
H2470 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 14, 2014 Walden Whitfield Woodall Meadows Ribble Smith (TX) NOT VOTING—12 Walorski Williams Yoder Meehan Rice (SC) Southerland Amodei Culberson Gosar Weber (TX) Wilson (SC) Yoho Messer Rigell Stewart Bachmann Davis, Danny Gowdy Webster (FL) Wittman Mica Roby Young (AK) Stivers Bass Dingell Rush Wenstrup Wolf Young (IN) Miller (FL) Roe (TN) Stockman Courtney Franks (AZ) Smith (WA) Westmoreland Womack Miller (MI) Rogers (AL) Stutzman NOT VOTING—14 Miller, Gary Rogers (KY) Terry b 1115 Mullin Rogers (MI) Thompson (PA) Amodei Davis, Danny Rokita Mulvaney Rohrabacher Thornberry So the bill was passed. Bachmann Dingell Rush Murphy (FL) Rokita Tiberi The result of the vote was announced Bass Frankel (FL) Smith (WA) Murphy (PA) Rooney Tipton Courtney Franks (AZ) as above recorded. Wilson (FL) Neugebauer Ros-Lehtinen Turner Culberson Gosar A motion to reconsider was laid on Noem Roskam Upton Nugent Ross the table. b 1107 Valadao Nunes Rothfus Wagner PERSONAL EXPLANATION Mr. MICA changed his vote from Nunnelee Royce Walberg Olson Runyan Mr. FRANKS of Arizona. Mr. Speaker, had ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ Walden I been present, I would have voted ‘‘yes’’ on Palazzo Ryan (WI) Walorski Ms. LOFGREN and Mr. CICILLINE Paulsen Salmon Weber (TX) rollcall No. 132 on H.R. 3189, I would have changed their vote from ‘‘nay’’ to Pearce Sanford Webster (FL) voted ‘‘yes’’ on rollcall No. 129 on H.R. 3973, Perry Scalise ‘‘yea.’’ Wenstrup Peters (CA) Schneider and I would have voted ‘‘yes’’ on rollcall No. Westmoreland So the motion to recommit was re- Peterson Schock 135 on H.R. 4015. Whitfield jected. Petri Schweikert Williams f Pittenger Scott, Austin The result of the vote was announced Wilson (SC) Pitts Sensenbrenner MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE as above recorded. Wittman Poe (TX) Sessions Stated for: Pompeo Shimkus Wolf A message from the Senate by Ms. Ms. FRANKEL of Florida. Mr. Speaker, on Posey Shuster Womack Curtis, one of its clerks, announced Price (GA) Simpson Woodall that the Senate has passed without rollcall No. 134, the motion to recommit for Yoder H.R. 4015, had I been present, I would have Rahall Sinema amendment bills and a concurrent res- Reed Smith (MO) Yoho voted ‘‘yes.’’ Reichert Smith (NE) Young (AK) olution of the House of the following The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Renacci Smith (NJ) Young (IN) titles: question is on the passage of the bill. H.R. 2650. An act to allow the Fond du Lac The question was taken; and the NAYS—181 Band of Lake Superior Chippewa in the State Speaker pro tempore announced that Beatty Grijalva Neal of Minnesota to lease or transfer certain the ayes appeared to have it. Becerra Gutie´rrez Negrete McLeod land. Bishop (GA) Hahn Nolan Mr. LEVIN. Mr. Speaker, on that I H.R. 4076. An act to address shortages and Bishop (NY) Hanabusa O’Rourke interruptions in the availability of propane demand the yeas and nays. Blumenauer Hastings (FL) Owens and other home heating fuels in the United The yeas and nays were ordered. Bonamici Heck (WA) Pallone Brady (PA) Higgins Pascrell States, and for other purposes. The SPEAKER pro tempore. This is a Braley (IA) Himes Pastor (AZ) H. Con. Res. 93. Concurrent resolution di- 5-minute vote. Brown (FL) Hinojosa Payne recting the Clerk of the House of Representa- The vote was taken by electronic de- Brownley (CA) Holt Pelosi tives to make technical corrections in the vice, and there were—yeas 238, nays Bustos Honda Perlmutter enrollment of H.R. 3370. Butterfield Horsford Peters (MI) 181, not voting 12, as follows: Capps Hoyer Pingree (ME) The message also announced that the [Roll No. 135] Capuano Huffman Pocan Senate has passed bills of the following Ca´ rdenas Polis titles in which the concurrence of the YEAS—238 Carney Jackson Lee Price (NC) Aderholt Davis, Rodney Hudson Carson (IN) Jeffries Quigley House is requested: Amash Denham Huelskamp Cartwright Johnson (GA) Rangel S. 1456. An act to award the Congressional Bachus Dent Huizenga (MI) Castor (FL) Johnson, E. B. Richmond Gold Medal to Shimon Peres. Barber DeSantis