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Court to Weigh Bias 111 North

Court to Weigh Bias 111 North

Average Daily Net Frees Run The Weather ^ For The Week Ended Pair tonight with temperature Januaiy IS, 1912 moderating through tomorrow; tonight's low near 20—Tuesday’s high about 40. Outlook for 15,600 Wednesday . . . fair and milder. MancheHer— A City of Village Charm

VOL. XCI, NO. 90 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 17, 1972 (Classified Advertising on Page 21) PRICE FIFTEEN CTJNTS Missile War Court To Weigh I Livens Skies & Bias 111 North WASHINGTON (AP) — The de facto, or neighborhood The school board adopted a Along Border Supreme Court, for the first school, segregation of some desegregation plan fk>r several time, agreed today to hear ar­ Northem cities because they schools in northeast in­ -V r guments on claims of segrega­ claimed it was brought about volving busing. Subsequently tion in a Northem public school by the acts of school officials. Denyer voters turned out the By GEORGE ESPER system. The suit claims that the ( Writer) old school board and elected a The case, accepted for re­ school authorities deliberately new one which rescinded the SAIGON (A P )—^American fighter planes OKchanged view, is from Denver where a perpetuated a segregated plan. nussiles with North Vietnamese antiaircraft defenses group of black and Spanish-sur- school system through their The U.S. District Court In a lo ^ the Laotian .border today and Sunday and were named school children contend choice of school building sites .X ■ Denver ruled that the new believed to have destroyed two of them, the IJ.S. (Com­ they were segregated by school and structuring of attendance mand announced. It said the American planes were not board planning and policy rath­ zones. (See Page Seven) hit. — —------er than by seg;regation laws. up Uiero,” said « ie U.S. officer, The court will hold an oral referring to the corridor along hearing sometime later this the border between Laos and term and issue a ruling by the North Vietnam vdiere Ameri­ end of June. The case was tak­ can bombers are pounding the Dockers en on without comment except Ho Q ii Mlnh trail network. “ It for the notaticm that Justice By­ Muskie’s Support is one of the heaviest days ron R. White would not partici­ since the beginning of the dry pate. The reason for the self­ season." Resume disqualification was not given, North Vietnamese missile although White is from Colora­ Of War Attacked batteries near the Ban Karki do. He has supported all civil rights advances by the high pass unleashed three surface- By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS to-air missiles—SAME—at U.S. Strike court. planes operating in the region The eight remaining justices FRANCISCO Former Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy, who unsuccess­ W to 46 miles north of the . including the new men, Lewis Longshoremen resumed fully sought the Democratic presidential nomination as demilitarized none and threat F. Powell Jr., and William- H. strike at 24 West Coast ports to­ a peace candidate in 1968, has taken a jab at Sen. Ed­ ened others. U.S. fighters es Rehnqulst, 'will participate. day after negotiator^ failed to In other actions today, the mund S. Muskie for the Maine senator’s past support m C f s ^ch aserntmenr court: of the . —Agreed to decide whether McCarthy said Sunday there Is no “very significant differ­ one airtlaircraft artiUeor rator "ST property owners who claim ence” on the war issue be­ were believed destroyed. Lu ^ * their homes were damaged by This brought the total of so- ^ sonic booms may sue the Air tween four of his current oppo­ called protecUve reacU^ ^ Force. nents for the nomination; Mus­ kie, Mayor John 'V. Lindsay of strikes into North Vietnam —Swept aside a “ procedural 10 this veai- to Beach harborsT after ^ an T 8 a.m. technicality” that stood in the New York and Sens. George On ,k.. Tra (PST) deadline expired. way of a former Pullman ’ por­ McGovern of South Dakota and ter who had been stymied in a Hubert .H. Humfrfirey Of Afinne- government-aided suit to be sota.. MHNHNMHMMMMHMW men’s and Warehousemen’s Un­ paid as a conductor. Then, without menUoning any ion, emerged from bargaining While the Supreme Court has names, McCarthy added: “'To Trail sessions that had run through ruled that segregation laws in say that you really ougdit to be the night to announce; Southern and border states are for me because I admit that I Pounded ‘"ihe strike officiaUy re­ unconstitutional, it has not was wrong on the war in ’68 is sumed at 8 a.m. this morning, reached the issue of school seg­ to ask people to credit you with although we exerted aU efforts regation in states which had no rather bad judgment.” MIGs nearly 200 miles farther we could at this time to try to such laws. Muskie, who generally sup- north, near the Barthelemy settle it." The court has acted in North­ ported the Johnson ad­ pass and east of the Plain of Bridges said the talks had em and Western school cases ministration’s war xx>Ucles Jars in northem Laos. One. been broken off but would be before, but it has never held while the Democratic vice MIG crossed the border and resumed later. He did not say Chinese Motif hearing in disputes from out­ presidential nominee in 1968, tried to intercept an American when that might be. Mrs,. I;Iixpn. models a red and ffreen silk prsranza evening go\i^ in (Chinese side the SouUi and never issued brushed McCarthy’s commmts flight, but the American Phan- Pickets appeared almost sl- full-blown opinions dealing with aside. |om Jets f i : ^ half a dozen mis- multaneously shortly after 8 mooil creit^ by Donald Brooks. The gown, wth satin stripe overlay, is ac­ claims of segregatim in North­ “ I said that I was wrong on sties, and it fled back into a.m. at piers on the San Fran- cented by long draping sleeves- and obi-like sashed waist. (AP photo) em and Western schools. the ’war,” the Maine senator North Vietnam unhurt. cisco waterfront after the chief In a Northem case today, the said. “ I haven’t said that was PaiaUeUng the intensified air dispatcher at ILWU Local 10 court, by an 8 to 1 vote, af­ the reason why people should action was a Communist “ high told some 300 men in a hiring firmed a lower court decislcm support me .... That Is not Angeles that he believed the point" of ground activity In hall to resume picketing “ and dismissing a claim that New my argument for my Candida- natim was “ not quite ready to South Vietnam, which began a tie it up." Jersey’s school system is un­ cy. It is ,an explanation of a elect” a black man to the No. 2 week ago. About the time, John Pan- Mujibur Turns Down constitutional because some past pcaition.” spot. He has said he would The South Vietnamese com- dora, head of the big 2,800- school districts have a hlg^ McCarthy, who sought the work to change that sltuatiMj. mand reported 20 small-scale member BLWU local in Los An- percentage of minority group DemocraUc presldenUal nomi- CBS said a survey by its enemy ground assaults, rocket, geles and Long was saying: students. naUon in 1968, appeared on the news department indicated mortar, sapper and terror at- “as far as we’re concerned, the Link With Pakistan With JusUce WUliam O. CBS radio-television program Muskie Would have 1,199 drie- tacks, most of them in the cen- strike is on. We’re dispatching Douglas dissenting, the' court “ Face ,” vriille Mus- gate votes for the presldenUal trai and northem provinces of pickets now.’’ By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ’The broadcast also said scribed West P^ikistani troops upheld a three-judge district kie appeared later' in the day nomination on the first ballot at South Vietnam. This raised the jThe Nixon administration has Bhutto had told Mujib on Jan. as “merciless." ' court which threw out a com­ on NBC’s “ .” the DemocraUc National Cmi- total of such attacks to 190 in warned it would ask Congress President Zulfikar All Bhutto plaint that alleged the school 7, the day before he released Inte^ew ed in Dacca Sunday In Philadelphia, Humphrey venUon, The tally would be the past seven days. to intervene and direct a settle- offered, the top job in Pakistan him from imprismunent that by for British tele­ system violated the equal pro­ said he would accept a black only 310 votes short of victory, Tlie U.S. Command reported ment of any renewal of. the to Sheik Mujibur Rahman to­ tection clause of the 14th in November “ if the would “gladly step atdde" if vision, Mujib said former Pres­ The naUonal survey showed that one American was killed walkout that shut ports for 100 day if he would bring Bangla­ Amendment because the my party nominated him.” __ . ___ , „ , ... he was considered an obstacle ident Agha Mohammed Yahya i. j Humphrey follcwed with 311 when enemy ground fire hit a days last year, desh back to the fold. schools of New Jersey were ra­ The senator made o ' ___ nr t i. _ to “ the (Hieness of Pakistan.” Khan “ killed three million of light observation helicopter Despite the silence of the ne- Bhutto offered Mujib “ presi­ cially imbalanced. the statement Saturdav in res- Sen. Henry M. JacksMi But Mujib who returned to my people—children, women, me statement Saturday to tm - Washington, 198 votes; supportlng South Vietnamese goUators, John Pahdora, head dent, prime minister or udiat- Attorneys for the state said Dacca last Monday, told his peasant, workers and stu­ ^ e to a newsmans quesUon McGovern, 164; Rep. Wilbur D operations 17 miles southwest of the giant 2,800-member ever he wants,” one day aft­ New Jersey maintained racially dents” —and burned and looted before he and his v ^ e M u i^ Mills of A r k ^ a s , 38; Gov. of Da Nang, Nine more Ameri- i l WU local In Los Ang(eles and er the Bangletoesh lesider ac­ neutral schools and any racial attended a party -with about 200 29,000 to 30,000 houses. It was cns were wounded and three u m g Beach, said “as far as cused West Pakistani troops of imbalance was the result of black co m n Z ity leaders. ^ ^ slaiightering .three million the “ greatest _ massacre' cf housing patterns and not of ra­ Some months ago, Muskie 28; McCarthy, 13; vehicles were destroyed or da- ,^e’re concerned, the strike Is New Ties people in history'" he declared. maged by mines on Highway 16 people during his country’s cial discrimination. caused a stir by saying to Los (See Page Nine) fight for independence. Rejected "Daughters were raped in The Supreme Court also is al­ Radio Pakistan said Bhutto front of their fathers and moth­ most certain to become en­ wounded when a Vietnamese " ‘T ’ ’ had previously told Mujib the ers, and mothers were raped in tangled in another major school youth hurled a hand grenade V*® only condition he would set to front of their sons,” he said. “ I case boiling over presently at into a truck in Ban Me ’Ihuot, ^ Francisco turning over the government to countrymen there can be no cannot stop my tears when I the district court level in Rich­ in the central h l^ a n d s, Sunday night before returning him would be that Mujib agree furUier link with West Paki­ think of it.” mond, Va. U.S. B62 bombers flew their ^ Beach, to maintain ttie integrity of stan. He repeated the state­ Mujib called on the United U.S. District Court Judge heaviest raids in the central There was no sign of strike Pakistan. ment after Bhutto told report­ Nations to try Yahya Khan and Robert R. Merhlge has ordered highlands in a month, and the activity at San Francisco Bay “ The president said this is a ers last week that more talks his associates “ the ' way the the merger of three Richmcmd- region’s South Vietnamese com- piers. In the nearby union hail, sincere offer . . . in the hope between the men are planned German/ fascist war criminals area public school districts into mander warned of a Commun- about 300 members of the Inter- that it will be accepted in the and that the sheik has not said were tried . . . ' a single desegregated system “ the last word." ist buildup in the coast low- national Longshoremen’s and same spirit in which it was is­ “This was genocide of my which would cross county lines. sued," the radio said,, quoting a Mujib, who is now prime The Denver pupils said their (See Page Four) (See Page El^t) speerii of Bhutto at Quetta. minister of Bangladesh, de­ (Bee Page Seven) complaint goes even beyond the

When Will the Stampede Be Stemmed? Runaway Costs Countrywide

(Editor’s note: Every month year, the year after and the other states has been to either very high,” said Robert C. Pennsylvania’s 600-per-cent in­ the cost of welfare to this coun­ year after that, and on Into the cut benefits or the rolls. Mann, an legislator. crease from $180 million to $1.1 try rises another $2.4 million. It future as far as we can see,” a “ The cost and the size o t wel­ “People just don’t want to billion. But 26 states have felt has been going up for 10 years, fact not lost on taxpayers al­ fare have eroded confidence in know the facts about the lack pinched enough this year to try with lltUe or no sign that it’s ready antpry and resentful at the system and created con­ of job opportunities and day to chop rolls, benefits, or both. going to stop. The following re­ swollen welfeus costs. sternation and doubt among the care and the shortcomings of Kansas is a king cutter "with port, first of a series of five by Evidence of widespread un­ iPeople as to the worth and va­ the educational system that Its 20-per-cent benefit slash for the A P , Special Assignment rest among taxpayers is seen in lidity of public assistance,” produce dependency. It reflects welfare families. Yet the state, Team, examines the welfare efforts by all levels of govern­ says George K. Wyman, New the people’s natural readiness like at leeust 13 others, is spend­ crisis; its causes, its effects ment to reduce the costs of wel­ York’s 'welfare director. to blame the poor for high ing an equal or smaller per­ and its alternaUves.) fare. President Nixon has pro­ Others, however, believe pub­ taxes.” / centage of its total budget on posed a total reorganization ot lic anger transcends the tax is­ relief today than 10 years ago. By G. O. THEI.EN Jr. the system based on a guaran­ sue. One of them is Nlchcdas The explanation? 'While wel­ teed annual income. His plan Kisburg, a ’Teamsterd Union ot~ WASHINGTON (AP) — De- fare costs are indeed up in the set off howls of from flclal in New Ifork City. ■ q;>lte desperate attempts by Child Aid 14 states, they have not In­ liberals and conservatives “ One' reason why blue-collar tinif the states to rein in runa­ creased as much as other out­ alike, with one side saying it guys hate welfare so much Is way relief costs, the welfare Mothers with dependent chil­ lays, notably money for educa­ would cut benefits for the poor, that they feet, psychologically, stampede is thundering into a dren msdte up the bulk of wel­ tion. ’The 13 in addltl

\ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 17,1972 PAGE FIV E PAGE FOUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MAI^TCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, JAN U AR Y 17, 1972 Coveniry not deemed public records, and Andover which do not have to be includ­ Search Begins in Italy Leu Benjamin ed in tile minutes nor discolsed to the public. E!very exception Chairman for •EVERY SITE G irl Scout deals with matters of policy and For 33rd Post-War Premier law, deallngrs with personnel, By PATRICK O’KKBFK coalition partner, the Socialists, Charity Ball Anderson-L/ttle G>okie Sale either in personal, medical, fi­ ROME (AP) — President in the presidential election lost nancial, trade secret, invest!-' Giovanni Lewie met today with month. Leonard Benjamin, Northfleld gatory, or other type of informa­ two former presidents and the When the Oirlstian IDemw Rd., has been, named general Under W ay tion, the disclosure of which heads of both bouses of parlla- crats for the first time insisted chairman of Coventry’s seventh would constitute an Invasion of ment ps he'-began his search on having the presidency as Aiuuial Charity Ball, scheduled It's annual Oirl Scout cookie p riva cy. for a premier to head Italy’s weU as the dominant position in for the spring of this year. sale time ih Andover, accord­ The last reference In Mrs. 88rd postwar government. the government, the SoelalisU in connection with the bail, Benjamin is urging; ail town- ing to lira. Peggy Yeomans, Munson’s letter states that all A long crisis was expected, went back to their old voting based organisations triio would meetings must be open to the but it appeared likely Leone ul- finance' with the Communists, troop coordinator. like to be considered as pos­ public, including executive ses­ tlmately would ask EmlUo Co- Afterward, both Communists The sale, which started Sat­ sible beneficiaries of this year’s sions unless voted closed by 'a lombo to return to the premleiv and Socialists attacked ■ urday, will continue through majority of the commission. All event to come forward. The Jan.. 29, with delivery of the ship he resigned Saturday and victory as a swing to the rl^ t steering committee would like - votes taken by comihission must put together another center-left and charged that neo-Fasrist cookies ' scheduled for Feb. 28 be reduced to writing, whether to maJto it clear, he said, that through March 21. “ votes had put him over the in executive session or not, and “any charitable, educational, Mrs. Yeomans said there will included in minutes which must The tiny Republican party, mark, athletic or other worthy endeav­ be flve kinds of cookies avail­ whose defectiwi caused .the K Leone is unable to K®* ^ be available to the public at all or will be considered.’’ able which are made especially reasonable times. crisis, said it would join the government formed, he will AU aigrUcations, in letter form for the Girl Scouts and sell for coalition again if strwiger have to dissolve Parliament including the purpose,and need League o f 'Women 'Voters |1 per box. measures wore enacted to treat and call new qlectloM a yoM of the group and a eppy of by­ Last week’s board meeting of Profits from the sale are used socl^ and economic ills. The earlier than schedi^. Oiyr laws if possible, .will be wel­ the League 'of Women Voters mainly for camp improve­ Socialists probably will want the neo-Fasclsts, mMo com ed. welcomed three new additions ments. From the total pitrfit of more power In the next cabinet sweeping gains in « g l ^ elec- This information Should be to the executive board. 68^'.' cents i>er box, the local sent to the Coventry'Annual Included on the board now as their price. U®"® last June, are likely to scouts contribute 48^ cents to CSiarity BaU Steering Commit- are Mrs. Sue Joranson, Mrs. If Leone finds It impossible to benefit. tee, Inc., Box 6, Coventry. the Connecticut Trails Council • relaunch the center-left, he prob- Meanudille, all parties are Louise Gagne, udio has been Over the past six years, the for ' major improvements and ably will name someone to put squabbling bitterly over how to as circulation editor, b a ll has raised o v e r flS.OOO to r other expenses. The remainlrg: ^ together an ill Christian Demo- revive the slumping national and Mrs. Lisa Hall, who this worthy projects in Ooven^. 10 cents is kept by the local crat minority government, economy and reduce unemploy- troop for its own use. month joined the loc8d League Last year’s beneflciarieB were Leone headed two such caretak- ment. They are also debating Mrs. Yeomans as town chair-. organizatlM, Other members the I^blic Health Nurses As­ er governments himself. whether there tiiould be a refe- mah of the drive will be assist­ new to the League are Mrs. sociation, the Student Loan Leone’s visitors at the Qulrln- rendum on the year-old divorce ed by Mrs. Joseph Tremano. Janice Ubby of Lakeside Dr., Fund, Inter-Church HoUday MrsJ Yeomans said anyone who Mrs. Margaret Bunu of Long al Palace were led by former, law. Committee and Coventry FISH. is nU^%»ntacte4 by the Scouts Mrs. Kit Bourn of Presidents Giovanni Gronchl ■ Special grants went also to the may contact her to place orders School Rd. > and Giuseppe Scuagat. Then ‘ Beautification . Oommittee and for cookies. The board accepted with re- came Amintore Fanfani, presi­ the Boosters Club. Inveritlture C erem on y gret the resignation of Mrs. dent of the Senate, and Sandro WANTED Benjamin, who is also chalr- Mrs. Marge Campbell, Scout a long tlmhe member of the An- Pertlnl, president of the Cham­ ; man of the Republican Town Gean, Late Modd Committee, his own In­ leader of Troop S288, sixth dover League and one oi its ber of Deputies. oponXea surance agency in Coventry. grade juniors, said tonight's staunchest supporters. A vaca- Naw Pastors Questioned Before Installation In subsequent days, Leone FTA Drug Program meeting at 7 p.m. wUl be given ncy now exists for the poet of -wUl m eet w ith lea d ers o f a ll USED CARS Before the Rev. Winthrop Nelson, center, and the I The Robertson School PTA over to an Investiture and Re- election laws chairman and the Christ, at a convening of an ecclesiastical council of political parties, from the neo- Top Prices Paid Rev. Ljrman G. Farrar, rigrht were installed as the Hartford East Association to examine the , WiU begin Its new year’s activ­ dedication ceremony. board is looking for someone to Fasclsts to the Communists. For All MakesI REDUCTIONS TO ities tomorrow night at 8 with a Mrs. Campbell said that one serve in this capacity, co-pastors of Center Congregational Church last credentials of the co-pastors. Later, House and Althouck the crisis was pre­ program on drug and narcotic of the unique features of to- League President Mrs. Mary n is ^ i they were questioned by Louis 0. House III, Samuel Pond, registrar of the Hartford East A s­ cipitated by the Republican pull­ CARTER CHEVROLET addlctlaa. night’s program is that two new McNamara Informed tlve board moderator of the Hartford East Association of the sociation, ofHciated at the Rite of Installation. out from Colombo’s 17-month- C O .. IN C. Using a panel dlacussitei for- ON SEX^BCTED GROUPS OF CLOTHING girls will be invested udio have of this year’s national conven­ Connecticut Conference of . The United Church of (Herald photo by Pinto) old cabinet, it stems from a ; mat, the Ufa of the addict wlU not previously been Girl Scouts. tion details. The convention this 1229 Main St. ' split between ths Christian be examined from three differ­ They are Heidi Anderson, year is scheduled to be held in hofit families. Applications are the comm.and said the sappers Democrats and tiieir major Phone 649-5238 ent viewpoints; a mother’s, an ot Wheeling Rd. and Unda Tlb- Atlanta, Georgia. She said the ToUand County a va ila b le a t the County Ebcten- left behind 11 pounds of liNT ex-addict’s, and a poUceman’s. bets, of Rose Lane. minimum cost of sending a dele- Missile W ar sloa Office. ajid four blasting' caps. The program la entitled “The MEN’S & BOYS' gats would be |800 and that this Another unusai feature of to­ Sewing Topic Sheep C are Dzu said two North Vietnam­ / Junkie, lUs Home and Street amountiunuuili wasW09 UVI.not availableavcuMwio in the wiw * night’s program, according to r r % A ^ A series four meetings will Livens Skies ese regiments known to be in U fe .’ ’ B y em p lc^ln g this {ap­ DACRON«/COTTON club’s treasury. It was decided ( j l i rO jSJTaill Mrs. Can^bell, wlU be the in­ TAC< be held at the Ratcllffe Hicks Binh Dinh have been reinforced to send no delegate this year ~ proach, it is expected tiiat tiie vestiture of Rham senior Miss BiiUding, the University Cpn- by a third,) the 21st Regiment of and to aim. for representation tq>ecial program Over Border audience wlU get a unique and ALL WEATHER Katherine Peterson of Lake Rd. for the nectlcut starting. Jan. 21 and the 2nd Dl-visiim that normally ft • . ft ^ ■ progressive developmental pic­ SINGLE & DOUBLE BREASTED as a trocp committee member. ^ c « v ^ ^ . TOe sewer has been planned will concern the care of itiieep. (Continued from Page One)' operates south ot D a N an g tu re ot the drug-dependent per- Troop committee members are thA atntA lenmiA whiph will send tomoiTOw at the ToUand 1-H sheep .club members, along the northern coastal low­ aonahty, through showing some COATS ALL WOOL WORSTED usually selected lands as well ns in thS hlgh- lands. * delegate to reWeeent Andover county Agitculturnl CenUr, Bt. tnMUnM” TOe'dAeB’^ fa c to rs ot home baokiground with zip-in pile liner members of However, most of the activity n t« , e « t to the loea p te *. » , v.nnnn l » e Homo Beontr S S * m ™ t n ^ . 2 "FUt, WAR leading to the development of however, special permission was "Fifteen B52s dropped 460 tons in Binh Dinh to date has been the addictive personaUty. School Begionalifation received from the^ Council for mist from the Pellon'Oorp. will April 7 and 11. All will bombs on suspected North small-scale attacks, apparently The Nition is engaged in the an­ The mother on the panel now MEN’S SUITS The board also discussed the Mias Peteraon’s ajpolntment. preset a program from 1 to 8 Vietnamese, troop locations.. carried out by guerrtUa forces has a 22-yearK>ld son in Percep­ issue of school reglonalisation. nual battle against respiratory in­ a« low as Rededlcated this evening with p.m. and wlU repeat it in the at 7:80 p.m bunkers and storage areas west rather than by North Vietnam- tion House In WlUlmantic, a new­ It was agreed by board mem­ evening from 7:80 to 9:80. as low as the other Scouts will be Miss Topics to be discussed will in- northwest of Kontum city ese regulars. fections. Here's how yob may ly formed treatment center tor bers that the public laearing in ’Ihe program wiU include def­ Pat Campbell, udio w ill receive elude: lambing equipment, fa- near the Cambodian border and ' ------es(»pe be(»ming a casualty in addicts. Mike, the mc-addlct on Andover left many unanswered initions of various sewing con­ ciliUes, care of the pregnant southeastward along the bender the panel, has been a counselor her leader pin, and Pat’s moth­ questions and that a more in­ struction, -various types of fab­ the "” . 1 9 ® 5 ewe, lamUng problems and Dinh province., Rham District at Valjance House In Norwich er, Scout Leader Mrs. Marge formational meeting was in or­ rics' and discussion ot their prop­ care of the new bom lamb. Lt. Gen. Ngo Dzu, comman­ for the past yiear. He has given 2 9 9 5 Campbell, who is back as a der. The board now has such erties and correct usage and der of the 2nd Military Region, Fortify your system against infection by getting suf­ troop leader after an absence meeting in the planning stages guiddines for selecting fabrics, R^ionalization lecturee on tiie suhjeot ot ad d ic­ BOYS’ told newsmen that the most im­ ficient rest, eating nourishing foods and supplement­ of more tiian five years. In addition there will be model tion throughout the state for the pending further arrangements. ’ ' mediate threat of an enemy of­ as low as Town Clerii Notes Mrs. Nancy Parker, chairman garments ranging irem sport Supreme Court Heads Agenda ing your diet with vitamins. past IS months. fensive is in Binh Dinh; where Mrs. Ruth Munson, town of tivB . school survey program clothes to evening wear, illus­ Also partielpcdiiig wiU be U.S. and South Vietnamese ef­ clerk, said that let^n have being undertaken by the local trating both simple to sew and Asked to Allow Of School Board Drott idiisibty ^nd warmly and always put on a coat Coventry Pcriice Chief Robert forts to -establish effective go- 1 4 9 5 been seht to all' chairmen of league as their local study Item, tailored outfits. There wlU also yrhen going outdoors: if only for a minute. Bjellqulst, who .has in the past 'vernmenf conlrei over the pro- The Regional-- District 8 town boards and commissions said that further acUwi of the be samples of constructlmi de­ Sonic-Boom Suits several menths made pubUc his 'vince have failed. school board w ill heair a report stating that the chairman and committee will await the out­ tails. Avoid exposure to Jnfection. In so far as possible stay attitudes about the problem of “They,already have a buildup and conduct a discussion on the secretary of each boariji must come of the reglonalisation Is­ The program is cqMnsored by WASHHfOp^ (AP) The away from people who have colds. drugs and addlotlan. in B|iih. .pin h ,’ ’ said Dzu. 'The subject of total school regional- MEN’S & BOYS’ by Jan. 81 of each year file with sue, scheduled for referiendum the ToUand County Extension Supreme Court agreed' today to Slide Preeentatton problem Is now through Tet,’’ ization at tonight’s meeting The Beautification Clommit- the town clerk the schedule of on Feb. 29. Service and the pubUc is Invlt- decide whether property own- Bo prepared to treat a cold at the first warning s p p - PERMANENT PRESS the festival of the lunar new- scheduled for 7:80 at the school regular meetings for the ensu­ BoUelin Board ed at 'ho charge. tom.' if a cold hangs on or is accompanied by chills tee la having a sUde show era who claim their homes year which beghis Feb. 16. lib ra ry . in g year. Tonight’s meetings include , a .Summer Emplojrment and fever, see your doctor promptly. Thursday night at 8 at the Mrs. Munson in her letters to Grange No. 76 meeting at the Students at the Univeialtv of by sonic booms U.S. officials say the biggest Presenting the report wlU be Town HaU to Which aU resi­ DRESS OR the______boards informs them that if old town hall on Rt. 6 _at 8 p.m.. _ Ccnnectlcut or att^- Force. enemy buildup—and tile board member Everett Jewett. dents are Invited, 'ihe program the Jan. 81 deiiditoeirilot meT Scout Troop SSSs'lhvestitu^-e Ing any other coUege in the lb® accepted tor review H*®U®st place tor mother Tet He Is^c^m an of the Tempo- wUl show bow Covent^ looks MEN’S & BOYS’ IB noc met, ^ Rededlcatlon program at 7 state may be eligible for sum- members of a Nash- offenslve-ls on the central rary Re.^lonal Study Committee no meeting can be held until 80 now and how It could look in SPORT SHIRTS days after a schedule is filed. p.m. at the home of Mre. Marge mer employment at the 4-H '^®> N.C., famUy who say son- plateau along South Vietnam’s which, under guidelines set the future, in addition to giving MEN’S BOYS Campb»BU, Rt. 87. club offlre in Vernon. booms from mlUtary planes border with northeastern Cam- down by PubUc Act 698, studied local residents an idea of uhat Mrs. Munson notes that any OUTERWEAR The Board of Selectmen vidU Work-Study is a federaUy caused masonry cracks and bodla and southern Laos. They the feasibility of regionalization the committee is trying to do as low as as low as commission desiring to iib m a 455 HARTFORD RD. MANCHESTER meet at 7:g0 p.m. at the town sponsored student extension ®‘**®*' damage to their home. estimate that 16,000 North Viet- for Grades K-12 and recom- and vd ia t som e o f its go a ls fure. qiecial meeting must file notice offioe buUding; the tax coUector program for atudonta vko qual- May, Ihe U.S Circuit namese troops are In this trl- mended Its Implementation. "YOUR COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICE STORE' The emphasis is on the busi­ with the town clerk not less Hwti ft” *® f to 9 p.m. uyT'Elirim tV m W U clari- Court In Richmond, Va., ruled border region or en route to it. Also on tonight’s agenda wlU ness area in South Coventry. ' MEN’S But there are indications that be a presentation (rf the science Sheah - Athat h in -aii A emeivencv____ cong. at7 the .town 7 ^ omco c e bidinomuung; g; the fled with the CallageColtege Financial»Ti *be Air Force could bo sued. The committee wlU hold a ' as low as 1 4 9 5 later-’’^ Sovernment then a^aled tbe Communist strategy is to program at the school, and notice is not renuired* however office hours Aid Office. Any student brief business session after the infnrmaHnn______to the Supreme Court tor the try 'to draw " government 'forces progress reports on su<^ mat- sUde prosentatiem, uhich visi­ a c o p y " ' r t h T * E i e f r ^ ®?t®d „ office building, should contact the TcUand hearing now granted, away from 'he plateau by in- tecs as smoking, discipline, tors are welcome to attend meeting, adequately stating the Also ech oed tonight an Coimty 4-H Office, Rt. 30, Ver- At issue ■ is a federal tort creasing activity in the low- adult education and the self­ also. emergency, and detalUng aU the a Ocmservatlon Commission non. Applications for the 1972 claims law that provides the lands. evaluation program. Refreshments wiU be served. BOYS’ iwt>ceedli«s, must he filed with meeting at 8 p m at the Summer Work Study Program government must pay damages A band of enemy sappers The board 'will take actlcm.on Junior Women’s Olnb as low as ^ town clerk no later than 72

