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Denver Catholic Five Cents

Denver Catholic Five Cents

CATHOLIC PRESS CONTINUES TO PROVIDE VITAL NEWS AND VIEWS DESPITE SPIRAUNG COST In a period of sharply rising + -T + + borne by the advertisers, whose these papers have found it in- papers a week. The Register plant page edition with all the Catholic Archbish-^p Urban J. Vehr printed costs, the old-fashioned nickel will large displays fill page upon page. creasingly difficult to meet rising has proved a boon to our own news of importance to the com­ on this page, subscribers are asked ARCHDIOCESE OF The Catholic press of the coun­ buy only a- few things. Surpris­ wage scales and to‘ compete in the archdiocese and many other di­ munity and the archdiocese. to place their $2 subscription in April 23, 1931 try, no less than its secular coun­ oceses that would otherwise have ingly, the daily newspaper is one open market for necessary ma­ Unwillingly, the Denver Cath­ the envelope provided for the pur­ Reverend Dear Father and Beloved People; terpart, has seen production and no chance of sponsoring a Cath­ pose and to put the envelope in of these things. Despite daily olic Register is forced this year to At this time each year you are requested to renew your subscrip­ publishing costs skyrocket annu­ terials becoming more costly and olic publication. the collection basket at church on rising costs, which in some in­ ally to the point where the future more scarce. Twice every week into homes of raise its subscription price slightly Sunday, May 6. In exchange the tion to the official weekly paper of the archdiocese, the Denver Cath­ stances have submerg^ fair-sized is indeed dismal if not uncertain. The Catholics of Denver and olic Regiiter. the archdiocese comes the Catholic to $2 a year. For this s\im sum Register pledges continued serv­ daily newspapers, most such Unfortunately, Catholic paj^rs do , however, are more for­ newspaper — a six-page National readers will still be able to re­ ice and news coverage to its As you know, subscribers receive each week the Register, National papers,, with their news and fea­ not have the heavy subsidy of tunate than most Right in Denver Editijon, which records items of intereue« throughout ■ the Catholic world edition bringing the most informed ceive the two weekly papers for readers. In these days of confusion tures, can still be obtained for large-scale advertising to under­ they have a- magnificent modern and most complete coverage of less than four cents a week. But and uncertainty, the Catholic press and explanatory articles of Catholic doctrine. The Denver Catholic five cents. The burden of the pub­ write their continued publication. publishing plant, capable of turn­ Register gives you news of importance in the archdiocese and its Catholic and related news found 100-per-cent co-operation is needed. becomes more important -than lishing cost, of course, is largely Operating on minimum budgets. ing out more than a million news­ in any newspaper, and a 14-16 various parishes. In accordance with the letter of ever. The Register is the property of the archdiocese and serves as the official paper of 31 archdioceses and dioceses throughout the country. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation It has done and is now doing truly apostolic service in the cause of Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1951—Permission to Reproduce, Except on Christ and the Church, as well as giving a representative Catholic paper Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue. M l Carmel School Cornerstone Laying and explanations of Catholic truths in areas that otherwise would not be served capably. Production costs in labor and paper have soared during the past vear. It has become, necessary to increase the annual subscription to Is Climax to 20 Years of Parish Effort $2 per year. You are kindly asked to renew your subscription now. Some may be in the position to give an additional amount, so that the Register DENVER CATHOLIC might be sent to deserving homes unable to subscribe. A representative editorial exponent of Catholic thought and in­ terest is definitely necessary today in a world imbued with secularism and a negation of the religious influences of life. May I ask you to be as generous as your means permit? Faithfully yours in Christ, « URBAN J. VEHR REGISTER Archbishop of Denver P.S. The Register collection is to be announced on Sunday, April 29, and tbe collection taken on Sunday, May 6. The returns are to be VOL. XLVI. No. 36. THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1951 DENVER, COLORADO sent directly to the Register office, 93S Bannock street, Denver, Colo. Dedication Will Be Held in Early Summer Swansea Church Nears Completion

The Rt. Rev. Monsignor Charles Hagus, pastor of An­ 1,000 Books Given Good Shepherd Home nunciation parish, Denver, has announced that the dedica­ tion of the new $75,000 Our Lady of Grace church in the By Guy R. Calleo Swansea district of Denver will be held in the early summer, The campaign conducted by bringing to four the number of new churches that will be the Denver Catholic Register dedicated in the archdiocese in that period. Archbishop Ur­ to fill the long-vacant shelves ban J. Vehr will officiate. of the library at the Good' Ground was broken for the new church, which is being Shepherd home was climaxed built under the supervision of Principal! in the corneritone laying for the $300,000 Our Lady last week with the donation of 470 Monsignor Hagus, in March of of Mt. Carmel high ichool in Denyer April 22 were, left to right, the books made by Miss Betty Bost- 1950, and the structure, according Rey. John Giamba#tiani, O.S.M., paitor of Assumption parish, Welby; wick of 1212 E. Colfax, Denver. to present estimates, will be By St. James' Parish Nancy Adams, a pupil of Mt. Carmel school; the Rey. Thomas Lo- The books, many of them leather- brought to completion some time Cascio, O.S.M., pastor of Mt. Carmel parish; the Rey. Edward Leyden, bound editions of the classics, in May. archdiocesan superintendent of schools, who officiated in the rites; were the private library of Miss Henry Zarlengo, and Daniel Longo, parishioners. ( “Register” photo Bostwick’s father, who is deceased. Edifice Seats 330 $500,000 Spent by Jerome) Built to serve the Swansea and + + + + Goal of 1,000 Volumes Elyria areas, the new church, Has Been Surpassed Dignitaries from religious, edu­ ducted by the Rev. Edward A. which contains a full basement, a cational, and civic walks of life, Leyden, superintendent of schools The original goal of 1,000 books sacristy, and five living rooms in old grads and former students, to­ for the Archdiocese of Denver. Fa­ set as the target of the campaign, the rear—in addition to the church gether with hundreds of parishion­ ther Leyden was assisted by the which was begun several months proper, which will seat 330—is Years ers, thronged the corner of 36th Rev. Thomas LoCascio, O.S.M.; situated on property bounded by In Three ago when it was discovered that avenue and Zuni street, Denver, the Rev. John Giambastiani, the sisters at the home had built East 48th and 49th avenues and on Sunday afternoon, April 22, to O.S.M., pastor of Assumption by Columbine street and Thomp­ In the building and improvement projects'carried on in a library but had no books, has St. James’ parish, Denver, since 1947, nearly $500,000 has witness the laying of the corner­ church, Welby; and the Rev. Jul­ been more than surpassed. The son court. There are, at present, stone of the new Our Lady of Mt. ius M. Porcellini, O.S.M., assistant volumes will be put to good use some 200 to 250 Catholic families been expended. Of this amount there remains $110,000 in Carmel high school. at Mt. Carmel parish. Father Ley­ by the 110 girls living at the home. in the fast-growing Northeast area. bonded indebtedness, according to a brochure issued in con­ The ceremony, climaxing 20 den was the chief speaker. Other The generosity of Register read­ The Catholic history of the nection with a current drive in the parish for a $40,000 years of untiring effort, was con- speakers included Ernest Marran- ers will be of invaluable aid in Swansea area dates back about 60 convent fund. The Rev. William V zino, Frank Mancini, Roxie Car­ furthering education at the home. years, when that section was the Powers is pastor. bone, and Henry Zarlengo, who Other donations reported in the independent town of Elyria. Cath­ The convent fund will provide Eight Members of Hierarchy was master of ceremonies. past week were made by Mrs. olics then attended Annunciation approximately half of the $75,000 Cornerstone Contains Wheeler of 1724 Lincoln, who do­ parish, although the distance was great and transportation difficult. needed for an addition to the pres­ Many Mementos nated a set of the complete works ^ photo by Smyth ent convent. Two hundred men of T o Attend PuebI o Ded i cati on of Shakespeare and eight other Sister Mary Gabriel and Books > _ The Legion of Mary of Annun­ the parish are a parish The cornerstone was placed at volumes; Edith Kern, who gave ciation parish offered its aid in canvass this week for the $40,000. Eight visiting members of the M, Gilmore of Helena, Bishop the southwest corner of the foun­ atven volumes, including a book supplying children ql the Swansea 3t767 Books Circulated in Year Report* from the workera were U, -S. Hierarchy apd one Abbot Bernard J. Sullivan, S.J.; dation and bears the inscription of multi-colored pictures of birds; area with mpeh-needed catecheti­ scheduled for 'Puesday, Thursday, will come to Pueblo for dedica­ Bishop Hubert Newell, Co­ and Mrs. Walter Tmhoff, 359 S. cal instruction in 1944. Classes and Saturday nights after 9 tion May 3 of the new $1,000,- adjutor of Cheyenne; and Abbot “JUVENIBUS MARIA ADJU­ Pennsylvania, who gave a subscrip­ Catholic Library Society were begun in the Patrick Ken­ o’clock in the Walsh Memorial hall. 000 Pueblo Catholic high school ' Leonard Schwinn, O.S.B., of VANTS—1951.” It contains a me­ tion tcf Extension magazine. A do­ nedy building at 3234 E. 47th ave­ The results of the campaigm 'will by .the Apostolic Delegate, Arch­ Canon City. tal box holding appropriate memen­ nation of money made by the nue, and the Sisters of Charity of be announced Sunday, April 29, bishop .Amleto Giovanni Cico- Archbishop Cicognani will tos of the occasion. Articles placed Leavenworth, who staff the Annun­ Queen’s Daughters enabled Sister Future Plant gnahi. #ffer a Solemn Pontifical Mass in the box included current issqes of Gabriel to purchase textbooks To Note Jubilee Apr. 29 ciation school, volunteered their • The- magnificent new Catholic in the Pueblo Cathedral May 3 the local newspapers, a medal of for ude by the girls. teaching services. Are Extensive high school building is a tribute at 10 o’clock to begin the day’s Our Sorrowful Mother, five' dol­ Sister Mary Gabriel, principal By Marion Woods Lived the Faith, a book of great • Later, city authorities allowed Future plans for St. James’, as to the determination and cour­ activities. Abbot. Schwinn will lars in 1951 dimes, a scroll suit­ at the Good Shepherd home, is A LITTLE MORE than a year lay leaders of modern times. A the use of the Anna Louise John­ announced in the campaign bro­ age of Bishop Joseph C. Willging. give the sermon at the Mass. ably inscribed with the history of elbow deep in the task of catalog- ago the Catholic Information and question and answer period will son Community center auditorium chure, call for a permanent church Church dignitaries will include The dedication program will the parish from its beginning, the uging the more than 1,000 books re­ Library society was reactivated follow. The book review and recep­ for Sunday Mass and catechetical on the corner of E. 13th and Onei­ Archbishop Urban J. Vehr of get under way at 3 o’clock. names of the religious, city, state ceived at the home as a result of after a lapse of several years. The tion is open to non-members and instructions for the children. Ac­ da; a new rectory on the corner Denver, who will give the main Bishop Newell will give the prin­ and natonal officials in office at the drive conducted by the Denver members of the board of directors will give the Catholics of the arch­ cordingly, Mass has been offered of E. 13th and Newport; and at address at the civic reception cipal address at the dedication. the. present time, a list of all the Catholic Register. The shelves at may take just pride in the 1950 diocese an opportunity to become there for the past four years by least eight more classrooms for the honoring the Delegate; Arch­ The civic reception in honor of parish clubs and organizations, the library, once barren, have taken record of 3,767 books circulated, acquainted with the facilities of priests from Annunciation parish. present school. Other projects will bishop Henry P. Rohlman of the Delegate and the other visit­ and names of individuals who gave on a much better appearance as a 56 books purchased, and 155 books the library. The other three new churches be a gymnasium for the children’s Dubuque, Archbishop Edwin V. ing Church dignitaries will be their services in the past 20 result of the generosity of readers. donated. The library has some 5,- Rita La Tourrette, corresponding of the archdiocese to be dedicated and parish activities, and the ac­ Byrne of Santa Fe, Bishop Frank held in the high school gym at years to make the occasion a 000 volumes of fiction, biography, secretary of the organization, is quisition of property for use as a reality. The scroll was signed by Open House' April 26 in June, as noted in the Register A. ThiH'of Salina, Bishop Joseph 8 o’clock. poetry, sociology, religion, and his- chairman of the reception. Mrs. last week, are the Church of the playground. The brochure refers members present at the ceremonies Invitations to attend an open tpry, together with booklets, pam­ Mary C. Schneider and Mrs. Divine Redeemer in Colorado to these plains as “a long-range after making donations toward the house Thursday evening, April phlets, and periodicals. Thomas P. Fahey (representing Springs, St. Ignatius’ church at idea for the proper development building fund. The trowel used to 26, from 7 to 9 p.m., have been But they cannot sit back com­ St. James’ Altar and Rosary»so- Rangely, and St. Ignatius’ in Wal­ of the parish.” Catholic Playmates Lead seal the cornerstone was auctioned mailed by the Sisters of thfe Good placently, for they realize that, ciety) will pour. Greeting the den. Under present facilities, the off and awarded to Mrs. Anna Shepherd to their many friends in although this is a creditable show­ guests will be Mmes. Howard brochure lists the new school build­ Carbone for $400. Music was fur­ Denver and surrounding areas. ing for their resources, the sta­ Sleeper, Everett Billington, Lafay­ nished by the senior under ing, in which is “an adequate, the direction of the Rev. Salvatore The open hodse is a yearly feature tistics show that the library is ette; Ed Moore, Richard Needham, Archbishop Will Speak though temporary church;” a 10- Four Children Into Faith of the home, located at East Lou­ inadequate for its task. They are Fagiolo, O.S.M., with Helen Jina- Jr.; Joseph Learned, and Earl F. room school with an enrollment of cio as accompanist. isiana avenue and Colorado boule­ now appealing to all Catholic or­ Baker; and Misses Rita La Tour­ At Boulder Breakfast 507 and a teaching staff of eight vard, Denver. ganizations in Denver, as well as rette, Marjorie O’Neil, and Ruth Sisters of St. Joseph and two A dinner party at Gaetano’s fol­ to interested individuals, to help. Gibbs. Archbishop Urban J. Vehr will lay teachers; Walsh Memorial lowed the ceremonies for members The reactivation of the society of the clergy. W ill Lead May Day celebrate the 8 o’cloqk Mass in hall, the old church, which is used was effected in response to re­ THE CATHOLIC LIBRARY Sacred Heart church, Boulder, this as a school cafeteria and for par­ Of Prayer quests for Catholic research ma­ was started 15 years ago through ish meetings; a convent adequate terial ^nd general reading. Many the efforts of Nellie Lennon, who Sunday, and will speak at the for six nuns only; and a rectory 2 Years Have Seen volumes from the old library were spent much of her time and energy breakfast to be held in Wayne’s ■with accommodations for two useful, but much of the reference building up the library to its pres­ cafe after the Mass. The Commun- priests. material was outdated and quite ent status.* The Rt. Rev. Monsi­ munion and breakfast are for all 500 DPs Take Up inadequate for the needs of the gnor John R. Mulroy, pastor of of the parish. The men’s more than 300 persons now using Holy Ghost church, offered space Communion for the Boulder area is the library. Little Flower Burse * * * in Holy Ghost hall for the library, one in a series that included the Life in Archdiocese and in addition has always pro­ Denver Cathedral, St. Mary’s THE CATHOLIC PERIODI­ vided the services of a librarian. school, Colorado Springs; and St. In the first week of May, just CALS at the library are well used, Receives $40 Gifts The present librarian is Miss Edna Joseph’s church. Fort Collins, a little more than two years since but there is need for many more. Hartman. among others. Four children of Students and other interested per­ Four gifts totaling "$40 were non>Catholic parents the first DP arrived in Denver, the sons want information on contro­ received in the past week for the 500th person to be resettled in the Little Flower burse, bringing the baptized in St. Pat­ versial subjects and are sometimes rick’s church, Den- archdiocese will be greeted at the disappointed that the stock of Redemptoristand Franciscan fund to $2,951. The goal of the- are (at left), in Denver. pamphlets is not more extensive. project is $6,000. Dennis, Patricia, and There is also a great demand for The gifts received were as fol­ Robert Gibbons; and That DP, according to advance copies of the Papal encyclicals. Parishes Get New Assistants lows: $10, M. B., Denver; $5, (a b o V e), Patricia information received by the arch­ There has been a gratifying in­ Two priests were assigned re­ sor in . He replaces the Lt. Joan Wissing, Japan; $5, Linda Hewett. diocesan resettlement office, will crease in the number of high cently to pafishes conducted by Rev. Milton Girse, C.SS.R., who Mrs. George Sanidas, Denver, in be Emilija Stahalik, 27, the wife school and college students who religious in Denver. The new­ thanksgiving; $20, a Friend, of Viteslaw Stahalik, 36, Denver’s has been recalled to service as an 499th resettlement case. The couple use the library’s reference works. comers are the Rev. Frederick army chaplain. Father Mann is Denver. ^ The influence of neighborhood then transferred to St. Patrick’s The lack of up-to-date encyclo­ Mann, C.SS.R., assigned to St. Jo­ nationally known as a speaker. will be sponsored by Frank H. ^ Blessed Socroment Parish playmates has been instrumental school. The three will receive First Ricketson of Denver and will work pedias and books on world affairs, seph’s (Redemptorist) parish, and Communion on May 6. They were econoiflics, and philosophy is a the Rev. John D. Janko, O.F.M., Burse Receives $550 in the conversion of four young for the Central City Opera com­ children in St. Patrick’s parish, baptized by the Rev. Regis Mc­ serious handicap to the extension temporarily assigned to St. Eliza­ An anonymous gift of $550 Guire. pany. of this field of activity. beth’s. Denver, in the past month. Al­ was also made for the Blessed though the parents are non-Cath- Robert and Patricia Lee, twms.vms, Group of 12 DPs ' It is hoped that these considera­ Father Mann, formerly sta­ Sacrament parish burse, Den­ whose sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. The Rev. William Jones, tions may prompt groups and in­ tioned at St. Gerard’s parish in olic, they have not stood in the To Arrive at Gulf Port ver. It was also announced that way of the children’s desire to be­ Patrick J. Gibbons and Mr. and assistant at Holy Family dividuals to give their moral and Baton Rouge, La., will be an assist­ a payment of $102 has been made Mrs. James E. Mauck, respectively, The Stahaliks, of Czecho-Slovak- parish, Denver, will speak at the material support to the efforts of ant at St. Joseph’s and chaplain of on the burse ^in g raised by the come Catholic, but rather have en­ ian nationality, will be part of a couraged them. are nine-year-old third grade stu­ demonstration of faith to be held the Catholic Information and Li­ Denver General hospital. He has Mother of God parish, Denver. dents. Dennis Michael, whose group of 12 DPs who will arrive in in the Holy Ghost church, Denver, brary society to expand its serv had assignments in San Antonio, Contributions to the Little Robert, Patricia Lee, and Dennis sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Pat­ New Orleans aboard the steamship on Tuesday, May 1, at 5:15 for ices and to function more effec­ Tex.; Wichita, Kans.; Oconomo- Flower burse may be sent di- Michael, children of Mr. and Mrs. rick J. Gibbons, is an eight-year- Taylor on May 5 or 6. world pettce and the conversion of tively. Without increased financial woc, Wis.; Glenview, 111.; and Ba­ Xrectly to the Most Rev. Urban Robert J. Gibbons of 1201 W. old second grade student. 'Their Also included will be Petro and' support these goals cannot be ton Rouge. His parental home is J. 'Vehr at the Chancery of­ Alice place, first started their Lidia Scheyko, 43 and 42, respect­ Russia, under the sponsorship of ,li mother, a dance teacher, hak, in­ the Legion of Mary. The Denver realized. in Willmet, 111, Father Mann ar­ fice, 1536 Logan street, Denver Catholic education in Our Lady structed them in dancing and sing­ ively, and their children, Raissa, celebration is part of a nation-wide rives in Denver Saturday, April 5, Colo. of Mt. Carmel kindergarten, and ing and they have provided enter­ 17; and Wladmit, 15—a Ukrainian •movement started by the Christo­ ANNUAL MEMBERSHIPS are 28. There are two other priests in family being sponsored by the Den­ of four types: Individual member­ his immediate family, and both are tainment at the School affairs and phers to turn tne observance of ajso in the surrounding veterans’ ver Catholic Charities; the Nagys, ship, $1; organization membership, Jesuits. One brother has been sta­ a Romanian couple, also being spon­ May day into a day of prayer to $5; sustaining membership, $10; tioned in India' for many years, Devotions to St. Philomena hospitals. counteract the Communist celebra­ Patricia Linda Hewett, daugh­ sored by Catholic Charities; Pavel patron’s membership, $25. Dona­ and the other brother is a profes- Pestotnik, a 72-year-old Slovenian tions that would turn- May day tions of suitable books or of ter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl B. into one of revolution Allowed in Denver Church Hewett of 1917 W. 32nd avenue, widower, one of the so-called “hard money to buy them would also be core” cases being taken care of by gratefully received by the Cath­ New Floor in Sanctuary Archbishop Urban J. Vehr this week thereafter throughout the was baptized by fa th e r McGuire Ascension Mass Hours on April 9 after receiving instruc­ the Little Sisters of the Poor at olic Information and Library so­ week granted permission for the year. Denver’s Mullen home for the In Downtown Churches ciety, 625 19th street, Denver. Jo­ For Church in Brighton inauguration of public devotions Tradition is well founded tions from Sister Ellen. Eight years old, she attends Bryant Web­ aged; Sapina Rafael, a 66-year-old seph Learned is president of the in honor of St. Philomena in St. throughout the. world in the ex­ Croatian, wflo will also go to the The schedule of Masses in the active and enthusiastic group. Work was started Tuesday on Philomena’s church, E. 14th ave­ perience of those devoted to the ster school,^ but plans to transfer downtown churches of Denver for the laying of a new floor in the to St. Patrick’s next year. Mullen home; and the Vladimir Book Review nue and Detroit street, Denver. virgin and martyr of the reign Stelsovskys, a Czecho-Slovakian Ascension Thursday, May 10, a sanctuary of St. Augustine’s According to the Rt. Rev. Monsi­ of Diocletian that she is particu­ Patricia Linda, whose sponsors holy day of obligation, is THE SOCIETY will observe its church, Brighton. The floor is a Rev. Fred Mann, C.SS.R. were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grano, couple who will work for Mr. and gnor William M. Higgins pastor, larly sympathetic to and interested Mrs. Joseph Little of Denver. follows: second anniversary Sunday after­ project of the Altar and Rosary Father Janko arrived at* St. the weekly devotions -will consist in those who have need of tem­ will also receive her First Com­ Cathedral, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11:30, noon, April 29, at 3 p.m. at the society, which is financing the Elizabeth’s monastery from New of prayers to St Philomena, a poral and financial favors. The munion May 6. Her sister, Alice, 3 Already Resettled and 12:15; Holy Ghost parish hall, 625 19t|h work. It will be constructed of York recently. He will assist with short talk on the Mass, and Bene­ Cure of Ars, who is largely re­ joined the church prior to mar­ 'Three more displaced persons ar­ street, Denver. An open house re­ Marbelette material and one of parish duties until some time this diction of the Blessed Sacrament, sponsible for the popularity of de- riage to Frank Grano, and Patri­ rived in Denver April 22. They Holy Ghost, 6, 7, 8:15, 9:15, ception wiU follow a book review 10:15, 11:15, and 12:15; the features will be the shield of summer and then will return to the entire service being concluded votion to St.* Philomena, ’to has rec cia followed her lead and com­ were a Polish family, the Lewickis by Fathef 'Cnarles Kruger, S.J., St. Augustine, which’ will be placed New York. Father Janko served in 30 minutes. ommended that the “dear little pleted her instructions. Her two —Leonard, his wife, Maria, and St. Elizabeth’s, 6, 7, 8, 9, and librarian and' speech instructor, in tbe center of the sanctuary for a time as a missionary to The devotions will begin on saint” be invoked for material remaining sisters are also receiv­ their son, Jozef, who were aided in .12:15; Re^s college. Father Kruger will floor. The project will take about China, and in the war he was an Wednesday, May 2, and will favors, and the Holy Ghost, for ing instructions to become Cath­ coining to the U. S. by Joseph Bt. Leo’s,’ 7, 8, 9, and 10. review Thomas C. Neill’s T h ^ two weeks to compleBte^ army chaplain. continua at .7:45 p.m. avery spiritual blessings, . olics, StremeLof Keenesburg.

i-imt nmai onNW BBSS PAGE TWO Office, 9 3 8 B annock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystono4205 Thursday, April 26, 1951 Westwood Church This Hope Chest Is Well Filled DON'T FORGET To Open 40 Hours' nc. (St. Anthony’a Pariah, Waatwood) THE REGIS BAZAAR 1S22 California St. The Forty Hours’ devotion will be held in St Anthony of Padua’s Band Instruments - - Organs church May 4, 5, and 6. May 3rd, 4th, 5th Recently baptized were Edward V Mark Legler, son of Mr, and Mrs. George Legler, with Norman Radios - Records - Accessories Legler and Theodosia Sanders as DELICIOUS HAM DINNER sponsors; and Richard Mark Ebert, AC. 1635 DENVER, COLO. son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ebert, Thursday, May 3rd, — 5 to 8 p.m. with Robert Langan and Lucille N Langan as sponsors Mrs. H. P. Rhodes returned from Famous Thru the Years California April 15 and is making her home with her sister, Mrs. $ 4 2 5 Children RALPH 'ALOYSIUS' KELLY Hallie Lynch, 455 S. Sheridan Adults I under 12 9U (Member of St. Frtncii de S«le«’ Parieh) boulevard. The Mother Cabrini circle met Now Associated With at the home of Mrs. Leonard Ellis, 2694 S. Cook street, on April 16. This Ad Sponsored hyt SOUTH DENVER CLEANERS Present were Mmes. Seeding, Bunce, Ellis, London, Martinac, ADMIRING THE CONTENTS of the directed by Mmes. R. B.^ Dillon, L. J. Scherer, and Will Appreciate a Call for Nider, Schaefer, and Williamson beautiful hope chest that will be featured L. W, Sullivan. 'Pictured with the chest and its : Our Personalized Service Mrs. Connie Boeding was elected at the Regis college bazaar, Denver, on May 3, 4, and fittings are, left to right, Mrs. R. B. Dillon, 745 S. secretary-reporter, according to 5\are members of the committee in charge of the Steele; Mrs. L. J. Scherer, 964 S. Columbine; Mrs. P E arl 4686 594 S. Broadway the revised bylaws. Mrs. Bunce hope chest. The chest itself will be completely filled Roy Atkinson, president of the Regis high school won the prize. The next meeting with valuable accoutrements, highlighted by the Mothers’ club, who lives at 655 Clayton; and Mrs. will be held in the home of Mrs. General Electric blanket that may be seen jn the T. J. Danahey, 395 S. Gaylord. The hope chest is GOODS Eleanor Gerlits, 760 S. Sheridan picture. The chest project, which is sponsored by only one of many valuable items at the Regis boulevard, on May 21. women of St. Vincent de Paul’s parish, will be carnival. **The West^s Largest Church Goods Supply House*’ The members of St. Jude’s cir­ cle and St. Peter’s circle held a + + + + + Morgan, meeting at the parish hall April Established 1902 1633 Tremont Place 24. The two circles merged and A TAbor 3789 V, are now the St. Jude and St. Peter Plans Made for Regis Bazaar May 3-5 Denver 2, Colo. Leibman circle. Mrs» Alice Bratrspvsky was ee elected president, Mrs. Ray Body Approximately 125 mem­ thanked the mothers for their co­ Leo Kennedy, W. N. Lawless, T. J. secretary, and Mrs. Carmody, bers attended the meeting of operation. Special recognition was Maruca, C. H. Nieburger, D. C. treasurer. Meetings will be held and Hickey the Regis high school Mothers’ given for the 'work of the tel­ Nielsen, J. E. Penna, V. P. jPer- Gai and Electric Bldg. Phona TAbor 1395 the last Wednesday of each month. ephone committee, with Mrs. rella, D. Ruscio, J. V. Sarconi, The wayt and means commit- club April 12. Reports from Daniel Shannon and Mrs. R. E. J. H.-Settle, Leo Stevens, and R. L. DRUGS...PRESCRIPTIOIVS mil tea of the Altar and Rotary various booth chairmen fore­ Long, chairmen, assisted by Mmes. Verretta. Veterinary Supplies society met in the home of Mrs. cast encouraging results for the Horace Andersen, Prank Barone, Booth chairmen and their com­ Courteous and Friendly Service Minnie Nider,April 19. The so­ projects sponsored by the Mothers’ H. Battone, Frank Belmonte, D. W. mittees were announced as follows: PEP-GRO Lawn and ciety it sponsoring a talent club for the annual bazaar. Boyden, E. V. Cloughsey, F. E. Faneywork, Mrs. K. Trione, gen­ show May 18 in tho Lions’ club, May 3, 4, and 5. The Rev. T. K. Davidson, Ed Deline, D. A. Dell, eral chairman; Mrs. John Rae, O a ik ij. d (i (bhuq^ SiifU L 352 S. Lowell boulevard. McKenney, S.J., high school prin­ William Farrell, Joseph Frawley, aprons; and Mrs. M. L. McCarthy; Garden Fertilizer^ Mrs. Eleanor Gerlits was elected cipal and chairman of the bazaar, Thomas Gleason, Henry Jacques, parish chairmen, Mmes. F. E. 2080 So. Colorado Blvd. chairman for the project, and Mrs. Davidson, R. B. Dillon, Joseph RA. 5141 An organic bait fertilizer combining dehydrated theep Ann Jensen cochairman. The so­ Frawley, F. Glivar, J. R. Hamil­ Joe Huppert, Prop. manure fortified with chemicala to produce a icicntiflcallT ciety especially invites all young ton, R. E. Long, D. G. Mulligan, CIGAREnES $1.57 CARTON Mimber 8t. Louii Parlih balanced fertilizer ideally luited for lawni, garden, treci, people and school children of the Capacity Crowds Attend Daniel Shannon, George Stock, •hrubi, etc. Heat treated to deitroy weed teedt. parish or any child with talent to Frank Thomson, Paul Tauer, and Analyeti guaranteed under etate law. participate. Anyone wishing to au­ P. J. Villano; bakery, Mrs. George Sold through dealera. dition for the show is asked to con­ Stock, chairman; Mrs. Ted Day, MANUFACTURED BY tact Mrs. Eleanor Gerlits at SP. Littleton Novena Rites cochairman; and Mmes. J. L. Bos­ Capitol Fertilizer Co. 7867 or Mrs. Minnie Nider at WE. Littleton.— (St. Mary's Parish)—The fourth annual tick, D. W. Boyden, P. E. David 304-J. solemn novena to Our Blessed Mother, under her title of Our son, A. H. Garbella, E. T. Grace, YVCillirn Stockyards Station, Denver, Colo. St. Anthony’s circle met April Ruth McCall, A. Negri, W. E. 18 in the parish hall with Mrs. Lady of the Miraculous Medal, is now in progress in the Nuezel, D. Pedotto, M. A, Rossi, Mary Gibson as hostess. Mrs. Cath­ parish. It is being conducted by the L. Wall, and Sam Newman; candy Rev. Dimond Ryan, C.M., from Per mer Miss Helen Burns, who jour­ Mrs. J. A. Koning, chairman; ant erine Testa, a guest, won the cake. ryville. Mo. Capacity crowds have neyed here from their home in Thermo - Electro Mrs. Atencie won the prize. The South Dakota to witness her pro­ Mmes. G. A. Schmitz, Joseph Ho- been present at the devotions, vorka, D. G. Mulligan, and Frank next meeting will be held in the which begin each evening at 7:45 fession of vows as a Carmelite nun parish hall May 16, with Mrs. Vir­ April 21. The members of her fam­ Thomson; plants, Mrs. Valens REED o’clock, and at the two Masses of­ Jones, chairman; Mrs. E. J.Berens, ginia Raver as hostess. There will fered daily during the solemn no­ ily who were present for the cere­ be a potluck dinner preceding the mony are her mother, an aunt cochairman; and Mmes. D. R. vena, the first at 6:30 o’clock and Braun, Joseph Dulmaine, F. Gli­ BAHERY business meeting. the second at 7:15 o’clock. Recita­ her sister, and two brothers. The The St. Vincent de Paul society O’Shaughnessy family also came var, L. R. Kintzelle, R. E. Long, tion of the novena prayers and A. Negri, D. Ramaley, Daniel That outlasts any met April 23. Leo Schuster, presi­ short sermon by Father Ryan fol­ from their home in Minnesota to dent, presided, and a number of be present for the ceremony in Shannon, L. C. Stephens, and J. A. Battery on the Road. low' the 6:30 Mass. Tengl, and Miss June Seims. problems concerning the poor and Religious articles are on sale in which their daughter, the former needy of the parish were dis­ Miss Perpetua O’Shaughnessy, re­ Member! who are donating Water 3 times a year the rear of the church each morn­ cussed. Progress is also being made ing and evening for those desiring ceived the black veil of the Car­ !upplie! for tha bakery and in contacting a number of fallen- melite nuns. candy booth! are a!ked to 36 Months' to make purchases. The solemn no­ away Catholics. The progress of vena will come to a close on Mon­ Several parishioners have been !end them a! !oon a! po!!ible. Guarantee this newly organized society is as­ day evening, April 30, and after on the sick list in the past week. Plant donation! and completed tounding. The generous contribu­ that date the weekly devotions will Mrs. Leonard A. Kern and Mrs. needlework ehould be in Tue!- Recharging - Rental Batteries - Service tions to the poor box and contri­ be held every Monday evening at Edward C. Ritchlin, Sr., have re­ day or Wednaiday, May 1 or 2. butions for Our Sunday Visitor 7:45 o’clock. turned from Denver hospitals and During the meeting Father Mc­ A Few Dollar $ a Week Pay$ the Balance after each Mass have helped this The Ave Maria circle of the are now convalescing in their Kenney discussed various subjects organization a great deal with-ita-Archbishop's g;uild recently niet in homes. Mrs. John F. O’Rourke, who with the mothers, including the -GER^ERAL TIRES- work in the parish. The ccintribu- the new home of Mrs. Howard Mc­ recently underwent another period current draft laws, graduation re­ tions to the poor box will help Williams on South Santa Fe drive. of hospitalization for additional quirements, and the All Activities a person from a present destitute The evening was devoted to sew­ surgery, i^ progress (iinner, which will honor all boys Better Appearance. . . and position to one where he can get ing altar linens, after which Mrs. in her recovery. Jacob Baumgart­ participating in athletic and other Joe Kavanaugh, Inc. back on his feet again in a better McWilliams served refreshments ner has been confined to his home extra-curricular activities. The 28 Year» Same Location spirit. to her guests. Four members of to recuperate after his hospital dinner will be held Thursday, May treatment. 17, at Regis. 7th at Lincoln Locally Owned and Operated TA. 1261 The credit union now has 164 the circle attended the breakfast less cost in the long rnn, and program at the Park Lane The monthly tewing club Mrs. Roy G. Atkinson, president, members. The goal is 300 members luncheon will be held in St. by the end of this year. Anyone hotel in Denver April 22. They appointed Mrs. C. A. Wyers as were Misses Catharine Maloney Mary’t hall Thuriday, April 26. chairman of the nominating com­ can join with as little as 25 cents All women are aiked to bring and then, when he has saved $5 in and Betty Stuart, and Mmes. How­ mittee assisted by Mmes. J. E. ard W. Kinkel and Robert J. their completed articles for the the credit union, is a member in spring festival to this luncheon. Finn, Leo Kennedy, and R. E. Long. s a v i n g s good standing. Kinkel. The president also asked for vol­ you profit two ways with Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Koran, Articles not yet completed may Prospective members may con­ be left at the rectory at they unteers to help with the All Ac­ s tact any of the officers after Mass Jr., are the parents of a boy, born tivities dinner. TIMELY* CLOTHES m Denver last week. The infant, are finished. Mrs. R. B. Dillon, Mrs. E. J. on Sunday, or call Mr. or Mrs. Men Volunfeeri Hallahan at Westwood 708-J. who has been named Robert George Berens, and Mrs. L. R. Kintzele, d llo a tts Koran, is their fifth child. They Work on Convent freshmen council mothers, were in P g fS O II are the parents of another boy and The remodeling work on the charge of the refreshments served three girls. house adjacent to the parish rec­ after the meeting in the dining Buy'"? The Denver Catholic Mr. and Mrs. John. A. Trujillo, Auioi*'lob'le • tory, which has been purchased room. They were assisted by other NLodern Jr., who reside on South Clarke for the sisters’ convent, is prog' freshmen mothers. iiiD9 \ S a fe l¥ Register street, have announced the birth ressing satisfactorily- with the help ill If you want clothes that start of their first child, a boy, who has * Other feature! of the Je!uit ChMit'*' R e a to W iw " Published Weekly by the of many men in the parish, who carnival will be the candy booth good-looking and slay been named John Anthony Tru­ have volunteered their labor on Catholic Press Society, Inc. jillo III. The infant’s paternal in the charge of Mr!. J. A. Kon­ f Ull"'®'* ' ♦ 3 .0 0 P '1*“ 938 Bannock Street, Denver, Saturdays. It is hoped that the men ing; the jewelry booth iponeored good-looking—clothes that save grandparents ar«, Mr. and Mrs. of the parish will continue to be Colo. John A. Trujillo, Sr., who reside by the Jeiuit guild in the charge you money in the long run because Sr, available for this work, as their of Mr. Hovorka; the fieh pond in Subscription: $1.50 Per Year on Vermont avenue and are long­ assistance will be very much needed they need replacing less often— sold in combination with The time members of St. Mary’s parish. the charge of Mr!. Tom Smith; for tile next several Saturdays. the gift ehop in the charge of come in for Timely Clothes. Register, National Edition, in South Dakotans See Their efforts in this project have Archdiocese of Denver. Mri. William McMenemy; the Balanced Tailoring puts in soft, Carmelite Professed saved, and will save, the parish nylon booth directed by Mri. DENVER INDUSTRUllUIK Entered as Second Class Among recent visitors at the much of the labor costs that would Dave Douglai; and the mack smart lines with costly hand- Matter a t the Post Office, CEORCE F. ROCK. Prul6»nt Carmelite monastery on Gallup normally have to be paid in re­ bar directed by Mri. Emil Frei. needlework , . . holds those lines ^1534CilifommStTY Phono MAin5155< Denver, Colo. avenue were the family of the for­ modeling the building. ___ » I Oppetit. Danvar Dzy Coodt Ca. I for good with sturdy machine Fr. Bonnet to Address sewing. May we show you the A.R.C. DOLL SHOP Elitch Social Set May 10 new styles for spring? Hr. and Mri. John A. HeConrt School of Mines Club (Holy Family Parifh, Denver) current week ‘ ha.s been for the •Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. J O H n s o n DOLLS and TOYS Plans are continuing for the men. The splendid response has The Rev. Christian L. Bonnet, Doll Hotpital annual Elitch social to be held in been gratifying. STOHACE a mouinu co. Special devotions will be held S.J., professor of philosophy at Rcllftoni Statae* Rtpalrad the Elitch’s gardens on Thursday Regis college, Denver, will address 1S15 Arapahot HA. 7(17 evening, ^ a y 10. This is the 28th on the first Friday of the month PRICED FROM M.OC/M.

