
3,062,714 United States Patent Office Patented Nov. 6, 1962

2 fluid having a pH of about 1.2 to 2.0 is generally present 3,062,714 ANTACD COMPOSITON and desirable at the time of ingestion of large quantities Courtney G. Pitkin, University City, and Artin K. Mitra, of food because rapid digestion is facilitated, the con St. Louis, Mo., assignors to Lewis-Howe Company, St. tinued presence of excess or free maintaining the Louis, Mo., a corporation of Delaware stomach pH below about 3.0 is believed to be undesir No Drawing. Fied Mar. 11, 1960, Ser. No. 14,289 able and the cause of what is commonly known as 11. Clains. (C. 67-55) stomach distress, upset, gas or sour stomach. This con dition may also be referred to as hyperacidity to denote The present invention relates generally to an improved the presence in the stomach of excess acid. There is composition. 10 some divergence of opinion regarding the optimum pH Antacid compositions for relieving hyperacidity caused range in which can work without adversely af by excess acid in the stomach are well known in the fecting the digestive processes, but it is generally ac art, but and or combinations cepted that the gastric fluids should not be neutralized thereof, which are most frequently used as the active above about pH 6.0 and preferably should have a pH acid neutralizing constituents in antacid compositions, 5 of about 5.0 or lower for effective digestion to continue. have not been entirely satisfactory heretofore. An ob If the pH of the stomach is raised to a neutral or basic jection to known antacid compositions is that the pH of level above about pH 6.0, the stomach enzyme, pepsin, the stomach is generally raised to an undesirably high which is necessary for digestion, will be ineffective and level, frequently to an alkaline condition, and the antacid digestion of food will not take place during the time over-neutralizes gastric fluids secreted by the stomach 20 period the stomach pH remains over 6.0. Furthermore, for undesirable periods of time. Antacids containing introduction of a strong antacid into the stomach tends calcium and magnesium salts have also been objection to over-neutralize the acid in the stomach and this con able heretofore by reason of a so-called "metallic' taste dition is ordinarily followed by a sharp acid rebound generally attributed to the presence of free calcium and in which acid in larger quantities or at more rapid rates magnesium . 25 is secreted to compensate for the alkaline condition and The principal object of the present invention is to frequently the acid reaction or rebound exceeds the nor provide an antacid composition for neutralizing gastric mal acid concentration in the stomach before the ant fluids within controlled pH ranges for prolonged periods acid was taken and produces hyperacidity. It is also of time in order to permit digestion to take place and to possible for long continued use of antacids to result in prevent hyperacidity. Another object is to provide an 30 hyperacidity of the stomach. antacid composition which will not over-neutralize gas Although the normal working pH of the gastric fluid tric fluids. Another object is to provide an antacid com during digestion is about pH 1.5 to 3.0. even though di position formulated with calcium and magnesium com ... gestion will continue to take place at slower rates for pounds, but not having the characteristic high alkalinity less acidic levels up to about pH 6.0, in cases of hyper or extreme maximum neutralizing effect normally result 35 acidity or peptic ulcer it is desirable that an antacid ing from such compounds. Still another object is to neutralize gastric fluids to a maximum pH generally provide an antacid having means for effectively control above pH 3.0 and not appreciably above 5.0 in order ling the pH of the stomach, and which is readily available that digestion can continue. After initial neutralization, and is simply and economically compounded with the any excess antacid present in the stomach will neutralize active antacid ingredients. A further object is to provide 40 an additional amount of acid gastric fluid secreted to tend a novel antacid composition containing a calcium antacid to maintain a constant gastric fluid pH. - and a for controlling ionization thereof to The effectiveness and working characteristics of ant prevent a metallic after-taste and improve the taste in the human stomach have been given careful characteristics thereof. These and other objects and ad study and, although many techniques or methods have vantages will become apparent hereafter. 