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2-26-1988 University Leader - February 26, 1988 University Leader Staff

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Recommended Citation University Leader Staff, "University Leader - February 26, 1988" (1988). University Leader Archive. 408. https://scholars.fhsu.edu/university_leader/408

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Vol. 81, No. 41 Fort Hays State University Friday, February 26, 1988

, ..... - _MUAB makes decision

Alabama chosen . r . for·$pring c.Oricert

CAMPUS By ERIC HODSON Alabama wants 'to re!urn tci Assistant Managing Editor Hays and play. • Anchorpersons for News 12 "!'hey really had a ~ood ·time. on· KFHS·TV have gccn It's official. the last time they were he~e. We announ~ed by · KevJn Alabama· will be performing at were In the 8illbo.1rd Top 20 Campbell, associate radlo-'IV this year's spring concert that that week for concerts," he said. producer and director. will take place Friday. April 15. DeMond said the group was · News anchors are Kristine -~rhey contacted us. Usually especially pleased with how the Kastning, St. Joh·n sopho- they don't play In places with college handled the show. more: and . Todd Pittenger, under I 0.000 seats. Some ·111e band thought the college -=- -~-· ...... Salina Junior. Sports anchor ls·. member of the band knew 1.8. kids did a good Job with the Tom Nelson. Syracuse Junior. Dent and they said they wanted ·stage crew, arid they had a very News anchor alternates are to i:ome -·to Hay.s and play," receptive crowd," DeMond said. Dbn KJng. Hiawatha senior: Lance DeMond, concert chair- The student surveys that were and Lisa .. Storer, -Brownell man said. taken by the Memoria l Union junior. . . He said that the committee Activities Board were beneficial, . .. ' *"~-•' KFHS News 12 ls broadcast did try to get the rock group but sometimes they ·don 't reflect at .6 and g · p.m. Thursday \\'hilesnake, but they ran-Into the true o u tcome, he sate! . C\'enings. several p roblems In their "Survivor was a 2-1 favorite -·~~~--· ~- attemot. and we got them. 111en. It was a • Students who are Interested · "Thev went from $42,000 to 2-1 no show of· 2.200 people I~ participating-. In _t_he $62.000 in one week. They were . during th~ middle of the week," Qrientauon/early enrollment tomin~ In our month time frame. he said. program as peer counselor but we found out they were should pick up an appllcaUon touring the East and didn't w:mt Seven new people were asked · form . from Herb· · Songci\ to come to the West or Midwest.· to join MUAB's roncerl com- Picken 304. · Dc~1ond said. mittee DeMond said. Toe application deadline Is The chairman said that he "We ad,·ertlsed ihis vear and March 7. · anct' his committee ran Into only l O people applied fqr the ma ny diffe rent problems In open positions. We }vould • Epsilon of Clo~ia. a coope· finclin~ a group to come to·ttays. certa inly like to e n courage 1 -- rau,•e-lMng organlzaUon. has ··~tos t of the ~roups don't . people to apply:· he said. elected officers for the spring really start up touring until afier DeMond said that · the semester. · M,w 15. We also found out It 1.•,as comm'ittee wJII look for a s how Jullt! Is om, Kensington c,1~lcr to get country groups for next fall. sopl)cmore. has been elected than rock groups," he said. . "\Ve wlll look for a s h ow for _. - ) .... -:"" president. Other officers arc Waylon Jennings, Ronnie next fall. ancl we will t ry our Traci McDowell, Kensington ~1ilsap and Lee Greenwood were h::mlest." DeMond said. freshma n, vice president: Ash· all ava ilable for booking. out He pointed · out that Jus t JeyWolf. Dodge City freshman. they had uns pecified dates because there Isn't a show in the secretary: and Michelle· Nie- arrordlni;: to Ddlond. fall does n't mean the co mmittee . hols, Fall River freshman, "A!,!ents rnn book n sho~y_ easy can get a really blg show for the treasurer. .c · 1 during the week. because a band spring. Clovta ls an off-campus likes lo play a smaller town In , he concerts are to ta lly self housing arrangement avan-· .b etwt'en the big cities. \\,'Ith supportln~. No s tudent money is Photo by Donald King Jr. able to women students who Alabama. we.-Just hit it lucky," put Into them."1)dfond said. maintain a gra de point De:\tond said. · The chairman said that he Tyler Johnson, Nome Alaska sophomore, takes advantage of the unseasonably warm weather by a,'Cmge of 2.2 or a bove. 111e commlllee did put a bid In expects a mlxed crowd at the enjoying a round of badminton. The spring-like weather should continue Into this weekend. for Richard Marx and Debbie show. • TWo officials from th c Gibson. but DeMond said ll Tickets will be resen:ed seat !- · University or Kansas Medical would ha\·e been a Sunday night a t $16.50 and will go 0 11 sale Center wlll visit ~1lh pre-med show. Tuesday. March 22. Faculty committee submits students next Wednesday. not "Nolhln!!'s predlclab!e. We Opening groups for the last Wednesday. as previously wa ltd l lwo weeks for a reply. I co nce rt are sch eduled to b l· reported. · found out tha t the time on these Edcly Hm·c 11 a nd Ullly Joe Hoyal. Waller Gehlbach. director of thln~s chan~cs weekly a nd even new .orient_ation proposal sludenl admissions. and Una hourly. The s ize of the coliseum "!l's kind o f prestigious wlwn Creditor. financial aid dlrcc• also limits our choices." he said. the No. 1 country group In the By MADELINE HOLLER l.1ht• 1-,•tt ,•r ,J d\' ,111 1,l ( e of t he r clatloush i ps ane .on campus from-9 DeMond s aid students s hould U.S. calls us and wants to play Staff Writer 11,1·1\·1·1-..it\· ,11111 [,1tc-r u ~e t h c-!-t' llllllliC; llilll,! lo l tnlt' IIJ;lfl,l;! l' · a.m. to noon. ron slder 1l an honor that here In Hays.· De!\tond said. p·,-1111rn·..: In hi.-." ,-he '.<.aid. mt'nt. m-rrromtn~ t<''-1 .1 nxiel\" ·1 n 111 -,· will ))(' 1111h·t·r,-it\'· mtcl taklnj! nole!-: · she , .1 icl. • For more lnfonnatlon. con- li,·, \\1d,· .111,I o llt-rnl f, 1r thrC'e rrC"di t ·The hook follow s thr cour-r tact James Hohm.an al 628· 111c Facultv S t·1ia1t· ,,, .11k111il' h "11 r,.. . h 11 w 1·,·t•r. It will no t b" wt'II. t,l(), bec.1t1!'-<' It cl,)('~11 t i:t't 4504. . Affairs Conirntttee ha.-. s u h t··, 111 irrd. too prr,1r hy: · ~h '-' s..1id. 1111ttcd for review a propo~a l li1r Tnw11 -. ~at,I th,11 a ltho u (!h II • Studcnl:l may pick up Ainack seeks support a n~·w 11111n·r s ll\"·Wicl<." 1ir11· 11 will 11" 1 lw tt·q ttin·d. r 11 roll111t'n! .. ,n a • \·rr.· dft:rllvr wa,·. It financial aid packets for the ta tinn r n11nw tha·t wo 11lcl h f'(i11 summer term on March 1 from 111 tlw n,u r,-,· woulri. a fc\\" s u (l!c..,lion-. ·,1 nd llt"~t fall. !ltratt"~l!.'!1 th;tt r .,n ht' h elpfu l. the student Onanctal assls- ·111c rou rs<'. till<'d C:nlVN!'lt\' 111c- rr.1,-c- ;111 r r sever.11 !'-e · for culture progran1 Some will work for ~ornt' prople . tance office. P1ckm 200. · · Foundations 11 0. ha s he<' i1 lllt''-lrr '." . ;md !,,()OJ(' not: · Towns ~aid. Sumrrier scholarship d rslj!nnl to ,lc-,·clop s t111l r nl c;' \t.111~· nthrr u111\'rr.