Presidents, Past and Present, of ACCW Record Initiation Tony Dunst Named to Head Jaycee President Scheduied Apr. 29 Nocturnal Adoration Unit Tony Dunst, former head of night preceding first Friday. He By Denver K. of C. the archdiocesan Holy Name soci­ replaces Joseph DuJmaine of St. ety, was elected president of the Catherine’s parish. Father Wil­ Norturnal Adoration society April liam J. Gallagher is spiritual di­ A record initiation will be held 22. The election followed the an­ rector. April 29 by Denver council 539, nual ceremony of the society in Knights of Columbus, for 66 mei\ Holy Ghost church, Denver, pre­ who ■will receive the second and sided over by Archbishop Urban J. Vehr. In his sermon, Archbishop 'La. Traviata' third degrees of the order. Follow­ Vehr lauded the members of the ing the afternoon ceremony, the society for demonstrating, that last party under the direction of ‘‘the faith is very much alive Is Acclaimed Jack Monckton, lecturer, will be among the men of Denver." He The Denver Grand Opera’s 1951 held. A ham buffet supper is sched­ urged that the members work to uled for 7 to 9 o’clock. It 'will be season, its 21st, came to a close spread their zeal among their April 25, with another operatic followed by dancing until 12:30, friends. with Andy Doorneduff and his triumph marked to the record of Sunday’s ceremonies, which at­ the Rt. Rev. Monsigrior Joseph Cresthaven band furnishing the tracted approximately 400 men, music. Bosetti, director of the company. consisted of a renewal of the mem­ The ever-popular Verdi master­ Members have been reminded of bers’ promises, enrollment of new piece La Traviata played to 'an J.'X- the importance of promoting the members, and an address by the audience of 10,000 music lovers in annual Silver Dollar days, sched­ Rt. Rev. Monsignor Gregory Smith the three nights of jts showing, ac­ / k uled this year®.he last two day of St. Francis de Sales’ parish, and cording to the Very Rev. Monsignor i of May and the first two of June. Archbishop Vehr’s sermon. Elmer Kolka, business manager. The festival is held to support the John Yelenick, Holy Ros­ Mrs. Hannah O’Day Mrs. Thomas Garrison The society’s new president is'^ Bruno Landi and Hilda Reg- Mri. M. J. O’Fallon • Mrs. T. A. Coigriff many charities of the council. member of St. Francis’ parish. ary parish, was'elected presi­ 1926-’31; 1935-’37 1931-’3S 1937-’41 1941-’43 giani, man and wife, of the Metro­ June elections are being planned Long active in the Holy Name so­ politan Opera company gave ex­ dent of the Denver Junior Cham­ to furnish new officers for the ciety, he has turned all his energy cellent interpretations of the roles ber of Commerce at a meeting held year. The 1951 officers will re­ to promoting the society’s work of of Alfredo and Violetta in the last .week. Mr. Yelenick is an place a slate headed by Wallace monthly night-long adoration be­ Monday and Wednesday per­ alumnus of Regis high school and Webb, the present grand knight. fore the Ble.ssed Sacrament on the formances. Regis college, vice president of the The roles portrayed by ^ local St. Thomas University club, a singers were expertly executed, member of the First Friday Lunch­ without exception. eon club, and a Fourth Degree Archbishop's Guild Sets The most crucial and thrilling Knigjit of Columbus. He has moment of the season, however, served the Jaycees as executive came in the Tuesday night per- vice president during the • past Fashion Show on May 2 fornfance. The star soprano. Miss year. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Emilia Vidali, was forced to dis­ John Yelenick of 4600 Pearl. continue her role at the end of The Archbishop’s guild is spon­ 6697, or Miss Beverly Neylon, the third act becau.se of an attack Theta Phi Alpha Unit soring a fashion show, “Summer cochairman, KE. 5827. of laryngitis, and her understudy, Travels,” “City-Wise and Coun­ 34 Circles in Guild Miss Ruth Meinke of Denver, was try-Bound,” in the Silver Glade of The Archbishop’s guild is a called on to finish the fourth act. At D. U. Sets Fete May 1 federation of 34 circles with a the Cosmopolitan hotel Wednes­ Her spontaneous response and her The Omicron alumnae chapter day, May 2, at 8 p.m., through combined membership of 375 sin­ realistic portrayal of the dying gle and married women. It has of Theta Phi Alpha, national the courtesy of the May com­ Violetta resulted in the complete Catholic sorority, will observe its pany, under the direction of Mrs. completed 20 ■y'ears of missionary capture of her audience. The ova­ work in the archdiocese. The annual Founders’ day on Tuesday, Evelyn Peterson, the store’s tion given Miss Meinke was the May 1. Dinner will be served in fashion director. guild, although established pri­ greatest of the season. marily for missionary work, has the crimson room of the Denver The following guild members become a volunteer social service university Student Union building. will model; Eileen Koester, organization, as its evidenced by Honored guests will include the Katherine O’Connor, ^orothy its varied program in the past Thanks Given Patrons Rt. Rev. Monsignor Joseph P. Byrne, Theresa Cullen, Rita several years. Volunteer services The Sisters of St. Francis and O’Heron, chaplain; Mrs. Helen Mrs. John T. Tierney Mrs. L. A. Higgins Mrs. John Murtaugh Mrs. J. L. Swigert Moore, Peg Williams, Doris Han­ to the USO, orphanages, nur­ Butler McCormack, founder; and 194 3 -’45 1945-’48 1948-’50 1950— members of St. Anthony’s Ho.s- ley, Catherine Vifquain, Leone series, and clinics are included in pital guild thank all who contrib­ Mrs. Chelsea York Thrasher, Bergmen, Nora Cresto, Virginia the activities. founder. Mrs. Mary E. Barry will Bell, Mary Jo McEnery, France uted to the success of the card The guild also sponsors an an­ party in the nurses’ home audi­ be toastmaster and Mrs. Barbara Jennings, Gertrude MacHendrie, Duffner, alumnae president, ■will Florence Brown, Betty Jo Burke, nual retreat at El Pomar and torium. The president, Mrs. A. B. corporate Communion twice a Joeckel, donated and made a pair preside over the ceremonies. Mrs. A C C W Unified Work of C atholic Action in Colorado May Casey, Jo Anne Poltera, and Regina Karr is in charge of ar­ Frances Schmidt. year. of pillow cases and a bridge lunch­ Present officers are; Honor­ rangements, assisted by Mrs. Anna By P a t r ic i.\ K en n ed y Vehr, the late Archbi.shop Rudolph Service-USO. This was maintained works closely with it in the wel­ eon set, which were received by The following children will ary president, Archbi.shop Urban Mrs. Joseph W. Maginn and Mrs. Lee Smyth and Mrs. Barry. (This a/'ticle is one in a series A. Gerken, and the then Rt. Rev. by the council throughout the war fare progress of the archdiocese. also participate; Judy Brown, on the history of the. Archdiocesan Monsignor Michgel J. Ready, now years, and, although it was closed J. Vehr; spiritual director, the L. A. Higgins, respectively. The Theta Phi Alpha was founded at To sum up all the achievements of Joan Kelly, Sandy Keller, Judy Rt. Revl Monsignor Gregory the University* of Michigan, Ann Council of Catholic Women in Bishop of Columbus. at the end of the war, it is again Coffey, and Michael Bergman. following were recipients of spe­ preparation for the stiver jubilee * » * being opened because of the needs the ACCW, it can be said that in Smith; president, Mrs. Cletus cial prizes; Mmes. Muir, 0. J. Arbor, in 1912 under the direction 1 icketf are $1 per person and Koester; vice president. Miss Schmitt, Detrina, Brommelyn, J. of Bishop Edward D. Kelly of observance of the organization May TOPICS DISCUSSED included of the increase in the armed forces its 2^year history it has unified 7 and 8.) personnel in this area. may be obtained from members Virginia Vaughan; secretary. E. O’Neill, Keating, J. E. Holder, Detroit. April 30 was chosen for women’s participation in national the efforts of-Colorado women in of the guild or from Miss Jo­ Miss Sylvia Keller; and treas­ Mary Mayers, T. E. Best, and Amil Founder^’ day because it is the AT THE CLOSE of the national defense and inter-American co­ The council performed a mag­ the complete picture of Catholic sephine Hytrek, chairman, GR. feast day of St. Catherine of convention in 1930, the Council urer, Mrs. Louis Weber. Johnson. Final returns should be operation, youth, the Confrater­ nificent job in keeping the USO Action. made as soon as po.ssible. Siena, the sorority’s patron saint. of Catholic Women in the then nity of Christine Doctrine, indus­ headquarters open and providing + Omicron chapter was founded Denver diocese wa.s well e.stab- trial problems, and Parent-Teach­ recreation for the boys in service. at D.U. in the fall of 1926. Be­ li.shed. The trials of putting to­ ers’ associations. * * * To Model for Guild Fashion Show sides Mrs. McCormack and Mrs. gether an organization of this ex­ The conference, which lasted THE DENVER Archdiocesan Thrasher, local founders include tent had been met, and the CCW the late Mrs. J. B. Cosgriff. was a working organization with three days, proved to be as suc­ Council of Catholic Women has cessful as all other projects of the not ceased to grow. Only a year many finished projects behind it Diocesan Council of Catholic and many successes in front of it. Women had been. ago two more deaneries were es- One of these succeses was the tablisheti, Lcadville and Glenwood regional conference in August, Summer camps for underprivi­ Springs, bringing the total number 1941. The theme of this conference leged children have been main­ of deaneries to six. These are Den­ was “Faith and Service for God tained. The three centers—Vail, ver, Colorado Springs, Greeley, aind Country.” More than^^ 1,000 Little Flower, and Fox Street— Fort Collins, and the two ne-w ones. ■women attended this parley from have been kept under the auspices Grand Island and Lincoln, Neb.; of the council. Their different In reviewing the history of the ^alt Lake City, Utah; El Paso and committees_ still are working in council the leaders who helped to Amarillo, Tex.; Oklahoma City and much the -fame manner as when organize the CCW and keep it Tulsa, O^la.; Tucson, .\rtz.; Con- the council was first organized. going deserve credit. First, dbrdia and Wichita, Kans.; and One of the projects of the coun­ there are the ACCMf presidents; dheyenne, Wyo. Mrs. M. J. O’Fallon, Mrs. T. A. cil in these past few years which Coa^lriff, Mrs. Hannah O’Day, i Outstanding clerics who at­ cannot go unmentioned is the tended were .Archbishop Urban J. Mrs. Thomas Garrison, Mrs. John National Catholic Community T. Tierney, Mrs. L. A. Higgins, Mrs. John Murtaugh, and Mrs. Beautiful J. L. Swigert. The national di­ f V the perfect remembrance\r) rectors who have served from the WHITE DRESSES Denver province also have done for Firit Communion much for the success of the organ­ or Confirmation ization. They include Mrs. Ella Dotted Swifi, M. W ee kb a ugh, Mrs. O’Fal­ Organdies .95 to 7 .9 8 i S lon, Miss Mary Coughlin, Mrs. and Taffetas *9 ^ Thomas Garrison, Mrs. Cos- Veils ...$2.25 & $ 2 .5 0 griff, and Mrs. A. J_J)ooner. These BOYS’ TROUSERS . . . national directors make up the na­ •White ... $3.98 Blue ....$4.98 The fresh loveliness of a tional board along with other di­ White Ties.,59c Belts..$1.00 potted plant bespeaks your rectors from provinces throughout thoughtfulness far louder the country. White and Patent Leather than words. Show you care i A * * * Shoes Katherine O’Conndr, Dorothy Byrne, Theresa Cullen,! Mail Orders Welcome and remember with a gift THE INDIVIDUAL deanery MODELS WHO WILL take part in the of flowers. Rita Moore, Peg Williams, Doris Hanley, Catherine I RA. 6060 Mrs. Peter Jonke heads have made great contribu- fashion show to nJdo given by the Arch­ bishop’s guild in the Silver Glade of the Cosmopolitan Vifquain, Leone Bergman, and Nora Cresto; in the I FRemont 2745 Itions. The present Denver deanery hotel, Denver, Wedne.sday, May 2, at 9 o’clock are back row are, left to right, Virginia Bell, Mary Jo I president is newly elected Mar­ shown above. In the front are Florence Brown and, McEnery, Frances Jennings, Gertrude MacHendrie,! The Bright Spot Flower Shop garet Sullivan, who succeeded Mrs. at the right, Evelyn Peterson of the May Company. Betty Jo Burke, May Casey, JoAnn Poltera, and] 278 SO.DOWNINOF Frances Schmidt.— (Photo by Smyth) .lames Kenney. In the Colorado In the first row are, left to right, Eileen Koester, Where Children Reiin" .jtli .Avenue at Josephine Springs deanery the first president was Mrs. Emmett Knight, who Oynplowers for all occasions helped greatly to organize that deanery. The present president i.s Mrs. Mary McIntyre. ’The Greeley deanery has been headed by Mrs. 2 J. Fred McCourt and Mrs. Leo Devlin. The present leader is Mrs. Hour Frank Mancini. In Fort Collins the first president was Mrs. E. J. Ahlbrandt, and the present presi­ D R V C L E J ^ I N G Service dent is Mrs. Raymond Skitt. Mrs. Joseph C. Weber is the president of the Leadville deanery and Mrs. BERNARD C. FINNERTY, Owner J. A. Mack is the president of the ‘Quality and Service Has Built Our Business” Glenwood Springs deanery. The Denver council wa$ hon­ Furniture . . . Rug.s . . . Drapcric.s ored in 1944 by the selection of Wearin'g Apparel one of its member, Mrs. Thom'as 1228 E. Colfax Pickup and Delivery Garrison, as the national presi­ AC 6755 dent. In its 25 years the Denver Arch­ diocesan Council has grown into an extensive, working, and suc­ DON'T MISS . . . cessful organization,. I t h a s achieved a unique relationship the with the Catholic Charities and + + + XfizdADg Cstholic FASHION SHOW— I Sustaining Members I Presented by the Archbishop's Guild— Of ACCW to Be Listed Wednesday, May 2, at 8 p.m. in the Silver On Decorated Scroll Glade of the Cosmopolitan Hotel. Sister Mary Norbert of Lo- Boulevard offers funeral services suite4 to oil needs, priced to the means THERE'LL B^E SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS retto Heights college, Denver, $ will hand letter the parchment of each family . . . and no family has ever been turned away for lack of scroll with the names of sus­ Tickets are $1.00 and are available from taining members that will be funds. One charge covers all — there are no unauthorized extras. Re­ Archbishop's Guild members or by phoning presented to Archbishop Urban gardless of cost, every service is complete. ' / J. Vehr at the anniversary ban­ A GR. 6697 quet of the Archdiocesan Coun­ \ cil of Catholic Women May 8. The goal is to have every parish Boulevard Mortuary is easily accessible from any Fashion show staged by the May Company and organixation represented on .* port of the city . . . only five minutes from down­ under the direction of Mrs. Evelyn Peterson the scroll. At part of the silver jubilee town Denver, ample parking space. f celebration the council it con­ I ducting a campaign for sustain­ A I SPACE DONATED BY ing members, individual Catho­ ■ « lic women and organizations i who contribute $S a year to the i A. p;^ WAGNER & CO. council. This parchment scroll i will carry the names of |ll sus­ taining member^, The scroll will CHURCH GOODS B O U LEV A R D TH ontuem be presented to the Archbishop by Mrs. M. J. 0 ’'Fallon, the first 3020 FEDERAL BOULIYARD GR. 1626 president of the council.

-rr--Tii—n ri^iTii-h1iitiiiitiiimMiimiiii>iititiipiitMi ...... Paul Theado, O.S.M., assistant in association to be developed into a Smyth) one, Romero 2. RBI: Brady 3, Flood 2, San Francisco Seals. One of them, The Annunciation-C a t h e d r a 1 suinmer camp for the various Labrato, Martinelli 2, Carroll 2. 2B; Han­ Assumption parish, Welby, and ad­ Makoto Kozuru, known as the team game was a dog fight. Cathe­ youth organizations of Ironton, neman. SB: Brady. Labrato. SB; Piccola, ministrator of St. Catherine's “Joe DiMaggio of Nippon,” set a dral team led all the way to the K. of C. Derby, /Rose Hill, and Du Pont CarcTinals Foce Two Top Hanneman, Labrato 2, Carrol), N. Roger. church, Derby, some 160 acres of townships that make up the county. Japane.se homerun record last year final canto, when a six-run Cardi­ Left: St. Francis 6, Mullen 4. BB off: with .51 four-baggers. nal rally tipped the Bluejays the Brady 2, Romero 3, Martinez 3. SO by land have been obtained from the Twenty acres of the site, for­ BOWLING Brady 10, Romero 4, Martinez 2. H off: management commission of the Opponents Over Week End hard way. Cathedral high got off Romero 6 in 3f5 innings; Martinez, 3 in merly used as a military reserva­ to a rosy start with the help of li'3 . PB: N. Roger, Carroll,-Zavala. L P : federal government in Denver. The tion, contain level land suitable It will be make-or-break week scrap, as they face Regis and St. Don Ciancio’s first-inning home Standing. April 19 Romero. U: Flohr and Mally. T: 2:00. land has -been turned over to the for construction of summer camp for the Annunciation Cardinals, Joseph’s, the only other unde­ run—the prettiest bat work of the Team W L Avg. buildings. The remainder of the currently one of the top dogs in feated nines. The Cardinals are entire triple-header. Ciancio cleaned Deputies ...... 56 38 794 site is mountainous. Guards ...... 49 44 793 the Parochial league baseball slated to meet St. Joseph’s in the the sacks with homer to the ...... 48 45 Construction work is expected parking lot behind deep center- Trustees ...... 808 Going for a Ride first game of the triple-header Wardens ...... 47 46 791 to begin some time in May after at Fifth and Federal Sunday, April field, where an u'sher was passing Navijrators ...... 46 47 807 the collection box for umpires and Grand Knights ...... 43 60 793 the heavy snow clears. The county WH.L YOUR CAR 29, and will play a make-up game Chancellors ...... 42 51 771 with Regis at 37th and Clayton extra baseballs. Secretaries ...... 42 51 778 association expects to conduct a The Cardinals did not recover on Thursday, April 26. Individual Standings drive to raise $1(T,000 to complete from the jolt until the fifth inning, tjie work on the camp site. A pro­ SING THIS Other games on the Sunday when Relief Pitcher Horan went Games Avg. triple bill will be Regis vs. Mul­ King—S...... 93 183 gram of voluntary labor will be in with the bases full. Gil Castel­ Anderson—T...... 48 177 recruited from the various organi­ len, and Cathedral vs. Holy lano tapped a bouncer to Horan, A. Rossi—G...... 70 172 Family. Mullen will play Cathe­ Carr—C...... 87 171 zations and clubs interested in SPRING . . . who hotboxed Riedel at the plate. M. Rossi—D...... 87 170 using the camp site. The land was dral in another make-up game Horan then forced Don Mumford Tafelski—G...... 84 169 to complete the week’s schedule. Ramsey—N...... 93 167 obtained under a 99-year lease OR W ILL IT MAKE to roll an' infield grounder. But from the government as a project re Both the Bulldogs and Raiders after the Bluejays had kicked the Mullen—D...... 75 166 NOISES LIKE WINTER? Zavi.slan—G. K...... 87 166 to curb juvenile delinquency. will be favored to defeat the Card­ ball around, Mumford was on sec­ Albus—N...... 78 165 Under the no money inals, who do not appear to have ond and the Cardinals had a four- Healey—N...... 93 165 Boedink— W...... t 84 165 is paid for the land but specified Now Is the Time for a the mound strength to back up run rally under way. G. Mariacher—T...... 86 164 improvements must be completed their heavy hitting at the plate In the sixth, Jerry Steckline re­ Berlin— G...... 93 164 within a limited period of time. The Bulldogs pack a potent punch placed Riedel on the Cardinal hill H. Swigert—D...... 57 164 Scherer—W...... 84 163 The camp site is located in Russell MOTOR plus the invaluable mound serv­ and shut out the Bluejays to get Lynch—G. K...... 93 163 Gulch. ices of Joe “Whiffer” Wedow, and credit for the win. But it was McMahon—T...... 75 163 the Raiders have a veteran crew Riedel’s second triple of the day, K. Mariacher—G. K...... 93 162 that has proved itself in Paro­ along with a brace of Cathedral Mulligan— W...... 84 161 Boys’ & Girls’ TUNE-UP Marietta—S...... 93 160 chial league and American Legion errors, that put the Cardinals out Bartlett—C...... 87 158 ball and a capable hurler in Jim front for keeps. Stoltc— D...... 81 157 ALL REPAIR WORK Bowen. St. Francis’ Dick Brady held Dehmer—N...... 87 156 BICYCLES Rudy—G. K...... 87 155 Second in interest only to the Mullen high to a bingle by johnny Kane—C...... *84 154 Columbia...... 3 8 “*^ CHARGED AT St. Joseph-Annunciation team Barone and struck out 10, to earn W. Swigert—T...... 93 154 a short one-hitter. The game' was Jarratt—W. — ...... 93 163 game Sunday will be the battle McNally— D...... 93 152 Reconditioned../... 15"’^ AUTHORIZED called after five innings. 152 between Holy Family and Ca­ ANNUNCIATION TEAM Powers— N...... 93 Miller—G...... - ...... 51 152 Terms If Desired thedral teams. Cathedral high, Vuit 0« Sion MiSnOm C.n,lili DMty tf CHEVROLET one of the preseason favorites, Player.1 AB H PO A Mills—S ...... 9 150 Mares, ss ...... 4 2 2 4 Lehman—T...... 77 140 Bike Accessories rARRETT TOOLS bowed to Annunciation high in Nussa, If ...... 3 1 0 1 Mason—S...... 93 148 FLAT-RATE PRICES! its opening game April 21, and Maes, c ...... 5 2 6 1 Donigan—C...... 87 148 A BIG NOISE in Joe Wedo'w’s two-hit, 5-1 victory A . L. M . L. Foss, Inc. will be battling to get back into- Riedel, p-3b ...... 4 2 0 3 Welch— W...... 83 147 Horvat, lb ...... 1 0 10 0 Wagner—G. K...... 83 145 over the Holy Family Tigers was Bob Garcia’s screeching the title race. The Tigers lost Castellano. 2b ...... 2 2 4 Hay—G...... 72142 double in the third inning. The blow was one of only fiv^ off Jack GLODT 19th '& Arapahoe Sti. their first two games, but gave Mumford, cf ...... 3 1 0 Duggan—C...... 139 72 Isenhart, who went the route for the Tigers.— {Register photo by both Regis and St. Joseph’s trou­ Martinez, rf ...... 2 0 0 0 Lerg—S...... 84 136 253 Broadway SPruce 6438 KEystone 5151 Marquez. 3b ...... 1 0 0 3 Smyth) blesome afternoons. Brozovich, rf ...... 2 1 0 0 HIGH GAME Steckline, p ...... 1 0 0 0 Teams In the other games neither Regis Deputies (HC) ...... 969 nor Cathedral should have much Totals - ...... 28 8 21 16 Chancellors (HC) ...... 941 trouble with Mullen high, which CATHEDRAL Trustees ...... 988 lacks pitching. Players AB H PO0 Individuals Sullivan. If ...... 4 2 Scherer ...... 265 The standings: Evans, 2b ...... 2 1 fl CHEVROLET 2 G. Mariacher ...... 266 Team W. Pet. DiPaolo. 3b ...... 3 3 King ...... 244 Su^ar, lb ...... 3 3 1 Welch ...... 244 St. Joseph’s ...... 3 0 1.000 Ciancio, rf ...... 4 1 1 III III III mm ill Parker, c ...... 3 1 9 HIGH SERIES ' Annunciation ...... 2 0 1.000 Satriano, cf ...... 4 1 3 Teams 874 Regis ...... 1 0 1.000 Schiavone, ss ...... 3 1 3 Navigators (HC) ...... 2.813 455 Broadway Adducci, p ...... 2 0 0 Secretaries (HC) ...... 2.636 St. Francis’ ...... 1 1 .900 Horan, p ...... 0 0 0 Guards (HC) ...... 2.621 Schnabel ...... 1 0 0 PEarl 4641 Cathedral ...... 0 1 .000 Individuals Holy P’amily ...... 0 2 .000 Totals ...... 20 13 21 _ 15 M. Rossi ...... 648 Schnabel struck out for Parker in Tth. King ...... 629 Mullen ...... 0 2 .000 Score by innings: Bartlett ...... 623 Annunciation team ...... 100 041 6— 12 Handicaps, April 25: Deputies, 2; Cathedral ...... 301 214 0— 11 Chancellory 14: Secretaries. 8. Use Our Indoor Shoppers Parking 12 Min. to 12 Houri Protecting 'Valuables' ren



DENVER GARAGE !lr 1437 California CHerry 1601 Jim Butler - Roy Butler ISt. Joseph’s Pariah) amendment

REPEATING OUR MOST SENSATIONAL SPECIAL! Tasty, Golden Brown, Delicious, Fresh-Fried, One-Half lily SPRING CHICKEN •re COMPLETE SIX COURSE DINNER Hal arkry tlini ike lieart d Denid' le in *1.15 THIS SPECIAL PRICE GOOp FRIDAY, APRIL Your vote for Amendnient No. 4 means the strengthening of l5enver’s com­ 27, THROUGH THURSDAY, MAY 3rd ONLY! mercial lifeline. It means the authorization of an improvement district .|M SERVED ALL DAY - EVERYDAY -1 1 :30 a.m. to 8 p.m. which will make possible these vital...these drastically needed...changes for Denver’s commercial and distribution distria.,.for the good Phone KEystone 1204 for Reservations ’ STANDING GUARD over an array of sports para­ phernalia are (left to right) Carolyn Godina, Margie of all Denver. id Parking Garage Next Door Abeyta, Shirley Sandoval, and Edwina Ortiz. The goods were part of the display for the “Sports King” event sp^sored in the • Means greater travel convenience for every Denver resident. 'ear K. of C. home April 21 by Father James Moynihan to finance East- • Routes heo>^ trucks and giant semi-trailers off of residential boule* side youth activities. The “sports king” award was given to W. F. f/oM csr/tSf vards and'avenues. Kern and Roxy Fletcher of 1600 St. Paul street. • Will reduce traffic accidents and remove ffre hazards which now exist because streets are blocked with commercial vehicles in the lower East Evans FISHERMEN Golden I I Lantern downtown areas, , FELT SOLES e rn e K A i t a Ki s • Alleyiates present intolerable parking problem. 1265 Broadway RESTAURANT HARDWARE Vulcanized General Lina of > • Beautifies your city..,rehabilitates vast wholesale area.% *THie PRICE A fso GOOD AT OUR COFFEE SHOP, ROY SYSTEM, INC. • WITHOUT THIS TRANS-CITY TRAFFICWAY. . . Denver will lose much of 94 SOUTH BROADWAY—OPEN EVERYDAY INCLUDING SUNDAY! Hardware - Garden Tools SHOE REPAIR Broadway at Iryington SP- 4168 fh* usefulness of tho Valloy Highway. 1742 E. Evans — SP. 3277 DOWNTOWN ASSOCIATION OF PENVtfc INC PoU Adv.