. -1 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 17, 1972 P A G E S E V E N P A G E S IX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,, MONDAY, JANUARY 17, 1972 schoM year. Libby said appUca- Thursday: Vegetable soup. H /T • T i • J. their rfiaros No foreign firms Andover tlons submitted prevlcxisly for a U.S. Nurse Is KiUed mere nlan was becoming too proud and teacher aide w ill bd g^me over.. Mujib Rejects too united for his own good. If those persons are still inter­ Milk and. bread and butter J » SwaiM mnia ested, the applications will be sandwiches are available at all - ^ _ mand from Bhutto that Ind a Any reenactment is superfluous. In all Montessori meals T il J.A. ^ withdraw Its troope from Bang- re-acUvated. lEppntn^ the 3700 years that have followed. that* Vlston Screening K llT l ttO U llC r ladeah and free Pakls^ pri- By Arab Guerrillas The second position is for a Mrs. Gentine said that cur- A-FBhutto A J. lA 1/1/VT Offer seners-cf war. He said: Our PtTBLISHBD BY THK moment on the Tower of Babel, man­ M e th o d Is part-time . remedial reading TEL AVIV (AP) — Israeli se- Miss Pate were incomplete to sory vision screening has been troops will net. stay a day long- MAKCHBSTER PUBLISHING CO. teacher, also effective Feb. 1. curity men combed a refugee ®**® been working at IS Bluell Street kind has not once really approached completed in all grades during (Continued from Page One) ended, Yahya Khan, on surren- er than desired by the Bangla- Mancbester, Conn. Again anyone Interested In the , the hospital for two years, BURL LYONS any common language or any truly com­ P T A T o p ic December. Vlsiim re-checks are dering the presidency to Zulfi- desh government.” camp in the Gaza Strip today ^ Publisher poelUon should contact the scheduled to be completed tills pepple,” he charged. “They Bhuto asked Mm to let Singh said, however, he was Founded October 1, 1881 mon effort. The discord decreed then schixil for further Information. tor the Arab guerrillas who kU- Nicholas, his daughter and The Montessori method of ed­ month and referrals will bo sent m'iist be punished. They mach- him kill Mujib. But the sheik prepared to have bilateral talks Published Every Bveninc Except Sundays has lasted well; the resultant inability ucation will be demonstrated to Health Report led an American nurse and njgg pate were driving past and Holidays. Entered at the Post Office at home if Indicated. inegunned thousands, because said Bhutto replied I can’t al- •with Bhutto. Manchester, Conn., as Second Class Mall to cooperate toward any common, goal parents at tomorrow’s 8 p.m. Libby said that .the school There were U defects un­ wounded an American mis- the camp to return Carol to the Matter.______meeting of the Andover PTA at health nurse, Mrs. Michele Gen- they considered everybody was It. «® has proved invincible; 'we have, if covered during December’s test­ ' ... , „ West Pakistanis held by the al- T * » J aionary and Ms daughter in an ^meifoan School near Tel Aviv. the elementary schoci. tine, will be working for the SUBSCRIPTION RATES ing, bringing the-total to date B Mujib follower. .Bangladesh and Indian To'ivn Asks Bids ambush in the camp. Miss Pate was ^ ot in the Nicholas, 49, of tolrd hr,.«hbrush urtthwith death there Single Copy ...... 16c ri method, , slides of the system The Oonnectciut State Dental Court To Weigh and Ms daughter’s second.. is instant translation of all languages, ities, but these people are Bangladesh observed a na­ The town will open bids Feb Austin, Tex., was shot in the By Carrier ...... weekly 76c In action, a demonstratiim 'with Assixtiation has donated kits Guerrillas opened fire on his group participation, ' and a tional day (rf mourning Sunday, 4 at 11 a.m. in the Municipal thigh and stomach, and his 17- MElMBBR OF ' and yet understanding of none. wMch will be used by Mrs. Gen­ Bias in North' worse than animals.’’ ca r in M arch 1969 and m issed .' THE ASSOCIATED PRESS question and answer period. .X .. 1 I X . 1 tu* wl^ shops and businesses Building for the installation of year-old daugfliter, Carol, was We would be more kindly diqiosed tine to aid in the program. Mujib said he- calculated the silent processions The next month he and Carol The Associated Press is exclusively en­ Mrs. Anderson has- been (Oonttnued from Page One) storm sewer on a stretch of cut by flying glass. titled to the use of republlcatlon of all , Mrs. Gentine's report for the number of deaths from reports through Dacca and other cities. were Injured when Ms car ex- news dispatches credited to it or not other­ toward a project to re-create ‘ another teaching this method In an area month of December shbws the board had acted uncon- School St. and for the reloca­ Nicholas was pastor and busl- wise credited in thispaper and also the Ms Awaml League la sending to In West Pakistan, the Bhutto tion or construction of a new ness manager at toe Baptist ploded a mlrie. local news published here. of the great wonders of ancient Babylon, nursery school for the past few usual" Increase in cMldren seen stitutionally In cancellng the All rights of republlcatlon of special dis­ plan and ordered it or an ac- Dacca from towns and villages government seized control of U dog poundind. Hospital in toe Gaza Strip, ______the so-called hanging gardens built by In,the health room at tills time work would patches herein are also reserved. The program tomorrow con- year; 843 cMldren were ceptable new plan adopted. throughout Bangladesh. He said more industrial firms and said The School St, which Israeli occupied In toe problem The Manchester Publishing Company' as­ that gentle tyrant, Nebuchadnezzar. tlnues Oto^ theme, “Where do gg^n by Mrs. Gentine or the The court held that the the toll could go higher. there would be no more na- alleviate a drainage 1967 war, and M iss Pate was a sumes no financial responsibility for typo­ BEEOHWOdD . So far as we candiscover, the hanging we go from here?” begun by health ali.- during the month, schools In toe northeast section He charged West Pakistani tlonallzation of Industry. th^e nurse there. The pastor was graphical errors appearing In advertls- o f toe dog NURSERY SCHOOL ments and other reading matter in The the 8ch(x>l’B principal, Donald of these, 70 were seen for 111- of toe city were segregated be­ troops wltii “destroying my Mubashlr Hassan, finance The relocation taken to a hospital in Beer- Rachel Rd., Manchester Manchester Evening Herald. gardens didn’t really hang at; all, except adjacent to toe 69 libby. In the fall. Covered In ness, 63 for medication, 40 were cause of toe board’s “segre- ccmmunicatlonB, my railway, and develogpment minister, su ponn , would sneoasheba lorfor removaa removal oiof theme bul-oui- REGISTER NOW for S u ^ rib e r to Los Angeles Tlmes-Washing- in illuslonary appestrance, and were past PTA meetings have been dismissed due to illness and the my industries. They destroyed the ^Izures brou^ to 31 toe lets, and a spokesman at toe FEBRUARY OPENINGS ton Post News Service. gation p o licy .” It ruled, hoW' actually a series of high terraces, all • Dr. Richard Glosser’s ‘ concept remainder were treated for first ever, that there was no evi' Full service client of N. E. A. Service, Inc. Z'ti^to^n^” w7cS®now wlU r m ^LgeTS; the landfill according to Wil- Baptist Hospital said he would Call Miss Joan Pella Publishers Representatives — Mathews, watered from a giant, rain-catching cis­ of schools Without failure,” aid. dence of regregation ... in 646-2688 or 643-9180 Shannon and Cullen Inc., Special Agency the n(m-graded system, ques- of those cMldren treated for —New York, Chicago, Detroit and Boston. tern l(x:ated aX the top level of the struc- city’s other schools. Funeral arrangements for tionnalras seeking to establish first aid, Mrs. Gentine said, 26 But the district court con- cent of Bangladesh’s 76 million holders continuing to retain _MBMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF dRCULA- I ture. It made one of the great horticul­ TTON8. edncaticnal •values in the com- were non-sch(xrf related incl- eluded that educaticmal op- people today face starvation. ------—------muMty, and other aspects of dents, 93 occurred outside the D ^ la y advertising closing hours tural displays of all time. portunlties afforded wMte stu- Describing Ms own arrest the local school system. ^ school buQdlng, 31 in the class- For Monday — 1 p.m. Friday dents In the other Denver nine months ago when Pakis- For Tuesday — 1 p.m. Saturday. No curse from the heavens was ever School Openings room and 61 were minor treat- For Wednesday—1 p.m. Monday. schools were not the same as tani troops moved liito the directed against Nebuchadnezzar for his Princlpal Donald Libby said mento for such things as chap- For TThursday—I p.m. Tuesday. those provided the black and former province of East Pakls- For Friday—1 p.m. Wednesday. pride in his gardens and his love of the that there will be teaching po- ped Ups, hangnails and wet Classified deadline 4:30 p.m. day sKions open for the Kindergar- clothing, Spanlsh-Burnamed pupils. There- tan to cruah the Independence before publication 4:30 Friday for beautiful, and mem hem remained rela­ fore, it held that wholesale de- movement, Bangladesh’s leader Saturday and Monday publication. ten, 2nd and 4th grade clt^ s nwiway Voccliwtion seg;regation aU schools was said: >------—------' tively free to pursue and premtice Ms for the remainder of the year ^ ^ cMldren who have o t essential to a remedy. “Bullets went through a win- Monday, January 17 own best instincts, where the culttvatlaR due to resignations. .^^ot received the rubella vac- The U.S. Circuit Court of Ap- r merely another extremist crackpot. tive of its own existence, 'wMch is to take tom in February and March re- state Legislature requires Ml district court had said were not klstan, Mujib said, he expected spectively, due to pregnancy. cMldren under the age of 12 to segregated by official policy. to be killed, and during the In. Pour years ago, WaUace, with his in a bigger take for the state, the New These moves will create open- be Immunized against rubella ' »nie Supreme Court was_ dla-Paklstan war, P rioners in clever racial wisecracks, his appeals to York State Gambling Commission is now lng;s in toe 2nd and 4to grades except where the parents pro­ asked to u^iiMdtoe principle of my cell were mobillz^, and'I the nostalgia of an America In wdilch ready to advocate the adoption of a con - for toe rmainder o t toe year. vide a written explanation say­ Kw Tinti. knew .they were told to attack thousands of C BT customers. ing they do not wish to have- wtia-wing and kill me. Then a jailer took there had been no controversy about stitutional amendment vdilch would (>pen Inside Open Form Aqyone interested in being con­ sidered for one cf these pos­ their child immunized.^ Motive me oiit of toe prisoA and .Md the place In society of the various races, up just about e'very last field still without toe restrictions placed bungalow for two Bugging Bill Buckley itions who is certified shcxild Lnncbewi Menus by the circuit Court his iniritation to drink carelessly of the occupied by illegal gambling. pick up 6n application In toe Luncheon menus at the ele- “ Dcm’ t Stand There” smacked with a much higher mentary school for the re- “'”‘® He said some o t his followers poisons of prejudice and intolerance, Adoption of the new amendment would school office, Ubby said. * er courts have determined that ____ _ m To the Editor, tax bill. Reminds one of the old Ollier Opeiiliigs malnder of toe week are as fol­ .. . jii x-i X u _ were “tortured tor five days, 10 managed to gamer In the votes of 10,- permit the establidunent of g;ambllng a school district has m alnt^^ ^ jj^y Report Once again State Rep. George adage wherein the operation 'was TVo other openings, for a low s: ®- policy of segregation shculd qj tjjg government 000,000 o f his fellow inheritors o f that casinos, as in Nevada, pn^bly Ritter (D) of Hartford is pound­ a success but the patient died. teacher and a teacher aide, have Tuesday: American ch o p be governed by the same rules,, ^ tortured fo r 24 days. F irst glorious liberty for which this natiim operated by licensed private enterprise ing for a State Income Tax. How If all the free wheeling, Mg^ . also been made possible through suey (hamburg, tomato By Rowland Evans Jr. and Robert D. Novak this politician can be so far out octane politicians on the State, Imt regardless of geograitoy or toe y,gy ^and. Then SIHIflliNT was founded and to which It was dedi­ because the state would feel nervous government funding, according macaroni), string beans, TMtoacUon of touch with the feelings of the town, or city level gave 60% as to L ibby. rolls,^ ^jello.___ source of toe official segrega- another. Then Ms feet,* then Ms tummarizM ttw cated. about having croupiers selected by the taxpaying public after last much effort and attentlim to Wednesday: Hot dog on roll, ti*m. as cases vdiere toe biitial ears, then Ms eyes .. .” activity In your I2-07-7I WASHINGTON — The careful Nixon toward their poeltiixi on But the occasional criticism There will be an opening ef­ parMnal cnacklng JOHN DEPOSITOR oven potatoes, sauerkraut, lem- source was state law,” the ap- jiujib said that utoen toe war JANE DEPOSITOR There has, in the ensuing four years, political process. It would legalize bet­ White Hcxise strategy of re­ hea'vler defense spending. Is too much for the President’s year's fiasco on dapitol Hill is cutting waste, graft, and ex­ fective Feb. 1 for a full time account during 01-07-72 straint toward the right-wing A footnote: Although Buck­ top staff. Having given conser­ beyond all comprehension. How­ travagance they could wipe out teacher aide until the end of the on meringue pie- P«al said. ttiopravlov* 100 MAIN STREET been no valid demonstration that we ting on sports of all kinds. It would ' ANY TOWN CONN 06000 challenge by Rep. John Ash- ley's tenure on the U.B. Infor­ vative Drury the run of the ever, Mr. Ritter is not the only the necessity of any such op­ month. Americans have developed, a more in­ legalize the numbers game. Most con­ brook of OMo against I President mation Agency’s advisory com­ WMte House (including a rare legislator who is strongly pres- pressive and offensive measure telligent or a more sophisticated veniently of all, it would. legalize slot Nixon in the primaries was mission ends later this month, interview with Mr. Nixon and Burbig for a state income tax. as a state income tax. There is a furious drive by a Concerning fellow citizens, oooiZMita? resistance to the WaUace type of appeal. machines everywhere. Slot machines in­ splintered when a Mgh - level the question now Is not whether an unprecedented seat at WMte Presidential sAsistant delivered he will be reappointed but House staff meetings), the pro­ clique of politlciana in the legis­ never forget your close brush cur no large labor costs, and bring the If, oni the surface, we have managed to a private tongue-lashing to Wil­ whether he will accept re­ tective aides, complain bitterly lature who are fronting for the with disaster last August when 66805^;! 4 0 0 0 q 2:^ ; 8I595| 170i-: 25040| InthoMlwo f iiaa-j..'...... have ourselves considerably less state o f Nevada in $42,000,000 every liam F. Buckley, Jr., that could appointment. The decision to that they have been betrayed Connecticut Education Associa­ you nearly got clouted with this socUona wo m m v M m n n e m fflTCBEST Y€ARTOO*Tf Quarterly interest 'Violence in the streets, the 'withdrawal year. backfire severely. keep him has already been because the book was not the tion, Welfare Groups, State Em­ form of tax. There is only a record a oummary and total interest made by Nixon. glowing panegyric they expect­ ployee Association, etc., to pile little Ume left to call or write of the earned during the may have been from one type of hot, Best of all, aside from the increase in Shortly after Ashbrook an­ iranMcliono 60000| 3;^; 20000| ZABOm 292 480s year are ehown Washington ThlnskhiB ed. up enormuous sums of mcmey your district leglstators and during Iho last ...... here. ^ I^yslcal coni^t into a cold, measured direct gambling revenue for the state, nounced his candidacy, senior for all sorts of benefits and pro­ register your unqualified opposi­ month in your How little the reflexive atti­ iM v e s t S m iM v iiie e 442B would be the nice rescue gaming tables WMte House aide Peter M. Flan­ grams far too posh and rich for tion to any income tax this year. tavingo separation peihape even more danger­ igan telephoned Buckley, the tude of the WMte House-senior ■ccounl(i). staff has changed during three these fimes. The above mentlcm- Don’t stand there and get soak­ ...... ous and fatal in the long run. The fre­ would give to all those ornate health eruditte conservative columnist 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 i 500001 ( ^ 4620:^ 454620^:^ A Thought for Today ed laige consumers of taxpay­ ed by this tax, do something ...... :. spas now languishing for lack of years in power can be measui^ quent hope that we have been able to and editor of , ers’ funds are placing self-inter­ about it, now! COOC OATt with a harsh reproacn for Ms ed by its cutraged re.acticm to Sponsored by the Manchester make progress In some of our feelings customers and the general spread the vigorous questioning of Mr. Council of Churches est above that of the rank and Yours truly, jCHECltlNU ACC 3UNT support of the right-wing chal­ 2 -0 7 around of money brought in by all the file working men and women Frank U. Lupien about one another as human beings Is lenge by Ashbrook. Nix(»i by CBS correspimdent 2!i00 12-OC Dan Rather in Ms Jan. 2 tele- in private employment who 'will 2 00 12-O S And here we'll post tourists who would come to the state in Laws Of Spiritual living a complete record still capable of being tripped up and ex­ idsed Interview. be really gouged by a State In­ 12-H What makes tMs so ironic is Herald 12-lJ of all your ploded In some new visceral reaction order to g;amble. that Buckley privately opposed Rather was merely perform­ 1. The law of receptivlUty. com e Tax. transactions for iSomevdiere, part of the time, people a frontal challenge to Mr. Nixon ing his professional function as To be aware of the spiritual The Ihimme Tax zealots have the month — to any proposition which threatens to Yesterdays checking a n d a reporter, and NCr. Nixon did In their ranks several legisla­ bring us reaUy closer together. would still work enough to get the money in the Republican primaries aqd reality behind and adthin the Rdax for the rest of your Ufe! savings — well in Ms responses. But the tors whose relatives and friends endorsed Ashbrook’s effort only events of Ufe.' 1 2 -2 9 13015 deposits a n d to gamble 'with. 25 Years Ago I withdrawals. There is no real guarantee that Wal­ after it could no( be stopped. reaction at the top of the White TMs is God’s w orld and Goid stand to reap fancy increases 0 1 -0 4 2 5 2 1 0 from the Hood of money picked 0 1 -0 7 2 5 0 4 0 lace, vdien he hit 10,000,000 votes four Seme WMte House aides now House staff boiled down to this: la Spirit. John S. Wolcott is elected For those who are hard to please when it comes to How dare he ask those embar­ from the payriiecks of laborers REGUt- The 'Southful Offender fear, however, that Flanigan, president of Manchester Ex­ comfort and beauty, the La-Z-Boy Reclina-Rocker 2 5 0 0 0 0 years ago, was at his peak. 2. Faith is an answer for every and salaried workers by a lar- a Manhattan financier and so­ rassing questions to our Presi­ change Club at its annual meet­ 5 0 3 0 2 5 5 0 0 0 need. The assurance that the is the answer. This is the relax-in chair that is To the contrary, there have been signs “*nie purpose of the now Youthful Of­ cialite who has been a stout dent! That reflects the endur­ cenixis income tax. What ever ing at the Sheridan Hotel. 5 0 0 0 2 6 0 0 0 0 fender Act is to protect the youth who Good 'W ill be the result of re- 2 4 0 0 0 0 Nixon man for years, may have ing preoccupatim of the aides became of invesUgatiens and Town' of Manchester has de­ to complement your familjr’s desire for that, whUe Wallace has been maintain­ makes Ms first znlt take. It protects Mm sponslbie effort. crackdowns on conflict of intei^ 5 0 0 )0 2900 [)0 provoked Buckley into a more in trying to protect Mr. Nixon livered a new road sweeper the ultimate in irrestible luxury. You have a wide 24 30 2 ^ 2 4 9 0 ing his own poisonous but colorful con­ from being branded a criminal," Judge esf? h-:stUe attitude. from all outside criticism. wMch Is expected to save both NVES' ME David H. Jacobs told area lawyers and 3. Prayer which is the search choice,of colorful decorator fabrics. All are stain OOOOO stancy, the American electorate has Elven more revealing is the The claim of sharply reduced money and labor in keeping 2 - 0 7 law enforceiment people recently. Recalling the long friendship private staff attitude toward a for God’s love and the fellow- property taxes'by Mr. Ritter is resistimt, color fast, durable, Scotchgard luxuri­ 2 - 2 3 4600 been drifting into less respect for its own sMp of His presence. streets clean. 6 0 1 - 0 1 4|546 The new law, wMch took effect on Oct. between Buckley and Mr. Nix­ new book, about the Nixon utterly absurd. It romlnds one ous and soft to the touch; many, many good fea­ functioning and less ccmtrol over Its 1, grants to youths between the ages of on, Flanigan labelled the col­ Presidency by best -selling f. Discipline by wMch we hold of the same song and dance that 10 Years Ago COOES. 16 and 18 the privilege of secrecy when umnist an "ingrate.’’ Specifi- novelist called we have experienced when prop­ tures. 'M tm i Mxd •» dw a « d Mch euartw aiti we«w wi jwwwt. w own less responsible Instincts. fast to His law o t life and per-' 1. DCWTT NMfMO they are arrested and tried, under cer­ c|dly, he charged Buckley with “Courage and Hesitation.’’ Al­ erty revaluation IS supposed to M C omKCTID cci servere till the victory is wen. John HanciKk Insurance Co. 3. CHCCXS Last fall, here in Connecticut, the tain conditions. One is that the youth not forgetting the “fact” that White though It contains criticism X. s n v ic f CHMOE lower a town’s mill rate and finds $3,000 bank deposit miss­ X ncvtoti iMTor voters of two Connecticut cities surpris­ be accueed of a Class A felony, one Heuse intervention In the 1970 here and there, the book is Rev. Dr. J. Manley Shaw, i>roduce a higher valuation, but THE CONNECTICUT BANK /S. WUWiT ing since July 25, 1960, in 00. OUfROMfT which is punishable by death such as New York Senatorial campaign AND TRUST COMPANY ed themselves by electing themsblves overwhelmingly favorable to Pastor not increase taxes. Instead tha drawer of its office. murder or kidnaping. Another is that had elected his , Sen. Mr. Nixem and all Ms works. South United Methodist Church pre^rty owner usually gets Mrs. Mary Ann McCulley cele­ new mayors 'who came from the local there be no previous felony convictions. James Buckley, who ran on the brates 100th brithday. political fringes. M)ore experienced in Oddly enough, according to Jacobs, mo­ Conservative party line. That Atty. Paul R. Marie is named criticism than in responsibUity, better tor 'vehicle offenses are also exempt. was treatment to wMch Buck- chairman of Heart Ftmd drive. fo exchange for tMs privacy the ac­ ley has never become accus­ at the man-on-the-street wisecrack than cused youth gives tq> the right to a jury tom ed. nur trial. Court rules are also altered slight­ Regularly $281. at the actual solution of a problem, and // Current Quotes ly in his favor. He (xui choose whether to The Incident Is a curious one. given to the appealing theory that a re­ Flanigan apparently acted on Do You Suppose We Could Glue It Together?^' “Whatever Congress does In apply for the Youthful Offender status, the coming session will be over­ turn to some imaginary past 'would auto­ or his lawyer or the prcsecutor or the his own, 'wlthcut the President’s It tells you;at a glance just where you stand financially every prior Messing. Moreover, his hung by the drama of a presi­ SPECIAL PRICE matically resolve the 'problems of the judge himself can do it for him. If the dential election. Insofar as the judge grants him the special status, at phone conversation with Buck- month of the year . . . check,ing and savings. future, these candidates won the votes ley came after Ashbrook had Senate leadership Is concerned, that poh^ his record is sealed so that the the public interest will not be of^jpeople who were tired of problems public cannot have access to It made Ms formal announcement, $ 189- All your deposits and checks are recorded as before, but now far beyond any possibility of shortchanged for partisan and struggles never being solved or won. Nobody can fault the purpose of 'the g a 1 n.” — Senate Demooratlo you get the added convenience of up-to-date Information about law, wMch is to give a second chance to Ashbrook’s changing his mind. And they have, since their election, been Leader Mike , D- y(Ningsters caught for the first time in your regular and investment passbook savings accounts. It was Buckley’s position that Mont. plunging their good communities into a trouble, properly administered, such a, he,' as oracle and intellectual pregram can benefit* boto the young­ This unique new service means a number of things for you: demoralized tangle of senseless discords, leader of Republican conserva­ “People today have an ster in trouble end the society in 'which until the question is whether or not their tives, must back Ashbrook once uneasy feeling that the govern­ you’ll no longer have to come into the bank to find out how much he Uvea he announced publicly despite ment has slipped away from cities can reaUy survive their own ef­ But we have a couple of reservaUena interest you’ve earned . . . The CBT Combined Statement shows private misgivings. To do other­ them and they are (m the out­ on i t . . LIMITED TIME ONLY forts to serve out their terms. wise might reduce Ashbrook’s side looking in.’’—Sen. Vance As newspaper people we know by quarterly interest. And since you’ll be getting the latest information primary vote in New Hamp- Hartke, D-Ind., campaigning Such Connecticut candidates were the sometimes bitter. experience the deter­ about your CBT accounts at one time, in one place, you’ll have sMre and Florida, thus further for the Democratic presidential beneficiaries of a truly de'vllish combina­ rent effect that publicity can have not diminishing conservative influ­ nomination In New HampeMre.' better control in managing your finances. By the way, you can tion of reactiixis — the first one of a only on young offenders but on their par­ ents. The idea that the family good ence within the Nixon admin­ “Now, we can go back to or­ still keep your savings passbooks; we’ll update them whenever growing cynicism about all the estab­ name may be pubUMy disgraced makes istration. ganic agriculture if we must, I- lished practices and, candidates of poli­ a lot of parents keep closer tabs on their you wish. Political pros in and outside and there are those in thi» teen-agers than might otherwise be the tics — and the second a child-like will­ the want all the country who would like to drive case. Of course, to get the full benefit of our Combined Statement Nixon lines open to Buckley and us baok.' But, before we do ingness to believe promises wilder than There’s the perennial question, too,, of Barealeunger the conservatives, for a very that, somebody must decide you should have both your checking and your savings accounts any practiced politician would ever of- proteotkm of the pubUc versus protec­ good reason: they want and vdilch 50 million Americans. Rocker-Recliners tion cf the accused. Aren’t neighbora en> at CBT. We can arrange everything for you in a matter of minutes fer. need conservative political shock we'll let starve.”—Beoretary o t titled to know 'when there’s a teen-age The original reclining chair design that hw troops when the campaign Agriculture Earl L. Buts, ar­ at any of our more than 60 offices. With such straws in the wind, 1972 breaker-and-enterer on the loose? And made Barcalounger the most wanted name in against the Democrats starts guing against a ban on peztl- aren’t ycungsters in this age group old recliners. With full, deep comfort features and . may indeed be the big Wallace year. He next summer. oldes, antibiotics and other Join the tens of thousands of “ today” people who are finding enough to take reqponsibUlty for their master-crafted quality in the of the is no Joke. The American people are no chemicals In farming. actions In this gnow-up-early era? But Flanigan’s potshots at Original Reclining Chair. A large selection of that we are doing more to make banking more convenient. . . longer as sure that gyroscopic sanity Finally, Is this going to turn out to be Buckley do not lead toward that “This was genocide ot my long wearing fabrics for choosing. . more up-to-date . . . than any other bank in town. just one more loophole by which affluent which once seemed their greatest single mood of eventual reconciliation. people. They must be pun­ youngsters whose parents can afford to Regularly $198. blessing and power. To the contrary, there Is fear Mre lowyeni and provide protection get ished.”—President liujlbur Inside the WMte House that Bill Rahman of Bangladesh, charg* off more lightly than minority-group or Buckley might now be In a moot poorer youngsteraj If so, we would be ing that the Pakistani army N O W $ 179. unhappy state of mind. . I killed three m illion ot Ms na.. better 'without it. tion’s people during their fight We Have Enough Babel In the last analyMs, it is the judges That could harden Ms line. THE CONIMECTICUT BANK AND TRUST COMPANY It' for Independence. llie news from Iraq is that the Tower who must decide which youngster should Instead of merely giving Ash- All Msnehester Offices open Monday-Friday 9-5, Thursday Ci-S; Rockville Office open Monday-Friday 9-3, Thursday 3:30-4:30 be extmded the privilege—Judge Jacobs brook passive support, Buckley of Babel may be reconstructed, to the "I just don’t know why. underlines that it not a rightr-of secrecy might vigorously jMn conserva­ 935 Main St., Manchester - Open 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Manchester Office Manchester North Main Office Manchester Parkade Office ' Rockville Office We’re going to have to check It helgitt it had reached when, in the under the proper ccndtUctis. If they uae tive efforts to demand moves 893 Main Street 15 North Main Street 354 Pi West Middle Turnpike 5 Elm Street toward the rif^t by Mr. Nixon out.’’—J. Stanley PotOnger, Tueiday thru Saturday, Thursday and Friday Nights till 9 P.M., Closed Mondays, 643-5171 Bleventb Chi^der of Genesia, a con- it wisely and sparingly it can work for • Member F.D.I.C. In return for their endorsement. federal civil rights director, on (uaion of languages was settled upon its good. If they abuse it, the cry will go up, reports that school segregation Terms Available properly, for Ms repeal. — MERIDEN In particular, they want Aeh- n£A buUdem by a Jehovah who decided that is Increasing Slightly In the bor­ Nphe RECOPP. brook’s candidacy to forc6 Mr. der states. PAGE EIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, M ANCHE^R, CONN., MONDAY> JANUARY 17, l«7i2 MANCIfESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCftEStER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 17, 1972 Pa g e n i n e band o f. Mrs. Matilda Schack M tm chester Area ~ _ fort ‘Will be made by Democrats centrate on a call for action on Keeney. Hebron, Andover, Marlborough ^ ^*^® ^® away from programs me administration ai­ Mr. Keeney was bom Sept. Obituary D ock ers Police Log ms President,” sold Senate Re- ready has proposed. Man Charged ' 17,. 1897 in Manchester, son of Air Traffic Controllers 16 Dead, 10 Missing publicM Leader . While domestic issues are Lnrmarthon and Susan Belnap ‘"Ihe majority party 'is seeking likely to be dominant in me With Trespass Louts J. Sullivan Keeney, and had lived here all ARRES’TS Resum e Regional Schools Issue identification wim most of session ahead, Mansfield said Louis-J. Sullivan, 58, of Hart­ Cf his life. He was employed at Eugene Dunphy, 44, of 667 N. Convenes Oeorge Rogfers, 39, of 166 Main St., charged with false re­ mese old progranu.” - he 'will renew his bid for a-p- In Sub-Zero Blazes ford, formerly, of Manchester, Hamilton Standard Division of Strike Throughout Prospect St., Rockville, was ar­ died Saturday at a Hartford United Aircraft Corp., Windsor S tr ik e porting of sui Incident, Saturday •Whatever Congress does In forelgn-^11^ By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS the cause of a blaze that took rested Saturday by Vernon Po­ convalescent home after a long Locks, for 22 years before he on a wsirrsint In connection with Goes to Voters Feb. 29 the alleged false fire silarm lice after a comptelnt was re­ illness. He was the husband of retired in 1962. (Continued from Page One). local boards and the regional In the meantime, ^ ~ *“ '” **^ ” ‘***‘“ «*8r*‘ts Into TuesdayL hung**lv^o’ * d w m a ^ ' ^ p re ri- ih® adminlstraUon, ^**^-rnonm „j**,worat*'"flre°dlam" t ^ l n ^ me Jan. 6. C w rt date Jsui. 24. By ANNE EMT controUOT v ^ t on strike, at 4 to remote locations. Canada made arrangements to ^ dentlal election.” said Demo- <*«®^® U.S. wimdrawal ®"** ^0 o*!*®™ »"i8sins t«xlay in . ® ^®®i*> *®ii tl>« ceived from Roger’s wife. He Michael and Mary Q’Nlel Sulli­ Survivors, besides his wife, Warehousemen’s Union milled (Hendd Correspondent) board by the state. However, board in - Qie n.rn. EOT today at all airports Many travelers beat the fly passengers to border air- Ity WALTER R. MEAR8 cratlc Leader . * « » « ,8oum Vietnam, and a me wake of a hotel fire in w ^ charged with criminal tres­ van. are two daughters, Mrs. Angelo about, waiting word from their Bryan A. Schnieder, once a school reaches a total of celved pass, first degree; criminal mis­ Mr. Sullivan was born April C. Pedrazzinl of Manchester negotiating committee. 19’ of The public hearlr.js onw.. full -re­ - 35 teachers, mthe e Biaxestate win virlll nu no State ^—- Board -- of EdUQaUon__^ . advancing meir resor- ports and transfer mem to Ca- ■wASHmoriYiV (Aim ®® leader- M O .^ m an cut in U.S. forces Pennsylvania and separate bromer, Anthony’ 1 2 ’ were me Tolland, charged with coimtry. vatlons to Sunday from later In nodian destinations by bus. , ~ ™® eklp is concerned, me public, in- Europe. house fires in Dllnols and Mich- only personsto Survive as mev chief, second degree, and dis­ 14, 1913 in- Manchester, son of and Miss Charlotte Keeney of Negotiators for the union and In the fourth deeree vesterdav S^onallzation of the schools in ior.3fer furnish a superintendent, hy July 1, of orderly conduct. Michael and Mary' O’nlol Sulli­ Honolulu; a brother, Warren the employer Pacific Maritime Hebron, Andover and Marlbor- Hebron boarf requested be faced with J T ^ ^kout.^ w en t. ahead os me week. Ottawa International Flighte between New York Congress reconvenes Thes- terest wlU, not be shortchanged He said me Senate has ex- Igan, crashed mrourti an unstaire afternoon at Treasure City in He was held at the police sta­ Keeney of Clearwater, Fla.; a ough have been held,' and the a combined meeting of the fo u r . Wring its own su^rlntendeW « «e*o0aOons Airport was ciVwded Sunday and Europe which normally are «*®y ^^^K® el®*tlon-year bat- tor partisan gain.” pressed growing determination Firemen in Tyrone, Pa., window and dropped to a drive, van, and had lived in the Man- Association met throughout the the Parkade. Court date Jan. tion in lieu of posting bond and sister, Mrs. Lona Hutchinsoii of pros and cons heard, and now it was over the 36-teacher limit. night by persons luring to ob- guided i>art way across the At- ties over pro^am s of the Re- ®^ve Democratic senators? Issues and “ t o t deter- tom d four bodies In the Penn- way.. He was uninjured but she chcster-Hartford area all his weekend and overnight today in. 31. boards in September of 1969. As was to be presented in Circuit life. Por a number of years, he Manchester; and two grandchil­ it is up to residents to vote on Study Committee federal treasury tain standby seating. lantic by me Canadian con- pubUcan administration while a 8. Muskle of Maine, ^ ‘>«^®«-® suffered a broken pelvis, joint and separate sessions with a result, the Andover and He­ Taking this into consideration, Court, Manchester, today. was employed at the P. Ballan- dren. the referendum called for Feb. board and the Oana^lan Air Pacific Western Airlines ap- troUers are beUur rerouted by nmrrw rv^v« 4i * Hubert H. Humphrey of Minne- objectives are achieved. the below-zero temperatures The victims were identified J. Curtis Counts, director of the ACCIDEN’TS bron boards both requested the the original requests of the He­ Howard E. Gllnlte, 18 of 7 tine & Sons of Wethersfield,- arid, Funeral services will be 29. TVa«ic control As«x;laUon. pited to me U.S. avU Aeronaub w ~ y ^ t^ A r o r ^ f .T d T if n . c ^ S ^ M cL v e m of ,^Senate leaders pl.m to begin ^ d heavy ice buildup forced as Josephine Federal Mediation and con­ A summons charging him regional board to initiate a for­ bron and Andover boards for a Bancroft Rd. Vernon, and Klaus before his illness in 1970, he was Wednesday at 1 p.m. at Holmes The talks were expected to ics Board for permission to Waaes are me kev mu^lved ^ 8oum Dakota, Henry M. Jack- lestalatlve work Wednesday, mem to postpone a further Finley, 21, a cousin of the faml- ciliation Service. with failure to obey a stop sign If the sentiments expressed mal study -on regionalization un­ formal study under Public Act Winter, 22 Of no certain address, employed by the Hartford Funeral Home, 400 Main St. * >•«_ ^ vsatu^iror tiignis wiui aoouv isBue in tne three-month dls- t Ha nnntAsit fnr th® wiiii-a ^ vxwittiuiin? wuuus, i#, ae- ‘"This is the only strike I was Issued to William F. Thur­ at hearings earlier this month der Public Act 698. Hie Marl­ 698, plus the fact that if a for­ were arrested Saturday by Ver­ Chapter of the American Red Burial Mdll be in West Ceme­ in the three towns are indicative borough boaid requested fur­ ion President J. R. Campbell 280 possengera from Europe at pute The 1600 controllers now House will and Hartke of Indiana, are cam- ®«“ ®1 B m p lo^ en t QKwrtu- Among me 10 missing were scribed as Finley’s girl friend; non Police and charged with haven’t' been able to crack,” ston Jr., 17, of 628 Spring St., mal study was conducted no ac­ Cross. He was an Army veteran tery. after. a collision Saturday night W public sertiment, the refer- ther explanation of the act be­ expressed concern that me gov- Seattle or Grand FaUs/hfent can earn a maximum of $14 600 .hnp« the work of ^® presWenUal ^ e r proprietor Dominick Turiano, Vernon Whitmore, 13. described possession of marijuana and in; said Counts. "Tills is one of the tion on hiring a superintendent ernment mlgHt recall ParUa- Earlier, U,S. authorities re- a maximum of $ 1 4 .^ ihap^, the vork a Senate nomination. A slxm. Edward discrimination. his wife.'Wife, Joan, and meir five aaas a friend nfof the famfamily; iiv iweaMrs. of World War H. Friends may call at the fu­ at 8:20 at Center St. and Love endum will be defeated. fore taking action. . terf^ring with .an officer. The ar­ toughest ones. They’ve been ar- would be necesssuT until the Survivors, besides his wife, are neral home tomorrow from 7 to Lane, involving his car and one However,-as is the case with At a later meeting of the four ^ Th. «« m.™™ to to irom 7 Lortek'. fto oWldri., rests were made alter police gaiing this one for 14 months.” — . . . J , 1. study was completed, the -re- a son, Richard M. Sullivan of 9 p.m. driven by Edward V. Houlberg so "»sny hearings on controver- boards, in November 1969, an board in April of 1970 investigated a complaint of a A PMA spokesman said there, *1116 union agreed to let laa » w f-* . aimough he has said repeatedly election-reform WU, Imposing said. Shelton and Shelly, 3, and Hartford; a daughter, Mrs. John were no orders Issued fbr long­ of East Hartford. Court date for slal issues, ■ residents speaking Informal conimlttee was formed voted “ to Initiate the formal - - cdftroUers r e S o n ^ teb te operations to SeaMe cent Increase In two-year con- ismes are m etres to welfare he wiU not run. new financial-disclosure re- One disturbance on Phoenix St. Martins of Old Saybrook; a Mrs. Margaret K. Collins Thurston is Jan. 31. out seemed to be only those to study the possibilities of full c o m b e r s remain on the job to from Vancouver during me tract, and Its representatives, *emrm, sharing federal re- hotel employe who es- Shareen Lorick’s one monm old GUnite was rele^ed alter shore crews to work the piers study. In me House, two Republican T®*>’®*"®nt8 and limiting to $8.3 caped said an explosion shook foster child, Tomlko VTlliams. brother, Francis T. Sullivan of Mrs. Margaret K. Collins of I _____ against the issue, with ‘those in regionalization, 'withdrawal of haheUe emergency and. arctic strike. pOiking a $1,000 bond. He is up and down the West Coast be­ Named to the formal study on a conclUation board Acorn- venues wim pities and states, t> i m million me**•“ sum----- each of me me four-story structure just be- Fire ofticlals said me blaze Manchester; a n d two sisters, Newington, mother of William A 'vehicle which left the scene tavor remaining silent or not at- grades from the present system, scheduled to appear In Circuit cause of the uncertalnity of the committee from the regional mended a 22 percent r^ In a ^ S*^ltoAla\nd John m !” presidential nominees wlU .be fore me fire'. Officials ATd the st^Vd in the kitchen and Mrs. Howard Pitkin and Miss D. Collins of Manchester, died damaged a parked car some- tending. the employment of a joint super­ Court, Rockville, Peb. 1. In lieu situatlrai. board were George Munson of 27-mcnm pact. Hie majority pn nrook of >®wed to spend on television blaze may have been centered spread upward, Florence A. Sullivan, both of Friday at a West Hartford con­ time Sunday on Birch St. The ‘The three tcwns for the past Wtendent, or the provision for of a $500 surety bond. Winter Negotiators for the emplcy- Andover, C. Everett Jewett of the board recommended a 16.6 President Nixon’s renomination ^ ™ “ ® “ *® !«'• three meto- Manchester. valescent home. , . damaged auto belongs to Dor- fourteen years have been oper- services to the three was held at the police station ers’ Pacific Maritime Associa- towns through the regional Hebron, and Eugene Devine of Muskie’s Support per cent Increase over 27 ® ^ “ree presidential primaries. , Confe®® have to ^ess Dement. bers of d family died in a house The funeral will be Wednes­ The funeral was this morning othy M. Harmon of 49 Rachel and was to be presented in Cir­ ticn and the International Long­ ating with a regionalized sev­ Marlborough. montiis. but me treasiirv board l as f<^cazt Democratic Rep. Shirley Chi- J?*" “ *® I^emooratic National ^ rty -o n e firemen .and two fire that left four other mem- day at 10 a.m. from the John P. from the Sheehan Funeral Rd., Apt. 1. board. cuit Court, Manchester, today. shoremen’s Sind Warehouse­ enth through twelfth grade sys- Andover named Board of Edu­ hits not even accepted that pub- ^ ^ rorecasi pas- ^ expected Convention vriilch opens July 10 cmer persons were treated for bers hospitalized t o burns and Tierney Funeral Home, 219 W. Home, 1084 New Britain Ave., tern. Regional District 8, busing committee came back Eric T. Geer, 17, of Brandy men’s Association met jointly cation member Mrs. Beatrice IIMV. . to announce her presidential !“ fh u n l Bewh. » n p ^ s s l o ^ smoke R a t i o n and' frostbite smoke inhalation. Center St., with a Mass of West Hartford, with a Mass of COMPLAIN)T8 ... TiiJi With a recommendaUon in Feb- St., Vernon, was arrested Satur­ with federal mediator J. Cuitls their students to Rham High Kowalski and Board of Finance Hie strike Is me first In me tto T^me m w ^ s hat' m« ®®n«Udacy later this monm. *®"*®" h ^ to end me seuion d u i ^ me fire. The victims were identified Resurrection at the Church of the Resurrection at the Cliurch An aj>artment on the second ruary 1970 for hiring one su­ day by Officer Daniel Stefanik Counts prior to midniglit Sun­ School in Hebron. member J. Hohmann Jr, to the Of War Attacked the Assumption at 10:30. Burial of St. Brigid, West Hartford. floor of 33 Ridgefield St. was- perintendent to serve the four of the Special Service Unit of day and then , went into sepa­ ’The issue of full re^onaliza- committee, Hebron nam/ed Mdr- Norma, 13, and her brom­ will be in St. James Cemetery. Burial was in St. Mary’tf'Ceme- entered between 6 and 7:30 Sat­ boarcU. flhaiiolwsZTto"' a 34-hour walkout overhaul t o m to put its own gram Thursday ‘“T2 in his ^ State of iMeso two davs later But thev kT S s. “*• the Vernon Police Department. rate sessions which continued tion was brought up in Septem- ‘vin Ross from the Bocud of Edu- (Oonttmied from Page One) one of the house fires as well. er,, R.J., 9. ’Ilielr mother, Mrs. Friends may call at the fu­ tery. New Britain. urday evening, and a color TV, However, the Hebron board He was charged with larceny, into the early morning hours. ber 1969 when the Hebron Board tabled action on this recom- caUon and Albert (kMlldge from ^ -> - . Htok.. . ™™. ™ .tok e.,^ electric typewriter, radio, tape- omers, 68; and 968 votes still > sir.------s.» 0 neral home tommorw from 2 to Other survivors are 3 daugh­ Counts kept moving between the Board of Finance; and Marl­ McCloakAV. A AOnHIHai’A #/>»• a*., j______«______.• dd_ . .. ® • . . __ a.«i______. ... ether convention recess is prbb- kitchen stove being used to other children were admitted to fourth .degree, in connection of Education realized It could mendation and Instead voted . _ . . _ unaccounted for treasury board, “ I believe a considerable ef- pubUcans expect him to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. ters, 11 grandchildren and 6 the separate meetin®'s, which player, and 24 tapes were be faced with the possiblUty in again for a formal study under borough named Brinton Schorer lur. Republican presidential no- e**'" able. heat a home was apparently a hospital. with a complaint from a mer­ stolen. chant at the Trl-Clty Shopping great-grandchildren. started sifter the longshore un- September 1970 of hiring its own the act; Marlborough defeated Board of Educa- A candidate needs 1,609 of me minaticn, said: “ I don’t mink Irving J. Judge . Plaza. Geer was released on The family suggests 'that any l

