
South Parish Meeting Parish Meeting Agenda

The Public and Press are invited to be present.

Date: Thursday 16 January 2020 at 7:30pm Venue: Primary School, In Meeting Room 2 ______Mr Philip Allen, Chair 07/01/2020 1. Approval of the minutes of the last meeting 2. Proposals for a New Station at South 3. Information Items 3.1. District Councillors Report 3.2. County Councillors Report 3.3. Update from Trumpington Residents Association 3.4. Update on Trumpington Meadows Management Meeting 4. Barratt Homes Development 5. M11 Noise Attenuation/Bunding 6. Defibrillator Update 7. Youth Bus Update, Review and Continuation of Service 8. Anti-Social Behaviour and Alcohol Licence at Sainsbury’s 9. Operation London Bridge 10. Finance & Budget 10.1. Receipt of the finance report and payment of bills 10.2. To review the budget to date 10.3. To consider the budget for FY2021 and setting of the Precept 11. Planning – Applications received since the last meeting* 12. Date of and Items for Next Meeting 13. Closure of meeting

*Planning – details of planning applications can be found at plan.scambs.gov.uk .

Clerk: Ben Stoehr, 30 West Drive, Highfields Caldecote, Cambridge, CB23 7NY [email protected] 01954 210241 www.southtrumpington.co.uk Clerk’s Notes to meeting 16 January 2020

2 Proposals for a New Station at Cambridge South

Sophie Moeng and Mike Smith will be making a presentation on the proposed new station.

The Consultation on the new station starts on the 20 January.

4 Barratt Homes Development

Barratt Homes have not responded to the Parish Meeting’s enquiry about the CEO’s visit and subsequent works. This has been chased.

Barratt Homes have declined the Parish Meeting’s requests for a domed mirror (to aid visibility) at the Local Centre and for additional/revised road name signage stating that the roads at the Local Centre and the signage are in line with the approved plans. Until the roads are adopted the Parish Meeting doesn’t have the power to spend its funds on the roads/signage/lighting/etc.

Barratt Homes have provided the maintenance plan for Trumpington Meadows and have asked that this isn’t distributed by the Parish Meeting. Barratt Homes have indicated that they are planning to include this map in a marketing brochure that will be sent to every home.

5 M11 Noise Attenuation/Bunding

Stephen Greenhill of Highways has written.

“As Highways England Route Manager for , I have responsibility for strategic management of the M11 in the vicinity of South Trumpington.

The identification of the most significant locations affected by road traffic noise is carried out periodically by the Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) by a process of noise mapping, which results in the plotting of Noise Important Areas (NIAs). For the strategic road network, Highways England is responsible for addressing the relevant NIAs, in accordance with targets set by the Department for Transport (DfT), which allocates specific funding for mitigation measures.

The following link will take you to the current Noise Action Plan produced for roads by Defra: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data /file/813666/noise-action-plan-2019-roads.pdf

I have checked the records and find that South Trumpington does not lie within a NIA, therefore Highways England will not be planning any noise mitigation measures for the M11 in the vicinity.

I believe that South Trumpington is a comprised generally of the Trumpington Meadows development. I would hope that the proximity of the M11 was given serious consideration in

Clerk: Ben Stoehr, 30 West Drive, Highfields Caldecote, Cambridge, CB23 7NY [email protected] 01954 210241 www.southtrumpington.co.uk the design of the development and I would expect some noise mitigation measures to be planned for the site. Perhaps you would assist me with my understanding of this point.

Your local planning authority, District Council, should be able to provide details of any requirements they have imposed upon developers for the attenuation of traffic noise in order to ensure an acceptable background noise level for existing and future residents of the parish. I would anticipate that this would comprise an earth mound adjacent to the M11 but outside the motorway boundary fence.

The link which you kindly provided below takes us to the interactive noise contour mapping. Whilst of interest, it does not show the Noise Important Areas which have been identified by Defra as specific locations in need of intervention measures. These maps should be accessible from the GOV.UK website area which contains the action plan. I have enquired with our national noise team when these will become publicly available.

The next action plan is not expected for another 5 years, but just to be clear we should be able to see the new NIA locations on the maps associated with the 2019 plan, as referred to above.

