


IB1: Round measurements to the nearest given unit of the measuring device used IB2a: Calculate distances IB2b: Calculate IB2c: Calculate IIB1: Identify relationships between measures IIB2: Classify simple plane figures by recognizing their properties IIB3: Recognize similar triangles and their properties IIB4: Identify appropriate units of measurement for geometric objects IIIBl: Infer formulas for measuring geometric figures IIIB2: Identify applicable formulas for measuring geometric figures IVB1: Solve real-world problems involving perimeters, areas, volumes of geometric figures IVB2: Solve real-world problems involving the Pythagorean theorem



In this Chapter we shall discuss the measurement of distances, areas, volumes and their applications. We shall then learn about the measurement of , the relationship between different types of angles, the classification of plane figures and similar triangles.

A. Rounding Measurements

Objective IB1 CLAST SAMPLE PROBLEMS 1. Round 43.846 to the nearest hundredth of a centimeter 2. Round 19,283 tons to the nearest ten thousand tons 3. Round 9 pounds, 6 ounces to the nearest tenth of a pound 4. Round the measurement of the screw to the nearest 1/4 inch

In Section 1.3 we learned how to round numbers. We are now ready to round measurements in such units as feet, yards, centimeters, meters, pounds, and liters.


1. Underline the place to which you Round 38.67 centimeters to the nearest are rounding. centimeter. 2. If the first number to the right of the Since we want to round to the nearest underlined place is 5 or more, add one to centimeter, we underline the units place. the underlined number. Otherwise, do not 1. Underline the 8. 38.67 change the underlined number. 2. The first number to the right of 8 is 6, so 3. Change all the numbers to the right of the we add one to 8. (8 + 1 = 9) underlined number to zeros. 3. Change all the numbers to the right of 8 to zeros obtaining 39.00 or 39.

Note: We are asking to round 3138 pounds Round 3138 pounds to the nearest hundred to the nearest hundred pounds. The idea and pounds. procedure would be the same if you were asked 1. Underline the hundreds place. 3138 to round 3138 grams to the nearest hundred 2. The first number to the right of 1 is 3. Do grams or 3138 liters to the nearest hundred not change the underlined number. liters. 3. Change all the numbers to the right of 1 to 0's obtaining 3100. Thus, 3138 pounds rounded to the nearest hundred pounds becomes 3100 pounds.

ANSWERS 1. 43.85 cm 2. 20,000 tons 3. 9.4 pounds 4. 3/4 inch

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Example Solution 1. Round the measurement of the of the Note: The abbreviation for inch is in. 1 1 paper clip to the nearest 4 inch. If we are measuring (or counting) by 4 in., the 1 2 3 measures would be: 4 in., 4 in., 4 in., 4 5 4 in., 4 in., and so on. The end of the paper 5 clip is closest to the in. mark. 1 3 4 A. 1 in. B. 14 in. C. 14 in. D. 2 in. 5 1 Since 4 in. = 14 in., the correct answer is B.

B. Calculating Distances, Areas and Volumes Objectives IB2a,IB2b,IB2c CLAST SAMPLE PROBLEMS 1. Change 4 yards to feet 2. Change 8 1/2 ft to yards 3. Convert 9.7 kilometers to meters 4. Convert 90 centimeters to hectometers 5. Change 18 inches to yards 6. Change 2.2 miles to feet 7. Find the perimeter of a rectangle that has a length of 4 yards and a width of 4 feet 8. Find the distance around the polygon shown in kilometers 600 m 300 m 9. Find the distance around a regular pentagon with one side having a length of 6 meters 400 m 500 m 10. What is the distance around a circular walk with a diameter of 6 ft.

11. What is the area in square centimeters of the triangle shown? 30 cm 12. What is the area of a circular region with a 6 yard diameter? 40 mm 13. Find the area of the 3 meter wide rectangle shown 14. What is the surface area of a rectangular solid that is 6 feet long, 1 13 cm yard wide and 4 feet high? 15. Find the volume of a right circular cone 3 meters high and with a radius of 20 centimeters 5 m 3 m 16. What is the volume of a rectangular solid 5 feet long, 4 feet wide and 9 inches high? 17. Find the volume of a sphere with a diameter of 2 yards 18. What is the volume in liters of a 850-milliliter bottle? 19. What is the volume in cubic centimeters of a 25.8-liter container? 20. What is the volume in cubic meters of a 675 -liter container?

ANSWERS 1. 12 ft 2. 2 5/6 yd 3. 9700 meters 4. 0.009 hm 5. 1/2 yd 6. 11,616 ft 7. 32 ft 8. 1.8 km 9. 30 m 10. 6π ft 11. 60 cm2 12. 9p yd2 13. 12 m2 14. 108 ft2 15. 40,000π cm3 16. 15 ft3 4 3 3 3 17. 3 π yd 18. 0.85 L 19. 25,800 cm 20. 0.675 m

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134 CHAPTER 3 and Measurement

When we measure a distance we measure length and the result is a linear unit. In the U. S. system we use inches, feet, yards and miles. In the system we use millimeters, centimeters, meters, and kilometers. Here are some relationships you should know.

T TERMINOLOGY -- LINEAR MEASURES U. S. UNITS EXAMPLES 12 inches (in.) = 1 foot (ft) 1 52 1 1 52 inches = 52 ft = ft = 4 ft. 1 (in.) = ft 12 12 3 12

8 2 3 ft = 1 yard (yd) 1 8 ft = 8 yd = 3 yd = 2 3 yd. 1 3 1 ft = 3 yd 1 7920 7920 ft = 7920 mi = mi 5280 ft = 1 mile (mi) 5280 5280 1 1 ft = mi 1 5280 = 1 2 mi.

METRIC UNITS To convert from one metric unit to another is a kilometer hectometer dekameter meter matter of moving the decimal point. For (km ) (hm) (dam) m example, to convert from km to meters, we 1000 m 100m 10 m move three places right in the chart. Thus, to convert 73 km to meters, we move the decimal meter decimeter centimeter millimeter point in 73. three places right obtaining m (dm) (cm) (mm) 73. km = 73,000 m. 1 1 1 To convert 3847 mm to meters, we have to 10 m 100 m 1000 m move the decimal point in 3847. three places Chart: km hm dam m dm cm mm left. Thus, 3847. mm = 3.847 m.

You can recall the order in the metric chart if you remember that: King Henry Died Monday Drinking Chocolate Milk!

2 FINDING PERIMETERS RULE EXAMPLES 9 in A polygon is a closed plane figure having three 10 in or more sides. (See figure at right.) 5 in.

15 in

The perimeter of (distance around) a polygon The perimeter of the polygon, in inches, is is the sum of the of its sides. (10 + 9 + 5 + 15) in. = 39 in. The perimeter 39 3 1 in feet is 12 = 3 12 = 3 4 ft.

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The distance around a circle is called the circumference C and given by the formula radius r

C = π d = 2π r diameter d

Note that the diameter d of the circle is twice If the radius of the circle is 7 ft, (r = 7) the d circumference C = 2π r = 2π (7) = 14π ft. the radius, that is, d = 2r or r = 2 . Note: The CLAST uses π as a factor in its answers, you need not approximate π


Example Solution

2. What is the distance around the polygon, in The distance around the polygon is: meters? 95 + 75 + 80 + 78 = 328 cm Since 100 cm is 1 m, 328 cm = 3.28 m.

75 cm (If you look in the chart, to go from cm to m we 78 cm have to go two places left, so we move the decimal point in 328. two places left obtaining 3.28 m.) The answer is C. 80 cm 95 cm Hint: When adding the length of the sides, we added 95 + 75 by writing 75 as 5 + 70 and then adding 95 + 5 + 70 = 170. Then add 80 to 170, obtaining 250 and finally, add 78 to get 328. A. 328 m B. 32.8 m Be careful with the arithmetic!

