
PRODUCTION OF NATURAL AND NUTRITIOUS , , JUICE AND VINEGAR FROM Millicent I. Secretaria, Raul M. Ebun and Severino S. Magat.


The coconut as a “TREE OF LIFE” is characteristically a supplier as this tree provides fruit throughout the year. Its fruit is edible and is the main source of many food products (coco , oil, chip, copra, , etc.). Its water is a healthy while its unopened inflorescence can produce coconut sap which can be processed into natural and nutritious food products. Coconut sap (toddy), the sweet exudate from the tapped unopened spathe or inflorescence of coconut, is one of the best food products to consider and containers to be used should placed in the cool section of the because of its many uses. It could be clean at all times. refrigerator or in freezer section be marketed as an alcoholic drink Cocosap processing - The if juice is to be transported to (4-6 % ) locally known as conversion of coconut sap into consumers at distant place. If 'tuba', as vinegar (under further juice, vinegar, honey and sugar hygienically prepared, the sap natural ) or as involves a simple and a farm- juice can be stored for 3 days 'lambanog' or distilled (24- level technology (Secretaria, etal. without deterioration. 45% alcohol). The sap can also be processed into sap juice/drink, or honey, crude sugar or granulated (Secretaria et.al. 2003). Figure 1 shows the various coconut products from coconut sap.

Description of the Technology 2002). As the coconut sap is 2. Coconut honey or syrup - A. Tapping and harvesting of highly perishable due to the Further boiling of sap under coconut sap natural microflora, the moderate to very slow heat until harvested sap should be it becomes sticky and reaches 1. Tapping is done twice a day. immediately processed by 80-85oBx at 105-1 lOoC (Logan Harvesting of coconut sap can be pasteurizing for 10 minutes at &Molina, 2001). The sticky done in the morning (taken 65oC in a large cast iron pan (for is allowed to cool, then before 8 a.m.) for the production coconut honey, sugar and juice poured into desired container. of Tuba’ or vinegar and in the production). This prevents the Keep the honey in the afternoon (not later than 3 p.m.) sap from fermentation. for the production of sap juice, honey and sugar since sap 1. Coconut sap juice - Fresh produced is sweeter than in the harvested coconut sap is morning. pasteurized (heating at 60o - 65 oC) for 10 minutes. The cocosap 2. To produce sweet coconut juice is allowed to cool, then sap, it is necessary that all tools poured separately in the desired container, tightly sealed and

COCOINFO INTERNATIONAL, VOL. 14, January 2007 18 refrigerator for longer plastic container with clean obtained from the production of (up to one year). netted cover to allow aeration cocosap food products at the and prevent entrance of dirt and farmer’s level; high net income 3. The EXPECTED INITIAL INCOME OF COCO SAP PRODUCTS (PhP)

production of coconut sugar is Per 30 trees per m onth production (Assum i ng coconut farm er/tapper owns 30 trees)) similar to coconut honey except

for the additional one hour of Coconut sap products (Options) boiling to further reduce the P a rtic u la r G ra n u la te d water content. Constant stirring F re s h sap V in e g a r Honey Juice S u g a r

of the coconut sap until the liquid Est. harvest (li) of 30 trees. 6 0 li 6 0 li 6 0 li 6 0 li 6 0 li thickens at 115C C. Remove it 2li / tree'

from the flame when it begins to % R e c o v e r y 1 0 0 8 0 1 5 7 0 1 2 . 5

become sticky. Continue mixing Production / m onth (li) 1 . 8 0 0 1 , 4 4 0 2 7 0 1 , 2 6 0 2 2 5 k g

Suggested Selling Price 5 / li 1 0 / li 1 0 / 1 5 0 g 5 / 3 5 0 m l P 1 0 0 / k i l o