Development of the current plan included a consultation process, details of which can bee seen via the following link:- https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/draft-noise-action-plans-2018 I would envisage that any future plan would follow a similar process.”

6 Defibrillator Update

The Defibrillator has been ordered from the Community Heartbeat Trust.

The School has been asked to agree and sign the host agreement, which at the time of writing has not been signed. The School has been contacted several times since the last meeting with little to no response. Until this is signed the Community Heartbeat Trust cannot proceed with the installation.

7 Youth Bus Update, Review and Approval of Continuation of Service

The Parish Meeting has agreed to fund the Connections bus for the January Term.

The Connections bus has written (attached) to advice of their fees for FY2021

The Parish Meeting is asked to consider agreeing to a longer term commitment to the service, should it wish to continue.

8 Anti-Social Behaviour and Alcohol Licence at Salisbury’s

SCDC Licencing have advised “At any stage a responsible authority or interested party (e.g resident who can demonstrate that they are affected by the premises concerned) may apply to

Clerk: Ben Stoehr, 30 West Drive, Highfields Caldecote, Cambridge, CB23 7NY [email protected] 01954 210241 www.southtrumpington.co.uk the Council to review the licence because of a matter arising at the premises in connection with any of the four licensing objectives.

(a) The Prevention of Crime and Disorder (b) Public Safety (c) The Prevention of Public Nuisance (d) The Protection of Children from Harm.

I hope this information is helpful but please get in touch if you have any further questions.

9 Operation London Bridge

Operation London Bridge is the process and protocol that will be enacted following the Death of the Queen. Many other local authorities are making plans including for example:

• Locations for flowers (including clearup arrangements). • Books of condolence. • Reading of Proclamation • Church services

Does the Parish Meeting want to make any arrangements?

10 Finance & Budget

The Finance Report is attached

The Budget and Draft Budget for FY2021 is attached.

A letter from SCDC regarding the Precept is attached.

The current FY Precept is £19,923 which is a Band D equivalent of £74.06.

11 Planning – Applications received since the last meeting*

None at the time of writing.

12 Date of and Items for Next Meeting

The Parish Meeting would normally next meet in April.

At the Next meeting the Parish Council will need to approve its year end accounts and annual return.

Clerk: Ben Stoehr, 30 West Drive, Highfields Caldecote, Cambridge, CB23 7NY [email protected] 01954 210241 www.southtrumpington.co.uk 28 SOUTH TRUMPINGTON PARISH MEETING

Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Meeting held in Meeting Room 2 at Trumpington Meadows Primary School on Thursday 3rd October 2019 at 7.30 pm

Present: Philip Allen (Chairman) plus 8 electors. In attendance: A Roberts (Trumpington Residents’ Association) and B Stoehr (Clerk).

1. Approval of the Minutes of the Last Meeting The Minutes were signed as a true record subject a correction to the spelling of Amanda Nilsson’s name in the attendance list and in items 3.4 and 9. Prop P Allen, 2nd U Cordan, All in Favour

2. Information Items 2.1 Report from District Councillor The District Councillor’s report was noted and summarised. The electric charging for taxis item was discussed and the Parish Meeting supported the District Council’s carbon neutral goals. The general consensus was that there was already a shortage of parking in the parish and dedicating spaces for the exclusive use of taxis wouldn’t be desirable. It was noted that there are 4 electric vehicle charging spaces at the Park and Ride.

2.2 Report from County Councillor No report received.

2.3 Update from Trumpington Meadows Community (TMC) No report received.

2.4 Update from Trumpington Residents Association (TRA) Andrew Roberts reported on the two successful summer events, one to Hunstanton and the Trumpington Pavilion 10 year anniversary event, which were both partly funded by the Parish Meeting’s grant alongside other local authorities and business. The TRA are in dialogue with the GCP about the travel hub on the other side of the M11. The Park and Ride planning application is expected in December.

2.5 Update on Trumpington Meadows Management Meeting There was nothing to report.

3. Barratt Homes Development It was reported that there had been an unauthorised encampment on the Nature Reserve and that the group had moved to the Trumpington Pavilion Field before moving on. Barratt Homes have dug trenches to prevent further unauthorised access.

