


Effective Sunday, Sept. 9, 1973 at 12:01 A.M. 0 Central Time East of Ellls and on Plainville Branch C 0 L D Mountain Time West of Ellis. 5 \ MAKE A DRIVING SAFETY HABIT


CORRECTED TO FEB. 15 ,197.3 K AN SAS CITY bcale cJ .Mil~~ and Vicini I lO JO l:e:::f


Scanned from the Dean Ogle Collection. 0 . A. DURRANT J. BOWEN SPEEDS SHOWN BELOW AR E MAXIMUM SPEEDS PERMITTED ANO MUST NOT BE EXCEEDED: Generel Men,ger Gent. Svpt. TreNpOrtllllon T IME PER T IME PER MPH MPH J. E. PETERSEN MILE MIL E General Superint•nd• nt 40" 90. 1' 8" 52.9 GENERAL 41" 87.8 11 1' 9" 62.1 42" 85.7 11 1'10" 51.4 R. E. ORRICK , Superintendent ... K1nsa1 City, Kin. Miles Miles F. BEALER, A $SiStont Superintendent Kansas City, Kan. 43" 83.7 1' 11 " 50.7 Location Location .. 44" 8 1.8 Per Hour Per Hour P. D. HARE, Terminal Superintendent .. Kansas City, Kan. 1' 12" 50. 45" 1'15" A. E. MAIN, Asslstont Terminal Superintendent. Kansas City , Kan. eo. 48. 46" 78.3 1'20" 45. Moving against the normal current of traffic on a main Trains handling empty bulkhead flat cars. except those J. A. CARDEN, Assistant Terminal Superintendent Kansas Cit y, Kan. 47" 76.6 1'25" 42.3 track. unless otherwise specified by train order. 3'.) equipped with special Toyota racks. 50 E. V. POTTS, Terminal Tralnmaster . Kensas City, Ka n. 48" 75. 1'30" 40. A. A. HANSON, Terminal Trelnmaster l

Yard switch locomotives in road service: Trains handling diesel units dead in train: 1000 class. 35 Yard-switch units of any type, LOCATION OF STANDARD CLOCKS 35 1800 class. 50 Foreign line, government, exp0


KANSAS CITY, MO. 0.0 p Maximum speed 65 Between Mile Posts- Iii Between Mile Posts- KANSAS CITY, KAN. 1.4 Lawrence, within city limits Onaga FTY Ligh t engines. 0.8 35 39.3 and 40.9. 50 TERMINAL JCT. YL 3.3 PX 38.5 and 40.5 25 i"iu 0.9- Between M ile Posts- 42.0 and 42.B. 50 ~< C.R.I. & P. JCT. YL 4.2 X Terminal Jct., 3.28 and 3.30 25 0.7- 42.5 and 43. 1 60 µ 43.4 and 45.6. •(Nota) 55 s.22 .. ON-A KAW JCT. YL 0 4.9 .10.25,. PX Muncie 4.6- 0 Grantville C83 4822 8.28 M UNCIE C 9.5 10.20 PX 13.1 and 13.4 60 65.7 and 66.3 Nolan CD 60 8.0- r 48.2 and 49.0. •«Note) 56 C51 3052 8.37 0 BONNER SPR INGS m 17.5 10.12 p 16.3 and 17.2 55 (I) 0.5 ---~ -I Topeka Lillis ..J A. T. & S. F. CROSS ll 18.0 IP Bonner Springs <( :,, 56.6 and 57.8 55 10.3 - 17.9 and 18.0 30 C109 6245 8.50 z LINWOOD 0 28.3 9.57 PX 67.4 and 69.4 20 C) 11.3- ;,,; 58.3 and 58.8. •(Note) 30 C36 2210 9.03 iii ON LAWRENCE 39.6 9 .45 PX 20. 1 and 20.5 60 Menoken 12.5- 4.1 and 4.3. 55 Winifred C110 6317 9.15 "'(.) PERRY Loring 0 52.1 9.30 PX 67.9 and 68.2. 50 ..J 15.4- 21.4 and 21.8 60 6.0and 6.2. 55 Cl) A. T. & S. F. CROSS. 67.5 IPX Upland 0.5- 23.6 and 23. 9 60 W199 11239 7.2and 7.4. •(Note) 55 110. 1 and 111.5 50 E105 6062 9.35 ON-A TOPEKA YL 68.0 9 .12 FPX 0.2 25.3 and 25.6 60 Grove Marysville C. A. I. & P. CROSS. 68.2 I 8.8 and 9.0. 55 Freight trains entering and 4.7 26.3 and 26.6 60 using yard tracks. 10 72.9 Emmett 107 6167 • 9.42 .. MENOKEN 0.0 8.59N PY 27.5 and 27.8 60 26.5 and 26.9. 50 112.4 and 113.5 ..J 7.9 114 GROVE 7.9 p Ove< street crossings• 10 6523 0 A ikins a: 7.6 Linwood 35 221 2 ... DELIA 15.5 p 33.6 and 33.9. 56 After all crossings occupied 20 z 6.7 112 6452 8 EMMETT 22.2 p 33. 1 and 33.4 60 36.7 and 37.1. •(Note) 50 5.4 u p 130 7411 ii: AIKINS 27.6 36.5 and 36.9 50 ... 9.5 113 6502 c( ONAGA 37.1 p a: 8.9 113 6483 NOLAN 46.0 p 3.2 6'w p Note• Westward Reduce $peed signs on fell side of track. 32 2024 N LIL LIS 49.2 4.8 :i p 113 6497 c( SULLIVAN 54.0 a: 4.6 ... M. P. CROSSING 58.6 AP Additional Stations z 0 .2 w p 114 6527 0 F RANKFORT FN 58.8 Mile C8paci ty Swilch u Name 5.2 Pott Cars Feot Connection 113 6495 WINI FRED 64.0 p 6.2 Edwardsvi I le 14.0 37 XP 2071 Both 70.2 Forest Lake 15.0 60 XP 3339 Both 115 6603 9.10.. UPLAND (107.8) • 6.10u p Sun Flower 16.7 12 XP 663 Both 5.5 L0

A ules 251 to 253 inclusive apply between Kaw Jct. and Topeka.

Note 2 to Rule 99 is in effect on FirS1 Subdivision.

When opera1in11 on tracka11e of Kansas City Terminal Railroad, trains and engines are governed b y Operating Rules, t imo-table and special instructions of Kansas City Terminal Railroad.

All Union Pa<:ific trains must receive clearance at Topeka. Eastward CAl&P trains must receive clearance at CA l&P tower. Topeka. Trains to or from Denver Cut•Off need not receive clearance at M enoken. A ll tra ins may regis1er by registering ticket at Topeka and Kaw Junction. Trains from St. Jospeh Branch will re1ain their iden tity and need not receive clearance at Upland.

4 s SECOND SUBDIVISION ST. JOSEPH BRANCH SPEED RESTRICT IONS WESTWARD EASTWARD WESTWARD' ! tEASTWARD SPEED RESTRICTIONS Time T able No. 49 Location MPH --f T ime T able N o. 49 LENGT H OF Location MPH LENGTH OF SECONC S.ptember 9, 1973 SECONO lv\aKimum Sl)OO(l 40 I Sx,mum speed MILE RULE M ILE 65 POST POST RULE 217 218 6(B1 Troy 6(B1 CARS FEET CARS FEET STATIONS Light engines. 35 Dailv STATIONS r <:un 14.0 ind 26.25 20 DN-R MARYSVILLE YL MS 113.3 FPTY Between Mile Post- ST. JOSEPH YL 0.0 y 28.25 •nd 28,6 25 Marysville 5. 1 Leorui HERKIMER 11 8.4 p Freight trains entering and 5.oo .. ON-A TERMINAL VO. YL MK .11.10 .. PT 4.2 using yard tracks. 10 13.- 29.6 end 31.4 30 114 6520-- p 10 807 5.40 0-A TROYVL RO 13.9 10.20 BREMEN 122.6 32.6 and 39.6 5.5 10.- 25 116. 7 and 116.2. 8. N. CROSSING 128.1 AP 65 24 1577 5.59 SEVERANCE 24.8 10.01 40.6 and 40.9 20 0.1 4.1 109 6241 HANOVER 128.2 p Herkimer 25 1646 6.10 LEONA 28.9 9.60 Over Mo. Pac. Crossing 9.2 11&.6 and 119.1. 60 5.3 42.2 20 135 7116 HOLLENBERG 137.4 p 211 1584 6.20 ROBINSON 34.2 9.40 4.4 121 . 1 and 126.9. 50 8.0 Hiawatha 1 668 STEELE CIT Y 141.B p M. P. CROSSING 42.2 A 43.6 and 44.6 25 2.5 0.5 114 6519 RUDY 144.3 p Hanover Within limits. 32 2013 6.40 D HIAWATHA YL H 42.7 9.20 PY 45.3 end 49.2 citv •(Notol 30 2.7 127.6 ind 12&6 35 7.5 B. N. CROSSING 147.0 AP 9 758 6.55 HAMLIN 50.2 8.50 51 .0 and 5 1.4 25 ..J 3.9 0 0.0 54.0 Ind 58.5 24 1596 a: ENDICOTT 147.0 p 18 1273 7.05 MORRILL 54. 1 8.40 25 ... 5.6 134.1 and 136.5 60 6.6 Sabetha, over public crossings z C.R. I. & P. CROSS. 152.6 AP 26 1719 7.20 SABETHA 60.7 8 .25 -----0.5 8.1 S0.4 and 60.9 30 8 Hollenbefg 1461 114 6530 u D FAIRBURY a 153. 1 p 22 7.38 ONEIDA 68.8 8.05 62.25 and 62.5 25 5.3 140.0 and 140.3. 50 8.7 123 7023 ii: HEDRI X 158.4 p 23 15 18 7.58 SENECA 77.5 7.45 66.5 and 6&25 25 u. 6.7 cc, 9.0 140. 7 and 141. 7. 35 72.25 end 77.0 25 114 6567 IC ALEXANDRIA 167.4 p 20 1370 8.12 BAILEYVILLE 84.2 7.20 5.0 I- 9.2 Steele City Seneca 113 6501 0 D BELVIDERE V I 176.6 p 34 2168 8.25 AXTELL 89.2 7.05 w 142.2 and 142.7. 50 5.2 82. 1 end 89.0 26 N ----0.4 B. N. CROSSING 177.0 AP 3 454 8.37 SUMMIT 94.4 6.45 :::; 1415.3 end 145.5. 60 4.9 Axtell within City Limits C( 7.0 1770 113 6484 D CARLETON C 184.0 p 27 8.51 BEATTIE 99.3 6.35 94.6 and 95.0 a: 5.9 25 p Endicott 116 6637 ~ D DAVlr-ll>OAT DC 191.2 B. N. Crossing M. P. 147.1. 50 9.03 HOME 105.2 6.20 95.0 and 96. 1 30 9.3 2.6 u 8. N. CROSSING AP • 9.10 ... UPLAND 107.8 6.10... p 98.5 end 102.0 :15 200.5 Fairbury, between 0.2 103.6 and 104.0 30 113 6501 EDGAR 200.7 p C.A.1.&P. Crossing M. P. 152.6 and (107.8) Dall~ 8.3 M .P. 153.5. 40 Exe. un. 105..75 and 107.2 30 I 13 6513 D FAIRFIELD FC 209.0 p 9.3 166.1 Ind 156.4 50 p I 13 6495 GLENVIL 218.3 Time shown at Terminal Yard is for information only. Westward trains originating at St. Joseph must rereive 3.6 - p 156.2 Ind 166.5 55 Between Troy and Si. J oseph trains are governed by UP clearance in add i t ion to CRl&P clearance a1 Terminal 56 33115 LEVEL 221 .9 5.3 operating rules, 1ime-table and special instructions o f Yard and need not receive clearance at Troy or Upland. 167.6 and 157.9. 65 B. N. CROSSING 227.2 IP CRl&P RR Co. Eastward trains need not receive clearance at Upland. 0.2 D HASTINGS At-. 227.4 FPXY 160.0 and 160.3. 55 12.7 114 6159 t-lAYLAND 12.7 p 163.6 and 163.8. 60 BESTWALL SPUR GRAND ISLAND BRANCH 7.5 164.9 and 166.3. 60 28 1685 DENMAN 20.2 p WESTWARD! t EASTWARD WESTWARD. f EASTWARD 7.9 Time Table N o. 49 Time Table N o. 49 28.1 IPY A lexan<*'i11 LENGTH OF LENGI-IT OF 121 6529 D GIBBON GB September 9, 1973 September 9, 1973 175.6 and 175.9. 50 SIDINGS RULE SIOINGS (142,21 MILE RULE MILE POST 6(61 6 (8) POST Belvidere CARS FEET STATIONS CARS FEET STATIONS 8. N. Crossing M. P. 177.0. 45 Noto 2 to Rule 99 is in effect on Second Subdivision. BESTWALL 10.3 D HASTINGS VL AN 227.4 FPXV 177.2 end 177.4 55 10.3 6.7 ON-A MARYSVILLE YL MS 0.0 FPT 26 1450 HANSEN 235.1 p Additional Stations 181.7 and 182.0. 66 5.2 28 1794 DONIPHAN 240.3 p MIio C•pacilv Switch 8.4 Neme Carleton 35 1970 WESTWOOD 248.7 Po'lt Cars Fett Connection 184.6 and 164.8. 66 0.9 12 P Both SPEED RESTRI CTIONS BEL T LINE CROSSING 249.6 Sedan 196.4 000 186.3 and 185.9. 65 2.2 213.8 14 P 773 West Anan ON-A GRAND ISLAND YL GI 251.8 FPTX 190.0 and 190.6. 66 L ocation MPH 24.4 CLEARANCE REQUIREMENTS Edgar Bestw all Spur Trains to or from Nebraska Division ol Gibbon need not receive B. N. Crossing M. P. 200.5. 50 Betwoon Marysville and Bestwall. 20 SPEED RESTRICTIONS MPH cle.>ronce 31 Gibbon. Hastings Staff System (Specia l Rule 301-AI is in offec1 on Bestwall Spur Grand Island Branch 226. 7 1nd 2. 1 20 between yard limit sign al Marysville and Bestwall. Staff will be Between Hastings and Grand Island 25 received from and must be returned to operator at Marysville. Between Milo Posts - 26.8 and 27.1 40 227.4 and 239.0 10 · Noto - Aeduoe spe«t sign for westward train on BN Belt line Crossing M.P. 249.6 20 tell Side of track. Staff System (Special Rule 3'.>1-A) is in effect on Grand Island Branch between yard limit sign at Hastings and yard limit sign at Grand Island. Stoff will be received from and must bo returned to yard office 111 Hastings. When crew is releasoo at Grand Island, staff must bo delivered to operator who must oonsoh train dispatcher before returning staff to crew. On single track, we,tward trains are superior to treins o f tho somo class in tho opposiie direction. - See Rule 72.


