
File: 8urlineton Route


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HISTORIC RAILROAD STATIONS A Selected Inventory Prepared by the tlational Register of Historic Places Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation U.S. Department of the Interior July, 1974 • •


This inventory was organized and compiled by H. Ward The development of the railroad and its monuments, the Jandl, Jan Thorman and Katherine H. Cole, Architec­ railroad stations, coincided with the growth of the tural Historians with the National Register of His­ and was, in large part, responsible for toric Places in the Office of Archeology and Historic the economic expansion that began shortly before the Preservation. We appreciate the assistance of the Civil War and continued well into the twentieth cen­ following people who assisted in the preparation of tury. The completion of the great transcontinental this catalog: Susan Dynes of HABS and James Armstrong lines in the decade following the Civil War, the in­ of HAER who compiled lists of stations inventoried by vention of the Pullman sleeping car, the Westinghouse their respective programs and who also helped with air brake, the safety coupler, and the refrigerator the introduction; Carole Huberman in the office of car helped to insure the supremacy and prosperity of State Plans who provided assistance in going through the railroad for decades. The network of railroad the various state plans and extracting railroad lines crossing the continent not only provided an stations; Elizabeth Jones who helped with the selec­ efficient means to market grain and livestock, but tion of photographs; Wil Cole, Pat Callis and Linda more importantly brought settlers into the newly Lee who were responsible for the index; Ron Green­ opened territories. The termini and junction points berg in Publications; Jim True who assisted in the of the great transcontinental lines--Union Pacific, layout and design of this catalog. Special thanks Southern Pacific, Northern Pacific, and the Santa should also be given to those people in the State Fe--which were either small villages or nonexistent Historic Preservation offices who provided valuable before the Civil War, became cities within thirty information on stations within their states. years after rail link-up. Cities like Omaha, Kansas City, Duluth, Oakland, Portland, and Tacoma owe their initial growth and ensuing prosperity to the railroad. As Carroll Meeks has pointed out in his pioneering Cover: , Indianapolis (Susan Dynes) study, The Railroad Stat jon (New Haven: Yale Univer- I~UCTION sity Press, 1956), there was no functional precedent for• in 1875: "Railway termini and hotels are to the• nine­ the station--it was a new type of building, represent­ teenth century what monasteries and cathedrals were to ative of the new problems of design posed by the Indus­ the thirteenth century. They are truly the only real trial Revolution and reflective of the mobility and representative building we possess ... Our metropolitan technology of the masses. Perhaps more than any other termini have been leaders of the art spirit of our type of building, the railroad station and the time." shed typified the inventive spirit of the nineteenth and early twentieth century: engineers audaciously This selective inventory of historic railroad stations seized upon the potentialities of iron and glass, was prepared by the staff of the National Register of dramatically vaulting increasingly wider spaces with Historic Places, National Park Service, for the work­ single·spans. Architects, too, were quick to adapt shop on reusing railroad stations to be held on July the latest revival styles to the , achiev­ 22 and 23, 1974 in indianapolis, Indiana. Sponsored by ing a monumentality of scale perhaps unmatched by any the National Endowment for the Arts in conjunction with other building type of this period. Educational Facilities Laboratories, the workshop is co-sponsored by the Advisory Council on Historic Pre­ The most common transportation Buildings of the seven­ servation, National Park Service, National Trust for teenth and eighteenth centuries were the tollhouses, and Historic Preservation, and the U.S. Department of it may have been from these way-stations that the vast Transportation. The workshop was organized in response train shed developed. If the early train terminals were to a frequent urban crisis--the unnecessary demolition modeled upon cathedrals, Roman baths, Greek temples or of architecturally significant structures. Within the propylea, it was in part because architects, in trying to last ten years numerous railroad terminals have been solve the particular problems posed by the railroad, threatened or demolished both in large cities like New delved into history to see how earlier architects had York and and in smaller towns like Parkersburg, coped with large enclosed spaces able to accommodate many and Kent, Ohio. While there are an people. estimated 20,000 stations still standing in the United States, this is less than half the numBer that were No expense was spared in the construction of larger termi- standing only twenty years ago. nals. Built in a "golden age," they were symbols of the railroads' prosperity and power; often extravagant and Because of their size and the precarious financial monumental structures, they were designed by some of situation in which many railroads have found them­ America's best known architects and built to last with selves, railroad stations are particularly vulneraBle the finest available materials: marble, limestone, gran­ to destruction or aBandonment by companies unaBle or ite. In the smaller towns, the depots were no less unwilling to·maintain them. It is as if functionality important; built of wood or Brick, many times they were and efficiency in a building cannot coexist with domed fancifully decorated with "gingerbread" trim or distin­ spaces, Corinthian columns, and other such "unnecessary" guished with an imposing clock tower. More often tnan extravagances. Thus, the monumental railroad terminals not these stations were located in the center of town of yesterday are doomed on today's principle that it is facing a park or open space. The waiting rooms were the economically prohibitive to build or continue to use most important interior spaces of stations, both large overly generous spaces. This workshop will explore and small. Spacious and high-ceilinged, often vaulted methods for preserving these stations, not only for and coffered, these rooms were decorated with fine woods and stones, stained glass or murals. The arch­ 468 PASSENGER DEPOT, Branchvi I Ie, itectural magazine, Building News, accurately wrote South Carolina (Wi I I iam F. Christensen) ~ • • INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION • • aesthetic reasons, but more importantly so that with reuse stations can remain an essential part of America's architectural heritage. Ironically, the need for an efficient rail system is felt more keenly now than it was a decade ago. With the increasing shortage and cost of fuel, more people are beginning to realize that automobiles and super­ highways are not final answers to the transportation problems facing America. At the same time, many of those supporting the railroads feel that the age of the large railroad terminal has passed, leaving cities and towns with a centrally located, well built, in many cases architecturally significant--but unused--building. The purpose of this inventory is to bring to the at­ tention of the participants of this workshop--planners, mayors, bankers, developers--the names and locations of as many railroad stations as possible, which are recog­ nized by preservation programs of the Federal govern­ ment as having architectural, engineering or historical significance. Five sources were consulted in compiling the inventory: the National Register of Historic Places (including National Historic Landmarks); the Historic American Buildings Survey; the Historic American Engineering Record; the individual State Historic Preservation Plans which inventory architectural resources in de­ tail; and additional stations not mentioned by the other four sources suggested by staff members of the State Historic Preservation Offices. The Federal programs listed above are all within the Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation of the National Park Service. A brief description of each of the programs will help explain the government's role in encouraging and guiding preservation of this country's cultural resources.

266 POINT OF ROCKS RAILROAD STATION, Point of Rocks, (Barry Wientraub) • • The National Register of Historic Places. The stations, listed individually and within historic National Register is the official schedule of the districts. nation's cultural property that is worthy of preserv­ ation. Established by the National Historic Preserv­ One of the purposes of the National Register program ation Act of 1966, the National Register is a pro­ is to aid the states in the preparation of compre­ tective inventory of irreplaceable resources across hensive statewide preservation plans. The National the country. The National Register is expanded Register oversees and approves the preparation of through four means: 1) acts of Congress and Exec­ the~e plans which are presented in three volumes. utive Orders which create areas of historic sig­ nificance administered by the National Park Service; Volume I of this document provides a summary of the 2) properties declared by the Secretary of the State's history and background of its preservation Interior as eligible for designation as National His­ activities, a statement of its long range goals, and toric Landmarks; 3) nominations prepared by the states its methods of operation. Volume II, the State's and approved by the National Park Service; and, 4) inventory of historic resources, constitutes an in­ nominations of Federal properties prepared by Federal ventory of the historic sites, buildings, structures, agencies as directed by Executive Order 11593 and districts and objects which reflect the various themes approved by the National Park Service. and aspects of the State's development throughout history. As an ever-growing list of historical re­ Most nominations to the National Register are made by sources of varying significance within the State, it a State Historic Preservation Officer appointed by provides an excellent planning tool and working base the Governor to supervise the program within each for future historical research. Volume III is the state. A professional staff conducts a statewide annual work program, which must be submitted annually historic survey and reports its findings to a profes­ with an apportionment warrant stating and explaining sional review committee. If the property meets the State's request for historic preservation grants­ National Register criteria, the committee recommends in-aid. This volume includes a review of the past it for nomination. year's work, updates of Volumes I and II, and plans for the next fiscal year. It is from Volume II that The purposes of the National Register program are: the names and locations of many railroad stations 1) to assess and record the history and achievements were taken for this inventory. of the American people in the areas of American his­ tOY'y, architecture, archeology and culture; 2) to aid The Historic American Buildings Survey. Established the, states in the preparation of comprehensive state­ in 1933, the Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) wide preservation plans; 3) to assist in the preserv­ is a Federal program administered by the National ation of the tangible reminders of these achievements Park Service authorized to assemble an archives of and this history through the granting of Federal money the building arts in the United States. Conducted in to the states on a dollar-for-dollar matching basis; cooperation with the American Institute of Architects and, 4) to extend to all such properties a degree of and the Library of Congress, the Survey is the govern­ protection by insuring compliance with procedures for ment's oldest operative historic preservation program. review of Federal undertakings. Today, HABS conducts a broad national program of At present there are over 8,500 historic buildings, intensive architectural surveys on a shared-fund basis, structures, sites, objects and districts listed on the in cooperation with State and local governments, National Register, including well over 100 railroad preservation groups, and historical societies. The ~ODUCTION • • • • INTRODUCTION• Survey works closely with groups and i nstituti ons and shortly after its inception, the Historic American which have an active interest in recording historic Engineering Record conducted a survey of various structures and gives priority to projects in areas nineteenth century structures between and where there is active concern for historic landmarks. Cumberland, Maryland along the main line of the Historic buildings are recorded by detailed studies Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, which was completed whicl! include measured drawings, photographs, and arch­ between the two cities in 1842. Among the notable itectural and historical data. structures recorded were the Queen City Station-Hotel in Cumberland, the Mount Clare Shops in Baltimore, Befol'e 1959, the Survey had recorded only two railroad and the station in Point of Rocks. During the summer stati ons. Respondi ng to the cri si s of the ra il roads and of 1971, the Hi stori c Ameri can Engi neeri ng Record the impending demolition of many historically signifi­ conducted a similar survey along the main line of the cant structures, the Survey has recorded an additional Erie Railway, which was begun in 1835 and completed 51 stations since 1959. At least a dozen of these have between the metropolitan New York area and Dunkirk, been demolished, almost all of them in large urban cen­ New York in 1851. In addition to the distinguished ters: Station in New York, Chicago's Grand bridges, tunnels, and viaducts along this route, there Central, and Broad St. Station in . Al­ are a large number of nineteenth century stations, thowjh documentary records can never be a sulistitute among them the Starrucca House in Susquehanna, Penn­ for viable structures that contribute to the life of a sylvania, at one time a station-hotel noted for its community, they are an important resource which will be ample dining facilities. Statewide surveys and of use to historians and will serve as crucial links regional inventories have added other railroad connecting past and future generations. structures, particularly Baltimore and Ohio Railroad works in West Virginia, to the HAER files. The Historic American Engineering Record. Established in 1969 under a cooperative agreement between the National Park Service, the American Society of Civil Engineers, and the Library of Con9ress, the Historic The 562 stations inventoried here represent a small American Engineering Record (HAER) conducts a variety fraction of the stations still extant in the United of programs that document America's industrial and States. At the same time, the inventory provides engineering heritage. Projects include the compil­ a good representative sampling of the depots still to ing of inventories of sites and structures and the be found in America and indicates that a surprising detailed recording of notable works within a desig­ number have already been adapted as restaurants, nated geographic area or of a specific genre or residences, and offices. industry. Like HABS, such recording includes measured drawings, written historical accounts The stations are listed alphabetically by state and and technical analyses, professional photographs are assigned catalog numbers. Wherever possible, the and, in some cases, photogrammetry and motion following information on each station has been gathered: picture documentation. the town or city in which it is located the station's common name Railroads have necessarily played a major role in its street address or general location the history of American engineering and technology, the date of construction the architect 403 SEABOARD COAST LINE PASSENGER DEPOT, Ham I et, North the railroad lines served Care,1 ina (N.C. State Highway Commission) the 'present or adaptive use Because of the large number of stations involved, it has• The index appearing at the end of the inventory• lists been impossible to accumulate as much information on each stations, architects, railroad lines and adaptive station as desired. Although an attempt was made to uses alphabetically. At a glance the index will pro­ check information with State Historic Preservation Of­ vide the reader with such diverse information as the fices across the country. inaccuracies and omissions names of stations reused as theatres. the number of are bound to occur--although, it is hoped, not too depots designed by Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge, or frequently. the stations listed on the Baltimore and Ohio Rail­ road. According to the most recent railroad atlas published by Rand McNally. over 250 railroad lines still operate The 1ast line of each entry indicates the source of in the United States. In many entries names of rail­ information, and the following codes were used: road lines no longer in existence. or lines that have NHL National Historic Landmark been consolidated, will appear along with lines still NR National Register of Historic Places in operation. An attempt has been made to track down NRP Pending nomination to the National Register the current name of the railroad line using a partic­ HABS Historic American Buildings Survey ular station, but in many cases this has been impos­ HAER Historic American Engineering Record sible, and the historic line name is given. In the SI State inventory. State Historic Preservation cases where the exact name of a station is unknown, it Plan is simply listed "RR Station." For the purposes of Entries with none of these codes were supplied by this inventory, no effort was made to distinguish be­ State Historic Preservation Offices. tween the words "railroad" and "railway." • • ALABAMA• 5 Collinsville ALABAMA RR STATION Infonnation booth; moved

A1 bertvill e 6 Dothan RR STATION RR STATION Proposed civic center Bank; moved 2 Athens 7 Enterprise RR STATION RR STATION Clothing store Agricultura 1 museum NRP 3 Auburn RR STATION Motorcycle shop

4 Bessemer * *4 SOUTHERN RAILWAY TERMINAL STATION, Bessemer, SOUTHERN RR TERMINAL STATION Ala. (Bi Ily CI iff Evans) 1905 Alabama Ave. 1916 This small town railroad terminal, built in 1916, Alabama Great Southern RR; Southern; is irregular in plan with two levels of hipped roof Seaboard Coastline RR and a center gabled section. Notable architectur­ Proposed museum al features include the hand-finished Circassion NR walnut woodwork and trim in the two waiting rooms.

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. ,- ~ .. ." ,,;,' ,,'~,.·:;?···"'"'",:::;;i>:i\1c:M ··"-~\.~~~~/1 . " .... ' : . • • 8 Eufaula 9 Fort Payne * VICKSBURG AND BRUNSWICK DEPOT ALABAMA GREAT SOUTHERN RR PASSENGER DEPOT Lore Historic District Northeast Fifth Street 1872 1890-91; Charles Co Taylor Central of Georgia Alabama Great Southern RR; Southern System Store NR NR 10 Huntsville * SOUTHERN RR SYSTEM DEPOT 330 Church Street 1860 Southern RR System *9 ALABAMA GREAT SOUTHERN RAILROAD PASSENGER Proposed transportation museum DEPOT, Fort Payne, Alabama (Bi I I Jocowayl NR *10 SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM DEPOT, Huntsville, Completed in 1891, the Fort Payne Derot was Alabama (John A. Martz) designed in a style by the Ohio architect, Charles C. Taylor. The one­ This two story red brick depot is the oldest story bui Iding, with its hipped roof, turret and extant rai Iway station in Alabama. Constructed gray sandstone wal Is, is the sister bui Iding of in 1860 as part of the important Memphis & the Fort Payne Opera Bui Iding and is a fine Charleston Rai Iroad Company, the depot was example of boom town architecture. The station purchased in 1898 by the Southern Rai Iway is one of the few remaining 19th century rai Iroad System. Plans are underway to restore the terminals in Alabama. depot as a museum.

- --.------• • 11 Linden 15 Selma RR STATION RR STATION Restaurant; moved Water Avenue Historic District Louisville &Nashville RR; Southern l:? Mobile Proposed offices GULF. MOBILE &OHIO STATION NR Beauregard St. between Royal & St. Joseph Sts. 16 Talladega 1907; Philip Thornton Marye TALLADEGA RR DEPOT Gulf. Mobile &Ohio RR Talladega court House Square District Storage and offices c. 1906 HABS Louisville & Nashville RR; Seaboard 13 Montevallo Coastline RR; Southern RR STATION Chamber of Commerce; information center Library; moved NR 14 Montgomery 17 Tuscaloosa UNION RR STATION RR STATION Water Street Proposed restaurant 1898 Proposed civic center 18 Tuscumbi a NR TUSCUMBIA RR DEPOT 12 GULF, MOBILE & OHIO RAILROAD STATION, Colbert County Courthouse Square Historic District Motile, Alabama (Roy Thigpen for HABS) Southern Civic center NR


19 Seward RR STATION 5th Street & Neil Armstrong Ave. SI ARIZONA • 22 Tucson • OLD EL PASO &SOUTHWESTERN RR STATION 1912 El Paso & Southwestern RR 20 Grand Canyon * Not in use GRAND CANYON RR STATION Park Route 8a 23 Yuma 1890's SOUTHERN PACIFIC DEPOT Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe RR Southern Pacific RR Not in use Proposed art gallery NRP 21 Patagonia PATAGONIA RR STATION c. 1900 ARKANSAS Southern Pacific RR SI 24 Bigelow RR STATION *20 GRAND CANYON RAILROAD STATION Highway 300 and Clay Sto Grand Canyon, Arizona (Richard Payner) co 1900-20 Residence fhis sprawl ing log and shingle structure was SI completed around 1909 by the Santa Fe Rai Iroad. With its completion the railroad became the 25 Clarkville principal means of access to the Grand Canyon, FIRST DEPOT bringing passengers to its lodges and hotels. SI Service to the station was terminated in 1968. 26 Conway RR STATION Not in use; proposed town meeting hall 27 England RR STATION Police station

28 Garner (vicinity) RR STATION Highway 67 North co 1895 S1 • • • 29 Hot Springs RR STATION CALIFORNIA Restaurant 30 Keo 37 Alameda RR STATION ALAMEDA TERMINAL CENTRAL PACIFIC RR c. 1885 Between 1848-1900 Not in use Central Pacific RR SI DEMOLISHED SI 31 l.eslie LESLIE RR STATION 38 Alviso c. 1910 ALVISO RR DEPOT SI Port of Alviso Historic District 1904 32 Little Rock Southern Pacific RR CHOCTAW ROUTE STATION NR East 3rd St. c. 1899 39 Bagby Rock Island RR YOSEMITE VALLEY RR STATION Yosemite National Park 33 Littl e Rock 1907 UNION STATION Yosemite Valley RR 1924 DEMOLISHED Restaurant; office; RR Station HABS 34 McRea 40 Blue Lake McREA RR STATION ARCATA & MAD RIVER RR STATION Highway 67 North 1848-1900 c. 1900 Arcata & Mad River RR SI SI 35 St. Joe 41 Burlingame ST. JOE RR STATION SOUTHERN PACIFIC RR STATION Highway 65 Burlingame Avenue c. 1920 1894; George H. Howard SI Southern Pacific RR RR Station 36 Van Buren HABS VAN BUREN DEPOT Main & Fayetteville 5ts. c. 1900 51 W1FORNIA • • 42 Camari 11 e 46 SOUTHERN PACIFIC RR DEPOT "THE PALMS". SOUTHERN PACIFIC DEPOT Post 1900 1848-1900 Southern Pacific RR Southern Pacific RR Sl SI 43 Colton 47 Los Angeles County SANTA FE RR STATION RIVER STATION 1848-1900 1848-1900 Southern Pacific RR; Atchison. Topeka & Southern Pacific RR Santa Fe RR SI SI *53 SANTA FE DEPOT (UNION STATION), San Diego, 44 cottonwood Cal ifornia (Robert Mosher) COTTONWOOD RR STATION Front Street The Santa Fe Depot was bui It in the Spanish Colonial Southern Pacific RR Revival style in conjunction with the 1915 Panama­ Cottonwood Museum Pacific International Exposition in Balboa Park. NR The great entrance arch is flanked by towers with ti led domes capped by ti led lanterns; the blue and 45 Jamestown yel low tiles laid in zigzag patterns are especially SIERRA RR DEPOT noteworthy. Plans are underway to turn the 1848-1900 station into a transportation complex, including RR Station , buses, airport ticketing faci I ities, shops, SI and a restaurant. 41 SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD STATION, Burl ingame, Cal ifornia (Morley Baer for HABS) • • CALIFORNIA• •CALIFORNIA • • 48 Los Angeles 54 San Francisco WAITS STATION SOUTHERN PACIFIC DEPOT Post 1900 3rd &Townsend Sts. Not in use Early 20th c. SI Southern Pacific RR RR Station 49 Menlo Park SOUTHERN PACIFIC RR STATION 55 Santa Paul a 1848-1900 SOUTHERN PACIFIC DEPOT So"uthern Pacific RR Post 1900 RR Station; Chamber of Commerce; Southern Pacific RR office SI SI 56 Santa Susana 50 Orinda SOUTHERN PACIFIC RR STATION CALIFORNIA &NEVADA RR TERMINUS Post 1900 1848-1900 Southern Pacific RR California & Nevada RR SI SI 57 Truckee 51 Redlands TRUCKEE DEPOT SANTA FE RR STATION c. 1900 Post 1900 Southern Pacific RR Atchison. Topeka and Santa Fe RR SI SI 52 San Carlos SOUTHERN PACIFIC RR STATION 1848-1900 Southern Pacific RR RR Stati on SI 58 Antonio RR STATION 53 San Diego * 1880's SANTA FE RR STATION (UNION STATION) & Rio Grande Western RR 1050 Kettner Blvd. RR Station 1914-1915; Bakewell & Brown NR Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe RR Transportation Center 59 Colorado Springs NR/HABS DENVER & RIO GRANDE RR DEPOT 20 South Sierra Madre Street 1887; Frederick Sterner Denver & Rio Grande Western RR SI • • CONNECTiuT 60 Como 67 Ridgeway COMO ROUNDHOUSE, DEPOT & RR HOTEL RIDGEWAY RR STATION 1879 1893 SI Rio Grande Southern RR 51 61 Conejos County NARROW GAUGE DEPOT 68 Silver Plume 1880 SILVER PLUME DEPOT Denver & Rio Grande Western RR 1-70 right-of-way SI 1884 Colorado Central Railroad 62 Crested Butte NR CRESTED BUTTE DEPOT 1881 69 Victor Denver & Rio Grande Western RR VICTOR DEPOT 51 Teller County 1890's 63 Denver 51 UNION STATION 17th & Wyncoop St. 70 Wagon Wheel Gap 1881; Gove &Walsh WAGON WHEEL GAP DEPOT 51 1883 Denver & Rio Grande Western RR 64 Durango Art Gallery DURANGO-SILVERTON NARROW GAUGE RR SI NHL/NR 65 Glenwood Springs GLENWOOD SPRINGS DEPOT 1887 CONNECTICUT Denver & Rio Grande RR 51 71 Brookfield 66 Jefferson County BROOKFIELD RR STATION SOUTH PLATTE STATION Route 25 Western End of Platte Canyon Late 19th c. 1877 Penn Central RIl Denver, S. Park & Pacific RR 51 51 •CONNECTICUT • • 72 Colchester 78 Kent RR STATION KENT RR DEPOT Route 16 1870 1880 Penn Centra 1 RR Penn Central RR 51 Package store 51 79 New Haven NEW HAVEN RR STATION 73 Cornwall c. 1905 CORNWALL BRIDGE RR STATION Penn Centra 1 Junction of Popp1eswamp Brook Rd. & SI Kent Rd. 1860's *80 NEW LONDON RAILROAD STATION NR New London, Conn. (HABS) 74 Cornwall The design of this large, 2 1/2 story red brick WEST CORNWALL DEPOT bui Iding with its hipped roof and projecting Route 128 gabled center section has been attributed to 1880 the noted American architect, Henry Hobson Penn Central RR Richardson. Architectural historians have SI described the Romanesque Revival station as being one of the architect's best works, 75 Danbury although the bui Iding has been under the threat DANBURY RR STATION of demolition for the past decade. Present Penn Central RR plans cal I for the station to be converted SI into commercial office space and a restaurant, with continuing tc use some space for 76 Guilford its operations. GUILFORD RR STATION Whitfie 1d St. c. 1870 Penn Centra 1 RR Hardware store SI 77 Hampton RR STATION Route 6 at Brook St. 1860 Penn Central RR 51 ,. • • CONNECTICUT 80 New London * 81 North Canaan * NEW LONDON RR STATION UNION DEPOT Foot of State St. U.S. 44 1886-87; H. H. Richardson 1872; Chief Engineer Shunk Amtrack; New York, New Haven & Housatonic & Connecticut Western RR Hartford RR; Penn Central RR Freight station RR Station; proposed commercial use NR NR/HABS 82 Old Saybrook RR STATION & FREIGHT HOUSE *81 UNION DEPOT, North Canaan, Conn. (Susan c. 1870 Babbitt) Penn Central RR 51 This elegant Victorian station was situated at the junction of the Connecticut Western and Housatonic railroads, and each wing of the building served a 83 Southport different I ine. At the southwestern corner of the NEW YORK, NEW HAVEN & HARTFORD RR 2-story board and batten structure is a large octag­ EASTBOUND PASSENGER STATION onal tower with rooms for the accommodation of the Station Street telegraph operators. No longer used as a passenger c. 1885 depot, the station is presently owned by Penn New York, New Haven & Hartford RR; Centra I. Penn Central HABS

