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Volunteer Fireman Charged with Three Counts of Arson

Volunteer Fireman Charged with Three Counts of Arson

Serving Our Loyal Readers Since 1875 ASBURr rAKK rUULIU ASBURY PARK,

-BILLO TN ‘>IHWd AdDaSb •3AW 1S3I3 OOS 'an Giiand Aanasd Z .6 /T 3 /3 T 9TT0 T

VOL. CXX NO. 4 TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE, N.J. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2,1995 USPS 402420 THIRTY-FIVE CENTS Your Town MARLBORO PSCHIATRIC Times Around Town HOSPITAL MAY CLOSE page 14 Lino Asbury Park - Ocean Grove Ready For Action Speaks O ut Ocean Grove Homeowners Respond Strongly Pg. 5 Bradley Beach page 5 by Denise Herschel very worried that the population and 28 percent of ping ground for the deinstit­ The state’s recent an­ availability of an additional all licensed beds in Asbury utionalized. I believe every town deserves their equiv­ Wilson School nouncement to close the $3 million in funds for com­ Park being used for this doors to Marlboro Psych­ munity-based services will segment of the population, alent share. Out of 56 H olds Bees iatric Hospital may open the lead to an increase in the the town has, by any stretch municipalities in Monmouth page 13 doors to another dilemma number of the mentally ill of the imagination, according County, 27 are taking the already lingering in the population here," he said. to Feit, handled more than load. It’s not fair, if they minds of many Ocean Grove The state’s plan involves other towns have. spread the amount of people Gross Comments and Asbury Park residertts - utilizing $3 million in com­ *lt’s a drain for the city. around you wouldn't have On Tides' Issue how much more can these munity-based sen/ices in We’ve done more than our saturation in any one Ibwn Topics page 22 towns absorb in an already Ocean Grove, Asbury Park fair share, and we think it’s location." saturated environment of and approximately 12 other time other towns should take ladanza said there are Rev. Stephenson mentally ill people? towns with an already large up the slack," he said. currently 20 boarding homes in Ocean Grove with a pot­ To Receive Award Not much, according to mentally ill population, as Neptune Mayor Richard Alan Felt, city manager of part of a state introductory ladanza concurred with Feit’s pourri of a population in­ Arts & Lifiestyle page 13 Asbury Park. 'We are very Department of Human Ser­ beliefs. "I don’t want Ocean cluding the homeless and concerned and afraid. Hu­ vices Act. Grove targeted just as the de-institutionalized. man Services Commissioner, In a crty that has seen its mayor of Asbury Park He added that the clos­ Tlruck Issues William Waldman doesn’t share of such a population, doesn't want his community ing of Marlboro and the In- Neptune City with three percent of the unusually burdened." A few return our phone calls or Continued on Page 13 p a g es answer our letters. We are county wide mentally ill years ago we were a dum­ Clark Retires After Years Of Controversy

Board members on January ivated. this story, which could not 25 voted unanimously to ac­ Clark was suspended, find an accommodating res­ cept his retirement request, but in rulings that later fol­ olution, until now. However, finally putting to bed an is­ lowed from the state Board speculation and rumors have Zimti sue that has haunted admin­ of Education and an Ad­ is pleased to Spotlight: been circulating that this istration. teachers, parents ministrative Law Judge, it embattled teacher was Connie Perry ? and children in the district for was stated that Clark’s rights "bought out." Reached for Page3 the last three years. were protected under the comment at press time. In January 1992, Clark First Amendment. Clark was Superintendent of Schools called the Bob Grant show, then reinstated. -An outcry Michael T. Lake stated that Page 2 Reader an afternoon talk-radio pro­ ensued from community these rumors are untrue. "Mr. ■ AltSeate^&SUN M gram based in , leaders and protests oc­ Clark retired from our school S siadt C im m ja and commented on activities curred within and outside of district with full free will on Happiness Mr. David Clark at the school relating to the the school building. A pet­ MAIN STREET- BRADLEV BEACH his part," Lake reiterated. celebration of Black History ition was also generated with "Sources close to Clark have Is Neptune - Controversial Month. Many of those who more than 500 attesters cal­ reported that the teacher’s High School English teacher Hearing DISCLOSURE heard about the remarks, in­ ling for Clark’s ouster. retirement was motivated by MICHAEL DOUGLAS David C. Clark has announc­ cluding the school board Clark’s retirement an­ health reasons. DEMI MOORE EU ed that he will retire effective members, believed tt\e com­ nouncement is expected by Monday is Date Night February 1, 1995. School ments to be racially mot­ many to mean the end of

Premier Dealer Volunteer Fireman Charged Ko€totux Great News Proccttlng See Our Ad page 11 Scene Sewlce With Three Counts Of Arson Bradley Beach - Cn on Jan. 17, and one that did ged with three counts of else was involved or is being Thursday Jan. 26 at 4:12 pm, destroy one summer home Arson and three counts of sought. the Bradley Beach Police and heavily 'damaged an­ Cfficial Misconduct. He is Bradley Beach Police and Fire Department res­ other on Jan. 11, on Lake being held in the Monmouth Chief Robert DeNardo told Neptune ponded to a structure fire on Terrace. county Jail on $45,000 bail. the Times that "I would like the 300 block of Newark All three fires have been These fires have really to compliment my Detec­ School Scene Ave. The fire was quickly ex­ under investigation by the upset and alarmed the com­ tives, the Prosecutor’s Detec­ tinguished with assistance Bradley Beach Detective munity. The area was show­ tives, Fire Marshall’s Cffice, In This Week’s from the Avon Fire Depart­ Bureau and the Monmouth ered with plainclothes offi­ every one of my patrol offi­ ment. Cne summer home re­ County Prosecutor’s Arson cers,and bicycle patrols after cers who switched sche­ Issue Of ceived heavy damage and Unit, the first fire on Lake Terrace. dules and came in on their two other homes minor dam­ Following the fire on Good hard intense police own time, the members of Zfft age. The cause was deter­ Jan 26, Clarence Smith work led to Mr. Long’s arrest the Neighborhood Crime mined by the Monmouth Long, age 18, from Newark after the Jan. 26 fire and Watch and the members of County Fire Marshall’s to be Ave., Bradley Beach, was ar­ there was enough evidence the Bradley Beach Fire De­ '»'Hges 18-20 a set fire similar to a fire on rested. Mr. Long, a volunteer to pick him up. The case partment who assisted In the Feb. 2, 1995 : Park Place Ave. That fire firerpan with the Borough was isolated to the actions of investigation." Vol.120, No.4 damaged a summer home Fire Department, was char­ Mr. Long alone and no one m m " '.r.s-* * «*. < I » ' 1 \ V PAGE 2 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1995 C fie

FRI., FEB. 10 Coming OLDIESDANCE/CHINESE AUCTION - Fellowship Hall, St. Paul's Church, Ocean Grove from 8 pm to 12 mid­ My Events night. $10 per person. Have a heart, bring a canned item Rate - 50 cenls/line for pantry. (5) Min. charge $3.50 Ans’wer Call 775-0007 by Richard Gibbons Going over a miscellany of notes recently, we by Billy Graham discovered we had a coincidence on our hands. DEAR DR. GRAHAM: I have given my life to Christ, but In a nutshell, we found mentions of men with the same no one believes me. You see, I am in prison and all the H a p p i n e s s surnames as the two most recent pastors of St. Paul’s men in my cell block think I am putting on a show just to United Methodist Church. impress the parole board. When I try to explain what I have The earlier reference is to "The Rev. Dr. Quigg of the done they just laugh. Now I’m beginning to wonder if my Philadelphia Conference". A report furnished by the Devo­ commitment is going to last or if I will cave in to the pres­ tional and Program Committee included the following para­ sure. Do you have any advice? - D.F. I s H e a r i n g DEAR D.F.: Don’t let the cynicism or scorn of people graph: around you shake your faith or keep you from living for "The Rev. Dr. Quigg preached one of the tenderest ser­ Christ. Keep your eyes on Christ, not on what others may mons on the general Gospel ideas of duty toward God and think. duty toward man that was possible along that line, enfor­ Yes, they (and you) have probably seen examples of cing it with pungent appeals to the people to place them­ people who pretended to be religious in order to impress selves in attitudes of concern for unconverted people which others, although in reality such people were not committed to Christ. That shouldn’t surprise you; even Judas appear­ should be so earnest as to really impress them." ed to be a true disciple of Jesus until he had a chance to That note is dated 1901. betray Him for money (see Luke 22:1-6). The Rev. Walter R. Quigg, pastor of St. Paul’s from 1978 But if you have truly given your life to Christ, then He has through 1991, tells us the 1901 Rev. Mr. Quigg was not a forgiven you and adopted you as His child forever, and relative. However, anyone who enjoyed Walter Quigg’s ten­ nothing can rob you of that truth. God’s promise to you is ure in the local pulpit could easily see similarities. clear: "Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become chiidren of God" Reading ahead, we came to a 1914 report on events at (John 1:12). God knows your heart, and he is the One Ocean Grove. Said report gave us considerable detail on whose approval you should seek. the life of the old Elim Cottage summer rest home for minis­ Let this be a time when you do all you can to grow spirit­ ters. The cottage was managed by the Ocean Grove branch ually. Just as we need food to keep strong physically, so of the Women’s Foreign Missionary Society. In the course we need the "food" of God’s fellowship if we are to grow strong spiritually. Spend time with God every day, in His of a busy summer, it was a vacation place for a total of 350 word and in prayer. Ask God also to help you be an exam­ or so ministers and missionaries. ple of His love and power to change lives. “You are the Back there in 1914, the Sacred Sabbath was a leading light of the world . . . let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in Herb Wolke and Susan Philpot issue. So, near the end of that season, a large group of Elim heaven" (Matthew 5:14,16). May God biess you and give "We want you to hear better because 'Happiness Is guests adopted a resolution commending the Camp Meet­ you His strength as you turn to Him every day. Hearing'". That is the attitude you will find at Advantage "MY ANSWER" column is brought to you by ing Association for its principled stance and congratulating St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, Ocean Grove Hearing Aid Service in Neptune City where Susan Philpot the Association on its victory that year over an attempt to and her able assistant Herb Wolke celebrate their first full "open" Ocean Grove by declaring it to be a separate year of operations this week. borough. Susan Philpot is a Licensed Hearing Aid Dispenser and Here’s an excerpt from that resolution: is Board Certified in Hearing Instrument Sciences. She is “Resolved, that we extend our hearty congratulations to Pathway Market a member of the International Hearing Society and is the Rev. Aaron E. Ballard (Association president) and the store Hours 42 Pilgrim Pathway Secretary of the New Jersey Guild of Hearing Aid Ocean Grove Association, its lessees, together with its large Mon. thru Sat. Ocean Grove Dispensers, a position she has held for the past 16 years. number of visitors of all denominations. 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM 7 7 4 -1 7 4 9 Mrs. Philpot began her career under the tutelage of Ben "Be It Resolved, that we earnestly hope that by the dili­ Aidekman in Asbury Park. Once he effectively retired, gence of the officers and members of the Association, and she decided it was time to open her own office. "Service the cooperation of residents. Ocean Grove may continue Specials is .something that was ingrained in me through Mr. under the same unique conditions that have prevailed since its organization." Bell & Evans FRYING CHICKENS 1.15 LB Aidekman's leadership and is something we provide every And one of the signers of the resolution was the Rev. USDA Choice day." Mrs. Philpot finds that sharing her own experience Herbert J. Root. BOTTOM ROUND ROASTS 2.99 LB wearing a hearing aid gives her an insight into how a Naturally, we checked with the present pastor of St. Lundy BACON 1.79 LB person feels when they have trouble hearing and can help Paul’s, the Rev. Dr. Charles (Chuck) Root and learned that Hormel CANNED HAMS 1.51b. 4.99 EA in understanding and training how to wear a hearing aid the name of a Rev. Herbert Root was new to him, since Located in the Shore Medical Building at 2100 Corlies there has never been a Herbert in his immediate family. Produce Specials Avenue, just one block west of Medical Washington State Red or Golden Center, the office offers a ground level entrance and DELICIOUS APPLES .69 LB convenient parking. "Having many competant medical Bose or Anjou PEARS .69 LB services in the same building is a tremendous plus," .says Florida TEMPLE ORANGES 80 size 5/1.00 Mrs. Philpot. now celebrating her 26th year helping the Florida TOMATOES .99 LB hearing impaired community in the Shore area.. Red Bliss “ A " POTATOES .35 LB Grocery Specials Montco 7 1/4 0Z. Christian Pre-Sch(K)l MACARONI & CHEESE DINNERS 2/.89 Red Rose TEA BAGS 100 ct. 2.59 Ages 6 mos - Pre-K Ragu SPAGHETTI SAUCE 30 oz. 1.79 Tues/Thurs 9 am - noon Nabisco 16 oz. M-W-F 9:30 - 2:30 pm PREMIUM CRACKERS 1.39 Age appropriate curriculum; Bible Bakery Specials 9 ” DEEP DISH APPLE PIE 4.99 hessons, computer ITALIAN BREAD .69 intro, arts & crafts, music, numbers, alphab l. .“I senses, Fresh Baked Pies and Breads show & tell, indoor/ .tdoor play. NJ State Life Safety Approval Choice M eats ' - H o m e m a d e S tm p s REGISTRATION for ’95-’96: February I5th - 17th

Serving all your financial needs (Pn (Bsiillis 2[hinDfliS <3^^ Portfolio Review 8^ Management ‘ Financial Planning ^ ^ T O i X i l E Educational Planning * Retirement Planning * Estate Planning Tax Deferred Annuities * Tax-Free Bonds Full Serviw Print Shop Norman B. Buckman, Vice President-Investments Offeet Priming - (^opy Service (Including Full Color Liiser (..opier) - In-Hous(; Laminating - One Hovchfid Piaza, 4000 Route 66 Advertising Specialties - Report Binding including TInton Falls, N| 07753 GBC & Hot Glue - 24 Hr. Fax Service - Wedding InvintiotLS including 908-922-4545 or 800-533-6163 New H eritage ColhitUion ______Prudential Securities Member SIPC THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 2, 1995 PAGE3 Z i) t C im e s f- boards of review for the dance commmee and as Scouts. These Boards meet class mother. She is now a with Scouts when they are merhber of The Red and abc'it to move up to the next Black Booster Association, Connie Perry level of Scouting. The the NTROTC Support Group, Scouts are required to come and the Student PTO in the before the board for each Middle School. rank advancement. "None of Connie was an Art Major by Molly Berkowitz my boys (from her Cub in College. She created one One achievement she is bne says that some family church for its support and There is an old saying: Pack) have gotten Eagle painting that was so large, most proud of is the fact that vacations are even planned use of its facility. The Troop "Like mother like daughter..." yet," Connie says. "So I'm that "we had to make an ad­ during her years as Cub around the beach dinners, purchased the flowers, and This adage certainly applies waiting. It's just nice to see dition on the house to fit the Master, her group always so that the boys can attend. Connie volunteered to super­ to Connie Perry of the Shark the boys progress through­ painting somewhere!" she qualified as a Pack Quality Last Spring, Connie co­ vise the planting. River Hills section of Nep­ out the organization." says. Unit. In order to meet the ordinated the District "Roll- It was also through Con­ tune Township. When she Along with her devotions Connie Perry is the kind standards of a quality unit, Off for the annul Pinewood nie's initiative that the Scouts was a girl, her mother was a to Scouting, Connie is also of person you want around Connie had to ensure a Derby. Each individual Pack began marching in the an­ Cub Scout Den Mother. It very active in the workings of when there is a job to be number of criteria. As one in the Thunderbird District nual Belmar St. Patrick's Day felt only natural for Connie to her church, she is a mem­ done. "Connie is the most would expect, pack meeting had their own Derby, where Parade and the Shark River follow in her footsteps and ber of the West Grove United giving person I've ever met had to be held and activities the Scouts built their own Hills Memorial Day parade. become a leader when her Methodist Church In Nep­ in my whole life," say fellow planned, but participation rubber band powered car She also spends time at the oldest son, James, became tune. She is the Vice Pres­ Cub Scout leader Luann had to be encouraged at from a balsa wood kit. The Neptune Day celebrations, a Scout. That was in 1986, ident of the United Methodist Estelle. "She does the most every level. The enrollment top three finishers from each manning the Scouts game and in the eight years and Women, and the leader of for everybody. And or­ in the pack had to be in­ Cub Pack and Weeblo Den booths each year. some months since, she has the Hattie Strudwick, one of ganizationally, she's number creased, and the leaders had race were invited to par­ Connie is the Water certainly made her own mark the .'ounders of the Church. onel" to participate in additional ticipate in the Roll-Of, and Skiing Merit Badge Coun­ on the Scouting organ­ The organization is a mis­ Connie lives in Neptune selor for the Troop. She has ization, both in Neptune sions group. They organize with Joe, her husband of 16 a "marine" background; her Township, and in Monmouth annual events to raise years, and their two sons, father founded the Ships County. money to fund the Church's James 15, and Greg 12. Chandlers marine store in After spending two years mission goals. There are ap­ She also has three step Point Pleasant some years as a Den Leader, she was proximately ten different children and almost five ago, and it is still a family elevated to the rank of Cub missions that the group sup­ grandchildren. Joe, 31 and business. Connie can often master, and held that posi­ ports at this time. his wife Angela have four be seen at the local boat tion for six years. During When her boys were in children. Russell is 30. shows, pitching in with the that stretch, second son grade school, Connie was Denise 28 and her husband family. Greg entered Scouting. very involved in the Shark Lee are expecting their first As if she doesn't get When he moved up from River Hills PTA. She served child next month. Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts enough from Scouting with as Scout Liaison, on the last February, Connie was these involvements, Connie ready to move with him. In is also a part-time employee June of last year, she retired at the Scout Shop, located as Cub Master and has on Deal & Monmouth Roads in Ocean Twp. This is a since become the Treasurer A Feimily of Florists Since 1928 of Troop 190, which is the service office operated by Boy Scout Troop sponsored the Monmouth County Boy by the Hamilton Methodist Scouts. All the uniform and Jersey Church in Neptune. camping needs of the During her tenure with Scouts, can be met by the Shore the Cub Scouts, Connie has shop. "It makes it easier for ben the recipient of numer­ the parents," Connie said, Florist ous awards and honors. "They know where we are Flowers For All Occasions She received the Cub Master and that we'll have what they Award twice. This award is need, without running to For Best Price different places." The shop given to Cub Masters who & Selection me'it certain criteria, also provides the awards including specific training, distributed by the or­ Order Early attendance at the annual ganization. Connie has also been Pow-wow, and the quality of and ongoing training. Also, compete for District trophies. very active in the "Scouting the Pack. Last May, she summer activities had to be Connie was so successful For Food" project sponsored was awarded the District planned and well attended. with the event last year, that by the National Scouting Award of Merit for the The summer activities in­ she will coordinate the event Organization. This is a food Thunderbird District. There clude a June picnic at Shark again this Spring. It will be Day drive where Scouts distribute are three districts in Mon­ River Hills park, and "Dinner held at the Shark River Hills empty grocery bags through­ mouth County, and the at the Beach" in July and 775-2233 School sometime in May. out their neighborhoods, and Packs and Troops in South­ August. All Scouts who at­ Also last Spring, Troop later return at a prearranged 800-832-4797 eastern Monmouth County tended all three events 190 decided to do a service date to collect canned are in the Thunderbird received a pin, and "We had project and plant Impatiens goods for the needy. Con­ Brighton Ave & Rte 33 District. Three members of good attendance, even in the around the grounds of the each District are given this rain I’ Connie says. "The nie's home served as the Neptune, NJ Hamilton Methodist Church drop-off center, and with boys really enjoy this event." award each year. as a way of thanking the other Scouting volunteers Flowers By Wire Delivery Service she boxed up 734 cans of Continnbbs Delivery Service food and brought It to the To Jersey Shore Medical Center MoUnari^s Restaurant Bradley Food Pantry on the Saturday before Thanks­ rizze^r'fOL CT L oanee giving. She also sits on various il2 S\l\\ini,i .Avliuic l^ilou .Slioppiiij; C A’liii-r Neptune (.utw N|

