
Note: Page numbers followed by “n” refer to notes and “fn” refer to footnotes.

A Algemeene Volkskredietbank (AVB), abangan community, 79–84, 87, 95–96, 113, 233 98, 102, 106, 111, 357n64, 359n32 Prawirodirdjo, xl, 115, 346n49 Abduh, Mohammad, 80 aliran, 79–81 Abdul Hamid Ono, see Ono, Abdul Alit, Gusti Kanjeng Ratu, 27 Hamid All- Soccer Association, Abdul Kadir, Maj. Gen., 350n30, 409n82 399–400n29 All-Indonesian Union of Muslim Abdulgani, Roeslan, xlii, 94–95, 100fn, Intellectuals (ICMI), 98 108, 133, 355n45 Allied codebreaking, see FRUMEL Abend, Hallett, 186 Alwin Nurdin, Maj., 263, 349n26 Abikusno Tjokrosujoso, 380n57 Amat Idris, Mbak, 32, 338n89 Abimanyu, Brig. Gen., 350n30, , xliii 420n105 Ambon, xliii, 163, 368n61 , Fujiwara Iwaichi helps foment American Standard Oil Co, 176fn 1942 revolt in, 208, 214 AMS, see education system in pre- Aceh War, 41, 131, 143, 160, 162, war NEI 362n11 Amsterdam, 202 Adam, Lucien, Governor of Ancol, Japanese beheadings at, 288 , 384n81 Andaman Islands, 206 adat (customary law), 128 Anderson, Benedict, 80, 84fn, 85fn, agama Jawa, see Javanese religion 107fn, 140fn, 188–89, 340n102, Agrarian Law (1870), 331n21 343n19, 352n54, 353n8, 354n18, Agung, , 99, 102 359n16, 367n57, 372n10, 398n10, Aidit, D.N., xli 402n47, 405n21 Alamsjah Ratu Perwiranegara, Anwar, Rosihan, 28–29fn Lt. Gen., 353n11 Arab Bureau (British), 214

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Arafura Sea, 2 Institute of Technology, Arifin, Maj. (later Lt.) Gen. Bustanil, 348n25 249 Bangka Island, 366n40 Asahi Shimbun group, awarded press bangsawan, 402n46 monopoly in , 179 , 295 Ashari Danudirdjo, Lt. Gen., 349n26 Bank Rakyat Indonesia, 360n42 Asian Financial Crisis, 1997–98, xxx, Banten, 400n29 xxxvii, 326n15 Banten Bay, Japanese land at, 165, 167 “Asian miracle” economies, xxviii, Banyubiru, xliii 326n15 Banyumas, 396–97n76, 398n7 Askari, Lt. Gen. R.H., 350n30 Bardosono, Brig. Gen., 257, 268, 409n82 Astana Giri Bangun, xliii, 25–26 Barisan Hizbullah, see Hizbullah Astana Girilayu, 339–340n100, Batavia, renamed , 4 341n111 Battle of the Java Sea, 166 Astana Mangadeg, 26, 340n100 Battle of Midway, 206, 378n23 Atmoprawiro, 53, 66 Baud, Jean Chretien, 40 Atmosudiro, 54 Bay of Bengal, 206 AT&T, xxix Beauharnais, Eugene de, 108 Australia, 2, 212 Belgium, 142 Australian Army Bell, Pietje, 234 1st Corps, planned 1945 landing at Benda, Harry, 363n27, 400n29, 413n29 , 296 Bengkulu, 116 6th Division, 296 Benson, Col. George, xxvii, 326n8, 7th Division, 296, 374n26 413n29 Blackforce on Java 1942, 165 Beppan, see Gull Force on Ambon, 1942, 164 Berenschot, Lt. Gen. Gerardus Johannes, 130 B Berlin, xli Bahasa Indonesia, 180 Bina Graha, presidential office block, Bakin, State Intelligence Coordination 21, 94 Board, 340n103 Bismarck, Otto von, xxxiv , xli, 395n67 Bland, Sir Nevile, 142 Dutch conquest of, 42 Blenheim , 231–32 terrorist bombing in (2002), xxxvi , xxxviii under Japanese Navy (1942–45), Blitar Revolt, 218, 284–85, 286, causes 178 of, 287–88, Japanese alarmed by, Balibo Declaration, 338–39n94 deal harshly with participants, , 134, 164, 368n61 retrain others, 288–90, 291–94, Bambang Trihatmodjo, 28 302, 418n83, 418n90, 419n98, Banda Neira, 116 421n106 Bandung, xxxviii, 165, 168, 295, Blora, 167 passim , 227, 228, military town, 269–72

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Bogor Palace, xxxviii Caltex, 42 Bojonegoro, 398n7 Cam Ranh Bay, 152, 165 Bolshevik Revolution, xl Carpentier Alting Stichting, Jakarta, Booth, Anne, 7, 330n14 348n23 monument, 37 Castles, Lance, 353n6 Boven Digul, 50, 116 Castro, Fidel, xxix, xxxix Bowlby, John, 31 Catholic Party (Partai Katholik), 95 BPM, Batavia Petroleum , Central Intelligence Agency, xxiii, 176fn xxvii Bratanata, Slamet, 72, 324, 351n38, Cepu, 167 355n46 Chikutai Shireibu, regional Peta HQs, Brebeg, 288, 292–93, 302 277–280 Bresnan, John, 336n61 China, xxx, xxxviii, 175, 208, 326n15 British Chiefs of Staff warn in 1937 Chinese community in NEI, 41, that UK lacks the capacity to 46, 50, 68, “jealous” of pribumi resist , Italy and progress under Japanese, 203 simultaneously, 125 Chinese Communist Party, founding British India, comparison with NEI, of, 49 117, 378n25 Christelijk Lyceum, Bandung, 348n23, British Indian Army troops, 388n3 349n29 British North territories, xxxii, Christelijke AMS–B, Jakarta, 257, 175, 206 349n29 Broad Outlines of State Policy Christelijke HBS, Jakarta, 348n23, (GBHN), 93 349n29 Brotohamidjojo, Brig. Gen., 405n21 Cibarusa, 294 bubonic plague, 3 Cilacap, Japanese advance on and Budi Utomo (Noble Endeavour), 50 capture, 166, 168 Buitenzorg (now Bogor), 231 , 168 Burleigh, Michael, 140fn Cisarua, 168 Burma, 206 Citespong, 168 Burma Independence Army, BIA, 207, Clausewitz, Karl von, 370n83 214, 218 Cohen, Margot, 341n119 Burma National Army, 218 Colombijn, Freek, 250 Butir-Butir Budaya Jawa (Seeds of “comfort women”, enforced Javanese Culture), 100n100 prostitution, sexual slavery, 204 Comintern, xl, 49, 344n12 C Committee for the Preparation of Caduad, 404n55 Indonesian Independence (PPKI), Caltex, xxix 294, 299–301 Calling Australia (Goshu e no yobigoe), Confession of Faith (Syahadat), 79, 81, Japanese propaganda film, 217, 85, 101, 354n32 412n22 “Confrontation”, xxxii, 19

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Conrad, Joseph, xxxi Djati, Arief, 100fn CORO, Reserve Officers Training Djatikusumo, Lt. Gen. G.P.H., xliii, Corps, see Royal 105, 228, 253, 348n26, 350n30, Indies Army 358n9, 369n79, n81, 396n76, “Council of Generals”, xxiii, passim 401n32, 401n46, 403n49 Cribb, Robert, 250–51, 362n14, Djojosujitno, teacher in Wuryantoro, 407n58, 408n61, 408n63 66 Crocodile Hole, xxiii Doihara, Lt. Gen. Kenji, chart, 181 Crouch, Harold, xxxiv, 327n21 Douwes Dekker, Eduard (Multatuli), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 343n26 xxiii, passim Drea, Edward, 238 Cultivation System, 40–2, 342n15 Drijber, 1st Lt. F., 373n11 currency, NEI florins/guilders Drijber, Capt. K.J.J., 161, 372n11 retained during occupation, Dunkirk, 125, 142 Japanese military scrip (gunpyo) Dwipayana (Dwipa), Col. Gufrani, later circulates, 179 92, 111, 328n1 Curtin, John, 165, 374n26 E D , Portuguese, xxvii, D’Orient, 234 annexed by Indonesia, votes for Dahlan, Kiai, 82 independence after Soeharto’s Notosudirdjo, Raden, xl–xli, fall, xxviii, xxx, 23, 338n94, 371n1 49, 328n33 education system in pre-war NEI (Abode of Islam), xxxv, Dutch-language schools 96 Algemeene Middelbare School, Daryatmo, Gen., 403n48 AMS (General Intermediate Daryatmo, Romo or Kiai, 86–87, School), 68–69, 112, 349n29, 89–92, 111, 121, 354n30, n31, n35 350n30 Davao, 163 Europese Lagere School, ELS De Defensiegrondslagen, 143 (European Lower School), Delbrück, Hans, 370n83 68, 350n29 Deng Xiaoping, xxix Geneeskundige Hogeschool, Der Spiegel, 404n53 GHS, medical faculty, Dewan Dakwah Islamiyah Indonesia Jakarta, 350n29 (Indonesian Islamic Propagation Hogere Burger School, HBS Council), 355n43 (Higher Civil School), 68, Dewan Pertimbangan Agung (DPA), 112, 348n23–24–26, 349n29 , 105 Hollandsch-Inlandsche Dewantoro, Ki Hadjar, 357n64 Kweekschool, HIK Dharsono, Lt. Gen. H.R., 349n26 (Teacher’s Training College Dickens, Charles, xxxiii for Natives), 112, 256, , Prince, 284 349n29, 351n30

