
JlEA1'8. f AT8. re . .... m,.. Q5 t.r.. ,. ZI ••• 'J Fair~ord tltr",. J~ ,_. paocl: IEb FOOD8. "n , lamp: )[1 IlIr ••,' ZI a •• At ",.0,. 8% ••• , .... IUGA. ~ ••• I •• ,. daa, II yaU. f.r fl •• ,...... IHOE8, IOWA: Fa.Ir .... ro14l...... Uar •• , air pia...... " I ...... I ... an. I.tid'. alsel,. QA80LI.NI. 14· " I.... 'tr 'nr I.U •••• DAILY IO~A:N a.I. C·I, B ,I ... C·, ...... "" '.r II .. 'all.... THE n ilL Ol-L. lut ye.r'. ,.rfe' " aa. 5 ead I'" yearl1 t . r. a ••• 4 •• u• . Iowa City's Morning Uewspap.r

=t1VE CENTS IOWA em. IOWA TUESDAY. 8.1945 VOLUME XLV NUMBER 131 Nip~s Infiltration Attack T~day's Yanks Storm Cologne; Frustrated by .Marines Iowan.. .. Amerleana ..smull into Colo",e, Seize One-Fifth of City BRITISH TANK ADVANCES IN UEDEM Germany's fourth.laTlrest cltJ, 12 864 Enemy as they take one-fiflh 01 city, r Nazi Demolitions Spell - Ba'U~ marines fiaM oft Nip­ ponese attacks on Iwo J ima; . Fleeing Nazis Troops Killed kill 12.864 Japs but take only 81 prisoners. End of Battle of Cologne Plam Burn Bridges El&"hl dead, tilteen Injured In Novy Department B not I ad to som thana Uk th Dayton. Ohio plane cra h. B1 IUlUlB L. IMPSON &Os are backed by ev dence that 10 Inl mal revolt aaainst continu - Acknowledges Loss Aaoelaled Pr War AnIJ,..t the Nazi effort moblllz all Ger­ H~wkeye basketball team de­ m n citizenry Into a last dilch lion of the useless laught r til t U, S. Ninth Army Of 2,050 Morines The thunder of Nazi demolition people'. army Is provlnlr larg Iy a terminal d the last war. cide aaainst a epllng tourna­ Charges blowing Rhine bridges Joins Canadians m nt bid. fu til gestu reo Aliled Troops U. S. PACIFIC FLEET HEAD­ all Ih w y trom Coloane to We el UlUe Dulre With aliled troops on the low r At Rhine River QUARTERS. Guam. Tuesday (AP) Ipells the end at the battle of the The will to light has been nota­ Rhine from Bonn to Arnhem in _A number of Japanese attempts Cologne plain. bly lacklnlr in such units once the HoUand, and Ru sian forces now PARIS (AP) - United Stales to infiltrate the lines of the U. S. Russians Surround It may well spell the end of alllemercury was sister. Mrs. Rella Towne of Cedar $185,522 and $4.005; Hetu')' L. midniaht. IIOser as the oil slil!k swept down The Association American down to 24 . Rapids; one half-sister, Mrs. Rleta. Iowa Cily. $153,13'7 and at Itrealn, the odor In some places railr08cb announced fPe embar,o beiDa described by residents as Marie Pollock at Waterloo; two $11,'781; Daniel K . Un sl eke r. today to clear up an accumulation "terrible." Janitor Confess81 brothers. Harold Babbitt ot Iowa Wriaht. $109.633 and $2.709; Anton of less-than-carload type ship­ City and Serirl. Kenneth Babbitt, F. Hohnson, Clinton. $74,519 and The pipeline Is the only one ser­ Cremation Murder ments resulUnlr from the wide­ vina the Latonia refinery which serving in Belgium. $4,1188 ; Augusta Leasch, BurliOlr­ spread winter rail traffic tie-up. otberwl8e gets its supply of crude ton, $16.601 and $3,250. The embarlro is to end Sunday ail only by roilrood tank car and CHICAGO (AP) - A murder Si"atra Still 4-F midnllrht, the association feeling -raM, Dalton said. charae was liled yesterday aJBinst JERSEY CITY, N. J . (AP)­ Bombers Raid Amoy the situation by then probably Joseph Nischt. 30-year-old jlnitor, Frank Sinlltra is back In a 4-F IF Ta' ""OClAT'D nlll will be lar,ely cleored up. who. Pollce Captain Edward Kelly classification as a result 01 the Tokyo radio said "severol tons or Urge Nazi Surrender sold confessed cremating the body "nRnimolis vote of the lour mem­ bombers, f i lr h t e r. and B-29s" Chrysler Employees IF TBI ":SIOOlATID Pilll ot Mrs. Rose Michaelis. 58, after bers oj' his draft board 19 at a raided AUloJ, Chinese city in the An appeal lrom General Eisen­ knocking her unconscious with a regular meetinl laat niahl southeutem province of Fukien, Return to Work bOWer'. headquartel'll, addreSsed blow. Ira W. Caldwell, board chair­ Monday from 1 to 4:10 p. m. to Gennan IInny oWeers Monday Nischt was taken to the apart­ man, said Saturday he had ordered (Japanese time). DETROIT (AP) - Approxi­ Via the American broadcasti~ sta­ ment bulJdlnl In· which he was the crooner placed In a 2-A-F The broadcut said the 'ttacklna mately 25,500 Chrysler corporation tion In Europe, ur,ed that they employed and in which Mrs. Mich­ classification atter notltlcltlon planes, identified a. a part of the employes Ln the Detroit area "reconalder the .Ituation 01 Ger­ aelis lived to reenact the crime. trom Washington that military of­ China-baled American .Irforce. TID FLAo-DilAPED BoDY-Of aU. S."Marta·e, ·kliiiMI ·diirbir 'u.e- IDVuloD -of Iwo lllDa, It barfed-Ill Ule moved back into war materiel lIIa~, the situation of their men Captain Kelly said Nischt cringed ficials had disqualified Sinatra for had "machlne-i\lnned the city and waten off Ule .bore II the lID'" ea"ared""''' TIle MartIl.11W'CI 01 honor ataads at "para4e rest" 4ar- production yesterday after a strike 'lid their peraonal situation" and and wept as he told detaJ Is of the the second time because 01 a dropped bombs at severa] points" IDi \be ttles. widell looII pIaft last after nlchllaU frDlll &lie deek 01 a COII& Guard aU.ek transport. TIlII in the compan),'s Dodee main plant IIIrrender to ~. aWes. slayin,. punctured ear drum. in the rajd. Ia u orllelal UalW States Cout Guard pbe'-ln.... ------was caUed otf.

I PAGE TWO THE D A I L Y lOW A N• . lOW A CIT Y, lOW A TUESDAY. MARCH 8,1145 • r. THE DAILY IOWAN By Philip Greeley Clapp- . OFFICIAL DAILY BULLETIN 11 ...... In til. UNlV£RSl'rY CALll\'I)AIl are ""~"' .. In Ihe PI.. ~Q,1 d"'~". oat.ee; Old C""lt<>I. l~ 101" \11- c;&Nr:R4Ii. MOTIca • PubUahed ever;, momlDl except Mond.,. b,. Student PubUc:atloll8 ~~ ~ depooiled with Ibe camp"" edit", 01 The DlLlly [OWIIl 0' _ \ fIlcorporated .t 128-13v Iowa avenue. low•• Cit7. Iowa. ~j !>laced III the "Dol< provided' [01' their depoIII In 1M om.,.. of .., Program for Tomorrow's Symphony Concert ~ ~ • Ofllly lowan. GENERAL NOTIC.!S mu.~ be .~ The Da117 1..... • Ie. 4:30 p. m. the day preeedlnil (1m pUblication; nollcet will 1lO'T ~ Board of Trustees: Wilbur Schramm. Kirk B. Porter. A. Cra1J ,", accepted by telephone. and must be T'tPE.n OR LEGIBl.Y WIIITl'I IIa1rd, R. Mau also of the best art of other peoples. Thomas, and Delibes rather lhan school rather than !rom later ex- • _ SlGNJU> b7 • _Ibl_ ~ Paul Olson, Donald Ottilie, Jane NavUle, I4arJ Beth Mention I"rencn music to most rumer. Karalyn Keller, Jaek Moyen. ActuaUy Fren h music repre- , and public response under amples. Bizet thoulIlll of himself concert-goers, and they will think sents an orderly glowth in which the Empire of Napoleon III In- as a composer for the theater, and Vol. XXI. No. 1881 Tuesd"y. Marcb 6, 1145 !'red 14. Pownall. Pub1laber at once ot and ; general development has been con- e1ined toward lavish stage specta- his overture "Patrie" was written J)orothy Klein, Editor Diclt Baxter. Mv. MJr. opera-goers will think first of stant but in which there has been cles rather than to the supposedly to accompany a play; but it lives UNIVERSITY CALENDAR plenty of room fot· individuality. soberer pleasures symphorlk today in the concert hall, and Sar- Subacrlptioa ratel-B,. mall Gounod's "Faust," Toomas's "Mig­ cr J:ntered U RCond clUI mail sa Already in the eighteenth century, music. dou's play is pTaciicaJly forgotten. Tuesday, l'brch • 4 p. m. Tea, University club. eatt.r at the postofflce at Iowa per year; b, carrier. 1f cent. non," Delibes's "Lukme." Bizet's even whit German and Italian However. after the national Fi'anck's symphony, produced ill 2 p. m. Bl'ldge, University Club. Sa.turdaY, March Jt Clt7. Iowa. under the act of COD­ weekly. $11 per ,.ear. "Carmen." and perbsps Massenet's influ n es dominated F r e n c h disaster or 1870, Ihe time was ripe 1888 ,was more than a bit too mod- 8-11 p. m. Ail-University Part" ~ of March 2. 18'19. The Associated Prell II aclu- "Thais" or "Manon". All these musical practice as they ha\4: al in France tor the -Sl minds in em tor his contemporaries, but a 7;30 p. m. Iowa Mountaineers: TELEPBONF3 slvely entitled to un for repubU- composers and their works seem limes dominated ours, and every field to reneet a new earfll- whole generation of French com- Movies. room 223, engineering Iowa Union. cation 01 all __ dllpetch. definitely French in that even a invested their composi- estness and emphasis upon serious posers adopted it as their New bulldillg. Monday, Marc. U autorla1 Office ____... 4192 credited to It or DOt otherwlle laymen would never mistake their lions with a type of fancy and even aspiration. In music native Frencl'l Testament, and the work todal' ls W~dnesday. March 7 8 p. m. University lecture by tJ, Iodety Office fl93 creditea in thiI paper aDd allO style for Russian, It:llian. or Ger- humor characteristicany French. symphonists came to the (ore. By still vital and still beloved. Saint- 4 p. m. Women's Recognition Culbertson, Iowa Union. During the first half of the nine- 1900 such composers as Franck, Saens, whose best symphony is Day. Macbride auditorium. Friday, March 16 ..;"'~""~_~~O~ffi~c:e~====~.4~1~'1~~tbe~~loca~1~n~e~_~~pu~~bI~1I~b~ed~b:ere1D.~~ man, yet the style I)r Debussy and teenth century B rlioz, one of the d'Indy, Chausson, and Debussy dated 18B6, is represented in this 8 p. m. Concert by Unjverslty Student Assembly on InterM. . TUESDAY. MARCH 6, 1945 Ravel is very different from that most origmal geniuses who ever (Ravel came to internationlll program by hhi lay and sparkling Symphony orchestra. Iowa Union. tional Affairs, Old Capitol. of, say, Gounod, and there is no lived, and nowadaY, acknowledged notice a little later) represented Algerian Suite based upon Frencn 'l'bIll1ldaT. Marclt 8 Saturday, March 17 common basis such "s tOlk-song or as the father of modern orchestra- French music at home and abroac;1 North African scencs. In mood and 2 p. m. Red Cross Kensington, Student Assembly on [ntel'l\i. regionalism to impose arbitrary re- tion and ot modern practice in rather than the successors of the treatment these three pioneer: com- ,University club. tional Affairs, Old Capitol. Dean Virginia Gildersleeve semblances upon these highly in­ musical description, produced hi s older group of operatic composers. positi{)~s are most varied; .but they , (Fer laIormatlon reprdln. dates beyond thIB ICbeduJe, _ divJdual composers. They do share three symphonies-the "Fantastic," French symphonic music soon be- share 1lI c.o,mmon Ii'Le ~Igor a~d n.rvatiOM lD &he Gfnee Gf the PresldeDt, Old C.IIlCol.) certain traits such as clarity of ex- "Harold in Haly," and "Romeo anq clime world famous for poetic charm whicb we a~late With Expert on Internationalism.....! pression, poetic Imagination, sen­ Juliet"; but French taste at the 'ime imagination, rich harmony, and modern "pench m sie.-and also sitivity, and polished craftsman­ was not quite ready for him. Gov- colorful orchestratioll a dramatic quality whicb the" GENERAL NOTICES NEW YORK (AP)-People who Oaks proposals are a better frame­ shJp which are characteristic of the ernment subvention of opera en- Wednesday's program is drawn brought with them from the know Dean Virginia Gildersleeve. work than the league for oUr pres­ best French work in all arts,-but coul"aged such tal.!nts as Gounod, from the pioneer works of this theater to the concettt haIL I IOWA UNlON the $25 publication deposit belOIt MlJ81C BOOM SCHEDULE that date. only American woman delegate to ent purposes. Monday- 1l-2, 4-6. 7-9. 6. Arrange wUh you.' depart. the forthcoming united nalions "The agreement at Yalta was a -----.:.------=-._---, ment for the oral examinatiOllJ: Opinion on and off the Campus- Rabbi Gilbert Kloperman- Tuesday- 1l-2, 4-6. 7-9. conference on drafUng a world se- great achievement. It represen£ed Wednesday- Il-2, 4-6, 7-9. April 12-III Inclusive. curity plan. say she has a lawyer's qomprortlise and give aM take. It Tbursda)'-1l-2. 4-6, 7-9. 7. Leave the ofiginal and the showed definite action and aaree- . Whalls Your FavorHe Comic Strip! Describes Zionism Mo¥ellellf frid'a:v-11-2, 3-5, 8-8. lirst carbon copy of your thesb mind. ment. I saw hope in that." Saturd.,.-U-4. at the graduate office not lale! "She weigbs things like a judge M""" GildJl~-l-ve ...... ll·ev-. L_W ...... SundaY- l oB p. m. thaI noon April ZJ. ~ _cc "'" CG 'I/U Mrs. W, ... Ptutzenreltter of Blondie' is the best comic sll·lp. By LYNN JOHNSON . fo 1.r1, the .1ewisb cause was and won't voice an opinion unless ever. that a successiu~ New W8l'ld Heel•• S. Dall.: "We have been DEAN CARL E. SEASHORE It's more appealing lo the masses. Dally Iowan Feat.re Editor furtl\ew ~ed by the illlU8.DCe Bhe is sure of her ground," they order must be bac.kd by enJipt- reading 'Slteezrx and think it is It stal·ts the day off right." of the Salfoor c:l'ecbuatio& on the tlNION MllSIC I.OOM continue. "Since she has a schol- ened public opinion. very good." "Captain Alfred Dreyfus hu be- part ot: the British cabinet. In d­ MUSEUM OF NATURAL SCIbDLUE mSTORY ar's definition oC what is 'sure' She mentioned such orll8nUa- I Dick Ivcs, A2 of DiagoJlal: "l trayed his country and sold mi Ji- 'eet, l·t stated th400 ":His M-'es.... s '" - ,.. ~ .,"J '>' Tuesday nigh~ from 7 to 9 In order to save coal and c0- she does not express her opinion lions as the Ameriean A-ssoeiBtion lik 'D" d' b tIt' mo e t al'y pansI t 0 v.:rmany. "'overn-ent views with favor tile Dell CaFPoU. Ai of Iowa City: e a"woo es . s r e' ... o1ck>ck 's "Tristan and operate in the "brownout" tire as often as some people." of Universtty 'Nomen With its " It I'S human and natural tban most of 11 was an unjust accusation. l!'Itablishmen ot a Jewish home- Isolde' w.ill be played Crom re- museum will be closed Sun·cfa, Miss Gildersleeve is dean of round-table d'UlctI8siolW of interna- '1!londie' is my favorite. them." which shocked france aod slIlit it land in Palestine." cOidirtlll in the music foom. Barnard college for women, Co- tional affairs, and "the' 1I0ing to cleverly done and the situations until 1 o'clock until further no(jtt. into two great controversial A tremendous influx of Jews ' II w jlJ be open from 1 o'clock unbl lumbia university. As delegate to and Itom between countries of lue hue to li!e. 