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C D I T C I ^ I ^ L

We’re Not Going To Take It Anymore / 1KN0W.IWWW... \ Rumors of the closing of Marlboro Psychiatric Hospital I WFEUDONNfi \ have been around for a long time. Now, however, those KRTHEMEWtWfi H rumors have taken on a very real and very imminent nature. The hospital will probably be closed in three years V o F u r e » . / ! time and most of the current inpatients will be main­ streamed into local communities where deinstitutionalized persons can be accommodated. Guess which two communities will be imposed upon again? The Times stands alongside its neighbors in Asbury Park and Ocean Grove to state in a loud and clear voice that enough is enough, and we are not going to take it anymore. These two towns already house a dispropor­ tionate number of mentally ill, formerly hospitalized, persons. Bringing more patients in will not improve the quality of life for those so transplanted or those so imposed upon. Fair Is fair. We live and work in these communities. We know firsthand that these two towns have more mentally disabled than they can afford or handle. Recent statistics show that Asbury Park and Ocean Grove are home to 28 percent of Monmouth County’s mentally ill. Yet, these same two towns only account for less than 3 percent of the county’s total population. EVERY resident, businessperson, and tourist who has walked along Main Street or Ocean Pathway in Ocean Grove or along the boardwalk in Asbuiy Park over the last three years can recount an embarassing or potentially violent confrontation with a deinstitutionalized person. Some of us, unfortunately, have had more than one such incident. Okay, the majority of these occurrences did not involve loss of life, limb, or property. But don’t you agree VOICE OF THE PEOPLE is a forum for readers. Letters WRITE TO US: Letters To The Editor, c/o The that the fact that EVERY ONE of us has had such must carry full name and address and a daytime phone exposure versus residents in Ocean Township or Tinton number for verification. Letters should be limited to 300 Times, P.O. Box 5, Ocean Grove, N.J. 07756, or Fall! perhaps never meeting a mentally ill person on the words or less & are subject to condensation or rejection. FAX TO US: Telephone (908) 774-4480. stre-)t could be considered an extraordinary statistio? Should Marlboro Psychiatric Hospital be closed? Maybe so. We admit we are not experts in judging the Extends Thank You For Disagrees On Reporting durablity of the building itself or the cost analysis projections of ’’savings' generated by using community Kindness During Holidays Of Tides Motei Story mental health services rather than services in the hospital. EDITOR, TIMES: EDITOR, TIMES: to be concerned when the We are only experts in knowing when too mudh is too On behalf of The Sal­ lodging and assistance to I must disagree with Monmouth County recreation much for Asbury Park and Ocean Grove. vation Army, I extend a families. Nursing homes, your report on the public Board of Commissioners re­ William Waldman, Commissioner of New Jersey’s genuine, heartfelt thank you hospitals and correctional hearing held on January 17 commends that the acquisi­ Department of Human Services, stated on January 26 that to New Jerseyans through­ institutions were visited and concerning the township’s tion of the Tides Motel pro­ the new program being developed is not designed "to lure out the State who gave so gifts distributed. Many volun­ plan to purchase the Tides perty, if acquired alone, more of the mentally ill to areas where they are generously during the holi­ teers gave time and effort to Motel via Green Acres Fun­ would not serve the public’s disproportionately represented." So, it appears that the days. Your kindness help to join with us. ding. I was present at the best interest, nor fulfill the burden of proof lies wrth us - the citizens of Asbury Park relieve the poverty and suf­ These are a few of the hearing and the only thing need for increased public and Ocean Grove. We strongly encourage our readers to fering of many of our neigh­ things that we at The Sal­ that I heard residents agree access to the waterfront." get involved and get their friends, family and neighbors bors during what Is often a vation Army did during the on was that the Tides Motel As for myself, I agree involved. very difficult time of year. holiday season and will con­ was a neighborhood eyesore that the Tides Motel Is an Tfie closing of Marlboro Psychiatric Hospital lays three Donations enabled The tinue to do through the year and it should be torn down. eyesore and needs to be years ahead. But, just as Commissioner Waldman has Salvation Army to provide because of the people of During the hearing Busi­ torn down. Although, I would annjunced the State’s three year plan, beginning with food and new clothing. Also, New Jersey who care. May ness Administrator Gross prefer to see township per­ pubic hearings (the first scheduled for February 7 at toys were distributed to God bless us all during this stated that the project would sonnel cooperate with pri­ Middlesex County College, Edison), so we must begin our children who otherwise might year. only include the purchase of vate enterprise to develop three year plan. We must communicate to our legislators not have had a Christmas Sincerely the property, removal of the the property into something and to the people who are making decisions for us, that this year. In addition, your JOSEPH DeMICHAEL building and the planting of the neighborhood could live the placement of deinstitutionalized must be more donations gave emergency State Commander grass, not the reported with rather than costing the equitable. Asbury Park and Ocean Grove JUST WONT "landscaped park with taxpayers an estimated TAKE IT ANYMORE! benches where people could $187,500 in construction enjoy views of the inlet." (The cost and the reported $5,500 Ed. Note: The Times Is launching a campaign to write property is across the street annually in lost tax revenues. to O' ir legislators to make our position clear. If you feel from a working marina. The I believe that it is just too as ctrongly as we do, please consult Page 25 to see Bradley Park Forgotten only view people will enjoy is much money to spend for a how you can get Involved. that of a working marina.) .63 acre parcel of grass that Mr. Gross was asked the has no "recreational" value to EDITOR, TIMES, ley Park School and they approximate cost of the pro­ anyone. Neptune Township is in promised our neighborhood ject. He had stated that all Sincerely, the process of applying for it would not become an eye­ costs were currently only JAMES MOWCZAN THE OCEAN GROVE and NEPTUNE TIMES Green Acres Funding for the sore. They sold it for approximations and did not Neptune is published weekly at purchase of the Tides Motel $100,000 and it is still an tell the assembly the EDITORS NOTE: After 41 Pilgrim Pathway, Ocean Grove, NJ 07756 in Shark River Hills to deve­ eyesore. $250,000 figure reported in recheckIng our notes and Post Office Box 5 lop it into a park because it Why can’t Green Acres your article. I am sure that if verifying them with the Second Class Postage at Ocean Grove, NJ is an eyesore. The owner of Funding be used to buy the the residents knew the cost Township, we stand by our All rights neserved. No part cil this publication may be reproduced in any the motel does not want to Bradley Park School eyesore to tl ,e taxpayers there might original reporting of the form without permission from the Publisher. All unsolicited material sell. I feel Shark River Hills which is for sale and give becomes the property of THE OCEAN CROVE and NEPTUNE TIMES have been some objections. Township meeting. (See has their share of parks and unless accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. the children of this neighbor­ Committeewoman Patri­ this week’s "Township safe places for their children Subscription rate is $15 (Monmouth County) and $18 (non Monmouth hood at least one safe place cia Monroe has every reason Topics") County residents) per year (52 issues). to play. to play? POSTMASTER; Send address changes to THE OCEAN GROVE and I live in the Bradley Park Being a resident, home- NEPTUNE TIMES. P.O. Box 5, Ocean Grove, NJ 07756 section of Neptune Township owner and voter, I feel my (908)775-0007 and we do not have one PUeUSHER/EDITOR Gregory O. Hunt Bradley Park neighborhood MANAGER Kevin Sheehan park or playground for our has been forgotten by the ASSISTANT MANAGER Ilona Hunt children. They have to use Township and ^ something ADVERTISING Kevin Sheehan, Burt Alexander the Neptune City park on needs to be done here for GRAPHIC DESIGNER Steven Froias Steiner Avenue or play in the the children. Rosemary Studiok SPORTS EDITOR busy streets. PHOTOGRAPHY Joe Sharp Sincerely, KIDS KORNER EDITOR Kelli Sheehan Nine years ago the Nep­ PATRICIA A. MAGEE CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Richard GSsbons, William Kfesge, tune Township Board of Neptune Marie McMonagle, Larry Jackson, Chris Hansen, Paul R. Ridner, Greg Education closed the Brad­ Fany, Bradley Beach Committee, Bonnie Graham, Ginny Reynolds, Suei THURSDAY FEBRUARY 2. 1995 PAGE 5 ital and the likely relo- is concerned, they owe As­ sparsely-attended Board of 'Thismatter is in the courts, materials. illegal firearms, and posses­ caticn of many of its patients bury Park and Ocean Grove. Education meetings.. 'The and 100 Lake Avenue must The reconstructed board sion of firearms for illegal into Ocean Grove, and to We’re in a war, folks, and only time people attend is either be brought up to code walk will be the same length purposes. Investigators raise ongoing issues with we’re going to fight to win. when something controver­ or be closed." and size of the one destroy­ stated of their sur­ Neptune Township Mayor Above all, we must believe sial is being discussed." Several residents raised ed in the 1992 nor’easter. veillance leading to these Richard ladanza and Police that we can correct this They answered a num­ the issue of the role that the FEMA, the Federal Emergen­ arrests took place at Gene’s Commissioner Richard Mur- problem." A petition protest­ ber of questions from the bridges over Wesley Lake cy Management Agency, will Body Art World, a tatoo shop phy. ing the relocation of Marl­ floor. Regarding the site play in area crime. It was fund about $800,000 of the at 615 Main Street. President Herbert Herbst boro’s clients into Ocean directly across South Main indicated that meetings with project, with the remainder The owner of the tatoo opened the meeting by an­ Grove/Asbury Park was Street, the Mayor said that Asbury Park and the Wesley split between the Borough of shop reported that the men nouncing that the Home- signed by all in attendance. this area is still being Lake Commission would be Avon and the State of New involved were not employees owners will not take an offi­ Mayor ladanza told the cleaned up to meet the De­ sought to explore possible Jersey. but that one of those ar­ cial position regarding the homeowners, "As a 20-year partment of Environmental solutions. rested did have extensive formation of a Special Im­ homeowner in Ocean Grove, Protection (DEP) standards. Bob Youngquist of Allenhurst - The Board tatoo work done there. provement District (SID) in I am greatly concerned They do not have specifics Stockton Avenue questioned of Commissioners on Ocean Grove. It is up to the about the possible closing of as to the type of project why Neptune did not receive January 24 adopted three Neptune City - At the individual homeowners to Marlboro State Hospital and which will be erected there, additional funding to hire ordinances appropriating Borough Council meeting decide for themselves. of the serious implications but "anything will be an im­ more police. Commissioner $55,700 for the repaving of January 23, a resolution was On December 19 Mr. this may have on our com­ provement over this eye­ Murphy replied "We were Cedar Avenue, $9,500 for a adopted to apply for the re­ Herbst, Jennifer Boyd, Bill munity. . . FEMA must come sore." very surprised to not receive computer and copying newal of a grant of $60,000 Benfer and Bob Youngquist, through with its funding to The Mayor said that a the funding, since we appl­ machine and $9,500 for a to continue the salaries and along with representatives Ocean Grove before the next lighting survey has been ied at an early date. We natural gas powered emer­ benefits of two police officers fron Asbury Park, met with storm hits the beachfront. I completed along Lake Ave­ should know by mid-Feb­ gency electrical generator for whc had been hired last year Hurpan Services commis­ am always accessible - at nue, and sodium lights will ruary if we will receive the the police department. und jr the Safe and Secure sioner William Waldman, at the garage. Citizen’s Patrol, soon be put into place. funding." Asbury Park - The ef­ Communities Program. which time Mr. Waldman Town Hall, or at home. What Police coverage has been President Herbst an- forts by the city council to said there was an embargo happens to Ocean Grove increased. Commissioner nouriced that the principals remove itself from being tied Avon - The Board of on placing deinstitutionalized affects me." Murphy concurred, stating of the Neptune High and up in the Chapter 11 bank­ Commissioners at their persons into Ocean Grove Commissioner Murphy that two drug arrests took Middle Schools and an ruptcy case of former dev­ meeting of January 23, an­ and Asbury Park. However, said, “The large turnout place at 100 Lake Avenue elementary school principal eloper Joseph Carabetta met nounced that 10 businesses the commissioner told the today shows the great con­ and that those apprehended would be the guests at the with another delay when a in town should be publicly group "anyone can live cern felt by everyone over were the suppliers. He next meeting on Saturday federal bankruptcy judge in commended for their contri­ where they wish," and gave the Marlboro issue. This added "We are determined to Feb. 25. Residents will have Connecticut stalled any ac­ butions to the Borough and no firm assurances that situation affects all of us, and do whatever we have to do the opportunity to address tion on the city’s motion. their efforts at beautifying relocations would not occur. we must have a team effort to rid this community of their concerns regarding the The city has been pre­ Main Street. He added that State budget and strongly express our drugs." Neptune school system’s sented with a variety of pro­ The merchants included constraints may come into views to the State officials. One homeowner, who performance and costs. posals for development of Avon Travel, Avon Grille, L & play in making the final We will roll up our sleeves. lives close to 1000 lake the waterfront, but has been H Plumbing, J & E Auto disallowed from entering into Body, Brett and Laurie Yar- any agreement. A mediator usi, Robert Fishman, Al's is expected to report to the Subs, Kirms Printing, and Truck Issue Still Pum ping bankruptcy judge on Feb­ Robert Brano. ruary 13 regarding matters by Molly Berkowitz relating to Carabetta’s reor­ Ocean Twp. - At the must wait at least twenty day limit is an accomodation collapses for example; (c) ganization plans, and a rul­ Bo&'d of Adjustment meeting Neptune City - The days before taking any ac­ for the interest of the bid­ re-furbishing a 1989 Pierce ing on Asbury Park’s poten­ Borough Council held a spe­ tion on the bids already re­ ders," stated Mark Aikins, on January 25, Planner pumper and (d) refurbishing tial negotiations is expected ceived. However, since the Attorney for the Borough, Thomas A. Thomas reported cial meeting on Monday a 1972 Hahn pumper. shortly after that date. to the members that a oro- night to offer a Bond Ord­ original bids were received "So that bids don’t get stale. "I hope that we will be It is in place for their benefit, posed conversion of a inance which will allow the on December 19 and under able to award a bid at the Bradley Beach - The State statute are only good but if their rights won’t be single-family home at 721 Borough to purchase a new meeting on February 27," borough’s emergency man­ prejudiced, they can agree to Bowne Road into a syna­ fire truck. The ordinance as for sixty days, the Borough stated Council President Bill agement coordinator, Paul A. the delay." Both bidders gogue would not adversely adopted would enable the Attorney will have to request Kroll. Kroll is also the chair­ Hesse, will not be rehired to would have to agree to the affect the neighborhood. The Borough to appropriate up to a waiver from the two bid­ man of the Human Services his $37,000 a year position. $395,000 for the purchase of ders, KME of Jim Thorpe Orthodox Jews who would delay. Should one or both Committee which oversees The council has announced and Allegheny, attend the house of worship th^ truck and related equip­ decline, the entire bidding the Fire Department. that the position would not out of W. Virginia. Since the process would start over do not drive, for the most ment, and additional modifi­ The Truck Committee be eliminated, but that the Ordinance is advertised this again. If the bidders agree part, so traffic would not be cations and overhaul of two from the Fire Department has job would only pay a stipend to the delay, the Council has affected. existing fire trucks. Of this week, the twentieth day will been working on this truck of perhaps $500 a year. the option of awarding the The 55-member Congre­ amount, $375,000 will come fall on or around February purchase for the past two Hesse stated that he be­ gation Sons of Israel were from the issuance of bonds 23, six days after the bids entire bid or any portion and one half years. "As a lieved the council’s action granted variances in 1992, or notes and the remaining expire. If the attorney is suc­ thereof. Options include Committee, we feel that the was "personal, not political," purchasing (a) just the fire- but residents in the area $20,000 from the capital im­ cessful in obtaining a ten needs of the town would and that he was responsible day grace period, the Coun­ truck; (b) the truck with extri­ hired a lawyer who filed a provement fund as a cash best be met by the purchase for intense negotiations with cil could award the bid at the cation equipment which can complaint in state superior downpayment. of the complete package," FEMA, which enabled the regularly scheduled meeting be utilized at motor vehicle court charging a possible Once the Ordinance is stated Mark Balzarano, As­ borough to secure $900,000 on February 27. The sixty accidents and small structure conflict of interest by a board duly advertised, the Council sistant Fire Chief. in funds after the storms of member. After a hearing, the 1992. board's approval was rever­ sed, and the congregation had to file an amended ap­ Richard Lino Speaks Out 0. KUKER plication. Bradley Beach - Police Jew eler Chief Robert DeNardo an­ On Bradley’s School System ««t.id54 nounced that an 18-year old volunteer firefighter has been Jewelry & by Bonnie Graham School Board meeting, to Main Street. The sessions 'There would be no con­ charged with setting three Bradley Beach - Ric­ present free weekly seminars could be held on Mondays Welch Ripatr separate fires at vacant sum­ straints at the Senior citizen hard Lino of Fletcher Lake on the stock market for 7th, from 4-6 pm., possibly on mer homes in the borough Building, and there would be ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ' Avenue spoke at length with 8th and 9th graders whose Saturdays, and Mr. Lino on January 11 and January at the school." W a tc h ^ : "The Times" on Saturday, parents are permanent resi­ offered a tentative starting 17. The suspect, a senior at When asked, "How Jan. 28, detailing his analysis dents of Bradley Beach. With date of Monday, Feb. 13. All iXamofvM Red Bank Regional High would you assess your pro­ W aM t BiObaHea. t of the Borough’s financial the concurrence of Council­ interested parents are invited School, was taken to Mon­ gress vis-a-vis the School crisis in supporting the man George DeNardo and to contact him at 775-8420 mouth County Jail, in lieu of Board budget?" Mr. Lino school system and describ­ Carmen Baise, President of for additional information. eidHMmsMtt V $45,000 bail. answered, "I have provided ing several possible solu­ the Bradley Beach Senior Wh?n asked why his stock the School Board with a Bi'id iW 8—cti tions to ease this situation. Citizens Club, the classes marxet class would not be great deal of statistical (oppoellB Ftaltoed He repeated his offer, would be conducted in the offe ed at the local grammar made at the January 18 Senior Citizen Building at school, Mr. Lino replied. Continued on Page 28 776-7723 „ PAGE 6 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1995 ^fje CtmeS- C a ll M e Call Me Ads Run For 10 weeks and cost $190. - $95. down $95. billed

PAUL'S UPHOLSTERY Hometowne fCooring CUSTOM TIRE Monmouth Auto Body Ray Poland & Sons 318 Main Street 710 5t/i. A venae 1200 Main Street 181 Main St. 90 S. Main Street Bradley Beach, NJ BradCev Beacli, N J Bradley Beach (next to Bradley Beach Bowling) Ocean Grove Bradley Beach

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Steven A.Profetto Edward R. Dowling Jr. CINDY NELSON Burt Alexander Kevin Sheehan Remember - Go with the For competitive Homeowners Call me to place a Call me for all your pro's - For ail your plumbing & Health Insurance - Free when buying or & heating needs... Quotes selling a home... Call-Me Ad... advertising needs... CALL: CALL: CALL: MW CALL: 0 0 is CALL: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o i ir d i f 7 0 0 0 0 0 46-50*- 3 46-50* - 3

Thanks To Those Who Compliments To Expressed Concern Public Works Dept. EDITOR, TIMES: spend more time in Ocean Please allow me to use Grove with our parents, BosiBipo 18 a quiefi^ EDITOR, TIMES: prfced, this column to thank the, family and friends, and that I would like to compli­ but firm and, above all, con­ many Times readers who we could also thank every­ fine dining resteurant ment the Neptune Township sistent in their profession. w ith live musiad have expressed their caring one individually. As that is Public Works Department for As a 26 year homeowner and concern for me and my not possible, I appreciate the perfonnances each w erft an outstanding job in 1994! and taxpayer, this is by far . You are sure to be pleased family throughout my con­ opportunity to express our Personal thanks to the best staff I've ever seen tinuing illness. The many gratitude to everyone pub­ by the attentive service and supervisors Frank McNair without conjecture. fine Northern Italian coisine. cards and messages of sup­ licly. and Ronald Cole as well as Sincerely, port I have received from the . I hopp to see as many of Florae remember, rank and file members Tito HENRY McGOWAN, rwservadong Ocean Grove community you* as possible this sum­ Day and Kenneth Orr. Ocean Grove ovei the past years have mer. are rectnnmended. The entire public works (A 26 year Times' ^ -ws- Clfmd Stmday, been a great help in the Sincerely staff has been friendly, fair, subscriber) healing process. OTTO G. STOLL, III We all with that we could Thousand Oaks, CA I Party Room Available Opera Night - Tuesday 6:30 to 9:30pm Showtune Night - Wednesday 6:30 to 9:30pm no additional charge 51 TFH Plaza (Corner Of 3rd & Union), I Early Birds From 4:00pm 'till 6pm NEPTUNE In Foodtown Shopping Center, Neptune City Free Offstreet Parking C lo sed For 774-0002 OR: 800-3 79-AUTO (2886) 2nd & Main St V acation Asbury Park, NJ AUTO SUPPLY FAX: 774-0600 908-774-5819 Jan. 22 - Feb. 9 Wocxitet *7o- P o a L a . Recognized In The Industry As

igiisiguiaprcJBs^lBltg^^ Catch the Wave fron Avoii-By-The-Sea R e a d

A Leader In The Automotive Market 2 /e d ., W e i j t e THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 2, 1995 PAGE 7 Ctje €^imeS-

Chamber A BC 's bv f'h ris FFansen Soulhem Monmouth Area Chamber of Commerce Going The Extra Mile In a recent newspaper go the extra mile, beyond quoted as saying to job article a young woman ex­ what is required, in order to seekers, “You have to be pressed the need to “go that show that he was better than much more greedy and sel­ extra mile" in order to assure the Roman law. fish to get what you can her future job security. In This principle was ex­ while you can." Experts like her parlance, going the extra pounded upon by Napoleon this are the same ones who mile means making an extra Hill in 1965 when, as part of point their fingers at busi­ investment in herself, getting his teachings regarding busi­ ness as the purveyors of more schooling. She is un­ ness success, he taught greed. wish bar saow did .she get her doubtedly responding to the about The Habit of Going What is truly needed Is a for the first snowfall so she can use the aew sled need for continual education. the Extra Mile". To quote Mr. return to the ethical prin­ that Santiillftve bar for But she is geting the lesson Hill, "An important principle ciples of business which wrong. of success In all walks of life foster loyalty and create an 6 In order to understand and in all occupations is a environment of job security. ole

Ocean Grove Chamber of Commerce Event ^ f=r:BRUAKy 10-11-12, 1995 rOR TIOK6T5 t IHfOWIITIOfl OBU BybERI MIO» LOVERS SPECIAL - Tarticipating 19 ^^ (b^iw ) 3 days 2 nites, specie ( accamodations, cant inentaf Breal^ast, late Sunday cheedjputs. BUFFET DINNER DANCE-?n.s^«r;««.rWr.i^ OCEAN GROVE TRUSURE HUNT Chocolate dessert %tr-(Door Trices $35couple 'WaQqny lo ur Beyins at Museum 9-Uam-Sat CHOCOLATE FACTORY ROAD TRIP CHOCOLATE CANDY 'HOW TO" Criterion Chocolates & o ld Monsnouth Candy Co. elands on Wor(;3fop ~ 1pm Sat. LINGERIE k lAC l-iPte/i-A-^-saturday INDULGE YOURSELF SAMPLERS Lmgerie-Q}ial(er Inn 2:30 Lace-Carcl-Inn 10-S 3(^le7(plogy, Masseuse, Manicures ^ is n o w K , S 9 < c m & c A j'E s


Dr. Caitlin Wood-Yesline

;______j Optometrist 38 Main Streety Bradley Beach EYE EXAMS 43 Pilgrim Pathway 988-3500 CONTACT LENSES Ocean Grove, NJ Please Call For An Appointment FASHION EYEWEAR 7 7 6 -9 0 2 8 PAGE 8 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1995 tCfie CimeS- Home and Real Estate

Winter Salon Tanning Is The Best Cooks Around Grand Opening of by Sue Baczkowski Hazardous To Your Health In less than two weeks, Chocolate Lovers Week­ Golden Tours These rays, which tan­ Many sun worshipers end will begin in Ocean Grove. Exciting events ning machines deliver, do turn to tanning salons in the planned will appeal to all ages; a road trip to two winter to provide them with not burn the outer layer of Avon - Avon Travel, to Disney World, the islands, what they believe is a heal­ skin, but pass through to candy factories, a walking tour and treasure hunt, Golden Paradise Tours cele­ Europe, a car, hotel or limo thy and wholesome alter­ deeper layers, damaging the chocolate candy demonstration, a DJ, dance, dinner brated the grand opening of with no cost to the consumer native to the summer sun. skin’s connective tissue. The and ‘chocolate bar' at the Manchester and so much their new building with an to utilize the services. They they are mistaken. result is accelerated aging, more. open house on Saturday, have a staff of experienced The supposed "Healthy wrinkling and even skin can­ This fun event will be a great time to plan a Jan, 14. On hand to com­ and courteous travel consul­ Glow" of a salon tan may cer. The A rays also destroy midwinter weekend escape to Ocean Grove. So memorate the celebration tants to help plan that long appear impressive, but it white blood cells, part of the come with your favorite Valentine or maybe you will was Avon’s Mayor Jerry awaited vacation or honey­ moon. They handle corpor­ only masks the dangers that skin’s immune system. find one at ‘The Chocolate Lovers Weekend." Hauselt, Councilman Ken In recent years, tanning ate travel with great care and artificial rays deliver to inter­ Please enjoy the following chocolate cake varia­ Bruton, Chief of Police Harry salons have followed more Vandenbos, and former knowledge. Avon Travel can nal skin layers. tion. It is my personal favorite. Recently the American stringent regulations that Police Chief Joe Hagerman. be reached at 776-TRIP Favorite Chocolate Cake Medical Assn, called for a require patrons to wear pro­ Mayor Hauselt did the honor (8747). national banning of tanning tective goggles to prevent 1 box chocolate cake mix (your favorite) of cutting the ribbon announ­ "Golden Paradise Tours" salons. The organization eye damage. They must 1 small jar Smuckers red raspberry preserves cing the opening of the new concentrates mostly on cited scientific evidence also chronicle their patron’s 1 can chocolate icing (your favorite) office. Also celebrated was motorcoach tours. Day trips linking tanning parlors to the medical histories because the fifth anniversary of Avon to New York Broadway development of melanoma, a certain medications, such as Prepare and bake cake mix according to package Travel and the first anniver­ Shews, the Met, Carnegie deadly skin cancer. antibiotics, anti-diabetic directions in two 8 inch round cake pans. After layers sary of Golden Paradise Hall, the UN, Lgngwood Gardens and the Black The culprit in both arti­ agents and tranquilizers, can are completely cooled, carefully split each one Tours. Whale to Atlantic City are just ficial - and natural - light is sensitize the skin to radiant across. You now have four layers. Place one layer on Cwners Rosemarie and energy. Certain illnesses, a sample of the trips offered. ultra-violet radiation. Filtered a desert plate and spread half of the preserves over Sam Sluka described the tra­ through the earth’s atmos­ such as lupus erythemato­ vel agency as a full service Also available are overnight sus, can also be worsened it. Place second layer on top of first and ice some of Travel Agency in that it motorcoach trips to such phere, the ultraviolet rays the chocolate icing evenly on it. Add your third layer that reach us, called UV A by the exposure. covers all aspects of travel delightful places as Nordic and UV B, are both harmful. Also, wearing some per­ and spread the rest of the preserves over it. Piace including an airline or Am- Hills, VT., Rhode Island, The shorter UV B rays fumes or handling lime or the fourth iayer on and frost the entire cake with the track ticket, information on Boston, Washington DC, create sunburn, singeing the celery prior to a salon visits rest of the chocolate icing. cruises, vacation packages outermost layer of skin. This can trigger rashes from UV A Enjoy! burn serves as a warning rays in tanning booths. system because the discom­ It is vital that people fort signals that it is time to understand that no matter OSCAR KOCI get out of the sun. where they are exposed to Selling An Auto? Tanning parlors have ultraviolet rays, the rays are Plumbing, Heating & long touted A rays as "safer" still harmful. Tans tradition­ Put 2rilf Cimcs Auto Classifieds To Work For You because the skin gets darker ally take on the appearance Air Conditioning without burning. But the long of being sexy and healthy - Jobbing, New Installations, commercial, but there is nothing enticing UV A rays can cause dam­ Idustrial, Sprinklers age. They do not, as some about skin cancer. may believe, offer much There is no such thing KITCHEN & BATHROOM protection against natural as a healthy tan - especially ALTERATION SPECIALISTS sunburn. one from a tanning pariorl [SoFurther State license No. 2606 fVe Are Offering These Unique Shore Properties 922-2094 Bills Best Buy Just Listed Was $110,000, Just Reduced to $82,000. Central located twin home. Good condition, six bedrooms. Take a look. Park-Like Setting At the reduced price of $127,000. Excellent 5 bedroom hom e, park view, short walk to boardwalk, eat-in kitchen, sky lights, many extras. Easy To Manage Bungalow, three bedrooms, expansion attic, enclosed rear yard. Only $78,000. COASTAL VILLAGE Fix It Up ______AT SI-IAKK RIVER ______...And you have a two-family Totvnhouse Condominiutm Located in Neptune City A spacious two-family home located on home in a good location. Asking * 2 Bedrooms or Clark Avenue in Ocean Grove’s prime * 2 Bedrooms with den $58,000. * 2Vi Baths on Starting at residential south end. Apartments consist of 4 * 2 Levels rooms and a bath on the first floor and 5 Money Maker * Fireplaces n i 5,000 * CetitralAir rooms and a bath on the second floor plus 2 Stand-out five unit home in a * Basements additional rooms currently used for storage on good Broadway location. » I Car Garage I'or More the third. Property needs redecorating but at * And more Information Call: Excellent income. Stop in and 908-775-6767 this affordable price, who cares? See it today! talk it over. Asking $199,000. l>lrcctions Gs!' sniiih to exit lOOBioHlc .V^ F.'M Proceed Condominiums approx ? mile*., go uixlcr Rte. 18 overpass and bc.ir to the C3ied( with us fo r the latest in available right onU) NVest Sylvania Ave­ nue. Development is approx $ 85,000 condominiums. ' mite on right

the only non-binding reservations are now being accepted. The purpose of this Bills Agency advertisement is to solicit non-binding reservations. A non-binding AMES J. PENTZ reservation is not a contract and may be cancelled by the prospective purchaser at anytime without cause. Any money paid to the developer will K E A I. T o R S be held in trust and returned in full to the prospective purchaser upon 78 Main Avenue request and cancellation of the non-binding reservation. Ocean Grove, NJ OFFERED EXCLUSIVELY BY THE ALLEGRO AGENCY REALTORS. 908-988-7271 774-2124 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1995 PAGE 9 — ^ i)e (E im e s - Home and Real Estate

Receive Ten Free White Hom e T ip s Fiowering Dogwood Trees WATER CONTAINER — For cold water while jog­ A ntiques ging or biking, fill a container half-full and freeze it. W^en ready to use it, fill it with water to the top. Ten free white flowering planting between March 1 You can add much more water later on and it will still dogwood trees will be given and May 31 with enclosed be cold because of the frozen bottom half. Lydia G., to each person who joins the planting instructions. The six Q. My toothpick holder is made of china. On the side Garland, Texas National Arbor Day Founda­ to twelve inch trees are guar­ it says “Hotel Robidoux.” On the bottom is a mark, tion during February 1995. anteed to grow or they will “O.P. Co., Syracuse China.” LAUNDRY HINT — 'When folding laundry, I always The free trees are part of be replaced free of charge. A. O.P. stands for Onondaga Pottery, a forerunner of the get my two daughters’ underwear and socks mixed up It the nonprofit foundation’s Members also receive a Syracuse China Corp. The toothpick holder was probably takes too long to look at the size tags, so I found a better Trees for America campaign. subscription to the founda­ used by the Hotel Robidoux late in the 19th century. The solution. 'The white flowering tion's bimonthly publication, mark was used from 1893 to 1898. Toothpick holders are On the back elastic of the underwear and bottom of the dogwoods will add year- "Arbor Day," and The Tree popular with a special group of collectors. They sell for socks, I put small slash marks with a laundry pen, one for much more than small bowls or cups and saucers. my older daughter and two for my younger one. That way, round beauty to your home book with information about ★ ★ ★ and neighborhood," John tree planting and care. when I pass the clothes down to my younger daughter, I Rosenow, the Foundation's To become a member of Q. My old chair has springs that allow it to rock when just add another mark and the system still works. This could work for three or more (if the clothes last that long) president, said. "Dogwoods the foundation and receive you sit in it. It is stamped “Patent Aug 2707.” When were these made? by adding a slash mark for each younger child. have showy spring flowers, the free trees, send a $10 A. Patented rockers were popular with inventors. Over This has made doing the laundry less of a chore for me. contribution to TEN FREE scarlet autumn foliage, and 300 patents were issued by the U.S. Patent Department by Janet W., Colorado Springs, Colo. red berries which attract DOGWOODS, National Arbor 1905. Chairs not only rocked, reclined or swiveled, but songbirds all winter." Day Foundation, 100 Arbor also played music and converted into cradles, trunks, steps, BUNION PADS — I have a coffee maker with little The tree will be shipped Avenue, Nebraska City, NE beds or couches. Most of these unusual chair patents were black “feet” that were always marking up the counter top postpaid at the right time for 68410, by Feb. 28, 1995. issued from 1870 to 1890. Your chair was patented Aug. when it was moved. I searched the house over for some­ 27, 1907. thing to stick on them. I found some bunion pads and cut them in small pieces. It worked great! Katie V., New Milford, N.J. LARRISON P unxsutaw ney Phil says... COAL & FUEL OIL

Highway 35 & 3rd Ave. let's Cet Outte Ws Hete s t o r a g e NEPTUNE CITY M O IIB SPACE • Recent expansion complete with new & 8(ty e Reel Reese! units and sizes available NSRB SBCCmVT • Individual door alarms in effect 24 hours a day 774-5352 • New! resident Managers • Premises well lit during evening hours Residence: 77 Broadway Ocean Grove 774-2590 FlaBXIR IL.ITT 1114 5th Av*, Nttpturw - Bring your Qj handyman! 3 bedrooms, LR, DR, Huge New extended access hours Kitchen, Office, 2 Both ( extra fot ovailabiel $49,900. 400 S. RKmrsid* Dr, Shark River HMs • Month to month or discounted m * - Looks are deceiving! 3 Bedrooms, LR, yearly rentals DR, Rorida Room overlooking built in pool $114,900 • Lock supplied at no cost 401 Holton Ct, GoMm - Just like the Come Visit Our Friendly Staff Energizer Bunny - it just keeps going & going! 4 Bedrooms, DR, 2 Dens, Rorida And see What’s New At Room $141,000 1515 wosington Av« Bonnie Hogan Naptum s e l f I behind Bubbles 'N Suds) Oliver Brothers Really s t o r a 3 e 908-775-4747 774-3777 PAGE 10 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1995 ^ T lm e s - Home and Real Estate This Old House

stationery that has a sketch of our house and the his­ products and equipment, "This Old House." There torical society seal em­ such as the paint from The they will become a part of bossed on the paper." Glidden Company. Dennis Duffy’s daily routine The Maitlands quickly For the first few weeks of as they revamp his 1906 received a polite 'lhanks for the construction, Sima, Terry, farmhouse. The Duffy home inquiring but we get thou­ and their three children lived was built by Duffy’s great­ sands of letters every year" in the house through the first grandfather, and sits on response, and they thought taping. But when the walls eight-acres that are devoted their chances were over. A started coming down, the to a "pick and cut" Christmas few months later, Irving family lived in temporary tree farm and a small vine­ called to ask if he could residences until November. yard. The home is located come to see the house, and ’The hardest part of a in the heart of Napa Valley, within two weeks the Mait­ renovation like this is trying California's rich wine land’s home was cast in the to keep some semblance of country, just north of the starring role in the highest- normalcy in your life," said town of Napa. rated, regularly scheduled Sima, a schoolteacher in a In addition to expanding public television program. Boston suburb. The kids the house's dark and dated The Maitlands budgeted still had to get to school and kitchan on a $110,000 $150,000 for the project; football practice and Girl budget, show host Steve over the next six months Scouts everyday, no matter Thcmas and master car­ they added a one-and-a-half where we were. It was hard penter Norm Abram will lead to feel normal." Go West, Old House. Join host Steve Thomas, master carpenter Norm Abram and story, 1,100-square-foot- theii viewers on a lesson in Now that the project in wine making and explore the the THIS OLD HOUSE team as they round out the show's 16th season with the renova­ addition with a bedroom, full Acton is complete, the Mait­ tion of this 1906 Victorian farmhouse in Napa Valley. THIS OLD HOUSE and home- bathroom, kitchen, breakfast region’s architectural and lands are very happy to have owner Dennis Duffy will focus their attention on an ambitious kitchen upgrade and nook and laundry room to cultL ral attractions. their new and improved expansion to take full advantage of the spectacular vineyard and mountain views. The their cramped farmhouse. Viewers can begin home, minus the construc­ project take shape on PBS beginning Saturday, Feb. 4 at 1:30 p.m. ET (check local Working with This Old watching the Napa renov­ tion crew. The crew is cur­ ation project on February 4, listings). House" gave the Maitlands access to some of the most rently bound for Napa, Cali­ when the crew kick-off the respected experts in home fornia, the site of this second project of their 16th Anyone who has ex­ we .lever thought we would Every spring, Bruce repair and renovations, season’s next project on season. Check local listings perienced hassles of a mas­ see all of this happen," said Irving, the Boston-based which alleviated much of the WGBH Boston produced, for exact air time. sive home renovation project Sima Maitland, as she ges­ producer of This Old tension that normally accom­ knows how satisfying it is to tured toward her home House," and his crew select panies large home projects. se that project completed. which was recently painted a a home in the Boston area Anyone who has undertaken Months of going without brilliant fall orange with paint for renovating. The team a project of this magnitude electricity, water and privacy donated by The Qlidden also chooses a home in a can appreciate the head­ seem almost worth it when Company, one of the show’s warmer climate for renova­ aches involved in selecting a the finished products stand national underwriters. Pro­ tions during the winter trustworthy contractor who before you. ducts donated by well- months. The progress of can bring the project in on The Maitland family of respected manufacturers are these projects is aired for the time and on budget. Acton, Massachusetts, ex­ one of the many benefits of enjoyment of more than 10 In an odd way, the Mait­ perienced this pleasure first having your home renovated million viewers every week. lands were blessed with the hand this month as the crew by the crew of This Old Thousands of people demanding constraints that of the public television show House." send letters every year as­ accompany the schedule of "This Old House," which Sima and her husband king that their home be con­ taping a television show. spent the last six months Terry have owned their home sidered for the show. The The crew had to make the If you had owned one of Ocean completely revamping their for 10 years. It was built in Maitlands dropped a letter to budget work and the pro­ Grove’s Bed & Breakfasts this past almost 300-year-old farm­ 1710 and is the oldest the show in January of 1994 gress move ahead on time, year, you would know that Ocean house, packed up their tools privately owned home in after talking to some friends in order to fit the filming Grove is truly a and moved on to a new Act( in. at a party about the Boston schedule. In addition to project. "It all happened so fast, 'Towne For All Seasons" home featured last season. those benefits, the project "When we sent that letter I really wasn’t prepared for You would have had full occupancy "We thought that if they received extensive site to This Old House" telling the months of upheaval, but all summer and even on New Year's could get on, maybe we supervision, high quality them about our house and looking at the results, it was Eve - Buy now and enjoy many events could too," Terry said. "So, workers and the opportunity how we wanted to redo it, all worth it," she said. we sent them a letter on for manufacturer supplied planned for the months ahead. These outstanding B&Bs are now available:

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(« li THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1995 PAGE 11 — tEtie ®imes- KODALUX-RRO.CESSING...

