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URMC V118n83 20091210.Pdf (9.241Mb) THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN Fort Collins, Colorado COLLEGIAN Volume 118 | No. 8 T D THE STUDENT VOICE OF COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY SINCE 1891 B ASCS ICE, ICE, BABY BOG Leg. a airs director wants student voice on governing board B KIRSTEN SIVEIRA The Rocky ountain Collegian After CSU’s governing board decided to ban concealed weapons on campus, spark- TODAYS IG ing intense controversy student leaders said Wednesday that there must be a student vot- 25 degrees ing member on the board because its mem- bers refuse to listen to students. So far this season, CSU To secure that voting member, Associ- has received a total of 44.2 ated Students of CSU Director of Legislative inches of snow with fi ve full YEAR SEASONA Affairs Matt Worthington drafted a resolu- months of the snow season TOTA IN INCES tion that would allow state leaders to appoint still ahead, according to re- a student to vote on the CSU System Board search from the Department 1 9 9 9 - 2 0 0 0 : 3 . of Governors. The ASCSU Senate moved his of Atmospheric Science. 2 0 0 0 - 2 0 0 1 : 5 resolution to committee Wednesday night. Even if the city receives 2 0 0 1 - 2 0 0 2 : 4 4 .1 ASCSU President Dan Gearhart and CSU- no more snow this winter, 2 0 0 2 - 2 0 0 3 : 1. Pueblo student government President Steve Fort Collins has already re- 2 0 0 3 - 2 0 0 4 : 9 .1 Titus both currently sit on the BOG as non- ceived more snow than in six 2 0 0 4 - 2 0 0 5 : 5 . voting members. out of the past 10 winters. 2 0 0 5 - 2 0 0 6 : 6 . Only the 2002-2003 winter, 5 .5 The movement to have students on the 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7 : with a 32 inch-March storm, 2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 8 : 3 .1 board has been in the works since 1982, had substantially more snow 2 0 0 8 - 2 0 0 9 : 3 .1 Worthington said, but the BOG’s vote Friday than this year. 2 0 0 9 - 2 0 1 0 : 4 4 . to ban concealed carry on campus, despite overwhelming student support to maintain the current policy, sped up the process. KATIE STEVENS | COLLEGIAN “They didn’t vote against having guns on D o e n o f l ar e i c i c l e han f r m the r o f o f the N e r R eha i l i tat o n R e ear h L a o rat r o n We ne d a . B e o w f ree n campus. They voted against having a te p erat re ha e g r p p e F o rt C o l l i n the p a t w ee . T o d a ’ s h g h te p erat re o f 2 5 d e ree w i l l b e a re i e f r m s i n l e d i g i t te p erat re . See BOG on Lean times for local shelters in FoCo B INCON GREENA who is working on a master’s ed Way has also seen the num- E OT AT A OCA SETER The Rocky ountain Collegian degree in social work at CSU. ber of people calling its 2-11 “We have been seeing hotline for help with home- L ar m er C o u nt U n te Wa The phones rang all sum- more families and women lessness more than double, 4 2 4 Pine St., Suite 10 mer at Catholic Charities coming to the shelter,” he compared to this time last ( 9 7 0 0 - 7 000 Northern, a Fort Collins shel- added. year. The hotline is a national ( 9 7 0 0 - 7 0 9 ter, and this winter shows The shelter, run by the program that connects people ��������������������.offi [email protected] signs of being harder than the charitable arm of the Catho- in need with services includ- last for local charities provid- lic Archdiocese of Denver, ing food pantries, job training C ath l i c C har t e N o rthern 460 Linden Center Dr. ing help to the homeless. also provides services ranging and housing programs. from “emergency food boxes Though the exact cause is ( 9 7 0 8 4 - 5010 “There has been a tenden- http://www.ccdenver.org cy in years past for numbers to assistance with utility pay- tough to pinpoint, this year BRANDON IAMOTO | COLLEGIAN ments, assistance acquiring seems to have been particu- to fl uctuate by season … this O p en D o o r M i s s i o n J o hn c enter, w h a k e that h s l a t na e