C. 3.28 m D. 0.328 m

Sometimes we have to use more than one formula to get the perimeter (distance around) of a figure. For example, the next problem involves a rectangle and two semicircles (half circles). In order to find the distance around the figure we need to know the formulas for the perimeter of a rectangle and the perimeter (circumference) of a circle.

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136 CHAPTER 3 Geometry and Measurement


Example Solution

3. The figure below shows a running track in The total distance around the track is: the shape of a rectangle with semi-circles at each end. Straight + Distance around the

Distance two semicircles

2y The straight distance is 3x + 3x or 6x and for convenience, you can think of the two 3x semicircles as a complete circle of diameter d = 2y as shown. What is the distance around the track? 2y

A. 6x + 4y + 2π y B. 2π y + 6x The circumference C of this circle is C. π y2 + 3x D. π y2 + 6x C = π d = π •2y = 2π y

Note that the straight distance around the track is Thus, the total distance around the track is: 3x + 3x = 6x. Thus, the answer must involve 6x. Eliminate C. Straight + Distance around the Distance two semicircles

6x + 2π y

Since 6x + 2π y = 2π y + 6x, the answer is B.

To find the area of a plane figure such as a circle, square, rectangle, parallelogram or triangle, we need the formulas that follow. Note: When we measure area or surface area the result is in square units (abbreviated as sq. units or units2.) 4 FINDING AREAS RULE EXAMPLES The area of a circle of radius r is: A = π r 2 The area of a circle of radius 5 in. is: 2 A = π •5 sq. in. = 25π sq. in.

The area of a square of side s is: A = s2 The area of a square of side 3 m is: A = 32 sq. m = 9 sq. m

The area of a rectangle of base b and height h The area of a rectangle of base 4 mm and is: A = bh height 8 mm is: A = 4•8 sq. mm = 32 sq. mm

The area of a triangle of base b and height h is: The area of a triangle of base 2 yd and height 4 1 yd is A = 2 bh 1 A = 2 •2•4 = 4 sq. yd

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Example Solution

4. What is the area of a circular region whose The formula to find the area of a circle is diameter is 6 centimeters? A = π r2. Since the diameter is 6 cm, the radius is half of that, or 3 cm. Thus, the area A. 36π sq. cm B. 6π sq. cm is: A = π •(3)2 sq. cm = 9π sq. cm. The answer is D. C. 12π sq. cm D. 9π sq. cm (Some books use cm2 but the CLAST uses sq. cm.)

In case the answer to the problem requires conversions (cm to meters or in. to ft), do the conversions before you use the correct area formula, as shown in the next example.


Example Solution

5. What is the area of a triangle with a base of First, convert the original dimensions to feet. 24 inches and a height of 12 inches? 24 in. = 2 ft, 12 in. = 1 ft. The area of the A. 12 sq. ft B. 1 sq. ft 1 triangle is A = 2 bh, where b = 2 and h = 1. C. 24 sq. ft D. 144 sq. ft 1 Thus, A = 2 •2•1 = 1 sq. ft. The answer is B. Note that the answers are given in square feet.


The surface area of a rectangular solid of Note that to obtain the surface area of the length L, width W, and height H is: solid, we first need the area of the front and the back (2HW), the two sides (2LH) and the A = 2HW + 2LH + 2WL top and bottom (2WL).

The surface area of a rectangular solid 4 ft long, 3 ft wide and 2 ft high is:

H A = 2•(2•3) + 2•(4•2) + 2•(3•4) L = 12 + 16 + 24 W = 52 sq. ft

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138 CHAPTER 3 Geometry and Measurement

CLAST EXAMPLE Example Solution

6. What is the surface area of a rectangular Since we are looking for a surface area the solid that is 12 inches long, 5 inches answer must be in square units (eliminate wide and 6 inches high? choices A and C).

A. 360 cubic inches The area of the front is 6•5 = 30 sq. in. B. 324 square inches C. 324 cubic inches The area of the back is 6•5 = 30 sq. in. D. 360 square inches The area of the right side is 12•6 = 72 sq. in.

Note: Draw a picture whenever possible! The area of the left side is 12•6 = 72 sq. in. The area of the top is 5•12 = 60 sq. in. The area of the bottom is 5•12 = 60 sq. in. The total surface area is: 324 sq. in.

6 12 The answer is B. 5 When we measure volume we measure the amount of in a solid three dimensional object and the result is in cubic units, sometimes written as units3. In the U.S. system we have cubic inches, cubic feet and cubic yards. The metric system uses cubic centimeters, cubic meters and so on. The volume of liquids in the metric system is measured in liters.

T TERMINOLOGY -- METRIC CUBIC MEASURES METRIC UNITS To convert from one metric unit to another kiloliter hectoliter dekaliter liter is a matter of moving the decimal point. For (kL) (hL) (daL) L example, to convert from kL to liters, we move 1000 L 100L 10 L three places right in the chart. Thus, to convert 37 kL to liters, we move the decimal point in liter deciliter centiliter milliliter 37. three places right obtaining L (dL) (cL) (mL) 37. kL = 37,000 L. 1 1 1 L L L To convert 2647 mL to liters, we have to move 10 100 1000 the decimal point in 2647. three places left. Chart: kL hL daL L dL cL mL Thus, 2647. mL = 2.647 L. King Hendy Died Late Drinking Chocolate Milk


Example Solution 7. Find the volume in centiliters (cl) of a 2.95 Since centi means 100, one liter = 100 cl. liter bottle. Thus, 2.95 liter s= 2.95•100 cl = 295 cl. The answer is B. You do not need any formulas but A. 29.5 cl B. 295 cl remember your prefixes like milli, centi, deci C. 0.295 cl D. 2950 cl and kilo.

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To find the volume of a rectangular solid (a box), right circular cylinder, circular cone or sphere we need the formulas that follow.

6 FINDING VOLUMES RULE EXAMPLES The volume of a rectangular solid The volume of a rectangular solid of length L, width W and height H is: 10 ft long, 9 ft wide and 8 ft high is: H V = LWH V = 10•9•8 cubic ft = 720 cubic ft L W

r The volume of a right circular The volume of a right circular cylinder of radius r and height h is: cylinder of radius 5 cm and height h 7 cm is: V = π r 2 h V = π r 2 h = π •52•7 cubic cm = 175π cubic cm

The volume of a right circular cone The volume of a right circular cone of radius r and height h is: of radius 6 in and height 12 in is: h 1 1 V = π r2h = π •62•12 cubic in. 1 3 3 V = π r 2 h 3 = 144π cubic in. r

The volume of a sphere of radius r The volume of a sphere of radius is: 3 m is 4 4 4 r V = π r 3 V = π r3 = π •33 cubic m 3 3 3 4

= 3 π •27 cubic m = 36π cubic m


Example Solution

8. What is the volume of a sphere with a 12 in. Since the volume must be in cubic in., diameter? eliminate B and D. Since the diameter is 12 in, the radius is 6 in. A. 48π cubic in. B. 48π sq. in. 4 Substituting 6 for r in V = π r3 we C. 288π cubic in. D. 288π sq. in. 3 obtain: 4 Caution: To use the formula for the volume of V = π •216 cubic in = 288π cubic in. a sphere you need the radius r. 3 The answer is C.