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Hollandsch-Inlandsche School, Erwiza, Erman, 250 HIS (Dutch–Native School), Ethical Policy, 42, 47–48, 56 68 Eurasians, Indo-Europeans, 128–32 Meer Uitgebreid Lager Exxon, xxix Onderwijs, MULO (More Extensive Lower Education), F 68, 234 Fatherland Volunteer Defence Force Nederlandsch–Indische Artsen (Tentara Sukarela Pembela Tanah School, , medical Air), see Java Volunteer Defence school, Surabaya, 350n29 Force Rechts Hogeschool, RH, pre-war Fealy, Greg, 357n61, 357n63 Law Faculty in Jakarta Feith, Herbert, 361n56 Technische Hogeschool, THS, Flash Gordon, 234 Bandung Institute of Fleet Radio Unit Melbourne Technology, 348n25 (FRUMEL), 423n37 vernacular and Dutch-language Foreign Orientals, 129 schools Fouché, Joseph, 385n92 link schools (schaklelschool), 70, , 142 71, 111, 112, 113 Franco, Gen. Francisco, xxxii, xxxiv, pesantren, Islamic boarding xxxvii schools, 69 Fraser, Malcolm, 111 private schools run by Frederick, William, 377n12 Muhammadiyah, Taman Freeport, xxix Siswa, 69 French Indochina, Japanese garrison technical schools, 349–50n29 armies in, 152, 206, 223 Tweede Inlandsche School, Fretilin, xxx 350n29 Front , 82, 83, 324n2 vocational schools (vakscholen), 69 Fujiwara, Lt. Gen. Iwaichi, 208, 214, village schools (volksscholen, 389n8, 391n19 desascholen), 56–57, 64, 65, 69 Fukuoka, 2nd Lt. Masao, 406n27 education system under the Japanese Sekolah Rakyat, Sekolah Menengah G Pertama (SMP), and Sekolah G-30-S, see September 30th Movement Menengah Tinggi (SMT) set Gaddafi, Col. Muamar, xxix up, 350n29, teach in Bahasa Gafur, Abdul, 325n5, 351n35 Indonesia, 179–80 Gandhi, Mohondas K., 50 Edwards, John, 374n26 Garuda Mataram Brigade, 250 Elson, R.E., 12–13, 76, 112, 330n14, GBHN (Broad Outlines of State 333n45, 334n52, 359n34, 381n66, Policy), 93 382n68 Geertz, Clifford, 5, 7, 10, 38, 79–81, Eretan Wetan, Japanese land at, 165, 85, 85fn, 89, 106, 352n1, 353n18, 166 359n16

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Generation of ’45, xxxvii, passim Hamengku Buwono VIII, 15, 17, Giyugun (Jawa Boei Giyugun, or 34, 61fn, “songless canary in Giyugun), see Java Volunteer a golden cage”, 117, 334n54, Defence Force 335n56, 336n68 and passim Giyugun Gakari, 416n54, 416n55 Hamengku Buwono IX, xxxiv, 15–16, Giyugun Shidobu, “proto-general 18, 19, 33, 117, 202, 333n41, staff” for Peta, 270, 416n54 336n68, 337n74 Giyugun Shireibu, 278, 416n55, Hamidjojo Santoso, K.P.H., 402n46 416n56, 416n58 Hamidjojo Saroso, K.P.H. (later Giyugun Shitsu, 416n54, 416n55 Mangkunegoro VIII), 402n46 Glagah, xliii, 266, 268 Hankam, Department of Defence and Glinn, Burt, xxxix Security, 249 , 125, 136–39, 150, 168 Harada, Lt. Gen. Kumakichi, Java Gondang Lipuro sugar mill, 384n81 commander, Nov 1942–Apr 1945, Goto, Capt. Tetsuo, 280 chart, 182, pre-war military Great Depression, impact of, 8, 57, 134 attaché in China, 186–87, grants Greater East Asia, 140, 197, 217 Java right to execute Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity suspects without trial, 192, 194, Sphere, 177, 185 favours Peta, 216–17, 219, 237, Greater East Asia War, 262 261–62, 264, 275, convicted of Gresik, 159 war crimes, hanged, 410n106 Groen, P.M.H., 361–62n2, 362n11, Hardjono, Joan, 330n14 363n19, 365n34, 365n35, 372n5, Hardjowidjono, 73, 87 373n11, 373n12 Hariadi, Capt. Frans, xxiv Groom, Wg. Cdr. Alan, 283, 417n79 Harjono, Maj. Gen. M.T., 349n26 Guadalcanal, 183 Harjoprakoso, Susilo, 354n26 Guided Democracy (1959–65), ix, xxxvi Harun, Lukman, 82, 83 Gumilir, Peta sergeants kill Japanese Haryasudirja Sasraningrat, K.P.H. corporal at, 420n105 Petrus Kanisius, (also given gunpyo, Japanese military script, 179 as Haryo Sudirdjo) xxiv–xxvi, Gunung Kidul, 117 15–18, 24, 29, 74, 225–26, passim, 324n2, n3, n4, 326n9, 332n40, H 333n41, n48, n50, 334n53, n54, Haasse, Hella, 119 n55, 398n17 Habibie, Bacharuddin Jusuf (1936– Haryokusumo, R.M.T., 339n95 2019), 71, 75, 98, 99, 101, 352n52, Haryono, half-brother of Suprijadi, 356n55, 357n61, 360n46 Peta revolt leader, 284, 418n87 Habibie, Ilham Akbar, 101 Hashimoto, Col. Kingoro, 186 Hadinegoro, B.P.H., 337n74 Hashizumi, Capt., chart, 210 Hamengku Buwono II, 14 Hastinapura, 29 Hamengku Buwono V, 333n45 Hasuda, 1st Lt. Tatsuo, chart, 210, Hamengku Buwono VII, 15, 17 415n50, 423n45

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Hatmohudojo, R.M. Panji, 66 HKS (Hogere Krijgsschool, [Dutch] Hatta, Mohammad (1902–80), xxxi, Higher War College), 370n83 university in The Netherlands, Ho Chi Minh, xxix, xl, 49 active in pre-war independence Ho Yong (aka Hinatsu Eitaro and Hu movement, arrested 1934, Yung), 394n59 internal exile at Boven Digul and Hoedt, Maj. J.W.G.A., 168–69 Banda Neira, he and Hohei no honryo, 244 work with the Japanese, 183, Hohei soten, army infantry textbook, 244 Kenpeitai distrust, plan to Holland, see Netherlands assassinate, joins Sukarno in Homma, Lt. Gen. Masaharu, 163 proclaiming independence, 72, Hong Kong, 385n92 116, 186, 195, 260–61, 280, 288, Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Force, 300–1, 327n25, 328n33, 348n25, 163 360n52 Honshu, 198 Havana, xxxix Hull, Terence, xxix, 326n16, 344n20 heiho, Indonesian auxiliary soldiers in Humardani, Maj. Gen. Sudjono, 89, Japanese Army, 217 92, 354n26, 408n73 Hein, Adm. Piet, 234 “Hyneman”, Lt., see Heineman, Sub- Heineman, Sub-Lt. C.G., 161, 373n12 Lt. C.G. and Heineman, Sub-Lt. Heineman, Sub-Lt. J.D., 161, 373n12 J.D. Hembrug, 137 Herald, Melbourne, xxxviii I Heshusius, Col. C.A. (Carel), 119, IAIN (Institut Agama Islam Negeri), 168–69, 360n49, 361n63, 363n17, 356n53 n18, n20, 365n34, n37, 367n44, Ibu Tien, see Soeharto, n46, n47, n48, 372n5, n6, 375n31, ICMI (Ikatan Cendekiawan Muslim n38 se-Indonesia), 98 Heutsz, Lt. Gen. Joannes Benedictus Idris, Lt. Gen. Kemal, 92, 213, 227fn, van, 375n37 259, 282, 349n26, 392n43, 395n67 Hidajat Martaatmadja, Col., R., 273, Ikeyama, Maj. Yasushi, chart, 194 348n26, 350n30, 392n43 Imamura, Lt. Gen. Hitoshi, career, Hindu-Buddhist kingdoms on Java, 2 outlook, 378n25, 166, 175–76, Hirohito, Emperor of Japan (r. 1926– 178–80, “mild policy” on Java, 89), 42nd birthday celebrated 180, chart, 181, 182, reaches in Java, 204, decorates Sukarno out to Sukarno and Hatta, 183, and Hatta in 1943, 260, sues for expects early Allied attack, 207, peace, 298, receives Soeharto in interns Allied civilians, 184, sent 1968, 242–43, 406n25 to Rabaul, 186, 379n39, 388n1 Hiroshima, atomic bombing of, 300 Imhof, Baron Gustaaf Willem van, Hizbul Wathon, 84 Governor General, 231 Hizbullah, Barisan (Army of God), Imperial Japanese Army (IJA), 140, 207, 294, 389n5, 421n15 Japanese attack Pearl Harbor,