84 Stonington MYSTIC RR DEPOT Route 1 Penn Central RR SI 85 Wall ingford WALLINGFORD RR STATION c. 1870 Penn Central RR 51 86 Waterbury WATERBURY RR STATION 1909; McKim, Mead & White Penn Central RR Passenger use; newspaper office 51 CONNECTICUT • • 87 Windsor 93 Rehoboth WINDSOR RR STATION REHOBOTH RR STATION Center St. Laundromat; bus station 1880 Penn Central RR 94 Seaford Not in use SEAFORD PASSENGER STATION SI 1861-73 Penn Central RR 88 Windsor Locks Operations office WINDSOR LOCKS RR STATION SI Route 5A Penn Central RR 95 Wilmington SI WILMINGTON TRAIN STATION Front St. Penn Central RR RR Station DELAWARE 96 Winterthur WINTERTHUR STATION Reading RR 89 Dover DOVER RR STATION 97 Wyoming Delaware RR Co. WYOMING RR STATION Courthouse; formerly State Library Delaware RR Co. Laundromat 90 Greenwood GREENWOOD RR STATION 1861-1873 Penn Central RR; Delaware RR Co. Not in use DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA SI 91 Montchanin 98 Washi ngton * MONTCHANIN RR STATION UNION STATION Reading RR Massachusetts & Delaware Aves. NE Post Office 1903-08; Amtrak; Baltimore & Ohio RR; 92 Newark Penn Central RR; Southern NEWARK RR STATION RR Station; visitors center Penn Central RR NR/HABS RR Station ,. • • DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA *98 UNION STATION , D.C. (Jack E. Boucher for HA8S)

Designed in 1903 by Daniel H. Burnham, Union Station was patterned externally after the Arch of Constantine and internally after the Baths of Diocletian. The richly decorated station, with exterior sculpture executed by Louis Saint-Gaudens, was designed to accommodate inaugural crowds of 100,000, but the number of daily passengers has dwindled to a fraction of that number in recent years. Union Station is now being renovated under the direction of the National Park Service and wi I I become a National Visitors Center as part of the country's Bicentennial program.

y // "• " ; •. "t , I f •FLORIDA • • 100 Orlando FLORIDA OLD ORLANDO RR DEPOT Depot Place &West Church St. 1894 99 Lloyd SI LLOYD RR DEPOT SR 59 & Lester Lawrence Rd. 101 Or1 ando 1858 ORLANDO TRAIN STATION Seaboard Coastline RR 1402 Sligh Blvd. NRP 1926 Seaboard Coastline RR *103 SEABOARD COAST LINE RAILROAD PASSENGER RR Station STATION, West Palm Beach, Florida (Jack E. HABS Boucher for HABS) 102 Pensacola This 2-story bui Iding, with a distinctive tower LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE MARINE TERMINAL on the north side, was designed in a Spanish Barracks &Main Sts. Baroque style of terra cotta tile with painted 1902 stucco and cast stone or plaster detai I ing. A Louisville &Nashville RR handsome loggia on the north continues around SI part of the east side to the asymmetrical main entrance. The Seaboard Coast Line sti I I 103 West Palm Beach * operates the bui Iding as a passenger station. SEABOARD COASTLINE RR PASSENGER STATION Datura St. &Tamarind Ave. 1925; L. Philips Clarke Florida East Coast RR; Seaboard Coastline RR RR Station NR/HABS


104 Athens ATHENS RR STATION Southern Restaurant & Gift shop • • GEORGIA• 105 Atlanta 112 Decatur ATLANTA & WEST POINT STATION RR STATION Decatur St. & Mccord Place 1890 c. 1870 Georgia RR Atlanta & West Point RR RR Station SI 113 Elberton 106 Atlanta RR STATION BROOKWOOD STATION Southern 1688 Peachtree St. Genera 1 Store 1918 SI 114 Forsythe RR STATION 107 Atlanta Central of Georgia Railway GEORGIA RR FREIGHT DEPOT Club Georgia RR Parki ng Garage 108 Atlanta OGLETHORPE GEORGIA RR Peachtree Rd. Southern Formerly antique shop; now not 122 CENTRAL OF GEORGIA TRAINSHED & STATION in use Savannah, Georgia (Louis Schwartz for HABS) 109 Barnesville RR STATION Central of Georgia Railway Lamar County Historical Society Meeting Place 11 0 Col umbus RR STATION Columbus Historic District Central of Georgia Railway; Southern NR 111 Cuthbert CUTHBERT JUNCTION RR STATION Central of Georgia Railway Not in use; proposed acquisition by historical society 115 Jonesboro • • 123 Smithvill e JONESBORO TRAIN STATION RR STATION Jonesboro Historic District Central of Georgia Railway (Main Street) . City Hall 1867 Central of Georgia Railway 124 Stone Mountain Historical society headquarters RR STATION NR Georgia RR City Hall & Jail 116 Kennesaw BIG SHANTY RR STATION 125 Summerv i 11 e Big Shanty Museum RR STATION Central of Georgia Railway 117 Kingston Offices & stores KINGSTON RR DEPOT Not in use 126 Thompson RR STATION 118 leesville Georgia RR RR STATION Proposed club Central of Georgia Railway library 127 Tu11u1ah Falls TUllUlAH FAllS RR STATION 119 Montezuma Handicraft shop RR STATION Central of Georgia Railway 128 Tybee Island leased by City Police RR STATION 120 Pelham RR STATION RR Station; art studio IDAHO 121 Rome RR STATION Southern 129 Blackfoot Antique shop BLACKFOOT RAILWAY STATION SI 122 Savannah CENTRAL OF GEORGIA TRAINSHED & STATION West Broad Street c. 1855 Central of Georgia Railway Visitors center HABS • • IDAHO 130 Boise * *130 UNION f'ACIFIC MAINLINE DEPOT, Boise, Idaho UNION PACIFIC MAIN LINE DEPOT (Duane Garrett) 1701 Eastover Terrace 1924-25; Carrere, Hastings, Shreve This handsomely decorated Spanish colonial bui Iding & Lamb was designed by the prestigious New York architect­ Union Pacific RR ural firm of Carrere, Hastings, Shreve and Lamb. Union Pacific company office The three principal elements--the large waiting room NRP/HABS block, the lower office wing and the campanile-- are set in an asymmetrical pattern, with the tower 13'1 Downey dramatically dominating the structure. The station, DOWNEY RR STATION now used as a Union Pacific company office, can be SI seen both day and night f rom much of the c i "ty, making it a fami I iar landmark in Boise. II! • • 132 Firth 141 Sandpoint FIRTH RR STATION SANDPOINT BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILWAY 51 STATION Cedar St. at Sand Creek 133 Lewiston 1916 LEWISTON DEPOT Burlington Northern RR; Amtrak 13th & Main St. RR Station 1909 NR Camas Prairie RR NR 142 Shelley SHELLEY RAILWAY STATION 134 McCall 51 McCALL RR STATION 51 143 Spalding SPALDING RAILWAY STATION 135 McCammon Union Pacific RR McCAMMON RR STATION 51 SI 144 Twin Falls 136 Montour RR STATION MONTOUR RR BUILDING Moved; used as historical society 51 145 Wallace 137 Nampa NORTHERN PACIFIC RR STATION NAMPA DEPOT Union Pacific 12th Ave. & Front St. SI 1903; F. W. Clarke Oregon Shortline RR; Union Pacific RR 146 Weiser Canyon County Historical Society WEISER RR STATION NR Union Pacific RR 51 138 Payette PAYETTE RR DEPOT 147 Wendell Union Pacific RR WENDELL RR STATION SI Ski lodge 139 Rathdrum RATHDRUM RR STATION 51 140 Roberts ROBERTS RR STATION 51 • • ILLI'" 155 Carlyle ILLINOIS RR STATION 950 Washington St. 148 Anna 156 Carmi PELLEY RR DEPOT RR DEPOT Railroad St., NW of South Main St. West Side of 1st. South of Fackney 51 SI 149 Ashley 157 Chicago RR STATION GRAND CENTRAL STATION NW Corner of Railroad & Washington Stso SW Corner of West Harrison &South 51 Wells Sts. 1888-90; Solon Spencer Beman 150 Aurora Baltimore & Ohio RR; Chicago & Great Western RR PASSENGER DEPOT RR; Chicago & Northern Pacific RR; Broadway & Washington Sts. Central RR Burlington Northern RR DEMOLISHED 51 HABS 151 Batavia 158 Chicago RR STATION 2 SMALL STATIONS Southeast Corner of Van Buren & Pullman Historic District (lllth St.) Webster 1880-84; Solon S. Beman SI Illinois Central RR NHL/NR 152 Cairo CAIRO RIVER & RAIL WAREHOUSE 159 Chicago-Forest Glen 1203 Ohio CHICAGO, , ST. PAUL & PACIFIC RR SI STATION 5350 North Forest Glen 1!i3 Ca iro Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific RR RR STATION SI 1501 Washington Missouri Pacific RR 160 Dahlgren SI RR DEPOT 3rd St. 154 Cairo LOUisville & Nashville RR RR STATION SI 1400 Commerc i a1 Illinois Central RR SI • I • I • • ILLINOIS'" 161 DeKa 1b 167 Evanston RR DEPOT RR STATION 6th St. 1924; Arthur N. Gerber Chicago &Northwestern RR Chicago &Northwestern RR SI SI 162 Depue 168 Findl ay RR STATION RR DEPOT SE Corner of Marquette & Pleasant 401 SE 2nd St. SI SI 163 Dixon 169 Flora RR DEPOT RR STATION South End of Depot Ave. 1st St.; South of North Ave. Chicago & Northwestern RR SI SI 170 Galena 164 Dwight RR DEPOT GULF, MOBILE & OHIO RR PASSENGER DEPOT Bouthillier; West of Park West St. between Prairie & Franklin SI 1891; Henry Ives Cobb Gulf, Mobile & Ohio RR 171 Girard SI RR DEPOT 151 East Center 165 Enfield SI RR DEPOT North of Evansville 172 Gl encoe Lousville & Nashville RR RR DEPOT SI 710 Green Bay Rd. Chicago & Northwestern RR 166 Erie SI RR DEPOT South of State Route 2 173 Greenup Chicago, Burlington & Quincy RR RR DEPOT SI South side of Mill Road SI 174 Greenville RR DEPOT 920 South 3rd St. 51 157 GRAND CENTRAL STATION, Chicago, I I I inois (Cerv in Rob i nson for HABS) DEMOL I SHED 175 Hinsdale •183 Morri son • "HIGHLANDS" RR STATION RR DEPOT County Line Rd. West of Cherry Chicago, Burlington & Quincy RR Northwestern RR 51 51 176 Keni lworth 184 Mt. Carmel RR DEPOT RR DEPOT 400 Richmond Rd. SW end of McDowell St. Chicago & Northwestern RR 51 51 185 Mt. Carmel 177 La Grange RR DEPOT RR DEPOT (STONE AVE.) North side of 10th St.; East of Market Burlington Ave. at Stone Ave. 51 51 186 Murphysboro 178 La Salle RR DEPOT RR DEPOT E side of 13th St. South Side of 1st at Lafayette Illinois Central RR Rock Island RR 51 51 187 Nashvi 11 e 179 Lewistown RR DEPOT RR STATION Kaskaskia St. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy RR 51 51 188 Oak Park 180 Lockport COMMUTER STATION RR DEPOT Frank Lloyd Wright - Prairie School of 13th St. Architecture Historic District Gulf, Mobile & Ohio RR Chicago & Northwestern RR 51 NR 181 Mascoutah 189 Odell RR DEPOT GULF, MOBILE & OHIO RR DEPOT East side of Railway; South of Philip SE side of Wauponsee, West of Hamilton 51 Gulf, Mobile & Ohio RR 51 182 Milford CHICAGO & EASTERN ILLINOIS RR STATION 190 Okawville East side of West 'Ave. RR DEPOT Chicago & Eastern Illinois RR West of Front St. 51 51 • • INDIANA• 191 Olmstead 199 Wilmette RR DEPOT RR STATION Front St., SW of Caledonia St. 1/2 block NW of Central SI Chicago & Northwestern RR SI 192 Riverside SMALL COMMUTER STATION Riverside Landscape Architecture District Chicago, Burlington & Quincy RR INDIANA RR Station NHL/NR 193 Round Lake 200 East Chicago ROUND LAKE RR DEPOT EAST CHICAGO RR STATION NW corner of Cedar Lane & Illinois RR Station; city offices Highway 134 SI 201 Gosport GOSPORT STATION 194 Salem c. 1855 RR DEPOT Louisville & Nashville RR Mitchell St., West of Broadway HAER SI 202 Indianapolis * 19!i Sterling UNION STATION RR DEPOT Jackson Place & Illinois St. South end of Locust 1886-88; Thomas Rodd SI Indianapolis Union RR RR Station 196 Tiskilwa NRP/HABS RR STATION East Main 203 Madison Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific RR MADISON RR STATION SI Madison Historic District Penn Central RR 197 Virden NR RR DEPOT 118 North Masterson SI 198 Waterloo RR DEPOT South side of Park St.; West of Moore SI ------IOWA• • • *202 UNION STATION, Indianapol is, Indiana (Early view) IOWA

Comp I eted in 1888, th is Romanesque Rev i va I sta·j- i on handled 200 trains a day at its peak. The building, 204 Council Bluffs with its massive clock tower, handsome rose window UNION PACIFIC TRANSFER DEPOT & HOTEL illuminating the waiting room, and turrets, is one 1887 of the most distinguished edifices in Indianapol is. Union Pacific RR Plans are underway to restore the exterior and DEMOLISHED convert the interior· into a three-level arcade HABS I ined with shops. 205 Creston * CRESTON RR DEPOT 200 West Adams St. 1899 Burlington Northern RR Proposed city hall NR 206 Fayette FAYETTE DEPOT Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific RR Residence; moved SI

207 Mt. Vernon MT. VERNON STATION Proposed residence; moved SI


208 Burlingame SANTA FE DEPOT Kansas St. (vicinity) 1869 Museum SI ,. • • KANSAS 209 Chanute 211 ElDorado SANTA FE DE POT MISSOURI-PACIFIC RR DEPOT 111 North Lincoln 430 North Main 1902 SI SI 212 Ell inwood 210 Dodge City SANTA FE DEPOT SANTA FE DE POT Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe RR Central and Front SI 1897 Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe RR; 213 Hays Amtrak UNION PACIFIC DEPOT Amtrak RR Station; offices West 11th & Walnut Sts. SI 1923 Union Pacific RR S1 *;>05 CRESTON RAILROAD DEPOT, Creston, Iowa 214 Herington ROCK ISLAND DEPOT O[le of the largest depots on the Chicago, Walnut St. Blir Ii ngton and Qu i ncy Ra i I road and the largest 1880' s blli Iding in Creston, this landmark was bui It in Rock Island RR 1!199 at a cost of $75,000. Although a moderate Freight offices amount of deterioration has occurred through SI SEovera I years of neg I ect, the br i ck stat i on with its red glazed ti Ie roof is structurally sound 215 Holyrood and needs no major repairs. Of special interest SANTA FE DEPOT i" the large waiting room with its red marble 1887 floor and oak beamed cei ling. Atchison, Topeka &Santa Fe RR SI 216 Humboldt SA NT A FE DE POT East end of Bridge St. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe RR SI 217 Kinsley SANTA FE DE POT US-56 1895 Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe RR SI • • 218 Kiowa 224 Newton SANTA FE DEPOT SANTA FE DEPOT Railroad Ave. East Fifth & Main 1900' s Atchison, Topeka &Santa Fe RR Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe RR RR offices SI 219 Larned SANTA FE DEPOT 225 Osage City 4th & Broadway MISSOURI PACIFIC DEPOT Atchison, Topeka &Santa Fe RR 1912 SI Missouri-Pacific RR SI 220 Liberal ROCK ISLAND DEPOT 226 Ottawa Kansas Ave. OLD SANTA FE RR DEPOT 1891 135 West Tecumseh St. Rock Island RR 1888 SI Atchison, Topeka &Santa Fe RR Museum 221 Linco 1n NR SANTA FE DEPOT 428 West Lincoln Ave. 227 Pratt c. 1907 SANTA FE DEPOT Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe RR South Main SI Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe RR SI 222 Lincol n UNION PACIFIC DEPOT 228 St. Francis Lincoln Ave. ST. FRANCIS RR STATION 1880's West end of Washing·ton St. Union Pacific RR SI SI 229 Solomon * 223 Manhattan UNION PACIFIC RR DEPOT UNION PACIFIC DEPOT Third St. First & Pierre 1885 1876 Union Pacific RR Union Pacific RR May be moved SI NR ,. • • KANSAS 230 Valley Falls 231 Wallace (vicinity) OLD SANTA FE DEPOT OLD WESKAN DEPOT From Broadway East over RR tracks Ft. Wallace Museum grounds 1917 1887 Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe RR Museum Not in use SI SI 232 Watervi 11 e MISSOURI PACIFIC DEPOT *2L9 SOLOMON DEPOT, Solomon, Kansas. (Kansas South Kansas, between Front & RR Sts. State Historical Society Staff) 1870's Missouri-Pacific RR Solomon City was an important rai I road center at SI the time the Union Pacific Rai I road Depot was bui It in 1885. Constructed of cut white Manhat­ 233 Wichita tar I imestone ornately trimmed in wood, the depot ROCK ISLAND DEPOT is a I-story rectangular structure with a dis­ 729 Douglas tirctive gabled section running at right angles 1887; J. T. Long to the main section. The station is in regular Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific RR use as a freight depot, although tnere are plans offices to move the building away from the tracks. Sol­ NR omen Depot is considered to be one of the best rerr,aining examples of rai Iroad Victorian arch- 234 Wil son i te,cture executed in stone. UNION PACIFIC DEPOT 1878-79 Union Pacific RR SI 235 Winfield SANTA FE DE POT West 14th St. 1899 51 .. KENTUCKY • • 242 Stanford KENTUCKY LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE RR DEPOT Depot St. 1866 236 Frankfort Louisville & Nashville RR FRANKFORT LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE DEPOT Freight depot Louisville &Nashville RR SI Storage 243 Stanton 237 Louisville LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE RR DEPOT UNION STATION 1891 TOOO West Broadway Louisville & Nashville RR 1910 Offices Louisville & Nashville RR SI Amtrak RR Station 238 Owensboro LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE DEPOT 11th &Frederica Sts. Late 19th c. *239 PARIS RAILROAD DEPOT, Paris, Ky. (Ted Louisville, Henderson &St. Louis RR Wiseman) SI This ornate wooden Victorian rai I road depot is 239 Paris * distinguished by its horizontal shiplap and PARIS RR DEPOT vertical siding and painted tin-ribbed roof Between lOth St. & Winchester Pike decorated with wood acroteria. Inside the Early 1880's I-story structure are three rooms which at one Louisville &Nashville RR time served as waiting rooms and the station Y.M.C.A.; Chamber of Commerce master's office. NR 240 Prestonsburg CHESAPEAKE &OHIO RR DEPOT Chesapeake &Ohio RR 51 241 Salt Lick CHESAPEAKE & OHIO RR DEPOT Chesapeake & Ohio RR 51 • • MARYl.AND.. 249 West Minot RR STATION c. 1900 Grand Trunk RR 21>4 Alexandria Residence ALEXANDRIA RR STATION SI Missouri-Pacific RR Proposed museum 250 Yarmouth RR STATION 245 Baton Rouge 1906 OLD ILLINOIS CENTRAL RR STATION Grand Trunk RR 1920's Museum Illinois Central RR SI Museum


251 Aberdeen, Hartford County 246 Suc ksport BALTIMORE & OHIO RR STATION RR STATION Baltimore & Ohio RR c. 1875 Track maintenance office Maine Central RR SI Bucksport Historical Society Museum 51 252 Baltimore CALVERT STATION 247 Kennebunk Calvert & Franklin Sts. RR STATION 1848-50 Kennebunk Historic District Penn Centra 1 RR NRP DEMOLISHED HABS 248 Thomaston THOMASTON RR STATION 253 Ba ]timore Thomaston Historic District CAMDEN ST. STATION Maine Central RR 1852-56; 1869; 1895 NR Camden St. Baltimore & Ohio RR RR Station HAER ------• • 254 Baltimore * 256 Baltimore MT. CLARE STATION (B & 0 TRANSPORTATION PRESIDENT ST. STATION MUSEUM) Mid 19th c. Carro 11 Park Penn Central RR 1830 DEMOLISHED Baltimore & Ohio RR HABS Transportation Museum NHL/NR/HABS/HAER 255 Baltimore * MOUNT ROYAL STATION *255 MOUNT ROYAL STATION, Baltimore, Md. 1400 Cathedral St. (Detroit Photographic Co. copyright 1902) 1896; E. Francis Baldwin & Josias Pennington This elegant Ital ian Renaissance style station, Co 11 ege of art completed in 1896, is reminiscent of the Ven­ NR/HABS/HAER dramini Palace in Venice. Built of granite trimmed with limestone, it is 3 stories with a ISO-foot tower rising out of the center. In 1961 the Baltimore & Ohio Rai I road ceased passenger operations from the terminal, and in 1965 the *254 MOUNT CLARE STATION, Baltimore Md. (HABS) bui Iding was remodel led to become part of the Maryland Institute of Art. In continuous use since its completion in 1830, the Mount Clare Station inaugurated regular passenger service in the United States on May 22, 1830. The roundhouse, with its many unusual architectural features, now houses the bulk of the historical collection of the B & 0 Trans- . portation Museum, including locomotives and rai 1- road cars. The annex contains some of the sma I ler exhibits. ", • • MARYLAND 257 Cumberland 259 Ellicott City QUEEN CITY HOTEL STATION ELLICOTT CITY STATION 1872 1831 Baltimore & Ohio RR Baltimore & Ohio RR DEMOLISHED NHL/NR/HAER HAER 258 Cumberland * RAILWAY STATION Canal St. 1913 *266 POINT OF ROCKS RAILROAD STATION, Point Western Maryland RR; Baltimore & ot Rocks, Md. (T i m Wo I osz for HABS) Ohio RR Offices Bui It in the Gothic Revival style, this charming NR station is roughly triangular in plan with a 4- story tower at the tr i ang Ie's apex and a I 1/2- *Z;8 WESTERN MARYLAND RA I LWAY STAT ION, Cumber­ story wing at the base. The central section with land, Md. (Wi II iam Morgan) its two wide porches is covered with a hipped roof with dormers. The station marks the point of DUI-ing the first half of the 20th century, Cumber­ departure of two branches of the Baltimore and land was the most important stop on the Western Ohio Rai I road, and stil I enjoys use as a station. Mal-y I and Ra i I way system between Ch i cago and Ba I t i mOFe. The demo I ition of the Baltimore and Ohio's Queen Ci~y Hotel left this 2-story brick station the sole sUI"vivor of the city's transportation past. The station is a large, well-contructed bui Iding, an expression ot the architectural functional ism of thE' turn of the century. It is presently used for of 1': i ce 5 pace.