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140 CHAPTER 3 Geometry and Measurement

C. Identifying the Appropriate Unit of Measurement Objective IIB4 CLAST SAMPLE PROBLEMS 1. Which unit of measurement would be used to give the amount of wall surface to be covered by the contents of a can of paint? A. gallons B. liters C. square feet D. cubic feet

2. Which unit of measurement would be used to find the distance around a building? A. liters B. cubic feet C. square meters D. meters

3. What unit of measurement would be used to find the amount of paper needed for the label on the can?

A. inches B. square inches

C. cubic inches D. fluid ounces


When measuring length use linear units The diameter of a coin may be measured in (kilometers, miles, meters, yards, centimeters, inches or centimeters. The distance around a inches, or millimeters) circular track may be measured in meters or yards.

When measuring area use square units. The amount of paper needed to wrap a gift (Square yards, square meters, square feet, may be in square inches. The amount of wall square centimeters) surface covered by a gallon of paint may be in square meters.

When measuring volumes use cubic units. The amount of gasoline in a fuel storage tank (Cubic centimeters, cubic inches, cubic feet, may be measured in cubic feet, cubic meters, cubic meters, gallons, liters) gallons or liters.


Example Solution

9. Which of the following would not be used to We are to measure the volume of the water. measure the amount of water needed to fill a Since volume is measured in cubic units, swimming pool? meters is not an appropriate unit of measure. The answer is D. A. Cubic feet B. Liters C. Gallons D. Meters

ANSWERS 1. C 2. D 3. B

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Section 3.1 Exercises


1. Round the measurement of the length of the key to the nearest inch.

1 2. Round the measurement of the length of the key to the nearest 2 inch.


1 3. Round the measurement of the length of the key to the nearest 4 inch.

1 1 3 A. 2 in. B. 24 in. C. 2 2 in. D. 24 in.

WARM-UPS B 150 m 4. Find the distance around the polygon in meters. 200 m 250 m

5. Find the distance around the polygon in kilometers. 300 m 20 ft 6. Find the distance around the polygon in feet. 40 ft 30 ft

7. Find the distance around the polygon in yards.

35 ft

8. Find the circumference of a circle of radius 8 cm.

9 Find the circumference of a circle whose diameter is 10 in.

10. Find the area of a circle of radius 10 m.

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142 CHAPTER 3 Geometry and Measurement

11. Find the area of a circle whose diameter is 12 ft.

12. Find the area of a rectangle of base 8 mm and height 10 mm.

13. Find the area of a rectangle of base 2 yards and height 4 yards.

14. Find the area of a triangle of base is 3 km and height 4 km.

15. Find the area of a triangle of base 2 ft and height 7 ft.

16. Find the surface area of a rectangular solid of length 8 cm, width 10 cm and height 7 cm.

17. Find the surface area of a shoe box that is 12 inches long, 8 inches wide and 4 inches high.

18. Find the volume of the shoe box in Problem 17.

19. Find the volume of a rectangular solid of length 30 mm, width 20 mm and height 10 mm.

20. Find the volume of a right circular cylinder of radius 8 in and height 9 in.

21. Find the volume of a right circular cylinder whose diameter is 10 cm and whose height is 12 cm.

22. Find the volume in cubic feet of a right circular cylinder of radius 6 feet and height 30 inches.

23. Find the volume in cubic feet of a sphere whose diameter is 24 inches.

24. Find the volume in cubic yards of a sphere whose radius is 6 feet.

25. Find the volume in centiliters (cl) of a 1.95 liter bottle.

26. Find the volume in centiliters (cl) of a 3.90 liter bottle.

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27. Find the distance around the polygon in kilometers 600 m 300 m

A. 2300 km B. 23 km 400 m

C. 2.3 km D. 230 km 400 m 600 m

28. Find the circumference of a circle of radius 12 in.

A. 24π sq. in. B. 144π in. C. 24π in. D. 22π in.

29. What is the area of a circular region of diameter 10 centimeters?

A. 20π sq. cm B. 25π sq. cm, C, 10π sq. cm. D. 100π sq. cm.

30. What is the area of a circular region of radius 6 ft?

A. 12π sq. ft B. 24π sq. ft. C. 36π sq. ft D. 144π sq. ft.

31. What is the area of a square that has sides 6 centimeters in length?

A. 24 sq. cm B. 12 sq. cm C. 25 sq. cm. D. 36 sq. cm

32. Find the area of a rectangle that is 6 inches long and 4 inches wide.

A. 20 sq. in. B. 24 sq. in. C. 10 sq. in. D. 30 sq. in.

33. Find the area of a triangle with base 8 in. and height 10 in.

A. 40 sq. in. B. 80 sq. in. C. 40 in. D. 80 in.

34. Find the surface area of a rectangular solid that is 14 inches long, 5 inches wide and 4 inches high.

A. 292 sq. in. B. 650 in. C. 900 sq. in. D. 650 sq. in.

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144 CHAPTER 3 Geometry and Measurement

35. Find the volume of a rectangular solid that is 7 cm long, 5 cm wide and 4 cm high.

A. 140 sq. cm B. 168 cubic cm C. 140 cubic cm D. 166 cm

36. Find the volume of a right circular cylinder 7 inches high and with a 5 in. radius.

A. 35π cubic in. B. 42π cubic in. C. 175π sq. in. D. 175π cubic in.

37. Find the volume of a right circular cone of radius 9 ft and height 10 ft.

A. 270π sq. ft B. 810π cubic ft C. 270π cubic ft D. 870π sq. ft

38. Find the volume of a sphere with a radius of 9 mm.

A. 108π sq. mm B. 972π cubic mm C. 18π mm D. 729π cubic mm

WARM-UPS C 39. What type of measure is needed to express the circumference of a circle?

40. What type of measure is needed to express the diameter of a coin?

41. What type of measure is needed to express the area of a rectangle?

42. What type of measure is needed to express the area of a triangle?

43. What type of measure is needed to express the amount of water in a pool?

44. What type of measure is needed to express the amount of gas in your gas tank?


45. What type of measure is needed to express the length of the line A B segment AC of the given rectangle? A. Square B. Linear C D C. Cubic D. Equilateral 46. What type of measure is needed to express the volume of the rectangular solid? A. Square B. Linear H L C. Cubic D. Equilateral W

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47. What type of measure is needed to express the surface

area of the rectangular solid? A. Square B. Linear H L C. Cubic D. Equilateral W

48. What type of measure is needed to express the thickness of a coin?

A. Square B. Linear C. Cubic D. Equilateral

49. What type of measure is needed to express the amount of paint in a can?

A. Square B. Linear C. Cubic D. Equilateral

50. What type of measure is needed to express the amount of sand in a box?

A. Square B. Linear C. Cubic D. Equilateral


51. What is the area of the figure in square meters?

A. 1400 square meters B. 14 square meters 140 cm 10m C. 14 square meters D. 24 square meters

52. What is the area of a triangle whose base is 36 feet and whose height is 40 inches?

A. 60 square feet B. 180 square feet C. 360 square feet D. 720 square feet

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146 CHAPTER 3 Geometry and Measurement


The information we have learned in Section 3.1 will now be used to solve problems involving perimeters, areas, and volumes. In addition, we shall learn how to select and create new formulas to measure other geometric figures. If you have forgotten about the RSTUV procedure for solving problems, review it before you go on.

A. Applications and the Pythagorean Theorem

Objectives IVB1, IVB2 CLAST SAMPLE PROBLEMS 1. A new street connecting A Street and B Avenue is to be B Avenue constructed. Construction costs are about $100 per linear New foot. What is the estimated cost for constructing the new 12 miles street? A Street

5 miles

2. A football player runs 8 yards to the right as shown. He then turns left, runs down field and catches a 10 yard pass 10 yd thrown from the spot from where he started. How far d = ? down field did he run? 8 yd


Example Solution

1. What will be the cost of tiling a room 1. Read the problem. You are given the measuring 12 feet by 15 feet if square tiles dimensions of the room and the cost of each costing $2 each and measuring tile. 12 inches on each side are used? 2. Select the unknown. We want to find the cost of tiling the room. A. $180 B. $4320 3. Think of a plan. Find how many tiles are needed and multiply C. $360 D. $3600 by the cost of each tile ($2). 4. Use the fact that we need to cover a Note: The measurements of the tile and of the rectangle measuring 12 tiles by 15 tiles. Thus, room are not in the same units. It is easier to we need 12 × 15 = 180 tiles. change the measurement of the tile to feet. Total cost = Cost of each tile × 180 Since 12 inches = 1 ft, the tile measures 1 ft on = $2 ×180 or $360 each side. 5. Verify your multiplication. If the tiles were 8 in. on each side, you would The answer is C. need to convert 8 in. to ft.

