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, , , Thursday, Octobe.r 14, 1965 Thursday, October 14, 1965 Page Three Page Two THE JEWISH POST THE JEWISH POST ZIO·NISTS PREPARE .,FOR BOND CAMPAIGN HEBREW U. ,TEAS OCTOBER 24TH

THE. 'LIGHTER SID. E.. ' OF', , - . ;" :. The Oldest Anglo-Jewish Weekly In We.t~ Canada INVITATION TO A PARTY (Issued weekly in the ihtcres1;s,ol JewiSh Community actlvltlea in Winnipeg _,nd Western Canada) , By EPHRAIM KISHON "'Just a sec!" I said. "'Who else is coming?" Member of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency

"What do you mean 'Who else'?" demanded " -~ 'Several nights ago the telephone rang. It was Yoske. "The usual gang and the chorus girls from. Published every' Thursday 1rr the Festival! Come Friday night and bring your EMPmE PRINTERSLTD.-., Ben-Zion Ziegler, of whom we had lost track Printers and Publisners ~'. 'I since 1958. ' , records !" , RUPERT SHRIAR, Ph,D, LEO J. I.EZACK 'How are yo'u," Ben-Zion inquired. "What s We took a few scratchy records and made a Editor Advert~ing.-'M8:_na~,. Ij the matter with you? Why doesn't one ever see dummy-run through .the key-steps of the frug. Head Office: 1244 Main St., Winnipeg 4; Canada · . you ?" We also took precautions: we climbed the stairs Subscription: ; $4.00 per annum.. · ,. "We have been rather husy these last few on tiptoe and before ringing the 'bell glued our Phone JU 9-7331 ..,. Eve. l'none HU 9-2989 i , years .. "" ear to the door. Thank God, coo'! jazz could be Authorized as second class mrin by the Po&t Ofl'lc~ 'Oepartment. .' , "So how wboutcoming to our place Sunday. heard inside, so we rang the bell. Yoske opened Ottawa, and for ~.. yment of ,pOItall'.e In' ei4lth . ., ':.'~'", I night? 'I'm inviting a few more couples, it will the door . with a hright smile and quickly ushered',. .r!:l be quite gay . .."; "D ~<'t'h' ~.j'~~~e· coxnel' agramophon(:l wiil plaYiA~.~09r' eXis1tnetne.· ~rn?'a:'t·I'o.na.''l UNICE}Fno~~. e.v.'·otea.~oth. plan­ II eno~:ht~g~b~taRf~:Sl~!f.:g, ~~'~6i;'~~~~~~ .j~zz"While:iii:theJliiddleofthe room abespec~' . ning and .'budge~ to these ends- ,mot~erand \\ the evelling'? And.Ben~i:sp~rti.es\~ere'::.8ih,!a:ys '·.facled man was sitting with .the chorus line. of child climes, 'baslc foods, school equipment,hos­ famous for their uninhIbIted gaIety,though, as the Festival sprawled out in a curve'round him. " pital ,supplies, tools, fertilizer and seeds for local ED VICKAR MRS. ALEX BILLINKOFF MRS. DAVID POLINSKY. we said 'since 1958 we had nat been at any. of "Participation of science in government acti- gardens previously impoverished. . ists of Winnipeg are Leo Bokofsky, MURRAY J. ROSENBERG • • them. Small wonder, then, that our little w0"r!tan vities," Spectacles was saying, "is an important .On Hallowe'en, ,mnittee, Mrs. N. Bercuson, Mrs. J. grey tie ~ had bought m if110rence .. '. ' I cautiously groped for the door behind my dren living in many' lands. , clubs .at a parlor meeting Wednes- Ed Vl'ckar', Israel Bond chairman for Cl b' Frank M __ mann. . u 18' ",..... 'antzi co- the Hebrew University, ,both from Erlichman, Mrs. A. Micay, Mrs. S. L. . We entered the Ziegler's apartment WIth great back and pressed down ihehandle. They had ' " day,Nov. 20, at .8:30 p.rn. at . th" 1 '. d f 1 ch' f B ds f' h B 'd' 2 to 5:30 p.m. In the North End, Morantz, Mrs. I. Spector, Mrs. H. elan embraced the hosts, but then froze on the locked it. The traditional treats given the youn~ters home of Joseph Secter, 460 Campbell e reglona executlve; an the 0 - 3lrmen 0 on or t e ran elS the tea will be held at the home of S~, Mrs. M. Wagner; in charge doo;stepof the sitting-room. At,the end of the Next day we got up at noon from a leaden are taken with gay abandon. But to the fun has Street. Active in promoting the sale· lowing presidents of the three clubs: Lodge are Sam Turner and A. 