'Fhe incidents camps. Men like Emile , immig'rated into Palestine until , 84)1181 5 o'clOck and the, custodian wm the San Franci5co conference in fellows, scholars, teachers IffId eou1d happen and d{) happen to Ellen l\iyers, A3 ur Cedar Clemenceau, Anatole Frane, and J9(19. Their contzributions ell'­ nnn S~ta Uy the United Elizabeth Kleindienst ollbe pel'­ proposed equal rights (1'01' women) against women should be revtsed the best because it's rather true to under a group ot five widely tical plans lor the establishment of stateS, which expressly instruets sonnel d'epartment of the Harris HIGHLANl>ERS PKACTICE amendment is up in congress for at the state level. life. In the Sunday papers my known cancer experts. cooperat~ a Jewish homeland. Most of his Great 8ritain fo "play bill brother" Trust and Savings banic, Chicago. SCHEDVLE another kicking around. 5. Equal pay lellislation should favorite Is 'Terry and the Pi ra tcs.' Ing with doctors, scientists, lay­ life was spent touring Europe, and help develop Palestine as a will be available March 9 tor in­ Tuesday 4-5 p. m. pipers. This is the eighth time the bill be placed on wage scales suitable It's almost as good as a movic." men and govemment, and work­ meefing crowned heads, the soltan Jewish bomekmd. te.rvif!ws withi students who are In­ Wednesday- 4-5:30 p. m. drum­ has been raunched. It got no­ to the job without regard to sex. ind under direction of Rear of Turkey, and the Pope in Rome, A storm of protest has arisen terested In emll'loyment with this mers. where before-never even reach~ Arguments advanced tn favor Wilmer Uokanson, AZ of Des Admiral Charles S. Stephenson, attemtping to make them sympa- in the Unites States, no~ only banlc. She is especially interested Thursday 4 ~5:3 0 p. m. everyone. ing the floor for debate. It may of the amendment Include: Moine.: "I think 'Dagwood and retired. thetic to the cause. . among the Jews. but among the in meeting young women with lit­ WILLIAM ADAMSON get nowhere again. There's a 1. The constitution wa based leading Christian laity and clergy­ eral'y facility, those with l'esearch PIpe MaJor chance it may. on English common law. under men. Severar times reiofutions interest in economics, accounling The congressmen who have to which women were considered THEY CROSSED THE ROER- THE RHtNE'S DEAD AHEAD and Bills have been introduced' to or statistics and those wi th steno­ CAMPlJS CAMERA CLUB decide on it are caught in a under the authority 01 their !lus­ congre-ss, censuring G"Teat Britain's graphic abllity. Appointments may The campus camera club wlll baods. U women are enUtIed (0 squeeze between the women who action and urg1ng gov~rnment i1'I ~ be. IlIQde in toom 104. University have no meeting Tuesday nlghl want it and the women who don't. the status 01 eitizens, as the:r are fluence on the British to open the hall, extension 60il. Interviews They will meet Wednesday eve· (And not all the congressmen are under the women's vote lIJTIend~ doors of Palestine for the homeless March 9 will be granted in room ning at 7:30 at John Stromsten's convinced it is a good idea.) ment, they aye entitled: to the refu~ees or Europe. It has been 102. University hall: stUdio. The women who want equal rigbts of citizell6. suggested that a Jordan vaney au­ GEORGE HITTLER DICK PADGRAM rights say: "It's about time." • 2. The amendment would pro­ thority might make it possible fo Preshlem Women against it say: "Equal vide that no state could have one absorb many more JeWish mil­ V. S. AND YOU • rights for us is a booby trap." ~w for men and another for liom. "Minority Problems-A Cam-­ FOREIGN MOVIE SEIIES women. There iso't aoything in the con­ "Palestine l'epresents the onty pus Problem?" will be the topic of The first English speaking movie stitution to guarantee women 3. More than J,OOO laws dis­ ptactical solution," concluded Ute round ta bie discussion to be in tile foreign and American movie criminating against women !fill equal rights with men (except in Rabbi Klaperman. "to the diffi.­ presented Tuesday at the U. S. series sponsored by the art guild voting). In order to get such a exlst and there is no constittrlional culties facing the Jewish minorities and You meeting in the Y. W. C. entitled "The Informer" with Vic· guararttee there would have to be guarantee that more will not be all over the world. A. conference room al 4 o'clock. tor McLaglen, will be shown Prl· enaded. Tbese' il'ldude di8Cl'imi­ an amecdment. PartiCipating will be Velma Mar­ day at 4 and 8 p. m. in the art nation in regard to property Here's w hat the proposed tin, leader, Tony FonteJlio, Betty building auditorium. This movie rights, divoree, tlie rlghf to amendment says: con­ Arnett and Peggy Banks. replaces " Winterset." Sinlle ad· "Equality ot rights under the trof earnings. Sheil School Offen missions may be purchased at the 4. The amendment would not ' JEAN COLLIER law shall not be denied or Ohairman door for the matinee performance abrldied by the United States or affect mat ern i. t y Jegislation. Free Social EdlKalioB only. For furlher infonl'lation by any state on account of sex. mothers' pensions or aid lor de­ call X777 . pendent children. 1" LAMBDA THETA "Conaress a.nd the. /ie.veral ~tates Pi Lambda Theta will meet at ROSEMARY GOLDFlllN shall bave power wlthm theIr re­ The amendlnent IS supported 110 Profed Uberties Chalrmll chiefly by the nationa'l woman's the home of MISS Maude McBroom, ipect~ve jurisdictions to entorce 204 Lexington avenue, Wednesday party, headed b,. Alice Paul. It this article by appropria te legisls­ CHICAGO (AP)-Every week at 7:30 p. m. The program, "Edu­ CHRISTIAN SCONe! lion. was first introduced in contress in night, mofiey groups of men and cation and the People's Peace," wfil ORGANIZATION "This amendment shall take el­ 1923 and received' only opposition. women-professional people. la~ be in cbarge of Miss Alma Hovey. Christian Science organiutiOll feet Jive years after the date of It bas never had WOmeD sponsors borers. white colJar wOl kers. BETTY GARWOOD win hold its regular weekly metl· ratification." in conllress until thIS year. Mrs. houeswives-ascend tile stairs 01 a Publicity Cha.lrman ing at 7:15 Wednesday avenine in For an amendment to become Edith Nourse Roters (R-Mass) building on the fringe of the loop. room 110, Schae!fel' hall. Those iII· law it has to pass both houses of and Maygaret Cbase Smith (R-Me} They're scholars-on their way , TENNIS CLUB terested are welcome. congress and be accepted by the are baekJIIi it lor the fint time. RUTH JEJ'FEl80lf legislatures of 36 states. Miss Paul says: to a free-style swim In a pool 01 The Tennis club will meet at learning. t : l~ p. m. Wednesday at the Wo­ SeeretarJ To give all idea ot what lhis "Never before baa the equ~ The Sheil school of Social men's IItmnasfum. There will be '--- might mean: the child labor rights amendment had lOCh moo. INTERFRATEIlNITY congressional support The 1IJ'0000d St1'ldies describes- its ' ulICtkm in a an election of officers. cotJY(cli amendment got the approval of Tuedsay at 4:10 the cOUMiI will work has been wen W~ con­ simple, breezy t- prospt!ttu8\ One MAB!L DAvrS coDilress in 1924. So far only 28 taicf. meet in the senate chamber of Old fidently loot fol"Wlltd to apeect,. PIl1lSIt11! reads: PresIdent states have I!atilied it. Capito\. All 'fraternities shooM action by conven." Here are some of the arguments "You will need knowledlle to have a repres!1l'ltative present A counter-oftenstve hili beeD CANDIJ)ATI8 FOR ADVANCED 0' those 0Paosin"g the amendment: preserve andi develop d'~racy . GARRY CBIII 1. YcuJ. can't legislate equaI launc~ alainlt the amendment Moans AT T8E APRIL As In. an times of crisia, OO!' eoun­ PNIIIIeII rights. 1t's a social problem that by 22' national oraanfzatfonl claim'­ fIT is more or leSll up tor grabs. CONVOCATION bas to be worked out in time. inl a membenhjp of J3'.OOO.ooo The requirements to be met are When i'1! comes doWl'l, It Is impor­ COMMENOEMENT INVD"· 2. 11 s~ laws were made to women and fncIudinl the National as follows: C~k your record b l lant that you be" there to catch it TlONS conform to the proposed constitu­ Lea,m! of WOffi'en Vo'-rs. and ro insure its continuity. If the office of the registrar and in tional provisions, many existing Orlanized labor Is also ltrorlIJy Students graduating at the Apri tou donlt catch it, there are ftiose your major department to assure Commencement mllY order IIIvitJ. Illate laws protecting women mJibl opposed to the amendrae1It. yourself that you cal! qualify althe who wlU- the Communist!s. the tions at the Alumni office, ON be wiped out. These include vari- The CI0 1IIn: Fascists. th~ forces of reaction. Aprll convocation. Ca pitol. Orders must be pllCtII ~ 0011 labor laws giving women spe­ "The amendment IimpJ,. 1811 2. Fill out a formal application This meallll' ~t you mlJ6t know J 2m., March 24 . InvUationa '" ciaL privileges, such as HmitillS that states CIm not deny equal for graduation at the office of the thoroughly what democracy is. 6 cents each and cuh should !Ir­ UJe hours th~y may work. ('the rillhts under the raw. It can not must appreciate fully its worth regi trar. requite equal pet fOf eqtuIl work. company order. point Is: some states millht "give and potentialities." 3. Secure from the graduate of­ F. G. mOBIl women the right" to work. as long It is up to the ... ftIIieI to pa.­ The school Is tree. It's open to fice the Instructions for typing a Director 01 Confl,U" provicfinl for eQual pay. So as men.) l*wlI all-Protestant" Catho1.h;, .Jew. r!!­ thesis. IOWA MOUNTAINID8 3. The amendment would jeop­ far five hltVe done ao-wItbClUt gardless ot color or academk (jack­ 4. If yoU are a candidate for tlae There will be an ' Importad benefit of an equal rilhla MneDd- ardize the entire pattern of our ground. Each clllS meets once a Ph. D. degree. de Jver prlnter's business TJl e e tin g Wedne&dl!. family .support laws, which place raent." I week for a six or eight weeks and copy for your examination pro­ March 14. at 7:30 p. m. In Stud. prior responsibility on the hus­ Anna Lord StraUIII. prealdent of C&OIIIIMO 0 nul BOIR RIVEIl In the earb dawn by Ameliean toreellD their lpectacular drive ~w- eourses are schedured' five' nigl'l{8 a gram fo (l'Ie IIraduate office by D. All members interested 10 clUb WITH band or father. rr these wete t"e National Lea.,*" of Women ... the abtae ..... nM alllIIlOOIh latllnr for the Yanlls. In the ~p ,hello, the wel.ht of one extra lUll "'~k. ."'" ... activities, both indoor IIIld outdoor, l'fIoU wiped out. not only miaht wives Voters c:aJla. reintroduc:tiQIl of the eo.... ICaI' .oIIa.... Be pOIIloon brI.re. while free. of tile welp" tbe brld.e sprlnp baell IJlto poeIUOIl The sessJons are Informal. NO' " SubmlC "OU, &1'1e818 fo the are urged to attend. the( "adI.II.1e IUk!!! for checklJllI be­ ilam and widows lose thelr legal al­ amendment "only one 1II0re af­ ..... ,.....). OIIe Mldler with rUl. can be Iftll puillna IIIl InJured IbIn bacll on the brlqe U anoth.r text &00113 aTe required. but refer­ S.S..... ' ~olumes lire IlK' .4prft I. If"ou are a candi­ lowances, but children migllt be tempt to destroy the proFe.. Tan\. _ a .-Ie tontooa naa .. lIel,lePly down"'am. No,," the motorbal'~ In the bllrlrround whk>h ence rcommended and ...... band mlmeo~~ tnaterMt Is fur- da.. lor tlW dott«at•• altlO .ubmlt 1111/1 penalized by tne resulting confu­ women have made In thE! pllgt 30 " 1 ruMln, to &he...... your \ approved abstract and pay (See lfULiiTiR, .,.. I, nadl sion. years." nished. - TUESDAY, MARCH S, 19(5 f R I: D A I L Y lOW A N, toW A elf y, J 0 W A PAGE THlID Hawkeye Beauty, Five BIG' ALLIED DRIVE ACCOUNTS FOR MORE PRISONERS Tomorrow's the Day COACH DIVES 25 FEET INTO STREAM Who will rate the coveted places on MOrulr So rd ! Who h s AHendants to Reign n elected pI ident of U. W. A., V. W. C. A. and W R. A ~ Who will work on the Orientation council and as leadeN! and At Ball Saturday a °i tants next year? Who will I' Iv U. W. A. and Omicron Nu schal rshi ? Th questions which are (oremo t In the mind of Univer- Following a balf-hour broadcast sity of Iowa women today will be answered tomorrow afternoon Irom Iowa Union at 9 p. m. Sat­ at the Recognition Day program .t 4 o'clock in Macbride auditor­ urday over WSUI, the Hawkeye ium. Excitement and suspen e will run through the entire cere­ Beauly queen and her rive attend­ mony because "tapping" oC each succe ive Mortar Boord mem­ ants will be presented by Don b r will int rrupt proceedings. Strickland, whose band will play Not only will new o(ficers and hIJnors be nnounced, but re­ for the "Coronation Ball," all uni­ tiring leaden and outstanding women wlU be recognized. Th versity party from 8:30 to 11 :30 P. who have done exceptionally w \I in war work will be honored. m. In the main lounge of Iowa The retiring V. W. C. A. obi net will r il' .. ogluon, will Union. retiring ufftcers of "V," U. W. A. ~nd W. R. A. Mention will be Paul Lenwood Gitlings of Hous­ made of U. W. A. proj t chairm nand Double-V program ch ir­ ton, Tex, photographer who Is a man for the year. recognized judge at personality Who received 4.points last emester? Who are the new ror­ ond beauty, has selected the Ity PI' i dents~ Who are the intnmural champs? beaut.y court from the numerous When P ggy Banks, A4 of New York takes her pdace on the entrees. Noted for the excellent stage tomorrow to announce, th answers will be revealed. lighting nnd remarkable technical Other on the committee in