It was asked if the Barratt Homes CEO, David Thomas, made his planned site visit and if anything happened or is planned to happen as a result. Agreed to write to Barratt Homes to ask.

The visibility at the local centre was discussed. It was agreed to request a domed mirror to aid visibility.

It was reported that the mosaic burial bed near the river had again been damaged. Grosvenor were reportedly not going to fund its repair. It was agreed to write and find out who owns and has maintenance responsibility for it and what the plans are.

South Trumpington Parish Meeting Thursday 3 October 2019 29 It was noted that the Maintenance Plan of the Development had not yet been received. Agreed to write and request this again. Concerns about the maintenance of the public open spaces in the parish were raised. It was agreed that this would be an agenda item at the next meeting.

It was noted that the road name signs are either poor or missing, especially for Renard Way, Mardler Close and Kinsman Way. It was agreed to write to Barratt Homes to find out if they can be improved.

4. Defibrillator It was noted that the Primary School had given permission in principle for the defibrillator to be installed on the exterior of the school. The quotes were considered and it was agreed to accept the quote from Community Heartbeat Trust for £2,230.00 including the stainless steel cabinet to install the defibrillator on the exterior of the school. Prop U Cordan 2nd R Cordan All in favour

5. Youth Bus Update, Review and Approval of Continuation of Service The Connections Bus Project’s report was noted. It was agreed to agree to the extension of the service for the January term. Budgetary provision will be considered at the next meeting. Prop P Allen 2nd P Phan All in favour

6. Anti-Social Behaviour and Alcohol Licence at Salisbury’s Concerns were raised about the late night licence at Sainsbury’s. There is a lot of litter being left, much of which is purchased from Sainsbury’s and the availability of alcohol encourages anti social behaviour in the evenings. It was noted that licensing is a District Council matter and it was agreed to write to ask about the process.

7. Finance 7.1 Receipt of the finance report and payment of bills The Payments as listed were approved. Prop P Allen, 2nd U Cordan All in favour

LGS Services Admin Support £624.38 PKF Littlejohn LLP Audit £240.00

7.2 To note completion of external audit The completed audit was noted. The notices have been posted on the notice board and website as required.

7.3 To appoint internal auditor for FY2020 The requirements for an internal auditor were considered. It was agreed to appoint Jacquie Wilson of CANALBS.

8. Planning – Applications received since the last meeting No applications to consider.

9. Date of and Items for Next Meeting The next meeting will take place on the 16th January 2020 at 7.30pm. Noise attenuation bunding/fencing on M11 to be added to the next agenda.

10. Closure of meeting The meeting was closed at 8.58pm

Signed (Chairman): ……………………………………. Date: …………………….

South Trumpington Parish Meeting Thursday 3 October 2019 South Cambridgeshire District Council – Harston & Comberton Ward Report to South Trumpington Parish Meeting January 2020

Three Free Trees scheme To encourage the planting of trees, the Council is offering every Parish in the district a voucher for £60 to cover the cost of three small trees, in exchange for an undertaking to plant the trees on parish council land.

With trees absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, they play a key role in helping to combat climate change. The District Council has already declared a climate emergency and, in November 2018, pledged to work towards making the District zero carbon by 2050.

Details of the scheme can be found at: https://www.scambs.gov.uk/three-free-trees

The deadline for applying for your voucher is 14th March. Garden centres will accept the vouchers until 31st March.

New Business Support Service for South Cambridgeshire A new team will be set up to increase support for local businesses – particularly small and medium- sized companies – in South Cambridgeshire.

The new Business Support Service will offer practical advice and targeted support to existing and growing businesses in the District and those looking to move into South Cambridgeshire.

Councillors want to build thriving village economies where people can work locally, buy what they need and access the services they require while keeping their impact on the environment to a minimum. The new team will be tasked with retaining existing employers, improving the survival rates of new enterprises and securing new investment in communities across the District.

