
March 13, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1667 I spoke with him earlier this week interests and has played a pivotal role in (b) PROCEEDS OF SALE.—Amounts received about another matter. I haven’t been forging the strong and unbreakable bond be- from the sale of duplicate bronze medals to a lot of times, but I have been tween the United States and Israel. under section 3 shall be deposited in the there a few times. Every time I go, I (7) By presenting the Congressional Gold United States Mint Public Enterprise Fund. Medal to Shimon Peres, the first to be f make sure to take my delegation to awarded to a sitting , Con- visit him. I always tell them this is my gress proclaims its unbreakable bond with PROVIDING FOR THE DISPLAY OF favorite. I think so much of this man. Israel and reaffirms its continual support for THE CONGRESSIONAL GOLD It is the least we can do for someone Israel as we commemorate the 65th anniver- MEDAL who has done so much for world peace sary of the independence of Israel and the 90th birthday of Shimon Peres, which are Mr. REID. Madam President, I ask and so much for our country. unanimous consent the Senate proceed I will be fairly quick. I was a Member both significant milestones in Israeli his- to the consideration of S. 2147, intro- of the House of Representatives and tory. (8) Maintaining strong bilateral relations duced earlier today. was on a delegation led by the late between the United States and Israel has The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Tom Lantos, a Hungarian Jew who es- been a priority of Shimon Peres since he clerk will report the bill by title. caped because of Raoul began working with the United States in the The assistant legislative clerk read Wallenberg. There have been a lot of days of John F. Kennedy. The strong bond is as follows: Members of Congress there and a num- exemplified by the following: ber of delegations, but Tom Lantos (A) President Reagan said to Shimon Peres A bill (S. 2147) to amend Public Law 112–59 upon his visit to the United States, ‘‘Mr. to provide for the display of the congres- said to him in that beautiful speaking sional gold medal awarded to the Montford voice he had in that Hungarian accent: Prime Minister, I thank you very much for your visit. It’s been an occasion to renew a Point Marines, United States Marine Corps, Here is our delegation, Mr. Prime Min- friendship and to review and enhance the by the Smithsonian Institution and at other ister. We are so sorry to bother you. strength of our unique bilateral relation- appropriate locations. We know how busy you are, how many ship.’’ There being no objection, the Senate difficult situations you have in your (B) At another point President Reagan said proceeded to consider the bill. country. of Shimon Peres, ‘‘His vision, his statesman- Mr. REID. Madam President, I ask I will never forget this. He said: You ship and his tenacity are greatly appreciated unanimous consent the bill be read here.’’ don’t understand. I am never too busy three times and passed and the motion to meet with the delegation from the (C) While visiting with Shimon Peres at the Residence of the President in , to reconsider be laid upon the table, Congress of the United States. They President Obama described Shimon Peres as with no intervening action or debate. have done so much for my country. ‘‘. . . a son of Israel who’s devoted his life to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without He said a few other things. I have keeping Israel strong and sustaining the objection, it is so ordered. said—and I want the RECORD to so re- bonds between our two nations’’. The bill (S. 2147) was ordered to be flect—this is something we need to do (D) On March 20, 2013, Shimon Peres re- engrossed for a third reading, was read as quickly as possible. affirmed his belief in the relationship be- the third time and passed, as follows: tween the United States and Israel, stating, AMENDMENT NO. 2851 ‘‘America stood by our side from the very be- S. 2147 Mr. REID. I ask unanimous consent ginning. You support us as we rebuild our an- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- the Bennet amendment, which is at the cient homeland and as we defend our land. resentatives of the United States of America in desk, be agreed to, the bill, as amend- From Holocaust to redemption.’’ Congress assembled, ed, be read three times and passed, and (E) On March 21, 2013, Shimon Peres stated, SECTION 1. DISPLAY OF CONGRESSIONAL GOLD the motion to reconsider be made and ‘‘. . . America is so great and we are so MEDAL BY THE SMITHSONIAN INSTI- laid upon the table, with no inter- small. But I learned that you don’t measure TUTION. vening action or debate. us by size, but by values. When it comes to Section 2 of the Act entitled ‘‘An Act to values, we are you and you are us. . . . As I grant the congressional gold medal to the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without look back, I feel that the Israel of today has Montford Point Marines’’, approved Novem- objection, it is so ordered. exceeded the vision we had 65 years ago. Re- ber 23, 2011 (31 U.S.C. 5111 note), is amended The amendment (No. 2851) was agreed ality has surpassed our dreams. The United by adding at the end the following: to, as follows: States of America helped us to make this ‘‘(c) SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION.— On page 4, line 18, strike ‘‘in honor of’’ and possible.’’ ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Following the award of insert ‘‘to’’. SEC. 2. CONGRESSIONAL GOLD MEDAL. the gold medal in honor of the Montford The bill (S. 1456) was ordered to be (a) AWARD AUTHORIZED.—The President pro Point Marines, United States Marine Corps, engrossed for a third reading, was read tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of under subsection (a), the gold medal shall be the third time and passed, as follows: the House of Representatives shall make ap- given to the Smithsonian Institution, where propriate arrangements for the award, on be- it will be displayed as appropriate and made S. 1456 half of Congress, of a single gold medal of ap- available for research. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- propriate design to President Shimon Peres. ‘‘(2) SENSE OF CONGRESS.—It is the sense of resentatives of the United States of America in (b) DESIGN AND STRIKING.—For the purpose Congress that the Smithsonian Institution Congress assembled, of the award referred to in subsection (a), the should make the gold medal received under SECTION 1. FINDINGS. Secretary of the Treasury shall strike a gold paragraph (1) available for display elsewhere, Congress makes the following findings: medal with suitable emblems, devices, and particularly at other appropriate locations (1) Shimon Peres was born in Poland in inscriptions to be determined by the Sec- associated with the Montford Point Marines, 1923. retary. United States Marine Corps.’’. (2) The Peres family emigrated to SEC. 3. DUPLICATE MEDALS. f in 1934, and all of the family members of Under such regulations as the Secretary of Shimon Peres who remained in Poland were the Treasury may prescribe, the Secretary HHEATT ACT OF 2014 murdered during the Holocaust. may strike duplicate medals in bronze of the Mr. REID. Madam President, I ask (3) Before Israel gained independence, gold medal struck pursuant to section 2 and unanimous consent the Senate proceed Shimon Peres earned the respect of senior sell such duplicate medals at a price suffi- to H.R. 4076, which was received from cient to cover the costs of the medals, in- leaders in the independence movement in the House. Israel, most notably David Ben-Gurion. cluding labor, materials, dies, use of machin- (4) The founding generation of Israel was ery, and overhead expenses. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The central to the development of Israel, and SEC. 4. NATIONAL MEDALS. clerk will report the bill by title. Shimon Peres is the only surviving member Medals struck pursuant to this Act are na- The assistant legislative clerk read of that founding generation. tional medals for purposes of chapter 51 of as follows: (5) Shimon Peres has served in numerous title 31, United States Code. A bill (H.R. 4076) to address shortages and high-level cabinet positions and ministerial SEC. 5. AUTHORITY TO USE FUND AMOUNTS; interruptions in the availability of propane posts in Israel, including head of the Israeli PROCEEDS OF SALE. and other home heating fuels in the United Navy, Minister of Defense, Foreign Minister, (a) AUTHORIZATION OF CHARGES.—There is States, and for other purposes. Prime Minister, and President, among many authorized to be charged against the United others. States Mint Public Enterprise Fund, such There being no objection, the Senate (6) Shimon Peres has honorably served amounts as may be necessary to pay for the proceeded to consider the bill. Israel for over 70 years, during which he has costs of the medals struck pursuant to this Mr. REID. I ask unanimous consent significantly contributed to United States Act. that the bill be read a third time and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:27 Oct 28, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00071 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAR 2014\S13MR4.REC S13MR4 ejoyner on DSK7QTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S1668 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 13, 2014 passed, the motion to reconsider be poorest countries in the world and one of the Operation Sangaris, in the Central African Re- laid upon the table, and that any state- lowest ranking countries in terms of human de- public to