Family: Genus: species: Chamorro : Status Guam National Goodeniaceae Scaevola Wildlife Refuge taccada Ritidian point/Puntan Litekyan Nanasu Native Mission Statement Moraceae Ficus The Mission of the Na- tinctoria tional Wildlife Refuge Hodda System is to administer Native a national network of Anonaceae Guamia lands and waters for mariannae the conservation, man- PaiPai agement, and where Endemic appropriate, restoration of the fish, wildlife, and plant resources and their habitats within the United States for the benefit of present and future generations of Americans. Guam National Acknowledgments. Wildlife Refuge Guam National Wildlife Refuge U.S.Fish and Wildlife Services Guam National Wildlife Refuge University of Guam P.O. Box 8134, MOU-3 Special thanks to: Dededo, Guam 96912 Lauren Gutierrez Tel: (671) 355-5096 Wei Xiao E-mail:
[email protected] Family: Genus: species: Chamorro name: Status Family: Genus: species: Chamorro: Status Family: Genus: species: Chamorro: Status Myrtaceae Meliaceae Moraceae Eugenia Aglaia Artocarpus palumbis mariannensis mariannensis Agatelang Mapunao Dukduk Native Endemic Native Rubiaceae Apocynaceae Bikkia Flagellariaceae Ochrosia tetrandra Flagellaria oppositfolia Gausali indica Fagot Beyuko halomtano Native Native Rubiaceae Native Ixora Pandanaceae Phyllanthaceae triantha Pandanus Phyllanthus None tectorius marrianus Endemic Akgak/kafu Gaogao-Uchan Native Native Fabaceae Intsia Rubiaceae bijuga Fabaceae Morinda Ifit Cynometra citrifolia Native ramiflora Ladda/noni Gulos Native Cycadaceae Native Cycas Urticaceae micronesica Elatostama Moraceae Fadang calcareum Artocarpus Endemic Tupu-n-Ayuyu altilis Endemic Lemai Araliaceae Introduced Polyscias grandifolia Hernandiaceae None Hernandia Rutaceae Native sonora Triphasia Nonak trifolia Native Lemondichina Native .