'oom' the"e sat a lean and 'hungry man, and slumber and joined the Towbi-Wilner faction of been added the joy in sharing Canadian~od Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Putter, 61 of registration, !Mrs. L. S. Matlin. r of Bonds among the organized Zion-I JaCk Markson () , Bogoch. Rupertsland Avenue. The South At the home ,of Mr. and Mrs. 1. S. arranged , round him in a semi-circle were a II Mak'. 1. \ S econ d resol' utlOn: orgxes. were ou t unt'l 1 fortune. This Hallowe'en help fill the collectIon e~hausted p"""'le, listening: . after the elections! Ii our leaders want to meet . box that the ghostly or fantastic costumed fi'gures End tea will ,be held at the home of Portnoy, 301 Park .Boulevard, Tux­ sorts of Mr. and Mrs. Iser Portnoy, 301 edo, convenor, M:rs: David Polinsky, "'Only a change in~~... the electoral syste"!ll can Us m. . person, a 11 rIg. ht ,'u btl on y 'a fter "hv e. el ec- offer. You will ,be helping more than you: can Park Boulevard, Tuxedo. Member- co-convenor, Mrs. S. J. Oreck, com­ ensure true representation for 'the man-m-the- . tions. ' ever know. To Hnst. ." ..11 ...... '0, Bar l'aDTeas. street," the lean one said. "Bilt who is fighting. In line with this resolution, 'when we w(:lre. '. Mr. and Mrs. Steinkopf and their ship chairman for the Winnipeg nuttee, Mrs. N. Bager, ,Mrs. H. 'L. for that? Only we •.•". . invited to have tea with' Dr., Birnbaum at 4:30 ' ", y.... , uf····h" ·A·I·' '. h children visited. Bar-Ilan .univer­ Chapter is Mrs. Frank Buchwald, Gelfant,Mrs. P. Goldberg, Mrs. B. The wife cau:ghtme by the arm., But. It was p ... we analyzed the situation indept;h -. that O· .' ' . sity during' their recent journey to and publicity chairman is Mrs. Sol Leipsic, Mrs. L .. , Lezack, Mrs. R. .ya Sinclair. L:r'0ns,Mrs. B. Newman, Mrs. A. too late'to turn round andfiee, because they were only we would have. been invited; . the early ,'. Oct~ber is themonthwheIi,Hadassahtradi~ Israel, spending most, of their time The committees assisting at the Tadman, Mrs. J. Tritt, Mrs. Cy all looking at us, and even the speaker motioned afternoon hour pointed to ,the casualness of the tionallyexerts its major efforts to the ~sk of . 'a1'. the psychology. department. two teas follow: ' Waldman, and. in charge'of registra- us in a very friendly way to sit down. We 'lAbba Eban .... "About 30 people"she reported. "Shimon afforded their initial opportunities to ma'Kethe gers at the October 31 teas. the Zionist Organization of Canada Public Relations committee.' .{' also knows - but when?). . . Peres is speaking . • ." most of the God given talents, ~na:program, :Whose il. " , .Joseph Wolinsky is a .national Dean Cohen has served' as corres­ We did not know our speaker.'. . ' " 'I1he wife climbed down quietly and we went . diversity and depth ,have meta myriaQ,. of needs vice-president of .Canadian Friends "Who's that," I asked the Irian who sat next back to the car. We decided to kill the time we and individual circumstances." Today' 'greater pondent of the Christian Science of Bar-nan Vniversity. Hyman Bes­ Monitor, editorial writer of the to me. '. .had gained thanks to our vigilance ,by dropping emphasis' than everis,bein¥, .. given:;.t0. vroviding sin, o£ Ottawa, is national presidEmt. I 1taven't the faintest,"1terephed, "I was in on Gusti, our friend who lives in a very nice for secondary school educatIon ... ThlS. IS an area Montreal Gazette, and contributing Situated at &mat' Gan, Israel, editor' on foreign affairs for Satur­ invited for steakS .. ~; ~" 'The seance dragged .on; . villain Herzliah-Pituah, and on who whom one that' has not as yet been resolved 'by .the state Bar-Ilan UniverSity was established The man. talked