
Disposal of Solid Chemicals in the Normal Trash

Many solid chemicals can be safety discarded into the normal trash, provided they are in containers that are not broken or cracked and have tightly fitting caps. These chemicals are considered acceptable for ordinary disposal because they display none of the properties of hazardous waste, are of low acute toxicity, and have not been identified as having any chronic toxic effects as summarized in the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) “Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances”.

Examples of chemicals acceptable for disposal as regular trash are listed below. To dispose of these chemicals, place the containers in a box lined with a plastic bag, tape the top of the box shut, write “Normal Trash” on the box and then place the box next to the lab trash container. Only solid forms of these chemicals can be disposed in this manner. Any questions about these chemicals or other chemicals that may be disposed of in the normal trash should be directed to the Hazardous Materials Technician (610) 330-5225.

Chemicals Generally Acceptable for Disposal as Regular Trash

Acacia powder, gum (most) Methyl salicylate arabic Cation exchange resins Methylene blue , Ascorbic Chromatographic Methyl stearate Sodium citrate Acid, Benzoic absorbents Nutrient agar Sodium dodecyl Acid, Boric violet Octacosane (SDS) Acid, Casamind Dextrin Parafin Acid, Citric Dextrose Pepsin Acid, Lactic Peptone Sodium lactate Acid, Oleic Docosanoic acid Sodium phosphate Acid, Phthalic Drierite ( Polyethylene, solid Sodium Acid, Salicycle sulfate, ) Polystryrene phorophosphate Acid, Silicic Ferric oxide Sodium salicylate Acid, Stearic Ferric phosphate Potassium Sodium stearate Acid, Succinic Ferric pyrophosphate Potassium bromide Sodium succinate Acid, Tartaric Ferric sulfate gels Ferrous Sodium sulfite Agar(s) and agarose sulfate Sodium gels Galactose Potassium ferricyanide Sodium thioglycollate Albumen Geletin Sodium thiosulfate Alumina Gum arabic Potassium phosphate Aluminum oxide Gum guaiac Potassium sodium Amino , naturally Hexadecanol, 1- tartrate Stearic acid occurring Kaolin Potassium sulfate Stearyl Ammonium bicarbonate Lactose Potassium sulfite Stearylamine, solid Ammonium phosphate Lanolin Potassium sulfocyanate Sucrose Ammonium sulfate Pumice Sugars Lauryl sulfate , naturally , blood agar carbonate occurring Talcum powder Beef extract Lithium chloride Sand Tetrahydrofurfuryl Behenic acid Lithium sulfate Silica palmitate Bentonite Silica gel, unused Thymol Brain heart infusion carbonate Silica sand, unused Tin metal Bromphenol blue Silicic acid Tristearin Broth, nutrient Silicon carbide Trypticase Trytone Sodium ammonium Maltose phosphate Wax, bee's Calcium oxalate Manganese acetate Calcium phosphate Manganese chloride Manganese sulfate Sodium borate Methyl red