ANSWERS 1. $6,864,000 2. 6 yards

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Example Solution 2. Find the cost of building a rectangular Since the cost is per sq. yd, we change driveway measuring 12 feet by 30 feet if 12 ft to 4 yd and 30 ft to 10 yd. In square yards, concrete costs $12.50 per square yard. the area of the driveway is: 4 yd × 10 yd = 40 sq. yd. A. $4500 B. $400 Total Cost = Cost per sq. yd × sq. yd needed = $12.50 × 40 = $500 C. $1500 D. $500 The answer is D.

Some applications in the CLAST require the use of the Pythagorean theorem. 1 PYTHAGOREAN THEOREM RULE EXAMPLES For any right triangle, the square of the length A jogger runs 4 miles east and then 3 miles of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the north. How far is the jogger from his starting squares of the lengths of the other two sides. point? In symbols, If we let a = 4 and b = 3 in the diagram, we c2 = a2 + b2 have to find the distance c. By the Pythagorean theorem, Note: In a right triangle (a triangle with a 90 c2 = a2 + b2 degree angle) the hypotenuse c is the side Thus, c2 = 32 + 42 opposite the 90 degree angle. 2 = c 9 + 16 2 = c b c 25 c = 5 a Thus, he is 5 miles from the starting point.


Example Solution 3. A television antenna 12 ft high is to be 1. Read the problem. The antenna is 12 ft anchored by three wires each attached to the high and each wire is 5 ft from the base. The top of the antenna and to points on the roof cost of each foot of wire is $0.75. 5 ft from the base of the antenna. If wire 2. Select the unknown. costs $0.75 per foot, what will be the cost of We need to find the length of each wire, the wire needed to anchor the antenna? multiply by 3 (we need 3 wires) and then by $0.75 (each foot of wire is $0.75) A. $27 B. $29.25 3. Think of a plan. First, find the length of each wire. Draw a C. $9.75 D. $38.25 picture like the one at left. 4. Use the Pythagorean theorem Hint: After you read the problem, see if you c2 = 52 + 122 can draw a picture of the situation. c2 = 25 + 144 c2 = 169 c 12 ft c = 13 Thus, each wire is 13 ft long. Since we need three wires, we need 3 ×13 ft = 39 ft. The total 5 ft cost would be $0.75 ×39 = $29.25. The answer is B.

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148 CHAPTER 3 Geometry and Measurement

B. Inferring and Selecting Geometric Formulas

Objectives IIIB1, IIIB2 CLAST SAMPLE PROBLEMS 1. In the figure, S represents the sum of the measures of the interior angles. Study the figure and calculate the sum S of the measures of the interior angles of an eight-sided convex polygon.

3 sides 4 sides 6 sides 1 triangle 2 triangles 4 triangles S = 180o S = 360o S = 720o

2. The figure consists of a rectangle and a semi-circle of radius r. Determine the formula for finding the area of the shaded region.

Many geometric measurements can be generalized to be used in more complicated situations. Look at the three spheres with radii 1, 2 and 3 units and surface areas (SA) 4π , 16π and 36π , respectively. The CLAST asks us to generalize this information and find the surface area of a sphere with a radius of 4 units. To solve this problem up a table and see if there is a pattern.

Radius Surface Area 1 4π = 1•4π 2 16π = 2•8π r = 1 r = 2 r = 3 3 36π = 3•12π SA = 4π SA = 16π SA = 36π 4 = 4•?

The underlined numbers are 4π , 8π and 12π . The next number in the pattern is 16π so the surface area of a sphere with radius 4 should be 4•16π or 64π . (You can also reason that since the surface area is measured in square units, the pattern should involve r2, the square of the radius, that is 12•? = 4π , 22•? = 16π , 32•? = 36π , where we multiply the square of the radius by 4π . For a radius of 4 units, the answer should be 42 • 4π = 64π .)

ANSWERS π r 2 1. S = 1080o 2. 2r2 - 2

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Example Solution

4. In each of the figures, S represents the First find the areas of each of the squares. shaded area when a triangle is removed from a square The area of the first square is 42 = 16

The area of the second square is 62 = 36

The area of the third square is 82 = 64 Side = 4 S = 8 Now, from the diagram, S = 8, 18 and 32. Side = 6 What is the relationship between the area of the S = 18 Side = 8 squares and the area S? S = 32 Area of squares 16 36 64 Find S if the side of the square is 10 Area of S 8 18 32

A. 100 B. 75 C. 50 D. 40 In each case, S is half of the area of the corresponding square. If the side of a square is 10, its area is 100 and S is half of that or 50. The answer is C.


Example Solution 5. Study the information given with the regular Look at the pattern involving the length s of the hexagons. Then calculate the height h of the side of the hexagon and the height h. corresponding triangle in a regular hexagon Length of side Height with each side 4 units long. 3 1 1• 2 3 2 2• 2 = 3 3 3 3 h 3 3• = h h 2 2 b b b In each case multiply the length s of the side by s = 1 unit s = 2 units s = 3 units 3 3 3 3 2 . For a hexagon whose side measures 4 h = units h = 3 units h = units 2 2 3 units, the height is 4• 2 = 2 3 . The answer is A. 2 3 units B. 3 3 units A. Note: We were looking for a linear pattern, so 5 3 we used a linear factor. C. 4 3 units D. 2 units

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150 CHAPTER 3 Geometry and Measurement

Some of the patterns appearing in the CLAST involve the measure of an angle which is in degrees. You should know that the sum of the measures of the angles of any triangle is 180o. (Read "180 degrees".)


Example Solution

6. Study each figure below and then calculate We want to discover a pattern involving the S, the sum of the measures of the interior number of sides, the number of triangles and S, angles of a 9-sided convex polygon. the sum of the measures of the angles.

No. of sides No. of triangles S 4 2 2•180o = 360o 5 3 3•180o = 540o 6 4 4•180o = 720o 9 ? ?•180o 4 sides 5 sides 6 sides Note that the number of triangles is 2 less than 2 triangles 3 triangles 4 triangles the number of sides. If the number of sides is o o o S = 360 S = 540 S = 720 9, the number of triangles is 9 - 2, or 7, and S =

7•180o = 1260o. The answer is B. A. 14400 B. 1260o C. 1080o D. 1000o

So far we have inferred new formulas for different geometric figures. A different CLAST skill requires you to calculate the measure of a geometric figure composed of several figures for which the formulas are known. Here is the rule you need.

2 FORMULAS FOR AREAS AND VOLUMES RULE EXAMPLES 1. Write the formulas necessary to find the Study the figure of a right circular cylinder area or volume of the individual figures. with a hemisphere (half a sphere) mounted on top. Find the volume.

2. Use the figure to find the variables to be r used in the formula. r r

3. Simplify the area or volume formula. h h 4. Find the sum of the areas or volumes. 4 The volume of the sphere is r3. One half 5. If the area (or volume) to be found is 3 π shaded, you may be able to find it by 1 4 3 2 3 calculating the difference between the areas or of this is 2 × 3 π r = 3 π r The volume of volumes. (See Problems 16, 30 and 31.) the cylinder is π r2h. Thus the total volume is

2 3 2 the indicated sum 3 π r + π r h.