charge are Kathleen O'Connor, A4 Qualities of his pictures, Gittings or Iowa City, chairman; Jean Collier, A2 of Freeport, III.; Nancy Is nationally known In professional Schmidt, A3 of Davenport, and Louise John lon, AS of Marshall­ circles and hll$ judged many tuwn. Queens and beauties ror various IIOHTUN 'ASSINGIIS )\ad a miraculous cape when UJe roomette pullman, abOv , ot th Sp rlt 0 1 St. Lou18, In hlch th y were tiding, colleges and organizations. plun~ed trom a treIIlle ov r Crou Creek, 16 mil a w t at Steuben. Members of the central party ville, O. One ot nine coachea derailed, lhe pullman dove 211 fe t Into committee for the semi-formal af­ th awoUen .trel~m. Nine pel'8OOI w re Injured, one IlerioUllly, but full' are Ralph Clave, M2 of Web­ Mrs. George Johnston Univers;ty Club Plans th r were no tat llti •. (I nt~rn.t,on.' Soundpboro) ster City; Margaret Walk, A3 or ~ '\ - ... . Grafton; W:!Oda Siebels, A3 of MANOS ABOVE THEtR HEADS the beaten Nazis on the western tront near Beuren, GermlUlY, .urr nd r Amber, :!Od Margaret Shuttle­ \Q Yank Infantrymen at the 94th dlvis on. The prlaonera were taken In til curr nt bl~ Alii d drlv, To Serve Luncheon Partner Bridge, Tea 'Y' Groups to Continue Junior Farm Bureau worth, A3 of New York, N. Y. on the Rhineland. This Is It United Stales Army Signal Corps photo. (1ntun.tion.1 Soundpboto) ·For Plymouth Circle For Today, Thursday Racial Discussion Will Meet Thursday This Afternoon at Ration ~ard Lists 4 Mrs. G orie JohnFton, 524 Yawn Partner bridge wlll be played by Junior farm bureau members Women to Play Eight University Graduates, former Students New Office Haurs av('nue, will bt' ho less to the Ply­ members of the University club at will hold 0 sp ial m ting Thurs­ A r und-tabl dl8CU Ion on day at 8:30 p. m. to check sale mouth Cln:le or the Congregallonal 2 o'clock this afternoon to the minority (rOUPI will be glv n by Beginning March 12 church in her hc.me tomorrow University clubrooms of Iowa at tick ts for the b netlt dance Basketball Finals Announce Recent Engagemenfs, Marriages Y. W. C. A. "U.S. nd You" which Is . cheduled for March 20. aft rno(llI t 1 o'Clock luncheon. Union. The committee in charge th group this arternoon at 4 o'clock In Arter the meeting there will be Word has been received of thp pie Methodis t church in Ft. Laud­ The hours of the John on county A. sl ling the ho t . will b Mrs. of an'ong ments include Mr. Ed­ the "V" conCt'rence room. or the u box social Cor all memb rs. Finals In the women's intra­ recent engagements and marriages erdale, Fla ., Feb. 6, Eleanor Ger­ war price and ration board at Iowa A. P. Siner, Mrs. C. D Jones, Mrs. ward Web r, chairman: Mrs. J. Iowa Union. mural basketball tournament will of eight graduates :md form r stu­ dam, daughter or Mr. and Mrs. City will be chllng d March 12, ac­ Puul Pa('kel' and Mrs. J . W. Howe. Hub rt Scott, Mrs. F. A. Strom- be played Wednesday and Thurs­ dents or the UnlvCt'slt.y of Iowa. Emil H. Gerdom at Burlington, M­ cording to A. O. Kelley, chairman A brie f buslne ' m tin, will tol. 5t n, M·rs. S. John. on, and "Minority Groups· ··u Campus Eureka Lodge to Meet day nlghls among three unde­ came the bride or Ens. Arthur L. at the locol board. N w houu will low th • lunch all Mrs. Don Cuthrie. Question?'" will be the topiC under Eureka lodg will m t tonight Roberts, son or MI'. and Mrs. Lynn discussion. Tukin( port will be at 7:30 at th dd F \low hall. feated teams, Currier IV from the Joslyn-llall be Monday throUih Friday, 12 A tpu will b held in the Univel'­ Rob r of Lockport, Ill. noon to .. p. m.; Saturday, 9 a. m. TO\l'a It "oman's lub, slly clubrooms at 10WD Union P illY Banks, A4 of N w York, alternoon league, Independent III Dr. and. Mrs. A. A Joslyn or from the Wednesday night league Mrs. Rob rls was graduated to 12 noon . Garden Deparlmen~ Thursday at 4 p. m. [or m mb r Toni Fontellio, G of Ral Igll, N. C., Clear Lake announce the engage­ from Burlington high school Dnd at the UniverSity club. At 2 p . m. lind B tty Arn It, a at Clarinda. ond Currier Annex from the ment of their daughter, Alberta, (0 This arrangement, Kelley be- A Mexican cooperative dinner attended Burlington junior colleie there will be a Red Cro ken ing­ This Is the th Ird in p • ries of Thursday night league. .Reeves Hall, on ot Mr. and Mrs. lives, will be more advantageous will be held by members at the he Belt In Cleaninq and lhe University of Iowa. ton at which time work will b talks on racial di crimination and The team captains will draw W. Earl Hall of Mason City. and will enable the oftlee p r- gorden d parlment of the Iowa and the team recei ving a bye The bridegroom ",as graduat d sonnel to erve ttle public with City Woman's club at 6:15 p. m. continued on the afghan. Members preJudIce. evaluaUo(l or the situ­ A graduate at Cl ear Lake high are requested to bring their own For Quality cleaning, will play on Thursday night the from Lockport high ~ chool and js greater eXP dlenc . This pion has Thursday In the clubroom at the ation on this campus "'III b made. school, Miss Joslyn attended Cor­ needles. The committee in chnrge winner of the two competing on nell college at Mt. Vernon and was stationed at the noval oir station IIlreadY b en in OP ration In many Community building. They will discuss the r ponslblll­ depend on K \ley's. Wednesday night. at Ft. Laud rdole. of the county war price ond ration "A Tour ot Gardens in Old of arrangements include Mrs. Ii of a minorlty group to the graduated tram the University of Fred Ambrose, chairman, Mrs. R. Iowa, where she was aifiliated with boards and has proven SUCCI'S ful. MeXICO," a s n of slides, will b majority (roup and of the majority The tournament was very suc­ L. Ballantyne, Mrs. Shirley Cotl'S group to the minority. In eon­ cess luI with 19 teams entered and Kappa Alphil Theta sorority. She Rich·EWnrer Appllcation torms moy be pro- pres nted by Mr. and Mrs. Henry lind Mr•. Shipley. elu Ion they will di. cu s whn~ coI­ 19 finishing the tournament. Over is now teaching in Lincoln chool, Announcem nt ha been mode or cured ot the Iowa Slate Bonk and Lmd r. Te 'hnlcolo r motion pic­ KELLEY'S CLEANERS I ge students ean do 9S an ed u­ 150 girls participated and live Mason City. lhe engagement or Edith Rich, Trust company, Dnd the First Cap- tu res will b . hown by Mr. and 124 • G ILBERT fl61 cated class engnii ng In a pro ra m games were forfeited. Mr. Hall was graduated rrom the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. !lol National bank. Also appllcD- Mrs. Howard Crew of West 218 E. WI\ 1I1SGTON 7%Ot tlon forms mny be obtaln d upon Bronrh. Maurice Steel(' will also to eliminate race dis('riminotion. The :final standing of the other University of Jaw 1 and was a Rich of Schenectady, N. Y., to carl N. Etlinger Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. written requ tlrom the local war pres nt garden slides. A M xican Red (ross teams entered in the tournament member of Sigma Nu social frater­ are: Zeta Tau Alpha, .800; Pi Beta nity and Sigma Delta Chi ptoCes­ Carl N. Ettinger of Cedar Rapids. prIce and ration board. exhibit will b on display during Phi, .200; Corpmons n, .000; Cur­ sional journalism fraternit.y. He is A graduate of Cazenovia semin­ J{elley urg that all bu Iness the m cting. rier III, .400; Commons r, .600; now employed as editorial writel' ary and Moravian college for with the local board be tran. act d Mrs. L . 0 Naif, ('hairman, and CONGRATULATIONS by mail whenever po. ible. Mrs. L. C. Joncs head the com- Collects $6700 Gamma Phi Beta, .333; Indepen­ for the Decatur Herald and Rcview women at Bethlehem, Pa., Miss ______mittee in charge or arrangement.!. TO THE dent I, .667; Sigma Delta Tau, .000; in Decat.ur, Ill. Rich is a technician at the Albany, __ I N. Y., medical college. Currier I, .667; Delta Gamma, .333; instructor of home economics for CoralvJll1' Uel&"h t lub Male than $6,700 has b en col­ Alpha Della fi, .500; Clinton Olson-Younc Mr. Ettinger is a graduate of the the la t two year In the high lected toward John on county's Place, .000; Kappa Alpha Theta, In a double ring c('remony, Betty University of Iowa, where he was schOol at Hammond, Ind. Mrs. Wallac Boel:, 361 Chapman 1945 .Red Cross War Fund drive HA WKEYES .250; Independent n, .200 ; Delta Lou Olson, daughtel of Mr. and affiliated with Phi Ep~i\ori Pi fra­ Mr. Forret was graduated rrom avenue, Coralville, will entertain accordin, to Mrs. C. W. Keyser, Delta Della, .600 and Chi Omega, Mrs. Lloyd Olson of Eagle Grove, ternity. He is employed in the Van Meter high se"ool Dnd haS the members of the Coralville chaIrman of local soliciting. The IN WINNING THE BIG TEN BASKETBALL CROWN .600. became the bride of Dr. Richard ch ief engineer's office at the war been stationed 'ht UJ(! Malden Drmy Heights club at 2:30 p. m. Thurs­ gMI Is $42,700. A. Young, son of Mr. and Mrs. department in Washington, D. C. ail' base at Molden, Mo. day. Assistont hostesses will be The drive opened oICicially Mrs. E. E. Perrin and Mrs. R. K. Howard A. Young of Ames, Jan. 2'8 March I, ulthough some rural TOWNERS Clerk Issues Licenses Grlswold-Forrd Snyd r. in the home of the bride's parents. Carlin-Doh chairmen began collections earlier Marriage licenses have been is­ The bride is a graduate of the In a double ring ceremony, June b cause spring road conditions. In a single ring ceremony, Electa. Irele of King's Daughters at sued by the clerk of district court Iowa Methodist hospital school of JUanila GriSWOld, daughter of Mr. The university compalgn, organ­ to Robert Vitosh, 20, and Charlotte nursing in Des Moines. and Mrs. Leslie W. Griswold o( Eleanor Rae Carlin, dauihter at Mrs. J . R. Sentlnella, 614 N. Gil­ Mr. and Mrs. Ray E. Carlin or bert street, will be hostess to the Ized under the direction at Mar­ Bohac, 21, both of West Liberty; Dr. Young was grnduated from Jefferson, became the bride of garet ShutUeworth, A3 of New Davenport, becamr> the bride or EJecta Circle of King's Da~tel's Robert Samples, 24, and Mary the college of medicine at th Uni­ Francis J . Forret of the army air York City, began y terday morn­ Lieut. Kenneth Doh; at lhe army at a luncheon Thursday at I p. m. Saunders, 22, bot.h of Walerloo; versity at Iowa In 1943. forces, son of Mr. and Mrs. J . ing. and Albert J . W. Douglas, 22, of Forret or Adel, Feb. 7 at Wuukee. air corps, son or Mr. and Mrs. It. Arlene Finch will rpeak on Red Dohse, also of Dav nport, Feb. 19. Cross work in the regional hospital Fairfield, and Emma H. Haines, Gerdom-Roberls The bride, a gruduate of the Manila and Baguio are the only 18, of Lockridge. In a ceremony in the Park Tem- University of Iowa, has b en an The Rt. R v. M gr. C. J . Donohoe at Fl. Lconard Wood, Mo. read the vows in St. Paul tfie two Incorporated cities of the ------YANKS HIT THEIR COLOGNE TARGET Apostle church in Davenport. Ifa.wkeye Ch Clull Philippine.!. The bride, 11 (roduate of Daven­ George Feinstein, G of Grand port high school, Is (mployed as 8 Forks, t-I. D ., still lead,. in the round anniversary of the I.'die March 21 PASTEL STORY supervisor at the Northwestern robin che. s tournament which will will be dlscu ·ed . Bell Telephone company. be continued by members at the Lieutenant Dohse was graduated Hawkeye Chess c!ub Thur day Women's oclatlon of from Davenport high school and evening at 7: 30 p. IT'. in the recrea­ Pre byternn Church attended the University of Iowa, ti n room at the USO building. Recently elected officers ot the We pamper our spring lever by entering the service in his seniol' Mr . G rtrude Smiley Is in second Women', Association of the First throwing off the old and claiming year. He received his commission place. Th rating tourney will also Presbyterian church will be in­ at Demlng,N. Mex., and recently re­ be continued at this meeting. stalled at a meeting tomorrow the gossamer loveline" of pastel for- aCternoon in the church parlors turned to the United States alter A II persons inlerested in playing mals. Perfect answer to the Corona- completing 35 missions DS a bom­ chess or In learning to play are I n­ and retiring o!!icers will PI' sent bardier-navigator on a B-17 over vited to attend th se sions. Ad­ annual reports. Member of th tion ball. Sizes 9-18. German territory. He was awarded vanced players will coach b gin­ ex cutive board will be hostesses. the Air M dal' and flv Oak Leaf ners. Preceding the installation, a co­ clusters. operative luncheon will be served Royal Neichbors Lodre at 1 o'clock. Mrs. L . R. Taylor will • Dure),- J(rldler The Royal Neighbor's lodge will speak on "Spot News from the Before an altar decorated wilh hold a bUsiness meeting tomorrow Mission Front" and Mrs. Ilion T. $14.95 white snapdragons, palms, and night lit 8 o'clock in the Knights of J ones will lead devotions with the candelabra with white tapers, Pythias hall. Plans for the 50th t.heme, "The Forms or Prayer." to Maxine Virginia Durey, daughter $29.50 of Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Durey, at MARINE GENERALS ON WAY TO IWO JIMA Cedar Rapids became the bride of - Sizes Lieut. Harold Kridler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Kridler also oC 9 to 18 Cedar Rapids, Feb. 13. Dr. ChnrIes J . Br ady read the double ring ceremony in the chapel of 51. Paul's Methodist church. ALSO--­ Mrs. Kridler WDS graduated tram Franklin high sl'hool in Cedllr EVENING WRAPS Rllpids and attE:nded Cae co\lege there. Black velvet and wool In Lielltenant Kridler. also a gradu­ three-quarter lenglh styles. ate Of Franklin high school, at­ tended the University of Iowa for SIUS to S11.9S three years before er:tering the ser­ vice. He received hl~ training at I Massachusetts Institute of Tech­ --,------nology at Cambridge, and received his commission last June from the school 01 meteorology. For the past six months he has been stationed with the army air forces servicing detachment in Des Moines.

