
Lechon Kawali Filipino Dish

Lechon kawali originates from . Lechon litteraly means in the . Even though it originates from Spain, it’s one of the most famous pork Dishes in the . Lechon Kawali is a dish that can be prepared anytime of the year but it’s often prepared during special occasions like birthdays, holidays or festival.

Ingredients for Filipino Lechon  cooking oil kawali dish are: Ingredients needed for the Sauce:  1 stalk celery  3 tablespoons of  1 kilo  5 tablespoons of  10 pieces of peppercorn  1 onion, minced  1 piece onion  1 tablespoons of sugar  1 tablespoon of salt  1 to 2 pieces of chili (optional) Procedure to prepare Filipino lechon Kawali dish:

1. Put water in a pan and boil it for a minute, add salt on top of the pork belly and put the pork belly in the water together with peppercorn, onion and celery.

2. Boil the pork belly until it’s tender, then remove it from the pan and let it drain/air dry for about two hours. Make sure the meat is really dry and all moisture is out of the meat!

3. Add oil into a pot and make sure it reaches boiling heat. Before adding the pork belly poke some holes into thepork belly.

4. Add the pork belly to the oil and let it fry until its golden brown. Don’t leave it unattended!

5. When done, cut the lechon kawali into pieces. Serve the Lechon kawali while it’s still hot together with the sauce.

Procedure to prepare sauce for Lechon Kawali Dish:

 Mix soy sauce, vinegar onion and sugar all together. Optionally you can add chili to make the taste spicier.