WESTWARD EASTWA RD Time Table No. 4 9 LENGTH OF FIRST FIRST CLEAR A NCE A NO REGISTER REQUIREMENTS Milos MIies MIies SIDINGS CLASS September 9, 1973 CLASS Location Por H our Location Po, Hour Locotlon Per Hour MILE RU LE 117 118 Between Mile Posts- POST 6181 Clearance must be received as follows: Maximum~d. Between Mile Post- CARS FEET STATIO NS 213. 1 encl 216.3. 25 D•IIV Between Menoken and Salina 65 148.7 end 148.9 60 Junction City - All trains. Between Salina and Ellis 60 149.9 end 150.3 50 215.5 ind 216.1. 30 107 6 167 9.42,.. (.> MENOKE N 72.9 ,9_59 ,. PY t:; 5.8 Between Mile Posts- Chapman, within city limits. 85 4924 9.48 SILVER LAKE 78.7 8.53 p Abilene- Kanopolis Silver Lake, within city limits. 152.1 and 162.7 40 221.9 and 222.4 26 5.3 CRl &P d epot - Westward CRl&P trains. 78.6 and 78.9 46 11 9 6790 9.54 D ROSSVILLE AV 84.0 8.47 p Abilene, between Oplena and 7.6 AT&SF depot - Westward AT&SF trains 2219 and 224.1 35 p Rossville, within city limits. Elm Streets. 69 4072 10.01 D ST. MAR YS SY 91.6 8.40 1613 and 184.0 --- 6.2 83..7 and 84.4 45 26 Ellsworth, ove,- St. L. & S. F. Crossing. p Salina - 20 60 3558 10.07 OELVUE 97.8 8.34 Abilene, over A. T. & S. F. MP224.4 6.9 -- All UP trains St, Marys, within city limits. crosslno. 126 7229 10.14 0 WAMEGO WA 104.7 8.27 p 91.0 and 9 1.8 224,6 ind 225.0. 45 - 14.6 Eastward CRl&P and 26 MP184.5 26 114 6762 10.35 0 MANHATTAN YL MH 119.3 8.12 p AT&SF trains 226.6 and 226.8. 55 0.1 94.7 and 95.0 55 165.9 end 166.2 60 C. R. I. & P. CROSS. 11 9.4 - - 12.2 CRl&P and AT&SF trains having receivec 228.3end 228.7. 60 p Belvue 167.9 Ind 168.3 35 Ill 6360 10.49 EAST FUNSTON 131.6 7.57 c learance at Abilene or Salina need not 99.7 and 99.8 56 4.1 230.6 and 230.9. 46 93 5398 10.55 D FORT AILEY FT 135.7 7.52 p receive clearance at West Abilene or East 169.3 end 169.6 50 3.8 Salina. 104.6 and 104.9• 35 Solomon Black Wolf 103 6927 11.00 7.47 172.3 and 172.4 35 231.7 and 233.0. 35 128 7312 11.08 DN·A JUNCTION CI TY YL JN 139.5 7.42 FPY Wamego Trains to or from First Subdivision need 12.8 105.4 and 107.0 60 173.3 and 173.5• 30 235.. 0 and 236.2. 35 119 6812 11 .23 0 CHAPMAN CM 152.3 7.21 p not receive clearance at Menoken. 11.4 - -- 117.8 and 118.2 - p 55 New Cambria 238.4 ind 238.6 55 105 6043 11.39 ON ABILENE YL AB 163.7 7.10 181.2 ind 181.3 liO 0.8 At Junct ion City, trains may register by 118.8 and 119.0 50 - - Wilson, within city limits. A. T. & S. F. CROSS. 164.5 I registering ticket. ------0.2 119.1 and 119.4 25 Salina, over Ohio Sveet 0-osslng. 239.6 and 24Q.4 40 11.40 WEST AB ILENE YL 164.7 7.03 MP 185.2 30 7.6 Manha1tan over A. T. & S. F. o-osslng. Dorrance W64 3 701 MP 187.2 25 249.5 and 260.0. 45 E33 2093 11.48 D SOLOMON YL SK 172.3 6.56 PY 121.9 and 122.0 50 ~ '- <{ 8.1--- 190.6 and 190. 9. 55 70 41 20 11 .56 .... z NCWCAMBAIA 180.4 6.48 p 123. 1 and 123.5 26 Bunker Hill Cl 4.2 2610 and 264.2 35 p Bavaria 12.01 .. iii, EAST SALINA YL 184.6 6.43 124.7 and 125.3 45 198.4 and 198.7. 2.0 60 ~ . Victoria, within city limi1s. 12.10 (.> 6.40 40 12.50 0 ON·R SALINA YL SC 186.6 6.00 FPT"I East Funston Brookville 279.3 and 279,6 .J 132.5 and 132. 7• 201. 7 end 202.2. -- --- ID 0.6 50 60 ·- A. T. & S. r . CROSS. 187.2 7.6 203.9 Ind 208. 1. 50 Hays, within city limits. 51 309!> 1.0 1 OAVARIA 194.8 5.40 p 133. 7• end 137,2• 30 288.6 and 290..4 35 --- 6.6 I- '- - Junction City 208.4 and 209.4. 101 5882 1.07 BROOKVILLE 201.4 5.:l-4 p 45 ~ IU.;i 141.0 and 141.5 55 37 2303 1.18 CARNEIRO 2 11.6 5.24 p 210.0 and 211. 1. 25 -- 7.6 -----I- 143.6 end 145 3 26 301.B and 304.1 47 2877 1.27 0 KANOPOLIS KA 219.2 5.17 ,_PY Carneiro 35 --- - 4.5 --- 21 1.3 ind 21 2.8. 30 Ellis W84 4902 E88 5103 1.35 ON ELLSWORTII WO 223.7 5.10 p 0.7 ST. L. & S. F. CROSS. 224.4 ,.._ 15.5 - 3293 1.55 D WIL SON WN 239.9 4.54 p I ~ 6.5 '-'- 60 3580 2.01 DORRANCE 246.4 4.49 p --- 16.9 --- - ,_ - - 6 2 3709 2.18 D RUSSELL RU 263.3 4.32 p 9 .1 -- -- p 100 5782 2.26 D GORHAM GJ 272.4 4.23 Additional Stat ions * REDUCE SPEED A ND R ESUM E SPEED S IG NS - 7.2 2.33 D ViCTOR IA vc 279.6 4.15 p Capacity - 10.5 - Nan\e Milo Swllch Location Oirec:tion Sign Located ------Pos, Connection 121 6905 2.47 D HAYS HA 290. 1 4.05 p Cars Foot 8.7 MP 104.6 to 104.8 Eastward Resume Speod South of siding, Wamego. --- p Kiro 75.2 28 P 1561 Both 42 2583 2.55 HOG BACK ,_298.8 3.55 Swarnp Angel 114.8 301 - ---- 4.5 5 Both -- Cvtcka Lake 125.9 17 P .989 Both MP 132.5 to 132.7 WOSlward Reduce Speod On left sldo of track. Ogdensburg 130.3 • 3.05"' ON-R ELLIS YL A T 303.3 3.50.. FPY 15 P 856 801h MP 132.5 to 132.7 Funston 133.6 104 P 5767 Both Westward Resume Speed North of running track, (230.41 Oo11y Stoney 150.6 3'.) 1679 West Funston. Detroit 158.5 20P 11 49 ~th Black Woll 231.5 38P 2087 Both MP 133.7 to 137.2 Westward Reduce Speed North of running track, Bunker Hill 253.4 31 P 1746 801h Funston. Balla 266.7 15 P 825 Both w~• •cr ?7"-" 54 P 3'.>13 Bnth MP 173.3 to 173.5 Westward Reduce Spocd North of siding, Solomon. Note 2 to Rule 99 is ,n effect 0


