moore. Newest season ever,*' he added. his best game of the season^ was the highly touted Select All-Star thrusts, and Jorda was brilliant, skated all weekend as if they had b S475 S471 >4X£S^V\ HP22 PREMIUM ALL SEASON IMPORT SIZE ALL SEASON mSM4^HV\l SPORT PERFORMANCE D691 weight team members are sopho- Denise Durham is a four-year unstoppable with two goals and team from Grimsby, and won a turning away 24 shots, including been together all season, as did .hi STEEL BELTED RADIAL STEEL BELTED RADIAL i U±M \V| ALL SEASON LIGHT TRUCK ALL SEASON mores Johanne Jockamon and spring track letter winner, "one of an assist Josh Mandel also was in hard fought 5-2 decision. Grimsby tw6. breakaways with acrobatic the Mandel-Eric Heger combo. SIZE BLACKWALL LVTW) 1 STEEL BELTED RADIAL the finest athletes in the confer-, SIZE WHITEWALL STEEL BELTED RADIAL Delia Delgado, and freshman great form, scoring on a blast from scored first, effectively using their P18S/7SR14 75.95 165/70HR13 53.95 jb JLLHI 1 SIZE BLACKWALL WHITE Dawn Henry. ence," her coach said. She hasthe point, and captain Chris Tali- speed and precision passing. P195/75R14 79.95 175/70HR13 55.95 •± rfXH] 1 P18S/60TR14 75.95 SIZE PLY LETTER won all-county and all-conference P205/75R14 85.95 185/70HR13 62.95 i tU^HIII P195/60TR14 77.95 LT215/75R15 6 109.95 "It's too early in the season to ercio roiuided out the scoring Cranford responded, as Fisher P205/75R1S • 87.95 185/70HR14 66.95 En^V/i/l P195/6OTH15 79.95' LT235/75R15 119.95 determine where these novices titles. Currently the leading State early in the third period. Derek scored the first of his two goals of Bear Anglim on first team P215/75R15 . 90.95 195/70HR14 69.95 4 lFVr^l/f M P205/60TB15 83.95 ' 31X1050R15 129.95 Group 1 long jumper, she will re- t 32X1150R15 139.95 will fit in and what their strong Fisher had three assists, while the game assisted by Brauth. 33X1250R15 149.95 point will be. Their approach and main dominant in the 100 meter wingers Johnny Newman and Fisher also chipped in with two Brearley's John Anglim has been named to the Mountain Valley Scott Seidorf played well at both assists on both of Taliercio's goals, Conference, Valley Division, All-Conference boys' basketball team and Danny. Purcella notched his for the 1990-91 season. The 6-4 senior forward earned first team ends of the ice. Newman was es- honors after averaging 14.3 points per game, eight rebounds, 2.5 ml ~ *" first of the weekend on an una- pecially effective holding his blocked shots and 1.5 steals for the Bears. ground in front of the^net ssisted effort Great defensive ef- The Squirts beatGante 2's oppo- forts were recorded by Eric Heger Other members of the first team includes top vote-getter Scott and Keith Seltzer, as both^blayed Sexton of Roselle Park, Charles Lott of St Patrick's, Elizabeth, "T/A RADIALS, AMERICA'S FAVORITE PERFORMANCE TIRES1' nent, Stoney-€reek's . Wentworth solidly in their.end, along with Cap Pazdera of New Providence, and Walt Thompson of Bound ^Iffilustriesr^O^l^teftwing Fisher ; holding their offensive point Brook. •. . • •••' .'•.•• •. ; .- , ' '.•..'•• •"• '•• :..•;" • /• . BFGoodrich exploded scoring, four goals and 1 Second team members include iBrian Feath of Middlesex, Nick BFGoodrich BFGoodrich Wiffi three , wins already on the RADIAL T/A ALL TERRAIN assisting on two others, wnile'his Scan" of St. Mary's, Elizabeth, Frank Pasquale of AL Johnson, GT4 LIFESAVER A/W RADIAL T/A line mate Taliercio scored once books, the victorious Squirts left ECONOMY ALL SEASON ALL SEASON LIGHT TRUCK ALL SEASON Scott Bermingham of Roselle Park and Chris Cleamons of St SPORT PERFORMANCE STEEL BELTED RADIAL and had five assists. Newman for Niagara Falls to watch an STEEL BELTED RADIAL STEEL BELTED RADIAL ALL SEASON Patrick's. . ••-•• WHITEWALL WHITE OHIi playoff game, and, Jorda SIZE WHITEWALL SIZE STEEL BELTED RADIAL LETTER Scored on a blast from just inside WHITE SIZE PLY caught a puck shot out,of the play- P155/80R13 29.95 P185/75R14 56.95 LT21S/75R15 6 98.95 the blueline, and Brauth had an- P185/75R14 38.95 P195/75R14- 57,95 SIZE LETTER 109.95 ing surface.. The late night at P195/75R14. P205/75R14 62.95 73.95 LT235/75R15 6 other good day with two goals and 39.95 P205/70SR14 30X950R15 109.95 Niagara Falls was followed by two P205/75R15 43.95 P205/75R15 64.95 P215/70SR14 75.95 6 118.95 an assit Completing Cranford's P215/75R15 P215/75R15 66.95 31X1050R15 45.95 P226/70SR15 81.95 32X1150R15 127.95 P235/70SR15 84.95 Summer camp for asthmatic children P255/70SR15 96.95 Applications are being accepted regular camp activities. for a summer camp program for Camp Superkids "will begin the asthmatic children. week of June 23 at Beisler Camp- "Camp Superkids, the first and ing and Retreat Center in Pleas- only summer camp in New Jersey ant Grove, a site chosen for its "90 DAYS SAME AS CASH WITH FIRESTONE CREDIT CARD" for children with asthma, is now rustic beauty and open spaces. FISHER'S CHARTER SERVICE The camp will enable approxi- THIS SPACE Sportflshlng Charters For Trout entering its third year," according mately 60 to enjoy a week of camp & Salmon on Lake Ontario ' rone fires rone fires tone to Maria Velez-Lopez, president of Full Tlrhe Guide Service rone life while learning information WAITING FOR Full or HaK Day Trip* Available FIREHAWKFTX ATX II ALL TERRAIN the American Xung Association of about controlling their disease. FR721 FR480 ^Jl^ which 7 days a week (318)626-2740 ALL SEASON PREMIUM ALL SEASON SPORT PERFORMANCE LIGHT TRUCK ALL SEASON ...• -JS- Campershipp?pj:s ar_^e availabl^ e for SPORTS BOOSTER: Tom Taylor, center, of Tayior Shell Sta- J YOUR AD Call tor ft— braehur* STEEL BELTED RADIAL STEEL BELTED RADIAL ALL SEASON STEEL BELTED RADIAL sponsoring the program. . those unable to pay th. e .cainplee.. . " Capt Brian Fisher SIZE WHITEWALL felZE WHITEWALL STEEL BELTED RADIAL WHITE tion, presents donation check to Brearley Athletic Boosters For more information, to obtain _P1B_5/75R14 "N85/70R14 79.95 SIZE BLACKWALL SIZE PLY LETTER The camp, open to children 7 to 62 95 P205/7SR15 SL 69.95 president Bob Reuter, left, and Athletic director Tom San- PI 9577SH f4~^ 83;95~ P2O5/70R14 8495 P215/60SR14 73.95 14, provides 24-hour medical su- an application or to make a dona- 87.95 P215/75R15 SL 72.95 taguida to help pay for senior dinner in June. Taylor donated tion,' contact the American Lung P205/75R14 68.95 P195/60SR15 65.95 P225/75R15 SL 75.95' pervision by volunteer profession- P205/75R15 72,95 P2O5/70R15 89.95 -P205/6OSR1B- 69.95- P235/75R15 SL 79.95 one cent pejigallon of air gas sold during recent month. als and an integrated educational Association, 206 Westfield Ave., P216/75R15 74.95 P21S/70R15 93.95 P215/60SR15. 74.95 P235/75R15 XL 89.95 ----- program, along with a week of Clark, telephone 388-4556. P225/60SR15 79.95


KEVIN McCANN HIGH PERFORMANCE * SPECIALTY PERFORMANCE ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT ULTRA PERFORMANCE CURT EMERY STEEL BELTED RADIAL STEEL BELTED RADIAL STEEL BELTED RADIAL STEEL BELTED RADIAL Senior South Plalnfleld Brearley Regional High School SIZE < BLACKWALL SIZE BLACKWALL SIZE BLACKWALL U SIZE BLACKWALL P185/60HR14 91.95 P205/70VR15 169.95 P185/65TR15 79.95 _ > P205/55VR14 148.95 McCann capped a 33-1 wrestling season by P195/60HR14 99.95 P215/70VR15 174.95 P185/60HR14 109.95 Curt Emery, a senior at Brearley Regional P205/60HR14 109.95 P225/60ZR15 193.95 winning the state championship at 135 pounds P195/60HR15 106.95 P195/65VR15 154.95 High School, Is a three-year varsity manager In at Princeton's Jadwln Gym on March 16 P205/60HR15 112.95 P205/65VR15 169.95 football, baseball and basketball. Coach Ralph McCann slipped past Point Pleasant's Jason laConte recently summarized his qualities: c Nase 10-8 In the finals after ousting previously- "rt has been the most dependable, hard- unbeaten John Martin of Absegaml 3-2 In the working, efficient manager I've ever been asso- semifinals. McCann, who won the Region 3 title ciated wfth...He has earned the respect of every EASY CREDIT TERMS earlier In the month, Is the Tigers' second state team and staff member." TRUST AND CONFIDENCE AT THESE CONVENIENT LOCATIONS champ In the past three years. BORDENTOWN,254Route 130-Route206 609-298-405& MORRISTOWN, 291-295 East Hanover Ave. (next to car wash) 201-455-0800 BURLINGTON, 929 Route 130 North 609-386-0770 MOUNT HOLLY, 1582 Route 38 at Route 541 ' 609-267-9080 CHESTER.-125 Route 206 908-879-4000 NEW BRUNSWICK, 6 Terminal Rd. (off How Lane) 908-846-7770 CLINTON. 68 Old Highway 22 908-735-5500 NORTH PLAINFIELD, Route 22 and Mountain Ave 908-561-3100 DOVER/ROCKAWAY, 416 Route 46 201-388-2700 v OCEAN, 920 Route 35 So. Wannamassa (next to Burger King) 908-774-1800 EAST BRUNSWICK, 264 Route 18 ....'. 908-254-5151 PHILLIPSBURG, 448 Memorial Parkway (Route 22 East) 908-859-4100 YOUR EAST HANOVER, 259 Route 10 East 201-386-1900 PISCATAWAV, 40 Ethel Road West 908-572-7072 FLEMINGTON, Route 202-31 Circle 908-782-2500 POINT PLEASANT, 3117 Bridge Ave. (off Rt. 88) 908-295-2424 FORDS, 336 New Brunswick Avenue 908-738-4420 POMPTON PLAINS, Route 23 (Plains Plaza Center) 201-831-0500 SPORTING GOODS FREEHOLD, 4011 Route 9 North .,:...; 908-780-3500 PRINCETON, 778 State Road (Route 206) 609-921-8200 GREEN BROOK, 329-331 Route 22 Eastbound 908-460-5500 ROSELLE PARK, Westfield and Locust Avenuo 908-241-4800 SINCE HACKETTSTOWN, 15 Route 46 (East ol Town) 908-852-5000 SOMERVILLE, Route 202-206 Circle 908-722-2020 1909' COMPLEX HAZLET, 3140 Route 35 (Next to Rickels) 908-739-3400 SPARTA, 84 Main Street 908-729-8153 513 W. UNION AVE. (RT. 28) HIGHTSTOWN, 400 Mercer Street 609-448-9110 TOMS RIVER, 280 Rt. 37, East ol Pkwy. (next to Holiday Inn) 908-244-5500 CAR SERVICE CENTERS HILLSBOROUGH, 2200 Camplain Road 908-685-1400 UNION, Route 22 Eastbound and Springfield Rd 908-688-5620 BOUND BROOK, NEW JERSEY LAWRENCEVILLE, 2925 Brunswick Plko, Route 1 609482-8555 WASHINGTON, Route 31 ., 908-689-0300 LITTLE FALLS, 2 Main Street , 201-256-/400 WEST CALDWELL, 640 Passalc Avenue 201-575-9090 ALL LOCATIONS OPEN: WESTFIELD, 343 South Avenue East 908-232-1300 —•^^201.-356-0604 Monday thru.. Friday 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM Saturday 'till 5:00 PM MADISON, 319 Main Street ,..; 201-377-8161 ALL LOCATIONS ARE OPEN NIGHTS. PLEASE CALL METUCHEN, 203 Route 27 (noXt to car wash) ,,: 908-548-8501 WEST ORANGE, 235 Prospect Avenue (al Caldor'a) 201-731-1500 Mon,,'Tires; Thurs., Fri. 8:30 AM to 9 PM MONMOUTH JUNCTION, 3930 Route 1 North 201-821-8900 SPORTING GOODS CO. Wed. & Sat. 8:30 AM.to 5:30 PM .—1 -%=•*

Thursday April 4,1991 CRANFORD CHRONICLE B-5

B4 CTtANFX)RIXCBRONICLB PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICe PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE-;- hearings PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE puBucNonce PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE Town elders continue with PtMUFUUJC NOTICE BOAIIO OF EDUCATION • . OAKWOOO SOAAO OF EDUCATION ittMIWI SCHOOL SUOOET . . ' ' 0 KENILWORTH. NEW JERSEY Bacaute ol in* compreued election and budget achadule In effect this year, thla budget Is being advertised prior to review and approval by the Commissioner ol Education . NOTKEOFBUDOETMeARlHNOTICE OF BUDOET MtARlHO , . (Continued from page A-l) j , G^erning body members in- ^* ^-^-^ .^a^, ; illb«h«M. Nolle* to hw»by fllwn to tht ngj| »el«t» ol th» School WMrtct cH th» tomtffi ol KwlNiofMi. Htm J»fm»y In ih> Cowity ol Union, th»t» PubHa H»«mg « and Is sublect to revlalon. . • , ' ' Nol (htuhool where costs could be condensed quirwl as towh y the township Ixjre voiced; cp^SSSi^^i^I Mondayday.. April 1S.1M1tte^p.m. in lh« Harding School Au«UKtunv4M»owlM^,K«ahK>nh,Nn . : : PUBUC HEARINQ . . . < yoAr 1M1M1-931 . • • • r • ' • '' ,,.•." . ••""„•!'••; ' "* ; . •'••'•. ' Tuesday. April S, 1991 . ' preUmmated. r:"'---V-V--"5'- :-s-i>fe^-^v-S^:?-li«aBSi..fmindatiBa'iRaflir^VMni.* _/dijenuiar" -*^^"' ^W«ffiS2a™j2S«Sl£•" ' •<.u/\™ ruiTni^ ninuniT [nl tut nrami v»R 1HI« . '• ' • ' ' ~. i ' ' • 7.-00 pjn. • . ... '' OCLIS.1MO Oct. IS.1MI 1 • •. Music Room of the Lincoln School , The division of tax assessments, '•'••'• mse^'^TUio^'v^-'vapAsr change before ^p^?^*"- . ENROLLMENTS . ACTUAL ACTUAL eSTMATEO • .' S8S : Pupil* On. Roll . 605 Oct. 15. 1R«6 Oct. IS, 1M1 8 • . i Sept t». '• while filing :.i*:«i^ . ! •• ' JJrivalo School Placements ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED Pupils Senl to Older Dt*lrjcl* 1 ENROLLMENTS ' Township finance di- b. To Special Education Program! 9 ' 387 395 1. Pupils On Roll • 395 REVENUES, 2 1 3 3 1MM0 ACTUAL 199M1 REVISED 1W1-M ANTICIPATED 3. Private School Placements *)• 4. Pupils Senl to Other Districts • Current Expanse ' ., . 300.000.00 300.7484)0 373.9M.90 b. To Special Education Programs . Balance Appropriated _H£VENUFS_ i \tnr-M Tflpj : AWTICIPATED- - Local Tax.Levy- ACTUAL REVISED SUlCe 2rOC)iU PVVU11I0' <-u&ww> ,w 126.98970 (4) Miscellaneous ' ... GO m lvalues; including «Imiiilst*^ rive several days into the begin- , 3,380,786.70 • 3.572 692.00 . SUB-TOTAL . • (1) •0-. p^tddtl ning of thfe month. One member of Revenues.frorn Slate Sources Currant Eipenae- 107,462.00 ' ' 288 J70.00 .19MM«) Baiance Appropriated J Foundation Aid ., . " '' ^294.042.00 .' 2.165.83600 . ' 282.50800 .J03,705,06 Revenue* hom local Sources: i;&64.611.00 1,967.25000 the CBAC said she is a senior and ' Special Education Aid . 26.080.00 Hi 51.398.00 5O.220B0 . Local Tax Levy . 6.781.00 •0- Transportation Aid . ' 70.565.00 ' . • _ ' 5,000 00 get reflects an increase Social Security checks arrive "in Tuition .••-.• 30.124.23 -Aid for At-Risk Pupils 1O.68S.00 Miscellaneous 1,977.250.00 over the 1J0OO budget due to 13 plenty of time" toge t in imder a ,, aillngualAW ' 179.718.00 ' 1.601.5<6.23 ' . Transltlori Aid . ' 59,027^8 . 61.300.00 SUB-TOTAL • ;'••• major commercial properly tax flve-dayigrace period. ../.^ . Other Slalo Aids . 86.273.89 1,163.959.48 1.214.535.00 Revenues Irom Stale Sources 195.168.00 164.583.00 SUB-TOTAL . 686.445.89 ' 155.496O0 Foundation Aid 139.59600 162.539.00 appeals. These properties total The complexity of the adminis- Revenue* from Federal Sources 12.640.00 •••" Sl.748.00 Special Education Aid 29.921.00 ; 29.086.00 over $95 million in assessments or tration department budget kept ..U. PL 100-297 Ctiapter 1 ' ., 09.973.00 ' 4.594.00 Transportation Aid 4.921.00 P.L. 100-297 Chapter 2 ' ' 6.415.00 $L7 million in tax revenue for the the midnight oil burning as gov- PL 94-142(Handicapped J-2) 49.280.06041 0 Aid for Al-fllsk Pupils , 163.73300 Blllnoual Aid ; 1.000.00 Other,.- ••."." •'•;••... ;, °° 13.100.00 1,000.00 township. Although tax assessor CBAC _ erning body members attempted 111,863.00 105.626.00 Tranaillon Aid • ' • 189.55900 SUB-TOTAL ••'-•--• • Other Stale Aids (Qov's. Tchr. Rec. Prog.) 95.934 00-. to sift through the expenditures- 4.494.443.76 5.427.334.00 T.P.A.F. Pension Aid ' John Duryee feels the appeals are cated that in Tola!Current Expense 375.200.00 • 357.20aOO . ~~663,256,00 defensible by the township,'"the -—.--,-A._ generated by township adminis^ T.P.A.F, Social Security Aid • ' 6 Capital Outlay .' . • ; ' SUB-TOTAL . . •'• ' ~ '• 52.405.00 $40,000 will be needed to^^ h%w&- >^« ^ ,^ "^v-^,-,- . -.,., -trator Edward Murphy.' i Next Revenue from. Local Sources 38.210.00 47.407.00 . 55.00000 Revenues Irom Fedenf Sources: ' . 2.300.00 2.304 M . 2.168.00 dependent appraisals . done *ln«!^ ^S^-^S^^^-'' '^ J- i ' '•'• ?-i TOTAL DEBT SERVICE • '.'Local Tax Levy. '.•..••.., ' 12.1PO.00 ." ./•• Total Balances Unappropriated SUBTOTAL'. ••••.• ... • . '.'..• settlement could be agreat 555 ^'^*stm?^ ^ ^°^ > |Seton'ttOBlOI;! 5,306,960.46 more. •'•'Sight;. Cranl^:sjr^s||enb; have''' Total Funds Available < . Revenue bom State Sources 1.00 Foundation Aid . : 13.0956.00 12.100.00 Total Balances 7M/B9 , earned iClWJtor/^jgi^ellKfit^Setoh TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY ' CHS mock trial team in split decision * or.(-) Ad|u«tments H^^p^^M'8iale Sources' . 60.942.00 a baby who died in a few hours. APPROPRIATIONS Debt Service Aid Type Ii: . 65.846.00 • 63.394.00 Central Jersey High School Mock 19<9-tO . ' 1M0-I1 REVISED . 1W1« thony Sciarrillo; (JregdryiTeajs; TOTAL DEBT SERVICE ••• (5.530.67) Trial regional competitfon after , The prosecution contended the ; EXPENDITURES APPROPTIATIONS ' APPROPRIATIONS 2.976.009.00 second honors, Ernest TieUisanti; 4-1 CURRENT EXPENSE Total Balance* Unappropriated ' 2.227^64.56 2,482,979,00 ST. MICHAEL'S HOOP CHAMPS: Brendan Keeley and Colleen Carney display their fifth-sixth winning the, county championship woman's- cocaine, use caused the Administration ' Total Funds Available - J •13879B.4S commended, Gregory Milatiowycz,' ';• Salaries • •-. : •.•,-.••• , • • ;' . . 114.424.60 grade champion foul shooting awards. At right Jeff Carney receives tournament MVP trophy. last month hi Elizabeth Court infant's death. . . Legal'Fees: ' ' • <•»'.• 28,175.85 Todd PalUratyoftod TimothyRyan. .'v 19,188.25 Total Free Balances 7/1780 . . 600.73 House. '••;'"/•:.(,,."; •,'•' ••• . -v:'•"•'•; Cranford's defense team v/as, Purchased Other Professional Technics! Services 30395.56 + or (•) Adiustments . '"'•.•, Other Expenses . ' ' chosen topresen t its case in both 217,038.12 ' Less Total Balances Appropriated (120.556.00) The 'CHS Hearh opened ,,the re- SUB-TOTAL '• : . .'"'• ,: ,-',..• ,.' rounds oftiie competition. Partici- Ouring 1969-90 (5.530.67) gional competition March. 18 in • Instracilon-/• •"; ".. '-.'' ., '. • •• '•'•:, ' ' '' •'. Pre-School/Kinderg'arten'. - - •.; •• pants included Emily. KoTde as the 1.754.90O.O0, ..•150.511.OJJ APPROPRIATIONS New BniosVick with a victory SalariefTeachers . ' , • 1.612,289,83 1990-91 Revited. 1991(92 Appropriations defendant, Amy Momeweck' and :0nWe» 1.5 •. •; • ,••••..:. • • .• : over Christian Brothers Academy, i ;851.237.6g Acet , ExpwKlllun* Appropriation* ; Salaries-Teachers. .' . ' . . ' J-1 Current Expense • ' Dave tyesthoven as attorneys, and . . •'• (S) Lincroft CHS then lost the next , Grades5^' .•• .•;.••••-• , •.... •,•. ••••.(i>: .•-•••:' ."• .•'•.; Salaries-Teachers . • . ,' . AdmlnUUatlon 140.250.00 Megan Thee and Mellie Katakalos : 110 • 122..478.73. ,127.510.03 rpund y, to Moorestown High 1,612,289.83 .• Salaries . ' '""•.• ' • ' 17,000.00 ;; >; : 120b 23,282.69 ' •'.' 16,000:00 as witnesses. Y-';v .•'..; .•;•• •'.;•.•• • •••'••':':'. v ' .SUB-TOTAL. . '.•".••••>.,.;;':••• " ". ' ; ';,' - .: Legal Fee*.' , , ' • • . School, which eventually won the : : : ''C t?:r^ $iiUM$ :'•.'• • J-V'- • ••: Undistributed Instruction ' '.••'.••" • '. • Purchased Other^Professional _:_, 6.000.00 . r r • fi. Brunswick. E. Brunswick Other Salaries tor Inslr, ' 21.000.00 24,995.81 25.000.00 PrascndoUKInoergaden. B5.14B.0O The' Oregon Trail took a turn to arts 'to create ah interdisciplhiary. Textbooks ,- •-.'• ' •. ' ' .' . 30,000.00 30.000.00 took control form the opening whlssle; t>W half . School Lib, & Audiovisual Materials . . 26,982.02 ' Salaries-Teachers 1 103,900.00 • 103.900.00 ended 3-0, CranfortJ scored, the. tone goal late :'Teaching Supplies 97,89897 Grade* 1-5 . ' ' ' '.'',.' 405,097.00 the east at Hillside Avenue, School activity. Fifth grade teachers 48,893.69 51.000.00 _44-300^p In the second half on a play that WM started Other Expenses , • , .' ' ' . ' 'Salaries-Teachers recently, when fifth graders cele;- Barbara Craney and Janet La- 695.929.45' 719,562.00 "699.S15.00 OradeaM ' 359.755.00 by midfielder Anthony Dl lorlo who fed the ball SUB'TOTAL-. ; ' ' . '.'..- .•••• •'••, Salarie*-Teachera . brated Pioneer Day. Bracio, along with computer 811,554.11 B48,ooo:oo 850,000,00 ' Attendance and Heallh Soryicos ' • ' • • to Richie Horn who distributed IttoGreg Bazt- 3.496.00. 3.811.00 SUB-TOTAL '•••'-. .: Children dressed in clothing ap- teacher Joanne Mullane, were in SalarlosAtlendanco 1 120.00 ... Undtauibuled Instruction . 54.000.00 luSfbrtheooal. ' ? 120.00 ' 211 54,872.99. 54.000.00 Other ExpenaBs-Atton.' 41,111.00 Salariea-Princlpala . 24,575.00 propriate to pioneer days and in- charge 37,770.00 21* .' Salaries-Health,', • ' • : ,. •'•..• ' 24.500,00 Salaries-Supervisor ol Instruction •o- 70,990.00 24.700,00 •214 70,964.75 Other Expenfies-Health , ' •''•:• Salaries-Other Instr. Stall , 60,395.00 49,470.00 vited guests. ThTJhe event coconcluden d 66.086,00 J9.5420O , 215 14.775.85 . SalarlesSsc. & Cler. Asst. 26,100.00. ' .3.900.00 SUB-TOTAL • '.••:• • . •' '••'•• 216 1,794.55 theU: study'Ybf the western moife . Other Salaries lor Instr. 11.930.00 24.135.00 ' V 220 7,388.65. merit in America. They combtaed . Transportation . '••'•. , 'J5.C0.', Textbooks 10.965.00 ' 'Conf Sor. & P.ub.'.Carr tExc.'Jt- E,T . i •' School Lib. & Audio- 9.O60.OO . _: ^i? 230 5.203.48 6,460.00 T • Visual Materials •54,950.00' social studies, art and;, language; . ?lpK'Olhri,ThantQ'ind FVon S.ici'l " ioi ,060^00 • 240 65.633.71 . 49,950.00 ! •• Teaching Supplies' 10,800.00 SUB-TOTAL ' ',.. 250 25,113.90 14,400.00 20.000.00 .' Other Expenses 260a •O- 18,00000 ' Operation o( Plant :.•,,' "• ;' ' , • • ' 120,015.00- 129.319.00 Purchased Prol. Educational Services 235.737.88 252,190.00 338,680.00 . Salaries- ;.. . . .- ..,, ,.,'•- 2.600.00 2,800.00 Pro -gun activist 1 • ^Contracted Services '• . : ' ' ' • • SU&TOTAL 43,000,00 46,870.00 . ''Heal ' jfPflince and Health Service* 6»«XH>0 —61,600.00 1 41U - JA./00.00 1 Utilities '..-,•.. : Salaries • Health 5.30O.0O 14,450.00 ' 420 5.841.45 3.600.00 Supplies receives award Other Expenses : Heallh.. 3.250,00 : Olhor Expenses 4Z541-45 41.955.00 258.189.00 .SUBTOTAL.'.'" ' ;SUB-TOTAL. .'„•,•,••.•;•.;. Transportation" . The National CtCitizeni s Commit-', 520. 45.197.36 50.000.00 , Conlr. Serv. & Pub, Carr. . 6,170.00 tee for the RighR t to KeeK p hahdd Maintenance o( Planl . , 39,486.00 '. 43,04000 i 620c 11,500.00 •• Salaries,,..;.:.. ':•: - ! r 63.800.00' ,-f, w Trips Other Tnan To andfrom School 51.387.36 61.500.00 6i;ooo.oo : ' Conlracled Services .SUB-TOTAL .'.' . "•:'.•'•.'••.•''•'• ' . •'' •• Bear Arms has Selected Day^itl 'tftf 28,600 A) >:16,91O.0O •'.:. " iDlacetnent ol Equipment : , " 13.315.00 V" •""Oparaflon-brPlant •• -*-w' •''.•,- •B5,06000 "S4.000.00 610 : '••'. 87.901.19 .'. 73,6oo!oo Axtt of Cfahfor^i for a Gitizen^f v ->g3po.(io--;•' '•.•• Salaries'-••.••••. ,>:.•',••'' ;''. ' ' ' 30,000.00 5.5O0i00't. 830' '• 29.342.00 25.000.00 • .. Heat •' ' "•"' '-• '"' ' ' ' . • : 53.500.00 th'Yywcd;;Vf*\^ *.^.«^*; l^Tv^^VBi',1,- - ' v;^.-•..,. -. ' ••;158:WD.0O: ', 143.265.00 •'•' 640 ' 44.207.75 48.70000 16.500.00 ; • • °,5iJB-TbirAL•'";•_: ••••. •'.' '.' utilities .,..•• ' •,•,.•• 650 . 13.719.06 15.50000 4,100.00 s' Axtt was chosen;because of his Supplies. , . ',.',•'• 660 4.223,58 . :.; FUnd'Chaigtt,:-. .' •'• ... ••'..- ;;..-'v':. -., 3.5oabo 77,50b.60 .. 44,000.00. ' Other Expenses , ., 189,100.00 dedication to efforts to preserve :: Other Employee Rallremeni Contributions : . . . , 179.393.78 . 163.70000 195.228.00 201,169.00 SUBTOTAL •'•."•••.• ' ;, . •'V..1 ' '.•''-SocialS*qurlty-T;P,A;F. ' • • ;••'• .- :'•: 43.000.00 the right of persons to keep and 36,000.00 SoclaliSecurlty-OIMr; , ; , ', 351,322,00 361,976.00 Halntenano* ol Plant 710 •• •' • 34,773.04 34.000.00 Salaries •,'. ' . ' •' . 49,600.00 bear arms as guaranteed by the ,T.P;A.F, Cpntrlbuilon \ 367,420.42 530.800.00 569,000.00 720 •• 34,174.47 68.600.00 Contracted Service* 61,350.00. Insurancejand Judgments (Exclude U.C.C. Amount) • 2,000.00 730 6.747J58 34,650.00 Second.' Amendment to theCoiisti-;: Replacement ol Equipment 21,76000 'Unemployment Comp (U.C.C,) ,, ., ' 211.407.34 300.000.00 293.000.00 730c 8^15J95' ' 32.275.00 1 1 1 : ; Tultlon-^Speclal . .' . ••. •• -.;-.'•: • •••• '.-• . . : . Purchase ol'New Equipment ...; • 0.00O.OO tutibn. ; , - .' '•'..•':• '• .'••:'• '.• .-^-ik '•••'•: 740 , :. 4,884.22 11.000.00 682^360,19 1.454.850.00 1.512,145.00 Other.Expense*' • . _" • ;. SUBTOTAL •.,',,,••:';„,••'-: , ••••;•.•...,.•.'•''.•, -...;. ' The cornmittee is a national or-; '88.795.58 180.525.00 177,710,00 'SUNDRY ACCOUNTS '.', :- , . ' ', SUBTOTAL '.•'••".'.... ganizatjon • with; nearly 500,000^ Student Body AcllYltl.i . : •' I'i: ••:••':...'• '. Fixed Charga* .' ' ' "•• .•'••.'• , QHANIPION ;r)o6psters aid crroehea^Brs includ^ • ^m.':1^r^n^v>^es:iMcGfath; CfhriStine : . 16.000.00 20.710.00 42.208,90 40.00000 20.6O0.OO : Other Employee Retirement Contribution 810 ;mem'bers'.as/.w.ell,as''m6^th{B^ ;ii%^ ....Sal«rie* •'• ..";. '.-.;• •. , . -• •. .-.v...... , 6,500.00 7,000,00 95,934.00 Biaumann, Meagen Kdvalls, Deldfe Oxx;' ffatty ty?ijrejv Bridg$776.00 4,594.00 , P.L. ,100-297 (Chapter 2)•,.:• 49,280.00 liirf Builder : 60,870.97 49,280.00 'Equipment 26J00.00 28,945.00 ; At^amp^childreh MU have the opportunity toiearii A cftrnp(brochure and^^application form can.be pb- mun%Ceirfer. . ^; ;^ 'PL 94-142 (Handicapped) ' 4.456.75, 6.041,00 • • Percep. Imp.-Salarles . . . ' ' 3000.00 1,500.00 ptheriFederal,Proiecls '. . Percep. Imp,Other Exp. mm nafe in haridwai programs^ take summing stained frbm; tiie U^ A^e^chotesteroi. test w^be Plus Halts,: 107.265,72, 111,663,00 : r:sUB-TOTAL;'.'.'; ", -^. •;''•• '•": Equipment .-., . • 53j6O0.0O 57,890.00 ; Resource Rm.Salaries•••'•' 6000.00 4,000.00 • Slate pfo'lecta/Olher , '''•. of cralts^»md be<^e4rivolved in^W inehts will be served. : ; , 58,479.00 . 70,565.00 ' Resource Rm.-Olher Exp. : Salarles'S.CE.' .- ' ! ••. . '•'•' ( 8,654.90 10,927,00 Equipment.. ,.•". , . r • 5,000.00 .;/>:•'•; ^;."«s~•;';• *:~;;,',.:;,^ ;;^...-..• .• ,.;'y: ,-^:':.;:$•r^ix^^fl^^ vNonpubllc-Textbooks' ';";:.. 7,889.04 5fl37.B2 a/id fertilizes 37,318.85 ' 30,818.56 30.819.00 • Sup. Inslruc.-Salaries '•».".•"••'• 'i •''••••.•..,. ' ' . . "aaaaaaWaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavlaaaaaaaaaa^ NbripubllcAuxiliarNbbllAuxiliaryy ServiceServicess ' ' : 25,816.00 19,654.00 19,554.00 Sup. Instrud.-Other Exp. 32,628.00 19.95000 Nonpubllc Handicapped SServices your lawn ;:;:;' '3.000,00 - Speech inatruc.-Salaries . , 500.00 \ 129,592 46 '.' Speech Instruc.-Other Exp. 1,020.00 2.OO0.OO •',..-'i ••-.•?.••.•'•'.•/ • 132,202,89 '• - Home Instruc.-Salaries ,;:SUB:TOTAL..:'V; : .";:;.; :,'.';',.v,y.' " " '. 157.385.62 157.23000 '••SUB-TOTAL.v.::;•'••••,' '. .'• •.'. "• ..;Bpselle; %how,^, ¥... SPECIAL SCHOOLS AND EVENINQ SCHOOLS : ' Basic SkWs/RemedlalSalarles 15.500.00 "17,000.00 ;: i ; J-6 Summer School ' • •• '• ^ . •••" '.••''.•; < :>\. •;•'.'' 14,17,1.35 Basic SklUs/Remedlal-Other Exp. : 250.00 •' ^; :A!,:!fonner' New;^rk^Mets';b^e f^ • '"Salaries' •• ,"• 1, ' ••:.';' , '•' ''•.'. ;,'i' •:.• • 500.00 . 39,973.00 ''Supplies- .•':• ' •"•.'• .. '.-•• ' •'. ,, -;," -500.00 . ' 250.W SUB-TOTAL ' : ball'star will appear at a baseball •'' Other Expenses , . •• • ' •-,••• 5,800.00 •O- ' -14.171.35 • 16,500.00 ••:'. ,17,600,00 Bilingual Educa.-Salaries . 615.00 •0- card ahd memorabilia show, . Blllnoual Educal-OtheV Exp. '

: : ; : ; 11 | : 1 : i 1 . ,:',• '..;•. .:.:.',.••• •-"••:.• .;.•*'.. ••;;. .' ,,;, :•..•:•;•'•.•• ••!•'/ ' •.„• •'••,^tj|. • ..•.;.•••• • -" •••.•/;••:'••'.,: ;• ,•.:'.•, "••'••I ;;.;;;,'.;••.;••••. :•!••;• ::•;,• -; ••••: ./• .;.-.••.,••;• ' TotalCu«4n|.|^p*r>w*';).ii . ; ...'.'•<;'•' '!• ":-..-'".-'.'. -'!;' '.' ii v - 'i •• . 5,427,334.00 6.415,00 4,219.709:59 5.209,000.46 Sub.Total:'" .•.•:"•:• . "• : -;,' . . hosted bj^' •'•the'; Bi)selle Catholic " TUrf Builder s ; ; ; : : 2,833,092.00 • .(J.i.Uvti.-**l>"V"- '•"•v' !:. -'-. ' •'••• .•;•'•••'"• • 'y*\:.i>-.'. '- 2,079.581.42 2.293,485.00 ; • SUB-TOTAL' J.I CURRENT EXPENSE \ Men's Associatioii The show will • L-Capllal:Oull»y -.y ••;;••. •.•• ••• '' •', • • .-•:••. ••••'•,•,••.•:•-•• '• ' 50.000.00 .'. :;,8lia«i':,',1'!iHv.','A;:1,.-.1'^,v.'•••.'.•.••.,••• •' ' V;'; •;".''• .• J2Special Protect*- Jaeger... Your 6/orTon Fertilizer Headquarters 1 .:. ,• 6.O00.00,. 1^^pU»ceflnom% RurchBserj'.Olher.froliwIonal.TechnlcalSerirfce*;' ••! r ::•-'•.:'• S5.0O0.0O • Fadval/SUWOtlwr - ... TtJlajl CacHidi .put;ay ' v,'--.? .•'•'.•::. ;:«,:•:';.• '.fV.'i*.':.;'^.*, < ' April 13 ai: Roselle ^ Wipes but weeds , Fad*nlPn|*«l* . 38,210,00 47.407,00 P.L 100-297 (Chapter 1) , 2.168,00 ; ..*&•: - sibihtsirv 30.000.00 30.000.00, ': 30,000.00 . 2,304.00 ••SchpoL,;.,:' '•*xW&<«,X;f? •••i,^ Principal i.i • P.L. 100-297 (Chapter 2) ' ' and fertilizes 12,900,01).. '10.966.00 22,720 00 17.715,00 intajwi!;; ..,.: 1'4,B35,00 . P.L. 94-142 (Handicapped). . 6,442.00 5,737.00 Tommy Agee of the "1969-Mira- ; •';:'{ 44.835.00 42.900.00 40,985.00 . Olher Federal Projects ; 69.678.00 ,73,027.00 ^ ' j;Met^'Mllbih^ to;Bign your lawn : ':v.;: j'V-4.284,544,59 5:308.96046 5.488.299.00 ' • SUBTOTAL '. . •.;;'.• '..''; •-—si,nfmUCTuotneV. v•, • ^v[. ' • ••' v""38.3a8',00T ;••«;•• TptalBaUnces TrSsteV* 1 •0- •'• . '• I ''' 'Li.'-* '•, '/JV'!'V\I-""",' • •', • Salarles-S.CE. 2.540.59 3.648.00 Admission is $2"and all proceeds Glopion 1.000.00 Total Expepdltures Olher Exp.-S.C.E. . - »••••:• . 6,000.00 1.O00.00 Feeds 5,000 Sq.FL and Balance* • 1.O0O.O0 will benefit tiie I^Vschb^L Tor; • ^^0 Other Special Pjolecls, ••'-..•., 19.992.00 ' #026597,;.;:, : jun* 30, i»«o 5l224.544.39 40.973.00 fo6hto' SUB-TOTAL;,. ; •.'•'•::' ,. '•' Crabgrass 2.169,249.42 2.D15.O67.O0 table, please .''call: JMJ at 245-^579, RECAPITULATION OF BAUNCE8 Total Currant Expen*** • 2.407.485,00 SreC|AL_3CHOOL8 (J-ilhruJ-8) Carl at 241-^695, Lou at 925-9636 I Feeds 10,000 Sq.R. L-CaplUI Outlay . , - 1230 13.095.00 l ; ; 9,100.00 .'•••ii-cilSltS^T/i"- '.'f! B:':;;••• deylrom April 1,1991 WApril 15,1^1 In the olllcsol the secretaryol'the Board ol Education, Harding School, Konllworih, Now Jersey, June SO. 1*90 8ayrevll)e Hardwara) Baoause Ol I he oqmpreaaed eleqllon and budget schedule In ellecl this year, this budget I* being advertised prior to review and approval by the Commissioner of Education , RECAPITULATION OF BALANCES _ ; : : : 347 Washington Rd. and)* »ObJeetjto/nii/l«|on. :•.'•.;.,; A.v' >^~Ai:;: •>. • . V',v '.'t % :•:• •','!, -.<•(:.) -, S' •'•• • -'V •-•;'. '•'•; •','••. '•'•"..••• - "; ."•• ".' ' '"\. • '" '_•'•' '„ Weed & Feed ; 1 1 : ] ...... *'-.. '."•. • \' ',%'•>/>? V'•••••' ' -''' ••••••••.•'•; i ••'••" ,'ii '' . ••«••'' •'•!':•'•' .•••••,' • .-.-i- - -• •••.M-'-'.". i ••:•: ••• ' •'..-./ • •• ••.••.• •• , ' ••! '.',. • •• . :' .Vincent A. Qonnella . (908)254-2828 •;,•;;; ; , . • - SPECIAL SCHOOLS • "J;:v;!'7;:^f'^. ' v:' '...:i >+'1"-'M;^l'-i-1i',S;';1. ••.••'••".'.•'.'.•••• V. •,••••.•••' •"-.'•'• '•"•'..••.••••.••.• ••••' '•••'•; , Board Secretary •" (J-1) OR Cover. 5,000 Sq. a ( CC2-1>-Apri| 4, 1991 • CURRENT EXPENSE SPECIAL PROJECTS CAPITAL OUTLAY «0.Walnfle4d "' - ••H> •••'•••'••• ••'•" .....•::<::.• ,n :.:••• \i.S;.. •-.- • . -..- • ..-•., •• .... • . „•• V- -V.'.••••":.•:•••••".•.'•.•••••'• '••,•• CCMI-Apfll *.• 1981, V'-• Moore'i Stone i garden Lots 4 & b tor premlimlpury and llrrtil •lit), plan1 approval : ^/^^^/p Street & Street No: 225 North Aveniis . ''."'•,•'>.•«';;•'::.''.,''.;,'.•'••"/:«,••• \. •'•••':.}'•,.••,<*». '. 1 to construct anew olllc* building with •xeaplfpn*. Api..; •;,v • , :....,::;,••:,. ;.'X-" 1 Appropriation Balances (908)75T484«;J'f ; ' 0!rri8rj»l4ris ol Lot: 185' x 50' . ' ' 6/30/90 (Irom the Audit) (20,928.11) .SUPERIOnCOUBT OF. Nearest Cress Street: 280 leat from the Intersection ol T-»1: The'Moeri Organliitlon, >bpllc*J\l.,:124 Moen 35.000,00 ^CpsJ;^|$^;formemb>% .CHANCERY.OIVISION:1 .•• ,;,/,,, ,:!...• .:;v.,; .,,:, A*/enue.6tocti839,Ut1lor';»(le plan •JJBWWol,«jn". Additional Balance* Anticipated North Avenue and Orchard Street., . during FY 90-91 '..;, 15,000.00 UNION:COUNTY ,i'"'1.';;','': •"-•-.'•.. . ••'.••••:-r. •'••"' .tructlon ol a drlyewayand .Idewalk w,^ rt l There I* due approximately 1282,216,48 together with ;• Approprtall6n": ••':'• 14,073,89 W»y»i•( :.;'.'-: ,"'•-',.•,'• .•',•.,,!'• lawlul Interest thereon Irom November 30, 1989 and : 14,073.89 Balances 8/30/91 (eSt.)' S4Monrl»TpWRt.i.12a 4 co»l», •••.•• ••••' i'""-. 1Y-v;;V " • • '• i'.''-.' • FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Appropriation Balances ' 14,073,80 •I'.i'.'K.-., :.•,.;••.'..OFROCHESTER1,;,1';. •:.•'••.••;:"• -, There Is *lull.|egal description on Ille In the Union '' . , .;'Wrel»fy' 'I4.b73.98' 1 ;.'-.'.v. '••• ': >'.' '. PLA(NTIFr?.V'',lv'' ' . ••', '• • County Sherili:» Ofllqe,, :. -. M.67 C0-5-1t,Ap.H| 4', 1991 «fto5»a(i) " CC1-1t'Aprll4.'1891 ; Il; .V'••'••'' •'•' •",'':•'' • : ALIAS-.;'v,;;:-!^' .•• .; ••.;.,,'.; . The Sharif* reserves the riohl to ad|ourn Ihls.Mlo, y'l QreenhouM NOTICE OF A SPECIAL PUBUC MEET|NQ : : ; l :-'-''' -',"'. .: EDWARD i.^ • V RALPH FJROEHLICH : • OF THE \ :.„, ' EREND ..•:• ..•;••-: •;•;••:;. ;•;•••••: . SHERIFF . KENILWORTH BOARD OF EDUCATION mm- William M.E.'Poyilers^Jr: .' :••'.<''• •. ,' . ". o . • Thursday; April 11, iMi', ••.!•' , CtVIU ACTION ,•. WfllTOF EXECUTION FOR SALE OF ' CX,34M8(OJ ». Cq)'•.,-', . •'•••.'••/' '•'•'• at 7:30 p.m.. • •••'. W»ni»mllleHar•:.,; • v.Th. public bMN *«f-» P-JJ-W^. ^l aiOOLimbarti M« Rd. At a meeting heldon Vy*dn.ri*y, M»rch 20.1M1 the ; Q0 (908)83*0873 ^:m Cranlord Planning Board took, 0i» (ollowlno aollqni Bo»rd Secretary "•.'• CC4-1l-*pril 4, .1991 ; CBRTIFICATE8 NOT AVAILABLE IN 8TORE JIBi»-\vV,;.'.;.;...,v,. .\ JKrT5or|hNAV*nU* A»»oolal*a,» Now Jeriaey Partner: ' :lF': Cr»n|orrJ;y ;i; : .: ' [; ;.SiA(S«c*iit.'.a0tta02 North Avenue. Eait, Blook 317, , ,,S ste.ol N,J,vi, ..:,.;:.