When fully established, the new team of four officers will:  Offer bespoke packages of support to small and medium-sized enterprises  Help further develop the three Enterprise Zones in South Cambridgeshire, to encourage more businesses to locate to them  Guide companies wishing to relocate to the district or move within it  Deliver a programme of activities to support local village economies  Develop new and environmentally friendly tourism initiatives such as cycling and walking routes to encourage visitors into South Cambridgeshire communities  Provide guidance to companies on their response to the climate emergency, including advice on generating their own electricity, improving energy efficiency and recycling more waste and water  Make the entire Council more business friendly, such as by creating one point of contact for local companies and becoming a vital link between the Council and other business support organisations

Growing local businesses and economies is one of the four priority areas in the Council’s Business Plan and this new team, working closely with colleagues at the Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service, will lead the authority’s work in this area.

The new roles and Business Support Service will now be finalised before recruitment takes place within the coming months. When up and running, the service will work closely with neighbouring councils, and organisations such as the Chambers of Commerce, FSB, NFU and Visit Cambridge and Beyond to help complement the services that each provides. Items referred to planning committee A constitutional review has been taking place and has been looking at the wording of the procedure by which items can be referred to the planning committee. The aim of the review is not to alter the procedure but to ensure the wording in the constitution is robust enough to make sure the procedure works as it should and is not subject to challenge. No decision has yet been taken on the best way to reword this part of the constitution – the constitution review task and finish group will consider this matter in February and subject to their views, it is likely to be referred to planning committee shortly after to make the change. The process for determining which applications go before planning committee is that the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the planning committee meet with a planning manager every week and consider requests for referral to planning committee. Once the Chairman and officer jointly conclude their deliberations, a record is signed by the Chairman and officer confirming the outcome.

Since May 2018 when the Liberal Democrat group took control of the Council and the current Chairman of the planning committee took up the role, there has not been a situation where agreement has not been reached. However, in order to give reassurance that democratically accountable elected representatives will continue to play a key role in this process, the Leader of the Council has recommended that in the unlikely event there is a disagreement between the Chairman of Planning Committee and the Joint Director of Planning and Economic Development on any application, it is automatically referred to planning committee for it to be considered and determined.

Consultation on plans for Cambridge South station

Plans for a new railway station at Cambridge South will be set out by Network Rail at public consultation launched next week.

The six-week consultation on plans for Cambridge’s third station will start on 20th January. The plans include four platforms, taxi and drop off areas, cycle and blue badge parking, shops and toilets.

For more information, visit www.networkrail.co.uk/cambridge-south-station

Cllr Philip Allen [email protected] Cllr Ian Sollom [email protected] Cllr Tony Mason [email protected]

Trumpington Village Termly Report Sept to Dec 2019 connectionsbusproject.org.uk

Numbers There have been 10 youth club sessions run this term and we have seen 34 young people

Age 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Number Male 4 7 6 4 2 Number Female 1 15 7 2

Session 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Attendance 10 13 - 16 15 11 Half - 11 10 - 9 1 8 Ice term skating trip

Week 1 – 11th September Enjoyed using computers, Singstar and crafts. Friendship issue between 2 young people that had started at school continued and involved others and adults. Youth workers encouraged them to make-up and move- on, which they did

Week 2 – 18th September Busy session with group of boys returning for first time in a while. Enjoyed chillout room, Singstar, and computers. Lots of arguing towards the end of the session which we will follow-up with the young people next week, in discussion about dealing with provocation

Week 3 – 25th September Cancelled due to staff sickness

Week 4 – 2nd October Lots of coming and going, but also good opportunities to improve relationships with the young people. Conversations about emotional abuse, music, relationships, hugging and knowing when not to.

Week 5 – 9th October Young people mainly running in and out, using chill out area, Singstar and computers. Conversations about school. Some concern over younger siblings being outside (too young for youth bus). Older siblings were supposed to be taking them home but were reluctant to do so. Youth workers raised it with young person and they were soon collected

Week 6 – 16th October Busy and noisy to start with but then most went outside and were on bikes in the carpark. Youth workers had to intervene when driver got cross with cyclists, but young people happy to move out of way when asked. Police arrived later and chatted to young people. Most had left by 8:30 with just a couple left on the bus. One-to-one about health issue and advice given to see GP.

Half term

Week 7 – 30th October Cancelled last minute due to new bollard restricting access

Week 8 – 6th November Good evening with young people using computers, Singstar and chillout area. Quite a bit of coming and going. Explored sports areas and will see if we can get use of the astro pitch if available.