WESTWARD . EASTWARD Note 2 to Rule 99 is in effect between Ellis and Oa kley WESTWARD IEASnVAR.1 51.6 and 52.9 26 43 2634 5.20 D CHEYENNE WE LLS CW 463.0 11 .30 p Between Ellis and Oakley 60 35 2201 9 .11 WA l OO '.11.5 7.50 10.5 7.7 Lucas p Octween Oakley and Limon Jct. 49 22 1459 9.28 PARA'D.ISE 7.34 p 43 26 19 5.30 F IRST V IEW 473.5 11 .20 79:2 61.8 and 75 14.2 Between Limon Jct. and Pullman 60 7,8 63. 25 47 2834 5.45 K IT CARSON 487.7 11.07 p 29 1858 9.45 D NATOMA NIO ,B7.0 7.18 p 67.0 and 70.5 25 30.3 Between M ile Posts - 8 . ff 42 2585 6. 15 BOYE RO 5 18.0 10.38 p Ellis 22 1473 10.03 CODELL @5.1 7.0.2 Waldo 8.3 301.8 and 304.1 8.4 ~- 35 72.6 and 79.0 26 79 4643 6.25 CLIFFORD 526.:J 10 .30 p 20 1391 5.45 .. • 10.35AM 0-R PLAINVJLJ.JE V l VN ·103.5 ,5,45., .1:2.05,., y 304.3 and 307.0 9.2 40 6,9 80.4 and S0.6 1805 6.16 30 Riga 28 ZU RIOCl-1 nno. .4 ·1·1;5s .... 68 4001 6.40 I) HUGO HU 535.5 10.20 PY 7.4 83.7 and 85.9 26 15.0 311.4 and 3 11,8. 50 26 1694 6.40 PALCO 1H.8 11.35 IP (C.R.I. & P. Crossing) 4.fl Natoma Wakeeney 15 11 06 7.00 DA MAIA 39 241 2 7.00 DN LIMON VL MN 550.5 9.58 p 122,7 11 .25 87.8 and 88.0 0.1 322.2 and 322.4 6.:6 25 LIMON JUNCTION Y L 550.6 Be1ween first crossing wes1 and second crossi r,g 20 1399 7.15 BOGUE TI 29.'.3 11.1:0 p 94. 1 and 9&5 25 6.0 east of dCPo t, 25 8,7 '16 2597 7.06 RIVER BEND 556.6 9.50 p 24 1604 7.40 0 HILLC!lfY ,c 1 B 8.0 10.50 IPV 101.2 and 102.8 26 6 .7 6.6 323.3 and 324.0. •(Note) 40 Plainville 85 494 1 7.12 CEDAR PO INT 563.2 9.44 p 21 1402 7.55 PE NOKE I: M4.7 10.30 5.t, 3 9 331.7 • nd 332. 1. 45 118.2 and 118.6 30 42 2561 7.15 BUICK 567.1 9.40 p 21 1425 8.10 M ORLAND 150 .2 10.15 IP 5. 1 5 .'2 Palco 335.0 and 335.5. 45 143) 84 4837 7.20 AGATE 572.2 9.35 p 21 8.:15 STUDLEY l\5'5 .4 '}0.00 7; 1 121.5 and 123.7 JO 12.0 Collyer W22 1505 21 1450 8.40 TASCO 162.5 '9,40 336.5 and 337. 1. Bogue E42 2592 7.33 DEER 'I RAIL 584.2 9 .22 p 40 7.9 - 20 1345 9.25 0 HOJ< IE KZ 9.20 p 5.9 Winona 170.4 135.0 and 136.5 30 42 (/) p 83---- 2558 7.39 PEORIA 590.1 9.16 45 .J 6.5 405.5 and 406.8. 21 1420 10.00 SEGU IN 179.0 9.00 Hill City c{ 42 2582 7.45 BY ERS 596.6 9.10 p 7.1 Over H ighw ey 283 z 29 1874 10.15 M ENLO 186.2 8,35 5.9 Clifford MP 137.9 5 48 2914 7.50 STRASBURG SR 602.5 9.04 p 534.8 and 536.6 7,8 I) 35 20 1380 * 6.4 10.35 HALFO:RD 1'94.0 8 ..10 S10dley l<: - · I 83 4862 7.56 BENNETT 608.9 8.58 p River Bend 9 .5 u 19 1331 I 11,05 D COLBY 203;5 '7.40 PY 0 4.8 558.8 and 559.3. 40 08 169. 1 and 160.3 30 45 2740 8,01 .J MANI LA 6 13.7 p 5 .4 8.53 161.9 and 163.6 al .7 561.3 and 562. 1. 50 2 1 1406 11 .15 ALTA ll'l 208,9 ·1.00 ' 25 3.6 85 4967 8.05 WATK INS 6 18.4 8 .49 p . Tasco 6.6 562.9 and 567.2. 45 22 1509 11.20 MINGO 211::2.5 6.50 5,'5 42 2590 8. 11 M ESA 625.0 8 .42 p Deer Trail 167.9 and 169.6 30 5.5 26 1727 11.35 SPICA 21fk0 6.30 587.2 and 589.8. 40 70 4 132 8.1 6 SABLE Y L 630.5 8.36 p 6:7 171.1 and 177.0 26 2.7 Byeu •11.45 ... DN-R OAK LEYVL 0 .0 224.7 6,15,u f PY I- 88 5102 8.19 ROYDALE YL 633.2 8 .32 PY 598.9 and 801.5. 50 Colby o- east leg of wye 0.8 ,...... 203. 1 and 203.3 15 bN SANDOWN JCT . YL p Stra1bur9 1224.7! T~t~. ,.,,"=,. 8.20 SW 634.0 8.30 60 .S.Mr. .... f J• 0.3 806.2 and 607. 1. 224.5 and 224. 7 15 58 3454 8.21 SANDOWN VL 634.3 8.25 p 3.9 Watkins 6 19.3 and 620.5. 50 A 8.25"' PULLMAN Y L 638.2 8.20•• FPTY Sable. over Peoria Street Crossing. 1334.9) Daily M P631.60 35 Roydalo On Rocky Mountain Arsenal trackage Addi tio nal Stations - Between Wye and Arsenal gale A d d itional St ations 10 See page 12. Beyond 9,3te 5 Namo Milo Capacilv Switch Post C ars Feot Conn. Denver, over grade crossings within cily limits. M.P. 63"'.1 McA lla ster 408.4 50P 2783 Both and Pullman 25 Aro ya 507.6 27 1532 Both On single track , w estward trains .are superior :to trains,of the same ..class i n .the op,positc directio n . - See Rule 72. Magee 628.1 15 850 Oo th ' Not e - Westward Rcduce Speed si9r1 north of siding. Wakeeny.