about th~ need to uproot·. can 'always drop in, even without previous an- and private social agencies and organizations day Night. the gang. of hooligans :who had taken over the nouncement. . . have up to now had to meet the hulk of the ten years ago to provide Israel with State ever'since its inception and ,were .completely . "We burst into his garden: "Gusti! Gusti!" financial Iburden ,that in the western world is a modern university rooted in the ruining it.' The· stea!t-man must have been very ,About 50 people were sprawled on the grass. taken for granted as .. agovernment responsibility, religious teachings of Judaism. CENTENNIAL hungry, because he mterrupted the speaker and "Please, be seated," Shimon Peres said to us, but in Israel is a· problem of such dimensions From an original class of some 80 APPOINTMENT asked him: .'. ". . .' . '...... and went on:' that it is still beyond 'being so there. If educa­ students, the university has grO~n '. ··'\Nowlookhere,your. Old Man ran the country. "The latest technological developments de- tion is the keystone to the success of a modern to an enrolment of. 2,000, and it is until two yearsagql" .. ,. ..•. mand a radical change in the so-called structure society then there can he but one cho~ce- to continuing to expand. ''Correct,'' thus ' ,Rafi, '''no ones denies.tnat!" of our time ...•" . guarantee that those who can - do recelVe every , , "So you are responsible. for the' 'Situation, . , At the crack of down we crawled up the opportunity for the schooling for which they are aren't you?"'.. .' ,,:< ..... , . • stairs on all fours and fell into our apartment. best fit.- this cannot he done without ,assuring A. R. M1CAY. Q.C •. :,,·,: "Ahsolutely I We are the only, movement WIll- A faint glimmer of Ught came from the nursery. that secondary school education is within reach ~,, .·l.IlJifed Way , -" ing to assume fuHresponsibility for its deeds! We went towards it. . of all youngsters -.:.. not only 'because knowledge The nominations cOmmitfu~':~po"; Yes therewere.mistakes, there w~e errors, but ". Amir and Raphi were sitting On the carpet. itself is essential, but because the values, atti­ Launch'es Drive will be delivered by' A.lt;!\ficay, wh~ is :i\erfect'l" " , . .. ¢th l\r:t;s.Fleischhacker. SVrawled ou! infr~nt tudes and "!Jehaviour of must measure up '.-~ ( . 'Xnd' with "tflat:.:'fflielean·· one . d\ivediIitQtli~ ofthem\was· an old man. Wlth a mane,of,"wijItll in 1JheworIdinwhich,theycom,P,ete and ,live.1lhis ,. ',. ,'. ~!t~~cil1:eirTe:r!":u~!'~:!:~ . ',Y',It: I< Eshkol gang a.nd hlew it up" I don't reme'!n~erhair •. '. ' . is the opportunity Youth AUyah efforts afford University', holdS,itsmm~~i dinner . , 1'1 the details since my brain was 'busy with 'affalrs "Only when the ibriefo! the :Attorney,:,Gener~1 _ this is its real meaning... . meeting~turday, Oct. 23,at .the .ofmore p~rsonal trend, but I think that in the is . submitted for the .consIderation of the PresI­ Fort GarryHo~l. The'm~~tilig at i ~- end everYlbody' agreed with the speaker, 'because dent of the Supreme Court," the' old man~was LAUGH. WITH ME: And what summer can 8:30 p.m. will. '1;>" preceded .I>y'the they realized that 'his ,was the only way to reach saying. "will justice be restored to its 'rightful . " '\' " I' , ,' . ..dinner at: 6:30 p.m. . Mr.! JuStice pass without somebody's wi;fegoing .. on. vacation ., '~ " . ; complete Statehood 'and bed 'before dawn. . place in our government affairs .: ." " ;1 .-,' ' . - and takes along the' mail ibox key . Then in order ,.. Samuel Freedinan, chairman of the . , At 2 a.m. we fell silent, and when the, spe~ker , Five, weeks to go. to get it to her husband, slaving in the city heat, chapter, will preside. . • . , asked whether there were 'any more questlOns ------"",..:...