<- lllc- <;, h an• pac· · T h r- !' IUd('flt !'> wall hr kcts arc avallable on March pracllr ,11 lrnrnln[! skills a ncl , 111 11l.1 r 1·0 11 t'-'<'~ that ;irt'ti't By DOUG CARDER 1\mack·s proposal s ta tes Iha t r11 rn11r.1 i:r- <1 10 st-I co.11 <. ,ulll JS. the promotion of a c ultura lly tor u s on the rrt1tlonc;hl p h('- . 1.-.p11r,·,I a11 cl llil\'e a hii:h Senior Copy Editor f IJ ! flll!(WIII." :-.I ll' ~ l id. krr-p tlwm. In the- 1111·,1nl l111c. rich envlronmt"nl •~ benenral. If tween p!.'r !"- nnill ,·alu rs nucl t hr\' lr,Hn ,'1 lo t about rommunal rcspo n !"- iulitk._. not crucial to a ll sucres!-ful :\ :1,·r -1 ,,,J.-11 1.. rr.1ht <' hnw thrtit"'<'ln-...... ,he ~1icl • Recent changes ln student A cultural enhancement llbernl arts lns lltutlon5; and a Gt-neral ohjt'<' lln :s o f 1hr 111111 h t 11,·\· H' I .. -11d1t!'d from t h C' ,1 Onancl:il assistance · ttftU· course might become a reality at To.,1n !I !'aid th.al rhcrr 1... Fort Hay,g S tate. wlcte v.uiety of c ulturnl rour.-r :irt' fnr s t11d fo r thl~ rour,<' h <:"c.,use Jauons wUI be dfscu~d by aml :tpply infor111 ,1t Ion ilhnut That l!I if Kevin Amack, experien ces scn:es to cnh.1nrc- ,hr ('opl<' do not rt".1ltu t ht' student 11nanc1al aid dlrector- ,·,1r1nus .ispcrt <; of Fort 11,,y"- Student Ccwemment ~'ISOcla· and enrich the ecl u rau on of ,\, h · i'."C' r "' :111d o ther tn - relal 1on!lhlp b<" IWt'<'n t h t' Karl Metzger at 9;30 p.m. · liberal arts students . Stiltr a nd II <; rr~,urrr c:. . Tuesday In th"c Mc.'dlndes Hall lion pres ident. can convince the <. tru r tor"' will .11-.o !"-<:t' the dkrt \'.1rtn 11<1 ('Ollt!'C'"' In w htr h thr-y Student ~ nate and unt,·enlty - 111erc are a lot of n1lt11rill S twlrntq u·lll ;ifc;n h<" l.111 ( ht 11 r .,n . h.,._.,. "n <1 t11 ck11t .. anci Ea5t LMng Room. .,tt c-nmllN1 admlnl!ltratton to a dopt a one· a r tn111es on campu" that I thin k lo ;ipply pr;1r1ir.1l s tr., tr ( ir-. fnr .- , 11 n 11 r.1j!r n l hrn, tn r 11rnll In It . .. ·~mt' of thr !.lcultv ha,·c- ~ n ,1r .1drmtr s u rrt"<-". <-111 h ;i<. lrmr hour c ultural enhancement the students nec-d to be mau rse for credit. more a -.-.-nre of. m:1n.11!rm t"nl. u:rlltn(! In 1.-.un. ro u ~ !'. Amack authored a propos.'11 -1 think stwlenl!\ rnulWtt. r ommun tcatinn. i:o.tl .,,·t1111 i.: . r11co11 r.,c:r-,I to rnroll In the l"P llf~ . "''cl The hlll'" theme I" to pmmote "Sluclenls are tht" sainr as r 1tll1trr. moll('\' m:in .1i.: r m,·nl ·s 1u111"nt, 11 rr:1 t <1 k .un ( r, ., mnrc fully rounci~ eclucatlon anyone cl~. If It's not c:nin ~ t n .,n,t prnhlrm ... o""h·lnf.!. I( t '. nivf'r'-IIV F <\tJncf.,tion!'. i'I tn trc:r ,lt r thr ,·.u w u-. .1 rr.1-. o ( thrnu~h the creation or the hcnent them. lht'n they are n o t C' h r- rvl I lnf.., trltr r Tn w11 "-. d1-,; .1pprnwd. wi JI tmm"rll:1lt'ly ,.h1r or not ilut. I am stron~ opposed to their c-:areer!' and lives. ~ 111<1.-11r hv u .wt.l n . Ell~. the cot~ u;ll appTffl"("(l ~111 forrlnf.i the !!Indents to take the CULTURE. ahe commtuee w,'lntcd :1 ,r" an ;;_-c;rellenl bnok In tha t be m:,ck M.1rTh A at the Fa<"ulty rourse.- Amark aak!. CcnnJld on Page 3. rou ~ that wnukl help !'lludenl!'I ti coven t>\·erythlnf.i from Sc~le meet tni,;. •

\ University Leader , '.., e

\ ":' . . ·e·... ~~T."-.. V l THE UNIVERSITY LEADER• Friday, February 26, 1988 • P~ 2 ,,:, ~-,;.·;..:·.___ ....._. ______E ditor~~! -- t 71.-s ' . .. -.. .: ......

Supreme CoUJ."t" ruling gives DOUG CARDER ·· free reign for car~oonists . \Vhen the Surpreme Court voted unanimously Alabama ·wedncsday afternoon to support ·Hustler , magazine publisher Larry Flynt,·it unwittingly headlng opened a Pandora's box. _ The action stemmed from a suit filed by the west again Rev. Jerry Falwell against Flynt for "emotional .-\lahamn is bark. distress" after an ad parody appeared in Flynt's I think tt·s· !!real ·• foi: - Fort magazine .in 1984. IL1y._ State and western Although the victory for Flynt is a big boost for IC111-..is. the First Amendment. it now operis. the door for ,\lahnma rontac:lt·d us. so·caJ1ed journalists like Flynt to have a free ___.;... ______. manyThat qualily is a rnril\" hancls in (winneritself. :.'\ut of reign. Anything goes as long as it is do_nc in a the 1~187 Countr\" ~tusic Award satirical stance. · . ERIC HODSON fnr lws t group) ask t o pla~·-nt universities. Let's just hope most cartoonists and writers That should make the continue to use good judgement and not make a ~1uclcntc, ,met area residents feel mockery of the ruling. Those with s·ome bias - l!ood abci t1t the mselves. Basketball games at GMC The concert will still be against the press will have even more reason :-\ln-t'ssful. 11 don·t belie\·e me. ask the Have you wondered why some end. drown their sorrows or take a folk~ In rhar(!e of hookin[! the people even bother golng to Foi:t _ Roamers seem to focus on shower. ac-t._ for the lfonsas State Fair, their social Instead Hays State baskctbaU games? llfc or the Couples that show up _to· ,\bbam.i has playt•d at the fair etter_s game and usually can·t tell you I ___ L I mean. some people go .but games -probably do so because _ ,:-l'\'eral timl's in the pa;.t decade. -, don't pay any attention to the the final score !!you ask. the guy-was broke and It was a F.ach show was a ;.ell·out. I I game IL<.elf. .. Often times. the roamers v.111 cheap date; The Alabama c-oncer\ will sell There arc sevetal types of leave the game midway lhrough Flnally. there Is our hero. He ls tickt·t<., ,\l.1bama \\'ill put·on a people that show up for a . the second half. This ls . the true fan, the one who goes to .:nod ;.how, typical Tiger home game. probably because they have watch the game. That is a nire c-nrnbinalion. Swaggart affair treated unfairly • First. there arc the sports worn themselves out. He claps _and chants wtth the lwc;u1se C'':•:rynne will come out enthm,last.<.. Along the same line as the cheerleaders and pep band. He \\'i11twrs, To the Editor. Jimmy Swaggart ls one of the They are the ones that show roamers arc the groupies. hates roamers and drunks, but ..\lahama has _three albums. greatest preachers of this age. up a half hour prior to the game . The groupies differ from the he loves slam-dunks. .Ju,t Cs.· "Create;.t Hits" nnd · Da\•id Burke. University His sermons. on television to scout the opposing team and roamers tn that they remain ln His eyes - will occasionally ·flit· Touc-h'" nn Billboard's Top· Leader - managing editor. ls shown Jn 140 countrtes of the get that perfect seat. one location during the game. warider when an attractive Co11ntr\' ,\!hum,- lbt. extremely unfair In hls world, have led mllllons to a Those- are Individuals who Groupies usually are female \\'alks by,· but th'e Tuat·s \\'nrth the prin_. nf satirically humorous column saving knowledge of the Lord have the Tlger starting line-up members of a sorority or frat- distraction ls only a temporary .vl111i-,."