Index Note: Page numbers followed by “n” refer to notes and “fn” refer to footnotes. A Algemeene Volkskredietbank (AVB), abangan community, 79–84, 87, 95–96, 113, 233 98, 102, 106, 111, 357n64, 359n32 Alimin Prawirodirdjo, xl, 115, 346n49 Abduh, Mohammad, 80 aliran, 79–81 Abdul Hamid Ono, see Ono, Abdul Alit, Gusti Kanjeng Ratu, 27 Hamid All-Indonesia Soccer Association, Abdul Kadir, Maj. Gen., 350n30, 409n82 399–400n29 All-Indonesian Union of Muslim Abdulgani, Roeslan, xlii, 94–95, 100fn, Intellectuals (ICMI), 98 108, 133, 355n45 Allied codebreaking, see FRUMEL Abend, Hallett, 186 Alwin Nurdin, Maj., 263, 349n26 Abikusno Tjokrosujoso, 380n57 Amat Idris, Mbak, 32, 338n89 Abimanyu, Brig. Gen., 350n30, Ambarawa, xliii 420n105 Ambon, xliii, 163, 368n61 Aceh, Fujiwara Iwaichi helps foment American Standard Oil Co, 176fn 1942 revolt in, 208, 214 AMS, see education system in pre- Aceh War, 41, 131, 143, 160, 162, war NEI 362n11 Amsterdam, 202 Adam, Lucien, Governor of Ancol, Japanese beheadings at, 288 Yogyakarta, 384n81 Andaman Islands, 206 adat (customary law), 128 Anderson, Benedict, 80, 84fn, 85fn, agama Jawa, see Javanese religion 107fn, 140fn, 188–89, 340n102, Agrarian Law (1870), 331n21 343n19, 352n54, 353n8, 354n18, Agung, Sultan, 99, 102 359n16, 367n57, 372n10, 398n10, Aidit, D.N., xli 402n47, 405n21 Alamsjah Ratu Perwiranegara, Anwar, Rosihan, 28–29fn Lt. Gen., 353n11 Arab Bureau (British), 214 20-J06729 19 Young Soeharto pp475-502.indd 475 13/4/21 8:27 AM 476 YOUNG SOEHARTO Arafura Sea, 2 Bandung Institute of Technology, Arifin, Maj. (later Lt.) Gen. Bustanil, 348n25 249 Bangka Island, 366n40 Asahi Shimbun group, awarded press bangsawan, 402n46 monopoly in Java, 179 Banjarmasin, 295 Ashari Danudirdjo, Lt. Gen., 349n26 Bank Rakyat Indonesia, 360n42 Asian Financial Crisis, 1997–98, xxx, Banten, 400n29 xxxvii, 326n15 Banten Bay, Japanese land at, 165, 167 “Asian miracle” economies, xxviii, Banyubiru, xliii 326n15 Banyumas, 396–97n76, 398n7 Askari, Lt. Gen. R.H., 350n30 Bardosono, Brig. Gen., 257, 268, 409n82 Astana Giri Bangun, xliii, 25–26 Barisan Hizbullah, see Hizbullah Astana Girilayu, 339–340n100, Batavia, renamed Jakarta, 4 341n111 Battle of the Java Sea, 166 Astana Mangadeg, 26, 340n100 Battle of Midway, 206, 378n23 Atmoprawiro, 53, 66 Baud, Jean Chretien, 40 Atmosudiro, 54 Bay of Bengal, 206 AT&T, xxix Beauharnais, Eugene de, 108 Australia, 2, 212 Belgium, 142 Australian Army Bell, Pietje, 234 1st Corps, planned 1945 landing at Benda, Harry, 363n27, 400n29, 413n29 Surabaya, 296 Bengkulu, 116 6th Division, 296 Benson, Col. George, xxvii, 326n8, 7th Division, 296, 374n26 413n29 Blackforce on Java 1942, 165 Beppan, see Imperial Japanese Army Gull Force on Ambon, 1942, 164 Berenschot, Lt. Gen. Gerardus Johannes, 130 B Berlin, xli Bahasa Indonesia, 180 Bina Graha, presidential office block, Bakin, State Intelligence Coordination 21, 94 Board, 340n103 Bismarck, Otto von, xxxiv Bali, xli, 395n67 Bland, Sir Nevile, 142 Dutch conquest of, 42 Blenheim Palace, 231–32 terrorist bombing in (2002), xxxvi Blitar, xxxviii under Japanese Navy (1942–45), Blitar Revolt, 218, 284–85, 286, causes 178 of, 287–88, Japanese alarmed by, Balibo Declaration, 338–39n94 deal harshly