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Hong Kong, Malaya, the to “comfort women”, 202–4, and NEI, 162, 204, makes 1943 propaganda 206, passim, Java campaign, film Calling Australia 165–68, Dutch surrender, 170, (Goshu e no yobigoe), 217, 82,600 POWs, 170, Indonesian 283, 412n22, “bad feelings” welcome soon cools, 176–77 between Kenpeitai and, 275, 2nd Division, 165, special 390n15, establishes Java intelligence office bunshitsu( ), Volunteer Defence Force 223, after Java sent to (Peta), Special Guerrilla Guadalcanal, 183 Force (Yugekitai), Barisan 16th Army (Java), chart, 182 Hizbullah (Hizbullah), and Military Administration Overseas Chinese Defence Department (Gunseikanbu) Corps (Kakyo Boei-tai), 207, Civilian police force, 195–98, 223, passim 204 27th Independent Combined Propaganda Department Brigade, chart, 286, 296 (Sendenbu), 376n9 28th Independent Combined Military Police (Kenpeitai), Brigade, chart, 286 chart, 194, restore order 156th Indep. Inf. Batt. (), after invasion, 176, torture 287 by, execution of suspects 17th Field Heavy Artillery without trial, 192–93, 195–96, Regiment, 167 204, 207, 222, interrogation 25th Army (), 175 of RAAF NCOs, 283, 48th Division, 165, 166, 175, after Koreans in, 381n67, ill Java fighting sent to defend feeling between Beppan Timor and Arafura Sea, 184, and, 209, 390n15, deep fear recalled to Java in 1945, 296 of Communism and Islam, 56th Division, 183 384n86, Special Higher Army Air Force, 296, 298 Police (Tokko-ka), 195, Army General Staff, Tokyo passim Second Department Propaganda Corps (Sendenhan), (Intelligence), Section 8, 208 175, 215, 243, 376n9 atrocities, 163–64 Special Intelligence Section at Hong Kong, 163 (Beppan), chart, 210, at Singapore, 164 unsavoury tokumukikan at , 163–64 lineage, 207–8, trained at Balikpapan, 164 to conduct clandestine at Ambon, 164 operations and win over on Bangka Island, 164 “native peoples”, 207, at Cepu, 167 211, monitors Indonesian at Blora, 167 conditions, early reference at Yogyakarta, 177

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cannibalism by Japanese troops, Indian National Army (INA), 207, 274 208, 214, 218 corporal punishment in IJA and Indies Social Democratic Association against , some Peta (Indische Sociaal-Democratische officers emulate Japanese, 248– Vereniging, ISDV), 49 50, analysis of such behaviour, Indochinese Communist Party, xl, 49 250–53 Indonesia, passim Eighth Area Army, 186 arrival of the Dutch, 39–41 Japanese civil servants brought “Confrontation” with to Java, 184, island seen as (1963–66), xxxii paradise in the occupied areas, ethnic Chinese in, 41, 46 185 Hindu-Buddhist kingdoms, 35–38 Kaneuji Echelon, 166, 168 , 83, passim Nakano Gakko, army intelligence location, size, geography, ethnic school, 208–9, 211, 214, 238 composition, population, xxix, Reserve Officers Academy population estimates for Java (Yobishikan Gakko), 236 1800–1940, 52 Sakaguchi Task Force, 166–67, after 1945 Constitution, xxxv, 83, 327n45 Java sent to Burma, 183 Proclamation of Independence, Shoji Detachment, 166 xxxv, 301 Southern Army, 180, 206, 216, 300, spread of Islam, 38–39 chart, 181 “Indonesia Accuses!” (“Indonesia Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN), 140–41, Klaagt Aan!”), 116 166, 178, 204, 206, 296, 298, Indonesia Dalem Api dan Bara, 170 passim (Great Indonesia), 2nd Southern Expeditionary Fleet anthem, 51, 180, 260, 275, 301 (Surabaya), 377–78n22 Indonesian Communist Party (PKI), 31st Air Division, Yogyakarta, xxiii, xxv, 49–50, 80fn, 115, 192, Special Attack Force (Tokubetsu 195, 346n49, passim kogekitai), kamikazi squad, Indonesian flag, 180, 260, 275, 301 298–99 Indonesian National Army (TNI), Naval Civil Administration xxiv, xxxi, 174, 207, 220, 222, 224 (Kaigun Minseifu), Makassar, Army General Reserve Corps 378n22 (Caduad), 404n55 Naval General Staff, 152 Army Strategic Reserve (Kostrad), Navy seeks “permanent retention” xxiii of NEI east of Bali, 378n23 Diponegoro Division, xxxvi, 222 Navy Liaison Office (Kaigun Kostrad, xxiii, Kostrad Battalion Bukanfu), Jakarta, 378n22 502, 155, 371n1 Imperial Rescript to Soldiers and Mandala Command for the Sailors (1882), 241–42 Liberation of West New Inada, Lt. Gen. Masazumi, 216 Guinea, 404n55

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Military Police Corps (CPM), 20, Jakarta, xi, xxiii, passim 193, 207, 382n78, lineage, Jakarta ’66 (film), 104 386n99 Jalan Bayan Kara, Yogyakarta, 192, Para-commando Regiment 376n10 (Resimen Para Komando Jalan Cendana, Jakarta, xxxix, xl, Angkatan Darat, RPKAD), 258, 329n1, 357n63 337n78 Jalan Jusuf Adiwinata, Jakarta, xl Siliwangi Division, 239 Jalan Malioboro, Yogyakarta, 46, 60 Untung Suropati Division, Jalan Rasamala, Jakarta, xxxix 401–2n46, 403n51 Jalan Reksobayan (formerly Indonesian National Revolution Kantoorlaan), Yogyakarta, 202 (1945–49), xxiv, 305, 327n28, “Jansen”, NCO, 161, 373n12 passim Janur Kuning (Yellow Coconut Leaf), Indonesian Nationalist Party (PNI), film, 29 84, 353n9 Japan, rise of alarms the Dutch, 142 Indonesian Socialist Party (PSI), 95, Jasin, Lt. Gen. Mohammad, 249, 258 96 Jatiluhur, xxxviii Indramayu rebellion, 283 Java Volunteer Defence Force Inlander (“Native”), 129 (known to Japanese as Jawa Boei International Monetary Fund (IMF), Giyugun, or Giyugun, to the xxx Indonesians as Peta), shown on irrigation system, 2, 5, 7fn, 86, 108, Beppan chart, 210, xxxi, 205, 176 207, 218, recruitment of officer Iskandar Idris, 400n29 cadets, 220–22, motivations for Iskandardinata, Maj. Gen. Sentot, joining, 229–31, policy not to 349n26 admit former KNIL members not Islamic boarding schools, see pesantren seen as big issue, 226, 399n21, Islamic fundamentalism, xxxvi aristocrats well represented Islamic law (Syariat Islam), 80, 83, 94, in, 401–2n46, 30–40 per cent of 327n25 battalion commanders are devout Islamic Youth Corps (Kaikyo Seinen Muslims but Peta not especially Teishintai), 294 Islamic, 400n29, training regime, Itagaki, Lt. Gen. Seishiro, chart, 181, 238–42, 244–46, emphasis on 393n55 physical stamina and spiritual Ito, 1st Lt. Seiji, 399n26 strength (seishin-ryoku, semangat Iwabe, Maj. Gen. Shigeo, chart, 286 menyerang), sumo, 239–40, harsh Iwo Jima, fall of, 295, 298 Japanese disciplinary measures Izumi (Spring) Unit, 412–13n25 in, 246–47, 252, 270, some Indonesian officers later emulate, J 248–50, possible explanations for Jaga Monyet camp, 280 this, 250–53, value of training in, Jahja, Daan, 349n26 263, combat strength of, weapons

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issued to, 275, reorganization Kantoorlaan (now Jalan Reksobayan), of, 277–78, Miyamoto’s distrust Yogyakarta, 202 of, 278, not put under Sukarno’s Kartasasmita, Maj. Gen. R. Didi, 273, control, 395n69, number of 348n26, 350n30 weapons at war’s end, 298, Peta Kartakusumah, Lt. Gen. Muhammad flag, 413n29, demobilization of, Rachmat, 348n26, 350n30 301–2, see also Blitar Revolt Kartawinata, Arudji, 399–400n29 Java Volunteer Defence Force Officer Kasimo, Ignatius Joseph, 95 Cadet Training Centre (Jawa Boei Kasman Singodimedjo, 399–400n29 Giyugun Kanbu Renseitai), 219 Katagiri, Col. Hisashi, chart, 286, Java War (1825–30), 40, 362n11 287–88 Javanese philosophy of life, 103–6 Kawaji Toshiyoshi, 196 Javanese religion (agama Jawa, Kawilarang, Col. Alex, 135, 227fn, kebatinan), xxxv, 79–102, passim 273, 348n26, 350n30, 366n40, Javasche Bank (Bank of Java), 368n63 407n57 Jawa Hokokai, 183 Kawano, Capt. Teruaki, 383n80, Jawa no kai (Java Society), 386n104 387n112 Jemaah Islamiyah (Islamic Kediri, 418–19n90 Community), xxxvi Kediri, “Sultan of”, 30 Johnson, Lyndon Baines, President, Keibodan (Civil Defence Corps), xxxiv chart, 201 Jonge, Bonifacius Cornelis de, Keio University, 211 Governor General, 117 kejawen (“Javanist”), xxxv Jono Hatmodjo, Brig. Gen. R.M., 16, Kemusu, hamlet, Soeharto spends 24–25, 243, 335n57, n58, 339n99, first nine years in, 1–32,passim 340n101–3, 401–2n46 Kennedy, John F., President, xxxiv Jonosewojo Handayaningrat, R.M. Kenpeiho, Indonesian NCOs working (later K.R.M.H.), Maj. Gen., 24, for Kenpeitai, some become 340n103, 392n43, 401–2n46 “abominable” torturers in the Joyoboyo prophesy, 229 post-war Indonesian Military Police Corps, 193, 382n78, 383n79 K Kenpeitai, see Imperial Japanese Kalijati airfield, 165 Army , xli, passim Kertosudiro (aka Wagiyo, Panjang, kamikazi attack planning on Java, Kertorejo and Notokariyo), 4–6, see Imperial Japanese Navy 8–9, 12, 58, 60, 62, 63, 329n4, Kamin, 114 331n26 Kammen, Douglas, 326n6 Kido, Maj. Shinichiro, chart, 286 Kampung Pujon, 296 KIM (Koninklijk Instituut voor de Kaneko Tomokazu, 175, 212, 215, 243, Marine), 369n81 career, 376n9, 377n15, passim Kim Il Sung, xxix Kaneuji, Maj. Kenichi, 166 Kleffens, E.N. van, 142