10 WESTWARD LEAVENWORTH BRANCH f EASTWARD WESTWARD SOLOMON BRANCH f EASTWARD SPECIAL RULES - ALL SUBDIVISIONS LENGTH OF ' LE NGT H OF ' SIDINGS Time T able No. 49 SIDINGS T ime Ta ble No. 4 9 Standard Time Afler movemenls on branch arc complc1ed , slaff must be returned lo s taff September 9. 1973 September 9, 1973 box a nd box must be locked. MIL E 2 (R). Wrist watches approved for use under Rule 2 are: MILE RUL E RULE While in possession of slaff, a irain may move in either directio n on the PO ST 618) POST 618) Ball " Official Railroad Standard"; designated branch without Oag protection and without time-table or train order CARS FEET CARS FEET Ball " Auto1o atio-Trainmaster" model; STAT IONS STATIONS Bu lova "Accutron-Railroad Approved " model, including Calendar au1hori1y. Such 1mins need no1 receive clearance a1 !heir inilial sta tion on lhe designa1ed branch. m odel; LEAVENWORTH YL AH o.o 0 SO LOMON SK 0.0 y Elgin " B. W. Raymond" m odel; Auto ma tic Block Signa ls 4.0 6.5 73 3666 COC HRANE 4.0 24 1580 NILES 6.5 Hamilton e lectric " Railroad Special"; 516 (R.) Where Operating Rules and Maintenance of Way Ru les 276 (A), 0 .2 2.5 Longines Mo del "T -905" Railroad Watch ; 282, 5 16, 517 and 5 18 prescribe a wai1 of three minules, waiting time under ALFA 4.2 23 1540 VERDI 9.0 Longines "Ultra-Cliron Rai110ad Watch." 17.0 5.7 l circumstances prescribed is extended 10 ri>·e minu1es. These rules a re revised 5 564 TONGANOXIE 21.2 45 2767 BENNINGTON 14.7 2 (S). Opera ting Rule 2 is modified by lhe addi1ion of lhc following: accordingly. . . . 10.3 6.2 EXCEPTION: Employcs working in lhe classification of Yard Helper will Reference Ruic 104(C) a nd Rule 516. When using facing point cross-oyer 10 842 LINDSEY t 7 666 REX 31.5 20.9 no t be required to have a railroad grade watch un1il such employe has from any 1rack 10 a main track in A BS terri1ory. swi1ch in Irac k I rain o r engine 2.8 2.4 accumulated one year's senio ri1y. ON-R LAWRENCE YL OA 34.3 p 12 924 0 MINNEAPOL IS Ml 23.3 is on mus I be lined first, then wait five minutes before lining cross-over swilc h in - I 0.4 3 (R). Conduc tors and engineers o f o lher railroad s, who have made and main 1rack to be used. (34.3) A. T. & S. F. CROSSING 23.7 registered watch comparison a t beginning of I rip ? r. shift,. will not . be 11.0 26 1693 0 DE LPHOS OF 34.7 required to make and regisler watch compari son at lnlllal sta tion on Unio n Cabooses 6.9 Pac ific. 714 (R). Stoves in road cabooses must be left b urning a t all times duri ng Between Cochrane and Leavenworth, trains are go,erned by Opo-ating Rules, 24 1608 0 GLASCO GK 41.6 co ld wcalhcr to prevcnl freezing o f water pipes. . 1ime-1abte and ~ oial lnsiructions of Missouri Pacific R. R. 5.2 26 1689 SIMPSON 46.8 Markers 71 4 (S). Doo r and windows of cabooses musl be locked at all times when 3.0 caboose is lcrt unattended , ci1her cnroute o r a l termina ls. At Cochrene, oas1ward Leavenwonh Branch trains are go11erned by indication o f 16 1172 ASHERVILL E 49.8 - 19 (R). Referring to Ruic 19(0 ). Except within the Sta te of Colorad o, Missouri Pocific color light block signal 247 feet west of junction switch. 7.4 rellec torized metal flags may be used as marke rs. Inspec tion of Tra ins M. P. CROSSING 57.2 0.2 71 5 (R). O n !rains provided wilh bay window type cabooses. trainme n may At Cochrane, wostward Leavenwonh Oranch trains are 9011erned by indication 1708 BE LOIT YL C learances 20 D·R BL 57.4 remain in bay when passing de(lOIS and lowers. of Missouri Pacific color llgh1 block signal near junction switch. 97 (R). With in CTC territory, assigned locals, work I rains or h elper (57.4) Employes mus1 1101 remain 111 bay on side next to an adjacent track when engines, having received Clearance F onn 2643 at their s ta rting point, may meeting or passing anolhcr train on 1hat trnck. thereafter move in either directio n within CTC territory while on lnspcc1io11 of such train must be made from rear p latform of caboose. continuous tour of duty being governed by indicia tion of sign als or 71 5 (S). Referring to Ruic 715 (R). When _practicab_lc. member ?f ~rew_o n SPEED RESTR ICTIONS instruc tions from train dispatc her without receip t o f add itional Clearan ce the engine musl advise crew on rear of 1ram by radio when lratn 1s bcmg Form 2643. Location MPH inspected by other employes. Leavenworth Branch. Maintenance of Way Rules S1< ilchinR Cars Betwoon LaMence and Cochrane. 15 9 9 (R). Maintenance o f Way Ruic 9 9(J) is in clTect on: 804 (R). Cabooses, oulfi t cars. na1 cars loaded with Hailers or con1ainers, Between Leavenworth and Corral : Leavenworth Branch Oat cars or mu hi-level cars loaded with motor vehicles mus I not be c ul off while On straigh t track. 16 Solomo n Branch in mo1ion and a llowed tos1rikco1hercars, nor may other cars be cut off while in On curves. 10 Pia in ville Branch motion and allowed to slrikc such cars. or a dr:ifl con1aining such cars. McPherson Branch &tween Corral and Knox. WESTWARD 1 McPHERSON BRANCH t EASTWARD 806 (R). O u1 fi1 cars converted from 1>asscnger1rain cars con1ain equipmenl 6 Gra nd Island Branch highly subjccl to damage from slack action or rough ha ndling. LENGTH OF Bestwall Spur Lenenworth, SID INGS These cars musl be hand led wilh air brakes cul in a nd o pe rative. All LeaYenwo,th Terminal Tracks 6 T ime Table No. 4 9 St . Joseph Branch, Between Uplan d a nd Troy. September 9, 1973 Conlinuous Welded Rail T rains MI LE RULE POST 618) Switc hes 809 (R). Equipmenl fo r hand ling cort1inuo us welded ra il, o r conlinuous Solomon Branch. CARS FEET Maximum~. 25 104 (R). No. 20 tu rnouts arc located a t: le n~lhs o f bolted rail, consists of26 permanenlly coupled Oat cars wi 1h buffe_r a t STATIONS each end and caboose for M o f W supervisor. Couplers arc blocked agamst Bet~n M.P. 27.7 and M.P. 23.7 10 Me no ke n- Turnout at connection of First S ubdivisio n and Denver M.P. 57.2110d M.P. 57.9 15 slack and a rc highly s usccp1iblc 10 da mage fro m ro ugh han~li n~. . Cut-off; ON-A SALINA YL SC 0.0 FPTY This equi pment, loaded or empty. must be handled as a unit w11h air brakes McPherson Branch. 0.5 No. 14 turnouts are installed at all dual contro l switches in CTC c ut in a nd operative, must nol bcsw11chcd with a nd must not be humped. These Maximum speed. A. T. & S. F. CROSSING 26 0.5 territory except as follows: cars must not be c ut off while in motion. Other cars must nol be cul off while in 0.1 Topeka - CRl&P Junction; Sa lina, between M.P. 0.0 ond 3.0 10 C. A. I, & P. CROSSING 0.6 motion and allowed 10 couple 10 these cars or 10 a d raf1 coniaining these cars. M.P. 35. 1 and M.P. 35.4 o.;; - Cross-over west end west long sid ing. The fo ll owing applies: 15 M. P. CROSS ING 0.6 O ther switch es equipped with No. 14 turno uts are indicated by figure 2.3 "14" o n switch targets. W/11:.'N LOADED 2 153 WESLEYAN 2.9 Ma ximum speed: 5.1 On unreslricted track - 40 MPH; Additional Stations 24 1606 MENTOR 8.0 Siding Indicators 4.2 On res1ric1ed 1rack - 20 MPH less than published speed restric1ion. Where Capacity 24 1 (R). When a train enters siding account indicatio n displayed by a Namo M Iio Switch 22 1507 ASSAR IA 12.2 published speed restriction is 30 M PH or less. maximum speed will be 10 Po11 Cars Fee , Conn. 3.6 siding indicator, a member of th e crew must contact train d ispatcher for MPH ; 10 801 BRIDGEPORT 15.8 instructions. Plainville Branch 4.9 Through cross-overs or 1u rnou1s - 10 M PII. Shady Bond 26.4 West M. P. CROSS ING 'lO. 7 6 335 0 .2 H old Indicators After entering siding or yard 1rack, train musl not proceed umil a u1hority is 23 1545 LINDSBORG 20.9 received from M of W Supervisor in charge. McPhcfson Branch 9.4 24 1 (S). When a train is stopped by an auto ma lic block signal to which Train and engine crews mus1 be alert foranysignalorcommu nication from Sid 5.3 17 936 Both 22 1458 HILTON 30.3 " Ho ld" indicator is attached, member of crew must communicate with rail train su pervisor while lrain is moving. 4.8 d ispa lcher or opera tor for instructio ns before proceeding even though A. T. & S. F. CROSSI NG 35.l This equ ipment mus11101 be combined wi1h other traffic except that o utfit 0.3 " Ho ld" indicator is not illumi nated. cars, cars con1aining track malcrial or rela1cd i1ems may be handled behind the 20 1376 D·R McPHERSON YL MF 35.4 " Hold" indicators are located on the following signals: CWR equipment as direc1ed by the Chief Dispatcher. who wi ll a u!horize such (35.4) Westward Eastward handling o nly upon instruc1ions from Chief Engineer. Tota l consist must not Signa l 375 Signal 830 (R ossville) exceed 50 cars. Staff syste,n !Special Ruic Xll-R) is in effect on McPherson Branch bo- (between Linwood and Lawrence) Dwarf Signal M.P. 83.0 (R ossville) W IIE'N EM PTY tween yard limit sign at Salina (M.P. 3.0) and McPherson. Staff must be secured Signal 678 (Topeka) C WR equipmenl may be hand led wi1h o ther traffic bul tota l consist must from and returned to operator, Sa lina. Signal 400 no1 exceed SO cars. C WR equipment must be hand led a 1 rear of train. II. speed (between Perry and Lawrence) o f 50 MPH must 1101 be exceed ed. On single track, wes1ward trains are superio r to trains of the same class in the opposite direction. - Sec Rule 72. Staff Syste m Posl1ion of Cars In Train~ 301 (R). O n branch lines, where time-table provides that Staff Sys tem 809 (S). OODX nat cars 39094-3 11 99 must be ha nd led in rear end of tra in is in effect, the following will govern: . only. Trains or e ngines must not o ccupy these bran ch es unless they are 1n Aluminum covered ho pper cars SN 550 1-5510 d o not have complete ccnler possession of the staff which must be secured by the conduc tor an d sill and musl be entrained al rear o f train not more 1han 15 cars from rear. d elive red to the e ngineer who must retain the s taff u ntil all movements o n lnsiruction and e xhib ition cars 200-209 musl be ha ndled in rear o f train I the branch are completed. only