with participants, Balikpapan, 134, 164, 368n61 retrain others, 288–90, 291–94, Bambang Trihatmodjo, 28 302, 418n83, 418n90, 419n98, Banda Neira, 116 421n106 Bandung, xxxviii, 165, 168, 295, Blora, 167 passim Bogor, 227, 228, military town, 269–72 20-J06729 19 Young Soeharto pp475-502.indd 476 13/4/21 8:27 AM INDEX 477 Bogor Palace, xxxviii Caltex, 42 Bojonegoro, 398n7 Cam Ranh Bay, 152, 165 Bolshevik Revolution, xl Carpentier Alting Stichting, Jakarta, Booth, Anne, 7, 330n14 348n23 Borobudur monument, 37 Castles, Lance, 353n6 Boven Digul, 50, 116 Castro, Fidel, xxix, xxxix Bowlby, John, 31 Catholic Party (Partai Katholik), 95 BPM, Batavia Petroleum Company, Central Intelligence Agency, xxiii, 176fn xxvii Bratanata, Slamet, 72, 324, 351n38, Cepu, 167 355n46 Chikutai Shireibu, regional Peta HQs, Brebeg, 288, 292–93, 302 277–280 Bresnan, John, 336n61 China, xxx, xxxviii, 175, 208, 326n15 British Chiefs of Staff warn in 1937 Chinese community in NEI, 41, that UK lacks the capacity to 46, 50, 68, “jealous” of pribumi resist Germany, Italy and Japan progress under Japanese, 203 simultaneously, 125 Chinese Communist Party, founding British India, comparison with NEI, of, 49 117, 378n25 Christelijk Lyceum, Bandung, 348n23, British Indian Army troops, 388n3 349n29 British North Borneo territories, xxxii, Christelijke AMS–B, Jakarta, 257, 175, 206 349n29 Broad Outlines of State Policy Christelijke HBS, Jakarta, 348n23, (GBHN), 93 349n29 Brotohamidjojo, Brig. Gen., 405n21 Cibarusa, 294 bubonic plague, 3 Cilacap, Japanese advance on and Budi Utomo (Noble Endeavour), 50 capture, 166, 168 Buitenzorg (now Bogor), 231 Cimahi, 168 Burleigh, Michael, 140fn Cisarua, 168 Burma, 206 Citespong, 168 Burma Independence Army, BIA, 207, Clausewitz, Karl von, 370n83 214, 218 Cohen, Margot, 341n119 Burma National Army, 218 Colombijn, Freek, 250 Butir-Butir Budaya Jawa (Seeds of “comfort women”, enforced Javanese Culture), 100n100 prostitution, sexual slavery, 204 Comintern, xl, 49, 344n12 C Committee for the Preparation of Caduad, 404n55 Indonesian Independence (PPKI), Caltex, xxix 294, 299–301 Calling Australia (Goshu e no yobigoe), Confession of Faith (Syahadat), 79, 81, Japanese propaganda film, 217, 85, 101, 354n32 412n22 “Confrontation”, xxxii, 19 20-J06729 19 Young Soeharto pp475-502.indd 477 13/4/21 8:27 AM 478 YOUNG SOEHARTO Conrad, Joseph, xxxi Djati, Arief, 100fn CORO, Reserve Officers Training Djatikusumo, Lt. Gen. G.P.H., xliii, Corps, see Royal Netherlands 105, 228, 253, 348n26, 350n30, Indies Army 358n9, 369n79, n81, 396n76, “Council of Generals”, xxiii, passim 401n32, 401n46, 403n49 Cribb, Robert, 250–51, 362n14, Djojosujitno, teacher in Wuryantoro, 407n58, 408n61, 408n63 66 Crocodile Hole, xxiii Doihara, Lt. Gen. Kenji, chart, 181 Crouch, Harold, xxxiv, 327n21 Douwes Dekker, Eduard (Multatuli), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 343n26 xxiii, passim Drea, Edward, 238 Cultivation System, 40–2, 342n15 Drijber, 1st Lt. F., 373n11 currency, NEI florins/guilders Drijber, Capt. K.J.J., 161, 372n11 retained during occupation, Dunkirk, 125, 142 Japanese military scrip (gunpyo) Dwipayana (Dwipa), Col. Gufrani, later circulates, 179 92, 111, 328n1 Curtin, John, 165, 