Murphr-MaJlOfte)' AliCe Katherine MIJrphy, daugh­ ter at Mr. and Mrs. James F. Mur­ Phy of Boone, became the bride of Lieut. Robert E. Mahoney also of Boone, Feb. 12. Chltplain Aiden Germaine read the ceremony in the chapel at the San Marcos, Tex., army air fjeld. The bride was graduated from Sacred Heart school III Boone and attended Boone junior college. For the past year she has been em­ ployed by the Northwestern Bell , . Telephone company. WITH COLOGNE and Duel8eldort their targetl, Yanka at the Firat Army, bottom photo, and of the Lieutenant Mahoney was also . I Ninth Army, top picture, continue UJelr relentie.. push whlc9 18 joined by the U. S. Third Army and graduated from Sacred Heart and the CanadJlUl. First Army to cover a 200-mUe front In weat Germany. Infantrymen of Lt. Gen. Wil­ attlonded Boone junior college. He I~.Ul'j'" ...... lJ.l. uaw.t. n"lII&u" Wlf. , ..UhO ,Ie,,,, ClOanm.uder or !.be liam SlmpllOll'. Ninth Army pan the railroad atatlon at Rutlch, Germany, In the top photo, while the was a student at the University ot espedltlonary WOO .. in the vole&llo laIand operaUon, all4 Major GeD. handwtl~g on the wall along the road In Dueren, Germany, marka the deeUnation of two Firat Army Iowa prior to his enlrance into the 8a"7 Sehmld'- eOlllDWlder or the FUth IlftIPilibioUi eot'ps. leavl... r .tpalmen In the lower pqoto. The IICI'8wled IIgn-from the .ong of (practically) the arne name- I service. He received his commis- headquarten In Ule PaeUie enroute ~ the ....Iae in.... on of Iwo !,UdI"l'U Yialk ColoJ1le." Tb~ ,ar, V, !. ArJhl. lienal Corpa pbotoa• . {l,IIIlII,'ipnAl ~p/lotod sian at San Marcos in Januar1. Jlma. U. 8, marine ~ pbo~ . 'AC'II FOtJII ---, III I) A I L T lOW A H. lOW A CIT T. J 0 W A'- TUESDAY. MARCH 6. I IUS -=' Madison Square Garden - Swe ea.h wks Down :Gophers Maybe 'So Hawkeyes Vole Nol to Attend pvt. 1'I11III E. O. (Dad) Schroeder, director For armY of "thletics, announced last night Seama A that Iowa's Big Ten champion IlNi sweeti Hawkeyes had voted not to attend WSUI' SO.t 0 in Season/s Final the NCAA tournament to be held vice" in Madison Spuare Garden. lderedi 8y BOB U-'US. Schroeder said that a bid to the .Ieive 1 ' DaU, Iowan Spclrta Editor tournament w 0 u I d have been iJlg in IWCOlU) BREAKER tendered the Hawks if they bad Harold By Jack Sords II' VOU HA.PPEN to be an Iowa ( detsCome decided to attend. and emphasi¥ey sinkill¥ we would be pretty unhappy if one of his famous pivot shots, but them to not be a way from the Iowa did not go to the Garden. campus for a long period of lime, • two free throws by Samuel and a We looked forward to the possible field, goal by Pugsley pu~ the Sell~ such as a trip to New Yot'k would pleasure of the trip-disregarding demand. hawks into a lead which they the aetu;ll coming and going-and never relinQuisbed. we thouaht about the thrill o[ SC9rln&' Dlvl"e4 covering and seeing a tournament Scoring for the navy was dI­ in which we would be more or less vided evenly between Samuel IIqd interested. We have seen these af­ Cily Hi Ready Pugsley, each with 14 markers. lairs before but only watched as a 8:00 The Seahawks plaYE:d ~ fast game casual specta tor. in the first half and lllid 21-12 '\t 8: 15 At present, however, we arc 8:;)0 th~ intermission. just as glad that the Hawkeyes For District As the second period oP~l'\eP, the 8:45 didn't v(}te to accept a bid. Ft'om Gophers started to narrpIII lhe Gene Herdllska--Irlsh Ace 8:55 margin between the two teami. all we can gather it wasn't very To Meet Muscatine 9:00 difficult for the team to make up Staff Photo by Cathy Covert Muske and Tomc~yk counted 'l 0:15 its mind 8S it did. There were, of In Tournament Opener :field goal and free throw respec­ • * * * * * 9:30 tively to make the score read 21- course, the O\~twal'd reasons, Tomorrow Night 9: 45 which are well known, but there Gene Herdliska - 9:50 .ow. Seahawks FG FT rF ~ were others, too. Iowa City's Little Hawk eagers, 9:55 Almost Impossible who worked themselves up step 10:00 ¥Ieln, f ...... 3 2 5 8 U's no secret that many of the by step into the MissisSippi Valley 10: 15 SamueJ, I ...... 4 8 0 14 players are behind in their studies, Sf. ori Paf's Star Player conference title and then scalped l{olland, c ...... 0 252 .nd that Ned Postels and Herb their next two opponents after the 10 :30 Baggo\t, g ...... 1 325 Wilkinson, being engineering and he was switched later this season, championship was won, will have 11 :00 Pu,sley, I ...... 5 4 4 If By BETTYE NEAL dentistry students, respectively, Daily Iowan Sports Writer lor he racked up 97 points in the their toughest assignment of the Weaver, g ...... 3 117 c:ould hardly have made the neces­ last nine games. season tomorrow night when they Sommer, g ...... 0 Genial Gene Her d li s k a, the Q 1 ~ sllry arrangements. Shamrock's versatije forward with "Gene is one of the q1.l ickest and journey to Muscatine to play the ijut there is a good deal more to most natural players on the floor," Muskies in the tirst lap of the dis· Tota'ls...... 1' II liMA S~lut. To - the uncanny shooling eye, wound it than that. We haven't the up his career in basektball for St. says his coach. Tho lanky forward trict tournament. slightest doubt but what most ol Patrick's high last week by turning justly deserves such comments as Muscatine, which has packed the men on the Iowa team don't in another of those spectacular this, Cor, according to Kritla, he plenty of power all season is now ,lve a hoot rllht now if they never scoring performances whIch have has worked for hours to polish his acknowledged to be the No. I team ;:~;-;", : 77:: rhe Hawks-Big Ten Champions see another buketbaU game. The become as natural to him as his top play. Besides this, he has shown in the state, a fact wh ich makes Samson, f ...... I 0 2 2 weekly pressure which has been a highly competitive spirit in .. .If. .. rate floor play. !he Little Hawks' chances more Taylor, t ...... o · 0 Q 0 By ROY LUCE But Ihe Hawks.... snowed under conference *heap. * *Still, the l'04d tightening since late last Decem­ When the Irish finished their every game. Because Gene has than a little uncertain. Hermsen, c ...... 8 S :. ~ uny feeling 01 defeatism that might ber has taken a definite toll. Even sectional tournament play Satur­ played for the love ot the sport, he Hot shot for the Muskies is a D~lbi "wan Sports Writer ahead ior the Hawks was a roug\'! Christensen, c ...... 0 I 3 1 have been In the air by smashing one liS they had to face five Bi, If we had Qeen partially blind day night, Gene had racked up 46 has made a name worthy ot re­ forward named Muson, while Rucke, g...... 0 0 1 0 It's all history now-but it's his­ the Irish, 63 to 46. Notre Dame Ten conference foes-aU of them while wandering thl'ougb the points, besides setting an indi­ membrance around court circles. Haveman, a guard, i.s alw a Muske, g ...... 1 1 3 ~ to~y that wm live forever in the had been ranked as one of lhe touih. Standing out on the list of dressing room last Saturday night vidual and tournament scoring The good-nstured senior mod­ strong scoring til reat to the Litae hearlis and minds of Iowa fans. we couldn't havo. missed seeing Karlsrud, g ...... 0 0 2 0 most powerful teams in the nation, teams yet to be faced wer\! the 11- record. In one ~ame, he hit the estly admits that he once dabbled Hawks, who will need this vieto1'1 Bishop, g ...... 0 1 2 1 The 19.45 basketball season of the pripr to thlilt contest, but immedi­ Uni-the only team that hac:llicked that Harrison's men were com­ hoops for 26 points, an all-time in dramatics out at St. Patrick's. to star in the tournament. Kilen, g ...... 0 ' 0 0 0 lowa l{awkeyes. A glorious his­ ately their stock took a drop, and the Hawkeyes. Th future didn't pletely exhausted. Besides that high, but as 'we said before, such "I was In a play once, but ..." he When it comes to scoring City tory that paints a beautiful picture sports farts throulhout the nation appear too brigh I, especially with. looked a good deal thinner than performances are nothing new to recalls, skillfully switching th~ high can be looked at as one 01 of a handful 01 kids, and a parUy Totals ...... 10 · 10 %S 31 ~aan to take notice o! the up­ the Wolverines of Michigan com­ when the season started. Basket­ the six foot forecourt mainstay. subject to next week's game, al­ the highest scoring Iowa City QU(· 16, but Klein sank a long shot to ~ld, coa.ch, wbo starlin, iroJ'll lind-com ina Hllwkeyes. ing to Iowa City the following ball is not easy on the health. Offensive Spark though dropping the remark that fits for quite some time. Saturday scratch, built one of the most pow­ put the cadets back into a com­ The Old Gold squad wound up weekenc:l. Not So Obvious Although Gene has had only he is vice-president of the school night's game with Oskaloosa at lIIe fortable lead. erful basketball clubs in the na­ Blir Mistake dramatic society. fieldhouse before the Iowa-Illinois tion. their pre-con terence schedule by And there is' one more not so two seasons' experience as a regu­ Scorlnlr Leader overwhelming a small, inexperi­ The Hawkeyes proved it was all QbvioUl! factor to be added. Don't lar on the Shamrock squad, he has Like most athletes, Gene has contest saw the Hawklets hit a Clarence Hermsen W\\S lhe. seOI:­ J'U'In,. Salute enced Michigan State quintet, 6\1 a big mistake at Michi,an by ask u.s how the coaches of the earned the reputation of offensive other interests. He lik.es to sk.ate scoring rampage ""nlen ga'le ~I'\\ ing lead!!r of the evening with 22 Who will ever forget the smootl! to 29. That was Dec. 30, 194.4. soundly trouncing the Wolverines, teams who will be in the tourna­ spark for the team. More than and is an ardent baseball fan, but 64 points in 32 minutes of playing points, as most of his' buckets came floor play and sensational hook Just seven days later, tney opened 50 to 37 on the Iowa COl/rt, and l1\e~ts ate going to keep thei ~ once his hook .shot has pulled the as for a favorite hobby, Gene had time, or two poin ts pel' minute. trom his ~amous pivot shot which shots of Dick ; ~he rebounp their conference schedule with a once again the sports fans started c:lubs at the necessary emotional Irish to victory. no comment until a Sl. Pat's fan Any high school team that can kept JOE:, 1l0Lland busy all evening work of towering Clay Wilkinson, not too impressive, 41 to 3( victo~y talking in terms of ch~mpionships pitch in ordel' to win against big It would naturally follow that "in the know" mentioned some­ score two points a minute is up trying to guard and 'finally sept ilie llreat defensive play of Ja~k over the Minnesota Gophers on the and Mlldison Square Garden. But time competition. We don'l think he is one of the team's top scorers. thing about girls, which he warmly there with the best of them you him out of the game. w~lh hve s~~cilI: and Herb WillI;inso n; the Hawkeyes' home court. The Iowa the first real road test of the Harrison would want to try to With 219 points to his credit all seconded, adding specifically, "the may be sure, and while Oskal oooa fouls. all-around play of Ned Pastels; basketball clientel sh()Ok their Hawks was still in the oWna liS bring the players to t.he ment.al season, Gene is the Shamrocks' majorettes." certainly didn't put up the opposi­ When the navy finally stopped and the brilliant spark-plug work heads and rumors floated around they had to face Indiana Satur­ state they achieved last Saturday. second high PQin t roaker. lIe is Uerdliska TradlUoJl tion that the Muscatine Qulli' will HermseQ, the ball