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Klungkung, Bali, 395n67 Kusnowibowo, 215, 392n43, 393n48, KMA Bandung, see Royal 395n67, 396n76 Netherlands Indies Army Kuzumi, Lt. Col. Kensaburo, chart, KNIL-ML, see Royal Netherlands 194 Indies Army Kwantung Army, 178, 390n15 Kobayashi, 2nd Lt. Yasuo, 406n27 Kwee Thiam Tjing, 170 Koentjaraningrat, 79, 89fn, 91 Koiso, Gen. Kuniaki, Prime Minister, L 274, in 1944 promises Indonesia Langenharja, pleasure retreat built by independence “in the future”, Pakubuwono IX, 28 275, 288 Latief Hendraningrat, Brig. Gen. Koizumi, Insp. Saburo, 196, 200, Abdul, 301, 350n30 chart, 201, 385n94, 387n116, Lawrence, T.E., “Lawrence of 388n119 Arabia”, 214, 392n40 Kokubu, Maj. Gen. Shinshichiro, Lee Kuan Yew, Prime Minister, xxix chart, 182, 209, 216, 261, 271, Legge, John, 36, 404n54 390n11, 390n17, 395n69 Leiden, University of, xxxv kokutai, Japanese “national structure”, LeMay, General Curtis, 294 314 Lembang, 168, 415n51 Komaki Toshihisa (or Toshikazu), Lenin, Vladimir Ilich, 48–49, 117, 329n4 344n12, 361n55 Koning Willem III School, 348n23 Lev, Daniel S., 327n22 Koningsplein, 176fn Liem Bian Kie, see Wanandi, Jusuf Konoe Fumimaro, Prime Minister, 152 Lindblad, J. Thomas, 250 , Command for the Lockhart, Bruce, 1935 visit to Java, Restoration of Security and 117, 361n55 Order, 337n77 looting after Dutch surrender, Korps Maréchaussée, xiv, 134, 365n34, Japanese shocked by, 175–76 366n39 Low Countries, 141 Kosasih, Lt. Gen. R. Achmad, 392n43 Lubis, Col. Zulkifli, background, Kosim Nurseha, Kyai Haji, 98, 356n53 education, rated highly by KPM, see Royal Mail Steam Packet Japanese, 227fn, 258–60, 262, 284, Company 350n30, 369n73, 392n43, 395n67 Kragan, Japanese land at, 166 Lubis, Mochtar, 335n61 Kromo, Mbah, 32, 121, 332n37, passim Kromodiryo, Mbah, 32 M Kuilenburg, Col. W. van, 155 MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, 163, Kupang, 163 369n73, South West Pacific Area Kuriya, Maj. Tsugunori (also given as (SWPA) command, 178, advances Kuriya Jisuke), chart, 182, 209, in New Guinea, 219, plans for 211–12, 390n17, 391n28, 394n59 Morotai, 274, plans Kuroda Hidetoshi, 185 landing, 296, 410n1

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McDonald, Hamish, 20, 65, 334n52 Mangkunegoro VI, 16, 24, 402n46 McIntyre, Angus, 76, 77, 90, 122, Mangkunegoro VIII (formerly K.P.H. 352n54, n57, 354n31, 361n69 Hamidjojo Saroso), 25, 280, McVey, Ruth, xxxiii, 51, passim, 338n79, 340n105, 341n111, 402n46 327n19, 389n8, 390n17, 392n37, Mangkunegoro IX, formerly Sudjiwo 393n43, n45, n48, 397n76, 397n2, Kusumo (G.P.H. Jiwokusumo), 410n102, passim marriage to Sukmawati Sukarno, Mabuchi, Maj. Gen. Itsuo, chart, 286 340n102 Machida, Lt. Col. Keiji, 376n9 Mangkupradja, Gatot, 216, 339n94, Machmud, Gen. Amir, 258 393n57 Madiun, 398n7 Manila, 166, 175, 294 Madiun revolt, 49, 355n45 Mao Zedong, xl, 49 Madura, xxxix, 281, 400n29 Maoist bloodbath in China, early Maeda, Rear Adm., Minoru, 152, 1950s, xxvii 371n93 Marriage Bill (1973), 93 Maeda, Rear Adm., Tadashi, 152, 299, Martial Law, xxxii 371n93, 378n22, 382n68 Martins, Jose, 339n94 Maekawa, Kaori, 394n63 Maruzaki, Capt. Yoshio, 209, charts, , xliii, 120, 161–62, 398n7 182, 210, 211–12, 219–20, 222, 244, Maguwo airfield, 298 270, slices off little finger, 271, Mahabharata, 29, 72 391n20, 392n42, 394n59, 412n25 Mainichi Daily News, 406n27 Marx, Karl, 49 Majapahit, Hindu-Buddhist kingdom Marxism, influence of in pre-war on Java, 38, 39 NEI, 49, 50, 51 Makarim, Nono, 75, 104, 352n51, Maryono, company commander 358n4 in Soeharto’s battalion, backs Makassar, xliii, 295 September 30th Movement, Malang, xliii, 287, 296, 415n51 killed, 257–58 Malari riots, 20, 337n77 Mashuri Saleh, 16, 27, 74, 91, 336n62, Malay Peninsula, xxxii 336n63, 338n84 Malaya, 175, 206 Masugi, Lt. Col. Kazuo, 270, 285, Malaysia, xxx chart, 297 Manchuria (Manchukuo), 175, 179, Masui Tadashi, 262, 410n102 208, Soviet troops attack, 299–300 Masyumi, 95, 183 Mandala command, 404n55 Mataram, name of two states on Mangadeg Foundation, 25–27 Java, the first Hindu, the second Mangkunegaran (minor court in Islamic, xxxiv, 14, 37, 39, 44, ), xliii, 20, 24–27, 29fn, passim 44, 64, 337–38n79, 340n103, n105, May, Karl, 234–35 402n46 Mecca, 79, 81–82, 98–99 Mangkunegoro I, 25, 27 Mediterranean, 141 Mangkunegoro III, 339n95 Menoreh Hills, 266

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Merak, Japanese landing at, 165 Mohammad, the Prophet, 10, 97–98 Merauke, 170fn , 398n7 (independence), 191, 288 Mokoginta, Lt. Gen. A.J., 350n30, Merdeka Hotel, Yogyakarta, xxv, passim 386n98 , Jakarta, xxv, xxxviii, Monfries, John, 33, 342n134 passim Mooy, Adrianus, 17 Merdeka Square, formerly Morimoto Takeshi, 1st Lt., 254, Koningsplein, 262 255, 266, 270, 272, 279, 288–89, Merkus, Pieter, 40 dismisses Soeharto’s claims, 292, Middelbare Bosbouw School, 349– 377n15, 397n2 50n29 Morotai, 274 Middelbare Landbouw School, Moscow, xl, xli, 299 349–50n29 MOSVIA, 284, 350n29 Middelbare Technische School (MTS), MPR (People’s Deliberative 349–50n29 Assembly), 403 Minami Kikan, 393n45 Mt Kelud, 30 Miyamoto, Col. Shizuo, 196, 219, 264, Mt Lawu, 26 275, growing distrust of Peta Mt Malabar, Japanese plan for 278–79, sees no hope of resisting “climactic battle” at, without Allied attack on Java, 295–96, Indonesian participation, 295, 298 chart, 297, 298, 377n15, 379n41, Mt Merapi, 44–45, 150 390n12, 395n69, passim Mt Merbabu, 150 Miyawaki, Capt. Saburo, chart, 194 Mt Salak, 231 Moeljadi Djojomartono, 399–400n29 Mt Sumbing, 150 Moerdani, Gen. L.B. (Benny), 92–93, Mt Wilis, 302 99, 102, 249, 337n78, 355n42, Muhammadiyah, 51, 84, 102, 111–12, 356n57, 357n63 228, 256, 357n61 Moersjid, Maj. Gen., 213, 229, 235, Muhammadiyah Youth Association, 82 247, 263, passim, education and Muller, Sgt. Maj. J.M.J., 163, 374n20 early career, 401n36, 403n48, Munadi, Maj. Gen., Peta officer, clashes twice with Soeharto, governor, 258 404n55 Munandar, Maj. Gen. Imam, 293, Moertopo, Lt. Gen. Ali, xxxv, passim, 421n11 backs claim Soeharto of noble Muradi, a leader of the Blitar revolt, birth, 19–20, 22–23, 24, 25, 285, 287 33, role in annexation of East Murakami, Staff. Sgt. Kiyota, 293 Timor, 23, accused of fanning a Murase, Maj. Mitsuo, chart, 194 self-fulfilling fear of Islam, 95, Museum Purna Bhakti Pertiwi, 29 337n76, n77, n78, 359n23 Muskita, Maj. Gen., 349n26 Moetakat Hoerip, 413n29 Muslim community, traditionalist/ Mogot, Daan, 227fn, 258, 392n43, modernist divide, 79–80 395n67 , xli, 115