Week 9 – 13th November Enjoyed Singstar and sitting and chatting. A bit boisterous at the end but generally good humoured. Visit from Romsey Mill youth workers doing detached youth work in the area. One-to-one about criminal record

Week 10 – 20th November Cancelled due to staff illness

Week 11 – 27th November Good session playing bingo and games consoles. Conversations about gang violence, families and history of the bus

Week 12 – 4th December Only one young person tonight. Unaware of event that may have kept others away

Week 13 – 11th December Good last session of the year with visit from CCC youth workers wanting to see how it’s going. Some new members tonight. Game of bingo was very popular.

Week 14 – 16th December Ice skating trip to which all young people were invited. Over 75 young people attended and enjoyed 1.5 hours on the ice and a meal afterwards. It was a great event with young people behaving well and enjoying themselves. P.O. Box 344 Office: 07853 795256 Histon Mob: 07887 947748 Cambridge CB24 9WZ

[email protected] Charity No. 1168343 www.connectionsbusproject.org.uk

07 January 2020

Dear Trumpington Meadows Councillors

Provision of Youth Services for the 2020/21 Financial Year

This current year has seen the charity complete one of its busiest periods with 16 youth clubs (buses and buildings) and 5 courses (Babysitting and Generation Game) happening each week. This has been mainly due to a short term contract with Cambridgeshire County Council for an essential life skills programme in and Fenland. We have also taken over responsibility for the youth club in Orchard Park and started a new bus session in Trumpington Meadows.

We continue to be the largest provider of open-access youth work in the county and work closely with the county council early help hubs and secondary schools when working with young people with particular needs or issues.

The financial position although steady and safe did see a deficit in 2018/19 and is predicted to be close for 2019/20. This is despite the efforts of a number of individuals raising money through sponsored events, and other gifts and donations.

With this in mind, the Trustees have considered hard the fees that we will be charging for 2020/21 and in order to ensure we can maintain a quality service without a further deficit, have set a minimal increase of approximately 5%.

The fee for providing youth services to Trumpington Meadows from 6 April 2020 will be £219 per session. The fee is calculated on the basis that you book the same number of sessions as you did during the current financial year, and assumes that at least seven villages continue to use our services.

I would ask that you consider the needs of your young people and continue to value the work that we carry out with them. Would you then please let me know how you wish to proceed in the next financial year, by Monday 20 January 2020?

As you may be aware, the charity also offers two courses for young people: 1. Babysitting – 10 week course providing young people with the essential skills, first aid, agreements, expectations etc. 2. Generation Game – an intergenerational 10 week course for young people interested in volunteering with older people. This course usually involves linking with a local retirement home.

There is a small charge for each course of about £1500 plus a fee of £15 payable by each young person. Do get in touch if this is something you would be interested in acquiring.

If you have any questions as a result of this letter, please do get in touch.

Yours sincerely

Alan Webb Project Manager

Chairperson: Andrew Smith Treasurer: Mark Stanyer Project Manager: Alan Webb Other Trustees: John Holmes, Ed Cameron

South Cambridgeshire Hall Cambourne Business Park Cambourne Cambridge CB23 6EA t: 03450 450 500 www.scambs.gov.uk

Ben Stoehr South Trumpington Parish Meeting 30 West Drive Highfields Caldecote Cambridge CB23 7NY

Our ref: Precepts20.21 Corporate Services Contacts: Tracey Flack October 2019 Email: [email protected]

