Measure and Integral

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Measure and Integral JUHA KINNUNEN Measure and Integral Department of Mathematics, Aalto University 2020 Contents 1 MEASURE THEORY1 1.1 Outer measures ............................... 1 1.2 Measurable sets ............................... 6 1.3 Measures ................................... 11 1.4 The distance function ............................ 17 1.5 Characterizations of measurable sets .................. 19 1.6 Metric outer measures ........................... 30 1.7 Lebesgue measure revisited ........................ 34 1.8 Invariance properties of the Lebesgue measure ............ 42 1.9 Lebesgue measurable sets ........................ 44 1.10 A nonmeasurable set ............................ 48 1.11 The Cantor set ................................ 52 2 MEASURABLE FUNCTIONS 55 2.1 Calculus with infinities ............................ 55 2.2 Measurable functions ............................ 56 2.3 Cantor-Lebesgue function ......................... 62 2.4 Lipschitz mappings on Rn ......................... 65 2.5 Limits of measurable functions ...................... 68 2.6 Almost everywhere ............................. 69 2.7 Approximation by simple functions .................... 71 2.8 Modes of convergence .......................... 74 2.9 Egoroff’s and Lusin’s theorems ...................... 79 3 INTEGRATION 85 3.1 Integral of a nonnegative simple function ............... 85 3.2 Integral of a nonnegative measurable function ............ 88 3.3 Monotone convergence theorem .................... 91 3.4 Fatou’s lemma ................................ 96 3.5 Integral of a signed function ........................ 96 3.6 Dominated convergence theorem ................... 100 3.7 Lebesgue integral .............................. 105 3.8 Cavalieri’s principle ............................. 116 CONTENTS ii 3.9 Lebesgue and Riemann .......................... 121 3.10 Fubini’s theorem ............................... 125 3.11 Fubini’s theorem for Lebesgue measure ................. 130 All sets can be measured by an outer measure, which is monotone and countably subadditive function. Most im- portant example is the Lebesgue outer measure, which generalizes the concept of volume to all sets. An outer measure has a proper measure theory on measurable sets. A set is Lebesgue measurable if it is almost a Borel set. Existence of a nonmeasurable set for the Lebesgue outer measure is shown by the axiom of choice. 1 Measure theory 1.1 Outer measures We begin with a general definition of outer measure Let X be a set and consider a mapping on the collection of subsets of X. Recall that if Ai X for i 1,2,..., ½ Æ then [1 Ai {x X : x Ai for some i} i 1 Æ 2 2 Æ and \1 Ai {x X : x Ai for every i}. i 1 Æ 2 2 Æ Moreover X \ A {x X : x A}. Æ 2 ∉ Definition 1.1. A mapping ¹¤ : {A : A X} [0, ] is an outer measure on X, if ½ ! 1 (1) ¹¤( ) 0, ; Æ (2) (monotonicity) ¹¤(A) ¹¤(B) whenever A B X and É ½ ½ ¡S ¢ P (3) (countable subadditivity) ¹¤ 1i 1 Ai 1i 1 ¹¤(Ai). Æ É Æ T HEMORAL : An outer measure is a countably subadditive set function. Countable subadditivity implies finite subdditivity, since we may add countably many empty sets. W ARNING : It may happen that the equality ¹¤(A B) ¹¤(A) ¹¤(B) fails [ Æ Å for A and B with A B . This means that an outer measure is not necessarily \ Æ; additive on pairwise disjoint sets. Observe that holds by subadditivity. É Example 1.2. Let X {1,2,3} and define ¹¤( ) 0, ¹¤(X) 2 and ¹¤(E) 1 for all Æ ; Æ Æ Æ other E X. Then ¹¤ is an outer measure on X. However, if A {1} and B {2}, ½ Æ Æ then ¹¤(A B) ¹¤({1,2}) 1 2 ¹¤(A) ¹¤(B). [ Æ Æ 6Æ Æ Å 1 CHAPTER 1. MEASURE THEORY 2 Figure 1.1: Countable subadditivity. Examples 1.3: (1) (The trivial measure) Let ¹¤(A) 0 for every A X. Then ¹¤ is an outer Æ ½ measure. The trivial measure is relatively useless, since all sets have measure zero. (2) (The discrete measure) Let 8 <1, A , ¹¤(A) 6Æ ; Æ :0, A . Æ; The discrete outer measure tells whether or not a set is empty. (3) (The Dirac measure) Let x0 X be a fixed point and let 2 8 <1, x0 A, ¹¤(A) 2 Æ :0, x0 A. ∉ This is called the Dirac outer measure at x0. The Dirac measure tells