assist MISCA in fulfilling its mandate; ments relating to the bill be printed in velopment according to the De- Whereas, on March 3, 2014, United Nations velopment Program; Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon recommended to the RECORD. Whereas, in January 2013, regional leaders the United Nations Security Council a transi- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without brokered the Libreville Agreements between the tion to a United Nations mission objection, it is so ordered. government of then-President Francois Bozize´ with a primary mandate to protect civilians; The bill (H.R. 4076) was ordered to a and the loosely allied rebel militia known as and third reading, was read the third time Se´le´ka, which resulted in the formation of a Whereas the United States Government has and passed. government of national unity; provided crisis and humanitarian assistance Whereas, despite the Libreville Agreements, commitments totaling $182,500,000 in response to f President Bozize´ was ousted in March 2013 by instability in the Central African Republic, in- ALLOWING LEASE OR TRANSFER the Se´le´ka coalition, and the Se´le´ka leader, cluding support for conflict resolution efforts, OF CERTAIN LAND Michel Djotodia, declared himself president; humanitarian assistance to refugees and inter- Whereas, in April 2013, regional leaders issued nally displaced persons, and assistance to troop Mr. REID. Madam President, I ask the N’djamena Declaration in an effort to pur- contributing countries to MISCA such as airlift, unanimous consent that the Indian Af- sue a return to constitutional order based on the non-lethal equipment, military logistics, and fairs Committee be discharged from Libreville Agreements; training, as well as logistical support for French further consideration of H.R. 2650 and Whereas an influx of foreign fighters, espe- forces: Now, therefore, be it the Senate proceed to its immediate cially from Chad and Sudan, has been a major Resolved, That the Senate— consideration. factor in the increased number of Se´le´ka fight- (1) condemns the violence, atrocities, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ers, from approximately 5,000 in March 2013, to abuses, and human rights violations com- an estimated 20,000 as of December 2013; mitted by all parties to the conflict in the objection, it is so ordered. Whereas both Se´le´ka forces and armed militia Central African Republic; The clerk will report the bill by title. groups known as ‘‘anti-balakas’’, some of which (2) commends the efforts of religious and The assistant legislative clerk read formed initially as a means of protecting com- community leaders in the Central African as follows: munities against Se´le´ka, have been implicated in Republic condemning violence and engaging A bill (H.R. 2650) to allow the Fond du Lac ethnically-motivated violence and grave and in conflict prevention and conflict resolution Band of Lake Superior Chippewa in the State systemic human rights abuses against civilians; activities; of Minnesota to lease or transfer certain Whereas, over the course of the crisis, Se´le´ka (3) welcomes the mobilization of inter- land. and anti-balaka groups have displayed weak national peacekeeping, conflict mitigation, control and command structures, and committed humanitarian, and diplomatic resources, and There being no objection, the Senate crimes against humanity with impunity; encourages continued efforts to help address proceeded to consider the bill. Whereas, according to UNICEF, thousands of humanitarian needs, bring an end to the vio- Mr. REID. Madam President, I fur- child soldiers are involved in armed groups in lence, and develop sustainable democratic ther ask unanimous consent that the the Central African Republic, amid the near- institutions in the Central African Republic; bill be read a third time and passed, total collapse of the country’s primary edu- (4) welcomes the January 2014 decision of and the motion to reconsider be consid- cation system; the Transitional National Council on the ered made and laid upon the table, with Whereas interethnic, intercommunal, and election of Catherine Samba-Panza as the no intervening action or debate. interreligious tensions and violence have risen Central African Republic’s new transitional to alarming levels and led to systematic human president; The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without rights abuses in the Central African Republic, (5) commends the African Union and its objection, it is so ordered. including targeted killings, rapes, acts of tor- troop and police contributing countries for The bill (H.R. 2650) was ordered to a ture, looting, and arbitrary detention; their work establishing and supporting third reading, was read the third time, Whereas the United States Embassy in Bangui MISCA; and passed. suspended