*; .-v- f -■ m <' ■

Thursday, April 26, 1951 Office, 938 Bannock Streol THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Taltphont, KEystone 4205 PAGE PIVE

St Francis' PTA Will Elect Officers It Are Received WALTER M . *(St. Francif da Sales’ Parish, the propam for the evening. Host­ room of the rectory. Mrs. Bell and NOTICE Denrer) esses for the meeting wJH be Mrs. Early are entertaining. WE HAVE MOVED Mrs. Clarence Frede will preside grades 8, 9C, IOC, and 12C. The care of altars was assigned By 3rd Order at at the PTA meeting Wednesday The men’s committee of Boy as follows: April 21, Mmes. Craig, TO OUR OWN NEW BUILDING evening, May 2, at 8:16 n’clock Scout troop 126 and the Women’s Masterson, Ryan, and McKay; scon in the high school auditorium. auxiliary will meet Tuesday, April 28, Mmes. Loeffel, MeKane, for There wi|l be the annual election May 1, at 8 p.m. in the home of Kelsey, and Frede; May 5, Mmes. 824 ACOM A and installation of officers. Stu­ Mrs. Carl Ott, 426 S. Humboldt, Harris, Fair, Mulqueen, Herber- si. Elizabeth's dents of the speech department, SP. 8556. Mrs. Hoefler is co­ geiger, and Wienecke; and May (St. Elizabeth’! Pariih, Denver) Councilman Same Phone— TA. 5107 Same Town— Denver under the direction of Miss Pa­ hostess. 12, Mmes. Wienecke, Walker, Scott, At the meeting of the Third tricia Crawfoi'd, and Mrs. Kay The Rosary circle will meet Heilman, and Litcher. Some Superior Service for Over 30 Years Order of St. Francis April 22, 22 District 1 Martin’s horizon girls will present Tuesday, May 1, in the assembly On April 22, den 7 of pack 126 members were received into the visited the Denver Post's Funny novitiate and 15 members were Qualified by Training Paper show at radio station KLZ. admitted to profession ill the and Experience Wm. J . Ffljey Co. 120 St Catherine's Tots Cub S^dtlts attending were Tommy order. University of Colorado Prjere, Teddy Switzer, Joe Kele- The Altar and Rosary society WE ARE NOW FEATURING KITCHEN FANS men, Geoffrey Gratton, Eddie Graduate BATHROOM AND OTHER ROOM VENTILATORS Fishencord,''and Rodney Pfannen- members were hostesses to a large Busine.ss College'Graduate— HEATING, COOLING & VENTILATING Make First Communion stiel. They were accompanied by gathering of women April 24. World War I Veteran Mrs. Helen Gratton and Johnny Their meeting will take place one Registered Pharmacist in Colo. (St. Catherine’s Parish, Denver) Louis ^iccola, Joe F. Sartore, A. Tramihell, den chief. Election May 15 “YOUR KITCHEN NEEDS A FAN” * One hundred twenty children week ahead of time owing to the 4 Years State Dairy Inspector H. Scott, John Thornton, Stella To celebrate Railroad month 20 made their First Communion April Tenenbaum, and Vivian Zanol. ACCW all-day conference. The 25 Yean with City A Cauntr of Henver, serving auccnaiTtly as Chief Milk. 22. The first communicants were Cub Scouts of of pack 126, accom­ meeting will take place in the school Food and Mast Inspector. Chief Health Inspector, and Deputy Manazer of The following infants were bap­ panied by den mothers and par­ guests of the pastor, the Rev. D. tized April 22: William Joseph, hall Tuesday afternoon. May 1, at Health and Charity. A. Lemieux, at a breakfast served ents, made a tour of Denver Union 1 o’clock. Helped draft and implement many of Denver’s Health Ordinances son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Horan, station April 21. in the cafeteria under the direction with William • Blalack and Ella Den 6 of pack 126 visited the Priests to Complete •Ai Your Councilman, I will give prompt, courteous and un­ of Mrs.-Valens Jones, president of Horan as sponsors; Joseph Law­ biased cooperation with all groups or individuals. the Altar and Rosary society. miniature railways in the base­ Parish Missions f . & COMPANY rence, son of Mr. and Mrs. Law­ I will be arailable for discussion at all times. }. SCARRY Assisting her were Mmes. M. E. rence Huck, with Mr. and Mrs. ment of the Denver Union station on April 24. Fathers Sebastian Egan, O.F.M., = - SUPER SPEED-O-LITE ~ Cooke, R. E. Cuthbertson, C. Des Otto Huck as sponsors; Carl Jo­ GR. 3.307 or SI.y.S W. 40th Avenue. (Poi. Adv.) Moineaux, P. Dougherty, J. Ham­ seph, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vladimir Awards Givan and Fabian Joyce, O.F.M., will ZIP-A-SHINE KEM-O-SOL ilton, J. Kolb, F. La Bate, A. Kobert, with Karle Kobert and complete a two-week mission in At the pack meeting April 20 Holy Family parish this week end. 1749 Tremoot PL Lilly, R. Limberg, Martin McAn- Barbara Schogl as sponsors; Jac­ the following received awards: drews, F. M^rfeld, G. Rowe, R queline Sue Hess, 6; James Linn Fathers Leo Malone, O.F.M., and AMERICANS LEADING ‘Bobcat pins, John O’Connor, Gary Kevin P. Henry, O.F.M., will com­ DENVER’S MOST SOS 14th 6L Slattery, J. J. Sullivan, and F. Hess, 4; and Reeda Jean Hess, 2. Roll, Barney Volz, Jack Villano, Welsh. The following converts made plete a two-week mission in St. PROGRESSIVE 425 E. 17tb AtS. MANUFACTURERS Edward Maxwell, John Powers, Vincent de Paul’s parish at the Camp Fire Girls, under the di­ their Fjrst Communion April 22: Bruce McDowall, Gerald Kelfer, 504 E. 13th Avs. A COMPLETE LINE OF MAINTENANCE rection of Mrs. H. C. Johnson, who Ernest Walter Dahlberg, with An­ and Michael Gaimara; lion badge, same time. 618 E. 16th Ats. 1620 MARKET ST DENVER 2. COLO wrapped favors for the breakfast thony Mariona as sponsor; Ger­ Donald Alders, Jack Yaggie. Wil­ Legionari*! Give Shower 1S47-49 Market St. were Marlene Burns, Judy Di aldine Persichitte, with Mrs. Ora liam Ryan, and Pat Fitzgerald. The Legion of Mary girls were TAbor 6379 Pilla, Patricia Monseu, and Patri­ Persichitte as sponsor; Lois Morine Mr. Wendelyn of the D. & R. G. guests April 24 at a bridal shower cia Tanko. ' Hess, with Mr, and Mrs. Ben Ara­ W. railroad presented a film on given in honor of one of their Members of St. Catherine’s gon as sponsors; and Tommie Sans The History of Railroads to the most active members, Miss Mary Altar and Rosary society are in­ Redford, with John Callow as group after the awards had been Meneghini, who will be married vited to attend a get-acquainted sponsor. given. Saturday, May 5. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL'S PARISH social and card party Tuesday, May 1. The Rosary will be re­ Patronize These Friendly Firms cited in the church at 1 o’clock, Annual Carnival Frorin June 14 to 17 followed by a, short business meeting in the cafeteria. Mmes. Galen Rowe, Frank Morfeld, and CopfisJL JidtlfL R. Limberg will assist with the St. Dominic's School Fund to Benefit LEN’S Pharmacy party. L. O. >’EHR. Prop. CoffsiSL Shop. (St. Dominicks Parish, Denver) A ham dinner, prepared by Conn., also was a visitor at the Memhor St. Vinctnt d. Psul’i Psriih Aides at Card Complete Luncheons 60c Plans for St. Dominic’s annual the Altar Rosary society, will be rectory in the past week. Have Your Doctor Phone Party Thanked featured on the opening night, Us Your Preseviption Special Low Prices on The Sisters of St. Joseph, Mrs. carnival, to be held June 14 St. Dominic’s circle will meet June 14. Mrs. Levi Saindon will Thursday afternoon, April 26, ,in 2707 E. [.ouisiana RA. 37.39 School Lunches H. .Anderson, president of the through June 17, began to take head the dinner preparations, At Louisians snd'Sooth CIsTton 2620 E. Louisiana at Clayton PTA; Mrs. Harry Gerdom, ways the home of Mrs. Margaret, Hast­ shape at a meeting April 24 in the with Mrs. Raymond Ingram and ings, 2702 Lowell boulevard. and means chairman, and her co- Mrs, Clyde Marehesi supervis­ chairman, Mrs. Fred Lucci; Mrs. church aduditorium. Thomas Far­ St. Albert’s bridge circle will rell and Leroy Volk, chairmen, re­ ing the dining room. meet Thursday, April 26, for Garrett Quinlan Hawes Food Store Frank LeBate, and Mrs. Henry De- The Rev. George Forquer, O.P., (St. Vincent de Paul’i Parish) Salvo, cookie chairman, thank all minded the workers that proceeds luncheon at 1 o’clock in the home Booker Hawes—Gayle Hawea from the carnival supplement the and John Reilly were appointed of Mrs. John Harrington, 2835 Invites Your Patronage who helped to make the recent card treasurers; June W’agner, secre­ An IGA Store party a success. school building fund, and this year Decatur street. the work of many previous carni­ tary; and Paul Ducey and A. R. The Little Flower circle will University Park The famous lacino cake was Miklanz, grounds chairmen. Undfer Quality Meats - presented to Mrs. John Lombardi, vals has materialized in the new meet Wednesday, May 2, in the Pharm acy school at 29th avenue and Federal the direction of Mrs. Joseph Bon- home of Mrs. T. J. Farrell, 3027 G roceries first grkde room mother. nell and Mrs. Helen Ingram will be 2343 E. Evans RA. 4781 Prizes were given to Mmes: Guy boulevard. W„ 29th avenue, at 1 o’clock for Fresh & Frozen Fruits the PTA cake, candy, an'3 doll luncheon and bridge. '' and Axton, G. A. Bauman, Jack K. A 1951 Plymouth sedan, equip­ booth. and Vegetables Beatty, Elizabeth Bruno, Carbone, ped with radio and heater, will be The Ave Maria circle will meet W esley Pharm acy who protects A chest filled with electrical in the Lakewood Country club Louisiana and Clayton Flo Eppich Cook, L. Francesco, F. the main carnival attraction. Chair­ household appliances will be the 2390 So. Downing PE. 9638 SP .3717 Hoadley, Cecilia Kelsy, Anna M. man Clyde Marchese announced. Wednesday, May 2, at 1 o’clock, her investments: sodality’s feature attraction, ac­ where members will enjoy lunch­ Prescriptions — Drugs Open 7 to 7 Week Days Kyle, N. G. Lasham, Charles He has appointed a committee of cording to Marilyn Hawes, presi­ Liley, Fred Lucci, Agnes Mayeau, 14 men to assist him. eon and cards. Closed Sundays m dent. The sodality will a irm a n - Mrs. Tom Conner will entertain Sciiool Supplies age a resplendent fish pond for the St. Anne bridge circle in her STORAGE in .Jonas the kiddies. home, 1248 Detroit street, at 1 Miss Mary Jane O'Hayre Movies for the children will be o’clock Thursday,'«-May 3. A des­ Washington Pork Mkt. Preisser's Red & White Vault, and CLEAN- the good deed of the Boy Scouts, sert-luncheon will be served. IN G by Jonas and the Girl Scouts promise plenty Girl Scouts to Entertain Red & While Food Store Grocery and Market method, will add Holy Family Prom Queen of popcorn. On Sunday, April 29, at 7 :30 BILL HUGHES, Prop. years of wear and James Cummings and Charles p.m. the six Girl Scout troops of FANCY MEATS. VEGETABLES. AND QUALITY GROCERIES beauty to your fine (Holy Family High School, Denver) O’Grady volunteered their services the parish., school will entertain Complete Food Service for the refreshment booth. Ed their parents and friends at their Free Delivery SPruce 4447 furs. Mary Jane O’Hayre, as queen, and her royal court will .'598 South Gilpin Schneider agreed to act as store­ annual Friendship program. The "It’s Smsrt to Ro Thrifty” 2331 E. Ohio Ave. (So. Univ. and Ohio) reifiTi over the junior-senior prom at the Lakewood Country keeper. There will be a variety program will differ this year in club April 26. booth staffed by the Rosary Altar that the troops will not represent Mary Jane v^ill be escorted by Leonard Plank of Regis society, with Mrs. R. J. Sanders Girl Scouting in the various for­ college. Senior prom maids Jean Peck and Angie Scavello and Mrs. Margaret Passard as eign countries as in other years, 0\IVIE BRAE will be escorted by Bob Greenburg chairmen. but have chosen a disk jockey and Jerry Starkey, and junior and Mrs. J. J. Lampert, Mr. and Games chairmen include James type of program, with each troop Coursey, John Volk, Phil Mahoney, depicting a record of songs. B Chopping Uenter S e INC, Ask LALREISCE FITZGERALD about prom maids Jo Ann Dyer and Mrs. E. R. Churchill, and Mr. and J Mrs. H. E. Kelsey. Hubert Simons, George Bugg, Troop 237 has picked Western 1037 Broadway summer rates on all fur tcork! Eileen Grace, by Ed McAvoy and 'Lamp Past' Staff Henry Johnson, Enos Patrick, Ray­ songs; troop 165, records and a Dick Golesh. Other members of mond Whitehead, and John Gal­ fashion show highlighting memor­ the royal party are Johnny and Plans Issues lagher. able incidents of Colorado history ; Eddie O’Hayre and Johnny Coyne, The first meeting of the 1951- Many Priest-Visitors troop 390, “Woody Woodpecker” Bonnie Brae Murphy's pageboys, and also nephews of the ’52 Lamp Post staff was held In the past week. Fathers recordings; troop 187, Irish songs; queen. Apijil 23. A general theme to and troop 454, a hill billy band. HAKDWAKi; Meats be carried throughout the next six Charles O’Connor, Brevard, N. The dinner-dance is s’cheduled- to Car.; John A. Brown, Pinehurst, The newest troop of third grade begin at 7:30. George Martelon is issues was discussed. Brownies will recite an appropriate KoAiac Colorizer Paints 723 So. University RA. 1984 Claude Arnold and Eileen N. (iar.; and J. P. Byron and Wal­ Open Sundays master of ceremonies for the ban­ ter J. Tierney, O.P., of Raleigh, N. poem and sing a Brownie song. Housewares Toy» - Sport Goods WORRIED ABOUT MONEY? quet, and Rodney Kechter is toast­ Grace, editors, reported that a The program will have as an Freih Fish and Oysters Dally Car., were visitors at the rectory. 8P. 3646 master. Bill Pitre and his orches­ meeting of the Denver Parochial The priests were returning from added feature this year a craft dis­ 2324 B. Exposition tra will provide the dance music Press club would be held at Holjr Salt Lake City, where they at­ play table exhibiting the crafts from 9 to 12. Family Friday, April 27, at 4 the girls have studied since they Bonnie Brae p.m. Included on the program is tended the installation of Bishop CONOCO PRODUCTS Q Promptly at 9 the Rev. William J. Lennox Federal as Auxiliary of have been in scouting. Mrs. Jones will crown Mary Jane queen an open discussion on the sub­ Charles Lutter will be in charge of Lubrication, Car V ashing, Batteries Briig To. ject “The Purpose of the School that diocese. The Rev. Timothy of the 1951 prom. Jim Hart, junior Recharged, Tire Vulcanizing Alfred C. Anderson, Owner-Msntc« Paper.’’ Quinlan, O.P., of New Haven, the display. ______class president, and Marlene Pis- BONNIE BRAE Have your Doctor phone us jcitella, senior, will lead the grand The Small Fry prom will be held your rrescriptions I march through the club ballroom. in the school hall April 26 from CONOCO SERVICE Beers, Wines, Etc. Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Callahan, 8 to 10:30. This year four sopho­ 1st Communion Rites Held 724 So. University PE. 9909 763 So. University RA. 2874 Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Martelon, Mr. mores are running for king and and Mrs. A. C. Piscitella, Mr. and queen. Candidates are Samson and Mrs, A. F. Hammond, and Mr. Delilah, Vincent Archer and Pat and Mrs. C. F. PlousSard are Durant;* and Romeo and Juliet, In St Vincent de Paul's chaperones for the prom. Frank Vallero and Loretto Brisne- M IIITH GAYLORD N e a rly everyone comes up against a period han. Election of the royalty is by Guests of honor include Mr. and (St. Vincent de Paul’s Perish, aid Winter is the former Betty a penny a vote. Bader. of financial emergency at one time or another. Mrs. Paul O’Hayre, Mr. and Mrs. Serving on the decoration com­ Denver) ^ opping District L. A. Scavello, Mrs. Mary R. Rock, mittee are Felicita Zarlengo, Mar­ Sixty children made their First The weekly session of the Pin­ That's when our low cost personal loan will tide Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Lampert, Mr. lene Churchill, Julia Ramano, Communion April 22. A breakfast ochle club will be held in the school and Mrs. R. E. Churchill, Mr. Frances Wiest, Coleen Maddox, was served to them by the PTA. Thursday evening, April 26, im­ you over the rough spots. Easy repayments can and Kathleen MahOney. In charge The women who prepared and mediately after the mission serv­ Overstake's Pharmacy of games are Delores Donahue, served the breakfast were Mrs. ices. Shoe^ for the Family be arranged in accordance with your budget Janet Westal, Pat Durant, Cecilia J. C. Connors, chairman; and The St. Francis circle was en­ 1000 So. Gaylord RA. 4401 Weatherbird Shoes for Children Mmes. Frank L. Garland, J. W. tertained April 10 by Mrs. Charles requirements. Smith, and Jerry Reynolds. Glen Have Your Doctor Phone X-ray Fitting Zoellner and Ed Mullane are in Bressler, J. R. McCabe, and Nor­ Harrison. On April 24 Mrs. Lee Vs His Prescription charge of clean-up. man Johnson. Mrs. Frank Libon- Haney was hostess to the group. Sendel Shoe Store High score in bridge was won by We Deliver ati was in charge of the decora­ 1023 So. Gaylord RA. 5087 tions. The tables and hall were Mrs. George Rochford and Mrs. We Give Green Stamps Lady of Grace Parish decorated in yellow and white. V. M. McDermott. The next meet­ Father Arthur G. Dresen presided ing will be in the home of Mrs. Colorado McDermott May 8. 1st Communion May 20 at the breakfast. Wiggly The Mother Cabrini sewing cir­ BOB’S IGA Piggly (Our Lady of Grace Parish, cle will meet in the home of Mrs. Denver) Mary Mahon, 960 York, Thursday MIMlillnationalBarL MOEIAL DEroSIT InSUHAnCE COtAOKAIION Sewing Machines First Communion will be re­ evening, April 26, at 8 o’clock. SUPER MARKET SEVENTEENTH AT CHAMPA • DENVER ceived by 24 children of the par­ On Sunday afternoon at 3 We Adjust Any N ake $ 4 00 ish on Sunday, May 20. A break­ o’clock there will be solemn In Home ...... ■ Meats • Groceries - Vegetables Better Quality for Less____ fast will be served after the Mass. closing of, the men’s mission in We Electrify Any Make Mrs. j Ed Stolte has been a pa­ St. Vincent Paul’s parish. Mobiloil ■ Pennzoil - Mobilgas Pol. Adv. tient in St. Anthony’s hospital. The mission has been a spiritual CL Sr a S m in if . Lubrication & Washing success, end its good effects will Tune Up - Clytch & Brake be felt in the parish long in the CATHEDRAL PARISH future. ^yyicudw tiL siw pL /Mrs. Murry''Wolz entertained Hr. snd Mrs. John Ksrlin So. Gaylord Service These Friendly Firms Deserve Your Patronage members of the St. Michael the Members St. Vincent de Paul Archangel circle in her home April Parish Center and Garage HELP 23. Honors at bridge were won by loot So. Gaylord SP. 6443 414 So. Bdwy. . SP. 5072 For Quality No Down Paym ent Mrs. William Hughes and Mrs. Motor Overhauling William Ehrman. \ JONES Body it Fender Repairs Mrs. Fred Linsenmaier enter­ Modern up to dale Store Tailored Seat Covert W A I T E D !! tained the Little Flower circle at 50COAUSTS tt M&n MS1WS COFFEE SHOP Motor Tonenip the Aviation club at luncheon and Uacd Can bridge April 19. Awards were won MABY AMNE FREE Delivery. You Come in Serving Good Food by Mrs. Patrick Dolan and Mrs. Pick Out Your Order, 6 a.m. til) Midnight Cathedral Motors MT. ELIZABETH RETREAT bAKERIES E. Colfax at Logan 1 JOE GAFFNEY. Prop. George Bader. The next meeting 1735 Login VKB. 8638 will be held in the home of Mrs. tOOIVED 1093 So. Gaylord Harold 0. Hill on Thursday, May Decorated AT MORRISON, COIO. 24, at 1 o’clock. WEDDING The firms listed here de­ CAKES ‘ r Mr. and Mrs. Donald Winter (“all batter**) serve to be remembered are the parents of a daughter born N ow OPEN when you are distributing Middit Aged Women for March 28. She was baptized Joan SHOP: SP. 2309 Mary April 15. Her sponsors are RES: SP. 0122 Fres Delivery on $2 Order Come In and Get your patronage in the dif­ PRESCRIPTIONS- CALLED Domestic Work Miss Georgia Winter and Le Roy BRICKEY & Acquainted FOR AND DELIVERED MOLLOT 1024-S. Gaylord 25 Brosdway ferent lines of business. Bonger. The grandparents are Mr. PEarl 7315 SPrnco 7413 Infants' ond Colfax at Downing Denver 9 and Mrs. George Bader and Mr. I Frank MoIIotv Owner KEystone 3217 (Member St. Vineent de Faura i Children's Wear CALL: and Mrs, A. G. Winter. Mrs. Don- Parish) 665 So. Peorl St. WANTED TO BUY Tiny Tot D O Y L E ’S , MORRISOX 10 FURNITURE, DISHES, POTS. Expert Workmanship ' GAYLORD PANS, * MISCELLANEOUS PHARMACY ‘ % CLEANERS Shop IVORLAND’S Th* Psrtleslsr Dmgfiit OR WRITE SISTER SUPERIOR PICKUP & DELIVERY Mrs. Nellie Chambers, - 1 ■ tv # colksIk re c o in CRANE Prop. 17th AVE. AND GRANT FURNITURE We Give “S&H” Green Stamps y / VCDvts., Cota. 807 EAST 22ND AVE. KE. 5987 FREE DELIVERY Quality Materials PE. 1350 • 1025 So. Gaylord 1011 so. GAYLORD TA 9519 or PE 1478

m seaurn - \ r

^ PAGE SIX Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephojie, KEyitene4205 Thurxfoy, April 26, 1951

Fr. Regan to Celebrate Maes To Be Bride 72 DO YOUR OWN -A «,3 Pilgrimage Slated 10. PENN LAUNDRY By Luncheoa Club ACCN Breakfast April 28 ^ music 20 General Electric All Automatic Machines Our Lady of Fatima Luncheon Is Planned by Mrs. Arno I 91 % of Woter Removed No Extractor Needed club will sponsor a Holy Year pil­ grimage following its monthly ^ wakes t Four 40>lb. Dryers Give Quick Service (Archdioce'san Council of Catholic Nurses, Denver Chapter) luncheon Saturday, April 28, at The annual Communion breakfast" of the ACCN will 12:45 in Holy Ghost hall. The 1 9 LBS. DAMP DRY —30c luncheon will be served to mem­ be held April 28. High Mass will be celebrated by the Rev. bers and guests for $1, A special John Regan, spiritual director, in Holy Ghost church, 19th frying Serrice— 9 Lbs. Completely Dry— 15c Up to 36 Lbt.— 25c price of 50 cents will apply for and California streets, at 8:30 o’clock. Kenneth Johnson and children accompanying members Richard Conners, sons of two of the members, will act as |24 HOUR SERVICE ON SHIRT FINISHING on the pilgrimage. _L J_ Mass servers. Imrtiediately following the lunch, ^ ^ Following the Mass, brealffast the pilgrimage will begin in Holy will be served in the Albany hotel Ghost church, followed by visits dining room at 9:30 o’clock. RAOIO-LARM to St. Elizabeth’s, the Cathedral, The Very Rev. William J. Ken- Wedding, Walter's Drug Store and St. Philomena’s churches. neally, rector of St. Thomas’ semi­ Reservations should be made nary, will give the main address. Birthday, Prescriptions Carefully with one of the following: Rita Other dignitaries of the .Church CLOCK .' filled—School Supplies LaTourette, FR. 1062; Mrs. R. H. and city will also be guests of honor. and Novelty Cameras— Film Luckenbach, RA. 6442; or Mrs. Henry Smith, RA. 8J.79. Mrs. Mqpica Bates Arno, chair­ Duncan Hines Ice Cream man of the Communion breakfast committee, is a graduate of the RADIO Cakes Beers, Wines, Etc. « Aid Society Plans Meet St. Cloud hospital school of nurs­ Mr. and Mrs. Gosper A. ] I Minti for all occasions ,, ing, St. Cloud, Sfinn., class of Ferrero announce th e en­ like on)^ alarm and wake up'to music of the radio FR. 5391 In Home Tuesday, May 1 1934. Mrs. Arno was a member of :: SUMNER'S BAKERY Free Delivery the nursing staff of St. Mary’s gagement of their daughter, Do­ St. Vincent’s Aid society will hospital, Rochester, Minn., for lores Marie, to Edward Ciancio, WAKE UP 782 Colorado Boulevard 801 Colorado Blvd. meet in Mt. St. Vincent’s home, seven years following graduation. son of Mrs. Theresa Ciancio, all of TO MUSIC.. EA. 6622 42nd and Lowell boulevard, After her marriage to George Welby. Miss Ferrero is a graduate Radio outomalicolly' . .♦♦♦♦♦♦♦■H I H * * * * * * * * * * * WVWWWJW, Denver, on Tuesday, May 1, at Amo in 1942, Mrs. Arno came to of Assumption high school, Welby, turns on ot eny pro- 2 p.m. The boys have prepared Denver to live. She is an active president of Nu Phi Mu sorority, fft time. an attractive program to enter­ member of Loyola parish and the and is now'employed in the ac­ tain the members. Sister Bene­ mother of two children. . counting department of thp Colo­ dict extends an invitation to all For the past five years she has rado & Southern railroad. Mr. Ci­ been active in the ACCN.vserving ancio is a graduate of Adams City GO TO SLEEP members and their friends to be TO MUSIC... the guests of the sisters and the as chairman for various com­ high school and is employed by the boys at this annual meeting in mittees. Modern Music cpmpany. The wed­ Rodie otftomoticall/ the home. Mrs. Monica Arno It is the wish of Mrs. Arno and ding will take place late in June. turns off ot ony time her committee that every Catholic up to 60 minutes nurse will make a special effort after you retire. to attend the Mass and breakfast. Tickets' Available Reservations Are Available Now, music wakes you up tne The Beer That Reiervationi for the break­ way you go to sleep... slowly, gently! It's fast may be obtained by tele­ For Designers'Show FRICED JUST For Retreat at El Pomar an extra radio for your home too! Pre-set it af Made Milwaukee Famous phoning Mri. Arno at DE. 6633, It was announced this week that any time to make certain you catch your favorite Mrs. Josephine Hayes at SU. tickets are now available for the newscaster or variety show. The radio is famous (Archdiocesan Sodality Union, May 8, at the Knights of Colum­ 1-3582, or Mrs. Faye Macker at Motorola quality... the clock, precision-made MURRAY BROS. DISTRIBUTING CO. Denver) bus home at 7:30 p.m. The Rev. Denver designers’ show being PE. 2052. sponsored by a prominent Denver for split second accuracy. Smart Bakclite cabinet *3 9 “ ^Robert M. — Paul V. — M. T. Murray; Last-minute reservations can William Faherty, S.J., will give a The ACCN monthly meeting will in forest green or ivory. See it today, and let still be made for the sodality re­ talk at the meeting. Father Fa­ committee for the purpose of rais­ Model 5C4 be held in Mercy hospital on Thurs­ ing funds for a vocational center music wake YOU up! treat at El Pomar, Anyone in­ herty is a well-known author, and day, April 26, at 7 :45 p.m. A movie terested may call Margaret Me- his talk promises to be of inter­ among the youth of Spanish- tD\if///, INTERMOUNTAIN ELEVATORS entitled Nursing Aspects of Atomic American descent. Before reserva­ Lelian, EA. 0440, immediately. est to everyone. All parish sodality Warfare will be shown. i DENVER Father Charles Jones will be the prefects .are utged to encourage tions can be made for the luncheon dCom sL ^ jqm pum nt Q o. retreat master. Attention is their members to attend this Mrs. Vilma Moore, after a long and show to be held in the Top Fort Morgan Flour Mills called to the fact that the bus meeting. A slate of officers for absence because of illness, has of the Park on May 7 and 2.511 EA ST 34TH DE. 3317 transportation will cost $3.20 the coming year will be presented resumed her duties as a private 8, tickets should be obtained from FORT MORGAN instead of $2 as was previously atLthe meeting by the nominating nurse. one of the following places: The Our Lady of Fatima Bridge Donald Pick’s jewelry store in BRANCHES AT— announced. The bus will leave committee. Nominations will be from the Trailways bus depot at requested from the floor, and the club met in the home of Mrs. the Brown Palace hotel, at the LONGMONT . . . YUMA 6:30 p.m. Friday, April 27. election will be held at the June George Anderson, 1909 Forest desk of the Park Lane hotel, or meeting. avenue, April 17. Prizes were the Social Secretary office, 408 HUDSON . . . HILL ROSE The next meeting of the So­ dality union will be held Tuesday, St. Catherine’s and St. Dominic’s awarded to Mrs. Josephine Hayes, Downing street. The tickets cost Sodalities Mrs. Cele Geiger, and Mrs. Au­ five dollars. MILLERS AND HANDLERS drey Needham. Judge Philip B. Gilliam, one of OF FLOUR, WHEAT, CORN, Members of St. Catherine’s and the sponsors of the designers’ St. Dominic’s sodalities visited pa­ William A. Barrett, author of the BARLEY, OATS, AND MILL VOSS BROS. current best-seller novel The Left show, will speak briefly both days tients in Fitzsimons Army hos­ at the show to explain the purpose FEEDS pital. The girls are doing their Hand of God, spoke before an as­ BAKERIES sembly of sisters and student of the show in connection with the share to make the patients’ stay in establishment of a vocational cen­ Country Shippers! 3 Stores to Serve You the hospital more enjoyable. ^ nurses at St. Joseph’s hospital in Consign Your Shipment To Vs their last meeting, which was held ter for the underprivileged chil­ Presentation Sodality in the Catherine Mullen home. dren of the lower downtown sec­ Meuil^ers of Presentation sodal­ tions of Denver. The Jesuit Fa­ ity are planning a Holy Hour for thers of Sacred Heart parish will May. Reception into the sodality Past Presidents' Club supervise the operation of this WESTERKAMP'S will take place at this exercise. All nondenominational center. KE. 9435 5106 Wash. members of other parish sodalities Plans Potiuck Luncheon are invited to attend. A social )yill EVERYTHING A GOOD GROCERY SAVE ON YOUR SHOULD HAVE be held after the Holy Hour in the At Catholic Charities V3 BEST FOODS AT LOWEST PRICES parish hall. - WE DELIVER — MEAT BILL Instruction classes for sodalists The Past Presidents’ Social club will be held Thursday, April 26, in of the Catholic PTA will hold a Complete Processing Service TO PERSONAL j DENVER'S FINEST the music room after evening Ro­ potiuck luncheon on Wednesday, for Lockers and Home sary devotions. May 2, at 12:30 p.m. in the Cath­ RELIABLE. AND COMPLETE ' olic Charities annex, 1663 Grant Freezers. street, Denver. Mrs. M. E. Cooke We Sell Argiour’s Best Meets INVESTMENT J. Catholic Women's Club will preside. Mrs. Albert Rotola, in Quarters or Halves. GR. 3052, and Mrs. Walter Wade, SERVICE Card Social on May 3 DE. 0783, would appreciate it if King's Frigid Food Bank A Real Treat 0 DELICATESSEN each member planning to attend The Catholic Women’s Study (Mr. and Mrs. A. A. King will contact either of them not of Cathedral Parish) AND CATERER club will hold its annual card party later than Monday, April 30. for the Children in the Electric Institute of the Following the luncheon, color 2041 Ss^UniveTBitr PE. 3533 790 COLORADO BLVD. Public Service company Thursday, You can depend upon BOSW ORTH-SULLIVAN movies of Hawaii will be shown FL 0449 FREE DELIVERY May 3, at 1:30 p.m., with a des­ through the courtesy of the United on their First Communion Doyl to give you personal, reliable, and complete invest­ sert luncheon. Mrs. W. H. Carlile, Air Ijinee. This will be the last Ready-to-Eat A REAL TREAT FOR ment service and advice . . . whether you're merely hostess, asks members to bring activity of the club until Sept. 4, For the'celebration in honor of the big seeking information or wish to buy or sell securities playing cards. All reservations when the annual card party will be THE ENTIRE FAMILY! in small or large amounts. I. CASSEROLE DISHES are filled. held in the Electric Institute of day serve our delicious Ice Cream. To Take Out the Public Service company. POPCORN To Be Wed • Many Flavars * Bulk ar Brick Write or visit BOSW ORTH-SULLIVAN soon. SERVES 3 to 4 People MAY BASKETS Our personnel, our library, and our research depart­ SPAGHETTI AND $ f 4 A St. Clara's Aid Group Solid Popcorn Handles ment are at your service . . . without any obliga^n. MEAT BALLS ...... I a I U CHICKEN $ 4 CA Sets Card Party May 2 ...... FOR MOTHER'S DAY POT PIES ...... I oWU POPCORN BASKETS She will love one of these. Com- | WHEATRIDGE St. Clara’i Aid aociety will BOSWORTH, SULLIVAN COMPANY, Inc. SHRIMP AND $ 4 y C plcte basket made out of popcorn. | i hold it. annual card party \ JOHN J. SULLIVAN, PrttidanJ Wednesday, May 2, at 1 o’clock ititiMuiinmimiMi CRAB MEAT $ 0 CH in St. Clara’i orphanage. Den- STORE HOURS KE. 6241 12 to 6—Tues. thru Fri. AU GRATIN ...... ta U U ver. There will be ipecial and 12 to 7-—Saturday FARM DAIRY WHOLE FRIED $ A C A table prizei. Refreshment! will Closed on Sunday and Monday 660 SEVENTEENTH ST. 'DENVER, COLORADO CHICKEN, disjointed .... CawU be served. a Made On The Premises • I' i A beautiful four-piece silver Open Evet. and Sun. Till 9 P.M. set, a pair of hand-embroidered Denver Popcorn Pride o' the West Cloied Mondays pillowcases, and a doll will be on display at the party. ARV. 220 A chocolate cake, donated by Products 8000 W. 44th Ave. Phanes: 1719 Mrs. Anthony Zarlengo, also 4335 W. 41st Ave. will be a feature. Players are asked to bring cards. 'T ^ B e l - a i r Florine Haberkorn Plans To Marry Phil Crawford CONCENTRATED O ra n g e J a k e Mr. and Mrs. John P. Haber­ korn announced the engagement ;'y | AT OUR EXPENSE! Dorothy Stadler, daughter of their daughter, Florine of 239 of Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. W. Fifth avenue, to Phillip Craw­ Just buy a can, write a note about Bel-air Concentrated Stadler of 4139 Decatur street, ford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross L. Orange Juice and your purchase price will be refunded, Denver, will become the bride of Crawford of 1560 Ingalls street. plus postage. 'Thomas Sams Redford of 2812 W. The couple are planning to be Evans street, Denver, at 10 a.m. married in June. Each can makes 1’A Pts. (6 Glasses) April 28 in St. Catherine’s church. of delicous Orange Juica Mr. Redford is the son of Mr. and Engaged Mrs. Thomas Redford, Sr., , of p i. Light. Beerw . ,, Cambridge, Neb. Miss Stadler is a - flip graduate of Holy Family high school and a memb^ of the Delta Pi Phi soroity. Mr. Redford at­ k - A A Dandy Breakfast Item! tended schools in Cambridge, Neb., and in World war II he spent I three years in the merchant ma­ V*,*' IT.'i rine and two years in the army. Yes, you’ll enjoy Bel-air Orange Juice, just as much as you have always enjoyed Safeway’s complete line of Frozen Foods. You’ll find many more breakfast items in Safeway’s frozen food line: Welch’s Grape Juice, Birds Eye Orange Juice and Snow Crop Orange Juice. You’ll be amazed at the complete line of other frozen food items. Birds Eye Green Beans, Peas, Spinach, French Fried Potatoes and Frying Chickens; as well as other outstanding lines of, frozen foods, such as Snow Crop, Bolfing, and Cedergreen. t f r / f, Shop at Safeway for sure money saving Frozen Foods, kv^' Vf 1 /-y Is -i OF MOOEKATION Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Behan of Denver, announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Eileen, to Charles W. Kuhns. The couple have set the date of their marriage for June 14. The bride-elect will be graduated Yrom St. Francis de Sales’ high school this year. Mr. Kuhns is now^8e^v j^lr& W Bil w ill. ing as technical sergeant with the air force af Ladd Field, Alaska, and is the son of James S. Kuhns, Mt. Pleasant, Fa. Cam Cmoaor. GoWoo. CalaraOo. V JA