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Mustafa, Zainal K.H., 282 ethnic Chinese community in, Mutsukawa 1st Lt. Masayoshi, 399n26 expansion of Dutch control, Royal Dutch Shell, Ethical Policy, N 39–43, 47, 48, political currents Nagano, Lt. Gen. Yuichiro, chart, in, 48–51, Japanese migrants in, 182, 286, chart, 297, 300–1 129, 129fn, Japanese war plans, Nagasaki, atomic bombing of, 300 140, Dutch surrender, 170 Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), 82, 102 , xxxiii, 26, 54, 64, 75, 93, Nakamoto, 2nd Lt. Yoshiyuki, 140, 140fn assessment of Soeharto, 272, New York Times, 186, 404n53 406n27 ngéngér custom on Java, 58–59, 73, Nakamura, Capt. Hiroshi, 414n41 122, 354n30 Nakamura, Maj. Gen. Junji, chart, 286 Nihon Keizai Shimbun, 118, 345n31, Nakamura Mitsuo, 180 passim Nakano Gakko, history, role, 208, 214 Nike, xxix Nakano, Maj. Kinichiro, chart, 194, Nishida, Maj. Gen. Shozo, charts, 383n80 194, 286, 297 Nakayama, Col. Yasuto, chart, 182 Nishimura, Maj. Gen. Otoshi, chart, Nami Kikan, maritime defence 182, 300–1, passim, 414n42, intelligence body, 223 423n37 Napoleon Bonaparte, xxxiv Nixon, Richard, xxxix Nasser, Col. Gamal Abdel, xxix NKPM, 176fn Nasution, Gen. Abdul Haris, xxiii, Nortier, Col. J.J. (Joop), 132, 170, xxxvi, 92, 97, 174, 227fn, 249, 250, 363n20, 363n26, 366n38, 371n91, 273 and passim, 335n61, 350n30, 371n3, 373n11, 375n42 356n49, 356n55 Notosudiro, 333n45 National Front, xxiv, xxv, xxvii, Notosudiro, Buyut (Mbah Buyut), 55 323n1, 324n2 Nugroho Notosusanto, Brig. Gen. National Indonesian Youth (titular), 231, 396n73, 401n39, Committee (KNPI), 97, 99 passim Natsir, Mohammad, 93–96, 326n9, Numfoor Is., starvation on, education, political career, 355n43 cannibalism, 274 Nazi mass murders, xxvii Nurdin, Maj. Alwin, 263, 410n104 Ndalem Kalitan, 27, 27fn, 357n63 Ndalem Ngabean, 28 O Negara, Bali, 395n67 Obana, Col. Yoshimasa, chart, 297, Nehru, Jawaharlal, xxix 414n36 Netherlands, 141 Odamura, 2nd Lt. Genzo, chart, 194 Netherlands East Indies, map, , Lt. Gen. R., xvi–xvii, xxxi, 4, (Dutch) 402n46 United East India Company, Oetomo, Lt. Gen. Koesno, 349n26 Java War, Cultivation System, Oetomo Oetojo, Maj. Gen., 349n26

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Oka, Col. Seizaburo, chart, 194 Palembang, 134, 366n40, 368n61 Okamoto, Supt. Juko, 198, chart, Panay, US Navy gunboat, 186 201, 202, 221, 225 Pancasila, 94, 95, 97, 325n5, 356n51 Okazaki, Maj. Gen. Seizaburo, chart, Pangalengan, unrest at, Japanese 182, 378n25 behead five Peta members, Okinawa, fall of, 295, 298 420n105 Old Shatterhand, 234 Panggabean, Gen. Maraden, 353n11 Ombilin coal mines, 250, 408n61 pangréh praja, indigenous Omura, Sgt. Maj., chart, 210 administrative corps, 228 Onghokham, 18, 336n70 Parikesit, Raden, 29 Onishi, 1st Lt. Katsuhiko, chart, 194 Park Chung Hee, xxix Onishi, Lt. Kyutaro, 384n86, career Parman Siswondo, Maj. Gen., early 390n15 years, 346n49, serves as kenpeiho, Ono, Abdul Hamid, formerly Ono commands CPM 1950–53, Nobuji (also given as Ono murdered, 193, 350n30 Nobuharu), chart, 210, 220, Partai Komunis Indonesia, see 401n34 Indonesian Communist Party opium smuggling, xxxvii Pathok, xxiv, passim Opsus (Operasi Khusus), 19, 20, 22 Pati, 398n7 Orwell, George, iv, 199, 387n109 Pearl Harbor, 162 Ottoman Empire, 214 Pemberton, John, 25–26 Outer Islands, 137, 141 peranakan, 41, 46, 344n4 Overseas Chinese Defence Corps pesantren, Islamic boarding schools, (Kakyo Boei-tai), 223 69, 80, 234 Philippines, 206 P Pinochet, Augusto, xxix, xxxiv Padmodipuro, Raden Rio (also given Poerbonagoro, G.P.H., 401n46 as Raden Rio Parwodipuro), Police (Indonesian Republic) known subsequently as R.L. local police forces, Special Police Prawirowiyono, 14–16, 18–19, 21, (Pasukan Polisi Istimewa), 333n48 later Police Mobile Brigade Paguyuban Wehrkreis III Yogyakarta, (BRIMOB), 386n99 325 Police (Japanese Occupation), 192 Paku Alam I, 324n3 passim Paku Alam III, 324n3 history, arrogance of, 195–98, Paku Alam VIII, 324n3 organizational chart, 201, Paku Alam IX, 324n3 204, Special Higher Police Pakualaman, xxiv, 34, passim, 401n46 (Tokubetsu Koto Keisatsu, Pakubuwono IX, 28 or Tokko), sweeping power , 12, 25, 27, 61–62, over public life, 196, well- 61fn, 253, 358n9, 403n49 armed Special Police Strike Pakubuwono XII, 28 Force (Tokubetsu Keisatsutai),

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197, 385n98, 386n99, 387n112, Prawirowihardjo, Ibu Bei (Bu Bei), 1.3-million-strong Civil 63–65, 346n45, 347n7 Defence Corps (Keibodan), Prawirowihardjo, Mas Ngabei Rawit 197, abuse of power, 203, 222, (Prawiro), 58, 63, 65, 66, 84 Central Police Department Preanger plateau, 295 (Keimubu, later Chianbu) Preston, Paul, xxxii, xxxvii Police (pre-war Dutch), 190–91 passim pribumi, 47, 68, 171, 402n46 Field Police (Veldpolitie), 190, Prins Hendrik School, 348n23 366n37 (member of the Javanese General Investigation Bureau official class), 20, 28–29fn, 40–41, (ARD), akin to British Special 50, 58, 78–80, 95, 101, concern Branch, 190 with etiquette, art and mystical Political Intelligence Bureau (PID), practice, 106–7, 115, 193, 233, 235, forerunner of ARD, 190, 192 252, 402n47, 403n48 , 193 Urban Police (Stadspolitie), 190 Probosutedjo, 21, 28, 53, 54fn, 74, polygamy, Soeharto’s 1973 Marriage 332n35, n39, 338n88, 346n41 Bill seeks to outlaw, 93 PRRI/Permesta regional rebellion, 96 Ponder, Harriet, 114 Puluhan, 56, 70 Ponidi, Peta , 254 Purbo Suwondo, Lt. Gen., 213, 233, Ponorogo, Peta battalion in, 288, 234, 236, 244, 247, 270, 349n26, 421n106 349n27, 417n67 Poorten, Lt. Gen. Hein ter, 170, career Purbo Waseso, Raden Mas (Romo 368n70, 375n4, surrenders to Gayeng), 18 Japanese, 170 Purworejo, 281 POP magazine, 18–23, 30, 33, passim, Pusat Rohani Islam (Pusrohis), Army 346n41 Islam Centre, 98 Portugal, 141 Putera, 183 Potsdam Declaration, Emperor Hirohito accepts terms of, 300 Q PPKI, see Committee for the Qaeda, al-, xxxvi Preparation of Indonesian Quinn, George, 31fn Independence Qur’an, xiii, 39, 79, 80, 84, 87, 88, passim , Hindu temple, 37 Pranoto Reksosamodra, Maj. Gen., R 227, Soeharto befriends at Bogor, Rachmat, Gen. Basuki, 353n11 background, personality, his Radio Tokyo, 180 falling out with Soeharto, 256–57, Raffles, Sir Thomas Stamford, 40, 269, 408n81, 411n7 324n3 “Pranoto Wijono”, non-existent Peta Ramadhan K.H., 328–29n1 officer cadet, 257 Ramayana, 29 Prawirosudarmadi, 338n88, n89 Rape of Nanking (Nanjing), 186