12 13 809 (T). T he fo llowing tank cars arc in service for movement of phosphorus Unattended Locomoti ves 1090 (T). To avoid d amage to tracti~n mot?rs an~ fa ilures t~ereof, when fro m points in Idaho to various destinations. 1001 (S). When handling light locomotives, 1>art icularly aro und engine­ 871 (R). Referring to Ruic 871 (A). Follo wing instructio ns will gove rn when diesel freigh t locomotives consists a rc 11>1xed with ui:111s hav111g d1ff~rent gear MONX 23000 Series, gross weight, loaded, 414, 000 lbs. ho uses ,md servicing facilities, the followmg applies: locomotives arc set o ut a t a ny intermediate point between terminals where no ratios, the unit having lowest ratio o r lowest maximum speed will gove~n MC PX 23000 Series, gross weight, loaded, 414,000 lbs. I. Saretv contro l must be c ut in in all cases. . mechanical forces arc availa ble a nd to engines o n locals tyin$ up La wrence, maximum MPH. The unit having highest minimum co ntinuous speed ~v~ll FMLX 19000 Series. gross weight, loaded, 315,000 lbs. 2. On road freight power, afte r th rottle is initially .opened, su~ficicnt tnne Plainville. Oakley, Beloit a nd to first a nd second shift switch engines at must be allo wed for e ngine a nd generator to b111ld up sufficient c urrent govern the slower speeds. S ho rt time rating must not be e11cced ed o n a ny umt 111 Additional cars of similar ca pacity and high gross weight may be placed in Hastings. this service. When being returned to loading points, these cars carry water to move the locomo ti ve. . consist...... I. Locomotive must be placed o n a track tha t is pro tected by a derail or is a ballast. The fo llowing governs ha ndling: 3. In case of e mergency requiring shorter stop tlmn can be made Wl!h When operating close to continuo us rating under .full power, ' mlf!1111U':'l designated service track, or coupled to car or cars o n which a sufficient independent brake, automatic brak~ valve should be. pl.i ced 111 Continuous Speed" o r " Maximum Ampe rage," whichever occurs first, 1s number of hand brakes have been applied. emergency positio n which will a utomat1cally red uce the engine s peed to controllini:...... WI/EN LOA DED WITH PHOS PHORUS: 2. When locomotive is equipped with operative safe ty cont rol feature. Attention 1s directed to the fact that sho rt time ratings may no t be used idle. · · f MONX 23000 a nd MCP X 23000 series cars must be separated fro m the hand brake need not be a pplied unless engine is shut d own. JOOS (R). Sta nda rd brake pipe pressure of80 pounds o n Eastern D1s1ric! o r consecutively; tha t is, a unit ca nno t be o perated for 15 minutes at the Y.-hour locomotive, from each other, and from any car with gross weight e11ceeding 3. Automatic brake valve ha ndle must be left in release position. fre ig ht trains .is prescribed in Ruic 10~5 (A) of Rules a nd Instructions rating then for 30 minutes a t the Vi-hour ratmg, etc. 263,000 lbs. by not less than three cars of a gross weight no t e11eceding 263,000 Independent brake valve handle moved to and left in full applicatio n Governing Opera tion of Air Brnkes, e tc. 1s c hanged to 90 po unds. If ~mablc to pro<·ecd within the limit~ ~rescribcd, train mt~st be sto pped, lbs. Must be. handled a t speeds not exceeding 50 MPH. positio n. Generato r field or excite r switch placed in "OFF" r ositio n. 1030 (R). Air Brake Ruic 1030 (D) is cancelled. . . facts reported to train d ispatcher who w1ll 1t1strucl as to reduc111g tonnage o r FMLX 19000 s1:ries ca rs, single or no t mo re than two such cars coupled, T hrottle in idle position. T ra nsition or selecto r lever moved to "O FF" 1039 ( R). Some foreign li ne units o perating jointly with U 111011 Pac1~c a~e providing additional power. must be sepa rated fro m locomotive and fro m any other car exceeding 263,000 positio n. Reverser lever in " Neutral" position a nd ha ndle removed from not equipped with d yna mic brake inte rlock ~ca lure wher~by the locomot1v~ air lbs. gross weight by not less than three cars of a gross weight not exceeding control sta nd and placed in receptacle pro vided. (If receptacle is no t brakes will be released during dyna mic brakmg when tram brakes arc a pphed. 263,000 lbs. provided, reverser lever must be left with Agent o r placed at other When o r crating with foreig units in a ny c~msist, whether all o f o ne designated locatio n.) road or mixed with Unio n Pacific umts, locomot1ve brake~ must be kept Cars or loads or Excess Dimension 4. Locomotives will be left idling. WHEN LOADED WITH PHOSl'f/ORUS OR WITH WA TER BA LLAS 1'.· released by actu~ting brakes off w.hen a utomatic brake valve 1s used lo apply For all cars (bo th loads and e mpties) which ~1 ave ?vc r-all d ime nsio ns 5. Windows will be closed and la tched and cab doors will be locked when train brakes during d yna mic brakmg...... T hese cars must be coupled carefully, must 1101 be humped and must not be exceeding p ub lished clea rances or whose movement 1s subJc~t to r~gulatl? n by possible. 1043 (R). In territory where pressure ma111ta111111g brakmg 1s bc 111g us~d. for cul off while in motion. In swi tching operations, they must be handled with air State Public Service Commissions, max1mu.m over-all d1mens1o ns wall be Unless o therwise instructed, locomo ti ves left unattended o r set o ut a t all c11 tendcd periods. brake pipe c ut-off valve may be placed 111 Passenger position. brakes cut in a nd ope rative. fu rnished from the Office o f General Supenntendent o f T ranspo rtatio n to other locations. where mechanical forces are not available, the follo wing Positio n o f brake pipe cut-off va h•c must not be changed except when brake Except at loading or unloading facilities where derail protectio n is District Supe rintendents .o f T ransportatio n, Gene ral Managers ~nd instructio ns will govern. valve is in Release positio n. provided, if necessary to set these cars o ut or to leave them unalte nded , they Superintendents, alo ng with the a pplicable coded standard o ~e rat1ng I. When practicable, locomotive must be placed on a track tha t is When orerating in Passenger position cxtrem~ ~are 1~1 us1 be 1_1 scd as any must be coupled to ano ther ca r of a different type, ha nd brakes applied o n both procedu res for certain sr ecific measure ments and conditions wluch a rc pro tected by a derail o r coupled to car or cars on which sufficient slight movement o r brake valve to ward Release pos111on will result 111 complete cars a nd air reservoirs drained to determine that hand brakes are sufficient to common to most of such cars. T he codes involve the use of a numbc.r ~nd a letter number of hand brakes have bee n a pplied, othe rwise ha nd brake must release of a utoma tic brakes throughout the tra m. . ho ld the cars. be a pplied on each locomo tive. in co-ord inated sequence, i.e., 1-A, 2-8, ?·C. e tc., a nd ar~ self-pohcmg aga1!1s! Pressure maintaining braking must not be used for extended periods at error a nd a rc innumcratcd belo w with the restrictio ns and protecti ve 2. Auto matic brake valve handle must be left in release positio n. speeds exceeding 30 MPH. To do so will result in ?amage to wheels a nd brake 809 (U). In freight trains, freight cars 85 feet or more in length must not be rc<1ui rements indicated. Independent brake valve ha ndle moved to a nd left in full a pplication shoes. Application a nd release methods o( ~rakmg must be u,scd a t speeds coupled to a ny car 39 feet o r less in le ngth. position. Genera to r field or excite r switch placed in "O F F" position. exceeding 30 M PH. rcducmg speed sufftc1e11t1r before rel~.1se to 111su~c Protect against other loads over 12 ft. wide, also a ll loads and equipment This rules docs not apply to CRl&P trains between Kansas C ity and Topeka Throttle in idle position. Transition or selecto r lever moved to "OF F" I/\ sufficient time for cooling of wheels a nd rcchargmg brake pipe before 11 is having wid th over 12 ft. due to track.curvatme a nd through turnouts, by o r between Limo n and Denver. positio n. Reverser lever in "Neutral" position a nd handle re moved from a necessary to again apply brakes. . . arranging definite meeting a nd passmg pomts where track centers will control stand a nd placed in receptacle provided. (If receptacle is not 1044 (R). Tha t po rtio n of Air Drake Ruic 1044 which re.ids, "When a Imm provide safe clea rance. pro vided, reverser lever must be left with Agent o r placed a t other is sto pped on a grade, air brakes must be released, and :ur brake syste m Unils Dead in Train designated location.) immedia tely recharged" is cancelled. . . . . 3. Locomotives will be left id ling. 20 T his load must not pass o r be passed o n paraUel, tangent or c urved trac~s 809 (V). Foreign line, gove rnment, export o r commercial diesel-units, When a train, not required to use rct:unmg valves, 1s slo pped .o n descend mg except a t arranged meeting and passing pomts where t rack centers wall 4. Windows will be closed a nd la tched, a nd cab d oors will be locked when Unio n Pacific yard-switcher units of any type o r Union Pacific road-switche r g rade, if train cannot be h~ld with .in.dependent brake, a uto ma tic brakes must possible. If cab d o ors locked, train dispa tc he r must be notified. so provide safe clearances. units of Alco or Baldwin type, to be moved dead in train must be separated from no t be released until sufficient rcta 111111g valves, but not less tlian 25. have be.e n pa rties securing locomotive may obtain key. placed in ho lding positio n o n head end of tram lo pcrm1 t tra111 to be held with each o ther and from the engine by not less tha n five cars a nd must be entrained Air Bra ke Rule 1003 is modified accordingly. 3C This load must no t pass o r be passed on c urved tracks except a t ~mrnged not mo re than 30 ca rs behind the control unit. Waybill instructions must be independent brake. Hcforc proceed ing it must be known that the brake system meeting and passing points where track ce nters will provide safe carefully c hecked and unless o therwise no tified in writing must be complied is properly charged. . . . . Engine Service clearnncc. with. In the a bsence of instructions relative to speed, a speed of 35 MPH must Air Bra ke Rule 1044 1s mod1f1cd accordingly. . not be exceeded with yard-switcher, o r 45 M P l-I with road-switcher type units 876 (R). Referring to Ruic 876. The fi reman, when competent, may ha ndle 1048 (R). When more than o ne locomo tive is a llac hed to a tram, the 4 1) See tha t loads a nd equipment are back of fouling points to clear extreme dead in train. the locomo ti ve under the close s upe rvisio n of the e ngineer, under the follo wing cngincman o r the leading locomo tive shall o perate th~ brakes. ~ n all othe r width of this s bipment. 809 (W). Ruic 809 (C) applies to modular housing units o n Oat cars. conditio ns, the engineer being responsible: moti ve power units in the train, or connected to the tram, brnke p11>c must be In road freight service; connected. a ngle cocks o pened a nd the brake pipe cut o ut ~ock to the b~ake 5£ Separate this load from locomotive o r any o ther heavy load cxcecdmg In yard service provided the fire man is a promo ted engineer. valve must be closed, and the brake valve handles kept m the prescribed 177,000 lbs. gross weight, by a t least three cars no t exceed1ug I 77,000 lbs. Inspection or Trains The fi rema n must no t be permitted to ha ndle the locomotive in road positio n. , . gross weight each. passenger service except in eme rgency. T his rule does not modify Air Brake Ruic 1048 through 1048.(1~) 111 any ~vay. 811 (R). In addition to making inspection of train as ofte n as practicable as 883 (R). In te rritory where rail detecto r cars are operating, trains and I066 (R). When locomo ti ve is to be de tac hed, o r when a tram. or c ut ~I cars 6F Load must be placed on carrying car so that all a 11 les a rc equally loaded. per Operating Rule 811. all trains must sto p a nd make inspection if in the engines must use sand whe re necessary to overcome slippery conditio n cm1sed being ha ndled with air bra kes is to . be separated, a ngle cock at point. of j udgement of c re ws o n trains such inspectio n is considered ad vis.1ble for any by solutio n from detector car deposited on rails. T rain dispatc hers will advise separatio n must be closed until e ngmecr has !n:1dc JO-pound brake pipe 7G Account too large to move direct via As pen Tunnel must route cast fro m reason, or when visibility is such that proper inspection canno t be made while engineers where detecto r cars are wo rking. reducti on a nd has sounded one lo ng sound o f e ngmc whistle. 1.n all cases. a ngle running. Ogden over westbound main track thro ugh the Altamont Tunnel cock must be lert open o n po rtio n of train o r ~ars left sta!1dmg. between Ogden a nd Granger. Track Restrictions Those portio ns o r Air Drake Rule 1066 relative to ha ndling a ngle cocks are 899 (R). Unless otherwise provided, GE U-28-C units (2800-2809), ALCO modilicd accordingly. . . Cannot be ha ndled direct to Spokane and 11111st move via Hooper Location of Hot Box Oeleclors DL-630 units (2900-2909), S D-45 units (3600-3649), a nd units of 5000 HP or T his does no t modiry the requirements of Air Brake Rules 1030 (H) o r I044 SH Junctio n a nd Colfax or T bo rnton to S poka ne. Read-out a t Lawre nce mo re must not be operated o n branch lines or o n industry tracks witho ut (B). · · · b d Westward pe rmission from train dispatcher or o ther officer. 1066 (S). When operating with RCS in service a nd tram is t!) e separate Route via the westbo und main track No. 5 through the Spo kane M.P. 31.4 between Linwood and Operation of these units sho uld be restricted to main track, sidings and yard between cont rol unit and remo te units, feed valve o n re mo te unus must be cul 91 passenger terminal. Lawre nc,e tracks necessary for the movement of trains and the servicing of the units. out and remote units must be isolated before scparatin~ train. . . While control unit is separated from portio n of tra11~ conta uu ng remote Air Brake Rules Do not detou r via team tracks No.'s I and 5 under James Street Ra ilwa y Eastward units "Feed Valve O ut" indicating light must be o n continuously. .. IOJ Viaduct at Kansas City. M.P. 46.9 between Perry and 1001 (R). Hostlers must know before moving a n e ng ine, tha t adequate air F~cd valve o n remo te units must not be c ut in, no r may " Mode Selector La wrence pressure is being mainta ined and that a ir brake equipment is functio ning Switch" be moved from "Isola te" positio n until train has been reassembled a nd properly. Aprlica tio n and release test of independent brake must be made a nd bra ke pipe pressu re is being restored o n caboose at rear of tram from control 1 IK Deleted Read-out at Kansas City in additio n to no ting brake cylinder pressure o n gauge, visual inspection must unit. 12L Deleted Westward and Eastward be made to kno w that brakes apply when independent bra ke valve is in Mechanical Instructions M.P. 14.9 betwee n G rove and Delia a pplication position. At locatio ns where units are cul into or o ut of a n eng ine, it must be kno wn 1090 (R). Jr d iesel unit is not loading o r no t making transition, high voltage 13 M Cars are of standard dimensio ns o n the Utah D ivision but high and/or M.P. 51.1 between Lillis a nd Sullivan wide in states o f Cali fornia a nd Nevada. M.P. 159.5 between Hcdri,c and Alexandria that air brake hoses arc coupled, that air is cut in a nd that brakes arc o pera ting ca binet contactors must no t under a ny cir~u'!1stanccs be manually o pera t~d. M.P. 198.9 between Davenport and Ed gar prope rly o n all units before a ny movement is made. To d etermine if the contracto rs arc p1ck1ng up as they should, the diesel At terminals where hostler relieves incoming engineer, brakes must be engine should be isolated, then resto red to pow~r. . 14N Cars arc of standard d ime nsions for the Sta te of Id aho b ut high a nd/ o r tested with inde pendent brake valve immediately after c ngioe is detac hed fro m Proper re port must be made to the next marntcna nce tcrmmal. wide in sta tes of O regon a nd Washingto n. train, to insure that brakes a rc o pe rating properly. 1090 (S). Ground relay pro tcctio ~1 knife switches are a prlicd for use by Riding on Engines Movement of engines at cng inehouses, servicing o r maintenance facilities electrical forces in making tests o f equipment. Under no circumstances may the Detailed instructio ns will be issued to provide proper pro tection for any 816 (R). If there is a trailing "A" unit in locomotive consist, e mploycs in must not exceed 5 miles per ho ur. seal on ground relay k~ife s,~itch be bro ke n, '?r knifo switch bc o p~ncd. When conditions not specifically provided for in cod es I-A through 14-N. train or engine service required to deadhead on a freight train may occupy cab Engines must be stopped before moving onto a turn-ta ble, and before seal o n ground relay knife switc h 1s broken or 1s found hrokcn or m1ss111g. s uch It must be fully understood that there is to be no .change in the present of such unit. entering e ngincho use or servicing facilities where elevated tracks o r pits a rc information must be included o n work report. method of issuing train o rders for these e,ccess dimension cars. Ruic 816 is modified accordingly. used.

