
proceedings of the american mathematical society 78, Number 2, February 1980



Abstract. A characterization of those measures which are distribution is undertaken. For functions of n variables in BVC, the measures are absolutely continuous with respect to Hausdorff n — 1 measure. For functions in Wx they are absolutely continuous with respect to n measure. For linearly continu- ous functions the derivative measures are zero for sets whose Hausdorff n — 1 measure is finite. For n = 1, since « — 1=0, Üús reduces to the standard facts.

In one variable, the derivative measure u of a / of can be any regular . If / is continuous then u must be nonatomic. Finally, if /is absolutely continuous then u is absolutely continuous with respect to . In this note, we discuss the analogous situation for functions of several variables. The functions of bounded variation are replaced by those of bounded variation in the sense of Cesari. / = /(*,, . . ., xn) is of this type, designated BVC, if for each / = 1, . . . , n there is an/', equivalent to/, which is of bounded variation in x¡ for values of the remaining variables, and the resulting variation function is summable as a function of these n — 1 variables. If /' is also continuous as a function of x¡ for almost all of the values of the remaining variables it is of type £. The £ plays the part in more variables of the continuous functions of bounded variation in one variable. Finally, if continuity is replaced by in the definition of £, we obtain the Sobolev W\ which is the natural set to be taken as the analogue of the absolutely continuous functions. If / G BVC, then clearly / is in W\ if and only if the partial derivative of / are measures absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue n measure. In order to treat the derivative measures for all / G BVC, and then the measures for those / G £, it is convenient to obtain a lemma regarding sets of n — 1 dimensional geometric measure zero. Before doing this, we recall the meanings of the measures af and ßf associated with an / G BVC. The partial derivatives of/ are a vector valued measure (u„ . . . , jun). With X for Lebesgue n measure, the measure aA[E), of a E, is the measure of the (X; ¡ix, . . . , n„). The coarea measure ßj is similarly associated with (u„ ..., /ij. The measure a, may also be obtained as a lower semicontinuous

Received by the editors January 29, 1979 and, in revised form, April 18, 1979. AMS (MOS) subject classifications (1970). Primary 26A24. Key words and phrases. , integral geometric measure, rectifiable. 'This author's contribution supported in part by a grant from the NSF. 2This author's contribution made in part by a visit to the Department of Mathematics and of Statistics at Purdue University. © 1980 American Mathematical Society 0002-9939/80/0000-0063/$01.7S 218

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extension of an area functional to the set of summable functions from the set of piecewise linear functions, and then by extending this area from a function on rectangles to a measure on Borel sets. A general discussion of numerical valued measures of "area" type associated with vector valued measures may be found in [3] where further references are given. Lemma 1. If f G BVC and S has n — 1 dimensional integral geometric measure zero, then nt(S) = 0, / = 1, . . . , n. Proof. The projection of S has n — 1 dimensional Lebesgue measure zero on almost all hyperplanes through the origin. There is an orthogonal coordinate system such that the projection of S on each coordinate hyperplane has n — 1 dimensional Lebesgue measure zero. Let vx, . . . ,vn be the directional derivatives of / in these coordinate directions. By Krickeberg's lemma (see [3] for a proof), Vj(S) = fR»-\ Vj(S, x)dx, where x varies over the space R"~l determined by the n - 1 coordinates left after the /th coordinate in this system is omitted, and vj(S, x) is the variation measure of / in the /th coordinate on the intersection of S with the line obtained by fixing the other coordinates at x. By our choice of coordinates, vJ(S, x) = 0 , so that v¡(S) = 0, / = 1, . . . , n. Moreover, X(S) = 0, so our result follows from the inequalities

X(S)+ vx(S)+ ■ ■ ■ +vn(S) >af(S) >iii(S), /= 1, ...,n.

As a corollary to this lemma we obtain Theorem 1. /// G BVC and H"~\S) = 0, then nx(S) = • • • = ¡^(S) = 0. Proof. If S is of Hausdorff n - 1 dimensional measure zero then it is of n — 1 integral geometric measure zero. Thus, if / G BVC then its partial derivative measures are absolutely continuous with respect to Hausdorff n — 1 dimensional measure. The case is more complicated for functions in Ê. We first give a fact which provides a setting for our main result. We restrict attention to the unit cube Q. Proposition 1. For each a > n — I + p, 0

0. Proof. Let C c [0, 1] be a Cantor set of less than/?, and let/, be the associated with C. Define/ on Q by f(xx, . . . , xn) = /,(*,)• Let S= C x [0, 1] x • • • x[0, 1].

n —1 copies It is a standard computation to show that H"(S) = 0 but that /x,(S) = 1. Our main result, Theorem 2, makes use of the Fédérer structure theorem for sets of finite Hausdorff n - 1 measure. It then uses the fact that a purely nonrectifiable set has integral geometric measure zero. A proof is given in [4, Theorems 6.9 and 6.11].

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Theorem 2. /// G £ and S is such that H"~X(S) < oo then fix(S) = • • • = lin(S) = 0. Proof. By the Fédérer structure theorem, [1, p. 297], S = Z \j A, where Z is purely nonrectifiable and A is countably rectifiable. By the above remark, Z has n — 1 dimensional integral geometric measure zero. By [1, p. 267], A = N \j ( U Bk), where A^ has Hausdorff n - 1 dimensional measure zero and each Bk lies on an n — 1 dimensional manifold of class Cx. Each Bk is the of countably many sets Dkm, (Bk = U T>km),such that, for each Dkm, there is an orthogonal coordinate system such that the set Dkm lies on the graph of a real function on each coordinate hyperplane in this system. However, as is shown in [2], each / G £ may be taken to be continuous on almost all Unes in every direction (i.e., there is a function of this sort equal almost everywhere to /). If vx, . . . , vn are the measures which are the directional derivatives of / in these coordinate directions it follows from the continuity of / on almost all the lines and the fact that D^ has at most one point on each line in this direction, that ^(Atm) = 0, i = 1, . . . , «. Then aA[Dkm)= 0. It follows that af(Bk) - 0, k - 1, 2,.... so that a/U Bk) = 0. By Lemma 1, aA[N) = aA\Z) = 0. It follows that afS) = 0. Then nx(S) = • • • = li„(S) = 0 and the theorem is proved.

References 1. H. Fédérer, , Springer, New York, 1969. 2. C. Goffman, A characterization of linearly continuous functions whose partial derivatives are measures, Acta Math. 117 (1967), 165-190. 3. C. Goffman and J. B. Serrin, Sublinear functions of measures and variational , Duke Math. J. 31 (1964),159-178. 4. E. J. Mickie, On a decomposition theorem of Fédérer, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 92 (1959), 322-335.

Department of Mathematics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 49707 Department of Mathematics, Academia Sínica, Nankang, Taipei, Taiwan

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