operations on December 28, 2012, and (6) recognizes the Economic Community of the ordered departure of country team staff has Central African States (CEEAS) for its lead- f temporarily suspended the diplomatic presence ership in the political transition process; CONCERNING CRISIS IN THE and consular services of the United States in the (7) commends France for its swift interven- CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC Central African Republic; tion under United Nations Security Council Whereas more than 700,000 civilians have been Resolution 2127, and for its contributions to Mr. REID. Madam President, I ask internally displaced; another 290,000 have stabilization efforts and other forms of as- unanimous consent that the Senate sought refuge in neighboring countries, includ- sistance; proceed to the consideration of Cal- ing the Democratic Republic of the Congo, (8) welcomes the United Nations Security endar No. 324, S. Res. 375. Chad, Cameroon, and South Sudan; 2,600,000 Council support for MISCA and the Depart- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The people, or over half of the population of the ment of Peacekeeping Operation’s ongoing clerk will report the resolution by Central African Republic, are in need of human- contingency planning for a possible transi- itarian assistance; and 60 percent of households tion to a United Nations peacekeeping oper- title. have no available food stocks; ation; The assistant legislative clerk read Whereas a failure of the international commu- (9) affirms support for multilateral peace- as follows: nity to appropriately respond to and address the keeping and policing capacities and recog- A resolution (S. Res. 375) concerning the rapidly deteriorating situation in the Central nizes the important contributions these ef- crisis in the Central African Republic and African Republic could result in further atroc- forts have made in protecting civilians in the supporting United States and international ities, mass displacement, and protracted insta- Central African Republic and promoting efforts to end the violence, protect civilians, bility with significant repercussions for regional international peace and stability; and address root causes of the conflict. and international security; (10) calls on the President to work with There being no objection, the Senate Whereas United Nations Security Council Res- international partners to develop a short- olution 2127 (2013) called for urgent and in- term strategy to support a full and imme- proceeded to consider the resolution, creased international assistance to the African diate cessation of armed conflict in the Cen- which had been reported from the Com- Union International Support Mission in the tral African Republic, including attacks tar- mittee on Foreign Relations, with an Central African Republic (MISCA) to ensure geting civilians and the recruitment of child amendment and an amendment to the that the force can fulfill its mandate to restore soldiers; preamble, as follows: security and protect civilians, and placed an (11) calls on the President to develop a (Insert the part printed in italic.) arms embargo on the Central African Republic; long-term United States strategy, in support (Strike the preamble and insert the Whereas United Nations Security Council Res- of international and domestic efforts, to es- part printed in italic.) olution 2127 requested the Secretary-General to tablish a durable peace and greater security establish an international commission of inquiry for the Central African Republic and to en- S. RES. 375 to investigate reports of human rights abuses in hance regional stability, including— Whereas, for more than 50 years, successive the Central African Republic in order to ensure (A) engagement and coordination with the governments in the Central African Republic accountability for perpetrators of violence; international community, including the Af- have struggled to build a durable system of Whereas the United Nations Integrated rican Union, the Economic Community of democratic institutions, to effectively secure and Peacebuilding Office in the Central African Re- Central African States, the United Nations, control the country’s territory and borders, and public has been hindered by a lack of resources and other partners; to ensure a basic level of socio-economic devel- and constrained by insecurity; (B) appropriate assistance to help provide opment for the country’s people; Whereas, consistent with United Nations Se- emergency relief and support reconciliation Whereas, despite its natural resource wealth, curity Council Resolution 2127, the Government for the people of the Central African Repub- the Central African Republic remains one of the of France launched a stabilization operation, lic;

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