--__-- " she mails it 'back to him! ... Bashe' was dying. The firSt United. Way cam­ Guest speaker will-beDean Max­ s'omeone timldly:aaked wnether there were any Her loyal and faithful husband Abe was at her sherut taxis still running?' HON; MAITLAND STEINKOPFi paign,in Greater Winnipeg .was well Cahen, Q.C., of the McGill CQliadian.' _ ConscienceF Annual membership tea of Win';; . ... , ' openedby'His HOnour Richard "No," the lean one aaid. !'That's Eshkol's side, night and day. "Albe," Rashe was barely ,University Law School, a ,former How far-reaching is the conscience of Cana.:. audible, "marry my younger sister after I'm gone. nipeg chapter, Canadian Friends of will,be in the form of a testimonial. S: Bowles,' Q.C., Lieutenant­ Winnipegger and recipient of an transportation for you!". . . Bar-nan University, will be held tribute to Samuel .N. Cohen, will. Governor of Manitoba, at a sol­ dians concerning the world's youth? Does it I know she's a little young, only 18, but she'll honorary IL.D. from. the University Leo J. Lezack, ~tiblisher of The I woke my wife 'and we craJWled home. Never .'Sunday, Oct. 31, it was announcl!d be. addressed by,Manitoba Premier. enm dedicatio,n ceremony Th~s­ ., extend to help the concourse of the world's chil­ make you a fine wife." Abe sighed softly" "'Rest of Manitoba. Jewish Post, has been. appointed a before had I felt such total fatigue. The woman chen? . my dear, I already discussed' it with her a few this week by chapter president Hon. Duff Roblin who will speak on edu- giving morning. Dean Cohen is ~of com­ could not get to sleep, tosseda:bout on her, bed a member of a special Ethnic Press weeks ago!" . , . A cantor came into a new com­ · and from time to time whispered into the dark­ 11hat is the function of UNICEF (United ., Maitland Steinkopf, Q.C., Manitoba's. cation. ' Attending the. ceremony were mittee appointed ,by Justice Minister advisory committee of the National \.; munity in the midwest and af.ter going over all " ness with ,bared fangs: "LongUve the ! Nations Children's ,Fund); success in Canada .. Provincial Secretary and 'Minister of . Membership teas will take pIaCEl; representatives of governmetit, Favieau to advise. him on legisla­ Centennial Cotl!lllission' and. is rep­ depends upon the response of thinking Citizens. the detans for the High Holy Days he approached Public Utilities." . . , .. '... . '.' October ,31 from 2 to6 p.rn. at: armed forces, clergy, United Way tion against hate literature, and, it " ., Eshkol for Premier!" . . resenting the Jewish press. of Can~ . The mst UNICEF effort provided milk for the rabbi. "Excuse me !but just to double check on , . Mr. Steinkopf also announced that the home'ofiMr. and Mrs. Steinkopf, I board' of trustees and campaign is expected that the report will 'be 'Several uneventful .nights later the telephone everything, do you have a shofar?" The old rabbi ada' at a special pUblicityplannihg rang again: , . war-famished. infants. But what purpose to save the annual chapter dinner will be 203 Oxford Street, and at the home organization, 'and the 50 member delivered within the next two weeks meeting of the Centermial' Commis­ a life if the young body is ill-nourished, tlie mind who was slightly hard of hearing, smiled warmly held Sunday, Nov. '7, .in Sb8;'~y of .Mr. and Mrs., Joseph Wolinsk~, I agencieS'of the United Way. to Justice iMinisterCarom. He was 'ICiao," Yoske blared, "have you got any' and eX1Claimed, "I don't e,ven own a ear!" • . • sion to :be held October 14 and 15 rock'n'roll records 1" unproductive, thea:bility to earn a living non~ . Zedek synagogue. The c'\i=er.;Which . Seven Oaks Avenue. '.. I~=""==-==---""=--__JJ apiember of the eaMdian delega- ill Ottawa. .

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