..,.-... ,.'.'.•.;—;-L. /_..;„'..„.'. .•

J-'::\!^':Q,-'\:/'::'';/< •'•:•':''•-•'••;••.•. /•'.'".•.•••.' ''•-•v' : •'••' •':' ••;:.•'"'.. ' •':'..'"'•• ' ." "' ..\i.]y' B-6 CRANFORD CHRONICLE ISursday April 4, 1991" Firefighters again request newcommunication equipment | Especially for seniors Thursday April 4,1991 CRANFORD CHRONICLE B-7 old, and the back-up base radio is "Cranford residents ©years or older are welcome to attend the VIA to celebrate 95th anniversary at luncheon next week By Cheryl Moulton in excess of 20 years old. Brown following special activities scheduled in March at the Commuriity Cen- The radio communication Unable to make contact and Hart have appealed for new ter, 200 Bloomingdale Ave. For a complete listing of programs and radio equipment and a VHF or Cranford Village Improvement building became a factor. VIA co- ' equipment used by Cranford fire-' services for senior citizens, call the senior citizen programmer- Association will celebrate its 95th operated with other service orga- \ The day of the Meeker Sharkey fire on Commerce Drive, Lt UHF frequency of their own to coordinator at 709^7283. •.";•• fighters during emergencies could solve the growing problems that anniversary next Thursday at nizations in securing these im- be putting their lives at risk every Thomas Hart of the fire department was the firefighter who Tuesday, April 2 . blood pressure reading, weight initially went into the building .with his crew to evaluate the continue.to: place firefighters in noon with a luncheon at Calvary provements. time they enter a burning build-, 9:30 a.m. "Walk for the Health of and counseling; by appointment Lutheran Church. Betwen 1940 and 1950 Cranford - extent of the fire. For 11 long minutes (estimated) Hart attempted danger. "The safety of personnel Thursday, April 18 ing. and the public at large is depen- It" through Nomahegan Park Marion Graham Arnao, presi- Bays were established as well as > -: j=- to contact Chief William Brown, located outside the building. 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. Health Mainte- 12:30, p.m. Dr. Arthur Bilenker to ii ghtetrr iDuring those-minutes Hart was-unable to make that-eontact- ^^hll£fi'hflr^py t dent of NJ. State Federation of . adult education at the high school. : cQmmhe—outside- Tiance-Program-including-blood -speakon--T3Ie~T5eritaHMemmi Everytime he attempted to call on the hand-Jield radio, he had to communicate efficiently: and ef- pressure reading, weight and Friday, April 19 world once inside a burning to remove his breathing apparatus. During those minutes he re- fectively," said Hart, adding the with several state and district offi- nual nurses scholarships to Cran- building is an essential element of counseling, by appointment 12:30 p;m. Edward Hobbie, attor- cials, presidents of each club in ford high school graduates who moved it many times, breathing in the heavy smoke surrounding radio communication equipment Monday, April 8 ney, to speak on living wills, any emergency response. Since him. During those minutes Hart was out of contact with (estimated at $50,000) should be the sixth district, of which VIA is wish to enter a nursing career. last fall, Fire Chief William 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. Health Mainte- power of attorney, trusts, etc. a part, and VIA members. During the past few-years VIA has help...with his lifeline. r - viewed as an essential element of nance Program including blood Monday, April 22 "Bucky" Brown and Lt Thomas J. Asked what he thought.of during those 11 minutes, Hart said, the capital, improvements for 1991. A program of popular music of expanded qualifications to also Hart II have been trying to con- pressure reading, weight and . 12:30 p.m. Lynn Scundler to. the last 95 years will be presented "The radio equipment and how dangerous it was." . - If this expenditure is approved, 1 include men and women who vince the Planning Board and the counseling,*y appointment show slides from her trip around by Francine Kane of Cranbury, a wish to complete their training the Federal Communication Com- Tuesday, April 9 l the world Township Committee /ofthe need mission . (FGQ must authorize a pianist and director-conductor of and be licensed, VIA has also for new equipment, going as far as same . frequency. Surrounding 11 other communities in Union 9:30 a.m. "Walk for the Health of Thursday, April 25 .'; two choral groups. been ableto give two. or three special frequency for the town-, It" through Bryant Park 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. Health Mainte- to run tape recordings of commu- towns sent out a code over the County. ship, which could take up to a VIA was founded Feb. 17, 1896 schoIarshlpsFearly.. . nications by firemen during the same system to call their volun- This situation has resulted in s Wednesday, April 10 nance Program including blood and federated in 1904. year to tibtaia ... • 12:30 p.m. Barbara Callahan, pressure reading, weight and In March1965 VIA unanimously Meeker Sharkey building fire on teers, while other towns intermit- over-crowded radio traffic fre- While the Planning Board ini- In 1871, the same-year-that voted to deive into the need for Commerce Drive. A -replay -the claim care coordinator, to do a counseling, by appointment Cranford was incorporated, a tently came over the same radio quency .and a fire officer who is tially heard the fire department's : low-rent senior citizen housing in radio communications during, the band to do fire checks. The.fire unable to maintain radio contact presentation.on medical and hos 12:30 p.m. Thursday Senior Club civic-minded and philanthropic fire was worth a thousand words plea for new radio equipment last pital insurance claims to have an auction Cranford, and if needed, to strive checks, said Hart, are done rou- with, a fire engine outside of a widow, -Fannie Bates, moved to for its fulfillment Irene Larsen, of explanation several weeks ago fall, its job was to prioritize capi- Thursday, April 11 Friday, April 26 Cranford and soon realized that tinely by fire departments, after a burning building, or headquarters tal expenditure improvement re- VIA president at the time, held a at a governing body meeting. The firehouse radio has been off for on the other side of town; 12:30 p.m. Toby Marx, director of 12:30 p.m. Toby Marx, director of her town, whose population was much used low-band radio fre- quests for the Township Commit- gerontology program at Union expanding rapidly, needed much meeting, inviting 96 organizations, . any, length of time: As an example of the dangerous gerontology program at Upion town officials and residents. The quency ultimately resulted in one tee, which ultimately determines County College, to do a presenta- County College, to do a presdnta^ improvement Mrs. Bates met se- .. . During the remainder of the re- and sometimes fatal results of in- if-a-request -will be filled for the reaction at this meeting was dis- fire officer's inability to reach cording, dispatch of the, fire adequate radio equipment Hart tion on "Keeping Your Memory tion on "Keeping Your Memory cretly with 26 civic-minded headquarters for an estimated 11 current year. Although the firede -Skills Sharp" Skills Sharp" friends Feb. 12, 1896 to discuss appointing and newspapers were drama was broken into every few used the instance of a fire which partment request normally would no less enthusiastic. Not discour- minute^ • ;..•'.. seconds by other towns, who had took place in Hackensack in 1988. Friday, April 12 Tuesday, April 30 the problems. Five days later Mrs. During that time the firefighter have received prioritization, this 12:30 p.nt Representative from 9:30 a.m. "Senior Bus Stroll' Bates became the first president aged, VIA continued to distribute been called to help Cranford, in Hart described the scene which questionnaires .and organized (inside the/burning building) at- resulted in the death of five fire- year Mayor Ed Force, who sits on New Jersey Bell to give a presen- through Nomahegan Park spon- of the newly formed Cranford Vil- FRANCINE KANE will perform at Village Improvement Associ- addition to other interruptions. the Planning Board said the Plan- more meetings with town oflficals tempted' tip contact the fire chief According to Hart,. beginning fighters. A fire incident analysis. tation on "Welcome to the .Fu4 sored by the Recreation & Parks lage Improvement Association ation's 95th anniversary luncheon. ning Board should not put the re-. Department to raise funds for a with < a . membership of 40. The and other interested groups. The to assess him of the conditions in- with the. initial dispatching of a was conducted after the fire ture" , all projects of NJSFWC and has American home life, art, conserVa-' side the building but was unable quest ma category until the issue Tuesday, April 16 new senior citizen bus V membership soon grew to several senior citizen hosuing complex fire call, valuable information is which concluded a major contrib- of a public safety department is became a reality Oct 14, 1977.raised special funds for CHAP tion and garden, literature, and' to get through due to a barrage of relayed by radio frequency. Infor- 9:30 a.m. "Walk for the Health Of 12:30- p.m. Dr. J. Tyler Devlin,, hundred and VIA became one of social services. uting factor was the lack of effec- determined. ' ' . the strongest civic influences in when ground was broken. Amond (Children's Hospital AIDS Pro- surrounding towns responding to mation including the type of fire It" through Holmdel Park, lunch psychologist, to speak on "The gram), which is the special 1990- In adapting Mrs. Arnao's theme, Granford's mutual aid call on the tive communications on the fire Brown, when asked by Planning Power of Laughter, A Way .to Im- the town, being both a staunch the invited dignitaries and guests or emergency, possible trapped scene, in the burning building and to follow 12:30-3:30 p.m. Health 92. project of federation. the VIA stated: "The VIA past was Board members if he had to Maintenance Program including prove the Quality of Life" : supporter and severe critic. . were VIA president Irene Larsen, occupants, their number and loca- betw/een the fire ground com- members Clara Venneri, Marie The 67 members, of VIA meet illuminated by our first president,, choose bebVeen the new radio Cranford had no sanitation ser- tion, hydrant locations and dis- manders and- headquarters. The equipment and a rescue , truck, Gallagher, Mildred Leonard and the second Tuesday each month Fanny E. Bates, and we, her fol- Committee tances, initial. reports of arriving radio haWware, with Only one vice and this became the first from September to May and have lowers, will continue to ignite the -., (also requested at a cost of up to Birthday party ahead for 10 seniors Mary Stine, all former VIA presi- J police persohnel, all of Which are radio frequency to keep in contact project of. VIA, Soon a. covered dents. Mrs. Gallagher was invited active departments including future." $150,000), he said the rescue truck wagon and two horses could be vital for the responding, fire ofr with headquarters, emergency took first priority. • .'•••• Ten members of Wednesday Se- claims, coordinator, will be the to become a board member and recognizes Hcer to receive and react to. Fire^ medical service, dispatching and nior Citizens Club will celebrate Speaker.at 1 p.m. April 10 at the seen making their rounds. The Meanwhile on March 19, the club succeeded in organizing a she served in that capacity for 12 fighters depend on the same radio paging of off duty personnel^was their birthdays at the club's Community Center. ; governing body, including Force, school board Which started work years... • :,; ;' • .-•••••' . : , Gilbert/& Sullivan troupe cop, ixremen frequency' to call for_ additional totally inadequate. . y ' heard a formal request by Brown monthly party. : Upcoming trips are: April 15 TEA TIME:; Mr^Loren Youpg JohhsOn, a national flower show Town fathers" received a letter •. ,••.-.. i» - £ • j • * 1 and May 13, Taj Mahal casino; 'help and equipment Volunteer There were no procedures es- and Hart for new radio equip- They are Terry Abraham, Catr judge*^^ wiU'talk w^'Tr^ Enchantment of Tea," giving the fr^"VIA7in^968-urgrn^-ffi6h^^ One policeman and two fire- firemen and off-duty personnel tablished for the transmission of ment and the rescue truck. Acr herine Baldoni, Alice Gray, Pat June 9 to 13/Toronto and Niagara. background of Oriental, English and American customs, at an consider using the, vacant Acnie fighters were recognized at last also depend on this same low- emergency traffic or high priority Hardman, RUth Madas, Edith Falls; Sept 2 to 6, Wildwood joined forces with the Wednesday cording to township .finance direc- open meeting of the Garden Club of Cranford at 1 p.m. building on Miln and Alden Gilbert and Sullivan's comic op- These questions resolve them- weekfs Tdwnship Conunittee band radio frequency utilized by messages. Two of the firefighters, Merlo, "Eleanor O'Brien, Joseph Crest; and Jan. 13 to 17, Para- Morning Club and soon the Free 1 tor Tom Grady, who was acting Monday at United Methodist CTTiirch. Admission is $5. , streets for a community; center. eretta, "Patience,! will be pre- selves in true Gilbert and Sullivan ' meeting. trapped inside, were unable to Robertielio, Helen Sommerlad mount '-- Hotel. Call Nat Am- Public Library came into being. This was approved and the center township administrator at the After WprldiWar I the VIA was sented by the Savorjr Singers Gil- form. Patrolman Donald Zsak, 28, was contact outside help, yet their time, the governing body.will act and Marjorie Stead. sterdam, 276-6178, for information. has since been moved to the and reservations. instrumental in forming the Visit- bert and Sullivan Company at Savory Singers is - headed by" appointed a permanent patrolman radio transmission, was picked up on capital expenditure requests Barbara Callahan, an insurance former Bloomingdale School, Union County College April 13 after a 24-month probationary per DEPterms on a civilian's scanner • and re- ing Nurse Association and Cran- Robert Roper of Summit during budget time. Prior toth e Nicholas and Hilda Goluses ford Welfare Society. The Cerebral Palsy Center, and 20 at 8 p.m., April 14 at 4 p.m. Tickets in advance are $10 or riod. Zsak, a resident of Linden, layed by telephone to fire head-, decision, said Grady, town elders and April 21 at ,3 p.m. was a patrolman there before Thursday seniors announce events Alice Lakey became the fifth First Aid Squad, Suburban Sym- ,$13 at the door while children • quarters. By the time this message must decide how much money The story concerns a pretentious joining Cranford Police March .1, black spill was relayed to the scene, it was president in 1904 and up until phony Orchestra, townwide flood- under 12 are admitted for. half they will allocate to capital expen- Programs for the Thursday Se- planned May 19 to 24. to perform reeital Sunday 1930 had. served three times. ing problems, the purchase of an poet, Bunthorrie, accustomed to price. Call 474^3098 9 am. to 3 1989. too late to save the firefighters. . ditures and how they will be ftm- Birthday celebrants, this month nior Citizens Club this month in- The Afternoon Music series will tar" by "Virgiiio Mortari, "Three From 1930 to 1934, she also, electric pediatric bed for a local the devotion of a throng of love- p.m. weekdays; 277-6175 evenings Firefighter Richard Meier was no hazard The current base radio station ded, by bond or cash. No date has clude Toby Marx from Union are Lee Clarke, Louise England, 1 hospital with 149,000 Betty Crock- sick maidens. He is dismayed and weekends. advanced to a third grade level in fire headquarters is 11 years feature .guitarist Nicholas Goluses Moons for Cello and Guitar ' by served'as honorary president been set to discuss this issue. County College speaking on mem- Ruth Gessher, Murray Greenspan, and cellist Hilda Goluses of Cran- David Leisner, Manuel de Falla's In 1903 Miss Lakey invited Dr. er coupons, hospice, the historical when they abandon him for a paid fireman. Meier had been a A iOOrgalloh spill discovered society and many other local rival poet What is he to do? And Konrlay hphinri a Myrtle Avenue ory April 11, Arthur Bilenker on Bob Hebster, Chet Kniazuk, Joh- ford Sunday at 4 p.m. at Unitarian "Le Tombeau de " Harvey W. Wiley, chief of the Bu- Rabbitt booked at 3lunteer-fipeman-for-10yearsbe=- -Nfevy nvifltion April 1ft ?>nri an groups benefit from VLVs efforte. what is a regiment of handsome fore being appointed a paid fire- business was not hazardous) ac- TliTi T^i h, 4 Walrimn Av&. Summit arid "Suite Popular Espagnolei" reau of Chemistry in the U.S. De- auction the 25th. Nicholas Goluses, a former stu- and sonatas by J.S. and ~partmenp t of Agricultureg, , to speak—A-^family—adp o -dragoons fo do when the maidens man April 1,1988. cording to officials from the State Helen Orosz, Ruth. Powell, Geor- Care each month throughout the. jilt them for the poets? And what r Firefighter Frank Genova was Department of Environmental Judge Bell imposes penalties The club's anniversary party will dent of Andres Segovia, holds the Redames Gnattali. Call 273-3245 to thh e clulb on foofd adulteratiodlti a be held May 9 at the Coachman^ A gia Talarowski,. Louis Toma and or 277-3327. ]] . year and at all special holidays is is a simple milkmaid to do who is Country performer and com- presented with the Medal of Valor Protection. JeanZiegler. Andres Segovia Faculty Chair at She was so upset by what she four-day trip to Virginia is Manhattan School of Music in Tickets mew be purchased at the heard that she became very active supplied with food. loved by both poets but considers poser Eddie Rabbitt will return to for his part in saving a drowning Authorities said the dark black 1 1 , VIA also makes contributions to love an . illness, to be. aybided? his native New Jersey in a concerts man,at LongJBeach Island.last liquid behind the M&R Marking for various drmntg^wrongs New York, where he earned a door for $12, $10 for seniors citi- in this cause- She contacted the doctor of musical ,arts degree. He; zens arid $3 students. NJ. State Federation of Women's April 13 at 8 p.m. at Union County' summer. Genova was a volunteer Co., 69 Myrtle Ave.-wjis reported Several fines were levied i and/ scotch plains each pleaded guilty Attorney, gerontoloffist to address club v Afts Center, 1601 Irving St, Rah- fireman for 10 months before at 8:13 am. by business owner has appeared as soloist through- Clubs, asking it. to support a bill penalties imposed during recent to separate incidences\of driving •'• ' ™ ; o Concert to highlight being appointed a paid fireman Glen Sculler. Municipal Court proceedings be- with a. suspended driver's license The monthly business meeting Seats are available on the May 8 out North America,. Europe and before Congress which was wayV ,. . '•''•'•••'.•'.' ''•'." ['•'•• May 15,1989. Members of the state DEP and and were fined a'total of $516 of the Friday Senior Citizens Club and June 12 trips to Taj Mahal Asia. .; ," ••'• ; •'. ' :.• •,-., .•.;,.':. '•• Vintage toys backed by VIA. As a result of her Guitar Day, a Celebration of Concert/Commentary" at 1 p,m. His songs have been made fa-'\ fore Judge James Bell mous by Elvis Presley, Ronnie' the county haz-mat team were Ray Robinson, 35, of Linden apieca Martinez was given a sum- will be held at 1 p.m. tomorrow. A casino and Sept 15 to 19 trip to. Hilda Goluses earned a master work and the strength of NJSFWC classical guitar,.will be held April He is an instructor of guitar at mons March 5 by officer William hot dog luncheon will be served at Wildwood Crest Call 276-2849 for of music degree from Manhattan Antique toy and advertising the bill was passed two years 6 at Kean College's Little Theatre Kean. ,; Milsap, Tom Jones, Willie Nelson- called to conduct tests of the fluid pleaded guilty to driving while in- and himself. They include "Ken- > which, officials suspect was real- Thermann. McCoy received his noon April 12 followed by a pro- reservations^ School of Music and has served items will be featured at a show later Thus VIA became the first in the College Center. Roselle man toxicated (DWD arid driving with and sale Sunday from 10 airi. to 4 A master class will be taught tucky Rain," the theme music for* ized after the storm sewer over- a suspended driver's license and summons Feb. 20 from officer gram by New jersey Bell, "Wel- on the faculties of Mason Gross Women's society to influence the Nicholas Goluses of Cranford, Members, who will Celebrate p.m. at Days Inn Coachman Res- head of the guitar department at 3:30 to 6 p.m. by Bruce Holzman, Clint Eastwood's movie : "Every*' flowed; " • was fined a total of $1,162. His Thomas Feeney. come the. Future." Attorney Ed- School of the-Arts, Rulgers Uni- politics of the country. This fact is an instructor of guitar at Florida birthdays at the riionthly party'are taurant noted in the National Archives in Manhattan School of Music, and Which Way But. .Loose," • "Drivin' charged with Fire officials said the spill does driver's license was revoked for ward Hobbie of Cranford will Peggy Van Schoick, Evelyn Djras, versity, and Kent Place School in State University. His clsiss will Seventy-five exhibitors will show Washington, D.O his wife, cellist Hilda Goluses, will My Life Away" and "Step by; not pose a threat to residents. The two years and he was ordered to speak April 19 on wills, powers Of Edythe Lambert, Olive Granitzki, Summit The couple have two cover the classical repertoire. children Sophia, 5, and Harryi 6 • country store items, old tins,, folk The population of Cranford had perform, in an 8 p.m. concert Ad- Step." building is located in an indus- attend the Intoxicated Drivers Re- Teacher agency attorney, trusts and living wills. Tickets to the concert are $17.50 purse theft trial portion of town. The com- Toby Marx of Union County Col- months. art, Americana, prints, and col- grown to 11,126 by 1930 and the mission is $10. The charge for participation in source Center (IDRQ for 48 Alex Zielenski, Frank Hidi Jr., lectible toys. Admission is $3.50 or and $22.50. Visit or-ckli the box; pany has been held responsible hours, Robinson was arrested Jan. lege's gerontology program will Sunday's performance will fea- need for more schools, a larger Seth Himmelhoch v/ill present all events is $55 and $35 to audit A 24-year-old Roselle man was manager returns speak about memory skills April Robert Springsted, George Hein, $1 for children. Call 233-7949. "Latin American Guitar Music: A Call 527-2107. office, 499-8226. ."• for cleaning the spilL 5 by officer Anthony Dobbins. Pauline Hadley arid Ed Connolly. ture "Legenda for Cello and GUi- library and a new municipal charged Friday with the Feb. 22 Randy Ring returned this month 26. "•'••'"•• •:•,-;;;-.-•--• ,;••.-. •.; theft of a purse from a Raritan Steven Santos, 33, of Brooklyn pleaded guilty to DWI anddriving to GA. Agency, 108 N. Union Aye., Road business. as regional manager of the The man, identified as Jerald P. Teacher's camera with a suspended driver's license Residents attend urban forestry demo and was fined a total of $896. His teacher placement agency. 1 Williams of W, 1st Street, was ar- W., • ••....-.•• v ' •'•:•.. • •" • >i driver's license was revoked for Ring opened the office here in Frances Wisiher and Mirian phase of the Urban Forestry Dem- rested on drug possession charges gone from table 1983, averaging 79 placements a Moody, members of the Cranford onstration project has been fun- by Roselle Police at 8 pm. Friday, six months and, he was ordered to Thrbckmortoirs attend DDRC for 12 hours. Santos year until she began a maternity Tree Advisory Board, attended a ded at $270,000 for 1991. Middles- f-lTTT" and charged with theft by Cran- A 35mm camera worth $490 was recent all-day meeting sponsored ex, Mercer and Passaic counties A H U • I C * IT reported stolen March 15 by a was arrested Sept 9 by officer leave in 1987. Ring is certified as ford detectives Russell Wilde and a personnel consultant and is a by the NJ. Community Forestry and the Newark-East Orange area . William Peters, according to in- Hillside Avenue school teacher. Donald Zsak, Eduardo Martinez, 22, of Eli- licensed employment operator in Committee concerning implemen- have been selected as initial sites.. vestigators. Catherine Dudley, 44, of Mat- tation and development of a natu- awan, an employee of the Cran- zabeth and William McCoy, 23, of New Jersey. Attention will be focused on EXQUISITE CAKES & DESSERTS Williams was identified as a sus- ral resource management demon- stream improvements as well as pect in the theft of a purse from ford Board of Education at Hill- stration project within. an urban This Week^s Special side School, told police/ she tree planting in urban areas being Crown Cleaners, 665 Raritan Rd., area. The project is designed to revitalized. While Union County ; 8" iftuni Raisin by the victim, Hae Im, 45, wife of placed her Pentax K-1000 camera serve as a model for the nation. Wednesday, April 10 on a table in the teacher's cafete- Fiire Departriient log was not among the chosen areas, •' Ghee^ecafcei the owner, and a Linden resident Sen. Bill Bradley was the chief it is expected the information Italian-Style MenuiAntipasto, who came to her assistance, said ria at 1p.m. When she returned two hours later the camera was The Cranford Fire Department March 28: Accidental alarm oc- speaker at the meeting and it was gained will be of use locally, said $-1 ribo Pasta, Oiicken Marsala or Detective Lt William O'Donnell; curred on Orange Avenue. through his efforts that the first Mrs. Moody. 1 Piccata, Dessert & Coffee Im told police at the time that gone. responded to the following calls RM. $12.70 • txptttt4llOI9\ Police said the room was acces- during the last week: March 29: Firefighters extin- Reservations 6-7 Show 9 she saw Williams crouch behind a guished dumpster fire on Livings- 900 Lincoln Blvd. counter and allegedly snatch her sible only, to faculty and staff. March 25; Firemen discovered . Dinner a"Show $32 pp There are no suspects. old fire alarm wire at Centennial ton Avenue; damage was con- The New Brunswick Cultural Middlesex, Mj purse before fleeing in the direc- tained to the dumpster. (ind. tax fitgrat ) tion of Jackson Drive. He was Avenue. They extinguished a car Center State Theatre (Next to tyyd. foods) fire oh Centennial Avenue, con- March 30: There was an acci- presents later cornered by Linden Council- dental alarm on Centennial Ave- man J.' Gary Luciano who had Driver charged taining it to the engine compart- Wertfield • 654-9700 ment Another car fire on the Gar- nue. Firemen freed a child from a chased him to the parking lot locked bathroom at a Mendell Av- -Williams managed to escape but after accident den State Parkway was extin- guished by the time firemen ar- enue residence. They also discon- A GATHERING ijefiire^^ n & rived.TheTef"wai> ,*an' altuin. ; -neeted-a-defective-light-ballast^aL purse with its' contents still in year^old West Orange man with junction on Alderi Street "" ' a Springfield Avenue business.. OF FRIENDS place, said police. driving with a suspended driver's March 26:" .They responded a March 31:' Firemen were unable /";'• FOR INFORWiATION REGARDING tHESE RESTAURANT PAGES "\ license and an uninsured, unreg- call on odor of natural gas, but to find anything after responding ./"•.•••• "•••.••••••:• CALL -•>•.;:'-.• ••• .--:••"• 1 Radio missing istered motor vehicle Saturday was nothing found. Firemen re- to a call about natural gas odors M1CKI PULSINELLI after he struck a utility pole on moved a chandelier from a Holly in the area of Bloomingdale Ave- GEORGE at Hillside School South Avenue. Street residence after responding nue. In a similar matter, officials The man, identified as Todd to a report of an electrical fire; determined that atmospheric con- f .201-231-6652 An AM-FM radio was reported" B6t£ of Eagle Rock Avenue, was fire extension was checked. Fire- ditions may have caused chemical stolen Monday from a classroom taken to Union Hospital at 10:38 men found a broken radiator hose odors in the area of Henley and p.m. for unspecified injuries and inside a truck after responding to N. Union avenues. A report of a THURSDAY at Hillside Avenue School. refused to be admitted, according Investigators said the window of a truck fire on South Avenue W. > house fire on North Avenue W. APRIL 18, WEEKEND DII^MER SPECIALS TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY to Lt WiUiam O'Donnell. March 27: Firemen used .a turned out to be excessive smoke Room 34 on the south side of the from* an automobile. Firemen building was broken to gain entry Police are investigating the winch to remove a vehicle which 8:00 PM BOBBY & MARY'S NTTES NTTES NTTES: NTTES: cause of the. accident and are was wedged between a telephone stood by until an automobile was sometime over the weekend. As of removed following an accident on 318 William St., Piscataway 4 6-9P.M. awaiting the results of a toxicologr pole and a fence on Lincoln Ave- $32, $28, $24, $20 GRAND Ladies Night - I?RIMERIB Monday, the radio, worth $30, was South Avenue. 752-4474 the only item known missing, Said icaltest nue. •••••.-•• . • .•'-..•• .v. •• PASTA V GRAND BUFFET police. ; Each Special Includes: Solip, Salqd, Coffea & Dessert In Our Lounge SPECIAL Choose from over 35 items •LINDEN 5 PLEX' BUFFET ENTERTAINMENT The burglary ^ws-reported at INCLUDING ON SITE • CHICKEN MURPHY.;,.;...... ,..^;.,,;.,...... ,,....;...... ;;...., $9.95 7PM-11PM 7:45 am. by the school principal. 400 NO. WOOD AVE. • 925-9787 "A Tour of Italy" Includes • Rout Beef Carving Siilion • Pastas Spacious Rooms Airport Shuttle • Ham Catvutg SUlioa Bargaig n M 8at,, SUn. & Holidayys • .^TEAK & SHRIMP ..„.,...... ;„;...... ,....,.... $13.95 All Popular Drinks Suites w/Wot Bar ThrHly Car Rental JOE A Variety of Over 25 Pastas! Complimentary • Chicken DWiu • Hot A Cold Sahdb 1st SShoh w $3.00, TUM. BarBaroall n Mat MJMJMM) BaCar'e tool • Veil Dbhcj • Bre«fa I SISTER SUSAN Indoor Clymplo Pool live Entertainment Champagne • Seafood Dkhej Restaurant/Lounge rT: Complete with • Coffee • Dectrt the Marrying Complete Health Glub in our Lounge Warlock Cable TV-HBO/ESPN 1B50 EnBton Ave. ^ coffee & dessert Va\\an Specialties Including 'HEADING Man " Somerset, N.J. 08873 |I by the Fmli MonortUa ,,. Established 1962 H-E-AT-R/E Children 10 & under $3.50 $ 95 Career Bq-13 Mutant Nln|a ;; (Pprinerly Tmvelodfle) CDACH NVPADDQCK THREE G'S $|A9Jk.\W S ' Advice on all problems of life.' t 00 19 Livingston Avenue 12 One visit convinces you she Is _A_ Opportunity Turtle II PQ Single $y|Q00 $fQ Double ROUTE ?« (EXIT IZ|4 < I. NLA. (Children 10 & under $5.50) TlwMMlCNTiKOou New Brunswick, NJ 1 truly a gifted lady. V^^l All Specials Cannot Be Combined With Any Other Offer Live Entertainment ' Crystal Enttgy and Silence Sleeping . Tarot Card p^adlngs of the with the iiU 1 LUNCH >D«NNE R •COCKTAILOCKTAI S In Service Step Down 908-246-7469 * WEDDINGS • BANQUETS • PARTIES FOR ALL OOCCASIONS 2991 Hamilton Blvd. Avallabto torPtrtl M & Ba Lambs Enemy ("VIL1A Mat Only South Plainfield, NJ. S72-9791 Home Alone PQ Night Dancing 115 North Ave., W. (908)469-5050 JOE (Off Rl. 207) Cranford . - Bud Beavers & Elaine (908) 561-2722 - The Coachman RISTORANTE

t ii ; i i , i