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~ .•. 283 Williamstown WILLIAMSTOWN RR STATION North Hoosac Rd. & Cole Ave. 1898 Boston &Maine RR; Fitchburg RR Offices & storage HABS I-----~------I e • MICH~ 286 Buchanan MICHIGAN BUCHANAN MICHIGAN CENTRAL RR STATION c. 1850 Michigan Central RR 284 Ann Arbor SI MICHIGAN CENTRAL RR STATION Michigan Central RR 287 Charlotte Gandy Dancer Restaurant CHARLOTTE RR STATION 51 Ice Cream Parlor 285 Battle Creek * PENN CENTRAL RAILWAY STATION *285 PENN CEI'HRAL RAILWAY STATION, Battle Creek, West Van Buren St. Mi ch. (A I I en Stross for HABS) 1887-88 Michigan Central RR; Penn Central RR Designed in 1887 by the firm of Roger & McFarland, RR Station the Penn Central Station is a I 1/2-story brick NR/HABS bui Iding distinguished by a massive hipped roof, wide bracketed overhangs, and a tal I clock tower. Windows are arcaded and grouped, and the porte­ cochere is supported by a huge arch with radiating br ick vousso irs .

.....• JlJ.! • II • 288 Coopersville 294 Ka 1caska GRAND RAPIDS, GRAND HAVEN &MUSKEGON RAILWAY KALCASKA RR STATION DEPOT Historical society museum 363 West Main 1902 295 Lansing Grand Rapids, Grand Haven & Muskegon RR LANSING RR STATION Garden club Restaurant NR SI

289 Dexter 296 Petoskey MICHIGAN CENTRAL RR STATION CHESAPEAKE & OHIO RAILWAY STATION Michigan Central RR Park, West Lake St. Youth Center 1892 SI Chicago & West Michigan RR; Pere Marquette RR; Chesapeake &Ohio RR 290 Durand Museum GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY STATION NR 200 RR St. 1905 297 Port Huron Grand Trunk Western RR GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY STATION Amtrak Station SI NR 298 Spring Lake 291 Grand Haven GRAND TRUNK DEPOT GRAND TRUNK DEPOT SI SI 299 West Branch 292 Howell WEST BRANCH RR STATION ANN ARBOR RAILWAY STATION Barber shop; Chamber of Commerce 126 Wetmore St. 51 1886 Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Michigan RR Museum MINNESOTA NR 293 Ka 1ama zoo KALAMAZOO RR STATION 300 Askou Restaurant GREAT NORTHERN RR DEPOT SI Great Northern RR Proposed exhibition space SI • MINNESOTA- 301 Duluth * 302 Hinckley DULUTH UNION DEPOT HINCKLEY DEPOT Fifth Ave. West & Michigan St. Old Highway #61 & First St. SE 1892; Peabody &Stearns 1895 Burlington Northern RR Burlington Northern RR Civic center Museum; interpretive center NR NR 303 Little Falls NORTHERN PACIFIC DEPOT 200 NW First St. Cass Gilbert Northern Pacific RR *301 DULUTH UNION DEPOT SI Dulu·th, Minnesota (Lyman E. Nylander) 304 This unusual and striking building, designed by MINNEHAHA STATION Peabody and Stearns, Is modeled after a French Minnehaha Park Historic District chat'3au, with a symmetr I ca I facade dam I nated by 1870 IS steeply-pitched roofs. There are projecting ; Minnesota Central RR circular towers topped by flared, conical roofs Museum at either side of the entrance. A cast Iron NR/HABS portico was added over the entrance early In the 20th century. Planned as the focal point 305 St. Louis Park of a new city cultural complex, the Duluth Union ST. LOUIS PARK STATION Depot wi I I soon house the A.M. Chisholm Museum, West 36th St. &Alabama Ave. the St. Louis County Historical Society and c. 1887 the Duluth Art Institute. Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific RR Proposed museum & historical society NR tIlOURI • 312 Hermann MISSOURI MISSOURI PACIFIC RR DEPOT Hermann Historic District Missouri Pacific RR 306 Charleston NR MISSOURI PACIFIC DEPOT East of intersecting branches of Missouri 313 Joplin Pacific RR Company JOPLIN UNION STATION 1916 Main St. & Broadway Proposed museum 1910-11; Louis Curtis NR Kansas City Southern RR; Missouri-Kansas­ RR 307 Chillicothe Freight Station MILWAUKEE DEPOT NR 1661 Polk 1890 314 Joplin SI MISSOURI PACIFIC DEPOT 10th & Virginia 308 Columbia 1916 MISSOURI-KANSAS-TEXAS RR STATION Missouri Pacific RR 204 East Broadway SI Missouri-Kansas-Texas RR Not in use 315 Kansas City * SI KANSAS CITY UNION STATION Pershing Rd. &Main St. 309 Col umbi a 1914 (opened); Jarvis Hunt NORFOLK & WESTERN DEPOT Kansas City Southern RR; Missouri-Kansas­ 126 North Tenth St. Texas RR; St. Louis-San Francisco RR; Norfolk & Western RR Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe RR; Burlington Warehouse Northern RR; Missouri Pacific RR; Illinois SI Central Gulf RR; Norfolk & Western RR RR Station; restaurant; proposed museum 310 Downing NR DOWNING RR DEPOT SI 316 Kennett FRISCO RR DEPOT 311 Flori ssant SI OLD RR STATION 1878 317 Kirkwood SI MISSOURI PACIFIC RR STATION 1893 Missouri Pacific RR HABS • MISS" 318 Moberly 319 St. Charles MOBERLY RR STATION &MACHINE SHOPS KANSAS &TEXAS RR DEPOT c. 1880' s St. Charles Historic District Norfolk &Western RR Norfolk & Western RR SI Not in use NR 320 St. Louis * *315 UNION STATION, Kansas City, Mo. (Ca. 1925) ST. LOUIS UNION STATION 18th &Market Sts. Kansas City's Union Station is a monumentally 1891-95; Link & Cameron proport i oned Beaux Arts bu i I ding wh i ch has served Illinois Central Gulf RR; Missouri-Pacific RR; the transportations needs of a growing metropolis Burlington Northern RR; Norfolk &Western RR; for 30 to 40 years. Designed in 1914 by Jarvis Penn Central RR; Baltimore &Ohio RR; Southern; Hunt. the station is noted for its huge interior Louisville & Nashville RR; Chicago, Rock Island spacr3s. The facade is broken by three major arches, & Pacific RR; St. Louis-San Francisoco RR nearly 90 feet high, which create a vast openness on RR Station both long sides. Marble in varying rosy-brown NHL/NR shades is the predominant interior finish for wal I and'ioors. Original I ight fixtures are in place, and" II rooms have f I at ce iii ngs coffered in ornamental plaster. , 321 Trugda 1e • TRUGOALE RR STATION 1857 51 322 Webster Grove MISSOURI PACIFIC DEPOT c. 1890' s Cl othi ng shop 323 Weston CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & QUINCY RR DEPOT Weston Historic District Burlington Northern RR NRP 324 Williamsville WILLIAMSVILLE RR STATION City Hall

*320 ST. LOUIS UNION STATION St. Louis, Mo. CM. Patricia Holmes)

At the time of its construction the St. Louis Union Station was considered to be the largest in the world to have tracks and passenger service area al I on one level. The bui Iding, des i gned by the firm of Li nk and Cameron in 1891, shows the influence of H.H. Richardson and the then-popular French Norman Revival style and is sti I I used as a rai Iroad terminal. The station's Grand Hal I is its best feature; an enlarged version of the dining room in Adler and Sui I ivan's Auditorium Hotel in Cnicago, it is roofed by a cavel ike semicircu­ lar barrel vault. Decoral ions include ornamental piasier'work, ff-escoes, ornate I ight fixtures, and art glass windows. • • NEB~ 330 Be 11 evue MONTANA BURLINGTON DEPOT (OMAHA & SOUTHERN RR STATION) Haworth Park, along State 325 Bozeman Highway 370 BURLINGTON NORTHERN PASSENGER DEPOT 1869-70 829 Front Ave. Omaha &Southern RR; Southwestern RR; 1892 Burlington Northern RR Burlington Northern RR Museum 51 NR 326 Great Falls 331 Brownville MILWAUKEE RR DEPOT BROWNVILLE 100 Central Ave. West Main & Wharf Sts. Early 1900' s c. 1880 Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific RR Burlington & Missouri River RR; Burlington Import shop; restaurant Northern RR; Chicago, Burlington & Quincy SI RR NR 32:' Livingston LIVINGSTON RR DEPOT 332 David City Second Ave. & Park St. BURLINGTON DEPOT 1902; Reed &Sten 1912 Burlington Northern RR Burlington Northern RR RR Station Historical society museum SI 51

328 Missoula 333 Dorchester MISSOULA RR DEPOT BURLINGTON DEPOT Proposed restaurant Highway 33 1871 Burlington Northern RR County museum NEBRASKA 51 334 Elmwood ELMWOOD RR STATION 329 Beatrice Burlington Northern RR BURLINGTON DEPOT Not in use; proposed museum 118 Court St. c. 1915-20 SI Burlington Northern RR Historical society museum SI • 335 Farwell 337 Lincoln • * BURLINGTON DEPOT ROCK ISLAND DEPOT Late 1880's 1944 "0" St. Burlington Northern RR 1892-3; prepared under the direction of SI Chief Engineer R. W. Day Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific RR 336 Florence Drive-in bank DOUGLAS COUNTY DEPOT NR Being restored SI *341 UNION PASSENGER TERMINAL, Omaha, Nebraska (Nebraska State Historical Society)

*337 ROCK ISLAND DEPOT, Lincoln, Neb. (NPS) This art moderne terminal was designed by Gi Ibert S. Underwood, consulting architect to the Union Pacific The Rock Island Depot, completed in 1893, is one Rai I road, and completed in 1931. The building is of Nebraska's finest remaining examples of 19th­ steel frame reinforced concrete pi I ing, finished on 'century rai I road architecture. It was designed in the exterior with cream-colored glazed terra cotta. the Chateauesque style popular during the last dec­ Particulary noteworthy is the main waiting room, ades of the 19th century. Wal Is are red sandstone with its colored glass windows, columnettes of and brick, and several contiguous roofs of varying blue Belgian marble, and crystal and bronze chan­ dimensions and shapes project upward from the low, del iers. Although vacated by Union Pacific, the bracketed eaves. The station has been success­ station is in excel lent condition and is one of fully renovated to serve as a drive-in bank. Omaha's finest landmarks. • • NEVADA 338 Lincoln 344 Red Cloud UNION PACIFIC DEPOT BURLINGTON DEPOT 1893 South Seward St. Union Pacific RR c. 1897 Proposed information center Burlington Northern RR SI Willa Cather Foundation SI 339 Lodgepole UNION PACIFIC DEPOT 345 Sidney Highway 30 UNION PACIFIC DEPOT Union Pacific RR lOth Ave. & Grant St. Community museum; moved c. 1895 SI Union Pacific RR SI 340 Loup City LOUP CITY DEPOT 1886 8urlington Northern RR NEVADA Storage shed SI 341 Omaha * 346 Caliente * UNION PASSENGER TERMINAL CALIENTE RR DEPOT 10th &Marcy Sts. 100 Depot Ave. 1931; Gilbert S. Underwood 1923; John & Donald Parkinson Northwestern RR; Rock Island RR; Milwaukee Union Pacific RR Missouri Pacific RR; Wabash RR; Union Civic center Pacific RR NR Not in use NR 347 Carson City RR STATION 342 Pauline Virginia & Truckee RR OLD DEPOT BUILDING Masonic lodge Missouri-Pacific RR Storage shed 348 Gold Hill SI RR STATION SI 343 Peru BURLINGTON DEPOT 349 Virginia City c. 1890' s VIRGINIA CITY FREIGHT STATION Burlington Northern RR Virginia &Truckee RR SI Proposed tourist shops NR ttOA • • 350 Virginia City RR STATION NEW JERSEY Virginia City Historic District NHL/NR 351 East Orange GROVE ST. STATION Grove St. Morris & Essex; Erie-Lackawanna RR *346 CAL I ENTE RA I LROAD DEPOT, Ca I i ente, Nev. (Custom Photo) 352 Elizabethport JERSEY CENTRAL STATION Designed by the Los Angeles firm of John and Central RR of New Jersey Donald Parkinson, the Cal iente Depot is the only Mission style station of its type left in Nevada. 353 Hoboken * The two story white stucco. bui Iding, with its ERIE-LACKAWANNA TERMINAL red ti Ie roof, is distinguished by a graceful At the foot of Hudson Place arched loggia which continues across the north 1907; Kenneth Murchison facade. The second floor was originally used Engineer: Lincoln Bush as a hotel and Division offices for the Union Delaware, Lackawanna & Western RR Pacific Rai Iroad. The station now houses the RR Station; bus terminal Cal rente City Hal I and civic center. NR/HABS

. •• " , , I:.

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. _ _ .______• z _ • • NEW JERSEY- %4 Hopewell 355 Jersey City READING RR STATION JERSEY CITY RR TERMINAL c. 1860' s c. 1900 Reading RR Central RR of New Jersey RR Station Not in use; proposed Bicentennial park 356 Montclair MONTCLAIR RR STATION Lackawanna Plaza *3~53 ERIE-LACKAWANNA RAILROAD TERMINAL, Hoboken, 1912 N. J • (George Eisenman for HABS) Erie-Lackawanna RR Flea market; proposed public acquisition Built over the Hudson River, the Erie-Lackawanna NR Railroad Terminal is a massive concrete, steel, wrcught-iron and stone copper-clad structure. 357 Newark The main building originally served three branches BROAD ST. STATION of ferries to New York from its two-deck concourse. Broad St. The interior, with its large waiting room and early 20th c. e I e9ant restaurant, has marb I e terrazzo floors and Central RR of New Jersey is finished in oak and cherry. The terminal is sti II Not in use used by the Er ie-Lackawanna Ra i I road. 358 Newark PENNSYLVANIA RR STATION Raymond Plaza West (Market St.) 1935; McKim, Mead & White Penn Central RR RR Station SI 359 Plainfield PLAINFIELD STATION (SOUTHERLY TWIN STATION) 1900; Bradford L. Gilbert Central RR of New Jersey 360 Raritan JERSEY CENTRAL RR STATION Central RR of New Jersey RR Station ~ MEXICO • • NEW MEXICO NEW YORK

361 Aztec 368 Albany * RR STATION ALBANY UNION STATION Denver & Rio Grande Western RR East side of Broad St.; between 362 Chama Columbia &Steuben Sts. CUMBRES &TOLTEC SCENIC RR DEPOT 1899-1900; Shepley, Rutan & Coolidge 1880's Boston &Albany RR; Delaware & Hudson RR; Denver & Rio Grande Western RR New York Central & Hudson River RR RR Station; museum Not in use NR NR 363 Columbus RR STATION 1902 Southern Pacific RR *368 ALBANY UNION STATION, Albany, N.Y. (Chester Not in use Li ebs)

364 McIntosh Designed by the firm of Shepley, Rutan and Cool idge, LOS CERIlLOS RR STATION Albany's Union Station was constructed as part of Residence; moved a general rail transportation improvement program taking place in the east, The Beaux-Arts classical 365 Santa Fe station is composed of two three-story sections ATCHISON, TOPEKA &SANTA FE RR STATION which flank a large, one-story waiting room. The Santa Fe Historic District interior of the waiting room has a pol ished granite Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe RR wainscot, an ornate plaster cei I ing, and a mosaic Freight & ticket office floor. Exterior wal Is are granite. Owned by the NR State of New York, Albany Union Station is presently unoccupied, 366 Santa Fe DENVER & RIO GRANDE STATION Santa Fe Historic District Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe RR Not in use NR 367 Tucumcari RR STATION Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific RR; Southern -~-.~~~~~~~--~~~~------.. • • NEW YORK 369 Altamont * 371 Avon DELAWARE & HUDSON RR PASSENGER STATION ERIE PASSENGER STATION (ALTAMONT VILLAGE HALL) Erie-Lackawanna RR Main St. HAER 1887 Delaware & Hudson RR 372 Binghamton Community center; village hall DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA & WESTERN RR STATION NR Lewis St. at Chenango St. c. 191D 370 Atlanta Delaware. Lackawanna & Western RR; Erie­ DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA & WESTERN COMBINATION Lackawanna RR STATION HABS/HAER Erie-Lackawanna RR HAER 373 Buffalo RR-Boat Depot HAER *369 DELAWARE & HUDSON RAILROAD PASSENGER STATION Altamont, N.Y. (Wayne Lennenbaker)

Completed in 1881, this station and the rai I line it served was the principal reason for Altamont's gr·owth. The I 112 story stat i on has masonry and 372 DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA & WESTERN RAILROAD fr'ame wa II s and a hipped roof conta i.n i ng four STATION, Binghamton, N.Y. (Jack E. Boucher e'lebrow dormers. A decorative cupola covered by for HABS) a pyramidal roof with flared eaves crowns the roof. After service was discontinued in 1964, the bui Iding was converted into a town hal I tor the vi I lage. ~ORK • • 374 Call icoon 377 E1mira ERIE PASSENGER STATION ERIE PASSENGER STATION Erie-Lackawanna RR Erie-Lackawanna RR HAER HAER 375 Cortland 378 Goshen LEHIGH VALEY RR STATION ERIE PASSENGER STATION 7 South Ave. 1865 1910; J. J. McCleece Erie-Lackawanna RR Lehigh Valley RR HAER Printing Co. HABS 379 Hancock ERIE PASSENGER STATION 376 Deposit Erie-Lackawanna RR ERIE PASSENGER STATION HAER Front St.; foot of Allen St. 1865 380 Hornell Erie-Lackawanna RR ERIE PASSENGER STATION HAER Erie-Lackawanna RR HAER

