United States Patent 1191 Lll] 3,983,266 Bahls [451 Sept
United States Patent 1191 lll] 3,983,266 Bahls [451 Sept. 28, 1976 [54] METHOD FOR APPLYING METALLIC 3.776.740 [2/1973 Sivcrz ct al. .......................... .. l06/l SILVER TO A SUBSTRATE OTHER PUBLICATIONS [75] Inventor: Harry Bahls, Wayne, Pa. lvanov et al., Chem. Abs. 43:2548c, I949, [73] Assignee: Peacock Laboratories, Inc., Philadelphia, Pa. Primary Examiner-Ralph S. Kendall [22] Filed: Oct. 9, I974 I 57] ABSTRACT [2!] ,Appl. No.: 513,417 High efficiency deposition of silver on the surface of a substrate is obtained by providing a solution contain [52] [1.8. CI ............................... .. 427/164; 427/165; ing reducible dissolved silver in the presence of an al 427/168; 427/424; 427/426; l06/l kali metal hydroxide and ammonia, all of which are [51] Int. CLZ. ......................................... .. C23C 3/02 applied to the substrate in the presence of an aqueous [58] Field of Search .............. .. l06/l; 427/l68. I69, solution of a moderating reducer containing :1 poly 427/165, I64, 426, 304, 125, 425 hydric alcohol of the formula CH2OH(CHOH),,C H,OH, where n is an integer from 1 to 6. Preferably [56] References Cited the polyhydric alcohol is sorbitol, and in a preferred UNITED STATES PATENTS embodiment a moderator is the form of a thio glycerol is present. 2,996,406 8/l96l Weinrich ........... ............ .. 427/168 3,772,078 ll/l973 Polichcttc ct al ................. .. l06/l X l5 Claims, No Drawings 3,983,266 1 Other objects and advantages of this invention, in METHOD FOR APPLYING METALLIC SILVER TO cluding the economy of the same, and the case with A SUBSTRATE which it may be applied to existing silver coating equip ment and apparatus, will further become apparent BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 5 hereinafter.
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