B-8 CRANFORD CHRONICLE Thursday April 4,1991 GRAND OPENING 1 LARGE PIE - $6 TEJRRYVJXX; AFamltyPlace With This Coupon When The Best Restaurant & Pizza C.mnui /•;<• Cnmi>inrd Vvitli Any Ollu'i Oliir . INN 1S13 t Good Enough Dally Spedals : Fresh Homemade' 14" Small Pie...... »5.50 Sicilian Pie...... 9.00 Brunch Around The World Seafoods & Meats Pastas &. Sandwiches 16" Large Pie...... *6.50 The Works...... *1100 United Germany PHONE (IndiidM « Topping) Sunday/April 7 •Seating 11:30-2:30 ..••.*3.50 (Each Additional Filling.75) South Jrlainp^etcu Serving Lunch Tuesday-Friday 11:30 18 W. Main St. Somervllle, N JT. Always In The Best Of Taste . Dinner Tuesday-Saturday 5:00, Sunday at 4:00 • NORTHEkN ITAUAN-FJIENCH • AMERICAN CUISINE Perryvllle Inn Is participating in ROME PIZZA : "Taste of the Nation" to benefit LUNCH DINNER , for Over 24 Yenrs 3 Locations to Serve You! Served Moa-Fri. • ' Served Mon.-Thuis. 5:00-9:30 p.m. the hungry n:}0-2:3Op.m: Fri;&Sai. 5:00:10:00 pm Sun. 4:00*00 p.m. April 22 - 6:00 p.m.-10:00 pjn. Banquet Facilities Available ' ' • The Manor, West Orange 968-1394 334 Nnrtl1 Avonuc The Finest In 150 RL 206 Hillsborpugh, vtj. (201) 526-5584 Call for Reservations (908) 730-9500 Duncllen Fresh and ' • • '' 3 Mi. South of SorUervMe Circle . Major Credit Cards •Closed Mondays it. Cooked Seafood i-78 Exit 12, Near Clinton^ PETE'S This Week's Special GRAND OPENING FISH MARKETS M.00OFF FILET OF FLOUNDER EAST CHINA 469-9570 DINNER 4/3/9J-4/10/91 Delicious Chinese Food Eat In & TaKe Out 716 Union Ave. 1 A&P Shopping Center Szechuan, Hunan & Cantonese Cuisine . . • • . • ft) '' "• • . • ':.••• Middlesex, NJ = NEW DINNER MEWU = OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK \ Middlesex Shopping Center 205 E. 2nd St."".... Ill W. 2nd Ave. ., .73? Union Ave. R I S T O ja A N T E IT A L I A N O Mon.-Thurs. 11:00 ANM6:00 PM Plainfield., NJ Roselle, NJ New Veal & Chicken Entrees FOR INFORMATION REGARDING THESE RESTAURANT PAGES • Middlesex, N.J. 08846 Formerly of Fanwood, Now Open in Peapflck-Gladstone Frl.-Sat.11:0OAM-11:OOPM 756-1656 241-5990 12 New Pasta Specialties -' CALL .... Sunday 12:00 Nbon^i 0:00 PM. TEL: (201)302-1881/1882 NY Times Alferno & Combination Specialties "Very Good" MICKI PULSINELLI Broiled Fresh Seafood with.. Sept. 24,1989 Expanded Chinese Selections including: "Excellent" Star Ledger 201-231-6652 U.S. Highway 22 April 20 1990 Szechuan, Hunan & Cantonese t Green Brook, NJ Extended Children's Menu Open 24 hours a day "The best of the best" Travel Host 7daysaweek with Italian, Chinese & Pizza Febl2,1989 This weekly column Is devoted Dont Eat till you get to A Family Tradition Since 1927... to sharing with you, our readers, "Cozy retreat AND good food,.. Sunset Colonial Diner. ' with Family Prices the different kinds of delightful, delicious cuisine In our area. Very professional and attentive ROUTE 78 [EXIT 12) 4 Miln Will il CLINTON. H. J. 356-2674 Mon.-Sat. 11:30-1:00 A.M. V 201-735-7889 _ TakerOut Available , Sun.l2:00;MIdnlghr • DINNER •CdCKTAILS" Breakfast Parties for All Occasions 609 East Main St. . • WEDDINGS • BANQUETS * PARTIES FOR ALL OCCASIONS Lunch Buffets starting at >6*» Brldgewater,N.X- Also Pizza Parties JASPERS .Open M-F for Lunch •• 7 Nights for Dihner Dinner. Gift Certificates Available . 722-4180 BALLROOM DANCING ARESTAURANT " (fonnBrly Maria's Restaurant) MONDAY fHHU\THUR$DAY FROM - 3:00 P.M. TO 6:00 P.M. 12 IACKAWANNA AVENUE ' : Sat., April 27— 7:00-11:30 150 ROUTE 206 SOUTH •\.t BEAPACK-GLADSTONE MUSIC OF THE BIG BAND ERA 7. Breast of Chicken Parmlgiana SO. SOMERVILLE, NX (908) 781-1888 wtthUngulnl , - 908-722-5440 featuring One of the pleasures of doing a restaurant column .is the diversity of food, 1940's Big Band Music places and prices I encounter each and every week. Last week I dined at a Dinner-Dance $25.95 store front pizzeria that served good Italian food at low prices. The week before mvtaOm UnouW8. I was eating seafood buffet at a hotel restaurant. This week my column Is '•'•'• Pre Person. Plus Tax.' devoted to an area restaurant, Jaspers, which, each year Is recognized as one- / " Gratuity & Cocktails . i of the top 500 commercial food service establishments In the country, • . For those who aren't familiar with this restaurant,.Jaspers Is a free-standing building on" Route 206 South In South Sorhervllle. It is owned and operated by ^ " yCullnary Institute of AinaHca alumni! James Richards and Charles Mooro.— f. can remember when these two opened their first restaurant In this area, about a. Vfe-mlle south of the "SiSmervllle Circle. It. was a small but elegant Lobster Festival every Thursday and Friday night. Festival establishment serving Northern Italian food with a flair for presentation. They ALL ABOVE SERVED WITH SOUP, SALAD, POTATO, COFFEE, PUDDINGS, were successful enough to buy the current place; approximately five milea OR JELLO - NO SUBSTITUTIONS $24.95 PER PERSON UNLIMITED! Every Tuesday south of their original one. * ' . m - The present looatiorvof -Jaspers reminds me of how successful these, two • ii restaurant entrepreneurs haye been. The slzable^sunken; bar|araa alopa/ is Choice & Fru large enough to fittw o of the old Jaspers, as I recall. There are several large ] banquet rooms, a large main dining room and a lew small rodms for private parties or to cover the overflow, on a busy night...... , The main dining room has wooden booths along the walls with tables In the . O R center. The far wall consists of a large fireplace with a raised hearth. The table \ Rt. 206 South •; Rt. 202/206, Bridgewater / 658-3000 setting is complete with wine and water glasses, a beige tablecloth and dark j| Hillsborough green cloth napkins. The service Is. friendly and swift, and. the atmosphere Buffet comfortable and relaxing. . . •••'.-.'•'' . V 3594)6^ -,'.: -,j" ! The' food covers a wide range, from Continental to seafood to all:Amerlcan ' Open 7p4ysV ..!< • Unlimited Lobster classics ilket steak and veal chops. There are also Interesting and attractive 1 • Two Paste's items on the specials list. .•.'•••. . Your Hosts: The Vied's, Engels, Stones "I V • ^ Appetizers, twelve In. all, range in price from $4.25 (deep fried mozzarella) to ( and Tolls invite you to take Advantage \:^ • Shrimp V $6,95 for a mixed hot tray. Some of the more interesting appetizers include coconut shrimp ($4.75), pate maison ($5.50) and smoked duck llngonberry '•k'. Monday * All you can eat Prime Rib ...... $9.95;! sauce ($6.95) from the Saturday specials. There are three soups and three I ^^i Restaurant $ • Carving Station : : salads, Including Caesar's for $4.95. ' •k Tuesday rk. All you can eat Pasta's ...... <...... $7*95^ • Fried Calamari Jaspers' menu has a homemade pasta selection, seven In all, which can be * Wednesday • AJ1 you can eat Chicken & Ribs ...... $9.95; 126-1677 p/person ) ordered as an entree or as an appetizer. This section includes spinach ravioli Stuffed Shrimp Unlimited • Lobster Stuffing In a pesto cream sauce ($11.50 entree, $5.50 appetizer) and angel hair and Join Us in pur cafe for -\i OPEN 7 DAYS lobster meat In a mild pink peppercorn sauce ($14.50 and$6.75). . • Herring & Lox Choice of. entres include five veal dishes ($14.95 to $.17.95). four chicken * Wednesday Nite - D.J. no cover " v| with Crabmeat Limited Time Offer • Assorted Salads ($13.35 to $14.50), seven seafood ($14.95 to $17.95) and five beef choices * Thursday -Saturday live: Entertainment No Coyer Ii Complete Dinners Only Introducing our ($17.95 to'-.$18.75).'. All entrees are served with a salad and a choice of either * Sunday > 8:00 New York origUial COMEDY Show • Dessert baked potato, French fries, risotto or llrigulne with tornatosauce.. •. Inch Soap, Lobster or Shrimp, Dinner begins with hot loaf of French bread. My companion ordered the 95 Veg., Potato & Dessert Fine continental Dining in our newly 1/2 PRICE DINNER soup special, lobster and artichoke bisque for $1.75. This was a brown cream Reservations Requested soup with a fresh fish taste. For appetize's we shared an order of the mixed hot renovated candlelit pining Room Entertainment on Friday Nights tray .(clams bohemian with lime butter,, casino, oyster Rockefeller, mozzarella I Buy 1 Dinner Entree & Casual Dining Every Fri, Sat & Sun in our Grill Room LUNCH DINNER SUNDAY and coconut shrimp. .. : . Tues. - Fri. 11:30-2:30 TUM. - Thun. 5:00-9:00 Brunch 11:0(W:30 572 BoutoMrd In KenBworth, 276-7775 • CONTINENTAL-ITALIAM CUISINE Our salad, a mixture of greens, shredded carrots, peppers, tomatoes and FiL ft Sat. 5:00-10:00 Dtaner 3:00-M0 Receive 2nd Entree I, croutons, was served with the special zinfandel vinaigrette dressing. The 7 Closed Mondays dressing was excellent. |t was spicy and tangy but not too hot or overpower- ing.' •', :.'.'• '. •'.. • ' ••':•••..••.',• •' •....,. " '•.."• .• • •; .•'':•• Open For Lunch _w^ Sunday Brunch *** THE NEST *** at 1/2 Price! , For entrees we ordered the veal cordaro ($16.95), which Is broccoli and , •LIVE ENTERTAINMENT* (Must be of equal or lesser value) , garlic flavored cream cheese sauce between two veal cutlets and topped with i VTues-Sat fU\ 11:30-3 pm NO TAKE OUT mushroom mareaJa sauce and mozzarella cheese. The large size cutlets were SV Thura. ill 11:00 *Fri. & Sat til 1:00* Mon: thru Thurs, Only very tender and the sauce yety light. The menu states that the majority of their Casual Dining until mldnlght> with this ad ' ' sauces are prepared to order and that was evident, in the taste. BE^WER BROOK exp: 4-15-91 I chose the tournedos and brie ($18.75), medallions of filet mlgnon topped Tttw.-Tlu«. 5:OO-1IK». FH. * S*L 5:00-2:00, Sunday 3:00-9:00 with melted Brie cheese and served In a green peppercorn bordelalse sauce. I C O U N THY C I. U II AMWELLRD., BELLE MEAD 201-35M700 The two pieces of filet were so tender you could cut It with a fork. Rt..202-2O6 N. Trie two of us asked! our waitress to Wrap up what we couldn't finishfo r Brldgewater mm 908-735-4200 Rt. 31, Clinton, NJ tomorrow's lunch. • • •; '.•:•' .:'••'• . ••.•-' . 526-1677 Despite little room left fpranythlng else, we couldn't resist ordering one of I Whole P lUSDA Grade A the special, desserts. This was an Item called Rustlca ($4), a rich form of Filet Mlgnon 1 ChlcHen tlramlsu, which 'Is layers of sponge cake tilled with cream, llquore and > CHINESE decorated flowered,cocba^Thls was a heavenlylight dessort that complements any large meal. / '• •- " :. ••••''•' •' ', WsffifrTT, • 3^iSP From food to service Jaspers is a ftrt-class restaurant In a comfortable setting with friendly arfd'courteous servlpey . , - ^-kitchen); American Yellow THERE IS NO UDDER! FREE / (908) 297-2382 • 297-9S79 Boar's Head Mustard \ or White Qheese This column Is designed to acquaint our readers with dining spots In the area. It Is hot Intended as a critique. with any Ib. f $499 The Finest Traditional Chinese Cuisine Restaurants & Food Stores 13Boar's Head purchase | I Ib. (byltwtbj Us Great April Steak Sale! 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April 4,1991 - Union County Classified - 1 ft-10 CRANFORD CHRONICLE Thursday April 4,1991 Forbes Newspapers School board candidates to e questions if

•£;•-• The Chronicle has asked the seven candidates for the Cranford take students to sports and other events, and in the area of special Andrew Pelliccio __ Board of Education to/ respond to two questions- The questions and education, which is huge The child study team should put all out-of- Consolidating duties at the supervisory level would be cost effective, candidates'answers follow. district placements before a non-biased select review committee who but staff reductions particularly at the grammar school level could only would advise the Board of Education. Are there closer, less costly hurt Cranford's quality of education. Quite frankly; after examining the In view-of tlie anticipated elimination of state aid, how can the school resources? Is 24-hour "custodial care" required.' Family court in our last two budgets I don't believe there is any fat at the grammar school wrtt yjnrk irnih n •ri.ti?pns budget rvnvnfi c.ommitte.e to achieve more county uses the same mechanism. level. I am also not convinced that the elimination of two basic skills efficient use of tax dollars? Where consultants were usedran KB could offer opinion on need fof^ teachers wiu serve thfrbestinterests of our cmldrea —'• boiler replacement, gym door changes, etc There are enough licensed The Quality Education Act which is starting to show its negative Tom Borihag people in the system to legalize results. Line item requests, as for new effects on all suburban communities has nothing to do with quality. It Since I serve on the Citizens Budget Advisory Committee (CBAC) carpeting, deserve their scrutiny, on first appearance in the budget, In has to do with equalization and we should not have to lower our which has reviewed the Cranford municipal budget, I can offer practi- some cases the board may not be able to rely on a principal's opinion standards to that of less fortunate communities. J-ibink it would be N N E C to M cal advice on the application of this concept'to the school board. The on high dollar requests. Board of Education may not be able to do prudent (wise) toreplac e the majority controlling the the state legisla- school budget is more complex and significantly larger than the muni- inspections by themselves, but escorted FtBs can do the job. I'm for it ture in the next general election. 1 -.•'.",' ,\ cipal budget This presents challenges to a study group in the time Realizing that every dollar saved in salaries is saved not just this 908-231-6610 required for examination and report MaryZanes year but every year, the Crariford Board of Education and the people of f. We're#1! A citizens review committee can give the board a different perspec- Cranford must be prepared tophoose the programs and curriculum for OR TOLL FREE IN NEW JERSEY Unlike the CBAC municipal review which was completed in two tive on the budget Therefore, I would welcome their suggestions. But Union County months, a CBAC review of the school budget should begin work in June our students muchmore cardKlly than ever before. '. u., .-••••: Named Best Weekly Classified the committee and board members must realize the final form of the Pension and Social Security costs amount to more than $3 million of this year and allow one year for its wprk. A case study of the prior budget is the responsibility of the board. It will reflect cost- By N.J. Press Association year's budget vs. actual spending would be an. excellent learning tool. per year, and under, the revised QEA they must be added to the tax I 1«800«334t0531 edition consciousness, but also educational commitment burden of Cranford citizens in the next two years. It would take a staff In addition to.a longer time period and a prior year review, a CBAC The citizens committee could become a part of the annual budget reduction of 60 positions just to cover this tax increase Reality and the could begin by choosing one particular school and .work its way through CHEVY 76 CORVETTE CHEVY 89 CAVALIER DODGE 84 DAYTONA- FORD 78 GRANADA— FORD 87 TAURUS GL- HONDA 83 PRELUDE- HONDA 89 CIVIC LX- LINCOLN 67 CONTINEN- process: Their participation as well as representation from 1PTA and needs of the students''tells us this will not be possible Coupled with 30 TAL-? 462, dual exhaust, the entire schooL.one budget at a time, one budget line at a time. Each L82— expel cond, all Z24— auto, fully loaded, burgandy, sunroof, new V6, black, excel, running loadedt auto, all power, 5 spd., sun roof, AM/FM, 16 valve, Auto, Loaded, Cranford educators would give the board a broader base of ideas from percent increases in insurance, 14 percent increases in transportation, numbers match, white w/ new tires, $9O00/BQ.i(Sa)l tires, rear window loovers, cond., PB, 4 door, asking new battery- & tires, 53K Mint condition, new up-22k miles, stereo cass.. Power everything,. new expense item needs to be challenged and validated or eliminated. AUTOS black Int., new 'tires & 752-7949. . • • -^- \$2200/BO. Must sell. Call S600/BO. Call anytime ml, blue, 4 door, asking holstery, paint. $3990. AM/FM, velour seats, flip painti 84K miles. Great whichto work . etc., Cranford is facing a financial dilemma that will take well rounded, condition. $1200/B.O. The school board needs to authorize a CBAC, appoint its members, The process, could begin with the.citizens review committee prepar- logical thinking board members to see us through the '90s. I FOR SALE j wheels, must sell, CHEVY 89 CORVETTE -271-1235 after 3PM 463-7148 or 9AM-5PMV $6000. Call 908^654-5770 234-1018. side rear seat. 422-8596. «!'•• $10,500. 257-8820 eves; 949-6795. 8AM-5PM $10.500/Bp. Call Ken or Kathy 968- and empower it to conduct the examination: The school board also ing then- list of suggestions for September. These suggestions would CONVERTIBLE- Never DODGE 85 CHARGER- HONDA 87 te AC- 5829, leave message. days 245-1677 - ; seen' rain or snow. 13K 2.2 liter, 5 spd, AC, excel- FORD 83 CROWN VIC- FORD 89 MUSTANG- 'CORD— 4 door, 5 speed, HONDA 90 CRX SI- : needs to direct school officials to cooperate with a CBAC and tothen be given tosubcommittee s forrevie w and recommendations. Each .. , ' • ... '•• ' -EdnaSilvey .••••,••'• . . , ',•-•;• ACURA 86 LEGEND- CHEVY 76 CORVETTE-^ orlg. miles. Red w&'ack lent cond. 1 owner, 55k TORIA— Excellent condi- Convertible GT. Adult fully equipped, many ex- sunroof, AC, AM/FM LINCOLN 76 CONTINEN- participate in the education of CBAC members on all topics. The school subcommittee would include a member of the board, a PTA or parent Staff reductions are a way to contain costs, however, At may not be Sedan, AM/FM stereo canary yellow w/brown all leather Interior. AUto. Mlnt~rn1Tes, Asking $2750; Call tion, loaded. Call 271- owned; 11K ml; leather; tras. 41K miles. Call 272- cass., 31mpg., 12k miles. TAL— 4 door, 77K. orlg cass., prestine cond. ga- leather Int. 49K orlg. 5715, leave message auto; AC; cruise; tilt; pre- 9613 or 887-2198. $10,500/BO. 234-4176 mi, excel cond In & out, board needs to develop an attitude amongg its members that CBAC is a representative, a teacher and an administrator. I would like to see : prudent..This may seem the simple solution but school districts must raged, tilt, suhroof, mats, cond. $25,000. 781-1529. 889-7968 , positive move and is npt intended to usurp authorityin any way from ±-^— *-—t--«- -• * J •—•—•.—i- . .. .-«• •--- ± ,_• ,: „. ^ ^_._ i iu^ ^«.— miles, mint cond, asking DODGE 85 SHELBY mium sound; P/wlndows, days; 704-3467 eves. loaded, best offer. Call positive move and is npt intended to usurp authority.in any way from representation from both elementary and secondary levels. be sure the reductions do not adversely affect student heeds. Often V6, cruise, $10,750. 60k $9500. Call 968-1276 CHEVY, '81, MONTE FORD 84' TEMPO- 5 locks; $14,500.248-9245 HONDA 88 ACCORD 549-8740 after 3PM program offerings are. eliminated arid class size becomes overly large. call 647-3960 eves. CARLO- V6, auto,- PS. TURBO CHARGER- spd., 4 door, AM/FM. Ex- HYUNDAI 88 EXCEL the school board. All decisions oti spendirjg j>emain with the school By January these subcommittees should have completed their analy- CHEVY 76 CORVETTE- mlnt body, hot car, needs FORD 89 PROBE LX- DX— 5 spd, stereo cas- GL— 4 dr, red w/gray Int, LINCOLN 78 VERSA- AMC 79 CONCORD- 2 PB, AC, AM/FM stereo, cellent gas' mileage/conr sette, 37k miles. $9000. :> sis. Final reports would then be submitted to the superintendent and Our administrators continually try tominimiz e staff wherever possi- fc speclal order, 45K original mechanical work. Fix & dark grey w/grey Inter, auto, air, AM/FM cass, ILLES- Auto, "sunroof, 70K,ml., One owner, mint board'itself.-. . . . •.-.•. ••'. ' •.,-.• -' .'•J;.'i;.-A;.!;J w •• door, small 8, PS, PB, AC- dlton. 64k miles. $2500. Call 356-6618. clean, fully loaded; good business administrator for their comments on educational value, legal- ble. We have teachers who do not-teach a full schedule and some who miles, red, excellent con- condition. Asking. $2495: you have some car! Only Call 725-8865. auto, AC, cruise, AM/FM PS, P/ sunroof, 46K ml, At the same time, the school board must be prepared to respond to clean condition, great dition. $8500. Call Gary S995/BO. 281-0451 tires, good transportation, ity, funding sources, etc. . travel between schools. Every year in April staff reduction takes-place. After 6pm. 232-534Q. FORD 85 TEMPO- 4 cass., all power options. HONDA 88 ACCORD $3400. 8Q8-981-0192 until each CBAC recommendatioa Finally, the school board must embrace transportation, $750. Call 234-2523 Factory alarm w/remote, : 5:30PM/ leave message $2300. Call 752-7688. During February and March, the educational staff will give their This is the outcome of tight budgets. Changes in curriculum or pro- 752-7486- CHEVY, '82, CAP.RICE DODGE 86 GRAM door, 4 cylinder, auto, PS, LXI-. 27k miles, fully an "open mind" and allow for creative thinking in financial decision- budget requests for the next fiscal year. grams, shifts, in federal or state aid to public education, shifting popula- CHEVY 77 CORVETTE- CLASSIC- 2DR7ff"cVl., CHARGER- 2dr, 2WDPB, , ACr.AM/FM, new alum, wheels, digital equipped, 5spd, bur- HYUNDAI 88 EXCEL LINCOLN 79 CONTINEN- making. New challenges require new ideas, and anew perspective. BMW, '80 320I- Very Buckskin t-top. Particu- PS, PB, AC, AM/FM cass. AC, towing pkg., 46ktires,, excellent condition, dash, 39k hwy miles; Ask- gandy w/camel Interior. GL— 5 dr, hatch, 5spd, TAL MARK 5- 2 door, The board will then put together a budget which .reflects! input from tion, and the general decline in enrollment clean & well maintained. ing $8795/BO. Call after light "blue, automatic Properly conducted, a CBAC review will result in a budget that will larly beautiful car. OneHigh hgwy. mileage. Ex- miles, very good condi- 43K miles. Asking $2500. $10,4d0. Call 539^7803. AC, AM/FM, cass., new many segments of. the community. This will be submitted for voter No one regrets having to let staff go more than a school boaixl. Doing Sunroof, 5spd, AM/FM owner. Very low mileage. cellent condition. $1700. tion. $6000/BO. Call 356- Call 722-2384 after 6PM. 6PM 908-381-7774. front tires, 56k miles, trans., AM/FM cass;, finally have credibility with the Cranford citizens who finance this ; cassette, $3200. Call $850. Gall 906-8796. approval, • ...;'..' away with someone's job after they have contributed to our community, Never seen rain or snow. Call 218-1620. 5474 Jeff, - . FORD 89 PROBE LX- HONDA 88 CRX HF- 5 Excel, condi S.250Q/BO. spending. People do not mind contributing so long as quality education 322-5029. Loaded. Brand new Eagle FORD 86 ESCORT- 2 red, 12,500 miles, auto, Call 789-0788. is a difficult thing to dp. During these difficult economic times all other CHEVY, '85, CELEB- DODGE 87 SHADOW-^ door, 5 speed, runs great, * spd, sunroof, AM/FM is provided with financial efficiencyand effectiveness^ BMW/89, 528O- Bronzlt, GT radlals. Custom cover RITY- Stationwagon, V- AC, fully loaded Including cass, AC, 1 .owner, 53K LINCOLN 84 TOWN- budgetary areas should be explored along with staff reductions, Auto, AC, PS/PB, AM/FM high MPQ, 4 speaker FM, sunroof, $10,950. Can HYUNDAI 89 SONATA- CAR— Isllver & charcoal, Do you believe that staff reduction, at all levels, is. a prudent way to leather interior, excel, Included. Call 788-8250 6, auto, Tilt, cruise, 7-8 stereo cassette, 2.2 litre ml, great cond, complete after 7PM or Weekends. 51k highway miles. Ask-/ 271-0886 ..:'•-• "•';' PS, P-B, AC, fuel Injected, velor interior. 50k miles. Bohdan Lukaschewsky contain costs? Please explain. V cond. $20,000 price ne- passenger. Cloth/vlnyl- non- turbo, 44K miles, ing $3000. Call 481-8508 maintenance records, low mileage, must sell. • '•.•.'. .'•'.•-, . •• ._.. \' George B. Young " .• '. -' " ". .-. .'' .•:' asking $6200. 321 -0718 excel, cond'. new tires. It is the responsibility of the school board to develop the educational gotiable. Call after 5pm, CHEVY 78 CAPRICE- 4 seafs. 66K hwy. ml. Roof burgandy, $5300 or best or 526-1068 FORD 90 TAURUS '.Asking $7900. Call 726- $7495. Call 725-628$ lam already on record as an advocate of staff reduction, as a 201-249-2150. , door, 8 cyl, excellent me- rack, AM/FM stereo. offer. Call Nancy or Dave SHO— luxury sport 9846 objectives. fojrJhe district with the vs.upe4ntendent and|jto pvecsee.thejr v ,/:•/'' .„-/„•• ' TomBonhag . . . •••.'.•.' : BUICK '79 REGAL- V-8, $4,450. Call 201- 908-221-8732. . y FORD 86 MUSTANG sedan, 5 spd, AC, PS,.P/. HONDA 89 ACCORD prudent way to contain costs. This measiire should be undertaken only chanical condition, well JAGUAR 83 XJ6- Black/ LINCOLN 88 TOWN JAs afi experienced executive, I learned a long time ago that the most PS.PB. Air, j$800. Good 471-1188,. eves. •••• LX— 4 cylinder,' 4 speed, windows, P/locks, P7 LXI— 2dr, green 5spd, "ihipl'emefitatiori as cost-effectively as possible This has to be a coritiniK maintained Interior & ex- DODGE .87 SHELBY tan, sunroof, car phone, .CAR—..Excel cond. Only important resources in any organization at$ people. Therefore, when I after every other avenue of budget reduction, has been fully explored. .; transportation. Call 48K miles, PS, PB, crutse, moon-roof, anti-lock"" loaded Including -electric ^ of evaluating howjiKeJ^dbjecti terlor, $T500. 985-7354 . TURBO Z- Bright Redl sunroof, P/lpcks, excel-, moonroofi only f 4k miles. good cond,; 67K. ml, 32K orlgml, fully loacjed, reduce costs or seek greater cost efficiencies, people are. Prudent is correct if the system's students can, at a later time, 805-9634.' : ' • CHEVY, '86 COR- brakes, White w/black CHEVY 79 CAMAR.0 VETTE- Silver, Z'51, 4 Absolutely mint thru-out. lent condition, $4250. Call perfect cond. Must sell $10,500,. loaded. 245-must sell. Asking leather Interior, 3k miles. $13,500/BO. 382-8882 or My to look at and not the first When we have a system in BUICK 76 RIVIERA- Z28- 350, auto, PS, PB, plus 3 man. trans., Bose 42K ml, 5 spd. Loaded. 238-5280 after 5PM. $17,500.819-7761. lost lob. Asking $11000. 1166 days; 276-6582 nights after 6PM 355-0832 after 6PM ^^ peoplecosts amount to^between 70 to8 0 percent of the costs in leamirig, ol* attain realistic career goals. If administrators are Great condition, loaded, AC, AM/FM cass,;,orlg stereo. Loaded. 56k ml.,Must see & drivel $7600/ FORD 87 ESCORT- 4dr, Call 560^8891 While the paid professional educators must have the major role in "people costs" amount to between 70 to8 0 percent of the costs in 455 V8, all new parts, owner, excel cond, ga- Pampered $12,900. Call BO. 356-1988 HONDA '87 CRX- the system, we know that serious examination of staffing at all levels this will happen, as test evaluations should show, then the reductions) auto, hatchback, 48k 5spd., AM/FM cass. Silver establishing the educationanobjectives, the board must see to it that . hew velour interior, newraged, hew tires, extra 233-9175. DODGE 88 SHADOW miles, AM/FM, AC, used and the costs associated with that staffing needs to be made. would be prudent, with a relatively low risk of failure ahead, even with rims, $3000/BO. 469-0532 & Gray. 47K ml. Looks & these objectives meet the needs of the citizens of Cranford and are larger class sizes. y carpeting, many extras. CHEVY, '80, CAMARO- ES— fully loaded, orglnal car warranty, great station The school system must focus on achieving quality education for our $2000/B.O. 752-4364. owner, showroom. condi- runs great. $4300 B/O. widely supported by them. If open forums outside the school board Ira layoff is needed, I'm for across-the-board reductions at all levels, CHEVY 79 CORVETTE PS, Power disc brakes, car. $3400; Call 953-9029 Call after 5pm, 874-8691. Home Of Fahrvergriugen meetings will bring out wider community participation, then the board children. This education is stimulated in the classroom primarily by BUICK 79 ELECTRA- 4 L82- red with white auto, AC, AM/FM cass. tion, 7/70 warranty, 37Kor.654-7396. front-line teachers. If personnel reductions are found to be required, with adjustments for special circumstances. Salary costs for administrar door, fully equipped, leather interior, 4 speed, Many new parts Including miles. Call 201-379-4847 HONDA 80 ACCORD- should arrange such sessions. : tors/teachers/support staff arid secretarial-custodial-coaches are in the 120K miles. Runs very low mileage. All Options engine. Asking $2000. after 6PM. -.- ' FORD 87 ESCORT- 5 Excellent condition, man- classroom teachers must be regarded as the last category to be affected. ratios 1.96/10.8/0.90 and $2.67 million (3-13-91 budget of $16.3 million). well. Tan vinyl top/dark must be seen.. $11,000/ Call 781-7017. .. spd, AC, PS, PB/ 44k ual transmission, new Why You Should Buy Once the educational objectives and their associated costs are estab- My approach in management is to reduce.staffing from the top down FORD 79 FAIRMONT- miles, rear defogger, AM/ muffler, all maintenance This would start my approach. brown metallic, sharp. best offer. Call.526-6108. CHRYSLER 86 LASER- 8 cyl., needs motor. Good FM cass., $3750. Call lished, it is up toth e skills of the board superintendent and the school and not from the bottom up. In this manner, we can reduce highly paid $900. Call469-3037. records available, $1000 Your Volkswagen at Gardner business administrator to improve the expected efficiency. If outside As a fiscal moderate, I do not see the need to maintain a constant CHEVY 80 CORVETTE- 2 door Hatchback, rne- body, many new parts. 699-1279; or. best offer. Call Mike positions, thus, saving a larger amount of money., and'with the least BUICK 79 RIVIERA- 29k miles, white doeskin chanically kept, 4.5 cyl,$200/B.O. Call 985-6445. FORD 87 MUSTANG 272-1472 between 6-9pm. experts can be brought in to study the operation of the school system level of employment, either in the face of declining enrollment, or a Whlte/red. Car has only Inter., all options. Garage amount of disruption, to the classroom. The organizational structure declining base of tax dollars which support education. Stark reality auto; air, AM/FM cass,' FORD 65 MUSTANG- 3 GT— 1990 motor & trans. and recommend improvements, I am certain they would be welcome. must be examined and challenged as to the necessity for a multi- 100K. New engine. V6,kept, excellent cond., 59K miles, S3500/BO. speed Posl, 6 cyl, many 20k miles, 3k on motor & HONDA 82 ACCORD- But the budget tail should not be wagging the education dog. layered approach. Effectiveness in learning must be the priority; it must override a philosophy of total excellence. Looks & runs very nice. 100% orlg. Adult owned. 781-9668 new parts, $800/BO. Call trans, heads decked & AC, cruise, automatic, We've been selling Volkswagens The superintendent could be asked by the board to submit a plan for Must sell. $2000/BO. 356- $15,000. 789-6415 eves. CHRYSLER 86 LEB-968-1279 ported, manifold & air ple- AM/FM cassette. PS. PB. -should-notbe-maintenance of the status quo. •'• ' •• •• •'• y p 1088 • i- ' '—' .''•, . -.••• num ffiid1^dif 5 tbfltcSbl ite f "CHEVY 82 WAGON — ARON- Aulo, HS, HBFOR, D 78 GRANADA— matched & portedirted, "7DK miles. Asking $1500/ for over 40 years. - • , .,i . , • _ . , . .,. . . , .. a^r^s^ffiei5o^rd1t^udions77)fsay 5 perrent-bf-appltcSble items of a BUICK 87 PARK AVE- Cavalier Std. P/B,. NewAC. AM/FM. Extra clean B.O. Call 247-8123, leave : V6, auto, new trans, 4 Under .drive pullies. 355 .. ' • - Robert Milkosky Teachers will not be unaffected in this approach, however, as the gjven budget His reply would give his best judgment on how tod o it If NUE— Leather, convert- clutch/exh., runs great, car, excellent condition. door, garage kept, $800/ fear, $10,000/BO. Call message. . costs in addition to salary expense, namely employee benefits, are very •i ft» looke in/llodj to *„ m „e„ a s«, a; o viabl ,rf0Kie 0plan,. «w !r woul <•»«•d» vot tmhe> "yes. ^c" ••• ible top, full power, ABS, some body damage, 66K, $4200 or best offer. 359- BO. Call 526-3581 231 -0665 I believe the board has significant opportunities to provide educa- significant expenses. Reductions in benefit programs together with The most difficult part of this scenario would be an effort to maintain 44K ml, orlg owner, war- $1250. 906-2525, eve. 7157. HONDA 83 ACCORD- No one else has done it for longer, tional services more efficiently and effectively. There are opportunities FORD 81 GRANADA- 4 cost-sharing and cost-containment must be introduced to the education the neighborhood school concept in the primary grades, district-wide. ranty, $8900.232-2966 359-6771. . CHRYSLER 87 CON- 91K ml, auto, cruise, AM/ especially under the same ownership. to improve the quality of educational services to the taxpayers and community. "•.;'. Thei board, or trie superintendent can develop plans to minimize dis- 82 DEVIL- CHEVY,84 CAVALIER QUEST T8I— Sspdj low door. 6 cylinder, A/C, PS. Advertise In the C/assffled/ FM cass, 4 dr, air, asking TCfTew1 4" year old mires, loaded, transfer Runs .good, high miles. $1500. pall 781-0757 students while controlling the cost of those services. Finally^ are staff reductions a prudent way to contain costs? We all ruption if staff reductions were to occur there. This problem can be WAQOKl- PS, .PB,: AC.. : $995 or offer. 469-9352. eves; 460-3231 weekdays Gome buy from the family business that The board must first be willing to work with an outside citizens motor, run's well, but AM/FM stereo. 4 speed able warrentee, excelelnt must understand the pain involved in this course,of action. It must not solved; it is not unique to Cranford. needs costmetlcs $1500 stick, runs well. 68K ml.bond,, Asking $8300. Call knows Volkswagens best. review committee. Once this major hurdle is passed the committee be taken lightly and; it must not be our first course of action. Unfortu- or best dffer—-Call 233-: $2200.201-874-0654 Scott 754*3064 : would focus in certain areas: nately, in light of the challenges faced by the system, it appears that it 5460. •'" CHEVY «4 CORVETTE- CHRYSLER 89 CON- Review the current school management and administrative opera- will be a necessary course of action. •••'".„'.. MaryZanes ". CADILLAC 83 COUPE Red, 29.000 miles, 4+3, QUEST TSI- Loaded, The reduction of staff is an option which we need to consider as our DE VILLE- 2 door, blue 2 tops, Rlken wheels, mint cond, low mileage, Think the big dealers ' tioilS. •' ;.: , ' ,• -^r ••' .