whether or not a set contains the point x0. (4) (The counting measure) Let ¹¤(A) be the (possibly infinite) number of points in A. The counting outer measure tells the number of points of a set. (5) (The Lebesgue measure) Let X Rn and consider the n-dimensional inter- Æ val n I {x R : ai xi bi, i 1,..., n} [a1, b1] ... [an, bn] Æ 2 É É Æ Æ £ £ CHAPTER 1. MEASURE THEORY 3 with sides parallel to the coordinate axes. We allow intervals to be degen- erate, that is, bi ai for some i. The geometric volume of I is Æ vol(I) (b1 a1)(b2 a2) (bn an). Æ ¡ ¡ ¢¢¢ ¡ The Lebesgue outer measure of a set A Rn is defined as ½ ( ) X1 [1 m¤(A) inf vol(Ii) : A Ii , Æ i 1 ½ i 1 Æ Æ where the infimum is taken over all coverings of A by countably many intervals Ii, i 1,2,.... Observe that this includes coverings with a finite Æ number of intervals, since we may add countably many intervals Ii {xi} Æ containing only one point with vol(Ii) 0. The Lebesgue outer measure is Æ nonnegative but may be infinite, so that 0 m¤(A) . By the definition É É 1 of infimum, for every " 0, there are intervals Ii, i 1,2,..., such that S È Æ A 1i 1 Ii and ½ Æ X1 m¤(A) vol(Ii) m¤(A) ". É i 1 Ç Å Æ T HEMORAL : The Lebesgue outer measure of a set is the infimum of sums of volumes of countably many intervals that cover the set. We shall discuss more about the Lebesgue outer measure later, but it generalizes the notion of n-dimensional volume to arbitrary subsets of Rn. Figure 1.2: Covering by intervals. CHAPTER 1. MEASURE THEORY 4 Claim: m¤ is an outer measure Reason. (1) Let " 0. Since [ "1/n/2,"1/n/2]n, we have È ; ½ ¡ 1/n 1/n n 1/n n 0 m¤( ) vol([ " /2," /2] ) (2" /2) ". É ; É ¡ Æ Æ By letting " 0, we conclude m¤( ) 0. We could also cover by the ! ; Æ ; n degenerate interval [x1, x1] [xn, xn] for any x (x1,..., xn) R and £ ¢¢¢ £ Æ 2 conclude the claim from this. (2) Let A B. We may assume that m¤(B) , for otherwise m¤(A) ½ Ç 1 É m¤(B) and there is nothing to prove. For every " 0 there are intervals Æ 1 S È Ii, i 1,2,..., such that B 1i 1 Ii and Æ ½ Æ X1 vol(Ii) m¤(B) ". i 1 Ç Å Æ S Since A B 1i 1 Ii, we have ½ ½ Æ X1 m¤(A) vol(Ii) m¤(B) ". É i 1 Ç Å Æ By letting " 0, we conclude m¤(A) m¤(B). ! É (3) We may assume that m¤(Ai) for every i 1,2,..., for otherwise Ç 1 Æ there is nothing to prove. Let " 0. For every i 1,2,... there are intervals ÈS Æ I j,i, j 1,2,..., such that Ai 1j 1 I j,i and Æ ½ Æ " X1 vol(I ) m (A ) . j,i ¤ i i j 1 Ç Å 2 Æ S S S S Then 1i 1 Ai 1i 1 1j 1 I j,i 1i, j 1 I j,i and Æ ½ Æ Æ Æ Æ Ã ! [1 X1 X1 X1 m¤ Ai vol(I j,i) vol(I j,i) i 1 É i, j 1 Æ i 1 j 1 Æ Æ Æ Æ µ " ¶ X1 m (A ) X1 m (A ) . ¤ i i ¤ i " É i 1 Å 2 Æ i 1 Å Æ Æ The claim follows by letting " 0. ! ■ (6) (The Hausdorff measure) Let X Rn, 0 s and 0 ± . Define Æ Ç Ç 1 Ç É 1 ( ) s X1 s : [1 H± (A) inf (diam(Bi)) A Bi, diam(Bi) ± Æ i 1 ½ i 1 É Æ Æ and s s s H (A) lim H± (A) supH± (A). Æ ± 0 Æ ± 0 ! È We call H s the s-dimensional Hausdorff outer measure on Rn. This gen- eralizes the notion of s-dimensional measure to arbitrary subsets of Rn. CHAPTER 1. MEASURE THEORY 5 See Remark 1.23 for the definition of the diameter of a set. We refer to [2, Section 3.8], [4, Chapter 2], [8, Chapter 19], [11, Chapter 7] and [16, Chapter 7] for more. Observe that, for every ± 0, an arbitrary set A Rn can be covered by È ½ B(x, ± ) with x A, that is, 2 2 ½ µ ± ¶ ¾ A [ B x, : x A , ½ 2 2 where B(x, r) {y Rn : y x r} denotes an open ball of radius r 0 Æ 2 j ¡ j Ç È and center x. By Lindelöf’s theorem every open covering in Rn has a countable subcovering. This implies that there exist countably many ± S balls Bi B(xi, 2 ), i 1,2,..., such that A 1i 1 Bi. Moreover, we have Æ Æ ½ Æ diam(Bi) ± for every i 1,2,.... This shows that the coverings in the É Æ definition of the Hausdorff outer measure exist. (7) Let F be a collection of subsets of X such that F and there exist ; 2 S : Ai F , i 1,2,..., such that X 1i 1 Ai. Let ½ F [0, ] be any 2 Æ Æ Æ ! 1 function for which ½( ) 0. Then ¹¤ : P (X) [0, ], ; Æ ! 1 ( ) X1 [1 ¹¤(A) inf ½(Ai) : Ai F , A Ai Æ i 1 2 ½ i 1 Æ Æ is an outer measure on X. Moreover, if ½ is monotone and countably subadditive on F , then ¹¤ ½ on F (exercise).
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