Pakubuwono X
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- REAKTUALISASI AJARAN ISLAM (Studi Atas Gagasan Dan Pemikiran Munawir Sjadzali)
- “Thailand and Indonesia: the Journey of Relations from Close Historical Ties to Strategic Partnership in the New Normal Era”
- Pahlawan Nasional.Indd
- Adat and Indigeneity in Indonesia Culture and Entitlements Between Heteronomy and Self-Ascription
- SOEHARTO and the David Jenkins1
- Nama Pahlawan Nasional NAMA TMP Nomor Tanggal
- The Dutch Colonial World During Queen Wilhelmina’ S Reign, 1898–1948
- Memperkenalkan Sejarah Pahlawan Nasional Pakubuwono X Bagi Peserta Didik Mi/Sd Di Indonesia
- Adat and Indigeneity in Indonesia Prived of Their Land, Especially During the New Order Regime (1966-1998)
- Berkala Arkeologi
- Kajian Forensik Linguistik: Viralitas Dan Kontroversi Video Di Media Dengan Muatan Dugaan Penghinaan Agama Sebagai Masalah Toleransi Dan Kebhinekaan
- Peran Paku Buwono X Dalam Membendung Kristenisasi Di Surakarta (1893-1939)
- “Fn” Refer to Footnotes. a Abangan Community, 79–84, 87, 95–96
- CHANGE and CONTINUITY in SOUTHEAST ASIA the Papers of the Distinguished Scholar Series
- RWY LARASSUMBOGO Karya Dan Pengabdiannya
- INDO 21 0 1107106963 1 63.Pdf (3.226Mb)
- The Life of Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX of Yogyakarta
- Pakubuwono X: Politik Oportunisme Raja Jawa (1893 – 1939)