381 ERIE STATION 384 ERIE PASSENGER STATION, Middletown, N.Y. Jamestown, N.Y. (Jack E. Boucher for HAER) (Jack E. Boucher for HAER)

~~~ ------• • NEW"- 3Bl Jamestown 384 Middletown ERIE STATION ERIE PASSENGER STATION 1931 James St. Erie-Lackawanna RR Erie-Lackawanna RR HAER HAER 382 Lockport 385 New York NEW YORK CENTRAL PASSENGER STATION PENNSYLVANIA STATION Penn Central RR 370 Seventh Ave. HAER 1904; McKim, Mead & White Pennsylvania RR 38:3 Martisco DEMOLISHED MARTISCO STATION HABS 1860 Marcellus & Otisco Lake RR 386 Niagara Falls Not in use NEW YORK CENTRAL RR STATION HABS NE corner of Falls &Third Sts. 1851-53 New York Central DEMOLISHED HABS

387 ERIE PASSENGER STATION, Port Jervis, N.Y. 394 DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA & WESTERN COMBINATION (Jack E. Boucher for HAER) STATION, Vestal, N.Y. (HABS) ~ORK • • 387 Port Jervis 393 Saratoga Springs ERIE PASSENGER STATION OLD ADIRONDACK RR STATION 1891 Franklin Square Historic District Erie-Lackawanna RR 1870' s HAER Delaware &Hudson RR Residence 388 Rochester NR NEW YORK CENTRAL RR STATION 1909-13; Claude Bragdon 394 Vestal New York Central DELAWARE. LACKAWANNA &WESTERN DEMOLISHED COMBINATION STATION HABS Rte. 434 1904 389 St. James Erie-Lackawanna RR ST. JAMES RR STATION HAER St. James Historic District (Lake Ave. ) 395 Warsaw 1873; Calvin L'Hommedieu ERIE COMBINATION STATION Long Island RR Erie-Lackawanna RR RR Station HAER NR 390 Salamanca BALTIMORE & OHIO PASSENGER STATION NORTH CAROL! NA Baltimore &Ohio RR HAER 391 Salamanca 396 Apex ERIE PASSENGER STATION APEX RAILROAD STATION Erie-Lackawanna RR Late 19th c. HAER Seaboard Coast Line Library 392 Saratoga Springs SI DRINK HALL Circular St. Historic District 397 Beaufort Delaware & Hudson RR BEAUFORT RR STATION Beaufort Historic District (620 Broad St.) 1907 Not in use NR • • NORTH CAR~A • 398 Black Creek 405 Kinston (vicinity) BLACK CREEK RR STATION PAWSON STATION c. 1889 Late 19th c. SI Lumber co. SI 399 Burlington BURLINGTON RR STATION 406 Lincolnton Late 19th c. LINCOLNTON RR STATION SI Oak & Walker Sts. 1860 400 Edenton Southern EDENTON DEPOT Not in use 312 East Queen St. SI c. 1910 SI 407 Milton MILTON RR STATION 401 Fayettev ill e High St. CAPE FEAR & YADKIN VALLEY RR STATION 1894 West Russell St. Atlantic & Danville Railway c. J885 SI Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley RR SI 408 New Bern ATLANTIC & EAST CAROLINA RAILWAY STATION 40,' Goldsboro New Bern Historic District GOLDSBORO TRAIN STATION (Queen St. at Pasteur St.) Station & Virginia Sts. Early 20th c. c. 1914 Atlantic & North Carolina RR; Southern Railway Co. SI NR/HABS 403 Hamlet 409 Nicanor SEABOARD COAST LINE PASSENGER DEPOT NICANOR RR STATION Main St. S. R. 1001 1900 c. 1902 Seaboard Coast Line Suffolk & Carolina RR RR Station; proposed RR museum Not in use NR SI

401, Hickory 410 Salisbury HICKORY RR STATION SOUTHERN RR PASSENGER STATION Main Ave. Place Depot St. c. 1910 1908; Frank P. Milburn Not in use Southern Railway SI SI ~ CAROLINA 417 Grand rorks • 411 Sanford • SANrORD RR STATION GRAND rORKS RR STATION Early 20th c. Not in use SI 418 Minot 412 Seagrove (vicinity) SOO LINE DEPOT SEAGROVE DEPOT c. 1913-14; William Kenyon c. 1898 Soo Line Norfolk &Southern Post Office Seagrove Potter's Museum SI *419 UNION TERMINAL, Cincinnati, Ohio 413 Wilmington (Ga I e Brooks) RR STATION Wi'lmington Historic District This terminal is a unique manifestation of Art Deco architecture and interior decoration and as such is Seaboard Coast Line one of the best remaining examples of the modern NR style prevalent in the U.S. in the 1930's. Designed by Fel Iheimer and Wagner, the distinguishing element of this monumental concrete and steel structure is a round arch semi-spherical dome flanked by low NORTH DAKOTA stepped wings which are curved to accommodate the • street vehicle system. The interior is richly dec­ orated with murals by Winold Reiss and linoleum 414 BismarCk panels by Pierre Boudel I. The station's future is NORTHERN PACIrIC DEPOT in question. Northern Pacific RR RR Station 415 rargo NORTHERN PACIFIC DEPOT 1897-98; Cass Gilbert Northern Pacific RR Youth center SI 416 rargo CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL & PACIFIC ....-- .' RR STATION 1884 Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific RR Shops • • OHIO

419 Cincinnati * *420 UNION STATION ENTRANCE, Columbus, Ohio CINCINNATI UNION TERMINAL (Larry Alan Beers) 1301 Western Ave. 1933· Alfred Fellheimer & Steward Wagner Bui It in 1897, the Union Station Entrance was Baltimore & Ohio RR; Chesapeake & Ohio RR; designed in a Beaux-Arts style by the wei I-known Louisville & Nashville RR; Norfolk & architect Daniel H. Burnham and as completed Western RR; New York Central; Penn Central served as the entrance to the largest train depot RR; Southern in Columbus. Instead of the one remaining grand Not in use; proposed bus station arch, there were originally two, each flanked by NR Corinthian columns and capped with an elaborate cornice. While the building is structurally sound, an immediate restoration program is neces­ sary to save one of Burnham's important works. 420 Columbus • • TOLEDO &CENTRAL OHIO RR STATION OKLAHOMA 379 West Broad St. c. 1895 Toledo & Central Ohio RR 425 Shawnee * Volunteers of America SANTA FE DEPOT NR Main St. &Minnesota Ave. 1902-03 421 Columbus * Atchison. Topeka & Santa Fe RR UNION STATION ENTRANCE RR Station 348 North High St. NR 1897; Daniel Burnham Chesapeake & Ohio RR; Norfolk & Western 426 Waynoka RR; Penn Central RR SANTA FE DEPOT & READING ROOM Commercial Santa Fe Tracks NR 1910 Atchison. Topeka & Santa Fe RR 422 Haydenville Readi ng room CHESAPEAKE &OHIO RR STATION NRP Haydenville Historic Town *425 SANTA FE DEPOT, Shawnee, Okla. (Pottawatomie Early 20th c. County Historical Society) Chesapeake & Ohio RR NR Bui It of cut red sandstone, this unusual station with its crenelated watch tower was bui It in 1902- 423 Kent 03. Although the architect of the station is unknown, ERIE RR TERMINAL the rusticated arched loggia and steep pitched Erie St. conical roof are Richardsonian in style and give the 1885 bui Iding its distinctive appearance. An adaptive Erie-Lackawanna RR use is being sought for the Santa Fe Depot, which is Not in use HABS in need of repair. 424 Painesville NEW YORK CENTRAL RR STATION 475 Railroad St. 1893 New York Central RR museum 51 • • PENNSYL~ 431 Bethlehem OREGON CENTRAL RR CO. OF NEW JERSEY STATION 101 Main St. Central RR of New Jersey 427 Huntington RR Station UNION PACIFIC RR STATION HABS East Second St. & Washington Sto Late 1800's 432 Bryn Mawr Union Pacific RR PENNSYLVANIA RR BRYN MAWR STATION RR Station Bryn Mawr & Morris Aves. SI 1869; Joseph M. Wilson Pennsylvania RR 428 Jacksonville DEMOLISHED ROGUE RIVER VALLEY RR DEPOT HABS (CANNONBALL STATION) Jacksonville Historic District 433 Chestnut Hill NHL/NR CHESTNUT HILL STATION Rte. 422 c. 1900; Frank Furness Penn Centra 1 RR PENNSYLVANIA RR Station SI

429 Allentown READING RR STATION Race & Hamilton Sts. 431 CENTRAL RAILROAD CO. OF N.J. STATION, Late 19th c. Bethlehem, Pa. (Jack E. Bcucher for HABS) Reading RR RR Station 51 430 Altoona PENNSYLVANIA RR 9th Ave.; West of 9th St. 1849 to present Pennsylvania RR Not in use SI _SYLVANIA • • • • 434 Columbia 439 Gettysburg READING RR STATION WESTERN MARYLAND STATION Coumbia Front St. (LINCOLN STATION) Late 19th c. Carlisle St. Reading RR 1850' s RR Station Western Maryland RR SI Tourist information center

43~i Delaware Water Gap 440 Harrisburg (vicinity) DELAWARE. LACKAWANNA & WESTERN RR READING RR YARDS & SHOPS DELAWARE WATER GAP STATION Rte. 322; east of Harrisburg Delaware. Lackawanna & Western RR Late 19th c. Not in use Pennsylvania RR HABS In use 51 436 East Stroudsburg DELAWARE & LACKAWANNA RR STATION 441 Lebanon Crystal & Washington Sts. CORNWALL-LEBANON STATION 1883; 1915 North 8th St. Delaware & Lackawanna RR Cornwall RR SI Dress factory 437 Easton 442 Lebanon EASTON STATION READING RR TERMINAL 5th St. at Lehigh River North 8th St. Late 19th c. Late 19th c. Central RR of New Jersey Reading RR RR Station SI SI 443 Meadville 438 Gettysburg ERIE STATION GETTYSBURG RR STATION 1893 North Washington St. Erie-Lackawanna RR Pizza parlor DEMOLISHED HAER 444 New Oxford WESTERN MARYLAND RR STATION Western Maryland RR Store (operated by model RR station)

44~; B & 0 RAILROAD STATION, Phi ladelphia, Pa. (Cerv in Rob i nson for HABS) DEMOL I SHED IlYLVANIA 445 Philadelphia •448 Philadelphia • BALTIMORE &OHIO RR STATION GERMANTOWN JUNCTION STATION 24th & Chestnut Sts. Pennsylvania RR 1886-87; Frank Furness HABS Baltimore & Ohio RR DEMOLISHED 449 Philadelphia * HABS READING TERMINAL 1115-1141 Market St. 446 Philadelphia 1891-93; F. Kimball; Wilson Bros. PENNSYLVANIA RR BROAD ST. STATION Reading RR Broad & Market Sts. RR Station; office; market 1893; Furness, Evans & Co. NR Pennsylvania RR DEMOLISHED 450 Pittsburgh * HABS PENNSYLVANIA RR STATION ROTUNDA 1100 Liberty St.; at Grant St. 447 Philadelphia 1901-02; D. H. Burnham CHELTEN AVE. STATION Penn Central RR Pennsylvania RR RR Station HABS NR/HABS 446 BROAD STREET STATION, Philadelphia, Pa. Ca. 447 CHELTON AVE. STATION, Phi ladelphia, Pa. (PRR 1894 view (HABS) DEMOLISHED photo) , , , ! • PENNSYLVANIA 451 Pittsburgh * PITTSBURGH AND LAKE ERIE RR STATION Smithfield St. at Carson St. 1898-1901; William George Burns Offices; transportion NR/HABS 45:! Sayre LEHIGH VALLEY RR STATION Lehigh Valley RR HAER 453 Shohola ERIE PASSENGER STATION Erie-Lackawanna RR HAER 454 Stoops Ferry STOOPS FERRY RR STATION Rte. 51 1908 SI 455 Susquehanna * ERIE RR STATION (STARUCCA HOUSE) 1865; E. J. M. Derrick (attribution) Erie RR NR/HAER

*449 READING TERMINAL, Phi ladelphia, Pa. (George Thomas)

The Read i ng Term ina lis typ i ca I of the "stub end" type of terminal and consists of a head house and a train shed. At the time of its completion it was the widest single-span train shed in the world, an actively- used terminal handl ing in excess of 375 trains each day. As a monument to the history of transportation architecture, the terminal is equally significant. The structure also houses the original Philadelphia fermer's market, in existence and continuous use for over 279 years. PENNSYLVANIA • 456 Tamaqua 457 Tredyffrin Township READING RR STATION CEDAR HOLLOW RR STATION Late 19th c. 1872 Readi ng RR Reading RR RR Station HABS SI *451 PITTSBURGH & LAKE STATION, Pitts­ burgh, Pa. (Pittsburgh Hi story and Landmark Foundation)

Designed in 1898 by Wi I I iam George Burns, this class­ ical Iy-detailed station was completed in 1901. The *450 ROTUNDA OF THE STATION, seven story steel frame bui Iding is clad in stone, Pittsburgh, Pa. (Early vie,) brick and terra cotta and is highly ornamented. Of particular architectural interest is the great wait­ The Rotunda, designed by Daniel H. Burnham, is a large ing room which features an elaborate staircase, neo-Baroque pavi I ion covering the entranceway to the barrel-vaulted cei I ing, and is adorned with fine wood­ railroad station. It is constructed primari Iy of work and gil ded or pa i nted p I aster. I n the center of I ight, ornamental brown terra cotta over a steel the ornamental roof balustrade there is a square truss framework. The interior is decorated in late- pediment which contains a large rei ief of a moving 18th century French detai I with cartouches and gui I 10- Iocomot i ve. The bu i I ding is st i I I owned by the ches. The Rotunda is stil I owned and operated by the Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Rai I road and houses company Penn-Central Company. off ices. • • PENNSYLVANIA• 45B West Chester WEST CHESTER STATION East Market St. 1870 I S Pennsylvania RR HABS 459 Wilkes-Barre CENTRAL RR OF NEW JERSEY STATION East Market St. *455 ERIE RAILROAD STATION (STARRUCCA HOUSE), Late 19th c. Susquehanna, Pa. (Jack E. Boucher for HAER) Central RR of New Jersey SI Only a relatively few railroads built station-hotels between 1865 and 1875. Although quickly made obsolete by the Pullman sleeper, the station-hotel nevertheless played an historic part in American rai I road develop­ ment. The Erie Rai I road Station is the sole survivor of that style. The 2 1/2 story brick bui Iding has a wide ornamental cornice and an immense hipped roof with a number of dormers. Two Lombard root towers 45~ ERIE PASSENGER STATION, Shohola, Pa. (Jack E. which were presumed to hold cisterns have since Boucher for HAER) been removed.

.-~: • • PUERTO RICO

460 r,AILROAD TERMINAL, San Juan, Puerto Rico. (Jack E. Boucher for HABS) 460 San Juan RR TERMINAL Calle Comercio at Calle Harding 1913 Not in use HABS


461 Berkl ey BERKLEY MILL VILLAGE DEPOT Berkley Mill Village Historic District c. 1847 Providence & Worcester RR Not in use NR

465 PROVIDENCE & WORCESTER RAILROAD STATION, Woon­ socket, R. I. (Jack E. Boucher for HABS)

.> '-~-i • • SOUTH CAROLINA• 46<' Providence 467 Blacksburg PROVIDENCE & WORCESTER RR DEPOT CHEROKEE FALLS RR STATION Canal St. 1886-90 Providence &Worcester RR Charleston, Cincinnati &Chicago RR NR Restored SI 463 Shannoch SHANNOCH RR DEPOT 468 Branchville c. 1850 SOUTHERN RAILWAY PASSENGER DEPOT SI 110 North Main St. 1877 4611 Warren Southern OLD FREIGHT DEPOT Museum Warren Waterfront Historic District NR 1887 Penn Central RR 469 Brunson NR OLD BRUNSON DEPOT U.S. 278 46!; Woonsocket 1887 PROVIDENCE & WORCESTER RR STATION SI 1882 Providence & Worcester RR 470 Charleston Offices; restaurant WILLIAM AIKEN HOUSE & ASSOCIATED RR HABS STRUCTURES Charleston Historic District (456 King St.) South Carolina RR NHL/NR/HABS SOUTH CAROLI NA 471 Charleston SOUTH CAROLINA RR WAREHOUSE 466 Abbev i 11 e Charleston Historic District SEABOARD RR DEPOT (Ann St.) Town of Abbeville Historic District Warehouse East Washington & Oak Sts. NHL/NR c. 1900 Seaboard Coast Line; Southern 472 Chester Not in use; formerly a restaurant SEABOARD COAST LINE RR DEPOT NR Chester Historic District (Wy1ey St.) Seaboard Coast Line Freight Station NR S~ CAROLINA • • 473 Columbia UNION STATION SOUTH DAKOTA 401 South Main St. 1900-02; Frank P. Milburn Seaboard Coast Line; Southern 478 Hot Springs NR UNION DEPOT Burlington Northern RR 474 Edgefield Information center; Chamber of Commerce SOUTHERN RR DEPOT NRP Edgefield Historic District (Main St.) 479 Sioux Falls c. 1900 ROCK ISLAND DEPOT Southern 210 East 10th St. Not in use 1885 NR Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern RR; Rock Island RR 475 Greenvi 11 e Restaurant SOUTHERN RR STATION NR West Washington St. c. 1890 Richmond &Atlanta Air Line RR SI TENNESSEE 476 North Augusta OLD HAMBURG DEPOT South Carolina RR 480 Chattanooga * SI TERMINAL STATION 1434 Market St. 477 Pend1 eton 1906-08; Don Barber CAROLINA NORTHWESTERN DEPOT Southern Pendleton Historic District Restaurant; shops (227 South Depot St.) NR 1950 Carolina Northwestern RR 481 Friendsville Freight Station FRIENDSVILLE RR STATION NR 1895 Not in use SI .- • • TENNESSEE 482 Kingsport 484 Knoxv ill e CLINCHFIELD RR STATION KNOXVILLE RR DEPOT 101 East Main St. Depot St. c. 1905 1904; Frank P. Milburn South & Western RR Southern RR Station Freight Station NR 485 Madi sonvi 11 e 483 Knoxv i 11 e LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE RR DEPOT LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE RR STATION 1890' s 700 Weston Ave. Louisville & Nashville RR 1903-04 Not in use Louisville & Nashville RR SI RR Station SI 486 Nashville * NASHVILLE UNION STATION *4W TERMINAL STATION, Chattanooga, Tenn. (Early 10th Ave. South & Broadway view) 1900; Richard Montfort Illinois Central Gulf RR; Louisville & Dominating this red brick structure is the massive arch Nashville RR which frames the main entrance. The interior of this RR Station section contains the main waiting room with a domed NR/HABS skyl ighted roof. Decorative elements reflect the in"luence of the Beaux Arts. Constructed at a 487 New Fly Village CO'5t of $1.5 mi II ion between 1906 and 1908, this was McKNIGHT'S STATION the grandest station bui It in the city. The stat- 1870' s iOIl has recently been restored as the "Chattanooga Not in use Choo-Choo," and is enjoying renewed popularity. SI Another terminal in Chattanooga, Union Station, was demo I i shed severa I years ago after be i ng listed on 488 Niota th'3 National Register. At the time it was the NIOTA RR STATION olJest extant structure in the city. 1854 Southern Proposed city offices 489 Spring City SPRING CITY RR STATION Southern r;:.. RR Station ;~~~ .' • • 490 Springfield LOUSIVILLE & NASHVILLE RR DEPOTS U.S. 431 1806 & 1906 Louisville & Nashville RR Not in use S1

*486 NASHVILLE UNION STATION, Nashvi I Ie, Tenn. (Jack E. Boucher for HABS)

Nashvi I Ie's Union Station, designed by Richard Montfort, is a notable example of a publ ic bui Iding in the Romanesque Revival style. Constructed of Bowl ing Green gray stone and Tennessee marble, the square 4 story structure features rounded arches above al I openings, a roughed stone exterior, and two distinctive towers. This station is one of the best examples of the Richardsonian Romanesque style remaining in Nashvi lie. • • 496 Galveston TEXAS UN ION STATION Strand Historic District (end of Strand Blvd.) 491 Alta Lorna Early 20th c. ALTA LOMA RR DEPOT Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe RR Railroad Ave. NR 19th c. SI *495 GULF, COLORADO & SANTA FE RAILROAD PASSENGER 492 Bowie STATION, Fort Worth, Tex. (Texas State Historical FORT WORTH & DENVER CITY DEPOT Survey Committee) SE corner of Highway 81 and FM 3034 c. 1900 The Santa Fe Depot was bui It at the turn of the Fort Worth & Denver City RR century and symbol ized the prosperity which both Fort Museum Worth and the Santa Fe Rai I road hoped they could NR foster in the Southwest. The station is a distinctive two-story rectangular structure of red brick with 493 Brownsville white I imestone trim. The first story has limestone SOUTHERN PACIFIC RR STATION inserted between the brick, producing an unusual East Madison; 6th & 7th banding effect, and the I ines radiate into the 1926 window voussoirs. Southern Pacific RR RR Station SI 494 Denison DENISON RR TERMINAL NE corner of & Main 20th c. Missouri-Kansas-Texas RR RR Station SI 495 Fort Worth * GULF, COLORADO & SANTA FE PASSENGER STATION 1601 Jones St. 1899; David Smith & John Bardon, Contractors Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe RR RR Station NR ~S 497 Haske 11 • 503 San Antonio • OLD RR DEPOT SAN ANTONIO RR STATION City Park 654 East Commerce St. 1906 Early 20th c. Museum Southern Pacific RR 51 RR Station 49B Houston 504 San Antonio UNION STATION SANTA FE RR STATION NE corner of Texas &Crawford Between Broadway & Elm Early 20th c.; Warren & Wetmore 1905 51 51 499 Jacksboro 505 Waco GULF, TEXAS & WESTERN RR STATION HOUSTON & TEXAS CENTRAL DEPOT 302 South Main Myrtle St. 1910 Houston & Texas Central RR Gulf, Texas & Western RR RR Station Miniature RR museum SI 51 500 La Grange OLD RR STATION SE corner of Lafayette & Washington UTAH 51 501 Orchard 506 Cache Junction SANTA FE RR STATION CACHE JUNCTION STATION Junction 1439 & Highway 36 1890 c. 1900 RR Station Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe RR SI Not in use 51 507 Cedar City UNION PACIFIC RR STATION 502 Quanah 1920' s OLD RR DEPOT Union Pacific RR U.S. 287 & 283 Tourist transportation facility 1910 SI SI • • 508 Logan 509 Milford UNION PACIFIC PASSENGER DEPOT MILFORD UNION PACIFIC STATION Sixth West St. at Center St. c. 1920 c. 1898 Union Pacific RR Oregon Short Line RR; Union Pacific RR RR Station HABS

*510 OGDEN UNION DEPOT, Ogden, Utah (Dave Farrl