45 been suggested for evaluating. Such antacids, none of Briefly, the present invention comprises an antacid them has been universally accepted. The present inven composition including as the principal active antacid in tion has been analyzed according to a technique of Rob gredient a calcium or magnesium compound or combi ert H. Schleif for antacid evaluation using in vitro studies nation thereof, and a small amount of a , potas to simulate in vivo conditions. This technique is re sium or or combination thereof. 50 ported in the Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Most antacid compositions which are well known and Association, Scientific Edition, vol. XLVI, No. 3, widely used are formulated with the salts of metals, March 1957. such as calcium , , mag Briefly, according to the Schleif technique 50 ml. of nesium hydroxide and all of thich simulated gastric fluid (U.S.P. XV) and 50 ml. of dis are officially and currently recognized in the United tilled are mixed and a specified amount of an ant States Pharmacopoeia as antacids. In addition, other acid is then added. Additional simulated gastric fluid is pharmaceutical preparations utilizing these and other added at a predetermined rate and the pH of the solution acid neutralizing chemicals, either singly or in combina in the beaker is recorded automatically on a graph show tion, may produce antacid and antiulcerative effects. ing pH and time coordinates during the entire test period Most of the antacid compositions presently available 60 so that the maximum pH reached and the speed and dura may be defined as being "strong' antacids in that they tion of the action are determined. The action of an ant raise the pH of the gastric fluid to an undesirably high acid is considered ended when the pH falls below 3.0. level above pH 6.0, which is almost neutral, and many The present invention is embodied in a composition antacids produce a basic gastric fluid condition. Al having as its active ingredients a predetermined propor though a relatively large amount of excess acid or gastric 65 tion of (1) an active antacid compound and (2) a phos 8,062,714 3 4. phate selected from a group consisting of sodium, potas TABLE II sium and ammonium. The composition is stable and simply compounded, and the maximum pH value and Minutes Ower duration of time of high pH value of the present com Maxi- pH position at work is less than the maximum pH and dura. No. Composition pHt tion of time of high pH of the active antacid compound 6.05.5 5.0 3.0 alone. However, the total acid neutralizing capacity of 1----- CaCO3 and Sodium hexametaphos- 4.92 0 || 0 || 0 40 the present antacid composition is not appreciably differ phate (10%). ent from that of the antacid alone. 2----- CaCO3 and Sodium dihydrogen 5.71 0 30 37 42 10 phosphate (10%). The sodium, potassium and ammonium 3- - - - - CaCO3 and Sodium hexal retaphoS- 4.82 0 || 0 || 0 35 which may be utilized in the invention are non-toxic, at phate (20%). 4----- CaCO3 and Sodium hexametaphoS- 6.09 1634 40 48 least when administered in small amounts into the human phate (0.1%). system, and do not upset any of the natural body func 5----- CaCO3 and Sodium hexametaphos- 5.94 O 31 37 48 phate (0.25%). tions or balances. Examples of phosphates that can be 6----- CaCO3 and Sodium hexametaphos- 5.65 0 17 33 47 used singly or in combination in the present antacid com phate (0.5%). 