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Example Solution

7. The figure shows a regular hexagon. Select The total area of the hexagon is composed of 6 the formula for computing the total area of identical triangles as shown. The area the hexagon.

h h b b 1 A. Area = 3h + b B. 6(h + b) of each triangle is 2 bh. Since there are 6 of 1 C. 6hb D. 3hb them, the total area is 6•2 bh = 3bh. Since 3bh = 3hb, the answer is D.

Section 3.2 Exercises WARM-UPS A

1. Find the cost of tiling a room measuring 12 feet by 18 feet if square tiles costing $2 each and measuring 8 in. by 8 in. are used.

2. A gardener wants to prepare a flower bed measuring 10 feet by 9 feet and 6 inches deep. How many cubic yards of soil are needed to do this?

3. Roofing material come in 100 sq. ft. bundles costing $90 each. How much would the material cost to repair a roof measuring 15 ft by 20 ft?

4. How many square yards of wallpaper costing $10 per roll are needed to cover an area 10 ft long and 8 ft high?

5. A baking pan in the shape of a rectangular solid is 20 cm long, 10 cm wide and 4 cm deep. How many liters will it hold? Hint: 1 liter = 1000 cc.

6. What will be the cost of carpeting an office measuring 12 ft by 18 ft if carpeting costs $15 per square yard?

7. How much would it cost to fence a 30 ft by 60 ft yard if fencing material costs $12 per linear foot?

8. A paper cup is in the shape of a right circular cone 10 cm high and 6 cm in diameter. How many cubic centimeters does the cup hold?

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152 CHAPTER 3 Geometry and Measurement

9. A radio station is going to construct a 16 foot antenna anchored by three cables, each attached to the top of the antenna and to points on the roof of the building that are 12 feet from the base of the antenna. What is the total length of the three cables?

10. An airplane leaves the airport and flies 40 miles north. It then flies 30 miles west. How far from the airport is the plane?

11. The door in a warehouse is 9 ft tall and 48 inches wide. If a sheet of paneling is 10 ft long, what is the widest it can be and still fit through the door?

12. A contractor wants to put a sidewalk in front of the Front triangular garden shown. If it costs $50 per linear foot to build the sidewalk, how much will the job cost? 8 yd 10 yd


13. A farmer wants to build a fence to enclose a rectangular area 20 ft long by 12 ft wide. How many feet of fencing will be needed?

A. 30 ft B. 23 ft C. 64 ft D. 112 ft

14. Find the cost of carpeting an office that measures 21 ft by 24 ft if carpet costs $13 per square yard.

A. $6552 B. $2184 C. $1092 D. $728

15. The outside dimensions of a picture frame are 4 ft by 30 inches. If its inside dimensions are 3 24 ft by 21 inches, find the area of the frame.

A. 759 sq. in. B. 747 sq. in. C. 67.50 sq. ft D. 182.25 sq. ft

16. A gardener uses a six-inch mulch border around a garden 6 inches measuring 6 ft in diameter. What is the area of the border?

6 feet A. 3.2 sq. in. B. 5π sq. ft C. 2.75π sq. ft D. 2.75 sq. ft

17. The city commission wants to construct a new street that N connects Main Street and North Boulevard as shown in the North Blvd diagram. If the construction cost is $90 per linear foot, find the New estimated cost for constructing the street. Hint: 1 mile = 5280 3 miles ft. 4 mi Main St E A. $33,808 B. $3690 C. $2,376,000 D. $475,200 S

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18. Study the information given with the right triangles then calculate the area of a right triangle with hypotenuse 10 and base 5 3 .

8 4 6


3 2 3 3 3 4 3

1 1 1 1 A = 2 • 3 •1 A = 2 •2 3 •2 A = 2 •3 3 •3 A = 2 •4 3 •

19. Study the given figures then find the area of a the regular 6- sided polygon.

h h h b b b 4 sides 5 sides 6 sides 5 A = 2 bh A = 2 bh A = ?

20. Study the figure formed from a semicircle and a triangle. Then give the formula for calculating the total area of the figure. r


21. Study the figure showing a square with a semicircle attached to each side. Find the formula for computing the perimeter of the figure.

22. Find the formula for the total area of the figure in Problem 21. s

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154 CHAPTER 3 Geometry and Measurement


23. Study the information given with the regular hexagons, then calculate the area A of a regular hexagon with a side equal to 8. h h h b b b A. 96 3 B. 72 3

Side 2 Side 4 Side 6 C. 48 3 D. 36 3 A = 6 3 A = 24 3 A = 54 3

24 Study the information given for the 3, 4 and 6 sided figures. If S represents the sum of the measures of the interior angles, find S for a 10 sided polygon.

o o A. 1080 B. 1800 3 sides 4 sides 6 sides C. 1440o D. 1260o 1 triangle 2 triangles 4 triangles S = 180o S = 360o S = 720o 25 The given figure is formed by joining a triangle and a square as s s shown. Study the figure then select the formula for computing its total area. s A. A = s4 B. A = s3 3s2 5 s2 2 s C. A = 4 + s D. A = 4

26. A cylindrical container can be formed r from two tops and a rectangle as shown. Based on the figure, what is the formula for calculating the surface r area SA of the right circular cylinder?

A. SA = 2(2π r) + rh h h

B. SA = π r2h

C. SA = 2π r2 + 2π rh

D. SA = 2π r2 + 2rh r

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The figure shows a rectangular box 27. x without a top formed by cutting out squares x units on each side from a x rectangular piece of length L and width W. Select the formula for calculating the surface area SA of the W box.

A. SA = LW - 4x2 B. SA = LW - x2 L

C. SA = (L - 2x)W - 2x) - 4x2 D. SA = (L - 2x)(W - 2x)

28. Study the figure showing a regular pentagon. Then select the formula for computing the total area A of the pentagon.

5 A. A = 2 hb B. A = 5(h + b) h

C. A = 5h + b D. A = 5hb b 29. Study the figure showing a trapezoid, then select the formula for computing the total area A of the trapezoid, if B = x + b + y. A. A = b(B - x - y) + xh2 h h B. A = h(B + b) b C. A = b(B - x - y)h y x 1 D. A = 2 h(B + b) 30. Study the figure showing a square inscribed in a circle. Select the formula for computing the area of the shaded region. A. A = π r2 - s2 s2 B. A = π - s2 2 s s2 C. A = 2 s2 D. A = π 2

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156 CHAPTER 3 Geometry and Measurement

31. Study the figure showing a triangle inscribed in a circle. Select the formula for computing the area of the shaded region.

A. A = π r2 - 2r2 r B. A = π - 2

C. A = π

D. A = π r2 - r2


32. Study the information given in the figures and then calculate A, the exterior angle in the last figure. o o 70 20 o o o o A. 65o B. 135o 60 130 100 120

o C. 110o D. 115o 45 o 25 o o o 65 A 90 115

33. The base of a tool shed is to be a slab of concrete 15 feet long by 12 feet wide by 6 inches thick. If one cubic yard of concrete costs $39, how much will the concrete for the base of the tool shed cost?

A. $3510 B. $1560 C. $130 D. $65

1 34. A rectangular flower bed measures 22 feet by 50 inches. The outside dimensions of a path around the bed are 4 ft by 60 inches. What is the area of the path?

A. 115 square feet B. 200.50 square feet

C. 1200 square inches D. 1380 square inches

35. The diameter of a tree trunk is 2.4 meters. What is its circumference?

A. 0.72π square meters B. 1.2π meters

C. 2.4π meters D. 2.88π square meters

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Before we proceed to discuss the different types of lines, angles and triangles we need to learn some of the basic terminology.

