
S1918 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 7, 2001 an agreement would remove a direct Foreigners increasingly are free to matically in recent years. U.S. exports North Korean threat to the region and travel widely in the country and talk to Southeast , for instance, sur- improve prospects for North-South rec- to average North Koreans without gov- pass our exports to Germany and are onciliation. It would also remove a ernment interference. North Korea has double our exports to France. U.S. di- major source of missiles and missile even begun to issue tourist visas. The rect investment in East Asia now tops technology for countries such as Iran. presence of foreigners in North Korea $150 billion, and has tripled over the Getting an agreement will not be is gradually changing North Korean at- past decade. easy, but it helps a lot that we are not titudes about South Korea and the And of course these are just a few of the only country which would benefit West. the raw economic realities which un- from the dismantlement of North Ko- One American with a long history of derscore East Asia’s importance. The rea’s missile program. Our allies South working in North Korea illustrated the has important humani- Korea and Japan, our European allies change underway by describing an im- tarian, environmental, energy, and se- who already provide financial support promptu encounter he had recently. curity interests throughout the region. for the Agreed Framework, the Chi- While he was out on an unescorted We have an obligation, it seems to nese, the Russians, all share a desire to morning walk, a North Korean woman me, not to drop the ball. We have a see North Korea devote its meager re- approached him and said, ‘‘You’re not a vital interest in maintaining peace and sources to food, not rockets. The only Russian, are you? You’re a Miguk Nom stability in East Asia. We have good countries which want to see North aren’t you?’’ friends and allies—like President Kim Korea building missiles are its disrepu- Her expression translates roughly Dae Jung of South Korea—who stand table customers. into ‘‘You’re an American imperialist ready to work with us toward that A tough, verifiable agreement to bastard, eh?’’ goal. It is vital that we not drop the eliminate the North’s long-range mis- The American replied good- ball; miss an opportunity to end North sile threat might be possible in ex- naturedly, ‘‘Yes, I am an American im- Korea’s deadly and destabilizing pur- change for reasonable U.S. assistance perialist bastard.’’ suit of long range missiles. I don’t that would help North Korea feed itself To which the woman replied quite know that an agreement can be and help convert missile plants to sincerely, ‘‘Thanks very much for the reached. In the end North Korea may peaceful manufacturing. food aid!’’ prove too intransigent, too truculent, Some people are impatient for Another American, a State Depart- for us to reach an accord. change in North Korea. They want to ment official accompanying a World But I hope the Bush administration adopt a more confrontational ap- Food Program inspection team, noted will listen closely to President Kim proach, including rushing ahead to de- that hundreds of people along the road today, and work with him to test North ploy an unproven, hugely expensive, waved and smiled, and in the case of Korea’s commitment to peace. We and potentially destabilizing national soldiers, saluted, as the convoy passed. should stay the course on an engage- missile defense system. He also reports that many of 80 mil- ment policy that has brought the pe- I understand their frustration and lion woven nylon bags used to dis- ninsula to the brink, not of war, but of share their desire for action against tribute grain and emblazoned with the the dawning of a brave new day for all the threat of North Korean ballistic letters ‘‘U.S.A.’’ are being recycled by the Korean people. missiles. North Koreans for use as everything I yield the floor. But foreclosing diplomatic options by from back-packs to rain coats. These The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- rushing to deploy NMD is not the right North Koreans become walking bill- pore. The Senator from California is antidote. Sure, a limited ground-based boards of American aid and generosity recognized. national missile defense might some- of spirit. day be capable of shooting down a North Korea is just one critical chal- f handful of North Korean missiles lenge in a region of enormous impor- aimed at Los Angeles, but it will do tance to us. We cannot separate our THE ISRAELI ELECTION AND ITS nothing to defend our Asian allies from policy there from our overall approach AFTERMATH a North Korean missile attack. in East Asia. Nor will it defend us from a nuclear We cannot hope that decisions we Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, bomb smuggled into the country make about national missile defense, today a new government has been aboard a fishing trawler or a biological Taiwan policy, or support for democ- formed in under the leadership of toxin released into our water supply. racy and rule of law in China will be of Prime Minister , with NMD will not defend U.S. forces