14 15 ' II I I Use of M.P. Tracks al HiawaHm C lose Clearances SPECIAL RUL.ES - FlnST SUBDIVISION 900 (R- 1). There arc close clcarance~above and at the side of main tracks as 1.EAVENWORTH AND ST. JOSEPH HRANCIIES 516 (R). At Hiawatha. before fouling Missouri Pacific Tracks. Ruic 516 must he complicair Prote~liun I nspcclion of Trains 26 (R). At Kansas City, mechanical blue flag protection is in service on PFE Trains 715 (T).On eastward trains, a member of crew need not be on rear platform Railroad when passing statio n at Frankfort if it can be seen that there arc no messages to Clearance of Engine or icing platform tracks, o n Heh track and o n Ramp track. Which Location Structure or When blue signal is displayed. any lrnin. engine or cars o n these tracks Location Crossed, Have How Governed be handed up. Obstruction Car Is Close At - between points where blue signals arc displayed must not be coupled to or or Junction Prece­ mo,•cd. Other trains, engines or cars required to enter tracks thus protected With dence First Subdivision, be­ must stop before passing the blue signal and may then proceed at restricted Switching MO\·emenls tween Kansas City and speed but must 1101 couple 10 or move other cars, engines or trains so long as Topeka A.T.&S.F. Interlocking. S1>ccial Ruic Menoken (M.P. 67.5) 98(S). 804 (S). At Owens-Corning, Hold Yard. Fairfax Industrial Oistrict. thcrc is blue signals arc displayed. a cable across tracks I through 10. . Cars must not be placed nearer th;in one car length from this cable. M.P. 0.88 ..... , .•• Bridge ••••••..•••. Sides and top on both Topeka C.R.l.&P. Special Ruic 98(S). tracks. (Frt. House Lead) Kansas City, Kans.. •• Tenth Street Viaduct Top on both tracks. Mon~menls Kaw .Jcl. - Muncie Caboose Trncks Kaw Junction .•••• . T rain order delivery Topeka C.R.1.&P. U.P. Special Ruic 98(S). crane .•.. . •••••• Side o n westward track. 97 (S). Yard engines may move with the current of1raflic between Kaw Jct. (M.P. 68.2) 804 (T). Caboose supply track switch~s at An~1s1ro~g may be locked. with and Muncie as follows: special locks. When necessary to enter this track, 1f special locks arc applied, a M.P. 4.96 • . ••••.•• Bridge .•••••.•.•.• Top on both tracks. Yard engines enroute Muncie may proceed o n westward track without member of crew must sound horn by means of push button located near switch. M.P. 6.87 •• . •••••• Bridge •••.• ....•. • Sides on both tracks. Frankfort M.P. Automatic Interlocking and Bridge •.....••••.. Sides on both tracks. receipt of clearance Form 2643. heing governed by indication of CTC signal al (M.P. 58.6) Supply man will remove the special lock. M.P. 27.86 ...... Kaw Jct. and may return from Muncie on eastward track on verbal authority C.T.C. Special Rule 98(T· l ). M.P. 34.35 •.•..• , • Bridge ..• .•.••.••. Sides on both tracks. from the train dispatcher. · M.P. 35.95 ..••••.• Bridge ...... •••• Sides on both tracks. Hiawatha M.P. Automatic Interlocking. Lawrence •••••••. • Train order delivery While ;1t Muncie. authority must be o btained from train dispatcher before (M.P. 42.2) Handling Cars Wilh occupying either main track. Operating Rule 612. Air Urakes crane •.•.•.••.•. Side o n westward track. Bridge •••...•••••• Sides on both tracks. While standing o r switching o n main track outside of yard limits. protection St. Joseph 806 (S). Air brakes must be cut in and operative on all cars being handled o n M.P. 52.60 ...... must be provided as requi red by Ruic 99. U.T.R.R. Stop. 01>erating Rules 98 M.P. 60.88 ...... Bridge ••••••.•...• Sides on both tracks. and 98(A). trackage of Phillips Petroleum Company plant, and on tracks 3 and 4 of Zone Markers need not be displayed. 13, Scalright, Fairfax Industrial District. M.P. 66.76 ...... Bridge ...... •••• Sides on both tracks. Topeka depot ...... Train order delivery St. Joseph. B.N. B.N. Signal Indications. Special 806 (T). At Armstrong Yard. when shoving cars on either leg of Fairfax crane ..•••..•••• Side on both tracks. Rule 98(U). wyc, air brakes must be cut in and operative and member of crew must be o n lbilrond Crossings and Junclions leading car with back-up hose. First Subdivision, he­ 98 ( R- 1) . T rains and engines must be governed by the following at the 806 (U). When handling loadc~ stock cars from Stockyard, Kansas City, air railroad crossings and junctions indicated: tween Menoken and 98 (S). lntcrlockingsat ATSFCrossing BonnerSprings(M.P. 18.0),ATSF brakes must be cut in and opcrauvc on all cars. Marysville Crossing Topeka (M.P. 67.5), C Rl&P Crossings Topeka (freight house lead 899 (S). Reference Special Ruic 899 ( R). On First Subdivision. units named and at M.P. 68.2) arc contrnlled by train dispatcher at Kansas Cit y. Bridge • . •...•••••• Sides. Trains may use industry tracks not otherwise restricted, bu,t must not cxcc.cd 5.Ml~H. M.P. 20.51 ...... When signal governing route 10 be used displays Stop indication. member Railroad Which Such units must not be opcralcd on I rack 23. Kans.is City Unio n Station, Crossed, of crew must communicate wi th train dispatcher for instruction. If movement is and must not exceed 5 MPH on Tracks 11 or 24 o r o utside spur tracks adJacent Leavenworth Branch Location Have How Governed verbally authorized by trnin dispatcher, member of crew must precede the or Junction Prece­ 10 umbrella sheds. M.P. 7.79 .•. , ••••• Bridge ....• ••••.•. Sides. With movement and if conditions permit and no conflicting movement isevidcnl. he Bridge •..••••.. ..• Sides. dence wi ll signal his engineer to proceed. M.P.14.01 ...... M.P. 16.89 ...... Bridge ••••••..•••• Sides. Rules 275 through 277 govern handling of dual control switches. 899 (T). Tracks listed below arc restricted as shown: I J th & Santa re Sts., St.L.&S.F. Interlocking. M.P. 26.27 ...... Bridge ••.• .•...• • . Sides. Kansas City, Mo. Location Track Restriction M.P. 31.01 ...... Bridge ••...•.• •••• Sides. M.P. 1.69 (between 98 (T-1 ). Al M. P. Crossing. Frankfort (M. P. 58.6), when a train or engine Muncie Sand Spur No engines permitted Overhead bridge ••.• Top. Between 9 St. St.L.&S.F. All movements must stop has been stopped hy a Stop signal and no conflicting train movcmetll is evident, Corral and Knox) • ,tnd St. Louis Ave .. clear of crossing. Member beyond east sand Kansas City. Mo. mcmher of crew must comnnrnic,lle with dispatcher. When instructed by tipple. of crew must be sent to dispatcher. time release must be operated a nd if indication of signal docs not St. Joseph Branch the crossing to give pro­ M.P. 0.37 •.....••• Bridge .••••••.••.. Sides and top. change at expiration of time release interval. movement may be made in Nease Spur (M.P. 12.1) Units named in Special ceed signal when safe to compliance with Operating Rules 269, 275 and 6 12. M.P. 25.74 .. ••.•.• Bridge •.••.• ...... Sides and top. proceed. Ruic 899(R) are Bridge .•....•. •••• Sides. prohibited. M.P. 76.22 .. •...•. Berger Ave. & Rail- C.R.1.&P. U.P. Gate. 98 (U). When a train o r engine is stopped by signal governing movement road SI., Kansas Forest Lake Alongside high sand piles No engines permitted. over U.N. Crossing at St. J oseph, a member or crew must communicate with on sand loading track. 900 (S). At Lawrence, grain aerators operated by the Derby Grain City, Kans. RN. o perator and be governed by his instructions. Company, )vhcn in use. will be located on o r adjacent to track servlllg elevator No engines permitted and storage bins of this industry. . Minnesota Ave.&. M.P. Interlocking. Sunflower Tracks 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 M.P. Bridge, Kan- beyond south ce­ Red warning lights will be displ_aycd o n o~ adpccnl to aerators when machine is in use o r fouling sas City, Kans. ment plant paved track. Trnmmen, engmemcn and yardmen rnu~t be Crossing S ignals driveway crossing. on the lookout for these aerators at all times, and must not pass these machines with engine or cars while red lights arc displayed. Minnesota Ave. & M.P. Interlocking. 103 ( R). Manually operated crossing signals in Fairfax Industrial District. Bonner Springs House track Units named in Special Second St., Kan- Kansas City. Kansas, arc turned on and off by push bullons located in signal Rule 899(R) must sas City, Kans. box at edge of street. Signals must be operated a sufficient time to stop traffic 900 (T). At Scalright Oswego, Inc. Fairfax Industrial District, derails arc not go beyond track installed on all four tracks, both sides of lift bridge. Move me ms 011 lhese tracks before engine or switching movement is made over crossing. Signals must be scale. State Ave., near M.P. Interlocking. o perated until entire movement has cleared crossing. Signals must not be arc governed by indication displayed on dwarf signals on each track. Second St., Kansas operated unnecessarily or left in operation after movement is completed. City, Kansas