-ion in .i(se lf. not -· ro conslderingJlmrny Swaggart. Jesus Christ. The sooner memorized and can tell you ernity who \I.ill come to the game one. m•·nticm th•· numerous other · It is definitely unfair to say Swaggart Is forgiven and back th~tr season averages. in groups of.six to eight people. He sits In the s ta n d s T0p .l() ,;in;.:J,•, the .l!roup ha,;. the Swaggart matter and the on television. tli.e better. - Hls During the actual game their They usually. wear stmllar throughout the halftime show !1,1rl •hat aren·t r.n tht·:--e albums, · case for Jim Bakker arc the preaching 'Will also show how alJ attention is generally focused clothing or have .the same hair- and dreams of \\1nnlng the Paul Tl:.- s tud ents and surrounclini! same. sinners can be fon!lven. on the game and the score- dresser .md sll together. McDonald Chc-.'Tolet shoot·out. commt1nit ie-. ou ;.: ht to be The way the two men handled The non·Chrtsttan world w!IJ board. At the other end of the thankful for the rnnrert the problem was deflnltely Opposite the sports enthusl· spectrum are the loners. He docsn·.t leave until the :·nmmtlt<·es efforb to find a dissimllar. Swaggart_ agreed have a field day with Jimmy asts arc the roamers. Loners are usually alone for game is over. ;.:ond lnnd. readily answer· to questions Swaggart because they want to Don·t get me wrong. J·m not one of many reasons. He then sits In his car for l 0 · Contr,1~· to popular bt"!1d on from · his superiors - ln the Justify thelr ovm sins... slamming the female sex. but What usually happens Is they minutes in the parking lot tluc. <"ampt1>'. the committee did church. and' he accepted the Swagga,rt. like KJng David. ls nine times out of 10. your got stood up. their friend had to cursing other drivers and 11,c the infornrntion l!athered disciplinary action they tl11: autttcr of ,a gfcat._many roamers arc usually women. work. tl')ey forgot to shower or listening to the post game show from ii,.. concert "-Ur.'e\·, · ordered. Bakker refused- to •i_pu.Ims of praise to our;kind and The roamers have this they were too chicken to ask on KAYS radlo, llir!-. \\'C-re e-xtt•nde;l t0 bawls to be questioned, rejected all merciful and forgiving God. He constant urge to talk with at anyon~ to go \\1th them. )i,lt•d 01] the Sll!"\'t•\·. authority '\\1thln his church. Is also a musician like Da\1d'. least 30 different people during Loners arc usually intent on By the time the post game- Due In tnunni.:· ,rlw 1 lw ,ll(lllin•d, from another group calling Itself Jimmy Swaggart. fell for the of the student se~Ucm and work after halftJme. the Tigers \\111 go. and then he FPr t•xa111plt', \\.httt·sn.ike" a "chw,;h~. - • Wiles of a prostitute named thetr way down to the .opposite They probably go home and smiles. 1th,• c·nlle::t· -.11r.·t·y,- top d 1, ,irel Swaggart has done. I bell~c. Delilah. t n ur clid11·1 t·Xtt·nd 1ntn tilt' just as David the King of Israel Cod restored Samson's power. \!1.J·_,_-,, .... 1. anzc a few extra bucks out only problem. It's in SL Louis. ha\·inl! the ~ame problern It h,,d · dough. moola. green. dlncro you Send$$$. b~t fall.' The b,mds that \wiulcl enrollment Ogures. there are get the picture. of t'it her your parents. !,!rand- p,1rents or other relali\'es. come throu.:h lhls wa\'. either Recently, I've taken to slttlng now more than·l0.000 sore buns And don·t you just love this And. In mv cirrumstanre on the floor In on students ·and several where my parents are cll\·orrc-d. coin[! to DenH·r. K,msas City or those classrooms lltUe character -- $$$. Sc,·cTal of these Instances \\'irhlt,,. rould only play here on where the Instructor wtll allow thousand more sore buns on Its shape Just kind of makes write or rail the other and faculty, administrators and wn11l•I inclucle the fnllnwtn~: week nti,:hts. It. 1:m trying to break. the \·011 fed ~ood .tll o\·cr. docs11·t ll? Honks and tuition ;:ire up expl;:iln; It I rcnt'1ze from thl" number of furniture habit. staff. Also. Is known that - \\'ilh ii vou c-.tn bu\· ;:ilmost 1;1..:;1in), persistent physical maladies. WeU. rnom/d.lCI didn't i-cnrl rr!-pon~c~ that ha-.·c:- ,omt' Around Fort Hays Slate, this c•\·r.-ryl hini{. lfapplness. f\17.zy me an\' mnne\'. don·t vou think throul!h the l'nit·t'rsity T.r;ider • Is a decidedly healthy departure afler time. tend to dominate the ·1 lwy r,11!'-<'d the rf'nlfnwyl.x·); ~arficl Ill. \,interh,ummer(not rrnll~·r our school one of the most remt"mh<'r who \·011 uc.ed II 011 "t11drnts oppo<.t"cl to this lnstl tullon Is misleading Ill fa.kc· plastir vomit. mal!nctlc- th(' llr'-l timl",) · !'Ollr t"rt. men!ly looks Ukc fumJture), and concentrated collections- of The!'e are some or the old rc-fril!t•r;ttnr hold<"r!"i that re- Ht>fnr«" \·011 rxpr<"~., vo·nr l!'I. butt·heads and lowly·thlnkers m,1inst,n·:, thnl h,we hecn used In truth. a significant -..emhle Oreo rooki(•s ancl other All of tht'se ha\"i- b«'<'ll ftr-lcl - d1'-Jl11·.rl",::·t1r<' wir h thr- cnncert rontr1butor In the \\.'Orld. bv all nf i1s. to human physical rtrn!c; In my Humor In Communications at c.1dr of th!'." rnm. openlnA the debate concerning students don·t usually have quite :<.nme time and arhlevlni: fin;:in,ial situation. Tht' romniil\("t' r,,11ld c-l1oose class (Comm 578), Its sorry a name change for the enough of It. the almi~hty senior st;lhl!-. you .rn rxpc:-n~i\'(" b.,nd lh,11 ro11M unl\~rslty. J-,,'!! ll con1ent can be blamed entirely So. ft-el free to u For this reason I take no plastic cash or In Latin ~park the check 1.1.-ntlnl! mode. \\'r .. hnulcl con._1,trr our.. ch'.f'!'I rr~ponMblllty for any ~tud c nt~ transfatlon: cred~ cardus. TI1e dentist found · two ne~· ac-llnn~ pertalnln~ to thi!- l111 ""'' . (Coins wlll not even be r;l\1\ic:-s. Send $$$. \\'~ h.wr ,a11r.-,I O il(' or thr .1r11df."'. (Uni~~. of rnur.-c-. one of Leader mentioned In this wr1lln5t as moc.t pnp11l.ir h:incl~ In 1hr ~I\· c-ar ha.ci been hn. need new thesr- lint'~ wnrk~ and you Tix Unf\-c-rt'ty lr.lC:tt. the official Fon H2r1 State saident ncwi-p."lp<"t. they have deteriorated to llltle rm111tn·. wh1<"h r-nj...,,·c. pl,\\'itll! I'.\ puhi,-.::c:-J TuNdays and Ft1d-=iys. e,r«pl dunr,i: t:nh'!"Ulty holi~,,y•. tal!·itchts. Send$$$. rn-rt\'-e some uni:o.:ll).· ,unounl of or nothing. as cxempllfJ~ by the hrrr-. 0 i1 :1 u rf'kr-ml cmm:: ... uon ;,cmd•. c.r on s;,ccully ann:na~ <><:c.i'.\lons. Un'.\ll:n<-d I f~ll m lm·e. need to 1mi,r-es" mnnr:. \•ou ran trt'.:it ml" to ·" n!,t:>nd, :ire the vie,,.., or the editor In c:ht<:f an:! f>,)t ,~~"lrtly lh<: penny cups located near certain !ft s 1,1kr ,1,h·.1nt.1.:c:- nf 11. ,1ca-, nf the it.:i!T, O!Tlc:n ue loo?~ In 1'ldctn 104, II~. KS G,c,r, I -.:OO!J. re~lsters around restaurants her/him. $$$, lx-rnk1uTI ,11 the nra .. H.'111 I tc-lq:honc: numbcT ts (013) 6'28·5301. Student slJb~r1pt1nn, :ire p:'llci from :irtMty r~: m.'\11 sub-r.i:;ht. Unh'Ct"tty ~der. 19AA

,b.J n,.. · : ... Drn.¥1'.) ::-..- 6,· r., r-r~,,- r~ r'"'r•, ,ur ~")r. • .r.. s.- ..:,.,,~ ";>. ';><,er~ ,J f3r~z•: ""' UC:t.,..~·,.,~ ....· .... - c,,v.,;-r~..,