on no consequence to developments on the as Foreign Minister and Okinawa or elsewhere in the Pacific Korean Peninsula. To the contrary, we the broad-based participation of many theater. It will do nothing to prevent need to think holistically and com- across Israel’s political spectrum. North Korea from wielding weapons of prehensively about East Asia policy. I would like to take a few minutes mass destruction against Seoul, much Our interests are vast. Roughly one- today to share my assessment of the of which is actually within artillery third of the world’s population resides present situation, where things stand, range of North Korea. in East Asia. In my lifetime, East Asia and what this may mean for U.S. pol- Moreover, a rush to deploy an has gone from less than 3 percent of icy in the region. I rise today as one unproven national missile defense, par- the world GDP in 1950 to roughly 25 who has supported the peace process, ticularly absent a meaningful strategic percent today. believed that a peace agreement was dialog with china, could jeopardize the Four of our 10 largest trading part- possible, and who has worked in the cooperative role China has played in ners—Japan, China, Taiwan, and South Senate, along with many of my col- recent years on the Korean Peninsula. Korea, are in East Asia. leagues, to see that the United States Given our common interest in pre- Each of those trading partners is also played an active role in helping Israel venting North Korea from becoming a one of the world’s top ten economies as and the seek peace. nuclear weapons power, the United measured by gross domestic product. Prime Minister was States and China should work in con- China, Japan, and South Korea to- elected two years ago to make peace cert, not at cross purposes. gether hold more than $700 billion in and to bring about an ‘‘end of the con- OPENING NORTH KOREAN EYES hard currency reserves—half of the flict’’ with both Syria and the Pal- North Korea’s opening has given the world’s total. estinians. He was elected with a man- North Korean people a fresh look at East Asia is a region of economic dy- date to complete the process, a the outside world—like a gopher com- namism. Last year Singapore, Hong goal at the time supported by the ma- ing out of its hole—with consequences Kong, and South Korea grew by more jority of the people of Israel. which could be profound over the long than 10 percent, shaking off the East Over the past two years Prime Min- haul. Hundreds of foreigners are in Asian financial crisis and resuming ister Barak tried, heroically and ener- North Korea today, compared with a their characteristic vitality. U.S. ex- getically, to achieve a comprehensive handful just a few years ago. ports to the region have grown dra- peace with both parties.

VerDate 23-FEB-2001 04:25 Mar 08, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07MR6.004 pfrm08 PsN: S07PT1 March 7, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1919 Indeed, it has been said I believe, branch to Mr. Arafat at Davos, ‘‘Mr. this conflict until we get Bordeaux, Mar- that Prime Minister Barak went fur- Arafat torched it.’’ seilles and Nice as well.’’ ther than any other Israeli Prime Min- I urge all of my colleagues to read If the Palestinians don’t care who Ariel Sharon is, why should we? If Mr. Arafat ister in an attempt to reach a com- Thomas Friedman’s op-ed article: wanted an Israeli leader who would not force prehensive agreement with the Pal- ‘‘Sharon, Arafat and Mao,’’ which I ask him to make big decisions, which he is in- estinians which includes: unanimous consent to have printed in capable of making, why should we ask The creation of a Palestinian state; the RECORD. whether Mr. Sharon is going to be de Gaulle Palestinian control of all of Gaza; There being no objection, the mate- and make him a big offer? What good is it for Palestinian control of approximately rial was ordered to be printed in the Israel to have a Nixon if the Palestinians 94 to 95 percent of the , and have no Mao? RECORD, as follows: The Olso peace process was about a test. It territorial compensation for most of [From , Feb. 8, 2001] was about testing whether Israel had a Pal- the other five percent; SHARON, ARAFAT AND MAO estinian partner for a secure and final peace. A of , with Pales- (By Thomas L. Friedman) It was a test that Israel could afford, it was tinian control over the Arab neighbor- a test that the vast majority of hoods in East Jerusalem and the possi- So I’m at the Davos World Economic wanted and it was a test Mr. Barak coura- Forum two weeks ago, and Shimon Peres geously took to the limits of the Israeli po- bility of a Palestinian capitol in Jeru- walks by. One of the reporters with him asks salem; and litical consensus—and beyond. Mr. Arafat me if I’m going to hear Mr. Peres and Yasir squandered that opportunity. Eventually, Shared sovereignty arrangements for Arafat address the 1,000 global investors and the . Palestinians will ask for a makeup exam. ministers attending Davos. No, I tell him, I And eventually Israelis may want to give it The issue of Palestinian refugees, have a strict rule, I’m only interested in to them, if they again see a chance to get