T TERMINOLOGY--TYPES OF ANGLES PLANE ANGLES EXAMPLES A plane angle is a figure formed by two rays C with a common endpoint called the vertex. vertex The rays AB and AC are the sides of the angle 1 and the angle can be named ∠ 1 (read "angle A B 1"), ∠ CAB , ∠ BAC or ∠ A The vertex of angle BAC is A.

Angles are measured by the amount of rotation C needed to turn one side of an angle so that it Z coincides with (falls exactly on top of) the other side. Note that ∠ YXZ. is "greater than" A X ∠ BAC. B Y

The rotation of an angle is measured in degrees and is denoted by m∠ BAC. One A complete revolution is 360o complete revolution is 360o (read "360 1 C C degrees") and 360 of a complete revolution is 1o. The CLAST sometimes states that the 30° x A A measure of ∠ A, for example, is represented by B B "x". m∠ BAC = 30o x = 30o

One-half of a complete revolution is 180o and 180° results in an angle called a straight angle.

One-quarter of a complete revolution is 90o and results in an angle called a right angle 90° (denoted by using the little square ).

An acute angle is an angle whose measure is less than 90o.

An obtuse angle is an angle whose measure is greater than 90o and less than 180o.

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158 CHAPTER 3 Geometry and Measurement

We now give several relationships between angles.

T TERMINOLOGY--COMPLEMENTARY, SUPPLEMENTARY, VERTICAL ANGLES COMPLEMENTARY ANGLES EXAMPLES Two angles whose measures add to 90o are called complementary angles. Note that B A m∠ A + m∠ B = 90o or

m∠ A = 90o - m∠ B SUPPLEMENTARY ANGLES Two angles whose measures add to 180o are B supplementary angles. Note that A

m∠ A + m∠ B = 180o or m∠ A =180o - m∠ B VERTICAL ANGLES When two lines intersect, the opposite angles are called vertical angles and they have the xy u same measure. If x, y, u and v are the v measures then x = y and u = v.

We are now ready to study the properties existing between different plane figures such as angles and triangles. Before we do that, let us see what type of questions we will encounter.

A. Properties of Plane Figures

Objective IIB2 CLAST SAMPLE PROBLEMS 1. What type of triangle is Δ ABC below?

A 65o B

o 45

C In the figure to the right:

2. Find two right angles 3. Find two pairs of complementary angles 2 1 3 4. Find two pairs of vertical angles that are not right angles 5. Which geometric figure has all of the following 4 6 5 characteristics? i. quadrilateral ii. opposite sides are parallel

iii. diagonals are not equal

ANSWERS 1. Scalene 2. 1 and 4 3. 5 and 6; 2 and 3 4. 3 and 6; 2 and 5 5. Rhombus

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Example Solution 1. Complementary angles are angles whose sum is 90o, so 1 can not be complementary to any other angle. (Eliminate answers A and D.) Now, 5 6 and 6 are complementary, but this is not one of 1 the choices. However, angles 6 and 3 are 5 vertical angles, so they must have the same measure. Since angles 5 and 6 are 2 4 complementary and angles 3 and 6 have equal 3 measures, ∠ 5 and ∠ 3 are complementary. The answer is C. If you are not convinced, here is the proof:

Which of the following pairs of angles are m∠ 5 + m∠ 6 = 90o complementary? m∠ 6 = m∠ 3 A. 1 and 2 B. 5 and 2 m∠ 5 + m ∠ 3 = 90o, so ∠ 3 and ∠ 5 are complementary. C. 3 and 5 D. 4 and 1

Triangles can be classified according to their angles (right, acute or obtuse) or according to the number of equal sides (scalene, isosceles, or equilateral).


An acute triangle is a triangle in which all the angles are acute.

An obtuse triangle is a triangle containing an obtuse angle.

A scalene triangle is a triangle with no equal sides. Note that the sides are labeled |, || and ||| to indicate that the lengths of the sides are different.

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160 CHAPTER 3 Geometry and Measurement


An isosceles triangle is a triangle with two equal sides and two equal base angles. Note that the equal angles are indicated by arcs, the equal sides by slashes.

An equilateral triangle is a triangle with three equal sides and three 60o angles. As before the equal angles are indicated by arcs and the equal sides by slashes.

Next, we give the rules used to name specific triangles, and a very important rule that applies to the measures of the sum of the angles of any type of triangle. Do you remember what that is?

T TERMINOLOGY--NAMING TRIANGLES NAMING TRIANGLES EXAMPLES Triangles are named using the letters at the A vertices and the symbol Δ . The given triangle is Δ ABC (read "triangle ABC").


1 SUM OF THE ANGLES OF A TRIANGLE RULE o o The sum of the measures of the angles of a 60 35 triangle is 180o. You can use this fact to find the measure of the third angle when the The measure of the other angle, call it x, is measures of the other two angles are given. such that: 60o + 35o + x = 180o or 95o + x = 180o x = 85o


Example Solution 2. What type of triangle is Δ ABC? First, we have to determine the measure "x" of ABo o the missing angle. Since the sum of the three 55 70 angles in a triangle is 180o, we have: 55o + 70o + x = 180o 125o + x = 180o x = 180o - 125o x = 55o C A. Isosceles B. Right Since two of the angles are of equal measure, C. Equilateral D. Scalene the triangle is an isosceles triangle. Thus, A.

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In the preceding sections we have mentioned geometric figures such as squares, circles, rectangles and polygons. These figures have definite properties that should be familiar to you. We shall give the definitions and examples for several polygons and quadrilaterals.

T TERMINOLOGY--TYPES OF POLYGONS TYPES OF POLYGONS EXAMPLES A polygon is a closed figure whose sides are line segments that do not cross each other.

A regular polygon is a polygon with all sides A of equal length and all angles of equal F A measure. They are usually named by using the E B number of sides. For example: Pentagon is a 5-sided polygon. E B Hexagon is a 6-sided polygon. Octagon is an 8-sided polygon. D C D C A quadrilateral is a four-sided polygon (Squares and rectangles are quadrilaterals).

A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides.

A parallelogram is a quadrilateral in which the opposite sides are parallel.

A rhombus is a parallelogram with all sides equal.

A rectangle is a parallelogram with a right angle.

A square is a rectangle with all sides equal.

A diagonal is a line segment joining two non- consecutive vertices of a polygon.

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162 CHAPTER 3 Geometry and Measurement

The CLAST emphasizes the characteristics of these polygons as shown in the example.


Example Solution 3. Select the geometric figure that possesses all First note that all of the responses give figures of the following characteristics: that are polygons and quadrilaterals, so we have i. polygon to concentrate on the figure having two and ii. quadrilateral only two parallel sides. The parallelogram, the iii. two and only two sides are rectangle and the rhombus have more than two parallel. parallel sides. The only quadrilateral with A. Parallelogram B. Rectangle exactly one pair of parallel sides is the trapezoid. The answer is D. C. Rhombus D. Trapezoid

B. Relationships Between Angle Measures

Objective IIB1 CLAST SAMPLE PROBLEMS Referring to the diagram on the right m ∠ g = 130o: 1. Which angles are supplements of g? a 2. Find m∠ f, m∠ h and m∠ j 3. Find three angles with the same measure as m∠ c 4. Find two pairs of supplementary angles that are not right b c f g angles. d e h j

The material we have studied can be used to find additional relations between angles. One of these relations is congruence as detailed next.

