
NICHOLAS BREAKSPEAR CATHOLIC SCHOOL Diocese of Westminster Academy Trust

Subject: Music Year Group: 10 Topic: AoS 3 Film Music Topic: Summer 1 Key Quesons: • Do I understand the main composional techniques that composers use to create music? • Do I understand how to relate the music to images? • Can I gain an understanding of how musicians are able to effect emoons with the combinaon of sound and image? • Can I develop interesng ideas? Key Concepts: • Music technology • Musical elements • Producon Skills Covered: • Composion • Listening/Appraisal • Producon • Solo and ensemble performance Links to previous learning: In this module we will be using what we know about musical elements and composion to create pieces of music that will affect the listener alongside a visual smulus. We use our knowledge on composional techniques in order to create and develop interesng musical ideas. Topics: Key themes/vocabulary: Opportunies for moral, social and cultural development:

Quality & Excellence NICHOLAS BREAKSPEAR CATHOLIC SCHOOL Diocese of Westminster Academy Trust

● Music for Film: ● Key film composers ● Exploraon of different genres of music Key composers ● Understanding different notaon systems from Genres and Characteriscs around the world Use of different instruments and ● Working collaboravely to produce a performance idenfying them Composing to a brief • Harmony and Tonality Different tonalies and how they ● Major, Minor, Modal, Atonal create atmosphere. ● Tonic/Dominant relaonships and how to ● Relave major/minor exploit them. ● Orchestral ● Synthesized ● Acousc This scheme follows the Naonal Curriculum: Yes

Quality & Excellence