game was never of little Murray Wier? Or for that the cam~us that the Hawks day and Purdue on the follQwing The strain is too ~ r eat. Pops and to~ped only by Red Gatens, with After he leaves the Shamrock have to orIel' tomorrow nillht, the in doubt, but even though he did matter, who will ever forget lov­ weren't the team that they were Monday nights. It was the first his squad neec;! a rest. 237, and (ollowed by Doc Connell squad, the Herdlis ka tradition for game was nevertheless a pretty not SCOT\!, he was always a th .... t. aillp Pops liarrison? l'hey'U aU craclc:ed IJP to be. double road trip Cor tb,e Haw~ in wllh 155. line play will continue, Cor Gene's fail' estimate of the Little Hawk live on in Iowa his tor", as symbols Hawlu B.e'-IIa&ed several years, and many fans were Gcnc came to tbe Irish team in younger brother, Mert, is alreuey strength. of true sportsmanship and the will The Hawkeyes retaliated with a still dubious about the outcome of Haegg To Run Mile 1942, show ing such promi.se that team manager and a promising Allhough Jimmy Van o.usen W' win aaainst uns\U'mountab)e the double poison the Hawks faced h~ wo n a re~1I1at' beuth next sea­ member of the freshman squad. had a bad night at Roosevelt last Geor,e's Buffet Wins odds. · A fitting salute to a great smashing and brilliant, 61 to 34 victory over the Purdue Boiler­ on the weekend. son. Last yea:\, he ea1"l1ed his letter Just 17, Gene plans to join the Friday, because he was trying so teII~a team of Champions. But the Hawkeyes hUl'dleq the makers the followin, weekend. Again This Weekend a~ u utilit,. player at forward and navy upon graduation this spring. hard to pass Kremer in the con­ ~Q back .ill Dec. 19~4, barriet·s of the Hoosier state by gl,l a rc;i , doing a "very creditable Perhaps the most 'lppropriate ference race, Bob Freeman and First iq Bowling Meet The "I told you so boys" began to whipping both teams I;>y the slim Dec. 9, to be exact, ~ handful ot nod their heads In ap,Pl:oval as a NEW YORK (AP)-Gunder jol:),'" according to his coach, CUff remark to sum up the school's feel­ Van Deusen are two hiKh scoring Iowa basketball hopefuls wer\! margin of five points; Jndiana, 411 Hae", Swedish ;lee who finished Kritta. ing lor Gene Herdliska has ~n Hawklets who may be coun~ The f've man learn represent­ national PQll ranked the Hawks to 40, and Purdue, 48 to 43. Coach shocked when five men, wearing the second best team in the nation, last in a five-man race Illst Satur­ Vl'l1Same 'Player made by Coach Kritla. "Gene has upon for over 10 points per game Ing Geotge's Buffet in the Men's the colors of the Old Gold, roarlid Pops Harrison's men were just day, said Monday. he would run been a fine player, an excellent most any time, although the Mus· "Major league at the Plamor Bowl­ just a few points shy of the top . Per haps the most v e r sat i I e to a 101 to 23 victory over West­ three ' games from a tie for the the mile again this weekend and pl~yel' on tho South Side team, sport and a genuine pleasure to catine strength may slow thtm up ing alleys emeraed victorious over team. ero ~lIino.ls Teachers. ~ew hop~ championship and four from an lhat he hoped he could cut at work with. There is no doubt that cortsiderably. 29 other telJ,ITlS ' in the Iowa City Tben came the Hawks first con- undisputed crown. Gene has come into his own this were ' instilled in the m¥1ds of tbe 14IIIst 10 seconds of his 4:31 board year at all three positions. He he has contributed as much, if not Bowling association's tournament ever bopeful Iowa fal\Btic. Could ferance road trip of tbe season- Vellfea.nce floor debUt. Sunday. trip that almost proved disas- Everybody considered Iowa due averaged 13 pOints a game for the more at time, as Doc Connell and it be f08&ible that th\! Hawkeyes a !just 10 gam,es this season f)'om the Red Gatens. He bas been a very The Buffet men rolled '! five­ trous to aa\Vkeye title hopes. The for an upset, and those in the bad at last reached Ihe pinnacle In whipping the III ini , 43 to 37 , piv-et posHion. Late!' he was valuable player, and St. Patrick's man total of 2967 pins to ~ead ol.!'>l!slfetball success? Fans wete Iowa qu}ntet went to Michi,an and know said that Wiscon~io- wQuld do anc;! winning 11 out of 12 confer­ switched to guard where, more Shamrocks are going to feel his I [ .} t;'l:.1 squ.eeH'i OJ,It " l~t minute 29. to it. They almost c;Ild too, stqh~g a their nearest comp;ctitor, Bre­ doubUul, but never.theless im­ t~an a few times he utilized his loss k.eenly ." ~7 v!ct\>rY, ~ioly on the eIf~I1;ts last haJJ nilly that C9JDe. wi.thin ence games, and the Big Ten litle, LAST TIMES TONIGHT mer's of the Cornm.ercial lllaiue, "'JIIS~ by the 101 poi~ts the Old i'l! ight to break up enemy passing o~ tbe !,ad wi1h tb~ ~ hait, ~ur- lone POint of th~ fadin, HIlwkeyes, the Hawkeyes did somet.hing lhai by 68 mar~ers. Siemer's scored O,?lders st;ored, which; ~y the way, 44 previous Iowa teams had failed attacks, besides turning in stcllal' 2889. w~re just two points shy of the rp W1u, \Vho hit (or \1 pOID\!i, 54 to 53. Tne HQ,lIIks VOlII!tci ven­ sill- 01 lhem, in the ~\ three min- geance, lPId ven,~~ .ce th~ 4Qt in to do. Twice Iowa came close to performances under the basket. Other WlDQers Iowa scoring record. The old rec- Undoubtedly Gene round hi s the 8& to 36 \hft)' the title, but always they were OUter tellms 9n the , pri~ list ord was 103.points alainst Chic~o u... th~mpin, ~nded "ENDS M~h~, pl~il,li a stalllD,¥ the Badger~ on theil; hQine {lQj)r ~ forced to share it. niche at the forward spot to which were Bailey Insur.anCe (Men's set lhe year before. All History Now WEDNESDAY" Major). th.ird; l\eJyon Hatc;hery Iowa ~ DoallUul ~~, almwt l,UlSet Iowa \I~tU week later. "'l-~ By~i\e" ent,red the con- Things ap~\I~ed bda:h* 'ow. Yes-it's aU history now- bul Fea'tll'es--130-3 :3%. 5:37 (Men's Major), fourth; Ye~t.:r's . ,Just tlllo niahts" later, the Hawf­ It's history that will live forever 7:42-9:21 .J ~t. 'l'h, lIawu, t~a1lina· by nine, Only lhc M IDnesola. Gop,b«l! re­ (Strikers' ~i.(lh; Men's S hop 8,¥es l1umiliated South Dakoll! in the minds of all loyal Iowa po.\n\s at lhe en\! 01 'h, first h~, maincq in the. Old Goldeflj' way liNG CIOIIY (City), sillth, and the Moose team State on the Iowa floor, 8~ to 37, wex, 8~ked into activity ~y the (or a share of lhe crowD. A.nri on (ans. Never to be forgotten in the of the City le~gue, .evellth. . as Iowa, fans began to cast more annals of Hawkeye basbelball his­ IETTY HUTTON scorinl antics of the five (oot, i'eb. 26, the Gophers {.u \0 a SONIIY TUllI ... By taking first ~Iace ~ total than a sideway glance at tbe eJaht-incb M~'ine forwa-.;d. (ierce Hawkeye on8li~t.. to tory are the names: Dick Ives. It.'! '---" pins Sunc:lay, the G,orge', ,uffet coveted Big Ten title. Alrea the ~ -VlOUIH!onfer_ ...... Moll root Ume, aD)' PIaet Byrnes, may be ~ . OU ·11 ftDI ",ere. still dubious, however, to low,', .;hanees. As it turned out, In tbe fonn of more bukets. The relionallzed basis • ~ .. Ald polpted to tlie next contest the Ultnl beat th, Buckeyes, and Hawkeyes had to fl,h. off a 18IIt Shaw Aircraft Co. ' RllI'olJ<'on wllr conrliliollR "lX'nnlt, with' the powerful' Irblh of Not~e the Buckeyes returned the compll- halt Illionis Burge to win, but tbe n1a17R31 . Major Thomas H. McCreery Bald Dame as a barrier that the Hawll. meot'by -whlpplltl the IIUnl, ieav~ newly crowned champions did it .... CIi, IIll1l1dDal AIrIort Monday. couldn't · hope :' to ~ lUrmount. ' ini the Hawkeyea at the top of the .ID· .....t · at"le .. · - TUESDAY. MARCH 6, ·1945." THE DAIL\ JOWA ft, IOWA CITY, IOWA PAGE rIVI "THE LEGS" SHOWS 'EM TO GI'S BUllETIN YANK EQUIPMENT GETS BOGGED DOWN ON IWO Sweeting Brothers to Be Interviewed- (Continued !rom pale 2)

WIlli I"" ellS-WUB. (7N, Johnny Presents (WHO) IIIIC-WHO (l~) lItB5-WON ('I%t) "Lum an' Abner" (KXEL) IOWA O . "TAl. ED • Call-WIIIT (601) lIIae-KXIIL UHf) 7:30 Two feature-length mot\on pic­ Pvt. Harold D. Sweeting of the Thealer of Romance (Wl\iT) . tures will be presented -this eve- army air corps and his brother, A Date With Judy (WHO) \ ning at 7:30 in room 223., eogin­ Seaman First Class Meredith H. Alan Young Show (KXEL) eering building. The hr t is tiUed sweeting, will be in terviewed on 7:45 "Explorers o( the World" and the WSUI 's "From Our Boys in Ser­ Theater or Romance (WMT) econd " Mush, You Malemute ." vice" program today at 12 :45. Uncle Stan and Ken (WHO) \ The latler film wa produced by Meredith is spending a 27-day Alan Young Show (KXEL) Father Hubbard, "The Glacier , lei"e here in [owa City after serv­ 8:00 iog in the south Paeifie theater. Inner Sanctum ( MT) Harold is spending a H-day fw'­ Mystery Theatre (WHO) loogh from his duties at Amarillo, Norman Cordon SLOgS (KXEL) Tex. Both boys are staYing with 8:30 lheir parents, Mr. and Mrs. Noble What's the Name of That Song Sweeting, 415 E. Davenport street. (WMT) The interview will be conducted Fibber McGee and MollY by Pat Patterson of the WSUI (WHO) start. SpoUight Band (KXEL) Fiction Parade 8:55 I A half-hour dramatization on What's the Name of That Song the life of the Brontes wIll be (WMT) broadcast over Fiction Parade Fibber McGee and Molly Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock by (WHO) members of the speech and radio Coronet Story Teller (KXEL) ENTERTAINING OUR TROOf'S In her native Germany, Marlene "The broadcasting classes. This show is 9:00 LPgs" Ol'itrlch re pan&! to repqat.ed requests from her GI audience under the direction of Armon Service to the Front (WMT) for a peck at ber million-dollar le/(s M IIbe dotfs her field ducIa and Bonney, gradua te assistant in the Bob Hope (WHO) wooli!,11 to don a IUnky gown an eh t r hosc. As you can tel'. 1.& speech department. Raymond Gram Swmg (KXJo;L) D itrlch Is now n Am!'rl n citizen In "good IItaJ1din~'-a top·rank­ I\lu ieal Moods 9:15 Ing favorile with the Yankll. (l ntf!rnationtl) Bob Fraser, El of Rock Island, Service to the Front (WM'l') JIl., and Joe Brown, Al of Des Bob Hope (WHO) r.toines, will pre nt a program of Lazy Jim Day (KXEL) Bernard A, Mertes, Musical Moods Tuesday afternoon 9:30 W. S. Prince Rites Place heg vy paper in. the oot­ artillery. after they bore d dOWll al ~ : 30 over WSU'J. With Bob at Father of Form.r lIome Town Philosopher tom or the greased baking pan other IT> rln eUDlUa tbe ""recital for Ihe organ and 1J0e at the plano (WMT) Athlete, Dies Her. they will play the following popu: To Be VVednesday in which you re gOIng to bake h o. 1. wbere hattl -tr1e4l "I.eran of the Hildegarde's Nigh 1 (W II ) fish. 1L will be easier to rem ve hips that parU lpated 'n the lov Ion are In lar numbers: "I'm Confessin'," One Man's Family (KXEL) the fi h to a hot pl&tlcr. "More and More," "My Dreams BemaI'd A. Mertes, 55, of Chi~ 10:00 WilJiilm S. Prime, 85, 4 <1 S . clIgo. father of Bernard (Bus) Are Getting B tier All the Time," Doug Gra nt News (WMT) SlImmtl strc ·t, di d at a local hos­ and "Song or Rance." Mertes, rormer un ivcrsity and navy I POP E Y £ Supper Club (WHO) pital ,It 1:30 ;J . m. yest rday. H Seahawk athlete, died in a local TODAY' .pabGRAM H. R. Gross and the News SUffered a s troke FJ·iday morning. ho pltal sa turday r. j IIh t after an 8:00 Morning chapel (KXEL) Mr. I'1'ime was born Ilear Neva- extended iIIncilS. He came to a 8:15 Musica I Miniatures 10:15 clll, .I:.n 19, 1860, the on of Daniel hospital here on Feb. 20 for" an 8:38 News, ... ,,~ Dl\i1y Iowan ,Inc! Christina Prime. He mar- operation 8:45 ~' lt on Lewis (WMT) Progrim ril 23, 1889. He 9:00 Service Unlimited H. R. Gross and the News 11\'<,1i III Al1lc~ rnr ~5 years before hud trv d in Chicago Cor the past 0:15 Consumc.r's Calendar (KXEL) ('omill/.l tu Iowa City last year to 30 years where he operated a fur­ 9:3 0 Agriculture in Action 10:20 live with his duullhter, Mrs. }'Ior- niture store. 