4 Ay Thuridoy, April 26, 1951 Office, 938 Bannock Styet THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 P^KGt SEVEN Betrothal Revealed 155 of Archbishop's Guild at Mass

(Archbithop’i Guild, Denver) guild, and Mrs. Evelyn Peterson fast, Mrs. Peterpon, fashion direc- Spring Prom After attending Mass in S t were guests. Each member was tjM' of the May Co., selected the members who will model the fash­ Formats Francis de Sales’ church April presented with a ^rdenia. The ions. coming spring benefit, the fashion Special Discounts 22, 166 members of the Arch­ show to be held Wednesday eve­ Tbs Fatima Saturday Lunch­ W ith o u t ^ bishop’s guild gathered at the ning, May 2, at 8 p.m. in the Sil­ eon club will astemble Saturday, to Readers of Top of the Park for .breakfast ver Glade of the Cosmopolitan ho­ April 28, at 12:45 p.m. in Holy The Register tel, was the foremost topic of Gbott hall for a buffet innebeon, Extravagance ' y The R t Rev. Monsignor Gregory after which the guetU will make Gowns under Smith, si»ritual director of the conversation. Following the break- the Holy Year pilgrimage. 32.95 Reservations may be made by calUng Miss Isabelle McNamara, 10% DISCOUNT SP. 2181. Parent-Teacher Unit Hears After the recitation of the Ro­ Gowns 32.95 sary by the members of St. Luke’s and up circle on Monday evening, April 15% DISCOUNT 16, a social evening was spent in ' ? Talk on Selective Service the home of Mrs. Geraldine Cul­ Some gowns bars '5'S len. Mrs. Jewel Cronin and Mrs. remoTsble Jackets Members of the Catholic Par- chiurman of the traditional tea Eleanor McGovern were the prize ent-'^eacher league heard the Rev. honoring the outgoing and incom­ winners. JlILt costs no more - ing officers of the league. Those Louis G. Mattione, SJ., dean of assisting with the tea will be Mrs. The first Sunday afternoon of to hdivt the, use of p. Regis college, explain in detail the Raymond Ingram, hospitality every month was chosen by the our complete focil* present situation concerning the chairman, and the officers of the members of St. Rita’s circle as a Mrs. Henry Stewart of St. draft laws, deferments, and ad­ league. regular meeting time when they vantages in the continuation of gathered in the home of Miss Joan ities, the fine sur­ Joseph’s Redemptorist par­ 'Mrs. Frank Sabine, safety chair­ college education as long as pos­ man, advised the members that the Roesch recently. roundings of Horan ish, Denver, announces the forth­ sible. Father Mattione’s talk en­ Mr. and Mrs. Martin Sprague of coming marriage of her daughter, safety council, of which she is a couraged discussions of -many in­ member, will meet during the sum­ St. Louis, Mo., are the parents Chapels, and our un* Hazel, to Edward Becker, son of dividual draft problems. of a boy, Lawrence Martin, bom Mrs. Anna Becker of Longmont, mer. School safety problems will Mrs. Leonard Swigert, president be discu^ed at that time if pre­ April 19. Mrs. Sprague is a former surpassed service. The couple are active members in of the ACCW, extended an invita- member of St. Joseph’s circle. Cathedral Young People’s club. sented.- tion .to all members to attend the Mrs. Robert J. Yaggie, health Mrs. Margaret Gunther Tynan The double-ring ceremony will take convention on May 7 and 8 which chairman, and Mrs. Harry Kelsey was welcomed to the S t Frances place June 2 in St. Joseph’s church, is also the silver anniversary of and Mrs. J. R. Stephens, cochair­ Cabrini circle at a recent meeting. After a short wedding trip, they the organization. Mrs. Swigert out­ men, will meet with A. Seikel, Mrs. Josephine Keller will be will reside in their new home at lined the convention program, and health director of schools and hos­ hostess to the St. Jude circle mem­ 178 S. Alcott street urged the unit presidents to make pitals, and with Dr. Ruth Raatama, bers at the next meeting. The eve­ their luncheon reservations as also a city health director, Pridky, ning will be devoted to sewing s* % Horan & Son early as possible to Mrs. James April 27, at 10 a.m. in Mr. Seikel’s altar linens. Foley, league president and chair­ office to plan the health program Oiapc'ls A son, the fourth child, was 515 SIXTEENTH ST. Open 'til 9 p. nt, Parish Society man of the luncheon reservations for the next school year. bora to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kis­ N V* \> KEystone 6297 KEystone 6298 for the ACCW convention. Mrs. Valens Jones, publicity sell at St. Anthony’s hospital April Next to the Paramoani Monday rutht. 1527 Cleveland Place Mrs. Foley annonneed the chairman, introduced the new pub­ 20. Mrs. Kissell is a member of the Sets Pilgrimage nominating committee: Mrs. licity assistant Mrs. Ed Kenney, Stella Maris circle. -»1 Thomas Morrissey, chairman, as­ from St. Patrick’s unit. (Presentation Parish, Denver) A suprise shower was given in sisted by Mmes. Lito Gallegos, Members of the Holy FamDy honor of Mrs. Margaret Kenna of The Altar and Rosary society Anthony Zarlengo, and Clar­ unit choral group entertained at Sacred Heart circle on April 19 in will make a Holy Year pilgrimage ence Frede, will meet with the the meeting with vocal selections the home of Miss Marjorie in May. The date will be set at Rev. Edward Leyden to prepare entitled “Alice Blue Gown” and Barrett. the Needlework meeting in the the new slate of candidates for “Neapolitan Street Song,” directed Mrs. Clella Barry will entertain home of Mrs. Lawrence Keenan, the coming year. by Mrs. Fred Ihrer. the members of the Morning Star 611 Knox court, on May 3 at 10:30 Holy Family unit had the largest Mrs. G. A. Ruybal of Mt. Carmel circle on Friday evening, April 27. RABTOAY GENERAL TIRE CO. o’clock. attendance at the meeting. unit,.waa awarded the monthly gift Mrs. Helen Thaler was honored at The date for the monthly Com­ Mrs. T. A. Coupe was appointed doQji^ by the Cathedral unit. a surprise shower recently. GENERAL TIRES munion of the members of the so­ ciety has been changed to May 13 Miss Cecilia Garland of Im­ H M 'Jj maculate Conception circle is re­ General Batteries because the First Holy Commun­ cuperating from an operation at a ion of the school children wUl be Over 600 GIs, Hostesses local hospital. . held on May 6. The members re­ KRAFT RECAPPING ceiving Holy Communion on that Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Koran, G E N E R A L i day will be especially remembered Enjoy Service Club Dance Jr., announce the birth of a son, in the Mass. Robert George, April 17 in a local S 9 U E E C E E Kraft Inspected The USO-National Catholic Com­ at 4 p,m., followed by a dance in hospital. Mrs. Koran is a member The meeting was well attended, munity Service, 1663 Grant street, of Ave Maria circle. and several new members were the evening. Activities were re­ Used Tires Denver, began a week-end pro­ sumed on Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Brad­ present. Mrs. Gus Ibold reported gram April 21 with club service G.T.A.C. Easy Pay 1401 W. Colfax TA. 6604 that there are 21 new members the serving of coffee and dough­ ley are the parents of a son, enrolled. Father Matthais Blenkush nuts. On Sunday evening another Thomas G. II, who was born in a welcomed the new members and local hospital on April 7. Mrs, Dinner Is Enjoyed dance, attended by more than 600 Bradley helongrs to Our Lady of congratulated Mmes. Catherine service men and junior hostesses, Gotchey, A. Plamondon, and Mary Sorrows circle. The paternal grand­ was held to the music of Georg;e parents are Mr. and Mrs. k . P. Lord for membership in the so­ By Regis Sorority Davis’ Pages of Music, in the ciety for 38 years. They have been Bradley. Knights of Columbus ballroom. Mrs. Theresa Korte was hostess members since the society was or­ Prominent among the ju n iy host­ ’513>o/v£ jAU ckL ganized in January, 1913. They Delta Sigma Beta sorority of to the members of Our Lady of Regis college held its annual esses was a group recently organ­ Lourdes circle April 17. The eve­ still live in the parish. ized in Welby. Mrs. George Moore resigned as mother-daughter dinner recently ning was spent sewing linens. With Power-Pilot Economy at Ohlson’s Smorgasbord. Twenty- The USO-NCCS program for Mrs. Virginia Bell entertained recording secretary and Mrs. T. H. the current week is as follows: On Display at ^ 9^ Kissell was elected to take her eight members of the sorority and members of St. Gerard’s circle in their mothers were present. Saturday, April 28—4 p.m. to her home April 18. place. I 8:30 p.m., club service; 8:30 to 11 Mrs. W. A. Buchholz will ac­ Honored guests for the affair, which is held every year before p.m., orchestra dance to the music cept enrollments for the Confra­ of the Columbine Ramblers, re­ ternity of the Rosary. She will dis­ Mother’s day, were the Rev. Jo­ Cord Party Is Planned MAin 3111 seph Ryan, S.J., moderator of the freshments served by junior host­ tribute literature explaining the ess committee; Sunday, April 29— indulgences. The blessing of the group; and Mrs. Dorothy Hurt, For Good Shepherd Aid mother of Mrs. Genell Tuck. Mrs. 4 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., club service, 1335 Broadway rosaries will be held after the May coffee and doughnuts served by devotions. Hurt came from Illinois to be pres­ The annual Good Sk^herd ent for the dinner. The <;ommittee junior hostesses; 4 p.m., variety Aid card party will be held at Our Lady of Perpetual Help in charge of the dinner consisted show rehearsal; 8:30 to 11 p.ni., the convent on Monday, April circle will sponsor a card party in of Misses Alice Hayes, Joan For- orchestra dance to George Davis’ 30, begining at 1:30 p.m. There the music room on Wednesday, tunato, and Margaret Bissell. Pages of Music; are ttill a few reiervation* avail­ May 2, at 12:30. A footstool will At a .short business meeting Tuesday, May 1—6:30 p.m., able. Anyone wishing additional be given. There will be a des­ variety show will leave center for tickets should call Mrs. H. C. JUST sert-luncheon and prizes. Everyone held immediately after the dinner, SCIENTIFIC plans were completed for the re­ performance at Lowry hospital; McCoun at FR. 7712. Players is invited to attend. Players are Wednesday, May 2—7:30 p.m., are asked to bring their own WALL CLEAIWWG asked to bring cards. treat to be held at El Pomar May RECEIVED 18, 19, and 20. The retreat, which junior hostesses will leave center cards. The convent may be The Irish linen tablecloth will will be conducted by the Rev. for dance at Lowry Service club; reached by taking a Bonnie Brae m 3iuss — m FUSS be displayed Friday, April 27. All Louis G. Mattione, S.J., dean of movies in ward at Fitzsimons hos­ bus. Special Detergent Used proceeds from the PTA project Regis college, will be sponsored pital; Thursday, May 3—6:30 p.m., There will be no aid meeting Definitely Increases Paint Life will be given to the sisters teach­ by the sorority for the women stu­ variety show will leave center for May 8.______ing in Presentation school. performance at Veterans’ hospital, HOMES dents at Regis. All other women, Brins roar hsalth tronbles to SCHOOLS SHIPMENT The formation of a new instruc­ Catholic or non-Catholic, working Fort Logan; Friday, May 4—7:30 10% CONTRIBUTED TO CHUBCH OF OFFICES tion class for Catholics and non- girls, and their friends are invited p.m., junior hostesses will leave DR. LEO S. EHENBURG YOUR CHOICE IN YOUR NAME DUR- H08PITAL8 Catholics will begin Monday, April to make the retreat. Anyone in­ center for dance at Lowry Service IN6 FEB.-MARCH. CHURCHES OF 30, at 7:45 in the music room. terested in making the retreat club; movies in ward at Fitz­ Chiropractor should contact either Mary Janf simons hospital. DENVER WALLMASTER CO. Blake at DE. 0803, or Betty Mar- 4345 W. 41st Ave. PLASTIC St. Rose's Society key at SU. 1-2883 before Mon­ (41ft 4k Tcanjfon) 2068 SO. GALAPAGO PE. 9206 day, May 7. Fr, Bonnet to Discuss Telephono - Glendale 2558 DURAN Has New Members 'Puss in Boots' Closes Without a Guide' (St. Rose of Lima’s Parish, AT THE UPHOLSTERED Denver) Year's Ploys for Junior The Regis Women’s club, Deu ver, will meet in the college read­ Mrs. John McDonald was host­ W ALNUT ess to St. Jude’s circle April 18. Entertainment Group ing room Tuesday, May 1, at 1:30 Mrs. Ed DeMers and Mrs. Don Guest speaker for the meeting will BLARNEY SHOP McCormic demonstrated the new Puss in'Boots will be the final be the Rev. Christian L. Bonnet, OFFICE CHAIRS electric coffee maker of the Altar play for children in this year’s S.J., professor of philosophy at and Rosary society. New members series sponsored by Junior Enter­ Regis college. Father Bonnet, a welcomed to the circle were Mmes. tainment, Inc., at Phipps auditor­ former student in Rome, will speak Great Commercial Products Co. Sam Johnson, Otto J. Brauer, Mike ium, Denver, on Saturday, April on “Rome Without a Guide.” The The New 1951 Feely, and John Kingston. Regular 28, at 2 and at 4 p.m. Very Rev. Raphael McCarthy, SJ, TA. 2990 1707 Lawrence St. members who were present were Mmes. Joseph Figlino. Paul Fergu­ The play is presented by the president of Regis college, ako will son, Ed Heppting, John Francone, Edwin Strawbridge Co. of New deliver a short talk. A report will Paul Pomponlo, Leonard Reich- York, which is outstanding in the be presented by the nominating field of children’s theater. The committee, and dection of officers SHELVADORS wein, Lawrence Sengenberger, Jack Theloar, and Millard Dixon. performance will bring comedy, will follow. Members -of the junior choir music, and dancing to rae beloved Refreshments will be served. • With "Core-Free" were guests of Father Barry Wo- familiar story. The characters are gan at a movie in the parish house. colorfully costumed in authentic Refreshments were served. designs of the Middle Ages, and AUTOMATIC DEFROSTING! Come! See Them! The following babies were bap­ the scenery is that of provincial Communion Dresses tized by Father Wogan April 22: Southern France. Paul Henry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tickets may be secured in ad­ Henry Suppes, whose sponsors vance from Schleier gallery, 1343 were Leonard Yuzwicki and Lillian Acoma street, and at Phipps box Macri; David Paul, son of Mr. and office on Saturday. TULIPS flown Mrs. Reginald King, whose spon­ sors were Harry and Mary Licht- Engaged enfeld; Ronald David, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Knight, direct from Holland whose sponsors were Anthony and Elizabeth Zimmerman; and Daniel James, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hundreds of them in full bloom . . . 50 varieties N. Buckstein, whose sponsors were Frank a'nd Naomi Pomponio. Phil wonts including many new ones! First shipment arrives EYES EXAMINED Friday . . . come see this glorious spectacle . . . GIai(e$ Preicribed te see yeu... If Needed take advantage of this chance to order bulbs for Dr. M. L. Perito Nothing to turn on or off! delivery next Fall with the actual blooms right OPTOMETRIST Nothing to watch! Nothing 110 Mininc Exchange before your eyes! Bldg. to empty! No fuss, no muss, Riasonebll _ . ____ PriMi TA. 2682 ■# no bother! Nothing else like it! The sensational new Shel- vador Refrigerators defrost IF YOU CHARGE—you will not be billed until bulbe are delivered. themselves automatically in IF YOU PAY CASH—a 1.00 deposit ii required, balance |»t,time of 2 to 10 minutes—so frwt delivery. that frozen foods don’t even begin to thaw! Delicate white dresses in Come in and aee all 11 beau­ Garden Center—Fourth Floor beautiful fabrics . . . de­ tiful Shelvadora for 1951! DE LUXE MODEL DAC-ll. Capacity 1033 coble faat signed to make a lovely lit- tle'girl look her prettiest! BEST TERMS — BEST TRADES Mr. and Mrs. Foster G. Priced M -9 S 1 4 9 .9 5 Bruno of St. Catherine’s par­ From ...... "I to ■ " ish, Denver, announce the engage­ ment of their daughter, Beverly, to THE B LA R N EY SHOP PRIVATK LESSONS. $10# John C. Martelon, son of Mr. and FOX'S Denver Shops with Confidence'— Klystono 3111 BesnlU fatraateed. Join Oar Aecfrtfloa Band. Mrs. Andrew B. Martelon. Mr. HADLEY MUSIC CO. Martelon, who is an apprentice 56 South Broadway $19 E. Colfax TA. 8S25 printer at the Denver Post, is now ^ “The Shop for GirU” 3205 East Calf ox DE. 1571 serving with the navy. Wedding Charge Accopnto Invitod pUns are indefinite.

V PAGE EIGHT Office, 938 Bannock Shreef THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyitehe 4205 Thursday, April 26, 1951

Heights Students Attack LOYOLA PARISH ST. CATHERINES ST. JOSEPH'S PARISH Jane Coupe Gets May Day Service Patronize These Friendly Firms # Patronize Theze Friendly Firms Please Patronise These Friendly Firms Communism, Secularism SAVE TIME TRADE AT HOME icademy Prom's At St. John's Set Rockj Fiori and Jot Hsres JOHN and BERTHA HcBRlDE The firms listed here de­ Santa Fe Shoe Hospital Q y 00n '5 Rocky’s Pharmacy, Inc. YOUR serve to be remembered By K-Ducat Club Your Convenient W« Redresi Suedet when you are distributing Druggist CLEANERS We Refinith Leather Any Color (St. Mary’s Academy, Denver) (K-Ducat Young: People’s Club) Prescriptions Liquor We Dye Shoes Special devotions will be held GLendsl. 8502 3736 TEJON ST. your patronage in the dif­ The junior prom was held 17th and Race EAat 9867 ferent lines of business. April 24 in the Wellshire Coun­ in St. John’s church Tuesday eve­ 742 SANTA FE DRIVE try club. The highlight of the eve­ ning, May I, 'at 8 o’clock under ning came when the queen, Jane the sponsorship of the K-Ducat Coupe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. YPC. In adflition to the Rosary, ST. DOMINIC'S PARISH T. A. Coupe, was crowned by the May prayers, and Benediction, president of the junior class, special prayers for peace and for Patronize These Friendly Merchants Jeanne Barrett. Attendants to the the welfare of American service queen were Patty Killian, daugh­ men will be offered, with a spe ter of Mr. and, Mrs. T. J. Killian, cial commemoration of members We are very happy to bring a com-1 and JoAnn Kafka, daughter of of the club who have entered the plete Variety Line to the people' Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Kafka. The service in the past year or expect o f this parish. 1 grand march was led by the to do so soon. Members of other queen and her escort. Chaperons young people’s groups are cor­ GRAHAM'S for the evening were Dr. and Mrs. dially invited to join in this ac­ Established 1916 J. R. Alanis, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. tivity. 5 & 10c Store 3160 Tejon GLendale 0228 But the Same Fine Quality Barrett, and Mr. and Mrs. E. A mountain outing was held 23rd Federal Street Cervi. last Sunday. Members will be no­ NATIONAL BRANDS STORE Barbara Dunn, a member of tified of the next activity by post the senior class and daughter card. 743 Santa Fe Drive KEystone 0747 of Mr. and Mrs. George Dunn, MISS PAT GRIFFIN (left) and Miss Florence Con­ CYPC De-Icers to Meet ST. JOHN'S PARISH will reign as queen of the Regis nors are spearheading two attacks on Communism and (Cathedral Young People’i Club) junior-senior prom May 10 at secularism, sponsored by different groups at Lorelto Heights college, Patronize These Friendly Firms the Lakewood Country club. Denver. Miss Griffin, representing the Sodality of Our Lady, is The next De-Icer dinner will be OPENf ’TIL MIDIVIGHT EVERY IWGHT Barbara Koning, a St. Mary’s held Saturday, April 28, at 1836 organizing an all-day recitation of the Rosary in the chapel by Logan street at 6:30 p.m. Al­ junior, will be one of her at­ sodalists May 1 to counteract the Russian May day festivals. Members Permanent Waving NORM'S SERVICE tendants. though reservations are now closed 1/ a Specialty Conover's Food Store TEXACO will take turns leading groups in saying the Rosary from after for the dinner, members are hop­ NORM ENGBLOM. Prop. Shirley Fiori, accompanied by Mass in the morning until 4 o’clock in the afternoon, when the student Featuring Quality Only her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ing to have a large crowd attend ) "* My Lady Edith Texieo and FIreitoni Prodaets SPEER BLVD. AT BANNOCK body will assemble for Benediction. the dance, which will start at 8:45 EXCELLENT MEAT Lnbricatlon and Waihlng TABOR 9222 Fiori, left for Loretto, Ky., this Miss Connors is heading the decent literature campaign sponsored week to be present at the religious p.m. The charge for dancing only \ Beauty Shoppe CHOICE GROCERIES by the Press club. Its purpose is to alert students to clean up literature will be 45 cents. reception of her sister, Rose Mary within their reach and to promote the reading of good literature. An [( * Minnie Keiseler. M^r. DAILY DELIVERIES Fiori, into the Society of the Sis­ important feature of the campaign was the faculty panel on literature The next regular business, meet­ )) 2804 E. 6th Ave. EA. 0788 , 1718 E. 6th FR. 2787 ters of Loretto at the Foot of the held Wednesday, April 25, at which Sister Marie Clyde, James ing will be held at 8 o’clock on ST. JAMES' PARISH Cross. Mary Ann Sullivan, a mem­ Madigan, James Kenna, and Gerald Cooney took part. William Bar­ Wednesday, May 2, in St. Paul’s ber of the 1950 graduation class, ret, author of The Left Hand of God, is speaking on the importance chapel; Chad Spurlock's Conoco Service also received the garb at this of good literature Thursday, April 26, at lliSO a.m. A barn dance at Glasier’s barn Please Patronise These Friendly Firms time. Washirtv — Lubrication - Battery & Tire Service April 19 was a success with 6th & York ^ EA. 9932 - We Pickup & Deliver The music department will pre­ about 65 people attending. Rose­ WALT BADGER SAYS: sent its students in the following mary Neumann, chairman, was as­ recitals within the next two weeks: Registrars Discuss Impact sisted by Betty Willis, Linus Ryan, O L S O N ' S Your Sport Clothes Will April 26, freshmen; April 27, Mary Brady, and Edwin Lynch. Capitol Drug Co. sophomores; May 1, pupils from Of Emergency on Colleges In the bowling league the Pin­ Receive Expert Care grades five through eight; and on heads are still in first place with Food Market Paul 0. Schneider May 2, grades one through four. The Rev. John J. Gibbons, S.J., | Columbia, was the discussion of 59 wins and 37 losses. The Jolly (Member of St. Philomena's Parish) The sophomore class won the Corks are second with 57 and 39. Appreciate Your Business registrar at Regis college, Denver, problems arising from the national Prescriptions ,4 Specially Associated Cleaners first game of the softball tourna­ returned the first part of this emergency and the discussion of Team high game went to the Cellar 3030 E. 6th EA. 1801 ment from the senior class. Doreen week from a four-day convention college deferments with repre­ Dwellers, 785. The Jolly Corks Complete Line of Kuckartz is the captain of the of the American Association of sentatives of selective service. took team high series, 2,107. Pickup and The firms listed here de­ Giro Parfiims 6736 E. Colfax Delivery Service EA. 5462 sophomore team. Collegiate Registrars and Admis­ Keynote of the convention w’as Larry Keating won men’s high The senior bowling team, under sion Officers in , Tex., the desire to make provision for game, 214, and men’s high series, serve to be reme'mbered King’s Men Toiletries the leadership of' Delia Mapelli, April 16, 17, 18, and 19. A national a continuing flow of trained and 591, a new high for the year. won the high school championship association of college officers of educated manpower. “American Women’s high game went to when you are distributing Maple Grove Candies Friday, April 20. Mary Ann Hal- admission, registration, and rec­ manpower cannot match our po­ Alice Smith, 175, and Mary Mene FREE DELIVERY laron of the sophomore class had ords, the organization has a mem­ tential enemies -in numbers, but ghini won woman’s high series, your patronage in the dif­ HOLY FAMILY PARISH the highest individual average. bership of 143 Catholic colleges this nation possesses a tremendous 458. ferent lines of business. 6th Ave. at Fillmore FR 2741 Sister Antonella Marie of Lo­ and 21 Catholic universities as advantage in technological ability. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Patronise These Friendly Firms retto Heights college spoke on well as seven major seminaries “For this reason,” concluded asso­ Gail Heffernan, parents of a boy China at the Mission assembly held and three minor seminaries. ciation officials, “it was found born April 20. April 20. She has been in this Highlight of the convention, advisable for the government to Anyone interested in tennis is HATHAWAY’S country a little more than two which was attended by 23 Catholic make provisions not only for sci­ invited to City Park Saturday aft­ F A C I N G ’S Lieb's Flower Shop years and knows the problems of institutions of higher learning entists, physicians, and technical ernoon at 2 o’clock. City Lace Cleaners from 16 states and the District of experts, but also for young men TEXACO SERVICE Fresh Cut Flowers China. 2625 EAST 3RD AVE. PHONE DE. 6891 Floweri for Weddings — Bouquets pursuing the liberal arts curricu­ Cupid’s Corner TIRES . BATTERIES Curtaini and Pillows Carefully Cleaned and Returned Same Size and Decorations For Entertain­ lum, because out of this group will The marriage of Dorothy Stad- ACCESSORIES come many of our leaders of to­ ler to Tommie Sams Redford of Special Care Given Table Linens—Blankets Laundered Without Shrinkaffe COMPLETE SERVICING ments of All Kinds Prom for Student Nurses WE CALL AND DELIVER REASONABLE PRICES FUNERAL OFFERINGS A SPECIALTY morrow.” Cambridge, Neb., will take place at 44tk,& STUART GR. 9824 3922 West 32nd Are. Selective service officials ex­ 10 o’clock April 28. GLendale 0133 Planned at St. Joseph s plained that under the executive order students may be deferred Garden Tools, Grass & (St. Joseph’s School of Nursing, the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent either as a result of the national ST. FRANCIS DE SALES' PARISH For Quality Bakery Goods Garden Seeds Denver) Boyde, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Johnson, examination or upon the standing C YPC to Give Patronize These Friendly Firms Try Fertilizers - Insecticides One of the important social ac­ Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Robles, all of they have maintained in a particu­ tivities of April will be the junior- Denver, and Mr. and Mrs. Dyar lar college class. The national ex­ B. P. S. Flatlux, Satin Lux, senior prom, to be held at the Ca­ of Craig will serve as chaperons aminations, which are under the 'Tons of Fun' WEISS BAKERY and Gloss Lux Paints therine Mullen Memorial nurses’ for the evening. supervision of selective service, Alameda Drug Store LEYDEN HARDWARE home, 1895 Franklin street, Den­ The prom theme will be “April and which will be administered by BUCHANAN’S V. 0. PETERSON. Prop. 4024 Tennyson St. 5132 W. 38th Are. Tel. Genessee 1933 ver, on April 27. Showers.” Regis college in May and June, Revue in May at Sheridan Blvd. i Christian Bros. Wines Cut Rate Drugs Dr. John Foster, chief of staff Election Held may be taken only by students al­ The "Ton. of Fun in ’51” at St. Joseph’s hospital, will crown The student body of St. Joseph’s ready enrolled in college courses. All Popular Beera Fountain Service School Supplief revue will be presented by mem­ W« Deliver The firms listed here de­ the queen, whose name, along with school of nursing met April li to To aid in harrying out this college bers of the Cathedral Young Your Business Appreciated serve to be remembered BILLY’S IIVX those of her two attendants, will elect the new student council mem­ eligibility, Regis college has ar­ People's club at the Elitch’s PE. 1777 377 So. Bdw7 . Alameda & So. Broadway CORNER 44TH LOWELL BLVD. be announced as the main event of bers. The following were named: ranged courses for freshmen en­ Garden theater May 25, 26, and when you are distributing Delicious Foods - Weekday Darlene Devore, junior. Fort Mor­ tering school immediately upon 27. The show will be directed by Luncheons - Steaks • Chickens gan, replacing Nancy McKenna, graduation from high school in your patronage in the dif­ June. Charles B. Young and will fea­ Nate's Pharmacy • BEER • WINE • MIXED DRINKS senior. Brush, as president; Trudy ture a distinguished assemblage : It’s a thrill : ferent lines of business. Frank Weiner - Lionel Zinn, Props. Szabella, freshman, Chicago, 111., of outstanding talent. CUT RATE DRUGS vice president in place of Dolores Sister Cecille to Talk The show has a twofold pur­ School Suppliei - Fountain Service ^ ti be reieibered^$$^ j Miller, junior, Cheyenne, Wyo.; pose: To raise funds to continue Wines, Beers, Etc. j CORN FED MEATS i Carol Scott, senior, Holyoke, secre­ On Heights Hour May 3 the CYPC’s ambitious orphans’ Free Delivery I vitk < j POULTRY AND FISH | tary, replacing Alice Hart, junior, fund for parties for the children Alameda & Penn. RA 2203-9848 North Denver Cleaners Ask for National Gift Seals Delphos, K a n s.; and Shirley Sister Cecille, M.A., head of at St. Clara’s orphanage, and to ALTERATIONS Springen, junior, Joliet, Wyo., I TEiWYSOX I the department of philosophy at give half the proceeds to the RA. MACHINE BUTTON HOLES again to serve as student body Loretto Heights college, Denver, Cathedral school building fund. CONOCO PRODUCTS ► 1818^ I Meat Market! treasurer. ^ ^ ly F R E E DELIVERY^ will talk on ‘‘Women and Emo­ Further details will be an­ Lubriration - Delco Batteries 3939 Tennyson GL. 8812 {4016 Tennyson CR. 04431 tional Maturity*' Thuriday, May nounced in The Register, ^ You Will Bo Proud ^ 3, at 2:30 in the ballroom of Car Washing They Came From ^ Phi Kappa Plans Pancratia hall. This is the sev­ I FORGET-RE-IVOT ^ enth of the series of the Heights Regis Faculty Members W. A . (Dutch) THOMAS hours sponsored by members of ► FLOWER SHOP ] BLESSED SACRAMENT PARISH Spring Rush Week the college faculty. Sister Ce­ Attend Meet to Form Alameda & Logan PE. 9840 ► 285 SO. DOWNING cille will discuss the aspects of Patronise These Friendly Firms Spring rush activities of the mental hygiene peculiar to Adult Education Group Phi Kappa fraternity, University women in facing the complex of Denver Catholic group, will get problems of modern living. The Rev. Louis G. ^^attione, New Management under way during the coming These talks are open to the pub­ S.J., dean of Regis college, Den­ J. H. Bolsinger - Dick Tremlett Mnsten, Mnsten Kearney Jewelry week end. A hay rack ride has been lic. ver, and John V. Coyne, assistant planned by Rush Captain Phil 6031 E. 22nd DE. 2901 professor of business administra­ Plummer for Saturday, April 28, Audition Judge tion at Regis, attended a regional Fine Wotch Repairing at 7 :30 p.m. meeting of . the adult education :B a d sf9 lt All Work Guaranteed A special Communion breakfast organizing committee recently at & Bryan ELECT will be held at 9 o’clock Sunday, Cleaners & Dyers Jewelry for All Occasions the student union building of the April 29. at St. Louis’ parish in . When fully 328 Broadwav Englewood. Plummer is also chair­ organized this organization will re­ Phones PE. 37.33 & 37.34 Optometrists FOR TOP MARKET PRICE W ALLER C. man of this event. place the American Association for UST YOUR PROPERTY WITH At 3:30 Sunday afternoon the Adult Education and the Depart­ annual Founder’s day dinner will ment of Adult Education main­ JOHX F. BRUXO be held at Cunningham’s restau­ 5 Broadway . PEarl 4668 Realtor tained by the National Education JACKS0N‘S BRINKER rant for all past and present mem­ association. 8107 E. 22nd AVE. AT KEARNEY bers and pledges. Chief speaker for The association will provide for Cut Rate Drugs Call DE 4266 Anytime Candidate for the dinner will be the Denver intercommunication through its PRESCRIPTIONS The firms listed here deserve to (24 Hour Service) chapter president, Chester periodical, Adult Education, and FOUNTAIN SERVICE be remembered when you are di»- M«mber Reiltort* Listing Exetiangi Poremba. A large attendance is ex­ FREE PROMPT DELIVERY tributing your patronage to the dif* newsletter, and will help in plan­ Call SP. 3445 Downing & Alameda pected. ning local, state, and regional in ferent lines of business. Councilman A degree team from the Denver service training programs. ROSS VARIETY STORE university chapter of Phi Kappa NOTIONS . INFANT WEAR journeyed to Laramie, Wyo., on Low many times a day April 13 to take part in the initia­ MALONE DRUG Hardware - Toys District 1 does that make our phone tion of University of Wyoming Prescriptions a Specialty ring? You figure it out. We're 2214-16 Kearney Resident of district for 25 pledges. Those making the trip in­ too busy answering the phone DE. 4488 years at 2849 Frain Street. cluded A1 Carmocino, Lou Kelch, Fountain Service — Cold Beer, Etc. . . .-taking orders to be de­ Jerry Woodward, Paul Chabot, LAWN Graduate of Law School- Paul Cordova. Bill Noonen. Maury livered in all parts of Denver. Johnson, and Phil Plummer, who 100 So. Bdwy. — SP. 6226 — We Deliver Will we be answering your John C. University of Colorado was in charge of the team. ring soon? Scholl Veteran of First World MOWERS Charge Accounts Invited Charles Granville, judge The REXALL Store FINEST War Paul Schmitz Elected • MEATS AND Former Chairman of for the national play­ ST. PHILOMENA'S PARISH GROCERIES ing auditions, is a graduate of 16% Butterfat Ice CreamI Draft Board-District 1 President of Society Patronize These Friendly Firms 2815 Fslrfax Southern California U., where he MADE TO OUR OWN FORMULA FR. 2708 Elected Member of City Of State Accountants did piano work with Vax Van Velvet-smooth, rich and full-bod­ Charter Conventions Lewen Swarthout, Born in ied. Delicious flavors—chocolate, America, he began his music stu­ SCIENTIFIC Frank Antonelli W. L. (Speed) Miegcr strmvberry, vanilla, mint. In 1947 Paul L. Schmitz, Denver account­ Sealright cartons. ant and member of the firm of dies in the country, but when very Watch Repairi W. S. (Bill) Currj YOU ALWAYS Vice President of the J. Collins, Peabody & Schmitz, young was sent to Europe to con­ Finish Faster tinue them. He became the favor­ Dunbor-Andrews Complete Line of SAVE AT K. Mullen Investment was elected president of the Colo­ Feel Fresher! JEWELERS rado Society of Certified Public ite pupil of Theodor Wiehmeyer in Co. Munich, Germany. Later in 3339 E. Colfax SIMMONS DRUG Accountants at the meeting of the Ave. WINES & COtD BEER Student of Municipal society April 23. Switzerland and in Paris he was ECLIPSE MOWERS 2888 Colo. Blvd. EA. 9953 Finance and Econom­ Schmitz, who received his bache­ under the tutelage of the eminent Where Parking Ii No Problem Plenty of Canned Beer ics lor of science degree in commerce pianist and composed Emil Blan­ Do the -Job Easier! from Regis college, Denver, is a che!, pupil of the great Busoni. REPAIRS STORAGE Fairfax Hardware Member— member of the board of directors of Hearing Granville play, Blanche! Vogue 16 ....$28.75 Denver Bar Associa­ the Regis college Alumni associa­ broke his self-imposed rule of not ARTISTIC CllANCRS J s d L (Colfiz S t Fairfiz) tion q tion. He was the first Regis grad­ taking pupils to become his Zephyr 16".. 31.75 ^‘Personal Attention HARDWARE. GLASS, PAINTS uate ever to take the C.P.A. ex­ teacher. 3504 E. Colfax FR. 8881 HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Denver Chamber of Granville has given concerts in Given Each Garment'* The firms listed here deserve to amination in Colorado. De Lux 16".. 36.50 FREE DELIVERY be remembered when you are dis­ FR. 2725 5022 E. Colfax Commerce Since that time, however, Regis Europe, North Africa, and Amer­ Delivery Service tributing your petronafe to the dif­ H. L. Hlnehsrt. Prop. ica, and recently has played with City Club of Denver has had a notable percentage of 283C EAST 12th AVE. EAit 1310 ferent lines of business. certified public accountants in the notable success in the Republic of 18" Cut Power A QUALIFIED region. In the past 12 months Mexico. He has also done outstand­ ing work as a judge in many guild Mo wer§.... $ 109.15 Betty & Bob’s Texaco Products DEXTER CLEAXERS AND EXPERIENCED alone, three Regis graduates have Lubrication VJlSD Tirei CANDIDATE passed the stringent tests, and two centers. Beauty & FR 1656 East 23rd Dexter, next to Piggly Wiggly He will judge auditions in Den­ Washing Accessories Your Vote and Support Solicited of them, Clement Bueche and Wil­ EVERY SPRING CLEANING SERVICE liam Diss, were among the four ver commencing April 21 through FALBY'S Barber Shop Joe & Andy’s BLANKETS, DRAPES, RUGS. FURNITURE, LAMP SHADES City Election— May 15th May 7 at St. Mary’s academy, St. Coloradans who passed the exams PAINTS—HARDWARE Specializing in Your tupiiter clothing cleaned, moth­ Pol. Adv. on first try last May. The third Vincent de Paul’s school. Blessed Permanent Waving SERVICE STATION proofed, and sealed in storage bags. member of the trio to pass the Sacrament schobl, in the downtown 32 Broadway PE. 2940 2603 E. 12tb Are. Ask Pat or Dick exam was Robert Boland. area, and Loretto Heights college. EA. 4723 12tb & Clayton FR. 9826