~~~~~:r~;~-~~:AMitttant Ut...... -~?!l;:-t.:t:: :...... - ...... :_:~:;mlffflthe1° ~n 8pon8 !::T:!·- ·,-;;···-·····===--_._._... ::: ::::.:·:.:::::::::~::::::::~ ,._.. Uta_,,_·-----·-···------·····-····--····-Br.ad Shr:adtt ~l.---··----··-···-·········-- ······...... NcU ~n ~--·-·-··-Cbc.-doa Me iu -·--··--·-·-·-----·-·------·--·-....JunC-S=Franu .~ llw~ M i1.1-- ··------·--·- - ·-~hn,on halltJ Alhtla------·-·-··-·-····-·---- Fooay,Febuary26, 1~ THE UNIVERSITY LEADER

• ·..,I SGA approves student health increase ,J d . '(. By DAVID BURKE they're chaq~tng." Douglas said. from bulk quantities has sent to emergency business and Alpha Kappa Psi, a proks -- /' Managing Edhor Student health services at brought inquiries from the state unanimously approved· a reso- slonal business honorary. w a s FHSU are fr~e _to students. wllh . Board of Pharmacy, Douglas lution to support financial as- given $732.75 In appropriations With a unanimous vote, the the except Ion of $1 for \'lslls said It Is a way to save money for sistance to Forsyth Ubrary. money for a business vis it to _with the doctor. the students: New Orleans. . >_-: Student· Government Assocla- · The resolution signified Nlhe . ~f ()i :::· ;:'. ~-. ·.:t··>\t~:y: tlon agreed to a 75-ccnt fee In- Douglas said the price for ap "lfwe had to liuy the prepack· support from the student popu- In first reading. the lnterna - · crease for lhe Student Health average office call for any Hays· a~ed thing, It would really eat lation of Fort Hays State univer- tlonaJ Student Union requested Center. physician ls $21-23. wlth med!- Into our budget," she said. sity Tor the funding In full" of the $432.75 In appropriations to ~~!_:~_-.'. ··:-: >.:: -~:}::H Kathy Douglas, student health cal Ion costln~ $6-10. ..We just don't spend a lot of library. help fund the Its Cultural Fair. . • Cath6Uc Dloc:cee or Wlc- . . center director, said the ''\Ve are asklrig for a maximum ·· money foolishly." Dee Jantz. Hutchinson senior, The allocations blll's. fi rst : hUa placement lntervlewa . .. Increase was the ·nrst since .. of $30 per semester:· Douglas · Some senators questioned the was unanimously approved to reading al next week's nieetlng. tnPlckcn 100. : 1982. when It was raised from 90 said. -nicy (lhe students ) ~cl number of students who use the fill the open humanities seat. chairman J ack Schmitt sa id: :;~aa.m. <. , cents to the current $1.25 per their money back easily with services. Douglas said that al- ·,-~ Kansu Mus)c -Ed~~i~~:·. : credit hour. Just one lime." thou~ 6;591 was the number of :~·AssoclaUan · 1n-serv1ce •·. 'With this Increase. we won't Included In the Increase :ire 5 those contacted through stu- workshop at 8 -a.m~ at< have to go lo Student Govern- . percent pay raises for the I wo dent health, about 1,300 stu- :·ccntuiyll ln WlchJ~ _: ·. ='·;_ ,' ·.: ment and ask for a fee Increase nurses In the office. According dents used the services. for four years," .Doug!~ said. to l>ouJ.!las, the nurses are ~ct- -BlU Jellison. vice president for • • • 4 , • : •.- • ~-- :'":,,. . • " .. ' •. • · ' : : . : . ,;•_.:! . . • • • •• ' ·· • Intcrvarstty .. C~riattan · 'That Is our ~on!. tlnJ.! 13.2 percent less than studentaffalrsandSOAadViser. :-BY KRISTIN MONTGOMERY· · ln lhe. Republican mock . FclJowshtp--- meeUng at 7 · 'We woultl be back In one to nurses at other unt\'crslllcs In said that although the nuinbcr . · Staf.f Writer. - ' . ''prlmary election , Oole won · p.m. In the Memartal Union . two years with a 50 cent In- · the slate. · seemed rather low to some stuc n1e \'Ole is In. -with 39 ,voles. George Bush ·Frontler Room. • · crease," she said. ·n1c scn·ices provided by slu- dents. he would consider lt as · Robert · Dote. -;won the came next with n ine vote3. l'al · Wllh a 15 credU hour llmlt on dent he.nlth arc more than m;iJor hig.h. _ - Republican · primary· by 30 Robertson followed with four • 1\venty-fol11'1n>ur Rock-a- ... student fees. the cost for student medic-al scl'\·trcs. · ··n1at ~.300 to 1,400 may seem · votes In the fort Hays State :voles and Pierre-du Poi1t and . thon for cystic fibrosis , . health al Fort Hays State Is Douglas snld mai1)' of t he ~Ill· small, but to me that's an ex- · mock election of the Re- Jack Kemp tied with .two begins at 6 p.m. at the· . $18.25. · . clenls who come to student trcmcly large number," Jellison · publican · and Deinocratlc v.olcs. Alexander Haig did not · Holtdaylnn. Douglas compared the ser- health are \\;orried with more said. "Pe_ople pay for police pro- prtma.ries.- ·· · · .receive any votes. . ~. vices ·at FHSU's sister schools. . minor medical problems. ·such tectlon and fire protection. and . On Feb. 18 and 19,-KFHS The Democratic mock pri- Emporia State University and as worr,1rig about colds. hope to God they don't have to and MUAB sponspred · a mary elec\lon was closer. wtth ' SATURDAY Pittsburg Stale Unl\.'erslty. "We -provide a lot of assurance use II. College Satellite Network Jesse Jackson wtnnln~ with \. . - - At Emporia State. students to the students," she said. "You rnay look at this as ex- special on the_ Election '88 . nine votes a n d Micha el •·Real estate Ucensing '. pay $27 for a full-time docior Medlcatfon, also pro'.'ldcd to pensl\'e, but It Isn't as expensive PresldcnUal Candidates. Then OuKakls and Cary Hart iyln~ _ . 7:45 In Exam at a.m. Rarick (who Is nlso the sports team the students, Is a sa\'lngs to anyone who has to use It." OR Feb.·22 and 23,'MUAB had for second with slx votes. 206. physician). a part-time doctor . passed along to them. Douglas Jellison the next step would to a · mock · election . in· the Richard Gephardt recei\'ed and l\\'o nurses. said. have the bill arrive on FH SU Memorial Union. . five voles, followed bv Albert • Regional Math Contest at At Pittsburg State. students In 1986-87. the cold medicine President Edward Hammond·s Fifiy-five, students and one Core·. with four and Paul s a.m. In the Memorial pay $18 for services with no Aclifed was_bou~ht in quantity desk for his appro\'al. faculty member voted In the Strnori with three. Union. doctor, a full-time and part-time and repackaged to students a t a From there. Jellison said, It Republican primary. . For the · ".We were pretty pleased registered nurs~ and a cost of 12 cents for 12 capsules. would i:io to the Board of Regents Democrats, 33 students. and wtlh the turnout.~ Lisa Morll7.. • Word processlng work- pharmacist. The O\'er-the-countcr price fo r for a first reading at Its April two faculty members voted. Arts, F ilms and Lectu n:s shop with the Small Busi- "In some ways we're better off 12 capsules Is $1.85. pouglas meetln~. and action at lts ~tay · There were two wrtte•ins. · Chairperson at MUAB: said. ness Development Center at at Fort Hnys State. but our costs satd. · meetln~. in .9 a.m. McCartney 215. .nre not out of JJne With what Although the prepacka!!lng In oiher business. the SCA MONDAY CULTURE. ------~--- • Senior recital. · R l ck ContinuedfromPage1. ______.• : _ GA~NDOPENING. . I Schwab; at 8 p.m. in Malloy 115. · going to take courses that do not Amnck's bill states that FIISC option. which students could ci.1rrently requires fmir physical la ke In ldu of o ne of the four I 2 f · 1 COUPON 1· count toward their degrees." or · Amack said. educ-atlon credits to ob tain a n p!Jysiral eclt1 c-alion credits , was I undergraduate de¢ree. while more logtral. TUESDAY Another ·cultural enhance- World's Greatest Haircut . 