n t b e birth certifi cates and Colo- larly tough for women at risk year it didn’t dip down. We’ve Downtown Fort Collins re ea e , s p ea s w i th f e l o w F o rt C o l l i n h m e e s been consistently full year rado identifi cation cards,” for homelessness in Larimer 316 Jefferson St. c i t e n A l v i n Wheat n J r. , l e t an J a e M i l l er, round,” said Tony Casale, an Casale said. ( 9 7 0 2 4 - 4 30 r g ht J an 2 6 , 2 0 0 8 at the C ath l i c C har t e N o rthern intern at Catholic Charities, The Larimer County Unit- See OMEESS on http://odmministries.org M i s s i o n l o c ate at 4 6 0 L i n en C enter D r. DU panel: Legalization of Fidel Castro’s daughter to immigrants is bene cial speak at CSU this evening B IVAN MORENO B KC EMING escape from Cuba in 1993, Fernandez was The Associated Press The Rocky ountain Collegian literally a part of history as it unfolded. As a critic of her father and DENVER – Millions of undocumented The daughter of infa- the Cuban government, she wrote people in the United States should be given mous Cuban dictator Fidel a book in 1998 titled, “Castro’s a path to legal status after the country fi nds Castro, Alina Fernandez, will Daughter: An Exile’s Memoir of a way to stop illegal immigration, a business talk tonight about her earliest Cuba,” which describes her up- and government report Wednesday. memories, those which most bringing as a member of the elite The University of Denver report argues Americans today only see in in a personal and intimate way. that legalizing as many of the estimated 12 the history books. Chigozie (Geo) Okocha, a ju- million undocumented immigrants as pos- Born in 1956, Fernandez nior political science major and sible could strengthen the economy and na- will speak from an insider’s president of the United Men of tional security. But it should come with con- perspective about her up- Color, the organization, which in- ditions, such as requiring new immigrants TODD EISER | TE NE YORK TIES bringing, Castro as a father ERNANDEZ vited Fernandez to come to cam- to learn English, pass criminal and medical pus, said that students A f a i l y f r m B an l a e h w at he a a and her experiences with background checks, and pay any taxes that re at v e b e o m e an A m er c an c i t e n at the Cuban politics. From Castro’s they owe, the document states. f e era c o u rth u s e i n the B r o k l y n b o r u g h revolution in 1959, to her defection and See SEEC on The report is the product of a year of dis- o f N e Y o r o n J u l y 9 , 2 0 0 8 . cussions by a 20-member nonpartisan panel and presentations from Gov. Bill Ritter, Den- equately funded border enforcement and ver Mayor John Hickenlooper, former Gov. tougher workplace enforcement. To that end, Bill Owens and other political leaders. Its it called for the permanent implementation policy recommendations are being sent to of E-Verify — an electronic system used to Students push for guns on campus the Legislature and members of Congress. check a worker's immigration status. B KIRSTEN SIVEIRA the goal of receiving the support of 1,000 The university has issued similar reports Employers are not required to use the The Rocky ountain Collegian students by Friday. on water, the economy and the state consti- system, which has not been immune from Students interested in signing the peti- tution. mistakes. In some cases, E-Verify has not In an attempt to combat the contro- tion can fi nd organizers next to Sweet Sin- “In my opinion, it is absolutely critical caught illegal immigrants who used forged versial decision to ban concealed carry on sations in the Lory Student Center from 10 that we bring illegal immigrants out of the documents to get jobs. campus, nearly 400 students have signed a.m. to 4 p.m. shadows,” said Polly Baca, a panel member The panel said that the system could a petition in support of keeping CSU gun- The protest comes as a response to the and former Colorado state senator.
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