The Potter's Clay

by Larry Jackson

> My first bicycle has solid do too. But don’t be fooled. that is far less irksome to us; rubber tires. No one bother­ It only seems that way. No a life that is more made to fit ed to tell me that not all life rides on solid tires for too us than was the old life. As bikes had such great protec­ long. And even if their blow­ a Rabbi once put it: "My bur­ tion against tacks and nails out happens beyond any­ den has become my song." and glass. So, I knew one’s seeing, nevertheiess it Not that the burden is nothing about flat tires or happens, and the effect is easy to carry, but it is as blowouts. For a few years I the same, as someone has though Christ’s yoke takes lived a disslllusioningly said, "God had one child some of the weight off the charmed life. Then I got my without sin, but He has no world’s yoke. That would be second bike and entered a children without suffering." a help, would it not? Now new and larger reality. That is why one day our that we know life doesn’t ride Most of us ride through Lord, after upbraiding the on impenetrable tires, we life on tires that have punc­ unrepentant, offered them can use all the help avail­ tures from time to time - rest from their frustrations able. Right? plans that don't work out, and wanderings and llat And, by the way, do you relationships that crumble tires". "Take my yoke upon remember who Jesus was like sand castles, deaths that you," He said. What do you speaking to that day? It was rob life, financial reverses suppose the Lord meant by to people who were desper­ OVERNIGHT that turn our worlds inside that? Why exchange one flat ately trying to find God, and out, mistakes that seep tire for another? My yoke for who were desperately trying K o tla lu x through the cracks of their your yoke? to be good, and who were P'oceetaog Services hiding places and fall with a Well, one thing He didn’t finding the task impossible. devastating plop into full mean was that anyone bear­ Sound familiar? view. ing His yoke would be free Then one day Jesus Oh, yes, there are a few from life’s frustrations. We said to them, "Come to me people who seem able to may as well set that aside all you who are exhausted and weighted down beneath Poster Prints ride through life on solid tires from the start. We may bear your burdens, and I will give - no punctures. For them them a bit easier because of OF INCREDIBLE life seems tailor-made - their the general strength we draw you rest..." dreams come true, their kids from Christ, but even Chrlst- Nothing ventured, noth­ are human Barbie dolls, their especially Him - had to bear ing gained. Especially if you PROPORTIONS marriages were made on a the burdens of life. One have a flat tire. Eyeiytlimg’s big about KODALUX soap opera, their homes thing I believe Christ did Foster Prints - the c{uali^ and the come straight out of the mean, however, is that when savings! What you see is 100% pages of House and Garden. we take His burden. His KODALUX iSvcessing Services I know people like that - you yoke upon us, we live a life quality an exchirive combination of state-of-the-art technology and human inspection to create prints with finer detail, sharper images and optimum Christmas Tree Donated To Ocean Grove color - with a new dimension. 12"xl8" Poster Print KODALUX Poster Prints - size them up for savings! Karen Mason of Ocean Grcve donated her Eastern White Pine Christmas Tree and a team of volunteers plai.ted it in the triangle park at Delaware and New Jersey Avenues several weeks ago. Planting the tree were (left to right): ANNETTE ROSS, J.R. PACHECO, PAUL HILTZ, SAL PITOS- CIA, PAT PITOSCIA and OVERNIGHT LEE KIMBER.

Professional SLIDE BINGO & p r o c e s s i n g DAY TRIP OVERNIGHT Includes: TransportatidB^'^ Math: All Slide processing is the $ 55. » Bingo same, fact: Lots of labs process p e r p e rso n Package slides. but only KODALUX Processing Services is the choice for professional-level processing January 28 & February 11 & 25 nationwide. And now you can get your Premier Dealer CONNECTICUT KODACHROME & EKTACHROME FOXWOOD BINGO & CASINO slide film developed the very next For Information & K odahix I A ST. PATRICK'S day. P>»e«t«mg j Weekend Special - March 18 & 19 Rosetvations Call Sandy It's just one of an array of exclusive photo processing services Special Care For Each Memoiy. Txanaportation " Hotel - 2 Bingo Senions 908-244-8119 or Bofib Breakfiut - Bufirt Ijwirli available only from your authorized S c n J U t C C Premier Dealer. 908-244-9049 "Service Is Our middle Name" $350.pcr person ,, o.l Morris Ave., N eptune City, NJ 07753 Regular Games $15,000 776-8030 Sunday games $3,000 KODALUX; TM Hccfvcd by IUmU i Q uilatlnc. PAGE 12 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1995 ®fje CimcS- Healthcare Happenings Mammography Hints and Happenings Brought To You By The Health Care Professionals At Screening Offered Jersey Shore Medical Center by Tricia Ann Letson Asbury Park - On site The mammography examina­ “Underwater Treadm ill Speeds Recovery" mammography screening tions are low dose and every It has long been known that swimming helps the ill and sponsored by the Monmouth precaution is taken to ensure the injured recover quickly. Today, that age-old therapy has County Health Department, that a minimal amount of been combined with the latest technology in the form of the wiil be conducted at the radiation is delivered to the "AquaCiser" undenvater treadmill, available thru the outpat­ Asbury Park Hearth Center, recipient. Mammographies ient rehabilitation program at Jersey Shore Medical Center. Railroad Plaza, Memorial Dr. are performed by a licensed The AquaCiser is a revolution in aquatic therapy," says and Springwood Ave., here, and registered radiologic Lynne Stallworth, director of Rehabilitation Medicine at the on March 30 from 1 to 6 technologist, and interpreted Medical Center. “It combines buoyancy, kinetic resistance p.m. by a board certified radio­ & hydrotherapy to create a method of low impact exercise Corporate Dimensions logist. otherwise unavailable for sick or injured patients who have Inc., will furnish a high tech The cost of the examina­ decreased range of motion, pain, and or muscle weakness." hospital mammography unit tion is $35. All female resi­ Stallworth explains that patient case studies prove that which has been modified to dents of Monmouth County aquatic therapy benefits patients in ways traditional therapy be portable. The unit is are invited to participate. cannot. For this reason, aquatic therapy may help patients completely computerized An appointment must be recover more quickly than with traditional therapy alone. and allows the machine to made by calling (908) 431- “Water resistance enables muscles and tissues to streng­ deliver the proper exposure 7456. then and tone," Stallworth explains. "Patients who exper­ for each individual patient. ience pain during normal exercise wiil be able to exercise longer and more comfortably with aquatic therapy." Both adult and pediatric patients may use the under­ water treadmill at speeds from 0 miles per hour to eight miles per hour, for simple walking or a brisk run. The Beth Rapp, outpatient physical therapy supervisor at Local Nurse Appointed To AquaCiser, which has a patient resting seat, can also be Jersey Shore Medical Center, demonstrates the Aqua­ used as a therapeutic pool. Finally, though most aquatic Ciser underwater treadmill with Joe Bonczec. Vice President Position therapy programs use warm water, Stallworth says that only with the AquaCiser can patients also receive cool water * Multiple sclerosis Long Branch - A nurse Pediatric Services, Case therapy for conditions like multiple sclerosis. * Partial spinal cord injuries with 24 years experience at Management, Unterberg Patients with the following medical conditions may * Post-fractures Monmouth Medical Center, Center of Nursing Excell­ benefit from aquatic thereapy; * Spinal cord injuries Kathryn Kelly, Neptune, has ence, Respiratory, Environ­ * Acute or chronic back pain * Stroke rehabilitation been appointed Vice Presi­ mental Services and Food * Arthritis Jersey Shore Medical Center’s outpatient rehabilitation dent of Patient Services/ Services. * Cerebral/vascular accidents program is located in the Jersey Shore Medical Arts Build­ Chief Nurse Executive at A nurse with Monmouth * Joint replacement or upper/lower extremity surgery ing, just across the street from the Medical Center on Route Monmouth. Medical Center since 1971, * Ligament repair or reconstruction 33 in Neptune. Patients must be referred by a physician for A former Emergency De­ Kelly began her career at * Upper/Lower extremity fractures an outpatient rehabilitation program. For more information partment staff nurse who Monmouth as an evening * Upper/Lower extemity sprains or strains on the AquaCiser, or Jersey Shore Medical Center's rehabil­ most recently served as Dir­ staff nurse in the Emergency * Upper/Lower limb strengthening itation services, please call (908) 776-4558. ector of Admitting and Emer­ Department. She received gency Services, Kelly now is her bachelor’s degree in responsible for Medical Ser­ nursing from Seton Hall vices, Critical Care, the University, Orange, and a Diabetes Treatment Center, master’s degree from Fair- Emergency Services, Neph­ leigh Dickinson University. rology, Women’s Services, Breathe new life AIITO-Alimo into every day A NEW JERSEY LANDMARK IN CAR ELECTRONICS FOR OVER 25 YEARS We Help Take The Confusion Out Of cellular Phones We Take The Time To explain All You Need To Know About Buying And Owning A Cellular Phone. FREE FLIP PHONE* Battery & Charger Included One-Touch Emergency Dialing 27 Number Memory MONTHLY SERVICE ONLY $21.95 mo. FREE ACTIVATION FREE CAR CORD FREE VOICEMAIL for 1 mo.. FREE VOICE CONNECT for 1 mo 45 FREE MINUTES per mo. * with annual contract NOW Hassle Free Roaming Areas Hiroughout The Our Pulmonary Rehabilitation c o r v iC A s x ' Northeast Boston, Rhode Island, Connecticut CELLULAROHE* Prosram can show you how. Ocean County, NJ, Mairtsbura, Bahimore Arilhfirtsed A ^n t and Washington DCl Asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis and luns sursery cause subject to credit approval; deposit may be required. Service promotions apply to new activations only on Middlesex, Monmouth and Hunterdon exchanges only. Offer many people breathins difficulties. Our comprehensive pulmonary expires 3/31/95 rehabilitation program encourages healthful activity and appropriate We Love exercise to enhance lung capability. Our Work- Specific goals are set fa every patient to achieve results throughout You'll Love The Best Names In Car Stereo the program. A u t o T u n e s , In c . Learn to control your breathing problems and live life to the fullest. Our Store!!! Security Systems P r e s e n t s Call today 908-776-4912 774- 4997 Cellular Phones 775- 4225 J ersey S hore M edical C enter 124 Hwy. 35 Full Line of Radar Detectors Program located at Jersey Shore Wellness Center Neptune, NJ WE PU T YOUR EARS IN GEAR! beepers Au t o m o t iv e Installation S p e c ia l is t s 2020 Rt. 33 Neptune, NJ 07754 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1995 EimeS- PAGE 13 Wilson School Holds Bees Wilson School In Neptune City announced the Winners of their Geography and Spelling Bees held last Friday. Brian Wyman, second from left, won 1st place in the SpelKng Bee, A Little Ditty as well as the Geography Bee. Casey Tango ( Far Left) and Annie McGreevey (Fourth from Left) were runner-ups in the Spelling Bee. Katie McCloud (Third from Loft) and ^ From Neptune City Shawn Allen (Right) were runner-ups in the Geography Bee. by Giiiny Reynolds

Today's message form Thanks also to the Council Girls 38-21W the Neptune City Alliance is Members and Police Chief ******** directly form their Chairper­ Johnson who showed up This month's Library son, Michele Virgilio, "The and cheered our guys on. schedule is: February 2- Neptune City Drug Alliance Last, but not least, thanks to movies; February 9 - Valen­ Is The Winner!!" What a my husband, Frank, and my tine Party; February 16 - great game against the two girls Teresa and Julie, Preschool - Ground Hog WJLK team on January 23rd. for putting up with me during Craft, K-5 - Wild Westerns. And what a great crowd we the past month while I spent For more information call had. Coach Lou - you can my time getting this game the library at 988-8866. give Pat Riley a run for the together. ******** money. And the guys... you Mark your calendars for Homework for those were fantastic, many thanks the next Alliance meeting on absent from school will not to all who played, both on Thursday, February 9th at be ready until after 2:45. the Alliance team and on the 7:30 p.m. in Boro Hall. Remember to call early to WJLK team. There are so a h It Irk it ir It request it for your child. many people to thank for The winners for the ******** their help in putting the game lower grades Spelling Bee 1995 Neptune City togelher, I hope I don't miss was Brett Burr from Mrs. Recycling Schedule pick up spread out." sociation. According to any.me, but if I do, please Elberson's third grade class. dates are as follows: MARLBORO "When we contacted the Sharon Bono, vice president, know that I really appreciate The runner-up was Kristen February 7 & 21, March 7 & Continued from Page 1 Commissioner all we got right now the organization is everyone's help. First and Boden, another third grader. 21, April 4 & 18, May 2, 16 & jection of more of the men­ was platitudes saying ‘we looking for a reduction in foremost, to Bea Danielson, Congratulations! 30, June 13 & 27, July 11 & tally ill population into Ocean understand.’ Frankly, we these numbers. my right and my left hand... The winners for the up­ 25, August 8 & 22, Septem­ Grove could result in several want more than understand- "We feel that they should to Cathi Folk, who I can per grades Spelling Bee was ber 5 & 19, October 3, 17 & dilemmas including an in­ ding, we want a stop to it," mainstream and put them in always count on and to the Brian Wyman, who also won 31, November 14 & 28, crease in crime activity such he added. 'The state all towns even Spring Lake. rest of the Alliance members the Geography Bee, the 1st December 12 & 26. Remem­ as violence and drug abuse. doesn’t want to share any The state has done nothing tor all their help; to President runner-up was Katie Knoud, ber, the Recycling Drop Off "It's a domino effect. In information with us and deal but create psychiatric ghet­ Barbara Goss and the lovely and the competition between Center is open 7 days a 1993 we had 101 first aid with us. They want to use tos and warehouse these ladies of the Wilson Booster these two was rough. The week 24 hours a day. This calls. In January 1994 we us as a dumping ground." patients into select com­ PTO who are always there, 2nd runner-up for this group Center is for Neptune City closed the Grand Atlantic ladanza also said it is his munities," said Bono. thanks ladies; to Mr, Shafer was Annie McGreevey. residents only. The Center is Hotel. At the end of 1994 our concern that the closing and "If they continue with the to Wilson School and the Congratulations to all of electronically monitored and calls were reduced to 28. We the injection of this popula­ policy they have now, the office and custodial staff; to you for doing such a great video taped. Violators will can, of course, speculate tion in Ocean Grove will be a state will create a social and the Board of Education, for job. be prosecuted. that the closure of that hotel burden on the taxpayer. economic disaster. It’s also both allowing us the use of ******** ********* directly contributed to the "Each first aid call you a real dead end for the the school and for playing; The Knights of Colum­ Calendar for February decrease in service call num­ get - you - the taxpayer are patients they are dumping," to my "honorary" members bus had a foul shooting 2/2 Girls vs. Brielle bers." he said. paying for it," he added. she added. of the Alliance, R and Kim; 2/3 Report Cards; 7th & contest on January 20th, the Feit said that the towns During the years, one “At this point, we are the Boro Hall office for hel­ 8th grade Dance 7 p.m. following students were all have to "make the state and organization which has keeping a close eye on it, ping with all my letters, 2/5 7:30 - NCBBLL Coaches winners: Boys 13 year old Commissioner Waldman see fought strongly to prevent said ladanza. "If we have to noti ;es and taking all my & Volunteers meeting - Boro division - Jose Lopez, 14 that this population has to be saturation is the Ocean contact senators and assem­ phone calls; to Ms. P for Hall year old division - Joey Grove Home Owners As­ blymen we will." showing up and helping out, Brown. Girls 13 year old 2/6 12 Noon Seniors you are always there when division - Annie McGreevey, covered dish luncheon we need you; to the First Aid 14 year old division - 2/9 7:30 p.m. Alliance Squad, thankfully, we did not Maureen McCartney. meeting at Boro Hall. need you but were glad to The winners will be con­ 2/14 Board of Education have you there; to Joe Sharp tacted at a later date for the work meeting 8 p.m. iiSlMm. for the great pictures and to next round. Good luck to all 2/15 Project Fair 7 to 8:15 Molly Berkowitz for the great of you. p.m. coverage; to ShopnBag for ******** 2/18 8 p.m. trip to Spring the donation of the drinks Since I don't have the Lake for showing of "Jacks" and to WonderBread for the names of all the top scorers 2/20 schools closed. donation of the donuts; to for the two basketball teams. 2/21 Board of Education Tuna's Bullpen for the prin- I'll just point out that all the business meeting 8 p.m. tinc of the T-Shirts, (we have players have worked their 2/22 7:30 p.m. PTO meeting. March not a one left); to Bruno's best and our scores tend to 3/24 Annual Variety Show Allegro Agency, Berardis, prove that. The results for "Planet Hollywood" Danielson Heating and Air the games are as follows: ******** Conditioning, the Wilson Jan. 12 vs. Bradley Beach - I want to hear from you! PTO, Hometown Video, and Girls 42-18W; Boys 55-46L. Your comments, ideas and Dairy Queen of Seaview Jan. 20 vs. Manasquan - items of interest about our Square Mall for their Girls 33-26W; Boys 5-26L. town are always welcome. donations for the door Jan. 23 vs. H.W. Mountz - Please share them with me prizes. Also, many thanks to Girls 33-16W; Boys 53-31L. # # by calling 988-3215 in the Mayor Deeves for helping us Jan. 25 vs. Antrim - Girls evening. FAXing your infor­ out at half-time with the door 29-19W; Boys 44-37L. mation to The Times at 774- # prizes and for his continued Jan. 26 vs. Holy Innocents 4480, or by writing to me at Live Via Satellite and very much appreciated - Boys 60-51L. The Times, P. O. Box 5, support of our Alliance. Jan. 27 vs. Holy Innocents - Ocean Grove, NJ 07756. Start Off Your Weekend With A Kick! Breakfast Specials Teddjr Bears "To Go" 9 Happy Hour Prices Valentine’s Day Guinness Pints $2.50 Send Someone Special A Bear Hug Tuesday, February I4th Every Saturday Send A Bear - Anywhere Games Be^n at 10:00am in the Tavern Overnight Delivery Within 350 Miles * Breaffast from 10:00am "^Over 500 Different Bears Available To Snit Your # # All Bears Delivered With Helium Balloons For Additional Information - 681-0013 Ext. 26 l - 8 0 0 >2 8 4 -BEAR Open M on-Frt 9-6 OR...call The Tides Cafe at 775-8887

Open Sundays Feb 5th & ISth 897 West Park Are, Ocean, PiJ 0771S CcdiblestiHie Village, Ocean, N J PAGE 14 (Cfje ®imes»- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1995 Sflic StitttCjg Around Town Ducks Don't

Do You Think The Groundhog Will See His Shadow Today, And If So, How Many More Weeks Of W nter WU We Have? Read Signs

Romesh A m in Neptnne Twp. "No, I don't think he will see his shadow. I don't think the weather wUl stay cold much longer. It's been too warm this winter and the warm weather wUl be here to stay soon."

Judy Connelly M arge Lamb Neptune IVrp. Neptune "Yes, he will see his shadow. We should "Yes, I think he will see his shadow. We get S-6 more weeks of winter. I think he wUl get six more weeks of winter. I will see his shadow because we've had a would love to see a bad snow storm. It few days of sun consecutively. We are would be great" due for some clouds by the end of the week." Carin Pownall and Matthew Mitchell ^ e t Mummers & de JfeuA 9lenm iU d Ocean Grove - There is couldn't go backward. a "Duck Crossing Sign" at The fast thinking of 11- the corner of Stockton and year old Carin Powell, an Central Avenues. The sign is, Abbott Avenue resident, of course, aimed at drawing brought the duck's plight to attention to motorists that the , attention of Matthew ducks have been seen at Mitchell, Cookman Avenue. p a r a m o u n t this intersection crossing the Mat* new rushed home to street to reach Fletcher Lake. secure his kayak and THEATER On Tuesday, local res- proceeded out on the lake to ider.ls were speculating that assist in the creation of a one of the neighborhood path for the duck by ducks must have been breaking the ice in strategic taking "Hooked on Phonics" locations. lessons because one lonely A crowd gathered and The City of Asbury Park celebrates Presidents Weekend little duck seemed to pay cheered to encourage the attention to the directions "rescuer and the "rescuee" that the sign implied. in their efforts. We are happy with The duck tried to cross to report that the mission the partially frozen lake, but was successful and the n was unable to continue his "Duck Crossing" is again journey because of the ice. It secure. could't go fonvard and it i A string Band Revue

WEST GROVE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Featuring Coriles Avenue at Walnut Street, Neptune

^rvlce: Sunday 9:15 am & 10:30 am Sunday School: 9:15am of the Philadelphia New Year's Parade Dr. Waiter Jesuncosicy. F^stor im im S’tri/f ^ani Church 774-S748 Parsonage 776^203 Old Time Favorites paramount Net Lane's Fisherman THEATER Before or After Ocean Avenue, Asbury Park Feb. 19, 1995 3:00PM the C o n c e r t Tickets May Be Purchased or A nytim e At Asbury Park City Hall Enjoy Quality Seafood At It's Best. all seats reserved SENIORS Comer of 7th & Ocean Ave Tickets: $10 - $25 Just Two Blocks North of The Paramount call 502-5711 For 7 7 5 -0 2 8 2 for more information 20% Discount Group Sales Available THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1995 PAGE 15 ®f)e liim es- The Sharp Eye ofWUt ®imcsf by Joe Sharp

O n-Site C olor Lab 5 3 Morris Avenue, Neptune City Remember, Service Is Our M id d le Name 77fr«030 Process Process Your Film Into Your Film Into Quality Photographs Quality Photographs

We Use fltodak . AT NO ADi^mONAL COST Ask For Details PAGE 16 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1995 OGCMA Making Waves In Avon-By-The-Sea Scholarship by Marie McMonagle Advertising A nnounced Deadline High school students With winter here it is able officers' came out to a florist will open March 1st Ocean Grove - The with a grade point average of gcxxJ to see some of our an- congratulate Captain Carroll in their building. Shortly after, DoU Ocean Grove Camp Meeting "B" or better and who are nuai visitors back. We have on his promotion. Laurie will open a garden Ocean Grove - Mr. and Association has announced U.S. citizens interested in a resident seagull who has Businesses Recognized center in the building. Gar­ Mrs. Frank Ambos, Neptune, that the 1995 Summer Calen­ applying for $1,000 college dar of Events and the Sum­ put claim to one of the pil­ A night for thank yous. dens by the Sea and a flo­ have announced the en­ scholarships should request ings in the river by us. Ahab Several businesses were wer shop, here’s wishing gagement of their daughter, mer Entertainment Brochures applications by March 15, by naune, he is easy to spot noted for their contributions success to them in a new Janemarie L Ambos, to Paul are currently being prepared. 1995 from Educational Com­ because he has one leg to the town, in most instan­ venture and all these fine George Bayer. The bride to Applications for advertising munications Scholarship space are now being accep­ shorter than the other. He ces the honor was for the establishments. be, a graduate of Neptune Foundation, 721 N. McKinley ted. used to just be here from manner in which the busi­ Finally a special note of High School, is a front end Road, P.O. Box 5012, Lake May until about October, but ness has improved their thanks was extended to Sam supervisor at Cost Cutters, Approximately 60,000 Forest, IL 60045-5012. copies of the Calendar will this winter he has stayed on. storefront and in turn the Saluka. He has been work­ Wall Twp. To receive an applica­ be printed and a business Last January during the town appearance. Among ing steadily on the Avon The groom to be grad­ tion, students should send a directory will be included. very cold spell we had a seal those honored were: Beautification Commission uated from Manasquan High note stating their name, ad­ The cost for inclusion in this come to visit. He rested for a Sam Saluka of Avon and will be providing new School and is a machinist- dress, city, state, zip code, listing is $50.00. morning on our neighbor's Travel who purchased what signs at the entrances to fork lift operator at Emil A. approximate grade point Space in the new Sum­ dock before swimming off. was once the Avon Bakery town. They will welcome Schroth, Inc., Howell. average and year of gradua­ mer Entertainment brochure Fortune smiled again this on Woodland and main, did people to Avon By The Sea. The wedding is planned tion. All requests for appli­ is also available and those year. We have had another a fine remodeling job and In his introduction mayor for July 27, 1996 at Our Lady cations will be fulfilled on or brief visit from the seal. Un­ have relocated to the larger Hauselt stated that a town is of Mt. Carmel Church, As- interested should contact the before April 15, 1995 like Ahab, we can’t tell if it is facility. only as good as, its people. bury Park. Ocean Grove Camp Meeting the same one as last year. It Bill and Jim Kirms of Avon is blessed with lots of office at 775-0035 for details. is quite a bit larger, but seal Kirms Printing did a fine face good people. cubs do grow up. I'll have to lifting on their establishment, Beach Update compare photos. both Brian Dibble of the Nothing to report here .V isit the^ Avon Grille and Bob DeMaso and isn’t that wonderful? from Al’s Subs did an overall Though somewhat colder, internal and external spruc­ our calm winter weather has B edrock CaEe ing up of the stores. continued and seems to be G reat Food In A Casual S etting Ernest and Laurie Fat- holding. Because of this, torosi have been at J&E work continues on schedule Auto 8 eight years now. on both the jetties and the Ernest how has J&E looking boardwalk. So far so good. G reatest Ribs On The Jersey Shore as mint as the finely finished Recreation vehicles that leave his shop. Watch for notices for team pictures. David Gamble Visiting seal In Shark L&H Plumbing occupied will again be taking team River Inlet, Avon. an old, tired looking building and under the direction of picture which the youngsters will receive at the Fall-Winter "WOW" Bob Volmer, is now housed in a building that smiles with Sports Supper in March. Every Thursday Hs fresh, rejuvenated ap­ Upcoming Events pearance. Feb 8: Retirement dinner 1/2 BBQ Chicken Lina and Joseph Fish­ for Joseph Hagerman; man accepted the citation for Feb 9: Board of Ed. 1/2 Rack Baby Back Ribs son Robbie of the Avon Meeting, 8 PM, School; Pavilion. The town is par­ Feb 9: Environmental ticularly appreciative to Rob­ Commissioner Meeting, 7:30, o n ly $ First Aid; 7 .9 5 bie for his generosity to the many organizations that hold Feb. 13: Borough Meeting, 8 PM. functions in town. Open 7 Days for Breakfast, Lnndi & IN n ncr Ahab, resident seagull. Robert Brano of Studio Z I cannot stress enough OPEN tern till lopm Borough Notes obviously believes in the lO Main Street, Bradley Beach Congratulationsto Police neat, trim, clean cut appear­ the importance of the public Cm Modfce ire e i M— Cfawea) Captain Jack Carroll. The ance. The area in and attending town meetings - last Borough meeting was a around his store Is always especially with the effects Can Ahead for TakeK>ot We deUver SOX.4455 time TO honor a number Of immaculate and whenever that can be felt with the new Avon residents and workers. possible enhanced with state budget. The Commis­ After 2 years as a Lieutenant, plantings and lights. sioners do want to hear from Police Officer Carroll was Long time shore resi­ you. pinned by his son John to dents and 4 years in Avon, Brett and Laurie Yarusi are Valentine’s Day Specials designate his new position Keep Up With as Captain. His daughter opening a new business in Lisa was also in attendance town. They have done major C lje for the installation ceremony. renovation of the building on Recently retired Joey Hager- the Southeast corner of Main 'Subscribe Today man and the new Chtef Har­ and Norwood. After a brief Incredible Price! ry Vanderbaus and all avail­ respite in Florida they expect Experience the Power! • Lightest, most powerful & easiest to use. Best industry has to offer. All models up to 40% off suggested retail ModeiJA-1502 Affordable O N L Y * models for all 149! budgets. • Includes stitches for mending, sewing and applique for maxi­ mum sewing versatility! • Sews on buttons. • Beautifully gift packaged! • A super value for any budget!