7- - - - - CaCO3 and Sodium hexametaphoS- 5, 63 0 1032 47 positions include sodium phosphate, sodium metaphos phate (0.75%). phate, , sodium tripolyphos" 8-- - - - CaCO3 and Sodium hexametaphos- 5, 6 0 226 47 phate (1.0%). phate, sodium acid pyrophosphate, , 9----- CaCO3 and Sodium hexanetaphos- 5.35 0 0 3 47 potassium metaphosphate, monopotassium phosphate, tri phate (2.0%). 20 0--- CaCO3 and Sodium hexametaphoS- 5.22 O 0 2 43 potassium phosphate, tetrapotassium pyrophosphate, di phate (5.0%). ammonium phosphate and sodium ammonium phosphate. 1l---- C2nd Sodium metaphosphate 5.53 0 1 25 47 This list of phosphates is not intended to be exhaustive 12. CaCO3J7o and Amorphous glass of con- 5.35 0 0 25 48 and is only illustrative of those that may be used in prac Pign equivalent to Nases O10 ticing this invention as are the phosphates set out in the 13- CaCO3VAO). and Sodium tripolyphos- 5, 55 0 1 40 48 tables and examples, and all sodium, potassium and am phate (1.0%) . monium phosphates are intended to be covered. 14---- CSS, 5. sodium tripolyphos- 5.35 | 0 || 0 | 15 46 Typical antacid compounds which may be used to form phate (2.0%). 15- - - - CSphate s:(1.0%). Strasodium pyrophos- 5.32 0 1 0 20 47 antacid compositions according to this invention include 16---- CS assium acid pyrophos- 5.25 0 020 47 , magnesium oxide, magnesium hy phate (1.0%). 17 --- CaCO3 and Sodium diammonium 5.87 0 30 37 42 droxide, and magnesium carbonate. It is to be under 30 phate (5.0%). stood that these and other calcium and magnesium ant 18--- CaCO3 and Sodium dihydrogen 5.8 0 32 42 45 phosphate (5.0%). acid compounds in major portions as the essential active 19---- CaCO3 and - 5.94 0 37 39 45 antacid ingredient may be combined with still other ant anhydrous (5.0%). acids, such as aluminum hydroxide to form the acid 20---- C39;and Trisodium phosphate 5.63 0 29 42 45 neutralizing portion of an antacid composition, and which 2---- CaCO3V7J. and Monopotassium phoS- 5.80 035 41 44 phate (5.0%). when compounded with small portions of sodium, potas 22- - - - cigand Tripotassiumphosphate 5.85 O 36 42 45 sium or ammonium phosphates will produce controlled 23--- CaCO3U7c. and Tetrapotassium pyro- 5.15 0 : 0 3 49 stomach acidity or pH values. phosphate (1.0%). 24---- CaCO3 and Tetrapotassium pyro- 4,80 0 || 0 || 0 || 45 In Table I, the antacid activity of different amounts of phosphate (5.0%). calcium carbonate (CaCO3) has been shown according 40 25--- CaCO3 and Potassium metaphos- 6.05 20 43 44 48 phosphate (10%). to the Schleif method as a basis for comparison with ant 26. CaCO3 and Potassium metaphos- 6.03 15 4245. 49 acid compositions set out in Table II, which include phate (2.0%). 27-- CaCO3 and Diannonium phos- 6.07 1842 44 47 calcium carbonate as the principal active ingredient and phate (1.0%). various phosphate additives. 28---- CaCO3 and Diammonium phos- 5, 68 0 30 35 50 phate (5.0%). TABLE I According to the present invention, an active antacid compound and an ammonium, sodium or potassium Minutes over pH phosphate are combined in a predetermined proportion No. Active Antacid Maximum comprising a major portion of the former and a minor portion of the latter. In this proportion, the antacid com pound preferably constitutes between about 80% and

CaCO3 (1.0gm.)------CaCO3 (0.9 gm.).------99.75% of the antacid composition and the phosphate ---- CaCO3 (0.8gn.)------additive varies between about 20% and 0.25%, by weight, 4------CaCO3 (0.5gm.).----- of the antacid composition. The antacid constitutents comprise the essential active ingredients in a predeter mined proportion with the phosphate additives and it is It is believed that when an antacid compound is taken apparent that suitable may be added to the the maximum pH of gastric fluid may be kept at lower 60 present composition for preparing the antacid composition values by reducing the quantity of the antacid, and that in dry form, such as tablet, capsule, or powder, and for the antacid activity of lesser amounts falls off at an accel adding flavor and the like thereto. erated rate with respect to the conditions under which The present composition should include a small por an antacid is taken so that the duration