Hultgren Castro (TX) Kaptur Roybal-Allard S. 2147. An act to amend Public Law 112–59 Barletta DesJarlais Hunter Chu Keating Ruiz Barr Diaz-Balart Hurt Cicilline Kelly (IL) Ruppersberger to provide for the display of the congres- Barrow (GA) Duffy Issa Clark (MA) Kennedy Ryan (OH) sional gold medal awarded to the Montford Barton Duncan (SC) Jenkins Clarke (NY) Kildee Sa´ nchez, Linda Point Marines, United States Marine Corps, Benishek Duncan (TN) Johnson (OH) Clay Kilmer T. by the Smithsonian Institution and at other Bentivolio Ellmers Johnson, Sam Cleaver Kind Sanchez, Loretta appropriated locations. Bera (CA) Farenthold Jolly Clyburn Kirkpatrick Sarbanes Bilirakis Fincher Jones Cohen Kuster Schakowsky f Bishop (UT) Fitzpatrick Connolly Langevin Schiff ADJOURNMENT TO TUESDAY, Black Fleischmann Joyce Conyers Larsen (WA) Schrader Blackburn Fleming Kelly (PA) Cooper Larson (CT) Schwartz MARCH 18, 2014 Boustany Flores King (IA) Costa Lee (CA) Scott (VA) Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. Mr. Brady (TX) Forbes King (NY) Crowley Levin Scott, David Bridenstine Fortenberry Kingston Cuellar Lewis Serrano Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that Brooks (AL) Foxx Kinzinger (IL) Cummings Lipinski Sewell (AL) when the House adjourns today, it ad- Brooks (IN) Frelinghuysen Kline Davis (CA) Loebsack Shea-Porter journ to meet at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, Broun (GA) Garcia Labrador DeFazio Lofgren Sherman Buchanan Gardner LaMalfa DeGette Lowenthal Sires March 18, 2014. Bucshon Garrett Lamborn Delaney Lowey Slaughter The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Burgess Gerlach Lance DeLauro Lujan Grisham Speier MCALLISTER). Is there objection to the Byrne Gibbs Lankford DelBene (NM) Swalwell (CA) request of the gentleman from Wash- Calvert Gibson Latham Deutch Luja´ n, Ben Ray Takano Camp Gingrey (GA) Latta Doggett (NM) Thompson (CA) ington? Campbell Gohmert LoBiondo Doyle Lynch Thompson (MS) There was no objection. Cantor Goodlatte Long Duckworth Maffei Tierney Capito Granger Lucas Edwards Maloney, Titus f Carter Graves (GA) Luetkemeyer Ellison Carolyn Tonko CELEBRATING NATIONAL WOMEN’S Cassidy Graves (MO) Lummis Engel Maloney, Sean Tsongas Chabot Griffin (AR) Marchant Enyart Matsui Van Hollen HISTORY MONTH Chaffetz Griffith (VA) Marino Eshoo McCarthy (NY) Vargas (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN asked and was Coble Grimm Massie Esty McCollum Veasey Coffman Guthrie Matheson Farr McDermott Vela given permission to address the House Cole Hall McAllister Fattah McGovern Vela´ zquez for 1 minute and to revise and extend Collins (GA) Hanna McCarthy (CA) Foster McNerney Visclosky her remarks.) Collins (NY) Harper McCaul Frankel (FL) Meeks Walz Conaway Harris McClintock Fudge Meng Wasserman Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, Cook Hartzler McHenry Gabbard Michaud Schultz due to National Women’s History Cotton Hastings (WA) McIntyre Gallego Miller, George Waters Month every March, we celebrate the Cramer Heck (NV) McKeon Garamendi Moore Waxman tremendous contributions of women Crawford Hensarling McKinley Grayson Moran Welch Crenshaw Herrera Beutler McMorris Green, Al Nadler Wilson (FL) who have helped make this Nation the Daines Holding Rodgers Green, Gene Napolitano Yarmuth greatest on Earth.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:32 Mar 15, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14MR7.009 H14MRPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE March 14, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2471 But when thinking about our amaz- After graduating from Annapolis, he found traumas many have experienced. Chil- ing female forebearers, what becomes joined the newly established Air Force dren such as four-year-old Adnan, who fled clear is that their primary mission was and later served in Vietnam, where he with his family to Lebanon, suffered facial one of education. Education is the key was a commander with the 555th ‘‘Tri- scarring when his home was bombed and still suffers from emotional distress. ‘‘He cries all in getting girls and boys, women and ple Nickel’’ Fighter Squadron, flying night,’’ his mother is quoted as saying. ‘‘He men to believe in themselves, to have 266 combat missions. For his service, is scared of everything and is afraid when we the confidence and know-how to use he received two Silver Stars for valor, leave him, even for a second.’’ their individual, God-given abilities to five Distinguished Flying Crosses, 15 UNICEF estimates that there are 2 million better their own lives and improve the Air Medals, and a Purple Heart. children like Adnan in need of psychological condition of our communities. Wayne Frye’s legacy also lies in his support or treatment. As we celebrate the wonderful legacy deep-rooted commitment to his com- ‘‘For Syria’s children, the past three years that our American heroines have left munity, and his inspiration to future have been the longest of their lives. Must they endure another year of suffering?’’ said across the United States, let’s not for- generations through his character, UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake. get that the mission of education is not faith, and humility. The report warns that the future of 5.5 mil- yet finished. Colonel Wayne T. Frye, thank you lion children inside Syria and living as refu- As a former Florida certified teacher, for your service. A grateful Nation sa- gees in neighbouring countries hangs in the Mr. Speaker, I have witnessed the lutes you. Rest in peace. Rest in peace. balance as violence, the collapse of health transformational impact that edu- f and education services, severe psychological cation can have. Let’s follow the lead distress and the worsening economic impact SYRIA NEEDS UNRESTRICTED of great women that we are honoring on families combine to devastate a genera- HUMANITARIAN ACCESS NOW tion. this month, and let’s continue working The report draws attention to the suffering together to make a quality education a (Mr. MCGOVERN asked and was experienced by children and their families reality for all, both here in our great given permission to address the House who have been trapped in areas under siege Nation and around the world. for 1 minute and to revise and extend for many months. Cut off from aid, living in f his remarks.) rubble and struggling to find food, many Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I rise Syrian children have been left without pro- EXTEND UNEMPLOYMENT today to call attention to the third an- tection, medical care or psychological sup- INSURANCE niversary of the crisis in Syria which port, and have little or no access to edu- (Mr. LEVIN asked and was given per- will be commemorated on March 15. cation. In the very worst cases children and The estimates that pregnant women have been deliberately mission to address the House for 1 wounded or killed by snipers. minute.) over 100,000 people have been killed In host countries, 1.2 million Syrian chil- Mr. LEVIN. Mr. Speaker, the bipar- since the violence and unrest began in dren are now refugees living in camps and tisan Senate legislation on unemploy- 2011; 9.3 million people, half of the Syr- overwhelmed host communities, and have ment insurance is a major step forward ian people, need humanitarian assist- limited access to clean water, nutritious for millions of job-seeking Americans. ance. 240,000 of them are living under food or learning opportunities. It has been 76 days since the Federal siege, surviving under the constant The report says that three years on, Syrian unemployment insurance expired for threat of shelling and aerial bombard- children have been forced to grow up faster than any child should. UNICEF estimates 1.3 million job-seeking Americans. Dur- ment. Moreover, they have faced life- that 1 in 10 refugee children is now working ing that time, an additional 700,000 peo- threatening shortages of food, water, and 1 in every 5 Syrian girls in Jordan is ple have seen their lifeline cut off, hin- and medical supplies for more than a forced into early marriage. dering their efforts to get work and year. Children are literally starving to The report calls on the global community hurting our economy. death, while military forces show no to undertake six