1;· .. - I other _ Board of Rc~ent "I thinktheblllhas some j:!~I BRINGAFRIEND•BothHaircuts _ , ·. • Wal-Ma:i:t · placement ment proposal. not drafted bv unin:rsltles In K;insas onlv merits . I ha·.:e been here fi\·e I ,,.,._ ·1 Amack, is to haYe Instructors Interviews at 8 a.m. in require l\i·o phys lcaf edu r.J tio·n y ears . but have only been ONLY promolt: cultural enhancement credits or less to graduate. attcncli1H! cultural e\·ents for I I i Picken 100; In their classes. t 'The best ~elution. in tti\' mind. about Che past two years. · $_&· -~ - I Amack doesn't think that I. - ___ 1·· · • Marketing· Club meeting. for -the lar k of cultural enrich- ··tfsou would ha\·e asked me 1( , ... ' l would be as cffeCU\'e. I at 6:30 p.m. in the Mernortal. "I think Instructors ha\'e been 1 . Union TraJls Room. . . promoting cultural e\·ents ln . ~nr~:\\1ea~ :~·l~a~~~~ie ~; , $ course. Ther~~Gra! problem was fi tlin r:! freshman . I probaWy wou ld A~sPiE....~o"R. ~~~E :_ -~·.,, .,·~. · -~ ,, --~_, their classes for years. I don't . I • . Spurs meeting at 7 p.m.. 1n it'inlo the cuni nslum. han.• ,-,;i. icl no. · f think that is the answer to make "It would be hard to fi t tlw the Mcmortal Union Pioneer students more aware of the 23 Lounge. cullural events on campus:· he on e -h n ur rour,-e into tl1t· ·1 wa s s u rprised to find out 1-'?.=lll!rmr---...... •s-.---- Inside the Alco Store 1 1-:eneral eduration requirements how m any cultural programs j ;• j 27th& _Vine628-l 111 · -l said. because the~· are !>C't \~P a;. - ()rrur on ca mpus. and I think I I I 11~- _ • .- _ I t ,·.• Wal.-Mart gr Gu p The . second premise of . ! • three-hour requir<:>lllt'nt s:whir h wn11lcl h ave atte nded more • Midwest's Favorite prcsentatlon at 7 p.m. lri the ' Amack's blll is to eliminate one I s· • e I Memorial Union Frontier of lhe phystcal educallon one- w o uld m e an some re - cVt·nt,. when r was youn~er. if 1 . A1P Cl1P Haircutters Room. · hour requirements. or_r:!. asnti7.e.. ~ dti.onArn:· h.~ecks adlcle.r lcl ~ct tlt.·it would hzwe bee1_1 en ticed to d"J n Expires March 31• 1988 ·_ 10 .. .. , , :::o hv a course like this one.~ · · · Amack's proposal states that L .I ,WEDNESDAY physical education Is a valuable making thecourseolTerect a s an .-\mat·ks;-iid. • ------experience. ·but requiring four units In this area to obtain an • Wal-Mart placement undergraduate d ~gree Is a · Interviews at· 8 a.m. In questionable policy. · Picken 100. "I'm not down talk.Ing physical educa tion. 1 think It is b ene- '. • Pepsi-Col~ Bottling ficial. but 1 think- four hours Is Company placement· too much," he said. Interviews· at 8 a.m. ·In Amack said that opponents of Picken 100. his blll might ar~ue that taking away · a physical education . • Small and Banning requirement and the adoption of Super Student Savings placement Interviews at-·a- a cultural enhancement cou rse a.m In Picken 100. s_hould be d ealt with In s eparate , ...... , ...... - ··$~..:o, ::;:Z!/2C:::ZZ.:;:;;:::;~40;:;g ; ; ·i 4ZMt k hA~s! bills. ,, • Prayer services at noon at "Some people may say that trs ., the Ecumenical Center. like discussing apples and · Sbdh and Elm streets. oranges, but a fter doing some res ea rch, phys ical education $ 2 • 2 1 • Campas committee seemed like the best choice for :; I meeunc at 3:30 p.m. 111. the the subslllullon,M Amack said. I· diets lb. box ·. Memorial Union Prairie \l · ·'·:( .""- ,. ,. -:-·-: ·=-:·~·.. -.,.. ·.,. •,, r:• ·;' ·,: ,..,~. : .-~·.-•.• ,:,,v>••...-..::-,t:-,,-,...,c...... : S,:,J,...,;,H··N1.-.•..-..:· ,,...,,.·..,.?.h:.,...,'C.¢,.,.~ .w...... -r"..J Room. ~7·:-- ~ ~:·::.·:.~·~:~~~~-~::-::;-c~.::-~~ -;~...,_,....'i""7-""'.;$:S,"-- =-====~ -""::?;1 • Alpha Kappa P a 1 . .., execuUve commtttee meeUng at 6 p.m. ln the. Old Milwaukee $ 6 • 4 9 Memorial Union FronUer .. Stage Crew Beer 24 pack Room. · · · Needed • Alpha Kappa Pal meellng for spring conccn. at 7 p.m. ln the Memortal Those interested must Union TraJL. Room. - sign up in the MUAB • Philosophy Department office on second floor colloqutm at 7:30 p.m. Jn the Memorial Union. Memorial . Union State •Deadline for Room. application is 3 p.m. Wednesday, March 2• r·7::=:~~-- --""""'-'-Z W 3'l4L.!$..m "8, i&• THURSDAY lnicrviews arc 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. Marth 2, in the Memorial Union • Spun meeting at 3 p.m. 111 i_: Red Baron $ 2 •.9 9 the Memortal UDIOn Pralrte . Stouffer Lounge. - Pizza Room. .. Those who han worked btrore and want to work • Student'- Oovernmeat ,.,., ..,.,...... "-'.. again, mast sign up. .. -~------...,------~ AUodaUOn meetlnl at 7 . ,. .'' ""''"""·"'·-=---'lt'A--- =,._--- """"'----~ p.m..ln the ~Union ,: Pioneer LN:mp . . Pepsi • Farmaa Coop banquet ·at . 2 -liter $1.08 . 6:30 p.m. In the. Memodal , Security Crew tc-..~,..,,.., ,______. Union BaDraom. ,_. Needed • Smok1ng ci-aUon Clinic:_ for spring concen. at 7 p.m. lJ1 the Memona1 Those interested must UnJon SunfJower'lbeater. . . sign up in the MUAB • MUAB-RHA.- M09te ,Nl&ht office on second floor at 8 p.m. at the ~Docli- - Memorial U : . ruon. •Deadline for INEOBNATIQK application is 3 p.m. . • The Campus Calendar ls _ Tuesday, March open . lo · all aludent s• tnravicws arc 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. organ&uUons lo ar:anounce upcomtnc even ls. . · PJeaae Match 8, in the Memorial Unioo 2522 ViNE -- OPEN 24 HOURS -- NEXT TO ALCO •ubmll Uctn5 at least thref; Srouffer Lounge. days In advance·.. . ·ol: Tllose who han worktd · publication . to· the Leader. btfore a11d want to work afflce. Acken 104. - •. . . . ,. . . ; acaia, •ast sip up. ·.. - ... : . .,,;. , _;' . .. y .. . ,. • • • -'ii• l

I• :,_ University Leader

'1' . ¥ t ; @ Jlo·· · 't --rr- i s- -· ni i - @- ' n;; •, THE UNIVERSITY LEADER I tt . .I.L,. t¾.. _ ·. ?_ IEr t t{. -.tL ·· &l • il LJ. JJ.il Li : . i A t J Frday, Febualy 26, 1988 • PaJe.4

KFHS radio plans fo'r spring i~clude remotes,. giveaways