m onm outliV^cuum m - 710 m main Street & SEWING MACHINE CO. 109 3rd Ave., Neptune City Shopping Center W.. We Accept Trade-Ins FORMERLY OF ASBURY PARK Hours: Inccmpirat'e Sa'cs & Sen/ ce S nee Mon.. Tues.. Thurs. 9-6. t937 7 7 4 - 1 4 2 7 Sal. 9-4, Wed. & Fri. 9 8 1 ml south of the Asbury Circle on Rt. 35 & 3rd Ave. across from Super Foodtown THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1995 PAGE 17 GARDEN PHARMACY HAS TH E LOWEST Prescription P ric e s All PRESCRim PtANS ACCEPTED• INCLUDING



The Best Price & The Best Service a m e n Why Go Anywhere Else? ham Scy 2467 Hwy. 33, Neptune, NJ 922-4121 Of Neptune Joseph P. Pucci, RPh Eileen M. Pucci, RPh • < ' • »'* mm A-’ - , 'tu, «.« w.% « » PAGE 18 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1995 Cfje ®imes-

Neptune Township Public Schools S c^m I S c e ^

Vo\. XXII No. 2 N eptune T ownship B oard of Education, N eptune, N J 07753 February 2, 1995 Neptune H.S. NJROTC Graduate Continues Education in U.S. Navy

B y Evelyn P ayne was taught things that you could not HEN R obert G erald Moore, J r . find in a history book. Being part of entered Neptune High School the NJROTC helped me to gain per­ Win September 1990, he signed up for sonal discipline, leadership, self-es­ the Naval Junior Reserve Officers teem, and confidence.” Moore said he Training Corps (NJROTC) which is a is always telling other students to join credit course that provides training this organization because it offers so under the guidance of the Department much. of the Navy. O p p o r t u n i t y t o C o m p e t e Now, four years later, Moore (re­ As a four-year student in the pro­ ferred to as Robbie by family and gram, Moore became an Operations peers) is a 1994 Neptune High School officer, earning the title of Cadet, Lt. graduate who en- Jr. Grade. The program’s activities N eptvne S c ho o l P rincipals- S t a n d in g : Dr. Robert Morgan, High School; Rosalie tered the U.S. afforded him the opportunity to com­ Coleman, Ridge Avenue; Janice Sweeneij, Green Grove; Bessie Allen, Gables School; S e a t e d : Arlene Rogo, Summerfield; Joseph Santanello, Shark River Hills; Navy in Novem­ pete in local, state, and national com­ Sgivia Thomas, Middle School. ber. His partici­ petition. He was part of flag ceremo­ pation in the high nies, parades, naval review, and train­ P rincipals Keep T heir D oors O pen school NJROTC ing at Naval facilities, tours for par­ he principals of the seven school township. His phone, 776-2000, is program and out­ ents and students and many other buildings which make up the Nep­ open daily from 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 standing leader­ school functions. Ttune Township School District are re­RM. and anyone calling can expect a ship qualities en­ He has been recognized for his sponsible for the overall management timely response to all inquiries. abled him to en­ outstanding participation in the drill of the individual schools. The strength and vitality of our ter at the rank of team for four years and the trick drill Parents should view the school prin­ school district rests with the citizens E-3 rather than team, which involves spinning rifles. cipal as an ally in assuring that the of Neptune Township expecting that Robert Moore ’95 E-1. He selected Lt. Commander Tom Feaster, an social, emotional, and academic needs the schools serve all the educational Navy Corpsman Emergency Medic NJROTC Instructor in Neptune and a of pupils attending each school are needs of children in a professional and School for his training following eight- retired Naval officer with twenty years being met. The individual and unique effective manner. The school admin­ weeks of boot camp at Great Lakes, in Naval aviation, is pleased with needs of students can best be ad­ istration welcomes suggestions, ques­ Illinois. His first enlistment is for five Moore’s decision. In his second year dressed by parents who monitor their tions, or complaints, and the school years. at Neptune High School, Lt. Com­ child’s progress closely and contact the principals stand prepared to assist the Moore says his participation in the mander Feaster explains that the cur­ teachers and school principal directly students they serve daily. NJROTC was “something special. I riculum is developed by the Navy and if they have concerns or suggestions Neptune High School 776-2200 consists of classroom drills, earth sci­ for improving the quality of education Dr. Robert B. Morgan, Principal Green Grove Raises Funds ence, civics, navigation, leadership, in Neptune. Neptune Middle School 776-2100 military history , and physical fitness. For Muscular Dystrophy School principals can be contacted Siilvia E. Thomas, Principal While there is no commitment at during regular school hours at their Gables School 776-2230 Fourth grader Brian Roebuck raised all to any branch of the service after schools via phone, fax, or letter. Bessie C. Allen, Principal over $600 in a fund-raising scaven­ graduation, NJROTC cadets have the Superintendent of Schools Dr. Green Grove School 776-2090 ger hunt for Muscular Dystrophy. Stu­ opportunity to earn college scholar­ Michael T. Lake has high professional Janice G. Sweeney, Principal dents sough donations from a variety ships and, if they opt for military ser­ expectations for all employees of the Ridge Avenue School 776-2156 of people, someone over 6', someone vice, enter at a higher pay grade. school district. If citizens or parents Rosalie G. Coleman, Principal with red hair, etc. NJROTC is a credit course with 92 would like to discuss a problem or Shark River Hills School 776-2150 The drive, which raised over $1200 students this year. Students wear their concern with the Superintendent of Joseph A. Santanello, Principal was coordinated by a parent, Bonnie uniform one day each week for inspec­ Schools, he is available and welcomes Summerfield School 776-2080 Hogan. tion. inquiries from all the residents of the Arlene Rogo, Principal

F e b r u a r y 15-16 Neptune Community School Spring Semester Registration 15 Board of Education Regular Meeting at High School 20 Presidents’ Day Schools Closed

M Am cH 7,8,9 8th Grade Early Warning Test 15 Board of Education Regular Meeting at High School 24-25 High School Drama Production: Board of Education Vice President Gail Tailor and President Frances Ta\;lor with Middle School Guid­ M*A*S*H ance Chairperson Arlene Schacht and Career Counselor Russ Walling, Major Krandt, Sgt. Luckers, 29 Board of Education Budget Hear­ and Superintendent of School Michael T. Lake. ing at H.S. U.S. Army Presents Award to Neptune Career Counselors iddle S chool G uidance C hairperson A rlene by the United States Army and the National Consor­ 4,5,6 High School Proficiency Test for Schacht and Career Counselor Russ Walling tium of Guidance Counselors. eleventh graders Mreceived The Planning for Life Award from theOver 143 applications were reviewed by a panel 14-23 Spring Recess United States Army in December. comprised of guidance professionals and others as­ 18 Board of Education Election The Planning for Life Award is an award that is sociated with career planning. 26 Board of Education Reorganization presented to those school, community, or church pro­ “The award clearly acknowledges that this school and Regular Meeting at H.S. grams that best prepare future leaders, parents, and, district is fully committed in developing our youth to most important, citizens. The program is sponsored be better leaders, parents, and citizens,” ETC Ventura stated in his presentation. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1995 PAGE 19 Clje Cimes-

February 2, 1995 T h e S c h o o l S c e n e Project Impact Students at Brookdale C.C. Guidance Departments Planning For the 1995-96 School Year

he end of the first semester is just A r l e n e S c h a c h t , Middle S chool at hand, but with half of the cur­ C ouNSEUNG C hairperson since 1986, Trent school year still ahead, guidanceretired on December 31 after 30 years counselors and administrators are busy in the Neptune Schools. She had been preparing for 1995-96. a member of the Counseling Depart­ High school counselors will begin ment since the building opened as a to introduce students to next year’s junior high school in 1967. She was choices during classroom visits next cited by several national organizations week. Individual sessions with students in recent years for work in the area of will begin February 13 and continue career counseling. Mrs. Schacht for several weeks. worked with the New Jersey Depart­ Neptune Middle School Students participating in Project Impact at “Students will receive an appoint­ ment of Education to spearhead de­ Brookdale College on “Meet the Staff Da];” in December. Ranada Warren, ment several days in advance,” High velopment of a counseling curricu­ Mercedes Ashb]>, Erica Stafford, Tiffan]; Kee, Alexis Anderson, Mike School Guidance Chairperson Peola lum in Neptune which serves as a na­ Le\;sath, Trevor Brown, Steve Le\;sath, Camille Hughley, Darryl Dixson, Smith-Smith explained. “They will tional model. She will continue to work George Young, John Dixson. have time to review their options with as a consultant. Parents toured classrooms, examined student work, and enjoyed a lun­ their parents, and bring their parents M r s . S h ir l e y P a r k e r , who was cheon with staff and administrators. Project Impact is an enrichment pro­ to the conference if they have any Chairperson of the High School Coun­ gram which helps motivate students by providing a variety of learning questions.” seling Department since 1986, has experiences. High school counselors will present moved to the middle school as Coun­ the high school curriculum to eighth seling Department Chairperson. She Middle School Students Prepare for EWT graders during classroom visits on had been a counselor at the high March 17. school since 1971. ore than 100 eighth graders are Ms. Fran Sauta, Program Coordi­ taking part in a supplemental nator, reports that most of the students An evening orientation session for M r s . P e o l a S m it h -S m it h has been Mtutoring program for the New Jersey parents is scheduled at the middle appointed as Chairperson of the High who were offered the opportunity to Early Warning Test (EWT) after school school, Monday, March 20. Parents School Counseling Department. Mrs. participate, signed up, and attendance and on Saturday mornings. of all students who expect to enroll in Smith-Smith came to the middle has been exceptional, “The students Classes in reading, writing, and Neptune High School in the fall should school as a counselor ten years ago, have responded enthusiastically to this mathematics meet from 2:00 - 3:00 attend. This includes students in the after 14 years as a physical education extra opportunity to strengthen basic p.m. on Monday and Wednesday, or middle school and Wilson School in teacher at Asbury Park High School. skills.” Tuesday and Thursday, or for two Neptune City, as well as Holy Inno­ “1 am looking forward to this new The EWT will be administered to hours on Saturday morning. cents, Mt. Carmel, St. Rose, and other challenge,” she stated. “I will miss the eighth graders in public schools Students were selected for the spe­ private schools. sixth graders with whom 1 have been throughout the state on March 7 ,8 , cial program after review of pre-EWT Individual scheduling conferences working, but it is exciting to see how and 9. test scored, other standard test results, with eighth grade students will begin the little ones I counseled a few years and recommendation of teachers and on March 21. ago have gown and developed.” Private School Eighth Graders counselors. Planning to Attend Neptune H.S. F e b r u a r y Former Celtic Conducts Basketball Clinic rivate school eighth graders who 7-10 Classroom Orientation for all plan to attend Neptune High students currently in H.S. PSchool in the fall may take the New 13 Scheduling Conferences Jersey Early Warning Test when it is begin for high school administered in the middle school, students March 7-9. Interested parents should M a r c h contact the middle school guidance 17 High School Counselors visit office at 776-2106. eighth grade English classes The EWT is designed to help high for orientation. . 5 ^ schools identify student weaknesses in 20 Parent orientation meeting mathematics, reading, or writing in for all public and private preparation for the High School Pro­ school students planning to ficiency Test (HSPT) administered to attend Neptune High junior in public schools throughout the School in the fall in Middle state each October. School.p.m. Any private school students who 21-24 Scheduling Conferences for Neptune Athletic Director Vince Ardery with Neptune city basketball play­ plan to transfer to the Neptune Public eighth graders. ers Bridget Nealon and Maureen McCartney, Seton Hall All American Schools in the fall should contact the A p r il Nick Werkman, and Neptune basketball players Shereese Haymon and principal of the school about standard­ 24-28 Scheduling Makeup Week Afton Orr. Werkman, who also played for the Boston Celtics, conducted a ized testing to prepare for evaluation clinic for the two team to at the beginning of the season in December. and placement. N eptune Township P vbuc Schools Counseung S taff

Elementary School Counselors 74e ScA oal Scene Gables School Elizabeth Capano 776-2252 February 2, 1995 Green Grove School Pamela Galatro 776-2088 Vol. XXII No. 2 The School Scene is published by: Ridge Avenue School Kathleen Kasun 776-2158 T h e N e p t u n e T o w n s h i p B o a r d o f E d u c a t io n Shark River Hills School Nancy Washington 776-2247 2106 Bangs Avenue, Neptune, New Jersey 07753 Summerfield School ^ Elizabeth Ryan 776-2081 It is part of the Board’s effort to keep the community informed about activities in the Neptune Township Public Schools. Middle School Counseling Department?76-2106/2107 Chairperson Shirley Parker B oard of E ducation MaryJo Palumbo Counselor President Frances J. Taylor Janice Keener Counselor Vice President Gail M. Taylor William Reinman , Counselor Members Janice Hyland Substance Awareness Counselor Diane N. Allen Gilmon D. Brooks MS/HS Career Counselor Beverly J. Holland Joseph J. Garbarine Russell Walling Domenick LaGaipa Dominic Loperfido Harry N. Smith High School Counseling Department 776-2220/2221 Peola Smith-Smith Chairperson A dministration Joyce Abrams Counselor Superintendent of Schools Michael T. Lake Assistant Superintendent James L. Terrell James Bogan Counselor Business Manager/Board Secretary David Mooij Cornelius Thomas Counselor Community/Parent Liaison Evelyn M. Payne David Traub Counselor School Scene Editor Richard J. Bel tie Janice Hyland Substance Awareness Counselor Russell Walling MS/HS Career Counselor An Affirmative Action/Equai Opportunity Employer PAGE 20 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1995

N e p t u n e T o w n sh ip

Winter • Spring 1995 Course Ojferings------Our 34th Year Registration: Wednesday and Thursday, February 15 & 16 7:00-9:00 P.M. at Neptune High School Bring or Mail Coupon below, and receive 10% Discount ! For more information: Please call 776-2006 8:00-4:00 P.M.

Title Winter Sorina Don Time Mtas. Fee Beginning Stained Glass March 6 NA Mon 7:00-9:00 6 $65 More Stained Glass ! NA April 24 Mon 7:00-9:00 6 $65 Western Dance March 9 NA Thu 7:00-9:00 9 $25 Aerobics TBA TBA 7:00-8:00 12 $25 Nail Art March 9 April 27 Thu 7:00-9:00 4 $40

Business and Computer I n s t i t u t e Title Winter Sorina Day Time Mtqs. Fee Computer Basics March 7 April 25 Tue 7:00-9:00 4 $70 E-Z DOS/Word Perfect March 6 April 24 Mon 6:30-9:00 6 $100 MS Windows/MS Word March 9 April 27 Thu 6:30-9:00 6 $100 n Beginning Typing Skills for Computer March 6 April 24 Mon 7:00-9:00 6 $85 Intermediate Typing Skills for the Computer NA April 25 Tue 7:00-9:00 6 $85 4 MS Windows/Excel March 8 April 26 Wed 6:30-9:00 6 $100 MS Window/Power Point March 8 April 26 Wed 6:30-9:00 6 $100 Gregg Shorthand Refresher March 7 NA Tue 7:00-9:00 6 $85

to - .d e < !in « t Title Winter Sorina Day Time Mtas. Fee Beginning Sign Language March 7 NA Tue 7:00-9:00 6 $65 Intermediate Sign Language NA May 2 Tue 7:00-9:00 6 $65 SAT Preparation March 7 April 25 Tu, Th 7:00-9:00 12 $85

^VDini bourses Flower Arranging One session on March 21 from 7:00-9:00 P.M. $15 Financial Planning Three sessions, Date & Time TBA $10

Community School Registration

Bring or Mail Coupon below, and receive 10% Discount !

Please mail to: Neptune Community School, 2106 Bangs Ave., Neptune, NJ 07753


Address: ------Payment by □ Check □ M.O. Amount $ ------City/State/Zip:—

Home Phone: — Business Phone: Course Number: Course Name: Fee: Course Number: Course Name: Fee: Please make checks payable to “Neptune Community School.” THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1995 PAGE 21 E i) t C i m e s - Boton jHemorp Hane (S^ceatt 15 YEARS AGO 30 YEARS AGO 50 YEARS AGO #robe (From the Jan. 31, 1980 (From the Jan. 29, 1965 (From the Feb. 2, 1945 issue of The Times) Issue of The Times) issue of The Times) Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Joseph E. Bennett, Nep­ Mrs. Mary C. Oliver, l^ocals Beekman, who were married tune Twp. municipal clerk, Ocean Grove, received joyful Dec. 16, established their was elected secretary of the news that her son. Col. Al­ home in Shark River Hills Monmouth County Municipal fred C. Oliver, Jr., was ROBERT RUMFORD, Flor'da to attend and enjoy The group is planning a following a wedding trip to Clerks Assn. among 513 prisoners relea­ son of David Rumford, was an afternoon with old and trip to Hunterton Playhouse Barbados. She is the former Keystone Savings & sed from a Japanese prison one of 800 students from the new friends from “back for a luncheon and play on Linda Bruno of Neptune City Loan, Asbury Park, reelected camp during a commando UnKars'fty of Evansville, home in Ocean Grove". April 26. and Don, an Ocean Grover, Raymond F. Johnson, board raid by Gen. MacArthur's Indiana, who were named to Call Thelma Channock at Other members atten­ was in the practice of law. chairman, who reported forces who were invading the Dean’s List for outstand­ 813-577-7242 and she will ding were Ruth L. Schwartz, Judy E. Smith of Ocean assets totalling $28,352,000 Luzon in their return to the ing academic achievement Immediately send directions Christine Faber, Florence Grove was graduated Cum ... The NJ National Bank & Phillippines. during the 1994 fall sem­ for your convenience. No Gibbons, Harriet Campbell, Laude from Bucknell Univer­ Trust Co., Asbury Park, add­ Frank Thorpe and his ester. This is the sixth time reservations are necessary Belle Brown, Kathryn Bor­ sity, earning a B.S. degree in ed David A. Werblln, Elber- son, Warren, of Weehawken, Rumford has been named to and free refreshments will be den, Mary Jane Schwartz, Elementary Education. on, to the board. Werblln purchased the Stokes Hall the list. served. Lucille Dunn, Meta S. Davis Klein's Electric Service, was head of the Gothan Hotel on Ocean Pathway, and Roberta Keller. Newark, broke ground for a Football Club, owner of the Ocean Grove. Plans for the annual -The Anne Forrester new electrical service for the NY Jets. Audrey Stoll of Ocean Ocean Grove Reunion in St. Circle met at the home of The January meeting of Ocean Grove Auditorium, Helen Nemeth of Nep­ Grove celebrated her 5th Petersburg have been final­ Ruth Beemer on Jan. 24th. the Frances Stern Prayer costing $32,000. tune was a member of the birthday at a home party ized and the date will be Ruth Beemer gave the bles­ Circle was held at the home Representing the Shark Upsala College Choir, a 65- enjoyed by Betty Jean Sulli­ Wed., Feb. 15. The reunion sing and Adaline Horter of Dee Harvey. Cathy River Hills Aux., Mrs. George member chorus on a concert van, Bradley Beach; Diane will be held at the Christ opened the meeting with a Cleeves, president, pre­ B. Bergen and Mrs. Lester tour of the south. Chafey, Ocean Grove; Mary U.M. Church, 5th St. and prayer. Reports were read sented the meeting. Re­ Goldstein presented a dona­ Neptune's Intermediate Alice Atkins, Asbury Park; 2nd Ave., St. Pete, at 2 P.M., by joan Benjamin, sunshine freshments were served and tion to the Jersey Shore School reported on student Bobbie Stillman, Spring Lake but do come early to meet dep;,; Beverly Ehrenfeld, a social time was enjoyed by Medical Center to purchase achievement in its four major Hgts., and Janet & Augie you.' friends. secy; Ruth Hancox, treas; Ruth Dellett, Jean Risdon, a Stimpulse stimulator for subjects (Math, Science, Stoll, sister and brother. This is an invitation to and Estella Wegge, of ex­ Isabel Megill, Sylvia use in physical therapy. English and Social Studies). Mrs. Alfred P. Todd of anyone visiting or Itving in board. Timourian, Emy Lou Snyder n Hamilton U.M. Earning A's in all four were Ocean Grove was elected and Natalie Trembly. ChU'Ch, receiving God & Jeb Backmore & Doug Holl, commissioner of the Shore Country Awards were girt 7th grade; Kathryn Wielert, Council of Girl Scouts. scouts Kimberly Harris, Elizabeth Bird & Arthur Under the direction of Debra Otten, Collette Payne, McDowell, 8th grade ... The Thelma Mount, Radio Station Neptune Police Report Lori Rozkowski and Tracy Intermediate School Journal­ WCAP, Asbury Park, was Voorhees, and cub scouts ism Club elected Barbara conducting a contest in I'he following report license. It was also dis- Whitfield Avenue, Ocean Chris & Michael Moen and Curto, pres.; Helen Evers, county high schools to dis­ corras from the desk of Sgt. covnred that there was an Grove for displaying an il­ Daniel Slocum. v.p.; Meredith Findler, secy.; cover the two best radio Albe1 Mallory of the Neptune active warrant for his arrest legal sticker on his car. The Mrs. Allen Morrison was Jacqueline Ladd, asst secy., voices, male & female, Township Police Department. from Asbury Park and Nep­ officers then determined that Heart Fund chairman in and Bruce Schwieters, treas. among students. January 27 - Officer tune. He was released on the suspect was driving with­ Ocean Grove. Barry A. Seideman of Dorothy Marshall of Siedle arrested J.L. William­ $250.00 ball. out a license, that he had Pearl McDaniel was Bradley Beach marched In Bradley Beach joined the son, 34, at 761 Wayside January 28 - Jerome fictitious plates, and that he president of the Senior Citi­ the Washington Inauguration Hannah-Crosman VFW Aux., Road for exposing himself' Johnson, 28, Lake Avenue, had under 50 grams of mari­ zens of Neptune City which Day parade with a contingent Ocean Grove, headed by and urinating in public. He Ocean Grove, was arrested juana in his sock. He was met twice monthly in the of U.S. Navy recruits from Mrs. Harriet Clark. was released on a sum­ for possession of narcotics, issued a summons and re­ boro's first aid building. the 50 states. Seven Neptune High mons. giving false information to a leased. Maureen Cassidy and Winston Churchill, war­ School students earned hon­ January 27 - Rl. police officer, and for pos­ January 31 - At Heck Reggie Floyd were Neptune time leader of Great Britain, ors in the four major sub­ Michael Bianno stopped sessing an illegal drivers' and Atkins Avenues, Officer High School winners of the died. jects. They were Grace Beh­ James Hubbard, 65, at license.The arresting officer Douglas Martin arrested Voi'^e of Democracy essay George May was install­ rens, Muriel Smith, Ruth Drummond and Heck Ave­ was Thomas Rafi. Timothy Clayton, 24, of Lin­ contest. ed president df the S.R.H. Penn, Elsie Sautthorpe, Wil­ nues after the suspect made January 29 - Molique coln Village, Asbury Park, for Property Owners Assn. liam DeMidowitz, Jack Mc- an illegal turn on Lake Grenhow, 24, Asbury Park motor vehicle violations and Garry and Ardell Williams. Avenue. Hubbard gave a was stopped by Detectives possession of CDS, under fictitious name and was William Bailey and James 50 grams of marijuana. The driving with a suspended Hunt on Main Avenue and accused was turned over to Monmouth County Sheriff’s 'LARRISON Office. COAL & kUEL OIL Highway ^5 & .1r4 Ave. Neptune City ‘ j .... Larrison Coal & Fuel Twin Brook Oil has expanded its ser­ suPUMmM PLUS m r vice department to include Golf Center the followin/^: 1/2 O F F SALE Gas Heat SUPKMMt n u s SMAJir PACK: Insfallation & Service 0 0 I * DlLUXl PREPARATION AND * SUPREME PAINT wHh GOUF CUNIC SCHEDULES 2 YR GLOSS WARRANTY Cen,tra1 Air Conditioning iMOvy * UV SUNSCREEN PKG. Installation & Service W M ief yw'm loatng tn etononiv. a pqini Intermediate Clinic sefw n. w have a VQiely of podogn to (hoose from Stop n todoy ou anouT HAU O tf sole is ovniled time offe) with a PGA instructor and 774-5352 - PARTKIPATING CENTERS - covers special techniques and ®***'^*y Ma^ 51219 M 1dN>-2:00 IMI execution of particular Sunday April 2 9 16 231:00-2:00 1101 Hwy 33 - Comer Memorial Drive strokes...10 students or less 7 7 4 - 5 7 7 1 p e r class Adult Clinic C U S T O M D a tes Vtmt lHJ(^icnii(ommet(tcIvehi(leA|)ytslimoie Sti:aDin3ofotdQO'nl.bQd\«ci)<.flnii Consists of (4) 1 hour lessons ruif repoit eiiro Kol valiit ftiih ony omti oH(c. MAAiU Auto Poinling onti BodyrMotki Of Sunday February 5 12 19 26 1:00-2:00 TIRE ff*(jtpfndent fioiirtiitei ol MAiCO [rtferpiivfs Int. Ptirei hagtj ondtetiriCRmoy voty with a PGA Instructor and covers the basics of the golf Sunday March 51219 26 4:0&SdW ASSOCIATES swing and use of all clubs...10 Sunday April 2 916 23 4:00^:00 ELEGANT DINING students or less per class at Popular Prices Junior Golf Clinic MOM’S D a le s Consists of (4) 1 hour lessons ’•^ I T C H E N with a PGA Instructor and Sunday March 51219 26 2:30^:30 covers the basics of the golf Sunday April 2 916 23 2:3(F3:30 Fine Italian Crusine swing and use of all dubs...10 * DAllYLUNCHEONS students or less per dass closed Tuesdays except Holldayi 1129 5 tli Ave., N ^ t u n e Men's Ladies Juniors T w lli^ League Available for 1995 Twin Brook dlnic Year Round Phone 775-4823 Golf Center 1251 Jumping Brook Bd., Neptune Freezer SIze 'Plzta Specialties nUMLY RKMMTIOfi For More Information Call 922-1600 *3r\- ~ PAGE 22 THURSDAY/fEBRUa ^IY ^' 1995 ®fie ®imes- Four Seats Available In Serving Our Country Bradley's Upcoming Election Township Topics by Denise Herschel one of the finest along the Training Command, Great The race for the four Jersey Shore", he stated. Navy Petty Officer 2nd John Gross, Neptune Township’s Business Adminis­ Lakes, III. seats on the Bradley Beach Class Lori P. Nauden, As a former member of trator, reports this week on the possible acquisition of the daughter of Ronald A. Nau­ During the 8-week pro­ Council could cause quite a the School Board for 24 Tides Motel through Green Acres funding. stir, if opinions expressed den of 107 Monmouth Ave., gram, Palumbo completed a years and finance chairman, "At the last regular meeting of the Township Committee, variety of training which recently by both the current Pearsall said he believes "I and Barbara J. Nauden of a public hearing was held on the Green Acres application included classroom study, council and those seeking can just do a better job with 412 Maple Ave., Neptune, to acquire the site commonly known as the Tides Motel in appointment are any indica­ handling the taxpayers’ recently reenlisted for four practical hands-on instruc­ Shark River Hills," Gross stated. "I am pleased to report tion of what the May election money". years while serving at Fleet tion, and an emphasis on that public comments received unanimously supported the physical fitness. In parti­ may hold. "I’d like to put a definite Training Center, Naval Sta­ proposal with the exception of the current property owner." cular, Palumbo learned naval tion, Norfolk, VA. The petitions for four curve on spending. People Gross’ statement read into the record at that public The 1987 graduate of customs, first aid, fire three-year terms on the are being run out of town hearing, which describes the Green Acres proposal, went fighting, water safety and Neptune High School joined council were made acces­ because they can’t afford to as follows: "As part of an on-going commitment to insuring survival, and a variety of the Navy in May 1988. sible last week and must be pay these high taxes, it’s just that adequate open space and recreational facilities are safety skills required for filed by March 16, according no good," he said. available for the residents of the community, the Township working around ships and Navy Seaman Recruit to Mayor Steven Schueler, But Mayor Schueler be­ of Neptune has decided to consider acquiring the site of the aircraft. Christopher A. Palumbo, a who said he has only heard lieves his council has ac­ now vacant Tides Motel which is located on the westerly Palumbo is a graduate 1989 graduate of Ocean a few names mentioned for complished quite a bit of side of Riverside Drive between Melrose Avenue and High­ of Virginia Commonwealth Twp. High School, Oakhurst, the positions and said it is good for the town including land Avenue ... The Township proposes to demolish the University, Richmond, VA, recently completed US Navy too early to speculate on stabilizing taxes, reducing existing asphalt pavement and develop the site as a mini with a BS degree. basic training at Recruit how the upcoming election the crime rate and renovat­ park for passive recreation. Initially, the entire site will be would fare. ing the town’s train station. graded and a lawn established. In the future, access walks 'Those that I have heard "I think the present coun­ will be constructed, park benches installed and landscaping are already on the present cil has worked very hard and planted. The mini park will be designed to be fully acces­ council," said Schueler, but well together. We are div­ sible to the handicapped as mandated by the Americans added that Jane Hanley, a erse, and come from differ­ with Disabilities Act." member of Crime Watch, ent backgrounds, which Gross commented that the State’s focus for Green and Robert Pearsall, former helps the borough. I can’t Acres funding is towards waterfront property. This is why Board of Education member, think of a single issue where the time to acquire the Tides Motel property is advan­ have picked up their pack­ there hasn’t been good in­ tageous. ages for the upcoming elec­ put. There’s an advantage The Township is only in the initial stages of acquiring tion. to having five minds as to Green Acres funding. No commitments have been made Robert Pearsall said lie having three minds like we to expend funds. definitely plans to run had with the old form of Based on the properties’ current assessment, the Town­ because of his dissatisfac­ government," he said. ship estimated the cost of the project, including demolition tion with the "way the present Yet Pearsall, who in the of the existing structure, to be $250,000. It the Green Acres council is handling the tax past ran the mayoral cam­ application is approved, the project will be financed with a money". paign for friend Leonard 25% grant and 75% low interest loan. The cost to repay They spent alot of Riley, and at present is run­ this loan represents less than $1 per year to the average money ill-advised on the ning independently, said he Neptune Township taxpayer. INVENTORY CLEARANCE SALE oceanfront. The beachfront has been warned by many If this funding is approved by the State, the Township looks great but it has no citizens of Bradley Beach to JG/IWennte For A ll Your Appliance Needs will then get two State certified appraisals to establish the staying power. It just not run with anyone who is true value of the property. Once established, the Township Sales & 24 hr. service on all appliances doesn’t hold up. And it goes presently in office. Committee will hold another public hearing in order to on and on. I am not at all They seem to be pretty formally consider exceptance of the Green Acres funding h satisfied with the way tax fed up," he replied. and acquisition of the proposed property. money is being spent", Pear­ When contacted by The **•***•*«***•****•••*•** i sall said. He added his main Times, Councilwoman Janet All township offices will be closed February 13 and 20 Automatic VilHber platform for the election will Macinnes said she has not Save Up To $7S Save Up to %90 Save Up To $f0 Save Up To $250 for Lincoln’s Birthday and President’s Day. Trash and . . • Cook Tops • V^toll Ovens and Microwaves be to put a hold on some of yet decided if she will be recycling collection scheduled for those Mondays will be the spending that is currently running and did not wish to ^ ...BUY NOW and SAVE! postponed until the next regularly scheduled pick-up date. being done. discuss any plans for the The Township Committee meeting normally scheduled town. Easy Finaricing Available'l2l££l S Cn the flip side. Mayor for February 20 will be held on Tuesday, February 21. Package bfscounts on Multi Safesl...We service all make appliances Schueler believes the current Both Leonard Riley and J.6. MENNIE Co. council has reduced spend­ Bob Napolli could not be 1905 CORUE3 AVE. (HWV. 33). NEPTUNE ing and stabilized taxes in reached for comment con­ (t/2 biocfc east of J«{^ Short Mtd Ctt) 775-3986 addition to completely reno­ cerning the upcoming elec­ vating the oceanfront. "It's tion. We Bring the Shore to Your door... Subscribe Today - $15. per year ($18. out of county) Call 775-(KX)7 Manor Taylors 5/ The C ekB rate r 6ea TifrUtB Ocean Grove - Rev. and Mrs. John C. Taylor, of the A unique Long Tenii Ocean Grove Tent Colony ♦ Nui’aped.ed. Grove Victorian House Tour ♦ and Festival. Hot & Cold Manor 5j Tlie Sea Hosted by their daught­ ♦ er, Mrs. Kymme Taylor Van Deli & Catering ♦ provides: Cleef, of Ocean Grove and ♦ • 24 hour Skilled Nursing Care • Social Services Fair Haven, the Taylors stay­ Homemade ed at the Ocean Plaza, ♦ • Housekeeping Services • Nutritional Programs Ocean Pathway, during the Soups, Salads & More ♦ • Rehabilitation Services • Physical Tlierapy Holiday House Tour week­ ♦ • Speech Therapy • Occupational Therapy end of December 9 through Groceries & Fruit Baskets the 11th. The Anniversary ♦ • Physician, Dental and Podiatric Services. dinner was held at the 3 & 6 Foot Subs ♦ The Manor provides both semi-private and private Manchester Hotel during the ♦ "Victorian Evening" of the ♦ accommodations. An enclosed courtyard encourages Holiday House Tour. Free Delivery enjoyment of outdoor activities. The spacious veranda Rev. and Mrs. Taylor ♦ bordering the dining area affords pleasant views. were married on December ♦ 25, 1944 at the Princeton ♦ 160 Main 6LreeL University Chapel, Princeton, NJ. The wedding ceremony ♦ Ocean Grove, NJ 07756 was performed by the Rev. ♦ 908-775-0554 THE H®MES William L. Tucker, pastor of fhx 908-774-2021 ilie United Methodist Homes o f New Jersey the Princeton Presbyterian Church. A