374n26 E D East Timor, Portuguese, xxvii, D’Orient, 234 annexed by Indonesia, votes for Dahlan, Kiai, 82 independence after Soeharto’s Darsono Notosudirdjo, Raden, xl–xli, fall, xxviii, xxx, 23, 338n94, 371n1 49, 328n33 education system in pre-war NEI Darul Islam (Abode of Islam), xxxv, Dutch-language schools 96 Algemeene Middelbare School, Daryatmo, Gen., 403n48 AMS (General Intermediate Daryatmo, Romo or Kiai, 86–87, School), 68–69, 112, 349n29, 89–92, 111, 121, 354n30, n31, n35 350n30 Davao, 163 Europese Lagere School, ELS De Defensiegrondslagen, 143 (European Lower School), Delbrück, Hans, 370n83 68, 350n29 Deng Xiaoping, xxix Geneeskundige Hogeschool, Der Spiegel, 404n53 GHS, medical faculty, Dewan Dakwah Islamiyah Indonesia Jakarta, 350n29 (Indonesian Islamic Propagation Hogere Burger School, HBS Council), 355n43 (Higher Civil School), 68, Dewan Pertimbangan Agung (DPA), 112, 348n23–24–26, 349n29 Supreme Advisory Council, 105 Hollandsch-Inlandsche Dewantoro, Ki Hadjar, 357n64 Kweekschool, HIK Dharsono, Lt. Gen. H.R., 349n26 (Teacher’s Training College Dickens, Charles, xxxiii for Natives), 112, 256, Diponegoro, Prince, 284 349n29, 351n30 20-J06729 19 Young Soeharto pp475-502.indd 478 13/4/21 8:27 AM INDEX 479 Hollandsch-Inlandsche School, Erwiza, Erman, 250 HIS (Dutch–Native School), Ethical Policy, 42, 47–48, 56 68 Eurasians, Indo-Europeans, 128–32 Meer Uitgebreid Lager Exxon, xxix Onderwijs, MULO (More Extensive Lower Education), F 68, 234 Fatherland Volunteer Defence Force Nederlandsch–Indische Artsen (Tentara Sukarela Pembela Tanah School, NIAS, medical Air), see Java Volunteer Defence school, Surabaya, 350n29 Force Rechts Hogeschool, RH, pre-war Fealy, Greg, 357n61, 357n63 Law Faculty in Jakarta Feith, Herbert, 361n56 Technische Hogeschool, THS, Flash Gordon, 234 Bandung Institute of Fleet Radio Unit Melbourne Technology, 348n25 (FRUMEL), 423n37 vernacular and Dutch-language Foreign Orientals, 129 schools Fouché, Joseph, 385n92 link schools (schaklelschool), 70, France, 142 71, 111, 112, 113 Franco, Gen. Francisco, xxxii, xxxiv, pesantren, Islamic boarding xxxvii schools, 69 Fraser, Malcolm, 111 private schools run by Frederick, William, 377n12 Muhammadiyah, Taman Freeport, xxix Siswa, 69 French Indochina, Japanese garrison technical schools, 349–50n29 armies in, 152, 206, 223 Tweede Inlandsche School, Fretilin, xxx 350n29 Front Pancasila, 82, 83, 324n2 vocational schools (vakscholen), 69 Fujiwara, Lt. Gen. Iwaichi, 208, 214, village schools (volksscholen, 389n8, 391n19 desascholen), 56–57, 64, 65, 69 Fukuoka, 2nd Lt. Masao, 406n27 education system under the Japanese Sekolah Rakyat, Sekolah Menengah G Pertama (SMP), and Sekolah G-30-S, see September 30th Movement Menengah Tinggi (SMT) set Gaddafi, Col. Muamar, xxix up, 350n29, teach in Bahasa Gafur, Abdul, 325n5, 351n35 Indonesia, 179–80 Gandhi, Mohondas K., 50 Edwards, John, 374n26 Garuda Mataram Brigade, 250 Elson, R.E., 12–13, 76, 112, 330n14, GBHN (Broad Outlines of State 333n45, 334n52, 359n34, 381n66, Policy), 93 382n68 Geertz, Clifford, 5, 7, 10, 38, 79–81, Eretan Wetan, Japanese land at, 165, 85, 85fn, 89, 106, 352n1, 353n18, 166 359n16 20-J06729
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