
, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1461 plugged in by 2030. The electric bill to power RECOGNIZING VENANCIA R. COLET ville, . Captain Bowen first all household electronics will top $200 billion a ON BEING NAMED A 2011 OUT- joined the Asheville Fire Department 13 years year, compared with last year’s bill of $80 bil- STANDING SENIOR VOLUNTEER ago and dedicated himself fully to protecting lion. Most of this increase in consumer elec- BY THE NATIONAL SENIOR MEDI- the city until his life was claimed during a fire tronics will occur in developing countries, CARE PATROL at a Biltmore Avenue medical office building. Firefighters serve as an integral part of our where economic growth is outpacing devel- community. It is remarkable that men such as oped nations and ownership rates of gadgets HON. MADELEINE Z. BORDALLO Captain Bowen commit themselves to a pro- are lowest. OF IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fession that engenders such risk and sacrifice. If the devices are not made more energy ef- These stakes often fashion strong friendships Monday, August 1, 2011 ficient, their proliferation will undermine efforts and bonds that go beyond the walls of any fire to increase energy security and reduce the Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today department. Today, we all stand with the 240 emission of greenhouse gases responsible for to recognize Venancia R. Colet, for her exem- firefighters in the Asheville Fire Department global warming. The answer to this problem plary volunteer work with the Guam Senior who lost a colleague, a friend, and a brother. Medicare Patrol Project (Guam SMP), an out- will not be found in stemming the tide of elec- We also pray for Captain Bowen’s wife, Stacy, reach program which educates Medicare re- and his three children as they grieve for the tronic gadget envy, because there is no way cipients about the complexities of the Medi- loss of a remarkable husband and father. we will be able to do that. Instead, we must care program. Mrs. Colet was recently named Captain Bowen was often described as a encourage the development of better devices one of ten SMP volunteers, nationwide, to re- ‘‘firefighter’s firefighter,’’ a selfless man who that are built more efficiently and run on less ceive the Outstanding Senior Volunteer truly enjoyed coming to work every shift. He energy. Award. This national award from the U.S. Ad- was respected by his fellow firefighters and Programs like Energy Star have already ministration on Aging recognizes the commit- appreciated by his officers. Through his com- started improving our electronically dependent ment of volunteers to fight against health care mendable service, Captain Bowen has made fraud and abuse. world. Last year as a result of Energy Star, Western North Carolina proud. It is my honor Mrs. Colet worked as a counselor with the to commemorate him, and I urge my col- saved $6,000,000,000 while also Department of Mental Health and Substance leagues to join me today in honoring Captain saving enough energy to power over Abuse (DMHSA) from 1976 to 1997. After her Jeff Bowen for the sacrifice he has made for 10,000,000 homes. However, the Energy Star retirement, she continued to serve the commu- the city of Asheville, the citizens of North program as it is currently structured cannot nity of Guam by training and supervising Carolina, and the people of the . solve the problem due to the limited number of DMHSA counselors in responding to crises, f devices it covers. and she has worked with local programs that JOHN P. ERCUL TRIBUTE To address this, I am reintroducing the address the needs of emotionally disturbed children and youth in Guam. Smart Electronics Act. The bill would require In 2008, Mrs. Colet began volunteering for the Department of Energy (DOE) and the En- HON. SCOTT R. TIPTON the Guam SMP program, and since then she OF vironmental Protection Agency (EPA) to report has conducted numerous counseling sessions IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to Congress within a year on several key with homebound Medicare recipients. She was Monday, August 1, 2011 areas to ensure we achieve the clarity needed the first and is currently the only SMP volun- for industry to thrive. First, the DOE and EPA teer with proficiency in both the Tagalog and Mr. TIPTON. Mr. Speaker, it is a great privi- must assess the potential for energy efficient Ilocano languages of the , a skill lege to rise in recognition of Deputy Chief electronics to receive an Energy Star designa- that has helped the program reach many John P. Ercul, for his 42 years of service in tion, and the potential savings accrued (e.g. Medicare beneficiaries on Guam. the Pueblo Police Department, and for his cost, energy) through a specific program fo- Mrs. Colet was born in the province of service in the United States Army. Mr. Ercul graduated from the Southern Col- cused on smart electronics. Second, they , Ilocos, in the Philippines and moved to Guam in 1974. She currently resides in the orado State College with a degree in English must assess the global growth of electronics northern village of , Guam. She has and Mass Communications, later attending usage and utilization and the associated en- been married to Rodolfo Colet for the past 35 many specialized law enforcement schools as ergy consumption. Lastly, the bill calls for the years, and they have two children. In addition he built his distinguished career of service to DOE and EPA to standardize a process for to her contributions to Guam SMP, Mrs. Colet the people of Pueblo. Mr. Ercul’s passionate defining, categorizing, and ranking tech- is an active volunteer for the American Red dedication to his work over four decades has nologies as ‘‘smart.’’ If it is deemed appro- Cross and has provided voluntary services fol- left an indelible mark on the community and priate, a smart electronics emphasis and a lowing the September 11, 2001 terrorist at- on the legacy of the Pueblo Police Depart- Smart Electronics Registry would be incor- tacks on our Nation. ment. porated into the Energy Star program. I congratulate Mrs. Colet on being named Mr. Speaker, throughout the duration of his an Outstanding Senior Volunteer for the Sen- service in the Pueblo Police Department, Mr. The bill defines smart electronics as devices ior Medical Patrol Project. On behalf of the Ercul has been devoted to his community. His that cooperate with the electrical grid to cut people of Guam, I extend to her a sincere un years of service and commitment to the peo- down on energy consumption. This minimiza- dangkulo nab Si Yu ’os Ma’ase for dedication ple of Pueblo deserve great recognition and tion can be achieved through power-factor cor- and commitment to our community. admiration. rection, utilizing stand-by modes, communica- f f tion and monitoring with the smart grid, taking HONORING THE LIFE AND SERVICE THE SERVICE OF ROD WEIGAND, advantage of off-peak charging and operation, OF CAPTAIN JEFF BOWEN OF GRAND LODGE REPRESENTA- on-demand and variable processing speed THE ASHEVILLE FIRE DEPART- TIVE, IAM semiconductors, or switching to a lower power MENT mode. HON. MARTIN HEINRICH Importantly, this legislation will help us HON. HEATH SHULER OF green the electronics industry by providing the OF NORTH CAROLINA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES private sector with reliable standards and in- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Monday, August 1, 2011 centives and by educating and empowering Monday, August 1, 2011 consumers to make smarter and more efficient Mr. HEINRICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Mr. SHULER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay tribute to a notable labor advocate in New choices—all of which help cool the planet. honor the life of Captain Jeff Bowen for his Mexico’s First Congressional District, Mr. Rod I look forward to working with Energy and distinguished service in the Asheville City Fire Weigand. Mr. Weigand has served for the past Commerce Committee Chairman UPTON and Department. 7 years as Grand Lodge Representative for Ranking Member WAXMAN on moving this bill A husband and father of three, Captain New Mexico, Colorado and as part through their committee and the House. Bowen passed away July 29th, 2011, at the of the International Association of Machinists age of 37, while serving the people of Ashe- and Aerospace Workers, or ‘‘IAM.’’

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