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

1 m . THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1995 PAGE 23

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ADDRESS PAGE 24 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1995 ^ f } t ® im e s i- In Our Schools Avon School News What’s Happening In Our Schools by Marie McMonagle by EVELYN H. P *Y I« ______Gables School January 9-20 and $1,250 celebration of Black History Eighth Grade has begun Capron, Esq. (Borough At­ hope to show our residents Students in this school was realized. Ms. Bowman Month, and Assembly en­ preparations for Student torney), Dorothy Reibrich the beauty of our town." And have been working hard in was very pleased with the titled, West African Journey Government Day. On Wed­ and Nancy Brautigan (Court finally Commissioner Mary their Math-A-Thon Work­ students efforts and is will be held in the Gym­ nesday all the students in the Administrator and Deputy Kate McDevitt promised,"As books, according to Mrs. hoping to expand the pro­ nasium at 9 a.m., announces 6th, 7th and 8th grades Court Administrator); the commissioner of Rev­ Capano, school Counselor gram next year. She com­ Jennifer Eldridge, President. voted for three members of David Gamble: George enue and Finance, I hope to and the Coordinator for this mended the work of two Parents are encouraged to the 8th grade to serve as Chiistopher (Superintendent use the money wisely and project. The Math-A-Thon students: Brian Roebuck, attend the general meeting of Commissioners for Student of Public Works and Code carefully." raises fund for St. Jude’s Jr., a fourth grader in Ms, the PTA at 7 p.m. on Feb. 13 Government Day. In order to Enforcer), Karl Klug (Super- The students will use the next month to investigate the Children’s Hospital. The Jodry’s class who raised and to witness the Recog­ give them a true taste of vot­ intendent of Water problems that are affecting workbook has more than more than $600 and James nition of our students for ing the youngsters got to Department); 200 problems and students Masco, a first grader in Mrs. achieving High Honors and use a real voting booth for get sponsors to contribute Koharki’s class with a total of Honor Roll and Perfect At­ this election. Among other money to the number of $284. Mrs. Bonnie Hogan is tendance for the second things, this is a good way to problems that they solve in President of the PTA. marking period. Mrs. Rogo, remove the initial voter booth the' booklet. Mrs. Capano Ridge Avenue School ' the Principal, will con­ shock from our future voters. noted that the students have Students who made the gratulate and present cer- Jared Murray received done very well in giving their Honor Roll or earned Perfect fificates to the honorees. the most votes from the 3 support to the hospital as Attendance for this marking The show on "Mission classes and will have the well as enhancing their math period were recognized Planet Earth Part 11" will be duties of Mayor Hauselt for skills. during an Awards Assembly presented by Myra and Her Student Government Day. The Annual Spelling Bee in the Auditorium this week. Amazing Puppets on Feb­ Second in voting was will be held in the All-Pur­ Mrs. Coleman, Principal, has ruary 16 at 9:30 a.m. Bill Koch. His role will be that pose Room on Thursday, announced the following Neptune Middle School of Commissioner Dioguardi. Feb. 2, 9 a.m. Students in students as finalists in the Sixth, seventh and eighth The position of Commission­ grades three, four and five Spelling Bee competition for grade students are gearing er Bruton will be assumed by this school for grades 3-5. up for Spelldown ’95 in this Mary Kate McDevitt who was will show their Spelling ability Back Row: Krissy Salisbury, Billy Koch, David They are: Tyeisha Wash­ school. On Tuesday, Feb. 7 third in the voting. All mem­ which will determine who will Gamble, Jared Murray and David McGovern. ington, Carla Shawn Parker, at 7 p.m. in Room B-2, par­ bers of the class will assume represent the Gables School Front Row: Ian Fox, Brian Zadlock and Mary Kate Tysell Johnson, Craig Hulse, ticipants in the Annual com­ the duties of the borough in the Annual Spelldown McDevitt. competition sponsored by Elizabeth Yisrael and Lakie- petition will show off their personnel for the day. the in sha Ortiz. The winner will spelling skills. Mr. Robert This 8th Grade class is a Dave McGovern: Harry Avon at this time. They wiil March at Monmouth College. represent this school in Kibbler is the Coordinator for panicularly small one with Vanderbos (Chief of Police); then choose about 3 major Green Grove School March at Monmouth College. this Spelling Bee. only 8 students and so each Kristen Salisbury: Bob topics to investigate in During the month of Mrs. Sally Millaway, Kinder­ Neptune High School member will assume several Booth (fire Chief) and Chris depth. In April they will January, special events were garten teacher and Ms. Sus­ Neptune High School positions for the day. The Bonin (First Aid Captain). preside over a Borough held in all classes to an Minissale, Speech Thera­ students will participate in assignments for the class When asked for an im­ meeting and at that time remember the birthday and pist are the Coordinators for the 6th National African- are: mediate comment upon their present their possible solu­ accomplishments of Dr. this activity. American Read-In Chain on Brian Zadlock: Judith eiection, the Commissioners tions to the problems. In the Martin Luther King, Jr. The Shark River Hills School Monday, Feb. 6 in the High Zeban (Borough Clerk & had the following to offer: past the youngsters have students in Mrs. Roberson’s The Spelling Bee will be School Library. The day­ Registrar of Vital Statistics), Mayor Jared Murray said, come up with several fresh Kindergarten class learned held in this school on Mon­ long activity will take Geraldine Poeter (Deputy “My goal as Mayor is to work and ingenious approaches to songs, listened to stories day, Feb. 6 at 8:45 a.m. in students into the High Borough Clerk, Tax Collec­ with my peers to keep Avon problems. All this work is and speeches and held a the Gym. Those students School Library to read tor) Michelle Darling (A- as a safe town." Commis­ done under the direction of birthday party in his memory. who have been selected as African-American books in dministrative Secretary); sioner Bill Koch wa^ quoted Mrs. Sardoni, their social Mrs, Battaglia and Ms. the top Speller in the third, fiction and non-fiction, ac­ Ian Fox: Alfred D’Auria as saying," As the Commis­ Studies teacher, and in co­ Guest’s students studied the fourth, and fifth grade clas­ cording to Mr. Smith, the (Municipal Judge), Thomas sioner of Public Works, i operation with their official concept of "Having A ses will compete at this time. Librarian. Publications such town counterparts. Dream." Parents are invited to attend. as Essence, Jet, Ebony and The PTA sponsored a Mr. Santanello, Principal, others are available also. fund-raiser to support Mus­ will host an Open House tour The goal of this project is to Class Reunions Planned cular Dystrophy. After a for parents of potential Shark have at least one million Reunion Time, a fuii service reunion planner, IS For All Your presentation from Ms. Stacey River Hills students on participants reading on that organizing the foilowing high school reunions. FLCCRCCVERING Boman of the February 7, 14 and 21 at 9 day nationwide. This activity Reunion Needs High School Class Date Association, students a.m. is sponsored by the Student * * S E E * ’'‘ received a Scavenger Hunt An Honor Roll and Per­ Council of which Kia Wil­ Asbury Park 1950 Sept. 22 Packet to seek sponsors to fect Attendance Award As­ liams is the President and Asbury Park 1975 July 1 DAVISON Manasquan 197’5 July 15 support this worthwhile and sembly will be held at 1:15 Mrs. McKeon is the Advisor. Manasquan 1985 June 16 needed cause. Students p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 8 Students have been as­ RUGS Neptune 1975 August 5 and their parents could in the Gym. signed to visit the Library for 39 Pilgrim Pathway Ccean Township August 18 solicit funds from their Summerfield School this experience during their 1975 Ocean Grove, N.J. St. Rose 1985 August 11 parents, neighbors, doctors, The PTA is sponsoring study hall or lunch study If you are a member of one of these classes (or would TEL. 775-7371 lawyers and business per­ several events this month times. like to know if your own class is planning a reunion), please sonnel. The project ran from beginning on February 9. In write to Reunion Time, 1350 Campus Parkway, Wall, NJ 07753 or call (800) 22-CLASS for more information. Meet Your Local Banker

Equal H ousing Lender Equal O pportunity Lender ^^IlDlANTIC Member FDIC (908) 225-2424

Pat Mikulis Elisa Brema Joann Teeple Janice Luz Belinda Robinson Avon Neptune Ocean Grove N. Asbury Park Asbury Park THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1995 PAGE 25 Z i i t d T im e S - Chocolate Lover’s Weekend Planned

Ocean Grove • Ocean Dance held at the Man­ Willy Wonka for a day, and Grove, the Towne for All chester Inn. Dinner Buffet 7-9 take part in the "Chocolate BULLE'I'IN! Seasons." Is hosting their and dancing 8-12. Get your Factory Road Trip" to Cri­ Mariboro Psychiatric Hospital First Annual "Chocolate $35 per couple - $18 single terion Chocolates in Eaton- Lover's Weekend," a Cham­ tickets early. Call 502-0303. town and Old Monmouth May Close by 1998 ber of Commerce event, On Saturday "Catch the Candy Company In Free­ February 10-11-12, and it’s Spirit" and join the "Walking hold. There are special Current In-Patients and Out-Patients not just for lovers, It's for Tour/Treasure Hunt" for "goodie bags" discounts, M ust Be Accommodated Elsewhere Chocolate Lovers. Some­ prizes - co-sponsored with and maps to get you there. thing for everyone seems to the OG Historical Society. Join Sue Baczkowski and be t.ie order of the day and There will be a $1 donation. volunteer "cupids" at a D on't Let That Elsewhere Be evening. Friday Nite Choco­ It s'arts at the Museum bet- "Chocolate Candy-How To" Ocean Grove or Asbury P a r k late Lover’s will be treated to ween 9-11 AM. Between 10-5 on Saturday at 1 PM in the an abundant "Chocolate ther-i is an "Antique Lace" OGCMA Community Room Dessert Bar"' as the center- exhibit at the Carol-Inn on on Pilgrim Pathway. $5 Let Us Help You Tell Our Governor and Our Legislators piece of a DJ Buffet Dinner Pitrr.an Avenue. Why not be includes all supplies. That We Won't take It Anymore! 'Victorian Peek-A-Boo" C" INI ~ TIM LS TTTr^STTIII 11 IT IT by Barbara Finch of Little If you share our concerns and want to get involved, != IllL = 111] = n il = IIU = liu = IMl = im = liu = 1111 =JI1L=.1UJ 111L=1I Silver, a noted historian, who TEL : (90g) 775-7.125 OLD FASHIONED HOSPn ALITY will share her collection and please sign the following letter and send it to us at: MODERN ACCOMMODATIONS knowledge of Victorian lin­ The Times gerie. It will be held at the PO. Box 5 Quaker Inn at 2:30 on Satur­ Ocean Grove, NJ 07756 QUAKER IN N day. Not only is this a week­ OPEN YEAR ROUND end for eating chocolate, but We will make sure that your letter reaches the right people. the Chamber of Commerce LINDA COLLIGAN has included a few other sur­ Do It Now. We have too much to lose! & MSA HEAD 39 MAIN AVENUE prises to help you pamper YOUR INNKEEPERS • OCEAN GROVE. NJ 07756 yourself. Through seven par­ ticipating Inns, "Grovers: and "Guests" to the Grove can take advantage of "Indulge Yourself Samplers." You can schedule half hour sampler To: Governor Christine Whitman sessions of Reflexology, a Senator Joseph Palaia Masseuse or a Manicurist. All are certified professionals Assemblyman Thomas Smith and prices will range from Assemblyman Steven Corodemus $10 and up. Special Presents Our weekend discounts from the I am writing in response to the Department of Human Ser­ Model of the Week Wellness Center in Neptune Congratulations to are also available from the vices' plan outlining the future of mental health services in New Model Team Discovery Inns. .lersey. As you know, the plan calls for the closing of Marlboro A "Chocoholic Recipe Lane Boertman, Book" will be given FREE to Psychiatric Hospital and the release of approximately 760 pati­ now booked on location all weekend revelers and ents into community based programs, other outpatient programs for 2 months in Florida - available at the shops and or other psychiatric hospitals. The plan also calls for "expanded" thanks to Model TeamI cafes in town. There are many more surprises around outreach services in communities such as Ocean Grove and 85 Central Avenue, the ’Chocolate Lovers Asbury Park. Ocean Qrove, NJ Weekend." Call 1-800-388- AS A RESIDENT OF THE OCEAN GROVE/ASBURY 908-988-3648 4768. PARK AREA, I AM STRONGLY OPPOSED TO BOTH THE CLOSING OF MARLBORO HOSPITAL AND THE EXPANSION OF SERVICES IN MY COMMUNITY. It is a sad fact that there are people whose mental health is Start ’em out right. * ' '; such that they need institutionalization to protect themselves

G O O D f o r AND the community. These people simply cannot be main­ streamed into any community without posing an imminent dan­ the body. ger. Therefore, there must be an area hospital equipped to pro­ G O O D f o r vide for their needs. MARLBORO HOSPITAL MUST RE­ MAIN OPEN OR ANOTHER SOLUTION MUST BE t h e m in d . ♦' * FOUND TO ALLEVIATE THE BURDEN PLACED BY Lots of fun and THE STATE ON THE SHORE COMMUNITIES. a G O b D t i m e . I am also opposed to the expansion of services in the Ocean Grove/Asbury Park area. There are 21 counties in New Jersey, yet Monmouth County already has the second largest concentra­ tion of deinstitutionalized in the state. Within Monmouth County there are 53 municipalities, yet 27 of these don't even S p e c i a l ...... have 1 deinstitutionalized bed. Expanding services in the over­ saturated Ocean Grove/Asbury Park area would only serve to add to and continue this inequitable placement of the deinsti­ ; Parent/Child ^ tutionalized patients. IN SHORT, A TUST SOLUTION TO THIS PROBLEM & Preschool MUST BE FOUND! ^ (new members only) • Bring a Friend & Sign Up Together Sincerely. , When Friend Pays In Full Name Get 1 /2 Off Address 1750 Brielle Ave., Wanamassa behind Seavlew Mall 918-0024 exp. 4 /1 5 /9 5 PAGE 26 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1995 € i}e ^ in te s !- PHic Sllmeg A rts & Lifestyle Rev. Alphonse Stephenson Winners Monmouth County To Receive Service Award Announced Award winners of the Library Events Spring Lake - The in­ 16th Annual Monmouth augural Algonquin Arts 'Ball, County Arts Council (MCAC) The following events have been scheduled by the "A Salute to Reverend Al­ Juried Art Show were an­ Monmouth County Library system for the first half of the phonse Stephenson," will be nounced at the exhibit’s month of February. All of the programs and lectures are held on Sat. April 8, at the opening reception on Janu­ free to County residents. Wairan Hotel in Spring Lake. ary 21 by Red Bank Mayor Monmouth County Library Father Alphonse will re­ and MCAC Board of Trus­ 125 Symmes Drive, Manalapan ceive the "Algonquin Arts tees Vice President, Edward The County Library and all its branches will be closed Awa-d for Outstanding Ser­ McKenna, Esq. on Sunday and Monday, Feb. 12 and 13, for Lincoln's Birth­ vice to the Arts" for his The public may view this day, and Monday, Feb. 20 for President’s Day. contribution to the cultural exhibit through February 26 The Monmouth County Chess Clubs meets every Satur­ life at the shore as founder at the Monmouth Museum in day from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. All are welcome. of the Festival of the Atlantic, Lincroft on Tuesday thru Sat­ The photographs of David Gross will be on display from the Cecilia Foundation , and urday, 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Feb. 2 thru March 1. Director of the Orchestra of and Sundays 1 - 5 p.m. Statue of Liberty and Dreams of Distant Shores, two St. Peter By the Sea. In addi­ Museum entrance fee is $3 documentaries courtesy of the N.J. Council for the Humani­ tion to the award of recogni­ for adults and $2.50 for ties, will be shown at 2 p.m. on Feb. 3. tion, Father Alphonse will seniors and children. "The Long Road Back: The Pacific Theater in World War receive funding from this 350 works were entered 11" will be the subject of a talk by Professor Donald Gold­ charity ball to establish a for consideration and 88 stein at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 5. Professor Goldstein is children’s concert series at were chosen for exhibit. the author and co-author of many books about the Pacific the newly refurbished Algon­ Among the local artists Theater, including At Dawn We Slept, Miracle at Midway, quin Arts Theatre in Mana- selected for this exhibition Target Tokyo, Pearl Harbor: The Verdict of History, and squan. were; Sandy Barberio, Nep­ numerous articles for both scholarly journals and the popu­ The Bail will be a benefit tune; William Beam, Ocean lar press. Dr. Goldstein is Associate Professor of Public for the Algonquin Arts non­ Grove; Bob Bowne, Asbury Affairs and Associate Dean, Graduate School of Public and profit corporation which is Park; Anne H. Goldberg, International Affairs, University of Pittsburgh. bringing to the shore com­ Oakhurst; Andre Grastyan, Bridge lessons and play will be available Monday even­ munity programs of live per­ Ocean; Sonya S. Grossman, ings Feb. 6 & 27 at 7 p.m. There is no charge and no reg­ formance and education. Oakhurst; and, Tom McDer­ istration. William Schneider is the instructor/coordinator. in 1994, a treasure was mott, Bradley Beach. Our Town, the filmed version of Thorton Wilder’s Pulitzer returned to the New Jersey Prize winning play starring William Holden, Martha Scott, shore. The downtown movie ALPHONSE STEPHENSON and Frank Craven, will be shown at 2 p.m. on Feb. 7, theatre in Manasquan, dark Attendance at the Algon­ Cfje Cime£f Nancy A. Collins, author of the novel. Sunglasses After for 15 years, was reborn as children’s concert series. quin Arts Ball is by invitation Dark, which won the Bram Stoker Award for First Novel, The first season of the by mail the Algonquin Arts Theatre. and seating is limited. For 1989, & many other novels, will be the guest speaker at the Algonquin Arts Theatre com­ O n ly $15. Restored with an orchestra more information, or to re­ Garden State Horror Writers meeting at 12 noon on Feb. 11. bined four live dramatic pro­ pit and dramatic stage faci­ ceive an invitation, call the per year in county Once In Paris, starring Wayne Rogers and Gayle Hunni- ductions and children’s lities, the theatre now pro­ Algonquin Arts office (908 ($18. out of county) cutt, will be shown at 2 p.m. on Feb. 14. theater. Plans for the second vides a versatile year-round 528-9211) or call Co-Chair "Rodin Rediscovered", a slide presentation prepared by season include expansion of Don’t Live Home center for the enrichment of Fran Drew (201 635-1978) or the National Gallery of Art, and "Homage To Rodin", a 16 the programming to a variety the area’s cultural life and write to Algonquin Arts at PC Without It mm film, will be presented at 2 p.m.^on Feb. 15. the perfect home for the new of musical and educational Box Q, Manasquan, NJ 775-0007 A thirty-minute guided tour of the 6ounty Archives, loca­ events. 08736. ted here, will be available at 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. on Feb. 15. For more information on any of the above programs, tours, or lectures call 908-431-7242. Tower Hil Presents Wall Township Branch R T G Productions 2700 Allaire Road, Wall Concert by Oratorio Choir Babe Ruth: A Film Biography will be shown at 7 p.m. on Presents "Phantom" Feb. 6. The program celebrates the Babe Ruth Centennial. by Bonnie Graham Choir Room on Sunday The photography of Kathryn D. Brandt will be on display Red Bank - The First evenings from 7-9 pm on the RTG Productions will ton Avenue, Lakewood, NJ. from Feb. 8 thru March 5. There will be a reception for the Presbyterian Church of Red following dates: January 15, present Maury Yeston and Tickets are $18 and $15, with artist on Saturday, Feb. 11 from 2 to 4 p.m. Bank (Tower Hill) will present 22, 29, February 5, 12, 19 Arthur Kopit’s American discounts for seniors, “Try: A Survival Guide to Unemployment", a program a concert by the area-wide- and 26. The dress rehearsal musical sensation, PHAN­ children under 12 and presented by Karen Okulicz, author of the book by the Oratorio Choir on Sun. will be held on Sat. March 4 TOM on February 10, 11, groups of ten or more. For same title, will be held at 7 p.m. on Feb. 15. March 5 at 5:00 pm. from 9 am until noon. All and 12 at The Strand Theatre reservations and ticket infor­ For more information on any of the above programs call The program, "Bach to shore area singers are in­ in Lakewood, NJ. Based on mation, call the RTG Produc­ 908-449-8877, Britten" will feature the choir, vited to participate in the the novel ’Phantom of the tions Office at (908)219-0081. Eastern Branch soloists and orchestra in a concert but must join as Ope:a’ by Gaston Leroux, Foxwood Lodge, Niagara 1001 Route 35, Shrewsbury performance which will in­ soon as possible in order to this outstanding masterpiece Falls and Canada. Manpower, starring Marlene Dietrich and George Raft, clude Johann Sebastian learn the music. was penned by the same All Motorcoach day trips will be shown at 7:30 p.m. on Feb. 2 Bach’s "Motei - Lobet den Tower Hill’s Director of crea:ors of Tony Award win­ The Monmouth Arts Foundation Merit Awards Scholar­ include round trip transpor­ Herrn, alle Heiden" (Praise Music, Charles Harris, will ning musicals NINE and ship Program will be held at 2 p.m. on Feb. 5. tation to and from Avon, the Lord, All Ye Nations), again conduct the singers GRAND HOTEL for Broad­ Career Discovery, a free program presented by Dan lunch or dinner and a tour George Frederic Handel’s and orchestra, with pipe way. escort. The overnight tours Meenan of Career Quest, will be given at 7 p.m. on Feb. 6 "Coronation Anthem" (Zadok organ accompaniment by Performances are on are as all inclusive as is The pen/ink and oil paintings of Betty J. Harrison will be the Priest), Leos Janacek’s the chi'! ch’s Associate Direc­ Friday, February 10 at 8 possible and are also fully on display from Feb. 7 thru Feb. 27. A reception for the "Otcenas" (Our Father), and tor of Music, Judith Werner. p.m., Saturday February 11 escorted by one of the per­ artist will be held on Saturday, Feb. 11 at 2 p.m. Benjamin Britten’s "Rejoice in Mr. Harris is a familiar face at 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. and sonable "Golden Paradise A Lesson Before Dying, by Ernest Gaines, will be the the Lamb." to Ocean Grove audiences, Sunday February 12 at 3 Tours" tour guides. For subject of a book discussion at 10 a.m. on Feb. 7 and Rehearsals began last as he has been a guest dir­ p.m. and 7 p.m., all at The mailing list information call (same program) at 7:30 p.m. on Feb. 8. Books are avail­ strand Theatre, 4th and Clif­ Sunday and will be held in ector at the past two Annual able at the Circulation Desk. 776-5790 or 776-TRIP(8747). the church’s downstairs Choir Festivals. San Francisco, starring Clark Gable, Jeanette MacDon­ ald, & Spencer Tracy, will be shown at 7:30 p.m. on Feb. 9. "Music of The Forties: The Swing Era", a talk by Yvette Burke, will be presented at 10 a.m. on Feb. 9. The program is sponsored by the Monmouth Arts Foundation Music POT ROnST Association. Cuvee "African-American Couples in Action", a talk given by Dr. POTATO PRNCHKES Avis Ellis, Psycholtherapist, will be presented at 10 a.m. on Saint V a le n tl^ W in ^ Feb. 11. “Human Nutrition: A Seminar", will be presented by Eddy H. Pevovar, N.D., at 6 p.m. on Feb. 15. Candy & Gift For more information on any of the above programs call i SchNEldER's I 908-842-5995, Shore Wines 8e liq u o rs RESTHURHNT 810 Main Street, Bradley Beach, NJ 908-775-6008 801 MAIN STREET * Avon * 7 7 5 -1 2 6 5 Atm, Chrit Sr Sidmy tu eat THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1995 PAGE 27 ® t je Kim ti- Auditorium Ushers Association Centennial In Summer Of 1995 Ocean Grove - The 40 August G. Stoll, Jr. 9 Douglas J. lannelli Great Auditorium was built in 39 Richard R. Furbeck 9 Gerald H. Johns 1894 and the next year its 39 James H. Minnehan 9 Peter A. Johnson ATTENTION corps of ushers decided to 37 Rev. Robert W. Harris 9 James A. Lecollier organize. This summer, 35 Donald E. Hooper *9 Edward Livingstone 1995, the Ocean Grove Audi­ 35 Charles F. Schirmeister 9 David A. Meester torium Ushers Assn, is pre­ 34 David H. Roszel 9 Louis Mitchell paring for its Centennial 34 Emmet T. White, Sr. 9 Keith D. Ransom celebration. 33 Grant Conselyea 9 Douglas G. Smith A committee of 14 is 32 David 1. Mitchell 9 Richard S, Swiatek T h e planning events, reports Ed 32 Emmet T. White, Jr. 9 Michael L. Turner Livingstone, secretary. The 28 Charles R. Egan, Sr. 9 Robert F. Wallace West Point Band and Glee 27 Dr. G. Blair Dowden, Jr. 9 Kenneth G. Wood Club from the U.S. Military 27 Benjamin F. Hehn 8 Richard J. Furbeck Ocean Grove Academy has been sche­ 26 William Egner 7 Edwin R. Deuchar duled for August. 26 Robert J. Hamilton 6 Wayne T. Bell, Jr. Other present officers 25 Daniel M. Clark 6 William H. Curtis are Richard R. Furbeck, 25 Jack R. Green 6 Robert C. Harrison Home Owners president; William C. Zim­ 23 Donald A. Cleaves 6 Harry C. Isaksen merman, 1st vice president; 23 Richard A. Parsekian 6 Richard J. Lyons Robert Ryerson, 2nd vice 22 Henry F. Cadmus 6 Fred R. Miller president; Kenneth A. Keat­ 22 Rev. James Shotwell, Sr. 6 Kenneth J. Nicastro Association ing, treasurer; Edward R. 21 Douglas A. Eichhorn 6 Matthew P. Stoli Werner, asst, treas., and 20 George B. Dowden 6 Millard F. Thatcher Anthony J. Cusanelli, asst. 20 Edward R. Werner 5 Jacob Boon, Jr. secy. 19 Steven D. Buckley 5 Cornelius Breen, Jr. ‘ A display of Ushers 19 Charles A. Wigfield 5 Jacob Burns Assn, history and memor­ 18 Douglas E. Arpert 5 Alexander A. Dawson, Jr. is being Sued by abilia will be shown in the 18 Donald J. Gill 5 Darren H. Stienstra Auditorium and will note that 18 John R. Hamilton 5 Henry C. Will, IV the oldest current usher in 17 David D. Douglas 4 Robert N. Breen M rs. Ruth Buck, years of service is the Rev. 17 Jeffery H. Downing 4 Daniel J. Miles Otto G. Stoll, Jr., of Ocean 17 George A. Holt 4 Herbert A. Noack Grove. 17 Aladar G. Komjathy 4 Kenneth C. Orr o w n e r o f The Ocean Grove Audi­ 17 Paul W. Ruopp 3 Richard J. Cuttrell torium Ushers Auxiliary will 17 Robert V. Ryerson 3 Raymond J. DeFaria be marking its 50th anniver­ 16 Richard L. Beltle 3 Joseph L. Viscito The Shelburne Hotel sary this summer. 16 Alvin E. Bills, Jr. 2 Claude V. Allen The 1994 roster of 16 Andrew S. Wallace 2 Donald A. Graves Ushars with their years of 15 Alexander Dawson, Sr. 2 Norman 0. Harris, Jr. On Ocean Pathway, ser\'ice in front of the name. 15 William C. Eichelberger 2 John H. Jackson follows: 15 Kenneth A. Keating 2 Thomas C. Jackson 71 Rev. Otto G. Stoll, Jr. 15 Richard J. LeDuc 2 Scott A. Keating Ocean Grove. 62 James Sherrard, III 15 Douglas R. Manley 2 Robert McEwan 60 Milton A. Condit 15 William G. Potter 2 Matthew D. Mitchell To defend the Ocean Grove Home 59 Walter S. Propert 15 Scott Schroeder 2 Henry Gil Schwarz 59 Dr. George F. Stoll 14 Stephen M. Beltle 2 Scott E Simpkins Owners in this law suit, the Board 58 Andrew J. Egner, Jr. 14 Edward J. Danielsen 1 John C. Beltle 58 Stephen Wielerl 14 David Hamilton 1 Carl G. Braun of Trustees have hired the law 54 Alex. R. Eichhorn (dec) 14 William J. Hart 1 Lewis A. Daniels 54 Robert J. Fiedler 14 Justus M. Holme 1 John H. Devoid firm of Hundley, Parry <&? Hopkins 53 Harry D. Eichhorn 14 George S. Robson, IV 1 Charles W. Hendron 52 Charles W. Weaver 14 August G. Stoll, III 1 James H. Herr of Ocean Grove. 52 Charles A. Whiteman 13 Steven J. Downing 1 Robert H. Herr 51 Richard W. Fehnel 13 Jacob VanHousen, Jr. 1 Philip C. Herr, II To support this legal action, all 50 Edward G. Fiedler 13 Albert H. Werner 1 Leonard R. Hones 48 William C. Zimmerman 12 Paul C. Booker 1 William A. Nordhausen Ocean Grove residents and friends 46 Harvey H. Downing 12 Roland R. Brown 1 Edward D. Noxon 46 David M. Shotwell, Sr. 12 Dan E. Noxon 1 Robert W. Orr are encouraged to donate to the 45 William H. Conger 12 Samuel H. Rogers, Jr, 1 Rev. Walter A. Quigg 45 William A. Haase 12 James G. VanCleef 1 Jeremy Rogers Home Owners Legal defense Fund. 45 Albert N. Wood 11 James Davis 1 James W. Walker 44 Jed Schroeder 9 Anthony J. Cusanelli 1 Albert T. Wanamaker Contributions can be sent to: 43 Benjamin C. Dickinson 9 Rev. George 1. Dickinson 1 Harry N. White 42 Kenneth H. Abrams, Sr. 9 Albert J. Gantz - Wesley Davenport Ocean Grove Home Owners, 42 Ralph M. Allaire 9 James G. Handford - Bernard J. Giorgio 42 Louis Mitchell 9 Charles B. Harding - Rev. John C. Taylor Legal defense Fund, P.O. Box 404, Ocean Grove, H.J. 07756 READ STEPHANIE NEIGHBOUR