of activity is not tion of a suitable phosphate in an amount greater than proportional with the amount of antacid taken. For pur about 0.1% and preferably from about 0.5% to 10%, poses of illustration it is understood that the antacid by weight, of the active antacid. The presently preferred dosage will be about one gram of the composition and phosphate is sodium hexametaphosphate and the pre that a maximum duration of antiacid activity is desirable. ferred proportion of this phosphate is 1.0%, by weight, Referring to Table II it will be seen that antacid com or 1 part to 99 parts in a composition consisting essen positions according to the invention provide a maximum tially of the sodium hexametaphopshate and an active pH of gastric fluid which is significantly lower than that calcium and/or magnesium antacid. A comparison of of the calcium carbonate along, but that the duration of Tables I and II will show that the gastric fluid remains antacid activity of the present antacid is not materially near or below pH 6.0 when an antacid composition con shortened. The Table II examples are based on one gram sisting essentially of calcium carbonate and a predeter samples including the specified percentage of phosphate. 75 mined portion of a sodium, potassium or ammonium phos 3,062,714 5 5 phate is taken, and that the addition of even as small a verse effect produced by such extreme over-neutralization. portion as 0.1% sodium hexametaphosphate produces a However, addition of even small amounts of phosphates significant drop in the maximum pH relative to the pH lower the maximum pH and substantially reduce the dura produced by calcium carbonate alone. However, the ef tion of time that the gastric fluid remains over pH 6.0, fective duration of antacid activity above pH 3.0 is not 5 and the use of small portions of strongly alkaline antacids materially shortened. with a major portion of other calcium or magnesium salts In using some phosphates, it may be necessary to in to form the active antacid constituent in an antacid com crease the portion thereof to some extent in order to main position having a predetermined minor portion of an tain the gastric fluid pH below 6.0 as is apparent from ammonium, sodium or potassium phosphate will produce Table II. an acceptable product according to the present invention. Table II, which follows, shows the antacid activity of The following examples further illustrate the present magnesium carbonate (MgCO3) alone and in combination invention: with calcium carbonate and also sets out representative Example I antacid compositions having these active antacid com pounds and condensed phosphate salts. 99 parts of calcium carbonate are thoroughly mixed 5 with 1 part of sodium hexametaphosphate in an aqueous TABLE I medium to form an antacid composition, which will pro duce a controlled maximum gastric fluid pH under 6.0 Maxi- Minutes over pHww. No. Antacid Il and have an antacid activity of about 45 to 50 minutes pH according to the Schleif method. 6.0 5.5 5,03.0 20 Example 2 1----- MgCO3 (1 gin.).------7.73 46 50 52 53 2----- MgCO3 &nd Sodium hexanetaphos- 7, O 38 45 - 47 52 399 parts of calcium carbonate are mixed with 1 part phate (1.0%). of sodium hexametaphosphate to form a novel antacid 3.---- MgC O3 and Sodium hexametaphos- 6,262 38 45 52 composition. phate (5.0%). 4----- MgCO aid Tetrapotassium pyro- 6.55 40 46 48 53 25 Example 3 phosphate (5.0%). 5----- M59: (0.5 gria.) and CaCO3 (0.5 7.12 29 43 47 50 80 parts of calcium carbonate are combined with 20 gin). parts of sodium hexametaphosphate to form an antacid 6----- MgCO3issodium and CaCO3 hexametaphosphate (equal amounts) 6.42 20. 3 38 50 composition. 