was addressed with tens of thousands what Mr. Arafat says to his own people in this conflict over with. But who knows what of Palestinians to be allowed into Arabic. Too bad, says the reporter, because violence and pain will be inflicted in the Israel as part of a family reunification the fix is in. Mr. Peres is going to extend an meantime? program, and compensation in the tens olive branch to Mr. Arafat, Mr. Arafat is All we know is that for now, the Oslo test going to do the same back and the whole of billions of dollars provided to other is over. That is what a vast majority of love fest will get beamed back to Israel to Israelis said in this election. So stop asking Palestinian refugees as well. boost the peace process and Ehud Barak’s re- Not only was the Palestinian re- whether Mr. Sharon will become de Gaulle. election. Good, I’ll catch it on TV, I said. That is not why Israelis elected him. They sponse to these unprecedented offers Well, Mr Peres did extend the olive branch, elected him to be Patton. They elected Mr. ‘‘no,’’ but, even as Prime Minister as planned, but Mr. Arafat torched it. Read- Sharon because they know exactly who he is, Barak attempted to engage Chairman ing in Arabic from a prepared text, Mr. and because seven years of Oslo have taught at the negotiation table, Arafat denounced Israel for its ‘‘facist mili- them exactly who Yasir Arafat is. the Palestinians took to a campaign of tary aggression’’ and ‘‘colonialist armed ex- pansionism,’’ and its policies of ‘‘murder, Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, Mr. violence in the streets, and threatened persecution, assassination, destruction and Friedman makes a simple but profound to unilaterally declare an independent devastation.’’ point. He writes that many ‘‘are asking Palestinian state: Mr. Arafat’s performance at Davos was a exactly the wrong question about the When the violence began, the ’s seminal event, and is critical for under- Sharon election. They’re asking, who is militia, the Tanzim, fired upon Israelis standing Ariel Sharon’s landslide election. Ariel Sharon? The real question is, who with submachine guns. The Fatah and What was Mr. Arafat saying by this speech, is Yasser Arafat?’’ the Tanzim have been active in the vio- with Mr. Peres sitting by his side? First, he He continues, ‘‘the press keeps ask- lence—even encouraging its esca- was saying that there is no difference be- ing: Will Mr. Sharon become another tween Mr. Barak and Mr. Sharon. Because lation—to this day; giving such a speech on the eve of the Israeli . . . or will he be Chairman Arafat freed a number of election, in the wake of an 11th-hour Barak Richard Nixon, the anti-Communist terrorists who instantly turned bid to conclude a final deal with the Pal- who made peace with Communist around and vowed violence against estinians in Taba, made Mr. Barak’s far- China?’’ Israel; reaching offer to Mr. Arafat look silly. More- So we naturally ask the question, The Palestinian media, under the over, Mr. Arafat was saying that there is no will Ariel Sharon reach out to the Pal- control of the Palestinian Authority, difference between Mr. Peres and Mr. Shar- estinians? As Tom Friedman points has been used to disseminate inciting on, because giving such a speech just after out, this is exactly the wrong way to material, providing encouragement to the warm words of Mr. Peres made Mr. Peres look at Ariel Sharon or the recent elec- look like a dupe, as all the Israeli papers re- damage holy Jewish sites, to kill ported. Finally, at a time when Palestinians tion. Israelis, and carry out acts of terror; are starving for work, Mr. Arafat’s sub- Why? Because Israel just had its de Gaulle. and, liminal message to the global investors was: His name was Ehud Barak. Mr. Barak was Palestinian schools were closed down Stay away. Israel’s most decorated soldier. He abstained by the Palestinian Authority allowing That’s why the press is asking exactly the in the cabinet vote over the Oslo II peace ac- Palestinian children to participate in wrong question about the Sharon election. cords. But once in office he changed 180 de- They’re asking, who is Ariel Sharon? The grees. He offered Mr. Arafat 94 percent of the the riots and violence. West Bank for a Palestinian state . . . plus And in reaction, all too often, Israel, real question is, who is Yasir Arafat? The press keeps asking: Will Mr. Sharon become half of Jerusalem . . . and Mr. Arafat not too, has resorted to violence in an ef- another Charles de Gaulle, the hard-line gen- only said no to all this, but described Israel fort to protect its security and safe- eral who pulled the French Army out of Al- as ‘‘fascist’’ as Mr. Barak struggled for re- guard the lives of its people. geria? Or will he be Richard Nixon, the anti- election. This new Intifadah has been charac- Communist who made peace with Com- Mr. Friedman continues to state terized by a level of hate and violence munist China? Such questions totally miss what has become clear: ‘‘What good is that, frankly, I did not believe possible the point. it for Israel to have a Nixon if the Pal- in view of the extensive concessions Why? Because Israel just had its de Gaulle. estinians have no Mao?’’ Israel had offered. His name was Ehud Barak. Mr. Barak was As someone who has been a supporter Israel’s most decorated soldier. He abstained And it is clear, I believe, that much in the cabinet vote over the Oslo II peace ac- of the Oslo process from the start, I say of this campaign of violence, this new cords. But once in office he changed 180 de- this with a great deal of regret. And I Intifadah which continues to this day, grees. He offered Mr. Arafat 94 percent of the wish this were not the case. But we has been coordinated and planned. West Bank for a Palestinian state, plus terri- have seen Israel make the offer, an his- Because I was at the World Economic torial compensation for most of the other 6 toric offer, only to have it rebuffed. Forum meeting in Davos two months percent, plus half of Jerusalem, plus restitu- The consequences of this could, in fact, ago which was also attended by tion and resettlement in Palestine for Pales- be devastating. Shimon Peres and Yasser Arafat, I read tinian refugees. And Mr. Arafat not only said In his victory speech, Prime Minister with great interest Tom Friedman’s no to all this, but described Israel as ‘‘fas- Sharon called on the Palestinians ‘‘to cist’’ as Mr. Barak struggled for re-election. op-ed in The New York Times 3 weeks It would be as though de Gaulle had offered cast off the path of violence and to re- ago. to withdraw from Algeria and the Algerians turn to the path of dialogue’’ while ac- As Mr. Friedman’s column reports, said: ‘‘Thank you. You’re a fascist. Of course knowledging that ‘‘peace requires pain- when Mr. Peres extended the olive we’ll take all of Algeria, but we won’t stop ful compromises on both sides.’’

VerDate 23-FEB-2001 04:25 Mar 08, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07MR6.007 pfrm08 PsN: S07PT1 S1920 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 7, 2001 Mr. Sharon has said that he favors a that, in fact, they want to continue the Arkansas farm family, I know where long-term interim agreement with the violence, and force Israel into the sea; our food supply is produced. It is grown Palestinians since a comprehensive to take back Jaffa; to take back . in rural communities by families work- agreement is not now possible because There is a segment of the population ing from dusk until dawn to make ends the Palestinians have shown they are that believes this is true. But I say, meet. Unfortunately, too many in not ready to conclude such an agree- how realistic is this? Can there be any Washington continue to pay lip-service ment. doubt that Israel has the ability to de- to our Nation’s agricultural industry He has stated that he accepts a de- fend itself, and will? Or that should without actually providing them the militarized Palestinian state, is com- there be an effort to attack Israel, to tools and assistance they need to sus- mitted to improving the daily lives of end this democracy, that the United tain their way of life. the Palestinians, and has reportedly in- States would be fully involved? There I recognize the hurt that is evident in dicated that he does not plan to build is no doubt of that. our agricultural communities. I know new West Bank settlements. So the ball is now in the Palestinian that commodity prices are at record Whatever happens, there can be little court, to show that Palestinians are in- lows and input costs, including fer- doubt that it will have a profound im- terested in ending violence and blood- tilizer, energy, and fuel, are at record pact on United States strategic inter- shed. Israel, under Barak, has shown highs. No corporation in the world ests in the Middle East. And because of how far it will go to search for peace, could make it today receiving the same that, the United States must remain much further than I ever thought pos- prices it received during the Great De- an interested party in the region. sible. The concessions offered at Camp pression, yet, we are asking our farm- I believe that it is critical that both David, and after, are testament, I be- ers to do just that. parties need to make every effort to lieve, to Israel’s desire and commit- I am here to enlighten this body on end the current cycle of provocation ment for peace. But to seek to force the needs of our agricultural commu- and reaction, with a special responsi- peace in light of hostility and hatred nity. And it is my intention to come to bility that is incumbent upon the Pal- on the streets is neither realistic nor the Senate floor often this year to estinian Authority to seek an end to sustainable. highlight various issues affecting our the riots, the terror, the bombings, and The Sharon election, I believe, can be Nation’s farmers and ranchers. the shootings. There must be a ‘‘time seen as a referendum on Arafat’s ac- In the interest of fairness, I will give out’’ on violence before the situation tions and policies, and the Palestinian credit where credit is due. In recent degenerates further into war. violence, and it must be taken seri- years, Congress has recognized that We can all remember the images, ously by the Palestinians if the peace farmers are suffering, and we have de- from last fall, of the Palestinian