critical steps: When you add it up, as a result of respect for humanitarian workers. End the cycle of violence in Syria now failure to act, $3 billion has been taken A diplomatic end to the crisis must Grant immediate access to the under- be pursued. At the same time, the hu- reached 1 million children inside Syria out of the economy in January and Create an environment where children are February alone. manitarian crisis must be ameliorated. protected from exploitation and harm Upon passage in the Senate, I urge Humanitarian relief must be allowed to Invest in children’s education Republicans in the House to follow this reach the civilians, and the wounded Help children’s inner healing through psy- bipartisan path to assist the long-term and the sick must receive the medical chological care and support and unemployed who have been without attention that they need. Indiscrimi- Provide support to host communities and Federal assistance since December 28. nate aerial bombardments must cease, governments to mitigate the social and eco- They and their families’ needs are ur- and civilians must be granted safe pas- nomic impact of the conflict on families. sage out of the besieged areas. The Syr- ‘‘This war has to end so that children can gent. It is the responsibility of this, return to their homes to rebuild their lives the people’s House, to act on behalf of ian people need unrestricted humani- in safety with their family and friends. This the people, the millions of long-term tarian aid now. third devastating year for Syrian children unemployed looking for work. UNICEF, must be the last,’’ said Lake. f New York, NY, Mar. 11, 2014. f NUMBER OF CHILDREN SUFFERING MORE THAN HONORING THE LIFE OF COLONEL DOUBLES IN THIRD YEAR OF SYRIA CONFLICT BALANCE OF POWER WAYNE T. FRYE AMONG HARDEST HIT ARE 1 MILLION CHILDREN (Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania (Mr. WENSTRUP asked and was UNDER SIEGE AND IN HARD-TO-REACH AREAS asked and was given permission to ad- given permission to address the House As the conflict in Syria approaches an- dress the House for 1 minute and to re- for 1 minute and to revise and extend other sombre milestone, more than twice as vise and extend his remarks.) his remarks.) many children are now affected compared to Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. Mr. WENSTRUP. Mr. Speaker, I rise 12 months ago, says a new report by UNICEF Mr. Speaker, the Constitution is very to honor the life of Colonel Wayne T. published today. Particularly hard hit are up clear: the elected Representatives in to a million children who are trapped in Frye of Manchester, Ohio. Colonel Frye areas of Syria that are under siege or that Congress pass the laws and the Presi- was beloved in his community, and is are hard to reach with humanitarian assist- dent enforces those laws. This system remembered not only for his extraor- ance due to continued violence. of checks and balances has served to dinary achievements but also for his Under Siege—the devastating impact on limit abuses of power and hold govern- humble character. children of three years of conflict in Syria ment accountable to the people. In 1948, Wayne Frye joined the focuses on the immense damage caused to From our immigration laws to the United States Marines, and went on to the 5.5 million children now affected by the 2010 health care overhaul, the current attend the Naval Academy in Annap- conflict and calls for an immediate end to White House has selectively enforced the violence and increased support for those olis. While a student, he competed with affected. our laws, and in many cases acted uni- the 1952 Olympic rowing team, known The report includes the accounts of chil- laterally to change or alter them. In as the ‘‘Great Eight,’’ winning a gold dren whose lives have been devastated by the fact, the majority leader’s office re- medal for Team USA. three year old war, and highlights the pro- cently released a report outlining 40

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:05 Mar 15, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14MR7.029 H14MRPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE