
ISSN 0378-5254 Journal of Family Ecology and Consumer Sciences, Vol 35, 2007

Cotton/ and / warp knitted terry cloth:

Why minority fibre content is important

Adine Gericke, Laetitia Viljoen, Riette de Bruin


Suid Afrikaanse wetgewing insake die etikettering In terms of Notice 657 of 2005 in the Government van tekstiel produkte laat ‘n speling toe wat betref Gazette, no product may be sold in the Repub- die aanduiding van veselinhoud op etikette. Die lic of South , irrespective of whether such goods vraag wat in hierdie studie gevra word, is of ‘n spe- were produced in the country or elsewhere, unless it ling toegelaat behoort te word, veral in gevalle van conforms to the South African National Standards for mengselstowwe soos katoen/poliëster en katoen/ fibre content and care labelling of and textile nylon skeringgebreide terriestowwe. Die effek van products (Government Gazette, 2005:3). This stan- industriële wasprosedures op die duursaamheid dard, revised in June 2007, states clearly how fibre van katoen skeringgebreide terriestof met ‘n sinte- content should be indicated and what the tolerances tiese basisstruktuur van όf katoen όf poliëster is on- are (South African National Standards, 2007:4,5). dersoek om te bepaal of die relatief klein kom- This gives rise to the following question, namely: ponent sintetiese garing ‘n beduidende rol speel in Should tolerances be permitted at all; in other words, die behoud van die duursaamheid van die tekstiel- should a label be allowed to indicate “all cotton” if stowwe. Die breeksterkte van katoen-nylon en ka- there are other fibres present in the fabric construction toen-poliëster terriestof handdoekmonsters nadat (albeit in a very small percentage)? This in turn gives dit aan onderskeidelik 50 industriële wassiklusse en rise to a further question, namely: How important is it 50 industriële was-en drogingsiklusse onderwerp that a minority fibre content be identified on the label? was, is vergelyk. Die verskil in die breeksterkte van die monsters wat slegs gewas is, was nie beteke- nisvol nie. In die geval van monsters wat gewas én The lifespan of a textile product is directly related to getuimeldroog is, was die breeksterkte van die ka- the number of wash cycles it can endure. Should one toen-nylon monsters egter betekenisvol laer as dié component of a textile structure fail prematurely it will van die katoen-poliëster monsters. Dit het gelei tot lead to degradation of the entire product, rendering it die gevolgtrekking dat industriële versorgingsprose- unfit for further use. Durability during use is therefore dures, en veral tuimeldroging, ‘n meer nadelige ef- dependent on the compatibility of care procedures fek op die duursaamheid van ‘n terriestof met ‘n ny- with fabric construction and fibre content. In the manu- lon basisstruktuur as op een met ‘n poliëster basis- facturing of the textile products that today’s market struktuur het. Dit was ook duidelik dat die poliëster- demands, new construction methods and fibre combi- komponent ‘n belangrike rol gespeel het in die be- nations are often implemented. One of different houd van die breeksterkte van die monsters. Die fibre content from the rest, comprising a very small rol van die klein komponent sintetiese garings in die percentage of the whole, might be added for an aes- basisstruktuur van hierdie stowwe moet dus nie on- thetic or functional purpose and, although hardly no- derskat word nie en in sulke gevalle behoort die ticeable, it could comprise an integral part of the con- kleiner veselinhoud ook spesifiek op die etiket aan- struction. Should it be damaged in any way by, for gedui te word. Onnodige foute, soos byvoorbeeld example, wrong choice of care procedures, possibly die volg van verkeerde versorgingsprosedures as due to the consumer being uninformed or misin- gevolg van oningeligheid, sou sodoende voorkom formed, it can lead to disintegration of the entire con- kan word. struction. This is one of the reasons why accurate

fibre content and care labelling are of utmost impor-


— Ms A Gericke Warp knitted terry cloth is manufactured on a Raschel Department of Chemistry and Science warp , using three sets of warp University of Stellenbosch (Hatch, 1993:358; Kadolph & Langford, 2002:235;

Miller, 1992:108). The ground structure of pillar — Ms L Viljoen stitches, similar to chain stitching, is formed by the first Former Department of Consumer Science set of warp yarns. Pillar stitches of adjacent courses University of Stellenbosch are not connected. A second set of warp yarns are looped into this base structure in the weft direction – — Ms R de Bruin each set connecting four adjacent courses of pillar Master’s Student: Former Department of Consumer stitches – adding stability and strength in the weft di- Science University of Stellenbosch rection to the structure. The third set of yarns, referred to as the yarns, form the pile loops. When warp

Cotton/polyester and cotton/nylon warp knitted terry cloth: Why minority fibre contents are important: Why minority fibre contents do count 39 ISSN 0378-5254 Tydskrif vir Gesinsekologie en Verbruikerswetenskappe, Vol 35, 2007

type it must be so composed as to contain not more than two percent of other fibres classed as “inadvertent impurities”, or five percent of other fibres in the case of carded fibres or seven percent of other fibres with a decorative function. In these cases fibre content can be indicated as “all cotton”, “pure cotton” or even “100% cotton”. In practical terms it is there- fore possible that a fabric containing 96% cotton and 4% nylon or polyester can be labelled as “all cotton”.