J ' T

Thiftiday, April 26, 1951 Offlea, 938 lonneck StrMt T H I DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER TtUphena, KEyitons 4205 PAGE NINE , C Win Posts . 'Jennie Kissed Me' Is Selected At College Githedral Play Production Set May 4 j l o c - O m ptlo fiM M niL

(Cathedral High Schooli DenTer) Burke, singing, “Ezekiel Saw de The markers in the procession Wheel;” sextet, Pat Jones, Rose­ were selected on the basis of citi­ The big news at Cathbdral high mary Fanelli, Regina Reischman, zenship honor points. O itJL ihsL Jin sL it this week is the presentation■ i of____ the Phyllis Hale, Marie Hogan, and The junior and senior classes all-school play Jennie Kissed Me, Bernice Wrobel, singing “At Written by Jean Kerr, this delight­ have voted to hold the prom this Dawning” by Cadman; and triple year in the Silver-Glade room of ful comedy will be given at 8 p.m. trio, Pat Jones, Rosemary Fanelli, Radio-Phonograph Friday, May 4, in Oscar Malo hall. the Cosmopolitari hotel. The Regina Reischman, Phyllis Hale, dance, under the direction of Sis­ The play, with a cast of 14, is be- Marie Hogan, Bernice Wrobel, ihg directed by Miss Mary Ne- ter Rafael, homeroom four Comhinations Rosemary Appelhans, Ann Law­ teacher, will start at 8:45 with the Casek, a speech teacher at Cathe­ rence. and Pat Ryan. Instrumen­ dral. The play stars Bob Plush in crowning of the statue of the tal groups are rated on competi­ Blessed Virgin Mary and will last the role of Father Moynihan and tive basis and vocal groups are Mary Frances Boyle plays Jenny. until 12 p.m. The members of the JOE, JR, JOE given only constructive criticism. prom committee are Vicki Sena, SPECIAL A fine supporting cast is headed by Roger Seick, Harry .Cronin, and May Crowning Mary Louise Hayes, Dolores Cot- Delores Cotter. tor, Patty Foley, Bill Kelley, Bob Slated May 20 Sullivan, Jean McGraw, Norma Basketball Letters The annual May crowning of Armitage, Dan Heim, Ralph Sugar, Will Be Awarded the Cathedral grade school will Jim Sena, and Michael Heim. Basketball letters were awarded take place Sunday, May 20, at the The senior “Hi-Pel” staff will April 20 by Coach Cobe Jones. Cathedral. Crowning the statue sponsor “Carnival Capers” Fri­ Fifteen members of the Jay State will be Carole Fitzgerald, with day evening, April 25, from runner-up squad were presented Kenneth Plampin carrying the 7:30' to 10:30 p.m. in Oscar with their “C” : Seniors — Jack crown. Marching in the procession Malo hall. An autographed foot­ Burke and Joe DiPaolo, All State; will be Jody Nugent, Anne Kle ball will be given away in the Top Value Console Clyde Satriano, Bob Santarelli, pak, John BagnaTl, Virginia Coe, evening. There will be enter­ John O’Shea, and Joe Heaton; jun­ James Jarmillo, and Lois ^itchell. tainment and refreshments. iors—Ralph Sugar, Bob Sullivan, Herman Hranchak, and Charles Parker; and sophomores — Tom for todays small home or apartment Evans, John Warder, Hubert Regis JH'Sh School Plans Jones, Marion Wyatt, and Jack Williams. Career Day Talks Apr. 27 The Cathedral "C” club do­ nated $180 for the purchase of (Regit High School, Denver) Kenney, SJ., principal. All the new baseball uniforms for next Career day will be held in Regis members of the sophomore, junior, season. The lettermen decided to high school Friday, April 27, ac­ and senior classes at the school pass up their annual dance in cording to the Rev. Thomas K. Mc- will participate in the annual guid­ order to purchase the uniforms. ance program. Classes will be held Cathedral vocalists are prepar­ High School Students at usual for members of the ing for the Colorado State Music freshman class. Competition festival, to be held at The day will begin with a gen­ SENSATIONAL Loveland Monday, April 30. Vocal Hear Lecture by Dean eral session explaining the differ­ soloists are sopranos, Patricia The Rev. Louis G. Mattione, ent types of vocation. Particular Jones and Rosemary Appelhans; S.J., dean of Regis college, Den­ sections held later in tha day, will tenor, Jim Connor; and bass. Jack ver, is conducting a series of dis­ deal...... b with radio, aagricultfre, fi ■ stock- Burke. Instrumental soloists are cussions on the future for high raising, music, photography, art. OFFER violin, Bernice Wrobel; and piano, school graduates in college and and the skilled trades. Thomas Holland. Ensembles are their status in the draft at the Speakvri Listed trio, Pat Jones, Regina Reischman, present time. Accompanying Fa­ Speakers on the program will Miss Mary Ann Mahoney and Marie Hogan, singing “Sere­ ther Mattione are graduates of be Mr. Capp, professor at Denver (top), the daughter of Mr. nade” by Schubert; trio, Rosemary each particular high school who university; John V. Coyne, assist­ present their view of college life ant professor of business admini­ and Mrs. John P. Mahoney, 6075 Appelhans, Ann Lawrence, and West 38th avenue, is the newly Bernice Wrobel singing “The Lass with its advantages or disadvan­ stration at Regis college; Clarence $ With the Delicate Air” by Orne; tages. Already contacted by Father Kellogg, Regis high school coach; elected prefect of the Sodality of mixed quartet, Patty Jones, Regina Mattione are Holy Family and Ca­ and Vince Dwyer of the Rocky Our Lady at Loretto Heights col­ Reischman, Jim Connor, and Jack thedral schools. St. Joseph’s will Mountain News. lege for 1951-52. Miss Molly Ver- be addressed Thursday, April 26, Other speakers will be Harold lengia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. followed by talks at Annunciation' Blinn, Paul Schmitz, Dr, William Anthony Verlengia of Pueblo, was 30 and St. Francis’. Present plans Earley, and John Moran. elected president of the student also call for visiting both Pueblo The school’s counseling program body of Loretto Heights college Catholic high in Pueblo, and St. is aimed at acquainting the stu­ for 1951-52. TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE Mary’s highrh school - in Colorado - dent body with various occupa­ Elections to these offices are two Springs. tional and vocational openings. of the highest honors of the school. St Francis' High Students Used in Test For Your Old Radio Regardless of Make or (St. Francis de Sales' High Dorothy Schwindt as junior at­ Oklahoma City university, instru­ School) tendants. Kathryn Reagan will be mental; Robert Vagner of the Uni­ Condition St. Francis de Sales’ high school crown-bearer, Sharon Hayes and versity of Oregon, instrumental; has been chosen one of four Amer­ Sharon Reilly the flower girls, and F. George Damson of Western ican high schools to share in a train-bearefs will be James Garvin State, Gunnison, instrumental; and on the research project in the field of and John Hayes. Harry Robert Wilson of Colum­ counseling. The project is an in­ The prom committee consists of bia university. New York, vocal. 1951 FASHION vestigation to aid counselors in the junior officers, Leo Horrigan, their approach to the wide range president; Joseph Kratz, vice pres­ Make your home of normal personality types and ident: Phyllis Reagan, secretary; AWARD WINNER sparkle with the touch problem difficulties. It is being and Jacqueline Jacques, treasurer. sponsored by the Catholic Univer­ 11 Denverites of colorful flowers. The guests of honor will be the sity of America, Washington, D. C. Rt. Rev. Monsignor Gregory Smith, Surprise the family The study entails tests for 2,000 Fathers Julius Fecher, Leonard this evening. Bring juniors and seniors; the first test Abercrombie, Robert Kekeisen, Have Parts in is an attitude test to ascertain Robert Nevans, John Aylward, home a bouquet the student’s attitude toward cer­ from James Ahern, and George Weibel; tain counseling procedutes and the Mr. and Mrs. Bert Keirns, Mr. and counselor role. This test takes in Mrs. Joseph Loffreda, Miss Vir­ Heights Recital 1 POSY SHOPPE the entire junior and senior ginia Lamansky, Patricia Craw­ groups. The second test is not ford. and Georgiana Rieden. Eleven Denver girls will appear 3821 South Broadway really a test but a problem check The following chaperons will be in the music recital Sunday, April Night list. The third jtest is Bernreuter’s 29, at 8 o’clock in the Little thea­ Day Personality inventory. present: Messrs, and Mmes. Ed­ SU 1-1928 SU 1*4231 ward F. Horrigan, Joseph Kratz, ter of Loretto Heights college, On Tuesday, April 17, Father Denver. Trafford P. Maher, S.J., and an­ Arthuij Jacques, and John H. Free other priest came to the school and Reagan. The music will be provided They are Miss Jeanne Wilson, 25 S. Sheridan boulevard; Miss Delivery administered the tests. The pur­ by Bill Pitre and his orchestra. pose is to help the students and The ^ are under the Genevieve Maginn, 1426 S. Race teachers to understand the prob­ direction of Sister Mary Martin. street; Miss Shiela Fitzpatrick, Motorola lems that disturb the Catholic The Glee club, under the direc­ 4250 Julian street; Miss Viola Mr*. Josephine Chavez, 2925 Fifth street; Miss D. Hayps youth of today. It is the hope of tion of Miss Georgiana Rieden, is • OHDI9 iltVICI participating in the Colorado State Elaine Tolvo, Derby; Miss the research experts to give the REGULAR students help and guidance so that Music Competition festival, which Joan Craig, Louviers; Miss Mar­ they may emerge better citizens is sponsored by the Colorado Mbsic lene McCabe, 3860 Federal boule­ 3-SPEED 1951 RADIO PHONOGRAPH . . . 189.95 PRICE and Catholics. Educators’ association, Boulder vard; Miss Gloria Rossi, Derby: public schools. University of Colo­ Miss Anne Hoare, 2210 Lowell Junior-Senior Prom boulevard; Miss Carol DeRose, rado, and the Boulder Chamber of * "Multi-Ploy" Changer Plays 30.00 T y i a i i d o / L At Aviotion Club Commerce. The competitive ses­ 3100 40th avenue; and Miss Bev­ The junior-senior prom will be sions are on April 28 and 30, erly Miller, 2515 Gilpin sWeet. All Speeds Picture Frame Shop held at the Aviation Country club at Boulder and Loveland, respec­ A string quartet from the Den­ on Monday, April 30. Loretta tively. ver Symphony orchestra will ac­ * Giant 10" Opera Speaker 713 Grant St. MAin 4438 Diemer will reign as queen, with The critic judges were Frank company some of tbe numbers. * Fine Prints Piersel, of Iowa State, Ames, in­ Out-of-town girls include Miss * Hand Rubbed Cabinets YOU Custom Framing strumental; James C. Neilson of Mary Ann Matt, Carroll, la.; Miss Mary Alice Howshar, Hartville, * Clear Bell-Toned Reception Velvet and French Mats\ Wyo.; Miss Mary Kay Schmidt, Oval Frames Regis College Plans Colorado Springs; Miss Marie * 5-Woy Tone Control Metal Photo Frames Shew, Trinidad; Miss Connie PAY 'Senior Day' May 12 Hendricks, Roswell, N. Mex.; and Alwar* Plenty of Miss Helen Barrack, Trinidad, N. COMPARE TO P trkint Spaco For Students in Area Mex. MODEL Sister Teresa Marie is the di­ SETS SEIUNG 6F11 Official! of Rsgii college dii- rector of the music department. ONLY closed plan* tbit weak for an Freshmen music students gave a exteniiva “Sanior Day” to be recital for the student body last FOR $100 MORE! beld at tbe nortbiide Jesuit col­ week. The coming recital includes Dr. F. A. Smith lege Saturday, May 12, for all upper classmen who are music stu­ senior! in tbe Denvar araa. dents. The recital is open to the Optometrist Tentative plans call for an en­ public. tire day of entartainmant and LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE EASY TERMS * FREE DELIVERY counseling directed by tbe Regit War Churches Rebuilt Ford Optical Co. college faculty in co-operation with tbe school’s student coun­ Vienna. — Most of Warsaw’s cil. Other features will be a Catholic churches have been re­ Eyes Examined * Visual Cara tour of the campus, free lunch, stored to their prewar artistic Individually Styled Glasses and a dance to be held in the standards, according to Tygodnik JOE ONOFRIO MUSIC CO. evening. All students who are Powszechny. Since the end of the Member of St. Catherine’s Parish 15.58 Broadway being graduated from parochial war, 152 churches have been com­ Lorettx Diemer or public schools in Denver or pletely rebuilt or renovated, and 1805 BROADWAY ‘‘Home of Television” MA. 8585 TAbor 1295 Donna Ann Giacomozzi, as senior the Rocky Mountain region are restoration work is being com- attendant; Jacqueline Jacques and invited to attend. pleted on 75.______

\ The Archbishop's Guild Is Sponsoring o ^ S IL V E R GLADE ^ ^ Cosmopolitan Hotel




This space through the courtesy of Griffith Motor!, Inc. Ventaire Aluminum Awning Co. Frank Scherer db Son 2770 N. Spoor Blvd. 2430 Blaka St. 1261 Curtis St.

Wilion a Wilson, Roolty Cosmopolitan Hotel A Friend 2868 Soath Broadway Art Baxate, Manager

Jl.Mhi -rr Mhtn-in t ■MU s s i m r 1

PAGE TEN Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 Thursday, April 26, T951