T TERMINOLOGY--CONGRUENT ANGLES AND SIDES CONGRUENT ANGLES EXAMPLES Angles ∠ 1 and ∠ 2 are congruent, denoted B by ∠ 1 ≅ ∠ 2, means that m ∠ 1 = m ∠ 2. 2 The congruence symbol should remind you of "=". 1 3 A C

The angles of an equilateral triangle are congruent, that is, ∠ 1 ≅ ∠ 2 ≅ ∠ 3 CONGRUENT SIDES Two sides of a triangle are congruent, denoted In the equilateral triangle above ______by AB ≅ AC means that side AB is the AB ≅ B C ≅ AC ___ same length as side AC .

ANSWERS 1. f and j 2. 50o, 130o, 50o 3. b, d, e 4. f and g, g and j, j and h, f and h

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Example Solution ______4. In Δ ABC, AB ≅ CB . Which of the AB ≅ CB means that the line segments AB following statements is true for the figure ___ shown? (The measures of the angles are and CB are the same length. This makes the represented by x, y, z as indicated.) triangle an isosceles triangle, so y = x. B Now, x + 100o = 180o z and x = 80o

Since y = x = 80o, y = 80o y x 100°

A C w The correct answer is C.

A. z = 80o B. z = x

C. y = 80o D. z = 10o

The CLAST combines the idea of perpendicular and parallel lines to establish other relationships between the measures of angles. Here are the concepts we need.

T TERMINOLOGY--PARALLEL AND PERPENDICULAR LINES PARALLEL LINES EXAMPLES ______A B Lines AB and CD are parallel, denoted by ______E G AB || CD , if the lines AB and CD are in the same plane and do not intersect.. C D H F

These pairs of parallel lines are denoted by ______AB || CD and EF || GH .

PERPENDICULAR LINES ______D Lines AB and CD are perpendicular, ______denoted by AB ⊥ CD , if they intersect at A C B right angles. ______Lines AB and CD are perpendicular.

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Example Solution ______5. Given that CD || BE and AE ⊥ CD C D which of the following statements is true for v w the figure at the right? (The measure of o angle DCB is represented by "v".) B 135 u E

y z

A. w = x x

B. y = x A

Since y and the 135o angle are supplementary, C. ∠ EDC and ∠ DEB are vertical angles o o o y = 45 . Now, z = 90 and x + y + z = 180 . o o o o o D. ∠ DCB and ∠ DEB are supplementary For y = 45 , z = 90 , x + 45 + 90 = 180 angles x + 135o = 180o x = 45o Since both x and y are 45o, y = x and the correct answer is B.

There is one more important fact concerning parallel lines and the measures of related angles. Here it is:

T TERMINOLOGY--CORRESPONDING, ALTERNATE AND VERTICAL ANGLES ANGLE RELATIONSHIPS EXAMPLES If L1 and L2 are parallel lines crossed by a 12 transversal as shown in the Example, the L 1 following relationships hold: 34

56 Corresponding angles are congruent. L 2 ∠ 1 ≅ ∠ 5, ∠ 3 ≅ ∠ 7, ∠ 2 ≅ ∠ 6 and 78 ∠ 4 ≅ ∠ 8

These are the pairs of angles that lie on the Here is a quick way of remembering all these same side of the transversal. facts: Look at angles 1 and 2. Angle 1 is

acute and 2 is obtuse. Think of Alternate interior angles are congruent. ∠ 1 as “small" and ∠ 2 as "big". ∠ 3 ≅ ∠ 6, and ∠ 4 ≅ ∠ 5. These are the

pairs of angles between the parallel lines and

on opposite sides of the transversal All acute ("small" ) angles are congruent.

Thus, ∠ 1, ∠ 4, ∠ 5, and ∠ 8 are congruent. Vertical angles are congruent. All obtuse ("big") angles are congruent ∠ 1 ≅ ∠ 4, ∠ 2 ≅ ∠ 3, ∠ 5 ≅ ∠ 8, and Thus, ∠ 2, ∠ 3, ∠ 6 and ∠ 7 are congruent. ∠ 6 ≅ ∠ 7

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Example Solution

6. Which statement is true for the figure shown Q PR at right given that L1 and L2 are parallel L 1 lines? 75°

0 o A. Since m∠ T = 75 , m∠ S = 60 ST WX L 2 UV Y 45° B. Since m∠ T = 750, m∠ S = 105o

C. m∠ V = m∠ R Look at the transversal on the left m∠ T = 75o D. None of the statements is true. (Remember, all the "small" angles are congruent). Now, ∠ S and ∠ T are suppplementary, so m∠ S = 180o - m∠ T = 180o - 75o = 105o. This is answer B.

Example Solution

7. If L1 || L2 and L3 || L4, which of the x = 40o because x and the 40o angle are following statements is true? corresponding angles.

y = 180o - 40o = 140o, since x and y are supplementary.

s t z = y = 140o, since z and y are alternate interior z r L angles (remember "big" angles are congruent) o 3

40 x y The correct answer is C. L 4

L L 2 1

A. z = 40o B. r = 140o

C. z = 140o D. s = t

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166 CHAPTER 3 Geometry and Measurement

C. Similar Triangles

Objective IIB3 CLAST SAMPLE PROBLEMS A In the figure to the right, the measure of angle A is x x CB ? BA ? C 1. x = ? . 2. AB = AD 3. BD = ? y o o 120 120 z D E B 4. If the measure of angle A is z, what is AC ? A

D z o 30 x 5 y 7.5 C w o 4 30 E B

Geometric figures with exactly the same shape, but not necessarily the same size, are called similar figures. If you know that two triangles are similar, there are several relationships you should know. We list them next.

T TERMINOLOGY--SIMILAR TRIANGLES DEFINITION OF SIMILAR TRIANGLES EXAMPLES When two triangles are similar, denoted by E Δ ABC ~ Δ DEF (1) Corresponding angles are equal and B 8 (2) Corresponding sides are proportional. 4 4 2 To remember the information in (1) note:

A 3 C D 6 F Δ ABC ~ Δ DEF The two triangles above are similar. (1) ∠ A ≅ ∠ D, ∠ B ≅ ∠ E, ∠ C ≅ ∠ F, ∠A ≅ ∠D, ∠B ≅ ∠E, ∠C ≅ ∠ F. ______AB BC CA 2 4 3 Match first and first (A and D), second and (2) = = = = = second (B and E), third and third (C and F). ______4 8 6 To remember the information in (2), note: DE EF FD ______A Δ ABC ~ Δ DEF match AB and DE . In the figure at right, ______if BC is parallel to DE B C Δ ABC ~ Δ DEF match BC and EF . Δ ABC ~ Δ ADE ______DE Δ ABC ~ Δ DEF match AC and DF .

ANSWERS BC 1. y 2. CE 3. BE 4. AC = 6

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The CLAST asks two types of questions about similar triangles:

1. From a group of triangles, select the ones that are similar 2. Find specific measures for angles or sides of one of two similar triangles.


Example Solution

8. Which triangles are similar: To find the correct answer, we have to check A. each of the responses. The first triangle in A is an equilateral triangle. For the second triangle to be similar, it has to be equilateral and the third angle must also be 55o. 55 But 55o + 55o + 55o = 165o and not 180o, so 55° 55° the second triangle is not equilateral. 5 A is not the answer.

B. If the triangles are similar, the sides must be 9 6 5 5 proportional. Thus, 9 = 7 . But this is not 30° 6 7 true, so the triangles are not similar.

C. The two triangles in C are obviously not similar A since corresponding angles are not equal.

C o 25 B 60o D E

D. The correct answer must be D. Let us see Q why. The measure of the angles in the first o o A triangle are 55 and 80 , so the measure of the 80° third angle must be 80° 180o - 80o - 55o = 45o. 55° 45° But the measures of the angle in the second triangle are 80o and 45o, so the third angle must B C R S be 55o, making the corresponding angles equal and the triangles similar.