: s • PAGIi; TEN MANCHESTER EVENING. HERALD, MANCHESTER! CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 17, 1972 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 17, 1972 P A G F E l e v e n saving bag comes to manchester I tomoiTow, 9 a m Get to know our What’s Baking at Pathmark’^ the store for value. Appetizer Department Serve Yourself Fresh in-Store Bake Shop? the store for value. * All Packages Day Coded blue label on anything unless we’re k Sanitary Packaging Baked end Packeged on the Premlaea lor Your Shopping Convenience. We want you to know about ■k Complete "See Thru” k Cantor Slices Only Packages I ♦ No Waiting...Serve Yourself * Sanitary Packaging COUPON SAVINGS Pathmark convinced you’ll find it satisfactory k QIadly Sliced to order on ^ « Day Coded on Packages « All Bakery Goods Priced by ^dmarkj Pathmark. You see and hear a lot * All Products Quarantsed Request , k “See Through" Packages Pound for Greater Value k Complete Variety of Quality k Party Packages. Check Our And of course, we keep the prices ^ k Freshly Baked Products « Special Cakes Baked on Request B o x of 16 about supermarkets these days. The Cold Cuts Brochure kTry Our Specialty-Fresh Baked Donuts-Many Varieties______> cost of living keeps going up, and low enough to do wonderful things Pathmark for your budget. Farm Fresh Produce at Pathmarking Prices General Merchandise Values at Pathmarking Prices! Free you look for the supermarket that Tea Bags W ith T bit — C oupon does just a little m ore... and at Limit one per family. Good at any Pathmark ouparmarket ^Grapef ruit 69* Dictionary i Mark .Sunday, Jan. 16 thru Sat*. Jan. 22.1972. Void whera prohibltad Pathmark we try to do just that. A Red Cross American Cotton Balls ^^marki ;Vilii)u!)'(iilii(l(li)i1 Save 1 sc Mimark little more. KCI. OIOfl-CORN FLAKES "B ananas.12* Heritage Doodlers Ulorlllzad It's a real experience to shop at Pockot SIza Assorted Coloirs L^^hnark Pathmark ... and here are some of 82 P R IC E ^ .2 2 "Potatoes. . . . ’“;'i ®“* bOKOf tow ards the purchase ol the things we do at Pathmark to $ .44 PER LB ea.l T h is C oup on "Potatoes — 7 9^-/I®® 801 W orth . any Fre sh make your shopping dollar go just as far as it can. Cost per Measure Meat "Broccoli - In the Meat Dept. This is a big step forward at SP fC fA L Limit on# par family. Good at any Pathmark Supormarkei, Bic OfFCR PantyHose Secret ^Yellow Onions For untvOTsM flavoring loosoMily 9* Sunday. Jan. 19 Ihru Sal., Jan. 22.1972. Void whoro prohibltad. Pathmark...a posting which allows Clio Pen Antl-Parepirant 6 P a k |Spray Deordorant Pathmark of Add* InMfMl touted* Pathmark '^'Escarole 19» & Refill comparison pricing on various sizes Colors, Black, MIraefe Stralch S-oz. bll. or 1 0 7 B M M edium or ■ S iB iS Rad, Btua Popular Shadaa D eodorant FIno Point and packagings of the same product. ‘='Chicory «._19 • a Sizes S pray 7-oz. bll. PFlhnaik This procedure consists of Promior Boklng Appio The Pathmark ■=^Rome Apples *i5i39 red shelf-tags for over 1000 items, (RuUbogoo) BOH Borvo ea. ea. towards the purchase ol Value Planner ^Turnips with butt Of ond eroom oouco 8< *Thia Coupon M anchester W orth 10 lb. bag of U.S.#1 each tag listing the product name, F u d Mwlii Tod*, □ 20-lb. S 4 39 IS-OX. Sol Am rtod Sixes, 89* Birdseed Sn|e, Th*in Tomorrow bo* I '='Prell Liquid sn.mpu btL ° Plastic Mixing Bowl 4 Piece Sot sot Home selling price of the particular Pathmark Shopping Center Potatoes Frozen Food Values at Pathmarking Prices ■ in Produce Dept. economists °Llfe Line Toothbrush Profdssionql eo. °Panty Hosessi^j^’radratep.m,,..,* **^79* packa^, weight and cost by 1-qt. Limit on# por family. Good at any Pathmark Suparmarkat, m ■ m OOS Sunday, Jan. 16 Ihru Sal., Jan. 22.1972. Void whara prohibilod Psrx cent. coni. □ S H a lU d b r*l*A«baM n*suter, 11-ox. have long measure. This will help you to decide 214 Spencer Street,Manchester,Conn Lightener°rr Shave Cream Llm*L k n e or o rl Mwitlml - F*Uim*rk c*n ^Crayola Crayons **. 15* to 59* recommended advance planning as whether you’re getting the most for Hawaiian Punch '=> Pathmark Cold Cream Index Box 3x5 *.**44* 1 0 7 B the surest way to save money when your money in the package you Store Hours: 1 - lb .l- o i. ^ ChicN’ Puffs ootoKte. pkg. !1!1 COUPON SAVINGS [IMI you get to the store. Pathmark acted usually buy. Monday thru Thursday Say Hello, Say Something! Mimafk '='Chicken Thighs OotdKIat on that recommendation and is the 9a.m.to9p.m. lowarda the purchaao ol The items are among the 12.10*. any Dozen U.S.O.A Friday 9 a.m . to 10 p.m. ^Downeyflake Waffles pkg. first group of stores ever to issue a ones where price information Frying Chlckens-ss^. i* Fresb Grade A weekly Value Planner. This valuable Saturday 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. ■^Pathmark Ice Cream Seerhed most likely to be important Fully Cooked S h an k Closed Sunday M kiifl* Butt Center Eggs ' 4-to 8-page aid to shopping is W ater A d d e d Portioni lb. Portion lb. Slices I to the shopper: canned juices, most ^Orange Juice .*« 27* S m o k e d Ham Lim it one por family. Good at any Pathmark Supormariiai. Apricot, Btrowborry, rog. "T ttS Sunday. Jan. 19 thru Sat., Jan. 22.1972. Void whoro prohibilod. distributed to customers as they paper products, cereals, shortenings °Sara Lee Twists Clnnomon NuL end Appio pkg. f □ Trimmed Well IWlmark leave the store. It features a and oils, canned vegetables and Some Special Departments ^Dutchie Pretzels 39* Sirloin Steaks None Priced Higher 1 0 7 B representative checklist of items and □ fruits. Other items are being at the Manchester Store U 8 0 A Manufacturert Coupon Saving9 • a a o D their prices for the coming week. It '=^Ubbyland Dinners AH VorlotlOB pkg. 59* Semi-Boneless (Oven- added gradually. Rib Roast-7” Cut Ready) First Cut Higher CHOICE’ gives you room to add other items, °Totai Value Supermarket ° Pathmark Minute Steaks 69* This Coupon Dairy Values at Pathmarking Prices □ Worth towards the purchase of as well as offering shoppers’ hints [=>Self Service Appetizer Dept. Lean 3-lbs & Over Smaller any 6 rolls □ OI v W w I a O Amtricon, Past. Proe., 1 S -O I. ^ ^orilissd w i r i y i w Z i Colored or While ■ Palhiqark Ground Beef Quantities Priced Higher and money-saving coupons. To °S elf Service Seafood Dept. Pkfl. f S co tT issu e i- o t . □ roll ot 1000 sheets judge by the comments we’ve been ^Service Meat Phone ^Crescent Rolls Boliord ^onL USDA None Priced Higher Rib Steaks-7” Cut c h o i c e : lb. Lim it on* p*r temlly. Good *1 any Pathmark Sup*rmark*l, Sunday, Jan. 18 thru Sat.. Jan. 22,19?2. Void *h«r» prohibited. getting, shoppers are just as “ Fresh In-Store Bakery Dept. Pothmor Whipped Butter X" 49* Froth or Sm okod Sboukfor systematic as we suspected. “ Pharmacy Dept. ete. O Q S ° Brisket BeefBoTTelese S.C.... •1” °Pork Picnics 4 to S-lb«. Avorago pppppppppppppppon □ Apple Cider Bod Orel paper conk “ Expanded Non Foods Dept. Froth or Froxon '='Chuok Beef Patties ,99 *‘='Fresh Spareribs • Manufacturers Coupon Savings . “ Coffee Corner '=^ Pathmark Sour Cream 39* U S Qovt. Intpoctod Weeklong Values '='Roa8tlng Chickens Qrodo A 9^ -Ibt. Avg« to39*°Pork LdinChop8tKt.i;;;£;r;:Lir*u**M towards the purchase of B ° Pathmark Biscuits Buttormilk coni. 8^ Quortortd With T his Coupon 6 oz. Jar Instant Every Week Single Item Parking for over 600 cars in '=’Chicken Legs Soek Attoehod >43*ncube Beef Steaks lb. Worth our own paved parking plaza ^Pillsbury Biscuits A Country Stylo coni. 10* Quartorod With Maxwell Pricing ^Chicken Breasts Wing Attoehod Rib Slda Roaat Since the day Pathmark opened Dell (iaiues at Pathmarking Prices to43*°Boneless Pork Loin House At Pathmark, we price by the or Drum S lle k t U S Qevl. Froxon its doors, we’ve had a policy of '^All B e e f F r a n k s Pathmark pkg. ^ 1 '=’Turkey Wings Intpoclod, G radt A to 39 *°Select Beef Liver High In Frolain Coffee individual item. One can-one b o x- find out half your purchase is the Courtesy Counter, so that you S o n o lo tt W h itt S Dark M att Bonoloaa Limit ooo por lamlly. Good at any Pathmark Suparmarkat. weeklong values. Not a'wild bargain Turkey Roast Shonandoth 2- lb. Fan Eoay Carvbig Sunday. Jan. 16 Ihru Sal.. Jan. 22. 1972. Void whara prohibltad.____ unusable. The whole story-both ° Pathmark Canned Ham *2^’°Pork Butt Roast here and there, the way some stores one jar...one price. No deception can check out any item you’re “Try Pathmark’s Tail-less Porterhouse and T- Bone Steaks. A New Meat Eating Value.”* PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPDD107B o sides of it-is yours right at the store. do. But a consistent policy of seven- involved. No 6 for, no 3 for, leaving interested in at any time. ° Pathmark Bologna orC ookod BatemI piig.' 79* Grocery Vaiues at Pathmarking Prices DDD • Manufacturers Coupon Savings ^ □ □□ n day (or longer) savings. That’s you with costly fractions when you • Oscar Mayer Bacon "Twcii p5 8 9 * want just one or two. We call our The Totai Store 1-pt. 6-oz. because we know everyone can’t ° Pathmark Liverwurst Palmolive Liquid Dish Detergent cont. P k . ot 8 come in on the same day. And when system Pathmarking, and we’re We could tell you more about 1 1.1b. 9 4 6 9 □ °Dak Danish Ham Pk«. I 14-oz. Rival we offer a value, we want you to get proud of it because it saves you time PathniarJ<... but words can’t tell you can Oscar Mayer Bolognao/aiiMu.AH Bam 12-M pb. . 75* i/Uax C le a n se r Dog Food W ith This the benefit. So we run it long enough and money every time you shop. what you see for yourself. If you want □ CouDon Appetizer Values at Pathmarking Prices 2-lb. Limit on* par lamlly. Good at any Pathmark Suparmarkat, p give everyone a chance. With Whether you’re buying fot one the little extra, and want one Of the Hershey Instant Cocoa can Sunday, Jan. 1» thru Sat., Jan. 22. 1*72. Void whoro prohibilod. rainchecks or substitute items if we person or a large family; you get the finest stores in America, ^ L u n c h e o n M e a t Danlah ih69^ □ PP_P_PP_qB| Save2oe tBPPPO^o^BP same honest Pathmark value. Open Dating ^Weaver’s Chicken Roll to All Flavors 16-oz. run short. you’ll find it all at Pathmark. Have the Low Calorie Soda Pathmark btl. lODPI Manufacturers Coupon Savings • □ a a a At Pathhnark, aii fresh B Pathmark experience at our newest ^Provqlone Cheese Sandw ich Stylo lb. 99* a Sp,*, tow ards the ourchase ol Bounty Towels ^^ ’^^33* °Lysol Disinfectant 99* This Coupon pouitry and meats now prominently Pathmark-you won’t find a better ^Capital Loaves Flehte a FlnlwHr Dteh D*l*ra*nt Worth 1 pt. 12 oz. cont. to 89* ° Green Split Peas ^ H-ra. '.ik*; 10* <=^ Ivory Liquid ■*nu* P*k. t-ez. Fra* .’«*!; 55* display the day of the week by which Sakery Values at Pathmarking Prices one around. e, J*ffl Mr. Clean ° Welch’s Tomato Juice b”.; 29* '='Grape Jelly Orwie* M*fm*ted* • F*Him*rk they must be sold. This takes into □The B ig Loafer:r..j. "■ vs 25* Liquid Cleaner 7 Fk0- ‘=>Pathmark Tomato Soup’*^;*.^ 10* >^Peanut Butter P*tora*,k “*49* consideration a subsequent period OK* Limit one per temiiy. Good el eny Pelhmark Supermarket, Grand Welcome at all Pat rk otS ^English Muffins Sunday. Jan. 19 thru Sat., Jan. 22.1972. Void where prohibited. | g Fathmark for home consumption and is your Old 1-lb.S-oa. 55* °Whole Tomatoes ...... 29* ^Fabric Softener ''sss*- vs!59* Pathmark Supermarkets ‘^Pathmark Apple Pie Paahlonod pkg. 4 BBBBBOBBBBBBBBBBB'b7bO assurance that your family is getting Oourmat. l-lb.4-o». ° Apricot Nectar SS*. Pathmark Tomato Sauce 9* No Mystery Gold or Marblo • ,5 9 * all the nojjrishment you want for In Connecticut ° Pound Cake Ring W hHaar ^ Manufacturars Coupon Savings i.to 2» . 7 9 * '='Vlva Towels sszAaaortad '^£33*Tomato Juice '—s29* about Pathmark Meats them. ° Pathmark Potato Chips low arda lha purchaaa ot '='Caruso Blended Oil s ’1" ^Dlsh Detergent .SSL ^s,‘59* This Coupon 2 lb. 4 oz. pkg. We’ve taken the fluctuation out Freshness In all foods is a Pathmark of aridgeport ° Pathmark Pretzels W orth of meat pricing, too. From the very matter of great concern to every ____ 4428 Main Aw. a VIncalftt« St. Seafood Values at Pathmarking Prices Pathmark Bleach 'A 39* ^Nabisco Oreo Cookies X 43* G aines The Pathmark Label: •1-70 Count par lb. | M*e*ranl*flP Clw*** Prime It Saves You beginning, Pathmark has had solid, homemaker. Unfortunately, a wide Pathmark of Danbury °Tasty Shrimp °Kraft Dinner------“si ZZ* i^Vanlty Fair Tissue .*u. .-»s99* variety of codes is used by 100 Danbury-Nawton Road * Proton Limit one par family. Good at any Pathmark Suparmarkat, At Pathmark, we have a private consistent values throughout its °#1 Whole Smelts (S*lb.0af) ■^Baggies -Bonus Pk.-,:;s>.*.7J»i59* a q c Bread Crumbs "^39* Sunday. Jan. 19 thru Sat., Jan. 22,1972. VolO where prohibited. meat cases. U.S. Departmeht of manufacturers, and the shopper has brand that encompasses over a Pathmark of Waterbury Jumbo Turbot Fillet ° Lea & Perrins Sauce " a 59* aCtolden Value Asparagus “a 39* 1 0 7 B Agriculture Whole Grade A Fryers been kept pretty much in the dark as 451 Bank 8tr— t______* Manufaclurar* Coupon Saving* . Manufacturera Coupon Savlnga thousand items—everything from a a a d d p a o p i l a p p p a o D o i Manulpcturcr* Coupon Saving* • ^ Manufacturers Coupon Savings • are 29c a pound. USDA Choice to what package markihgs mean. towards Ibe purchase ol ai . soda to soaps, cooking oil to baby towards the purchase ol Pathmark Pacfcage Goods Store T h is Coup on towards tha ourchase ol Now, however, becausie we feel This Coupon 2 bars This Coupon oil, baking aids to health and beauty Sirloin Steak is 99c a pound. Palhitiark Shopping CMtor towards the ourchaso ol W orth 15 o z. box This Coupon roll of 150 It. Worth 1 lb. pkg. Froian . W orth . Worth aids. The products that wear the In addition, all Pathmark meats you’re entitled to as tihuch ______210 Sponcor Slrttt ManchopUf. cbnn. Z est Post Alcoa are packaged in two-way, see- information as possible, Pathmark Dutohie Soap Pathmark name corhe under close Raisin Bran Aluminum Foil through trays. No guessing what’s on has a Code Book accessible to all Pathmark Gas Station Pretzels Compisxion Size scrutiny and quality control. We try Pathmark Shopping Canlor Limit on* pw tamH,. Oopd *1 *n, P*lhm*rk Supwm*,k*l. Sun**,, J*n. ISIhru S*l.. J*n.22.1ST2. VoM w h«?«pt^ n*d. Ltmil par lamlly. Good at any Pathmark Suparmarkat. Limit one par family. Good at any Pathmark Suparmarkat, never to put our bold red, white, and the other side. No getting home to shoppers, it’s conveniently located at 190 Spanoar Straot Manohaalor, Conn. Sunday. Jan. 19 thru t a U Jan. 2 2 .1S72. Void whoro prohHritod. Sunday. Jan. 19 Ihru Sat., Jan. 22.1972. Void whara prohibited. nBPnnPOPOBOOOBBPIBB 107B ppppooopppnpppppppi07B a noopnonnnDnpnBnnBn^p^B p BBBBBBBBBBBBflBBBB'07B □ Sorry - Certain Items not available where prohibited by law. PrHcaa affactiva Sunday, January 16,1972 thru Saturday nighi January 22,1972. Not raaponaibla lor typographical arrora. Wa raaarva lha right to ilmirquaniiilM!