By KIM KONKEL Corbin said she hopes th!.; go to the dorms and Into Staff Writer wtll locrease student awareness residents· rooms. The residents or the campus station. tl1en have a chance to announce KFHS-AM, the student-run "We wtlt stay with reg!:llar Top a song on the air. Kristy gives campus radio station, ls Jn full 40 the rest of the lime, but Uyou . away prlzes like posters." Cor- operation for the 1988 spring .want to hear something like bin said. semester wllh a new stalT an~ heavy metal. then you will know new promotions. · when lt will be on,"' Corbin said. KFHS broadcasts to the resl· The staff Is elected to each According to Corbin, the cur- dencc halls on GOO A..\1 from 3 :30 poslllon by students tn campus rent promotion Is Monday Ram- to 11:30 p.m. Mondny through page. 'llrnrsday and 7:30 to 11 :30 p.m. operations class, which meets on Sundays. · at 3:30- p.m. every Monday to '"Krtsty Love and her assistant plan the upcoming week for the station. KFHS-TV 12 Although staff members are Schedule for Feb. 29 to March 4 not paid. they receive one credit hour for successfully complet- MONDAY 8 :00 - tlnlnnlty 1n I! campus operations. . -:------,-..------Sp.m. HoneyW«t 8 :30 BatllctbaD: n ISU ,.,,. The KFHS spring staff Jn- _ ~:3:> Mad Doi,t Cartoon• 1'.1nha11dle Sla lc. Unh•enlty 0kb. eludes the following: Connie 7'.: Uncensored Corbin, Pratt Junior, station e:oo Richard Brown'• THURSDAY mana~er: Doug Bach. Jetmore Scre<:nJoi: Room 6JUT\. NcW'I 12 senior, chief announcer: Rob 9 :00 Rlchard Diamond 6 :15 To be annoWlced NcwCroOTN 6 :3) Unl•enlty 9'30 Karnes. Hoxie Junior. assistant 7:00 NewGroov" chief announcer; Mark Scott. TUESDAY 8 ;0() HoneyWttt ·Towner. Colo. sophomore, ·pro- .,.6_p._m.______,..,...---,---- \Jnive~lty 8 ::)0 Mad D~ Cartoon, 9 :00 NrW'I 12 duct Ion director. ~ilke Lower. s ::ic, 'Unc:rnsored Sublette freshman. news direc- 7:oo Honey West 9 :15 To be announced Mad Dog Cartoons 9::1) Richard Bro111n·a tor; Mike Koerner. Havs fresh- . ;:~ Rlchard Brown·, Scrttnlng Room man. music director. · · Screening Room Eric Richards.- Ellsworth se- s::JO Richard Diamond FRIDAY . i 6pm. New Groovrs nior, assistant music director 9:00 New he said '"we're kir:kin~ . . . Phcto by Jean Walker around." Hem:-· metal. hour. a Allen Ross performs one of the songs from his 11st of over 100 setr•penned·tunes at the Backdoar. rolle)!e radio show and some last night. Ross has recently completed a musical score to a British Broadcasting System kind of t,1lk show .tre all possi- ble SUJ.!.L!CStions. . Tac documentary 'Son of a Gun'. The next performer to appear at the Bacl:(door will be Michael John at 8 p.m. March 23 and 24. · ~·~·---;.•.•.•.•.·.-.·· ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::" · Funn~- Taco 95~

'Purlie' next for Encore Taco Salad Supreme $1.66 111e Bro.:iclw:w musical "'Purlle" 111c 12th St reel Auditorium Now Renting will be prcsent~cl at 8 p.m. Tues- sC'als 900, In c:omparlson with day as part of the Enrore Series. 300 sc-.i ts in F'eltcn-Start. \\'cclncsday Sancho $1.13 A :-.'ew York tourlnJ! company "' P11rlie ... bnse

BRo0 .,. 8 p.m. BEER Presents -~~- - llackdoor FEATURE of the.WEEK Fch. 26th Old Milwaukee PRIM ADON NA ~---·_Regular or Light 5 An 246.69 pack cans Operatic Spoof Su~ ! to ,wa1l.1bum, ,,nd Q'.J.!nrtly limttatiOni crc,1t cd & rcrtl,nned .------~------,I I Hank's Party Mix by ~l/l~l 2522 Vine I <,/[<,cl.ir/ I Centennial Center Hays 625-7618 Mary Lou Fallis • I I ! 30 days for $30 ! Monday, March 7 - I I 8:00 p.m. I Get your Limit first I \VELC0t\1E Telten Start Theatre 50 only Ccn . .-\~lnw-,,lln . ·_:. tltl ! i ST ATE \YRESTLERS 1 Un,fcr I~ & Sr C1t1 1cn, - ·; (\ & FANS FHSU Student~ · 'I t't' I SPRING I rRl:\IAOONNA ,, ., I Jl"t, ll:t" , , • .,, ,·rt tlw.,r11· , h,>\\ \\ r1 th·11 .1n,! r-..-r ~omburger, Fries, $ 2. 9 0 r,-.~l !,\ \.I.Jr, I nu L,11,, '" :th th,· _.,..,,,t.1n, ,. ,,1 lie.1th l..111,l-.·rt, 1·I BREAK I thr r,-..1,¾c-·nt "'m" ,.;("T111r- ,•t thf" ~hJ,~ ft,1,, .11• It ,, l•\ !urn, Salad & Medium Drink hum,..,.,,u, .in.! :n,•, in~ ~-.-nctr.1:in~ .11 ..l thrr,l!lt ..... 11 ,, .,_,..... th,· ri, ,n._ ,t.1r ,,t l.1 rr1m.,.!,•rtn.1 thr,•u~h th,· m1J,1,.1I t11rn.1m,·nt Fr,•m ho FflC -Friday . $ 4 8 9 1,r-.1 r11H1, Tt'\ 1IJI ffl .) !-!-lr,k ?"l r,11! ~ .,t thr .l~I' , , , 2 . . ,,, ttw ,lll,,lt-.. TAN NOW!! uTII tnl•uL1t11"'1• ,,t m1l'h '"ti,.11, !•• h,•r m, ·n.,.! r,•I,, ,•n .11"',l ,•fl i I Pitcher & Platter • , t.u..-r th1, rRl\.1 -\!"'I\'''·\,, .1 r.1rt' Hn,,1 ,,1 ·.irr h1~h ....,,,. ,!\' .111,! h,~c, I 714 E Seventh St. 628-6468 I ~---.....---s...... ••.,,•uc.--.01,t1~~"• 507 w. 7th SI. Rcrou f,-om campus 625-9892 -i.... -'""'-dl,-Ntfl'f/A _.,__ L L-----~~------~------• University Leader

i..,_, ·. - \·:: ..,:' ·; _ -: .. -·-.... _ _ ; X . o,oi;~-. , Ir'·. ft.: . . ,! THE UNIVERSITY LEADER• Friday, February 26, 1988 • P~es • '--S. P. } Spartans unbeaten at home Tigers· ready for _:finale standout Lonnie Sanders, 6-6 23·4. and ranked -10th In the By MIKE MARZOLF senior avera~lng 10.1 rebounds Sports Editor NAIA Division I poll. a game. · was held io just 12 Currently, · the Tigers arc points by the Tigers. second ln the Dlstr1ct 10 Dunkel With Just one game before the On the season, Sanders Is playoffs and the Fort Hays State rating and will, In all llkellh~. a\•eraglng 20.8 points a ~ame, play Frlend.s University tn the basketball team hm·lng a good and last season was a trl-MVP Idea who It wUI play. the final opening round action of the In District IO. · He was also an playolTs next Wednesday. game of the .season seems honorable mention All- meaningless. The Tigers wlll be guided by American selection. Ronn le. Thompkins. who On one hand, It lsn't, said Morse Isn't sure the team can Head Coach Bill Morse, but -un a\'era~cs 20.2 points a game for· stop Sanders like lt was able to the Tigers. the other hand. ll Is a big game In Hays, but Instead. the Ti~ers for the Tigers. The 6-8 junior also leads the must-try to contaJn him. team In rebounding with a 9. 7 111at matchup will be \\.iUt the "I think we.can control him," ·Maryrnount Spartans Saturday. a\·erage. · · . Morse said. "I don't think we can - Behind Thompkins ls 6-2 in Salina. · · hold him like we did last time. The District 10 aJfalr\vlll mark senior guard Mark Harris. "Our big concern Is to play as Harris srnres 17.4 points and the 205th game for Morse as the a mobile team that ls going to Tigers· head coach. Currently. leads the team In assists with cut down their fast break." 4.7a game. \1orse Is 173-3 l. for nearly a The fast break the Spartans .850 winning percentage. Thomas Hardnett., a 6-9 "II ls not a cruclnl game as lar run stems from three starters senior. averages l 0. l points for under G-0. \•/hlch creates the Tl~ers. He also gets 6.5 as the playoff momentum Is problems for the Tigers. concerned.'' Morse said. "We are rebounds a game. · 'They play three guards. which Antoine Wllltamson starts at Just going to go In and play a fun gl\•es us a llttle trouble ln n game. ancl try to beat them the point guard position, where they h,,ven'l been beat." matchup," Morse said. "They shoot a lot of three pointers and scortng ~.7 points and averaging The Spartans are 12-0 on 3.2 assists. we are going to tiy to take that their home Ooor, Smoot The fifth spot wt! be filled by Gnnnasium. which seals about away from them:" F'ollowtng Sanders. ts Joe either Bretl Buller or Mike 1800 people. makin!! it an !\fansfield. ~tiller. extremely toll~h place lo play. Mansfield, a 5-10 point guard. Buller,·a 6-7 Junior. scores 8. 1 L,st ;.'-.tonday, the Spartans scores 17.3 points a game and points a game and gets 4.9 showed ;u·st how tough It Is lo also leads the te;im In assists at rebounds. while Miller, a 6-6 . play on fhcir horne floor, as-they 3.1.- Junior: ,wera.ges 5.7 points and i. . handed Washburn L!niverity !_ts Rod \Vard, a 6-5 senior, scores 3.2 rebounds. · first l~s sin ce Christtirns 10.4 points a game and collects Shaun Mannin~. a 6-2 junior. break. I 0G- i 0-1 . . 5.6 reoounds. will also see a lot of playing The simrtans are 18-1 l on the Todd Rhine is the fourth tlffi!,· especially with the three season. and ha,·e won fi,·e of Spartan starter to ,werage guard offense Marymount their last sLx contests. The only double-figure scoring at 10. l. employs. loss was to the Tigers, In Gross Byron Alexander. a 5-11 ·we will probably be uslni:?: a Memorial Coliseum. 105-67, on senior. rounds out the starting lot of the three guard system," Feb. 16. lin~-up for Marymount. :-.torse said. 'Toa! will help us Durin!! that contest, Spartan FHSU v.·ill _enter the contest with the translstion defense." La~y Tigers end _9n streak;_ Wiles_scores -36 in viCtory