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Ratu Loro Kidul, Goddess of the Royal , Bandung, South Sea, 266 see Royal Netherlands Indies Rawamangun golf course, xxxix Army Reid, Anthony, 118 Royal Netherlands Army (Koninklijke Reinwardt, Caspar Georg Carl, Landmacht, KL), 364n33 botanist, 232 Royal Netherlands Indies Army Reksohadiprodjo, Mohammad Said, (Koninklijk Nederlands-Indisch 88, 354n26 Leger, KNIL), xxxi, passim Rengasdengklok, 301 founded 1830, officers accepted in Reserve Officers Academy polite society but army seen (Yobishikan Gakko), 236 as crude instrument of Dutch Rhine, River, 141 power, role in subjugating rice cultivation, 2, 5–7, 35, 37 the NEI, 127, in 1930s small rice levies (Japanese), 122, 185, 282 and fatally weakened by its Ricklefs, Merle, 39, 40, 79, 81, 99, twin role, 133–36, belatedly 100fn, 101, 341n126 modernizes, 143–45, creation of Rikugun Gaho (Army Illustrated), 376n9 de facto air force, 145–47, but Riyadi, Lt. Col. Slamet, 337n78 too little, too late, accepted for Robinson, Geoffrey, 395n67 the most part on Java in the Roeder, O.G., 55, 57, 62–63, 66, 84, 120 1930s, place in colonial society, Roem, Mohamad, 16, 326n9, 335n59 128, languages used, pre-war Rokugawa, 1st Lt. Masami, chart, budget of, modernization of, 210, 399n26 mechanization of, ammunition Romo Diyat, see Soediyat of wrong calibre, 147–48, Prawirokoesoemo personnel problems, shortcuts romusha (forced) labourers, 266–67, in NCO training, prostitution 282–83, 287, 411n5 in towns, homosexuality in Rono, Mbah, 338n89 early KNIL, concubinage, 139, Ronokusumo, R.M., 401–02n46 367n49, KNIL organization, Ronopradopo, R.M., 401–02n46 war preparations, 141–48, Ronopuspito, R.M., 402n46 barracks life, 154–59, Rooseboom, Governor General discrimination in pay and Willem, 148, 217, 264 conditions, 159–60, ethnic Roots of Violence in Indonesia (2002), divisions in, no distinction 250 between Europeans and Rowi, Maj. Gen. Muchlas, 403n51 “recognized” Eurasians, Royal Dutch Shell, 42 otherwise obsessed with race, Royal Mail Steam Packet Company 128–133, 159–60, Dutch prefer (KPM), 135 Menadonese, Ambonese Royal Military Academy, Breda (KMA and Timorese but in 1937 Breda), 148, 174, 273, 350n30, more Javanese in KNIL than 370n83, passim all other indigenous troops

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combined, 132, Japan sees Rukmito Hendraningrat, Lt. Gen. 243, opportunity to seize French 392n43 Indochina and NEI, 139–41, Russo-Japanese War (1904–5), 238 attacks Pearl Harbor, Hong Rustam, Lt. Gen. Supardjo, 402–3n48 Kong, Malaya, the Philippines Ruyter, Adm. Michiel de, 234 and Tarakan, Menado, Kema, Ambon and Kupang in NEI, S Dutch surrender, 162–70 Sabirin Mochtar, 395n67 2nd Division, 370n89 Sadao Oba, Officer Cadet (Supply), 3rd Depot Battalion, Gombong, 422n22 125, 136–39, passim Sadikin, Col., 101fn 9th Battalion, 168 Sadikin, Lt. Gen. Ali, 329n1 13th Battalion, 6th Infantry Saelan, Col. Maulwi, 349n26 Regiment (6 RI), 154, 159, Sahirdjan, 350n30 165 Said, Maj. Gen. Ali, 338n84 19th Battalion, Bogor, 219 Saipan Is., 274 field [infantry] battalions, 134 Saito Shizuo, 393n55 garrison battalions Sakaguchi, Maj. Gen. Shizuo, 163 (garnizoenbataljons), 134 Sakaguchi Task Force, 163–64, 166, horse cavalry, 46, 144 167, 183 KNIL-Militaire Luchtvaart (air Sakura Hotel, 285 wing), 143, 145–47 passim Sakura Maru, 212 maréchaussée (internal security) Salatiga, 415n51 battalions, xiv, 134 Saleh, Mohammad, 399–400n29 Military Topography Service, 257 santri (the pious or orthodox Muslim officer training in NEI community), traditionalist/ CORO (Reserve Officers modernist distinctions, 79–80, 81, Training Corps), 148, 82, 95, 102, passim 350n30 Sarbini Martodihardjo, Gen., 396n76 KMA Bandung, 148, 174, Sardjono, Brig. Gen. Francis Xavier, 227fn, 273, 350–51n30, 405n21 370n83 , 50, 115 recruit training centres in Saréngat Islam, 83 Holland , Lt. Gen., 258, Koloniaal Werfdepot, 293, 396n76, 409n84 Harderwijk, 131 Sasaki, chart, 194 Koloniale Reserve, Nijmegen, Sastra Prawira, 350n30 131–32 Sastroatmodjo, 18, 21 Royal Netherlands Navy (Koninklijke Sastroamidjojo, Ali, 84, 353n9 Marine), Far Eastern Squadron, Sastrodihardjo, Soeharto’s teacher at 119, 133, 141, 365n33 village school, 56

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Satari, Lt. Gen. Alibasjah, 349n26, Shimon Kikan (Investigation 350n30 Organization), 216 Sato Eisaku, Prime Minister, 243 Shina no Yoru (China Nights), 244 Sato, Capt. Heikichi, 193, chart, 194, Shindo, 1st Lt. Kazuma, 407n44 195, 202, career, 383n80 Shiroguchi, 2nd Lt., 418n80 Sato Shigero, 280, 411n5 Siagian, Rev. Isac, 116 Saudi Arabia, 355n43, 357n63 Siagian, Sabam, 54, 92, 105, 116, Savary, René, 19, 337n76 336n66, 355n41, passim , Lt. Gen., Siegel, James, 27 102, 118, 180, 339n99, 349n26, Sigit, Maj. Gen. Soetarto, 288, 350n30, 357n64, 379n28, 408n78 400n30, 419n90, 420n106 schakelschool (link school), 70, 71 Sihanouk, Prince, 406n25 “Schema van de Plaatselijke K.P.T. Silalahi, Harry Tjan, 82, 105, 324n2, [Kenpeitai] Djokdjakarta”, 337, 343, 344, 337n78, 353n10, 383n80 353n11, 353n12 Schlesinger, Jr., Arthur M., xlii Simatupang, Lt. Gen. T.B., 174, 204, Schulte Nordholt, Henk, 250, 251, 227fn, 273, 349n29, 350n30 361n64, 362n14, 408n62 Sinar Harapan, 105 Seda, Frans, 95, 355n46 Singaparna, uprising, 282 Seibu boeitai, 416n54 Singapore, 175, 295–96, 385n92 Seinen Dojo (Youth Training Centre), Singaraja, 115 Tangerang, 214–15, 227fn, 284 Singgih, 280 Seinendan, para-military Youth Sino-Japanese war (1894–95), 238 Corps, 183, 222, 395n67 , see Parman Selo Adji, 411n12 Siswondo Selo Soemardjan, 18, 107, 117, 175, 191, 192, 195, 282, 336n71, early Sjahrir, Sutan, xxvi, 68, 72, 116, 186 career 376n10, 377n16, 381n68, Sneevliet, Hendricus (Henk) Josephus 382n69, n75 Franciscus Marie (aka Maring), Selogiri, 73, 78 49, 344n12 , xliii, 398n7 Sociëteit ‘De Vereeniging’, , xl–xli Yogyakarta, 45 Sen, Krishna, 29 Soebadio Sastrosatomo, 360n48 Senior Seamanship School (Sekolah Soebroto, Toeloes, 420n105 Pelayaran Tinggi, SPT), 418n87 Sociëteit “Concordia”, the Dutch club September 30th Movement (G-30-S), in Malang, 155 xxiii, 30, 193, 257, 323n1 Soedarsono, Asst. Inspt. (later Maj. (The Dawn Attack), Gen.), 200, 387n116 film (29) Soedibjo, Hadjid, 269 Setiadi, 350n30 Soediyat Prawirokoesoemo, R.P. Shanghai, 186, 385n92 (Empu Romo Diyat), 100, 101fn Shihab, Mohammad Quraish, 356n53 Soedjatmoko 95–97, 355n47, 356n48

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Soedjono, Maj., 227, 255–56, 269, village schools (desascholen, 408n73 volksscholen), 56–57, 65, attends Soegianto, Lt. Col. Aloysius, 20, 23, link school (schakelscholen) 337n78, 338n94 in Wonogiri, xxxiv, 70–71, Soegih Arto, Lt. Gen., 230 gains some familiarity with Soeharto (1921–2008), after 1991 Dutch, 70, wayang stories pilgrimage to Mecca, Haji seen as a influence on Mohammad Soeharto, family his thinking, 72, 235, attends tree, xliv, birth, meaning of and Muhammadiyah schakelschool preferred spelling of name, 4, in Yogyakarta, 111–13, returns xii, mother unwell, abandons to Wuryantoro, 119 him at 40 days, parents’ divorce, illnesses: contracts malaria at illegitimacy claims, putative Gresik, suffers recurrence in father, 11–18, POP magazine Malang, hospitalized for two airs one such claim, 18–20, weeks, relapse of malaria Soeharto takes grave exception, in Wuryantoro in 1942, 21–23, political repercussions, bedridden, falls ill again in 33, spends first four years with Yogyakarta, 159, 174, 187 great aunt, 11, mother reclaims Javanese philosophy of life: him, 53, father spirits him away influenced by, comes to admire at nine to live with relatives in and absorb many priyayi Wuryantoro, more than 40 miles values, but seen by some in away, 57–60, finds secure home higher priyayi circles as failing with aunt and uncle, 62–65, to understand and uphold obliged to live with his mother those values, his behaviour for a year, 66–67, increasingly said to be not Javanese, not interested in agriculture, 66, 108– cultured, 103–6, his desire 11, lives with Hardjowidjono and to rule over depoliticized his wife, obliged to work hard, realm seen in harmony ill-treated, said by friends to bear with authoritarian Javanese a deep and lasting grudge, in tradition, the practices of the Habibie’s view “bad childhood” Dutch colonial state, wartime a possible motivating force Japanese rule and his military but may have left him with an officer training, 108 “invisible inferiority complex”, Kemusu: village of birth, interest 73–75, death, buried at Astana in agriculture dates from, 1, Giri Bangun mausoleum, 26fn 108, passim, 2, 6–10, 14, 47, 52, agriculture, interest in, 1, 66, 78, 86, 56, 57, 63, 65–67, 69–70, 73, 81, 108–111, establishes Tri-S stud, 92, 108, 111–12, 121, 138, 302, 109, in office presides over a 331n26, 338n88, 351n41 Green Revolution, xxix, 7fn military career under Dutch: education: Javanese-language applies to join KNIL, 114–15,