Gross Incom e 9 . 0 0 0 1 4 , 4 0 0 2 7 . 2 1 . 8 5 5 2 2 . 5 0 0

M aterial Cost 2 , 1 0 0 2 , 0 2 0 1 . 8 3 0 2 . 6 1 0 . 0 4 5 5 . 0 0

Processing Cost 5 6 2 . 5 2 . 2 5 0 1 . 1 2 5 . 0 2 8 0 2 . 5 0

T o t a l C o s t 2 . 1 0 0 2 . 5 8 2 . 5 4 . 0 8 0 3 . 7 3 5 . 0 3 . 2 6 7 5 0

Net Incom e (30 trees/m o) 6 . 9 0 0 1 1 . 8 1 7 . 5 1 3 . 9 2 0 1 8 . 1 2 0 1 9 . 2 3 2 . 5 0

Net Incom e/ha (100 trees) 2 3 . 0 0 0 3 9 . 3 9 2 4 6 . 4 0 0 6 0 , 4 0 0 6 4 . 1 0 8 . 0 0

Return on Invest.(%) 3 2 8 4 5 7 3 4 1 4 8 5 5 8 8

until it becomes granular. Air Table 1. C ost & return analysis of cocosap fooc products at farm er's level (S ecretaria et.al., dry the brown sugar before 2 0 0 6 placing in packaging material. foreign objects. After about 10 of Php 31,383/mo or 594,946/yr The pH of the coconut sap should days fermentation in a well from cocosugar production from be > 6.0 to ensure successful ventilated room, the sap can be one ha, 100 production palms. production of granulated coconut harvested as vinegar. To maintain sugar (Cruz et.al. 2006). Sweet the desired quality of the matured 3. Health Benefits - Coconut toddy can be produced if vinegar (with at least 4% sap can be a functional food harvesting of toddy is done acidity), pasteurize it by heating (Trinidad. 2000). Several every 5-6 hours (during daytime). for 5-10 minutes at 60-65o C. scientific evidences can support is the major component allow the vinegar to cool before the claim for its functionality, as (70-79%) followed by placing in very clean bottles and follows : and (3-9%) (Pumono, then cover tightly and sealed. 1992 as cited by Logan and The coconut sap vinegar is a very Table 1. Physical and chemical Molina, 2001). good ingredient in pickled composition of coconut sap papaya, as dip for chicharon, and (PCARRD. 1993 as cited by 4. Coconut sap vinegar - Pour other snack & food preparation. Manohar & Andres. 2005) fresh sap toddy in a wide large C. Benefits derived from the Cocosap contains high amount of technology glutamic (glumate). It is an used by the body to 1. Social Benefits - cocosap build . It is the most food production technology : common stimulating • Simple, practical, feasible neurotransmitter in the nervous and economically viable system. Glutamine is a non- • Compensating income can be essential amino acid, meaning, derived due to diverse we produce this amino acid in products the body. • Toddy products are organic and healthy Studies show that the fluid • New products that are less produced by prostate gland costly contains significant amount of • Promotes additional (family) glutamic acid, and this amino labor or employment acid may play a role in the normal function of the prostate. 2. Economic Benefits A high Damrau (1962) and Feinblatt and return on investment can be Gant (1958) as cited in Trinidad

COCOINFO INTERNATIONAL VOL. 14. January 2007 19 transmission, the regulation of P a rticu la r Q uantity C o st/U n it Total Cost % activity and Plant & storage house 1 10,000 10,000 15 transportation of within the Hired labor 11 3,000 33,000 49 body. It is also essential for hair Tools & Equipment growth and prevent some cases - Open cooking vessel (70 li) 3 1,000 3,000 4 of thinning hair and baldness. It - Furnace 1 2,000 2,000 3 - Improved Stoves 3 100 300 0 also helps reduce high -Weighing scale 1 1,000 1,000 1 cholesterol and is important for - Strainer 3 100 300 0 the heart. Inositol is also - Stirrer 3 100 300 0 beneficial for the treatment of - Sap container 10 100 1,000 1 eye abnormalities, eczema and Supplies & materials some cases of obesity. - Firewood (no. of bundles/day) 3 100 9,000 13 - Packaging materials 1,000 2 2,000 3 Marketing & Selling Expenses Table 3. content of 5,000 7 freshly-gathered coconut sap TOTAL 66,900 100% (Kosaki, 1974 as cited in Magat, 1996). -Effective area - 1 hectare - 100 trees No. of working days = 25 days -Estimated harvest of cocosap = 3 liters per tree per day (full tapping) -Estimated cocosugar production = 1 kg sugar per 6 liters of toddy * dominant