for-~ 8 from the field c1 nd ·a tough to stop on the inside: By TIM PARKS perfect ~ -for-8 from the free Klein said. Staff Writer throw line. Viner Is a \'eraging 17.5 points Kl ein said In the second half a ~ame. The Fort Havs Stale Lndv the Uobcats s.witched from a "It was a bi!! win for us. They•- Tigers· season has been a roller ttian-to-man to a matchup .:one- were a team that we reallv had coaster ride. , -77. ran(!'. and h it ~1 - IC1 tr,,m th· ::,·,· By MIKE MARZOLF DurinC: lh;lf fo~c.. ,\CJ..:ie i:: uarcl 1h mw line . Spor1s Editor F-ric Gru hb~ hit s ix thr<'<'· polnt The Ttcn~ nprn rcl t h r i:: .rnH." Poore named to replace Peltzer fif'l< I J;!n.,ls ancl !',c-orr-d IR point~. 11p with ,1 2~ 1-1 Jr ,d h..f.. rt· In ;all lhe \-rar.. of UIII Mor~.(··~ ·1 hi'- lime around. 11.,rrl'- wa~ 1',1nh,111 Stntl". m.1n -to -man. In hnprs c-f polntc.. Staff Writer free !-afety. lie became an all- tram. ;_omrthlnl! h;ipp('nccf :1,::aln"-t hnlchni: down lite hl~h <.rnrlnJ! r11St : tlu.•n ,;m d1t firt'. :.,kine ronfert'ncc plrk his senior year: "If I would have thou~hl that P.1nhancllr S1:-ite t:nl\·r~lly ),1st r.n1hh". ., -t 7 ·2 ~l lr .1d Into thr ln.-l,r-r- Tile Fort Hays St:1tc: a lhlcllr. \'lnC'ent s.,tcl . h e couldn't help U!\ out. I Tur~d.-.v th.1I hr h-l"- n<"\·er !.rrn 11.H rh cl 1d one bcttt·r lh,m rrVJtJ l. department announceJ After ,:raduallon. Poore ,~·011l durlnl! 1hr 111n111('ktn., .i l<-n r,•ii".- r,·:I I I Hll!h School and FHSU. h~n here so Joni:., that's one nf ~.Jl'ff doe:<, a i:oo<)"\ltlon at l':orthcm ~aw when he picked me.· roo~ "R.,nclv \l.";'15 a ht".1cl co..1rh :it :1 IL-.,~.- '.\tn~ ~"lld. 1 don't think I lt1.1t· cldc n<.t\·r rfTorl C,t\' <" llllnols Unt\·erslty as offensive S."llcl. Cnlnr;ido htch :r.c:hool who r.1mc ha~-e h;id th:'lt h;'lpprn tn my 11.,rri'- ;1 prr!l-ll~" ll'- :iw.ucl frn m 111 clo 11hlr fo:11 rr". \\l: h 1:-, . •111 , ! line co.'\ch. ·rat has a J:;ood knowletii;;e of herr a l s emr<,ler. He will br lifrtlmr • thr hr-,1cl rn.1rh. ~r.1hlw-cl nmf' rrbn1111 d , ·rete harl a \"ast knm\·ledi:;e of the Jtamc. Bcc:tu~e of ht" u-nrkin~ v.1th the nmntnt b.-.rk.'\ Am i. tt h .1" ~rn .1 ~11rn"1,ful ,\·r c .1\·e htm ,, m,1d clnc: '.\t1ke '.\lillrr .. r nr l'rl I .) 1""1:11<-. •• the ,:!ame. He c:1me up with an cfefenstve cxper1enC'e, he will .mrt ~lot~.· ~,1'.'o" tn the ~Ir~ In Gnodu.Tll. tha '\e wl're from three -point th.in they h.1rl hn-n of lJf(' " ' . , · ,. ..

Fooay, Fetruary 26, 1008 THE UNIVERSITY ~ER Page6 POORE. Continued from Page 5. ------"Since I have been here for a plus for our situation:· Poore this amount of time, It helps me · said going Into the position. He said that the Tigers will "I know the players and the spend a lot 91 time with hoth the recruits. It's an easier. transition option and the:: passing game, for all Involved," Poore said. because of the experience of the Poore will be taking control of returning players as well as an experienced offense and a Junior college transfers. · sophomore quarterback. Craig "Offensively. we arc going to Moddelrnog, wllh one season have more depth up front. Plus, behind him. our corps of receivers ls deeper:· · 'With Craig, you've i!ot .a gu)• Poore said. who has been through the wars. ·-nits Is a )!real opporturilly for He's got a good understanding of Pat and he. should take our offense, and that's ~ol to be advantage of lt;' Vincent said.

• 'The 3~2~ lA\~~t~ ·~ -~in, '. toumaincnt·wlll take place'at Cross · Mcmortal Coliseum ,. .lassifieds ~oday a!)d tomorrow. :'. .. • / : --.._,...~.• ,,-l,,,.__ :... · Flrat round acUon will begin · · at lOa.m. today. Flnals-W11l be~ ·at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow. · · · Photo by Donald King Jr. open bowling. A pair ot Royal Valley High .School wrestlers practice In preparation for the 3-2-1A state · Intramural. PERSONAL. FOR REI'jT .doubles will be Feb. 28 at 7 / wrestling tournament In Gross Memorial Coliseum today and tomorrow. Scott Albright, junior, p.J!!.. at the bowling alleysJn·:;. practices manuevers with teammate i:im Mart!n1 senior, as many schools arrived yesterday. . Stl•\ ' l ' \kct me Saturcla,· Oi,t', l\\'111 hnu.,c,. bills paid. Intramural - basketball surgery today. Purtill has been · Lucke said that If the Tigers \' t1\l' , \1.L. By TED fl2~·S.J:'rl lir l,:,.!j.~k-..)0. playoffs · will begin next HARBIN out for two weeks. had hit their routines. tht:v Monday . e\•enlng In the Staff Writer Cary Hertel, who was out for · probi'\bly would have won llie Fr/El-: c wrs wilh paid re11i. most of season · with meet. Conf, IL nti; 1l. 1·.1nm:. . pn:c- Cunningham Hall gym- the an narn·v c11u w,di11c. r<'fcrra)., for 1.2 .:1 h ·dr.,,,m apartJnt•nb one The Fort Hays- $late Injured left ankle. Injured her "Texas Women's has a strong pre 11·,11,il ,·arc, adopl lon , hl,H'k fr.,nt <';unpu,-,. Call Deb at · naslums. · tl2:-) r,,~,~ .l. or t 22 l H. .\:o\\.'' gym~nast s team will tan1tle rlj!hl ·knee in practice Tuesday. beam lea 1n. aml although they a h nrl1on and l,>\\' ·<·o-,t birth ;2:-> with . l nallon's No. 1 NAIA d on't ha\'e a lot of clifficultv on c·untroL \ ·1..·t1t'rea1 cli"'-t':t ~l.· "There. ls a possiblllly that c-h1..Tk'-\ ·for ?lH.'?1 and '"-'O ITIL'tl. team Ce~nary Colle)!e, La.. there . is lorn cartilage.· floor. they nre _clean," Augu;tinc 1',\ I' tt·,t-. 11\' a w oman HELP WANTED STATE tonlg t. -Augustine said. / said. · J1 . 11·t ..,nc·r. ·call Planned •,, rl·llthood, l;'.!k -24:3-t . 1lin ::..:I GO\'l'rl11\h,:nl , tohs .. "Centenary. typically. has a Augustine said tha t facing the Hinojosa said that the Tigers l \'<>u r ,1:·,·:i. SI ,,.01)() -::>,1,H .OOO . strong ~nasties program. and nalion's top team doesn't worry are just trying to impro\'e in <.:.,:: 1, ;(\:.!; :-::~ :--;~ci:i. r:xr:,t•.f.J • Was hburn University an- ts very· strong In academics." the Tigers: every meet. . \\'0 :'-1E\ 5 llE.\!.T!l CAHE for F~:D~: rn:,, ST..\~·;-: & C l\' 11. nounced. yesterday _that Head Coach Tawnlla Augustine . "We ha\'e this thing against ,-luo - · Yvonne Hinojosa. San Antonio. ConfH!t-11:i,d cn11traccpt1,-c FJ1t'._;:_l. \ (r1:-in!tL :2 -i l ir. team. Colorado will join the Tigers in a Texas senior. said. . beat them." Lucke ~cl. (:l,un,l·hnc at'1d pa ·cnanrv ~c,:,- After a team vote, It was triangular wHh Centenary According to Aui!usllne. tJ:'\C . n o , ·:~;1:-l!l'. C;1!i'ti2~ -5 :112 for Tomorrow. UNC . and FHSU decided that Sumler could tonight. Is \'ery strong on the ,·ault. She an ;1pp:1:n,n11.: nt. MISCELLANEOUS return- to the Ichbods for Augustine said that Centenary . will go from Shreveport. La .. to snld that FHSU wlll also ha,·e a playoff action. . · has scored between 140 and 144 Denton. Texas for a -triangular clean floor exercise. . D.J. ;1\'atlablc: for ·p:rrttcs, m eet wllh Texas \Vomen·s r,,:-inah. etc . Hc,1son;1bh: pn<'l', MWe're not going into the S!' '.