7----- Mö6 and CaCO3 (equal amounts) 5.55 0 1 25 48 30 Example 4 asodium hexanetaphosphate 98 parts of calcium carbonate and 2 parts of sodium 8----- M665.9%). and Cacos (equal amounts) 6.74 28 37 46 52 phosphate are combined to form an antacid composition. a0.5%). sodium tripolyphosphate 9----- M66 and CaCO3 (equal amounts) 5.93 0 7 42 50 Example 5 assodium tripolyphosphate 98 parts of calcium, carbonate and 2 parts of sodium 5.0%). metaphosphate are combined to form an antacid com position. It is apparent from Table if that a magnesium antacid Example 6 compound, such as magnesium carbonate alone or in combination with calcium carbonate, may be formed into 40 98 parts of calcium carbonate and 2 parts of sodium a novel antacid composition by the addition of sodium, acid pyrophosphate are combined to form an antacid potassium or ammonium phosphates. The magnesium composition. antacid compounds are somewhat stronger than the cal Example 7 cium antacids, but maximum pH values can be substan 98 parts of calcium carbonate and 2 parts of trisodium tially reduced to a pH near 6 by the addition of phos phosphate are combined to form an antacid composition. phates in a proportion of about 95 parts active antacid to about 5 parts phosphate. It is important to note that Example 8 significant drops in pH occur when as little as 1.0% 98 parts of calcium carbonate and 2 parts of sodium phosphate is added. The significance of lowering the pH tripolyphosphate are combined to form an antacid com of magnesium antacids is further emphasized in the fol position. low Table TV showing antacid activity of magnesium Example 9 oxide -MgO- and -Mg(OH)- 98 parts of calcium carbonate and 2 parts of tetraso both alone and in combination with calcium carbonate. dium pyrophosphate are combined to form an antacid TABLE IV composition, Example 10 Maxi- Minutes overpE No. Antacid nun - 90 parts of calcium carbonate and 10 parts of sodium pH ammonium phosphate are combined to form an antacid 6,05.5 5.03.0 composition. about 60 Example II 1----- MgO (0.5gm.)------10.5 50 52 53 59 2----- MgO (0.5gm.) aid Sodiurn hexa- 9.5 47 48 49 58 metaphosphate (1.0%). 90 parts of calcium carbonate and 10 parts of mono 3----- MgO (0.5gm.) and CaCO3 (0.5gm.). 9.4 73 82 85 92 sodium phosphate are combined to form an antacid 4----- MgO and CaCO3 (equal amounts) 8, 7 69 73 80 92 composition. and Sodium hexametaphosphate (1.0%). Example 12 5----- N:8: (1 gm.)------9.4 66 68 73 88 65 6----- Mg(OH)2 (1 gm.) and Sodium hexa- 8, 9 57 62 6S 88 199 parts of calcium carbonate and 1 part of tetra metaphosphate (1.0%). potassium pyrophosphate are combined to form an ant 7----- Missol): (0.5gm.) and CaCO3 (0.5 8.7 46 55 58 72 acid composition. 8----- Mg(OH)2 and CaCO3 (equal 7.3. 33 43 52 7. amounts) Sodium hexamietaphos Example 13 phate (1.0%). 70 95 parts of calcium carbonate and 5 parts of potassium Table IV shows that highly aikaline antacids raise the metaphosphate are combined to form an antacid com gastric fluid pH to an undesirable level in the range of position. pH 8.0 to pH 10.5, and it is indicated that such antacid Example 14 compounds should not be used alone because of the ad 75 90 parts of magnesium carbonate and 10 parts of so 3,062,714 3. dium hexametaphosphate are combined to form an ant Example 30 acid composition. 90 parts of calcium carbonate and 5 parts of mag Example 15 nesium hydroxide are mixed with 5 parts of sodium acid 100 parts of magnesium carbonate and 5 parts of so pyrophosphate to form an antacid composition. dium acid pyrophosphate are combined to form an ant 5 Example 31 acid composition. 95 parts of calcium carbonate and 3 parts of mag Example 16 nesium hydroxide are mixed with 5 parts of tetrapotas 100 parts of magnesium carbonate and 5 parts of sium pyrophosphate to form an antacid composition. tetrasodium pyrophosphate are combined to form an ant O acid composition. Example 32 Example 17 95 parts of calcium carbonate and 3 parts of mag 100 parts of magnesium carbonate and 5 parts of tetra nesium hydroxide are mixed with 7 parts of diammonium potassium pyrophosphate are combined to form an ant phosphate to form an antacid composition. acid composition. 5 Example 33 Example 18 97 parts calcium carbonate are mixed with 1 part of 45 parts of calcium carbonate and 45 parts of mag potassium metaphosphate and 2 parts of tetrapotassium nesium carbonate are mixed with 10 parts of sodium hexa pyrophosphate to form a novel antacid. metaphosphate to form an antacid composition. 