Bonner Springs A.T.&S.F. Interlocking. Special Ruic (M.P. 18.0) 98(S). Posilion of Switches 104 (S). At Kansas City. Kansas. Armstrong Ya rd. switch from receivi ng Choctaw & Main Sis., L.T.&B. Automatic Interlocking. yard track 10 lo East lead of I rain yard must be left lined for Receiving Yard Leavenworth Co. Lead. Switch from train yard lead to train yard track 9 must be left lined for track Choctaw St. & Mo. L.T.&B. Automatic Interlocking. 9. River Bridge, Co. Leavenworth. C.&N.W. 104 (I} Switches will be set normally at: Troy. junctio n. switch - for C. R.1.&I'. main track.


Railroad Crossings and Junctions 98 (W}. When :m automatic block signal governing movement at Sandown Mo,·ement in Yard limits 98 (R-3). Trains and engines must be governed by the .foUow~ng at tl)c .kt. dis_p1a,s thop indi1:,1tion, train or engine must not proceed until proceed 98 (V). At 13.N. <:rossing, Hastings (M. I'. 227.2), when a train or engine is railroad crossings and junctions indicated: signaa gi·vco1 wot:h :y,el'low flag 9r yellow light is received from telegrapher-, 93 (R). At Grand Island, trains from Kansas Division must stop clear of SIO['!~ecl by mtcrlockrng s1g~al and no conflicting train movement is evident, in sw·11eh1culder,.imd :1u p:mcceding train or engine must be governed by Operating I cro~s:over a/ E~dy St rcet and must receive verbal authority from Nebraska addition . to co~1plymg with Operating Ruic 609, member of crew must I Rule :S{®. D1v1s1on train dispatcher to proceed on eastward main track. communicate with dispatcher and be governed by his instructions. aT no tcle,graiJllic,T··SWi1chtendcr is on duty, train or engine must be governed Trains ~nroutc to Kansas Division will be governed by interlocking signal at Railroad Trains by 0J>crirti11,g [tu:lc .509. U.N. Cross111g a1!d. ~1ay proceed on route indicated to cross-overat Eddy Street. Location Crossed, Which How Governed Nebraska D1v1s1on Special Rule 93 (R) applies. Have Public Crossings or Junction Use or Sidings and Running Tracks With Precedence 103 (S). At Fairbury, all train or.engine movements over 5th street crossing HJS (R). Funston mnning track extends from cast switch of siding at Fort on the two side tracks south of main track, must be preceded by flagman. Denver Cut-off Stop,, send ITT.1Cnibei£ of CIC\V Riley 10 west .switch of siding at East Funston. Trains or engines must not use J'.h\s rmrning lrac:k wathout authority from the train dispatcher, and must be Railroad Crossings and Junctions Manhattan. C.R.l.&.P. U.P. to e.roMin.g to give 1:;10· (M.P. 119.4) oee,d !Jgmil wl1en ,sa e to gowcnrtcd 'by ,indacatiton~ of signals when using siding at Fort Riley, or Funston . 98 (R-2). Trains an_d en~ines_ must be governed by the following at the pmL\CCd, 1ru111Ji'ng mu:k. Rule 5{19 applies to these signals. railroad cross111gs and Junctions 111d1catcd: Approach Indications 240 (~). At !Jelvidere, Second Subdivision, a westward train receiving Abilene. A.T.&S.F. Cabin I111t.c:rhilk.ing. Op,CI- Track Restrictions approach 111d1ca11on al westw11rd controlled signal, east end of Belvidere M.P. (M.P. 164.5) a ting Rules 613 :and 1199 {'U), Reference Special Rule 899 (R). Units named may be operated on 175.25, m1!s1 procce~ prepared _to stop before any part of train or engine passes 6Ht D,cnvcr ,Cut-olf, but must not exceed S MPH when using sidings between Railroad Trains the next signal. Trams exceedmg 25 MPH must immediately reduce to that Rossv·1tk aod Denver.. Such units must not be operated on Track 8, Denver Crossed, Which speed. Salina. A.T.&S.F. U.P. BloC:k :Signa~ .and ga1e. Location U11i. :99,66 ...... Bridge ...... Sides and top. 98(T-2). Great Lakes spur Industry track No engines permitted McPherson Branch M,P, U7.61 ...... Bridge ...... Sides. (M.P. 238.8) beyond two car lengths Salina (M.P. 0.5), A.T.&S.F. U.P. Stop. 0 pe,rati:ng Rules 9.8 M,P. U7.:Ji8 ...... Bridge ...... Sides and top. Hastings. B.N. Interlocking and C.T.C. from cast end of load.ing McPherson Branch. and 98(,A). M.P. !1511:55 ...... Bridge ...... Sides. 1 Sides and top. (M.P. 227.2) Special Rule 98(V). dock. MJ'. :173.62 ...... Bridge ...... Salina (M.P. 0.6), C.R.l.&.P. U.P. Stop. 01>cratb1,g Rules ·9'8 lM.11'. l8U'2 ...... Bridge ...... Sides. Grand Island Branch McPherson Branch. and '98{A), M)P, Un.12 ...... Bridge ...... Sides. Belt Line Crossing. Bell Line. U.P. Semaphore and gate. I M .l'. l 9S.06 ...... Bridge ...... Sides and top. (M.P. 249.6) Close Clearances Salina (M.P. 0.6), M.P. U.P. Stoa~. Operating R'ule-s 98 M.P. 201.:94 ...... Bridge ...... Sides. aniJ 98(A). Bridge Sides. 900 (R-2). There arc close clearances above and at the side of main tracks as McPherson Branch. M.P.20:2A4 ...... I EUswo1it'h ...... Train order delivery shown belo,y, and 1n addition thereto, at platforms and other structures above crane ••••.••.•••• Side. and at the side of mdustry, stock, and other tracks. Lindsborg. M.P. M.P. Stop al :&Witdi \target ,uutil gmle lia.s lb:ecn ~~! 'M,IP. 274.0J Bridge ...... Sides. 98 (T-2). At rail~oad crossings shown b~l~1~v. when a train or e.nginc has Snow plows must not exceed 5 MPH on main track or siding passing (M.P. 20.7) I locatrons shown below account close clearance: ,a,gainst Jll!L!P. Wlie.n ltJ>.. .2.ftS.04 ...... Bridge ...... Sides. been stopped by a Stop signal and no confl1c1t111g tram movement 1s evident ent:ire train bas paswdl M.:£>. 290.62 ...... Bridge ...... Sides and top. member of ~rew must comrnuniciltc with dispatcher. When instructed by Uie target 011 0111)os:itc M,P,405.61 ...... Bridge ...... Sides. di spatcher. t11~1e r_clease must be operated and if indication of signal does not slrJc of c-1,os..~n_g., t he M.P. 42UO ...... Bridge ...... Sides. change at expiration of tune release 111terval, movement may be made. Structure or Clearance of Engine or Sides. Location g;a1·c must 'trc ,!'.el agt.ii'Mt M.l'. 514:94 ...... Bridge ...... In compliance with Operating Rules 269, 275 and 612 at: Obstruction Car is Close At - iU.!>. M.!P.. 522.79 ...... Bridge ...... Sides. 8.N. Crossing, Hanover (M.P. 128.1); - Second Subdivision :M.P. 534,63 ...... Bridge ...... Sides. Sides. C.R.1.&P. Crossing. Fairbury (M.r. 152.7)· M.P. 114.40 ...•• Bridge ••••.•• Sides and top. McPherson. A.T.&S.F. A.T.&S.F. Stop. O_pemling Ru~es 98 JMJ•. 592.'@9 ...... Bridge ...... B.N. Crossing, Edga·r (M.P. 200.5). • (M.P. 35.1) ttnd 98(.A}. JI.U'.602.15 ...... Bridge ...... Sides. In compliance with Operating Rules 269 and 612 al: Strasbu:rg • • • • • • • • . • • . •• Train order delivery Bestwall Spur Side. 13.N. Crossing, Endicott (M.P. 147. 1); M.P. 0.9 ...... Plainville Branch crane ...••••.•••. Bridge •••.•.• Sides. Bridge Sides. B.N. Crossing, Belvidere (M.P. 177.0). M.P. 5.5 ...... Bridge ..•..•. Sides. Lincoln Center. A.T.&S.F. U.P. Gat,e. lM P. 601.lm ...... (M.P. 33.8) Denver ...... Signal 24 ...... Side.

