
July 29, 2005 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 19373 ‘‘(b) QUALIFIED HOURS OF CHARITY CARE.— auditorium, guests sit on all sides of the or- reminiscent of nineteenth and early twentieth For purposes of this section— chestra. Private boxes, typically present in century ranching and contain remnant ranch- ‘‘(1) QUALIFIED HOURS OF CHARITY CARE.— concert halls, do not exist. lands that are not currently represented to the The term ‘qualified hours of charity care’ The Disney Concert Hall further welcomes a public by any National Park in Hawaii. These means the hours that a physician provides community atmosphere with its expansive buildings would provide public, office, edu- medical care (as defined in section transparent doors and windows that stretch cational, and research space for a much-need- 213(d)(1)(A)) on a volunteer or pro bono basis. along Grand Avenue. Occupying a full city ed satellite headquarters for this portion of the ‘‘(2) PHYSICIAN.—The term ‘physician’ has block, the 3.6 acre site is also home to Califor- 333,000-acre park. And locating these serv- the meaning given to such term in section nia’s smallest state park. ices in these historic structures will preserve 1861(r) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. Frank Gehry’s Disney Hall masterpiece has 1395x(r)).’’. more of the natural resources of the park in an (b) CONFORMING AMENDMENT.—The table of drawn national attention to Los Angeles and unspoiled condition. sections for subpart A of part IV of sub- has served as the centerpiece of successful The property also provides magnificent open chapter A of chapter 1 of such Code is efforts to revitalize downtown L.A. and its di- landscape views and vistas that offer a amended by inserting after the item relating verse artistic and cultural offerings. glimpse into a cultural landscape that has re- to section 25B the following new item: This landmark project began in 1987 when mained unchanged for decades. ‘‘Sec. 25C. Charity care credit.’’. Walt Disney’s widow Lillian Disney gave a $50 The geologic, biologic and cultural re- (c) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments million gift to Angelenos to build the concert sources contained on this property will also made by this section shall apply to taxable hall and to demonstrate Walt Disney’s commit- enhance the quality of the park for its legis- years beginning after December 31, 2005. ment to the arts. Mr. Gehry was selected as lated purpose and as a World Heritage Site f its architect the following year. Construction on and International Biosphere Reserve. In addi- the hall began in 1999 and the Disney Concert tion, the park has a well-developed partner- PERSONAL EXPLANATION Hall opened its doors in 2003. ship with adjacent landowners in management The building of the Walt Disney Concert Hall of native ecosystems and historic landscapes HON. BRIAN HIGGINS was a collaboration of efforts throughout the and acquisition of this makai section of OF NEW YORK County of Los Angeles. Talented ironworkers Kahuku will help to facilitate this partnership. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES crafted the remarkable exterior. Corporations, The Hawaii House of Representatives passed H.R. No. 56 in the 2001 session sup- Thursday, July 28, 2005 foundations, and individuals, in conjunction with the State of California and the Disney porting acquisition of the Kahuku Ranch as Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, on Monday, family, partnered to provide the funding for this part of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park and July 18, 2005, personal business kept me incredible undertaking. the Hawaii State Senate passed a similiar res- from casting votes on rollcalls Nos. 380, 381, Open daily to the public, Angelenos and olution. and 382. Had I been present, I would have visitors alike now enjoy an internationally re- I would be very grateful for the support of voted ‘‘yes’’ on all three votes. nowned architectural masterpiece and one of my colleagues for this important bill. f the most remarkable concert halls in the f world. Since its opening, the Walt Disney Con- IN PRAISE OF THE NEW POSTAL IN HONOR OF DANIEL ELLSBERG cert Hall has had more than 450,000 visitors. STAMP COMMEMORATING FRANK Frank Gehry’s masterpiece is a fitting con- GEHRY’S WALT DISNEY CONCERT tribution to the U.S. Postal Service’s collection HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH OF OHIO HALL of the Masterworks of Modern Architecture. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES On behalf of all Angelenos, I congratulate him HON. LUCILLE ROYBAL-ALLARD and all who helped to make the Walt Disney Thursday, July 28, 2005 OF CALIFORNIA Concert Hall a reality, worthy of this pres- Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tigious honor. honor of Daniel Ellsberg, a true patriot who Thursday, July 28, 2005 f has gone above and beyond the call of duty, dedicating his life to the service of his country. Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. Mr. Speaker, I rise INTRODUCTION OF THE HAWAII An expert economist with two years in the Ma- today to congratulate famed architect Frank VOLCANOES NATIONAL PARK EX- rine Corps and two years at the State Depart- Gehry for the selection of the Walt Disney PANSION ACT OF 2005 ment in Saigon, he is best known for revealing Concert Hall as one of the Masterworks of the truth about the through what Modern Architecture for this year’s United HON. ED CASE became known as Papers. After States postal stamp collection. The Walt Dis- OF HAWAII his many years of dedicated service, he re- ney Concert Hall stamp will be part of a col- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cently received the Rollo May Award, given to lection of twelve masterworks of modern Thursday, July 28, 2005 an individual whose life’s work demonstrates American architecture that includes Frank his faith in human possibility. Lloyd Wright’s Guggenheim Museum, the con- Mr. CASE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to intro- Daniel is a man who has had the courage crete Yale Art and Architecture Building, the duce a bill to authorize expansion of Hawaii to stand up for his beliefs and speak the truth Chrysler Building in New York, and the East Volcanoes National Park located on the Island even in the face of great adversity. In bringing Building of the National Gallery of Art in of Hawaii. the to the public’s attention, Washington, DC. The Walt Disney Concert This bill would authorize expansion of the he took a risk that no member of Congress Hall is the newest structure in this series and park’s boundaries to allow the National Park was willing to take, despite their immunity. the only architectural masterpiece from our Service to acquire 656 additional acres be- Daniel leaked the information to the press in country’s West Coast to receive this honor. tween the 1,000 and 2,000-foot elevation a desperate attempt to get out the truth, know- The Walt Disney Concert Hall is located in marks in the Kahuku district makai (ocean- ing that he would likely spend the rest of his my congressional district, at the intersection of side) of State Highway 11. This property, life incarcerated. But for Daniel the loss of First Street and Grand Avenue in downtown which is a part of the historic Kahuku Ranch, American lives was too great a sacrifice to be Los Angeles. This beautiful masterpiece, situ- most of which has already been added to the allowed to continue needlessly. ated on historic Bunker Hill, is home to the Park, includes extensive natural and cultural A man always looking out for the injustices Los Angeles Philharmonic. The hall’s bold and resources. These Kahuku lands encompass of the world, Daniel has become a lecturer, unique exterior is comprised of enormous the southwest rift zone of Mauna Loa, one of writer and activist on the dangers of unlawful curved shapes of stainless steel. The magnifi- the most massive volcanoes in the world. interventions and the nuclear era. He is there cent and magical architecture of the exterior is The geologic features of the proposed ac- to remind us of our greater responsibilities to matched by that of its interior. The hardwood- quisition—three large pit craters—provide mankind, and I applaud his heroism and for- paneled main auditorium, designed by world- vestiges of native forest and other unique at- titude. renowned expert Yasuhisa Toyota, has been tributes. The property also includes ranch Mr. Speaker and Colleagues, please join me lauded for its state-of-the-art acoustics. In the buildings, walls, and pasture lands that are in honor and recognition of Daniel Ellsberg for

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