9:45 Keep 'Em 'Eating Flilton Lewis (WMT) lice fenloll. Surviving are his wire, Calher- News, M. L. Nel. n (WHO) 9:50 Musical In terlude Mrs. Prime pH-n-ded her hu '_ inc; three daughters, Mudel, Ros~- Sportlight Parade (KXEL) 9:55 News, The Daily Iowan InUIt! ill death in 1941. ' mal), and Joyce Arn, all of Chl- 10:00 Week in the Bookshop Itr.30 . ' cago; one son, Seaman First Class 10:15 Yesterday's Musical Fav- Congress Speaks (WMT) SUf\'I \ilng lire two ct' ughtel,s' l Mertes, who now is stationed at the orites Diek Haymes' Show (WlIO) Mrs. Vera P . . Ta!lllllrt or Chicago naval training station at B3in.­ 10:30 The Bookshelf Metropolitan Opera U. S. A. lind Mr:< Fenlon of Iowa City; bridge. Md. 11 :00 Little-~nown Religious (KXEL) three gnllldrhlldrcn and one great The body has b en seot to Oh1- GI'OUPS 10:<15 grandchild. cago where funeral service6 will 11 :50 Farm Flashes Buddy Clark's Band (WM'l') Graveside servires und burlul b tomorrow morning at [rnmacu­ 13;00 Rhythm aambles Dick Haym 's Show (WH ) Will be In the Am 9 cemetery at late Conception cl,urch. Buria l 12:30 News, The Daily Iowa n Metropolitan Op ra U. S. A. I (J'clo('k tomorrow 1111el'noon, will be in All Salnts cemerery. CHIC YOUNQ 12;45 From Our Boys in SCl vice (KXEL) 1:00 Musical Chats 1l:00 Nevel' try to thaw frotcn water A good time to push your nail 2:00 Campus News News (WMT) pipes with nn op!!n flame. The cuticle back i after wa. hlng your 2: 10 Organ Melodies News, Music (WHO) only ~ are way is to us hot clothes. hands. 2:30 Radio Child Study Club News (KXEL) 3:00 Fiction Parade 11:15 • 3::«> News, The Daily Iowan Off the Record (WMT) 3:35 Iowa Union Radio Hour Roy 'Shield & Co. (WIIO) 4:00 Master Writers of the 20th Rev. Pietsch's Hour (KXEL) Century 11:30 Daily, Iowan' Want Ads 4:30 Tea Tim(' Melodies Band Music (WMT) 5:00 Children'S Hour News, Garry Lenhart (Wf10) Red gold wl'i&t watch -Iihtlova , 5:30 Musical Moods Rev. Pietsch's Houl' (KXEL) 1-' ~L~SSIFIED milk ellgraved on back. Re - 5:45 New, lite Daily lowall . 11:45 ward, Write Mis VirgJnia Kour­ 6:00 Dinnel' Hour Music Band Music (WMT) RATE CAR! p~ki , '14 E. Cedar street, Chicago, 6:55 News, Tlte Dally lo"'an Music, News (WHO) 111. 7:00 United States in the 20th Dance Orchestra (KXEL) CASH RATE Century 11:55 or 2 days-- HELP WANTED 7:30 Sportslime Band MUsiC (WM'l') We PCI' line per day Two students dishwipers. Mad 7:45 Evening Musical MUSiC, News (WHO) B con~cutlve days-- Hall rs Tea Room. Dial 6791. 8:00 Wes leyan Chapel Hour News (KXEL) 7c per Ii ne per day 8:30 France Forever II consccuUve day&- CARL ANDERSOlt 8:45 News, The Daily Iowan 5c per line per cia) Stud nt waitreliSes CI t Mad HaUers month- Tea Room, Dial 6791. NETWQRK lUGIlLlOliTS olc per Hne per day 6;00 (tubs to Hear -Figure 5 words to line­ INSTRUCTION Jack Kirkwood Show (WMT) Minimum Ad- 2 linea Clifr and Helen (WHO) Dancing Lessons-ballroom, bal­ The Higgin's Boys (KXEL) CLASSIFIED DlSPLAY let, lap. Dial 7248. Mimi Youde Harold Read Wuriu. 6:15 50e col. inch Music That Satisfies (WMT) Or $5.00 per mODth Ne ws of the World (WIlO) Members of the Lion , Ma: 011 WHERE TO BOY IT H. R. Gross a nd the News and Rotary clubs will meet wrth . AU Want Ada Casb in Advance I (KXEL) the Kiwanis club I hi~ nooll Rt til(' Payablo at Daily Iowan Busl. 6:30 Holel J efCersoll to heal' Harold oess oct:ee duallY unlJl 5 p.m. l'L MBING AND UEATING American Melody Hour (WMT) Read, director of the American Expert Workmanship News, M. L. Nelsen (WHO) Red Cross personnel in the Medi­ lCanceJlatl!'ns mLlst be called in Did You Know? (KXEL) terranean theater. The speaker before 5 p. m. LAREW CO. 6:<15 will appeal' under the auspices of ResponsIble tnr one Incorrect 227 £. Wash. PhoJle 968 American Melody How' (WMT) the local Red Cross chapter. insertioo only. Jimmy Fidler (WHO) Read has spent 18 monlhs over­ Preferred Melodies (KXEL) seas, and served as a s sl ~ tnnt field You are always welcome. 7:00 superVisor with the Sevenlh army DIAL 4191 Big Town (WMT) dUring the invasion of soulhern and PIlICES are low a~ 'he PA UL ROBIN SO" Johnny l'l'esents (WHO) France. He was appoint d 10 hIS Ted Maione (KXEL) present position in August, WH , MAYBE Irs n4E 7:15 and expects t Q return to h is pos t DRUG SHOP V6TEIGIN ARIAN Big Town (WMT) sometime this month. WMC Regulations [ CAI.LED ~IM Advertisements for male or u­ ABOUrPE~ ' sentbl female workers a re car­ IWO~CASUAlTY GETS BLOOD PLASMA ried In these "n Ip Wanted" ( columJ1s with the undel'lltand­ l1'iftf Baked Goodl Ing that hltinl proeedurea .hall Plel Call. Br. conform 10 War MaJl.Power 8011a ...... Commi Ion Rel'ut tlon.. Special O,.chr, City Bakery WANTED Large trunk, preferably wardrobe. Z22 I, Wuhtoaao. blal ...' Call X373. LOST AND FOUND FURNITURE MOVING Los t-Blown Eversharp fountain MAHER BROS. TRANSFER By GENE AHERN p 11 engraved Patricia A. Ktng. For EfiJcient Furniture MovIDI FlI1der call X8750. AI\[ Abont Our Red leather billfold with L. Mari­ WARDROBE SERVICE ,\1 1 ,/ lyn :r'OY engraved on it. Con­ -, , ....-::' tained student identiIication and DIAL - 9696 - DIAL " , money. Reward. Ext. 8330. /1: " ? ?

Whether You Want to Rent a Room Or get on the Track of Same Lost Article- A DAILY • IOWAN WANT , lUDIC5 ARE 'PICTURED above lUI they administer lIfe·savlng blOod ptuma lo · . ounded U. S. Marine, a D-Day casualty when the AD Will Save You Time and· Money Luthtmec ,.tormed the beachell of 11'0'0 lima, the Japanese outpost 1\11)\ 7110",11 BOuth of Tokyo. In 11 daya of the bloodiest fi ghting In the hlat f the Marine Corp., ther.e remains just one mile to CLASSifiED DEPT.-4191 ~~k ..n.JrdiU · the.Japs.. _U.. !-.S. _Marine.CorpIl phot. ~. (lntetnllriOnlll) PAGE SIX THE D AlLY lOW A N, lOW A CITY, lOW A TUESDAY. MARCH 6, IItS

City Clerk Receives Van der lee to Leave • 'MARINES• _ -aTAKE JAP:• S BATTLE • FL'AGS' AND CAPTiVe Concert to Include Asks Dime-a-Ton Water Resources Royalty on Coal Application for Rental Public Utilities Alone Compositior.s of Bizet, Report Published Of City Garden Plots Teeters Lauds Plans Th ree applications for the rental Franck, Saint-Saens In Geology Survey of garden plot on city property I' For Airport in Citing the end of S. Dubuque street hah The fifth concert of the univer­ As a part of the present state­ been mode in the city clerk's 01· Big City Improvements sity symphony orchestra during wide cooperative investigation of fice. the 1944-45 season will be given water resources, oa report contain­ Last yea rIO gardeners worked tomorrow evening at 8 o'clOCk in ing day-by-day records of stnge this land, Dnd George Dohrer, dty By JOE MATHER. the main lounge in Iowa Union, and discharge of [owa streams, clerk, hus mailed letters to them Dally Iowa.n Starr Wriller Prof. PhlJip Greeley Clapp, head 1940-'42, h just bcen published asking if they want to continue Those political observers in of the music department, will con­ by lhe Iowa Geologieal survey. this yea r. Most of the plots are Iowa City who have been anticipa­ duct. The concer\' program in­ The report was pl'epnred under 50 by 100 feet, and rent for $5. ting a political explosion over the cludes ('Om positions by three well­ the direction of L. C. rawford, Ren for the season, which include municipal ownership of utilities in known composers, Bizet, Franck district engine I' of the water re­ Ihe cost or plowing, wi11 be ~ the present campaign would have and Sain t-Saens. Bizet is best sources brilnch of the United March 15. been disapPointed if they could known for his opera "Carmen." States GeologIcal sUI'vey ill Iowa. have attended a meeting sponsored The popularity of this opera has Preparation ot the data fOl' publi­ by the League of Women Voters in distracted attention of conductors cation was cal'ried on in conjunc­ the Congregational church last from his other works. In recent tion with the continuous and sYS­ night. yea!io" there has been a rediscov­ tematic lact-finding program in Each candidate at both parties ery of a number of orchestral com­ cooperation with several state de­ was allowed a lew moments to ex­ positions and the last two or three partments including the Iowa press his opinions on civic prob­ years this rediscovery has as­ Geological survey, IOlVa Instilute lems. Mayor Wilber J . Teeters, Re­ sumed proportions of a Bizet re­ ot Hydraulic research, TOlVa State publican, cited a few of the impor­ vival, Conservation commission and cer­ tant civic improvements which The overture "Patrie!" which the JOHN L, LEWIS, above, hWl made a tain Iowa cities and aiso lhe corps have been initiated during his ad­ orchestra will play, has within the· of engineers, Uniled Slutes ormy. ministration and a brief outline of past two seasons been' presel'lted bold demand on bituminoull opera­ tora tor a royalty 9t 10 cents per Basic data regurding the flow be by most of the leading symphony what should done in the future. ton to bls cool miners to build a of rivers, streams Ilnd luke stages Prof. Jacob Van der Zee, Demo­ orchestras and recently was broad­ medical and rehabllltation fund are presented in a convenient craUc candidate for mayor and one cast by the NBC orchestra from form for public ond pl'ivate use New York. tor members at the United M.lne of the proponents of municipal Workers. By 80 deSignating the and in ol'der th,lt fnctual i"forma­ utility ownership in the bitter po­ Originally it was written as an tund, Lewts .Ide·stepped a direct tion concerning the sudacl;) wilter introduction to a stage play of 'IOGUMI litical tight of a decade ago, put the ....ult on the Utile Steel torm­ resources of Iowa will be readily 5 ,30-C.II.h.n 8,u •. • , •••.• . D.il, .. ... Issue squarely on the table. the same name by Sardou and lila, (Internalional) available for poslwul' activities as S:~5-J trry SrnilfJ ' .• • • ••••• Dilly .. ... used in the first production in 6 :00-t-luvtn ' l'Id Hom ...... Daily us. "I have been called a 'corpora­ well as fOl' current and ('ontinu­ 6: IS- Farm Servin . ..•.•..•• Mon "'ttl Fri tion baiter:" he said, "and my Paris in 1873. It is and ing r;:onsidel'ation of wuler-sUPply Clu!ckerbolrd FuQ ••••• 'fUti Ttl. SIll 6 :30- Ptrm New., . . •. . •..• . Dail, t. 5_ friends have asked me what I in. patriotic in character. and flood -conlrol pl'Oblems. 6 :.fS-J trry Ind Zelda . . . " ••. o.U, II S_ tend to do now. Well, I had my The "Symphony in D minor," 1:00-Altx D.,t:i.t .. " , •••••• . Oally n S. The report hus been issued as 7:15-Tim. to Shine ..• •. . ••• o.ny n S. fling at that and I tailed. I am not another number on the program, Heart Attack Fatal Water-Supply ,Bulletin number 7 :30- Bibl. 8,..du.. ,...... 51M1T gunning Cor any public utility COl'- New •.. .• ...... ••. • • . Dail, II SII is a familiar favorite 'to music lov­ two of the IOWli Geological SUr­ l ;.. S-Uncle Stan 4 Ken •. .••. O.U, n S. poration. • ers everywhel·e. Franck wrote it in 8 :00-Keu .,Id 1l.1...... • , • •...... 51,_ To John .B. Riley vey, by A. C. Trowbridge, direc­ To b. ,nnounced • • , ••. • Mol W.4 Fri "Nor do I have any relrets for 1BBB at a time when French com­ tor and state geologist, and is be­ Revtlll. Roundup ...•. , T ... n. 1M anything that I did during the six posers were tUI'ning from operatic ing I'eleased Ul1'ou gh cooperuting 8 :1S-8en Adam, Family ...... 51." John B , Riley, 69, 416 S. Du­ Soo.rtllo\Ja ... . ' • . .