Dear Sir/Madam

Re: Local Government Finance Act 1992 – Parish Precepts

This letter is sent to town and parish councils in South Cambridgeshire. I am writing to advise you of our estimates for the tax base for your parish for 2020-21. This is an opportunity for you to check our estimates of your tax base before we formally set the tax base in November 2019. If you have any feedback, please respond by 18 November 2019 . We are also seeking to obtain from you the precept information we need in order to finalise our budgets. Appendix A is a consultation document setting out proposals for payment of Parish Precepts by the District Council in 2020-21. If you would like to comment on this document I would appreciate a reply by 18 November 2019 . Can you please reply to this letter answering the following questions: Question 1 Do you wish to comment on the enclosed consultation document Appendix A? If yes, please reply before 18 November 2019 , otherwise see question 2. Question 2 How much will your Council require by way of precept in 2019-20? Please state your requirements as an amount of money . Please reply by 20 January 2020, including nil precepts, using the form attached in Appendix D. The Council is working in conjunction with Cambridgeshire County Council and the Fire and Police Authorities to produce a combined information pack which will be available from the Council’s website by the time the Council Tax bills are sent out. Your answers to Question 2 above will provide us with the information required for this information pack to be prepared. Some Parishes find it helpful to have details of the estimated tax base for the Parish when they determine their precept. Appendix B is a schedule showing the estimated tax base for all the Parishes for 2020-21. Appendix C is explanatory information on how the Council Tax Base is calculated. Where local councils request £140,000 or more from their council taxpayers they are required to provide details of their spending plans, a template is attached in Appendix D, which should be completed and returned with your precept request. The Council’s preferred method of settlement for precepts and other payments due to Parish Councils is directly to bank accounts via BACS, the remittance advice being sent to the Parish Council by e-mail. If your Parish has not already taken advantage of this method of payment, or if your parish has changed its bank details, can I ask you to complete the form attached in Appendix E and return it with your precept requirements, this will enable the precept payment due in April 2020 to be made directly to your bank. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours faithfully

Tracey Flack

Principal Accountant


Task Due Date Completed

Comments/Feedback regarding Tax Base (Appendix B) - Optional 18/11/2019

Comments/Feedback regarding Consultation (Appendix A) - Optional 18/11/2019

Submission of Parish Precept Requirement (Appendix D) – 20/01/2020 Essential Please return by:-

Submission of Bank Details (Appendix E) – If not previously provided 20/01/2020 or have changed.


1. CONSULTATION 1.1 The consultation relating to the payment of precepts covers the: - i. frequency of payment; ii. dates on which payments are to be made; and iii. calculation of each amount. 1.2 Regulations provide that at least 50% of the precept must be paid within 30 days of the start of the financial year and the remaining 50% within 6 months of the start of the financial year. Payment of precepts issued after the beginning of the financial year will be delayed. 1.3 The proposed schedule for the payment of precepts for 2020-21 are as follows: - a) The first instalment will be paid by Friday 24 April 2020. In the case of a precept of £1,000 or less, the full precept will be paid. In all other cases the amount of the first instalment will be £1,000 or 50% of the precept, whichever is greater. b) Any balance will be paid by 25 September 2020. 1.4 Please let me have any comments you wish to make by the 18 November 2019. 1.5 As mentioned in my accompanying letter, it would be of assistance if Parishes could submit their precepts no later than the 20 January 2020.

2. PARISH COUNCIL ELECTIONS 2.1 There are no Parish Elections scheduled to take place in 2020.21 2.2 Should a Parish by-election be needed over the course of the year, the Parish will be responsible for all of the costs incurred.

3. LOCAL COUNCIL TAX SUPPORT 3.1 You may be aware that the current LCTS scheme is currently under review, with a final decision expected in February 2020. It is not currently expected that any changes will significantly impact on the total amount of LCTS awarded, and so the calculations contained within this letter assume the same amount as in 2019/20.

Tracey Flack Principal Accountant October 2019


COUNCIL TAX BASE - 2020/21 Estimated number of band D equivalent properties (after 0.6% allowance for losses on collection)