Openings In “APR. I» To develop m essage for Tuesday, ic For 1- 2-11-23 4- 7.-20-64,^ On Trip Along Connecticut Top read words corresponding to numbers 1-/37-47-68 65-66-74 0*aft Oasses of your Zodiac birth sign SCORPIO TAURUS 1 Toke 31 Chorm 61 Move HOUSE The craft classes for girls of By JOHN JOHNSTON Among toe hlstoricEd ■views PTO Meeting APR. 20 2 Time 32Anxiously 62 Out OCT. 23 (Herald Reporter) were the home, originally a junior high age and up and toe ( W M a V 20 3 Wonderful 33 Patient 63 With NOY. 21 ‘ From Its source In the Cana- tavern, of the sculptor, Augus- 0\35-39-S4-59 4 Prospect . 34 Morning 64 Moy Hie Bolton Parent-Teacher 65 Excite 13-18-30-334 writing workshop, both sponsor­ .&/62-67-89-90 5 Someone 35 Good 49-63-84-877 GREAT ANNUAL dian Lakes to Ito mouth on Long tus St. Gaudens, near Cornito, Organization will resume its reg­ 6 Anxiously 36 Hours 66 Your ed by toe Recreation Depart­ island Sound, Mr. and Mrs. Ar- N. H.; the Brattleboro, Vt. GEMINI 7 Of 37 Positive 67 In SAGITTARIUS tliur Driscoll took yesterday af- home, now In disrepair, of ular schedule with a general MAT 21 8 Time 38 Awaits 68 Hunches NOY, ment at the West Side Recrea­ 9 Awaits 39 Money 69 Now teraoen’s Manchester Historical Rudyard Kipling; Constitution meeting Wednesday evening at 20 DEC tion Center, have openings and d^r'jUNB 10 For 40 Doctor 70 You mm Society audience at llllng J q- House in Windsor, Vt., where 8 In the all-purpose room of the 0\43-44-55-58 i 1 To 41 Your 71 Others 3- 8-10-25< persons interested In participat­ ®^0-75-79-86 12 Moke 42Dentist 72Him/Her 28-S0-83-85V5J nior High School on a coloY "state representatives voted to elementary school, according to 13 Show 43 Stand 73 Of HALE ing may register at toe center. slide trip down the Connecticut jo‘n the Union; and a replica of CANCER 14 Use 44 Toll 74 Emotions CAPRICORN Mr. and Mrs. Rigby Graham, 21 15 Rely 45Lawyer 75 Gain Dec. Hie craft classes meet Tuesdays River in all seasons. Port No. 4, where a bloody bat- 76 Word at 3 p.m. Tile time for toe writ­ Mrs. Driscoll introduced her tie took place during toe co-presidents. 22 16 Those 46 Next JAN.i, 17 Upon 47 Obey 77 Petty ing workshop on Fridays has narration by saying that her French and Indian Wars near In November and December f^15-l7-M-57 18Moture 48 Key 78 Nature 12-16-40-42 45-52-69 been changed to 10 a.m. love of toe valley began eis a Charlestown, N. H. th e organization sponsored a ly60-71-82-88 19 Your 49 Attitude 79 Ultimote 20 Romonce 50 And 801s AQUARIUS very young girl, when she help- At roadside In Hockanum, successful Book Fair cmd a LEO Afternoon clasMs for women » 21 Ooposite 51 Bring 81 GO JAN. 20, ed her grandfather during hay- Mass, are several signpost visit from Santa at the elemen­ j JULY 23 - 22 Your 52 Dotes 82 Toke have been changSfl to 1 :16 p.m. L AUG. 22 i 23 Be 53 Problems 63 Pleasure FES. IS Instead of 1 p.m. Ing time In Windsor. One of toe markers giving the dates and tary school. " 24 Letter 54 Day 84 Difficult high spots of this experience, helght-i cf floods at that place, 21-29-32-38 5- 6- 9-22, A basketball a n d volleyball Wednesday’s meeting will fea­ I 25 Sociol 55 For 85 Pursuits 24-27-72 eis weis D41-46-61 I 26 Inimitable 56 Defensive 86 VIndIcotion program Is held Tuesdays, she said, was riding atop a load Flood time It occurring ture a presentation by the guld- PISCES weis euis VIRGO jj 27 Write 57 Tactics 87 People Thursdays and Fridays from 3 of hay through toe covered captured at Holyoke, M ., .ance department. Counselor Jef­ c 28 Activity 58 Principles 88 Initiative FES. 19 Xj,:, AUG. 23 to 4:80 p.m. at toe center. No bridge across the FEirmington Haddam Neck Emd Esmt HEidr frey Heintz will speak on gen­ - 29 Sex 59 Branch 89 New MAR. 2 0 1 ^ FAMOUS BRANDS, BIG SAVING River. dam, and toe dock of toe South eral . aspects of guidance and SePT. 22 8 30 And 60 Let 90 Fields registration is necessary. A 34-36-51-53/^ The Driscolls’ first shot of toe GlsistonburyJlocky HUl ferry, 14-19-2^31 fe ) Adverse ^ N e u t r a l complete schedule of activities John Flek, department chair­ JGodd 73-77-78 ' river was Its appearance as a Other idaws,, from drab win- man, will discuss the work of .^48-7645-8|T»n!^ Special Purchase may be obtained at toe center office. brock shortly after teairing the ter through emerging spring to the school’s planning and place­ last of toe lakes. On their sev- toe fiery cclcrs of autumn, were ment team. daughters, Monique, 10, Darby, Former Envoy of Famous Brands eral visits along the river, they of Deerfield, Mass, in May; toe Materlsds for viewing will be 9, and Dawn, 4. caught the entrEmce of its tribu- oxbow between Holyoke smd available, and both men will Dean’s List Criticizes U.S. Available Only taries, among them toe White Northampton, Meiss. ; shad flsh- participate In a question^ and Donald Roser, son of Mr. and Skating - Coasting In Vermont, the Deerfield In ing at Knfield; and toe next-to- answer period following the pro- ^ j Foreign Policy In January Ma.ssachusetts, and toe Par- closing scene In toe Driscolls’ o i-i. 1, has been named to the dean’s mington. presentation was a field of Mrs. Slddiq Sattar, refresh- Southern Connecticut Utility companies don’t al- marshmallows at toe Fenwick ment chairman. Is in charge of LOS ANGELES (AP) — State College where he Is a All year long those notionolly VeNreTAVe* ways destroy natural beauty home of Katharine Hepburn. the coffee hour which will con­ China’s policy makers now con­ sophomore. A 19T0 graduate of sider the Soriet Union and Ja­ known makers tell their mer- a but often create it, Mrs. Dris- '______clude the evening. Bolton High School, Roser Is a pan—and not the United chondiie at regular prices. But coll said. To illustrate her Church Officers physical education major. States—the major threats in its in January, they cut their pric­ point, she showed one area of TTOpdoor Protects St. George’s Episcopal Bulletin Board geographical sphere of in- es, making for sales like this SkaUng conditions are good at toe river nesir Littleton, N.H., __ with savings up to 5 0 % . M converted to a beautUul lake j>y Home of Spider Church held its annual meeting ’The public affairs committee fiuence, a former U.S. am- Now's the time to stock up on three town skating arcEis, the Eind election of officers yester- of toe Bolton Junior Women’s bassador to Japw says, these Intimate garments, and Manchester Recreation Depart­ a power company dam. 'The OHIOAGO — One kind of spl- day, choosing as Its chief lay Club will meet tonight at 8 at Edwin O. Relschauer, who take advantage of prices that ment reports. (Jharter Oak, Cen­ spot was formerly 16-mlle rap- der builds an underground officer Edwin Nicholson of home of Mrs. D eloi^ VIm , gerved under Presidents Keime- won't be around for another ter .Springs Annex, and Union ids, “which were never very home protected by a hinged Riga Lane. Nlchcdson hM just Hebron Rd. TOe club s fme a ^ Johnson, said he was year's time. Pond will' be open for skating much,’’ Mrs. Driscoll SEiid. trapdoor. It ’.las g;rooves on toe completed a three yeEir term on committee meet Wetoestoy convinced that toe Nixon ad- from 3 to 9 tonight. One of toe more Intriguing underside by which toe spider at 8 p.m. at toe home of Mrs. the church’s executive boaird, mlnistration is disengfaging the slides showed toe river flowing holds It down if anything tries David Dreselly, ’Tunxls ’ITall. north briefly at a “neck” near to open it from above. When toe serving as chalrmEin of the United States from Southeast s a v e stewardship committee. He al­ .The trustees of United Metho­ Asia 'but total withdrawal of the New Hampshire - Massa- spider leaves home, toe door dist Church will hold a speclEil Public Records chusetts border. automatically springs shut. s o hesided larii m o n th ’s house- U.S. troops from Indochina $ 1.01 Saturday afternoon was open house at the Hartford area’s first Pathmark Su­ meeting tonight at 7:30. .would occur only after the Warranty Deed to-house canvass. Directors of toe Bolton Ato- permarket at 214 Spencer St. The spacious new store offers unit-pricing, ad­ The Rev. Robert Ihloff, vicar presidential elections. S k o jie tta letlc Association will meet to- He „ „ told „„„ toe „ „ Harvard vnxu and Rad- xvc«*- Sanford J. and Constance Pathmark Supermart vance notice of sales, and late weekend hours. In the foreground above are, of St. 8- seizes “ chair- g iRali* cUffe clubs of Southern Call- Ruth Plepler to Dennis A. and left to right, Pathmark’s district manager Steve Stessel, Manchester manager man of toe executive commit- Donohue, Tolland Rd. fomla Saturday that toe Araeri- in n o r b o n d Lynette Heffron, property at Larry Fives, and personnel specialist Art Tarlowe. (Herald photo by Pinto) The PubUc Building Oonunis- can position on toe recent Ih- 2%*X*X*A*e 112 Weaver Rd., conveyance tax PLAZA DEPT. STORE Nlcholson succeeds C. Arthur gion wlU meet tonight at 7:30 In dia-PaWstan war made toe control ponty girdle m m . $29.70. Wm Open Tomorrow Patomark mini-shopping center try, Eind produce; modem elec- Items, Emd informaUon reg^Eud- CarlsEHi EM vlce-chEdrmtm. Carl- the fireplace,jx»m of Commun- United Stides look foolish. PLAYTEX* m m 'Trade NEUues (We Have A Notion To Please) At 9 tomorrow morning, Man­ label, listing toe product name, whlch includes a Pattimark trie pricing machines Eind ing U.S. fcod stamps. SMI, who has served on toe ity Hall. Relschauer, now a i>rofeEisor r»g. and VJf Roger E. JordEin doing busi­ Package Liquor Store' at 210 scales; Eind a pollution-free ’The store will be open from 9 E. MIDOLB 'TPKE. (Next to Piqralar Market) committee tor 11 yetirs, was cit- xhe Ladies’ Benevolent So- of history at Harvrud, sEdd that ness EIS Central Connecticut chester Mayor John 'Thompson price, weight, EUid cost-per- long m $9 Spencer St. Emd a Patomark trash compactor instead of toe a.m. to 9 p.m. Mohday through OPEN WED., 'THUBS., FRI. till 9 ed by toe Rev. Mr. Ihloff tor his clety of Bolton Congregational in an era In which changes BRAS Lock Co. at 426 Center St. will cut a ribbon to open 30,000 measure of toe Item. Gas StaUon at 196 Spencer St. incinerator usuEilly found in su- ’Thursday, 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. contribution to toe church and Church will meet tomorrow were occurring even fEuster Non-roll waist. Firm nylon loce CsvMssv Stephen Puskas of Fprestvllle Special departments In toe ’The store’s 18 Eiisles include permarkets. Friday, Eind 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. front flattens tummy comfortably. square feet of supermarket to store include Em in-store bakery, was preEwnted with a gift. Oarl- night at 8 at toe home of Mrs. than during toe ‘Renaissance, doing business as Ganter’s Mar­ two Edsles of produce, two aisles ’The store’s nearly 200 em- Saturday. Circling bands control waist, hlj^ area shoppers—toe Hartford a customer snack bar, a phar­ NEW SHIPMENT OF GUSSWARE! son will centtoue to serve on toe J. Stanton Conover. PreEddent Nlican and his chief and back. Openable crotch; Sizes A. Free Spirit ket at 698 Center St. area’s first Pathmark Super- of frozen foods, and one adsle of ployes have separate men’s and j ■ ------board as head of toe building Hockey practice for boys age Eidvlser, Henry S. lOssinger, macy, Euid a lEirge non-foods sec­ m to xx-lorge; waists 28 to 33-34. Dlsaoliiiloi) of Trade Name maret at 214 Spencer St. tion offering items rEuiging from dairy foods. women’s lounges, Eind a meeting i t . - w • and grounds Mrs. 8 to IS will be held tomorrow still base U.S. foreign policy on ! The spacious new store brings The produce, meat, bakery, room for briefings. WneelChmr Light Apothecary Jars Crystal Bowls b£iltuice-of-pow- tric o t b ra Anna B. Ganter no longer do^ a complete line of health and Bw hara Wilcox, \riio is finish­ at 4 p.m. at Herrick Park. ‘19th Century---- -— ------— Extra Long Leg, reg. $11 $E Ing business as Oanter's Mar­ many .shopping innovations to and appetizer depsirtments are a night crew of 12 men Is LOJfDON — An electric wheel- (l-qt. Size) (Soup—CereEti—Dessert) Tlie (Board of Selectmen will er” theories. beauty aids to housewares, hEUd- ing a term eus clerk, was eJ so ket at 698 Center St. Manchester, as well eis a lylde all “pre-'wrap” operations, but necessEuy to mEiintaIn toe chsUr UiEit weighs less than 30 meet tomorrow at 7 p.m. In toe ware, suid toys. presMited with a gift tor her ef­ Building Permits variety of major brands, plus ’The store plans to expand toe customer service'telephones pro- shelves—stock deliveries come pounds and can be folded to 36 Banana Split Dishes Footed Beer Glasses town offices. Patomark’s own economy line of ■vide direct connection to store in every day. inches by 24 inches by 8 Inches forts on toe committee. Die Republican Town Com­ 3.99v;? m m Raymond Eind Louis Damato, nnn-forda sectlcn even further (New Style) Oitoers elected to toe board Olin Corp. Head •Xwlv» eight apartments at 20 Otis St., food and other items. by knocking down a side welU employes if something cannot Other speclEd customer ser- has been developed here. A fin- mittee will meet tomorrow at 8 •>XWeW Hesidlng toe list of speclEil fea­ be found in toe display cases. vices include check-cEishing, a gertip pewer centrd provides Are Hiomas Matrlck, treasur­ p.m. Ed Community Hall. $95,212. Euid taking ever EUiotoer 8,000 er; Mhrtoa Gold, clerk; C. Dies at Age 54 Total comfort in a lingerie- tures In toe new store Is "unit- square feet in a neighbortog ijpeciEUcy rEu:ks euso display code beck showing censumers two speeds—^1.6 mUes an hour Great Selection — Budget Prices Bantley Memorial Library will soft tricot for today's ''Natural pricing,” initiated by Pathmark Imported CEUidies, gourmet hew to read “freshness codes” forward and 0.75 m.p.h. forwEird Aitour Carlson, Roland Amund- closed tomorrow afternoon GREENWICH (AP)—Funeral Look'' in 3 styles: Soft Cup 32-. store. With this expansion. Path- lEist fall to help consumers shop mark will soon be able to effer Items (ca'vlax, etc.), Chinese, which appeEir on perishable or reverse. K^ey, Lucian Heck- ,rom 2 to 6 p.m. The library will ggryices are scheduled for 36A, 32-40B, 32-40C. Fiber- comparatively. EEich item on SpEinlsh and Kosher foods. men’s Euid women’s clothing, ac­ ler and Barbara Shorrock. be open during regular evening Wednesday at Christ Church In fill lined 32-36A, 32-38B, 32- toe shelves is displayed with a A promotionEd section includes ^ ^ ------Philip Forzley, torls Fuller, hours, 7 to 9. 38C. Fully padded 32-36A, -SPECIAI cording to AsristEint 'Maiuiger Greenwich for Gordon Grand, m m items that a r e on SEile eis well liyX cuid Katherine Wheeler were ------preEddent and chief executive 32-38B. FrEUik BlEtoiewicz. EIS couptm discount items, tor elected eis representatives to Manchester Evening Herald 69 OLDS. $2195.0( The new store, vtoich boasts officer of Olln Corp., who died Cutlass Supreme 4-Dooi| convenience of shoppers looking toe Manchester Area Council of Bolton correspondent, Judith 16. high-speed checkout counters for "speclEils.” ’The store will Sunday. 'aight on Light" Hardtop. IMaroon, V-8, Euito,| ' NEW! — EXCITING Churches. RenEimed to toe Bol- Dotiohoe, Tel. 649-9409. GrEind, 64, suffered a heart B. Crots-Your Heart and pEu-klng for over 600 cars. distribute weekly “value plEui- ton BcumenlcEil Council were ______PS, PB, extra clean, On^ Is owned EUid operated by Super­ attack while playing tennis and b r a 0 m m owner. NATURAL HEALTH ners”—^pEunitolets that describe Jolm Gleason, who Is presently died on toe way to toe hospital, t h i i f i n m . co tto n b ra m M f markets General Corp. at Wood- toe next week’s sale prices, serving as council chadrman;' a company spokesman said. bridge, N.J. The compEUiy eUso coupons, shopper hints, and Hughes Tool Co. e*We*X*X*m m MANCHESTER FOOD SHOPPE runs 94 other PathniEU-k super­ Sue Gorton Eutd Cynthia He joined OUn Industries in saM ti. spEice to wriie in grocery lists. 691 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER Hughes. Seeks Manganese ^ an asMstant to ale pre»- 1.99 k n it b rief tor OLDSMOBILE A T T H E markets in five states, eis well ’The store also includes spe- _ ® , Ident and became chief exec- 5.99 as gas statiems, pharmEicies, ciEil features toe customer 'will WlUlEim Schmidt and Roibert ident Contoured with fluffy fiberfill 512 W. CENTER ST. PLENTY OF FREE PARKING utive officer and president of that never shreds or bunches. Stretch straps. Lifts and separ­ PARKADE Euid department stores. not see: Several huge storsige Latorcq;) were elected delegates In Facific safg f MANOHESTBR—etS-m i to toe dlocesan-archdeanery Olln Corp. in 1966. Three section embroidered ates for O lovelier figure. 32- m m : The new MEinchester super­ freezers for frozen foods, ice OPEN'. 6 DAYS — THURSDAY NIGHTS tiA 9:00 36A, 32-40B, 32-42C. m Eiin cream, dsdry foods, meat, poul- council, and jEine Shaweross , Calif. (AP) RegEirded eis an'y^autoority on batiste for perfect separation. *2 « m m m market Is toe facility of a and Shirley Zeldler were Hughes Ibol Co. says it plans law, Gra^ serv^as coun- Designed for the slightly minis by C U P ID Smooth control knit, cut to be sel to the House Ways and to the average figure. White, worn with all sportswear and designated eis EiltemEdes. to mine mEtngEmese from toe black. Sizes A32 to 36; B and Named to toe Coventry hoH Means Committee In toe 83rd dresses. Garter grips for your ocean floor at deptos of 12,000 TftW. C 32 to 38. pantyhose. Honeytone, Small, m m 0 SEMI-ANNUAL STOREWIDE "Body Shaper” for medium, large. BbicUns and Elizabeth Chase, Paul 'Reeve, mEmager of min- received his law deg^ree from New Cltlsen Ing research for toe company, HEurvard In 1941. He served in Milady pants Mrs. Rita BEumard of Tangle- said as he helped launch a 34- the U.S. Army in World War n STARTS STARTS wood liEine was made a U.S. foot harge that will be used in and rose from toe rank of pii- "The Control" cltizen today In a swearing-in the mining: “I cEin say very vate to major sind served as euv Figure Builder ceremony at the OapltoMn Hsirt- uttle about tols because of toe aide to Secretary of War Henry p o lity s o M ford. proprietEuy nature of the operar L. Stonsen. 9 Spondox-Lycro Clearance SALE Mira. Bauroutd CEune to Con- tlon." Besides his widow he leaves TOD A Y! TOD A Y! necticut from Neuhausen, SchEd- The 'bEuge launched SaturdEiy two sons and three daughters. ponty girdle ms fhausen, Switzerland, In 1967 and wees designed by Global MEirine ______»'•' 2.97 Slims, trims with gentle con­ settled in Essex where she met and built by National Ste^ & All deluxe Lycra spandex her fausbEUid NormEm. They were Shipbuilding Go. powernet with a dozen dia­ trol and eliminates bulges. 4n98 married In 1960. Reeve refused to disclose toe monds for fore and aft smooth­ Perfect tinder pants of all . Mrs. BarnEU-d Is sictlve In locatUm of the venture other im ETT DRU8 ing Below the hip, the some Longleg ponty of Lycro-spondex m Get Ready Ladies for Our SEMI-ANNUAL SALE! 20fo to 50% Savings pov>ernet, without a single, kinds. Garment never rides up. with extra Lycra panels on front community adfEdrs, Is a than to say it Is “somewhere In PARKADB panel that hold and slim. Four Brownie scout leEider and is on the Pacific.” seam, gives you o beautiful Hose neveir rides down. White, OKN thigh-line. No holding, squeez­ concealed detachable garters. toe executive boEUrl of St. MangEui^ Is eui EiUoy often :00 A.M. to 10 P.M. red, brown. S,MJ4,XL. Sizes medium to extra lorge. George’s EpiscopEd Church. She used In lightweight aerospace ing. White S, m, I, xT. 2 x4 x S .9 8 reg. $ g PLUS Eind her husband have three metEds. X sizes (34-40) 3.97- reg. 4.99 BOYS’ and GIRLS' REDUCED A FOR COATS-JACKETS TO \ FUNERAL HOME DOLLAR SNOW SUITS CLEAR! Kvis* Established 1874 th ree g)enercaions of service m S SALE LARGE GROUP OF LARGE GROUP OF ABOUT 1,000 142 East Center Street m : y m Manchester, Q>nn. 06040 BOYS' TROUSERS GIRLS' DRESSES (203) 649-7196 SAVE ON THESE FAMOUS BRANDS! • KNITS • CO’TTONS • WOOL BLENDS • CORDUROYS • WOOL BLENDS 9-18 Monts, Toddlers, 2-4, 3-6X, 7-14 m•:-Xv i Kate Greienaway, Youngland, Polly Flinders, • POLYESTER-COTTON BLENDS and R.A.R. u.m -K*: •:!::# m BO Y S' W EAR GIRLS' WEAR wbotever your $!*•/ tbero's a "Soft-Skin" girdle for you — William J. Lennon, Director Flexees ’••iVeV • Boys' Slacks • Girls’ Slacks by Pandora Roy M. Thompson, Associate Director F brief, girdle rag, 2.50 full control • Boys’ Slack Sets by Healtotex • Girls’ Slack Sets by Healtotex R, Bruce Watkins, Associate Director, Corporation President a n d p o n ty ponty girdle • Boys' Wool Blazers • Girls’ Bathrobes by Her Majesty Watkins Directors welcome any questions on funerals, customs, pro­ All In sizes small, medium, large ond extra large. White, TO • Boys’ Toddlers Overall Sets • Girls’ Hats (Knit or Dress) rag. $12 cedures, etc. Come in, phone or write for a dependable answer. No total • Boys' Hats (Knit or Dress) • Girls’ Pajamas • Girls' J^rseys oblisration, naturally. I extra size ponty and $13 9 rag. 3.50 m i • Boys’ Pajamas • Boys’ Jerseys • Girls’ Toddler Overall Sets o r g ird le Flexees most popular ponty. m i Perhaps this question has been on your mind: Frovldes excellent support. ±Ws • Group of Coordinates (Slacks, Hats, Jackets) • Group of Coordinates (Slacks, Hats, Jackets) Both in sizes 34 to 44, Special satin lostex panels, lycra powernet sides. Medium Q. My wife Is beneficiary on my Insurance policies. Will she have Lightweight. . , o ioy to wear, giving lust enough support where to xxxl. White, Shoe store to pay inoonre tax on this insurance when she collects? needed. Mode of knitted Lostex with nylop panel front. Guar­ “FINE SHOES FOR anteed non-run. Washes like a hanky. GUSTAFSON’S ALL THE FAMILY” NATIONAL BRANDS — REGULAR STOCK! A. Life insurance proceeds are NOT subject to federal income tax — PROVIDING they are paid in a lump su m .. . . There are vari­ 705 MAIN STREET. MANCHESTER ir “Member of Main Straet Guild" ables however if the funds are kept on deposit and paid off in Greot Bergoins! Buy for Now! School, or Next Year! installments.. . . You lawyer can explain the rules and complications 'eiAJ OPEN 6 DAYS — THURSDAY NIGHTS fW 9 — MASTER CHARGE ACCEPTED! to you. M5 MAIN ST., DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER MANCHESTERr EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 17, 1972 PAGE FIFTEEN PAGE FOURTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY. JANUARY 17, 19T8 for a.cemetery in a Rural Rest- Women; and Eklward Kenney, CrackdowYi StartsTomorrow South Windsor dence Zone. mission council chairman. by Don Ookloy Ballet Classes Elected to serve on the mis­ ersTOM KKmi()i„s'rKRi>(; One-Fourth of Mankind 03. last Days of china) end John Lone Registration for children in sion council were John Bond, Freeze Prices" Zoning Unit the Recreation Department- Sam Brady, James Byer, Joan Life l6 Good in ' Ruesswlg, Barbara SWleUlcki, t v,-f y ,, , f.. "Cbrrfliciufl 9ayOt By BIUWKS JACKSPN 22, provides fines o f up to $5,000 sponsored ballet program may­ f’r.j', , f-y •HTe"PoiueM^ YiViigdom" be made at the receptionist’s Ray Oough, Phil Braender, An­ S c o tc h g a r d Is it Noha 6>neoit W^iffiDdatON (AP) — To­ for each violation of the ptotlng To G>nsider drew Hall, Walter Fisher and provision. Furthermore, no desk at the Town Hall before Pleaeure t o Learn 9* day ^ th e last day the nation’s ■ F eb. 1. Edward Kenney. big >^shopk$epera can get by retailer may legaUy have Street Closed raised any of his prices at any Youth Center Classes will be held Tuesday without poating freeie-lovol afternoons at the Community Starting tomorrow morning, time since Nov. 14 without Raymond Rd. will be closed to prices where customers can see A decision by the Planning Hall on Main St. Registration Is them . meeting the posting require­ all through traffic. The street m ent and Zoning Commission is ex­ $10 per cltild. Tha Ihtemal Revenue tervlce will remain closed for one pected tomorrow on a request begtils^a crackdown 'Tuesday to Since the new law provides Children with no prevloua bal­ month while the town Is install­ E enfonle. a legal requirement, that customers may cmiect up to allow the use of a farm work­ let experience must be at least ing new sewer lines. The an­ to triple damages . and court seven years old and siMuld be 1 technically In force since Jan. ers’ boarding house on Windsor- nouncem ent w as m ade by P