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accepted as Japanese threat helps retrain elements of Blitar looms, 120, rushed through battalion following bloody basic training at Gombong, revolt, 290–93, his claim to 136–39, claims to have topped have fallen under Kenpeitai his class, sent directly to suspicion questioned, 291–93, corporals course, 149–50, like some other ex-Peta officers posted to 13th Battalion capable of Japanese-style in Malang, 151, 154, 155, corporal punishment, said to 157, spends time in Gresik, have slapped military harbour contracts malaria, hospitalized master in Makassar, 249–51 for two weeks, 159, suited to nationalism: no interest in disciplined life of the military, nationalist movement in late accepts KNIL discrimination 1930s, makes spurious claim in pay and conditions, attends Dutch erected “Dogs and sergeant’s course in Magelang, Natives Not Admitted” signs, 161–62, graduates as Japanese historians find no evidence land in Java, posted to Cisarua, for this, 118–19, trusted by , 168, but sees no Japanese but ready in 1945 to action, Dutch surrender, back nationalist cause, 305 168–72, fearing internment, police career: spends almost a dons civilian clothes and takes year in Japanese-run police train to Central Java, sidelined force, role of police in Dutch with malaria in Wuryantoro, and Japanese times, assistant 173–74, recovers, takes typing to Supt. Okamoto Juko, course in Pathok, 187 police chief in Yogyakarta military career under Japanese: city, queries raised over rank applies for selection in Java reached, 187–202, 380n58, Volunteer Defence Force 387n112, 388n121 (Peta), 221, accepted for religion: abangan background, platoon commander training, while nominally Muslim 224–27, reasons for joining, follows syncretic Javanese 230–31, training, 240–48, religion (agama Jawa, kebatinan), friendships and acquaintances does not reject Islam but in, 255–59, seen as taciturn, wary of political Islam, on 259, does well, posted to Peta taking power chides Muslim battalion at Wates, 265–68, leader over call for Islamic returns to Bogor for company law (syariat Islam) to be commander course, 269–72, applied to those who are only training in KNIL and Peta nominally Muslim, irritated gives him advantage over by use of terms such as others, 272–73, sent to Chikutai “Ridlo Allah” (“With God’s Shireibu office in Solo, 279–80, blessing”), 81–86, at about 14

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strongly influenced by Romo 243–44, Taman Mini theme park, Daryatmo, an abangan faith 324n4, funeral, 101, buried at healer and father figure adept Astana Giri Bangun mausoleum, at white magic, 86–92, 354n30, 26fn, 356n53 puts forward 1973 Marriage Soekarno, Lt. Col. Irawan, 338n94 Bill, which seeks inter alia to Soelardi, 64–65, 73, 157 outlaw polygamy, and 1978 Soemitro, Gen., 248–49, 251, 254, 293, Broad Outlines of State Policy, 329n1, 337n77, 407n52 which would grant agama Jawa Soemitro Djojohadikoesoemo a higher status and which is ( Joyohadikusumo), seen by Muslim leaders as xi–xii an attempt to wean millions Soemoharjomo, K.R.A.Y. Siti of abangan away from Islam, Hatmanti, 24 93–97, alleged “Islam phobia” Soemoharjomo, R.M. (later K.R.M.T.), in New Order government, 97, 24, 27, 65, 341n115 unpublicized 1982 talk to pro- Soemyarsono Prawirodiningrat, Brig. government youth group seen Gen. K.R.M.T., 227, 253, 256, 259, as a “high-water mark” of his 397n76, 402n46, passim advocacy of Javanese concepts, Soepardio, Col., 279, 293, 351n36, 97, in 1980s, no longer fully 400n31, 409n81 certain of army support, shows , Maj. Gen., 404n55 more interest in Islam, reaches Soerjosoemarno, Brig. Gen. K.R.M.H. out to Muslims, sets up ICMI Soetarjo, 350n30 and makes pilgrimage to Soerjosoerarso, Maj. Gen. R.M., Mecca, while retaining interest Soejarso, 350n30, 386n98 in Javanese religion, 98–102, Soetojo Siswomihardjo, Maj. Gen., seen by some as closer to 350n30 Muhammadiyah than NU, Solichin, Lt. Gen. Gautama, 350n30 357n61 Solo (Surakarta), xxiv, 12, 16, 24, Soeharto, Hardiyanti Rukmana 25, 27–28, 44, 58, 61–64, 105, (Tutut), 100 Japanese advance on and Soeharto, Inspector, 388n116 capture, 166–68, 279–80, passim, Soeharto, Siti Hartinah (Ibu Tien) 398n7 (1923–96), xii, xxxix, xl, 16, Solomon Islands, 206 links to Mangkunegaran court, South Pacific, 206 24–25, 27, 339n95, n99, 340n102, South Vietnam, xxviii n103, attends Dutch–language South West Pacific Area (SWPA) Hollandsch-Inlandsche School, command, 178 65–66, encourages Soeharto to Soviet purges of 1930s, xxvii attend senior high school, 112, Soviet Union, xxx awarded high Mangkunegaran Special Attack Force (tokubetsu title, 25, 1968 visit to Japan, kogekitai), 296, 299

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Special Guerrilla Force, see Yugekitai Musso, attends Surabaya HBS Spice Islands, 173 and Technische Hogeschool Spoor, Lt. Gen. S.H., 375n4 in Bandung, seeks to unite Sriwijaya, kingdom, 36–37 nationalist movement, founds Sroehardojo, 392n43 PNI, arrested, defence speech Stalin, Joseph, xl “Indonesia Accuses!”, exiled Stalingrad, 204 to Endeh and then Bengkulu, Stanvac, 42 115–16, 12, 26fn, 30, 33, 50–51, Subchan Z.E., 83, 98, 353n10 68, 94–96, Japanese transfer Subroto, Professor, xxviii him from Sumatra to Java, 183, Subroto, Maj. Gen. Gatot, 249, 250, he and Hatta cooperate with 396n76 Japanese, gain highly visible role, Subroto Kusmardjo, R.M., 401n46 186, 203, meet Hirohito and Tojo Sudewo, Maj. Gen. Eri, 348n26 but are given no concessions, , Lt. Gen., 334n53 260, rebuked by Kokubu on , Gen., 271–73, 293, 346n49, return, 261, both remain trusted 396n76, 400n29 by Indonesians, 288, fears Japan Sudjai’i, Maj. Gen. Imam, 400n29 will use Peta as a shield, 266, he Sudjiwo Kusumo (G.P.H. and Hatta resist pemuda demands Jiwokusumo), later for early proclamation, declare Mangkunegoro IX, 340n102 independence, 301, considers Sudono, Amat, 157, 173–74 Soeharto hard-headed over his Sudwikatmono, 64 PKI concerns, xxvi, 325n5, seen Sugama, Gen. Yoga, 338n84, 350n30 as an “open book”, 108, Soeharto sugar, 8, 40, 45, 47, 57, 139, 154, 365n34 builds him mausoleum in Blitar, Sugeng, Bambang, Maj. Gen., 350n30, 26fn 396n76 Sukarno, Sukmawati, 340n102 Suhud, Lt. Gen. Kharis, 350n30 Sukendro, Maj. Gen. Achmad, 72, Sukabumi, 183 351n39 Sukandar Tjokronegoro, R.M., career, Sukirah, 5, 9–12, 13–15, 19, 22, 401–2n46 53–55, 58, 67, 86, 331n26, 332n39, Sukardi, Maj. Gen., Edi, 350n30 341n128 Sukarton, 360n47 Sukotjo, Sri Koestijah Nunek, 418n83 Sukaryadi, Peta officer cadet, 254 Sukotjo Tjokroatmodjo, Maj. Gen., Sukarno, President (1901–70), arresting officer inPOP affair, 20, preferred spelling, xii, xxiii–xxvii, 116–17, 155, revulsion at torture xxx, xxxi, xxxii, xxxiii, xxxvi, by former kenpeiho, 193, 333n40 xxxviii, birth, 30, early life, and passim, 371n2, 382n78 claims about his descent, boards Sulistio, Lisa, 338n86 with and idolizes Tjokroaminoto, Sumatra, xli, 175, 206, 295 fellow boarders include Sumiskum, 334n56 future PKI leaders Alimin and Sumual, Col. H.N. (“Ventje”), 326n9

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Sun Yat-sen, 356n51 Takeoka, Lt. Col. Kenji, 198, chart, Sunanate (principal court in 201, 386n104 Surakarta), 27–28, 44, 61, 337n79 Takushoku University, 211 Sunarwibowo, 268–69 Taman Madya, 349n29, 357n64 Sunjoyo Purbokusumo, 267, 411n7 Taman Mini Indonesia Indah theme Suparman, 1st Lt., 250, 407n57 park, 325n4 , Bambang, 285 Taman Siswa (Garden of Pupils), 69, Supio, Peta officer cadet, 257 357n64 Suprapto, 350n30 , xl, 419n90 Suprapto Sukawati, 392n43 Tanaka Kakuei, 337n77 Supreme War Council, Tokyo, 299, Taniguchi Taketsugu, chart, 194, 422–23n36 200, 213, 382n74, 383n80, 385n91, Suprijadi, 284–85, 287–89, 392n43, passim 418n87, 419n98 Tapos (Tri-S, sari silang stud), 109–11, Surabaya, pre-war Japanese consulate 329n1 in, 211, Japanese capture, 167 Tarakan, 134, 296, 368n61 Surachmad, 288, 418–19n90 Tentara Nasional Indonesia, see Surakarta, see Solo Indonesian National Army Surono Reksodimedjo, Gen., 249, 251, Teramoto, Sgt. Masashi, 193, chart, 258, 396n76 194, 200, 280, 382n77, 384n87, Suryadarma, Air Marshal, R.S., 350n30 417n67 Suryo, 350n30 Terauchi, Field Marshal Hisaichi, Suryodiningrat, K.P.A., 339 fn. 95. chart, 181, 183, 216, visits Peta Sutjipto, Dr., 392n43 officer cadet school, 261, receives Sutjipto, Maj. Gen., 109 Sukarno and Hatta in Dalat, 300 , R, 411n12 Thai-Burma Railway, 267 Sutowo, Brig. Gen. Ibnu, 351n38 , Japanese garrison army in, Suwarto, Maj. Gen., 350n30 206 Suwito, 332n39 The Hague, xli Suzuki, Beppan civilian, chart, 210 Tiga A Movement, 183 Suzuki, Col. Keiji, 214, 392n40, 393n45 Timor, Japanese occupy, 184 Syafruddin Prawiranegara, 326n9 Tirtosudiro, Lt. Gen. Achmad, 350n30 Syahadat, 79 Tiwir, 57, 67, 70 Syariat (Syariah) Islam (Javanese, Tjakrabirawa palace guard, xxiii, Saréngat Islam), 83 passim Sydney Morning Herald, xxxviii, xli Tjakradipura, Lt. Gen., 350n30 Tjakraningrat (Cakraningrat), line of T princes and regents on Madura, Tabanan, Bali, 395n67 402n46 Taiwan, 196 Tjikini (Cikini) swimming club, 119 Takagi, Probationary Officer Tjokroaminoto, Haji Oemar Said, 50, Nobuhiro, 271, 412n25 115

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Tobu boeitai, 416n54 guerrilla war, 277, assessment of Togashi Tomoshige, 389n8, 392n43 Soeharto’s Chikutai Shireibu role, Tojo, Lt. Gen. Hideki, Prime Minister, 279, believes Japanese trusted 209, promises Burma and the Soeharto to the end, 292–93, Philippines, but not Indonesia, chart, 297, 376n8, 377n15, “independence”, favours creation 380n51, 386n102, 388n120, 389n8, of Indonesian volunteer force, and passim 216, 260, 274 tokumukikan, special task agencies, U 207–9 Uchida, Lt. Col. Takefumi, chart, Tokyo, Dutch seek to placate, 142, US 201, career, 386n104, 387n107, B-29 raids on, 294 388n116 Tokyo Imperial University, 199, 211 Uchino, Col. Uichi, 399n26 Tokyo War Crimes tribunal, 163, 167 Uekusa, Vice Adm. Nobushige, 299, Tonkin, 152 422n34 Toye, Col. Hugh, 391n19 ulu-ulu, 5, 6 Transparency International, 327n27 Umemori Naoyuki, 385n92 Tri-S (sari silang stud), see Tapos Umi Yukaba, 244 Trom, Dik, 234 Unabara (The Ocean), 175 Trotsky, Leon, xl, 344n12 United Nations, xxx Tsuchihashi, Lt. Gen. Yuitsu, 166–67 United States, xxx Tsuchiya, Capt. Kiso, Beppan officer, University of Rotterdam, 348n25 175, chart, 182, 188, 192, 195, Untung, Lt. Col., xxiii, xxv, passim 200, 202, chart, 210, 212, 214, Urawa, 2nd Lt. Shizuo, 406n27 220, 222–27, 236, background, training, outlook; attends US Army Air Force Nakano Gakko, meets Yanagawa atomic bombs dropped on Motoshige, Yonemura Masao Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 300 and Yoshitake Chikao, heads in pre-war Philippines, 145 Beppan Yogyakarta branch, incendiary attack on Tokyo, 294 223, recruits Soeharto for officer US Army Command and General cadet training, impressed Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, by him, 224–26, concern for xxvii, 92 wellbeing of Peta cadets, 232, US Marines, 295 Beppan officers seek to inspire US Navy submarine fleet, 185 cadets, 235, unpromising start, Utermöhlen, Rolf, 383n80, 384n81 237–38, 240, meets Soeharto again in 1968, 243, 245, 254, V ranking of cadets, 259–60, 268, Vatikiotis, Michael, 334n52 after Burma, Guadalcanal and Vietnam, 152, 300 Saipan accepts Japan no match Vietnamese Communist Party, see for the Allies, 275, plans for Indochinese Communist Party

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Vichy French in Indochina, 152, 165 Wuryantoro, 24, 58, 63–67, 70, 73, Vladivostok, xli 78, 84, 90, 103, 113–14, 119, 174, VOC (Vereenigde Oost-Indische 187–88, 341n115, 351n41 Compagnie), (Dutch) United East India Company, 39–40 Y Volkskredietbank, see Algemeene Yamaguchi, Maj. Genkichi, chart, 297 Volkskredietbank Yamamoto, Maj. Gen. Moichiro, Volksraad, 51 chart, 182, 216, ordered VPTL, KNIL operational manual and to investigate grant of annex, 162 independence to Indonesia, sets Vredeburg, Fort, Yogyakarta, 193 up Investigation Organization (Shimon Kikan) but drags feet, W 216, advises Japanese officers Wali Sanga (Wali Songo), 10 to show affectionate feelings Wanandi, Jusuf (Liem Bian Kie), 110, to Indonesians, 276, opens 359n23 Hizbullah camp, 294, chart, 297, Ward, Ken, 97–98, 108 Japanese surrender, 300 Waseda University, 211 Yamanouchi, Brig. Gen. Keiki, 187, Washington, 152, 296, 299 198, chart, 201 Wates, 265–68 Yamaoka Yasuko, 379n41, 382n77, Wavell, Gen. Sir Archibald, 374n26 385n91, 385n94, 386–87n104, Weerd, Maj. Klaas de, 385n96 passim West New Guinea, xxv, xxxii, xxxviii, Yamashita, Lt. Gen. Tomoyuki, 175 passim Yamato-damashii, spiritual qualities Westerkamp, Dr Rudolf Frederick, supposedly unique to the 336n68 Japanese, 242 Widodo, Gen., 247, 396n76, 402–3n48 Yamazaki, Capt. Hajime, 287, 405n5, Wilhelmina, Queen, 34, 124, 361n1 418n89 Winnetou, 234–35, 404n53 Yanagawa, Capt. Motoshige, chart, Winongo River, xxv, passim 210, 211–15, 217, 269, 271, 276, Wirahadikusumah, R. Umar, Peta establishes Yugekitai 277, sent cadet officer, Vice President, 258, to Blitar after revolt, 285, 287, 392n43 establishes Hizbullah, 294, Wiranatakusumah, Achmad, Gen., chart, 297, 367n51, 389n5, 349n26 389n8, 421n15 Woolcott, Richard, 111, 359n28 Yani, Lt. Gen. Achmad, xxiii, 92, 257, Wonogiri, 24, 56, 63, 66, 70, 73–74, 78, 293, 349n29, 350n30, 396n76, 86, 90–92, 111–12, 174 399n21, 409n84 World Bank, xxviii, xxix, xxx, 326n12, Yasukuni Shrine, 208 326n15 Yogyakarta, Princely Territory of, World Islamic Congress, 355n43 44–48

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Dutch presence in during 1930s, Yokohama Specie Bank, 179 45–48 Yonemura, 1st Lt. Masao, chart, 210, ethnic Chinese in, 45, 46 head Beppan Yogyakarta branch Japanese advance on and capture, 1943, recruits first officer cadets 166–68 from East Java, transfers to , 13, 14, 34, 40, 117, 202, 220, Nami Kikan in 1944, later trains 402n46 Beppan-sponsored Overseas Pakualaman, xxiv, 15, 34, 44, 253, Chinese Defence Corps (Kakyo 255, 333n41, 401n46, 408n75 Boei-tai), 223 Sociëteit ‘De Vereeniging’, Dutch Yoshitake, Capt. Chikao (also given club, 45 Yogyakarta city, xxiv, xxv, xxxviii, as Takeomi), chart, 210, 215, 44–45 and passim, “student 223, 389n8, passim town”, 112, Japanese greeted Yuda, Maj. Mitsuomi, chart, 286 as liberators, 175, public Yugekitai (Special Guerrilla Force), execution of Indonesians, 177, 207, 277, 285, 294, 303, 389n4, Peta recruitment in 398n7 415n51

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