Serving Our Loyal Readers Since 1875 ASBURr rAKK rUULIU ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY -BILLO TN ‘>IHWd AdDaSb •3AW 1S3I3 OOS 'an Giiand Aanasd Z .6 /T 3 /3 T 9TT0 T VOL. CXX NO. 4 TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE, N.J. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2,1995 USPS 402420 THIRTY-FIVE CENTS Your Town MARLBORO PSCHIATRIC Times Around Town HOSPITAL MAY CLOSE page 14 Lino Asbury Park - Ocean Grove Ready For Action Speaks O ut Ocean Grove Homeowners Respond Strongly Pg. 5 Bradley Beach page 5 by Denise Herschel very worried that the population and 28 percent of ping ground for the deinstit­ The state’s recent an­ availability of an additional all licensed beds in Asbury utionalized. I believe every town deserves their equiv­ Wilson School nouncement to close the $3 million in funds for com­ Park being used for this doors to Marlboro Psych­ munity-based services will segment of the population, alent share. Out of 56 H olds Bees iatric Hospital may open the lead to an increase in the the town has, by any stretch municipalities in Monmouth page 13 doors to another dilemma number of the mentally ill of the imagination, according County, 27 are taking the already lingering in the population here," he said. to Feit, handled more than load. It’s not fair, if they minds of many Ocean Grove The state’s plan involves other towns have. spread the amount of people Gross Comments and Asbury Park residertts - utilizing $3 million in com­ *lt’s a drain for the city. around you wouldn't have On Tides' Issue how much more can these munity-based sen/ices in We’ve done more than our saturation in any one Ibwn Topics page 22 towns absorb in an already Ocean Grove, Asbury Park fair share, and we think it’s location." saturated environment of and approximately 12 other time other towns should take ladanza said there are Rev. Stephenson mentally ill people? towns with an already large up the slack," he said. currently 20 boarding homes in Ocean Grove with a pot­ To Receive Award Not much, according to mentally ill population, as Neptune Mayor Richard Alan Felt, city manager of part of a state introductory ladanza concurred with Feit’s pourri of a population in­ Arts & Lifiestyle page 13 Asbury Park. 'We are very Department of Human Ser­ beliefs. "I don’t want Ocean cluding the homeless and concerned and afraid. Hu­ vices Act. Grove targeted just as the de-institutionalized. man Services Commissioner, In a crty that has seen its mayor of Asbury Park He added that the clos­ Tlruck Issues William Waldman doesn’t share of such a population, doesn't want his community ing of Marlboro and the In- Neptune City with three percent of the unusually burdened." A few return our phone calls or Continued on Page 13 p a g es answer our letters. We are county wide mentally ill years ago we were a dum­ Clark Retires After Years Of Controversy Board members on January ivated. this story, which could not 25 voted unanimously to ac­ Clark was suspended, find an accommodating res­ cept his retirement request, but in rulings that later fol­ olution, until now. However, finally putting to bed an is­ lowed from the state Board speculation and rumors have Zimti sue that has haunted admin­ of Education and an Ad­ is pleased to Spotlight: been circulating that this istration. teachers, parents ministrative Law Judge, it embattled teacher was Connie Perry ? and children in the district for was stated that Clark’s rights "bought out." Reached for Page3 the last three years. were protected under the comment at press time. In January 1992, Clark First Amendment. Clark was Superintendent of Schools called the Bob Grant show, then reinstated. -An outcry Michael T. Lake stated that Page 2 Reader an afternoon talk-radio pro­ ensued from community these rumors are untrue. "Mr. ■ AltSeate^&SUN M gram based in New York, leaders and protests oc­ Clark retired from our school S siadt C im m ja and commented on activities curred within and outside of district with full free will on Happiness Mr. David Clark at the school relating to the the school building. A pet­ MAIN STREET- BRADLEV BEACH his part," Lake reiterated. celebration of Black History ition was also generated with "Sources close to Clark have Is Neptune - Controversial Month. Many of those who more than 500 attesters cal­ reported that the teacher’s High School English teacher Hearing DISCLOSURE heard about the remarks, in­ ling for Clark’s ouster. retirement was motivated