••. Mo. Wad fri yea rs I was on the ci ty council," he toward symphonic music. Fr'anck agencies. 11 contains 222 pilges of SeeRnd Cup "I Coil', • • , .•.•• T.. n. declared. "The municipal owner­ not only was a great compser in buque street, died of a heart at­ tabular material with p rtinent AII.n R.,h ...... 5.. " ... tack Sunday afternoon. Mr. Riley 8 :30-Ameriel B.d, to Cod .. . .• . . . S...... , sh ip question is all settled, and his own right, but. as a teacher of il­ Ne"" • .••..• . .• •.. • • • , MOil thn& en was found by the police at Du­ diS CUSSion, sev ral maps and don't xpect any fireworks from whole generation of distinguished lustrations. Advtnlutel 0' Om" ...... Slhlt'l, buque and Prentiss streets, b~t he 8:4S-M.I ~ dr M"d!'ou ...... Mo ••h .. FII me." composers, has often been called 9 ·OQ-.Chl'lltlln Stlene' " I •• • •• • •• SII4I, He stressed the fact that Iowa " the founder of the modern died before help could be sum­ Nt""l of the Week •••. MOl drY Fri moned, Grantland Rice . . , • , . . , . • . Slohl., Cltians have saved nearly half a F'rench school of composition." Tin Salvage Collection 9 :1S-Pruphfl oy in NtWI ..•. . . . . •• .. S'I~ million dollars because of the re­ "Suite Algerlenne," the last He is survived by one sister, Lon lAwTo n ... . ••..• . MOD tbtl Fn Totals 24,080 Pounds 9"0- Amtritln L.II ...... S .. ~ duction of rates {allowing the po­ number of the program, is a light Julia Riley of Iowa City; one P inder. Keeper •• •• • . •. 1.101 tkiN Pn and charming souvenir of one of S!lddl. SertDod\, r••.• • •• • • •S.'.rd., litical fight of eight or nine years nephew, W. J. Jackson of Iow3 9 ,4S-N . .., ...... SlOt., ago. Saint-Saens many trips to Algiers, City, and a niece, Florence Jack­ Tin ca ns picked up in Iowa City Cillinl All Ci,Io ...... s. .. ~ .. a region where the orieot was lO :OO-Stradiv::Jri Orch . • . .•.. •. .. . . s..., son of Cedar Rapi~s . a nd Oakdale dudng the J~nu a ry ROld ul Life. • •••• •• MOD thn FrJ However, he also stressed that brought into close contact with it is the duty of the city council to Funeral services will be at St. collection amounted to 24 ,080 K·C J ambort •..•... •. • . .. s...r" the occident. The suite consists 10 :lrt- Rnn mIUY .• • , • •• ••• • • Moa t\itt Fri reguiate the' rates charged by pri­ Patrick'!; church this mornina at pounds, accol'ding to Mrs. Alva B. 10,.JO-NBC Stria, Qu.rlt" ...... SII"t of four short tone pictures. SI Br P,ayh ouse ..• . ... . MoD. thMJ Fn vate utility concerns operating 'in 9 o'clock. Oathout, chairman of the John ~ on Tickets for this concert are Smi lin' Rd McConn.II ...... Slhlri$lf the city. The council must no.t .:...... ---- county tin salvage committce . 10 :4S-0lYld Htrum ••. • • .• , •. Mo. 1h" Frl available in room 110, music build­ $9,500,000 to build the prewar 11 :OO-Church Services • • , •• ••• •••• Su'" dodlie t1.a t obligation. FlFTH DIVISION MARINES. groul?ed behind their light machine gun, display Jap battle tlags captured This amount wa s twice us much J ud, Bnd Jan •.• • ••••• MOD thn Pri "The Iowa City oirport will be during the tlrst tew days of the bloody tight tor lwo Jima (top photo). It was the men ot the Fifth ing, or at the main desk in Iowa naval base at Cavite in the Philip­ as the tin collected du ri ng thE' Alex Dreier '" • ..••..•. • . S.... rUt Union. pines .. 11 : l5-"'~rry M ••on . •• • •• •.•• MOD thn Fri one of the best in the state and .who fought their way to the top ot Mt. Surbachl to raise the American flag on the rim of the crater. drive in August, 1944 . CD". Hobert D. Blue • •. •. .• S,tem, one of the most important thinls In the lower photo Marines oJrer a clgaret to one of the dozen or 80 Jap prisoners they have taken dur­ 11 : 3 0-F~hh Dnn•• m Webber .M.. W"'~ Ranch HOb!1 Jim . ••••. Ttl. n ... in the Clty and it will all be muni. in" the fighting on Iwo. Censorship has deleted the prisoner's face, The Nip was taken In the vicinity City High School - ) I :. s.-.The liucklrttO • •.• .• • .. MOD thra Pri ci pally owned," asserted Mayor of Motoyama air.trlp. ' - (Tnlunillionill SoundDbolo) 1l:5S-H)lmn far Tod'f ...... Mo. " ... ,tl Teeters in his allotted few minutes. A"UNOOII '.O~I"W' He explained that over $300,000 12:00-0Id f7"hioaed R ..if.I ...... s.u., Chinese Engineers Laud - M:r.rketJ & FirM Nu". MOl tbN Fri for the completion of improve­ COrn B~t Hour .• ••••..•••s.,.,. ments and expanding of the air­ Models Show Spring Fashions 12 ,IS-S.ddle Mt. Roundup . .. Mo. W" V,I Vidol'}' F.rmers .•. . ••• ..•• T .. n. port was available now and as soon J2 :30-U 01 C Rouadllbl ... , .. '" .. S..., as material and men could be ob­ New • •• . . •••.•.•..•.. Deil, •• s.. BY CHARLOTTE SLIFE accented her brown Baku straw Horrabin and Ml·s. Ju~k P. Kelly. 12 '4S-S. nlf.IIDw ...... Moo W.d Fri ... tained, the work would be"n. Flood Control Improvements Serv.d Wit. Sone ...... T.. no Homburg. Models Daily Iowan Staff Writer 1 :IJO-Thou We lAn"" " •.• . . . . •. S.. ., "The money needed for building The very newest in spring Ann Maher modeled a three­ Modeling the garments were Guidin-. Li'bt ...... Mol rI.,.. Prt a municipal swimming PQol is in "Seeing what. you have done in Tennessee Valley authority. Then regulation and flood control of the suits, frocks, formals and sports- piece classic sUIt of navy blue Mattie Ann Albl'echt, Barbat·u Min o • • he form ...... 1>1 they were guided by United States I:IS- Tod.y'. Cbild,...... M .. III .. 'n the bank and is costinl taxpayers flood control, improving river National Conservancy commission. wear was shown last night at the wool gabardine trimmed with Baldridge, Evelyn Bennrng, Betty 1 :JO-Weliin,boule Pro.rlm ' " '" .S.. ., army engineers on tours of the less than one-eighth of one per­ naVigation and irrigation has given junior class style show at City navy grosgraine ribbon by Red­ Crow, Mary Jayne B a I d win, \Yom:m in White . ••. • • M_ 'liln 'rf cent," the mayor said. Ohio, Missouri, Arkansas and ... Wir t.bo, Board ...... So •• .., us a great deal of encour3gement," high school. Yetter's department fern. A navy fur felt hat with a Witma Edmondson, Shirley Bux­ 1:4:t-H,mn, All Ch ur.b.... M... ~ .. no "When Chief Ollie White returns declared Chang Han-Ying, chair­ upper and lower Mississippi rivers. Casablanca brim set off her cos­ ton, Diane Horrabin, Margaret Belt)' Crocker .. . ..•..•.•.. . FrW.1 Tihs tour of the entire Missis- store fur n ish e d all garments NlI:w. About Reli.i.oa .••••• St •• ,.., Irom the FBI's National Police man of the group of eight eminent shown. tume. Marsh, Ann Maher, Joyce John­ 2 :00-Wo,ld r,nd...... , .. .. .S_ academy in Washington, D. C., and Chinese engineers who arrived in ippi basin lasted 50 days, 20 days 'Total Peace' son, Jackie Kelly, Dorothy Slem­ A Woman of Am.rica •• Mo. I~" ,ri in the aU ice and 30 days in the The style show with a card Shows Dinner Dnlss O"hen,.. oj N.'ion .•... . 1Y,.,u, teaches the other members of the Iowa City ysterday to attend a party which preceded it were Of the formals modeled, the mons, Margaret Patty, Margaret 2:1S-Ma Perkins ...... Mon t .... FIt force what he has learned, as he is field. Then the Bureau of Recla­ Culbertson Draws Plans 2 :JO-Army Iiour ••.• , .• •• • . .•••• , ... five-day engineering conference mation guided them through the sponsored by the junior class to dinner dress of Mrs. Edith Wil­ Good no w, Betty Nolan, Gwen Pep Youn.'s Family .•• Mol t'n Prj under bend to do, Iowa City will which begins today. From Varied Life Pudgil and Bonnie Wanamaker. 2 : "5-Ri~ht to Hspp;nlll .... M•• ,k,. P'" west, visiting Colorado, Idaho, raise funds for the junior-senior liams' was striking. The black 3 ,OO-B ••kll"e WiI •••. , .....\10. t~ .. Pri have one of the best police depart­ Mr. Chang, who is a commis­ dance this spring. Models were ninon skirt was matched with a Others modeling were Mrs. J . J . Children'. Blbl, Hour ... " .9.1rM, ments in the state," Mayor Teeters Washington, Oregon, California, 3 :IS---Stellw 0111 ...... Mol dI,. Pri sioner In the National Conserv­ Bridge expert, author, editor, junior girls and their mothers, white lace top. Hinman, Jr., Mrs. Henry Fruden­ 3:3D-Jow.·Nebrask. Qo i...... 5....., declared. ancy commission of the Chinese Neveda and points or hydraulic interest in other states. . linguist, world traveler, philoso- Show New Colors Doris Figg showed 8 clever Ield, Clara Ehlers, Ann Bardsley, Lorenzo Jonn .•.. . .. MOI Unt Fri government and also commiSSioner ]0"'1 ltoundtllble • . ••• .• .•• s.c.~ Professor Van del' Zee expressed pher and world stra tegist are com- Definitely good color s this junior model. Hers was a red and Mrs. Thelma Hilow, Mrs. Iver 3 :4S-Yo"n. Widder Brown .. Mol tIIR Fri in charge of hydraulic engineer­ This tour lasted 45 days a/ld the hope that in the future Iowa they saw such projects as Grand bined in the liCe of Ely Culbert- spring as indicated in the suits white checked taffeta bodice with Opstad, Mrs. Edith Williallls and 4:00-NBC Symohnny ...... 5 ... City politics might be divorced ing of the Central Planning board, Mrs. Winifred Goodnow. . When. Cirl M,rriu • • Moll I' ... Pri Coulee, Shasta and Boulder dams son , who will speak at the Iowa and dresses are Chinese fuschsia, a while ninon skirt banded with Crand Hotel • • • •• •.... ••• S.t.r~., and his party have nearly com­ .. :lS-Portia fseel Lift ..... MilP 11en Fri from the na tional pa=ty lines. "The and the Imperial valley of Cali­ Union next Monday at B o'clock navy blue, chartreuse, castilian check taffeta. national parties have no business pleted at tour ot important hy­ 4 :30-Ju, t PI.iD Rill ...... MOD duw Fri fornia. on "The Fight For Total Peace!" red and turquoise blue. Clever Betty Crow modeled a formal J.bn W. V•• d.... o.k ...... S, ...do, in municipal elections," he as­ draulic and hydoelectric projects Newman Club to Meet • :45-r:ro"' Pe.e Furell .• •. MOl tlu. fri The other members of Mr. In describing his plan for world accents are the dog collar veils of a black Chantilly lace bodice The Newman club meeting at J\nti·S"lolln r... e.~ ue .... •. . .. Stt.nll, serted. in the United States. S:OO--Rh)thm Roundup ...... Chang's party are Chang Jen, peace, Culbertson draws from a which are anchored by dainty on marquisite skirt over a nude th~ Catholic student center wJll So., Only four ci lies in the state stm The Chinese engineers arrived chief engineer of the Yangtse rich international background of ribboned and jeweled dog collars. taffeta slip. Ne,y. . .•. . .•.•••••••• Dall, .J 51. in this country about the middle begin tomorrow night at 7:30 with I 5 ,IS- New ...... , ..Su" retain the naUonal party lines in river commission; Hsu Shih-tu, understanding. His fat)ler was 3 Plastic is making its appearence In the showing of daytime Sonf' It Twi1i.ht. ••• Moa Wed Fri Lenten devotions. The bus ine.;s · Ta be .'moancfd .•••••• ••• Tit n. municipal politics. of October to begin the tour which senior technician of the National Pennsylvania mining engineer who in fashions in the patent and mesh dresses, Mrs. Henry Fruden(eld's is under the general auspices of I meeting will be calJed to I order S' ng(.I1 ...... 5... ,4" Conservancy commission; Lin married the daughter of a Cos- bags made of that very adaptable two piece black and white print immediately afterward. 5 :30- Great Gilder.lene ...... S..., the UNRRA. Alter leaving here Au.tin &: C.rtri".ht .