\'..-\S (hll'" Lnam·c m t crl•,-t i all season: <:\-er.·thinl! p:'ovid.:d. As k fo r , "They'r,i: problem 1s tha t they Unl\·ersilv. · weekend worried about beating ,·ou ·> Join F t"ancial !\.1anal!c· rr.<:nl ,.),-.-. odatio n . '.\'.t.:mher,-hlp Br:i.d. G25;2!) I 5. • Kansas State gtiard.Steve0: have only sLx girls, so they have This will be the second any one or-two par1lcular teams. ! 1<. ·"t'""· '.l:l·xt mei:tinl! is Henson broke· the Kansas to hit all of their routines." Rena m eet in!,! of the sc-ason for a ll .. "We just want a good ,md . Tu,-.::,,_,·. :\'.;i ~<·h l a t 7 :30 p .m. i:1 \\'ill do ty.pl:il! . . Expcrknced State. school record for con~_ Lucke. Pasadena. Md .. Junior, three teams in a trian~ular positive meet for the fort Hays :~-: 1..· \\·t.:1nor:.1l L : ~tl>Tl cak·t<.·ria. \\~:h rcasor~,blc r-,:c~. Call 6 ::? 8· 2b7 l. cxtcns, 1 117 or after 5 secuUve frc:e · thro,ys against · said. . compel it ion. team. and hopefully we'll be able .m.,628- 119. . Iowa Slate last night, as the . . Once again. lnJ~rtes will play a TWU won the Jan. 30 meet In to Increase our qualifying scores WIidcats won the game. 83•66. role for the Tigers. l·favs. with u;-.;c taking second lo both regionals and nationals," T rouble with C om,i. I o r 2'.' · _ Hensc.,n~s-current streak of FOR SALE Cer!: f1t:d E:1;.!ii ,h teacher u1:l Julie Purtill wtll underg(? knee anti the Tigers third. ·· AU!'.\UStine said. tutor rnu Discount \ '!'ll.' r, il· c.: ~ l ~-,() • u t1.i! l l'!-- . ~iu ~t 1: i. ti p .r:i player of the year last season. Esparza ts the only returning Teammate Karl Williams fr'ack tea m todav and tomorrow. All-Ameriran. qualifying for the placed second a t the meet. hlt .301 with 34 home runs.· A team of f3 athletes will ~J thOliCh her lime of 9.3 failed to !!:!...,,,::illll______He ls si:cking $425,00 from 1.000-meter run. an c,·ent In represent the Tigers at the :'\AJA which he-placed fourth last year. qualify her for nationals. the Royals. · ·. . National·Champion s hip meet In ·. Kansas City ls offering the :.tarl\·s Gwaltney leads the Bergstedt Is also the alternate . - Kansas City. Mo. women~s team. qualifyt,ng In two _ for the mile relay. • third-year player $325,000. Accordin~ to AssJsta nt Coach The Royals must sign different events. the "440-yarcl ·Chriss\· Sills rnunds out the Wayne Sager. experience at a dash and the mile relay. ·. women·s· national te.im. as she Tarlabull before March 11_. or I ZED nntlonnl meet is beneficial· to C-U-STOM Gwaltney Is comln!! off a first· wHI compete in the three-mile · they must wall unul May to su ccess. place finish In lhe 440 at the nm. re.:new n_egotlaUon talks. "It sh ould be an inte resting Dis trict 10 meet \\1th a lime of A ltho u g h. todav will mark weekend." Sager said. 60.G. S itts ' fi rst nat(onal indoo r • After 'a · 40-40 tie . In th·e "You ne.,,·cr know at a national · secc-nd · half. the Oklahoma Linda Ragl.;nct. Sally Black rompetllion, s he has expe.rienre WRTERBEDS· meet. I hope our men's t eam Soonr.n pulled away for a Big and Kris tin Amerine will Join at the national level In cross does well: most of them ha\'e Gwaltney In mile relay com- <'Ollntry. 900MAIN Eight. Win over lhe Kansas expcrienre a l a national meet. Jayhawks, 9S.::87. . · . . . and that should come In as a Tiac lhlnl-ranked Sooners, pos tti,•e factor compclltlon. 625-3551 hc-,\V•!\'er, were. held below 100 "Our women ha,·e three Shelter " Padded rails \1assalie Cnits points at _home for only: the· fre s hmen. two sophomores and Northwest Kansas Family· * seco:1d tlmc this scuson. · "'Comfoncrs "' Bedroom Fumirnre a Junior. I hope they do well. but Domestic Violence Sexual Assault O.inny Manning•. who· the experience factor ls s imply "'Sheets * Stereo Cabinets scored 30 potnts on the night, not there," Sager said.· bf(lkc-the Dig Elght'a all-time Jon Haselhors t leads the m c- n Services scortug record tn the cont.est. In qualifying for the national • Crisis Counseling Emerg ency Shelter Manning topped former OU meet In the 60-ya rcl hurdles. • Referral Service Support Groups s t:,r Wayman nsdale's mark. Haselhorst lied for the quick- • Community Education • Sexual Assault i Manning ·v.-as 2.665 career est lime turned In to the meet poh:ts. compared to nsdale's Prograrns Rape Support Students pay· $45 aflcr selling· a new Dis trict 10 • Ad•,ocacy • 24-Hour Crisis Line fomler record of2.66l. and FHSU record ln!;l weekend. L,s t vcar. Haselhors t com- New Toll Free No. 1-333-1360 or 625-3055 Hays. KS peted at"t11e nationa l meet In lhe And neuer NATIONAJ.c S.'\ll\e event. but failed lo ma ke . the cul for the fina l heat. You won't find a ~lier T he m en's two-mile r e lay selection of first run • Fourteenth•ranked · North team of Ruben EsparT.a, Don feature films anywh~rc! Carollna ~late . upset No: 5 Ur unzell. Ramon Lope7. a nd . Join our video club and Du~e. 89-78, Wednesday :\1ike Filley turned In lhe fourth Nowln s,,vE~OW! c:vcntng. - foste~t lime to lhe meet. • The Wolfpack trailed 74-70 Tl.1e mcn·s two-mile also with three and a half mlnutes qualified last year. with Espn17.a ~Nfflt BEER ten ln the contest. but nnd Filley competln~ for the L ' Amour,~,,.._~ outscored the Blue Devils 19· second year In a row. litt/e$! 4 In the rcmaJndcr or the game 1-,ny Wood Is the a lternate for .ioo E Eighth St. to cl.Inch the wtn. ·. . ... · rela y. a nd qualified on his own . ln the mile nm. • 111c Los Angeles Raiders Steve Boxterma n·s hl~h Jump KAISER-DALTON nanowed the 11st or possible helj,!hth of 6 - 10 was three- head coaches to ave. . . • qu:trlers of an Inch off the PARTY MIX ·Leading the list·1a Dcn a na tional Also under conslderaUon: . arc three Raider aulstanta, Charlie Sumner. Tom Walsh and Sam Orunebcn. • Lynn Hardy has rejoined SPE·CIAL the . Missouri Tiger-a •S2 Pitchers every Friday• basketball squad. after recovcr1ng from back tnJurtes.· GoLDENO Hardy wa~ cleared_ . bX ·· · · · · ·· · · ·coui>or-i -· · -· · -· ·- · doctors and by a· unlverally : Specials panel that reviewed · hts · academic status. Fish $1.50 Hamburger & Fries • The Boston Celttca acquired ··· the Portland • Coupon gOOd for 1 ,3 lb. Tratlblazcrs all-Ume leading : Lean Beef and Fries acorn. Jim Paxson. ln return Shrimp $3 1 . g g · (or .Jetty SCtchlng and future Luncheon Dinner Delinrics ccnslderaUons. , · -- • If you haven't picked up your copy of the Reveille. you may ". To foe' .Puaon. mue·room 809 Ash Hays 625-6913 : Expires 3/J 1/88 do so at the Student Service Center Friday 4. Boston watftd Daye.::_. through March . . -~ --- - ...... 1:~ ... .. ---~- ... .. ---. ------. ------.