-. ' "• ; • •. . FIRST TIME EVER! state aid decreases and the taxpayer assumes the financial responsibil- cream puff; 14k easy mint, condition. $14,500. transferable warranty, Examine the purchasing and procurement process. ^Ity for'pensipn and other; fixed costs. . . " miles; Asking $13,500. Call 234-9329 after 5PM. asking $12,500/BO. 276- have all the big deals? Bohdan Lukaschewsky . Original xavyner. 846-4914 7615 after 6PM BUY-SELL OR TRADE AT THE Evaluate ways to reduce the costs of insurance. (The town has had a . Before we consider cuts I would like to explore other options such as CHEVY; 84 IMPALA- insurance review committee for years.) . Staffing needs have to be determined from the educational objectives part-time employemnt for staff who want to care for family or returnt o ,,OAPH.LAC 64- SEDAN Burgundy, 6 cyl, 32,000 CHRYSLER, '85 LE Think again! Effectively review the financial investments of the board. The putting in the classroom as well as in administrative support While eliminat- •P'E VILLE— original miles, very good mechan- BARON QTS-4 dr. hatch, ing someone from the payroll obviously reduces the budget, in the long school for further education If we find staff who would like to exercize owner, black exterior w/ ical condition, $2500. Call 4 cyl. turbo, auto. P.S., out of short- and long-term investments^without competitive bid is one this option and can do without the benefits given to full-time employees red Interior, excellent on 356-7249 after 5PM. P.B., P/locks/wLodows, run it may not be cost effective. For example, if maintenance staff is gas, $3000. Eves. 238- tilt, rear def., cruise. Cloth area to look at Having cash sit in demand deposits vs. NOW accounts (health, insurance, pension) we can realize a measure of savings. • : CHEVY 84 Z28- auto, Somerset County's #7 VW Dealer is another. reduced, the same level of service can be maintained through overtime The board also needs to explore combining supervisory positions and 7118; days 245-1260 V8. PS, PBi air, runs int., electronic navagator which is likely to wind up costing more; or some, repairs and adjust- great, great cond, 77K ml, pkg., voice command dig- These are just some of the areas a citizenX review committee could, making some full-time positions stipend positions (performed for extra CADILLAC 85 FLEET- ital dash, AM/FM stereo, ments have to be delayed which can result in breakdowns, and more WOOD BROUGHAM- asking $4000/BO. Call OPEN TO THE PUBLIC do an effective job in. pay outside of and in addition to teaching responsibilities or super- Phil at 272-2454; eves. sunroof, 70K mis, ga- costly repair and replacementsma y then be needed. rear WD, fully loaded; raged, $4995. 526-4432 GARDNER visory responsibilities.) $6900. Also, 82 Camaro 272-7894 Andrew Pelliccio One measure of performance of the superintendent is how efficiently Berllnetta, PS, PB, AC, PI CHRYSLER, 87 NEW The area I would hope to affect least is the classroom, I believe the windows, stereo cass, CHEVY 85 CELEBRITY- Saturday Apri( 6th The school board should always.be interested in the efficient use of the educational objectives are mei If his staffing recommendations are 3 seat wagon, 6 cyl.,. YORKER -4 cyl., turbo teacher-pupil ratio which Cranford has maintained is beneficial for $1900.874-5709. ;•• low miles, excellent VOLKSWAGEN tax dollars, and the elimination of state aid will undoubtedly make a not heeded, it becomes difficult to hold him responsible. ; loaded, absolutely looks 10 am — Inspection •12 Noon - Auction student achievement CADILLAC 85 FLEET- & runs like new. $4800/ cond., loaded, options, board member's job more difficult A review committee could help set WOOD SEDAN DE BO. Call 766-3656, must sell. 233-3032 7pm- Indoor •Rain or Shine WINNER 3RD CONSECUTIVE YEAR 9pm only. long-term goals for items such as capital improvements and assist in Robert G. Milkosky VILLE- Roadster roof, CHEVY 88 CAMARO-Z- VW-4 STAR SALES SATISFACTION AWARD creative ways to deal with the rising fixed costs of operating a govern- Financial aid packets available champagne, loaded, must 28 charcoal grey, excel- DID YOU Lots of Free Parking Staff reductions at all levels is riot a prudent way to reduce or see. $6000/BO. Call 781- lent condition, T-tops, AC, KNOW Route 202, Bernardsville, NJ mental agency. Review committees in some towns made up of parents 6719 ;. and professionals not only review and recommend items in thes budgetcontain costs, liiere should be a study of the current administrative tion are produced by the N J. De- PS, PB, Pw, 5 spd., new This little ad can be read operations along with a review of school staffing levels. Contrary to the Applications and information CADILLAC 87 SEDAN tires $ battery. $4850/BO. In, more than 147,000 _-J 766-1600 j they also advocate its passage. ••".•• packets explaining state and fed- partment of Higher Education. DE VILLE- white. Im- 560-8567. homes in 15 publications • Upto 45,000 Sq. Ft of Cars current Board of Education opinion I do not feel the superintendent of Each packet includes information throughout Somerset, The efficient use of tax dollars and the best possible education of our eral Financial Aid Programs for maoulate, garage kept, CHEVY 87 CELEBRITY • Register to Win A Free Car schools^ should be doing this overall evaluation. His opinion should be on various grants, scholarships luxury package, leather Middlesex and Union children are the responsibilities of the nine-member board. I believe Union County college students are EUROSPORT— 4 cyl,Counties? It caught your asked and given pn a day-by-day basis; and student loans. interior, $8900/BO. Eves loaded, air, power win- the school board should be willing to work with any citizens committee available at the district office of 526-4033 attention, didn't It? dedicated to finding solutions to our growing tax problems. , There should be a formal review of the district by a professional Assemblyman Neil Cohen. These Cohen's district office is located dows & locks, AM/FM Call YOUR ad in today! BEST BUY PUBLIC AUCTION consulting firm specializing in staffing. The citizens review committee CHEVY '82, CAMARO- cass., new tires & brakes. 1-800-334-0531. Although not specifically asked, some of the items in need of immedi- forms are available in English as at 1435 Morris Ave.,, Union, and is Red, T-tops, V-6, 4 spd. discussed in Question 1 may have Some expertise in the administrative Steal at $3300: 494-0676. We Get ResultsI 110 W. 6th Street Plainfield ate attention are: The effects of continued deficit spending, increased well as Spanish. open Monday through Friday, 9 stick, new tires &.wheels, review but in my opinion they should not be reviewing the teaching CHEVY 87 IROC 228- DODGE 81 ARIES- 4 cyl- liability and medical costs, increased transportation costs, and the The applications and informa- a.m. to'Sp.m. excel, cond. $2900/B.O. red, showroom cfiiality, SPECIAL function or the staffing levels of teachers. Call eves. 494-5444. inder, 64.637K miles, AC, future transfer of pensions and Social Security benefits to the local 15Kml,1 driver, t-tops, all PS/PB, auto, 2 door, new 908-753-0701 CHEVY '87, IROC- 5.7 extras. ALSO Triumph taxpayer from the state. • liter, T-roof, loaded. Good air pump & wheel cali- Stag, red/good cond, pers, body good cond, *25% Cash Deposit Required Continued postponement of capital improvement projects will only condition. $9000/ B.O. auto. 369-4078 ' $1475.271-9582 eves. ..compound the negative effects of the QEA oyer the next few years. Call 722-0775 eves. & VALUES Eventually the work must be done, some of it is mandated by law, and Don't Wait - Get in Shape weekends, ask for Toby. TO GET THE SPRING the test out of necessity. A citizens committee could possibly assist in CRANFORD SUMMER Reduced rates for April 1 - May 24 CHEVY 70 BISCAYNE- 4 door, 6 cylinder, good SEASON STARTED! the planning of these future needs. (not applicable if member during past 2 years) • transportation, am/fm Public officials sometimes frown upon .the idea of review committees radio, a/c $350. Call 572- iuigiv6n.thQ.factthatthe.school:board\s projected rftwrvfi ntynunt.will FACILITY HOURS •6267..:: .,:....:•..• ..:• SOMERV1LLE be down to $70,000 with a $26 million dollar budget the n^wly elected Saturday & Sunday-9:00 AM -v6:00 PM CHEVtY 70 MONTE DODGE . school board will be" hard pressed not to except advice from any CARLO— original, owner, good cond. $4200. Call interested group. . ° Registration Dates 201-846-4914 Y FROM THE PRESIDENTS AWARD WINNER FOR • 25 yard, (401 Centennial Avenue) . , ••••••' CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IN '88 & '89 EdnaSilvey .,'.. . ' 8 lane heated pool Advertise In the Classified! A citizen budget review committee could certainly work with the Don't Delay! Registration will close when maximum number Is-obtalned. \AND THE "CHAIRMAN'S AWARD WINNER IN 1990. board throughout the year as a key communication group, providing Residents ' from March 11 on • Water exercise classes ONE WEEK ONLY - 4/4/91 to 4/10/91 early suggestions for efficient use of tax dollars. Their recommenda- Non-Resident Annual Members from March 25 on' • Swim Lessons 1991 COUGAR 2 DOOR Non-Resident Winter or 1990 Summer Members '.•'••• from March 30 oh Auto 00 trans., VO, pwr. rack & pinion stmg/ disc brks., tions could be taken into consideration to be implemented by the • Treadmills HUNDREDS OF DODGE CARS AM/FM »t-l«pe, pwf. wlnd«Mink/dr. «l., air. Int. Ola- «». school board. ° OPEN REGISTRATION (FROM CURRENT WAITING LIST) : from April 22 on cruise, clolh Int., bkt. its., consols, all-season stl. belt Resident Senior Citizen may register anytime during registration period. • • Stairmasters mdi«la, VIN, MH0007I7, STK #1K9, MSRP $t7,2G0. There are no profit and loss columns in a Board of Education budget TRUCKS DRASTIC ALLY REDUCED $21ia dealer disc. The goals of a school district sharply differ from those of industry MASTER CHARGE OR VISA MAY BE USED FOR PAYMENT OF MEMBERSHIP FEE. • Aerobic bicycles 15,150 and business. The products of a school system cannot be measured in • Alr-Schwinn bicycles kilowatts of marketable items. Our only products are our children. Registration Times • Aerobic rowers $' 1991 MERCURY CAPRI Unless you anticipate future expenditures in the budgeting process $! 2 dr., 1.6 L dual overhead cam. 1S-valv« enQ. w/mUHl Monday thrUEriday- beginning March 11th 12:30 F\M.-3:6o P.M. • Aerobic classes port elect, fuel In)., (rt, whl. drive, 5-«pd. man. trant., you will be voting for a budget which may not contribute to the im- 6:30 P.M."8:30 P,M. . pwr. 4-whl. dies brio., pwr.'wlnd/mlrra/. AM/FM st-cass., Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday beginning March 11th • Nautilus •tyled whla., Ik. fold-down rr. St.. Hr. ttrng. vyhl.. air bat), jbrovement of your district or its educational goals. "Expect the unex- Saturday-beginning March 16 10:00 A.M.-1:00 P.M. pected and be sure you have the money topa y for it" • Individual weight ...JUST DROP WE TOP AND HAVE FUN! machines ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP •Bankruptcy •Repo 1991 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS GS George Young • Sauna Blue, 4 dr., outo OD trans., V0, pw. stmfl/brks., AM/FM Save moneyl An opportunity to swlrti outdoors In summer, Indoors In winter *No Credit •Divorce st^asa,, pwr. wlnds/lka/trund/dr. si, ail, Int. nls., n. do'., Earlier I doubted the use of a Review Board (RB) but as a recurring tilt, cruise, cloth Int., split it., ww tires, all-season til. belt member of the school board audience, I favor it totally. and exercise In a fully equipped fitness area throughout the year for one low •Recent GradyNew Job radlals. VIN. MX8176S8, 8TK. #1M18, MSRP S20.13B, Efficient use of taxes means classroom sizes which enable adequate price. Only Annual members have access to the Indoor facilities during the Register At The Center 6712 demo miles. S3UA doalor discount. $1000 factory Summer season. (401 Centennial Avenue, Cranford) Monthly pym'ts «89 and $ teaching, learning,and pupil control to occur. This is shown by exami- up. Lowest interest rates "* 1S,995 nations, the school atmosphere and parental feedback But a RB sub- Monday thru Friday - no points or applica- All financing, rebates, and special offers available to qualified buyers on in stock vehicle purchases. ListedMvings include group could review the data, and recommend. Being so close toth e 12.30 PM - 3:00 PM tion fee. Trade-ins ac- any factory rebates.See Somerville Dodge for full details.Deal^r contribution may affect final price.Prices include all costs situation, principals may not see''the forest for the trees." Monday, Tuesday & Thursday cepted. Call for model to be paid by a consumer except for licensing costs.registratlon fees and taxes.Not responsible for typographical errors, «5OO South School law, the contract, tenure and NJEA efforts to maximize bene- 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM availability or credit OK BONUS while you wait tity as the QEA evolves put a severe bind on the Board of Education to Saturday Rt. 22 East Somerville, NJ reduce the costs which are now inherent The RB might point to The Multi-Franchise ForQuaWW LINCOLN I MERCURY! 10:00 AM -1:00 PM Credit Consultants management prerogatives and policies which can be used to upgrade ^ Come Visit or Call Prices include nil costs lo bo paid by a the efficiency of the education system here. Ford Motor Credit 709-7260 fordetails at Dora's Imports consumer except for licensing costs, Although insurance costs have been cut, the RB might find ways to L Rt. 22, No. Pbdnfldd reg, fees & (axes, reduce mandated spending which protects the district These may Call 709-7260 for Information Oodgct cit r HUIII MY MI 526-1444 include energy or conversion costs. They (jould find cheaper ways to 756-9130 April 4,1991—UnkMi Coimty CiassWed--3 2 — April 4,1991 - Union County Classified I I THE NEW INDEX AUTOMOTIV ROUTE 22 Automotive Connection 110-AUTOS FOR SALE G O ISI INI G I O N 115- CLASSIC CARS i 120 -.TRUCKS FOR SALE CUTIA86SU% 8U- - TT OYOTA _ '8 6 =T30—VANSTDTTSAT.E- — .-jukii COROLLA— zuH, Rear 140 - MISCELLANEOUS AUTOMOTIVE good. 98K original miles. AC, auto, AM/FM stereo I TRUCKS Asking $1600. Call 90B- cass., excel, cond. 9BKI 150 - AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES 231-0588, leave message, hwy. ml. jja.OQq/B.O, Call FOR SALE 160 - MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE 225 1376 BRAND NEW 1991 EXQL NOW IN ONE LOCATION! OLDS 83 DELTA 88- ' ' ,——— 170 >- RECREATIONAL VEHICLES V8, auto. 4 dr, all power, TOYOTA 78 COROLLA- _ Y 66 C30 DUMP- HyimW Mr HttA. 1JC Bl *C»t Ena 4-apdMnTrara• . HyumW *-Or Btdmn. XV EFI VS Eng. AUTO, PM Stra » --'.^ -,A' 180 - BOATS AND ACCESSORIES well maintained, all hwy SR5 Uftback. 5 speed, CHEV Par 0bo **«, Mm MP 8H. RND. BnkK. MR, PVTO. AM/PU » Cw Tl. R( Mog. Crp< Exce||ent condition. B»«t iMnHhna Fraa BUMy. Dial OtmM CrtA lam. I* tMa. Door Edga Ouwk. T/OIML ridPokniU n Stk. #<2S. miles, clean In & out, ask- AC, AM/FM stereo, high Moo.' M 4 Qf\nfDA . 7QCOQ1/*jt>"»cgiKo 908-757-5718; $4989 CREDIT! 235 - MOBILE HQMES AND SITES Too Much Antifreeze PS/PB. "PAvlndow. P/lock,' TOYOTA 84 SUPRA- 5 CHEVY 87 PICK-UP- 4 If you're 18, or 240 - REAL ESTATE WANTED AM/FM cassette, 57K speed, loaded,, excellent WD, snowplow, bedliner, older, have a steady miles, $7500.548-7183. thru-putl Pampered 103K trailer hitch, 45k miles, BRAND NEW '91 CAVAHER BRAND NEW'91 CORSICAIT 245 - BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Not a Good Thing r\\ ne »oc nm AOO on ml. Must see/drive. Must $7500/BO. Must 8011111 job and a 250 - APARTMENTS FOR RENT . a*«W4tt SKIW. I.1L Ufi O-Cyi Ena AUTO, PWHrgt PBEfcllt BRmJOHAMl- sell. $4500/BO, 356-1888 Call 968-8181 ask for reasonable Brdaa. A1K.',FW>, Cniu, Contoh. Tn. TAXM^ «td Pof 255-HOUSES FOR RENT . The fear of a frozen engine t antifreeze In the solution causes PW. PL, PB" AM/FM TOYOTA 86 CAMRY LE-Mike. Urn. Boto's£ T/QUM. «d PoOnUn 8*. ^TI^WJ. #M7- •mMn SSc <4sa VlN. #ME1Z33Z7. MSKP: $12JB17. ToW Of an engine to run hot. On downpayment, you 134»a MSRP: WWJ. T6U M Pyn* $S34O^OO.Do-n Pymt. $10.74a $2000 Down. $27B FMund^i. Sw Dnalj. S 260 - TOWNHOUSES AND CONDOS during the worst of a severe cass.. 72K ml., excel. Maroon, auto, loaded, DODGE 76 POWER (hBki $400 MFR IWM1<). $230 RWundibb SKI Dtpx*. tH3B $3372 PuchMI Opt Purchm Priol Inda $000 IK Tim. vehicles with computerized cond. Lt.Blue w/Dk.Blue 93K highway miles, WAGON-4X4, W200. 3/ can get auto PuohMOpt Pllroha* Prk» Inoto $8001 •( Tlni> Bgy« Cradt Buy* Crad) If Ot^hWd. FOR RENT . cold snap might tempt an IfQutfted. ' Int., $4300. Call 247-3591. $4500. Call 526-7604 or 265 - ROOMS FOR RENT over-zealous car owner to •."fall- engine controls, this abnormal 4ton, 8 ' bed, 318 auto, financing this week heat causes sensors to signal PLYMOUTH 84 TUR- 386-5800 eXtentlon 9103, PS, PB, + extras. 63k DRIVEAWAY 270 - OFFICES FOR RENT safe" by pouring pure antifreeze ISMO- 7,4,000 miles. TOYOTA 86 COROLLA- at the new Route 22 YOU] Into his cooling system. Then controls to change engine miles. 1 owner, good 275 - COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Qreat shape. Guaranteed Sr5, 44K Miles, Garage cond., S2100/BO. Call FORONLY OWNTT he learns the hard way that he's functions. The result can be i Potamkin... FOR RENT NJ Inspection; $1950. kept, one owner, auto, 272-3643. . •'. created a problem rather than erratic operation, "pinging" 766-0934,766-5140. air, am/fm cass. great DODGE 87 DAKOTA- : GUARANTEED! Call FORONLY: 280 -VACATION RENTALS 1 solved it. Pure, undiluted and, in some cases, engine condition. $6000. TJ/O. Mldsize pickup. 28,000 ahead for approval. 285 - MISCELLANEOUS RENTALS PLYMOUTH 85 HORI- •139. S anil-freeze (ethylerie. glycol) damage. ..'. X ZON- Silver, 4 door, 968^790. miles, PS, PBi auto, ex- BRAND NEW'91 ECLIPSE PER BRAND NEW'91 GAIANT ) (908) n *10,999 290 - WANTED TO RENT Solidifies at 8 degrees (F) A weak mixture (too much auto, good bond, high TOYOTA 89 J5UPRA cellent condition. Must, MO. see to appreciate, $7000 295 - ROOMMATES WANTED ABOVE zerol It Is intended to water for the amount of pure mileage. Asking $1100. TURBO- adult owner, Ulaublahl 44V Sadan. 3. EFI 4-Cyl. ^ FMundatiU S4O DBPMM. $3088 PuchM* Opt to -27. degrees. The maximum point of the solution, Antifreeze $595, Call 908-755-4814. PurchaaaOpt . ' . 305 -AUCTIONS " $500. ClfRCalfR'' e (908)) MVfMusVsacrficeMusVsacrfii c . • $16,500$16500. BRAND NEW "91 PICKUP NEW '91 S-I(Hx4 BLAZER mix Is 70% ethylene glycol escapes frorruthe cooling s- 762-9083. CalClll 717 757-6172 310 - GARAGE SALES DRIVE AWAY ChtviaW 8-10 EL XXL EFI t-O* Eng, 6-Spd Man TraM. P«r ChavroM 2-Or Tahoa Pko. 4 JL EFI VS Eng. 4«pd, AUTO W which protects to-85 degrees. ystem and, eventually, the en- VOLKSWAGEN 88 4x4 XLTt 4 cyl., 5 spd., DRIVE AWAY YOU YOU Otkm. Urn S»g, Doubi. WM C«no BoK. B«noh St TWtaM, OO, Fv* SSfl iBrakaa. AIH, MiVFM SUno, T/Olaaa, Fold 312 -BAZAARS. AND SALES PONTIAC '80, SUN- hX,x Fi^H^ l\7 Md Potar4dn 8ft #820. V1H. #M22SS3ia MSflP: $g>JZ Total DOMI tv St Kr Datoa W, Bool Rao*. 4WD. aid PotanMn 9rX I Cap. Very low ml. New' OWN IT FORONLY Ol Pyrrt. $S04a «XH0 Down (bxto $1000 MFR IW>ri>). 1109 #230. \nM.-#M0t47«0a? MSRP: »I7*O4. ToU .« Fymla Freeze protection Is not the gine will overheat. . K il i OWN IT 314 -ANTIQUES Rinrt— low mi' i nri GOLF*- 41K miles, air,shocks; battery, fan; belt FORONLY ttaftirattte 8*0 D^>oA.$1B7a PudiMa Opt PudiM Prio IHJW; t2S00 Dnm (Inda $1000 MFO Rabata). O» Raajnd- For ah Illustrated pamphlet on, 1 alarm Inctal $«» 1M Tim Buytf Cradl |f OuriHfd. .abla'SaopapoalLtS70aFudiaaaOpL . 315 -FOR SALE . oniy purpose of this fluid, SaT no air •'rallBKle - cassette, $4400. tires have less than 3000 FORONLY FOR ONLY according to the Car Care the care of your vehicle's cool- $60o!' Salf aftei-6, Ca" 808*54-4760" after ml. also bed drier $6200. 316 - FREE TO GOOD HOME: 8PM Council. Tt Is a coqlarrt, he|p[ng ing[systemi_ sehdv_$0L5O and a 272-0714. •'.- ' . _ Call anytime 218-9313. *175 DRIVE AWAY YOU DRIVEAWAY / YOU - YARD, GARDEN AND FARM s 317, to dissipate excess heat. Again, siarhped, self-addressed enve- ^POilTIAC^7-7-CAT—VQLVO-fl4JZ.40DL-Blue._ PERMO; FOR ONLY OWN IT 320 -HORSES AND SUPPLIES FORD 79 F150 PICK- FORONLY / OWNIT a proper mix ensures lope to Car Care Council, One ALINA- PS/PB, P/wlnd- 2 door, auto, AC. PS, PB, UP- with cab, 4 WO, 79k 500 FORONLY 322 - PETS & ANIMALS dow & door locks, stereo. Sony stereo, 95K highway mites, Asking $2800. Call / FORONLY performance. Too much' Grande Lake Drive, port Clinton, AC, auto, 2 new tires, miles. Runs great! Asking 325 - CHRISTMAS TREES OH 43452. - 233-8551 after 4 on week- BONUS F 330 - WANTED TO BUY runs good, S400/BO. 302- $3,750. Must sell! Call days, anytime weekends. 0292 after 6PM. 221-9367. 6699 H4699 335 • - TRADES AND SWAPS FORD 80 COURIER- " WBM^^M MO. PONTIAC 79 FIREBIRD VOLVO 88 240 DL- Im- Good cond. 110k miles, THIS 340 • - LOST & FOUND FORMULA- auto, p/wln- peccably kept. Garaged, great work truck, 4 cyl. 5 345- - BRITESPOT LINCOLN, •80, TOWN MERCURY 84 MARQUIS NISSAN "90 STANZA- • i, PS, PB. AC, AM/FM $8500 firm. Call after spd., $800. will deal. 609- 350- - PERSONALS CAR- Loaded, excel. BROUGHAM-4 dr. prig 5spd, AM/FM cass., AC,- runs real 6:00PM ask for Joanne 683-1151. M 968-5268 908-369-8456. WEEK! 355- -ANNOUNCEMENTS cond, 4DR, V-8, AC. owner, very low ml, clean, sunroof. 9300 ml. $9800. ^APUafter4PM wfiunLv0TH* «„« 7 0QL• c White, AM/FM cass., 4 full power, AC, AMI FM Laid of/from work, must _ Y9 . **• « ^~ Buy this week and get $500 360 • - ESCAPE auto, plow, AC, new alter- Cash Referral Bonus! (and speakers, Leather int. cass, must sell Immed. sell I Call Maria at 908- PONTIAC 79 FIREBIRD- AC. sunroof, all options, aln tires, a uminuim 365 • - SERVICES that's in addition to any ISUZU I 113K ml. $2200/B.O. Call $1495/BO. 369-8803 359-1153 or IV. mess. auto, V8; 2 door, AM/FM, excellent condttlon. 77K 8 367- -HOME IMPROVEMENTS 78^2870, before5:00pm. MERCURY 85 MARQUIS NISSAN 83 2802X- -gg' »*&<•*&« S^6700^0- Ca" mile's '. TooT&Zf. factory rebates!) 370 • - LANDSCAPING, TREE CARE $6500, w/outt plow BRAND NEW'91 WRANGLER 372 - PLUMBING, HEATING $5700. Cll S: IVTO Hrtlop. 2JL MPI *-Cy( Eng. S-Spd MM Train. SMfr LX 44>r Sadn 31 MFI SCy< Eng. 4-8pd A1ITOL W/OO, « BrafcM. Raw St Fml Bdd St* lUdUl.. n Cn* rid Ptar Gfrg a BraliM. FWp, Rr Driog. Itod Fn< BudwM, TAHM«. Ctor«*;-AM/FM-S*»«)rCUd rtd, rtol Pt*Potart*a* iS S** #038. VIM. #MH724S27. MSRP: tlUZI. Total Of Pyrrta Call 549-4637. 351, auto, PS, PB, engine 377 - INCOME TAX (908)486^031. MERCURY 86 COU- NISSAN. 83 SENTRA- 7SM91»' DRIVE AWAY YOU 380 - LOANS & FINANCE & trans rebuilt just 20K mi DRIVE AWAY *»u < JRAN&JUW '^UTCLUS Pwr MAZDA 84 626LX- GAR- Black, AC, auto, dlesel, 48 MPG, AM/FM PONTIAC 79 TRANS- , ago. OWNIT Uuai 2-Dr, 1 XL 4-Cyt EFI Erfl. 5-Spd Man Trana. Pwr R»P 5spd, AC, PS, PB, good many options, full power, cassette. 4 speed, very AM- Black on black. 4 VW 1970 BUG- Baja FORONLY Stra & Braku, AIR, AM/FM St CaM W/4 Spktl, Drlval-Slda Slrg I EHao Brakaa, AIR, AM/FM St Caaa W/Equabar, Rr 382 - INSURANCE Mu FORONLY AVbao, T/Qlau, Rr Dafog.'CrpI Mala, Clock. Cld UoMar.: D«(oa. T/Qbaa. Crpt Mab, Sport Pko, DcWSkta Akbag. running conditioconditionn , $2^00$&00// well tokentoken car of^xceof, excell - good conditicondltlonnT lwmisplow main--. spd.d , 66.66 litlitee , excellanexcellent bbd3"^.^ body * * ItIntoHoi r rro- FORONLY aid Potamkin Stk #031. VlN. #M740460S. MSRP: $11,048. 09 FORONLY Alum Alloy Whla, Cnjlso. Pwr \Mnda/lxka, Fog Lampa. afcl BO. 218-931 latter 6PM lent condition. $6000 firm. fenance.*$1295/offer. Call cond. $6500. BO. 609- SP^V-""- A* !'?"*- ToUl CM Pyrrda $5940. $3792 Down. 5500 Rahindabla Sao PotamMn Stk #130. '80 VM. #17403390. MSRP: »14J90- D^XML »4199 Purchua Opl. ' Total « Pymta «884O\$40es Down. ISOO Ralundabla Sao Employment Connection MAZDA 88 626 TURBO- 241-4529 • 7fi1-0590. 397*4347. Donna. - OVER 1800 DapoaH. $4290 Puohaaa Opt Silver, 4 door. 5 speed. MERCURY 87 SABLE NISSAN 84 SENTRA- 2 PONTIAC 80 TRANS '10.999 DRIVEAWAY /YOU 410- HELP WANTED ' AC, 63K ml, transferable LS-fully loaded w/power door, 5 speed, air, rebuilt AM- 301 auto, AC, PS, DRIVE AWAY YOU factory warranty to 75K roof, digital dash; keyless eng, new radlals, AM/FM, PB, tilt, cruise, AM/FM WONLY OWN IT OWN IT 420—EMPLOYMENT WANTED ml, excel cond, $7800. entry, MIchllen tires, PS, excel cond. inside & cass, louvers, new tires, NEW & USED 425 - EMPLOYMENT RELATED Call 526-9396 Exce. Cond., 63k miles, out. 33 MPG. 83K ml, 67K,: no rust, must see. $2100/BO. Call 722-7062. $ FORONLY FOR ONLY OPPORTUNITIES Asking, $3800. 722-8858 ™i « «*»•. «»>7 Bunroof FORD 83 F 150-PS/PB, MAZDA 88 RX7 GXL— Asklna $6500. 722-7173 $2700.463-9307 afterSPM AM/FM stereo cass., VEHICLES! D 430 - CHILDCARE WANTED Kamlnarl-Aero package, afterSPM HISSAM 86 300ZX 3 speed, 351 W, $1500. PER PER $9700/BO. Call 687-5375 Be ready to drive your next new 435 - CHILDCARE PROVIDED .., MERCURY 88 COUGAR TURBO- Red, 5 speed, PONTIAC 84. FIREBIRD- CHEVY TRUCK CAP, MO. '8995 MO. /«I0,299 rc $20. Call 725-6234 after or used vehicle home...the day 38K ml. qualified buyer XR-7- loaded, excel, leather, power everything, JM* "Pi, PS. PB, AC, 5PM. lease for 25 mos, pur- cond. $8495; Cadillac 85 mint condition, $6500. P/wlndowsT/roof. AM/FM you come in! Our gigantic chase $14(800; 722-6386 Eldorado-blue,' loaded. Call 908-821-1526 after Tape, 64K miles, one FORD 84 BRONCO II Excel, cond. $5495. Call 6PM. LXT- PS, PB. AC, AM/ inventory means we've got what 609-490-0111 eves. 1 FM stereo, crujse, 4x4, 4 AD RATES — - -r - -. K'SSAN 86 300ZX- ggg •86 CAVAUER $3849 •89 TOPAZ S84B9 you want in stock! •88 BRONCO 4X4 $9409 auut> Chtvy XJOI, «M. AUTO, P8AV, AIR. Minimum 6 lines. Immaculate, 1 owner, rea- MERCURY 89 GRAND White, .2 pass,, auto. speed standard, 75K ml, Mnuy *Or S«dan. 4-Cyl, AUTO, PS/ Font »Cyl. Mpd Man m»na, PS/PO, T/ OkM. AM/FM 8torM. ala 59.631 PB. AM, Rr Dal, AM/FM St Casa, ale. sonable. Eves. 908-359- MARQUIS—9400k miles, turbo, fully loaded, 2 PONTIAC 84 GRAND asking $3700. 287-1026 mt 8Dt #0»1A^^VW. #0263887. AM, Y/QUaa, AWFM St Caaa, ale. (Average 3-4 words per line) 20,480 ml. Stk. #P-T60. V1R #KB«- S5J60 ml 8*. #3337»A. VIM. #JUB- cpnd., full alarmi systems. $8600. .p | BROUGHAM- FORD 86 F150- Ex- P 00183. R X F^SJ. Sv, AUTO, rtU^I 44984. . ' balance Tif:Call 753'2249. Airtn.,...-' - ' T/ QlMt, AM/FM StCau/tta. 40,000 '87 CAPHICE CLASSK: S8«W •89CHEVYC1SO0 $9M0 FULL RUN . _ „ NISSAN 88 SENTRA— tone ml.eik. #P484A VlN. #FB1i2e«7. Oiavy 4-Of V8. AUTO W/OO, PS/PB. Pkk-Up Truck, VS, AWO, PS/PB, AM, e^^^^^ •87 SPECTRUM *3il Uai MERCEDES 78 n—. Best offer for •87 EXCEL <38«9 Chivy Sport Coupa, 2-Or. V8, AUtO, BUoX tOr Hdto. VS. AUTO, PS/PS, Trana. PwrUkaa. Un On. AM/FW,v3m. » Per insertion wa $8375. Delta Toolbox for PS/PB, AM, Rr Dal, AM/FM 6t Cm Daba. Had ftomBMLIUM , fob Dow BMrB.al.FI Mm. SssawasS'ss.wassa $ * w|VW IIIIOII> lUttUOUi rttfU ^2606772^421 defroster, hew tires, 65K, Dall 722-3925. Hyundai 4-CV, 4-Cyl. AUTO, MS/PB. P«r WnoVlxk, AIR, AM/FM Bt Caaa, aUISU Ajoaar Pag. PctamUn BO *XX. VM. «4rV $5500/BO. 767-3594. small pickup-$75 Call AM, r/OlMM. Rr D.I. AM/FM St Caw, THt Cnilaa. 80-40 Saat ate 41.910 ml. Cniaa, 6040 Baat ata. 14*81 ml. oaoas. usVr- tit.TU. Total or lyrt. mjao. osoo. MBP tnsna. Tow ol wmb «nwso. taaoo own wAan Int. Excel, cond. MITSUBISHI 88 STAR- Mark 8*. *IM070, VlN. #JP12<)O87S. BOOK VALUE lbu t >tooo Ioi Owar lubiai) When Billed 67 WAGON- /at 722-5216 or Ma 34.839 ml. StK. #22M7-A. VlN. Stk#P487, VM. #Kt4060«Z. DOMI 0m* nsoo MFR IWiate). tut hanWila S40 12.50 $11,000/B.O. 526-6327, ION ESIR- 5 spd turbo, #HU4«WS •87RX-7 »899B IML mil IMt Opt Pudm r*. hda aarx) 87 PONTIAC 85 FIERO i, orig. engln, blk leather, sunroof, •MUBABON t3878 Mazda 2-Or, Vs. tSpd Man TMK PW •80 PROBE LX $10,450 526-7052, leave message. SE- 5 spd, AM/FM, AC, Ford »Or FB, VS. AUTO, PS/PB. Pwr Each additional line: $1.10 loaded, rebuilt eng. & •.. $2500/BO; ChiytW JMV, 4JCy) TOHBO, AUTO, RIP Strrypwr BnkM. AM, T/Qiaaa, DRIVEAWAY /YOU tilt, P/wlndows, new FORD, '81 F100 AM/FM S Caaa. CrillM, B/S MkjQa, Wkldrixk, AIR, Rr Dal, TB. Crulaa. CO FOR TRADE-INS! WAY / YOU MERCEDES 86 100E- matio, sunroof, new tires, Call 272-1920. _. P3M, Pwt 8I/Wtnd/U*> AIH, Rr. DW, ZONE 1: Somerset/Middlesex ZONE 2: Union County brakes, excel, cond. 32K PICKUP- Auto., V8, ato. 81JS8 mL Slk. 4P8SS, VlN. #W- Playar, alo. 10*30 rrd. SHc #P-St7, Black, loaded, excellent low miles, AM/FM 8t Cau, Ho. 38,719 ml. Stk. VlN. #«118081. Buy this week and get $500 over the FORONLY./OWNIT $11.00 Per Insertion-Paid In Advance $5.50 Per Insertion—Paid In Advance condition, 90K miles, ; eves: 231-1671 mi. Must sell. $5Q00/B.O. CHEVY 64 CORVAIR #2232*4, VM. #0N212S20. 502334. LY ,/OWNIT $8500. •88 8KYHAWK $3995 •90 MIRAGE $7199 •91FORDF150 »10.779 TOR ONLY $10,500 negotiable. Must 233-5886, !- 4 FKMki True*. VS. UlfO. PS/PB, Rr current "Book" value for your trade- $11.50 Per Insertion When Billed . $6.00 Per Insertion When Billed MITSUBISHI 87 COR- Call Phil at 765-9350. Bulok 4*X, 4-Cyt AUTO, PS/PB,'AIR, MWJDWJ 3*r Hak*. 4-Cyt. AUTO, Fr FORONLY sell - new car Is In. Call DIAL L- Hatchback, 5 AM/FM Radio, Ma 88.000 ml. Btk. WH Dr, PS/PB, AM, T/Qtaaa, Rr Dal, Bumpar, S t. Bad, Dual Qaa Tar** Each Additional Line: $1.00 Each Additional Line: $.75 PONTIAC 86 PAR - AM7FM GUno, Fold DO«MI Rr Saat, S701 ni StC #M13*A VIR in! You must present this as a '17 speed, AC, 49K miles, Im- ^pSen! #H»AVM#aK4(XM19 PER |2-'S •M.TROOPen 4X4 ato. 14,736 ml. 8H(. #P«22. VlN. #LU- PER 044015. • •90COUOARL8 $10.9*9 time of sale. 9798 Iii-Column Display Rate: . maculate, $4200. Call laiml MV, 4Cyt 5*>d Man Tnw, FM* MO. 8999 MO. MERCURY Tt COUGAR : Marouy 8pacM EdMon. 2Or Hdt>Hd , 752-8805. new tires, 80K ml. $5000 T/Oaat, AM/FU SI Caa, aid. aj.001 mL •87 DELTA 88 ROYAL *7487 Minimum 1 Inch — 8 point copy''"•'_ . —Blue/white, all power, miles, Asking $9800. Call . security 8*. #«eoMA VjN. #05410294. ; OUa 4-Or BrouotwA V8, AUTO, PS/ VS, AUTO, PaiP8. Pwr SUMnd/U*. system, excel cond; very CORVAIR- firm. Call John 6584021. PB. Par WndfaWSt Aid, Br.Dal AM/ AM, AM/FM SI. Caaa, Tit, Cniaa. ata. excellent cond.., new tires NISSAN '83 SENTRA- •67SINTRA M188 17JSW ml, Stk. tXtSSDK VIR #LH03- $25.50 Per Column Inch: Full Run FM St Caaa, Tit Cnilaa. ato. 41,917 Vl ^^ i. Call 889-9652 74DUMPTRUCK- Nlaaan 2-DrL4Cyt, AUTO, PS/rajUR, 1973. Rr Dal, AM/FM 8t Caaa, au.as.na ml. M, 8*.#P-101fc VlN. #HHS003S2. ZONE 1: $21.00 Per Column Inch ' ZONE 2: j&OOPer Column Inch SM2A WT#HO7S4S«8. •01FORDF1B0 *10,779 •87 OALENT *7789 Ptck-Up Truck.'Vn. AUTO, PS/PS. Rr 5 or more insertions: 20% discount if paid within 20 days BIRD— V8r auto, AC, P/ & Bunpar, a «. Bad, Dual Qaa Tar*«. windows & door locks, VKutttH «0r, 4\ ml, Slk. #581»A VlN. ag •aft COROLLA LE tS3S9 Dr, PS/PS. Pwr Mnd/t£k, AIM, T/ #MNA190W. AM/FM cassette stereo, Toyota VCX. 4•— ,FH cass atflrao.MLnw KK jff . . Ww.* • va§ tyjrTl fMr'\ Wfcall .%-• UH a)—V^—ilfll V-1BFOVI fr *V ' MO «np r new tlro8> •89 TROOPER ' $11^99 Take advantage of fantastic MERCUfl^ 84 GRAND h«i;M >in «il5foai new clutch.: Original kuuu. 4-CVt. tCSpd Man' Traoa. PS/ Wanted, Ghildcare, Wanted to Rent orftoprnmate Wanted . All ads 'MCAVAUPnWON MTM | ... . . P8/PB, AIR, V WOOQMuft brakes. Call 369-3231 owner. .$60Qb/BO or trade PS. AIR, AMmnidki, tc sS> ml MARQUIS- 78k miles, Ctwvy.^Cvl AUTO, PflMl, AWFM 8t • Qtaaa. ate. 37.47S ml Stk. #P-720, incentives this week - when moving, all ads to addresses outside our local billing area. 8eo|752^147. PONTIAC 88 LEMANS- VIR #HR33S1S4. SUc #P-101S. VlN. #Vft00SS72. excellent condition, wS| m^rtalneJ^69K m' DODGE '64 ROYAL 'of passenger van of . caw. Rr Raok, ato. BO.434 ml stk, I •89 BRONCO II 111387 blue, 4 door, excel cond. SEDAN strong running qu.2318042 #MrMS,VIN.#JJ<37S71. S •8TAEHOSTAHXLT *W79 get as much as $2000 loaded. Must sell this but tooks areat %T runs' SEDAN— strong running equal value. 231-8042 Fold 4«4 MX, «kV, AUTO, PSA'S. EXTRA CHARGES: low mileage, $3500. Call Heml. auto, solidlid, ,awaf awa-f INTERNATIONAINTEATIONAL 774 'M DAVTOKA I5T89 Ford IWaaa Won. tOA. AUTO, PS/ week. Best offer over aareatNeedrreat'Needs mminor work _ PB, Fwr VJkxSuM. AM, TH, atx. Fwr IMnd/kk, AIR, TIN Whl, Crulaa, cash back, financing as low as S2684SS26-84S0 Inaa restoratiorestorationn , $1400// 118BB0 6 YYARAD DUMPP IMdo* M* HoW, 4*yl, AUTO, PS/I Eddla Bowar Pkfl. alo. 31.M1 ml, Stk. ""• Blind Ads, $3.00 for Box Rental $2.00 mailing charge $2800, Call 233-6347 Advertise In the Ctewffledffi'/ ffi' 98^1898^1833 PB, AIH, TAJIaaa, AM/FM Btarao, ato. | tmm ml. stk. #p*a. Wi #HZAW- 2S^J£S TRUCK- Diesel, 5 spd. #220(4*, VlN. #KUee6J84. 1%, option savings up to (Box held for 30 days) PONTIAC 88 LEMANS- :»,oS> ml, Stk, #55J17-A. VH#JO44- non-auto. trans 3 »PH r«, avia, nil JMO. •W CONTINENTAL ««»7S •88 CORVHTTE $11,089 $2100, plus huge additional red, 28k miles, auto, PS, '87 TAURUS tSTSO Unookl 4-Dr BoadatK, VS, AUTO, PS/ • All capital letters $1.00 per week new tires. 41K miles. Chavy WV, VS, AUTO, PS/PB. Pwr SI/ Sin AC, AM/FM cass,, 1 FORD '68 THUNDER-' --- -- Ford 4-Or, VS, AUTO, P8W, Pw PS. P*r 8l/V«ndAaV, AM, AM/FM 8t WlndAjtk, AIR, Rr Dal, AM/FM SI factory-to-dealer incentives. • All bold typefaces: $1.00 per Week bwrier, excel, cond. relo- BIRD- 2DR, flood me- $5200/BO$5200/BO .Cl Calll 764-9130. Wlnd/LoV, AIR, T/Qlaaa, AM/FM Bta- Cata. CHUaa, UM M. aaa avUt ml, Cata, Cniaa, ata. 81,010 rnl, Sdc #P- rao, ato. 43.000 ml. 8IMP-«M, VM. S»C»pr4»A.VIN.#QVBBQ203. . 10M,VIN.#FS1313*1, caungeating. MusMUStI sellsen. . $4504 0 ohanlcal condition. V-8 INTERNATIONAL 79 #HA243tt1. ' x •STPARKAVe StMB "M CARAVAN SB $12^«7 Neg. Cal l 821-6891. power. Restored exterior. SCOOT II 4X4^ convert- Dodo.. VS, AUTO, P8/PB, Pwr tMnd/ PORSCHE 83 944- 5 r a rlor $350 LoV, AM, IN, Crtiw, WoodgraM Sld- R ?^ iJ5^ ' °- rollbto*.harttopW-SunwSl . . , AIR, ala, SIMS • aa, ata. 34.449 mi Slk. #P-oo7, VlN. speed, PS, PB, P/wfn- roll 6*Wiritar«Jo ml, Stk. #M0«4A VlN. #awi*M84; I VW. #H14000S3. #KB12»40. Call 356-2943. "-" — -— •M FIFTH AVBNUB MS87 5 1.800-334-0531 dowa, sunroof, AC, alarm, FORD B ^ACCOROLXI $9379 •90VANWAOON $12,897 dowa, sunroof, AC, alarm, FORD 69, MUSTANG BO. Call Mike 654^463. Chrytlar 4*r, V6. AUTO, P8/PB, P*r I Honda 4-Or, 4-Cyl, AUTO. PS/Pfl, p\w 8:30 A.M.-8:00 P.M, Monday, Thursday & Friday SI/wlnd/lok,AIR,T/Qlau,Rrl)ar.AM/ S MltaublaN 7-Paaa, 4-Cyt, AUTO. PS/ AM/FM cass. Nose bra In- FASTBACK— New ex- IRUZI BO PICK IIP— •> A WIndAdt, AM, AM/FM St Caaa, Tit PB, AIM, AWFM Radio, ata. KJSB8 n* DIRECTORY FM SI Caaa, TUt, Cnila*, Mo. KJ.tas | CniM, ato, 20,558 ml, Stk. #T-437tff^VT, m ^ ^ rwvrw nno, •«, 8:30 A.M.-5:00 P.M. Tuesday & Wednesday J eluded. Asking'$9200. haustAlres. Excel, cond. ft 4 cvl aas «X P/S ml,64k#»>-853,WJ. #0XMI1M. OH. #P-10«4, VIM #LM0O2S7. * 17,997 ClCalll Bill 81707-9235t70705 . Needs frame rail. New p%^Fbius^nlles klG 2 VM*HA11»M 9:00 AM-1:00 PM Saturday NLW CAR SALtS DETAILING PORSHE BO 92&£&£&&&4 tone•$££ SSo^Jef TURBO- 52k original , 23^1-0240. and bodilneT , Ta<0 over FAX: (201) 231-1385 Auto Magicians milesil , 6 spd d, sunrooff, PP/ /-ESK'tSJJ? MODEL 'T' laase. 008-526-3814. Forbes Nawtpapon Zone 1 C/asstY/ed Connection Includta: Complete Car Cleaning great cona.T$4500.-Muat—mwiion. »o,uuu. ueo- nnead atanHnrH mnuort- Somerset Messenger-Gazette Highland Park Herald 36 Domont Rd. MITSUBISHI (908) 469-4299 SBIII Call 874-3677 mlnstar 234-8216. Ible top^otl ba^ runs CHEVROUT Bound Brook Chronicle FwHUl«,NJ. Spring Special 55 CROWN Vlc South Plalnfleld Reporter Sabt *Strtkta Sirtce RENAULT 83 ALLI- E2SR ., - Well, $6S0/BO. 968-3432 Middlesex Chronicle ' FREE ANCEC - 5 spd. PS,, PB, TORIAA- V8. 272 engineengine, , JEEP BS CHEBOKEE The Hllls-Bedmlnster Press 908-234-0109 1909 • Werlof Cleaned, Carpet & IwtolrOUHd GEO*JEEP/EAGLUE HYUNDAI • ISUZU PD Review Franklin Focus Ssati^team Cleaned , AC, AM/FM oass., area Jed and whtti a, r8duped t0 - 5 door 5 condltondt, , BSBSmpgm . Hh»t ffi°V 0 " * speed.^AC. sunroSmln2 1 •^»1 Metuchen-Edlson Review and sellll. $11$11000 . Calll 4 8 -USED CARS AUTD BODY • iterePM. -, condition InteriorS°l, blao1k CUSTOM VANS N 4B Green Brook- Middlesex County Shopper RENAULT. '85, ALLI- COk'Jf,?Pi-U ZEPHYestoRr w/tanutch/Allrecord, now BFG stire avails &. North Plalnlield Journal Somerset County Shopper QN TIME TOWING) ANCE- 4DR°>B, PS, «COUPEb P - V12, restorOffer-. clutch/-All-record$5900. Call Phil 765-9350s avail. 24 HOUR SERVICE AC* AM/FM cass. 73K ml. «b P^OpO/B968-375^2 t Off $5900 Cll Phil 750 Forbma Niwpapmn Zonm 2 ClasaMed ConntcUon Includta: Excellent running condl- PONTIAC 1987 BON- WAGON'E'ER'-"Vully Over 1800 in stock! Open til 10PM! JUNK CARS & TRUCKS WANTED tlon. Call 707-1923; 725- NEVILLE- 4 door, show- equipped, lowner/drhw! Cranford Chronicle Scotch Plalns-Fanwood Press v "CSS* MEMBER M.CA. 4544. ' •. •-. room condition In & out. leather Inter., garaged, The Westfleld Record ' SAAB "86 goo— Maroon, 59,K o^Olnal miles. White ehowrobm obnd., 68k ADJUSTMENTS: Wa maka «*y allort to.mnld rh/fWbM In your OmHItd AdMrikamanl Mtat* ohaok 752-3582 mM your wAwrttwiMirf tha Ural waak K rum. Emm In wAwtfMnwnte running mon thtn on» Urn* mutt bt new'tlresf^lK ml. Asking - 707-0728 Call (fijObJ 234.I592' odmetad baton tha meant) Inamtkn of oomcHon tUowtnc* ctnnot bt mad*. Oxmothn alhwmnc* tor To Place An Ad Here CALL WALT 231-6618 $6800, Excel, condition. " .'•.. '" ' ,' . . > . .' ..r , . * ', airon that not axcaa AUTOMOTIVE N N N