Ogden was one of four cities vying for the honor of being the intermountain rai I junction when the trans­ continental rai Iroad was completed in 1869. As a resu I t of expans i on of the Utah Northern 1<" i I road in 1869, Ogden acquired the coveted position. The first depot was completed in 1889, but fol lowing a fire in 1923, it was replaced with the present structure. Adding to the station's Spanish motif are the inlaid designs of colored brick in diamond shapes, a red ti Ie cei I ing, and bright blue decorative mosaic ti [es beneath the arches of the two front entrances. 510 Ogden * • • OGDEN UNION DEPOT VERMONT 25th St. &Wall Ave. I 1889; 1924; John & Donald B. Parkinson Denver & Rio Grande Western RR; Central 514 Bellows Falls Pacific RR; Union Pacific RR; Utah BELLOWS FALLS RR STATION Central RR; Utah Northern RR; Echo & c. 1926 Park City RR Boston & Maine RR RR Station RR Station NR SI 511 Park City 515 Benni ngton PARK CITY UNION PACIFIC RR STATION RUTLAND RR STATION Corner of Heber Ave. & Main St. Depot St. c. 1886 c. 1900 Echo & Park City RR; Union Pacific RR New York Central RR; Rutland RR 51 Restaurant 512 Salt Lake City 516 Bethel SALT LAKE & RIO GRANDE STATION CENTRAL VERMONT RR STATION Third South & Rio Grande Main St. 1908-10; Henry S. Sch1acs 1878 Denver & Rio Grande Western RR; Western Central Vermont System Pacific RR Barbershop Denver & Rio Grande Western RR offices SI 51 517 Brattleboro 513 Salt Lake City UNION STATION UNION PACIFIC DEPOT Jct. of Bridge St. Third West & South Temple 1915-16; H. Wales Lines, Contractor 1909; D. J. Patterson, engineer Central Vermont System; Boston & Maine Oregon Short Line RR; San Pedro, Los RR Angeles & Salt Lake RR; Union Pacific RR Station; museum & art center RR NRP RR Station SI 518 Burlington BURLINGTON UNION STATION Main St. Early 20th c. Rutland RR Central Vermont Public Service Offices • • VERMONT 519 Montpelier Junction 520 New Kaven MONTPELIER JUNCTION STATION NEW HAVEN RR STATION c. 1905 U.S. Rteo 7 at NH Jct. Boston & Maine RR; Central Vermont c. 1860 System Vermont RR; Rutland RR RR Station Not in use SI SI 521 North Bennington * NORTH BENNINGTON DEPOT Main St. 1880 *~'21 NORTH BENNINGTON DEPOT, North Bennington, Vt. Rutland RR (Chester Liebsl Offices; rental space NR Lccated at the junction of two major I ines to Massach- usetts and New York, the North Bennington Depot is a 522 Northfield 2-story brick structure resting on a foundation of cut NORTHFIELD RR STATION marble blocks. The first story windows and doorways Depot Square are capped by ornate stone hood moldings and the c. 1855 roofline is embel I ished with a wooden cornice with Central Vermont System scro I I ed brackets. The roof is a mansard sheathed Bank with alternating bands of I ight and dark slates and SI pierced by pedimented dormers. 523 Randolph RANDOLPH DEPOT Depot Square c. 1875 Central Vermont System Not in use SI

• '7 524 Roxbury /" ROXBURY RR STATION Rte. 12a .y 1867 Central Vermont System Proposed town offices SI 1ItMONT • • 525 Rutland Center 530 White River Junction DELAWARE & HUDSON DEPOT WHITE RIVER JUNCTION RR STATION Late 19th c. 1937 Delaware & Hudson RR Boston & Maine RR; Connecticut & RR business office Passumpsic RR; Central Vermont System 526 St. Albans RR Station CENTRAL VERMONT RR HEADQUARTERS SI Lake St. c. 1869 531 Windsor Central Vermont System WINDSOR RR STATION Transportation center c. 1878 NR/HAER Boston &Maine RR; Central Vermont System 527 St. Johnsbury Not in use CANADIAN PACIFIC RAIL DEPOT SI Railroad St. Historic District 1883 Canadian Pacific RR; Connecticut & Passumpsic RR VIRGINIA RR Station NRP 532 Lexington 528 South Royalton VALLEY RR OF VIRGINIA STATION SOUTH ROYALTON DEPOT 1883 Depot Square Baltimore &Ohio RR; Chesapeake 1886 Western RR; Chesapeake & Ohio Central Vermont System Va 11 ey RR Bank; senior citizens center Storage for REA SI HABS 529 Waterbury 533 Richmond * WATERBURY RR STATION BROAD ST. STATION Village Square off Rte. 2 Broad & Robinson Sts. c. 1873 1919; John Russell Pope Central Vermont System Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac RR; Amtrak RR Station Seaboard Coast Line RR SI RR Station NR IHINGTON

'534 MAIN STREET STATION, Richmond, Va. (Virginia 537 Bothell Historic Landmarks Commission) NORTHERN PACIFIC DEPOT East Riverside Dr. & 102nd St. ilesigned by the architectural firm of Wilson, Harris, late 1880's "nd Richards, this elegant station demonstrates the DEMOLISHED ,;trong influence of the French Ecole des Beaux sr IIrts on American a,chitecture during the latel9th i~ear I y 20th centu, i es. The ma i n facade is seven t'ays wide at g,ound level, and a five-bay rough hewn "tone I ogg i a with segmenta I arches frames the ent,an­ *542 UNION PASSENGER STATION, Tacoma, Washington ces. The steep hip roof has decorative bronze finials (City of Tacoma) ot either end, and there is an impressive six-story clock tower at the southwest corner. This imposing station, designed by Charles Reed and AI len Stern, was bui It in 1910 and, whi Ie sti I I used as a terminal, is in need of some restoration. Like the Broad st. Station in Richmond, Virginia, this station is dominated by a vast domed central waiting room, flanked by lower two-story wings. The brick and stone station is entered through a massive arch, which also I ights the classically decorated waiting room.

~St <.'-~ ~

1 534 Richmond * MAIN ST. STATION/NEW UNION STATION WASHINGTON 1520 East Main St. 1901; Wilson. Harris & Richards Seaboard coast Line RR; Chesapeake & 535 Aberdeen Ohio RR UNION PACIFIC RR DEPOT RR Station End of "M" St. NR/HABS 1912 Union Pacific RR *533 BROAD STREET STATION, Richmond, Va. (Virginia SI Historic Landmarks Commission) 536 Anacortes Richmond's Broad Street Station was among the last of BURLINGTON DEPOT the great rail terminals to be bui It in the "Golden c. 1911 Age of Ra i I roads." Des i gned by John Russe I I Pope in Burlington Northern RR 1919, the neo-classical station is dominated by a vast Proposed museum domed central waiting room, flanked by 3-story wings on either side and a long concourse at the rear. The interior is functional and elegant with arches and semicircular niches I ined with rosetted coffers. • • WASHINGTON• 538 Seattle 539 Snoqualmie UNION STATION NORTHERN PACIFIC DEPOT 4th South &South Jackson Sto 109 King St. 1911 1889 Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific RR; Northern Pacific RR Union Pacific RR Not in use RR Station NRP SI •WASHINGTON • • 540 Spokane 545 Huntington GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY DEPOT BALTIMORE & OHIO RR DEPOT West 400 Block 1100 block of 2nd Ave. 1902 1887 Great Northern RR Baltimore &Ohio RR; Chesapeake Partially demolished & Ohio RR SI Not in use NR 541 Sunnyside BURLINGTON DEPOT 546 Monongalia c. 1910 BALTIMORE & OHIO DEPOT Burlington Northern RR Baltimore & Ohio RR Proposed museum SI 542 Tacoma * 547 Sistersville UNION PASSENGER STATION BALTIMORE & OHIO RR DEPOT 1713 Pacific Ave. Baltimore & Ohio RR 1910; Charles Reed & Allen Stern Northern Pacific RR RR Station NR WISCONSIN 543 Tenino TENINO DEPOT 548 Mineral Point West side of town OLD RAILWAY STATION 1914 Mineral Point Historic District Northern Pacific RR (Commerce St.) Not in use; proposed museum 1857 SI Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific RR NR

WEST VIRGINIA WYOMING 544 Grafton GRAFTON RR STATIONS & McGRAW HOTEL 549 Cheyenne * Baltimore & Ohio RR UNION PACIFIC DEPOT Baltimore & Ohio offices 121 West 15th St. HAER 1886-87; Van Brunt & Howe Transport; commercial; engineering offices NR • • ADDENDA• 550 Lost Cabin *549 UNION PACIFIC DEPOT, Cheyenne, Wy. (Mark RR STATION Junge) Chicago & Northwestern RR Residence; studio The Union Pacific Depot stands as a symbol of the growth of Cheyenne, as well as a fine example of 551 Rock Creek Richardsonian architecture. The 2 1/2 story depot, ROCK CREEK STATION designed by Van Brunt and Howe, is constructed of red 1868 and gray sandstone blocks laid on a frame of wood and Union Pacific RR iron. In 1890, a clock tower 118 feet high, capped Not in use by a foursided pyramid, was bui It onto the north end. SI Other additions include an extension on the east and train sheds on the south. 552 Torri ng ton UNION PACIFIC DEPOT 1926 Union Pacific RR Proposed town museum SI 553 Vinta County HILLIARD STATION 1868 Union Pacific RR SI


CALIFORNIA 555 Los Angeles UNION PASSENGER TERMINAL 1934-39; Donald & John Parkinson Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe RR; Union Pacific RR; Southern Pacific RR Amtrak RR Station • • CONNECTICUT PENNSYLVANIA 556 Hartford 560 Graver's Lane UNION STATION PHILADELPHIA & READING RR DEPOT Asylum St. c. 1884; Frank Furness 1889; Shepley. Rutan & Coolidge Reading RR Penn Centra 1 RR RR Station RR Station; offices; school; bus terminal 561 Strafford SI STRAFFORD RR STATION HABS GEORGIA 562 Wallingford 557 Savannah WALLINGFORD RR STATION CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY CO. SHOP c. 1885; Furness & Evans PROPERTY RR Station Central of Georgia Railway RR Station NR NEW YORK

558 Chatham 557 UNION STATION, Chatham, N.Y. (Steven Levy) UN ION STATION New York 66 at New York 295 1887; Shepley. Rutan & Coolidge Penn Central RR Not in use NR 559 New York GRAND CENTRAL STATION 42nd St. 1903-13; Reed & Stem. Warren & Wetmore Penn Central RR RR Station SI

------• • INDEX •NAMES Barnesville RR Station, Barnesville, GA 109 INDEX -- NAMES Batavia RR Depot, Batavia, IL 151 Beaufort Train Station, Beaufort, NC 397 Bee Island RR Station, Tybee Island, GA 128 Ad'irondack RR Station, Saratoga Springs, NY 393 Bellows Falls RR Station, Bellows Falls, VT 514 Aiken, William House & Associated RR Berkley Mill Village Depot, Berkley, RI 461 Structures, Charleston, SC 470 Big Shanty RR Station, Kennesaw, GA 116 Alabama Great Southern RR Passenger Depot, Bigelow RR Station, Bigelow, AR 24 Fort Payne, AL 9 Black Creek RR Station, Black Creek, NC 398 Alameda Terminal, Alameda, CA 37 Blackfoot RR Station, Blackfoot, 10 129 Albany Union Station, Albany, NY 368 Boston & Albany RR Station, Alburndale, MA 267 Albertville RR Station, Albertville, AL 1 Boston &Albany RR Station, Framingham, MA 270 Alexandria RR Station, Alexandria, LA 244 Boston &Albany RR Station, Newton, MA 274 Allston RR Station, Boston, MA 268 Boston & Albany RR Station, Palmer, MA 277 Alta Loma RR Depot, Alta Loma, TX 491 Boston &Albany RR Station, Wellesley, MA 281 Altamont Village Hall, Altamont, NY 369 Bozeman Passenger Depot, Bozeman, MI 325 Alviso RR Depot, Alviso, CA 38 Broad Street Station, Newark, NJ 357 Ann Arbor Railway Station, Howell, MI 292 Broad Street Station, Richmond, VA 553 Antonito RR Station, Antonito, CO 58 Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, PA 446 Apex RR Station, Apex, NC 396 Brookfield RR Station, Brookfield, CT 71 Arcata & Mad River RR Station, Blue Lake, CA 40 Brookwood Station, Atlanta, GA 106 Ashley Depot, Ashley, IL 149 Brownsville RR Station, Brownsville, TX 493 Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe RR Station, Brownville-RR Station, Brownville, NE 331 Santa Fe, NM 365 Brunson Depot, Old, Brunson, SC 469 Athens RR Station, Athens, GA 104 Bryn Mawr Station, Bryn Mawr, PA 432 Atlanta & Westpoint Station, Atlanta, GA 105 Buchanan Michigan Central RR Station, Atlantic & East Carolina Railway Station, Buchanan, MI 286 New Bern, NC 408 Bucksport RR Station, Bucksport, ME 246 Aurora Passenger Depot, Aurora, IL 150 Burlington Depot, Anacortes, WA 536 Aztec RR Station, Aztec, NM 361 Burlington Depot, Batrice, NE 329 Burlington Depot, Belleville, NE 330 Burlington Depot, David City, NE 332 BClltimore & Ohio Depot, Monongalia Co., WV 546 Burlington Depot, Dorchester, NE 333 Baltimore & Ohio Passenger Station, Salamanca, Burlington Depot, Farwell, NE 335 NY 390 Burlington Depot, Peru, NE 343 Baltimore & Ohio RR Depot, Sistersville, WV 547 Burlington Depot, Red Cloud, NE 344 Baltimore & Ohio RR Depot, Huntington, WV 545 Burlington Depot, Sunnyside, WA 541 Baltimore & Ohio RR Museum, Baltimore, MD 254 Burlington RR Station, Burlington, NC 399 Baltimore & Ohio RR Station, Aberdeen, MD 251 Burlington Union Station, Burlington, VT 518 Baltimore & Ohio RR Station, Frederick, MD 260 Buzzard's Bay RR Station, Buzzard's Bay, MA 269 Baltimore & Ohio RR Station, Lock Lynn, MD 263 Baltimore & Ohio RR Station, Philadelphia, ~ 445 Cache Junction Station, Cache Junction, UT 506 I~ -- NAMES • • Cairo River & Rail Warehouse, Cairo, IL 152 Chicago, Burlington & Quincy RR Depot, Weston, Cairo RR Station, Cairo, IL 153 ~ 323 Cairo RR Station, Cairo, IL 154 Chicago, Milwaukee RR Station, Chicago, IL 159 Caliente RR Depot, Caliente, NV 346 Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific RR California & Nevada RR Terminus, Orinda Park, Station, Fargo, ND 416 CA 50 Choctaw Route Station, Little Rock, AR 32 Calvert Station, Baltimore, MD 252 Cincinnati Union Terminal, Cincinnati, OH 419 Camden Street Station, Baltimore, MD 253 Clarksville First Depot, Clarksville, AR 25 Canadian Pacific RR Depot, St. Johnsbury, VT 527 Clinchfield RR Station, Kingsport, TN 482 Cannonball Station, Jacksonville, OR 428 Colorado Springs RR Depot, Colorado Springs, Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley RR Station, CO 59 Fayetteville, NC 401 Colton RR Station, Colton, CA 43 Carlyle RR Station, Carlyle, IL 155 Columbia, Union Station, Columbia, SC 473 Carmi RR Station, Carmi, IL 156 Columbus RR Station, Columbus, GA 110 Carolina Northwestern RR Depot, Pendleton, SC 477 Columbus RR Station, Columbus, NM 363 Carson City RR Depot, Carson City, NV 347 Como Roundhouse, Depot & RR Hotel, Como, CO 60 Cedar City RR Station, Cedar City, UT 507 Cornwall Bridge RR Station, Cornwall, CT 73 Cedar Hollow RR Station, Tredyffrin, PA 457 Carnwall-Lebanon Station, Lebanon, PA 441 Central of Georgia RR Co. Shop Property, Cottonwood RR Station, Cottonwood, PA 44 Savannah, GA 562 Crested Butte Depot, Crested Butte, CO 62 Central of Georgia Trainshed & Station, Creston RR Depot, Creston IA 205 Savannah, GA 122 Cumbres &Toltec Scenic RR Depot, Chana, NM 362 Central RR Co. of New Jersey Station, Cuthbert Junction RR Station, Cuthbert, GA 111 Bethlehem, PA 431 Central RR of New Jersey Station, Wil kes- Barre, PA 459 Dahlgren Depot, Dahlgren, IL 160 Central Vermont & Boston & Maine Union Station, Danbury RR Station, Danbury, CT 75 Brattleboro, VT 517 De Kalb Depot, De Kalb, IL 161 Central Vermont RR Headquarters, St. Albans, De Pue Station, De Pue, IL 162 VT 526 Decatur RR Station, Decatur, GA 112 Central Vermont RR Station, Bethel, VT 516 Delaware & Hudson Depot, Center Rutland, VT 525 Chanute Depot, Chanute, KS 209 Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Combination Charlotte RR Station, Charlotte, MI 287 Station, Atlanta, NY 370 Chatham, Union Station, Chatham, NY 557 Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Combination Chelton Avenue Station, Philadelphia, PA 447 Station, Vestal, NY 394 Cherokee Falls RR Station, Blacksburg, SC 467 Delaware, Lackawanna & Western RR Station, Chesapeake & Ohio RR Depot, Salt Lick, KY 241 Bing hamton, NY 372 Chesapeake & Ohio RR Station, Haydenville, OH 422 Delaware, Lackawanna & Western RR Station, Chesapeake & Ohio RR Station, Petosky, MI 296 Del Water Gap, PA 435 Chesapeake &Ohio RR Station, Prestonsburg, KY 240 Delaware, Lackawanna RR Station, East Chestnut Hill Station, Chestnut Hill, PA 433 Stroudsburg, PA 436 Cheyenne Depot, Cheyenne, WY 549 Delaware Water Gap Station, Del Water Gap, PA 435 • • INDEX -- NAMES• Denison RR Terminal, Denison, TX 494 Fayette Depot, Fayette, IA 206 Denver & Rio Grande Station, Santa Fe, NM 356 Findlay RR Station, Findlay, IL 168 Denver Union Station, Denver, CO 63 Firth RR Station, Firth. ID 132 Depot Building, Old, Pauline, NE 342 Flora RR Station. Flora. IL 169 Dixon RR Station, Dixon, IL 163 Forsythe RR Station. Forsythe. GA 114 Dodge City Depot, Dodge City, KS 210 Fort Worth & Denver City Depot, Bowie, TX 492 Douglas County Depot, Florence, NE 336 Frankfort Depot. Frankfort, KY 236 Dover RR Station, Dover, DE 89 Friendship RR Station, Friendship. TN 481 Downey RR Depot, Downey, ID 131 Fri sco RR Depot. Kennett, MO 316 Downing RR Depot, Downing, MO 310 Drink Hall, Saratoga Springs, NY 392 Duluth Union Depot, Duluth, MN 301 Galena RR Station. Galena, IL 170 Durango-Silverton Narrow Gauge RR, Durango, CO 64 Galveston-Union Station, Galveston, TX 496 Gandy Dancer, Ann Arbor, MI 284 Garner RR Station, Garner Vicinity, AK 28 East Chicago RR Station, East Chicago, IN 200 Georgia RR Station Freight Depot, Atlanta, GA 107 Easton Station, Easton, PA 437 Germantown Junction Station, Philadelphia, PA 448 Edenton Depot, Edenton, NC 400 Gettysburg RR Station, Gettysburg, PA 438 El Dorado RR Depot, El Dorado, KS 211 Girard RR Station, Girard, IL 171 Elberton RR Station, Elberton, GA 113 Glencoe RR Depot, Glencoe, IL 172 E1"iicott City Station, Ellicott City, NO 259 Glenwood Springs Depot, Glenwood Springs, CO 65 E11 inwood Depot, Ell inwood, KS 212 Glyndon RR Station, Glyndon, MD 261 Elmwood RR Station, Elmwood, NE 334 Gold Hill RR Station, Gold Hill, NV 348 Enfield, RR Depot, Enfield, IL 165 Goldsboro Train Station, Goldsboro, NC 402 Erie Combination Station, Warsaw, NY 395 Gosport Station, Gosport, IN 201 Erie Passenger Station, Avon, NY 371 Grand Canyon RR Station, Grand Canyon, AZ 20 Erie Passenger Station, Callicoon, NY 374 Grand Central Station, Chicago, IL 157 Erie Passenger Station, Deposit, NY 376 Grand Central Station, New York, NY 558 Erie Passenger Station, Elmira, NY 377 Grand Forks RR Station, Grand Forks, ND 415 Erie Passenger Station, Goshen, NY 378 Grand Rapids, Grand Haven &Muskegon Railway Erie Passenger Station, Hancock, NY 379 Depot, Coopersv i 11 e, MI 288 Erie Passenger Station, Hornell, NY 380 Grand Trunk Depot, Grand Haven, MI 291 Erie Passenger Station, Middletown, NY 384 Grand Trunk Depot, Spring Lake, MI 298 Erie Passenger Station, Port Jervis, NY 387 Grand Trunk Railway Station, Durand, MI 290 Erie Passenger Station, Salamanca, NY 391 Grand Trunk Railway Station, Port Huron, MI 297 Erie Passenger Station, Shohol a, PA 453 Great Falls RR Depot, Great Falls, MT 326 Eri e RR Depot, Erie, IL 166 Great Northern RR Depot, Askou, MN 300 Erie RR Station, Jamestown, NY 381 Great Northern RR Depot, Spokane, WA 540 Erie RR Station, Meadville, PA 443 Greenup RR Station, Greenup, IL 173 Erie RR Station, Susquehanna, PA 455 Greenville RR Depot, Greenville, IL 174 Erie RR Terminal, Kent, OH 423 Greenwood RR Station, Greenwood, DE 90 Erie-Lackawanna RR Terminal, Hoboken, NJ 353 Grove Street Station, East Orange, NJ 358 Evanston RR Station, Evanston, IL 167 Guilford RR Station, Guilford, CT 76 ----~---~--- -- IN~ -- NAMES • • Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe RR Passenger Station, Kinsley Depot, Kinsley, KS 217 Fort Worth, TX 495 Kiowa Depot, Kiowa, KS 218 Gulf, Mobile & Ohio RR, Odell, IL 189 Knoxville RR Station, Knoxville, TN 484 Gulf, Mobile & Ohio RR, Mobile, AL 12 Gulf, Mobile & Ohio RR Depot, Dwight, IL 164 La Grange RR Depot, La Grange, IL 177 La Grange RR Station, La Grange, TX 500 Hamburg Depot, Old, North Augusta, SC 476 La Salle RR Depot, La Salle, IL 178 Hartford, Union Station, Hartford, CT 556 Lansing RR Station, Lansing, MI 295 Haskell RR Depot, Haskell, TX 497 Larned Depot, Larned, KS 219 Hays Depot, Hays, KS 213 Laurel RR Station, Laurel, MD 262 Herington Depot, Herington, KS 214 Leesville RR Station, Leesville, GA 118 Hickory RR Station, Hickory, NC 404 Lehigh Valley RR Station, Cortland, NY 375 Highlands RR Station, Hinsdale, IL 175 Lehigh Valley RR Station, Sayre, PA 452 Hilliard Station, Vinta Co., WY 553 Les1 ie RR Station, Les1 ie, AR 31 Hinckley Depot, Hinckley, MN 302 Lewiston Depot, Lewiston, ID 133 Holyoke RR Station, Holyoke, MA 271 Lewistown RR Depot, Lewistown, IL 179 Holyrood Depot, Holyrood, KS 215 Liberal Depot, Liberal, KS 220 Houston-Union Station, Houston, TX 498 Lincoln Station, Gettysburg, PA 439 Humboldt Depot, Humboldt, KS 216 Lincolnton RR Station, Lincolnton, NC 406 Little Rock, Union Station, Little Rock, AR 33 Livingston RR Depot, Livingston, MT 327 Import Depot, Great Falls, MT 326 LLoyd RR Depot, Lloyd, Fl 99 Indianapolis, Union Station, Indianapolis, IN 202 Lockport RR Depot, Lockport, IL 180 Logan RR Station, Logan, UT 508 Los Ceri110s RR Station, McIntosh, NM 364 Jacksboro RR Station, Jacksboro, TX 499 Lost Cabin RR Station, Lost Cabin, WY 550 Jersey Central Station, E1izabethport, NJ 352 Louisville & Nashville Marine Terminal, Jersey Central RR Station, Raritan, NJ 360 Pensacola, FL 102 Jersey City RR Terminal, Jersey City, NJ 355 Louisville & Nashville RR Depot, Madisonville, Jonesboro Train Station, Jonesboro, GA 115 TN 485 Joplin Union Depot, Joplin, MO 313 Louisville & Nashville RR Depot, Owensboro, KY 238 Louisville & Nashville RR Depot, Stanford, KY 242 Louisville & Nashville RR Depots, Springfield, Kalamazoo RR Station, Kalamazoo, MI 293 TN 490 