by MICHAEL DOUGLAS David C. Clark has announc­ cluding the school board Clark’s retirement an­ health reasons. DEMI MOORE EU ed that he will retire effective members, believed tt\e com­ nouncement is expected by Monday is Date Night February 1, 1995. School ments to be racially mot­ many to mean the end of Premier Dealer Volunteer Fireman Charged Ko€totux Great News Proccttlng See Our Ad page 11 Scene Sewlce With Three Counts Of Arson Bradley Beach - Cn on Jan. 17, and one that did ged with three counts of else was involved or is being Thursday Jan. 26 at 4:12 pm, destroy one summer home Arson and three counts of sought. the Bradley Beach Police and heavily 'damaged an­ Cfficial Misconduct. He is Bradley Beach Police and Fire Department res­ other on Jan. 11, on Lake being held in the Monmouth Chief Robert DeNardo told Neptune ponded to a structure fire on Terrace. county Jail on $45,000 bail. the Times that "I would like the 300 block of Newark All three fires have been These fires have really to compliment my Detec­ School Scene Ave. The fire was quickly ex­ under investigation by the upset and alarmed the com­ tives, the Prosecutor’s Detec­ tinguished with assistance Bradley Beach Detective munity. The area was show­ tives, Fire Marshall’s Cffice, In This Week’s from the Avon Fire Depart­ Bureau and the Monmouth ered with plainclothes offi­ every one of my patrol offi­ ment. Cne summer home re­ County Prosecutor’s Arson cers,and bicycle patrols after cers who switched sche­ Issue Of ceived heavy damage and Unit, the first fire on Lake Terrace. dules and came in on their two other homes minor dam­ Following the fire on Good hard intense police own time, the members of Zfft age. The cause was deter­ Jan 26, Clarence Smith work led to Mr. Long’s arrest the Neighborhood Crime mined by the Monmouth Long, age 18, from Newark after the Jan. 26 fire and Watch and the members of County Fire Marshall’s to be Ave., Bradley Beach, was ar­ there was enough evidence the Bradley Beach Fire De­ '»'Hges 18-20 a set fire similar to a fire on rested. Mr. Long, a volunteer to pick him up. The case partment who assisted In the Feb. 2, 1995 : Park Place Ave. That fire firerpan with the Borough was isolated to the actions of investigation." Vol.120, No.4 damaged a summer home Fire Department, was char­ Mr. Long alone and no one m m " '.r.s-* * «*. < I » ' 1 \ V PAGE 2 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1995 C fie FRI., FEB. 10 Coming OLDIESDANCE/CHINESE AUCTION - Fellowship Hall, St. Paul's Church, Ocean Grove from 8 pm to 12 mid­ My Events night. $10 per person. Have a heart, bring a canned item Rate - 50 cenls/line for the food pantry. (5) Min. charge $3.50 Ans’wer Call 775-0007 by Richard Gibbons Going over a miscellany of notes recently, we by Billy Graham discovered we had a coincidence on our hands. DEAR DR. GRAHAM: I have given my life to Christ, but In a nutshell, we found mentions of men with the same no one believes me. You see, I am in prison and all the H a p p i n e s s surnames as the two most recent pastors of St. Paul’s men in my cell block think I am putting on a show just to United Methodist Church. impress the parole board. When I try to explain what I have The earlier reference is to "The Rev. Dr. Quigg of the done they just laugh. Now I’m beginning to wonder if my Philadelphia Conference". A report furnished by the Devo­ commitment is going to last or if I will cave in to the pres­ tional and Program Committee included the following para­ sure. Do you have any advice? - D.F. I s H e a r i n g DEAR D.F.: Don’t let the cynicism or scorn of people graph: around you shake your faith or keep you from living for "The Rev. Dr. Quigg preached one of the tenderest ser­ Christ. Keep your eyes on Christ, not on what others may mons on the general Gospel ideas of duty toward God and think. duty toward man that was possible along that line, enfor­ Yes, they (and you) have probably seen examples of cing it with pungent appeals to the people to place them­ people who pretended to be religious in order to impress selves in attitudes of concern for unconverted people which others, although in reality such people were not committed to Christ. That shouldn’t surprise you; even Judas appear­ should be so earnest as to really impress them." ed to be a true disciple of Jesus until he had a chance to That note is dated 1901. betray Him for money (see Luke 22:1-6). The Rev. Walter R.
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