Curriculum Guides; *Discuss
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 054 988 SO 001 273 TITLE United States History. Part 3. Grade 10. INSTITUTION Oklahoma City Public School System, Okla.a PUB DATE 70 NOTE 195p. EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$6.58 DESCRIPTORS Creative Dramatics; Creative Writing; Curriculum Guides; *Discussion (Teaching Technique); Grade 10; *Inquiry Training; Music Appreciation; *Problem Solving; *Role Playing; Secondary Grades; Social Action; Social Change; Social Problems; Social Studies Units; Teaching Guides; Time Perspective; *United States History IDENTIFIERS *Historical Methods ABSTRACT This third semester teaching guide for a United States history course for grades 9 and 10 begins with acontinuation of the issue of social change and stability covered inthe second semester, SO 001 272. The inquiry extends into thesocial movements of the twentieth century, beginning with the ProgressiveMovement. The overall objectives of the course are describedin the guides for both the first and second semesters, SO 001 271 and SO 001272. Specific questions or topics are included for class discussion, guest speakers, student reporting, role playing, demonstration,creative dramatics, creative writing, display making, and musicappreciation. The content of these 31 lessons, learning activities,texts, and other resources are outlined in detail.(SHE) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION rl-ns DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO- DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIG- INATING IT. POINTS OF VIEW OR OPIN- IONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDU- CATION POSITION OR POLICY. 'I.JNITEir STATES part 3 grade 10 OKLAHOMA CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS. .1910 U. S. HISTORY III Part IIT AN INQUIRY INTO UNITED STATES HISTORY In the second and third semesters of United States history, students inquire into issues and problems facing Americans today; they inquire into the ways history explains or influences the present.
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