JEEP CHEROKEE 8B- 4 CHEVY 88 CONVER- FORD 85 XLT- 12 pass., JUNK CARS WANTED.- LUXURY MOTOR dr, buff yellow, AC, PB, SION VAN- fully loaded, loaded. PS/PB, AC, AMI 752-0466. HOME- 31' Kings Hlgh- IN THE ^PSj-4WO,-auto^-8unroofr- -4000-origlnai-mlles^Ask. FMl|d —y» w.—way.-Oual-ax>f-AC,-mlcroi— 70k miles, Veiy clean^Jngji.7,500; 494-1414...;... $6650. 245-1166 days _/_ *]mn \ _wave , color TV. awnlawningn . -orig.-oWner. $"f«!~4~0"0r DODGE '85 CARAVAN 276-6582-evear Great for ISO Sleep«-6r-$17.000.-235- 685-0067 after 6 pm. LE— auto,' fully loaded, large family or bus. \MOTORCYCLES\ 5380 eve, 843-0233 day. JEEP CHEROKEE LORE- luggage rack, newly re- GMC 88 CONVERSION MOTOR HOME- 82 DO 87- 4 dr, 4WD, 4 Mr, built engine, new radiator/ FOR SALE Chevy Real Lite, sleeps 6, electric seats, windows, VAN- 350 V8, auto, PS. tires, f yr. guar. Very PB, P/locks, PAvindows, very clean, AC, AM/FM door locks. AC, AM/FM clean. Best offer. 725- HONDA 1980 XL500S- stereo throughout, many Naw* Contant Gen«f»ted by *d D«p»rtm«nt cass., tilt wheel, rear de- AC, sofa bed, 4 captains 9218, after 5:30. chain*. 27K ml. Uke new. Enduro, $1000. 359-5468, extras, $14,000/BO. 271- fog, new tires, battery &. DODGE 71-78 B2008- ask for Tom • 5818. rear brakes, 50k miles, 1 $13,500. 752-4928 Army vans, used on mill' HONDA 89 CR500- SUZUKI, 1985 QUAD owner,. Excel, cond., tary base. Low mileage. Hedgerows in Chester $11,000/60.234-2482 excel cond, alum bars, RACER 250- Rebuilt People in real estate $650 and up. Call 754- new brakes, O ring chain, motor bottom to top, new MARKET MAZDA 83 B2000 PICK 9130. MISCELLANEOUS I 1991 radiator covers, llre8> excellent cond. UP-^-wAcap. Runs we'll,, I'M 20< r B A 8r 7 offers custom colonials DODGE 85 VAN- 5spd, bought 2/90, heavy fly $1 L° . o -°- ? Burgdorff Realtors' Westfield office has steadily won the com- body straight, new parts. AC, crufee, PS, PB, AM/I AUTOMOTIVE I wheel. $2200. 549-2784 p.m.. (609) 397-9344, pany monthly awards that culminated in garnering top honors for AM/FM cass, S1600/BO. The Hedgerows, a re-creation of an early New England, colonial FM stereo cass., new SACHS MOPED- Excel- all of 1990: Highest Company Dollar and Highest Company Units. 469-7399 braked & muffler, 54k village, offers distinctive homes on VA to 3W acre sites. Each •-•••' DID YOU lent condition. $150. Call TOYOTA '81, SR 5 miles, $4900. Call 201- home has a character of its own: cedar shake roofs; hand crafted Almost 50% of the Westfield office qualified for the NJ Million 968-6163. KNOW... 908-722-9313. SHORTBED- Convert- TJils little ad can be read f ISO A wood shutters, hand-wrought lanterns and massive chimneys Dollar Sales Club. ible, $2500. New body YAMAHA 82 XT125- off- FORD '84 CLUB In more' than 147,000 on road bike. Many new BOATS & I with oversize fireplaces are some of the hallmarks of careful Of Burgdorffs 33 branches located throughout NJ and parts of parts, 52,000 miles. Call WAGON- Loaded! Lug- homes In 15 publications {ACCESSORIES I custom design that distinguish these homes. PA, Westfield was the top office ih dollar volume for six months of^ John 658-4021. gage rack, 77K ml.,. 1 parts -4- extras. $550/BO. throughout Somerset, Call 469-3892 after 3PM owner, $4300. Call days' Middlesex and Union At present, three homes are available, a Cape, a Salt Box and a the year, and top in units for seven; Burgdorff Realtors came to 233-5992; after 8 pm, Counties? It caught your OUTBOARD MOTOR- gambrel roof Farmhouse with dormers; all with attached barn • W,egjfield five years ago. . .•... ( 13° *\ 322-6641. FORA attention, didn't it? Sears Game Fisher 3:5 garages. Prices start at $585,000. No two homes will be exactly On behalf of her office, manager Jean Massard proudly accepted I VANS FORD 81 VAN- auto, Call YOUR ad In todayl r• . I horsepower, $75 or best alike and there will be 14 homes clustered In Phase I, surrounded the generous praises of President Jean Burgdorff at the company's 1-800-334-0531. \ FOR SALE I PS, PBi AM/FM radio, \RECREATIONAL offer; 526-3535 by open space. Annual Awards Breakfast very low mileage, new We Get ResultsI Attractive homesltes are available for custom building In the tires, brakes -. & battery RUNNING BOARDS— for I VEHICLES I "The Westfield associates are a highly diverse group united by a CHEVY.7? VAN- auto, 6 $2400. Rosalie Park 908- 1990 Jeep Cherokee, framework of the New England village concept. team philosophy, a standard of excellence and a 'can-do' spirit," cyl, excellent condition. 241-7950 hardware Included. $75. The Hedgerows Is located on Fox Phase Road off Route 24 In Jean Burgdorff said. "Certainly much of the credit for their excellent $2300. Call 201-846-4914. 1970 HONEY MOTOR FORD 83 VAN- Econo- Call 709-0930 days, 344- HOME- 24 ft, 34K ml, Buy It. Sell It. Chester ToWnshlp. Call.Mary Palmer at Turpln Real Estate, Inc. In One of the three finished homes at The Hedgerows. performance goes to Jean Massard as well as to each individual. CHEVY 80 G30 1 TON- llne,, white, auto trans., 8585 aak for Bill. sleeps 6, full bath, Bernardsville for further information. ' . We are tremendously pfoud of them and appreciative of the V8, PS, PB. AM/FM. auto. AC.: AM/FM cass.. 2 UTILITY CAP— heavy kitchen, awhing, new Find It. 4000 pound tow package, tanks, 4 new tires. Asking duty, Reading fits S-10 or tires. Excel cond. $8000/ outstanding contribution they make to our company." twin battery system, side S-15 Pick-ups. $250. call BO. 753^6396 GOOD CAR? $2200. Call 906-8796. & rear windows. $2800/ 908-782-6781; 782-3391 •i B,O. Call 572-1700. FORD 89 CUSTOM 1979 MOTOR HOME- All In One Place? VAN- Color TV, AM/FM sleeps 4, excel cond, 69K CHEVY 80 VAN-Good cass. radio, front & rear' ISO ml, 8 ply radials. $6000/ condition with a $300. AC, P/I6cks, P/wlndoWs, BO or irade for something roof rack. $995. 548- PB, custom Interior, VCR AUTOMOTIVE of equal value. 769-8715 : Where Else 0253. hookup, under 20K miles, SERVICES 20 FOOT PROWLER CHEVY 85 C30 1 TON cruise, tilt, dual gas tanks: TRAVEL. TRAILER- But Classified! VAN- 350 end., PS, PB, $19.500. (908) 534-1703. Sleeps 6, Large refrigera- JUNK CARS BOUGHT- beige, 58K nil., $4490. tor, stove, oven, bath- KENILWORTH Paul & Janice D Filling to Jonelle Whltehouse Auto. Call room w/shower. sink & $112,900 •...:••';•'• Prudential Relocation Mgmt to Calf days 754-0090; 232- Advertise in the Classified! .Donald Halbsgut to Nancy Keet- Eleanor Knudson to Edward Spo- Rodney L & Janet R Casto, property J Tnlbault, property at' 17 Crown- 0923 eves 534-2519 toilet, $2,800. 359^775. : . civ property' at^448i.Coolldge Dr.,.: zzare, property at 28 6th St, at 48 Starling Dr., $187,000 Rd., $166,000 .. $115,000 $118,000 BRIDGEWATER James & Evangeline Pryorto United Screw & Bolt Corp to Ha- HIGHLAND PARK Rose Rabner to Ming J & Leelan Bobby R & Diane P Saffold, prop- mmelore Schwelzer, property at 844 Marilyn Williams to Frances T Hong, property at Bond St, erty at 23 Davis St., $119,900 . Falrfield Ave., $355,000 ' •--— Smith, property at 13 S 7th Ave., $160,000 William T Bumgarner to Carlo & CRANFORD $150,000 . • / . Jjtendra & Sudha Rani Sharnia to . Jacqueline Pema, property at 5 Daniel J & Cynthia M Prlmlchto "•,• METUCHEN / Ramesh B & Bhanu R Parekh, Dutch Rd., $183,500 Terence & Duffy Meg Bradford, Rodney & Mary Sturchkf to Joe) & property at 69 Cain Ct, $44,014 Office Condominium Dev Corp to property at 2 Denman PI., $160,000 Catherine Falk, property at 158 Am- Leo Charnetsky to Pizzo Parther- Franklin Office Holding Corp, prop- Gustavo. ..& Mildred Yacker to . boy Ave., $187,000 \ shr Corslnl, property at Clark Trl., erty at 562 Easton Ave., $2,652,000 Robert & Barbara Dinlcolas, prop- Ruth MacWllllam to Samuel & Ch-. $100,000 Andrew A & Margaret Del Rio to There's no reason to cramp your lifestyle when erty at 5 Glen Ave., $212,000 . rlstine Robinson, property at 57 Car- Richard Eyerman to Robert f Wit- Sophie Kargbo, property at 18 FANWOOD KonRd., $87,500 tig Sr, property at 11 Dartmouth Foxwood Dr., $147,000 Left to right: Jean T. Burgdorff, president; Jean Massard, we've' got a great selection of homes and apart- William B Eckstrom to William B Margaret Buttler to Robert Gil- Ave., $55,000 ..-.•• KHovnanlan Real Estate to Jeffrey Westfield office manager; and Peter Burgdorff, executive Eckstrom, property at 155 man, property at 2 Ely Ct, $120,000 Robert E & Margaret S Murphy to & Man/Grace Baumley, property at vice president of Burgdorff Realtors, display one of the ments just waiting to expand your horizons. Way, $85,000 Judy Muller to Rodney & Mary Joseph P & Nancy M Culliman, Han Voji Dr., $240,000 two 1990 awards won by Burgdorff's Westfield office. Mark P & Josephine D Qulnn to Sturchto, property at 43 Rector SI, property at 697 S Donald Dr., Jack Field to KHovnanlan Real Joseph M & Anne W Lydon, prop- $265,000 $209,000 Estate Inves, property at Hans Voji. erty at 18 Watson Rd., $191,750 Glsela Ciampl to Salvatore Vorv- Hansjorg & Suzanne L Mader to. Dr., $100,492 —-.lnhn-Q~&~SUzanne-P-Nelson-to- GARWO6D JSk 5IFBFSJW^lhi $180,000 William John Hagen, property at 22 y Robert W & Carol L Parkhlll to at 780 Dow Rd., $287,000 experienced real estate David M-Helden, property-at 209 MIDDLESEX Salvatore Rltorto to Walter J Hill Ave., $148,000 . Hickory Ave., $172,000 John & Rita Shaffer to Joseph & Formus, property at 286 English Ct., Mary Masterson to Robert Plegari, professional, has joined Kathryn K Hogabpon to William J Leanore McNulty, property at 425 $230,000 . property at 180 Hyde Park Rd., Burgdorff Realtors' Warren Wnney Sr,, property at;;310 Locust Decatur Ave., $125,000 .; $140,000 office as a sa|es associate. A : Richard L & Slgne J Woodln to CONN E G T I '0 N Ave., $37,500 •••••.••. Bridget Waverka to Carl Richter, Van D & Merryl L Re'rf, property at Kenneth R & Lynda Henderson to graduate of Floyd Wickman's iS SCOTCH PLAINS property at 11 Fitzslmmons Ave., 237 Holland Ct., $262,00b v Charles & Paula All, property at 1 STAR Real Estate Development J'RE RIGHT '.i Frederick A.& Lorraine puker to. $100,000 Green Knoll Development Corp to Kyle Rd., $180,000 Program, Cramer has Frederick & Hsu Vlvia Obrock, Robert & Anna Marie Ceiko to Ding Ho & Hal Lan Tsai, property at Robert E & Lourdes Acosta to experience as relocation property at 20 Fieldcrest Dr., Frank Alles, property at 209 2nd St, 12 Krams Trl., $365,000 James & Donria Hamer, property at .15 Marigold Ln., $190,000 specialist for Somers.et, Cain-800^34-0531 $211,000 "••"•• $130,000 ; CMC. Construction Co Inc to Hunterdon, and Middlesex Steven C & Bernadette Reedy to PISCATAWAY Robert E & Donna Cardamone, Willie Averette to Raymond & G Kenneth III Adams, property at Colts Neck Orchard Const to Dy property at 2 Kristin Ct.,. $233,000 Mattle Adams, property, at 43 Mill- Counties. In 1990, she qualified 1341 Graymlll Dr., $295,000 Blnh Hguyen, property at 32 Barb- . Charter Land Development Inc to stone Rd., $85,000 for memebership in the NJ Michael A & Elizabeth Goor to our PI., $250,000 CMC Construction Co Inc. property Newton Oaks to Jay P & Dora Millibn Dollar Sales Club. Michael A & Diane M White, prop- Salvatore & Anne Onorato to Kev- at Kristeh Ct., $40,000 Ann Baratta, property at 4 Newton Before entering real estate Ct, $280,000 erty at 2227 Pine Terr., $150,000 in Carman, property at 16 Buchman Hansen Sayings Bank to New sales, Cramer was in the John E & Teresa A Leary to Ann Edith G Marino to Neal Lestrange, St, $132,000 Jersey Savings Bank.SLA, property ' Marie Scesa, property at-40 Pear transportation industry for 15 GOT A CAR or TRUCK property at 2544 Plainfleld Ave., Valmato Const to Michael Cyriln, at 635 E Main St, $300,000 years, specializing in Corporate WHERE property at Hanson Ave., $12,500 ; Tree Ln., $102,000 $215,000 Robert A & Elaine G ZInke to management, insurance and . Vernle Owens to Mark Jackson, Michael J & Diane K McGovem, Delbert R & Elizabeth James to WESTFIELD property at 321 Leslie Ave., $95,000 property at 597 Meadow Rd., Gabriel & Reglna Morris, property at accounting. She is a lifelong 306 Ralph St., $137,500 resident of Warren Township. FOR SALE? ' James'J & Josephine Buccola to Christine Hester to Jeffrey & Usa $217,000 ..: Kurt C Bauer, property at 13 E. Hilda Hlrsch to Angek) J &, Renee Fleet Finance Iric to Karen Bar- Crayton, Rrpperty at 1785 Olive St., rood, property at 31 Shelly Dr., Broad St., $360,000 $142,000 Siclllano, property at 247 Old York WENDY CRAMER $113,000 . -' •_; Robert F & Catherine J Early to Arthur & Lois Conrad to Todd & Rd, $190,000 Henry Weshnak to Waher C Carmine & Marietta Palumbo, Melissa Adams, property at 455 Gerald L & An T Graves to Micha- property at 546 Rd,, Prospect Aye., $187,000 el J & Deborah T Mela, property at Miller, property at 15"~Will6w Ave., $210,000 Martin & Jeanine to An- 4 Sky High Terr., $352,000 $195,765 ..___ * Assoc Relocation Mgmt Co of to thony & Alice Best, property at 3 Swaml & Vanaja Marayanan to Glen C & Susan L Walz, property at Tammy Ct., $155,000 Robert Helwlg, property at 221 Ten MONTGOMERY 838 Carleton Rd., $210,000 Daniel Devenio to Bridge Publish- EyckRd., $188,000 Hlghflold Developers Inc to Mont- Rafael J Betancourt to Gordon S ing Inc. property at 498 Vernon Ct., Tri State Investment Assoc to Mic- gomery Properties Holdin, property Inamlne, property at 131 N Cottage $116,000 hael J & Ann Marie Iskra, property at Branson Way, $4,528,000 Trudy Piccirillo of Warren, a PL, $161,500 SOUTH PLAINFIELD at 1077 Tullo Rd., $465,000 PHH Homequity Corp Arthur J & broker associate with Burgdorff < Gareth & Susan B P Taube to Geraldlne Sampson, property at 2-F ' i^^p ^^9 ^^9 ^^P '^^P'^^v •' Anne McShane to Patricia Kail, Edmund Rosenbergh to Walter & Realtors' Warren office, has LINES WEEKS Joseph A & Maria Zamarelll, prop- property at 135 Hudson St., Marie Mormolo, property at Vos- Brbokline Ct., $119,250 . erty at 717 Knollwood Terr., seller Ave., $211,000 Highfield Developers Inc to Mont- qualified for the state's Million At the prepaid rate of only $12, Forbes Newspapers Automotive Connection will run $135,000 Dollar Sales Club for the 13th $321,250 Russell & Joan Relyea to Wilson Calton Homes Inc to Sandra E gomery Properties Holdin, property your 6 line ad for 6 weeks in 15 publications — reaching more than 147,000 Audrey F Palmatler to Roseleen & & Marina Morales, property, at 124 Klser, property at 2603 Vroom Dr., at Highfield Rd., $4,528,000 consecutive year. With over $3. households in Somerset, Middlesex and Union Counties. WHAT A DEAL! Jennifer Flaherty, property at 624 Sussex St., $133,900 $163,440 Highfield Developers Inc to Mont- millibn of business, she also Maple St., $195,000 Joseph & Donna Perrette to Bha- Richard & Isabel Simpson to San- gomery Properties Holdin, property qualified for Burgdorff's re- BELONG! at Lowry Ct., $4,528,000 Offer good on cars, trucks * Add must run as originally ordered. • Must be paid in advance Carl A Reed to Ernest Young- or vans only vesh & Mlta Patel, property at 544 ford Stanley Kieln, property at Wal- spected President's Club. •""••"* '-• T Any.change in copy constitutes a • Remember to call when blood III, property at 346 N Scotch Wooden Ave., $137,000 dron Rd., $468,000 Highfield Developers Inc to Mont- Private party only — no Plains Ave., $297,500 ; gomery Properties.Holdin, property Piccirillo has been a real es- new ad vehicle is sold Jose & Maria Garcia to Jawdat & Helmut K & Renate Stadlbauor to tate professional for 19 years. dealers please • 6 line limit - each additional line $1.00 James J & Marian A Ehrhart to Rosemary Mansi, property at 1300 Lawyers Title Insurance Corp, at Wesley a., $4,528,000 Davis & Neelma Gill, property at 43 Yurgel Dr.. $160,000 property at Woodland Terr., NORTH PLAINFIELD Unaml Terr., $190,000 BEDMINSTER $280,000 Elsie Wpsey to Gregory G & Jo- Miriam C Starr to Matthew D FAR HILLS sephine James, property at 112 Del- Fill In 1 character por box, DUNELLEN Greene, property at 16 Cambridge Brlnkerhoff Homes Builders to Ro- lacy Ave., $145,000 " : allowing for spaces and punc- or Used — You'll Wood-A C PTNP to Concetta Rd., $163,000 nald Yurcak, property at Douglas Somerset Equity Assoc to Sandra Hardgrove, property at 741 Bound Hills Development Co to John & Rd.', $259,000 , J Wllkerson, property at 401, Hwy tuatlon as necessary. Re- Brook Rd,, $116,500 Carla C Craig, property at 100 Cor- John R & Martha M Kollmar to 22, $58,710 ••<-•. .. I member to Include phone Robert & Mary Maler to Paul & tland Ln., $50,957 • . Susan Stanley, property at Spring' Jerry § Unda Reshlck to 1291 TRUDY PICCIRILLO ; b H naut^lnptriflnt .Cn tn . Hollow Rd.. $650.0OQ "Styvesant Aye Corp, property at ellen Ave., $12-1,000 Aqmund, property at 116 Cortland FRANKUN' " y7 George & Brenda Wlnnlck to Mic- Lnri $52,973 - Miles P Lamb to Paul & Janice Somerset Equity Assoc to Michael Mall with check or money order to hael & Rebecca Lucas, property at Saxon, property at 401 W Hwy 22, Hills Development Co to Bhadre- Flrling, property at 15 Barclay Ct., Paige, Paige & Richards, Real- Ea, additional line add $1.00 FORBES NEWSPAPERS 310 New Market Rd., $153,200 sh V & Preetl Desal, property at $217,500 $56,650 I Looking For In Michael & Ann Hogan to Donald Hwy 202, $10937 Irwln Clement to Pasquale & Ros- Somerset Equity Assoc to Nelson tors in Cranford are pleased to CLASSIFIED CONNECTION Colanduonl, property at 237 4th St., Richard & Vicki Haverstlck to Un- sanna Testa, property at 8 Bayberry Marulanda, property at 401 W Hwy announce that Christina Prassas P.O. Box 699, $133,000 da Keane, property at 48 Larkspur Dr., $139,500 22, $43,260 . Serratelli has joined their firm as Somervllle NJ 08876 EDISON Ct, $69,326 ;.iz. & Janice DeWinter to An- Somerset Equity Assoc to Ben F a sales associate. Christina Is a I Auletta, property at 401 W Hwy 22, Mountain Edison Assoc to Stacey Hills Development Co to Gary J & donlo & Bunnle Dlmegllo. property graduate of Cranford High Sch- Zegas," property at 16^AtvarCt; TDIana "Vfalohga, property at 29 at 400 Bennett Ln., $184,000 $48,410- — - - ••-- .- ool and Drew University, where OR CALL TOLL FREE $79,500 Wood Duck Pond Rd., $152,795 Jul Ron Construction Co to Zafer Somerset Equity Assoc to Phillip she earned a Bachelor of Arts I Forbes Newspapers Eleanor & Jack Mlttleman to Louis BOUND BROOK & Vaseem Mehmood, property at L0J0, property at 401 W Hwy 22, degree In economics. AND USE YOUR CHARGE & Anna Maria Jacobelll, property at Dennis J Groman to' Sulleman 280 Bennetts Ln,, $321,107 $46,350 . ••<» • I 115 E Calvert Ave., $217,000 HaJJar, property at 353-355 Talmago Frederick VonAhreng Jr to Ter- Somerset Equity Assoc to Lori Presently a substitute teacher 1-800-334-0531 Municipal Securities of NJ to Abr- Ave., $300,000 rence J & Christine Zerr, property at Lynn, property at 401 W Hwy 22, for both the Cranford and the State _ 2lp I aham Mordowltz, property at 8 Cra- Albert J- Senna to Prahalaad & 210 Berger St., $164,000 $65,920 Westfield Bpards of Education., nburyCt.; $45,000 •'—' — ~LllllS~A~N(angaI, p$ir~E ~~3acl Helen Lo to Chla Jen 2nd St., $80,000 Estate Inves, property at Butler Rd., Ruscltto, propertyat 401 W Hwy 22, about her new career. & Hsiao Wu, property at 17 Lom- BRANCHBURG $100,492 $52,000 Somerset Equity Assoc to Step- "As a member of the bard! St. $233,000 Henry Lewis to Wilfred & Diane K Hovnanlan Real Estate to Jef- Westfield Board of Realtors OTIVE . Nicholas & Joyce Makris to Vert- Schmedes, property at 39 Center- frey & Mary Grace Baumley, prop- hen H Ma, property at 401 W Hwy katachari Parthasarathy, property at villa Rd., $305,000 erty at Butler Rd., $240,000 22, $52,530 Multiple Listing Service as well 2107 Merrywood Dr., $130,000 Joseph J Mania to Takashl & Ya- Jane Z Brown to Suzanne & Don- Somerset Equity Assoc to Sandra as the Garden State Multiple C O N N E C T I Q N West Homes to David Morse, suko Kukl, property at 40 Choctow ald Brown, property at 1537 Canal A Hornberger, property at 401 W Listing Service, I'll be able to property at 6 Snowflake Ln., prop- Ridge Rd., $205,000 Rd, $310,000 Hwy 22, $55,620 help homeowners offer their Somerset Equity Assoc to Mehdl erty at $156,588 Summit Square Ino to Thomas J Aruna & Manavala Desu to Will- homes to almost every potential Azlml, property at 401 W Hwy 22, Thomas Williams to Edward & Ja- & Patricia M Neagle, property at lam Van Tol, property at 104 buyer in this area." $49,440 nice Dollinger, property at 222 2280 Round Hill Rd., $270,000 Chatsworth Dr., $114,000 Joseph A Perrotto to Michael & Raised in Cranford, she now CHRISTINA SERRATELLI Westgate Dr., $154,000 Ewa M Wlsemark to Lenny U & Helmut Auremz to Roml J & resides in Westfield. Thomas Morton to Joan Ikefugl, Yu Fen Un, property at 20 Shale Hill Jean M Goydlsh, property at 95-99 Wertdy B Bollaq, property at 82 Jennings Ln., $156,000 property at 601 Woodhaven Dr., Rd., $265,000 Cherrywood Dr., $112,000 April 4r1991—Union County Classified-7- 6 - April 4,1991 - Union County Classified HILLSBOROUGH- 2 SOMERVILLE- Residen- BRANCHBURG- Office BRIDGEWATER- Take MIDDLESEX- By Onwer. RARITAN— By Owner. 3 PISCATAWAY- By SOMERVILLE- Ranch, CRANFORD 21S Owner 537-7104 Com- immaculate 3 bdrms, 11/2 bdrm, Vh bath Town- tial area, near shopping & and waiting room to rent. advantage of today's low Colonial 2 family, needs bedrooms, 1 car. garage, house, DR, balcony, LR transportation. $80/up, Ideal for mental health interest rates and lowtender loving care, 1 bath, large eatnn- C Apletely renovated 1 BR. bathsl No pets. Refer- ...By The Olde Co-op ALL NEW $89,900. ences & Security. $1250/ w/FP, AC, all appliances. seouKry. Kitchen, parking, professional. Available by pricesi 4 bedroom split, $141,900. HELP-U-SELL kltchen, basement, con- I TOWNH0USES& I l & tennis. $885. Avail safe & secure building. day or by hour. Call 369- Mill Stream... PRIME AREA, huge P.FT.M.Bkr. 469-2800. venlent location. HELP-U-SEU. P. FT, M. REAL ESTATE mo. plus Utll. RANALD C. Manager. 722-2107. 7638 and leave message. Our Bank Now Pays All I CONDOMINIUMS IBKR. 469-2800. OUR BROWN, realtor, Cled. 369-5865 & a waterfall, too wooded lot, cul-de-sac. $129,900. CaJI 231>9656 BANK NOW PAYS ALL 469-2333. REAL ESTATE Assignable-rental Income Your Closing Costs,. Ex- READINGTON- By V FOR SALE J WESTFIELD- Near train CHESTER— Completely A beautifully restored, cept Prepays, If Qual BEDMIN8TER- Mt. Laurel YOUR CLOSING COSTS, CON NEC T I ON station. Large bdrm w/y circa 1750 mill presenting through 8/31. Close now, owner, secluded contem- EXCEPT PREPAYS. IF furnished shared office Studio, 2 bdrm & 3 bdrm large hath, Sep. entrance. space for rent In Chester 1-2,000 sq. ft. of office colled rent through Aug. MIDDLESEX- By Owner. porary on 4.5 acre flag QUALIFIED. KItcherFTjrMleges. $450/ CON NEC T j ON ana move 4n ospt. I. npp0 Nw UHIIQP <5t 1lot, lots of class, resale: Applicant must area. Lovely office condo- space In a lovely, land- meet qualifications. For CRESTWOOD- Whiting, HIGHLAND PARK- 1 SOUTH PLAINFIELD- 1 rOVVNHSSsES month incl. utll. Avail $194,000. Call 7B&376, ^ ^S^ $364,500. HELP-U-SELL PISCATAWAY- Society NJ. For Active Adults bdrm, 2nd floor apt in 2 ( 255 minium complex w/spa- scaped setting. For peo- more Info please call 781- Hill. 1st fir, end unit, 2 bdrm. apt. $575 plus utili- CONDOMINIUMS Immed. 233-5886, lv msg. cious parking, conference ple who want MORE than leave message. Brokers 560-8519. Newer BILevel, P, FT. M, Bkr. 469-2800. (55+). Over 7,500 family house, large sun- HOUSES 5966 bet. BAM-4:30PM ties. W/W carpet, AC, call room, all services (phone, 21O welcome. 17.4- Kit/ Great Rm, 2Owner financing. bdrm, 2 bath, LR, DR, homes. No congestion, deck, $550/mo + utilities, FOR RENT an office. Close to RR/ BEDMINSTER- The. 1 754^0090. Mon.-Fri., 9AM- I- FOR RENT BOUND BROOK- fur- fax, Xerox) Including light HOMES CRANFORD— OPEN baths, $154,900. HELP-U- kitchen & laundry room. 40 styles from $25,000 to 1 /4 mo security. No pets. fiPM^ ?3?-Q9?3 L 27O bus/GSP. Call MVF: -Hilts, 2 bdrm. 2 bath- Jjiimacu 1 at.9 ' ,., „_ 4i5900or^BgTKirOT^^ fl tfc+kh H/276-45C SEttP^M^kfl9 ranchrMontgomery Twpr Ava1trtrnm. 377^600 prr FOR SALE 4PM. Northside Cape, 2800 TownHoU8e7~an~appll'. $119,000.908-463-7233 rene, secure. FREE pic- Ideally located hear shop- non-smoker, share bath- OFFICES 87JL8P20 CRANFORD- Private HOUSE OF THE WEEK 3/4 bdrms., f V4 bath, LR, ances, end. patio, ga . LINDEN- 5 rms, 2SOUTH PLAINFIELD-,3 BOUND BROOK- .' bdrm., 21/2 bath, LR, DR.' asking $189,900. Stop by Yr studios from $59,900. 873-1137. Quallbrook trance, 2 clpsets, $300 basement. $975.00 Plus from 560 square feet to $6495 Down If Qualified bdrm Ranch, possible Condo, END UNIT, sun- tlrne to invest In your per mo. Eves. 725-7208 kitchen and bath on third utll. 11/2 month security. appliances, storage, own bath w/ house privi- EaMn Kit., 3 fireplaces, 21 Adams Ave. (off Eli- Prime location for shop- floor of large house. Walk bsmt. Pool. Call leges, large yard, pool. over 1,800 square feet. Wide floorboards & ex- Mother/daughter, 1 V4ping, commuting, peace burst window $99,900. summer home. Whether Avail May 469-6155 or Private on site parking. Modular Additions: zabeth Ave) or call 272- MIDDLESEX- by Owner. baths, garage, new kit., buying or renting, call MIDDLESEX--3 room to train and bus. Available 281-0186. Call after 6PM. 704-9054 posed beams, full bsmt., 4456 for preview on Sat. . OPEN HOUSE, Sun. 1-4, of-mind. Model open Frl. HELP-U-SELL P. FT, M, Garden Apt Just painted, Immediately. 464-9476. 563-1971. Great location, great CAC, full bsmt., fenced. to Sun. 11AM-SPM. Office BKR.. 469-2800. 8.88% 30 today. ZACHARIAE RE- HILLSBOROUGH— Lux- INSTANT ADDITION Adj. to Hlllsborough 206 Chestnut St. 356- ALTY 1-800-633-1143, fully carpeted, convenient BRIDGEWATER- unfur- NORTH PLAINFIELD- rents; Also prime Ber- Country Club. Ideal for 3579r Two Family, many $157,900. Call 756-4373 #272-1143 or B/K Real* YR/Hwtge. only $4995 to everything. $660/mo. nished 3 bdmu ranch & ury Condominium 1 Male, non-smoker. Nice, nard8ville storefront, 930 KNOW... Down If qualified. WESTFIELD- Large 2nd bdrm, beautifully deco- to your home. horses, 2 car garage/bam SO. PLAINFIELD— 4 tors, 686-1800. GREEN ISLAND, TOMS Incl. heat & hot water, floor apartment in center finished bsmt. 1 1/fc baths, clean home. $85 weekly. square feet, $21 square This little ad can be read bdrm Ranch, possible RIVER- Waterfront L- 1 acre, 2 1£ car tandem/ rated. Washer/dryer, dish- foot. Call BOOTH & 2 story-4 stall bain., 5'In more than . 147,000 CRANFORD- 1 bdrm 11/2 mo. security req. of town & near train. LR, Available immediately. If you are thinking of adding onto ml. Hopewell & Fleml- Mother/daughter. ,1 .V4 ranch, mint Condition. garage, boat'storage, washer, w/w carpeting, air Call 757-5058 before AGENCY,. INC. Realtors 7 homes In 15 publications Condo. ElKIt, all appli- Park Brook Gardens. DR, newer kitchen, 1 conditioning, private en- ngton. $34 5,000, Now baths, garage, new kit.,ances,' carpet. Ample Asking $275,000. 908- 968-6599. bdrm, heat Included. fnground pool. $1150 7:30AM or after 6PM. for details 766-2100 your current house, let us show you a throughout Somerset, CAC, full bsmt., fenced. 220 255-3270 without pool; $1300 with france. Full Clubhouse Thompson Land Middlesex and Urtlon parking. Walk to train/ MIDDLESEX- 4 rms,$775/mp. Rorden Realty, privileges plus more'. modular addition first. They offer: (609)921-76551 Costs, Except Prepays, If $157,900. Call 756-4373 8hopping. Asking COMMERCIAL LOTS FOR SALE- Ina, Realtors 232r8400.. pool. Avail 5/5/91. Call Counties? It caught your 2nd floor & full attic. W/W Mr. J. 908-757-5600. $670/mo. plus utll. Days BOUND BROOK- 3 attention, didn't It? QUal SOMERSET— 3/4 bdrm. $84,500. 201-762-6312 PROPERTY POCONO MTS. NOcarpet, off street parking, 665-5039; evenings • BETTER QUALITY bdrm. 1 V4 bath, full bsmt, Call YOUR ad in today) NORTH PLAINFIELD- Cape Cod. 2 full baths, FOR SALE MONEY DOWN. Take prefer 1-2 persons, 1V4WESTFIELD- beautiful 1 PISCATAWAY— Lake 874-4780. central air, $975/ mo. CACi finished bsmt., ga- CRANFORD- 1 bdrm over payments. Bank re- • Because of excellent quality control, a Norris Treat/ 1-800-334-0531. West End. By owner. 