Table 2. Capital investment (Php) to establish a farm-scale production of coconut sugar from one Coconut sap sugar compared to (1) ha coconut area (Manohar and Andres, 2005) other sources of sugar (cane (2000) have shown that benign glutamate) have been shown to brown sugar and refined white prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) were increase exercise tolerance and sugar) contains larger amounts of improved in a group of 45 men heart function in people with macronutrients i.e. nitrogen (N), taking 780 mg of glutamic acid stable angina pectoris. (P), potassium (K), per day in two weeks and then magnesium (Mg),chloride (Cl) 380 mg for the next two and a The vitamin content of coconut and micronutrients such as half months in combination with sap contains various vitamins (Zn) and iron (Fe) - Table 4. equal amounts of glycine and (Table 3). Inositol is the highest Some of the health benefits alanine. Glutamic acid may also of all, it is found to be a derived from these are have protective effects on the component of phospholipids in presented below. heart muscle in people with heart the brain, skeletal, heart and male . Intravenous injections reproductive tissues (Trinidad, Table 4. Elemental content (ppm of glutamic acid (as monosodium 2000). It functions in nerve or mg/L) of three sources of edible sugar, analyzed by PC.A- Ite m Value (Php) Plant Tissue Analysis Lab., Sept. P e r M o n th P e r Y e a r P e r k g . 11, 2000 (Secretaria et.al. 2003). Gross Income Cash Income -Sale from coco sugar Total 1 0 0 ,0 1 » 1 .2 0 0 ,0 0 0 8 0 .0 0 0 * dominant nutrients in coconut Cash Income Total Gross 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 1 .2 0 0 ,0 0 0 8 0 .0 0 0 In c o m e 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 1 ,2 0 0 ,0 0 0 8 0 ,0 0 0 sugar

E x p e n s e s Variable Costs Primer: Selected - Hired labor 3 4 ,0 0 0 4 0 8 ,0 0 0 2 2 .6 7 - Supplies and Materials 1 1 ,1 0 0 1 1 0 ,1 0 0 7 .4 0 minerals needed in relatively - M arketing & Selling Expenses 5 ,0 0 0 6 0 ,0 0 0 3 .3 3 large amounts (Cruz, et.al.2006) - Interest on Operating Capital 501 6 ,0 1 2 0 .3 3 T o ta l V a ria b le C o s t 5 0 ,6 0 1 5 8 4 ,1 1 2 3 3 .7 3

Fixed Costs Fixed -C ash costs Calcium - vital for strong bones -Building/Storage house 1 0 ,0 0 0 6 .6 7 and teeth, also needed for the - T o o ls a n d E q u ip m e n t 7 .7 5 0 5 .1 7 Interest on fixed Capital Investment Total 104 0 .0 7 heart and nervous system and for F ix e d C a s h C o s ts 1 7 ,8 6 4 11 .9 0 muscle growth and contraction

Fixed Non-Cash Cost - Depreciation 16 3 0 .1 1 Total Fixed Costs 1 8 .0 1 6 12 .0 1 Magnesium - essential for Total Costs 6 8 .6 1 7 6 0 5 ,0 5 5 4 5 .7 4 enzyme activity, calcium and

Net Cash Income Gross 3 1 ,5 4 5 5 9 6 ,8 9 6 3 4 ,3 6 potassium uptake, nerve M a rg in 4 9 ,3 9 9 6 1 5 ,8 8 8 4 6 ,2 7 transmission, bone for formation N e t In c o m e 3 1 ,3 8 3 5 9 4 ,9 4 6 3 4 ,2 6 and of and minerals. Table 3. Profitability Analysis using Enterprise Budgeting from C oconut-sap collected from 100 trees (M anohar and Andres, 2005)