20 Example 34 Example 19 94 parts calcium carbonate are mixed with 1 part of 45 parts of calcium carbonate and 45 parts of mag diammonium phosphate and 5 parts of sodium ammonium nesium carbonate are mixed with 5 parts of tetrasodium phosphate to form a novel antacid. pyrophosphate to form an antacid composition. 25 Example 35 Example 20 98 parts calcium carbonate are mixed with 2 parts of 75 parts of calcium carbonate and 20 parts of mag anhydrous disodium phosphate and 3 parts of tetraso nesium carbonate are mixed with 5 parts of sodium dium pyrophosphate to form a novel antacid. ammonium phosphate to form an antacid composition. 30 Example 36 Example 21 90 parts magnesium carbonate are mixed with 2 parts 75 parts of calcium carbonate and 20 parts of mag of sodium hexametaphosphate and 5 parts of sodium acid nesium carbonate are mixed with 2 parts of sodium acid pyrophosphate to form a novel antacid. pyrophosphate to form an antacid composition. Example 37 Example 22 90 parts magnesium carbonate are mixed with 2 parts 90 parts of calcium carbonate and 10 parts of mag of potassium metaphosphate and 8 parts of tetrapotas nesium carbonate are mixed with 5 parts of trisodium sium pyrophosphate to form a novel antacid. phosphate to form an antacid composition. 40 Example 38 Example 23 320 parts calcium carbonate are mixed with 40 parts 75 parts of calcium carbonate and 25 parts of mag of sodium hexametaphosphate and 40 parts of sodium nesium carbonate are mixed with 3 parts of tetrapo ammonium phosphate to form a novel antacid. tassium pyrophosphate to form an antacid composition. Example 39 Example 24 200 parts of precipitated calcium carbonate, 70 parts 90 parts of calcium carbonate and 5 parts of mag of magnesium carbonate, 60 parts of magnesium trisili nesium oxide are mixed with 5 parts of sodium hexa cate and 70 parts of Sodium hexametaphosphate are thor metaphosphate to form an antacid composition. oughly mixed to form a novel antacid composition having 50 a combination of calcium and magnesium salts and a Etample 25 single sodium phosphate. 90 parts of calcium carbonate and 3 parts of mag nesium oxide are mixed with 7 parts of disodium phos Example 40 phate to form an antacid composition. 200 parts of calcium carbonate, 60 parts of magnesium 55 carbonate, 60 parts of aluminum hydroxide and 50 parts Example 26 of sodium hexametaphosphate are thoroughly mixed to 95 parts of calcium carbonate and 3 parts of mag form a new, more palatable antacid composition. nesium oxide are mixed with 5 parts of sodium tripoly Example 41 phosphate to form an antacid composition. 60 200 parts of calcium carbonate, 60 parts of magnesium Example 27 carbonate and 20 parts of magnesium hydroxide are com 95 parts of calcium carbonate and 3 parts of mag bined with 50 parts of tetrapotassium pyrophosphate to nesium oxide are mixed with 3 parts of tetrapotassium form a new antacid preparation. pyrophosphate to form an antacid composition. 65 From the tables and examples given herein for purposes of illustration it will be apparent that the present antacid Example 28 composition has an essential active antacid compound 95 parts of calcium carbonate and 5 parts of mag of calcium or magnesium, either alone or combined with nesium oxide are mixed with 10 parts of sodium am or without other antacid compounds such as aluminum monium phosphate to form an antacid composition. 70 hydroxide, and a small portion of a phosphate from the group including sodium, potassium and ammonium. The Example 29 method of controlling gastric pH by the use of phosphates 90 parts of calcium carbonate and 5 parts of mag and antacids is not known heretofore. The maximum nesium hydroxide are mixed with 5 parts of tetrasodium pH which the gastric fluid reaches using the phosphate pyrophosphate to form an antacid composition. 