Ka1caska RR Station, Ka1caska, MI 294 Louisville & Nashville RR Station, Knoxville, Kansas & Texas Depot, St. Charles, MO 319 TN 483 Kansas City Union Station, Kansas City, MO 315 Louisville & Nashville RR Station, Stanton, KY 243 Kenilworth RR Station, Kenilworth, IL 176 Loup City Depot, Loup City Depot, NE 340 Kennebunk RR Station, Kennebunk, ME 247 Lutherville RR Station, lutherville, MD 264 Kent RR Depot, Kent, CT 78 Madison RR Station, Madison, IN 203 Keo RR Station, Keo, AR 30 Main Street Station, Richmond, VA 534 Kingston RR Depot, Kingston, GA 117 Manhattan Depot, Manhattan, KS 223 • • INDEX Martisco Station, Martisco, NY 383 North Easton RR Station, North Easton, MA 276 Mascoutah RR Depot, Mascoutah, IL 181 Nampa Depot, Nampa, ID 137 McCall RR Station, McCall, 10 134 Narrow Gauge Depot, Conejos County, CO 61 McCammon RR Station, McCammon, 10 135 Nashville Depot, Nashville, IL 187 McGraw Hotel, Grafton, WV 544 Nashville, Union Station, Nashville, TN 486 McKnight's Station, New Fly Village, TN 487 New Haven RR Station, New Haven, CT 79 McRea RR Station, McRea, AR 34 New Haven RR Station, New Haven, VT 520 Michigan Central RR Station, Ann Arbor, MI 284 New London RR Station, New London, CT 80 Michigan Central RR Station, Dexter, MI 289 New Union Station, Richmond, VA 534 Milford, RR Station, Milford, UT 509 New York Central Passenger Station, Lockport, Milford RR Station, Milford, IL 182 NY 382 Millis RR Station, Millis, MA 272 New York Central RR Station, Niagara Falls, NY 386 M'ilton RR Station, Milton, NC 407 New York Central RR Station, Painesville, OH 424 M'i1waukee Depot, Chillicothe, MO 307 New York Central RR Station, Rochester, NY 388 M'ineral Point RR Station, Mineral Point, WI 548 New York, New Haven & Hartford Eastbound Minnehaha Station, Minneapolis, MN 304 Passenger Station, Southport, CT 83 M"issoula RR Depot, Missoula, MT 328 Newark RR Station, Newark, DE 92 M"issouri Pacific Depot, Charleston, MO 306 Newton Center RR Station, Newton Center, MA 273 M;issouri Pacific RR Depot, Hermann, MO 312 Newton Depot, Newton, KS 224 Missouri Pacific Depot, Joplin, MO 314 Newton Highlands RR Station, Newton, MA 275 Missouri Pacific Depot, Webster Grove, MO 322 Nicanor RR Station, Nicanor, NC 409 Missouri-Kansas-Texas RR Station, Columbia, MO 308 Niota RR Station, Niota, TN 488 Missouri-Pacific RR Station, Kirkwood, MO 317 Norfolk & Western Depot, Columbia, MO 309 Moberly RR Station & Machine Shops, Moberly, MO 318 North Pacific Depot, Bi smarck, ND 414 Montchanin RR Station, Montchanin, DE 91 North Pacific Depot, Fargo, NO 415 Montevallo RR Station, Montevallo, AL 13 Northern Pacific Depot, Bothell, WA 537 Motezuma RR Station, Montezuma, GA 119 Northern Pacific Depot, Little Falls, MN 303 Montour RR Building, Montour, 10 136 Northern Pacific Depot, Snoqualmie, WA 539 Montpelier Junction Station, Montpelier Northern Pacific RR Station, Wallace, ID 145 Juncti on, VT 519 Northfield RR Station, Northfield, VT 522 Morrison RR Depot, Morrison, IL 183 Mt. Carmel RR Depot, McDowell Street, Mt. Carme1,IL 184 Oak Park Commuter Station, Oak Park, IL 188 Mt. Carmel RR Station, Tenth Street, Mt. Carmel, Oakland RR Station, Oakland, MD 265 IL 185 Ogden Union Depot, Ogden, UT 510 Mt. Clare Station, Baltimore, MD 254 Oglethorpe Georgia RR Station, Atlanta, GA l08 Mt. Royal Station, Baltimore, MD 255 Okawville RR Depot, Okawville, IL 190 Mt. Vernon Station, Mt. Vernon~ IA 207 Old Adirondack RR Station, Saratoga Springs, NY 393 Murphysboro RR Station, Murphysboro, IL 186 Old Colony RR Station, North Easton, MA 276 Mystic RR Depot, Stonington, CT 84 Old Depot Building, Pauline, NE 342 Old El Paso & Southwestern RR Station. Tucson, AR 22 Nol'th Bennington Depot, North Bennington, VT 521 I. -- NAMES Old Illinois Central RR Station, Baton Rouge, •Pullman RR Stations, Chicago, Il 158• ~ 245 Old Orlando RR Station, Orlando, Fl 100 Old Santa Fe RR Depot, Ottawa, KS 226 Quanah RR Station, Quanah, TX 502 Olmstead RR Depot, Olmsted. Il 191 Queen City Hotel &Station, Cumberland, MD 257 Omaha &Southern RR Station, Belleville. NE 330 Orchard RR Station, Orchard, TX 501 Orlando RR Station, Orlando, Fl 101 Ra i 1road-Boa t Depot, Buffa 10, NY 373 Orlando RR Station, Old, Orlando, Fl 100 Randolph, Randolph, VT 523 Osage City Depot, Osage City, KS 225 Rathdrum RR Depot, Rathdrum, ID 139 Ottowa Depot, Ottawa, KS 226 Reading RR Station, Allentown, PA 429 Reading RR Station, Columbia, PA 434 Reading RR Station, Hopewell, NJ 354 Palms, The, Los Angeles, CA 46 Reading RR Station, Tamaqua, PA 456 Paris RR Station, Paris, KY 239 Reading RR Terminal, lebanon, PA 442 Park City RR Station, Park City, UT 511 Reading RR Terminal, Philadelphia, PA 449 Patagonia RR Station, Patagonia, AZ 21 Reading RR Yards &Shops, Harrisburg Vicinity, Pawson Station, Kinston Vicinity, NC 405 PA 440 Payette RR Depot, Payette, ID 138 Rehoboth RR Station, Rehoboth, DE 93 Pelham RR Station. Pelham, GA 120 Ridgway RR Station, Ridgway, CO 67 Pelley RR Depot, Anna, Il 148 River Station, los Angeles Co., CA 47 Penn Central Railway Station, Battle Creek. MI 285 Riverside Commuter Station, Riverside, Il 192 Pennsylvania RR Broad Street Station. Phila- Roberts RR Station, Roberts, ID 140 delphia, PA 446 Rock Creek Station, Rock Creek, WY 551 Pennsylvania RR Bryn Mawr Station, Bryn Mawr, Rock Island Depot, Herington, KS 214 PA 432 Rock Island Depot, lincoln, NE 337 Pennsylvania RR Shops, Altoona, PA 430 Rock Island Depot, Sioux Falls, SD 479 Pennsylvania RR Station, New York, NY 385 Rogue River Valley RR Depot, Jacksonville, OR 428 Pennsylvania RR Station, Newark, NJ 358 Rome RR Station, Rome, GA 121 Pennsylvania RR Station, Rotunda. Pittsburgh, Round Lake RR Depot, Round Lake, Il 193 PA 450 Roxbury RR Station, Roxbury, VT 524 Philadelphia & Reading RR Depot, Philadelphia, RR Station & Frieght House, Old Saybrook, CT 82 ~ 560 Rutland RR Station, Bennington, VT 515 Pittsburgh & lake Erie RR Station, Pittsburgh, PA 451 Plainfield Station, Plainfield, NJ 359 South Royalton Depot, South Royalton, VT 528 Point of Rocks RR Station, Point of Rocks, MD 266 Salem RR Depot, Salem, IL 194 Pratt Depot, Pratt, KS 227 Salt Lake & Rio Grande Station, Salt lake President Street Station, Baltimore, MD 256 City, Utah 512 Providence & Worcester RR Depot, Providence, Salt Lake City-Union Pacific Depot, Salt Lake RI , 462 City, Utah 513 Providence & Worchester RR Station, Woonsocket, San Antonio RR Station-Southern Pacific, San RI 465 Antonio, TX 503 • • INDEX San Antonio RR Station-Santa Fe, San Antonio, South Platte Station, Jefferson Co., CO 66 TX 5M Southerly Twin Station, Plainfield, NJ 359 San Juan RR Terminal, San Juan, PR 460 Southern Pacific RR Depot, Camarille, CA 42 SClndpoint RR Station, Sandpoint, ID 141 Southern Pacific Depot. Los Angeles, CA 46 Sa,ndwich RR Station, Sandwich, MA 278 Southern Pacific Depot, San Francisco, CA 54 Sa,nford RR Station, Sanford, NC 411 Southern Pacific RR Depot, Santa Paula, CA 55 Sa.nta Fe Depot, Burl ingame, KS 208 Southern Pacific Depot, Yuma, AZ 23 Sa.nta Fe Depot, Chanute, KS 209 Southern Pacific RR Station, Burlingame, CA 41 Santa Fe Depot, Dodge City, KS 210 Southern Pacific RR Station, San Carlos, CA 52 Santa Fe Depot, Ellinwood, KS 212 Southern Pacific RR Station, Santa Susana, CA 56 Santa Fe Depot, Holyrood, KS 215 Southern Railway Passenger Depot, Branchville, Santa Fe Depot, Humboldt, KS 216 ~ 4~ Santa Fe Depot, Kinsley, KS 217 Southern Railway Passenger Station, Salisbury, Santa Fe Depot, Kiowa, KS 218 NC 410 Santa Fe Depot, Larned, KS 219 Southern Railway System Depot, Huntsville, AL 10 Santa Fe Depot, Lincoln, KS 221 Southern Railway Rerminal Station, Bessemer, AL 4 Santa Fe Depot, Newton, KS 224 Southern RR Depot, Edgefield, SC 474 Santa Fe Depot, Shawnee, OK 425 Southern RR Station, GreenVille, SC 475 Santa Fe Depot, Winfield, KS 235 Spalding RR Station, Spalding, ID 143 Santa Fe Depot & Reading Room, Waynoka, OK 426 Spring City RR Station, Spring City, TN 489 Santa Fe RR Station, Orchard, TX 501 St. Francis RR Station, St. Francis, KS 228 Santa Fe RR Station, Redlands, CA 51 St. James RR Station, St. James, NY 389 Santa Fe RR Station, San Antonio, TX 504 St. Joe RR Station, St. Joe, AR 35 Santa Fe RR Station, San Diego, CA 53 St. Louis Park Station, St. Louis Park, MN 305 Seaboard Coast Line RR Depot, Abbeville, SC 466 St. Louis Union Station, St. Louis, MO 320 Seaboard Coast Line RR Depot, Chester, SC 472 Starrucca House, Susquehanna, PA 455 Seaboard Coast Line RR Depot, Hamlet, NC 403 Sterling RR Depot, Sterling, IL 195 Seaboard Coast Line RR Passenger Station, West Stone Mountain RR Station, Stone Mountain, GA 124 Palm Beach, FL 103 Stoops Ferry RR Station, Stoops Ferry, PA 454 Seaford Passenger Station, Seaford, DE 94 Stoughton RR Station, Stoughton, MA 279 Seagrove Depot, Seagrove Vicinity, NC 412 Strafford RR Station, Strafford, PA 560 Seagrove Potter's Museum, Seagrove Vicinity, Summerville RR Station, Summerville, GA 125 NC 412 Seattle, Union Station, Seattle, WA 538 Seward RR Depot, Seward, AK 19 Tacoma, Union Passenger Station, Tacoma, WA 542 Shannoch RR Depot, Shannoch, RI 463 Talladega RR Depot, Talladega, AL 16 Shelley RR Depot, Shelley, ID 142 Tallulah Falls RR Station, Tallulah Falls, GA 127 Sierra RR Depot, Jamestown, CA 45 Tenino Depot, Tenino, WA 543 Silver Plume Depot, Silver Plume, CO 68 Terminal Station, Chattanooga, TN 480 Smithville RR Station, Smithville, GA 123 Thomaston RR Station, Thomaston, ME 248 Solomon RR Station, Solomon, KS 229 Thompson RR Station, Thompson, GA 126 Soo Line Depot, Minot, ND 418 Tiskilwa RR Depot, Tiskilwa, IL 196 South Carolina RR Warehouse, Charleston, SC 471 Toledo & Central Ohio RR Station, Columbus, OH 420 1N~ -- NAMES • • Torrington Depot, Torrington, WY 552 Union Station. Washington; Washington, DC. 98 Truckee Depot, Truckee, CA 57 Union Station Entrance, Columbus, OH 421 Trusda1e RR Station, Trusda1e, MO 321 Tucumcari RR Station, Tucumcari, NM 367 Tuscombia RR Depot, Tuscumbia, AL 18 Valley Falls RR Depot, Valley Falls. KS 230 Twin Falls RR Station, Twin Falls, 10 144 Valley RR of Virginia Station, Lexington, VA 532 Van Buren Depot, Van Buren, AR 36 Vicksburg & Brunswick Depot, Eufaula, AL 8 Union Depot, Hot Springs, SO 478 Victor Depot, Victor, CO 69 Union Depot, North Canaan, CT 81 Virden RR Depot. Virden. IL 197 Union Depot, Ogden, UT 51 D Virginia City Freight Station, Virginia City Union Depot, Duluth, MN 301 NV 349 Union Pacific Depot, Aberdeen, WA 535 Virginia City RR Depot, Virginia City, NV 350 Union Pacific Depot, Lincoln, NE 338 Union Pacific Depot, Lodge Pole, NE 339 Union Pacific Depot, Sidney, NE 345 Waco RR Station, Waco, TX 505 Union Pacific Main Line Depot, Boise, 1D 130 Wagon Wheel Gap Depot, Wagon Wheel Gap. CO 70 Union Pacific RR Station, Huntington, OR 427 Wallingford RR Station, Wallingford, CT 85 Union Pacific Transfer Depot & Hotel, Council Wallingford RR Station. Wallingford, PA 561 Bluffs, IA 204 Warren Freight Depot, Warren, RI 464 Union Passenger Station, Tacoma; Tacoma, WA 542 Washington, Union Station, Washington, DC 98 Union Passenger Terminal, Omaha, NE 341 Waterbury RR Station, Waterbury, CT 86 Union Passenger Terminal, Los Angeles, CA 555 Waterbury RR Station, Waterbury. VT 529 Union Railway Station, Montgomery, AL 14 Waterloo RR Depot, Waterloo, IL 198 Union Station, Albany; Albany, NY 368 Waterville RR Depot, Waterville, KS 232 Union Station, Brattleboro; Brattleboro, VT 517 , Los Angeles, CA 48 Union Station, Burlington; Burlington, VT 518 Wayland RR Station, Wayland, MA 280 Union Station, Chatham; Chatham, NY 557 Weiser RR Station, Weiser, MA 146 Union Station, Columbia; Columbia, SC 473 Wellesley Hills RR Station, Wellesley Hills, MA 282 Union Station, Denver; Denver, CO 63 Wendell RR Station, Wendell, 10 147 Union Station, Galveston; Galveston, TX 496 Weskan Depot, Wallace Vicinity, KS 231 Union Station, Hartford; Hartford, CT 556 West Branch RR Station, West Branch, MI 299 Union Station, Houston; Houston, TX 498 West Chester Station, West Chester, PA 458 Union Station, Indianapolis; Indianapolis, IN 202 West Cornwall Depot, Cornwall, CT 74 Union Station, Joplin; Joplin, MO 313 West Minot RR Station, West Minot, ME 249 Union Station, Kansas City; Kansas City, MO 315 Western Maryland RR Station, Cumberland, MD 258 Union Station, Little Rock; Little Rock, AR 33 Western Maryland RR Station, Gettysburg, PA 439 Union Station, Louisville; Louisville, KY 237 Western Maryland RR Station, New Oxford, PA 444 Union Station, Nashville; Nashville, TN 486 White River Junction RR Station, White River Union Station, Richmond; Richmond, VA 534 Wichita Depot, Wichita, KS 233 Union Station, St. Louis: St. Louis, MO 320 Williamstown RR Station, Williamstown, MA 283 Union Station, San Diego; San Diego, CA 53 Williamsville RR Station, Williamsville, MO 324 Union Station. Seattle; Seattle, WA 538 Wilmette RR Station, Wilmette, IL 199 • • INDEX -- ARCHITECTS• Wilmington RR Station, Wilmington, DE 95 Bragdon, Claude Wilmington RR Station, W~lmington, NC 413 New York Central RR Station, Rochester NY 388 .Wilson Depot, Wilson, KS 234 Windsor RR Station, Windsor, CT 87 Brigham, Charles Windsor RR Station, Windsor, VT 531 Stoughton RR Station, Stoughton MA 279 Winfield Depot, Winfield, KS 235 Winterthur RR Station, Winterthur, DE 96 Burnham, Daniel Wyoming RR Station, Wyoming, DE 97 Pennsylvania RR Station, Rotunda, Pitts­ burgh PA 450 Union Station, Washington DC 98 Yannouth RR Station, Yannouth, ME 250 Union Station Entrance, Columbus OH 421 Yosemite Valley RR Station, Bagby, CA 39 Burns, William G. Pittsburgh & Lake Erie RR Station, Pitts- burgh PA 451

Cameron, Link & See: Link & Cameron INDEX -- ARCHITECTS Carrere & Hastings, Shreve & Lamb Union Pacific Main Line Depot, Boise ID 130 Ba kewe 11 & Brown Santa Fe RR Station (Union Station), San Clarke, F. W-. Diego CA 53 Nampa Depot, Nampa ID 137 Baldwin & Pennington Clarke, L. Philips Odkland RR Station, Oakland MD 265 Seaboard Coast Line RR Passenger Station, West Palm Beach FL 103 Baldwin, E. Francis Mt. Royal Station, Baltimore MD 255 Cobb, Henry Ives Laurel RR Station, Laurel MD 262 Gulf, Mobile & Ohio RR Depot, Dwight IL 164 Point of Rocks RR Station, Point of Rocks MD 266 Curtiss, Louis Barber, Don Joplin Union Depot, Joplin MO 313 Terminal Station, Chattanooga TN 480 Derrick, LJ.M. Bardon, John, .contractor Erie RR Station (Starrucca House), Sus­ Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe RR Passenger quehanna PA 455 Station, Fort Worth TX 495 Fellheimer, Alfred Beman, Solon Spencer Cincinnati Union Terminal, Cincinnati OH 419 Grand Central Station, Chicago IL 157 2 RR Stations (Pullman), Chicago IL 158 Furness & Evans Wallingford RR Station, Wallingford PA 561 ARCHITECTS •Lines, H.W., contractor • Furness, Evans & Co. Pennsylvania RR Broad Street Station, Central Vermont & Boston & Maine Union Philadelphia PA 446 Station, Brattleboro VT 517 Furness, Frank Link & Cameron Chestnut Hill Station, Chestnut Hill PA 433 St. Louis Union Station, St. Louis MO 320 Baltimore & Ohio RR Station, Phila­ delphia PA 445 Long, J. T. Philadelphia & Reading RR Depot, Graver's Wichita Depot, Wichita KS 233 Lane PA 560 Marge, Philip Thornton Gerber, Arthur N. Gulf, Mobile & Ohio RR Station, Mobile AL 12 Evanston RR Station, Evanston IL 167 McCleece, J.J. Gilbert, Bradford L. Lehigh Valley RR Station, Cortland NY 375 Plainfield Station, Plainfield NJ 359 McKim, Mead & White Gilbert, Cass Pennsylvania RR Station, New York NY 385 Northern Pacific Depot, Little Falls NM 303 Pennsylvania RR Station, Newark NJ 358 North Pacific Depot, Fargo ND 415 Waterbury RR Station, Waterbury CT 86 Gove & Walsh Milburn, Frank P. Denver Union Station, Denver CO 63 Knoxville RR Station, Knoxville TN 484 Southern Railway Passenger Station, Howard, George H. Salisbury NC 410 Southern Pacific RR Station, Burlingame CA 41 Union Station, Columbia SC 473 Howe & Van Brunt Montfort, Richard Cheyenne Depot, Cheyenne WY 549 Nashville Union Station, Nashville TN 486 Hunt, Jarvis Murchison, Kenneth, engineer Kansas City Union Station, Kansas City MO 315 Erie-Lackawanna RR Terminal, Hoboken NJ 353 Kenyon, William Parkinson, Donald & John Soo Line Depot, Minot ND 418 Caliente Railroad Depot, Caliente NV 346 Ogden Union Depot, Ogden UT 510 Kimball, F. Union Passenger Terminal, Los Angeles CA 555 Reading Terminal, Philadelphia PA 449 Patterson, D.J., engineer L'Hommedieu, Calvin Salt Lake City-Union Pacific Depot, Salt St. James RR Station, St. James NY 389 Lake City UT 513 • • INDEX -- ARCHIT~ Peabody & Stearns Shunk, Chief Engineer Duluth Union Depot, Duluth MN 301 Union Depot, North Canaan CT 81 Pennington, Josias Smith, Benjamin Boswoth I~t. Royal Station, Baltimore MD 255 Union Railway Station, Montgomery AL 14 Reed & Stem (with Warren & Wetmore) Smith, David, contractor Grand Central Station, New York NY 559 Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe RR Passenger Station, Fort Worth TX 495 Reed & Sten Livingston RR Depot, Livingston MT 327 Stearns, Peabody & See: Peabody & Stearns Reed, Charles Union Passenger Station, Tacoma WA 542 Stern, Allen Union' Passenger Station, Tacoma WA 542 Richardson, H.H. Boston & Albany RR Station, Auburndale MA 267 Sterner, Frederich Boston & Albany RR Station, Framingham MA 270 Colorado Springs RR Depot, Colorado Spring Boston &Albany RR Station, Wellesley MA 281 CD 59 Holyoke RR Station, Holyoke MA 271 New London RR Station, New London CT 80 Taylor, Charles C. Newton Center RR Station, Newton Center MA 273 Alabama Great Southern RR Passenger Depot, North Easton RR Station (Old Colony RR Fort Payne AL 9 Station), North Easton MA 276 Wellesley Hills RR Station, Wellesley Underwood, Gilbert S. Hills MA 282 Union Passenger Terminal, Omaha NE 341 Rodd, Thomas Van Brunt & Howe Union Station, Indianapolis IN 202 Cheyenne Depot, Cheyenne WY 549 Schlacs, Henry S. Wagner, Steward Salt Lake & Rio Grande Station, Salt Lake Cincinnati Union Terminal, Cincinnati OH 419 City UT 512 Walsh & Gove Shepley, Rutan & Coolidge See: Gove·& Walsh Albany Union Station, Albany NY 368 Allston RR Station, Boston MA 268 Warren & Wetmore Union Station, Hartford CT 556 Union Station, Houston TX 498 Chatham Union Station, Chatham NY 558 Grand Central Station (with Reed & Shreve & Lamb Stem), New York NY 559 See: Carrere & Hastings, Shreve & Lamb Wilson Brothers Reading Terminal, Philadelphia PA 449 -- ARCHITECTS Wilson, Harris & Richards •continued • Main St. Station (New Union Station), Santa Fe Depot, Pratt KS 227 Richmond VA 534 Santa Fe Depot, Winfield KS 235 Kansas City Union Station, Kansas City MO 315 Wilson, Joseph M. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe RR Station, Pennsylvania RR Bryn Mawr Station, Bryn Santa Fe NM 365 Mawr PA 432 Denver & Rio Grande Station, Santa Fe NM 366 Santa Fe Depot, Shawnee OK 425 Santa Fe Depot & Reading Room, Waynoka OK 426 Union Station, Galveston TX 496 Santa Fe RR Station, Orchard TX 501 Santa Fe RR Station, San Antonio TX 504 Union Passenger Terminal, Los Angeles CA 555 INDEX -- RAILROAD LINES Atlanta & West Point RR Atlanta & West Point Station, Atlanta GA 105 Alabama Great Southern RR Atlantic & Danville Railway Southern Railway Terminal Station, Bessemer Mil ton RR Sta ti on, Mi lton NC 407 AL 4 Alabama Great Southern RR Passenger Depot, Baltimore & Ohio RR Fort Payne AL 9 Union Station, Washington DC 98 Grand Central Station, Chicago IL 157 Arcata & Mad River RR Baltimore & Ohio RR Station, Aberdeen MD 251 Arcata & Mad River RR Station, Blue Lake CA 40 Camden St. Station, Baltimore MD 253 Mt. Clare Station (B & 0 RR Museum), Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe RR Baltimore MD 254 Grand Canyon RR Station, Grand Canyon AZ 20 Mt. Royal Station, Baltimore MD 255 Santa Fe Station, Redlands CA 51 Queen City Hotel & Station, Cumberland MD 257 Santa Fe RR Station (Union Station), San Western Maryland RR Station, Cumberland MD 258 Diego CA 53 Ellicott City Station, Ellicott City MD 259 Santa Fe Depot, Burlingame KS 208 Baltimore & Ohio RR Station, Frederick MD 260 Santa Fe Depot, Chanute KS 209 Laurel RR Station, Laurel MD 262 Santa Fe Depot, Dodge City KS 210 Baltimore & Ohio RR Station, Lock Lynn MD 263 Santa Fe Depot, Ellinwood KS 212 Oakland RR Station, Oakland MD 265 Santa Fe Depot, Ho 1yrood KS 215 Point of Rocks RR Station, Point of Rocks MD 266 Santa Fe Depot, Humboldt KS 216 st. Louis Union Station, St. Louis MD 320 Santa Fe Depot, Ki ns 1ey KS 217 Baltimore & Ohio Passenger Station, Sala- Santa Fe Depot, Kiowa KS 218 manca NY 390 Santa Fe Depot, Larned KS 219 Cincinnati Union Terminal, Cincinnati OH 419 Santa Fe Depot, Lincoln KS 221 Baltimore & Ohio RR Station, Philadelphia PA 445 Santa Fe Depot, Newton KS 224 Valley RR of Virginia Station, Lexington VA 532 Santa Fe Depot, Ottawa KS 226 ~ • • INDEX -- RAILROAD LINES continued continued Grilfton RR Stations & McGraw Hotel, Grafton Burlington Depot (Omaha & Southern RR IN 544 Station), Belleville NE 330 Baltimore & Ohio RR Depot, Huntington WV 545 Brownville RR Station, Brownville NE 331 Baltimore & Ohio Depot, Monongalia County WV 546 Burlington Depot, David City NE 332 Baltimore & Ohio RR Depot, Sistersville WV 547 Burlington Depot, Dorchester NE 333 Elmwood RR Station, Elmwood NE 334 Boston & Albany RR Burl ington Depot, Farwell NE 335 Boston &Albany RR Station, Auburndale MA 267 Loup City Depot, Loup City NE 340 Allston RR Station, Boston MA 268 Burl ington Depot, Peru NE 343 Boston &Albany RR Station, Framingham MA 270 Burlington Depot, Red Cloud NE 344 Boston & Albany RR Station, Newton MA 274 Union Depot, Hot Springs SO 478 North Easton RR Station, North Easton MA 276 Burl ington Depot, Anacortes WA 536 Boston & Albany RR Statlon, Palmer MA 277 Burlington Depot, Sunnyside WA 541 Boston & Albany RR Station, Wellesley MA 281 Union Passenger Station, Tacoma WA 542 Albany Union Station, Albany NY 368 Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern RR Boston & Maine RR Rock Island Depot, Sioux Falls SO 479 Williamstown RR Station, Williamstown MA 283 Bellows Falls RR Station, Bellows Falls VT 514 California & Nevada RR Central Vermont & Boston & Maine Union California & Nevada RR Terminus, Orinda Station, Brattleboro VT 517 Park CA 50 Montpelier Junction Station, Montpelier Junction VT 519 Camas Prairie RR White River Junction RR Station, White Lewiston Depot, Lewiston ID 133 River Junction VT 530 Windsor RR Station, Windsor VT 531 Canadian Pacific RR Canadian Pacific RR Depot, St. Johnsbury VT 527 Burlington & Missouri River RR Brownville RR Station, Brownville NE 331 Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley RR Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley RR Station, Burlington Northern RR Fayetteville NC 401 Sandpoint RR Station, Sandpoint 10 141 Aurora Passenger Depot, Aurora IL 150 Carolina Northwestern RR Dul uth Uni on Depot, Dul uth MN 301 Carolina Northwestern RR Depot, Pendleton Wlnckley Depot, Hinckley MN 302 SC 477 Kansas City Union Station, Kansas City MO 315 St. Louis Union Station, St. Louis MO 320 Central of Georgia Railway Chicago, Burlington & Quincy RR Depot, Vicksburg & Brunswick Depot, Eufaula AL 8 Weston MO 323 Union Railway Station, Montgomery AL 14 Bozeman Passenger Depot, Bozeman MT 325 Barnesville RR Station, Barnesville GA 109 Livingston RR Depot, Livingston MT 327 Columbus RR Station, Columbus GA 110 Burl i ngton Depot, Beatri ce NE 329 Cuthbert Junction RR Station, Cuthbert GA 111 ~ INDEX -- RAILROAD LINES • • continued Charleston, Cincinnati & Chicago RR Forsythe RR Station, Forsythe GA 114 Cherokee Falls RR Station, Blacksburg SC 467 Jonesboro Train Station, Jonesboro GA 115 Leesville RR Station, Leesville GA 118 Chesapeake & Ohio RR Montezuma RR Station, Montezuma GA 119 Chesapeake & Ohio RR Station, Prestonburg KY 240 Central of Georgia Trainshed & Station, Chesapeake & Ohio RR Depot, Salt Lick KY 241 Savannah GA 122 Oakland RR Station, Oakland MD 265 Smithville RR Station, Smithville GA 123 Point of Rocks RR Station, Point of Rocks MD 266 Summerville RR Station, Summerville GA 125 Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Station, Petosky MI 296 Central of Georgia RR Co. Shop Property, Cincinnati Union Terminal, Cincinnati OH 419 Savannah GA 562 Union Station Entrance, Columbus OH 421 Chesapeake & Ohio RR Station, Haydenville OH 422 Central Pacific RR Valley RR of Virginia Station, Lexington VA 532 Alameda Terminal, Alameda CA 37 Main St. Station (New Union Station), Union Depot, Ogden UT 510 Richmond VA 534 Baltimore & Ohio RR Depot, Huntington WV 545 Central RR of New Jersey Jersey Central Station, Elizabethport NJ 352 Chesapeake Western RR Broad St. Station, Newark NJ 357 Valley RR of Virginia Station, Lexington VA 532 Plainfield Station (Southerly Twin Station), Plainfield NJ 359 Chicago & Eastern Illinois RR Jersey Central RR Station, Raritan NJ 360 Milford RR Station, Milford 11 182 Central RR Co. of New Jersey Station, Bethlehem PA 431 Chicago & Great Western RR Easton Station, Easton PA 437 Grand Central Station, Chicago IL 157 Central RR of New Jersey Station, Wilkes- Barre PA 459 Chicago & Northwestern RR De Kalb Depot, De Kalb IL 161 Central Vermont System Dixon RR Station, Dixon IL 163 Central Vermont RR Station, Bethel VT 516 Evanston RR Station, Evanston IL 167 Union Station, Brattleboro VT 517 Glencoe RR Depot, Glencoe IL 172 Montpelier Junction Station, Montpelier Kenilworth RR Station, Kenilworth IL 176 Junction VT 519 Oak Park Commuter Station, Oak Park IL 188 Northfield RR Station, Northfield VT 522 Sterling RR Depot, Sterling IL 195 Randolph Depot, Randolph VT 523 Wilmette RR Station, Wilmette IL 199 Roxbury RR Station, Roxbury VT 524 Lost Cabin RR Station, Lost Cabin WY 550 Central Vermont RR Headquarters, St. Albans VT 526 Chicago & West Michigan RR South Royalton Depot, So. Royalton VT 528 Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Station, Petosky MI 296 Waterbury RR Station, waterbury VT 529 White River Junction RR Station, White Chicago, Burlington & Quincy RR River Junction VT 530 Erie RR Depot, Erie IL 166 Windsor RR Station, Windsor VT 531 Highlands RR Station, Hinsdale IL 175 , • INDEX -- RAILROAD LINES continued Delaware & Lackawanna RR Lewistown RR Depot, Lewistown IL 179 Delaware & Lackawanna RR Station, East Riverside Commuter Station, Riverside IL 192 Stroudsburg PA 436 Creston RR Depot, Creston IA 205 Chicago, Burlington & Quincy RR Depot, Delaware RR Co. Weston MO 323 Dover RR Station, Dover DE 89 B,oownville RR Station, Brownville NE 331 Greenwood RR Station, Greenwood DE 90 Wyoming RR Station, Wyoming DE 97 Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific RR Chicago, Milwaukee RR Station, Chicago IL 159 Delaware, Lackawanna & Western RR Fayette Depot, Fayette IA 206 Erie-Lackawanna RR Terminal, Hoboken NJ 353 St. Louis Park Station, St. Louis Park MN 305 Delaware Lackawanna & Western RR Station, Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific RR Binghamton NY 372 Station, Fargo NO 416 Mineral Point RR Station, Mineral Point WI 548 Denver & Rio Grande Western RR Antonito RR Station, Antonito CO 58 Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific RR Colorado Springs RR Depot, Colorado Springs Tiskilwa RR Depot, Tiskilwa IL 196 CO 59 Wichita Depot, Wichita KS 233 Narrow Gauge Depot, Conejos County CO 61 St. Louis Union Station, St. Louis MO 320 Crested Butte Depot, Crested Butte CO 62 Tucumcari RR Station, Tucumcari NM 367 Glenwood Springs Depot, Glenwood Springs CO 65 Wagon Wheel Gap Depot, Wagon Wheel Gap CO 70 Choctaw Line Aztec RR Stati on, Aztec NM 361 Choctaw Route Station, Little Rock AR 32 Cumbres & Toltec Scenic RR Depot, Chama NM 362 Denver & Rio Grande Station, Santa Fe NM 366 Colorado Central RR Ogden Union Depot, Ogden UT 510 Silver Plume Depot, Silver Plume CO 68 Salt Lake & Rio Grande Sta:tion, Salt Lake City UT 512 Columbia, Newberry & Laurens RR Union Station, Columbia SC 473 Denver, South Park & Pacific RR South Platte Station, Jefferson Co. CO 66 Connecticut & Passumpsic RR Canadian Pacific RR Depot, St. Johnsbury VT 527 Echo & Park City RR Ogden Union Depot, Ogden UT 510 COY'nwall RR Park City RR Station, Park City UT 511 Cornwall-Lebanon Station, Lebanon PA 441 El Paso & Southwestern RR Delaware & Hudson RR Old El Paso & Southwestern RR Station, !,lbany Union Station, Albany NY 368 Tucson AZ 22 Delaware & Hudson RR Station, Altamont NY 369 Drink Hall, Saratoga Springs NY 392 Erie RR Old Adirondack RR Station, Saratoga Springs Erie RR Terminal, Kent OH 423 NY 393 Erie RR Station (Starrucca House), Sus- Delaware & Hudson Depot, Rutland Center VT 525 quehanna PA 455 ~X -- RAILROAD LINES • Erie-Lackawanna RR Grand Trunk RR Grove Street Station, East Orange NJ 351 West Minot RR Station, West Minot ME 249 Erie-Lackawanna RR Terminal, Hoboken NJ 353 Yarmouth RR Station, Yarmouth ME 250 Montclair RR Station, Montclair NJ 356 Delaware Lackawanna & Western Combination Grand Trunk Western RR Station, Atlanta NY 370 Grand Rapids, Grand Haven & Muskegon Rail- Erie Passenger Station, Avon NY 371 way Depot, Coopersville MI 288 Delaware Lackawanna & Western RR Station, Grand Trunk Railway Station, Durand MI 290 Binghamton NY 372 Grand Trunk Depot, Grand Haven MI 291 Erie Passenger Station, Calliccon NY 374 Grand Trunk Railway Station, Port Huron MI 297 Erie Passenger Station, Deposit NY 376 Grand Tr~nk Depot, Spring Lake MI 298 Erie Passenger Station, Elmira NY 377 Erie Passenger Station, Goshen NY 378 Great Northern RR Erie Passenger Station, Hancock NY 379 Great Northern RR Depot, Askou MN 300 Erie Passenger Station, Hornell NY 380 Erie Station, Jamestown NY 381 Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe RR Erie Passenger Station, Middletown NY 384 Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe RR Passenger Erie Passenger Station, Port Jervis NY 387 Station, Fort Worth TX 495 Erie Passenger Station, Salamanca NY 391 Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Combination Gulf, Mobile & Ohio RR Station Station, Vestal NY 394 Gulf, Mobile & Ohio RR Station, Mobile AL 12 Erie Combination Station, Warsaw NY 395 Gulf, Mobile & Ohio RR Depot, Dwight IL 164 Eri e RR Termi na 1, Kent OH 423 Gulf, Mobile & Ohio RR Depot, Odell IL 189 Erie Station, Meadville PA 443 Erie RR Passenger Station, Shohola PA 453 Gulf, Texas & Western RR Jacksboro RR Station, Jacksboro TX 499 Fitchburg RR Williamstown RR Station, Williamstown MA 283 Housatonic & Connecticut Western RR Union Depot, North Canaan CT 81 Fort Worth & Denver City RR Fort Worth & Denver City Depot, Bowie TX 492 Houston & Texas Central RR Waco RR Station, Waco TX 505 Georgia RR Georgia RR Station Freight Depot, Atlanta GA 107 Illinois Central RR Decatur RR Station, Decatur GA 112 Cairo RR Station, Cairo IL 154 Stone Mountain RR Station, Stone Mountain GA 124 Railroad Stations, Chicago (Pullman) IL 158 Thompson RR Station, Thompson GA 126 Murphysboro RR Station, Murphysboro IL 186 Old Illinois Central RR Station, Baton Grand Rapids, Grand Haven & Muskegon RR Rouge LA 245 Grand Rapids, Grand Haven & Muskegon Rail- way Depot, Coopersvi 11 e MI 288 AIIlx -- RAILROAD LINES Missouri-Kansas-Texas RR •Northwestern RR Missouri-Kansas-Texas RR Station, Columbia MO 308 Morrison RR Depot, Morrison IL 183 Kansas City Union Station, Kansas City MO 315 Sterling RR Depot, Sterling IL 195 Denison RR Terminal, Denison TX 494 Union Passenger Terminal, Omaha NE 341

NI~w York Centra 1 Omaha & Southern RR New York Central RR Station, Niagara Falls NY 386 Burlington Depot (Omaha & Southern RR New York Central RR Station, Rochester NY 388 Station), Belleville NE 330 Cincinnati Union Terminal, Cincinnati OH 419 New York Central RR Station, Painesville OH 424 Oregon Short Line RR Rutland RR Station, Bennington VT 515 Nampa Depot, Nampa ID 137 Logan RR Station, Logan UT 508 PY'ovidence & Worcester RR Salt Lake City-Union Pacific Depot, Salt Albany Union Station, Albany NY 368 Lake City UT 513 New York, New Haven & Hartford RR Penn Central RR New London RR Station, New London CT 80 Brookfield RR Station, Brookfield CT 71 New York, New Haven & Hartford Eastbound Colchester RR Station, Colchester CT 72 Passenger Station, Southport CT 83 West Cornwall Depot, Cornwall CT 74 North Easton RR Station, North Easton MA­ 276 Danbury RR Station, Danbury CT 75 Stoughton RR Station, Stoughton MA 279 Guilford RR Station, Guilford CT 76 Hampton RR Station, Hampton CT 77 Norfolk & Southern Kent RR Depot, Kent CT 78 Seagrove Depot, Seagrove Vic. NC 412 New Haven RR Station, New Haven CT 79 New London RR Station, New London CT 80 Norfolk & Western RR RR Station & Freight House, Old Saybrook CT 82 Norfolk & Western Depot, Columbia MO 309 New York, New Haven & Hartford Eastbound Kansas City Union Station, Kansas City MO 315 Passenger Station, Southport CT 83 Kansas & Texas Depot, St. Charles MO 319 Mystic RR Depot, Stonington CT 84 St. Louis Union Station, St. Louis MO 320 Wallingford RR Station, Wallingford CT 85 Cincinnati Union Terminal, Cincinnati OH 419 Waterbury RR Station, Waterbury CT 86 iJnion Station Entrance, Columbus OH 421 Windsor RR Station, Windsor CT 87 Greenwood RR Station, Greenwood DE 90 Northern Pacific RR Newark RR Station, Newark DE 92 Northern Pacific Depot, Little Falls MN 303 Seaford Passenger Station, Seaford DE 94 Livingston RR Depot, Livingston MT 327 Wilmington RR Station, Wilmington DE 95 North Pacific Depot, Bismarck ND 414 Union Station, Washington DC 98 Northern Pacific Depot, Bothell WA 537 Madison RR Station, Madison IN 203 Northern Pacific Depot, Snoqualmie WA 539 Lutherville RR Station, Lutherville MD 264 Union Passenger Station, Tacoma WA 542 North Easton RR Station, North Easton MA 276 Tenino Depot, Tenino WA 543 Penn Central Railway Station, Battle Creek MI 285 St. Louis Union Station, St. Louis MO 320 Pennsylvania RR Station, Newark NJ 358 • INDEX -- RAILROAD LINES• Illinois Central Gulf RR Maine Central RR Kansas City Union Station, Kansas City MO 315 Bucksport RR Station, Bucksport ME 246 St. Louis Union Station, St. Louis MO 320 Thomaston RR Station, Thomaston ME 248 Nashville Union Station, Nashville TN 486 Marcellus & Otisco Lake RR Indianapolis Union RR Martisco Station, Martisco NY 383 Indianapolis Union Station, Indianapolis IN 202 Metropolitan Boston Transportation Authority Kansas City Southern RR Newton Center RR Station, Newton Center MA 273 Joplin Union Depot, Joplin MO 313 Stoughton RR Station, Stoughton MA 279 Kansas City Union Station, Kansas City MO 315 Michigan Central RR Lehigh Valley RR Michigan Central RR Station, Ann Arbor MI 284 Lehigh Valley RR Station, Cortland NY 375 Penn Central Railway Station, Battle Creek MI 285 Lehigh Valley RR Station, Sayre PA 452 Buchanan Michiqan Central RR Station, Buchanan MI 286 Long Island RR Michigan Central RR Station, Dexter MI 289 St. James RR Station, St. James NY 389 Milwaukee Road Louisville & Nashville RR Minnehaha Station, Minneapolis MN 304 Union Railway Station, Montgomery AL 14 Talladega RR Depot, Talladega AL 16 Milwaukee, Missouri Pacific RR Louisville & Nashville Marine Terminal, Great Falls RR Depot, Great Falls MT 326 Pensacola FL 102 Union Passenger Terminal, Omaha NE 341 Dahlgren Depot, Dahlqren IL 160 Enfield RR Depot, Enfield IL 165 Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Gosport Station, Gosport IN 201 Union Station, Seattle WA 538 Frankfort Depot, Frankfort KY 236 Union Station, LOUisville KY 237 Minnesota Central RR Louisville & NashVille Depot, Owensboro KY 238 Minnehaha Station, Minneapolis MN 304 Paris RR Station, Paris KY 239 Louisville & NashVille RR Depot, Stanford KY 242 Missouri Pacific RR Louisville & Nashville RR Station, Stanton KY 243 Cairo RR Station, Cairo IL 153 Joplin Union Station, Joplin MO 313 El Dorado RR Depot, El Dorado KS 211 St. Louis Union Station, St. Louis MO 320 Osage City Depot, Osage City KS 225 Cincinnati Union Terminal, Cincinnati OH 419 Alexandria RR Station, Alexandria LA 244 Louisville & Nashville RR Station, Knox- Missouri Pacific RR Depot, Hermann MO 312 ville TN 483 Missouri Pacific Depot, Joplin MO 314 Louisville & Nashville RR Depot, Madison- Missouri Pacific RR Station, Kirkwood MO 317 ville TN 485 St. Louis Union Station, St. Louis MO 320 Nashville Union Station, Nashville TN 486 Old Depot Building, Pauline NE 342 Louisville & Nashville RR Depots, Spring- field TN 490

------~ • • INDEX -- RAILROAD LINES- continued Reading RR New York Central Passenger Station, Lock- Montchanin RR Station, Montchanin DE 91 port NY 382 Winterthur RR Station, Winterthur DE 96 Cincinnati Union Terminal, Cincinnati OH 419 Reading RR Station, Hopewell NJ 354 Union Station Entrance, Columbus OH 421 Reading RR Station, Allentown PA 429 Chestnut Hill Station, Chestnut Hill PA 433 Reading RR Station, Columbia PA 434 Pennsylvania RR Station, Rotunda, Pitts- Reading RR Terminal, Lebanon PA 442 burgh PA 450 Reading Terminal, Philadelphia PA 449 Warren Freight Depot, Warren RI 464 Reading RR Station, Tamaqua PA 456 Union Station, Hartford CT 556 Cedar Hollow RR Station, Tredyffrin PA 457 Union Station, Chatham NY 557 Philadelphia & Reading RR Depot, Graver's Grand Central Station, New York NY 558 Lane PA 559 Pennsylvania RR Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac RR Calvert Station, Baltimore MD 252 Broad St. Station, Richmond VA 553 Pl'esident St. Station, Baltimore MD 256 Pennsylvania Station, New York NY 385 Richmond & Atlanta Airline RR Pf~nnsylvania RR Shops, Altoona PA 430 Southern RR Station, Greenville SC 475 P(,nnsyl vani a RR Bryn Mawr Sta ti on, Bryn Mawr PA 432 Rio Grande Southern RR REading RR Yards & Shops, Harrisburg Vic. PA 440 Ridgway RR Station, Ridgway CO 67 Pennsylvania RR Broad St. Station, Phila- delphia PA 446 Rock Island RR Chelton Avenue Station, Philadelphia PA 447 Choctaw Route Station, Little Rock AR 32 Germantown Junction Station, Philadelphia PA 448 Rock Island Depot, Sioux Falls SD 479 West Chester Station, West Chester PA 458 Rock Island & Pacific RR Pere Marquette RR La Salle RR Depot, La Salle IL 178 Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Station, Petosky MI 296 Rock Island Depot, Herington KS 214 Li bera 1 Depot, Libera 1 KS 220 Pittsburgh & Lake Erie RR Rock Island Depot, Lincoln NE 337 Pittsburgh & Lake Erie RR Station, Pitts- Union Passenger Terminal, Omaha NE 341 burgh PA 451 Rutland RR Providence & Worcester RR Rutland RR Station, Bennington VT 515 Berkley Mill Village Depot, Berkley RI 461 Burlington Union Station, Burlington VT 518 Providence & Worcester RR Depot, Providence New Haven RR Station, New Haven VT 520 RI 462 North Bennington Depot, North Bennington VT 521 Providence & Worcester RR Station, Woon- socket RI 465 Salt Lake RR Salt Lake City-Union Pacific Depot, Salt Lake City UT 513 ~x -- RAILROAD LINES • • Seaboard Coast Line Southern Pacific RR Talladega RR Depot, Talladega AL 16 Patagonia RR Station, Patagonia AZ 21 Lloyd RR Depot, Lloyd FL 99 Old £1 Paso & Southwestern RR Station, Tucson Orlando RR Station, Orlando FL 101 AZ 22 Seaboard Coast Line RR Passenger Station, Southern Pacific Depot, Yuma AZ 23 West Palm Beach FL 103 Alviso RR Depot, Alviso CA 38 Apex RR Station, Apex NC 396 Southern Pacific RR Station, Burlingame CA 41 Seaboard Coast Line Passenger Depot, Hamlet Southern Pacific RR Depot, Camarille CA 42 NC 403 Colton RR Station, Colton CA 43 Seaboard RR Depot, Abbeville SO 466 Cottonwood RR Station, Cottonwood CA 44 Seaboard Coast Line RR Depot, Chester SC 472 "The Palms," Southern Pacific Depot, Los Union Station, Columbia SC 473 Angeles CA 46 Main St. Station (New Union Station), Rich- River Station, Los Angeles County CA 47 mond VA 534 Southern Pacific RR Depot, Menlo Park CA 49 Broad St. Station, Richmond VA 553 Southern Pacific RR Station, San Carlos CA 52 Southern Pacific Depot, San Francisco CA 54 Sao Line Southern Pacific RR Depot, Santa Paula CA 55 Soo Line Depot, Minot ND 418 Southern Pacific RR Station, Santa Susana CA 56 Truckee Depot, Truckee CA 57 South & Western RR Columbus RR Station, Columbus NM 363 Clinchfield RR Station, Kingsport TN 482 Brownsville RR Station, Brownsville TX 493 San Antonio RR Station, San Antonio TN 503 South Carolina RR Union Passenger Terminal, Los Angeles CA 555 Aiken, Wm. House & Associated RR Structures, Charleston SC 470 Southwestern RR Burlington Depot (Omaha & Southern RR Sta- Southern tion), Belleville NE 330 Talladega RR Depot, Talladega AL 16 Tuscumbia RR Depot, Tuscumbia AL 18 Southern Railway Co. Union Station, Washington DC 98 Columbus RR Station, Columbus GA 110 Athens RR