Great Abington 420.4 Horningsea 166.3 Little Abington 257.4 Horseheath 211.7 Abington Pigotts 79.2 Ickleton 342.2 Arrington 168.5 Impington 1,525.1 Babraham 127.0 Kingston 129.1 Balsham 726.4 Knapwell 47.7 Bar Hill 1,452.8 Landbeach 388.2 Barrington 474.9 Linton 1,732.6 Bartlow 51.5 Litlington 348.6 Barton 385.4 Lolworth 75.6 Bassingbourn 1,211.4 Longstanton 1,981.8 Bourn 426.9 Longstowe 93.5 Boxworth 105.0 Madingley 109.2 Caldecote 789.4 Melbourn 1,960.7 Cambourne 3,854.6 Meldreth 774.3 Carlton 98.9 Milton 1,771.2 Castle Camps 272.9 Guilden Morden 432.7 Caxton 238.2 Steeple Morden 530.1 Childerley 12.1 Newton 182.3 Chishill 328.7 Oakington/Westwick 589.5 Comberton 919.9 Orchard Park 830.4 Conington 60.4 Orwell 491.4 Coton 371.2 Over 1,128.0 Cottenham 2,374.0 Pampisford 159.1 Croxton 72.6 Papworth Everard 1,336.5 Croydon 105.8 Papworth St Agnes 32.7 Dry Drayton 299.9 Rampton 198.8 Duxford 767.7 Sawston 2,526.3 Elsworth 303.2 1,996.0 Eltisley 183.0 382.4 Great Eversden 116.8 Shepreth 342.1 Little Eversden 258.6 Shingay-cum-Wendy 54.5 Fen Ditton 343.5 Shudy Camps 146.6 Fen Drayton 368.3 Stapleford 931.6 Fowlmere 576.5 Stow-cum-Quy 217.0 Foxton 551.1 Swavesey 976.2 Fulbourn 1,932.1 Tadlow 81.5 Gamlingay 1,467.6 Teversham 1,039.6 Girton 1,847.4 Thriplow 489.1 Little Gransden 138.0 Toft 275.6 250.5 South Trumpington 342.2 Graveley 95.3 Waterbeach 2,005.6 Hardwick 980.6 Weston Colville 197.6 Harlton 149.4 West Wickham 187.3 Harston 822.1 West Wratting 228.1 700.5 Whaddon 218.8 Hatley 92.8 Whittlesford 826.3 Hauxton 572.1 Great Wilbraham 287.6 Heydon 126.9 Little Wilbraham 190.0 Hildersham 106.7 Willingham 1,581.7 Hinxton 158.7 Wimpole 138.3 Histon 1,791.5 DISTRICT TOTAL 63,617.6


1. All dwellings in the Parish are assessed by the Valuation Office, part of Revenue and Customs, and placed in the following bands:

Valuation Band Range of Values (at 1991 prices) A up to £40,000 B £40,001 - £ 52,000 C £52,001 - £ 68,000 D £68,001 - £ 88,000 E £88,001 - £120,000 F £120,001 - £160,000 G £160,001 - £320,000 H more than £320,000

2. The number of dwellings in each band is then adjusted to take account of: a) reductions in the number of dwellings - exempt dwellings - diplomats’ dwellings (if any) - demolitions

b) additions to the number of dwelling - Ministry of Defence properties (if any) - Dwellings awaiting banding - New dwellings to be completed and occupied before the end of the next financial year

c) Adjustments - reductions in banding for disabled persons - 25% discount for single adults for Council Tax purposes

3. The adjusted number of dwellings in each band is then expressed as a single figure known as “band D equivalents” by multiplying by the relevant fraction:

Valuation Band Relevant Fraction A- 5/9 A 6/9 B 7/9 C 8/9 D 9/9 E 11/9 F 13/9 G 15/9 H 18/9

4. The District Council prudently estimates an allowance for losses on collection which is 0.6% for the next financial year. This percentage reduction is applied to the number of band D equivalents in the previous paragraph to arrive at the tax base for tax setting purposes.

5. The Parish precept divided by the tax base will give the Council Tax to cover Parish Council expenditure for a band D property occupied by two or more adults. The Council Tax for dwellings in other bands is calculated by multiplying by the relevant fractions in paragraph 3.

6. A similar calculation, using the same tax base, is also required for the District council, the County Council and the Police and Fire Authorities. Council Tax setting by the District involves the aggregation of all five calculations to arrive at the total Council Tax bill levied to meet the net expenditure of the Parish, District, County, Fire and Police.

7. The actual Council Tax payable will be reduced if discounts (paragraph 2c) and/or council tax benefits for persons on low incomes apply.