4 town counsel. and Ziti been used about toe time the Advisory Recreation and Park of boats and equipment. the Zoning Board of Appeals. wlU be made. America in toe next decade. 36" Length ^ « . The United Congregational ' Duffey, toe unsuccessful Thie' E conom ic StahtllsaUon’ ehureh burned in the 1916 Paris Commission have been Invited Congregation B’Nai Israel Is He previously served as an al- New zoning and subdivbion The privileged of America will | Reg. 2.29 1.07 Church will hold its annual Democratic senatorial candi­ Ao^ signed .Into law last Dec. fire. ' to attend. requesting a special exemption temate to the Planning and regulations will then be de- date in 1970, spoke to two have to pay the cost of aB, toe taxpayer” pays an unfair tax| temple Men’s Club and toe burden. "What takes courage,' Pequot No-Iron “ • o r . A t « ™ . United Synagogue Touth. he said, “is to point out toe I PRE-INVENTORY APPAREL Cannon Jacquard wealthy who do not oav their I vate resident. He will serve to dance will be held Feb ^ ^ Man- Mesklll said at one point In Towel Ensemble coordinate the flow cf commu- 4 at the Manle Grove Club in Child Guidance Clinic, his November speech, "The fair share of taxesj Mr. MeskiU.. Fashion Sheets right to welfare Is a poor su'ty is strangely silent about tax | Bath Hand Wash Reg. 1.99 Reg. 1.29 group and the PZC. t^e ToUand High ^ G r ^ e wiU meet tomor- stltute for to© desire to work looitooleg for' toe rich.” Reg. 59c J S i o . Irene <^lsh of M er^ gp^ool Stage Band, comjSfd Labonte and advance which Is toe and Pillowcases 1.57 97' 47' Rd. was elected secretory. She students who play in the ’ mainstay of most famlUes.” Rich baroque pattern in bril­ is representing the T olled Jv- gtyie of the bands of the 40’s. ------Duffey quoted from what he 72"xI04" Twin Flat S1"x104" Full Flat liant two tone combination on nlor Women’s Club on the clti- ^he GOP wlU make a dona- Manchester Evening Herald said was toe CongreBBlonal or Fitted, Reg. 3>I9 . and Fitted, Reg. 4 4 9 sheared velour. zens committee. Md la toe wife ^ toe band’s unUorm fund, Tolland correspondent Bette R ecord o f Oct. 15, 1971. He o f school board chairman services. Quatrale, telephone 875-281S cited figures indicating 'that 2.97 Pequot Hand Towels James Comiw. a*. _i. A donation of f5 per couple less than one per cent of wel­ GLOBE 3 DAYS ONLY TO SAVE PiHowcases The committee will be asked, and tickets are fare recipients are able-bodied, and Wash Cloths its feelings a l^ t ToUand to^y available from members of toe Tra Y d Sehrioe 42"x36",Reg.249 Vivien Kellems imemployed males. Duffey also Cl®* Hand Wachclath and ToUand tomowow as -dls- Republican Town Committee or said statistics >show that about 555 MAIN STREET Reg.59c Reg. 29c cusMd at its prevlwB meeting, Republican Women’s Club, Tells Her Story 1.97 for toe benefit cf Jonathan Ool- ^ 14 per cent of working-age wel­ 643 -2 16 5 ------7* L97 4 r 9 7 * for * 197 man o f Northeast Developm ent u^t!!i**S^” '**** *^*“ '®*' fare mothers have jobs and blend of 50% Kodel • polyester, 50% cotton - never Richard Bean, outgoing presl- In Arkansas that another seven per cent are Anttovteqd agent in Man- iron! Pretty floral design on long wearing type 128 muslin. Velours, jacquards, prints and ebeater for all Alilinea, solids. Very absorbent. Colman is serving as planner was^tror^S Ark. (AP) ^ In work training. Ballmnda and Steamalii^ Duffey said the barriers U nea. m Lt'wO T^rwTwlto^e^^! testimonial dinner Satur- Vivien Kellems took her tax against those not working con­ He appeared piteased with toe “tebt at toe club. battle to Arkansas over toe sist of lack of opportunities. Cotton / Viscose ^ yy"; Stock up Caldor's Own Fitted citizens group’s evaluations. Be^ and toe club re- weekend and tried to enlist the "The majn barrier to work Rug Yarn Note! Mottress Pads “After listening to you tonight, ceived words of help of that state's Press Asso- for those uiiable to do so is not you obvlourily knew this town attending, inclutU^ ETrst gjation In her P,yht against imwiUingness but toe absence Twin Full Reg. 3.99 Reg. 4.99 far better than we do,” Oolman Erwin Stcetzner. y,bat she calls an unfair penal- of job training, jobs and day­ A MODERN yd. stated. ^ succeeded by ty against single people. care arrangements for their skein Colman outlined toe steps to ter Bleleckl as president of toe Miss KeUems, 75, contends children,” Dpffey said. 2.97 3.97 Handy pull skein for ponchos. be followed In the prepara- unfair for single people And yet, said Duffey,' toe PHARMACY P«// Sanforized cotton, machine wash­ tion of toe town plan, .vtolch Task Force Meets be taxed at a higher rate be- vests, slippers, rugs. Solid colors. Skein able. Long wearing fitted pads he expects to be completed In ’Die lAUlUmantlc River Task cause the Income-splitting pro- "cruel of Governor Mes- protect your mattress. a prellmlnaiy format by toe end Force wUl hold a public meet- visiems available to married OFF CALDOR’S ORIGINAL DISCOUNT PRICES! of toe fiscal year in Jime. Ing Friday night at 8 in the taxpayers are denied to them. In Our Fabric The plan will be based on toe Town Hall. Mie also claims toe govem- 16 lbs Cotton and ALL LADIES’ , MEN’S, CHILDREN’S APPAREL Dept. Matching Shower myriad amount of statistical In- Deed FUed ment qwes her more than It RANGE AND Cotton Blend Prints formation available from toe Only one warranty deed was claims she owes them In back and Up. or Window Curtains state and other sources. "We filed with toe town clerk last taxes and has filed blank In- FUEL OIL • Mi«s0s’ Slack Sets • All Hosiery • Shoes for the Family do not beUeve in just doing busy week. The deed transferred come tax returns since 196d. GASOLINE Rea. 99c Our shower work,” Colman told toe group, property off New Rd. from Tol- “i have suspended paying MONDAY, TUESDAY ONLY! a MIssas'Dresses a Lingerie and Foundations • Boys’ Sweaters to 1.29 Reg. or Window explaining he does not intend to land Hills, Inc. to Mary Ann taxes until they pay me,” she Yard 1.99 ea. 1.27•0< Curtain dupUcate toe efforts of other Farrow. told toe press association. She B AN TLY OIL a Missas* Swaatars o Men’s Outerwear It is estimated that 20 • Boys’ Slacks Heavy gauge vinyl in prints or agencies which have already A quit claim deed filed trans- contends toe government owes COMPANY, INC. Permanent‘press, machine wash- million Americans have a Miasas*lBlousat a Man’s Shirts . able prints in bright colors. 45" solids. Smart accent colors. 6'x6' come up with the basic informa­ ferred property o ff New Rd. her <88,000. Ground Chuck a Boys’ Jackets Shower curtain size. tion. from toe Connecticut Bank and Urging toe Arkansas Press 331 Main Street smoked ]>ot at least once. wide. The first step wUl be toe gath­ Trust Co. to Tolhuid Hills, Ihc. Association to join her battle . . . Is marijuana all that a Woman’s Skirts s Man’s Drass Slacks • Boys’ Sport Shirts ering of aU this information to 4-H Club Forms she said, "When you get Into Tel. 649-4595 harmful? . . . The con­ Printo - Pure Pork, Hot or Sweet serve as a resource library for A new 4-H club, toe Crafty this you realize Just how inept Rockville 875-3274 ventional wisdom is chal­ 4 Wamsn’s Coats a Man’s Jeans • Toddler’s Outerwear Spinnerin 2 Pc. Bath Mat Set work on toe actual plan. Craftmakers, has been formed and stupid toe Internal Reve­ lenged these days not Oolman and his partners wUl under the leadership of Mrs. nue Service is.’’ only by , but also a Wbman’s Handbags • Mali’s Sport Shirts • Girls’ Outerwear Potholder also prepare several tentative Joseph Hall, Metcalfe Rd. The by some responsible sci­ Vest and Hat Kit 2.22 outlines for proceeding with toe group is presently .working on entists who have studied Roliim Ssasuge • Men’s Sweaters • Girls’ Dresses Solid color 21"x:l6" mg and lid plan’s compilation, to be dls- home decorations, th e dru g. . . . Ck>nstant cussed by toe citizens’ group at Peygy Zabilansky will serve cover. Choice of 2 slvles. their next meeting Jan. 27. as president, assisted by Lynn research is being done to Machine wash dry. "•We ipust look at \riiat plans Tourtelotte, vice president; TUNE-UP establish the facts. . . . Even though there is no a 2.99 3 Pc. Cut & Loop Bath Mat Set 000 other agencies—state, regional Carol MacArtour, secretary; Includes 21" x 36" rug, contour mg. lid cover. Reg. 4.99 O . o d and private—have already su- Brenda Hall, treasurer; and evidence that marijuana .Washable DuPont Orion "'acrylic leads to addiction no mat­ . yarn for vest and hat - easy in­ SPECIAL ^NAVEL GRANGES' ■ '• • H ia rr Clearance n * * * * structions tell you.how to crochet ter how often it is this in no time! Broadloom Carpet (WITH THIS AD) smoked, and the chronic Sunkist “Du Pont Certification Mark^ Area Rugs user does not require • • • Fabric Department ever-increasing amounts Tops in C»»« Cartie,, IMM Meed 24"X 36" 24"X 48" 24" X 72 to get high, there are Reg. 1.99 Reg. 3.49 Reg. 3.99 ONLY ^31.95 still serious questions un­ Vitamin G 1,67 2.67 3.47 answered about the safe­ 1070 ty of the drug. . . . The brother Sculptures, tweeds, shags and Blue Green , more! .Serged on all sides. tn e d i c a 1 establiBhSMnt Fresh, Tender Zig-Zag Sewing Many colors.Use Anywhere! Includes all parts and labor, Doled points and and the government con­ •39' tinue to say that it can BMCCni teeceuM' Machine For S licin g 3.00 condenser, A C spark plugs, fuel filter, air be dangerous for some with FREE Portable Case Reversible Oval people, hut now for the o r Frying 3 * 3 3 OoUrw. ^ 3 cleaner, PCV maintenance, adjust auto, choke, Egg Plant '>’29c Braided Rugs first time they are press­ .7.00 S .2 5 2J-00is.ao Our clean battery terminals, adjust carb. Idle and ing forward with re­ Red Radishes Snappy Fresh 6 oz cello 10c Boot, Reg. 20"x32" 24"x42" 27” x48" 8.44 79.70 Reg. 2.99 Reg. 3.99 Reg. 4.99 search to try to estab­ ^ 1 2 5 3 , 4 3 * . 3 , linixture, set dist. dwell, adjust timing. lish th e facts.. . . SWEATERS Garlic Buds 2 in p k g 2 29c 1.97 2.97 3.97 We are concemed wUh toe Slacks Jn. "^'00 S3 OR A/O OARCl $2.00 EXTRA The zig-zag machine that sews forward or backward, makes but­ 100% aci'ylic, easy to clean. weU-beiug of all of our pa­ tonholes. etc. Bobbin wipds automatically while you .Sew. #651/652 Double core. Chouse I mm 6 Red Onions Favorite for Flavor 2 lbs 2 9 c Wood cabinets available. trons. STU prescriptions ^utd colors. SKIRTS have them ddlvered free by LENOX PHARMAC7, 299 B. 0 OrMt Ways To Charge 2 Great Wa'yi to Charge Center St. Tel. 6490890. Artichoke Hearts ««i"39c Manclietter , Mon., Tues., Wed. SCRANTON MOTORS Qipea 8-9. Sun. and Holidays Exit 93, Wilbur Cross Parkway Mon. thru Pri. 9:06 a.m. to 9:30'p.m. 1145 Toliuid tpke. Sale Mon. thru Wed. 8-8. Trained Cosmetician on Mon. thru Fri. 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. 1145 Tolland Turnpike qjn.to9i30^m. R OUTE 83 VERNON duty. We carry leadlpff Prices in this Ad Effe(3ive thru Sat,, January 22, 1972 Manchester, Saturday 9 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. brands includi^ those by No Rainchecks on Clearanct Items PHONE 872-9145 Worth and Tvea St. Leurent. Fast fUm service. . ''i' ■ ■