The Buzz from Bradley Beach M u s t B e


STOP IN OB In Our Schools CALL F O R A ■ FREE• G u e s t W ORK O U T & MEMBERSHIP SPECIALS In The (908) 280-8808 Selling A Home? 1510 BELMAR BLVD. WALL. N| 07719 Every Week Put 2Tf)e crimes Home And Real Estate To Work For You PAGE 28 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1995 Zi]t S Ttm eS -


THE SPATS by JEFF PICKERING I Tri(W6HT Y<3U WERE PUT AN ^Lp H0f?R0R fVERY T>/AE I MENTION ^N A ' cuAn oin The f AV)V(6 Fe^rtvAL ^rm iN 6 nom aeANlUO TiJE 6AR/VfE 6ARA66 TOPAY? J ,...FiR$Ttn^*nAHBTOFm 'THE RETURN OF THe invi^j p l e m a n : ^ . an AHP THEN ir^ jt ■■ I. ■ |i Q - ^ 'Ttie/WM^HANp*

f ^

Vision Teaser HOWELL

med using the principles of holc provides a service Richard Lino Speaks Out zero-based budgeting. The which does a cost analysis School Board doesn't know of a school system's special Continued from Page 5 today will be the ones carry­ what a zero-based budget education expenses. She ing this burden. Unless we is." can pinpoint numerous ways analysis during the past nine change the system, we will Mr. Lino was asked, to reduce the costs while still months, and the Board has have absolute destruction. "How would you control the maintaining a quality educa­ not responded, They have We must take on labor, school’s costs? He replied. tion for the children. She not questioned my numbers specifically, the NJEA." The days of teachers in­ provides this service free of nor asked for an interpret­ Mr. Lino said. The structing classes for 20 charge. The School Board ation of my projections. Also, professional teaching staff hours a week cannot conti­ has been aware of this ser­ I believe that being on the cheats our children. They do nue. They must increase vice to the past two months, School Board requires more provide super-quality educa­ their teaching time from 20 but to date they have not jsuogs s iis/v\ '9 'pepfw a •auai m j x 9 pe/voujai a agdansodv > tion, but it is not enough. lu s ja u ip SI iBH 'C 'S ussnu a n sinn r w u -7 iw a o u j si jb q ' i :sa3uajau!Q than a part-time commitment. to perhaps 28 hours per investigated this opportunity, It requires a great deal of They teach an average of 20 week. One-half of that addi­ why not?” time and work,” hours per week for nine tional time would be course He further stated, "I have Mr, Lino presented the months out of the year." teaching, and the other half offered my services to the MagicMaze "July 1 numbers" as he sees When asked if he should would be tutoring academic­ School board at $1 per year them, "Assuming that it is take into consideration the ally disadvantaged kids. We to assume a variety of pro- WATER business as usual with the many hours teachers spend must also eliminate duplica­ jectf. I would be happy to WORDS School board - no further planning lessons and grad­ tion. Why do we need to work with Ms. Huntowski, cuts in the budget by the ing tests, Mr. Lino repled, have a library in the gram­ speak with officials in Tren­ V u Q E NJ F CY V R 0 L H E Board, no additional aid from "Come on - in what other mar school when there is a ton, provide statistical anal­ Trenton, and the restoration professional occupation are perfectly tine library one ysis, and do whatever I can B X U R T 0 E LC 1 E B YV S of the $300,000 cuts by the you required to work tor only block away from the school? to lower the cost of our State, we are looking at an 20 hours for nine months? We cannot afford to maintain town’s school system.” Q N| P LA S H E B YW T increase of between $3,40 Don’t most professionals two libraries. Additionally, I He ended his comments (i and $3,50 pre $100 of as­ take work home with them, would consolidate classes with the promise, "Unless the R CJ LWJ G R E C B Y W C U R sessment, Here are some too? Corporate America wherever possible." School Board takes mean­ examples: a $100,000 house does not punch a time He added, "I would also ingful steps to reduce the P N K E I 1 E U G N K L D B Z would have property taxes of clock." take advantage of free state cost of this town’s school $3,400; a $150,000 house Mr. Lino takes exception services whenever possible. system, I will have no choice X V STS IM z T NE Q 0 M K would be taxed at $5,100; to the paragraph entitled Ms. Joanna Huntowski, who but to run tor election to the and a $200,000 house would "Changing Congress" in the Is associated with the Mon­ Board. I am ready to run, F IGT EN M R 1 A C R A Y W have taxes of $6,800, I pre­ January issue of the "Bradley mouth and Ocean County and if I run, I will win." dict that property values will Beach School News," which Edu '.alional Service in Free- U L E K S Q I R N TS P D N L fall through dramatically attempts to pinpoint the pro­ when this happens," jected federal tax cuts as the THE international (g) CnOSSNUMBER GAME J N 0 A HU D R F E PC A Y X Looking ahead to a dec­ main source for higher pro­ Challenger ade from now, Mr, Lino pro­ perty taxes. He stated, 'This DIRECTIONS Jy is an arithmetical lie. Con­ VU S 0 P NM K Y A R P S jects that the average Fill each square with a number, one through nine QQ gress has nothing to do with • Horizontal squares should add to totals on right teacher salaries in 2005 will • Vertical squares should add to totals on b o t t o m it - it is ludicrous to blame _____ J H F S D E C B Z L I 0 B YX range from $115,000 to • Diagonal squares through center should add to $120,000 with benefits of Congress for doubling the total in upper and lower right 21 Find the listed words in the diagram. They run in $30,000, This assumes an­ cost of the Bradley Beach all directions-forward, backward, up, down and nual six percent raises from school during the past eight 5 13 diagonally. 1995 through 2005, Property years. The real cause of this Today's Challenge increase has always been 2 25 taxes will reflect this increase Tim e 13 M inutes Baptize Drench Rinse Spray too, A $100,000 house will teacher salaries." 3 Seconds 7 28 Boil Drink Saturate Squirt be taxes at $6,000, a When asked to comment Soak Wet Your Working Christen Immerse $150,000 house at $9,000, on the "Zero-Based" budget Clean Mist Splash 8 13 and a $200,000 house at process, Mr. Lino replied, Time Minutes "The Bradley Beach school $12,000, According to Mr, Seconds 14 26 28 25 Lino, "The baby boomers of budget has never been for­ 1 " THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1995 PAGE 29 ®f)e ^Cirnesf- OBITUARIES OBITUARIES OBITUARIES OBITUARIES OBITUARIES OBITUARIES RUTH LEONIA JAMES RYDER JUANITA FISCHER MEMORIAL CROSS ADAM YOUNG ARIEL GEJO ECCLESTON Neptune - James Ryder, Neptune - Juanita Fisch­ Ocean Grove - The 18- Neptune - Adam Young, Ocean Twp. - Ariel Gejo, Asbury Park - Ruth Leo- 67, died January 26 at the er, 64, formerly from here, foot Memorial Cross on the 74, died January 20 at River- 65, died January 26 at Jer­ nia Eccleston, 83, died Jan­ University of Pennsylvania died January 25 at Boynton front of the Ocean Grove view Medical Center. Known sey Shore Medical Center. uary 25 at Jersey Shore Hospital, Philadelphia. He Beach, FL. She was an aide Auditorium facing the sea, as "Pepper," he retired from He was a patternmaker for Medical Center. She was a was a parking supervisor at for the Neptune Board of will be lighted from Feb­ Atlantic Records, NY, 15 H. Walter Co., Asbury Park. graduate of the Salvation Meadowlands Race Track, Education, retiring in 1990. ruary 3 - 9 In memory of years ago. He then became Surviving are his wife, Army Training College, NY, retiring in 1991. Prior to that, She was a member of Holy Albert & Ida (Cook) Siet- a crossing gurad in Jackson Asela Rodriguez Gejo; a and was commissioned an he worked at Atlantic City, Innocents Roman Catholic sema by their children. Twp. He was a member of son, Ariel Jr., Ocean Twp.; officer in 1929. In 1970, she Garden State and Monmouth Church, Neptune. Bethel Church of God in three daughters, Mirta Ander­ retired as a Brigadier. She Park race tracks as well as She was predeceased Christ, Lakewood, and its son and Gladys Falco, El- CLARE BATEMAN BOYCE was a member of the Asbury Hialeah, Tropical and Gulf by her husband, Edward O., choir. He had played base­ beron, and Alicia Teddi Neptune - Clare Bate­ Park Salvation Army Corp Stream race tracks. He was who died in 1989. Surviving ball for several Negro minor Hartmann, Ocean; three bro­ man Boyce, 92, died Jan­ and its Home League and a communicant of the Holy are a son, Mark O. Fischer, league teams, including the thers, Augustine, Cuba, and uary 27 at the Medi-Center of Senior Citizens Group. Innocents Roman Catholic and two daughters, Jennifer Pensacola Giants, the Blue Rodolfo and Fernando, both America. She had been a Surviving are her hus­ Church, Neptune. Marie and Margaret L. Fis­ and Nine Nevils, the Tampa of Venezuela; four sisters, telephone operator for NJ band, Everett E. Sr.; three ‘ Surviving are his wife, cher, all of Boynton Beach; Smakers and the Homestead Marta Tejera, Cuba, and Bell in Asbury Park. She was sons, Everett E. Jr., Nacog­ Barbara; two sons, David W., several brothers in Cuba; Grave. He was drafted by St. Mirta Guas, Esther Gejo, and a member of the First United doches, TX, William T., South Hackensack, and three sisters, Martha Wil­ Louis Cardinals major league Gladys Pesteana, all of Methodist Church, Asbury Brooklyn, and David, Lewis­ Michael J., Neptune; two liams, Winter Haven, FL, Ana in 1957. Miami, and seven grand­ Park. She was also a mem­ ville, TX; a daughter, Ruth A daughters, Patricia L. Siket, Ruiz, FL, and Nieves Surviving are a brother, children. ber of the Telephone Pio­ Eccleston, Woodbridge; 12 Norfolk, VA and Joan M. Robert Young Sr., Neptune; Buckley Funeral Home, DeLaCueva, Union City, and neers of America and the Ryder, Farmingdale; and four one grandchild. grandchildren; and four a sister, Merlan Kendle, Mil­ Asbury Park, was In charge Veterans of Foreign Wars, great-grandchildren. grandchildren. Francioni, Taylor & waukee; and three grand­ of arrangements. Post 2639, Ladies Auxiiary. Ely Funeral Home, Nep­ Ely Funeral Home, Nep­ Lopez Funeral Home, Nep­ daughters. She was predeceased tune, was in charge of arran­ Edward E. Jackson Fun­ tune, was in charge of arran­ tune, was in charge of arran­ by her husband, George J., gements. eral Home, Neptune, was in AMOS NELSON gements. gements. who died in 1985, her son, charge of arrangements. Asbury Park - Amos Charles J., in 1984, and her BEATRICE SCOTT Nelson, 85, died January 20 RALPH A. BELOTT daughter, Josephine Buck, in Neptune - Beatrice at Jersey Shore Medical Ocean Grove - Ralph A. DR. SIDNEY GREENSPAN 1978. Surviving are three Scott, W, died January 25 at Center. He was a retired Belott, 31, died January 26 at Belmar - Dr. Sidney W. grandchildren Gary C. home. She was a switch­ NICHOLAS J. GAROFALO presser, last employed by Jersey Shore Medical Greenspan, 78, died January Boyce, Cincinnati; Donald C. Allenhurst - Nicholas J. board operator at Jewish Paresian Cleaners, Asbury Center. 28 at Jersey Shore Medical Boyce, Las Vegas, and Gail Garofalo, 81, died January Surviving are his par­ Memorial Hospital, NY, for 20 , Park. He was a member of Center. He had been a phy­ Boyce Vasilenko, Spring 25 at Jersey Shore Medical' ents, Mr. and Mrs. Roland years, retiring in 1972. She Allen Chapel, AME Church, sician in Belmar since 1945 Lake Heights, and five great­ Center. He was a foreman at Belott, Toms River; a brother was a member of Holy In­ Asbury Park, and the Joseph and was the doctor for the grandchildren. I Ideal Dairy Co., Union for 26 Paul S. Kinik, Toms River; nocents Roman Catholic T. Newman Lodge 998 Im­ Belmar Police Dept, and Van Hise and Callagan years, retiring in 1968. Church, Neptune. proved Benevolent Protec­ three sisters, Patricia Fontan, Belmar Elementary School. A Funeral Home, Point Pleas­ She was predeceased He was predeceased by tive Order of Elks of the Sedona, AZ, Adrians Neis, graduate of the Philadelphia ant Beach, was in charge of by her daughter, Mariiyn his wife, Margaret, who died World, Neptune. Asbury Park, and Barbara College of Osteopathic Med­ arrangements. Strohm, who died in 1987. in 1988. Surviving are a son, Surviving are a daughter, Metro, Lakewood; and his icine, he was the first doctor Surviving are her husband, John Garofalo, Allenhurst; Hazel N. Jones, Tampa, FL; maternal grandmother, Marie of Osteopathic Medicine at HENRY L CODY John E., New York; a son, two daughters, Joanne You- a sister, Rutha Mae Kil- Braden, Orlando, FL. Jersey Shore Medical Cen­ Ocean Twp. - Henry L. Raymond, Virginia Beach, has, Morris County, and lingsworth, Sanford, FL; two Ocean Grove Memorial ter. He was a membei^f the Cody died January 29 at VA; a daughter, Joan Dunaj, Janstte Nappi, Randolph grandchildren and three Home was in charge of ar­ Congregation Sons of Israel, home.He was a media prof­ with whom she lived; a sis­ Twp.; two sisters. Rose great-grandchildren. rangements. Belmar. essor at Brookdale College. ter, Lorraine Cooke, Leonia; Rosamilia, Newark, and Con­ James H. Hunt Funeral Surviving are his wife of Previously, he had been a eight grandchildren; and four nie Parker, NJ; six grand­ Home, Asbury Park, was in LENA WIGDORTZ 52 years, Sadie Belzer career Army soldier for 29 great-grandchildren. children and one great­ charge of arrangements. Greenspan; three sons, Mar­ Asbury Park - Lena yea's, retiring as lieutenant Ely Funeral Home, Nep­ grandchild. tin and Bruce, both Savan­ Wigdortz, 104, a former resi- colonel. He was the first tune, was in charge of arran­ Spatola Funeral Service, den‘ here, died January 30 at nah, GA, and Arthur, Brick blac,< officer to command gements. Newark, was in charge of John F. Kennedy Memorial Twp.; two brothers, Joseph, the Armed Forces Radio Net­ arrangements. JOSPEHINE N. NESBITT Hospital, Cherry Hill. She West Palm Beach, FL, and work in Frankfurt, Germany. OLIVE M. HOPKINS TURTLE was owner of Wiggle’ De- Harold, Ocean Twp.; five He was a recipient of the Ocean Twp. - Josephine parl.Tient Store, Red Bank, grandchildren and three WERKING National Service Medal, the Neptune - Olive M. Hop­ N. Nesbitt Turtle, 80, died for more than 30 years, great-grandchildren. Legion of Merit, the Bronze RUBY DAY BROWN kins Working, 96, died Jan­ January 29 at-Jersey Shore retiring in 1972. She was a Bloomfield-Cooper Star, the Army Commend­ Belmar - Ruby Day uary 26 at Jersey Shore Medical Center. She was a founding member of the Jewish Chapels, Ocean ation Medal and the Combat Brown, 80, died January 23 Medical Center. She was a former member of St. Congregation Brothers of Twp., was in charge of arran­ at Jersey Shore Medical Infantryman Badge. former housemother at the Saviour’s Episcopal Church, Israel, West Long Branch, gements. Center. She was a retired Mr. Cody was a charter Ann May School of Nursing. Old Greenwich, CT. and a member of Hadassah. teacher for the NY School member and served on the She was a member of the She was predeceased She was predeceased System. She was a member board of trustees of United Neptune City United Meth­ by her husband, John B., by her husband, Jospeh, AGNES STILWELL of the Delta Sigma Theta Fellowship Baptist Church, odist Church, the Daughters who died in 1968 and two who died in 1936 and her Neptune - Agnes G. Stil- Sorority and the North Jer­ Asbury Park. He launched of the American Revolution, daughters. Dale T. Johnson son Leon, who died in 1993. well, 78, died January 29 at sey Shore Continentals. She the Laymen’s Movement of Freehold Chapter, the Senior and Joan M. Turtle. Surviving Surviving are two sons, Mar­ Jersey Shore Medical Cen­ was a member of Martin General Baptist Convention Citizens of Wall Twp., and a are a daughter, Suzanne T. tin, Asbury Park, and Louis, ter. Known as "Peggy," she Luther King Jr. Presbyterian of NJ, serving as its pres­ former member of the Order Millard, Old Greenwich; a Ocean Twp.; three daugh­ was a credit analyst at Mon­ Church, Neptune. ident in the Seacoast and NJ of the Estern Star, Ocean sister, Virginia Haydu, Inter­ ters, Anne Siegel, Mana- mouth County Credit Bureau, Surviving are her hus­ chapters. He also held of­ Chapter. laken; four grandchildren; lapan. Rose Azeren, Wil- Eatontown, for 20 years, re­ band, Hansford; three sons, fices in the National Baptist She was predeceased and four great-grandchildren. lingboro^ and Ruth Greene, tiring in 1989. Stephen Day. Washington, Convention, USA. by her first husband, Thom­ Johnson Funeral Home. Ocean Twp.; a sister Edith She was predeceased DC. James Day, Bronx and Surviving are his wife of as White, who died in 1944, Wall Twp., was in charge of Yoni'.s, Red Bank; 21 grand- by her husband, Albert R., Richard Day, Elmhurst; a 46 y aars, Betty Frazier Cody; her second husband, John arrangements. chilr ren, 22 great-grand­ who died in 1994. Surviving brother, Leonard Mason, a son, Henry L, Jr., Eden Peacock, who died in 1969, children and 11 great-great- are a son, Albert R. "Ray" Duxbury, MA; and three Prairie, Minn’ two daughters, and her third husband, grandchildren. Stilwell, Satellite Beach, FL; a grandchildren. Patricia E. and Cynthia J., Henry Werking, who died in Bloomfield-Cooper daughter, Patricia G. Shea, James H. Hunt Funeral both of Maplewood Twp.; a 1987. Surviving are four Jewish Chapels, Ocean Brick Twp.; a sister, Helen Home, Asbury Park, was in DANIEL MC COY brother, Pierce J., Indian­ nephews, and 17 great- Neptune - Daniel Mc­ Twp., was in charge of arran­ Stickles, Newark; six grand­ charge of arrangements. apolis; and three grandsons. nieces and nephews. Coy, 31, died January 23 at gements. children and one great- grandson. Johnson Funeral Home, Jersey Shore Medical Center Wall Twp., was in charge of of cancer. He was a baker ELSIE H. KUMMER O’Brien Funeral Home, arrangements. for Sampler Inn, Ocean Asbury Park - Elsie H. Wall Twp., was in charge of Grove, for the past five Kummer, 90, died January arrangements. years. He attended Union 25 at the Conva-Center, Baptist Church, Neptune. Neptune. She was a school 118 Main Avenue Surviving are his par­ teacher in Long Island before Ocean Grove ents, Adove and Lovie her retirement. She was a LEON JOHNSON Ely Funeral Home Mitchell McCoy, Neptune, member of the Asbury Park Asbury Park - Leon 7 7 5 -0 4 3 4 Highwa’y 33, Neptune and six sisters, Angie Woman’s Club and the Car- Johnson, 65, died January McCoy-Brown, Asbury Park, tonian Club of St. Mary’s 18 at East Orange General (1 mile west of hospital) June D., Blackwood, Meriam Roman Catholic Church, Hospital. He was a self- ...to our- u o .g , 0^ tk in i^ K ^ McCoy-Johnson, Pleasant- Deal. employed window washer. tk o t s m kot 775^0567 ville, and Lorie, Marie and She was predeceased Surviving are a son, fe /‘ o/ise Yvette McCoy, all of Nep­ by her husband, Carl, who Leon, Jr., Perth Amboy; a Funeral Preplanning tune. died 1987. Surviving are a sister, Della Johnson, Asbury /Si Medicaid Planning Edward E. Jackson sister, Helen Dunn, Asbury Park; two grandchildren and WilllarTT P. Walton, III Handkaf^xd Accessible Funeral Home, Neptune, was Park; and one grandson. one great-grandchild. Owner and Manager in charge of arrangements. Perry Funeral Home, Edward E. Jackson Fun­ D. John Ely Howard L. Ely, Mgr. Linbrook, LI, was in charge eral Home, Neptune, was in of arrangements. charge of arrangements. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1995 PAGE 30 2Tf}e 3Times;-