18 l9 900 (U). Cabooses in series 25000 through 26799 must not be moved under Location Structure or Clearance of Engine umbrella sheds al Denver Union Station. Obstruction or Car Is Close At- 900 (V). Following the maximum clearances through all tracks except .,,...... :i::g., ,- XQY> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V) V) Track 10 at Denver Union Station: 0 g:,;:,:: ,; V) 0 V) 0 V) 0 0 V) 0 V) 0 0 0 0 .,.Loll.:) 00 r- 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 •••••• McPherson Branch ... N r- 0 .... M C"l From car rloor to 14 feet above lop of rail, maximum width must not ...... v N N ..... N ..,. N C"l N v N :! Between 8 poles west of Anchor posts and tie exceed 12 feet. - - - - M.P. 3 and 4 poles cast wires west side of From 14 feet above top of rail to 14Yi feet above top of rail, maximum ... ::x: of M.P. 4 •••••.••••• track .••.••.•••• Side. ~~ zoo g., 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 width must not exceed 10 feet...... , 0 0 V) V) V) V) V) V) 0 M.P. 21.42 ....•..•.••• Bridge ...•.• ••••••• Top. ,; V) V) 0 V) 0 V) V) V) 0 From 14 Yi feet above top of rail to 15 feet above top of rail, maximum ~!~ r- ID r- C\ v r- v N (:I N N ..... C"l v N N ~i N N v °' °' °' °' °' °' °' °' width must not exceed 8 feet. .... ------Plainville Branch 15 feet above lop of ra il is maximum height for any car o r load to clear - - - c,, ... M.P. l.16 ...... Bridge ...... Sides. umbrella train sheds. ::x: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .... :t:Q,- g., 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V) V) V) V) V) 0 V) V) V) 0 0 M.P. 10.69 ...... Bridge •. .•. •..••••• Sides and top. Cars or loads exceeding the above dimensions must be handled through ... 8:l;Q V) V) 0 0 0 0 ~ <"> v r- V) r- r- ID r- r- <"> r- r- r- N M.P. 33.36 ...... Overhead bridge . .•.• , Sides and top. Denver Union Station on Track 10. .,,I.OJ"' ..,. N ..., C"l v N N "'... \() °' - - M.P. 33.45 ...... Overhead bridge .. : .•. Sides and top. ------M.P. 33.66 ...... Overhead bridge •••.•• Sides and top. 00 ... :I: ... :r:o ... g., 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 alalalc:lalalalalCll M.P. 135.22 ...... Bridge ...... Sides. 0 0 0 V) V) V) V) V) V) V) . V) V) V) ... V) V) 0 V) V) .,, VV>,O«>O-.-N"1'V') 8:Eci ~ \() V) \() M.P. 139.67 ...... Bridge ...... Sides. ..,.L, ~.;;1 g: ... g., 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :r:o:,;o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V) V) V) alCllCllalalCllCllCll V) V) 0 0 V) 0 0 0 V) 0 0 0 M.P. 151.49 Bridge ...... Sides and top. ~ ... 0 V) V) ('I coo-NfW\r-oo°'• ...... ~ v 00 r- V) V) r- st r- r- r- stooooooo­ M.P. 154.40 ...... Bridge Sides and top. g R. §~~§ st v N M °'N v N N fl")('f\ft')('f")t")fl')tfl')f'l'\ft') ...... N ------Solomon Branch CQ ... :I: g., 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :r:og: 0 0 0 0 V') V) V) V) V) V) M.P. 23.65 • . • • . • . . . . • . Bridge • . • . . • . . • . • • . Sides and top. ..."' V) V) 0 V) V) V) V) 0 V) 0 ... V) ('I \0 N ~ ('I V) \0 r- 0 r- r:- \0 6 ~~<.) v r- r- N v °' N ...... st N N ~ ------:i:: ... g., 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "'~ :i:o.- 0 0 0 0 0 V) V) V) V) V) V) 0 V) 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 V) o-,:rV\ .... COO-M \0 N \0 V) !"'I N V) 0 V) \0 V) \0 N N 000000--­ 8 8""'.,.1.0Jl.:I N N N UNION PACIFIC EM PLOYES HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS ARE LOCATED AS SHOWN BELOW: N ..., N "' "' - t')f'l)tt')f'l')f"\t")tt")~tl') ------;;;i ... - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ :r:o~ iE 0 0 0 V) V) V) «I V) V) V) V) 0 V) 0 V) 0 0 NAME TITLE PLACE NAME TITLE PLACE 0 0 ('I !"'I §"Q ~ 0 r:- V) ('I 00 ('I \0 N \0 N 8 ! I.OlQ V) ..., N ,- 00 N "' C"l N °'v C"l \0 M 00 "' °'st °'v James H. O'Neil .•...• District Surgeon .•.••• Kansas City, Mo. D. L. Marchbanks . . ... Physician ...... Salina, Kan . "' - K. L. Shireman Physician •..•.•.••.. Kansas City, Mo. C. E. Scott .••....••• Surgeon Salina, Kan. - ...... :i:: g., 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r. E. Wade ...... Oculist ...... Kansas City, Mo. P. D. Ellison ...... •. Oculist ...... Salina, Kan. 0 0 0 0 V') V) 0 ~-=i =o~ 0 V) V) V) 0 8 V) V) V) 0 0 0 0 Quentin C. Huerter . . . Oculist . • , •• , ••••••• Kansas City, Mo. J. C. Mitchell Surgeon •.••...••.•• §"Q ~ C"l V) 0 0 r:- 0 0 ...... Salina, Kan. 0 I.OlQ r:- Q() ID N ,-"' N "'M v \0 M °' °'\0 °'..... °' \0 °' A. W. Uutcher Surgeon ...... Abilene, Kan. J. J. Chung.,.,.,,.,. Physician ...... Sharon Springs, Kan. "' °' °'"' "' °' "' °' "' E.W. Mitts ...•.•.••. Surgeon ...... Bonner Springs, Kan. P. L. Stevens ...... Surgeon ...... Tonganoxie, Kan . - S. A. Anderson Surgeon Clay Center, Kan...... J. V. SuUivan ...... Oculist .•..••.•.••.• Topeka, Kan. ... :i:: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 g., 0 0 0 0 0 0 V') Joseph E. Seitz ...... Surgeon ...... Ellsworth, Kan. W. H. Zimmerman Physician ...... Topeka, Kan. ... :t:I.OlQ 0 0 0 0 0 0 V) 0 V') 0 0 0 0 0 ~ ~ r:- v .,. 8 ID 0 0 C\ 0 r:- 0 R. D. Warren ...... Physician ...... Hanover, Kan. F. J. Bice ....••...•. Surgeon Wakeeney, Kan. §c.:i~ M v v \0 v Q() v \0 v ..,. ID \0 °'N ...... ,. V) - - - John C. Artman . . .••. Surgeon ...... Jlays, Kan. J. J. Hamilton Surgeon ...... Wakeeney, Kan. °' "" °' - Lloyd W. Reynolds Surgeon .•. ...•.• , .. Hays, Kan. r. A. Dlabel •••.•.••. Surgeon ...... Wi lson, Kan . - J. R. Neuenschwander . Surgeon lloxie, Kan. A. T. Haley District Surgeon .••••• ...... Denver, Colo. al H. L. Bunker, Jr...... Surgeon ...... Junction City, Kan. J. H. Bechtold ...... Surgeon ...... Denver, Colo. -('l")o.;t0-q-ff') Harry O'Donnell Surgeon ...... Junction City, Kan. J. R. Blair ...... Aurist ...... Denver, Colo. . C""'f"ol'OOOOOOr- Russell Frink ...... Surgeon ...... Lawrence, Kan. H. E. Barmatz ...... Opthalmologist ...... Denver, Colo. rij P. S. Combs .•. . .. • .• Surgeon ...... Leavenworth, Kan. W. L. Bennett Physician ...... Denver, Colo. H. L. Songer ...... Surgeon ...... Lincoln, Kan. A. C. Sudan ...... Surgeon ...... Denver. Colo. J. A. Fairchild Surgeon ...... Manhattan, Kan . R. C. Spangler , •.•..• Surgeon .•..•.•..•.. Denver, Colo. R. D. Hughes ...... •. Surgeon ...... Marysville, Kan. C. J. Tsamasfyros .. •.• Physician ...... Denver, Colo . R. M. Thomas Surgeon ...... Marysville, Kan. J. L. Keefe .... , , .. , • Surgeon ...... Cheyenne Wells, Colo. Weir Pierson ..•.•.••. Surgeon ...... McPherson, Kan. H. J. Scarinzi ..• .. • .. Surgeon ...... Hugo, Colo. z >, 0 .. ,c: G . B. Sekavec .•.•• , •• Surgeon ...... Oakley, Kan. J .C. Straub ...... Surgeon ...... Limon, Colo. .c: .!! ,c: £:l C: c::,. in ::l 0) t: u 0) 3 C. S. Fleckenstein Surgeon ••.••...... Onaga, Kan. E. A. Connolly ••••••• District Surgeon •••••• Omaha, Nebr...... 3 "'Cl) () -~ > ~ ...... 0 ... ~ > 0 ...c 0 >, >, .5 .. "'~ >, 0 >, E. A. Walsh R. W. Taylor Oculist and Aurist .. ~ C: "' ...... Surgeon ...... Onaga, Kan...... Beatrice, Nebr. > C: :I: ., "' 'ii :I: C: .... :.::l C t: :!:I"' := !;i !;I 0) ::a A. M. Pederson ...... Surgeon ••.••.•• .... Plainville, Kan. W. T. Wildhaber .••••. Surgeon ...... Beatrice, Nebr. 0 :a :3 0) ::a ~ .. 0).. "' .. Cl) .. C:Q ='1l Cll ~ ::£ "1 "1 ci5 C. C. Gunter ...... Surgeon ...... Quinter, Kan. F. A. Moun tford ...... Surgeon ...... Davenport, Nebr. Cll '1l '1l Cl "1 "1 :i:: ~ < 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 H. W. Hietserman ..... Surgeon ...... Quinter, Kan. D. D. Hughes .•••..•• Surgeon ...... Fairbury, Nebr. Cl.I I- I- {:. I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- W. J . Pettijohn .•..•.• Surgeon •.• .•...... Russell, Kan. C.H. Maggiore ••••••• Surgeon ...... Grand Island, Nebr. z F. N. White ...... Surgeon ...... Russell , Kan. L. M. Adams ...... Surgeon ...... Grand Island, Nebr. ~ J. T. Rogers ..• , • , • , • Surgeon ...... St. Joseph, Mo. J. A. Proffitt ...... Oculist and Aurist .... Grand Island, Nebr. 0. E. Whitsell .....•.. Ocul.ist and Aurist St. Joseph, Mo. C. L. K !cager ...... Surgeon ...... Hastings, Nebr. 0 0. L. Smith ...... Surgeon ...... St. Marys, Kan. E. M. Glenn ...... Surgeon ...... Hastings, Nebr. =a H. R. Dramel ...... Aurist ...... Salina, Kan. >, u ., 0) ,c: ,c: V G) .c: c::,. C: ... :3 LJ.. a ...... s s ...... "'Cl) 8 > 0 0 ~ ~ i;, i;, V 0 0 0 >, .. .s ~>, >, II.I "'1A .. :I': >, > ., :I': C: 'fi "' C .... C ... C: 1;; :3 :a :l"' ... :=I :a :.::l.. .. j .. j u "' Cl).. µ,l j '1l '1l Cll ~ LJ.. ':' ~ '1l Cll ~ i 8 :x: LJ.. ... 0 .;

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