child process is to ever get back on track. livered emergency assistance to our hiding behind his father, caught in the Just last summer, the 7-year-old struggling agricultural community. cross-fire, shot to death, and then the peace process seemed on the verge of Arkansas’ farmers could not have sur- images, a few days later, the pictures success, but the chairman walked away vived without this help. Nearly 40 per- of the Israeli soldier who was beaten from the deal at the last moment. cent of net farm income came from di- while in custody and thrown out of a I hope that someday soon Chairman rect Government payments during the second floor window of the police sta- Arafat will realize the profound dis- 2000 crop year. The trouble with this tion, to be beaten to death by the mob service that he has done his people, and type of ad hoc approach is that farmers below. the people of the world, that he will re- and creditors across this country never It is easy to understand how passions alize that the framework for peace was really know how or when the Govern- can run high, and frustration and fear on the table, that he will realize that ment is going to step in and help them. can drive violence. continued violence is not the way to Many of my farmers are scared to But it is also easy to see how these achieve the legitimate aspirations of death that the assistance that has been feelings—even these feelings, that are the Palestinian people, and that con- available in the past will be absent this based in legitimate aspiration—can get tinued violence will not gain him or his year because the tax cut and other out of control and lead to ever deeper, people additional concessions at the spending programs have a higher pri- and never-ending, cycles of violence. negotiating table. ority. The Palestinian leadership must And I believe that if and when he I will highlight my frustration with make every effort to end this cycle, to does realize this, when he takes action our Nation’s farm policy in the near fu- quell the attitude of hate that has been to bring the current violence to an end, ture, but today I want to bring the fostered among the Palestinian people, he will find that Israel remains a part- Senate’s attention to a matter that and to act to curb the violence, and to ner in the search for peace in the Mid- should have been handled long ago, yet convince Israel that they are indeed se- dle East, with the United States as a still remains unaddressed. Our farmers rious and sincere about pursuing peace. facilitator. need the disaster assistance that Con- But until there is evidence that the Until then, however, the United gress provided last Fall. President violence is ending, the United States States must be clear that we continue Clinton signed the FY 2001 Agriculture cannot be productively engaged be- to stand with Israel, an historic ally Appropriations Act on October 28, 2000. tween the two parties. and partner in the search for security Included in this legislation was an esti- If both Israel and the Palestinians and peace in the Middle East. mated $1.6 billion in disaster payments can make progress in curbing or ending Mr. President, I yield the floor. for 2000 crop losses due to weather-re- the violence, the United States can The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. lated damages. These payments are yet play an important role in helping to INHOFE). The Senator from Arkansas. to arrive in the farmer’s mailbox. My shape intermediate confidence-building f phone lines are lit up with calls from measures between Israel and the Pal- farmers and bankers asking me when estinians. The current environment AGRICULTURE DISASTER these payments are going to arrive. In makes a comprehensive agreement im- ASSISTANCE the South, our growing season begins possible, but proximity gives the Mrs. LINCOLN. Mr. President, I rise earlier than many parts of the country, Israelis and the Palestinians no choice today to bring attention to an issue and our farmers could head to the field but to learn to live together. The alter- Washington, and the American public, right now to begin work on the 2001 native is clearly war. too often take for granted—something crop, if they just had their operating And the United States must continue that is near and dear to my heart, and loan. The trouble is, many of them are to work together with Israel to a part of my heritage. I am talking unable to cash flow a loan for 2001 be- strengthen the bilateral relationship, about American agriculture. This cause they still await USDA assistance to ensure that Israel has the tools it country needs a wake-up call. Ameri- to pay off the banker for last year’s needs to defend itself, and to enhance cans believe that their bacon, lettuce, disaster. security in the region. and tomatoes are raised somewhere in I reference the South’s growing sea- There are those who now believe that the back of the local grocery store. As son because many of our farm State the Palestinians don’t want peace; the daughter of a seventh generation Senators are from the Midwest, and

VerDate 23-FEB-2001 04:25 Mar 08, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07MR6.011 pfrm08 PsN: S07PT1