Sta ti on, Athens GA 104 Atlantic & East Carolina Railway Station, Oglethorpe Georgia RR Station, Atlanta GA 108 New Bern NC 408 Elberton RR Station, Elberton GA 113 Southern Railway Passenger Station, Salisbury Rome RR Station, Rome GA 121 NC 410 St. Louis Union Station, St. Louis MO 320 Southern RR Station, Greenville SC 475 Tucumcari RR Station, Tucumcari NM 367 Knoxville RR Station, Knoxville TN 484 Lincolnton RR Station, Lincolnton NC 406 Niota RR Station, Niota TN 488 Cincinnati Union Terminal, Cincinnati OK 419 Spring City RR Station, Spring City TN 489 Seaboard RR Depot, Abbeville SD 466 Union Station, Columbia SC 473 Southern Railway System Southern RR Depot, Edgefield SC 474 Southern Railway System Depot, Huntsville AL 10 Terminal Station, Chattanooga TN 480 Southern Railway Passenger Depot, Branch- yille SC 468 • • INDEX -- RAILROAD L~ continued continued Hamburg Depot, Old, North Augusta SC 476 Salt Lake City-Union Pacific Depot, Salt Lake Kansas City Union Station, Kansas City MO 315 City UT 513 St. Louis Union Station, St. Louis MO 320 Union Pacific RR Depot, Aberdeen WA 535 Union Station, Seattle WA 538 St. Louis & Iron Mountain RR Cheyenne Depot, Cheyenne WY 549 Missouri Pacific Depot, Charleston MO 306 Rock Creek Station, Rock Creek WY 551 Torrington Depot, Torrington WY 552 Suffolk & Carolina RR Hilliard Station, Vinta County WY 553 Nicanor RR Station, Nicanor NC 409 Union Passenger Terminal, Los Angeles CA 555 Toledo & Central Ohio RR Utah Central RR Toledo & Central Ohio RR Station, Columbus OH 420 Union Depot, Ogden UT 510 Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Michigan RR Utah Northern RR Ann Arbor Railway Station, Howell MI 292 Union Depot, Ogden UT 510 Union Pacific RR Valley RR Union Pacific Main Line Depot, Boise ID 130 Valley RR of Virginia Station, Lexington VA 532 Nampa Depot, Nampa ID 137 Payette RR Depot, Payette ID 138 Vermont RR Spalding RR Station, Spalding ID 143 New Haven RR Station, New Haven VT 520 Northern Pacific Railroad Station, Wallace ID 145 Weiser RR Station, Weiser ID 146 Virginia & Truckee RR Union Pacific Transfer Depot & Hotel, Coun- Carson City RR Depot, Carson City NV 347 cil Bluffs IA 204 Virginia City Freight Station, Virginia Hays Depot, Hays KS 213 City NV 349 Uni on Pacifi c Depot, Li nco 1n KS 222 Manhattan Depot, Manhattan KS 223 Wabash RR Solomon RR Depot, Solomon KS 229 Union Passenger Terminal, Omaha NE 341 Waterville RR Depot, Waterville KS 232 Wilson Depot, Wilson KS 234 Western Maryland RR Union Pacific Depot, Lincoln NE 338 Western Maryland RR Station, Cumberland MD 258 Union Pacific Depot, Lodge Pole NE 339 Glyndon RR Station, Glyndon MD 261 Union Passenger Terminal, Omaha NE 341 Western Maryland Station (Lincoln Station), Union Pacific Depot, Sidney NE 345 Gettysburg PA 439 Caliente Railroad Depot, Caliente NV 346 Union Pacific RR Station, Huntington OR 427 Western Pacific RR Cedar City RR Station, Cedar City UT 507 Salt Lake & Rio Grande Station, Salt Lake Logan RR Station, Logan UT 508 City UT 512 Milford RR Station, Milford UT 509 Union Depot, Ogden UT 510 Western Railway of Alabama Park City RR Station, Park City UT 511 Union Railway Station, Montgomery AL 14 ~x -- RAILROAD LINES Wisconsin Central RR • CHAMBER OF COMMERCE • Grand Central Station, Chicago IL 157 Alabama Great Southern RR Passenger Depot, Fort Payne AL 9 Yosemite Valley RR Talladega RR Depot, Talladega AL 16 Yosemite Valley RR Station, Bagby CA 39 Southern Pacif RR Station, Menlo Park CA 49 Paris RR Depot, Paris KY 239 WBranch RR Station, WBranch MI 299 Union Depot, Hot Springs SD 478

INDEX -- USES CHARITY Toledo & Central Ohio RR Station, Columbus OH 420 ART GALLERY Southern Pacific Depot, Yuma AZ 23 CIVIC CENTER Wagon Wheel Gap Depot, Wagon Wheel Albertville RR Station, Albertville AL 1 Gap CO 70 Union Railway Station, Montgomery AL 14 Duluth Union Depot, Duluth MN 301 Tuscumbia RR Depot, Tuscumbia AL 18 Central Vermont & Boston & Maine Union Duluth Union Depot, Duluth MN 301 Station, Brattleboro VT 517 Caliente RR Depot, Caliente NV 346

ART STUDIO CLUBHOUSE Pelham RR Station, Pelham GA 120 Forsythe RR Station, Forsythe GA 114 Lost Cabin RR Station, Lost Cabin WY 550 Thompson RR Station, Thompson GA 126 Grand Rapids, Grand Haven & Muskegon Railway Depot, Coopersville MI 288 BANK RR Station, Dothan AL 6 COMMERCIAL Rock Island Depot, Lincoln NE 337 Little Rock Union Station, Little Northfield RR Station, Northfield VT 522 Rock AR S Royalton Depot, S Royalton VT 528 33 New London RR Station, New London CT 80 Summerville RR Station, Summerville GA 125 BARBER SHOP St Louis Union Station, St Louis MO WBranch Station, WBranch MI 299 320 Union Station Entrance, Columbus OH 421 Central Vt RR Station, Bethel VT 516 Central Vermont RR Headquarters, St Albans VT 526 ~ • • INDEX -- USES

COI~MUNITY CENTER FREIGHT DEPOT Delaware & Hudson RR Station, Union Depot, N Canaan CT 81 Altamont NY 369 Decatur RR Station, Decatur GA 112 Louisville & Nashville RR Depot, Stanford KY 242 COURTHOUSE Joplin Union Station, Joplin MO 313 Dover RR Station, Dover DE 89 Montpelier Junction Station, Montpelier Jct VT 519

DEI~OLISHED HISTORICAL SOCIETY Alameda Termi na 1, Alameda CA 37 Barnesville RR Station, Barnesville GA 109 Yosemite Valley RR Station, Bagby CA 39 Cuthbert Junction RR Station, Grand Central Station, Chicago IL 157 Cuthbert GA 111 Union Pacific Transfer Depot & Hotel, Jonesboro Train Station, Jonesboro GA 115 Council B1 uffs IA 204 Nampa Depot, Nampa ID 137 Calvert Station, Baltimore MD 252 Twin Falls RR Station, Twin Falls ID 144 President St Station, Baltimore MD 256 Bucksport RR Station, Bucksport ME 246 Queen City Hotel &Station, Cumberland N Easton RR Station, N Easton MA 276 MD 257 Ann Arbor Railway Station, Howell MI 292 Boston & Albany RR Station, Ka1caska RR Station, Ka1caska MI 294 Frami ngham MA 270 Duluth Union Depot, Duluth MN 301 Pennsylvania Station, New York NY 385 Hinckley Depot, Hinckley MN 302 I~ew York Central RR Stati on, Minnehaha Station, Minneapolis MN 304 Ni agara Fall s NY 386 St Louis Park Station, St Louis Park New York Central RR Station, MN 305 Roches ter NY 388 Burlington Depot, Beatrice NE 329 Pennsylvania RR Bryn Mawr Station, Burlington Depot, Bellevue NE 330 Bryn Mawr PA 432 Burlington Depot, David City NE 332 Eri e Stati on, Meadvi 11 e PA 443 Baltimore & Ohio RR Station, Philadelphia PA 445 INFORMATION CENTER Pennsylvania RR Broad St Station, Railroad Station, Collinsville AL 5 Philadelphia PA 446 Talladega RR Depot, Talladega AL 16 Northern Pacific Depot, Bothell WA 537 Union Pacific Depot, Lincoln NE 338 Great Northern RR Depot, Spokane WA 540 Union Pacific RR Station, Cedar City UT 507

FACTORY Cornwall-Lebanon Station, Lebanon PA 441 JAIL Stone Mountain RR Station, Stone Mountain GA 124 ~ -- USES LAUNDROMAT •continued • Rehoboth RR Station, Rehoboth DE 93 Santa Fe Depot, Burlingame KS 208 Wyoming RR Station, Wyoming DE 97 Old Santa Fe RR Depot, Ottawa KS 226 Old Weskan Depot, Wallace vic KS 231 A1exandrla RR Station, Alexandria LA 244 LIBRARY Old Illinois Central RR Station. Montevallo RR Station, Montevallo AL 13 Baton Rouge LA 245 Leesville RR Station, Leesville GA 118 Yarmouth RR Station, Yarmouth ME 250 Apex RR Stati on, Apex NC 396 Mt Clare Station, Baltimore MD 254 Santa Fe Depot, Waynoka OK 426 Ann Arbor Railway Station, Howell MI 292 Chesapeake &Ohio Railway Station, Petoskey MI 296 MARKET Great Northern RR Depot, Askou MN 300 Reading Terminal, Philadelphia PA 449 Hinckley Depot, Hinckley MN 302 Minnehaha Station, Minneapolis MN 304 St Louis Park Station, St Louis MASONIC LODGE Park MN 305 Carson City RR Station, Carson Burlington Depot, Beatrice NE 329 City NV 347 Burlington Depot, Bellevue NE 330 Bur1in9ton Depot, David City NE 332 Bur1in9ton Depot, Dorchester NE 333 MOVIE SET Elmwood RR Station, Elmwood NE 334 Ri dgway RR Stati on, Ri dgway CO 67 Union Pacific Depot, Lodgepole NE 339 Cumbres &To1tec Scenic RR Depot, Chama NM 362 MUNICIPAL OFFICES Seaboard Coast Line Passenger Depot, Smithville RR Station, Smithville GA 123 Hamlet NC 403 Stone Mountain RR Station, Stone Seagrove Depot, Seagrove vic NC 412 Mountai n GA 124 New York Central RR Station, Creston RR Depot, Creston IA 205 Pai nesvi 11 e OH 424 Williamsville RR Station, Williamsville Southern Railway Passenger Depot, MO 324 Branchvi 11e SC 468 Roxbury RR Stati on, Roxbury VT 524 Fort Worth & Denver City Depot, Bowfe TX 492 Old RR Depot, Haskell TX 497 MUSEUM Gulf, Texas &Western RR Station, Southern Railway Terminal Station, Jacksboro TX 499 Bessemer AL 4 Central Vermont & Boston & Maine RR Stati on, Enterpri se AL 7 Union Station, Brattleboro VT 517 Southern Railway System Depot, Burlington Depot, Anacortes WA 536 Huntsvi 11 e AL 10 Burlington Depot, Sunnyside WA 541 Cottonwood RR Station, Cottonwood CA 44 Tenino Depot, Tenino WA 543 Big Shanty RR Station, Kennesaw GA 116 Union Pacific Depot, Torrington WY 552 • • INDEX -- -USES NOT IN USE continued 01 d El Paso & Southwestern RR Louisville & Nashville RR Depots, Station, Tucson AZ 22 Springfield TN 490 Railroad Station, Conway AR 26 Santa Fe RR Station, Orchard TX 501 Keo RR Sta ti on, Keo AR 30 New Haven RR Station, New Haven VT 520 St Joe RR Stat; on; St Joe AR 35 Rando 1ph Depot, Rando 1ph VT 523 Watts Station, Los Angeles CA 48 Windsor RR Station, Windsor VT 531 Windsor RR Station, Windsor CT 87 Northern Pacific Depot, Snoqualmie WA 539 Greenwood RR Station, Greenwood DE 90 Tenino Depot, Tenino WA 543 Kingston RR Depot, Kingston GA 117 Baltimore & Ohio RR Depot, Huntington Old Santa Fe Depot, Valley Falls KS 230 WV 545 Missouri-Kansas-Texas RR Station, Union Station, Chatham NY 557 Columbia MO 308 Kansas &Texas Depot, St Charles MO 319 Elmwood RR Station, Elmwood NE 334 OFFICE(S) Uni on Passenger Termi na 1, Omaha NE 341 Gulf, Mobile & Ohio RR Station, Burl i ngton Depot, Peru NE 343 Mobile AL 12 Gold Hill RR Station, Gold Hill NV 348 Union Station, Little Rock AR 33 ~Iersey City RR Termi na 1, Jersey Waterbury RR Station, Waterbury CT 86 City NJ 355 Montchanin RR Station, Montchanin DE 91 Broad St Station, Newark NJ 357 Seaford Passenger Station, Seaford DE 94 Columbus RR Station, Columbus NM 363 Summerville RR Station, Summerville GA 125 Denver & Rio Grande Station, Santa Union Pacific Main Line Depot, Boise Fe NM 366 ID 130 Mbany Union Station, Albany NY 368 E Chicago RR Station, E Chicago IN 200 Beaufort RR Station, Beaufort NC 397 Santa Fe Depot, Dodge Ci ty KS 210 Hi ckory RR Stati on, Hi ckory NC 404 Rock Is1 and Depot, Herington KS 214 l.i nco 1nton RR Stati on, Li nco 1nton NC 406 Santa Fe Depot, Newton KS 224 Grand Forks RR Station, Grand Forks ND 417 Rock Island Depot, Wichita KS 233 Cincinnati Union Terminal, Cincinnati Louisville & Nashville RR Depot, OH 419 Stanton KY 243 Eri e RR Termi na 1, Kent OH 423 Baltimore & Ohio RR Station, Aberdeen Pennsylvania RR Station, Altoona PA 430 MD 251 Delaware, Lackawanna &Western RR Western Maryland RR Station, Cumber- Station, Delaware Water Gap PA 435 land MD 258 San Juan RR Terminal, San Juan PR 460 Millis RR Station, Millis MA 272 Berkley Mill Village Depot, Berkley RI 461 Williamstown RR Station, Williamstown Southern RR Depot, Edgefield SC 474 MA 283 Friendsville RR Station, Friends- Atchison, Topeka &Santa Fe RR vi lle TN 481 Stati on, Santa Fe NM 365 l.ouisville & Nashville RR Depot, Reading Terminal, Philadelphia PA 449 Mad; sonvi 11 e TN 485 Providence & Worcester RR Station, McKnight's Station, New Fly Village TN 487 Woonsocket RI 465 • • continued continued Aiken. Wm .• House & Assoc RR Structures. WMinot RR Station, WMinot ME 249 Charleston SC 470 los Ceri110s RR Station, McIntosh NM 364 Ni ota RR Stati on, Ni ota TN 488 Old Adirondack RR Station, Saratoga Salt lake & Rio Grande Station, Salt Springs NY 393 lake Ci ty UT 512 Gettysburg RR Station, Gettysburg PA 438 Uni on Stati on, Burl i ngton VT 518 lost Cabin RR Station, lost Cabin WY 550 N Bennington Depot, N Bennington VT 521 Delaware & Hudson Depot, Rutland Center VT 525 RAILROAD STATION Grafton RR Stations &McGraw Hotel, Union Station, little Rock AR 33 Grafton WV 544 Southern Pacific RR Station, Union Pacific Depot, Cheyenne WY 549 Burlingame CA 41 Union Station, Hartford .cT 556 Sierra RR Depot, Jamestown CA 45 Southern Pacific RR Depot, Menlo Park CA 49 PARKING Southern Pacific RR Station, San Georgia RR Freight Depot, Atlanta GA 107 Carlos CA 52 Southern Pacific Depot, San Francisco CA 54 POLICE STATION Antonito RR Station, Antonito CO 58 Railroad Station, England AR 27 Durango-Silverton Narrow Gauge RR, Montezuma RR Station, Montezuma GA 119 Ourango CO 64 Brookfield RR Station, Brookfield CT 71 Waterbury RR Station, Waterbury CT 86 POST OFFICE Newark RR Station, Newark DE 92 Montchanin RR Station, Montchanin DE 9i Wilmington RR Station, Wilmington DE 95 Winterthur RR Station, Winterthur DE 96 Union Station, Washington DC 98 Downing RR Depot, Downing MO 310 Orlando Train Station, Orlando Fl 101 Soo line Depot, Minot ND 418 Seaboard Coast Line RR Passenger Station, WPalm Beach Fl 103 Decatur RR Station, Decatur GA 112 PRINTING OFFICE Pelham RR Station, Pelham GA 120 lehigh Valley RR Station, Cortland NY ·375 Sandpoint Burlington Northern RR Station, Sandpoint ID 141 Small Commuter Station, Riverside Il 192 RANCH BUILDING E Chicago RR Station. E Chicago IN 200 Rock Creek Station, Rock Creek WY 551 Union Station, Indianapolis, IN 202 Union Station, louisville KY 237 RESIDENCE Camden St Station. Baltimore MD 253 Bigelow RR Station, Bigelow AR 24 Oakland RR Station, Oakland MD 265 Fayette Depot, Fayette IA 206 Point of Rocks RR Station, Point of Mt Vernon Station, Mt Vernon IA 207 Rocks MD 266 • • con ti nued continued Newton Center RR Station, Newton 1fenlson RR Terminal, Denison TX 494 Center MA 273 San Antonio RR Station, San Antonio TX 503 Boston &Albany RR Station, Palmer MA 277 Houston &Texas Central Depot, Waco TX 505 Stoughton RR Station, Stoughton MA 279 Cache Junction Station, Cache Junction Boston &Albany RR Station, Wellesley MA 281 UT 506 Penn Central Railway Station, Battle Milford Union Pacific Station, Creek MI 285 Milford UT 509 Grand Trunk Railway Station, Ogden Union Depot, Ogden UT 510 Durand MI 290 Union Pacific Depot, Salt Lake Union Station, Kansas City MO 315 City UT 513 Union Station, St Louis MO 320 Bellows Falls RR Station, Bellows Livingston RR Depot, Livingston MT 327 Falls VT 514 "irginia City RR Depot, Virginia City Montpelier Junction Station, Montpelier NV 350 Jct VT 519 Reading RR Station, Hopewell NJ 354 Canadian Pacific Rail Depot, St Pennsylvania RR Station, Newark NJ 358 Johnsbury VT 527 Jersey Central RR Station, Raritan NJ 360 Waterbury RR Station, Waterbury VT 529 Cumbres & To1tec Scenic RR Depot, White River Junction RR Station, Chama NM 362 White Ri ver Jct VT 530 St James RR Stati on, St James NY 389 Broad St Station, Richmond VA 533 Seaboard Coast Line Passenger Depot, Main St Station/New Union Station, Hamlet NC 403 Richmond VA 534 Northern Paci fi c Depot, Bi smarck NO 414 Uni on Stati on, Seattl e WA 538 Santa Fe Depot, Shawnee OK 425 Union Passenger Station, Tacoma WA 542 Union Pacific RR Station, Huntington OR 427 Union Passenger Terminal, Los Angeles CA 555 Central RR Co of New Jersey Station, Uni on Stati on, Hartford CT 556 Bethlehem PA 431 Central of Georgia RR Co Shop Property, Chestnut Hill Station, Chestnut Hill PA 433 Savannah GA 557 Readi ng RR Stati on, Col umbi a PA 434 Grand Central Station, New York NY 559 Easton Station, Easton PA 437 Philadelphia & Reading RR Depot, Reading Yards & Shops, Harrisburg vic Graver's Lane PA 560 PA 440 Wallingford RR Station, Wallingford Reading Terminal, Philadelphia PA 449 PA 562 Reading RR Station, Tamaqua PA 456 Cherokee Fa 11 s RR Stati on, Bl acksburq SC 467 RESTAURANT Louisville & Nashville RR Station, Knox- RR Stati on, Li nden AL 11 ville TN 483 RR Station, Tuscaloosa AL 17 Union Station, Nashville TN 486 RR Stati on, Hot Spri ngs AR 29 Spring City RR Station, Spring Union Station, Little Rock AR 33 City TN 489 Athens RR Stati on, Athens GA 104 Southern Pacific RR Station, Browns- Louisville & Nashville Depot, ville TX 493 Owensboro KY 238 • • continued continued Allston RR Station, Boston MA 268 Carolina Northwestern RR Depot, Michigan Central RR Station, Ann Arbor Pendleton SC 477 MI 284 Knoxville RR Station, Knoxville TN 484 Charlotte RR Station, Charlotte MI 287 Valley RR of Virginia Station, Kalamazoo RR Station, Kalamazoo MI 293 Lexington VA 532 ~ansing RR Station, Lansing MI 295 Kansas City Union Station, Kansas City MO 315 STORE(S) Milwaukee RR Depot, Great Falls MT 326 RR Station, Athens AL 2 Missoula RR Depot, Missoula MT 328 RR Station, Auburn AL 3 Providence & Worcester RR Station, Vicksburg & Brunswick Depot, Eufaula AL 8 Woonsocket RI 465 RR Station, Colchester CT 72 Rock Island Depot, Sioux Falls SD 479 Guilford RR Station, Guilford CT 76 Terminal Station, Chattanooga TN 480 Athens RR Station, Athens GA 104 Rutland RR Station, Bennington VT 515 Oglethorpe Georgia RR Station, Union Pacific Depot, Cheyenne WY 549 Atlanta GA 108 Elberton RR Station, Elberton GA 113 Rome RR Station. Rome GA 121 SCHOOL Summerville RR Station, Mt Royal Station, Baltimore MD 255 Summerville GA 125 Union Station, Hartford CT 556 Tallulah Falls RR Station, Tallulah Falls GA 127 Tybee Island RR Station, SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER Tybee Ishnd GA 128 S Roya 1 ton Depot, S Roya 1ton VT 528 Baltimore &Ohio RR Station, Frederi ck MD 260 STORAGE Wellesley Hills RR Station, Gulf, Mobile &Ohio RR Station, Mobile Wellesley Hills MA 282 AL 12 Missouri Pacific Depot, Webster Frankfort Louisville & Nashville Depot, Grove MO 322 Frankfort KY 236 Milwaukee RR Depot, Great Falls Boston &Albany RR Station, Newton MA 274 MT 326 Williamstown RR Station, Williamstown MA 283 Virginia .City Freight Station, Norfolk &Western Depot, Columbia MO 309 Virginia City NV 349 Loup City Depot, Loup City NE 340 Montclair RR Station, Montclair Old Depot Building, Pauline NE 342 NJ 356 Atchison, Topeka &Santa Fe RR Station, Pawson Station, Kinston vic NC 405 Santa Fe NM 365 Chicago, Milwaukee, St Paul & South Carolina RR Warehouse, Charleston Pacific RR Station, Fargo NO 416 SC 471 Western Maryland RR Station, Seaboard Coastline RR Depot, Chester New Oxford PA 444 sC 472 Terminal Station, Chattanooga TN 480

------• • TRANSPORTATION CENTER VISITORS CENTER Santa Fe RR Station (Union Station), Union Station, Washington DC 98 San Diego CA 53 Central of Georgia Trainshed & Rehoboth RR Station, Rehoboth DE 93 Station, Savannah GA 122 Union Station, St Louis MO 320 Jersey City RR Terminal, Jerset Erie-Lackawanna Terminal, Ci ty NJ 355 Hoboken NJ 353 WMaryland Station (Lincoln Pennsylvania RR Station Rotunda, Station), Gettysburg PA 439 Pi ttsburgh PA 450 Pittsburgh & Lake Erie RR Station, Pittsburgh PA 451 Clinchfield RR Station, Kingsport YMCA TN 482 Paris RR Depot, Paris KY 239 Nashville Union Station, Nashvi 11 e, TN 486 Gulf, colorado & Santa Fe RR Passenger Station, Fort Worth YOUTH CENTER TX 495 Michigan Central RR Station, Union Pacific RR station, Cedar Dexter MI 289 City UT 507 North Pacific Depot, Fargo Centra 1 Vermont RR Headquarters, ND 415 St Albans VT 526 Main St Station/New Union Station, Richmond VA 534 Union Passenger Station, Tacoma WA 542 Union Pacific Depot, Cheyenne WY 549 Union Station, Hartford CT 556 • • As the Nation's principal conservation agency, the Department of the Interior has responsibility for most of our nationally owned public lands and natural resources. This includes fostering the wisest use of our land and water resources, protecting our fish and wildlife, preserving the environmental and cultural values of our national parks and historical places, and providing for the enjoyment of life through outdoor recreation. The Department assesses our energy and mineral resources and works to assure that their development is in the best interests of all our people. The Department also has a major responsibility for American Indian reservation communities and for people who live in island territories under U.S. administration.

NPS Publication #124

GPO 879. t60 • •

(e&.@ ~ @ ?WM£ MICHIGAN wrsrll/i MAnUNQ KAI(II-Il CENTRM ...• .llliltOAD

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