8. An illustration of the tax base calculation is shown below:

2020/21 South Trumpington Parish Meeting Band D Equivalents

Number of Properties as at 25.09.2019 305

Actual Tax Base on 25.09.2019 284.9

Expected New Properties Chargeable for whole year 68.7

Expected New Properties Chargeable for part of the year 25.4

Less Discount under LCTS -29.9

Less Provision for uncollectable (0.6%) -6.9

Tax Base for the Year 342.2

Appendix D Parish Precept Requirement 2020-21 (to be completed by all parishes and returned by 20/01/2020 including where a NIL precept is set) Parish: South Trumpington Parish Meeting Amount required [words]:

Amount required [£]:

Name: Signed: Position:

Please complete contact details for enquiries regarding the precept: Telephone: ______email: ______Where local councils request a precept of £140,000 or more from their taxpayers they are required to provide more detail of their spending plans, a template is provided below to assist you, this information will then be included in the Council Tax leaflet distributed to residents with the annual council tax bills.

2019-20 2020-21 2019-20 2020-21 South Trumpington Gross Gross Net Expenditure Net Expenditure Expenditure Expenditure Parish Meeting £ £ £ £

Cultural, Environmental and Planning

Highways, Footpaths

and Lighting





Capital Projects


Contribution from


Amount of Precept

APPENDIX E BANK DETAILS ( if changed or not previously provided to the Council )

Parish : South Trumpington Parish Meeting Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Bank/Building Society ……………………………………………………………………………………………..

Sort Code:

Account no:

E-mail address for remittance advice……………………………………………………………… Contact name………………………………………………………………………………………… Contact telephone number…………………………………………………………………………… Fax number…………………………………………………………………………………………….

Authorised signatories:

Signed………………………………………………. Position………………………………………………..

Signed………………………………………………. Position………………………………………………..


Please return Appendix D and any other documentation to: South Cambridgeshire District Council, Accountancy Service, Cambourne Business Park, Cambourne, Cambridge, CB23 6EA Email: [email protected]


Balance brought forward 42,705.57

Adjustments ICO DD UNCLAIMED 35.00

Additional expenditure approved at previous / between meetings UNITY BANK SERVICE CHARGE -18.00 DD

Credits Received

Total Adjustments 17.00 Balance revised after adjustments £42,722.57

Bank Reconciliation to latest statement Account Funds Statement Outstanding Current Account 42,722.57 42,722.57 0.00 Total 42,722.57 42,722.57 0.00

Expenditure for approval £


Sub-Total 2823.02 Balance C/F 39899.55

Gail Stoehr Responsible Financial Officer

Notes: Late invoices will be brought to the meeting

The direct debit payment to the ICO does not appear to have been collected despite the ICO sending payment confirmation and the DPA certificate. This has been removed from the accounts. South Trumpington Parish Meeting Approved Balance to Draft Budget date Budget Payments 2019/2020 16/7/18 % 2020/2021 Notes General Admin Based of 2 hours per week (FY20 budget figure doesn't Admin Support 1920.00 2400.00 125.00% 2496.00 include VAT) Insurance 220.00 218.00 99.09% 220.00 3 year long term agreement, year 3 of 3 in FY21 Audit Fee 350.00 338.68 96.77% 350.00 Internal and External Audits both complete based on 4 meetings per year, includes bank fees Post/telephone/stationery/room hire 1200.00 504.89 42.07% 1200.00 (£6pm) Affiliation fees 170.00 172.25 101.32% 200.00 CAPALC & ICO (DPA) Training General Admin TOTAL 3860.00 3633.82 94.14% 4466.00 Maintenance Notice board Maintenance TOTAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 S137 TRA & TMC 1000.00 0.00 0.00% S137 TOTAL 1000.00 0.00 0.00 Special Projects 15063.06 30.53% Connections bus £8541 in FY21 assuming all 39 sessions taken. Can be funded from Special projects Youth Provision 4598.00 reserve. Planning/Traffic Consultant Misc Special Projects TOTAL 15063.06 4598.00 30.53% 0.00 Contingency TOTAL 19923.06 8231.82 41.32% 4466.00

Approved Draft Budget Balance to Budget Receipts 2019/2020 date % 2020/2021 Precept 19923.06 19923.06 100.00% Agency Services Bank Interest TOTAL £19,923.06 £19,923.06 100.00% £0.00

Reserves B/F Rec Pay C/F Notes General Reserves £26,672.77 £22,864.01 FY19 Admin support Transparency Grant £1,535.54 £1,535.54 Special projects FY2019 £15,500.00 £15,500.00

TOTAL £43,708.31 £0.00 £0.00 £39,899.55