■A MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 17, 1972 PAGE SEVENTEEN PAGE SIXTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 17, 1972 ' _ 4 "^ . e tackle Bob Lilly and' . Chuck BUGS BUNNY to Mr. and Mrs.' Donald Fish, OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLB Manchester Lakevlew Heights, Tolland. I x r e a t l r a n i e a MOWWlPr-Hmited m e D olpw ns' UConn Paper Distributes uness Is - - - ...... DTSCHARCffllD SATURDAIT: potent ground attack, featuring Hospital Notes Larry Csonka and Jim KUpk, to Mrs. . Avis N. Blomberg, 89 Birth G>htrol Handbook vnoTiMo aotiBs Lancaster Rd.; Howard W. Gold, Says N ix 6n 80f A REAaV CLEAN UUNDROHAT 59 B arry R d .; M rs. M arion F . M ike Caaidc started Dallas’ Aniwtr to Frtvioui Puiil* Intermediate Care Semi* . I .U arORRS (AP) — A student day, but distribution of the edl- Crawford, 14i4 Birch St.; Robert private, noon • s p.m., and 4 “ **,2^jJ^X 5^o£^and newspaper at the University cf . TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY SPECIAL Something to Drink a . .ni l „ Harney, B86 W. Middle Tpke.; Of the Bowl with a did not begin until Sunday. p.m. • 8 p.m.; private rooms, ^ Meyer, East Hartford. ___ _ _ Staubcush fired a seven-yard Ccnnectlcut this week is distrib­ 8 Lbs. DRY CLEANING — $1.^ 3 Embassy IS a.m. . s p,m., and 4 p.m. NEW ORXiElANS (A P ) — Ttie touchdown pass to L ance AI uting a 48-page Birth Control p.m..V Also, Ronald R. King, Stafford employes Springs; Frahk Diana, 1068 Dallas Cowboys finally‘won the worth n seconds before half- Qualify Spedd Queen Equipment 1 ----- water 4 Emmet Pediatries: Parents allowed Handbook that the new8pax>er N ix o n R eturns -5 D r in k m a d e Bluefleld Dr.; Mrs. Jean W. Uggest game of aU—The Super time. Oaro Yepremlan’s M- SMire any tpme except noon—8 p.m.t staff says vtolates- state law. from honey 6 Whirlpool Bates, Hebron Rd., Bolton; Mrs. Bowl. 9 F e m i n i n e others, S p.m. • 8 p.m. The editors of the Storrs To White House BELCON LAUNDROMAT - 309 RA. 7 Awry (dial) Anne B. LautenbaCh, 210 MAin BeHlpd the passing of Roger Mldml’s only scor- appellation Sljairs Self Service: lo tum. ■ S p.m .; Weekly Reader said they were 10 Muddy mau 4 p.m. • 8 p.m’ 8t«Z, the running of Duane ^ th?? yards WASHINOTON (AP) 9 Apiary item (FCkinnor J r., 12 Guide 10 Pottery Intensive Okre and Oofonary Walt' Oarrlson and third-period touchdown President Nixon Is back In 13 Undyed fragment Care: Immediate family onlv, m iwiditin Tnka • ®®*'’*** ******^ vaunted Staubach paased seven state law concerning abortion Washington after four days of woolen cloth (var.) (Scot.) any» „ « time,n ™ . limited « ------Y esonis, isa m. Mionie ipse., rtoomsday Defense, the Cow- yards to Mike Dttka In the final informaUon. Instead, they said, at his Camo David re- 11 Kind of earth 26 Vehicle island Emile P. Rouleau, Hartford; 14 Dispatch boat 38 Baking ntes. 12 Period of time 27 French Shawn D . Flint, 115 Were® M „ c o m m o n ^are distributing the ^ ^ iT ^ V X s to 15 Legume 15 Forgave pronoun compartment p ^ 2^ i Sunday in Supw of 19 passes for 119 yards. handbook "because it meOts an measagee he plane to 16 Word of * Maternity I Fathers, 11 e.m. • South WindBor; Rudolph" B. ATTENTION! 19 Hasten 28 Termination 39 Through Bowl VI for the champlonahip .j^e Cowboys even had the important need in this commu- C«»8Tess. assent 29 Refreshing 40 Frank 18:45 p.m., and «;89 p.m. - 8 Swemback, 189 K elly R d., 17 Violent desire 20 Cognizant cf professional football. defensive answer to Nixon’s nlty ’’ Nixon returned to the White 21 Life- drink 41 Small boat, p.m.; others, 8 p.m. - 4 p.m., Souto Windsor. (coU.) 32 Activity 42 Anglo-Saxon and. 6:80 p.m. - 8 p.m. . am o ______^ to C^- ^„ah-pubUclsed P« UConn’s ConnecUcut Dally fouse by heUco^er Sunday af- 18 Virtue in sustaining Also, IMlliam J. Sansom, liquid (Scot) ■ servant Age Umits; if In maternity. whiZ)rriUe• Mrs. iW Me- ^ 8«»tlon that the Dolphins try a camnus newsoaper stopped watehli* the pro football BROWN'S TIRE SHOP Buddhism 34 Famous violin 450nthe 21 Eerie 23 Possessive 1* In other areas, m. Umit In ^Ltfort Betty d^-and-ln pass from Bob publishing ab^on-oounsellng television. A 888 MAIN g lB E E T — MANCHESTER maker sheltered side Donald, East Hartford; half-hour after the game ended 22 Fermented 36 Sign 47 Perched , self-service. he thought it wus one of the Q,.jggg Paul Warfield. Iflaml advertisements more than a juice of grapes; Lou Herxog, 518 Burii EUll Rdi; -the President teleidvoned. con- 37 Indonesian 48 Male swan All emergency pattente' and m k olas C accae, 268 HlgMand great games In every area." triea it four timea—and failed year ago after being advised of 26 Made plain ' Then, with a reference to the . times - . to Dallas Coach NOW HAS IN STOCK 29 Tardier 1“ T" outpaXtents are regnested to nee 8 t.; M rs. Ann E . B oris, 271 HmAR the UHS I9UM.C9state 0UtVUM3statute byUy the Ul«3 unlver-UlUVCl- 21 i^aitulatlone __ 1“ 3" r r late coach of Uie <3reen------Bay ^ _ „ „ „ disappoint- rity attorney. Torn^ ^ ^ Landry, ^ whose Cowboys ^ 30 Family the new «mergenoy ' room a f Mrs. Jane D. defeated the Miami Dolphins. members 9 19 II entrance off Armory 8t. Acoeae ^ ^ v n 40 " Brian .Rd., South Pikers and Uie Washington ju^nt,” said Miami Coa«* Don The Weekly Reader Is fl- 31 Supervise 24-8. 22S-15 MICHELIN RADIAL to the entrance,is via existing Windsor; Mrs. klLaigoret P, Redskins, the President added, «