75 control is not the same for all antacids and the phosphate 3,062,714 O additives do not bring the maximum pH below 6.0 for bonate, magnesium hydroxide and magnesium oxide and every antacid, as shown by the results of the Schleif tests. combinations thereof; and a portion of about 0.25% to However, all phosphates lower the maximum pH in the 20.0%, by weight of the principal active antacid ingredi gastric fluid for all calcium and magnesium antacid com ent, of a phosphate selected from the class consisting pounds. The larger amounts of phosphates cause a low 5 of sodium, potassium and ammonium and combinations er maximum gastric fluid pH, but also lower the total thereof. acid consuming power of the antacid composition to some 4. The antacid composition according to claim 3 in extent because the acid consuming calcium or magnesium which the phosphate salt is sodium hexametaphosphate. salt is replaced by the phosphate. It has been found 5. The antacid composition according to claim 3 in that a very effective antacid composition includes about 0 which the phosphate salt is sodium metaphosphate. 1% phosphate and about 99% calcium or magnesium 6. The antacid composition according to claim 3 in compound, particularly when sodium hexametaphosphate which the phosphate salt is potassium metaphosphate. and calcium carbonate are combined in the antacid. 7. The antacid composition according to claim 3 in However, the percentage of the different phosphates can which the phosphate salt is sodium tripolyphosphate. be varied between about 0.25% to about 20% and still 8. The antacid composition according to claim 3 in form an effective antacid. It is to be understood that dif which the phosphate salt is tetrasodium pyrophosphate. ferent amounts of the same phosphate or the same 9. The antacid composition according to claim 3 in amounts of different phosphates will give different pH which the phosphate salt is tetrapotassium pyrophosphate. control during initial neutralization or buffering action 10. The antacid composition according to claim 3 in of the antacids, and therefore the optimum level of the 20 which the phosphate salt is sodium acid pyrophosphate. phosphate or combination of phosphates employed will 11. The antacid composition according to claim 3 depend upon the amount and nature of the antacid or the wherein the phosphate salt is capable, as determined by combination of antacids used. the Schleif method, of controlling the neutralization of it has also been discovored that the addition of a pre simulated gastric fluid to a maximum pH lower than the determined amount of a phosphate salt as disclosed here 25 maximum pH to which the principal active antacid in in also improves the taste characteristics of an antacid gredient perse would normally raise the simulated gastric composition compounded with flavoring constituents. fluid pH, and without substantially reducing the total acid The taste is enhanced to an extent permitting a smaller consuming capacity of the principal active antacid in amount of flavoring material to be added without any gredient. loss in the intensity or degree of flavor and generally with 30 an increase thereof. What we claim is: References Cited in the file of this patent 1. An antacid composition having calcium carbonate UNITED STATES PATENTS as its principal active antacid ingredient, and about 0.25% 2,774,710 Thompson et al. ------Dec. 18, 1956 to 5.0%, by weight of the principal active antacid ingre 35 dient, of sodium hexametaphosphate. OTHER REFERENCES 2. An antacid composition having calcium carbonate Remington's Practice of Pharmacy, pages 464, 499, as its principal active ingredient, and about 0.5% to 523, Mack Publishing Co., 1956. 10.0%, by weight of the principal active ingredient of a Dale et al.: J. Am. Pharm. Assoc., vol. 44:3, pages phosphate salt selected from the class consisting of sodi 40 170-177. um, potassium and ammonium and combinations thereof. Gore et al.: J. Pharm. and Pharmacol., vol. 5:10, pages 3. An antacid composition having as its principal active 686-691. antacid ingredient an antacid selected from the class con Brindle et al.: J. Pharm. and Pharmacol., vol. 5:10 sisting essentially of calcium carbonate, magnesium car pages 692-707.