YOUR EYES LOOK BEHER Novaho Youngsters Know His Talent Mnthpr nf find If you keep them in style. There is a new type frame coming Lakewood Artist Awarded ScholarshipQ^jij |q Mg|^g Tollefson Furniture out practically every day. It is to your advantaye to inspect the latest modes in glasses. Every style in our assortment (St. Bernadette’s Parish, Lakewood) 2749 SOUTH BROADWAY The remarkable ability of a young Lakewood artist, combines comfort with efficiency, SEE TOLLEFSON for a wide selecflon of'Qualify Bedroom who has been using his talents to instruct Navaho children in their native art forms,, was recognized this past week Prie-dieux Cover ^ Suifes (Modern and Convenfionol). when he received a scholarship to (Mother of God Parish, Denver) SW IGERT BROS. the famed Art Students’ league in full term of eight and a half St. Anne’s Sewing guild will NEW FURNITURE FOR LESS New York city. He is John W. months’ study in two classes of his meet Friday afternoon, April 27, 1550 California Optometrists KEynona 7651 ^ own choice. at 1 :30 in the home of Mrs. Ben I Witaschek, son of Mr. and Mrs. OPEN EVENINGS— 7 :3 0-9 P.M. SU. 1-1441 John A. Witaschek, 7330 W. 26th For the past year the young Slattery, 376 Corona street. The Better Vision Good Service avenue, and a member of St. Ber­ World war n veteran has been on group wilj start work on white satin covers for the prie-dieux to for Every Age At Right Prices nadette’s parish since its founding. the faculty of thfe Intermountain One of three presented in the Indian school, Brigham City, Utah, be used for weddings. Anyone in­ » w w w w GLASSES INDIVIDUALLT STYLED a government project aimed at terested in sewing is invited to at­ Rocky Mountain West, the scholar­ tend. ship entitles Mr. Witaschek to a supplying an education for some CONVENIENT ECONOMICAL SHOPPING J 1,000 Navaho children. As part James F. Airey, son of Mr. and of the school’s special program he Mrs. James F. Airey, and Elaine 4 teaches classes in art expression, Rose Mappeli, daughter of Mr. and Classified Yds 4 fiogiiioAcanf. h t fioOL and, when not busy in that capac­ Mrs. Rudolph Mappeli, were mar­ ity, he turns to giving catechism ried April 21 in MotWr of God It will pay you to read ALL of tha following advertiiements. ^ I THEODORE I church. The Rev. John Regan of­ instructions for the Catholics ^ ^ ^ ^ AAAAAAAAA,AAAA.a.A.S..S...... ELMER A. McBRlDE, 53. of 1030 MRS. ANNA T. KIESLER among his students (who form ficiated at the ceremony and of­ W. 11th avenue. Husband of Mary Mc­ Requiem Mass was celebrated in Pres­ half the school’s enrollment). fered the Nuptial Mass. Witnesses WANTED TO RENT MISCELLANEOUS Bride; brother of Mamie Weddie, Cali­ entation church April 23 for Mrs, Anna T, Kiesler, 82, of 147 W. Irvington In tribute to the native artistic were Rudolph M a p p e 1 i, . Jr., CUSTOM FLORIST—wants to rent mod­ Rosaries hand made, aterling silver, for all fornia ; and Lillian Pennman. Wheat- est house near Church, will beautify the |HACKETHAL| land,. Wyo. Services in Mt, Olivet con­ place, who died April 20 after a long ability of his Indian charges, Mr. brother of the bride, and Mrs. Pa­ occasions, $4.60 to $15.00. Call after 7:30 illness. tricia Battaglia. ftrounds and increase value of property. evenings or before 8 ;30 mornings. SH. 0646. ducted by the Rev. William J. GallaBiher. Witaschek reports that the classes Call Richardson—EA. 2335. after 6 p.m. Horan "mortuary. ' Mrs. Kiesler was a native of Abbdare, are always enjoyable because Mary Ann Fagan, daughter of FRANK C. MONTANO, 68. of 3036 Wales. Coming to this country as a child, WANTED TO RENT I MORTUARY she received her education in Denver. “these children are sensitive to Mr. and Mrs. James J. Fagan, was WANTED Stout street. Husband of Mary T. Mon­ For rent furnished. 4 rooms, nicely fur­ 1 i tano; father of Jeanne Landauer. Rose Her husband, William S. Kiesler, a rail­ their immediate environment and baptized April 22 bjft< Father Re­ Small ticredige or roomy homesite near road employe, died in 1918. Mrs. Kiesler church, pref. rural. Please write location nished to quiet elderly couple. One and g 1449-51 Kalamath St. Marie Marcheso. and Asnes. Carey, Caro­ to nature and color. They have John W. Witaschek gan. Sponsors^ were Kevin McCar- one half blocka from church. Pensioners lyn Jiminez, Ray S.. Frank. E.. Jr.; and was a member of Annunciation and description to Box V. B parUh. unique color concepts.” ville and Lt. Gertrude Classen, welcome. Box WTR. ■ Phone MAin 4006 Robert A. Montano; survived also by TR EES REMOVED — SPRAYED 11 grandchildren; brother of Aveleria Surviving are three sons, William S., “They have not come into con­ army nurse corps. Mrs. Kevin Mc- Employed couple must have by May 1st Garcia. Mrs. A. A. Sena. Videlia Young. Joseph S., and Robert J. Kriesler, all of tact with bad art, but have been Carville was proxy for Lieutenant TRIMMED by licensed, insured, experienced three room furnished apartment with bath. iiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinffliiiw^ Denver; two daughters, Mrs. Mary Annunciation Club men. Heavy power equipment for any size Cannot pay over $60.00 per month. Prefer i Mrs. Fabiolo Martinez, Louis, and John HiltoU; Denver, and Mrs. Gertrude Mc­ brought up in a world of good de­ Classen. Montano. Las Vegas, N. Mex. Requiem St. Jude’s circle w'as enter­ job. Fcrtili7.ers of ail kinds. Call MILE East. AL 9572 or MA 4474. High Mass was celebrated April 14 in Gill. ^ n Angelo. Tex.; nine grandchil­ sign, as exemplified by the designs HI FORESTRY TREE SERVICE, AC 6634. Sacred Heart church. Interment Mt. dren, and four great-grandchildren. in their rugs,” he points out. Plans Meet May 1 tained April 12 for luncheon and HARTFORD-ALCORN CARPENTER WORK FOR RENT Olivet. Boulevard mortuary. RAYMOND L. KIRKPATRICK “Their visual experience is not so canasta by Mrs. Helen Sills in her! FRANK PIKOLNIK, 71. of 1522 Blake Raymond L, Kirkpatrick, 57, a native frequently interrupted by the home.' Clean light basement housekeeping room to MORTUARY (Annunciation Parish, Denver) FIRST class cabinet making. Carpenter working lady. EAst 8320. street. Requiem High Mass is being cele­ of Colorado and veteran of World war I. speeding automobile. They have Mrs. James, J. Moses was hostess and remodeling. Call PEI 6241. Family Croup Insurance brated Thursday, April 26,. at 9 o'clock died April 21 in the Veterans' hospital St, Anne’s club will meet in the to Our Lady of Fatima circle April Semi basement housekeeping room to lady in Holy Rosary church. Interment Mt. in Fort Logan after a long illness. Re­ had more time to observe natural working. EA. 7609. RA. 0325 quiem Mass was celebrated April 24 in beauty in their environment.” home of Mrs. Jetry Botero, 4519 18 for luncheon and canasta. ’The BRICK REPAIRS Olivet. Bolevard mortuary. Bryant street, on Tuesday, May CATHERINE PILO, 76. of Stockyards the Cathedral. A graduate of Blessed Sacra­ next meeting will be held May 2 WANTED Alameda at Logan Born in Eaton April 11, 18’94, Mr. BRICK REPAIRS: Sp^iaJiting in brick station. Wife of Antonio Pilo; mother ment grade school and Denver uni­ 1, at 1 o’clock. in the home of Mrs. .Charles Fel­ pointing and repairing, also caulking and of Teresa Pilo, Joseph LaManna of Kirkpatrick moved to Denver as a child Frank Pan-koski is recuperating lows. painting. GR. 7442. WALTER EVANS Members for 65 H.P. Piper Cub Flying Italy. Frank LaManna. Mrs. Joseph and was graduated from Regis high versity, the scholarship winner 3177 Benton St. Club. $2.50 per hour solo. EA. 2819. Falbo.TMiDO, anaand inrs.Mrs. i-eiePete Bronoucio;Drunouciu; »nuand ^thoHc served with the 10th Mountain at home from a recent operation Monuments .i.t.r-in -l.w of Mary S.i of Ogden, UUh: 'Washington. D. C. He aerved w, h the in Mercy hospital. NIGHT NURSING Fourth division in France in World war division ski troops in the late war, Tiny Tot Shop Opened PAINTING & DECORATING We have erected many beauti­ survived also by 13 grandchildren and seeing action for two and one-half ful monuments in Mt. Olivet four great-grandchildren. Solemn Re­ I. He was an advertising copy writer Mrs. Jacob Yedo is a patient in By M rs.^ellie Chambers Colored woman, night nursing, maasage, for a national clothing firm until ill years in the Italian campaign. St. Luke’s hospital. FOR paparhAnKinx and painting call Anton baby-sitting. CH. 4804, Cemetery. quiem Mass was celebrated April 25 in health caused his retirement several A new shop, opened in the South Beringer, 158 Madison. EA. 2285. Assumption church. Welby. Interment When brief furloughs adlowed, he Jimmie McCullough of 3356 Mt. Olivet. Boulevard mortuary. months ago. Gaylord shopping district, is known TOWELS & LIINEIN SUPPLY Surviving are his wife, Margaret K .; visited several of Italy’s world- Elizabeth street left recently for as the Tiny Tot shop, and is sit­ WALLPAPER Hanging, Painting. Re- A. T. THOMSON MOLLIE CROOK. 72, of 878 S. Vine. two daughters, Virginia and Elaine renoiirned art centers. modeling. Call KE. 5793. Kirkpatrick, both of Holly; a aister, Missouri, where he has entered uated at 1011 S. Gaylord. The shop 600 Sherman St. TA. 8018 Requiem Mass was celebrated April 21 One of Mr. Witaschek’s favor­ the 'armed forces. BUILDING, remodeling, cabinet work. Call MOUNTAIN TOWEL & SUPPLt CO. in St. Vincent de Paul’s church. Inter­ Mrs. Mary K. McLeod of Denver; and a features infants and children’s GL. 5l£6. Service furnished for Offices, Barbers. ment in Pueblo. Olinger mortuary, brother, Vincent E. Kirkpatrick, Albu­ ite paintings will precede him to Edward Murplty, 3768 Williams wear, and" is operated by Mrs. Restaurants. Stares, and Banquets querque, N. Mex. Capitol mortuary. New York this summer for entry DOMESTIC HELP B W. BECKIUS. Manager MARY FALETTI. 60, of Los Angeles. street, has returned to his base in Nellie Chambers. The merchandise 1227 Curtis St. MA. 7969 Calif. Mother of Ida Grout of Castle in an art competition. Others of California, after spending a leave is of the finest quality and sells at JERRY BREEN Rock, Cjdlq., and Alice W itt of Los An­ JAMES E. COMMINS his works have gained favorable Middle aged lady, wanting good Catholic geles. Calif.; grandmother of Ronald James E. Commins, for eight years with his parents. reasonable prices. home, assist housework. Room, board and DRUGGISTS Witt and Julie Ann Grout, both of Castle bailiff of West Side court, died April 17 comment in the Denver metropol­ wages. Call SP. 3654. Florist Rock. Requiem Mass will be celebrated in his home, 1321 Delaware street. Re­ itan art exhibit, the Denver uni­ Saturday, April 28, at 9:30 o’clock in quiem Mass was celebrated April 21 in versity Schleier gallery, and col­ PIANO LESSONS YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS 1004 15th St. Holy Ghost church. Olinger mortuary. the Cathedral. Born in Banamora, N. Y., 77 years lege shows throughout the Rocky Communion Day Details Piano lessons, your home, Mrs. Seamens. SOPHIE ANN HELfREY, 58, of 1563 ago, Mr. Commins came to Denver as a RA 3590, 10-12 A.M. and evenings after will filkd correctly at MAin 2279 High street. Wife of Charles Helfrey; Mountain area. 7 :30 P.M. boy. He attended Regis college and was WASHINGTON PARK PHARMACY sister of Helen Vose of Denver, and Ag­ married here in 1917. For many years Luncheon to Honor nes Dillon and Stanley R. Ruskey, both of a Democratic district captain, he was Planned in St. P atrick's Kansas City. Mo. Requiem .Mass was active also in the Elks and Woodmen of Pastor's Jubilee Ph. 8P. 9765 1096 South Gaylord St. Call a celebrated April 23 In the Cathedral. In­ of the World. A luncheon at the next meeting (Sl. Patrick’s Parish, Denver) or Mrs. Maestas at GR. 4780. Be­ WANTED TO RENT terment Mt. Olivet. Olinger mortuary. is survived by his wife. Mar­ Mrs. John Porch, accompanied of the Altar and Rosary society, cause of the time spent in prep­ UNFURNISHED HOME ALLEN C. TAYLOR of Alamosa. .Hus­ guerite; two sisters. Mrs. Agnes to be held Thursday, May 3, at by her sister, Mrs. Adrian Savage, Business band of Agnes Taylor; father of Eloise Schmelzer and Mrs. Lottye Jessey; two sang “My Hero,” “Mighty Lak a aration for these parties, those CAB Taylor and Allen Taylor, Jr. The Rosary nieces. Charlotte Tuggle and Agnes 12:30 p.m. in Jefferson hall, will making reservations must, if nec­ 3 to 5 rooms for Young Catho­ Opportunities will be recited in the drawing room of Svaldi: and three nephews, Marvin and honor the Rev. John J. Doherty, Rose,” and “Think on Me” at the lic Couple with two-year-old MAin 7171 Olinger mortuary. Speer boulevard at Frederick Jessey, both of Denver, and meeting of the PTA April 18. Mrs. essary, cancel them a day in ad­ Prompt Conrteona Serric* Sherman. April 26 at 8 p.m. Graveside Col. John Frederick Schmelzer of pastor, on his 14th anniversary in vance so that the hostess can make daughter moving to Denver Good opportunity for reliable barber to CHEAPER RATES services will be conducted in Mt. Olivet Leavenworth, Kans. Horan mortuary. the priesthood. The chsCrge is 60 James Marietta, vice president, take over and manage long established 2-WAT RADIO Friday, April 27, at 2 p.m. Olinger mor­ presided at the meeting, in the arrangements for a smaller group. soon. Excellent references, shop. Write Box "B," The Register, P. 0. ______CLEAN NEW CABS______cents a plate, and all women in Otherwise, the 50 cents should be Box 1620. tuary. JUAN VALVERDE the parish are invited to attend. absence of Mrs. Sidney Miller. ALICE SLAVIN, about 90. Requiem Requiem Mass was celebrated April 26 donated to the PTA fund. CALL THE REGISTER in Sacred Heart church for Juan Val- On the hostess committee are Committees were appoihted to Maas was celebrated April 25 in the The Altar and Rosary society KEYSTONE 4205 Want inactive partner man > or Cathedral. Interment Mt. Olivet. Day verde, 69, long-time resident of Denver. the following: Mmes. J. Bisant, A. make plans for the Communion woman $2,000.00. Hava new de­ mortuary. Military graveside services were held in breakfast and procession. Com­ will meet Tuesday, M«y 1, at Mt. Olivet. Mr. Valverde died April 22 Van Ditte, Mary Musser, J. Con­ vice usable every automobile Piles-Hernia ELLA CHACON. 37, of 6700 N. Down­ 1:30 p.m. in the school meeting in his home at 2622 Lawrence street nelly, J. De Angelo, A. Novak, and mittee members for the breakfast meeting wide demand. Retu'n ing. Mother of Esther, Jesse, John, and after a brief illness. are Mrs. Anthony Canzona, chair­ room. The change of meeting Healed by my proven methode Manual Duran, Phillip Martin, and Peter V. Bellagamba. Mrs. J. R. Aemmer should exceed 100%. P. O. Box Born in Santa Rosa, N. Mex.. Dee. man; assistants, Mmes. Catherine dates is to permit the members and Catherine Chacon; sister of fiecky 26, 1891, he married Miss Paula Madrid will furnish the special gift. A Rosaries 1620N, Denver, Colorado. No oneitbetic. No surgery. No Duran. San Francisco. Calif,, and Pauline Anderson, Joseph Libonati, and to attend the ACCW meeting euffering. No dsnger. No hoapiteL in Winslow, Ariz., in 1921, ‘He was a business meeting will follow the Trujillo. Requiem Mass Is being cele­ veteran of World war I and had been luncheon. William Weathepford; decorations, May 7 and 8 in the Shirley- nr No lots of timo from work. brated Thursday, April 26, at 9 o’clock employed for the past five years by the Mmes. William Sullivan and Nick Savoy hotel. 4 in St. Cajetan’s church. Interment* Mt. Lee Soap company. Members of St. Bernadette’s Diamonds Watches Dr. Olivet. Capitol mortuary. Surviving are his wife; two sons. circle were guests of Mrs. E. Fee- Qualteri; tables, Mmes. Richard Rose Ann Cristofano underwent CARY’S 4 Allen B. JOSEPH GALICH of 2155 California. Johnnie and Manuel; six daughters, ly April 16 in her home. Plans Keene, Herman Wittman, Dominic surgery for acute mastoid in St. , 1500 S. Broadway 4 Husband -of Helen Galich; father of Antonia and Agnes Valverde, Mrs. Carlino, H. 0. Behrens, I. C. Bus­ Joseph’s hospital April 19 and is Croessmann Josephine Delores Galich. Requiem Mass Bennie Chavez, Mrs. Felipe Gomez. were announced in the meeting for is being celebrated Thursday, April 26, Mrs. Manuel Perez, and Mrs. Delfin a card party on the afternoon of tos, Elmer Sutliff, John Tamaska, now recuperating satisfactorily at ► W e Pay Tash; Ph.C., D.C. SUNDMAN’S in Holy Ghost church. Interment Mt. Olquin; his father, Louis Valverde: May 17. and James Silverthorn; and ties home. 4 131 Uth Streat Olivet. three brothers, Stanley, Jose, and Domi- Snite 311 ■The monthly meeting of the and sashes, Mmes. John Powers, I. C. Bustos has been transferred For Used Furniture 4 ALVA P. REED. 80. of 235 E. Cor­ tilo; five sisters. Miss Olympia Valverde. Men’s club is schedule^ Wednes­ H. 0. Behrens, Elmer Sutliff, and Watchmakers and Bonra I to 13 nell avenue. Husband of Mary F. Reed; Mrs Napoleon Campos, Mrs. Adolfo to his home following 10 days in and 4 IiSe to 5 father of Irene Hilbert, Lee Matson, Pacheco, Mrs. Escolastlco Madrid, and day, May 2, at 8 p.m. in Jeffer-' Thomas Rotar. the Salida hospital, Salida. He Jewelers and by appointment and Alva Reed, all of Denver; Alma Mrs. Manuel Facio: and 13 grandchil­ son hall. Kenneth Hostick donated a pink' Miscellaneous Items 4 dren. Trevino mortuary. expects to return to work in the Awoma 5070 Matson of Deertrail. William Reed of The pair of rabbits received by satin quilt, which will be displayed near future. 59 South Broadway PE. 4014 RA. 6423 ^ FRemont 7250 Agate, and Frances Hobson «of Pocatello. Father Doherty as an Easter gift at the baiaar by the PTA. Mrs. , urtJNOPEN t EVENINGS TILL 9 p.m. i Ida; survived also by 14, grandchildren James Belloni Baptized A A Ad A A A .A i1 27 Yearn of and 12 great-grandchildren. Requiem were presented to Gene Meyer at Elmer Sutliff was appointed to Successful Practice Mass was celebrated April 23 in St. the close of the contest sponsored James Anthony Belloni son of Louis’ church, Englewood. Interment lUinisfer Who Aided price and purchase upon approval The firms listed here deserve to Mt. Olivet. by the children of the parish. plastic salad spoons and forks for ■Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Belloni of b* remembered when you are dis­ ANTON C. ESSELMAN, 80, of 6899 Following confinement in a lo­ bazaar dinners. 3217 Qulvas tributing your patronage to the dif­ Morrison road. Requiem Mass was cele­ Convenf Dies at 90 cal hospital because of illness, Mrs. A committee appointed to nom­ street, was bap­ WE brated April 24 in St. Mary’s church. Mary Tegeler is reported recuper­ tized April 15. ferent lines of business. Littleton. inate officers for the coming year The death in Philadelphia, ating. Mrs, Agnes Tolan is back in includes Mrs. Herman Wittman, Seven - year - old Pa., of the Rev. Mr. Frederick Lakewood after a six-week cruise chairman; Mmes. John Palcic, James, second CAN W. Oakes, 90, former Denver to the Bahama islands. Dominic Carlino, Frank Carrier, grade student at Monuments & Markers Episcopalian clergyman, recalls William Raymond, son of Mr. and Elmer Sutliff. St. Patrick’s, was SELL the interest the minister had in and Mrs. William Bennett, was A gift donated by Mrs. Dom­ sponsored by Mr. St. Joseph’s convent, Denver. baptized by Father Doherty, with and Mrs. R a y Your home promptly We carry a complete line of grave blankets. The convent, now the mother- inic Carlino was presented to Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. James Watson as Frank Testa. Refreshments were Belloni. He will with little inconvenience to you crosses, wreaths, marble statues and vases. house of the Sisters of St. Fran­ sponsors. cis Seraph of the Perpetual Ad­ served, with Mrs. William Sullivan receive his First because You will be surprised when you see our prices. oration, ^«as once the Oakes in charge, assisted by Mmes. John Holy Communion we qualify prospective buyers before showing. home, a nationally famous san­ Powers, Elmer Sutliff, HerYnan May 6. The seven Wittman, Frank Testa, and James Belloni other children of We concentrate on a few diversified properties Stop — Shop and Save itarium founded by the minister 'Meet Candidates' providing each with adequate advertising. in 1894. The Rev. Mr. Oakes Thomas Rotar. Mr. and Mrs. Belloni were bap­ Lettering end Cleaning Done at Cemetery gave the Sisters of St. Francis Those attending the CPTL tized by the late Rev. Paul Belloni We do our own selling. the fine statue of Christ the Rally Set Apr. 30 meeting April 19 were Mmes. of Gardner, brother of Mr. Belloni, We’re salesmen of many years experience and have James Marietta, Dominic Carlino, prior to .their moving to Denver. ARvada Norman's Memorials King that surmounts a side altar the ability to close niany deals, otherwise lost. ARvada in the convent chapel. It was The Junior Chamber of Com­ John Palcic, and Edwin Kenney. Sunday, April 29, will be Com­ 1231-J 7769 W. 44th on Way to Mt. Olivet 1231-J the minister who provided the merce and the League of Women Mrs. Kenney was appointed CPTL munion day for all the members of If you are considering the sale flowers that decorated the Voters of Denver will sponsor a assistant press chairman for the the parish and especially for those of your home, farm, business, or other real estate, chapel whep the convent was “Meet Your Candidate” rally Mon­ balance of the year by Mrs. James who have not as yet received their please call us for a conference. dedicated by Archbishop Urban day, April 30, at 8 p.m. The rally Foley. Easter Communion. J. Vehr Dec. 14, 1943. will take place in Morey junior PTA Plans Social 12 salesmen to serve you. high school, 1354 Clarkson, Denver. A PTA-sponsored card party Candidates for the office of mayor will be held in the home of Mrs. WANTED: Loyola St, Rita Circle and auditor and for the school J. E. Maestas, 2242 Osceola street, WILSON & WILSON, REALTY Sacristan at large city Church. board and election commission will Wednesday, May 2, at 11:30 a.m. 2868 South Broadway SU 1-6671 Will Meet on April 30 speak. Mayoralty and auditor can­ Reservations for the dessert-lunch- Good wages and meals. Write, (Loyola Parieh, Denver) didates will be limited to five min­ eon, at 50 cents per person, may The Register, P. O. Box 1620. Members of St. Louis Parish The regular meeting of St. utes, and the other candidates be made by calling the cohostess, Dept. SW or Call KE. 4205. Rita’s circle will be held April 30 will be limited to three minutes. Mrs. Dominic Carlino, GR. 9037, in the home of Mrs. F. C. Patsey, A question-and-answer period will 2401 Gaylord. follow the speeches. At the last meeting of St. In conjunction with the Junior Ann’s circle, held in the home of Chamber and the League of Mrs. B. Mannion, prizes were won Women Voters, various civic im­ by Mrs. Irene Gessing, first; Mrs. provement associations will spon­ DO YOU REALIZE F. Golden, second; and Mrs. P. sor similar rallies in nine council- Beman, traveling prize. The next manic districts. The districts, meet­ meeting will be in the home of Mrs. ing places, and dates are as fol­ P. Beman, 3606 Delgany street. lows: District one, Skinner Junior Memorial Day Is But 35 Days Away! high. May 1; two, Lake school. May 2; three. Grant Junior high, Annual Ham Dinner Set May 3; four, Gove Junior high, SELECT FROM OUR MANY DIFFERENT DESIGNS TO ASSURE DELIVERY BEFORE MEMORIAL DAY May 1; five, Smiley Junior high. In Westminster Parish May 1; six; Morey Junior high. Holy Trinity parish, Weetmin- May 1; seven. West high. May 2; ’ LARGEST DISPLAY IN DENVER eight, Cole Junior high. May 1; •ter,. will serve its annual ham 4 CoHiolk Mrvices qt Olinger’^ dinner Sunday, April 29, in the and nine. North high. May 1. 4 Shrine of St. Anne hall, Arvada. LEGAL NOTICE a memorobl* final tribvte—becouie Serving will start at 1 p.m. and STATE OF COLORADO continue until 6 p.m. The price CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER IN THE COUNTY COURT per plate U $1.25 for adult* and No. 79664 of th« personal and 50 cents for children. A set, of ORDER silverware will he on display, IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JENNIE McHAKIN, MenUl Incompe­ sincere attention of Olinger's and special gifts will he tent. awarded. The proceeds of the At this dsy, on petition of B. C. Hiliisrd, dinner will be used for the Jr., conservator herein, good cause therefor Catholic staff—Ihe largest appearing, it is, bjr the Court V..I benefit of the parish. ORDERED, that said B. C. Hilliard, Jrt. conservator, ahall give notice to creditors, Cothollc staff of any mortuary Seminarians’ Exemption and publish ths ssme in the Denver Cath­ olic Regiater, a weekly newspaper pub- Cairo, Egypt. — The exemption liihed in the City and County of Denver, in Colorado. from military service of Egyptian in the following srorda and figures; NOTICE TO CREDITORS theology students was requested in Estate of Jennie McMakin. No. 79664. a joint petition submitt^ by the Notice is hereby given that the under­ heads of Catholic and other Chris­ signed was duly appointed conservator herein on November 12, 1946; and all tian communities. persons having claims against said estate are required to file them for allowance in Friday or Sunday? the County Court of the City and County of Denver, Colorado, on or ^fore May 22, Karachi, Pakistan. — Whether 1961. or said claims will be forever barred. Friday will replace Sun^Jay as a B. C. HILLIARD. JR.. Conservator. mORTUHRIIS public holid^ in Pakistan will be and the lame shall be published at least REASONABLE PRICES CONVENIENT TERMS decided by Hhwaja Shahabuddin, once a week during each of four suc- 16tk at Beuldtr • Spear at Sherieaa Minister of the Interior. Friday is cetsiv* weeks. Done and signed in open Codrt this ISth the traditional day of prayer for day of April, 1961, Moslems, who constitute the ma­ Ry. tha Court: ROCKY MOUNTAIN MEMORIAL CO. ' Note Serving yearly H alf o f Denver’s Families jority of the 80,000,000 people in /• / M. T. HANCOCK, Judge. '4900 WEST COLFAX AVE. TRANSPORTION GLADLY FURNISHED PHONE ALPINE 3496 [this country. Catholics number First Publication April 19, 1961 E. Colfax at Magnolia (under constructioni {only about 250,000. LMt Publication Hay 17, 1961 r

Thursday, April 26, 1951 Offict, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER -Telephone, KEyitene 4205 PAGE ELEVEN Dr. Holmes Disavows Mr. Hyde Strange But True By Ed Mn.LER disowns Hyde, his libido, and calls him evil. . . . “THIS IS A DISEASED generation,” said Hyde, driven forth into the streets, becomes a Dr. John Haynes Holmes, pastor of the Inter* fierce outcast with his hand against every man, iirfWTLE AQ8 e 7 denominational Church of New York city. but Jekyll, the cruel, proud hypocrite, wearing a ENGLAND. “People have lost the ahility, literally, to dis­ mask of benevolence, is 10,000 times wickeder founded t094,Was tinguish between right and wrong. In this age, than he.” The Lady Gives the Game Away ru le d b ij a m itre d Abbot' an^hing goes.” “IF THERE IS a purgatory for literary char­ who hod the privilege In more than 40 years of church work, he acters,” says Isherwood, “Jekyll will have to B y R e v . J o h n B . E b e l are but subterfuges. The real struggle is not for said, he has never seen moral standards in Amer­ stay in it until he has hugged Hyde to his bosom A LARGE PORTION of the American read­ released-time religion classes in public schools, or oT pardoning oiuj ica so low as they are now. “Something very- ing public is due for a shock—and it will be all to for federal aid to private school pupils, or for Crtm itiol he met'' and they have gone out on the town together serious has happened to the moral fiber of this arm in arm with all 'the neighbors watching.” the good. Vashti Cromwell McCollum, who re­ Bible-reading in public schools. The real issue betno led to generation,” he continued. “Americans are try­ ceived some measure of notoriety several years is not even between Communism and democracy, execution.. ing to live without God and it cannot be done. The same is true of Dr. Holmes. He says that ago when she won a suit in the U.S. Supreme for'we could batter the fortress of Communism They have been trying it for about 30 years. But “something very serious has happened to the Court to prevent the use of public schopl prem­ to the ground and yet 'fall prey to the enemy the laws of morality are as exact and inexorable moral fiber of this generation.” He says that ises for religious instruction, has written a book. within our gates. The real battle is between secu­ as the laws of physics or chemistry. When they “Americans have been trying to .live without Portions of the book, titled One Woman’s Fight, larism and Godliness, between Antichrist and are violated, things go wrong—even to the extent God” and that they have “been trying it for will make many readers sit straight up in amaze­ Christ. The sooner this becomes revealed to more JH, ike of a terrible explosion.” about 30 years.” But Dr. Holmes, like Dr. Jekyll, ment. and more people—as Vashti McCollum’s book C uttueccU rt^, Dr. Holmes, who in appearance bears a re­ would still like to find some external reason for For the campaign that effectively barred God has helped reveal it—the sooner shall all men of the phenomena when the answer lies much closer. ^ ^cu^sK aeies markable likeness to Bernard Baruch, is a kindly from tax-supported American schools can no good will unite with us, as the Holy Father has 6‘ decorations eu-e of^ and a thoughtful and a concerned man. Rather Dr. Holmes is, however, remarkably accurate longer masquerade as a crusade' for a principle. pleaded with them to do, in the life-and-death human, bones itt Hie than putting this “diseased generation” under in one respect. When he says that Americans have It stands stripped of pretense, nakedly revealed struggle against those who would cast God out the microscope to see just how and why it been trying to live without God for about 30 as an assault upon religion by the forces.of mili­ of society. remdr/s^le cemetery has failed, though, it would seem more logical if years, his figures are almost exact. tant atheism. This is indeed often denied by the beneadi He Capucki author, but her * story reveals otherwise. She CAurck, ^ome.. Dr. Holmes would thumb back through the pages As Tom Mahony of Longmont reminds us, it of his own memory to find the answer, for he was Dr. Holmes’ own Unitarian church, the Inter­ really gives the game away. Red and Blue seems to have missed the point of his statement denominational Church of New York, that some She tells, for example, and seemingly with By Rev. Robert E. K ekeisen just as literary savants today say that Robert 30 years ago adopted a new “statement of pur­ considerable glee, how her state university pro­ ON MAY 1, THE COMMUNISTS will dese- Louis Stevenson misstated a similar problem, the pose” from which all mention of Christ and Chris­ fessor husband persuaded their fourth-grade son. crate the fullness of springtime with blasphemous Jekyll-Hyde enigma. tianity was omitted. And of course it did not stop that going to the movies was really to be pre­ invectives, thrown into the heavens where lives AS DR. HOLMES’ Puritanism has, so did there. The Unitarians also rejected belief in the ferred over the religious instruction that he had the God who created them. Red parades, martial Stevenson’s Puritanism obscure his psychological Trinity, the Atonement, the sacred character of wanted. And it is with a chuckle that she relates and supercilious, will line the land of the Russ, insight; Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde can never be the Bible, hell, and “all orthodox beliefs.” how her son—bone of her bone and flesh of her and, in countries oppressed by these dupes of divorced, for man and original sin were welded “As a clergyman,” says Dr. Holmes, “I recog­ flesh—avowed his atheism in court and defined Satan, regime-chained feet will plod, unwilling, firmly at the fall. So it is with Dr. Holmes and nize our degree of responsibility.” But does he? an atheist as “a guy that doesn’t believe in God, yet unable to demur, to the tune of godless melo­ the present “diseased” generation. Two sentences later he blames someone else", doesn’t believe in the Bible, doesn’t believe in dies. The fanfare will be earsplitting — but “I had learned to dwell with pleasure, as a saying, “The Churches fooled aropnd with the­ religion and stuff like that.” empty; because it will lack the spirit of harmony beloved daydream, on the separation of these ology in those years when the world was crying THE UNITARIAN MINISTER who was her with the Creator’s canons. elements,” says Dr. Jekyll of his own problem in for guidance.” chief support in court fares little better with the And in this land dedicated to Mary Immacu­ the book. “If each, I told myself, could be housed Nothing but supernatural means, discarded revealing pen of Mrs. McCollum. His testimony late, the pure hands of little girls will place For 1500 ygARS ^uauiTiNiAKi n u n s have n ur sed in separate identities, life would be relieved of by Dr. Holmes, can’relieve a man of the load of in court included the amazing statement: “I teach wreaths of delicate blooms upon the brow of a THE SICK IN PARIS-ATTHE ^HOSPITAL L'HOTEL-DIEU all that was unbearable. . . .” original sin; and even when one has received about the birth of Jesus and I teach about Santa statue of their Queen and Model. With sweet­ FROM 6fri - 1908 -and, since th eir e x p u l s io n b v t h e But there can be no separation; the pastor of Baptism, the punitive results of that sin remain Claus . . . I consider them both as just stories.” trilling voices, the children of Mary will sing her ANTI -REUG/OUS l a w s , AT NOTRE CAME DE 1 the Interdenominational Church of New York while we are in the present life, such as weaken­ Shocking words from a “Christian” cleric? Wait! praises: “0 Mary, we crown thee with blossoms BON SECOURS. fC can not stand apart and lament this “diseased ing of the will, darkening of the intellect, and a He “apologized” to his congregation that the today; queen of the angels; queen of the May.” generation” any more than Jekyll can disparage strong tendency to evil. These effects can be question as to the comparative proof of the exist­ No fanfare here; just the warm love that wells Hyde, for both are part of the other. fought, but only by supernatural means. Refusal ence of Jesus and Santa Claus had. been^ sprung from innocent young hearts for their Mother As Christopher Isherwood has said, “The real to use these means is the cause of the present-day on him suddenly and he had not had time to give above—an odor more fragrant to her than the The Denver Catholic Register tragedy of Jekyll, as Stevenson would have seen collapse of morals. We cannot have Christian it due consideration. Since then, he said, he had flowers she is offered. There are confidence and if he had permitted himself to face it, is that he morals without Christian dogma. done a little historical research and found that he pride in the hands that hold the rosary. President...... Most Rev. Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, D.D. was wrong. He had found that there was some evi­ THE OBSERVANCE OF the opening of May­ Editor...... Rt. Rev. Matthew Smith, Ph.D., LL.D., Jour.D dence for the belief in the existence of Santa time depends on one’s point of view. If one loves Managing Director...... Monsignor John B. Cavanagh, M.A., Ph.D. Invisible State Control Claus, • God; worships Christ, His Son; honors Christ’s City Editor...... Rev. John B. Ebel, M.A., LittD By Paul Carr ONE OF THE MOST EXTENSIVE arrays of Mrs. McCollum relishes the tributes she has Mother, he will see in the roses and lilies of the Associate Editors — Rev. Francis Syrianey, M.A., Litt.D.; Linus THE EXTENT TO WHICH our whole eco­ interlocking directorships was found in the food received from her kind. Excerpts from’’ letters valley a mirroring of God's perfection, brought Riordan, Ph.D.; Rev. James B. Hamblin, M.A., Litt.D.; Rev. Robert nomic life is being brought under the power of industry. Armour & Co. was directly interlocked have telltale references to “preposterous theo­ to its apex, in creation, through the fashioning Kekeisen, M.A., Litt.D.; Paul H. Hallett, Litt. D.; Jack Heher, A.B.; an ever-contracting group of powerful individuals with the third and fourth largest packers. Gen­ logical nonsense,” “these shepherd’s stories,” of that sublimest of women, Mary Immaculate. James Kelly, A.B.; Art Editor, Leo Canavan, M.F.A. was brought out forcefully by the report on inter­ eral Foo/ls, Standard Brands, and Best Foods “superstitions.” But the prize of all is this: “No But if one hates God; rejects His Son; and con­ locking directorates given by the Federal Trade were interlocked with each other through a vari­ demns the Mother of Christ, he will see in the Entered as second class matter at the postoffice at Denver, Colo. Catholic can adore the Virgin Mary more than I Commission to Congress on March 7. ety of third companies. Best Foods had a direct adore Vashti McCollum.” flowers of the earth only another encomium for This Paper Printed Entirely By Union Labor Investigations by the Temporary National interlock with General Mills. General Mills had Among the theses presented by the anti-God “man deified by self.” Economic committee under Sen. Joseph O’Mah­ an indirect interlock with Pillsbury Mills. The crusader in her book are that religion, as con­ To Mary, the battle with evil is not new. Published Weekly by oney before World war II showed that with very two, in turn, had interlocks with baking com­ trasted with science, has always been the breeder From her very conception in her mother’s womb THE CATHOLIC PRESS SOCIETY, (Inc.) few exceptions three or four corporations control panies. The two largest bakers. Continental Bak­ of war, and that there is no connection between Mary was involved in an irreconcilable enmity 938 Bannock Street, 1 up to 90 per cent of the business in most branches ing Co. and National Biscuit Co. were inter­ religion and morality. Among her “proofs” for with Satan and his viper’s brood. But through the of industry. locked. The dairy industry was bound up with the latter is that “cities with the most church plan eternal, Mary’s heel proved enough of a Telephone, KEystone 4205 P. 0. Box 1620 The FTC report shows that the nation’s large milling companies, food processors, and bakeries. members . . . ranked above the average . . . in weapon of destruction to smash the Evil One. She corporations are bound together by a maze of The same pattern of interlocks can be seen illiteracy and below average in school attendance gave birth to the Supreme Good, whose love, crys­ Subscription: interlocking directorates that threatens to ren­ in every industry from steel and industrial ma­ and home ownership.” Perhaps we should have tallized on Calvary, won final and decisive vic­ 75 cents per year in Archdiocese of Denver. der the word “competition” obsolete. chinery to clothing and five and dime stores, and Kefauver investigate these non-home-owners. tory over all that is bad. $1.25 per year Outside Archdiocese of Denver. THE REPORT SUMMARIZES the interlock­ the various industries are bound together through IN REVIEWING THE BOOK for NCWC RED FLAGS DOT THE EARTH in ever-in­ Canada, $2.00 a year per subscription. ing relationships existing in 1946 between 1,000 financial corporations. News Service, the Rev. John S. Kennedy asserts creasing numbers. But the skies are blue with manufacturing corporations and between these that “this extremely peculiar book will inevitably the reflection from the chaste mantle of their Foreign countries, including Philippines, $2.75 a year. corporations and 330 non-manufacturing con­ WHEN THE GENERAL PATTERN of our destroy the author’s reputation as a keen, coura­ queen. And no intensity of thunder clouds can cerns— banks, investment trusts, insurance com­ economy is that up to 90 per cent of the products geous crusader. It is an absurd and often offen­ obscure Mary’s blue, for to her it is given to Thursday, April 26, 1951 panies, public utilities, railroads, etc. in a particular industry are manufactured or dis­ sive muddle, whatever one’s convictions. Its giddi­ intercede for men with God, and to pass out to In some cases the interlocks were in direct tributed by three or four corporations and those ness and confusion will make the judicious won­ men, from God, the graces that save, and bring violation of section 8 of the Clayton Anti-Trust corporations are linked together by interlocking OFFICIAL: ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER der about the merits of a cause so advocated. I peace, and give assurance. act, which forbids anyone to be a director in any directorates, it becomes a question of whether we would say that, for every fanatic it confirms in When the color red clashes with the color The Denver Catholic Register merits our cordial approval. two competing corporations worth more than one have free competition. opposition to any link between education and blue, a purple hue appears. In the battle of man­ We confirm it as the official publication of the Archdiocese. What­ million dollars. In other cases the Clayton act Many today are worried about the danger of religion, it will induce 10 balanced persons to kind with Redism, Christians huddle under ever appears in its columns over the signature of the Ordinary or was not violated because the connection was excessive government control of the lives of the look seriously and searchingly into the arguments Mary’s blue. The clash of colors results in the those of the Officials of our Curia is hereby declared official. through corporation officers and not directors; nation’s citizens, but, in view of the facts brought pro.” purple of penance, enjoined by Our Queen as the We hope The Register will be read in every home of the because the corporations had not previously been out by the FTC, one may well doubt whether the The lines become more and more clearly antidote for evil. But purple is the color also of .Archdiocese. competitors; or because the connection was greatest danger comes from control by the visible drawn. The issue is not “separation of Church royalty—Christ the King, who has never known, We urge pastors, parents, and teachers to cultivate a taste in through joint membership in third companies. or the invisible state. and State,” or “freedom of conscience.” These nor will ever know, defeat. — the children of the Archdiocese for the reading of The Register. « URBAN J. VEHR Catholic Position on Slave Trade Jan. 29, 1942 Archbishop of Denver. By P aul H. H allett THE RECENT REPORT of four international experts at­ tached to the United Nations that slavery in its strict sense exists Forty Hours' Devotion in all countries south of Palestine in the Arabian peninsula, and in some backward colonial regions of Africa, reminds us of some­ ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER thing that we are too apt to forget: Slavery has never entirely dis­ Week of April 29, Fifth Sunday Aft^r Eaiter appeared in historic times, and it surges and ebbs in proportion Louisville, St. Louis’ Church. to the influence of Christianity. The disappearance of slavery, anywhere, even in the mitigated sense, is distinctly a Christian