3 condo In park setting.' mo security. $650/mo. bdrm, 1st floor, northside Nelson. Main floor of Nationwide Modular Addition boasts superior con- Avail. April 15.'306-7476 We_Get Results[_ bdrm Ranch, LR, fire- rage. Private yard w/ RINGOES- Near Remi- possessed lot. Wooded 781-9556 leaye.message historic house w/gar, house. 2 bdrm, LR, DR, days; 469-3099 eves gazebo & fruit trees. Qead New kitchen/bathroom. struction. Why? Each addition Is assembled Indoors in place, DR, eat-In kitchen, Walk to train to NYC. Low. ngton. Owner offering 4 vacation community. MIDDLESEX-. Middles- CAC, private courtyd, VA FR, deck, washer, dryer, Advertise In the Classified! a controlled environment (never any weather worries). This 3 bedroom, 2 bath ranch style home is set on a quiet ctil-se- front/back porch, garage. end street. 80x125 lot. unit townhouse. Rental In- Many extras. Call Tom ex Village. Spacious 1 bath. Near center of town. refrigerator. $975 + utili- BRANCHBURG— 5 Advertise In the Classified! maintenance fee. Asking The work is performed by highly-skilled, experienced sac. A slate entry "shows the way" to the living room, wtth a bdrm, 2 Vi bath Ranch. $142,000.755-3146. : $164,500. Call 469-3859 $104,000.709-0292. come will easily carry this evenings. .1(717)992- bdrm. Garden apt $660/ $1100/mo. 654-6514. ties. Call 699-0699. professionals.' And, of course, your favonte name handsome fireplace. The modern kitchen is adjacent to the sunny LR., D.R.. kitchen, F.R. PISCATAWAY- by SOMERVILLE- 2 bdrm, prestigious property at 5414. mo. Includes heat & brands are available in carp'ets, vinyls, appliances, HILLSBOROUGH- 1 S435K. 359-1923 eves. dining room wtth exists to a relaxing deck. Basement recreation w/fireplace, CAC, garage, owner, 885-9539, Super 1 bath Cape Cod. Good bdrm, end unit, 2nd fir, SHIP BOTTOM— Ocean H.W. NO PETS. Pool Wall coverings, windows, etc.™ : room, central air. conditioning + garage with automatic door opener full cellar, 1 acre. location. Close to Hwys. AC, pool, tennis, HW Block, fully furnished, re-available. Call 356-5550 & storage areas. Call us today for your tour! • $219,000.722-3199. Pool, fenced yard. By floors, Convenient loca- cently refurbished, 4 leave message. . CRANFORD • REASONABLE COST BRIDGEWATER- Colo- owner $129,900. Lv. tion, good pond. $76,000 bdrms, 2 baths, deck, off Willilloow Ave. HELP-U-SELL mess. 722-1418. (^ 225 \ street parking, steps toNESHANIC AREA- 1 UNION COUNTY'S • Hiqh quality isn't the only reason people select nial,. 1 plus acre, deck,, p or rent w/optlon to buy. Bdrm, entry foyer, LR, DR Norris Treat/Nationwide Modular Addition. Since patio, CAC, finished - FT.M... Bkr. 469-2800 .Call 725-8975. beach, patio, REDUCED ECONOMICS •IKcomb'o klt/FR1»I&, $190,000tion nnn. n'lr h' -V nnw »„.,<, n|i I ACREAGE I area, modem kitchen, full '(nodular or factory-built additions make so much bsmt., LR/DR, large Fam. our SOMERVILLE— By $179,000. Call 609-695- BESTVALUE You may be the one to decide whether to sell your HELP-U-SELL P.FT.M.Bkr. S ^sts exceo owner. Executive neigh- HILLSBOROUGH- I &LOTS J 1380. $10,000 CREDIT to bath, W&D, storage closet sense, thoir costs are considerably less —.often as Rm.. Eat-In Kit., 3 bdrms, 469-2800. Our Bank Now P & pantry, hardwood floors house but, like It of not, how it sells may ba deter- much as 20% less, as compared to.traditlonal housing REALTY,'.*, INC. ' 11/2 baths. $250,000. Call , Iff auSffle quailiteci.d — borhood. 4 bdrm, 2W Brookslde • Sq. 3 bdrm. buyer 2 BR, 11/2 BATH TOWNHOUSE mined by International politics, the national economy Pays All Yogr Closing baths, FR, skylight, cus- Condo, 21/2 baths, CAC, throughout, $725/mo. util- construction costs. Arid financing Is much easierl 232-8400! after 6 pm, 526-9405, Costs, Except Prepays, If PISCATAWAY- by and the local job market. Even the smallest town is tom features,' large deck. large End Unit. Full bsmt., BRIDGEWATER, SOME- ities included. No pets. $99,900 part ol the big picture. • . . 44 Elm Street BRIDGEWATER- Open QUal. • " ' owner, 985-7594, 3 bdrm large closets,. $120,000. AvalLAprll 15. 369-7391 • FAST OCCUPANCY $189,500. Owner Is real RVILLE- Residential 235 . In boom' times, prices escalate rapidly and prospec- REALTOR' house Sunday, 4/7, 12-. L_I ; Ranch,, in-ground pool, By owner. 874-8885. NORTH PLAINFIELD, • It takes just two weeks from the day your addition Westfield. N.J. estate broker. 526-6218. building lots. Excellent lo- MOBILE HOMES \ NO CLOSING COSTS tle buyers rush to snap up properties while they can. In 5PM. Charming 3 bdrm, 1 EDISON— split w/bsmt, 4 easy access to Rt. 287. GREENWOOD GAR- arrives until the day your family moves ln...And there's bath Ranch. Family neigh- bdrm, LR, DR, 2 baths. $129,900. HELP-U-SELL MIDDLESEX- Condo. cation. Water & sewer. & SITES that climate, It's easy.to sell your house. In a downturn, SOMERVILLE- Owner Immaculate, 1 level, 1 From $110,000. Call 9AM- DENS- Well-maintained though, the market- slows, that's when professional ho mess. All the mess Is left at the factoryl borhood, near park. Walk . FR, garage, mudroom, P, FT, M, Bkr. 469-2800. occupy this 2-Famlly .1 bdrm.'. garden- apts. Parkway Village boasts beautifully decorated condo- oversced lot on cul-de- 8.88% 30 yr. Mtge. only bdrm, eat-In kit., AC. Con- 5PM, 722-9425. help beciohies extra-Important. , to school. $145,000. Call house. Central location, venient, beautifully main- $650.41/mo. Includes miniums with brand rieW kitchens and appliances, 658-8803 .for directions. sac. Many extras. Mpve:ln $6495 down If qualified. , $165,000. Call PASCALE, KINGWOOD TWP. 1971heat 4 HJM.1NCLPETS. Because we regularly keep up with the current hous-. • COMPARE $t,0bBy tained^: Brlvate road._ plush wall to wall carpeting, and low carrying costs, to ing market,.'we knoW what Is selling and (or how much. • Compare'air this to stick-built additions,.. Quality- REALTOR, 722-1032. $91,900. Call968-5922. HALLMARK' TRAILER- 2 7S6-11B7. REA. Call 494-6391 . - bedrooms, good condi- qualified buyers* 1 + 2 garden condominiums also We know what prospects areJooWngfor and how .!*.C6st..iConstruction time. Norris Treat/Nationwide PISCATAWAY- .2 story $30 tion. Call Joanne 908-996- RARITAN- 1 bdrm, LR, much they want to pay. TrtaOTaans we can help you wins every tlmel If we don't already have a plan that WOODBRIDGE- By avail. By prospectus only. set a realistic • selling price for your-property:- high GREENBROOK- 3 Br. owner, 634-0069, 4 bdrm Tpwnhouse, no mainte- OUT OF AREA 3140. eat-in kit., w/w car pet r suits you, we can make one. Select a basic plan and 1 nance fee, 2 large bed- quiet street. Walk to train, enough to "maximize your equity, but not so high that make it ybul . . Place, study. 2 dar det-colonial & newei In-law/ ! • . DR, Ki PROPERTY TRAILER HOME- Rt. 28, churches & shops. $575/ •you scare off likely.buyers. . ;-,. 'Fireplaces, porches, decks, garages, lofts,..your per- thl faH hack guest hou8el $145,000. rooms,' 1 *h baths, CAC, North Branch. 45'x14', ex- • OPEN HOUSE Open House, Sun. 1-4al, l appliances, many ex- mo. plus Utll. 722-6638. And because we are experienced In selling, we know sonality, not pursl Move up...Move up to... cellent Condition. CAC, how to show your house to Its best advantage and spacious but also cozy. 133 Schoder Ave. HELP- tras, $109,900. Call 908- BEACH HAVEN WEST- furnished. Call 469-0252 SUNDAY 12-3 PM " „ w•_ SINCE 1956 • .g V By Owner, principals U-SELL, P, FT, M, Bkr463-3277. , RARITAN- Duplex, 2 close the sale. . ' >3/oo reduced $45,000 water- UNIT #25A on site 272-3EI34 (i)\ NORRIS TREAT {()) v Only. Price range low 469-2800. Our bank now SOMERSET— By owner, front 4 bdrm cape, new bdrms, 1 1/2 bath, Ige. Ust with the knbwhow people at Barton Realty. $200,000's, will negotiate. pays all your closing •/f 245 kit, full bsmt., off-street HILLSBORO- 3 BR costs, except prepays, if 469-2800. 3BRT/H, CAC, section, appliances, 2 'Yes, you can buy a home in New Jersey" W/^CONSTRUCTION W ranch On- 3/4 acre., 2 Call after 4PM & walk to bus, shop. END decks, carpeting, 90' I BUSINESS parking, CAC; close'to RR ends, 757-1934 qualified; Station. $800, 1 mo. sec. Directions: GSP to exit 137. Take North Ave. f - NATIONWIDE HOMES—— * . baths, finished bsmt. w/ • UNIT. $123,900. HELP-U- bulkhead; bay access, ^OPPORTUNITIES wood stove, & wet bar. SELL P, FT, M, BKR. 469- central fireplace. Call after 5. 782-4966. west to 1st light, make right onto Elizabeth Barton Realty 1-800-8-MODULAR New water heater & fur- 2800. 8.88% 30 YR.$205,000.52 Peggy Lane, ROSELLE PARK- 1 Ave. Go 1 block, make right onto Wade Ave. Advertise In the Classified! MTGE. ONLY $6195 (201)758-9410; (212)612- J bdrm. & Efficiencies. Heat Proceed to Parkway Village. ': •'•/,' 106 N. Union Ave. • Cranford •272-4020 HAMPTON, NEW JERSEY nace. 10x12 shed. BAR & LIQUOR STORE Down if qualified. 1481 & hot water supplied. $180.000. 359-4098. FOR SALE— good vo^- New w/w carpet, painted, umn, Profitable; In Major nice bldg. Private parking. This certificate entitles the bearer to a free no-obligation copy of the FIRST ASSOCIATION OF INDEPENDENT REAL ESTATE BROKERS, INC. shopping center, call 201: Nq pets. Call 241-6869, 487-7125. after' 4 pm. or lv. mess. Yes You Can Buy a Home in New Jersey videotape GREEN BROOK- Route 494-1R17 '•':• 22, store for rent, In Name- Shopping Center 1000 ROSELLE-Studlo apt., BRIDGEWATER RENTAL • sq.ft. Heavy .traffic. Avail. heat included, 1 1/2 yf'i UNDSCAPER'S DREAM months security, quiet Street • Immed. $950/mo. Also,, building $425. per month. 4000 sq.ft. office space, new heat & air . Pizza Business, in. Shop- Call 241-6340. m conditioning. Asking $7.60 »q.tt. with ping Center, 1200 sq.ft. City/State. adaoent 3600 sq. ft. warehouse at $4. I Avail, immed. $35,000. SOMERSET- king size 1 • sq.ft. with loading dockl Leased together, Ffcall 668-9778. bdrm. newly furnished Phone or separately. • RARITAN- Salon for apt. $1400/rno. all utilities $49,500 Somerset County locatlonl Must sale, Corner _of Wall & including pool & health YES YOU CAN BUY A HOME sell! 11 Groat opportunity! 1 Somerset St., 800+ sq ft.club. Excellent location We'll put you in the right place at the right time. Because there's Moving South! Call 526-for prof, business person. YES IN NEW JERSEY...ASK US! 7526. . • Call Andrew 469-5967. 1W acres of maticukxMly landscaped grounds w/sprln- LIQUOR LICENSE never been a better moment to buy a house than right now. YOU CAN kler system. Immaculate interior, tastefully decoratedl WAYNE COUNTY, PA.- Barton Realty First floor family room + Florida rooml 4 bedrooms - 2tt Motql, Restaurant, Liquor SOMERVILLE- 1 bed- baths • 3 car attached Qarafle - A great buy In Branch- PIZZA BUSINESS License, separate large room, available Immedi- 106 N. Union Ave. • Cranford • 272-4020 burg at.only $369,000. . Great Martlnsvllle locatlonl First time offered at $-190,000. ately, 2nd floor. Call 638- Lease/terms avallablel ' Apt. All on 2 1/2 acres. * You must he at least 18 years of an* to redeem Ibis certificate. Nobody works harder for you than Burgdorff. Owner retired. $205,000/ SM RANALD C. BROWN RANALD C. BROWN Clip and bring to Barton Realty ; ' rsrttflMf CtMs Recommend (/sM "SaUsffed COents nscommend UtM B.O. (908)725-0039. SOUTH BOUND 1934 Washington Vallay Rd., Martlnsvllle, NJ. 1934 Washington Valley Rd., Martlnsvllle, NJ. WESTFIELD TAXI SER-BROOK— 3 room apt., In REALTOR . - (201) 469-2333 REALTOR (201) 469-2333 • VICE FOR SALE- private home. Heat & ra # raj» ig * ja m $55,000 a year gross, water supplied. Adults asking $33,000. Call Bobonly. No pets, Please call 2 family Duplex, features 1 home with Lrm., drm., science at 232-3778. 35&1522 J.. kitchen, 2 bedrooms, sewing room and bath. 2nd home has Lm, Drm., Family room, large kitchen, 4 bedrooms, 2 full SOMERVILLE- 2 bdrtns. GREEN BROOK MARTINSVILLE $269,000 baths, skylights. Great for Investment or living and let one CHOICE BHIDQEWATER TOWNSHIP SCHOOLS 2S0 Ideal business couple lo- ur APARTMENTS cation! No pets. Security side, help pay y° mortgage. Call for appointment. & References. $750/mo. $234,900. '"•.•;,. FOR RENT plus utll. RANALD C. BROWN, realtor, BOUND BROOK- 2 bed- 469-2333. I'ROIM.UTY I:\AIAMION c KRTIKIC.VH; rooms, LRj DR, Kitchen, t272-8337 EASY LIVING FIRST HOME? Basement. References & SOMERVILLE- large I his ccrtil'icalc entitles u>u tn ;i complinienlary evaluation Then you should see our newly listed all brick ranch In,a great 1bdrm, $600 plus utll. Immaculate condo with so many nice touches. Uvlng room with bay • Security required. No Westflold neighborhood! 3 bedrooms, eat-In kitchen with dish- pets. Asking $825/mo. Walk to RR & downtown. 115 Mi In Street DONNA PERCH SUSAN MASSA ARLEEN POST window, large country kitchen, large rec. room with walk In closets washer, oversized rec. room and bar and built In benches. The Parking. Laundry. Call Cranfofd. and back yard with patio for summer evenings. CAC, convenient fenced yard with patio makes a great place for summer bar-be- plus utll. RANALD C. Expanded ranch I Greet mother-daughter .526-5128. 4 bedrooMs - 2M baths. 15Vkx18H rnaater bedrooml 3 location. $1 £9,900 In Scotch Plains. . quesl $174,500. • BROWN, realtor, 469- ( nil us at 654-6666 arrangementl 214 baths, 5 bedrooms - 2 car xone hot vwrter heat-oentral air condMlonlnol Park-like 2333. D.S.KUZSMA garage - full basement! Offered at $199,000. REALTY Elth oBlce l« lndcp«n

PLAINFIELD, SLEEPY ROTOTILLER- Troy- ORIENTAL RUGS & TAP- MARTHA'S VINEYARD- ST. MAARTEN- Eur- 317 Bullt 5HP-$450; Gas grill Edgartown. Lovely 2 opean Culture, Carrlbean GLADSTONE— seeking HOLLOW- 1 or 2 Fe- C 322 ^ ( 330 ^\ ESTRIES— bought for w/ tank on wheels. Call cash. Call 201-944-4001. bdrm, 1 bath, well- charm, sun & beaches. professional mala/female male roommates to share YARD, GARDEN 752-8113 PETS A WANTED equipped cottage. Bike to Quiet designer decorated to share 3bdrm 2 bath home. Full house priv. &FARM WANTED REWARD- Old town & beach. Terry tick- CLASSIFIED i SCAG COMMERCIAL I, ANIMALS I I TO BUY j villas with view of sea & home on estate, washer, Private bedroom, $450/ toys, cast Iron, tin, wind- REAL ESTATE ets avail. .May-Sept., mountains, near every- dryer, $380 + VS utilities. plus.ulll. 769-1988 EQUIPMENT- 72* belt ups, robots, trucks/cars, r* r\ Kt KI p- r\ T jr. . ^ &• V $350-650A*IC. 464-4231. thing. Call the Moores Avail. 4/1. 781-7741 drive, 20- Kohler elec.start, trains, games, chlkirens SOMERSET- Female, C ON N E C T I 0 N GARDEN TILLERS- $3775. 52" 14HP hydro, ANTIQUE & USED- Fur- 744^0408 non-smoker to share 2 Rear-tlne TROY-BILT FREE CATS- 1 long hair storybooks etc. 752-4974 GO N N E C T I O N OAYTONA BEACH NORTH WILDWGOD- HILLSBOROUGH- fe- DINING ROOM SET- 6 $3500.. Gary's Equipment niture, Old DR sets and AREA— April 20-27. efflclency Condo, sleeps WILDWOOD CREST- 2 male, non-smoker wanted bedroom townhouse. GUITARS- Banjo with PIANO ESTY- upright & VARIED ITEMS- GE re-TiUere at low, direct from Sales 439-2666. black & white male, 1 BRs from 1900's to oceanfront condo, with bedrooms, 2 blocks to to share 4bdrm. house. $500/mooth + V6 utilities. chairs, sofa & chair, sin- bench $325. Accordian frigerator, Whirlpool up-factory prices. For FREE tiger female, both 1 yr. PISCATAWAY— OFFICE •• . • . ~ : SOMERSET CTYRTE 22 4, 2nd floor, private bal- gle bed, card tables. case, $75 & $60. Call 195O'8. Also misc. pieces. ( 34O A METUCHEN — 2 to 6 pool, sleeps 4, $400. call cony, AC, CC TV,, pool, beach, off street parking, $310/mo. plus util. Call Call 214*1256. 526-0985 ,, $125., Victorian Vanity right freezer, sofa, swivel, catalog with prices, spe- TRAILERS- Utility. Land- old, fixed, shots, very 647-1959. room offices, prime loca- OR RETAIL. 6.000 SO. WATCHUNG- approxl- Industrial unit, 1500 sq. ft. 908-272-0719 . grill, close to stores. Many.other Kerns. Please and mirror $325., Antique rocker chair, Shwinn exer- cial SAVINGS NOW INscape & construction. loveable. 757-9731 any- LOST & tennis, $375-$435 per Ann 369-4668. WESTRELD- Female to GUITAR- Gibson elec- tlon, near train & bus, off FT. WILL DIVIDE, mately 500 to 1375 eq. '.. to 20,000 sq. ft. with talk week. Call 908-781-6028. 722-4088 after 5PM. call 885-1095. doll carralges $125. Utility cise bike. All like new. EFFECT; and Model Quality trailers at reason- •time XASH PAID- Watches, £«sfa«sio«al^ull^g^-bordr-d£iva^n-<>r~bothl-a MIDDLESEX- Famnln-to. share 3 bdrm apartment. tflr !MRn -Gold-and-Dlamonds^8et.- I FOUND I : $283 +- W titllr Sh «OOMSET tra«ort2lOOrfl49«fiBfi= 33frfl575^ rttofdi ARNOLT, 548-6400, DENTIST OFFICE. 981-Easy access to route/8 & miles to rte. 78. Lease or HILTONHEAD ISLAND, ~sriare~2'bedrobnvmodBm" aha PSS57Q PortosoUnd^ , Dept,,G.: Equipment Sales (908) HAPPY PAWS OBEDI- 10-5 752-1828r ORLANDO- 15 minutes apartment.- $400/mo. +. Ing room, kitchen, den, Colonial Dark Pine. PIANO- Baldwin Spinet, Victorian Mantle- $500; MIDDLESEX/SOME- 1313. •. • 22. Ample parking, avail, purchase today. SC— Fiddlers Cove Chlrta, table, 4 chairs. keyboard, $75. Acoustic 6 439-2666. ENCE SCHOOL- Regis- HIQH PRICES PAID- for Beach & Racquet Club. 2 to Disney World: 1 mile to ( ** \ Vi utilities. Smokers OK.washer/dryer. Close to 10 yre old good condition. Porch rocker $75; antique LOST on 3/19, 14K dia- RVILLE- 200 SvwS.Q SOUTH PLAINFIELD- Immediately. 561-2600 or Universal Studio. Beauti- $250. Call (908) 752-7181 string. $75. 12 string, LAWN TRACTORS- tration nights Apr. 23 &quality postcards, sheet 232-9323 bdrm, 2 baths, fully fur- Call 563-4725. transportation. 654-8095. $100. 874-0690 eves. $1200. Alice 548-3675. oak 8erver-$500; Rocking 24; 5-9 PM. Classes start: mond weddlng/annlver- square feet available.' Ex- Professlonal office In Call Norbert Turek, fully furnished, 2 bedroom I ROOMMATES I after 5PM New 8 H.P. Brlggs & music, old toys, baseball sary band In Cranford/ e Knauer Realltycorp, 908- nished condo w/deck. 2 PIANO- Wurlitzer Stu- horse-$20, chllds Hitch- Stratton engine.$250. 32O May 14 & 1S. Puppy thru cellent location. Call ll condo, 2 bath, CAC, pool. I WANTED \ HARDWOOD SPE- cock rocker-$40 494-5281 items, cameras, military, Garwood area. Reward irestlglous medical bglld- 526-7600 exclusive bro- pools, free tennis, rac- DIKING ROOM- 18th dio, French Provincial, Northern Hydrollcs $100., Utility. Tues. & Wed. 526-3661 or 526-0694. quetball, 3 mln. walk to Weekly & monthly rate. CIALS- Oak & cherry HORSES typewriters, TV's, Worlds $100. Call 272-31O9. ng. Flexible arrange- ker. Century style, table, 2 wide plank flooring & like new, $1900. Large WASHER/DRYER- Ken- runs needs work. Both eves. Current inoculations F best ocean beach. Close 463-3969. leaves, pads. 6 chairs, & SUPPLIES Fair, fountain pens. 272- ments for full/part. time NOTICE: AU ROOMMATES molding. Call for details. Oak deslr $260. Oall more top of the line, used $300. Call 658-4451. req'd. CD, Police Bldg., 5777. LOST— German Shep- MIDDLESEX— Executive SOUTH PLAINFIELD- to all golf. $425/week. server,. 62" cabinet, 3 herd mix, 4 yrs old, tan/ shared use spaces. From I COMMERCIAL I ; POCONOS- Mountain WANTED advertisementaflvertoemerrtes TO ADVERTISE Mack & Co. 215-679-8393 526-1986^. a_,". less than 1 yr. Excel. Manvllle. NJ. F.M.I. 469- " lica-^snacfi—200^225. 1-7 nfflras available. Price OfficBs for rent, with or Call 880 2352. :— yaars old, $3000. Colt 660 or 469-6081. " JUKEBOXES—any com black, brown collai, nllvt sq.ft. Will divide. Very negotiable. Near major re- I PHOPhHI Y—T without warehouse. Cater- Chalet, plan a Spring Get ** PAYABLE IN ADVANCE JUKE BOX- Seeburg PROM Ok BRIDESMAID cono. p lor Craftsman, 12HP. 38" PINE HILL dltlon; any plnball ma- ID, answers to- "Prin- flexible terms. 469-8401, gional medical center. V FOR RENT J ing to the small business Away Weekend or Sum- by cash, check, VISA or CALL OUR LS1. 160 selection, excel- GOWN- Blue, sizd 12,563-475 deck, excellent cond., Ga- chines; old Coca-Cola cess". Last seen in Cran- • ask for Sandy. Call Dr. Thornton at LONG BEACH ISLAND— frier Vacation. Enjoy favor- Master Card. For a quote DINING TABLE- 66 inch lent working condition, $60. Call 560-8617. WASHER/DRYER- ROTWE.ILER- outstand- machines; arcade, slot, person. Minutes from diameter solid cherry din- raged. Must sell. $800/ Boarding & Instruction ford. Reward. 241-3510, 753-1800. SO. PLAINFIELD— 1600 Route 287. Call 668-5222. Haven Beach. Ocean Ite activities or Just enjoy on cost, please call $700. Call 856-5650 after REFRIGERATOR— 14 Sears Kenrhore, white, 3 BO. 201-762-7780 ing 6mo. old male w/pa- gumball machines; barber block. 4 bdrms, 3 baths, CLASSIFIED HOTLINE Ing table w/ 30 inch re- NORTH PLAINFIELD- SOUTH PLAINFIELD— sq.ft. store. Good for the8CBenery.231-1445i. 1-800-3344)531. 6PM. cu.ft., $50. Oak French months old, $1000 new. Visit & see all we offer pers, excel, family dbg, poles. 609-587-7819. LR, den, all appliances. movable lazy susah, very obedient, great Ads In Classified FURNISHED OFFICES, Tired of working at home? Drug Store, Gift; Shop, TOLL FREE LADDER- 32 Ft. alum- doors (1912), ,$150. $600 or best Offer. Call Fenced In yard. $1300/ pads, needs reflnlshlng. 233-8961. RIDING MOWERS-Vari- watch dog. Excel, health. LIONEL TRAINS just bring briefcase & Try our new offices start- etc, across-from A&P. Advertise In the Classified! $350.647-9129 inium, excellent condition. Weber grill, $10. Call722- ous sizes & brands from Easy access Rts.78,287 WANTED- American dontcost — Below wk. Families only. Pets Classified Works Nights ^ 6061. leave message. Paid over $1000, sacrifice phone, 6 left from $325 Ing at only $295 Including Parking. Vacant. I welcome. Avail 6/28, 7/26. $100.. Call 563-0374. WASHER- $75. Dryer, $300 to $650. Will deliver. Flyer, , Blng, all toy They pay! per month. 591 Somerset air utilities. Call 754-0090 market rate. Call 757; 1-800-334-0531 DRAFTING MACHINE- $63. Stove, $75. Refriger- 1-80O-439-7087 $500/BO. Moved, no pets 2 Week mln. 234-9660.' Call Mpn., Thurs. & Fri.'.till 8:00 LIVING ROOM SET- SCAG SW- 52 inch 996-3137 or 996-4886. allowed. Call 422-2408 trains & railroad memora- St. Call (908) 464-7405 Mon-Frl. 9-5 1975> Teledyne Post, brand ator, $170. Can delh/er. bilia, 218-9728 —<-- new. 18", lefthand. $135. Couch, 2 chairs, 2 end ta- Kohlec 18 HP, low hours, like new, $2750. Call 908- Color console TV $100. Call 236-6254. bles, 2 lamps. & coffee 722-6329. table. Call 722-2389 832-779> .-'• ELMIRA COOK STOVE- WASHER- Hotpolnt. wood or Coal Warming LIVING ROOM- New SOFA * MATCHING $295, Includes sofa,, LOVESEAT- (cbritempo- Brand new $100. Call box, water Jacket, $300 or 722-7185. best offer. Call 752-8639. loveseat & chair, new din- rary), cocktail table, 2 end ing room tabfeA-2 leafs & tables, wheat color, $600. WEDDING INVITATIONS EXERCISE COMBO BIKE chalrs-$325. Can deliver.1 Calf 968-8829 afteTHBPM at Discount Prices. & ROWER $75. Deluxe SOFA BED— Queen size Classic Studio of West- sewing machine, mgltl- fleld, 27 East Broad St stitch $50. Skis, boots, LIVING ROOM- Sofa, mattress, • brown & white tweed, excellent condi- 233-6662. FREE To Good Home love seat, chair, 3 tables, polesk best offer. 685- 3195 before 8PM. 2 lamps, dining room tion. Asking $100. 526-WESTERN 8 FT PRO FOR SALE— Glass coffee table, 6 chairs, hutch, dry• 3126 evenings. . PLOW— complete sys- Any item you no longer can use and want to give free to table, 8 foot down-filled sink. Reasonable. Call SPEAKERS STEREO tem for Ford, $1350. Call someone who can may be advertised FREE of charge by using brown couch, joveseat/ 753-4878. . FISHER- 15inch woof- 908-832-7793 pullout, chest of drawers, ers, 13Q WPC. 39 Inch WIGS- Full stock of Eva MATCHING SOFA, high cost"$359 pair; sell- the coupon below! end tables. Best offer. LOVESEAT & CHAIR- Gabor wigs In every color 39&1548. Ing for $200 pair. Call for all occatiions. Call Ph- N N ION Colonial $300; 4 new968-9124. CO ylliss at 725-7600 days Kent scooters $25ea.; FREEZER— G.E, Upright, OR 788-4339 evenings. heavy - duty commercial, Maple crib w/mattress TIRES- 4 P175 tires for SOMERSET, 32 & 49 ALISUN & WOLFF TAN- BABY SWING- $15. Bedroom Furniture— off CONTEMPORARY $100. Call 752-4157. Nissan Sentra. Barely Lv. Msg. Fill In 1 character per box, BRASS BED— king size. 13 cubic"',.' good cond. Free to Good Home BELLE MEAD, 30 SUR-CEDAR BROOK DR.- f 312 \ NING BEDS-New Com- Baby changing table, $10. white, 5 drawer chest & $220. Dryer'- Kelvlnator, MAUSOLEUM- SINGLE used.' For trade plus allowing _for; spaces and f 3OS J REY DR.- (Millstone (DeMott left on Amwell to ( 314 mercial-Home Units Trom Baby bath, $5. Bouncer double dresser-$1b0ea; Like brand new. $2800/ cash. Call 663-1776. BAZAARS \ heavy duty, 2 cycle gas- CRYPT. $2995. B/O Call 316 punctuation as necessary. I AUCTIONS I River Rd. to Strawberry Rolling to Cedar Brook) I ANTIQUES $199.00. - Lamps-lotlons- chair, $10. Dining set, 6 night table + hutch top- new, now $1000/BO. Call $75. Call 753-0361 i 908-707-9295. TOOLS FOR SALE- "Lane to Surrey) MOVING. Sat, April 6, 8AM-3PM, I & SALES I accessories. Monthly pay- chairs, $100. Call 302- Si 25; Mlrror-$25: $300 for781-0359 > Sheldon 48' Metal Lathe FREE TO Remember to Include phone I Many baby, household, ments low as $18:00 Call 3070. . all. Call 234-1808 FURNITURE- 3 piece MOVING- Microwave, T SALE- 4/6 4 4/7 Rain/ ; CONTENTS OF REST- 1 With Turrett & Collets. number. 6 line limit. NO ani- clothes Today. FREE NEW. Color pecan bedroom set,, ask- DR table w/glasS top, new GOOD HOME I shine 10-3. Sell all appll- j CAMCORDER— Minolta, AURANT- dining room Cap & die set. Other • t mals may be advertised. WANTED WAR RELICS- KING SIZE- Plat- . twin bed, many gorgeous ELW0OD G. HELLER & arices & furniture DEALERS WANTED- In- Catalog 1-800-228-6292. $700. Jogging exerciser, ing $500. Oval dining Misc. tools. $ FOR MORE SOMERSET, 47 NEW 1).S, - German - Japanese 6 draw pedes- chairs, stocking chairs, ta- -table, 2 leaves; asking plants,- assorted furnlsh- SONS-Auctioneers &-AtE door Flea and Craft Fair • I BRUNSWICK RD (be- ANTIQUE DINING SET— $200. Rowing- exerciser/ bles (3 sizes), salad bar, INFO. 752-4911. -- - - FIREWOOD—cut at your pralsers. For info, on auc^reoUND BROOK 328 at Temple Emanu-EI, swords, helmets, dag- cross country ski'alrnula- $150. Call 221-0931. Jngs, many other KemsT' tween pavidson & Cedar gers, medals, .uniforms, $800; Antique cupid booths, barstools, chan- TOSHIBA 1200XE- Lap own risk, 2.P+ acres, no Send to:: FREE ITEMS tlons or consignment QROVE AVE—HOUSE/ Grove)— April 6 & 7, Westfleld NJ. April 7th mattress with tor, $100. Call 968-2145. FURNITURE- Living ~Xallj, 231-7459 anytime. ••••= ^ flags. Immed Cash. Call prlnt8-$100; Oak desk- r. Call 668-7873. deller Call Joe 287-2778 top— modem, 1 MBchildren, no amateurs, no •• FORBES NEWSPAPERS sales, Robert E, Heller, YARY D SALEALEI SatSt ,Ai Aprill 9AM-4PM. Ralndate 4/13 1991. 654-5673 or 233- $25; tires assorted sized' room 8et-$700; Bedroom NIGHT CLUB SOUND cars, professional cutters. 8915. after 5PM 272-5432. Evenings. .' COMPUTERS—IBM com- CRIB— Good condition. memory, .20 MB hard I (908)236-2195:704-0555 6th 1.0AM -4PM. LR&, 4/14. Huge barn salel $10; Storm windows $10.. Best offer. Call 752-8398. set-$BOO; kitchen table- EQUIPMENT— Manufac-, Call cutting day 281-7117. CLASSIFIED CONNECTION dressers, desRsi some Alot of furniture, glass- patible, 15 meg, 'hard $350; Negtloable. Please -lured by EVM, JBL, etc. 6 disk, 1.44 MB floppy disk, METUCHEN, First Pres- 846-0778. BEDROOM SET- LARGE COUCH With P.O* Box 699, f clothing, coats shoes, ware, kltcheri, toys, byterian Church— 270 drive,' monlter,- floppy, call 654-5732. driver units, speakers, color InkJet printer & soft- ANTIQUE MAHOGANY- Wooden, hutch head- DESK/SECRETARY- ware, $2750.234-0562. large golden arid green odds & ends. clothes & much morel Woodbridge Ave., Social I 315 I board & dresser, armolra, clrca 1810, lovely cherry cabinets, speaker grills, Somerville, NJ 08876 I FURNITURE- dinette I 31O EVERYTHING MUST GOI curved desk $325. Mah- $435. call Steve 253- racks. 356-5832. '. TRESTLE TABLE- flowers. Great condition. Center. RUMMAGE SALE. 2 nightstands, glass pan- wood, excellent condition set, 42" round, 4 chairs. 722-6052 Name GARAGE SALES Friday evening, April 12,I FOR SALE I ogay china closet $225. 11 0126 35X47, 4 chairs, $150. L METUCHEN, 267 CEN- " * trim. $1300, also carpenter/ Solid oak double pedestal Butcher block table, Antique walnut inlay china ORGAN- Vlcount F30, TRAL AVE.- 4/6, 9^»pm. SOUTH PLAINFIELD, 7-9pm & Saturday, April COMPUTER- A 2 blanket chest, brass trim desk. Elec range. 12 HP SINK— American Stan- Phone , Cl0 e 3 > bench & light. $100. Call 35x59, 6 wlnsor chairs, dard Pedestal, Circa Any Questions Call: I 283 SOUTH PLAINFIELD 13, 9am-2. I Started unpacking Marc- $350. Call 234-0479. Simplicity w/bagder & AVE.- April 6 & 7, 9.4. ? Li ^ n£^ ^ ^ 725-6288 $300. Small dorm fridge 1920*8., Call 769-8067, NOTICE: All GARAGE Zak's Antique Store ware- ABOVE GROUND FUEL thatcher, $1000.757-1681 • '. t» Address House sale. Everything SO. PLAINFIELD, 1007 equip $125. 549-9860 BEDROOM SET- double System saver, 2 disk $50. 469-3454 after 6 pm. SALES advertisements house! Found 1945-75 : OIL TANK-^ like new 250 Must Gol New Brunswick Ave., ANTIQUE- circa 1915- bed, amoIre tr.lpie. drive, manuals and soft- DID YOU ~ ORGAN- WUrlitzer, elec- 1-800-334-0531 are PAYABLE IN AD-DOLLS: 16 as Is compo, gallons w/legs & gages- d r s8er GOLF CULBS- clean. 2 UNIVERSAL WEIGHT TWIN FRAME MAT- Sat, Apr. 13; 9AM-3PM. 20 boudoir lamps, best I e J w/mlrror, 2 ware. $1450.356-1877. KNOW... . tric, 39. buttons, 13 ped- City. State. -Zip. VANCE by cash, check, 86 vinyl, 2 Vogues, 38 ANNUAL FLEA MARKET, $75. Call 548-5137 This little, ad can be read sets: 2,5,7,9 Irons. 1,3 als, good condition, MACHINE- custdm bulit, TRESSES & HEAD- (Ad copy must be placed WESTFIELD, 781 Hysllp offer. Singed Miller Co. nlghtstands.iioxspring & COMPUTER- COMMO- woods putter bag. 1 set VISA or Master Card. For - ' • • TOYS: School Benefit for NewACCORDIAN- 120 Bass In more than 147,000 maple console, $300. Call heavy duty, 30lb. capac- BOARD— good condi- by mail using this coupon.) Ave.— (off Shackamaxon) uprlghpg t hair dryeyrr worth mattress, off-white, Best DORE 64 Printer, Plotter, 2-9 Irons. -1,3,5, woods ity. Asking $400. Call after tion. V* cord firewood. a quote on cost, please Sat. & Sun. Apr. 6 & 7Lif, e Christian School. Atlas Sterling $175. Baby $10$1000, selll fof r $50$50. NNe woffer. Call 654-7490. software Included. $500. homes in 15 publications 218-6847. cannons, Indians; 2 doll Vendors Welcorne-50 ta- changing table, $25. throughout Somerset, puttar. Mixed Irons. 356- 6PM. 322-6851. Call after 6PM 781-2741. call 1-800-334-0531. 9AM-4PM. Mongoose cond. 545-7688 :L Call 526-2341, after 4. 6843., ; • • • buggys & some dishes. bike, lacrosse equipment, bles; Refreshments, ac- Stroirer-$25; Dropleaf BIKE— Mongoose De- Middlesex and Union PATIO FUNITURE- VARIED ITEMS- For- TWO FREE ARCADE Tonkas & morel Reduced tivities! For information table seats eight, $125. AT&T 6300 MODEL oade (freestyle). Like COMPUTER-IBM PC Jr, Counties? It caught your Round table, 2 rockers, 4 mica kitchen set $30. Red children's clothes, toys/ ; L GRILLS- (or 78 Ford GAMES- Mlllapede, shelves-of-glass-ttemsT- games, antiques, dining" -call753-1233. -~356 668rJ— - ~. -313—-Mono-monltqrrdual—neWr-$200/BvO7—Seare—tSSKr-cblor-monltorrslrF' attention, dianTlrr . ~tnt:; MU8tafTg~77 radlatorr hi$p^| vinyl recllner $T0776~IncTr IUS. Both need minor 1 sealy box splng $200. Of- dont cost — No checks, no early room table & chairs, rock- floppy drive, Includes IBM Vihp electric garage door gle drive, all computer In- Call YOUR ad In today! Pinto tires, rims, hubcaps green vinyl sofa, all good, work. Must arrange pick RECYCLErUsrFoTbeTNewspapers Classified Connection sales; #'B at 6AM.Ing chairs, tea cart, dot matrix printer & all opener - new - stillln box, structlon manuals and 1-800-334-0531. 55-80 sets, 74, 79 start- fice size frig. $75., 3 bar$25. Call after 2PM, 469- up. Call afternoons 908- They pay! Sale by Lola Lebblng books, etc. Advertise in the Classified! manuals. $350. 781 -9556 $100. 755-0616. software. $275. 359-6909 We Get ResultsI ers, alternators. 356-6843. Stools $75. 234-0562. 6839 ... , •„.. 322-3801

