
Part 6 :: Touched By An Angel What’s the truth about angels? Are they here to help us? Can you pray to them? Are they everywhere? Does everyone have a guardian angel? It’s actually surprisingly difficult to get an intelligent answer these days, except from the bible, which has a surprising amount to say about angels. We’ll explore that—and why angels even matters—this weekend.

Scripture: Psalm 103:13-22, and Hebrews 13:1-3

Bottom Line: Angels exist to accomplish God’s will, not yours.

Discussion Questions 1. Up until now, what did you think angels were like? What did you believe they do? 2. Read Psalm 103:13-22, and Hebrews 13:1-3. In what ways is the bible’s description of angels different from the popular views of angels? 3. In the message, Carey said an overfocus on angels can distract us from the power that’s available to us in Jesus. In what ways do you think that might be a problem for people? 4. “If you met an angel, you’d probably never know you did.” Why do you think God disguises angels sometimes? 5. Angels exist to accomplish God’s will, not yours. While that might be a little disappointing to hear initially, what good things do you think might happen in your life and in the world if angels and humans together set out to do God’s will?

Moving Forward It’s almost Christmas. Think through the spectacular gift Jesus was and is to humanity. The angels announced that Jesus had come to show God’s good will toward men. How could you become more specifically focused on accomplishing God’s will in your life—the things God would want to accomplish in you and through you?

Changing Your Mind Yes, praise the lord, you armies of angels who serve him and do his will! Psalm 103:21 NLT