14077 Hon. Robert A. Underwood Hon. Richard H

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14077 Hon. Robert A. Underwood Hon. Richard H July 20, 2001 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 14077 College, as well as a consultor on the Liturgy the group managed to raise the necessary Program helps 16 to 18 year-old male and fe- Committee. funds to tour Japan and perform at 9 schools male high school dropouts complete their high He is presently a consultant to the NCCB’s and for the mayor of Gifu, who awarded the school education; prepare for employment, Ecumenical and Migration committees. He is group Honorary Citizenship of his city. Their higher education, or a career in the military; well known for his commitment to ecumenism. diligence, dedication, hard work paid off. Due and obtain the skills necessary to succeed in To give just two examples, he led the Jewish mainly to their growing reputation, Govern- life. Federation United Jewish Campaign’s Super ment of Guam funds were appropriated ena- All troubled youth should have an oppor- Sunday Telethon in 1984 and accepted an in- bling the Silhouettes to fulfill their dream and tunity to turn their lives around and realize vitation to the Polish National Catholic compete against some of the highest rated success. Unfortunately, because of federal Church’s 100th anniversary banquet in 1997, U.S. High Schools at the Orlando MusicFest funding restraints, only 24 states and Puerto where he addressed the crowd, sharing their 1999–2000 and 2000–2001. Rico can offer this program. In addition, of the joy and seeking to restore unity between Their magnificent talent led the Silhouettes states that offer the program, only 37 percent them. to place first in the ‘‘Show Choir’’ division, in of interested young adults who have applied He has also served a five-year term as which pop music is played using drums and have been able to participate because of the Episcopal Moderator of the National Associa- other musical instruments accompanying the lack of funding. Currently, federal law caps tion of Holy Name Societies. A long-time li- piano. In 2000–2001, the group not only de- federal spending for the Youth ChalleNGe censed pilot, the bishop is the Episcopal Mod- fended their ‘‘Show Choir’’ title, but also won Program at $62.5 million. States must share erator of the National Association of Catholic the ‘‘Concert Choir’’ division, playing classical 35 percent of the cost while the federal gov- Airport Chaplains. music relying solely on the piano. To win both ernment assumes 65 percent. By lifting the When he was appointed bishop, he chose titles, the Silhouettes defeated a total of 47 cap and adjusting the matching requirements, the motto ‘‘Fides Spes Caritas,’’ faith, hope, schools, and were selected as ‘‘Grand Cham- thousands of youths could be given the oppor- love. I think also serves as a fine summary of pions’’ by the committee of judges. Due to tunity to participate in this program annually. Bishop Timlin’s life and work. their success, the Silhouettes have produced The legislation I have drafted will completely Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to call to the at- their first CD, earned two resolutions in the eliminate the $62.5 million cap on Youth Chal- tention of the House of Representatives the Guam Legislature, and garnered the apprecia- leNGe Program spending, remove the man- long and dedicated service of Bishop James tion and pride of the entire island of Guam. I, date that directs excess Youth ChalleNGe C. Timlin and to wish him all the best as he therefore, ask that you join me in commending Program funding to JROTC, and adjust the continues to serve Northeastern Pennsylvania. this outstanding group of students for their federal/state match from 65/35 to 75/25. I be- f phenomenal success. lieve this is the right thing to do to help Amer- I additionally wish to submit for the RECORD, ica’s at-risk youth. This program is a success, GUAM’S STUDENT MUSICAL the names of the members of the Silhouettes: and its performance outshines virtually every GROUP Michael Song (Music Director), Troy Taitano other federal program that targets at-risk (Accompanist), Brian Machie (Drummer), Ray youth. The benefits are proven and substan- HON. ROBERT A. UNDERWOOD Yoshida (Sound Technician), Charleen tial. I invite my colleagues to review my legis- OF GUAM Remotigue, Verna Ventura, Karen Ikeno, Kim lation, and I respectfully request their support. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Solomon, Emily Servino, Tara Atencio, Gwen f Thursday, July 19, 2001 Nolos, Lucretio San Nicolas, Anselma Reyes, Azusa Hanashima, Sheena Hess, Michelle TRIBUTE TO TOM PHILLIPS AND Mr. UNDERWOOD. Mr. Speaker, I rise be- Ganadam, Krystal Abaya, Lily Tizon, Geneva WILLIAM RUSHER fore you today to bring attention to the out- McCoy, Kris Tiongzen, Eugene Guillermo, standing accomplishments of Guam’s student Daryl Muya, Calvin Huynh, Jeff Moreno, Steve HON. RON PAUL musical group, the Silhouettes. Started in Terlaje, Robert Brito. OF TEXAS 1996–1997 by Michael Song in his first year f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES as music instructor at JFK High School in Tamuning, Guam, the Silhouettes have over- NATIONAL GUARD YOUTH Thursday, July 19, 2001 come difficult obstacles on their road to suc- CHALLENGE PROGRAM Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, on Saturday, Au- cess and recognition. Originally composed of gust 4th Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) 13 females, 3 male voices, 1 accompanist and HON. RICHARD H. BAKER will hold its National Convention in Newport an outdated piano, the Silhouettes struggled to OF LOUISIANA Beach, California. At this event the organiza- earn the community’s respect in their inau- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion will honor two fine people. Mr. Tom Phil- gural year. Due to their unrelenting desire to lips, Chairman of Phillips International, will re- succeed and tremendous hard work, the Thursday, July 19, 2001 ceive the organization’s highest award, the Silouettes not only excelled in gaining the Mr. BAKER. Mr. Speaker, I am introducing Guardian of Freedom. Mr. Phillips has been a local community’s respect, but also attained legislation to provide additional Federal fund- strong supporter of YAF and is involved in var- international recognition. They toured Korea ing for the National Guard Youth ChalleNGe ious other entities engaged in the fight for lib- and Japan, and eventually traveled to the U.S. Program and invite all my colleagues to join erty. As publisher of ‘‘Human Events,’’ he has mainland, where they were selected as cham- me in sponsoring this legislation. helped to further a publication steeped in the pions in the ‘‘Show Choir’’ division of the Our Nation is facing an epidemic in juvenile tradition of freedom. Mr. Phillips has also 1999–2000 MusicFest Orlando. This year, the crime and education delinquency of historical shown a particular interest in the kind of pri- Silhouettes have successfully defended their proportion. Over 2,806 students drop out of vate preservation activities I so frequently ad- title, and have additionally placed first in the high school each day, while another 17,297 vocate. Rather than leave it to the taxpayers ‘‘Concert Choir’’ division, thereby earning the students are expelled. Dropping out of school to fund and the federal government to man- title of ‘‘Grand Champions’’ in the competition. and failing to identify or working toward age, Mr. Phillips has personally helped to fund The attributes setting the Silhouettes apart achieving personal goals is leading young the preservation of President Reagan’s Ranch are the group’s tremendous ambition and will people down a path of self-destruction. The by the Young America’s Foundation so that it to succeed. In their inaugural year, without National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Program might be used as a training ground for young any community or government assistance, the was created in order to help these young peo- people dedicated to the individual liberty which group raised $17,000 and went on a tour to ple enhance their life skills, increase their edu- President Reagan spoke of so often. Korea, where they became the first foreign cational levels, improve their employment po- Also, at this event, Mr. William Rusher will school students ever allowed to perform on tential, and provide tools and experience for receive a lifetime achievement award. Mr. the prestigious campus of EWHA Girls High success. Rusher was instrumental in the founding of School. The success greatly magnified their Since 1993, over 27,800 at-risk youth have YAF in 1960 around those set of principles reputation, but the Silhouettes continued to graduated from the program, and more than enunciated in the Sharon Statement, a great struggle while trying to obtain financial sup- 19,170 of the graduates received their high document explicating the philosophy of free- port. Through extensive fund-raising efforts, school diploma or GED. The Youth ChalleNGe dom. In addition, Mr. Rusher was instrumental VerDate Aug 04 2004 13:48 Apr 04, 2005 Jkt 039102 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR01\E20JY1.000 E20JY1 14078 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 20, 2001 in many other important activities such as the investment banking, entrepreneurial invest- vaqueros (Mexican cowboys), ranchers, sol- Draft Goldwater Committee and the National ment firm headquartered in San Francisco. In diers, prospectors and present day captains of Review Magazine. 1968, he co-founded Hambrecht & Quist business and industry. The City of Brownsville Mr. Speaker, I wanted to take this oppor- which he headed until the late 1990s. was incorporated in 1853, taking its name tunity to honor YAF as it prepares for its 41st William Hambrecht is a legendary trailblazer from Fort Brown Post Commander Major year of training young men and women in the in investment banking. Through his ‘‘West Jacob Brown. philosophy of freedom and holds its National Coast-style’’ investing, he has engineered But of all the natural resources, easily the Convention, as well as to offer my congratula- major success stories such as Genentech, most valuable, most often-cited natural treas- tions to these honorees.
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