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168 CHAPTER 3 Geometry and Measurement

Example Solution

9. Which statements are true for the pictured Since ∠ 1 and ∠ 2 are vertical angles, they have triangles? the same measure, so i is true. B Triangle BAC and triangle DEC have equal corresponding angles (the 90o angle and angles 1 C 5 A E 1 and 2, which make the third angles equal). 2 Thus, Δ BAC ~ Δ DEC which makes statement 3 ii true. D ______Finally, AB is parallel to ED because AB AC ______i. m∠ 1 = m∠ 2 ii. ___ = ___ AB ⊥ BD and DE ⊥ BD . ED EC ______This makes iii a true statement and the correct iii. AB is parallel to ED answer is D.

A. i only B. ii only

C. i and ii only D. i, ii, and iii

Example Solution

10. Which statements are true for the pictured Since m∠ G = m∠ H (vertical angles) and triangles? m∠ D = m∠ B = 40o, the third angles must be A equal. Thus, m∠ A = m∠ E, and i is true. 7.5 Since Δ CDE ~ Δ ABC, corresponding sides are proportional. Thus, H 40° D ___ G C B 40° 4 AC ___ 4•7.5 30 54 5 = 7.5 or AC = 5 = 5 = 6

E ___ hence ii is true. i. m∠ A = m∠ E ii. AC = 6 ______Since the two triangles are similar, CE CB ______iii. = CE CD ______= , so iii is not true. CA CD ______CA CB A. i only B. ii only The correct answer is C, i and ii are the only C. i and ii only D. i, ii, and iii true ones.

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Section 3.3 Exercises


1. Name two pairs of complementary angles in the figure.

2. Name a pair of supplementary angles in the figure.

3. Name two pairs of vertical angles in the figure. 6 5 1

4. Name two right angles in the figure. 4 2

3 5. Name two acute angles in the figure.

6. Is there an obtuse angle in the figure?

7. Find m∠ ABC 8. Find m∠ 3 9. Find x 10. Find y and z B

y x o 100 o o o o o 60 60 50o 3 30 60 75 z A C Triangle 1 Triangle 2 Triangle 3 Triangle 4

In Exercises 11-14, classify the triangles according to their angles and sides.

11. What type of triangle is triangle 1? 12. What type of triangle is triangle 2?

13. What type of triangle is triangle 3? 14. What type of triangle is triangle 4?

15. Name the geometric figure that is a parallelogram in which the diagonals are perpendicular and of the same length.

16. Name a quadrilateral in which only two sides are parallel.

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170 CHAPTER 3 Geometry and Measurement


17. Which of the following pairs of angles are supplementary, given that L and L PQ 1 2 L 1 are parallel lines? R S

A. ∠ P and ∠ S B. ∠ Y and ∠ Q XY L 2 D. ∠ R and ∠ Q D. ∠ R and ∠ X

18. What type of triangle is Δ ABC? A B o o 40 50 A. Isosceles B. Equilateral

C. Right D. Obtuse C

19. Which of the angles is an obtuse angle?

A. B. C. D.

20. Select the geometric figure that possesses all of the following characteristics: i. Triangle ii. All acute angles iii. All sides are equal

A. Scalene triangle B. Equilateral triangle C. Acute triangle D. Isosceles triangle

21. The words "right," "acute," "obtuse," "scalene," "isosceles," and "equilateral" are used individually to describe triangles. Which of the following combinations of words are impossible to describe a triangle?

A. Right; scalene B. Isosceles; obtuse C. Right; obtuse D. Isosceles; right

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22. Find m∠ 1. 1 2 L 23. Find m∠ 4. 1 3 4 L 2 24. Find m∠ 2. 5 115 o

L and L are parallel 1 2

______25. In D ABC, AB ≅ CB . Find m ∠ y. B

z ______26. In D ABC, AB ≅ CB . Find m∠ x. o 110 y x A C w ______27. In D ABC, AB ≅ CB . Find m∠ z.

______Given that CD || BE and AD ⊥ CD .

C D 28. Find m∠ x. 45o w

29. Find m∠ y. B v u E y z

30. Find m∠ u. x

31. Find m∠ z. A

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172 CHAPTER 3 Geometry and Measurement

Given that L1 and L2 are parallel Q L PR 1 o 32. Find m∠ Q. 75° 30

33. Find m∠ T. ST W X L 2 34. Find m∠ W. UV Y


35. Which statement is true for the figure? E A. m∠ B = 100o B. m∠ E = 20o 88

AB F 100° C. m∠ C ≠ m∠ H D. ∠ A and ∠ B are complementary CD 4 GH

36. Which statement is true for the figure? E 66 A. m∠ E π m∠ C B. m∠ I = 120o AB F I C. m∠ B = m∠ G D. ∠ A and ∠ I are CD 6 GH supplementary

37. Which statements are true for the figure 70° if M1 and M2 are parallel? o o i. m∠ 3 = 50 ii. m∠ 4 = 70 12 M iii. ∠ 1 and ∠ 2 are supplementary 34 1 50° M 2 A. i only B. ii only

C. iii only D. i and iii only

38. Which of the statements is true for the figure shown, given that L and L are PQ 1 2 L 1 parallel lines? 80°

o A. m∠ P = m∠ Y B. m∠ P = 100 XY L 2 C. ∠ X and ∠ P are supplementary

D. ∠ Q and ∠ X are complementary

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39. The diagram to the right shows lines in L 2 L 3 the same plane. If line L1 is a horizontal L line, which statement is true? 1 i. L2 and L3 are the only parallel lines ii. L2 and L4 are perpendicular lines 60° iii. Lines L2 and L3 are vertical lines. 60°

A. i only B. ii only

L 4 C. iii only D. i and iii only L 5

40. Given that L1 || L2, which of the following statements is true?

______C o L A. u + v = 180 B. AC ⊥ BC u v 1 o 40 C. u = 40o D. y = 50o B y x o z L 130 A 2


41. The two triangles to the right are similar. Find the lengths marked x and y. 5 y x 4



42. The parallelograms to the right are S R similar. __ D C Find the length of the diagonal PR . 10 10

A 8 B P 10 Q

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174 CHAPTER 3 Geometry and Measurement

__ In the figure to the right, the line PQ is C parallel to the line AB In each problem, find the missing lengths. ______Q AP PC BQ BC P

43. 3 4 6 ? B A 44. 5 4 ? 6

45. 2 ? 3 5

46. ? 4 4 8

CLAST PRACTICE C PRACTICE PROBLEMS: Chapter 3, # 25-27 47. Study figures A, B, C, D, then select the figure in which all triangles are similar.

B. A.

80° 80°

. 70° 75° D. C.

48. Study figures A, B, C, D, then select the figure in which all triangles are similar.

A. B.

C. D.

55 9 30° 6 60° 60° 5 5 7

58° 58°

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49. Which statement is true for the triangles A to the right? z 5

A. m∠ A = m∠ E B. m∠ x = 30o y 30° D B 30° x C ______43 CE CB C. AC = 3.5 D. ___ = ___ E CA CD

50. Which statement is true for the triangles A to the right? X C Y A. m∠ X = m∠ Z B. m∠ X = m∠ Y ______130° 130° Z B CE AB DE C. ___ = ___ D. None is true AD CB

EXTRA CLAST PRACTICE ______51. Given that AB || CD and ______BD ⊥ CD which of the following statements is true for the figure E shown. (The measure of angle ACD is represented by x) v

A u z B A. w = v

B. ∠ EAB and ∠ EBA are supplementary C x y D

C. ∠ AEB and ∠ ECD are w complementary angles

D. z = x

52. Select the geometric figure that possesses all of the following characteristics i. four sided ii. right angle iii. adjacent sides equal and opposite sides parallel

A. rectangle B. square

C. trapezoid D. rhombus

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