20 COCOINFO INTERNATIONAL, VOL. 14, January 2007 Magnesium helps maintain High level of active Cl ions - memory function in middle age P a r a m e t e r R a n g e o f provides electrical neutrality (acid- and beyond (Reader's Digest, v a lu e base body balance) and correct July 2005). Associate Professor Specific gravity 1.06-1.07 pressure of body fluids; balance Guosong Liu and Postdoctoral Total solids (%) 17.4 - 18.7 electric charges in the human Associate Researcher Inna Sucrose (%) 14.8-16.6 nervous system; and enhances the Slutsky at Masschusetts Institute (%) trace - 0.3 efficient digest & immune of Technology (MIT)'s Picower Crude Protein (%) trace - 0.4 systems for our healthy body and mind. Center for Learning and Memory Ash (%) 0.3 -0.4 found that Mg helps regulate a pH 6 .0 -6 .4 key brain receptor important for Conclusion learning and memory. Their Table 4. Physical and chemical The development of the work provides evidence that Mg composition of coconut sap (PCARRD. 1993 as cited by Manohar & Andres, technology on organic food deficit may lead to decreased 2005) products from coconut sap is memory and learning ability.

Potassium - helpful in treating Macronutrient (mg/L Coco sap Brown cane Refined high blood pressure, excessive use (ppm) in dry matter sugar sugar of salt along with inadequate Nitrogen (N)' 2,020 100 0 intake of fruits and vegetable result Phosphorus (P)‘ 790 30 0.7 in potassium deficiency Potassium (K)' 10,300 650 25 Calcium (Ca) 60 240 60 Phosphorus - needed for bone Magnesium (Mg‘ 290 70 10 growth, kidney function and cell Sodium (Na)’ 450 20 10 growth 4,700 Chlohne (Cl) ‘ 180 100 260 S ulfur (S) Zinc - called the 'intelligence' 130 20 mineral, zinc Is required for Micronutrient (mg/L mental development, for (ppm) in dry matter healthy reproductive organs B oron (B) 6.3 0 0 (particularly prostate gland) Zinc ( In ) ' 21.2 2 1.2 Manganese (Mn) 1.3 2 0 Iron vital for healthy blood, iron Iron (Fe)* 21.9 0.6 0.6 12.6 deficiency is associated with poor C o p p er (Cu) 2.3 1.2 mental development and problems * dominant nutrients in coconut sugar with the immune system Table 7. Elemental content (ppm or mg/L) of three sources of edible sugar, analyzed by PCA-Plant Tissue Analysis Lab.. Sept. 11, 2000 (Secretaria A m in o A c id Value (g/100 g) et.al. 2003).

Trytophan 1.27 Lysine 0.32 timely considering the growing Histidine consciousness of consumers on 1.19 safe and organic food products. It Arginine 0.35 V ita m in V a lu e (m g d l) also provides additional Aspartic Acid' 11.22 opportunities among coco-based Threonine’ 15.36 Thiamine* 77.00 farming communities, where other Serine' 8.24 Riboflavin 12.20 members of the family Glutamic acid * 3 4 .2 0 Pyridoxine* 38.40 Para-aminobenzoic acid* 47.10 particularly women can be Proline 3.52 Pyridoxal’ 38.40 involved in processing considering Glycine 0.47 Pantothenic acid 5.20 that the technology is simple and Aianine 2.57 Nicotinic acid' 40.60 easy to apply. More importantly, Valine 2.11 Biotin 0.17 economic potential of the palms Folic acid 0.24 Methionine - In o sito l* 1 2 7 .7 0 are maximized through processing Isoleucine 0.38 Choline 9.00 of high-value cocosap food Leucine 0.48 Vitamin Bi2 trace products without sacrificing the 0.31 traditional copra production. 0.78 ’ dominant vitamins

Table 6. Vitamin content of freshly- Table 5. Amino acid content of freshly- Millicent /. Secretaria, Raul gathered coconut sap (Kosaki, 1974 as gathered coconut sap M. Ebun, and Severino S. cited in Magat, 1996). (Kosaki, 1974 as cited in Magat, 1996) Magat I are scientists at the Philippine Coconut Authority.