Consult this listing of Business NEED A JOB and Service Professionals— DOME RIGHT? A rviee Directory Local Businesses Serving Local Needs MAINTENANCE MOVERS PAVING PLUMBERS PLUMBERS TREE SERVICE AUTO DEALERS BUILDERS CONTRACTOR FUEL OIL GLASS LANDSCAPING ROBBINS& ALLISON, INC. Donald S. Rockefeller LENNY'S PLUMBING Ellis .• • * • • • •' WDOWELLS PLUMBING & HEATING INC. HEATING Tree Service 'MAINTENANCE co. "Local Public Movers REILLY MICHAEL M. MASON ALL TYPES OF TREE CARE (,\ntTti! ('itntntttitr WILLIAM HItL Since 1928 WE WILL CLEAN Moving & License Complete • Heating Sewer OLDSMOBILE, INC. • CARPETS •RUGS* FtOORS Driveways & Wood Decks & REMOVAL Family Owned & Operated Eveiytklns In GIus\ Storage 00172 Plumbing Cleaning: • Sloro Fronts • Aluminum Entifences • • OVENS • WALLS » WINDOWS Sealcoated & AUTHORI2ED . Contractor '•• KITCHENS* BATrtROOMS • Plumbing & Heating •Firewood •Budget Plans Aluminum Door Repair. • Mirrors • • FURNITURE Curbs & Railroad Ties Heating Repairs Additions • Alterations • ••••• •*•*••• • Thermopanas' • Storm Window Repairs • •Woodchlps OLDSMOBILE Call 7 am - 10 pm Services • Hot Water Heaters Decks • Kitchens • Baths • Service Plans Table Tops' Plexiglass • Snow plowing FREE ESTIMATES • Sump Pumps SALES & SERVICE • Plumbing/AC RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL SPECIAL1 (201)759-9324 State Uc. #4205 • Landscaping • FuHy Insured • Roofing & Vinyl Siding Spring Houso Cleaning' INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL AGENT ALLIED VAN LINES Free Est. • State License #6249 Quality Work • Reasonable Prices Bathroom Remodeling • For People OrvThe-Co ' 232-7651 450 North Ave. E. 24 Hrs • 7 Days/Week 213 SOUTH AVE E 276-8677 Lenny Grleco 245-1203 Additions & Finished Basements Call CRANFORD 276-4048 Replacement Vinyl Windows Westfield 276-6765 7 Raleigh Ave. • Cranford 574-0480 INSURED* FREE ESTIMATES 560 NORTH AVE, E. 851-0888 after 6 p.m. 233-0582 For FREE Estimates TEL 276-0898 WESTFIELD Family In Cranford37 years * ^-722-4284>". * 233-3213 1 WALNUT AVE • CRANFORD MASON PAINTING PAVING PLUMBERS ROOFING TREE SERVICE BATHROOMS BUILDERS ELECTRICAL FUEL OIL HEATING & AC LANDSCAPING WILLGO A-1PAI1VI1NG REYNOLDS KOMAR A. BUONTEMPO A-t ELECTRIC CO., INC. PLUMBING* BATHROOM RII I-STRO^t. Heating & Air ENTERPRISES "WHERE QUALITY COUNTS" HEATING INC. ROOFING REMODELING Gen. Builder Since 1950 Conditioning, Inc. Total Lou DIFablo Tony DIFablo No Job Too Small v Serving Union County » piicr prj • Step Repairs • Residential and Commercial AND •New Homes & Additions No ChqJlenge Too Great VldnHySlrtc«1B2S. PUCU UU.. semiNQ Over 35 Yrs. Experience WOODSTAGK UNION » MIDDLESEX Lawn Care • Sidewalks • Senior Citizens Discount CERAMIC TILING •Fire and Storm „„ All Wdrk Guaranteed COUNTIES :.-•' SAME DAY SERVICE FOn OVER 40 YEARS • Masonry Repairs Specializing In All Types TREE SERVICE Damage Construction Visa/Mastercard Accepted Complete Service Or g Bathroom and Kitchen Hi«llno*0«ntrilAVCondltlonlrH| . • (All Types) No Job Too Small Moderations Of Roofing & Re-Roofing • Concrete paving and •.?.' Most Major Brands " . QMJ BoN^ra Mt • ' '• • "JUST A CUT" CwMnfi INSURED Home & Small Business Specialist . • Leaders & Gutters Masohry Work- -wimAifFumwM- Miywiiire Fully Insured TRUCK tk BACKHOE RENTAL SERVICE SALES REPAIRS PAKENHAM * Air Conditioning e Humidifiers Reasonable Rates No Job Too Small . We Do The Complete Job Low, Low Winter Rates • Cellar Drainage 8( Pumps v- OH & Qas Burners, f Healing & Cooling •'Ol.la Qu Convtnlon ^^^» • Slate Specialists HOME CALL PAUL AT Free Estimates FREE EST. FULLY INS. REASONABLE RATES ' •Comm. & Res. * Fuel OH V Air Cleaning Filters • Hwtkn Syd*M« ClUMd t S«vlcwl . Prompt, FREE Quoted Fully Insured FREE Estimates • Fully Insured Senior Citizen Discounts IMPROVEMENTS # EhwtUlSh##l MvtslF Fibtfcitlon Sr. Citizens Discount ALL VEAR SERVICE 276-8367 ' Alterations . SALES - SERVICE ElwIriinloAVCIMMn • SALES i Sorting Union County Uc. #1106 . • Free Estimates W4-I330 • HumldUm > SERVICE 889-5244 Call & Leave Message CALL 654-1741 FREE ESTIMATES Licensed plumber and Electrician Fully.Insured • Free Estimates INST/iUATlCN • Udnlananc* Stnkit Conlrtdi "CALL 7 DAYS* WEEK" 358 NORTH AVENUE E Bonded & Insured 10% Discount For Senior Citizens 388-6011 (Leave Message) 232,6383 Fully Insured - , 276-0900 :.•.' "FINANCING AVAILABLE" 887-0614 789-9808 CRANFORD 276-5752 272-5177 . -••._ Lie. #8460 . 549 LEXINGTON AVE. CRANFORD 396-8764! Ucanaa 02160 i MASON PAINTING PLUMBING PLUMBING ROOFING & REMODELING TV REPAIR BOOKKEEPING BUILDERS FLOORS GLASS HOME IMPROVEMENTS LANDSCAPING Joseph Kania & Son. Inc. ROGER SAWICKI Michael J. WE STOP LEAKS! Speclallng In: BOOKKEEPING AUTD SAFETY B.DJ.H0ME Professional Landscape CHAPMAN BROS. GLA55 CO. MASON CONTRACTORS Interior/Exterior Lie. #1428 Clark Builders, inc. AND CUSTOM ORIGINAL DESIGNS Olexis, Inc. J-AET EST. 1946 IMPROVEMENTS, Inc. Design & Construction SINCE 1959 • ALTERATIONS & Wood Moor Installation "APPHOVED INSURANCE REPLACEMENTS" Complete Interior and Exterior RESIDENTIAJCOMMERCIAL Plumblng-N-Heating •Plumbing INCOME TAX SERVICE tKCIAUSTS IM *UTO ANO COUMCBdAL BOOV QUO • COMMERCIAL We Specialize In: ADDITIONS Sanding and Reflnlshlng RESIDENTIAL • Complete Bookkeeping Service Remodeling and Rebuilding Sprinfl ckunupt • Wackly Maintwwiid • Fw- • New Installations • Heating - Cooling • DECKS • Brick Steps • Patios Repalrs...New Roofing... • Federal & State Tax Returns Existing Wood Floors * Electrically Operated Windows tlUrinfl « TrM A Shrub PlinUnfl • TopwU • • Repairs • Alterations - Repairs • ROOFING Residential/Commercial Siding Dorm*r» Mulch • StoiM • H.R. Tkw * D«k( • PonhM • sidewalks • Drainage • Computer Services '•-/ill Curved & Panoramic Windshields • P«Uo» • Masonry • Sidewalk* • Driv*way< Carpentry, Sheetrocklng, • Replacements • Air Conditioning Reroofing...FlatRoofing... SALES & REPAIRS • Payroll Services . • SIDING All Types of Penetrating • Curbs • Repairs & Channels & Regulators . Addition! Roofing, Leaders & Gutters • Bathroom/Kitchen Fully Insured • Fr*# Estimates (30 Years in Business) POR PERSONAL SERVICE IN YOUR HOME • BATHROOM & . and Surface Finishes Available $ • Color Slate • Plastering OR OFFICE CALL: , KITCHEN (MoUu* Cu* • Fibutoi # Urtthiiw • PdyuraduM) • Rear Windows D«oks 100°°OFF FULLY INSURED FREE ESTIMATES FREE ESTIMATES • Remodeling & Tiling 276-1320 NJ Uc. #10760 JON FINNE or BONNIE RUOQIEHO Stnlnlnfl In Cholca Color* Any Landseap* FULLY INSURED CENTER TV REMODELING RapUttment Windows, Storm Doori SERVING 233-5766 Gladly Serving Union -FREE AT-HOME ESTIMATES- 241-8555 Workoftiooo 18 YEARS EXPERIENCE... 36 NORTH AVE E 907 Wood Ave. • Roselle 241-0622 FULLY . FHEE -Fully Insured * Froa Estimates- or Moiw WESTFIELD 908-738-0488 County for 21 Yrs. 573 W. WESTFIELD AV. OR A&M BUSINESS SERVICES INSURED 276-6973 ESTIMATES 486-6214 C.ll BrUC* «t! (808) 574-3B80 or FHEE ESTIMATES - FULLY INSURED AND 233-3184 CALL 276-6953 NJ, Uc. #7248 CRANFORD 276-2331 "Qua/Uj; Doesn't Cost.. ROSELLEPARK Toll Fr«« 1-800-784-3381 For full flirtd* o/ S»nlc»t Oil 753-1394 VICINITY- 381-5145 Charles O' Donnell WAD dAMMM ) I MASON PAVING PLUMBERS PLUMBERS TOPSOIL WALLS AND CEILINGS BUILDERS COLLISION REPAIRS FUEL OIL TO ADVERTISE LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPING Llo, #8501 Fully Insured Work Guaranteed SANDRO PAVING CO. MCDOWELLS BENNER'S R&W LANDSCAPING MICHAEL'S LANDSCAPE Rahway, NJ. R. Vetter ACARTHUR FUEL Uc. #1268 CRATER BROS. AUTO BODY TO PLACE YOUR ^IRRIGATION Fully Insured Since 1928 YOUR LEAOeft IN SEnVKE Commercial & Residential CHARLES STILES • Complete parking lot Plumbing & Heating & Sons Since 1920 Distinctive Landscape Design . CHARLES Mason Contractor maintenance • Water Heaters Contractors Colllson Experts BUSINESS HERE Spring Clean-Ups and Planting • Driveways • Sewer Cleaning Plastering •Fuel Oil With 10 Year* Experience • renovations • Improvements 388-5024 CONTRACTING Direct Repair for Fertilizing Underground Lawn Sprinkler • Sidewalks • Sump Pumps Patching • Complete heating • maintenance > service DECKS • WINDOWS Most Major Inc. Cos. CALL ANNETTE Systems Designed, Installed Step Rebuilding Specialists • Curbing ALTERATIONS > ADDITIONS • Repairs & Service Weed Control • Seal coating • new construction No Yard Textured Celling laser frame machines and Services • Brick Fronts •Patios No Job Too Small ROOFING' SIDING • Air Conditioning Lawn Maintenance • Patlo'a • central vacuum Sheetrocklng oven baked spray tooth AT Complete Lawn Maintenance • Foundations •Sldowalks • Excavating" & Additions Too Small 450 North Ave. E. systems Taping & Finishing 272-4733 606 South Ave E Spring Clean-ups " ~ • Ftro Places • Retaining Walls Ask for JOE 1245 Westfleld Ave. FREE ESTIMATE Westfleld Commercial RMtktontlal Cranford CLARK 1-800*334-0531 FREE ESTIMATES TOPSOIL FREE ESTIMATES 908-382-6487 2/6-0093 FREE ESTIMATES 272-S697 38B-5B66 Days 353-7886 Even. 233-3213 272-2423 276-6945 709-0591 Charles Pljanowakl 276-1111 396-8100 Free Estimates Fully Insured TO - April 4,1991 - Union County Classified April 4,1991 - Union County Classified - 11 ROOFING & PAINTING- BDJ HOME IMPROVE- DISCOUNT GRASS CUT. Guttefs cleaned and In-MENTS— Complete Inte- PINE LAND8CAPING- PLUMBING & PERSONAL COMPUTER COMPUTERIZED TAX stalled. Slate repairs. rior & exterior remodeling TIKQn^-—Get your best Landscape design & In-HEATING- Lie.#8608. TRAINING- Learn DOS, PREPARATION- Fed- Fully, insured. Free esti- & rebuilding. See our dis- Her ad attracted baskets prlcej then call us. Free stallation. All phases of Bathroom remodeling, Word Processing, Spread eral, NJ, NY, Individual & CLASSIFIED mates. Call Vlnnie 572- play ad In all the Forbes J estimates. Call 271-0254. landscaping, Including boilers, hot water heaters, Sheets, Desktop Publish- business returns. Reliable 7119. . Newspapers, or Call toll CLASSIFIED EXPERT RAILROAD TITIEE hydroseedlng. 15 yrs.yrs.. ex- sewer & drain cleaning, ing, etc. Reasonable expert, service, reason- ROOFING & REPAIRS- free 1-800-794-3351. full of " • WORK— plmilei8, patlo6r~perlence7-Try-tw-for-' - • - • • -for-you\ r oll-to-flas-heat -oohver— rates. Call 272-3679r-— able .jates- Call-Gary C O N N EC T I O N , ._ ,_ Atford- slons. Call 968-5257. Borysewlcz at 752-1322. free estimates & reason- CABINETRY/WOOD- walkways, fences, decks. Spring cleanup. Affi PIANO LESSONS FOR able rates. Prompt ser- WORK- Entertainment € T T O N 10 yrs. experience. Free able rates. 968-5670. COPPERHEAD PLUMB- BEGINNERS- In myERROR FREE TAX ELECTRICAL WORK— of HOUSECLEANING/OF- vice. Call 968-4830 ask centers, wall units, vani- estimates. Call 469-4438. ING, HEATING, DRAIN Hlllsborough home. Rea- PREPARATION— Com- all types. R. DIETRICH & FICE— Good references. for Brian. • ties, architectural wood- KITCHENS,, BATHS- re- G & B LANDSCAPING- PRECISE CLEANING— Affordable sonable rates. 359-8556. puter prepared, by retired 350 365 SON ELECTRICAL CON- Own transportation. Call PAINTING-Interior/exte- 8HEETROCK/SPACKLE See our display ads. In ROOFING/REPAIRS/ work. Cabinet resurfac- modellrtg, alterations, rlor. Scheduling now for quality - free estimates, accountant. Federal & TRACTORS INC. 24 hour 201-560-4706, ask for ing, furniture reflnlshing & .—Repairs to sheetrock & C 370 \ Business/Service Direc- 24 hour emergency ser- PERSONALS SERVICES ATTIC FAN INSTALLA- cabinet refaclng, counter- spring & summer. Reason LAWN CARE SONS G?VEN AT YOUSR emergencergency service. NJ Martha or Ulla. repair. Wood or formica. 8 plaster. 572-5811. \ LANDSCAPING, Itory of your local Forbes vice. License #8917. TION— Gutters cleaned. ?°! rates jree estimates, HOME- 30 years teach . $10. l-469-4056. nltflSffO:TtnstiredrCatr: HOUSECLEANING- €lhTftbt5ttfc505ft ISES ' TOP- LINE™ Carpentry,- Newspapers. 722-5873. Please Call Please call 752-8808. 271-1404, - 20 yrsr experience.- QuaF ^g^srwd I rneecArt^ I REASONABLE, RELIABLE tty work, economy prices, CALL 756-3 333 — basements, diywall"y&& taptap- at 46»03B4 or 369-382% JOHN'SLAWN SER- MICHAEL A7=KR0P6KYF Leonard353-O841r AAA COMEDY MAGIC A-1 HOUSE & OFFICE InIngg, dekdeckss R. Referencef s on FUN- with live rabbits, ELECTRICIAN- Llc.# WOMAN to clean your, references. Bill 469-6687 -* Interior/ exterior home Ings, Windows, doors, VICE— Spring clean ups, Thank you INC.- Plumbing & Heat- SERVICES— Specialize CLEANING- Days and gutters, decks, tiles, A & A LANDSCAPINQ- fertilizing, lawn cutting, Ing. Boilers Installed & re- TUTORING- Reading, colored doves, exotic ani- evenings. Call Marge 356- 10062. For evenings & home or condo. Excellent RUBBISH REMOVAL- decorating & alterations. math in your home. 10 In Individual & small busi- weekends. Bonded & In-references. 560-9071. CARPENTRY— All types more! Free estimates. Professlonal, fully In- fully Insured, low' rates, SPRING CLEAN UPS- paired, hot water heaters nesses. Reasonable mals. Birthdays. All 0240. Carpet cleaning. Minor sured lawn maintenance weekly lawn maintenance. events. Call Mr. Magic sured; Reasonable rates. JUNK STOWED AWAY concrete work: Lawn ser- of home renovations & re- 322-8659 Steve Plnnell free estimates. Call 753- . replaced, drains machine rates. Michael Mancgso, ANTHONY'S PAINT- & landscaping at rea-2753 Shrub trimming & plant- cleaned. Fully Insured. NJ ence. ed OPA 463-0473, now 322-7077. Commercial, residential, FOR FREE- towing at; vice. Shrub trimming & modeling inside & out. WALLPAPERING- Top M.S. Math; M.A. degree. ING->- specializing in inte- Industrial. Call 725-7267. Free estimates. Reason- quality workmanship sonable prices. Free es- Ing, seeding & top soil. Uc.#8486. 469-265,6. INCOME TAXES- per- AIDS HOT UNE-Can It rior & exterior, hoofing, very reasonable prices. cutting small trees. Used sured. Free estimates. timates. Call 738-1151. LANDSCAPING- Spring Call 755-8553 __ Call 272-5315. EXPERT ALTERATIONS The Big Toe 442-0718 furniture bought & sold. able rates. Call Dave at MASONRY/GENERAL Call Paul at 908-846-7186 guaranteed. FREE ESTI- cleanups, mulch, lawn PLUMBING. SEATING & sonal & business, expert bo liansmlttod (rem agutters cleaned & In- k— Special- MATES. 925-7360. SPRING CLEANUP- kiss, a hug, or casual LAWN CUTTING- Ma- Fiuo obliiiialou. Naul 350-8915. — CONTRACTING- Free maintenance. Commercial »AIN CLEANING- 24 professional services. stalled. Minor alterations. Izlng In personalized ser- ARMSTRONG LAND- Fettillzei &.weed cunliul. -340-9438. contact or even transmit- ture,' responsible. Free Quick Servicei . 908-754- CARPENTRY- Concrete, OVAT?ONS-ComK WINDOW CLEANING- Residential. Call 231-1663 hr. service. Same day ser- Free estimates. 752-6441. vice of dress designing & ,8844 or 1^800-834-9987 SCAPING— Landscape Weekly lawn service..Call 377 ted to your loved ones? APPLIANCE REPAIR- Estimates. All Local masonry, drywall, paint- Professlonal, fully in- design, Interlocking, brick LAWN CARE- Full Lawn vice. Free estimates. Uc. TAX HELP!- In your dressmaking. By appt sured, superior refer- v P & N Lawn Maintenance, INCOME TAX For the true facts on AIDS large machines, washing only. Cynthia 563-0824. Areas. 369:3162 or 725- SEWER & DRAIN ing. Finished basements, or paver patios, walkways Service, reas^-'' rates, 469-6888. #7337. Call 725-8239 or home;. Reliable, fast, rea- call 1-900-535-9700.ex machines & dryvra. «lr- 4278. CLEANING- toilets in all garages, baths, additions. ences. Other related ser- reliable si ..^e. Mow, 356-1029 :" sonable. Electronic filing FENCES— PRE-SEASON & driveways. Planting of SUNRISE Lawnscapers 301. ex 302 Spanish. condltloners, all kinds. MAKEUP ARTIST- Spe- homes, all household Fully insured, DMI Con- MASONRY— 28 years of modeling, windows, vices available. UNIVER- trees & shrubs, lawn Fertilize, Thatch, Seed. available. Call 654-9355, Avail.. 24hrs. $2.00 perReasonable rates. Call SALE— Custom wood: drains cleaned: 24 hour struction, 757-7929. experience. Steps, side- doors & skylights rn- SAL BUILDING MAINTE- Call Walt The Lawn Man TAX SERVICES- Expert CCA-Spruce -C e da r- cializing In bridal makeup, walks, driveways, patios, stalled. Call maintenance service, new tiiSK'^rfiJJftlX Advertise in the Classified!$40 INCOME TAX RE- mln. ^ 828-397$. . Comes to you for any oc- service; Call Charles CERAMIC & MARBLE tlld Cl 753-1394. NANCE. For FREE ESTI- lawns, sod or seed, lawn 752-6730. TURNS- specializing In personalized tax service. Stockado-Vlnyl Chain (201)494-8945. bricks, blocks. No lob too MATE Call 281-7611. renovations. Topsoil, thatching, seeding, spring personal Income tax re-.Reasonable rates. CPA ALL NEW CHRISTIAN APPLIANCES ELECTRO- Link. Call THE FENCE- casion. Private or group INSTALLATION- Baths, cmoll Ooll Dill oca nann ROOFER— Fred LAWN MAINTANENCE- clean ups, landscaping. 24HR. ROMANCE - makeup,.lessons avail- SILK FLORAL DESIGN-: Free estimates, fully In-WINDOW GLASS RE- mulch or decorative , turns, tax deductable $40 prepared. Results guaran- STATICALLY PAINTED- MAN anytime 908-381- Kitchens & Foyers. Old small. Call Bill 968-0695. lawn cutting & general Insured. Manny 356-3786 LINE!— Meet by phonal able. Great glftl 819-0389. Weddings are. our spe- and new. Repairs. Call sured, all work guaran- PLACED ON SITE— We stone. Stone driveways, clean-up. Free estimates. I for basic return. Ken 908-teed. Call 201-37T-8225. like original factory finish. 1044. . cialty. Bouquets, center, "I filled my part-time position in one week. I repair, re-putty & paint old tree removal, brush re- TREE & STUMP RE- It works I $3/mln. 1-900- Durable two/part epoxy MASON CONTRACTOR JOhn 369-6610. HANGING- Interior/exte- teed. Let a roofer do It Call Anthony 722-5216 572-0252 eved/wknds FILING SERVICES- : pieces, favors, "head windows & trim. Very rea- moval with chipper, rail'' MOVAL —Is your, stump a 786-7710 , paint. Call 469-4438. Low Spring Prices received 60 calls: Forbes Newspapers Classified rior. Quality workmanship riahtl Business, 874-7111. leave message. ,__ ABC TAX- Experienced Buslnass, Professional & pieces and much more. CERAMIC TILE- Bath- Home, 874-3371 • sonable. INSURED. Call road ties Installed. Call pain in the grass? Free C • 380 \ ALLOW ME TO GIVE Specializing In Steps rooms, kitchens, foyers, for 25 years. No Job too r Accountant. Reasonable Residential. Catch up, All custom made to your Connection worked.for me because it targeted the Clear View, 757-5347 Joe 885-5323; - LAWN MAINTENANCE- estimates Fully Insured. CALLIGRAPHY BY small. Insured. Free esti- ROOFING- C & D Horne 11 INSTRUCTION < fees. Trained In 1991 N.J. LOANS & I YOU the gift of a lasting maintain, overhaul, de- Walks, Patios, Frplcs. color and design specifi- etc. 40% off ceramics. area I wanted to reach." . mowlng, fertilizing, seed- "JUST STUMPS 634- relationship. Personal NANCY BOSS— Invita- Concrete block-brickwork Call THE TILE DOCTOR mates, prompt service. Improvements & Roofing. WINDOW REPAIRS- COLABELU LANDSCAP- Ing, sodding, rototllllng. taxes- New clients $10 I FINANCE J tions, certificates, menus, sign. Large or small lobs. cations. For futher info. Bob Stelnman, 526-3382; Free estimates. All work 1318. ABC DRIVING SCHOOL Ized, 16 yrs. experience. No Job too large or small Please call 908-494-7403. 968-2754. Replace glass, putty, ING— Maintenance, Fred estimates. Fully in- Discount w /a d. Call Judy Vorlo's Compat- place cards, gifts. Styles Call 873-2803 Insured-Free Estimates \ PAINTING & PAPER- uaranteed and Insured, caulk, paint & wash. Qual- TREE MAINTENANCE*- -Licensed by NJDMV. CUSTOM STORM . M.G., Bountiful Basket Spring clean ups, de-sured. Commercial & resi- 469-2319. ibles 908-707-9086. include Italic, Copperplate GENERAL CONTRAC- 25 years experience SINGER- Classically HANGING- Reasonable gall 750-9379 or 424-ity craftsmanship for 25 Tree removals, shrub Special attention given to DOORS— Factory direct Raritan signs. Free'"estimates. dential. Call Bennett Turf ACCOUNTANT PUBLIC. SCHOLARSHIPS- Fi- & others. (908) 232-4554. TOR/CARPENTER- fans " Dean Koep & Son trained Soprano to sing at rates, fully Insured, very 0942; years. Free estimates. In- 10% off with this ad. pruning. Commercial & nervous peopke—Call ASTROLOGY & TAROT prices, extra heavy duty, 704-3234 (201)756-8566 GEORGE E. FILEPP. nancial aid,. grants and CARPENTRY/RESTORA- & light fixtures. Reliable & 757-7421 church and synagogue neat. Call for a free esti- sured, work guaranteed, 780-3716 - residential. Quality work Complete, professional loans for virtually any stu- CARD READINGS- By Insured. Quick service. Design your own style, prompt service- Bob' LAWN SERVICE- Spring at fair prices. Over 20 yrs. Diane who has the unique TION— general contract- MASONRY, TILE & MAR- wedding ceremonies. Can starting at $240 Installed.; Another mate.: Norcraft Painting COMMERCIAL & RESI- cleanups, fertilizing, cut- BECOME A PARALE- accounting services. dent are available. Re- Ing, slate work, decks, Call 752-1734 . help choose repertoire. 560-3765. Stelnman, 526-3382. experience. Call 658-3266 GAL— Join America's Financial statements & sults, guaranteed. For free ability to explain, enough BLE- New additions Call 757-3733 days or DENTIAL-. All phases of ting, trimming, edgelng. or 321-0077 of your past to convince kitchens, remodeling, GUTTER & LEADER from the basement to the Call Cynthia 2764776. 475-5670 eves. PAINTING & WALL WINDOWS & DOORS- landscaping & landscape Residential & commercial. fastest growing profes- tax returns prepared. By Information call All Busl- wallcoverings. Call Rich- CLEANING- Repaired & VIDEO EVENTS— You TREE WORK- also sion. Work with Attorneys. appointment: 15 King Ar- nessware Associates you of your future and the roof. Free estimates. Fully DECORATIVE PAINTING PAPERING- "Spring "junk" to you Reptace drafty windows & design,' Including weekly Free Estimates. Senior ard Schultz 908-359-8556 Installed/Quality service, . Insured. DINIzo Construc- ask-l'ir shoot.Weddlngs, Classified doors, all types of home .wood chips, brush & de- Lawyer Instructed home thurs Court, Brldgewater. . (908) 572-7266. ability to reach, deep In- By FINISHING TOUCHES. Special" $50 off painting maintenance, fertilizing', discount; Call 245-6019 side of you & understand CARPET CLEANINQ- Reasonable prices, fully tlon, 889-5771 parties, socials,, showers, and 20% off wallpapering. Improvements available. seeding, planting & clean- bris removal, log splitting, study. The finest parale- 725-8292. Insured, Call 654-B803. engagements, All Occa- Faux marble, wood, but The time Is right & so are LAWN. SERVICE- Yard Firewood. Free estimatestlmates,. al program' available. your hopes, dreams & Carpets, $9.50/rm- MASONRY- Concrete, stone/glazing and fancy FULLY INSURED. Wfll ups. Call Steve for free ACGOUNTANT-r 17 conflicts. One free ques- mlnlmum 3 rms. Sofa &. GUTTER & ROOF sions.Call Doug Connection beat any written esti- our prices. Call Pro.Tech clean up, hauling away of M|ke 722-3235: Rree catalogue. /800-362- foundations, driveways, 828-1554. finishes. 781:6462 Remodeling 752-6524 estimate at 271-5191. basements, attics and 7070 Dept. LE721 . years exp. Income Tax 382 tion answered by phone. chair, $25.95. Free de- CLEANING- Tree trim- sidewalks, Belgian block. mates. Will work week- COMPLETE LAWN & Preparation. Personal, odorizing. Licensed & in- DID YOU somebody is garges. Call 828-5387 OR INSURANCE 424-0215. ming, small repairs & Fully Insured, free esti- VIDEO EVENTS-^ "You To place your ad, just call ends. Call Chris 873-1389 WORLDS GREATEST YARD CARE- Keeper of 561-9333. IS YOUR CHILD HAVING Business or Corporate. In sured; Over 10 yrs exper, painting. Very reasonable. mates. DMI Construction, KNOW... 372 AN ART ATTACK? DATEFINDER- Singles ask - I'll shoot." Wed- This little ad can be read PAINTING- $85/room. 2 PAINTERS— All arears of- the Grounds. Think your home'or mine. Fees, "Ween Image Carpet Ser- Insured. Call CLEAR 757-7929. , . dings, parties, socials, palntlng. Interior, exterior, Spring. 753-1892 M& R LANDSCAPING SPRING INTO ACTION. as low as $35. Call 753- Personal Ads- Our. 7thvice" 246-8219 In more than 147,000 room minimum. Call reading Spring cleanup-lawn PLUMBING, yearl Largest Listing) Free VIEW 757-5347. showers, engagements. today. Licensed & In- wall coverings, power Get professional Help 8240 after 6PM. HEALTH INSURANCE MASONRY- Construc- homes in 15 publications 1-800-334-0531 today CRANFORD LAWN maintenance. Landscape HEATING, NOW. Call Kath at 233- copy 201-526-3004, 24 CARPETS CLEANED- tion & repairs, steps,: "All occassions." Call sured. J.M.C. Home Ren- washing, water proofing, ALL TAX RETURNS Low cost for Individuals GUTTER MAN- Cleans, Doug 828-1554. . throughout Somerset, ovations (908) 561-3554. ^ Classified staining, day and night deslgn-seed-sod. Patio & &COOUNG 7584 or 789-16t,7 before hrs. or P.O. Box 1058,$10 per room, whole sidewalks, driveways, Middlesex and; Union walkways-railroad ties. EXPERTLY PREPARED and small businesses. repairs & installs leaders shifts. Reasonable rates, 1 It's too late. Plscataway, N j. 08855. hoU8e$99, sola $2S: & gutter. Free estimates. foundations, additions. WORD PROS- Laser Counties? It caught-your- PAINTING- Exterior/Inte^ Cutting, Thatching Stop breakln your fanny Return of premium , stop 5 Star Co. 800-640-9438. free estimates. Call Rich. . Top service, Low price. A NEW GUY IN TOWN- LEARN RUSS1AN- by. Accountant with over. loss, eyeware and pre- FREE— in home skln/halr 709-1610. Free estimates, fully in- printed word processing;. attention, didn't It?" jj^J^iiraRSpap^ rlor, residential or com- looking for a 908-545^8726; '• Call Manny 233-0822 Maln St. Plumbers Inc.,. care clinic. Introducing & CHARLES STlLES- sured. John Anthony Free spell checks. Edit- Call YOUR ad In today! mercial. 35 years experi- Call Rich Fldlow Russlan • Professor seeks 25 years experience. scriptions; 658-3543. HANDYMAN SERVICES- : . - Landscape Contractor MULCH/ TOPSIOl- pick, 24 hr..service. Free est.additional students for pri- demonstrating neW prod- Mason Contractor. Guar- Construction 572 2148.; ing, transcription & copy 1-800-334-0531. ence. Minor house re- Fully Insured/ No. lob too Reasonable rates. Quality work at reason- services. 15 years experi- pairs,, gutters cleaned. "bargain." Advertlsein the Classified! Free Estimates up or prompt delivery. Re- vate/ ' group Instruction. Your home or mine. uct line with all natrual anteed work, 10 yrs. ex- able rates. Free Esti- MASONRY- Steps, . • We Get Results! v tall/ wholesale. Eagle small. 418-1990. NJ Mas- Advert/se In the Classified! perience! See my ad In walks, patios, brick pav- ence. So. Plfd. 561-4478. EXTERIORS BY BUD- Call Nick (908) 245-4835, Emphasis on conversa- Ingredents. Call 24nr. mates. Fully Insured. Call 276-6895 Fence & Supply 526-5775 ters Plumbers Uc#5235 tion. Call 232-0440 654-2077. • • the Business/Service Di- ers, chimney repair, fire- GET— paint & stain, Call 272-6387 rectory or your local For- John at 668-8518. places, foundations, Qual- cedar, asbestos. Any sur- MAKE A FRIEND...FOR HANDYMAN— College G O N E G T I ON LIFEI Scandinavian, Eur-bes Newspaper or .call ity work. Insured. 908- 367 face, low rates, great re- 281-7784; 272-5697. Student— carpentry, 534-5036. References.. • ferrals. Prompt response, opean, Yugoslavian High painting, sheet rock, yard HOME School Exchange Stu- CLEAN UP SERVICES Ins. Free Est. 968-0757. work. & odd jobs. Call MOVING?- Lowest IMPROVEMENTS dents...arriving AU- OF ALL TYPES— Will Jerry 561-9340. prices. Palmier! Movers. FENCES- Garden State GUST;.:HOST FAMILIES clean up anything I Ga- The small move special- Security Fence. All. types NEEDEDI American In- rages, attics, cellar, yards. HANDYMAN- Complete ist. Pianos, 6 rooms or A-1 IMPROVEMENTS- of fencing. Commercial or tercultural Student Ex- Real Estate closing & es- home Improvements. less. Free phone quotes' Residential. Quality mate- change. Call toll FREE 1- tates. Complete demo Decks, porches, painting Additions, roofing & sid- PM #00550. 356-2454; ing, kitchens & baths, rials used. Free estimate. WE MAKE 800-SIBLING. services avail. Free esti- Interior & exterior, carpen- 464-1444 mates. Fully Insured. We try work. No Job too small. NEED HELP IN YQUR custom decks. For quality have all size dumpsters Free estimates. Call Steve OFFICE?— stuffing enve- service since 1935, call for Spring rates, 232- GENERAL CONTRACT- for rent, 722-7763. 752-7863. lopes, . vouchering, pro- ING- Additions & alter- PLACING 35555 I 2186., • CLEANING- From Just a HANDYPERSON- cessing mall, etc, Must atlons. Bathrooms, espe- 1NQUNCEMENT$\CEMENTS] -few-foom-to-'the^whple- p oublBshootar. work in my home. Call ALL HOME IMPROVE- cially heating. Call 654- house. Call 805-9380. Hif TroublBshootar. •D6bT~232=t630 "1WENTS & REPAIR - Long & shorh t term. Calll ^02^07755^9036. — Dave, 908-755-3455. PAINTING- Interlor/Exte- Fully insured. Garages, —AN AD CLEANING- Houses, HANDYMAN- EXPERI- rlor. Neat, clean quality basements, humidifiers, ENCED- Bath & kitchen COLLEGE SCHOLAR- Apartments, Condos. Ref- HOME CLEANING CARE decks. No job too small. SHIPS— Grants, loans, erences. Call Maria 442- FOR PEOPLE ON THEwork. Reasonable rates, remodeling, painting, available/Complete edu- GO— Insured, bonded, FREE estimates. Call Call Gary at 654-0733 decks, general repairs. CAREER NIGHT- Wed., DISCOVER L'AROME PARENTS & QTHERS- SALES ENGINEER- Po- SPECIAL EDUCATION CHILDCARE PLUS- In 0718. Rainbow Colors at (908) AS EASY f 425 cational ' planning. SCHO- supervised. Monday to B & D INSTALLA- •' Free estimate. Very rea- 4/17; 7:30 p.m. National PARFUM— Breaking Work 2-3 evenings and AIDE— Immediate open- my So. Plalnfleld home, v ; sition available for .Pneu- LASTIC FUNDING RE-? CUSTOM SLIPCOVERS Saturday. Gift certificate. 654-7927. • TIONS— 20% off any Job sonable. Call 272-4295. $ '•• ."•" , 410 I Recruiter for International records in 8 countries, earn $15-$20 per hour. matic Tube System and Ing to work with 20 yr. old I EMPLOYMENT by state certified mom. SOURCES. Call for Irifor- —Draperies, reupholstary. 245-1945. PAINTING-' "SPRING during March & April. Sid- company seeking career Now Here I $500-$2000/ Fun, rewarding and excit- Vertical Lift Equipment. multiply handicapped stu- I RELATED Great yard & play room. Yourfabrlp or ours. For- INSULATION & WINDOW REAL ESTATE HELP WANTED I Fun social activities. m a 11 o n : HOME REPAIRS & SPECIAL" exterior' $250 ing* • windows, roofing, REPLACEMENTS Seal minded. Individuals to wk possible. RT, & FT. ing. Call Kathy 276-6046 Experience In construc- dent in ,a-special .educa- \OPPORTVNITliES 526-4173 merly at Stelnbachs & off complete house, roof doors, decks, kitchens, CAREER consult on color, fashion, Gall nowl 800-899-3717 MAV-F 9-11AM. PS - you tion desirable. Self- tion school. Excellent Lunch & snacks. Infant to Hahne's. 41 yrs. experi- PAINTING— Lawn Care up your home,. Save (24 hr. message) will love this Jobl benefits. 8:45AM-2:45PM 3yrs. Call 756-2877 & Clean Up. Call Charlie, wood preserving, deck baths & additions. We money and enetgyl Free glamour. Unlimited in- motivated individual can ence. Senior citizen dis- A-1 CHILDCARE- Quali- look forward to salary thru 6/24/91. Please con- •$•$•$$•$••• 369-3178 After 6. painting, blacktop drive- offer 100% home Im- estimates: Fully Insured. come potential. Profes- DRIVER- Local florist, PART TIME FULL TIME- if \mtt »nr ...niTiniir CHILDCARE— In my count. Shop at home ser- Are you an active member fied, reliable, insured plus commission, com- tact. . F MBI TI0 US HOMEC LEAN ING- ways. Chris 873-1389. provement financing. Call sional training provided. part time and/or Sat- receptioni8t for Dr. office L X2mn?Ttn i . Dunellen home, Full time vice. W. Canter 757-6655. Arlene or Bryan 469-9456. Call Tom at 561-5059. of your .Community?' Do FAMILY DAY CARE is PT/FT. 781-2175. any car and excellent Dr. Howard Helfman Prin- 'Sprlng Special' Profes- PARTY PLANNING- Any J & D MAINTENANCE you Ilka people urdays. Ideal for college In Cranford. Hours flexi- & DEDICATED- I guar- or part time, breakfast & f 360 | B.D.J. HOME IMPROVE- available from MONDAY CHEF/COOK— new Ita- eneflts. Location, Central cipal r ELECTRIC A-1 Electric sional cleaning with a per- occassion, any size from INC— small Jobs our spe- Involvement? Those MORNING ING. 526- student. 233-0500. . ble, salary open. Send re- E antee: financial success, lunc• -h •Included • • ••. -Experi- MENTS, INC.— Complete characteristics can be lian restaurant seeking plies to Box 5, c/o Forbes NJ. Send Resume to: Box Plscatawa'y Regional ence & references pro-. I ESCAPE I Co. Inc.— No job toosonal touch. Town- birthdays, Communions, cialty. Same day service. 4884. EXECUTIVE 30, c/o FORBES NEWS- Independenc(201)543-599e & security9 . small, ho challenge too houses starting at $45 & Bar Mltzvah, graduations Interior & exterior remod- rewarding to you In the. experienced saute, pan- Newspapers, 44 Franklin Day School vlded. Mary 968-3941. eling & rebuilding general Interior & exterior repairs. Real. Estate fle!d...Holplng try, sauce & line cooks. SECRETARIES St. Somerville, NJ 08876. PSPERS, PO Box 699, 908-985-8752 EOE AA' $$$$$ great/Residential & small up. Houses vary. FULLY to weddings. Our location ACCOUNTING Great opportunities In top Z." .,nnr! DUNELLEN-State regls- contractor. See our dis-Also Cleaning Senior Cltl- ' people to obtain homes & Neat, clean & knowledge- Somerville, NJ 08876 MO E Business specialist. All INSURED. Call Chris at or yours. We handle the llfestylas. That's what Real Fortune 100 companies. PART TIME MACHINE ««°,FB A tared family day care. Full LAS VEGAS- Imperial play ads In the Business/ zen Disc. (201) 297-4340 CLERK able with current refer- TRAVEL AGENT Y OU work guaranteed. 