iiiiiiiiimmmmimiiuiiM|ii victory. Since a reader has written in to cast doubt on the sincerity CATHOLIC RADIO LOG of the opposition of responsible Catholic thought to the traffic in Station KOA FAMILY THEATER—Wednei. Negro slaves, we shall review the attitude of contemporary moral theologians on the subject. ASK AND LEARN—Sunday, day, 7:30 p.m. It was not easy for the earliest African missionaries to obtain 8:30 a.m. SACRED HEART PROGRAM exact and trustworthy information on the circumstances leading CATHOLIC HOUR — Sunday, Saturday, 10 a.m. to the enslavement of the human merchandise brought to the ports 12 noon. from the interior of the Dark Continent. The traffickers took great Station KTLN care to conduct their operations where there were no embarrassing Station KFEL FR. JOHN ORDINAS, C.R.— witnesses. The common explanation given the 16th century mis­ AVE MARIA HOUR— Sunday, Sunday, 7:15-7:30 a.m. sionaries of the origin of slaves in the Portuguese colony of Angola^ 5:30 a.m. and 11:30 p.m. Station KLZ was that they had lost their rights with the native King in conse­ quence of rebellion, or as a punishment for some crime against ROSARY FOR PEACE— Sun- CHURCH OF AIR—Sunday, which his laws decreed death, such as adultery and theft, and that day, 8:15 p.m. 8-8:30 a.m. instead of being put to death they were sold. Supposing these allegations true, the missionaries could not forthwith condemn all this commerce: The lesser is contained in the greater, and if a Neg.ro could be justly put to death he could be. justly enslaved. EXPERIENCE SOON BROUGHT the missionaries less favor­ able answers. When they found out that wars and crime were often mere pretexts to gain slaves, they did not fail to do what mission­ aries everywhere do in face of the violation of the rights of their Hear clients. They employed all their influence with the authorities/ Sometimes they suffered exile for their protests, but their efforts were not in vain; they succeeded in restoring freedom to many unjustly captured Negroes, and, thanks to them, a great number ASK and LEARN of others never lost it. Above all, in winning the native chiefs to Christianity they deprived the slave merchants of their principal agents. Thus, speaking of the Congo at the end of the 16th cen­ tury, a noted authority could write that that region, being largely KOA Christian, and under a Christian King, exported no slaves, and* crimes were not punished by enslavement. The theologians of the middle ages admitted, with certain reservations, that there could be even yet a legitimate traffic in 8:30 slaves in infidel countries. But, from the 16th century on, the trade in Blacks was energetically condemned by the most illus­ EVERY SUNDAY MORNING trious theologians, notably by the most authoritative moralists of the order to which the African missionaries belonged. One of the Questions on religion submitted by the radio first theologians to treat of the question was the great Molina audience answered on the archdiocesan broadcast. (1535-1600), one of the greatest of all time, who wrote of it with H e r e is a Finance Forum for women, on remarkable breadth and solidity in his De Justitia et Jure, tract. II, Booklet on Catholic Church available free of cost disp. xxxiv and xxxv. Declaring that he had his information from to all inquirers. Jesuit missionaries on how slaves were obtained, he remarked that subjects chosen 6y women, of special interest to women.. several non-Jesuit doctors had already condemned this commerce WRITE TO as a mortal sin. “For myself,” he writes, “it is most probable by ASK AND LEARN, Station KOA presented by authorities with a rich background of far that this traffic in slaves bought from the infidel [in Africal Denver 2, Colorado and /transported elsewhere is unjust and iniquitous, and that all those who are engaged in it- sin mortally and are in the state of praaical experience. The Forum consists of four meetings eternal damnation, unless there are any who are excused by in­ vincible ignorance, which I personally would not venture to con­ Archbishop's Guild cede to any one of them.” In consequence, he adds, the King of MAin 5314 scheduled each Friday, beginning May 11, at Portugal and his ministers, as well as the Bishops and confessors of slave dealers, “are bound to examine these people and warn them FASHION SHOW 3:15 p.m. in the Daniels 8c Fisher tea room. Each talk, to abandon their injustices.” The reason of this conclusion is that, according to known facts, there is a legitimate presumption that F. J. KIRCHHOF Cosmopolitan Hotel the Negroes taken in thq trade are all, or almost all, unjustly will be followed by a question period. Adjournment reduced to slavery. Wednesday, May 2, 8 P.M. IT SPEAKS WELL for the tolerance of Portugal at that time Construction Co. promptly at 4:45 p.m.) that Molina, who occupied the principal chair of its University of Tickets available from Evora, had his book published without hindrance in a country that had inaug;urated this shameful commerce, and at a time when Guild members it still drew immense profits ftom the trade. The same conclusions BUILDERS Make §our regertations mou},,e were maintained with no less firmness by other theologians, the most esteemed of their time, such as Rebello, Sanchez, Ledesma, We Appreciate Your Patronage All the ladies are cordially invited. But attendance is Soto, Navarro, Mercado, and Garcia. necessarily limited to capacity of tea room. Therefore, The decisions of theologians at this time were ho vain words, 700 Lawrence St. Denver, Colo. doomed to be lost in the regions of theory. They had a powerful reservations must be accepted in the order received. influence on public opinion and often dictated the conduct of Tickets will be mailed upon receipt of your request. sovereigns and tiieir ministers. In Portugal, as in Spain, theologians ESTABLISHED 19eS were called into the royal counsels to collaborate in the instruc­ Won’t you make your reservations now. Simply see one tions that were given to the Governors and military chiefs of the of our friendly officers or drop us a card or letter. colonies Molina himself attests that he saw these instructions The American Fixture Co. issued by the Portuguese crown, and that they .contained every­ Uanofftetiirtn of thing that was necessary to safeguard the laws of justice in regard Church Pews and Altars to the aborigines. ' IF IT HAD DEPENDED on the Catholic moralists and mis­ Church Furniture sionaries, the traffic in Blacks would have ceased to exist in the Bank, Office, and Store Fixtures Hie AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK of Denver 17th century. But in that century the control of the trade shifted to hands that neither the decisions of Catholic theologians nor the Milhcork Of AU Kinds 17th and Lawrence Street protestations of missionaries had the power to check. Holland, and principally England, which later did so much to suppress the F. J. Kirchhof, Pres. c. r r c. LI V n Arapahoe St. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTE/A MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION traffic in human beings, had the most active role in this inhuman C. F. Stahl, Vice Pres. Denver, Colo. commerce until the first years of the 19th century. Thus slavery, and the race problem that remains its aftermath, were ultimate^ due to the lack of religious unity in Europe. j s a p

PAGE TWELVE Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyttone 4^5 Thursday, April 26, 195T' Amusements — Dining Torch-Bearers at Cathedral 135 Are Present Recreation At Lourdes PTA Election Meeting (Our Lady of Lourdei Parish, Denver) One hundred thirty-five per­ sons attended the PTA meeting April 24. The following officers were elected: Mrs. Charles Kurtz, re-elected president; Mrs. Wolford, first vice president; Mrs. Gerald Taylor, secretary; and Mrs. Victor Meyer, treasurer. The fourth vice YOU AND "COMPANY" president in charge of the program committee will be Mrs. Harold CREAM DEODORANT When expected or unexpected "company" McCurdy. Mrs. Edward Egloff be-- came fifth ■vice president and will arrives don't "sv/eat it out" in the kitchen. head the membership committee; Take a pleasant drive to Golden, Colorado, The parent-teachers’ group at Lourdes has been very active and i and have dinner at the famed Holland a record attendance has been set. Hcruse. You, your family and your guests Although the school has only six grades with an enrollment of 224 are sure to enjoy yourselves. pupils, the attendance at the monthly meetings has never fallen THESE FOUR SETS of brothers from maculate Conception. From the left, in front and back rows, are Dick and Billy Brinkman, Joseph and below 100. T H i HOLLAND HOUSE Cathedral grade school are torch-bearers Leo Gomez, James and Billy Wong, and Dick and The PTA gToup’heard a very in­ for the Solemn Masses in the Cathedral of the Im- James Graves.— (Bob Gordon photo) teresting talk delivered by Wil­ .■GOLDEN, COLORADO liam Barrett, well-known Denver -f ' + F + -f- + ' + author. The fourth graders’ mothers served refreshments. April 29 is Communion Sunday for members of the Altar and Ro­ Cathedral Brownie Troop Has Investiture sary society. The meeting of the Altar society set for May 3 has Bncmos (Cathedral Parish, Denvjr) ciety Sunday, April 22, in St. Altar and Rosary society meeting been canceled. Instead, the women' This delightful deodorant keeps you dainty and sweet Eighteen girls of Brownie troop Paul’s reading room. Although on May 11. will hold their monthly card party 513 participated in investiture serv­ women of the society were excep­ Nursery (^ervice on the afternoon of May 3 in the at once! Banishes perspiration odor, checks perspira­ FAMOUS fO« FINE ENJOY THE WEST'S ices conducted in St. Paul’s chapel tionally generous with their dona­ Parishioners with email children parish hall. FOOD SERVED IN A " k MOST REFRESHING April 15. Four girls received The baseball season will start at tion moisture. Gives longer lasting protection, is extra GRACIOUS MANNER COCKTAIL LOUNGE Brownie pins, and the others re­ tions of cakes, pies, rolls, and sal­ are reminded of the nursery ser.vice Lourdes Sunday afternoon, April ads, the supply was exhausted be­ TREMONT AT BROADWAY ceived year pins. The Rev. Owen provided by the young women of 29, on the Lourdes ball field. gentle to skin and clothing. Deliciously fragrant—stays McHugh blessed the pins and gave fore customers from the last Mass the sodality each Sunday for par­ Youngsters from the first and sec­ arrived. Mrs. Howard Bell and creamy-smooth down to the bottom of the jar. ( ^ t jars K E . 9618 ★ CH. 2494 a brief sermon. ents attending the 11:30 Mass. ond grades will don their new base­ Miss Carol Curry, food chairman, ball uniforms for the first time and Boy Scouts of Cathedral troop wish to thank all those who helped Children may be taken to St. Paul’s ^and jars of Tussy Cream Deodorant at half-price—now 1 205 held their annual election of to make this sale a success. Mem­ reading room, where they will be play a three-inning game. The officers April 18. New leaders of bers who conducted the sale were supervised by Miss Rowena Roache team composed of fifth and sixth the Panther patrol are Dave Mor­ Mrs. Bell, Miss Curry, Mmes. Em­ and her assistants. There is no grade boys have scheduled a game rison, patrol leader; Philip Uphoff, met Dwyer, Rose Fuchs, Venice charge for this service. with the State Home boys. The assistant patrol leader; and Alfred Hadley, James Keeps, Morris games will start at 1:30 p.m. Carter, scribe. Boys of the Eagle Lamy, Clifton Lavins, Katherine Parish Calendar The Lourdes outdoor groups will patrol chose Richard Marquez, pa­ Parent, Marie Parkes, Rose Shall, Saturday, April 28, Cathedral meet this week for the regular • A » « H 0 ( trol leader; Bernard O’Neill, assist­ and Schoenherr; and Misses Mar­ Prayers for peace. All-day ex­ movie; the girls will attend the PAT BERRYS PlAClyppi^ _ ant leader; and John Joyne, scribe. garet Hamilton, Agnes Hansen, Wednesday night show and the Officers chosen by the Cobra patrol Helen O’Connor, and Florence position of the Blessed Sacrament. boys ■w^Jk.attend on Friday night. .8=j5;L^.r^s/orMVADA,||^j were Michael Homyak, patrol O’Brien. The ham displayed at the Hourly recitation of the Rosary. The movies for the coming week ... i(.uavA/&V N0.7Z V ^|VU«..E.A leader; Anthnoy Offutt, assistant food sale will be featured at the Benediction at 7:45 p.m. will he on fishing. leader; and Dennis Hayes, scribe. Dennis Hayes was also named as troop scribe. As part of their community serv­ Plans Forwarded, Committee^arned ice program the scouts delivered Recommended Firms cancer drive literature Saturday, April 14. They are ,also continuing their paper drive. With the money For August Bazaar in St. Cajetan's realized so far on this project the for AUTO troop has purchased two 5x7-foot (St. Cajetan’t Parish, Denver) tast food will be offered through­ office here. She worked in San i-U m y ^//uU^...... ^ wall tents. Parishioners who have At a special meeting of all par­ out the evening. The co-operation Francisco fpr five years and old newspapers and magazines are ish groups and interested parties of all PTA members and their studied there and in Denver at SERVICE asked to phone TA. 7839 or CH. held on April 22 in the church hall, friends is asked. Barnes Business school. A grad­ 6067 for pick-up service. The boys plans for the annual August ba­ School Graduate uate of West high schopl, she will go on an overnight hike in zaar were made and three commit­ is the daughter of Mrs. Candelaria The CHALET the vicinity east of Castle Rock Returns to Denver Sales Service over the week end. tees were named. Elected chair­ Sena of 935 W. 13th avenue. She Henry Graf, Prop. man was Ben Benavidez; vice Miss Alice Sena, former active was a member of the Young Altar Society Nets parishioner and a graduate of St. Ladies’ sodality until her depar­ You’ll enjoy our delicious food, our delightful chairman, Antonio S. Pacheco; $300 in Food Sole treasurer, Eugene De Leon; and Cajetan’s school, has recently been ture, and prior to that belonged to atmosphere. Service is tops . . , prices right. Abies—Hemphill Approximataely $300 was real­ secretary, Mary Angiano. assigned to the Denver office of the junior sodality. 3520 E ast Colfax EA. 2761 CLOSED TUESDAYS ized on the food sale conducted by A special committee headed by the Mountain States Telephone the'Cathedral Altar and Rosary so­ J. D. Martinez includes Gus Gar­ 815 Colorado Boulevard FR. 0432 Special Attention cia and,A. Pacheco. Publicity and LETnUMCGUMAER PACKARD HEADQUARTERS to Bridge Partiea advertising are under Felix Galle­ Skit Night and Dance gos, Mrs. Gus Garcia, and Mrs. m m m For Expert Body & Fender Repairs Gus Schwalh^s- P. J. Torres. Other committees will CHRYSLIR-PLYMOUTH Painting — Seat Covers — Convertible Tops Scheduled by Students be n.'imed at a subsequent meeting. upnm i MOTOR ca The highlight of the bazaar IQOa BROADWAY CH.562^ At C.W.C. on April 27 this year is a 1951 Ford. Further ^afuioL duJb Body. Chat £r Chew plans will include features not The Rocky Mountain region of included in past years. 1332 Broadway AL. 6555 DRIVE-IIV RESTAURANT BE "FOXY' Les Barber Hank VecchiarelH the National Students’ association Fourth graders are sponsoring (Blessed Sacrament Parish) (St Catherine'a Pariah) FAMED FOR EXCELLENT FOOD AND will hold its annual skit night and this month’s school lunch sched­ S EE OUR... FRIENDLY SERVICE dance Friday evening, April 27, at uled for Thursday, April 26, in the church dining hall. Sister Monica CAPITAL LUNCHEONS — DINNERS 7 :30 p.m. in the Colorado is in charge, assisted by fourth SODA FOUNTAIN — SANDWICHES — SALADS Women’s College auditorium, Den­ grade room mothers. BUYS Seat i FOOD TO TAKE OUT ver. Nine colleges and universities Regular Via Crucis sei'vicf's 6000 East Colfax Avenue of the area, including Colhrado have been resumed in St, Caje DENVER’S BEST Covers university, Denver university, tan’s church at 7:30 on Fridajs, I Custom Made Priced Phone DE. 4434 and on Sundays at 7 p.m. Rosar\ Open 11:00 A.M. Till 2:00 A.M. Colorado college, Colorado A. & M. To Fit Every Pocketbook college, Loretto Heights college, sermon, and Benediction of tlic USED CARS Regis college, Colorado Women’s Blessed Sacrament take place. At Body a Fender Work college, and Trinidad Junior col­ 8 p.m. regular games party acti\ ■ Expert Auto Painting lege will participate in skit pres­ ities are held in the church hall AAD TRUCKS AR(;OI\AUT HOTEL entations of humorous, dramatic, A much needed reroofing proj­ Conditioned Right and VIC HEBERT INC. Where Denver’s Society Entertains for Luncheons and Dinners and slap-stick nature. ect is under way at St. Cajetan's Pat Egan of Regis college is re­ school. The school expenditure Alice Sena Ready for YOU! 3660 Downing stffo BOD-r -Mfl upHpnii9t (oviAvr FOR SPECIAL RESERVATIONS FOR BRIDGE PARTIES. gional president. Miss Pat Moore fund of the PTA will be greatly DANCES AND DINNERS PHONE MAIN 3101 696 S. Broadway PE 5264 of Loretto Heights college is re­ benefited by the Mother’s day and Telegraph company. Miss Sena Since 1913 Beautiful Ballrooms Private Dining Rooms gional vice president and is in dance to be held in West Turner had been working in the San Fran­ PRICED charge of skit night presentations. hall on that clay. This event is cisco long distance office and is Tickets for the skit night and PTA-sponsored and the usual now .stationed in the long distance dance will be available at the door RIGHT DODGE-PLYMOUTH OWNER Enjoy or through Miss Moore at Loretto Heights college. St. Joseph's High School COMPLETE OVERHAUL You can get your car completely overhauled NOW» and pay Sunday Dinner at your convenience on our simple “Pay»as-You-Drive” Plan. Plans Registration May 3 — FACTORY-TRAINED MECHANICS — American and Chinese 5? ^ . 0 0 (St. Joseph’s Redemptoriit Parish, Denver) Dinners— Complete...... JAMES MOTOR CO. All students intending to enter St. Joseph’s high school this 1278 Dodge & Plymouth Sales & Service KE. 8221 September are required to register Thursday, May 3, Ascension Lincoln SPEMCBR Thursday, in order that the school authorities may be able to make TRACT adequate plans for next year. Failure to register can easily exclude NEW CHINA CAFE a atudent from the high achool■ ■ in th(e coming year. JQAJV Talent Show is Success corps of the U. S. air force. Fa­ 732 East Colfax B iN N E T T ' A vote of thanks is extended by ther Girse thanks all the mem­ ELIZABETH Father Paul Schwarz, C.SS.'’.., to bers of the Altar and Rosary so­ AL. 0766 CH. 9702 all who made the grade school ciety for their co-operation and talent show a success. loyalty during the years he was (Open lill 3:00 A.M. Week Days) The PTA will meet Tuesday, PLEASE ASSIST the moderator. Father Cyril Kier- May 1, at 8:15 p.ln. in the church dorf, C.SS.R., will succeed Father lit t le hall. Mrs. James Foley,-president, Girse in this office. Dividend* of the CPTL, will install the new First Communion day in St. BOB'S NEW BAMON RUNYON LAUGH RIOT! officers. The fifth grade will fur­ Joseph’s will be May 6. More D O N TAYLOR nish entertainment. All members than 50 children will make their are urged to be present. First Holy Communion this day, NEW LASSie THKIU5! Double-Ring Club Frolic and the crowning of the May Your Firemen and Policemen The Double-Ring club will pre­ queen will take place. lA SSIE. sent its spring frolic Saturday eve­ Father Schwarz, pastor, and Fa­ *»'nie PAINTED HILLS” ning, April 28, in the gymnasium. ther Bernard J. Kramer, C.SS.R., Featured will be the famous director of the high school, an­ PAUUELLY’BRUCEGOWUNG “Cherry Sisters,’’ Mr. Bagan, Mr. nounced that the prom April 24 GARY GRAY Sloan, and Mr. Steffen, with new was a grand success. numbers and new laughs. AH mem­ reCHNK'OLOU bers are reminded to be on hand. Thank* Altar Society In Meeting the Present Day Father Milton Girse, C.SS.R., Bob Hope ___ _ left April 22 for the chaplain ManjpMaxM'OoyUNQlan'JaneDaiwell 92nd Birthday Marked High Living Costs, by Voting NOW By Mrs. Mary f . Young Mrs. Mary E. Young of ML Eliz­ SHOWING L/ennum California abeth retreat, Morrison, celebrated her 92nd birthday April 21. Mrs. Young ■was bom in Peterboro, On­ Don’t f o r g e t. . . tario, Canada. She and her hus­ SUPPLIES band, Francis J. Young, moved to Denver in 1907 and lived at 1021 You can still get any Camera, THE REGIS BAZAAR S. Pearl street until her husband’s death in 1944. Since then she has Projector or Equipment for Amendment Number 7 May 3, 4 and 5 FOR made her home in the St. Elizabeth Welcoma to Denver's Finest 10% down and 10% a month DELICIOUS HAM DINNER retreat, where a birthday party was given for her by the sisters without interest or carrying Thursday— May 3— 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. COLBURN HOTEL and friends. Ice cream and cake charge at Famous thru the years! were served, and greetings and LUXURIOUS ROOMS best wishes were given. Adults; $1.25 Children (under 12)t SOc Cocktail Lounge An only daughter, Mrs. Marie Redus-Brown Photography This ad thru eonrtesy of Coffee Shop McArthur, lives in Portland, Ore. CITY ELEaiON TUESDAY, MAY 15 She was unable to attend. Mrs. 1840 West 38th Ave. O'CONNOR PLUMBING CO. loth Avenue at Grant MAin 6291 Youpg has a granddaughter also, Glendale 7623 3030 W. 44th Ave.—GL. 4323 D. B. CERISE. Manager Mrs. Betty Stubbs, and three great­ Pol. A 4v. grandchildren. , •sm Thursday, April 26, 1951 Office, 93 8 Bonnock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 PAGE THIRTEEN Program Presented at Blessed Sacrament Queen oi Heaven Orphanage to Give Play Fr. Egan Will Conduct PTA Post Presidents Honored at Tea A large group of members at­ the Rev. Leo Burns, S.J., Assistant Plans for the annual spring 40 Hours' at St. James' tended the meeting of the Queen Provincial, of St. Louis. Mo., were luncheon and oard party to be held (St. James’ Parish, Denver) J. Kottenstette, with Leo and Isa­ of Heaven Aid society in Denver on display. Each year tne name of The Rev. Sebastian Egan, belle Canavan a.s sponsors; ' (Bleited Sacrament ParUh, Eight little girls and a boy pre­ ming spelling contest to reach the April 17. the honor pupil from the senior, in the orphanage Tuesday, May Denver) sented a dance program ilustrating actual “spell-down.’’ 16, have been completed. Mrs. G. J. O.F.M., will conduct the Forty Christine Louise, daughter of The titters announced that the junior, and preliminary classes Hours’ devotion in the parish be­ the song “Who’ll Buy My Violets?’’ • Mrs. Frank M. Sabine, president, Mr. and Mrs. Cleon J. de Mersse- A large attendance was noted at children will pretent a play, en­ will be engraved upon a plate on O’Byrne, general chairman, who ginning on Monday, April 30. The nian, with John and Jean Wyant the annual spring tea given by Six first graders presented each appointed the following women to titled “Queen by the Grace of the plaque. Father Burns has re­ at present is convalescing in St. past president with an African devotion will open with Mass and as sponsors; the Blessed Sacrament PTA April act on the nominating committee: God.’’ Written by the Sittert of served the privilege of engraving Joseph’s hospital, has chosen her procession at 9 o’clock. Services John Francis, son of Mr. and 23 in the school auditorium com­ violet plant. The past presidents Mmes. Walter Coughlin, Howard the first plate on each plaque. Fa­ committee. attending were Mmes. ’Thomas J. St. Francit, in three acti, the will be held every evening, with a Mrs. Francis S. Stoviak, with plimenting the past presidents. The Swanson, and W. F. Horst. She play will be held at the orphan­ ther Burns has been a frequent A membership committee was sermon on the Holy Eucharist by Bennie and Mary Kula as spon­ second and third graders’ mothers Morrissey, J. L. Swigert, James appointed Mrs. Martin F. Maloney age, 4825 Federal boulevard, orphanage appointed, consisting of various Father Sebastian. Confessions will Simpson, Emmett Dignan, and occasions the childmany chili ren have sors, and John and Marion Beals acted as hostesses. to audit the books. Denver. There will be four per- parishes represented at the meet­ follow the devotions. The solemn as ))roxies. Matthew Halloran. Mrs. Jack Mc­ Mrs. Sabine announced that formancet: Sunday, May 5, at enjoyed his hospitality. ing. closing will be held on Wednesday Laughlin was unable to be pres­ Tuesday, May 15, will be book 2:30 p.m. for the religiout of The enrollment of the following evening at 7:30. Parishioners are Dr. D. C. W erthman ent. rental inspection day. Mothers the city, tittert and clergy; for Derby Society Plans new annual members was reported: asked to observe these days with Pillar of Fire, by Karl Stern, will go to each classroom to in­ the public May 6 at 2:30 p.m.; Mrs. Ann Barlow, 220 Washington visits to the Blessed Sacrament and Associate was reviewed by the Rt. Rev. Mon­ spect books. May 19 at 7:30 p.m.; and May Mother's Day Social street; Mrs. Rose Burkhardt, 2611 and attendance at the evening D en tists CLEANING signor Harold V. Campbell. He al­ Recitals April 30, May 1 ’’ 27 at 2:30 p.m. W. 46th avenue; and Mrs. J. B. services. so gave a short talk on the work (St. Catherine’s Church, Derby) Ryan, 710 S. Clayton. The children of the school wiy PLATES' Sister Ann Monica, Blessed Sac­ The Rev. Robert Nevans of St. 5 FREE MOTH PROOFING done by the PTA this past year, Francis de Sales’ parish was the The Alter and Rosary society Mrs. Michael Covillo substituted' all participate in the May proces­ 606 15th Street 1206 15th Street and mentioned plans in view when rament school music teacher, has guest speaker. He spoke on “Chil­ will sponsor a Mother’s day as financial secretary at this meet­ sion and crowning of the statue 2 Pc. Living the new school building is finished announced that the annual spring KEystone 8721 TAbor 5761 Room Suite dren in Orphanages.” He com­ dance on Thursday, May 3, at ing in the absence of Mrs. Otto of Our Blessed Mother on Thurs­ Dick Murphy, a seventh grade recitals will be held on Monday, mended members of the Aid so­ tha Wheel on Brighton boule­ Buehler. day, May 3, at 4 o’clock. Thoroly Cleaned April 30, and Tuesday, May 1, at Optometrist' Blessed Sacrament school pupil, ciety for their work for the wel­ vard. Music will be furnished The special prize donated by The second annual May frolic and Optician 8 p.m. in the school hall. An invi­ fare of the children and encour­ by Sam Dinas’ orchestra. There St. Gertrude’s sewing circle was was presented with a gift by the tation is extended to all parents will be held in the East Denver Famous Rug & aged them to continue. will be several beautiful prizes given to Mrs. Jerry Valente. high school auditorium on Sunday Helen Walsh PTA in appreciation of the honor relatives, and friends. Three large, attractive plaques, and free refreshments. Proceeds _ Refreshments were served by the Furniture Cleaning Co. he had brought to the school. Dick afternoon. May 13. The produc­ Asiociate Circle News “Awards of Merit,” presented to from this dance will be applied sisters and children of the orphan­ tion is under the direction of Jerry TA. 6569 1532 Market was the only parochial school pu­ the children of the orphanage by on the church debt. age. W. R. JOSEPH pil in the recent Colorado-Wyo- Mrs. John Stanley entertained O’Neil, and each class will present EYES EXAMINED the members of the Mother Cabrini a number in keeping with the main Phans TAbor 1880 circle at bridge in her home April theme of the production, “Great 218-219 Majsstie BMc. 19. The prizes were won by Mmes. Census to Begin April 29 Wheatridge Unit Americans.” Hartley Graham and William Baptized this week were Gregory GOOD CLOTHES NEED Ryan. Mrs Ryan was a guest. Charles, son of Mr. and Mrs. NOT BE EXPENSIVE Mrs. R. J. Campbell of 3000 In St. Philomena's Parish .Charles L. Van Buskirk, with Wil­ Santa Fe Fairfax, asisted by Mmes. C. V. To Hold Food liam and Dorothy Van Buskirk as Gooding and Edward L. Curran, (St. Philomena's Parish, Denver) May 1, and will be held nightly at sponsors, and Arnold and Augusta THE will entertain St. Joan of Arc’s St. Philomena’s parish census 7 :45 during the month. Schlicker as proxies; Tere.sa Clare, circle at a bridge luncheon April will commence with an announce­ Perpetual devotions in honor of daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. Philomena will be inaugurated Shower for Nuns ENGLISH 27. ment by the Rt. Rev. Monsignor St. Norbert’s circle members William M. Higgins, pastor, at all Wednesday evening, May 2, at (St., Peter and Paul’s Parish, Novel Idea were luncheon guests of Mmes. the Masses on Sunday, April 29. 7:45. Wheatridge) TAILORS People who know Clyde Arnold and Melvin Dorz- Approximately 250 m en and Masses on Ascension Thursday, The Altar and Rosary society Miss Helen Knotek and Paul weiler in Mrs. Arnold’s home. The women of the parish will begin the May 3,_ will be offered at 5 :45, 7, met April 18 at the rectory. Plans Knotek, brother and sister who 901 FIFTEENTH STREET j)rizes were won by Mmes. Ray­ house-to-house canvass that day. 8, and'9 o’clock. Confessions will were made to'hold a food shower own and operate the Denver Pop­ be heard Wednesday from 3:30 to for the Sisters of St. Dominic who corn Products company at 4335 W. Combine Quality and Style mond Noone and Marcella Ed­ Block captains and workers plan at Prices You Can Afford wards. to complete the census within a 6 and 7 :30 to 9 p.m. have been teaching catechism 41st avenue, offer a real treat in classes for the public grade school tasty popcorn molded into many On April 20 the Little Flower three-day period. Confessions for the first Friday At a kick-off luncheon on Mon­ will be held Thursday, May 3, at children of the parish every Sun­ different designs. After experi­ circle members were guests of the same hours. Masses on the day. Donations may be brought to menting with the process of mold­ Mmes. Neal Thrasher, P'rank Do­ day, April 23, Monsignor Higgins and Mrs. George Schwartz outlined first Friday will be at 6:30, 7:15, the rectory the day before. Anyone ing popcorn into clever designs BURNS - RIPS lan, and N. Borelli for luncheon and 8:15. who would care to make a mone­ for the past three years, they have and bridge. Mrs. C. F. Wibel won the census procedure to the cap­ tains of the committee. A per­ Masses on the first Saturday tary donation may give the money finally made available their unique the award. Mrs. T. R. Young was will be at the same hours, with de­ to Father Robert McMahon, and he products. They invite readers to I OR TEARS welcomed as a new member. manent committee will be estab­ visit their store and watch., many lished upon the completion of the votions to Our Lady of Fatima will turn it over to the sisters. I Eliminated by Mrs. David Williams, assisted by after the Masses and during the different ideas turned out in pop­ census. Members of the census Mrs. Annalee Casselman, chair­ corn. I French or Inweaving Mrs. H. R. Heaton, entertained St. committee will be identified by a evening Holy Hour. man, announced that the shower ! 24 Hour Service—Reasonable Pricet A .thony’s circle April 19 at bridge badge when calling upon parishion­ May 6 is Communion Sunday will be held after the 9 o’clock i HOSIERY MENDING luncheon. The awards were given ers. Parishioners will receive a for the Parent-Teachers’ associa­ Mass on May 20. to Mmes. Lester Barber and Byron family status record, which is to tion and the Altar and Rosary so­ The new hours of the bake sale Welsh. be completed and returned, sealed, ciety. were discussed (9 to 3:30) and f ' On April 20 St. Jude’s circle to the committee member. Monsi­ Graduation for the 34 students it was voted to continue them. ( x ) a A h / t n , members were guests of Mmes. gnor Higgins asks that all pa­ of the eighth grade in St. Philo­ Donors are reminded of the inweaving Co. George Cattermole and M. L. Burg rishioners co-operate in this proj­ mena’s school will be held Sun­ paper collection being sponsored Phone KE. 4409 at a bridge luncheon. Prizes were ect. day, June 3, at 7:45 p.m. in the by the Altar and Rosary society. 304 McClintock BUk. won by Mmes. J. J. Maloney, J. F. A dress rehearsal for the sis­ church. Members of the graduation Old papers and magazines may be 1554 Calif. . O’Brien, and Mary Carbone. ters and children of St. Philo­ class, with their parents, will at­ brought to the Ricci garage at The Junior Newman club will mena’s school of the annual PTA tend the 8 o’clock Mass that day 3850 Pierce Marian Epson, BE. dispense with meetings until Fathers’ night Footlight Varieties and a breakfast will be held at 3-5615, will provide transporta­ Monday, May 7, when it will will be held Sunday, April 29, at 9:30 at the Brown Palace hotel. tion. THE WAY TO hold the annual party following 2:30 p.m. in the school auditorium. Banns of marriage have been To increa.se the stability of the the election of officers. This Members of the cast are requested announced between Matthew J. pillowcases the women have em­ Make Your Dollars Pay! will conclude the meetings un­ by Mrs. William Manning, general Byrne and Miss Marjorie Opitz, broidered for the society, it was both of St. Philomena’s. Invest in REPUBLIC LOAN COMPANY'S 4 % ^ S s m t a f e til fall. chairman, to be at the school at decided to wrap the finished pairs Tlrn Certificates ond receive a full 4% in­ Our Lady’s club will meet in the in cellophane to avoid the possi­ At all the Masses April 22, Mon­ 2 p.m. terest-compounded semi-annually. Your dol­ The variety show will be pre­ home of Mrs. Mack Switzer, 928 bility of soiling. Mrs. Charolotte signor Campbell urged all adults Fillmore street, on Friday, April lars work hardest at REPUBLIC LOAN COM­ who have not been confirmed to sented on Monday, April 30, at Angelo and Mrs. Marion Epson are 27. offering the cellophane for this. PANY. make the fact known at the rec­ 8:15 p.m. for the husbands of the Mrs. Frances O’Brien, 1264 Paid-In Copllel and Surptut tory and to attend the meeting on PTA members and the Men’s club It was also voted to donate a over $250,000.00. Experienced travelers know that Santa Fe members and their wives. This Elizabeth street, will be hostess to clock, which was offered to the Thursday evening at 7 :30 in the the St. Frances Cabrini club on society, to the Men’s club to be all the -way means real travel pleasure. school auditorium. The sacrament year’s presentation is the fifth an­ Friday, April 27. will be conferred by Archbishop nual event. included in the benefit at the an­ REPUBLIC LOAN COMPANY They enjoy Santa Fe’s friendly hospitality The Altar and Rosary society nual parish picnic in July. Urban J. Vehr on Monday eve­ Mrs. Edith Hale, refreshments has taken over the cedar chest 1641 Sleat Street • OIMVIR, COLORADO • Istebllfhed IMS . . . wide choice of modern, comfortable ning, May 14. A certain amount of chairman for the entertainment, The next card party will be held announces the following commit- project for St. Philomena’s bazaar. at the rectory at 8 o’clock on May travel accommodations . . . wonderful instruction and preparation is Mrs. Joseph Hovorka is chairman, necessary, and this makes it ex­ teej Louise Waggoner, Dorothy 12 under the chairmanship of Mrs. Handy One-Way Quart Fred Harvey food . . . swift, dependable Summer.s, Anna Hirsch, Helen assisted by Mmes. Ralph Hansen, Katherine Minge. pedient for those who have not Edward Hanifen, and Frances The first class in the parish will rail schedules. been confirmed to attend the Burns, Virginia McConnell, Flor­ O’Brien as cochairmen. meeting on Thursday. ence Drake, Florence Lutz, Fran­ receive First Communion on May ces Majerus, Mary Ann Golden, Mrs. George Babcock, 1635 22. So ,take a tip from people who know. Communion Day Kept Steele street, entertained the Our Father McMahon announced Margaret Blatnik, Jennie Bruno, Lady of Fatima bridge club Tues­ Whether you travel east to Chicago, south About 125 Brownies and Girl Anna Costello, Lucille Murphy, that there will be a vacation day evening, April 24. school for children of the par­ to Texas, or west to California, you’ll find Scouts, with their leaders and Janice Conway, Florence Miller, St. William’s bridge club vv^ll coleaders, received Communion in Irene Dougan, Luella Menard, and ish the first two weeks of June. there’s more to enjoy and more to see via Mrs. Winnart. meet Thursday afternoon, April This will be conducted by the the 8 o’clock Mass April 22, After 26, in the home of Mrs. John Co­ Dominican Sisters. Santa Fe. Mass they attended the annual The 1951-52 parish press com­ villo, 901 Monroe street. mittee for the Register column was Mrs. Sally Davis and Mrs. Mar­ breakfast held in the school audi­ The cub pack meeting will be ian Rieger were appointed to be torium. announced recently. The members held Friday, April 27, at 7 :30 p.m. are: Mrs. James E. Cummings, representatives at the Wheatridge Hank Carroll, the softball coach, Youth council. Your Santa Fe representative will give you 3425 E. Ninth avenue; Mrs. Rich­ will be present. ard C. Frisbie, 1020 Monroe Sacristy workers for Saturday, expert help with your travel plans. Edgewater Pair Mps. Barbara Warner, 1150 April 28, are Elizabeth Salmon, street; Mrs. John E. Gardell, 1325 Adams street, will be hostess to Milwaukee street; Mrs. John H. Cecilia Herst, Bob Kennedy, and St. Mary’s bridge club on Tuesday, Bill Allspach. ' Joined in Marriage Majerus, 1073 Madison street; and May 1, at a dessert-luncheon. Mrs. M. Blake- Vifquain, 966 St. The Tiffin tea room will be the Paul ^street. The new committee To Tour Europe J. P. WARREN, Divn. Pass. Agt. (Sl. Mary Magdalene’* Parish, luncheon setting for Mrs. Fair’s will begin its work with the issue bridge club on Thursday, April 26. 524 17th St., Telephone: Tabor 3211 Denver) of May 10. Denver 2,-Colo. Mrs. Fair will be hostess. Married April 22 were Louis Mrs. Thomas A. Duggan, Mrs. Volunteers for the first Friday Busey and Dorothy Halocomb. W. T. Bostwick, Mrs. William J. breakfast are asked to call Mrs. Witnesses were Richard Raw and Manning, Mrs. Roland Bartlett, Terry McCabe, chairman, at EA. THE WALTER BREWING COMPANY • PUEBLO, COLORADO the bride’s sister, Edna De Long- and Mrs. James Koning have been 6682. champ. The couple then left for responsible for parish news during Cpl. Lloyd Stakebake, son of a trip to Arizona. the past year. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Stakebake, 790 Baptized April 22 was Carl Jo­ The Men’s club will elect offi­ Monroe street,.is home on leave seph James, infant son of Carl cers at the monthly meeting from Camp Pickett, Va. He is a and Elizabeth James. Sponsors Thursday, April 26, at 8 p.m. in medic in the 43rd infantry division. were Robert Hill and Harriet the school auditorium. Harry T. Steinbach. Also baptized was Vin­ Zook, president, will supervise the lolorado Oprings cent Gerald Fleming, infant son election. All members of the club Evergreen Unit of Fred and Anna Fleming. Spon­ are asked to be present. sors were Don and Angela Ripkin. Sister Edith Anne, formerly Parishioners are reminded of Mary Catherine Jaeger of this par­ Holds Meeting the bake sale to be held at the ish, made her profession as a Sis­ Edgewater Grocery and Market, ter of Loretto at the mother-house, Evergreen. — (Christ the King 25th and Eaton street, starting Nerinx, Ky., on April 25. She at­ Parish)—The Altar and Rosary M AY REALTY at 9:30 a.m. Saturday, April 28. tended St. Philomena’s school and society met at the home of Mrs. The bake sale will be sponsored by Cathedral high school and was G. Rogers of Forest Heights lodge the Altar and Rosary society. graduated from Loretto Heights Thursday, April 19. REALTOR college. She organized and taught The Rosary was said for the The PTA will have a potluck the art department of St. Francis speedy recovery of Mrs. Dale INSURANCE . LOANS luncheon at the meeting Wedne.s- de Sales’ high school before enter­ Newbold, a member of the society, day. May 2, at 12:30 p.m. ing the novitiate. She is the daugh- who is ill in St. Anthony’s hos­ The PTA also will sponsor ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray A. Jaeger pital, Denver. Mrs. Joe Onofrio, who will Ule Theater Bldg. card party May 5 at 7:30 p.m. in and sister of the Rev. Walter R. Miss Mae Francis presided at the parish hall. All are invited Jaeger. the meeting, at which nine women leave for Europe aboard the Colorado Springs, Colo. to attend. The bazaar committee this past were present, Mrs. J. J. Murphy, American liner Independence on week distributed more than 1,000 Mrs. M. Grabrian, Mrs. G. B. May 6, will spend several months MAIN 1898 envelopes containing tent party Greer, Mrs. J. Hogan, Mrs. E. H. touring the continent. Her son, PTA at Sacred Heart tickets. The disposition of the Malley, Mrs. F. Anderson, Sr.; and Joe, Jr., will meet Mrs. Onofrio at books is left to each parishioner. Mrs. W. Anderson, Sr. Gibraltar. In August she will at­ Will Install Officers Thr bazaar annually gives the par­ The food sale sponsored by the tend his graduation from the ish a revenue in excess of $7,000. society before Easter was a finan­ University of Pisa, when he will THE MURRAY DRUG CO. WILLIAM C. CRARON It will be held June 15 and 16 on cial success. be awarded his master of arts de Main Stera-^U6 E. PIkn Paak^MAln 144 On Tuesdayr May the school gp:ounds. A lessop from the catechism on gree in political science. The former ^ North Storo—832 N. Te|oi»—MAIn 189 Optometrist Approximately 1,000 boxes of the Mass and vestments was given Italian consul in Denver and his (Sacred Heart Pariah, Denver) wife, Mr. and Mrs. Giovanni Professional Pharmacy IZS North Tsjon St. envelopes for parish support were by Mrs. Greer. . PHONE MAIN S662 The PTA will meet in Sacred distributed at the Masses Sunday, The meeting in May will be an Formachella, will play host to Mrs. 501 No. Tejon MAin 1088 COLORADO SPRINGS. COLO. Heart school hall Tuesday after­ April 22, by Monsignor Higgins instruction lesson on the care of Onofrio in Rome. In World war II noon, May 1, at 2:30 o’clock. The and the assistants. The envelopes the vestments at the church, and young Onofrio distinguished him­ new officers for the coming school are to be used for a six-month a dessert-lunch will be served by self as an officer in the Pacific Get Raur’s (of Denver) I PETE BEROl^ < year will be installed, and a tea period. May 6 to Nov. 1. The iden­ Miss Mae Francis in her home. theater of war. He is an alumnus Candy and Ice Cream at [FURIVITIJRE SHOP] will honor the new officers and tification card should be filled out Mrs. G. Rogers served a dessert of the New Mexico Military insti­ . UPHOLSTERING. ’ the outgoing officers. and returned with the first en­ after the April meeting. tute.— (Cesare Morganti photo) Johnson-Engllsh ' RE-UPHOLSTERING AND ^ velope on Sunday, May 6. In the I REPAIRING i event that envelopes are left over Drug Co. . Slip Covers end Drapsrics , ' Mad* to Order ^ from last year. Monsignor Higgins Father Henry to Conduct LENTHERIC Tolletrief ^ Furniture Made to Order 4 AURORA asks that they be destroyed and rejon at Bijou St. Phona 1400 124-22 So. Wshsatcb Are. HAIn 5309 4 the new envelopes used. Harold William Price, son of Mission in Golden Parish The COLORADO EAGLE: De luxe The firms listed here de­ Koehler Price of Muscatine, la., through sleeping cars to W ichita, PURSE BROS. was married to Miss Grace Marie On Sunday, April 29, a one-week mission will open in St. Kansas City, St. Louis. Through serve to be remembered, Isaacson Saturday, April 21, in Joseph’s church. Golden. It will be conducted by the Rev. Kevin P. when you are distributing GROCERY & MARKET St. Philomena’s church before the Henry, O.F.M., of S t Elizabeth’s monastery, Denver. The services reclining seat coaches, plane­ Rev. Joseph M. O’Malley. Ralph in the evening will be at 7:46 for all the adult members of the tarium-dome coach to Kansas your patronage in the dif­ Qfyiolor$'<^nc. GROCERIES - MEATS — FRUITS ~Hio'^ra7tde VEGETABLES Earl Price was best man and Miss parish, from high school age on. The evening services will consist City, St. Louis. ferent lines of business. V Doris May Isaacson was maid of of an instruction, the Rosary, sermon, and Benediction. The 6:45 5708 East Colfaz Are. Ph. Aurora 222 honor. After a trip to Mexico City, Mass will be followed by a short instruction. the couple will live in St. Philo­ The children’s mission will be held immediately after school TIcketz—Ratarvertiont—Information “// Your ISeeds Are Electrical The Heyse Sheet mena’s parish. each afternoon at 3:30 and will close Saturday morning. On DEPENDABLE CLEANERS Louis Andrew Pasture III, son CITY TICKET OFFICE (M.P.) . CITY TICKET OFFICE Wednesday afternoon a special blessing for all the babies of the or (D&RGW) Call Main 939" NIetal and Roofing of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Andrew 515 Seventeenth St, parish will be given. This blessing is for all baptized children who ■/ 1531 Stout St. WIRING—FIXTURES AND REPAIRS INCORPORATED & SHIRT LAUNDRY Pastore, Jr,, of 1259 Adams street, have not received their First Holy Communion. Phone MAin 3239 Phone AComa 5533 HEATING ROOFING Same Day Service was baptized Sunday, April 22, Friday will be a day of adoration, beginning after Mass and Berwick Electric Co. SHEET METAL W Monsignor Higgins. Alfred and coming to a close with the services in the evening. J. D. BERWICK 629 SO. NEVADA At No Extra Charge Evelyn Dardano were godparents. The sick of the parish will be visited by the missionary during Colorado Springa, Colorado Phone: MAin 652 Marguerite M. O’Shek, Lessee Louis was born Feb. 5. the week. 18 5 1 •~A CENTURY OF SERVICE* 195 1. £ek 1885 9720 £. Colfaz ’ ~ Ar.-790 May devotions begin Tuesday, Non-Catholics are invited to attend. -I