SPRING SEMESTBt m P A C E REGISTRATION FOR Nandi Whip SPECIAL STUDENTS Mayonnaise S LLOCC'S C8S88I ASSOITKD MILKMJIK CNOCOMTl 0 % m A Nestles CANDY J 1 W U WednoMkiy, Joiiuary 19 pedal " K " REDEEM THESE VALUABLE RegUtration open to anyone not previ- FREE COUPONS!

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BV)r further Intormatlon, call the admissions «Moe at 8484900. MANCHESTER COMMUNin COLLEGE NOT MSPONSINU PM TTPOCNAPNICAl IRROtS. PIKII O ficn v i IAN. 1742 M TUn CONUMNNn ANN VKHNTT


After a poor second half High Friday. Both games are ' Two Type Games Central, which qx>rts a dismal beaten Weaver High Saturday. performance by Manches­ slated for toe Ehgles’ Nest. Manchester High, in its lat­ 0-7 mark and 1-8 overall, can’t Bulkeley stayed close to toe est battle, displayed toe two ter High’s basketball team In other action, Cheney plays be taken too lightly. Then types of games It is capable of Beavers although toe Bulldogs IWday night the Tribe gets twice this week against Wol­ playing. In the opening 16 min­ Wethersfield, another club low hit on only 18 to 51 field shots involved in ■two key CCIL cott Tech in an away contest utes it was strictly a team ef­ in toe C dL, with a 2-5 mark, is ^nd didn’t have toe rebounding games this week. The In­ Wednesday and Granby at fort as Manchester i>uUt up a a surprising teani toa.t is ca­ power. dians play host to Bristol Cen-. home, Friday. Ellington High, comfortable margin over Ma­ pable of beating toe best. East has been getting a su­ tral Tuesday and are on toe beaten in its last ouUng, {days loney High. Streak Ends perb performance from senior road Friday against Wethers­ only once this week, Friday, Then over the final two pe­ The Indians, with toe defeat emter Kevin Tierney and for­ field. The fight for toe OCIL against independent E. O. Smith riods of action, toe Indians dis­ by Malmiey, ended one of toe ward Kevin Tierney and for- leadership will dwindle down to on toe Knights' home grounds. played what individual efforts longest streaks in recent years Joe Whelton and Ken Tomezuk one team tomorrow night when Once-beaten Coventry High can do to a potent lead. It with four consecutive ■wins. have tstoen up toe offensive co-leaders Maloney High and meets Rham High at home seemed that the entire Indian East CaUudic, finally got im- slack and gave East a well- Windham High battle in the Tuesday and battles rival Bol­ squad wouldn’t pcuis off in favor tracked again after dropping balanced scoring attack. Thread City. ton Friday on enemy territory. of individual hefolsm that never two straight, and now sport a Former UConn basketball East Catholic, which got re­ Slumping Rockville High plays developed. two-game winning sketn. Bulke­ standout Bob Staak will gtode venge against Northwest Cath­ twice, against powerful Bloom­ On toe other Imnd, Maloney ley, a m em ber o f the CJapital his Hornets to toe Eagles’ Nest olic last Friday night, meets field in an away clash tomor­ worked as a unit and capitalized District Conference, one of toe Friday night A year ago East tough Bulkeley High Tuesday row and returns home Friday on Tribe ermrs. state’s more potent loops, whs Hartford was winless,. and now and surprising East Hartford night against Simsbury. Manchester’s next opponent. handed Its latest loss by once sports a fine 4-6 overall record. Three-Point Goals Schoolboy MCC Drops Thriller Standings To Northwestern Five Registered in Win C d L With less than 20 seconds remaining on the clock. ■ Northwestern (im m unity College’s Charlie Kidd netted M aloney 6-1 a 20-foot jumper to give the hosts a 108-106 victory over NEW YORK (AP)—George Lehmann scored a three- •...... Windham 6-1 Manchester (5.C., Saturday afternoon in Winsted. ’The , ^ . 3 ' point goal . . and liked it so much that he did it five M anchester 5-2 Cougars, with the loss, dropp^ - more times. Penney 4-3 to 3-6 overaU and 3-5 in toe con- OOCAA STANDINGS (AP photo) W. L. SACKED —- Dallas quarterback dumped for loss by Miami’s Jake Scotl* By the time he was finished, After Lehmann’s three-point- Platt 4-8 5- 3 ference. Northwestern upped its RUNNING ROOM Mike Kolen and Nick Buoniconti try to stop rugged Duane Thomas toe Memphis guard had a club era helped to* give the Proe a HaU 4-3 4- 4 m ark to 2-6 in toe loop. M iddlesex 7 0 Canard 3-4 3- 4 It was a nip-and-tuck affaii? Housatonic 7 1 W e tb e r s fi^ Mattatuck 6 3 123 American (Basketball Asso­ 24! 2-7 through toe entire 40-minue con- guard fired his last bomb with Eastern 1-6 1-6 test. Manchester did manage to Norwalk 6 3 Commander-in-Chief’s Play Failed Four Times for Dolphins ciation victory , over toe New, H artford 3 2 Central York Nets Sunday night. 0-7 1-8 open up a com fortable 41-29 126-119. margin at the midway point of 'Manchester 3 5 Lehmann's long shooting ac- Lehmann wound up with 34 HCO toe first half, but a determined Nortowestem 2 8 1 6 curacy included a 55-foot bomb points, but wasn’t the game’s Xa'vler 1-0 7- 2 Nertowestem crew, behindSouth toe Central H; to give toe Proe a 99-95 advan* 0 7 highest BCMer. R ick B erry Northwest 2*1 6- 3 excellent shooting of Kidd, clos- Tunxls tage at toe end at toe third pe­ toe Nets took that honor with South 3-1 8- 2 er toe gap to 56-60 at halftim e. riod. Cardenter, Hylton, Dlnnie' and er Staubach Flawless as Field General (AP photo) 36. East 2-2 8-2 The C ougars, who- haven’t OUCH 1—New York Nets’ Rick Barry, grabs face after being struck by a re­ m the only other ABA game Rookie Dave Robisch and re­ St. Bernard 0-4 1- 8 really gotten off toe ground this Calabrese tallied 13, 13, 11 and bound. in Mets-Memphis action. Barry remained in the game to score 36 points. Sunday night, the Denver Rock- serve Chuck ■wnUams sparked season, suffered their second 10 points respectively. the MOC’s Bassel tossed in 27 NEW ORLEANS (AP) down Minnesota and San Fran­ look for Warfield, had to throw throwing to his backs and tight the tomb tiut was the Miami dry shuttled in, gazed at the an 11-play, 60-yard drive irtiich ets hammered toe Utah Stars Denver’s triumph. RoUsch e v o consecutive setback and fourth championship, played before a cisco to once again reach the markers followed closely by toe —^Four times Miami called a safety valve pass to Jim ends, m anaged to com plete 12- dressing room. “We never got gaps in the Miami defense and began when Csonka, adio had 110.102. hauled in a game-Ugfa 20 PlainvlUe 8-1 8-1 In their last five outings. The sellout crowd of 81,023 fans who summit, were ready for the club’s top point producer, Ed th e Commander-in-ChiePs Kllck that gained six yards— of-23 passes fo r only 134 yards. untracked. My biggest dis­ sliced it apart with completions not fumbled in 230 regular-sea­ The ABA’S Saturday night re- rebounds while VTlUams was B loom field 7-1 7- 1 local collegians had set a pat- shivered through the windy, bom b—and anything else play—and four times Dal­ and left them with a fourth And wlfti Lilly, the murder­ appointment is that we never on. l2-of-18 for 119 yards, in­ son and playoff carries, fum­ suits: New York 109, Carolina toe Rockets’ leading scorer South RTndsor 7-1 7- 1 tern, win one and loseP errytwo. -with 23. Jim m y M cGee mid-30 degree day. lllaml could throw against las was there to put it out down and forced a punt. ous right tackle, and the rest of challenged them, never took cluding scoring strikes of seven bled, with Howley recovering. 98; Virginia 116, Denver 107; with 19 points. , Newington netted 18 while Ellie Grant add­ Running backs Duane Thom­ them. Pistol Pete Explodes 6-4 5- 4 Wednesday night Manchester The next time it came,.Green of commission. the front four controlling the in- the fight to them .. . they .tore yards each to Alworth and Dit­ Then the Cowboys hit with Kentucky 123, Htfafcurgh 116; R obisch, w ho also had 17 Sim sbury , 4-4 6- 4 enterains Norwalk C. C. (6-3) ed 13 points. as and Walt Garrison and pass- ‘”They were pretty intent on came out of nowhere with a Northweateni But Reger Staubach, a Navy figiiting, the highly touted us apart on defense and com- ka. their running, ’Thomas gaining Indiana 117, Memitols 106 and points, outdueled Utah’s veter- 'WindsorWindsor Locks 3-5 4- 6 at East Catholic at 7. Norwalk B. F. Pts. catchers Lance Alworth and taking away the inside,” War- headlong dive and fingertip de­ ensign In Vietnam when the Miami ground game was even jdetely contrived our oftense.” But most of the time he spent 21 and Calvin Hill 25 in an 11- Floridians 110, D allas 105 an center Zelmo' Beaty in the W indsor 3-5 8- 6 earlier this season downed the Payanis Mike Ditka also shared the field said of the Dallas secon­ flection. less effective as Kilck dnd Lar­ Cardenter Cowboys were earning a repu- ’The Cowboys . were, indeed, the afternoon handing the ball play, 76-yard march that made The P ros scored 40 points In second half, when Denver RockvlUe 2-6 2- 6 Ciougars, 99-92. spotlight—^but it was a gang of dary, "and they did it. I Just Then it was Bob lilly and the ry Csonka w ere held to 40 Lindsay taU(»i at losing the big ones, master of control, when they to the real runners, primarily it 10-0 in the second quarter as toe first quarter to take a 10. pulled away from a 49-47 ad­ Southington 1-7 2- 7 In toe second half the lead Woodward griszled bandits—Mel Renfro, couldn’t shake loose.” front four again, storming in on yards apiece. had the ball as well, marching Dlnnie performed flawlessly as a field Duane Thomas, who barreled Alworth snared Stoubach’s pass W ith -Point Game point lead, but toe Nets vantage. Robisch had Glastonbury 1-7 1- 7 changed hands , 28 timesHylton with Herb Adderley, Cornell Green, Virtually every time Warfield 50 Griese and forcing him to Only. twice did Miami even general Sunday in Tulane Sta. with it for nearly 41 of the 60 for 96 yards and a three-yard and twisted into the comer of charged back to cut the margin rebounds to four for Beaty Manchester finally knotting toe lUdd Chuck Howley and the rest of burst off the line of scrimmage throw out of the reach of his threaten to score. The first Calabrese dium and got them that big minutes it took the shake the touchdown and Walt Garrison, the end zone. to 69-67 at toe half. toe crucial sec<»d stanza. NOOO count at 106-106 when Jim Sulll- the Doomsday Defense—^that or out of the backfldd, he wide- receiver. time with the Dolphins

By R O B l^ T h. OABfPBEU, such times “ toe -American lost sight of other nations and Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, of­ people have traditionally turned deeper values.” ficially a noncandidate “ with­ to their president for lead­ On toe domestic front, Kenne­ out qualification,” has launched ership. dy ssdd toe "centtal issue . .. a broad attack against toe Nix­ “ Hiey demand a sense of na- is really quite a simple o n e - on administration's foreign and titmal purpose and inspiration are we going to have a govern­ domestic policies. they can identify with, partici­ ment that is responsive to toe, Kennedy, D-Mass., delivered pate in, be proud of .... That people or only to the special in­ his broadside in a speech 'Mon­ sense of purpose is what we terests?” must struggle to recapture. day night to toe IVashlngrton Kennedy's declaration of non- There could l>e no better year Press Cllub in Washington. He chndldacy, ' which' p€ired toe to begin than now.” If iw to now you've had to wait- called on toe American people Florida Democratic primary to reject President Nixon as a In Vietnam, Keimedy said, field to 11, came as the national leader who cannot inspire and 20,000 Americans have* died frontrunner. Son. Edmund S. don't wait any longer! his administration as govern­ since Nixon took cfiice. Muskie of Maine, received toe ment by toe untrustlng of toe "And we know that thousands support of four other senators, untrustful. including one who had been a r. It's one thing to be sexy, European and new, more passionate V -6 Sport Coupe. 'The speech came only hours contender for the nomination expensive. Capri made history by being What's more, you don't even have to after Kennedy tiled an affidavit himself. removing his name from Flori­ Muskie wait to enjoy Capri's 4 -speed transmis­ Sen. Harold Hughes of Iowa sexy, Edfopean and inexpensive. And sold da’s March 14 Democratic pres­ said in a statement released faster its first year here than .any other sion, smart leather-like vinyl buckets, idential primary ballot saying Gaining through his Washington office import in history I In fact, at one tirpe the styled steel wheels, precise rack-and- his intention not to be a candi­ that Muskie “ will fairly repre­ waiting list for Capri was so great we pinion steering, power front disc brakes, date was ’’witocut quali­ sent all members of our par­ fication.” A ilmllar declaration couldn't get enough of them fast enough I and radial ply tires. All standard I a rainbow's worth of color . . . very personal and very colorful . . . quietly formal, quietly attractive ... of soldiers of North and South ty—including the minorities, filed In Thurs­ Vietnam, and tons of thousands Now — Capri, the sexy European at a So, if up to now you've had to wait toe disadvantaged and toe Cannon's ''Ovation'' day and released Monday said: of innocent men and women young.” shamefully low price, can be yours in one — wait no longer I C'mon in and take Cannon's “Oriental Poppy“ Cannon's ''Majestic'' ” I am not and do not Intend to and children, will die In In­ of three spriqhtly models— standard 1600 this sexy European for a spin now—it's be a candidate for the office of dochina in 1972, for toe simple Hughes dropped out of toe presidential race last July, and Sport Coupe, 2000 Sport Coupe or the imported for Lincoln-Mercury. Bath president of toe United States reason that President Nixon Both 1.98 Bath 1 b9 8 at toe /ortocoming presidential vdll not allow the Saigon gov­ it was widely reported then election,” >' ernment to falter until he is se­ that he favored Sen. George LfNCOLN-MERCURY. NOBODY IN THE BUSINESS HAS MORE McGovern of South Dakota, be­ Hand Hond “ Our present dtfilculties do cure at home for another term KINDS OF CARS FOR MORE KINDS OF PEOPLE. Hand 1.19 not flow so much ficm toe fact of office,” he sa-d. , lieving Muskie would swing toe that people mistrust their gov­ "Let us end completely every party to toe right. The other senators who an­ Face Clath Face Clath ernment as from too fact that aspect of our military in­ Fac* Cloth 49* 49* toe government so obviously volvement in Vietnam,

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