873-1389.., details Insuring flair and Estate Is all aboutl The Immed. need for secretar- OPERATOR— to grind & SALES- Full time/Part *.--..;.--• , ,? £*• time, lnfants-$95, Palace, September 1991. Service Directory of your KITCHENS BY JOHN— ences, Apply in person: time, Educational prod- EXPERIENCED Leave from Manvllle. via Bonded, lie. #8460. Visa/ originality. Select one or BONUS Is obtaining your FT for small computer ies w/Wordperfect, DW4, polish optical lens. Me- flEER?-. Join the fast- toddlers-$85, pre-school MC accepted. Call Paul HOUSE CLEANING- all our of services: cater- local Forbes Newspapers Tired of your old kitchen? own financing & personal software Co. Mature, re- Clemente B Garden Res- Hewlett Packard & Wang. ucts; no cold calls, $300 growing environmental In- $75 also, part time. Call Northwest Airlines from Apartments, offices, or call Bruce toll-free at Make it look like newl taurant, 2301 Park Ave., chanical ability required. to $500 weekly. Inter- ONLY! Newark, evehlng flights, 271-4553 or 654-1330. ing, resort accommoda- growth tool II you have sponsible Indlv. for A/R & 20 hr. week. Middlesex dustry & earn big $. Call 968-1711 weekdays or weekends, tions, restaurant and ban- 1-800-794-3351. Free estl- Custom work a specialty. your Real Estate license & - other diverse duties. Con- So. plalnfleld Borough. Call 356-1461 ested call 526-6608. Excellent. salary and NOWl 233-3043. Sun., /Sept. 22, return mates J '-:.. , • Als. o bathrooms, whlrl- _ are looking for an active We will provide FREE benefits. (System One) EXPERIENCED CARE Thursday, Sept. 26. $435 ELECTRICAL WORKT- evenings, good refer- quet rooms, entertain- genial office. Good bene- CHiLD CARE- On Call training & cross training. MAID OF GOLD- Indus- GIVER— will care for your ences. Transportaiton. ment, decorations, rent- pods^r.spas. Expert ce- office with ample fits, Please' call Dlanne PART TIME SALES- Na- SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS per person,, double occu- Complete electrical ser- BATHS. & KITCHENS raYnlc tile work. Decks, opportunity time. Call for Inc. Needes Bright, articu- We offer top salary, Med/ tional. Company In theNEEDED- Will train. Middlesex County trial, commercial and resl- child In my So. Plalnfleld pancy. Need $60 deposit vice, .service upgrades, vi- Somerset area. 302-0435 als, set up, clean up and a confidential Interview between 9 & 5: • Life Ins., Holiday/vacation dentlal cleaning franchise horne. Call Karen any- HOUSE CLEANING- many morel Call Pam's additions, finished base- late, experienced person Welcoming Industry offers Hospltallzatlon program Call Shirley Immediately to hold reser-' olations corrected, celling 10% OFF ments, all types of home with Vita Zoltak, Broker of 287-2100 to work as care provider pay & excel, working con- a unique opportunity. available. Yearly In- opportunlty. Protected ter- tlmei 753-6172 vatlon. Only 16 seats left! fans, new constr. "24 Hr.home, condo, office, ex- Party Planning. 563-9844. Any complete renovation. record at 272-2570. . In client homes. We offer ditions. Call today. rltory, full training and ~^~~^ : Emergency Service." perienced with refer- improvements. Call for ADMINISTRATIVE AS- MANPOWER, INC. Great for- Homemakers. creases.-Salary commen- 249-0500 356-1607, Irene. . ; Custom quality work. Sat- free estimate, 707-9215. SISTANT- P/T all office flex schedule and good Call 981-9562. surate w/experlence. Call support. Total Investment, EXPERIENCED, LOVING Uc.#10318.271-4049. : ences, weekly or bl-PARTY PLANNING-^ Any isfaction guaranteed. Li- Meeker Sharkey pay. 609-448-4000. Metro Park VAN DRIVER- 8AM &$4995. Call 1-800-768- MOM—of 16 mo. old will weekly. 469-2931... Realtors duties. Book keeping & PART TIME- Flexible 658-4044; 464-5953;- 463- 3PM with special license. occassion, any size from censed & Insured. KITCHENS- Reface or PC experience, pleasant COLLECTIONS— Mgt. 549-6880 3433 between 8:30AM- 0947 care for your child In my Ads In Classified ELECTRICAL WORK- birthdays, Communions, J.M.C. Home Renovations replace - same low price. 124 South Avemie East : svc. co. seeks collectors Cranford hours. General office. Ac- Start Immediately. Edison childproof Westfleld HOUSE/OFFICE CLEAN- telephone manner. High- curate typist. Depend- 5PMfordetalls.EOE. school. Call 549-0127 dont cost — POLYPHASE ELECTRIC. ING- full/part time, reli- Bar Mltzvah, graduations (908)561-3554 Let one of pur factory Cranford, N.J. land Park. 214-1240; with one plus yrs. exper, 272-9120 home. Meals & shacks FREE estimates on allable, reasonable rates, to weddings. Our location reps look at your kitchen. for front end retail/bank able. Call 561-8900 SENIOR HOUSING BAM-5PM rovlded. Located near ADMINISTRATIVE AS- HAIRDRESSER- Mar- PROJECT COORDINA- WAITERS/ WAIT- They pay! your needs. Reasonable dally, weekly or monthly. or yours, we handle the Free consultation and de- card files. 19-22K aalay tlnaville. Full service PART TIME- Work from 430 ?amaques Park. Excel rates. T8 yrs. experience. Please leave message details Insuring flair and Advertise In the C/assffledJ sign. Call 234-0541. SISTANT- Part time. plus bonus. Nice office In home. Some phone work. TOR— responsibilities RESSES— new Italian refs. Call Kathy 789-3234 Fine art greeting card salon, friendly atmo- shall Include, but not be CHILDCARE Lie. #7194. Call 789-3131 805-3037; • originality. Select one or Cranford. Call Judy Jen- sphere, wonderful clients. Other positions available. restaurant seeking neat, FOR THE PRECIOUS all our. of services: cater- company seeks reliable Call 233-7683 Friday be- limited to the following: experienced & Knowl- WANTED NEEDS YOUR CHILD HELP person With experience In nings 201-654-2215. Great job for the right per- (1) Co-ordinating all cor- ing, resort accommoda- Hudson Personnel. son. Call 469-4224. tween6-9PM. edgeable In Italian cook- DESERVES- will be TOTAL CAR tions, restaurant and ban- ilK'S WordPerfect or Microsoft respondence between all Ing. References a must. quet rooms; entertain- WANTED Word. Light office work, COUPLES OR INDIVIDU- HOME HEATH AID- PART TIME— wear and the professional services. Apply In person: CHILDCARE- FT InJ our % pXale home day care! HANDYMAN i PJtheDJ ment, decorations, rent- WALLCOVERING 20 hours per week. ALS- interesttotf-'tri Needed to assist with show ladles fashion Jew- Governmental Agencies, Clemente's Garden Res- home. 5mln. North of Arts & crafts. Many other CLEANING als, set up, clean up and Price Scan Controller Cindy, 272^4411. health/ ecology. Manage- care for elderly couple in lery. Two eves. $125. No Financial Officer, Housing SERVICE INSTALLATIONS and Cashiers needed taurant, 2301 Park Ave, Princeton. LhrtTout or live activities. Licensed & * WASH & WAX Weddings and many more! Call Pam's My Onty Business ment & associate .posi- North Plalnfleld. Monday- Investment. We train. Ex-"Attorney, The So. Plain- So. Plalnfleld full and part time. ATTENTIONIII cellent future. Manage- field Borough Council & In. Looking for loving per- 8tate approved. Pis- Party Plannlnjf|,,563-9844, and ^ tions. Marketing, FT/PT w/ Friday 3 to 4 hrs a day. son to care for our two cataway area. 885-1327. Carpentry, Painting •SHAMPOO anniversarys, 3. 1-800-334-0531 NOW HIRING expanding Japanese sub- (Flexible). Must drive and ment available. 756-3068. So. Plalnfleld Housing Au- *CARPETS interior Painting Flexible Schedule; SUPERVISORS thority. (2) Develop calen- children. Excel, driving3 ...-./.Bc—••••„„.• Home Maintenance reunions and ' PIANO TUNING- Over In your area. We're look- sidiary. $30-$60K. Call for have recent' experience PEST CONTROL TECH- Ads In Classified Call For * PROFESSIONAL * days, evenings and Interview 968-2131 with references.985-8788. dar of necessary meet- record^.refs, required SJuVs^fo'oktfti'alr'e and Repair graduations. 25 years experience. Quality weekends. Competi- Ing for enthusiastic TEAM- NICIANS- Licensed In Ings & conferences be- dont cost — 201-526-4337 days or for/ teach young child/ Appointments •. Wayne Smith, 908-654- Fotb** BOILDERSI FT or PT.Call DENTAL ASSISTANT/ 7A & 7B. Will train right 201-281-7645 eves children of working cou- 3618. Workmanship tive pay and good JEWELRY COMPANY- tween Interested parties & They pay! QUALITY WORK GILMER DANIELS "You Supply The Wallcovering Installer benefit package, 1-800-877-7115. M-F, LPN/ MED ASSISTANT- Home Demonstration, Mo candidate. Call 322-6303 agencies. (3) Qualifying & ple. Will do light house- call: •..'•• 9:00-7:00. Mon, Tiles, some half day for appt. 272-8321 Parti). We'll , RESUMES PROFES- Joe Kllngeblel Room for growth and Investment. Short term specifying all necessary keeping. FT/PT; 654-3379 SIONALLY PREPARED- advancement. Sat. for oral Surgeon. committment. $100 per permits & requirements 435 Supply The Tunes." Fully Insured 381-9656 CLASSIFIED BOOKKEEPER- FT. Var- 722-0850; 725-0384 eves needed to Initiate the bid SOMERSET- Quail- Includes resumes, cover night. Call Maria PHOTOGRAPHERS Call Jack led responsibilities. In- CHILDCARE letters & envelopes, & In- freo estimates Interested applicants Iv. meg. &name- 4694387. ,.'"• (FREELANCE) process for pre- 420 \ brook. Small group, lots terview tips. Call 908-753- CONN EC T I O N apply at Qarwood cludes computerized cus- DENTAL HYQIENIST-c construction. (4) Oversee PROVIDED of TLC, crafts & activities. 272-8282 New and Old Cars'- 1-908-276-6528 tomer service. Req. bkpg. EMPLOYMENT 7491 ' 889-9493 Walgreen's or call Part time. Top notch of- LIFEGUARD- CERTI- Forbes Newspapers, A all necessary paperwork 2 yr. old + openings. exp., 35 WPM, pleasant FIED lifeguard for small associated with the WANTED I Mr. Blowe for Inter- phone personality. Bene- fice, Need reliabla Individ- Division of Forbes Inc., State Certified, Insured. view at: ual. Call 757-8390 or 647-.swim club. Call. 469-1138 needs experienced pho-project, (5) Maintain com- NOTICE: All CHILDCAUE 563-0673 sues. .', tefthHtwdk BgMPLOYMEWT PROVIDED DENTAL TTl^ "ori-caH"basls, when cles & the members' of WANTED adverUsements are PAYABLE IN ADVANCE'WILL CARE FOR YOUR 789-1990 BUS DRIVERS- Reliable MAJOR TELEPHONE by cash, check? VISA or CHILD-In my Somdrvlllo charter coach drivers w/ RECEPTIONIST/ BUSI- CO.— Now hlrelng Tech-, need arises. Must have, the So. Plalnfleld Housing are PAYABLE IN AD- MAKE THE CONNECTION - FILL IN THIS COUPON NESS MANAGER- ma- proven photographic abili- Authority. .Qualifications Master Card. For a quote home. Full or Part time. 300 South Avenue bus license #1. Minimum nlctlons, Installers, Ac- 3 yrs. exper. Part time ture, personable Individ- count/Service reps., Op-ties, able to do own pro- on cost, please call References. 526-7761 Garwood Mall ual needed to assume re» cessing and provide us 1-800-334-0531. days available. Retirees, erators. No experience with black and white EOE-M/F bus & truck drivers. Call sponslbllltles of retiring necessary. For INFO ^ Mort- staff member. Full time prints, and be flexible with gage agency, the Mid- ****** RESTRICTIONS: 549-0127 CALL 1-900-226-2022. EX hours. Send resume to: BRANCHBURG- Lots of position with excellent 2617 6A-8P. 7 DAYS. dlesex County Com- Tots day care, 2 certified 1.6 lino limit salary & working condi- $12.95 FEE. Sharon Wilson, Forbes munity Block Grant Fund- HOUSECLEANING— I CAMP COUNSELORS- tions In a busy, pleasant, Newspapers, P.O. BoxIng Agency, The DEP, & & experienced teachers Arts & Crafts specialists, will clean your house, to care for your Infant or It may be 2. Must be paid in advance- Westfleld General prac- MANAGEMENT CANDI- 699, Somerville, N.J. the local boards & agen- apartment or office. Own Nature Specialists, Life- tice. Computer exp. pre- 08876. cles of the Borough of So. young toddler In Branch- cash, check, VISA, or guards, Nurse. Brld- DATE: We will train at our transportation, references burg home. A warm lov- ferred, but will train if nec- expense for permanent Plalnfleld. (2) excellent or- & experience. 965-0514. "junk" to you MasterCard (no refunds) gewater Day Camp. Call essary: Send Replies to: PROGRAMMER- excel- ganlzer & seH-motlvator. ing & caring atmosphere .908-725-6994. position In Somerset/ Mid- provided. Call 526-4766 3. No Copy changes Box 8, c/o Forbes News- dlesex County with an In- lent oppty. for Prog- or eves. 218-0569. papers, 44 Franklin St. ternationally "known com- rammer In Business Ap- but 4. Offer limited to Somerville, NJ 08876 pany that Is a leader In plloatlons. Business , BRANCHBURG- experi- deqreet»S all .nationalities^Appll- , •• the field. Wete looking Basic, Unix experience preferred but not neces- enced loving mom will noncommercial ads DID YOU needed, Business ac- cants screened. Reason- somebody is KNOW... for outgoing, confident In- sary. (5) typing required, care for your toddler In COLLEGE STUPENTS dividuals with high ambi- counting knowledge re- Position wftl Be funded *™* *«**• Aumra Awney: my home*.. Convenient to Fill in 1 character per box, allowing for spaces and 5. General Merchandise For Sale This little ad can be read quired. Good pay. Bo- 1 1 NJt Ca Rt. 22 & 202. Call 722- In more than 147,000 tion who truly enjoy work- until completion of coh- kSn^lS, !^ " reading punctuation as necessary. Remember to include phone Only. No Real Estate, Garage Our National Company will flil 12 posi- ing with people. Some nuses, Pension Plan. structlon. Salary range 908-222-3369 8507 , homes In 15 publications Health Insurance. Send THIS SPECIAL ON GENERAL MERCHANDISE FOR SALE ONLY Sale, Pets or Automotive ads throughout Somerset, sales, retail or public rela- between $24,000 & PORTUGUESE LADY CERTIFIED TEACHER- number. No abbreviations, please! tions In the Unjon Country Area. $10,25 tions experience a plus resume to: Universal $26,000 w/beneflt pack- SEEKING DAILY CLEAN- Middlesex and Union Business Systems, Inc. will provide quality child- Classified Want tb get rid of that bike the kids have outgrown? How about that chair that to start. Some Scholarships & Internships Counties? It caught your but not necessary. Start- age Included. Send Re-ING JOB— Call Grace care In my South Plain- doesn't match your new furniture? Or that trumpet you haven't picked up In ages? If Ing salary to $600 per 185-J Industrial Pkwy., sumo to Gayle Corazza, 201-689-9092. field home. Non-smoker, available. Qualified non-students may attention, didn't it? Somerville, N. J. 08876. Secretary c/o So. Plain- you're selling...we can connect you with a buyer and even better, we've got a Call YOUR ad In todayl week plus bonus potential current references. Call looking for a Name. Mail with check or apply. upon assuming Manage- Barbara 753-6483. bargain for you! 1-800-334-0531. ment responsibilities. RECEPTIONIST- for fi&ffiSS! So'' P^?n° ASIEHCH«IE We Get Results! HEALTH AIDE- would CHILD CARE- Raritan. "bargain." Now you can run a 6 line For Said ad In Forbes Newspapers Classified Connection money order to: Send resume to: Themedium size law firm In , NJ 07080. ,|k0 t0 ,ak8 ^ of your Address. Management Institute, Cranford, excellent salary Mom will care for your '• ~~~" sic'k relation. Evelngs til for 2 weeks for only $7.50. Your ad will appear In 15 publications and reach more Advertise HfWe C/assfffedl PO Box 764, Green & benefits. Experience child full time. Non- Forbes Newspapers Brook, NJ 08812-0764. preferred but not neces-> 7AM. Call 322-6741 ask smoker. Low rates. Walks than 147,000 potential buyers. Remember — someone Is looking for what you don't Phone 989-6537 Advertise In the Classified! for Eve. want We connect buyer and seller. Classified Connection sary. Call Flo at 272-1010. activities. 526-2562. Call your Ad In *- Toll Free! City State. -Zip. P.O. Box 699 1-800r334-0531 VISA/NIC #. .Exp. Date: Somerville, N.J. 08876 -USE YOUR CHARGE- V r-

12 — April 4,1991 -' Union County Classified ir We've brought three of the top import franchises in America together in one convenient location. At Crystal, you'll find the discount prices ^ you'd expect from a huge dealer but in a relaxed ~ and friendly environment." - Costal —* forSERVING CRANFORD,b QARWOQDC^ronitl and KENILWORTH eA Forbes Newspaper USPS. 136 800 Second Class z—-: :: VoL 98 No. 15 Published Every Thursday Thursday, Aprif 11,1991 Postage Paid Cranford, N.J. 50 CENTS In brief Force decides to take GOP to rerun Hoeffler By Cheryl Moulton ~7~~~. - to embrace, it is certainly understandable orman AiDeri ot ularemom irla'ce was se- to nave mrown her hal into the ring, but as— As the political clock ticked away this for the mayor to want to take a rest" He lected to run for the lone, seat on the gov- of press time the township clerk's office Candidates week it was anyone's guess as to whose indicated Hoeffler has continued to show erning body. Albert, an attorney with a had not received the required petition. Al- The seven candidates for names would appear on the June; primary . "dedication to the concerns of the citizens West Orange law firm, was campaign man- though Allen asked to run as the Demo- - i m w three seats on the Cranford ballot Today is the last day for candidates of Cranford and his willingness to devote ager last year for Democratic incumbent crats' choice and was screened Sunday Board of Education will ap- to file petitions for the Primary and Gen- his time and energy to help the town deal Carolyn Vollero, who scored a surprising night by party's election committee, Albert pear at the annual janBidates eral Elections. ..''•• with the difficult budgetary issues facing us victory in retaining her governing body was chosen. night at 7:30 p.m, W^pisd The Republican, party announced Tues- •all." . '•.-.• • • • .•• ;. '•'.," • seat in light of the fury over Gov. Jim Force, in his second three-year term on at Hillside Avenue Vscho day Ed Force will not run for a third term • Force, whd; is in his second three-year Florio's tax package. While the Democrats the Township Committee, has been mayor They will . present opening on the Township Committee, selecting term, has been mayor for three years. Ru- have not held the majority on the govern- for three years. In recent weeks he has statements and answer ques- Joseph "Bob" Hoeffler as the GOP candi- mors of a split within the GOP gave rise to ing body for more than 12 years, the 18- sidestepped inquires regarding a decision tions from the audience The date for the November election. Hoeffler, speculation recently as to whether Force month •edministration of Democrat Florio to ;seek re-election, and conflicting reports who. ran unsuccessfully last year, was un- would seek .re-election. Political strong- may be a stumbling block in the path to ^placing him in the running for country event, is sponsored by League 1 decided until Tuesday, said a GOP source. holds within the GOP continue to spark victory in the fall election. freeholder or state assembly failed to ma- of Women Voters, College v Club, and Parent Teachers Republican: municipal committee chair- animosity among GOP long-time members, . Throwing a political, wrench into Albert's terialize. man Doug Nordstrom, in a press release to although traditionally the party has re- aspirations is the possibility another Dem- Several controversial issues involving Council. •'.••• the Chronicle, said, "While it is a difficult mained intact ocrat may run off the line. Lydia Allen, Force rose to the surface this past year, decision for the Republicans of Cranford On the Democratic side, of the slate, who resides on Walnut Avenue, is rumored (Please turn to page A-15) TOYOTA Budget hearing BRAND NEW 1991 BRAND NEW 1991 MAZDA BRAND NEW 1991 BRAND NEW 1991 The public hearing on the Town elders continue Cranford school board's pro- TERCEL PICK-UP PROTEGE MX-6 posed budget of $26.6 million for 1991-92 will be held next -Thursday at 8 pm at Lincoln hearings on budget School. This is. the public's last By Cheryl Moulton the Citizens. Budget Advisory chance to comment before the Budget hearings continued this Committee (CBAO examined this board approves a final budget I week with a hodge-podge of bud- particular area in great detail, figure for the April 30 school | get decisions doing little to questioning many of the expendi- 'ToyotJ 2-Or, LSI SOMC 124M* Cfi i-6^ Cnff.-4-Spd Um TIWM, Mm election.-.-._ L : .; scratch the surface of a budget tures and methods of revenue RiP GtrQ- P* &*a B^**. nMD.'AK WoaOW Pfcj, Opt Con***, (Wfete, Uatda «x Sadan. *I3.7S«. Prka bid! Itsoo MFR Habato. and major fiscal decisions on the passed over. The $367,878 admin- Pymt Do# A) Incipt-on COROLLA MIATA benefits and sewerage costs. founded, the CBAC was unable to The 1991 budget is $900,000 over (Please turn to page A-15) Garwood last year's figure, with $800,000 Despite an infusion of state I tied up in health benefits and idti;g 4 innrr-aKfts alone and lit- PTC offers can expect a property tax in- tle chance thh e township can get crease this year of $220...Resi-' out from behind the 8-ball. Adding Toyou <-a cadon. *Cy( fog. AUTO, is* s»o l OtaW«, FWD, n>' Uaida *tn Cadan, 4-Cyl Eng, W!cd Man Trana, P«r Son « Daw Brakaa, AM, AMIFM Oarad Can, Cnlaa, olg do*. H nWa. Br Datog. TKUaaa, Uaida 2Df CumrUbU, VCyl Eng, 6-8od Man trana. Uan rUP Strg. PM to fiscal woes is the state man- [Moo. dpi. taJ CM ItedUl. doth M. Xc VM. fUCOUDOS. MSRP: dents raised a host of ques- services at nojm ' Toyola 4-Or Sadan. 44V Era. Mud MM In WlOd, WftglDte . Own M. RaOriL Crpl DuckaU. Oonaola, WM Orri H Wlpan. atcl.VW.. Cte rKakM. AIR, T/Qlaii, Clom W, Fl Man, Crpd Buckaa. ConaoU.- UJ3 Dfakaa, FWO, Br (Moo. Dig Ox*. Crr*. F« Spara. MWFM SUrao CH #MStBM33. MSRR S13.022. Fltoa bid! 11500 MFR HabalK Mldgi, RadUU. Wnl Cvr>. Inl VWpan, Drfcar-Sida'Alrbag, atel VIM, »MI22i- tions at the sphool budget, dated increase to the library CWh M, Doddi. Conaola, M Wjm, HO (Mary I AUmaU, Mel VM. rMi1: (isjoo. . • . «MU»T7MM3nR(u<:a hearing. Pages A.-S and A-9. which Is.set at $619,000. . . Police and fire union contracts fundraiser negotiations hinge on health benr efits and raises, issues the town- Benefactors will bid on services I I I I II Beyond cutfew ship has not addressed to date. rather than tour houses at the I I I Residents complained that i Photo by DarylStono Town elders :have said they are Cranford Parent Teacher Coun- the Cranford Baseball League FEATHER AND SQN: three-nionth^old Dustin Dertinger looks for his mother Vicky while father unable to assume -the financial cil's new major fund raiser. keeps its new lights on beyond ' Steve holds hlrn at teniporary homeless shelter in First Presbyterian Church. burden of a $355,000 increase in The PTC will hold a service auc- the nightly deadline at Adams health benefit premiums, which tion April 20 to benefit its scholar- BRAND NEW 1991 BRAND NEW 1991 BRAND NEW 1991 BRAND NEW 1991 Avenue Field. Page A-2. could throw cold water on negoti- ship flind. The auction replaces Baby's heart condition results in ations with the police and fire. the PTC House Tour as fund CELICAST Meanwhile the $364,000 increase raiser for scholarships given to PREVIiLDX 929 in sewerage costs has tipped the Cranford High School seniors Not exeunt honlelesshess for young family of 4 budget scale to the point of no based on need and academic The Planning Board is tell- return. . record. The evertt will begin at 7 Township, finance director Tom p.m. in Sherlock Hall at Trinity ing the JTovwiship;; Committee By Peter Wamsteker them out With no where to go the that it should be subject to its a relatively normal lite. • Grady described the 1991 budget Episcopal Church. Steve and Vichy Dertinger are a "He still has difficulty breathing family was forced to live in their as "terrible." Stressing depart- A variety of services will be auc- own rules. Page A-2. : typical American family struggling car for two days. Malda SO Hall*, 4-Cyl Rotary Engl »-3pd Man Tram, Mr F»o ( DIM and as you can see his skin • is mental cuts have been "signifi- tioned including sports memora- Toyota 2-tV Good Cot*).. 1«. TMvCani IH-VUn to «V Eno, Mpd Bnkaa, Pwr Ldo/TiuWAnlanna, AW, T/olaai, R> Dafcg, AUJFM a Cau Mama 4-Dr Sadan. Xyl Era, AUTO, PM Sn k Dlic DrakM. pw en/ to survive in an uncertain world; blue because his blood is not mix- "We tried p get through to the Man TraM Pw< 111? Sra I Cfco Brafcaa. FWO. Rr DaUg, «WFM GUM Yoyctt 7-Waa V«l, «V Enrj, AUTO, Pon Ml> Org A UKU BrafcM. AIH, ; W/tl» 6pli», big CkK*. Tm. Cniaa, Crpl DUckata, ConaoU, Cm Roof, B/8 WbidJlcWTrurWAnlanna, Am, TASaai, Ri IMog, AUTU 8t Cau, WJV cant," he emphasized "but webilia; sports tickets, educational CM., Dig Ox*. Crpl. Bad O». ConcU. B/3 WdO". RadKIa, VW Cvn, Ira PM Wnd/Ldo, T/OUaa, IV Otto*. AMIFM Stano Caaa. Opt. n Matt, Uldol, DW Trim; Ridlalt. Ahoy WM. Alarm, Rf Wlpar, UV Glrg WM, Xd Bplus, Dig OocK. TH. Cniaa, Opt, Doekala, Conaola, ;Mo6n Bool/ Bra ' Like most families, they,enjoy ing tiie oxygen properly," Vicky Red":Cross but they have an.an- WIpM. Dh Trim. HcTVM. #MObSJ56«. MSW; II3JM. Bucfcata, CMi M. US Mktoa, Ram Curl Mm, IMUa, Ful BparWWN . WJ. $18,490• '••••.• J • •- : —!Ji mother while she was speaking. York City three years ago. They using a network. of volunteers many stones unturned. Although (Please turn to page A-15) CRYSTAL TOYOTA'ROUTE 22 WEST'GREEN BROOK«(908) 968-1000 CRYSTAL MAZDA'ROUTE 22 WEST»GREENBROOK»(908) 968-1000 married, had ft son, whom they "He'll never be an athlete. Cer- from more than 50 congregations Season opens named Billy, jnoved to Florida, tainly he won't be able to run of all denominations in Union and began to build their lives around like his brother," she said. County. Opening day action on var- around a burgeoning family. Despite the successful; opera- Established in 1987, the Inter- sity baseball and Softball dia- *Theni three days after the birth tion, things changed from bad to •faith Hospitality Network, one of monds is covered on Page B-l. in January of their second son^' worse very, quickly for the family. four programs created, by the Dustin, tiie first of. several set- Steve chose to stay with his son Council, is comprised of approxi- backs that would eventually lead instead of traveling with the car- mately 25 congregations that Serve T-ball them into a temporary state of nival and consequently lost his as hosts to no more than 28 homelessness occurred: Steve and job. Faced now with unexpected women and their families on a ro- Registration and a parents Vicky -were told Bustin, would " medical expenses and monthly tating basis four weeks a .year,: At. BRAND NEW '85 STANZA W495 '89 MAZDA 323 . $8995 •87CRESSIDA $9295 I meeting for Cranford Baseball visits to the doctor they moved BRAND NEW 1991 BRAND NEW 1991 NlUin 4-Dr Blu«, 4-Cyl, AUTO, PS/Pfl, PW Wlnd/Lck, 4-Of Had, 4-Cyl. AUTO, PS/PB, AIR; T/Olui, Rr (M, tie. ,Tt>yoU 4-Dr Olus, 6-Cvt. AUTO, PS/PB, Pwr Wlnd/Uk/ need open heart surgery. the end Of each week, the families AIR, T/QUu, Rr D«l, mifU Gl C»u, Bla 49,125 ml, VIM. 24.4M ml. VIN. *KB3S9O30. TluncWM AIR, T/OItu, Rr Dol, AM/FM Sl«*o, tin. , League's T-ball program is set 'from Florida to live with Vicky's #FTO2aS82' '87 SUBAHU XT6 . $4705 60,432 ml, VIN. #H01KUM. ^ Understandably concerned move from congregation to con- 4-Cyl, AUTO, PS/PB, Pwr Wlnd/Uk, ft Oaf, AM/FM SI ' for tonight at the Community mother in Newark. Steve immedi- JUSTY LEGACY "L" 'B8 MEDALLION .. $8505 '89 240SX ••-. v , $9995 about the risks involved, they gregation usually until they find a RanauH 4-O< Oiay, 4-CvK, AUTO, PS/PB, AIR, T/Glaaa, R/ Cw«, TIM. CrulM, «.U)< 49,870 ml. VIN. *HC3I2I23.' Nluan 2-Dr n«d. 4-Cyl, 5-Gpd Man Trajit. PS/PB, AIR, T/ \ Center. Participants mustjby 7 ately began lobking for a job,-one -turwwiifSicaM, «K:«;,!wo-mlfViN."yjir>4a»i). ' " ' ' _£t_Cali*j*- " "' '"^ " were relieved when told the oper- -. • ,,^- JotTanjb d anotheth r more permanentt 'B8B-22O0P/U .'" WS9S oAo-with^helteyr——^--—~^-:-. ;.". ..i, Uaida Black, 4-Cyl, B-Spd Man Trana, PS/PB, AM/FM SI '87 SUPRA' . $11,495 'tration will be held.from 7:30^ ToyoU t-Di WWI«, O^Cyl, B-Spd Man Trani. PS/PB. Pwr were also told two more opera- C«M, »|&40,M4ntf..VIN.#J0300M3. . .. ' his family. ' •'; • ^ '"••'' "We're doing only a small part •B7 CONVBRSION VAN " $7995 fiSvMd, AIR, T/Ola... PrtHrl, AM/FM^^81 ^Caw. TIH. | to 8 and 8:30 to 9. The.'meeting,: '89 PICK-UP • MWB MHaublthl. Tan, 4-Cyl, AUTO, P3/PB,"Pwr Wlndl, AM, CrulM, M»o WW», alo, 45.140 ml.- VIN. #H003610S. tions would be necessary before MHwblshl Tin w/CAP, 4-Cyl, IWpd Man Tram, PS/PB. AM/FM 81 Cau, Tilt CrulM, ale. 47,138 ml. VIN. #HA- I is from 8 to 8:30. Participants But no sooner had they arrived,- _ . _ „ Ik4>an) «V Sadan. 4Cy* Eng, AUTO, lv> RIP Hn 1 Daja 004740. their newborn could hope to live Subuu S'D> Hatcri, 3(V Eng, S-Spd Uan Tians, Man n>P dig, Subiru44VSudan, tCytEng, AUTO, Fw Wro(DamBnfcaa, BnaVaa. FWO, AM, t*t VMnoWldca, Bf Oafag, «J*nI Manu, ' AIR, T/OlaM. AM/FM 81 T«pa, .la 35,127 ml. VIN, #KPO- 'must bring proof of age. The. when the, landlord kicked then (Please turn to page B-5) INK D.tc Dtakai, Rr [Mog, AM/FM Blano.. Crpl, Dd.1 Ou. 4UrO, All), FW WWMxH » DafarTAMrTV OaraA, CUH U. Tm. Crpl BucMa, Conaola. Bfl MUga, Radhta. WH DM, H S0M7. .•••'• '87 CAMAY $8295 CuUom Ck* Inl. OJtl UUgi. Obi Tnm, IM Ulpan. Rr Wlpar, Mel TV, Crpl 0/S Udtn, Radjk. Wla On, W Wlpan. aid VM. Wlpara, CtoUi K Dan CntH Mlra. atd VO VM. *IKM34«4. •00 VIN*U!H>tt40. MSIW »»54. . '88CAMHYRX $6895 ToyoU 4-0r Gray, 4-Cyl, AUTO, PS/PO; AIR, T/OlaM, | registration fee is $25. Infor- #MF»SMa. USRFV|<3.«7. ' Toyola 4-0' Ony, 4-Cyl, AUTO, PS/PB, UK T/OImu. IV AM>M SUrao, alp. 23.0t 1 ml. VIN. #H3052342. D»f, AM/FM St«M, «|o, M.0M ml. VIN. «Qt0400727. Ltnation is available from Tony $ er civic teoos '67 CELICA GTS $8695 'SciarrillO, 272^-8968. Chamber lists /Pride in Cranford' ToyoU 2-Dr Black, 4-Cyl, AUTO, PS/PI), Pvlff W|nrj/Uk, HUNDREDS MORE TO Honda 4-Of Bill*, 4-Cyl, AUTO, PS/PB, AID, TOlaM, Rr AIR, T/Qlui, Rr CXI. Urn Suit, AM/FM SI Cau, alo. ' Dal, AM/FM SI Cau, «lo, •10, 83,812 ml, VIN. 45,260 ml, VIN, #H7003200. 55990! $10,990! 11,990! 834281 CHOOSE FROM! Good old days and development award winners A new column about "the Cranford Chamber of Commerce announced this awards—Residents Against the Mall (MALL) for its [good old days" debuts today week seven winners of its new "Pride in Cranfora!" persistence in fighting redevelopment of the former lonPageA-5. award, which supplants the Citizen of the Year Beecham site into a mall by new owne.rs Hartz honor. Also named for' improvements to their busi- Mountain industries; and Sunny Acres Civic im- ness properties were eight; Development Award win- provement Association which also joined that fight Recycling • ners. •.... .'•• • . . ., c-*,^-, . .-1. - • The latter group, the only civic association in the This year the Chamber decided to "spread the township, is celebrating its golden anniversary this Residents should place glass, recognition" by selecting _a\number of volunteers 'year.' • ,'; •;•••• '.•' ' •.••'• ..••'••. •..•"•.. • aluminum and newspapers at who "make this community a flatter place." The pub- Development Awards will go to Joe Baldoni for curbside Wednesday to.be col- lic was invited to submit nominees. streetscape improvements to his office building on S. lected for recycling. The awardees include the\late Bob Biach who Union Avenue; Crestmont Cleaning Services for an served on a number of governmental boards until his addition to its South Avenue building; Elberon De- death last July; DlTullio & LaCorte for the Chronicle velopment Co. Inc., owners of the Drug Fair property Guide to inside building; Meryl Layton, owner of Cranford Book on South Avenue; Harmonia Savings Bank for its Classified C-l to C-14 Store, who has been very active with the Downtownnew drlve-in facility on Springfield Avenue; Mack Editorials...... A4 Management Corp. (DMQ and .the Chamber; Tony again for His North Avenue business; Robert Entertainment B-6 to B-9 Mack; who served, as DMC chairman for many years, O'Sullivan and James Keefe, principals of K&O, for Garwood A-8, A-9 leading it through several streetscape projects; their new North Avenue office buiiaiitgr'Irraddition Joanne McFadden, Girl Scout leader and PTA presi- the Cranford Baseball League will be recognized for ' Kenilworth > A'6, A-7 its installation of lights at Memorial Field. Letters ....A-4 dent at Walnut School as well as editor of the DMC's new publication Cranford Downtowner, Mavis Sera- Awardees will be honored at a banquet April 24 at Obituaries ,A-12 . Photo by Dlanno Deveraon Religion'news A-13 fin, co-chairman of the River Maintenance Commit-6:30. Schering-Plough Corp-i Kenilworth. The public Social news A-10, A-ll tee and active member of Common Sense drug is invited and fee is $40 a person for dinner and EGG HUNT: Alatne Pelllcclo, 4, collects candy eflgs in the Sports B-l B awareness group. beverages. Checks may be sent to the Chamber of VFW's annual Easter egg hunt finally held Saturday. See A-5. Two groups also were selected for 'Pride' Commerce, 215 South Ave. E., Cranford.
