Elite Migration and Urban Growth: the Rise of Wilkes-Barre in the Northern Anthracite Region, 1820-1880
EdwardJ. Davies II UNIVERSITY OF UTAH ELITE MIGRATION AND URBAN GROWTH: THE RISE OF WILKES-BARRE IN THE NORTHERN ANTHRACITE REGION, 1820-1880 HISTORIANS HAVE recently begun to devote considerable at- tention to the study of urban elites. In particular, these scholars have examined elites during the rapid economic growth of early industrial America, and have attempted to gauge the im- pact of these economic changes on their character. For the most part, the upper class has been studied as an indicator of the fluidity in urban society. The upper class provides an effective means to investigate this issue both because of the elite's visibility and the high socio-economic status of its members in local society. Accordingly, historians have studied the ethnic composition of the elite as well as the class origins of urban leaders to determine to what degree birth or talent has influenced access to a city's upper class.' 1. Richard S. Alcorn, "Leadership and Stability in Mid-Nineteenth Century America: A Case Study of an Illinois Town," Journal of American History, 61 (1974): 685-702; E. Digby Baltzell, Philadelphia Gentlemen (Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1971); Stuart Blumin, "The Historical Study of Vertical Mobility," Historical Methods Newsletter, 1 (1968): 1-13; Gunther Barth, "Metropolitanism and Urban Elites in the Far West," in The Age of Industrialism in America, ed. Frederic C. Jahner (New York: The Free Press, 1968), pp. 158-87, Clyde and Sally Griffen, Natises and Newcomers: the Ordering of Opportunity in Mid-Nineteenth Century Poughkeepsie (Cambridge, Massa- chusetts: Harvard University Press, 1978), see Chapter 4, "Men at the Top."; Herbert Gutman, "The Reality of Rags to Riches Myth," in Nineteenth Century Cities, eds.
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