CH-751349 NOTICE NOTICE Township of Neptune Planning Board ORDINANCE NO. 1994-11 SHERIFF'S SALE Township of Neptune Planning Board County of Monmouth County of Monmouth Borough of Neptune City SUPERIOR COURT WHEREAS, there exists a need for Engineering Services to WHEREAS, there exists a need for Legal Services to the County o f Monmouth OF NEW JERSEY the Planning ^ a rd for the year 1995, and; Planning Board for the year 1995, and; BOND ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR VARIOUS PUR­ CHANCERY DIVISION WHEREAS, the Local Public Contracts Law (N.J.S.A. 40A; WHEREAS, the Local Public Contracts Law (N.J.S.A. 40A: CHASES BY THE BOROUGH OF NEPTUNE CITY IN THE MONMOUTH COUNTY 11-1 et seq.) requires that the Resolution authorizing the award 11 -1 et seq.) requires that the Resolution authorizing the award COUNTY OF MONMOUTH. NEW JERSEY, APPROPRIATING Dockftt No. F-1002-94 of contracts for "Professional Services" without competitive bids of contracts for "Professional Services" without competitive bids $395,000.00 THEREFOR INCLUDING $20,000.00 FROM THE Midcoaat Mortgage Corporation, and the contract itself will be available for public inspection, and the contract itself will be available for public inspection, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND FOR THE DOWN PAYMENT Plaintiff va: once executed: once executed: AND AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $375,000.00 BONDS Brian R. VandermarK & Catherine NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning OR NOTES OF THE BOROUGH FOR FINANCING PART OF Vandermark, h it wife. Defendants Board of the Township of Neptune as follows: Board of the Township of Neptune as follows: THE COST THEREOF. By virtue of a writ of execution in the The Chairman and Administrative Officer has hereby The Chairman and Administrative Officer are hereby BE IT ORDAINED by the Borough Council of the Borough above stated action to me directed. I authorized and directed to execute an agreement with Alan P. authorized and directed to execute an agreement with William of Neptune City, in the County of Monmouth. New Jersey (not shall expose for sale at public Hllla, as Engineer for the Planning Board for the year 1995. F. Dowd, as Attorney for the Planning Board for the year 1995. less than two-thirds of all members thereof affirmatively vendue, at Hail of Records. 1 East This contract is awarded without competitive bidding as a This contract is awarded without competitive bidding as a concurring) as follows: Main Street (2nd Floor • Freeholders "Professlon€d Service" in accordance with 40A: 11 -5 (1)(a) of the "Professional Service" in accordance with 40A: 11 -5 (1) (a) of the Section 1. The purchases described in Section 3 of this bond ordinance are hereby respectively authorized by the Meeting Room), in the Borough of Local Public Contracts Law because it Is a recognized profes­ Local Public Contracts Law because it is a regnized profes­ Borough of Neptune City. New Jersey. For the purposes des­ Freehold, County of Monmouth, New sion licensed and regulated by Law to provide general pro­ sion licensed and regulated by Law to provide general pro­ fessional services to the Planning Board. fessional services.to the Planning Board. cribed in Section 3 hereof there are hereby appropriated the Jersey, on Monday, the 6th Day of BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of this decision BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of this decision respective sums of money therein stated as the appropriation February. 1995 at 2 o'clock, P.M. pre­ shall be published within 10 days of Its passage, as required shall be published within 10 days of its passage, as required made for each purpose, such sums amounting in the aggre- . vailing time. by Law. by Law. gate to $395,000.00, including the aggregate $20,000.00, as The property to be sold is located in Adopted on January 25, 1995 Adopted on January 25. 1995 down payments for the purposes required by the Local Bond the Township of Neptune in the County BRUCE J. HOFFMAN. Chairman BRUCE J. HOFFMAN, Chairman Law. The down payments have been made available by virtue of Monmouth, State of New Jersey. GWENDOLYN O. LOVE, Administrative Officer GWENDOLYN O. LOVE, Administrative Officer of the provision for down payment or for the capital improve­ Commonly known as: 111 Lakewood (5) $16.74 (5) $16.74 ment purposes in one or more previously adopted budgets. Road. Neptune. New Jersey. Section 2. In order to finance the cost of the purposes not Tax Lot No. 5 & 6 in Block No. 451. covered by application of the down payments, negotiable NOTICE OF SALE Dimensions of Lot: (Approximately) RESOLUTION bonds are hereby authorized to be is s u ^ on the principal 50' wide x 130' long. Township of Neptune amount of $375,000.00 pursuant to the Local Bond Law. In County of Monmouth Borough of Neptune City Board of Adjustment Nearest Cross Street: Situate on the County of Monmouth anticipation of the issuance ol the bonds, negotiable bond AUCTION SALE to satlfy unpaid rent and other charges. anticipation notes are hereby authorized to be issued pursuant northerly tine of Lakewood Road. RESOLUTION SETTING TIME AND PLACE OF Owner/s may redeem goods by paying rent and other charges to and within the limitations prescribed by the Local Bond Law. 109.1 O' from the easterly tine of Audrey any time before the sale. Rented in the name of - unit no. - MEETINGS FOR BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT, 1995-96 YEAR Board of Adjustment member Mrs. E. Pomphrey offered Section 3. The purchases hereby authorized and the Place. and contents - that will be sold as a lot for the following: purposes for which the bonds are to be issued, and the Prior lien(s): None. NAME UNIT # CONTENTS the following resolution and moved Its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Adjustment of the estimated usefulness of each purposes are respectively as TERMS OF SALE: DEPOSIT: 10% of Troy Dennis 118 Air conditioner, bike, furniture follows: the bid amount at the time of sale. William Davis 113 File cabinet, TV, furniture Borough of Neptune City that the following schedule for its regular meetings, to bo held at the Neptune City Borough Hall 1. Purchase of one (1) new 1995 Custom Class A rescue Balance due in 30 days. Cash or cer­ Brian Duffy 132 Table, lamps, boxes, bikes pumper for use by the Fire Department, per specifications, and Yvette Berry 159 Furniture at 7:30 p.m. on each of the below dates for the year 1995-96, tified check only. is hereby adopted: peri<^ of usefulness being ten (10) years, for the bonded The approximate amount of the judg­ Terese Savarese 442 Boxes, furniture amount of $341,750.00. Maxine Montgomery 208 Boxes, household items, February 28 August 22 ment. Commission and costs to be March 28 September 26 2. Reconditioning/overhaul/modlfication ol one (1) 1989 satisfied by sale is the sum of furniture Pierce pumper, per specifications: and reconditioning/over- 711, 712 April 25 October 24 $110,975.78. Additionally, all sales are Patricia Manns Boxes, furniture haul/modification of one (1) 1972 Hahn pumper tire truck, per 713 May 23 November 28 subject to Advertising fees, to be paid June 27 December 27 specifications, and period of usefulness for each of said Brenda Liggs 621 Boxes, furniture, household vehicles being five (5) years, for the bonded amount of by the successful bidder. items July 25 January 23, 1996 The Sheriff hereby reserves the right BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary to the $33,250.00. John LeFand 706 Furniture Section 4. All bond anticipation notes issued hereunder to adjourn this sale without further Rosie Downing 765 Appliances, furniture, boxes Board shall cause notice of this resolution to be published in the official newspapers of the Borough of Neptune City within shall mature at such times as may be determined by the Chief notice by publication. Robert Boyce 755 Furniture Financial Officer, provided that no note shall mature later than WILLIAM M. LANZARO. Sheriff Arc Slide Tech 737 Boxes ten (10) days: that this schedule be posted in the Borough Hall of the Borough of Neptune City in the place reserved for such one year from its date. The notes shall bear interest at such Dated: Jan. 11. 18. 25. Feb. 1, 1995 LaVarr Baxter 467 Boxes, furniture rate or rates and be in such form as may be determined by the Stem, Lavinthal, Norgaard & Daly, T. Harris Jr. 254 Bikes, TV, furniture public nohOHs; and that a copy of this schedule be filed with the Clerk c.' '.he Borough of Neptune City, all pursuant to the Chief Financial Officer. The Chief Mnancial Officer shall Attorneys M.W. Stockbridge 709 Weights, furniture, refrigerator determine all matters in connection with notes issued pursuant Edwin M. Lavinthal, for the firm Sale date February. 17, 1995 at 10:(X) a.m. at Pyramid Self Open Pubic Meetings Act, to this Ordinance, and the Chief Financial Officer's signature Seconded by member Mrs. B. Danielson and adopted on (201) 740-0700 Storage. 1515 Washington Avenue. Neptune, N.J. 07753 - upon the notes shall be conclusive evidence as to such (908) 775-4747. a roll call by the following vote: (2-5) $66.96 determinations. All notes issued hereunder may be renewed PYRAMID SELF STORAGE 7 Yes from time to time subject to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40A;2- 1515 Washington Avenue, Neptune, NJ 0 No 8(a). The Chief Financial Officer is hereby authorized to sell CH-751346 (4-5) $31.68 0 Abstain part or all of the notes from time to time at public or private SHERIFF’S SALE The foregoing is a true copy of a resolution adopted by the sale and to deliver them to the purchaser thereof upon receipt SUPERIOR COURT Board of Adjustment of the tro u g h of Neptune City at its of payment ol the purchase price plus accrued interest from OF NEW JERSEY NOTICE meeting on January 24, 1995, as copied from the Minutes of their dates to the date of delivery thereof. The Chief Financial CHANCERY DIVISION Township of Neptune Planning Board said meeting. Officer is directed to report in writing to the governing body at County of Monmouth I^ O N M O U m COUNTY Dated: January 24, 1995 the meeting next succeeding the date when any sale or deliv­ BE IT RESOLVED that the Regular Meetings of the Plan­ SUSAN Y. HEWITSON, Secretary ery of the notes pursuant to the Ordinance is made. Such re­ Docket No. F-19492-92 ning Board of Neptune Township, will be held on the fourth Neptune City Board of Adjustment Chrysler First Financial ServicesCorp- port shall include the amount, the description, the interest rate Wednesday of each month at 7:30 P.M. at the Neptune Munici­ (5) $24.18 and the maturity schedule of the notes sold, the price obtain­ oration. Plaintiff va: pal Complex, 25 Neptune Boulevard, Neptune. New Jersey, John S. Zenzer & Barbara A. Zenzer, ed, and the name of the purchaser. with the exception of November and December, and; Section 5. The capital budget of the Borough of Neptune his wife, et als. Defendants BE IT FUOTHER RESCLVED, that the Planning Board will By virtue of a writ of execution in the City is hereby am end^ to conform with the provisions of this hold Workshop Meetings on the same following dates at 7:00 Ordinance to the extent of any inconsistency therewith, and the above stated action to me directed. I P.M., if necesisary. The purpose of these meetings are for RESOLUTION Resolutions promulgated by the Local Finance Board showing shall expose for sale at public vendue, workshop only and there will be no formal action taken. Borough of Neptune City Board of Adjuetment full detail of the Capital B u d ^ and Capital Program as at Hall of Records, 1 East Main Street BE IT fu r ther RESCLVED, that the Administrative Cfficer County of Monmouth approved by the Director. Division ol Local Government Ser­ (2nd Floor • Freeholders Meeting be and she is hereby directed to publish the following list of RESOLUTION APPOINTING COUNSEL vices is on file with the Municipal Clerk and is available for Room), in the Borough of Freehold, dates of the regular Planning Board meetings and woi^hops FOR THE BOARD. 1995-96 YEAR public inspection. County of Monmouth, New Jersey, on to be held during 1995, and the 1996 Re-organization date, in Board of Adjustment member Mrs. E. Pomphry, offered the Section 6. The following additional matters are hereby Mortday, the 6th Day of February, 1995 accordance with the requirements of R.S. 10:4-18: following resolution and moved its adoption: determined, declared, recited and stated: February 22 August 23 at 2 o'clock, P.M. prevailing time. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Adjustment of the (a) The purposes described in Section 3 of this Bond All that certain tract or parcel of land March 22 September 27 Borough of Neptune City that ROBERT J. HREBEK, ESQ. be April 26 October 25 Ordinance are not current expenses. They are purposes that and premises sKuate, lying and being and he hereby is appointed as counsel to the Board: and the Borough may lawfully undertake as general improvements, May 24 November 8 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this appointment is made in the Township of Freehold, County June 28 December 13 and no part ol the cost thereof has been or shall be specially without competitive bidding under the provisions of the Local assessed on property specially benefited thereby. of Monmouth and State of New Jer­ July 26 January 24. 1996 - 7:30 PM Public Contracts Law because the services to be performed (b) The average period of usefulness computed on the sey, being more particularly described Reorganization & Regular Mtg. are to be performed by recognized professionals licensad and as follows: Adopted on: January 25. 1995 basis of the respective amounts of obligations authorized for regulated by law; and each purpose and the reasonable lives thereof within the Being known as Block -97, Lot 92 at GWENDOLYN O. LOVE, Administrative Officer BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary to the shown on map entKIed Georgia Manor limitations of the Local Bond Law is 10 years. (5) $16.74 Board cause notice of this resolution to be publish^ in the (c) The Supplemental Debt Statement required by the Local prepared by Stanley B. Peters, P.E. & official newspapers of the Borough of Neptune City within ten LS. dated May 8. 1981 filed in Case Bond Law has been duly prepared and filed in the Office of the RESOLUTION (10) days. Clerk, and a complete executed duplicate thereof has been 176 Sheet 20 on December 7,1981 in Seconded by member Mrs. L Kenny and adopted on a roll the Monmouth County Clerk's Office. Borough of Neptune City Board of Adjustment filed in the Office of the Director of the Division of Local call by the following vote: Government Services in the Department of Community Affairs Being and intended to be a portion of County of Monmouth RESOLUTION APPOINTING SECRETARY 7 Yes of the State of New Jersey. Such Local Bond Law is increased premises conveyed to Builders Pride, FOR THE 1995-96 YEAR 0 No by the authorization of the bonds or notes provided in this 0 Abstain Inc. by deed from Reed and Perrine, Board of Adjustment member Mr. R. Reynolds offered the bond ordinance by $375,000.00, and the obligations author­ The foregoing is a true copy of a resolution adopted by the Inc., et als dated Aug. 9, 1979 and following resolution and moved its adoption: ized herein will be within all debt limitations prescribed by that recorded Aug. 21,1979 in deed book BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Adjustment of the Board of Adjustment of the &>rough of Neptune City its meeting on January 24, 1995, as copied from the Minutes of law. 4189 page 18, Monmouth County Borough of Neptune City that SUSAN Y. HEWITSON be and (d) An aggregate amount not exceeding $5,000.00 for items Clerk's Office. she hereby is appointed as Secretary to the Board with a said meeting. of expense lis t^ in and permitted under N.J.S.A. 40A:2-20 The within described premises are salary in accordance with Borough of Neptune City Ordinance; Dated: January 24, 1995 may be included as part of the costs of the purposes author­ conveyed subject to zoning ordi­ and, SUSAN Y. HEWITSON. Secretary ized in Section 3 hereof and is included in the foregoing esti­ Neptune City Board of Adjustment nances, such facts as an accurate BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this appointment Is made (5) $19.84 mates thereof. survey may disclose, restrictions of without competitive bidding and under the provisions of Section 7. The full faith artd credit of the Borough are record, if any. and easements. N.J.S.A. 40:55D-69, it appearing that Susan Y. Hewitson is a hereby pledged to the punctual payment of the principal of Said premises are also described as municipal employee of the Borough of Neptune City and eli­ and interest on the obligations authorized by this bond ordin­ follows in accordance with a survey gible for appointment as Board Secretary; and ance. The obligations shall be direct unlimited obligations of prepared by Robert S. Yuro, Associ­ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary to the NOTICE TO ABSENT DEFENDANTS the Borough and the Borough shall be obligated to levy ad ates, lr>c. L.S. dated February 26.1962. Board cause notice of this resolution to be publish^ in the County of Monmouth valorem taxes upon all the taxable property within the Borough for the payment of the obligations and interest thereon without Beginning at a point in the southerly official newspapers of the Borough of Neptune City within ten (L.S.) STATE OF NEW JERSEY TO: tine of Quail Lane said point being the (10) days. PARKER HOUSE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION limitation on rate or amount northeast comer of Lot 93, Block 97 Seconded by member Ms. J. Prichett and adopted on a roll YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND REQUIRED to serve Section 8. That in the event any moneys are received by call by the following vote: upon the Law Office of Fein, Such, Kahn & Shepard. PC. plain­ the Borough from the United States of America, or from the and a set stake and running; thence State of New Jersey or any of its agencies, or from any other 1) North 88* 36' 29" East, 200' along 7 Yes tiffs attorneys, whose address is 7 Century Drive - Suite 201. 0 No sources for the purposes provided for herein prior to the issu­ the southerly line of Quail Lane to a Parsippany, New Jersey 07054, telephone number #(201) 538- 0 Abstain 4700, an Answer to the Complaint and Amendment to Com­ ance of any of the bonds or notes authorized by this Ordin­ point therein; thence The foregoing is a true copy of a resolution adopted by the ance, the amount of such bonds or notes authorized herein 2) South 01 • 23' 31" East, 200' to a plaint, if any, filed in a civil action, in which Citicorp Mortgage, Board of Adjustment of the ^ o u g h of Neptune City at its ■Inc. is Plaintiff and David R. Patterson, Sr. et als. are Defen­ shall be reduced by the amount so received prior to the point; thence meeting on January 24. 1995, as copied from the Minutes of issuance of any such bonds or notes. 3) South 88* 36' 29" West. 200' to a dants. pending in the Superior Court of New Jersey. Chancery said meeting. Division, Monmouth County, and bearing Docket No. F-7009 93 That in the event any of such moneys are received from point; thence Dated: January 24, 1995 within thirty-five (35) days after February 2. 1995 exclusive of the United States of America, or from the State of New Jersey 4) North 01* 23' 31" West. 200* to a SUSAN Y. HEWITSCN, Secretary such dale. If you fail to do so. Judgment by Default may be or any of its agencies, or from any other sources after the point in the southerly tine of Quail Neptune City Board of Adjustment rendered against you tor the relief demanded in the Complaint bonds or notes authorized by this Ordinance have been Lane at the northeast comer of Lot 33, (5) $21.08 and Amendment to Complaint. You shall file your answer and issued, then such moneys so received shall be applied to the Block 97 and the point and place of proof of sen/ice in duplicate with the Clerk of the Superior Court. payment of such bonds or notes. beginning. Hughes Justice Complex - CN-971, Trenton, New Jersey 08625. Section 9. This bond ordinance shall take effect twenty Being known and designated as Block Dimensions of Lot: (Approximately) (20) days after the first publication thereof after final adoption, CH-751347 in accordance with the Rules of Civil Practice and Procedure. 97 Lot 92 on the tax maps of the 75' wide X 270' long. as provided by the Local Bond Law. SHERIFF'S SALE This action has been instituted for the purpose of (1) foreclos­ Township of Freehold, Monmouth Nearest Cross Street: Jumping Brook Introduced and passed on first reading on December 31. SUPERIOR COURT ing a mortgage daterl December 15, 1988 made by David R. 1994, County, New Jersey. Road. OF NEW JERSEY Patterson, Sr. and David R. Patterson, Jr. as mortgagors to Passed on second reading and finally adopted January 30, Being commonly known as: 32 Quail Prior lien(s): Carteret Savings Bank. Citicorp Mortgage, Inc. recorded on December 28, 1988 in Book CHANCERY DIVISION 1995. Lar>e, Freehold. New Jersey. 4615 of Mortgages for Monmouth County, Page 638 et seq. and MONMOUTH COUNTY FA - S8.472.92 as of 1/31/93. JOEL POPKIN, Borough Clerk TERMS OF SALE: DEPOSIT: 10% of TERMS OF SALE: DEPOSIT: 10% of (2) to recover possession of, and concerns premises commonly Docket No. F-2840-93 Borough of Neptune City the bid amount at the time of sale. known as 37 Broad Street, Unit 12, Building 5, Freehold. New The Provident Savings Bank, Plaintiff the bid amount at the time of sate. STATEMENT Balance due in 30 days. Cash or cer­ Balance due in 30 days. Cash or cer­ Jersey 07728. This bond ordinance published herewith has been finally tified check only. vs: If you cannot afford an attorney, you may communicate with Ethel T. Frazier & Charies L Frazier, tified check only. adopted and the 20-day period of limitation within which a suit, The approximate amount of the judg­ the Legal Services Office of the County of venue by calling 908- action or proceeding questioning the validity of such ordinance her husband, et als, Defendants The approximate amount of the judg­ ment, Commission and costs to b« 431-5544 or the legal services office of the county of your resi­ can bo commenced, as p ro vid ^ in the Local Bond Law has By virtue of a writ of execution In the ment, Commission and costa to be satisfied by sate is the sum of dence if you reside in New Jersey. If you are unable to obtain begun to run from the date of the first publication of this above stated action to me directed, I satisfied by sate Is the sum of an attorney, you may call or communicate with the Lawyer Re­ $225,138.23. Additionally, all sales are $110.292.54. Additionally, all sales are statement, that is to say from the 2nd day of February. 1995. subject to Advertising fees, to be paid shall expose for saleat public vendue, ferral Sen/ice of the County of Venue at 908-747-7400, or at the JOEL POPKIN, Borough Clerk at Halt of Records, 1 East Main Street subject to Advertising fees, to be paid by the successful bidder. Lawyer Referral Sen/ice of the County of your residence if you (5) $88.66 (2nd Floor - Freeholders Meeting by the successful bidder. The Sheriff hereby reserves the right reside in New Jersey. If there is none, contact the Lawyer Re­ Room), in the Borough of Freehold, The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further ferral Service of an adjacent county. County of Monmouth, New Jersey, to adjourn this sale without further You, Parker House Condominium Association are made a notice by publication. notice by publication. WILLIAM M. LANZARO, Sheriff on Monday, the 6th Day of February, party defendant hereto by virtue of a Claim of Lien recorded in WILLIAM M. LANZARO, Sheriff the Monmouth County Clerk's Office on February 3, 1993 in Dated: Jan. 11.18. 25. Feb. 1,1995 1995 at 2 o’clock, P.M. prevailing time. The property to be sold is located in Dated: Jan. 11, 18. 25. Feb. 1,1995 Book 5278, Page 987 in the sum of $7,466.78. Said lien is Stem, Lavinthal. Norgaard & Daly, At- Stem, Lavinthal. Norgaard & Daly. subordinate of the lien of plaintiff. torr>eys the Township of Neptune In the County of Monmouth, State of New Jersey. Attorneys DONALD F. PHELAN Edwin M. Lavinthal, for the firm Edwin M. Lavinthal, for the firm Clerk of the Superior Court (201)740-0700 Commonly known as: 1116 Green Grove Road. Neptune, New Jersey. (201) 740-0700 State of New Jersey (5) $29.14 (2-5) $111.60 Tax Lot No. 9037 in Block No. 1. (2-5) $64.48 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1995 PAGE 31 ?Eimes- snowed in Matthew Ap­ interest in skiing but due to plegate's backyard so he Where Is Our Winter Wonderland? the unusual warm spring could build a snowman. It weather, there wasn't any." by Arthur Weller believe me, we needed every would be nice if it snowed in Even artificial snow The weather outside isn't grain of sand we had. So, some driveways so Fred guns, the message ex­ frightful. We've yet to I'll take this type of winter Abels could use his new plained, which can convert awaken to a winter wonder­ wea her." plow, it would be nice if land. A decidedly unwhite .