••. MelD Wed Pri Ping-yi, acting ch iet engineer of sack general, and Culbertson was material. Accenting dresses are with a lingerie trim aroused Mu. ie Amerit'a Loves Btli •. S.I • .., they will spend two w~eks survey­ I born in Roumania where his father the plastic buttons, pins and admiring m u l' m u r s from the S :45-0riti. h Rrel.dClft!n • •• Mon 'rt ,,, the Huai river commission; Tsai Fined for Speeding S,SO-Nc", .nd Sp.'u ...... M•• ,b .. prj ing sail conservation projects and Chen, senior technician, National was working for a British oil com- buckles, and even the latest foot­ audience. Her black imported Mounlainee·rs Robert E. Glenn. 227' ~ E. Wa sh­ then will return to China. Conservancy commission; Liu pany. Skill in construction, both wear is designed out of plastic. straw sailor was trimmed with fVENIN~ ~RO~r.a .. S Much of the work in hydraulics ington street, was fined $10 for 6:0o-.Iock n.nnJ , ...... So.., Chung-juai, chief engineer of in his bridge plans and later plans Models Smart Suit plastic and saiin ribbon by Sunny­ speeding by Pol"'e Judge John Koeh and Au.ti" ...... MoD t.r. F,I and hydroelectric power that was Sbensi Provincial Conservancy bu­ for a world peace, came from his Among the smartest suits shown land. em. C"I a Co ...... h'..... being done in China before the Knox yeslel'day. 6 :15-Ncw. 0' the World . •• . MilD thr. '" Plan Movies reau, Sian; Tsai Pan-lin, senior engineer father; from his mother last night was that worn by Mattie Marl'llret Goodnow Tin r im Afl rf ...... , ...... 1, .... , war had to be discontinued, Mr. technician and chief ot irrigation came daring in conception. Ann Albrecht. She wore a two Margaret Goodnow's frock of 6 ,30-Fi"h B.nd".'on . • , . • .•. .. , . So ..., Chang saId. New • ...... ••. ~ •• . ... 0.11, e. See division, National Conservancy His early life was spent in the toned all wool flannel suit of black crepe with shell pink eyelet 6 ."5--11. V. Kalttnbora, . MOD w. n. Fri The Iowa Mountaineers art pre­ However, 2,000 miles of the commission, and Wu Yiu-si ng, sen­ Russia of the czars when unsuc- brown and Delft blue with a col­ featured the capped sleeve line. Jimmy Fidler . ... , ...... T....., upper Yangtse river sys\em have mBISToF Run D.nca C.rni¥ll. .•... hln, senting two feature-length motion ior technician in charge of river cessful revolutions were rampant larless neckline. Her hat was a Her Jane Morgan hat was of pink 7,OO-Ch"li. AI,Canhy ...... ;.~.~, pictures this evening at 7:30 in been made navigable for small and young Culbertson saw the in- ' brown fur felt Victorian bonnet wool felt Victorian with a dog mE BLUE C. .... leade Thulr • ... ••••• •• ,...... , boats and the' area of land under J ohnny I'r~ kn t • •.• ••••• •. T • ..., room 223, engineerin. buildin •. side of many a Russian jail be- by Pasadena. collar veil. . I Mr. i. Mr• • Ntorth .•.••. W...... , irrigation has been increased by Prank ~J()r •• n . • .•••••••• n ..,.." The first film titled, "Explorers fore he acquired a Yale educa- Clara Ehlers' tunic suit of Diane Horrabin's two-piece red 1540 Cilies Servi u Ilith,.-., • •• .• •• . P(Wu of the World," covers the hllh­ 600,000 acres during the war. Edmund Hunt Death tion. Since that time he has stud- Chinese fuchsia featured the new and white fish print bathing suit [';,llltht G!lyelit. . • . •• , • •S.t.,., One of the most Important de­ 7,30- Eddl. Ilr"'f. Story ...... S"" lights of six outstanding expedi­ ied at six universities including deep armhole. With it she wore a was one of the most chic. Over 50.000 WATTS Voice III Firelton• . ... . •... M...,. tions to the various parts of the velopments that China is planning Geneva university and Sorbonne black shiny straw Victorian pom­ it she wore a red rayon gabardine DII' "ilh Judy ...... :r.... ' to continue after the war is to Reported to Cousin C'..:a rt r n Ilr Chttr •• . •• ••• • "'14a..ur world as related by the leaders of and has traveled observantly the padour hat with a dog collar veil rain coat. Din.1I ShDro . . • •.•• •• ••• nu"" harness her tremendous potential Duff., '. 1'o\'tl'n ...... • . .. • . Pri. the expeditions. Amon. the expe~ world over. by Sunnyland, Betty Nolan modeled a Sandora water power. Mr. Chang explained Mrs. Nelle Hunt Flannagan, 419 TI ' u~h or Calltequ.ncrt . . . Sat.,., ditio", pictured will be McCraok­ It wasn't until 1916 that Cul- Coconut Green creation of quilted florai crepe WAR BONDS 8 ; OO- ~I .n h . lI.n Merry·Co·Rod..... SoIIIof en's Siberian Arctic; Lamb's Tibe- that the Yangtse river is smaUer Iowa avenue, has received word of bel·tson began as a writer on lit- Mrs. Ann Bar d s ley won brunch coat with mat chi n g ~ r elt rllill ne Htlur •.••• • ••• . M_, than the Mississippi but that it is the sudden death of her cousin. 1\1 ~ Jiirrv Tlle.lfr •••.....•• • T"'" ian Photo-Scientiifc; C I a I' k's erature and sociology, but before applause with her coconut green pajamas. RJdi. CantQ r .•• "'...:: •. • •• W..... African; Stenhouse'sc Trans-ant­ much swifer and more water flows Edmund Hunt, 5t, of Fairrield. that time he spent years studying Manderin suit of ail wool flan­ Newest in Skirts Ablr&ii#» Bin1 Cro.b, ...... TM$ in that than in the Mississippi. \\'11.1'& Time • .• •••.•• •.•• ••• P , arctic; Byrd's Antaretic, and Mr. Hunt, who died of a heart mass psychology and international nel by Crane Abrams. Her hat, A lilac pleated all-around Nlhon.' Barn nantt .•. ... Sa' , Noice's Brazilian Indian expedi­ The electrical powel' from these atta~k Sunday, was president of relations. Widely read in philoso- very much in the Easter mood, with a violet sweater by Jane 8:lD-Alhum Fimillir Music, ... , .. SIIIIIY proposed developments will be In rUfflllldon Plene •• , .•.• . ~ tion. the Fairfield Glove and Mitten phy, history, and economics, Ely was an all flower forward toque Irwill was shown by Shirley Bux­ I'ihbe. M.C.. .t M.II' .... T....., used (or industrial purposes, oper­ factory. 1\1 r. Oi ' l rict Allorney ... . Wttl"'" The second movie is tltl!!d Culbertson also stood in bread- wedge back b~ Pasedena. ton, Her costume was comple­ Bah Bu, ...... n~ ating pumps in Irrigation proj­ He was graduated in 1916 from People Are Funny .. . . . , .. •.. P"", "Mush, You Malemutes" and was lines, picked fruit, planted corn, A two-pIece 3-4 length coat of mented by a rose wool felt cloche ect:s, municipal uses and in homes. the college of liberal art~ at the low. 80rn Don" F'.U ..... ~, produced by Fatber Hubbard, "The panhandled and gambled sci n- aqua and brown all wool flannel by Poppy. 9 ,00- 110", uf C1 ...m ...... ~ "This is very important because University of Iowa. tificaJly fo r a living. was modeled by Mrs. J . J . Hin- Mrs. Gyda Rickey, Conlented Pro.ri." ••...... M...., Glacier Priest." It is the first it will help to raise the standard Bob Hope ...... , ...... §. In mapping out his career, Cul- man, Jr. With her Redfern suit K,y full-length movie ever released by of living," Mr. Chang said. Rev. Albert Goatsman representative di rected K,,,,', Co li ...... W bertson has been president of the she wore a short sleeved suit show. Ahhnu &. Coltello .•. •. .. .•• 1\ Father Hubbard. The film deals Other proposed developments Speaks in Art Building Ama. 'n· Andy •••••••.•••••• F , with his Eskimo hysky do .. which are to attempt to irrigate the vast Bridge World, Inc. since Decem- sweater by Regina. A dog col­ Co-chairmen of the show and 9 :JO-r:oUl.d, Th ... " ...... ~ bel', 1929, and of the Kem P)aying lar studded with nail heads card party were Mrs. W. D,. I. O...... ~ went with him into the interior of deser regions· in the northwest­ lIild e~lrdl! ...... '1::; . The Rev, Albert Goetsman, pas­ Rud, V,II ...... 1\. rItI! Alaska to find the scientific dis­ ern part of China and to improve Card company since 1937. Not ~::::::=:::::::::::::::::::~~~=:;:;~;::;::=;;;:;:::;;:;:::;:;;~ tor of St. John's church at only does he edit two magazines, I 1I0ll ywood Th .."...... ' coveries which have brought him flood control works on the Yel­ tO tOO-Au.tin a Cat1ri~hl...... Houghton. spoke last night on Ch" te,fi.ld Sup. CI.b Moo Iln. Pri fame. low river to prevent its disastrous The Bridge World magazine in "The Catacombs," in the auditor­ New York and the International IO,r S-N, ...... ~ • floods in the future. I IO ,JO- W" Ser •• 8,B. S•• 101 •• ",... ~ ium of the art building, Section Le Revue du Bridge In BVl!r~thin' lor the .., .. . .. 1,.; All hydraulic and hydroeillctric Father Goetsman spent seven Ce n " flU Top Thi • • •. : ...... projects in China are under the Paris, but he is also the founder .Iudy C.n... Sh ...... S::: McNally Services years in graduate study in Rome. and president of the World Fed­ IO I4S-Ameri" United ..••• •••• , ...... authority of the National Conserv­ After receiving the S.T.D. and Ynur N.v'!' prt .. ftt • • •••••.• ~ ancy commission, an organ of the eration, Inc. A Iso numbered Sporli,h. o. Rb ...... "',...... , Ph.D. degrees, he returned to st. among his varied experiences are I S",h·Myri PII... " ...... To Be Tomorrow central governm~nt corresponding Ambrose college where he taught 11 :00-'1."...... Su. M•• T.. '""~ roughly to our department of the his contributions to magazines on Stt rl it Ra.d ...... W.n:~ philosophy (or eight years. Since international politics and mass Bill S,. , ...... ;:,. Joseph W. McNally, 648 S, Gov­ interior. Under the national cqm­ then he has been pastor of St. 1I ,OS-S ••• I, Up r.r Am .....I .. . ,,' ... ernor street, died at his home Sun­ miSSion are commissions for each psychology . He ;Jlso is a scenario .~!",I' ...... M•• Til. "'f..- John's church at Houghton, writer. II ,I S- f,."I. TOPI ...... ,..., day evening after a lingerinl ill­ area of development, such as the II ,JO-()Id p.. hlon.d R"I.oI ...... w... Yangtse river commission, the Yel­ Here is a man who has for years Lon don Colarln . ••••.•• ••• •~~ .. ness. Agronomist to Speak N,,,. .. .., . ,,...... Ta ..." ... Funeral servic;es will be held at low river commission and the lined up opposite hands-east, II ' l~ - M .. I...... '...... Do., .. ,. west, north and south, and who II ,SS-N 'w...... Do., .. 'p. St. Mary's church tomorrow morn­ Hual river commission. On Soil Management IZ ,OO-MiliIJr. B,.~ • . : ...... M.. ~.!.... inl at 9 o'clock. Burial will be at These commissions have au­ now has turned to lining up oppos­ I Suu.ill Ihe Wi ...... ~ Brookland. thority over al\ the phases of en­ H. B. Cheney', extension agron­ ing nations at the coming peace All lI11i., •••bl"' I...... table by devisina strategy to keep Put on your hat. soldier. War Surviving are two brothers, lineering: studying, surveying, Om1st of Ames, will di:scuss soil Bond dollBl's supplied you with one John A. McNally of Jowa City and planning and actual construction, management at a meeting to be their relations peaceful if not as. It did the coat. Private Conrad WHO Barn Dance FroJt Lawrence P. McNally of 041. After arriving in this country held in the C.S.A. hall Thursday friendly. From hi.s widely diver­ Baker, ot New York wasn't tooling EACH SATURDAY NIGST the high-ranking Chinese en­ afternoon at 1:15. sified background Ely Culbertson BOOGIE WOO&IE when thIs picture was made. It WIlS Shrln. Audltn,l ••-000 ...... lie Moines; four sistera, Mal'7, Ella, a lot colder where he WIl3 on the Adull. 35< QIW", . Josephine and Marlaret, all of gineers spent one month in study­ All farmers interested in soil will tell of "The Fight For Total Sleatried LIne than it WIIa all Lbe COl li,~." •• 914 "'010II ,"..; ~ Iowa City, and six nephewi. ing the various projects ih the management may attend. Peace." .Wit Bood home trant, It II Ih,l.o 0&04 , 111_' ......