PAGE FOURTEEN Office, 93*8 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyiten'e 4205 Thursday, April 26, 1951

I”— I Mt. Carmel Pupils in Play M t Carmel Pupils to Entertain May 1,2 I H omemaker’s (Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish the sixth, seventh, and eighth again April 18 in the home of Denver) grades will present the Cinder­ Mrs. Louise DeBell. The next I The pupils of Mt. Carmel school ella operetta Slip of a Slipper. meeting will be held on Wednes­ I -Department will present their annual enter­ Principal roles are taken by Lo­ day, May 25, at 1 p.m. in the tainment the evenings of May 1 retta Persichetti, Michael Giosa, home of Mrs. Rose Carlone, 3643 I Patronize These Reliable and Friendly Firms and 2 at Horace Mann junior high Barbara Biamate, Bill Buscietta, Shoshone street. I - school auditorium, 41st and Navajo. Peggy Zambo, Agnes Di Ciero, On Tuesday evening, May 1, the Joan Piute, and Ben Rizzuto. Lo­ ninth grade will present the three- retta Longo will be the soloist in McGinness & Patrick act farce Down and Up. Mem­ the ballet number. The ballet J . A . Johnson & Son bers of the cast are Anthony minuet and tap numbers are un­ « Floor Covering Speciali$t$ Established 35 Years der the direction of the Carrol ® Linoleum ® Asphalt Tile • Gutters • Sheet Metal Mancinelli, Robert La Guardia, Al­ sisters and the schottische, waltz, berta Coliano, Kathleen Gar­ and square dances were taught by ^ Rubber Tile ® Plastic Wall Tile • Gas Furnaces ramone, Mary DeCamillis, Inez Emil Miller of the Dancemaster FREE ESTIMATES • Gas Conversion Burners Dallo, Mark Ross, Nancy Man­ studio. Miss Helen Jinacio will 494 So. Vine SP. 32.39 709 E. 6th Ave. KE. 4031 cini, Joan Cerrone, Catherine be the accompanist for the oper­ Marchis, Michael Farrell, and Syl­ etta. ELIMINATES via Vigil. The third and fourth Admission is 50 cents for adults Bacon & Schramm THE grades will present a military drill. and 25 cents for children. CRABGRASS McVeigh Company On Wednesday, May 2,. the St. Juliana's Club Meets COMPOSITION ROOFING kindergarten and first and sec­ St. Juliana’s Study club met TILE ROOFING PAINTING AND ond grades will take part in a April 4 at the home'of Mrs. Mar­ Kills Night Crawlers! ROOF REPAIRING DECORATING musical talent show entitled “Kid­ garet Conzone. Mrs. Rose Perito CONTRACTORS die Karnival.” The same evening won' the prize. The club met Fertilizes! 4020 Brighton Blvd. CH. 6563 1328 Inca KE. 0718 One application of P.\X CHURCH FURNITURE ATTENTION LADIES NINTH GRADE PUPILS of Our Lady Kathleen Garramone, Robert La Guardia, Silvia Englewood May Day Slated eliminates crabgrass'— kills AND PEWS CALL TA. 4686 of Mt. Carmel school, Denver, who will Vigil, Mike FarrCll, Katherine Marchio, Joan Cer- (St. Louis’ Parish, Englewood) the crabgrass seeds in the rone, Mary Ann DeCamillis, and Inez Dalla; back Infants baptized April 22 were Deiigncd & Minnfsctnred SELF-SERVICE LAUNDRY take part in the annual play the evening of May 1 May day, Tuesday, May 1, will Mary Colleen, daughter of Mr. and ground. Does not turn The Behrens Fixture Co. Doiibls Dexter washers, exiraelon and drycn. at the Horace Mann junior high school are, left row, Mark Ross and Anthony Mancinelli.— (Redus- be observed with services in the Mrs. Robert J. Marshall, with Don­ lawn brown. Eliminates Soft water, wet wash and fluff dry to right, front row, Nancy Mancini, Alberta Coliano, Brown photo) ald R. Cassidy and Mary Clare 4625 Colorado Blvd. Dry Cleaning, Rugs. Upholstery church at 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. night crawler.'-, grubs, cut Open evenings, Sunday by appointment. Free The boys will take part in the Cassidy as sponsors; and Patricia Denver, Colo. pick-up and delivery. 10*^ ca-tb and carry. morning service and the girls, in Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. worms. Wonderful fertilizer. Parking spare. the lower grades at school, will Edward 'Troje, with Asa Heakon Apply PAX now- -6 lbs. to A-1 Laundry & Cleaners and Evaleen Henson as sponsors. have . the principal part in the 100 sq. ft. WESTER1\ 136 KALAMATH TA 4686 Mrs. Walter Badger Elected afterno5n. 'There will be crowning Private Baptism was administered Roy E. Stratton—new proprietor WINDOW & HOUSE of the statue of Our Lady at each on Tuesday to Robert John, son service. of Mr. and Mrs. Robert John Weisr CLEANING CO. Flying Ants May The Legion of Mary members haupl. WE CLEAN President of St. John^s PTA are asking the parishioners to sign The Ukrainian society will meet up in greater nupibers for the in the new school at noon on Sun­ Windows Walls Be Termites ^ (S t. John's Parish, Denver) I cial prayers for peace will be of­ vision pupils will play at 2 o’clock round-the-clock recitation of the day for a dinner meeting. Woodwork Wall Paper Rosary during the month of May. Most owners never The following officers, named fered as well as prayers for the and the upper division pupils at 3 The Phi Kappa fraternity will Floors (Washed & Waxed) welfare of American service men. o’clock: This public recitation of the Ro­ receive Communion in the 9 o’clock know they have ter- by a nominating committee headed sary runs from Monday at 6 p.m. mites until costly by Mrs. Frank Widger, were unan­ Special recognition will be made Louis Ramaley. Francis Jacobucci, Mass this Sunday and have a Com­ FREE ESTIMATES damage is already of members of the club who have Janies Alenius, Roberta King, Frances until Tuesday at the same hour. A munion breakfast in the recreation done. imously elected at the PTA meet­ Yates, John Alenius, Bobby Hayes, chart for the names of volunteers FULLY INSURED '54 t ing April 23. Mrs. Walter Badger already departed for service. Bonnie McNeive, Mary McGill, Cath­ center for their “rushees” follow­ Residonttal & Commercial For Free Inspection erine Tangney, Diane Schuyler, Roy for this devotion will be found in ing the Mass. , will be the new president; Mrs. Scout Troop 161 News Hayes: the vestibule of the church. Work Call SP. 4673 William Struck, vice president; The Mothers’ auxiliary of Boy Elaine Colocino, Judy Welch, Theresa The first graders in Sister Flo- 1032 18th MAin1556 Mrs. Thomas Curtan, treasurer; Scout troop 161 of the parish has Malouf. Dick Alenius, Sally Ann Sturde- Colo. Terminix Co. Mrs. Howard Conway, secretary; vant, Margaret Ramaley, James Curtan, rita’s room will receive First Com­ elected new officers as follows: munion in the 8 o’clock Mass Sun­ Licensee of E. L. Broce Co. and Mrs. John Oder, historian. President, Mrs. Vincent Finley; Renetta Knox, Patsy Clements, Anne Mc­ Ruffled Ciirtai ai§ The Aims listed here deserve to World's Largest Termite Control Members of St. John’s PTA en­ Gill. Daniel Chase; day, April 29. Parishioners who be remembered when you are dis* secretary, Mrs. Robert Alenius; Dennis Tangney, Patrica Dugan, Mi­ can conveniently arrange to do so tributing your patronage to the dif* 1754 S. Bdwy Geo. Leachman joyed fashions made and. modeled treasurer, Mrs. Kenneth Dunham; chael Little, Ann Chase, Mark Earlev, Beautifully Cleaned ferent lines of business. by the girls of the 4-H club. and publicity chairman, Mrs. C. Genevieve Vaughn, Marilyn Marranzino, are asked to attend a Mass other These dresses and aprons will also Betsey Smith, Helen Newman, and than that, so as to allow room in J. Stebenne. The auxiliary is Myrna Lartigue. the church for the parents and Draperies Cleaned be displayed and modeled at the planning a family dinner in May. A special beginners’ program Electrical Contracting & Repairing 4-H county fair in August. The The monthly meeting of the friends of the children. There are fifth grade Lucky Sewers were will be presented on Friday, April 59 children in the group, the same and Hand Finished Cub Scouts will be held on Fri­ 27, at 2 p.m. The following will introduced by their leader, Mrs. day evening at 7 :30. The Cub number that received First Com­ play: munion April 29. Call FR. 0574 DcliviTV ^ lARL J.SfROHM INGER Welch; the sixth grade Busy Scout trip to Winter Park has Sue Ellen Woehl, Irene Zalewski, Needles, by their leader, Mrs. been postponed until May 5. E. Andre OJivan. Elaine Wetherby. Theresa The Immaculate Heart of Mary Sweeten. Mrs. John Maguire, J. Sweeten has replaced Max McGill. Kevin Sweeney, and Bernadine sodality and the Marian sorority Electric Compoey leader of the seventh grade group, Proutt on the cub committee. Mr. Monahan. are planning a May crowning Peerless Lace Cleaning Co. Licensed and Bonded introduced the Red Hot Needles. Proutt has become a member of Honored in Louisiana service for the afternoon of Sun­ 5600 East Colfax FK. 0574 Mwmber National Electrical Contractors Ass’n. Kathy Plank, president of the the Boy Scout committee. Gwen Gallegos, daughter of Mr. day, May 6. AC. 5733 eighth grade group, announced The Boy Scout committee has and Mrs. Lito Gallegos, who is There will be devotions in honor * 1178 Stout St. for them in the absence of the chosen James Highfill as scout­ studying operatic voice at Louisi­ of Our Lady in the 8 o’clock Mass * every morning during the month * leader, Mrs. Little. The fashion master of troop 161. Robert Al­ ana State university in Baton Your Floors Are Our Business 4* show was given under the direc­ enius is the institutional represent­ Rouge, La., has been named to the of May. " * tion of Mrs. Taylor. ative and Kenneth Dunham is the queen’s court of the Pan-Ameri­ The Masses on Ascension Thurs­ Camplefe Flaar Maintenance Service * day, a holy day of obligation, will 4* FLOOR After the fashion show the chairman of the Boy Scout com­ can fiesta at the university. She Janitarial Supplies — Waxes — Saaps 4* COVERING CO. members gave the 4-H pledge and mittee. ' has appeared in many L.S.tj. oper­ be at 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 o’clock. * CAMEO the pledge of allegiance to the 6 Received in Church atic productions. The five-year-old son of Mr. and Electric Polishers and Scriihhers flag. The beautiful stage decora­ Mrs. Walter Sawicki, injured in * Linoleum— Asphalt, Rubber & Plastic Tile- -Woll Covering Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Col- Mrs. Daniel J. Reinert has re­ * tions were donated by the Jen­ linson, Jr., and their two chil­ turned home from Burlington, la., an automobile accident April 21 4* Estimates Complimentary nings Floral company. near his home, is still in critical DIIMOXT SALES CO. * dren, Lea Raye Ann and Rich­ where she was called by the death * The next meeting will be held ard Stephen, were received into of her late husband’s aunt, Mrs. condition at Children’s hospital. 1736-44 Blake St. TA. 4146 Rciiver * 2555 W. 29th Ave. GR. 9535 May 21. Mrs. Josephine Hayes, who is ac 4- the Church and baptized April Mary Fischer. 108 N. 3rd, Grand Junction 356 No. Wolcott, Casper, Wyo. * Mrs. Plunkett extended an in­ 21. The Coliinson family live The Kateri Tekakwitha circle tive in archdiocesan work and par­ vitation to all PTA members to at 462 S. Lafayette street. On members will care for the altars ish representative at the ACCW attend the 25th ACCW annivers­ the same day, Walter Bott of in May. meetings, was appointed this week PET ON OVER OLD ary luncheon and banquet. Res­ 3628 Gilpin and Charles Lyn­ Mrs. John Shea is a patient in to the board ,of Jirectors for the GARDEN FURNITURE - TRELLISES ervations are to be made with don Bridge of 179 Fillmore were St. Joseph’s hospital. State Tuberculosis association FRAME WALLS Mrs. Plunkett or Mrs. Delaney. received into the 'Church and Mrs. Harry Falk has returned Arapahoe county. J ot every purpose Men's Club Elects Officers baptized. from St. Joseph’s hospital and 1s A special meeting was held in the rectory April 23 by the presi­ Arch Benches — Love Seats Albert Riede was elected new Information talks on the teach­ at her home at 636 Josephine dents of all parish societies to dis­ president of St. John’s Men’s club ings of the Church are given in street. Lawn Chairs — Bird Baths the church on Monday and Mrs. J. S. Threlkeld will enter­ cuss ways and means of furnishing for the coming year. Other new the new rectory. Pergolas Made to Order officers are John Monaghan, vice Wednesday evenings at 8 o’clock tain St. Mary’s circle on May 1. Brick Siding president; James Delaney, secre­ in the eighth grade classroom of Mrs. David O’Brien entertained The foundation for the new BEST SELECTION IN THE WEST rectory was completed this tary; and Dr. James P. Gray, the school. All Catholics and in­ the Mother Cabrini circle at lunch­ eon and bridge on April 17. week. Work on the superstruc­ treasurer. The new president terested non-Catholics are invited ture is now beginning and it Just nail it on over the old ex­ named Raymond Cody as tempo­ to attend. Two Weddings Held COLORADO UPHOLSTERY CO. terior. The easy, inexpensive way There will be no KIRAY meet­ will be completed at the time of rary membership chairman, and Miss Mary Kay Brinkhaus be­ Carl Amato & Son Servfng^ Denver Since 1922 to modernize and insulate frame Mr. Monaghan as temporary pro­ ing this Saturday evening. the parish mid-summer festival buildings of all types. came the bride of John H. Sulli­ the first week in August. 2501 16th St. Phone GL 2304 gram chairman. Fred Branden­ Baptized Sunday by the Rt. van of Millbrae, Calif., April 21 burg was named head of a spe­ Rev. Monsignor John Moran was in the presence of Monsignor cial committee concerning a proj­ Lawrence, son of Mr. and Mrs. Moran. The couple was attended Call ior Free Estimate ect that the Men’s club is con­ Nathaniel Allen, with William by Edward Sullivan and Eliza­ templating. Finnerty and Mrs. Frank P. Lynch beth ft^ellar. Save! Do It Yourself! WESTERN ELATERITE ROOFING CO. Sixth and seventh grade boys, as sponsors. Walter Demmer and Gertrude under the supervision of Coach Music Recital Slated Otis were married before Monsi­ Equitable Building CHefry 6651 Julius Carabello, presented sev­ The following music pupils will gnor Moran April 23. Mr. and The reason Ideal Picket Fence Specials eral boxing matches for the enter­ give a recital in St. John’s school Mrs. Fred Von Valkenburg were serves more families in tainment of the men. Denver than any other Sunday, April 29. The lower di- witnesses. laundry is because Ideal Ceremonies for May Day customers get just the 1 X 3 Clear Kiln-Dried The K-Ducat Young People’s kind of laundry service club will sponsor special ceremo­ they want. nies in the church on Tuesday eve­ Father Scannell to Present Why don’t you, too, Red Wood ning, May 1, for May day. Spe­ enjoy Ideal Laundry Service.’ Prompt Service —careful handling—and 3 f t . ______13c Each Dostoievsky Book Review truly superior work, at Qyality Where standard prices. 3V2 f t . ______15c Each (Christ the King Parish, Denver) Mp. John C. Theno, 2747 S. Phons MAin 4MI. Quality Counts! The Rev. John W’. Scannell will Madison street, will extend the hos­ 4 f t . ______17c Each address the members of the Altar pitality of her home at a bridge- and Rosary society on Friday, luncheon on Wednesday, May 2, to (Note: Use 2*^-3 in. Pickets Per Ft.) April 27, on “Dostoievsky and The Our Lady of the Snows circle. Brothers Karamazov.” 'The meet­ St. Margaret Mary’s circle will 1x4 CLEAR KILN-DRIED RED CEDAR ing will commence with the recita­ accept the hospitality of Mrs. tion of the Rosary in the church Thomas Egan, 787 Forest street, 3 f l ...... L5cea. 4 fl...... 19c ea. at 1:30 p.m., after which the mem­ at a bridge-luncheon on Wednes­ 3 1/ 2 ft...... 17c ea. (Use 2-4 I’ickets per fool) bers will adjourn to the school day. May 2, at 12:30 o’clock. Full 2 in.. X 4 in. — 6 ft. Red Wood Posts, ea. 59c room for the business meeting. St. Frances Cabrini’s circle will Mmes. Tom Egan, Art Malnati, enjoy an evening of bridge in the — POST HOLE DIGGERS RENTED— M. J. O’Donoghue, and Perry Lan­ home of Mrs. Anthony Pecukaitis caster, hostesses, will serve re­ on Wednesday, May 2. freshments. The PTA will aponsor a home- Economy Lumber & Hardware As business of importance is to baked food aale after all the be transacted, all members are Masaea, commencing with the 350 So. Colorado Blvd. DE 5495 urged to be present. Newcomers to 7:30 Maaa, on Sunday, April 29. the parish are invited' to attend All kinda of baked fooda, in­ and become acquainted. cluding cakea, piea, doughnuta, Mrs. Gerald Galligan, 791 Eu- rolla, cookiea, and other itema, dora street, will be hostess in her will be available. P 1 home on Tuesday, May 1, to'St. The co-operation of all women Clement’s circle. of the parish in this project is w • •and when you The Neighborhood ejub^ com­ solicited. Donors who may not be posed of registered -Girl Scout able to make delivery in person G O E A S T - adults, will meet in ,the home of are asked to contact Mrs. King Mrs. Howard Crede, 665 Ash Thompson, FL. 0292, or Mrs. Wil­ street, Tuesday, May 1, at 1 liam B. Swigert, EA. 2390, and o’clock, for a dessert-luncheon. C O l D f E A l S E r o t arrangements will be made to pick Alfalfa __ For extra vacation thrills. . . Mrs. Crede will be assisted by up their contributions. Other con­ Com for cool clean comfort,.. travel the Wa,y of the Zephyrs t Mmes. J. F. Lichnovsky and tributors are asked to have their Q m liiif S a d i fijw duai Beulah Kiehm and the troop com­ donations delivered at the school Specializing Sweet Clover 1 Lean back and let the engineer be your chauffeur to HOUSE PAINTS mittee. on Saturday afternoon, April 28. in Quality Field Seeds Buch famous vacation centers as Mrs. Frank Wieck was hostess Plumbing Garden Seeds | THE BEST IN LUGGAGE Q ualihf Qagsitabki Flower Seeds ★ New York "k Boston • Spoeially BUNDED to to St. Patrick’s circle for an eve­ and Of All Kinds ning of bridge on April 18. Miss Ask for FREE | Philadelphia Atlantic City EED is such a small partof total crop] •k k stay bright! Nancy Davis received the award. Heating CATALOG •k Washington 'A Niagara Falls St. Joseph’s circle enjoyed the Repairs Scost. Yet the kind of seed you plant has •k Chicago hospitality of Mmes. Frank Gran- nell and H. L. Luckenbach in the much to do with the kind of crop you reap Vegetables Speed to Chicago aboard the famous De n v e r z e p h y r Guaranteed good by more than home of Mrs. Grannell at a bridge- or the Vista-Dome c a l i t o e n u z e p h y r ... both trains luncheon on April 19. Mrs. Arthur The difference in cost between the cheap- Flowers 30 yean of experience in Schultz, a gue^, and Mrs. A. J. SLAITERY make convenient connections for eastern points. And weather-teiting painu! “Dutch cst grades and GOLD SEAL is small. Yet Law ru remember—there’s no extra fare on any Burlington Kafka were recipients of the Boy” Bright White renews it- bridge awards. that diflfercnce looms large at harvest time. Nursery train! »®lf — allows dirt to wash away. :Lawnmowers[ Mrs. William