NOTICE NOTICE Township of Neptune Township of Neptune County of Monmouth Shade Tree Commission NOTICE NOTICE Is hereby given County of Monmouth Township of Neptune that the undersigned has NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given Borough of Neptune City Local Assistance Board applied to the Neptune Town­ CH-751383 that the regular meetings of County of Monmouth ship Rooming and Boarding CH-751353 Planning Board the Shade Tree Commission SHERIFF’S SALE SHERIFF'S SALE County of Monmouth NOTICE is hereby given Home Licensing Board for a of the Township of Neptune that the meetings of the Local license to permit the operation SUPERIOR COURT SUPERIOR COURT TAKE NOTICE that at a for the year 1995, will be held OF NEW JERSEY OF NEW JERSEY ^ meeting of the Neptune City Assistance Board of Neptune of a Rooming Home/Boarding on the second Thursday of Home on property commonly CHANCERY DIVISION CHANCERY DIVISION Planning Board on Tuesday, Township will be held in the each month at 7:30 P.M. at Mayor’s Conference Room. known as Carol-Inn, 11 Pit­ MONMOUTH COUNTY MONMOLfTH COUNTY January 17, 1995. the fol­ the Neptune Municipal Lib­ lowing application was ap­ Neptune Municipal Complex, man Avenue, Ocean Grove Docket No. F.10606-93 Docket No. F-2193-93 rary, 25 Neptune Boulevard, 25 Neptune Boulevard, Nep­ also known as Tax Block(s) 8, Eettem Sevinge Bank, PUmMf NationslCommiiMy of New Jer­ proved: Neptune Realty Asso­ Neptune. New Jersey on the ciates. Block 38, Lot 8; Block tune. New Jersey, at 3:00 Lot(s) 513. Warren Accoo, et ala. Defendant sey. Plaintiff vs: following dates: p.m. on the following dates: A hearing will be held on By virtue o1 a writ of execution in the Old Mill Road Realty, Inc., et als. De­ 48. Lot 1; and Block 39, Lot(s) January 12 1, 2. 3. 4. 5. 11, 12. 14. 15. February 16 this application by the Nep­ above stated action to me directed, i fendants February 9 April 2 tune Township Rooming and 16. 17. 18. 21. 22. better March 9 shall expose for sale at pubkc vendue, By virtue of a wnt of execution in the known as Neptune City Shop­ July 20 Boarding Home Licensing at Hall of Records, 1 East Mam Street above stated action to me directed, I April 13 October 19 Board In the Neptune Town­ ping Center (Foodtown), May 11 (2nd Floor • Freeholders Meeting shall expose for sale at public vendue, Highway 35 and Third Avenue J a n u ^ 18, 1996 (Reor ship Municipal Complex, 25 Room), m the Borough ol Freehold. al Hall of Records, 1 East Main Street June 8 ganization Meeting) Neptune Boulevard, Neptune. seeking a variance for off- July 13 County of Morunoulh. New Jersey, on (2nd Floor • Freeholders Meeting street parking and site plan This notice is given in New Jersey on Wednesday, Mor>day, the 6th Day of February, 1995 August 10 accordance with the require­ February 15, 1995 at 7:30 Room), In the Borough of Freehold, approval for an addition of September 14 at 2 o'clock. P.M. prevailing lime. County of Monmouth, New Jersey, on 10,680 square feet to the exis­ ments of the Laws of the State P.M. October 12 of New Jersey, Chapter 231, All interested parties will T>>e property to be sold is located in Monday, the 27th Day of February. ting Foo^own and 11,400 November 9 the Township of Neptune in the County 1995 at 2 o'clock. P.M. prevailing lime. square feet to retail stores on P.L 1975. be heard. December 14 The application of the of Monmouth. State of New Jersey. The property to be sold is located in Third Avenue relating to the Dated: January 29, 1995 Reorganization meeting applicant may be inspected in Commonly known as: 1226 9th Ave., IheTownahip of Neptune in the County 1986 site plan approval as ROBERTA GRACE January 11, 1996 Welfare Director the office of the Secretary of Nepturie, NJ 07753. of Morwnouth. Slate of New Jersey. well as the application herein SHADE TREE COMMIS­ to allow the above approvals (5) $8.68 the Rooming and Boarding Tax Lot No. 156 in Block No. 169 on Commonly known as: 77 Main Ave., SION Home Licensing Board, Nep­ the Current Tax Map of the Township Neptune. New Jersey. to be made. Township of Neptune tune Township Municipal of Neptune. Tax Lot No. 163 8165 in Block No. 56. SUSAN Y. HEWITSON (5) $10.23 Complex, 25 Neptune Boule­ Secretary 70-455 Oimer^aioru of Lot OimenaionsofLot: Level, almost square vard. Neptune, New Jersey, (5) $9.61 CH-751351 SHERIFF’S SALE 1) South 66* 10 mmutee East. 42* along parcel of land. 3,670 (.0889 acres) lot during regular business SHERIFF'S SAL6 SUPERIOR COURT the southerly bne of Ninth Ave. to a pipe; with a 2,187 square fool office condo­ CH-751427 hours. SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY thence minium within a 3 and 4 story frame SHERIFF'S SALE Dated: January 30, 1995 OF NEW JERSEY LAW DIVISION 2) South 23* SO minutes West. 150' to a building converted to cof>dominium SUPERIOR COURT CAROLYN McNEIL CHANCERY DIVISION MONMOUTH COUNTY pipe; therKe ownerahip. OF NEW JERSEY 11 Pitman Avenue MONMOUTH COUNTY Docket No. L-4B12-92 ^ North 66’ 10 minutes West, 51.70' to Nearest Cross Street: Northeast cor­ CHANCERY DIVISION Ocean Grove, NJ Docket No. F-3567-94 Stephen KIHzman 8 Linda Ben-Zvi, a pipe in the easterty kne of Ridge Ave.; ner of New York Avenue. MONMOUTH COUNTY (5) $15.02 Ocean Federal Savings Bank, Plain­ Executors of the Estate of Abraham CH-751395 ther>ce A more particular description of the Docket No. F-5984-93 tiff vs: Kiitzman, Plaintiff vs: SHERIFF'S SALE 4) North 27* 31 mmutea East, 1S0.3V Properly is contained within the Writ Berkeley Federal Bank & Trust FSB, Vincent P. Masi, Jr. 8 Clare M. Masi, Paul Timpani, Defendant SUPERIOR COURT along tfie easterly Urre of Ridge Ave. to of Execulion on file within the Sheriff's Plaintiff vs: husband 8 wife, et als. Defendants By virtue of a writ of execution in the OF NEW JERSEY the point ar>d place of beginning. Office. ,>ruce A. Deimas 8 Carolyn R. Delmas, By virtue of a writ of execution in the above stated action to me directed, 1 CHANCERY DIVISION Nearest Cross Street: Ridge Avenue. TERMS OF SALE: DEPOSIT: 10% of husband 8 wife, Defendants above stated action to me directed, I shall expose for sale at public vendue, MONMOUTH COUNTY TERMS OF SALE: DEPOSfT: 10% of the bid amount al the time of sale. By virtue of a writ of execution in the shall expose for sale at public vendue, at Hall of Records, 1 East Main Street Docket No. F-4637-94 the bid amount at tha lime of sale. Balance due In 30 days. Cash or cer­ above stated action to me directed. I at Hall of Records, 1 East Main Street (2nd Floor • Freeholders Meeting Chemical Bank, Plaintiff vs: Balance due in 30 days. Cash or cer> tified check only. shall expose for sale at public vendue, (2nd Floor • Freeholders Meeting Room), in the Borough of Freehold, Chester R. Bass, Jr. 8 Margaret D. tified check only. The approximate amount of the judg­ at Hall of Records, 1 East Main Street Room), in the Borough of Freehold, County of Monmouth, New Jersey, on Bass, his wife, et al. Defendants The approximate amount of the )udg- ment, Commiasion and costs to be (2nd Floor • Freeholders Meeting County of Monmouth, New Jersey, Monday, the 27th Day of February, By virtue of a writ of execution in the ment. Commission and costs to be satisfied by sale is the sum of Room), in the Borough of Freehold, on Monday, the 6th Day of February, 1995at 2 o’clock, P.M. prevailing time. above stated action to me directed, I satisfied by sale is the sum of $934,834.98. Additionally, all sates are County of Monmouth, New Jersey, on 1995 at 2 o'clock, P.M. prevailing time. The property to be sold is located in shall expose for sale at public vendue, S7.955.98. Additionally, all sales are subject to Advertising fees, to be paid Monday, the 6th Day of February, 1995 The property to be sold is located in the Borough of Neptune City In the at Hall of Records. 1 East Main Street subject to Advertising fees, to be paid by the successful bidder. at 2 o'clock, P.M. prevailing time. the Borough of Freehold in the County County of Monmouth, State of New (2nd Floor - Freeholders Meeting by the successful bidder. The Sheriff hereby reserves the right The property to be sold is located in of Monmouth, State of New Jersey. Jersey. Room), in the Borough of Freehold, The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further the Borough of Union Beach in the to adjourn this sale without further Commonly known as: 20 Schanck Commonly known as: 20 Smock County of Monmouth, New Jersey, on notice by publication. County of Monmouth, State of New Street. Street, Neptune City, NJ. Monday, the 27th Day of February, notice by publication. WILLIAM M. LANZARO. Sheriff Jersey. WILLIAM M. LAN2ARO. Sheriff Tax Lot No. 11.05 in Block No. 43 on Tax Lot No. 2 in Block No. 21 on the 1995 at 2 o'clock. P.M. prevailing time. Dated: Feb. 1.8. 15. 22.1995 Commonly known as; 139 Campbell Dated: Jan. 11, 18. 25. Feb. 1, 1995 the Tax Map of the municipality. Borough of Neptune City, County of The properly to be sold is located in Lowenstoin, Sandler, Kohl, Fisher & Street, Union Beach. Nsw Jersey. Federman & Phelan. Attorneys Dimensions of Lot; (Approximately) Monmouth Tax Map. theTownship of Neptune in the County Boylan, Attorneys Tax Lot No. 21 in Block No. 61. Harold N. Kaplan, for the firm 100' X 125' X 35.36' x 75' x 150'. Nearest Cross Street: Approx. 74.49’ of Monmouth, State of New Jersey. Jonathan T.K. Cohen, for the firm Dimensions of Lot: (Approximately) 50' (609) B56-511S Nearest Cross Street; Approximately from the intersection of Steiner Ave. Commonly known as: 1613 Stratford (201) 992-8700 wide X 100' long. 225' to Morris Street. with Smock Street. Ave., Neptune, NJ. Reference 4ESB-13 Nearest Cross Street: At a point In the (5-8) $71.92 A complete legal description of the Full Description: Deed Book3841 Page Tax Lot No. 21 8 22 in Block No. 224. northwesterly line of Campbell Street, premises is contained in Book 4278 412. Dimensions of Lot: (Approximately) (2-5) $73.16 distant 100' northeasterly along same of Mortgages for Monmouth County, This sale Is only for Paul Timpani's 106.24' X 50.02' x 104.61' x 50'. from its Intersection with the north­ Page 622. et seq. undivided 1/2 interest in the property Nearest Cross Street: 125' from Oak NOTICE easterly line of Edmunds Avenue. TERMS OF SALE; DEPOSIT; 10% of commonly known as: 20 Sm(5ck Street, Street. Borough of Neptune City TERMS OF SALE: DEPOSIT: 10% of the bid amount at the time of sale. Neptune City, N J .^ TERMS OF SALE: DEPOSIT: 10% of Board of Education the bid amount at the time of sale. Balance due in 30 days. Cash or cer­ TERMS OF SALE: DEPOSIT: 10% of the bid amount at the time of sale. County of Monmouth Balance due in 30 days. Cash or cer­ LEARN tified check only. the bid amount at the time of sale. Balance due in 30 days. Cash or cer­ PUBLIC NOTICE IS HERE­ tified check only. Balance due in 30 days. Cash or cer­ tified check only. BY GIVEN that the Borough of The approximate amount of the judg­ The approximate amount of the judg­ YOUR tified check only. The approximate amount of the judg­ Neptune City Board of Edu­ ment, Commission and costs to be ment, Commission and costs to be cation has scheduled a spe­ satisfied by sale is the sum of The approximate amount of the judg­ ment, Commission and costs to be satisfied by sale is the sum of Chamber ABC's cial meeting for Saturday, ment, Commission and costa to be satisfied by sale Is the sum of $161,577.39. Additionally, all sales are $143,555.83. Additionally, all sales are February 4, 1995 at 9:00 A.M. satisfied by sale is the sum of $130,841.35. Additionally, all sales are by Chris Hansen subject to Advertising fees, to be paid subject to Advertising fees, to be paid at the New Jersey School by the successful bidder. $36,349.50. Additionally, all sales are subject to Advertising fees, to be paid by the successful bidder. Boards Association Office, subject to Advertising fees, to be paid by the successful bidder. Every Week In The Sheriff hereby reserves the right The Sheriff hereby reserves the right 225 Gordons Corner Road. by the successful bidder. The Sheriff hereby reserves the right ■ to adjourn this sale without further to adjourn this sale without further Suite 1H. Manalapan, N.J. to The Sheriff hereby reserves the right to adjourn this sale without further notice by publication. notice by publication. discuss various matters. to adjourn this sale without further notice by publication. WILLIAM M. LANZARO. Sheriff WILLIAM M. LANZARO, Sheriff (Agenda available at the Nep­ notice by publication. WILLIAM M. LANZARO. Sheriff tune City Board of Education Dated: Jan. 11, 18, 25. Feb. 1.1995 Dated: Jan. 11, 18. 25, Feb. 1. 1995 Kordes, Clayton 8 Ambrose, Attor­ WILLIAM M. LANZARO, Sheriff Dated: Feb. 1, 8. 15. 22, 1995 Office). Fox 8 Fox, Attorneys neys Dated: Feb. 1, 8, 15. 22,1995 Budd, Lamer, Gross, Rosenbaum, Dated: January 31, 1995 Katherine J. Welsh, for the firm Kevin Georgetti, for the firm Blankenhorn 8 Ragan, Attorneys Greenberg 8 Sade, Attorr>ey8 ®imes WILLIAM FOLK (201) 622-3624 Business Admin./Board (908) 528-5557 W. Peter Ragan, for the firm Stephen McNally, for the firm Sec. (906) 938-6800 (609) 667-3800 (5) $6.51 $65.72 (2-5) (2-5) $68.20 (5-8) $70.68 (5-8) $60.76 PAGE 32 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1995 ®fie Eimes- Super Crossword ACROSS 49 Part 2 of 85 Did a Little 7 Gl's address 47 Slip body — My 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 flO It 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 Medieval remark bit? 8M ax — 48 Santa s Gal?" • weapons 55 Cugat 87 Last name in Sydow problem 79 Blast-to-be 6 Al Hirt tune consort gossip 9 It's shed In 50 Took turns 81 Take In 20 121 22 18 10 Sweatshops, 56 Reached a 90 Juliet's perch winter 51 Top-drawer 84 Non-stereo j In a way decision 94 Inlay material 10 That's the 52 Monsieur 85 Explorer 25 126 14 Fancy 57 Having more 95 UK honor spirit Montand Tasman appetizer smarts? 96 Doll up 11 "Right onl" 53 '79 Caine/ 86 It's on the 2 i 28 129 30 18 ArK park? 58 Printer's 97 First name In 12 Staff Ustinov film bee's knees 20 "Once — a proof figure skating 13 Grunter's 54 Light fabric 87 Physique, lor 59 Adjusted an 131 33 35 time ..." 98 George Eliot grounds 55 Prime mover short 21 Furnace's ascot novel 14 "Fiel" 60 Martin of 88 Put down output 60 Started back 103 End of 15 Skirt shape “Captain 89 Secluded 140 38 39 22 Glided 61 Fanatic remark 16 Smattering Ron" 90 Rathbone of 23 Go all out 62 Small fish 108 Join metals 17 Added fringe 61 Herbert lilmdom 42 46 47 48 24 Start of a 65 Teacher's aid 109 "Dies — " 19 Belief Marx’s stage 91 a remark by 66 Front runner 110 Hurler 25 The edge of name pedestal 49 50 51 52 53 54 Tom Kelly 67 Parallel Hershiser night? 62 "Police — I" 92 Arthur 27 Conqueror 68 Bagpipe 111 "Jane—" 26 Canape 63 Cleanse Millar's 155" Cortes sound 112 Clement! holder 64 Poe crow salesman 29 Like jungle 69 Engrossed compositions 28 Narcs' org. 65 Stevens of 93 Doctrine toliage 70 French — 113 Make a loan 32 Overhead "Peter Gunn" 94 Ovid's fate 159 30 Chefs (template) 114 Play in a item? 66 Florence 97 Really home? 71 It's found in pond 33 Writer Nightingale's impressed 62 63 64 31 Born a tnjnk 115 Requirement Rendell prop 98 Made wine 32 Feathered 72 Makes up 116 Clear the 34 Relish 67 "Behokfi ’ to divine 67 tuft melodies slate 35 First offender Brutus 99 Obscure 34 Sushi 76 Shut up DOWN 36 Spare part? 68 Friday's 100 Snorri’s ingredient 77 Pan 3 of 1 Monstrous 37 In excess originator stories 70 73 74 36 Key stone? remark dance? 38 Rich niche 69 European 101 Rick of "Solid 40 Lie In wait 80 Temptation 2 Commedia 39 Cain's capital Gold- 76 78 79 41 Dark blue location dell'— nephew 71 Like 69 Down 102 Gaelic 42 Boesky of 81 Drain 3 "It Must Be 41 Prominent 72 Actress 104 This instant P 3 Wall Street •problem Him" singer 43 Campus Williams 105 History 43 Portable bed 82 Chemical 4 Gray or female 73 Morgan division 86 88 89 44 Took the suffix Moran 44 Jacobi of "I, marking 106 Comic Louis plunge 83 "It's — to 5 Learned Claudius" 74 Facility 107 "We — 45 Midwest Tell a Lie" person P 5 45 Winning 75 Bad mood Family" ('79 90 91 92 93 college town 84 Beauty spot 6 Karate's kin 46 Syrup source 78 "Has Any­ tune) 96 '9 9 1 102 io3" 104 105 106 107

109 110 1111 Answers To Last Week's Puzzle on Page 33 ■ U 3 n r m r rrie ACEA IDESINESS lEIEEClCET

ROOFING - SIDING RRDIO - TeieVISION €L€aRICIflNS PLUMBING - H€fiTING RUTOMOTIV€ • General Color TV, BliW TV ' X t f A 24 HOUR * The " *The Mark Gannon Roofing Co.* Air Conditioners ! ( V H > ) EMERGENCY m SERVICE |W m. R. Hogg* PLUMBING Small Repaihlobs Television & Appliances NJ License *10135 * * Since 1962 * & HEATING 776- All Major Appliances ' EDWARD J. GRAY * Co., Inc. * * a 2 4 a 775-8062 ELECTRICAL * Plumbing - Heating * 69 Hwy. 35, Neptune City ' * * Sheet Metal Specialists CONTRACTOR * Air Conditioning * CRRP€NTRV * Contractors * Foreed-AirFuniaces 7 7 4 -9 0 6 7 * * A/C "1- |[)tt«l; Wodt * * "Serving the Shore Area * Reports & Repairs Since 1900“ * Rob Crease Adams * * FREE ESTIMATES Electric * 775-3193 * 774-5098 Office & Warehouse at: Carpentry Wirliig*Flxture.s* Appliance * Fourth Av. < Momoriol Dr. * 1408 1/2 dorllM Ave. Small Job Spot laliM N.J. Lie. 274 * Aabuty Pmrk, NJ. * Oeean Grove, NJ NM tuiie, N.J. 07753 Fm* Estiinalps ' Insured D. Darvin Adams, * Uc. #2S43 * Lie. #7365 CALL 681-7427 J r. >c )fc He Hr >|( ^ 1 i^anada Dr., NciMune [ MRSONS 9 2 2 - 9 3 1 0 I ' EXPERIENCE is our Asset Full & Re-inspection Center Road Service 1— F — — ------1J II ______1 FU€L OIL W B G P A Y JR ' MICHAEL Ray Poland MASON Carpentry CONCRETE • BPCK STONC QUIGLEY ^ see WALKS-FVMOS 40 Years Experience Auto Service WTEPOft PLASTER fl»A«S All Types - Large or Smatll Plumbing & Heating TUCK PO*NT^*G Jobbing Specialists RESTORATIONS Center, Inc. STEPS 9 2 2 -2 4 7 5 ''Lifetime" Guarantee on Mufflers A ll WORK DONE WITH THE highest regard Call 223-8132 Complete Brake Work. Front fOR TOUR PROPERTY Allignment. Electrical Work. A LOCAt FAMILY Tires and Batteries. Tune-Up BUSINESS SINCE 1918 PRINTING CCRRMIC TIL6 ^ 0 90aa74-8?92 ’ Boiler Replacement and/or using Bear Engine Analysers for Cenimic Tile Repairs Conversion New and Old Autos, Towing and (SiiKx; IQ.S.S) N o Job Too Sm all Road Service. South Main Street B o b Akliis 'We would like to work for you" Michael Quigley & Frank Eckart Ocean Grove ROOFING - SIDING Painting^ by Don TV/6 & Shoirer ITnIls Bathroom Floors Call 776-5590 * Interior & Exterior * Safety Crab Bars * Wallpapering * 28 0-0 397 BUILD6RS - RGMODGLeRS * Power Wash Affordable Rates VRCUUMS Free Estimates Whittier and Shafto’s Fully Insured Lashek, Inc. Garage 776-6217 BUILDERS SERVING OCEAN GROVE Corp. A THE AREA SINCE 1960 THE GORES Neptune City Shopping 24 Hour Service Roofing - Siding Center THE GORES Repairing-Service ‘ Consultants CRRPETS - RUGS New Construction 109 Third Avenue Building & Remodeling Kitchens - Additions Towing-Storage ROOFING • SIDINQ Neptune City, N.J. ALUMINUM & VINYL Consultants Bathrooms LOCK YOUR KEYS Davison Rugs ROOFING - SIDINQ KITCHENS - BATHROOMS Area Code 908 Remodeling - Repairs IN YOUR CAR? ADDITIONS Phone 774-1427 ALUMINUM & VINYL Restorations KITCHENS - BATHROOMS C a ll 35 Year* Experience h n la t - \ a ile d S c /m fo n Free Estimates - Fully Insured 4 Tremont Dr,, Neptune service ■ instaMtfon' ADDITIONS 774-1439 Over 70 New Models on 35 Years Experience 774-1805 3 9 P il Display - Sales & Service 4 Tremont Dr., Neptune . Cor. Corlies Ave. & We Sell The Best For Less 409 Monmouth Ave. Main St, Neptune and Repair A ll The Rest Bradley Beach THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1995 PAGE 33

ROOMS FOR RENT APARTMENT DAN’S TANK REMOVAL FOR RENT SERVICE - Have you chang­ OCEAN GROVE - Private ed to gas over the past 9 USED CARS rooms in clean quiet Inn ASBURY PARK - Two years? Inexpensive removal starting at $300 monthly. TV clean & attractive efficiency of unwanted fuel oil tanks FOR SALE lounge & kitchen privileges. apts. Close to beach. Well lit (above or below ground). _ A --. • Ar- ■; References required. Special at night. $475/month Environmentally sound, safe 1986 DODGE rates to seniors. Call 775- Includes utilities. Call 775- disposal of unwanted tanks. 318 Eng., 15 passenger van. 7506. (1-6*) 6712. (5-6) Free estimates. Reliable & Interior like new. Only 34,000 friendly service. Call (908) LUCKY miles. Will need painting. OCEAN GROVE - Enjoy a OCEAN GROVE -1 bdrm, 517-0132. (46tf) May be seen at 9 Dale family atmosphere in lovely, 7 Weeks For $7.00 Place, Neptune. Phone 774- moc(ern apt. $475 plus elec­ The ’Times will ran your car tric. i References, security quiet, single furnished room INCOME TAX PREPA­ 0711 (1-7*) in owner occupied Class A classified ad 7 weeks for $7.00 7 required. Call 774-1732 or RATION - Richard S. Bas- 775.5642. (49-10) licensed shore area guest com. Expertly done in your Simply fill out the form below in 25 words or 1989 CAPRICE house. Kitchen privileges, home at a very reasonable less and return to us with $7.00 to: 41 Pilgrim CLASSIC WAGON OCEAN GROVE - Spac­ shared baths, laundry room fee. General bookkeeping Pathway, P.O. Box 5, Ocean Grove, NJ 07756 V-8 engine, a/c, p/s, p/b, & ail utilities furnished + + am/f.m radio, original owner, ious 3rd floor apt., 2 bdrm. also available. Member of YEAR & MODEL OF VEHICLE cable service included In 41.000 miles. Excellent con­ $50Ci/month plus electric. National Assn, of Tax Prac­ 25 word descriptkm • please be sore to rent. Prefer non-smoking, dition. $8,000. Call 775-8510 References & security re­ titioners. Mention this ad & include yonr telephone no. in yoor ad. quired. Avaiiable Feb. 1 Call quiet, long term, responsible get 25% off. Call 774-1255 (51-5*) 774-2566. (4-5) adult. We have only 3 vacan­ (1-14) cies immediately. $370 per 1985 FORD WORK VAN BRADLEY BEACH - Mod­ month + references. For HANDYMAN - 25 years 350, Needs some work, ern, large 1 bdrm., w/w car­ appt. call 502-9095 & leave experience in home repairs 81.000 miles. $700. Can be pet, AC, security intercom, message. (1 -8) & maintenance. Fair prices & seen at 103 Hawthorne Ave., off-street parking, laundry quality workmanship. Call Neptune City. Call 775-9396 WINTER RENTAL rm. on premises. 1 1/2 223-8777. (5-8) (2-8*) OCEAN GROVE - 1st biks. to beach. No Pets. floor, furnished 2 bdrm., 2 776-7654. (30*tf) TAKE IT AWAY - Complete L ______J 1966 FURY 1 bath apt. Available Feb. 1 to removal service - attics, CLASSIC, 318 engine, v-8, 2 June 30. $500/month in­ OCEAN GROVE - 1 BR. basements & everything in door, pass, r/h/a. Original apt., 3rd FI., modern, $450 + cludes utilties. Call Joan between. Swept broom owner & paint. Rust free. Elec., 41 Pilgrim Pathway. (201) 779-8373 (5-7) clean. Free estimates. Es- 62,300 miles. Always taters our specialty. Beat the garaged. Call 908-531-3380. References & security re- BEDROOM furniture set for 1 NEED 100 people to lose Spring rush! 988-5504 (4tf) (4-10*) qufod. Call 774-1732. (28tf) SERVICES sale $150. Also twin beds - weight and earn money. Call best offer. If interested call WANTED TO BUY (908) 493-1645. (3-6) C DEAN GROVE - 6 DAN’S TREE EXPERTS - Mr. Smith 988-8433. (4-7) roo; IS, 2 modern baths, Small but efficient. Big Jobs REWARD - Cash paid for POSTAL JOBS - Start car(. eted, good closet space, or small. Trees trimmed or HAMMOND Organ & Grif­ old fishing tackle equipment $12.08/hr. plus benefits. For porch near beach. $750/ removed. Bushes & stumps. fith Piano. Both in good con­ and' memorabilia Call for exam and application info, mon. + sec., ref. & lease. Why pay more when we dition. Call 774-2566 (4-5) quotas. (908) 775-5824. call 219-794-0010 ext. NJ 157, Call 775-3706. (5*) come to your door. Call Dan 9 am to 11 pm, 7 days. (4-7*) 922-4057, leave message. (26*tf) HELP WANTED CONDO FOR RENT FREE ESTIMATES. (47-8*) OCEAN GROVE SUSAN is AUTOMOBILEMECHANIC ANTIQUES WANTED OCEAN GROVE - Ocean- DISCOUNT TELEPHONE desperately seeking your oldies but goodies. She’ll Full time. Must be experi­ front, 2 bdrm furnished con­ SERVICE - Phone jacks TOP CASH always paid for find a good home for your enced on foreign & domes­ do. Available Feb. 1 - May installed, cable TV outlets. once loved treasures & tic. Must have own tools. paintings, furniture, jewelry or 15. $525/month incl. utilities. Retired from NJ Bell. 27 trash. Don’t wait for a Lazy Must apply in person at Ray entire estates. Honest & Call 1-609-298-1871 (4-5) years experience. Call (908) courteous service. I come to 528-7535. (51-6) Susan day. Call me right Poland Service Center, 90 S. away. 775-2599, (1-5*) Main St., Ocean Grove. 776- you. Andy 918-0598 (37tf) HOUSE FOR RENT OIL & GAS TANK RE­ 5590 (Itf) MERCHANDISE OCEAN GROVE - Small 5 MOVALS - Fast, inexpensive tank removal, replacement, FOR SALE POSTAL JOBS - Start room duplex - unfurnished. $11.41/hr. For exam and abandonment in place, chan­ $600/month + security & application info, call (219) ging. Leak protection polic­ PRINTER’S BOXES - Old utilities. No Pets. Call 681- 769-8301 ext. NJ513, 9 am - ies. Only $39 a year. Call wooden type cases for sale. 6780. (5-6*) 9 pm, Sun.-Fri. (5-8*) now for info/advice. Safe-T- $30. Great for knick-knacks. Tank. 908-528-4300 (5) Call 775-0007 (*)

Keep Up With Selling An Auto? ®f)e Put ®})t ®tntfS( Auto Classifieds To Work For You About ten percent of all the native flowering plants of the United States are so rare that the^ are considered to be endangered species. ®imc9


-Visits to Advanta je $ 1 0 0 off Homeboiincl Hearing Aid service The Purchase -Free Hearing Tests of a -Medicaid Accepted 2100 Corlies Ave. (Rte. 33), Neptune City -Most Major SI New Hearing W ith coupcjn Hearing (908) 775-1700 Aid Expires Aid Manufacturers £eb 28. 1995_ -Service and Susan Philpot BC-HIS I Battery I Special Repairs 25 Years experience in Shore area B -Ear Molds Hearing Aid Dispenser - N.j. Lie. #156 Buy one at our everyday low price & -Ear Plugs - Board Certified - -Batteries for All get second pack for a Hearing Instrument Sciences $000 M- L Makes Most Major Manufacturers including: With coupon |A E Expires L A Siemens - Starkey - Oticon - Argosy Feb. 28. 1995 l i HAPPINESS IS HEARING

□ □ B B S D O B QQQQCi amc] B B D O C3BCIG3 DBDIIBDQ QQBQDBIl B □ D B B B Q B □ B B C ] D D O PAGE 34 Zbe THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1995 SOLAKUN 1st Degree Black Belt

Neptune Takes Fieehirid Ryan And Gamble Shut Down Smith With a full house and live TV coverage from TV 34, Neptune Varsity Basketball Sue and George Solakian, Wall Twp., are proud to defeated Freehold 50-41 in announce that their son GEORGE E. SOLAKIAN, JR., what might have been the (above) has earned a 1st Degree Decided Black Beit in defensive battle of the year. Tae Kwon Do. George attends classes at A Kastner's Frankie Smith scored the Family Tae Kwon Do In Brieile. games’ first basket with 52’ On January 21 at, George competed In a National Tae left in the first quarter. Kwon Do American Tournament In Atlantic City where Jessie Ryan and Derrick he won 3rd place In his division for Forms and 3rd place Gamble did a great job of In Sparring. The tournament hosted states from as far shutting down Rod Smith, away as California, Virginia, N. Carolina and others. Freehold’s 6’9” center. George is a Honor roll freshman at Wall High School When the game was over and is the grandson of retired Police Chief and Mrs. A L Smith had been held to 4 Ward of Ocean Grove and Florida. points, a very unusual statis­ tic for the Freehold senior. Great job Neptune! Neptune - 50 Bennett 4 0-0 9, Hoffman 3 0-1 6, F. Smith 4 0-3 10, Gamble 1 1-2 3, Ryan 2 2-2 RESTAURANT 6, H. Smith 6 0-2 12, Neal 2 0-2 4. Totals 22 3-12 50 812 Main St Bradley Beach 774.7555 next to ShoreWinea ft Liquor DINING IK>OM 12 noon to 8 pm Dally Frill Sal to 9pm Oosod Sunday Gamble on Smith Wm A kftJuU StSootM Takm-Oul AverikMm

0 // iM ks SHOULD BE CLEANED ENTIRE MENU EVERY 5 YEARS In Ground, Above Ground, in Basement Water causes rust EARLY BIRD Ryan on Smitiv Rust causes teaits^ special leaks cast maaept Din* In Only "'Winter Special Not Valid any olhor oH«r

$99J5 R«taH Soafood Mortcot To Hove Your Tarrk Professionally Cleaned OPEN -11 AM to 8PM Dolly Save $50.00 FISHERY CloMd Sunday SCHAFER OIL Over 70 Years Experience! Local 223-5400 Catch the Wave fron Avon-By-The-Sea Your Quatflons Antwarad No OCSgoHon Read hrnk TestinS’Repincemeiit-ltemwat- Sports SbwS9timetit in Ptcee * 275 Gallon • CoH for your size Since I87S

n m T # m .#■« a PAGE 35 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1995 C te tCirnes- SPORT SHORTS

Registration for the 1995 Neptune Soccer’s An­ Soccer Clinic is Saturday, nual Dance will be held February 4 at 9 A.M. The Saturday, February 25 at the clinic is being held in the American Legion. For tickets upstairs gym of the Neptune contact your coach or call Middle School for children in 988-9255. K thru 3rd grade. The fee is $20 and the clinic is run Well, if you gave the Saturday mornings til the points - you’re smiling this end of March. If you need week!!! more information call 988- 3457.


Candice Fenter Darrell Reid Sophomore Freshman Varsity Indoor Varsity Track Team Wrestling Team

Ginger Ale


High Jump Darrell Reid took to the The Lady Fliers won their Walsh 0 1-21, Richardson 1 5th Smith - 4-8 mat vs. Laskin of Matawan. second consecutive Mon­ 0-0 2, Walls 1 0-0 2, McGhee It was a very even match-up mouth County Indoor Track 2 0-0 4. Totals 18 7-15 43. with both wrestlers struggling championship edging out Kelly Mooij captured the 200 freestyle and the 100 to get control. The match Asbury Park by 2 1/2 points. The Boys Varsity Basket­ backstroke in Neptune’s had already been stopped Neptune - 44 1/2 ball team defeated Mon­ swim meet against Central tw icj - Reid had injured his 55 Hurdles mouth Regional 81-59. Her­ Reg. J.J. Vigil took the 200 shoulder and jammed his 2nd - Smith - 8.91 bie Smith led the scoring individual medley and the finger. With less than 50 3rd - Fenter - 9.00 with 22. 100 butterfly. seconds left in the third 4th - Hayes - 9.41 Neptune 81 period, Reid was down 5 - 3. 55 Bennett 4 1-211, Hoffman 4 Neptune Girls Varsity With a 2 point take down, he 1st - Crichlow - 7.34 7-11 15. F. Smith 0 0-1 0, Basketball team beat Mon­ tied the score as the buzzer 2nd - Smith - tie Gamble 3 0-0 6, Ryan 5 1-1 mouth Regional 43-27. Hub­ sounded, and in overtime 5th - Fenter - 7.88 11, H. Smith 9 4-7 22, Neal 4 bard led the scoring with 10. went on to win 7 - 5. 6th - Clay - 7.92 0-0 10, McGhee 1 0-0 2, Neptune 43 Congratulations to this 400 Hubbard 1 2-2 4. Totals 31 Trainer Glen DePalo tends to Reid. Godoski 4 1-4 9, Rush 3 3-3 fine athlete. 4th - Crichlow - 1 ;03.05 15-24 81. Neptune Record 1,600 Relay 9, Hardin 1 0-2 2, Beekman 1-6, 1-4 6th - Neptune - 4:36.21 2 0-0 4, Hubbard 4 2-4 10,

brought to you by... SPORTS MEDICINE ASSOCIATES, P. A. ...A Team Of at: The Atlantic Club Performance-Focused Professionals 1904 Atlantic Ave. Specializing In Wall, NJ 07719 The Treatment, Care 908-528-5660 And Prevention Of Active Lifestyle ALL AMERICAN Injuries Physicians On Call 24 Hours PAGE 36 W^tte W^imes- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1995

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