A product composed of two or more fibre types is clas- sified as a “blended fibre type product” (South African National Standard, 2007:5). A blend is defined as an intimate mixture of fibres of different generic type, composition, length, diameter or colour spun together in a yarn (Hatch, 1993:295; Kadolph & Langford, 2002:151). In this case the label should indicate the name of the main fibre type and the percentage that it accounts for, or the names of all fibre types as well as their respective percentages, in descending order, or just a listing, in descending order of dominance (by mass), the generic name of each fibre type. FIGURE 1: ILLUSTRATION OF WARP KNITTED TERRY CLOTH FABRIC STRUCTURE (Innovative The standard also allows for blends in cases where a technology makes its mark, 2004:1) product may contain two or more fibre types that to- gether accounts for ten percent or less of the total mass of the product, in which case these fibres may knitting terry cloth, one needle-bar is replaced with a be collectively marked as “other fibres”, followed by point or pin-bar, around which the pile yarns are over- their total combined percentage. It is not compulsory lapped when the pile loops are formed (Miller, to indicate their generic names (South African Na- 1992:109; Spencer, 1983:326). An illustration of the tional Standard 2007:5). A consumer may thus be structure is shown in Figure 1. (In this illustration the confronted with a label stating that the product con- length of the pile yarns is not depicted to scale). tains 85% cotton, for example, but what the rest is

may remain unknown to the consumer. This production method is generally more economical than the traditional slack-tension weave method be- The standard does not refer directly to fabrics where cause of the high production speed (Anand & Smith, certain yarns in the weft or warp differ from the rest in 1994:68) and has the added advantage of enhanced fibre content, such as in the case of warp knitted terry durability because of the synthetic component that can cloth. These fabrics are usually defined as “mixtures” be incorporated into the structure (Kadolph & and are composed of yarns differing from each other Langford, 2002:41). In practice, the ground yarns of in fibre composition (Hatch, 1993:298; Kadolph & warp knitted terry cloth fabrics often differ in composi- Langford, 2002:150). In this case the synthetic fibre tion to the yarns of the pile (Miller, 1992:109, Wooten, content, because of the low weight of the filament 1979). Synthetic fibres like nylon and polyester are yarns, can comprise a very low percentage of the total mostly used in the ground structure – adding stability fibre content. One of the questions addressed in this and strength (Hegde et al , 2004, Wiska, 2003). As study is whether the role that this small percentage inferred from the structure of the warp knitted terry plays in maintaining the durability of a fabric is signifi- cloth (see Figure 1), the synthetic component plays a cant. vital role in the durability of the , especially where breaking strength in the warp direction is con- In the hospitality industry durability is of utmost impor- cerned. tance. Towels, for example, can be subjected to wash-

ing on a daily basis and, although industrial laundering Cotton is generally used as pile yarn in warp knitted procedures are often more severe than household terry cloth because of its excellent absorbency. The procedures, this is considered as “normal” in the hos- second set of warp yarns is often also cotton, used to pitality industry. Premature failure due to the inability maintain the high absorbency, but also because cot- of a product to withstand laundering procedures can ton is reasonably priced and actually increases in lead to huge losses or claims against suppliers. It is strength when wet (Kadolph & Langford, 2002:41; therefore of utmost importance that the care proce- Miller, 1992:109). Such fabrics can be described as dures followed by industrial launderers are compatible cotton-polyester or cotton-nylon mixtures. with the fibre content and fabric construction of the

laundered items (Hatch, 1993:206; Merkel, 1991:110). South African National Standard 10235 (2007:4-7) specifies methods of designating the fibre content of Industrial launderers generally make use of continu- textiles and textile products and for applying this infor- ous batch washing , referred to as continu- mation to made-up products, and yarns. ous batch tunnel washers (CBTW) (Fabric Care Re- For a textile product to be classified as a single-fibre

Cotton/polyester and cotton/nylon warp knitted terry cloth: Why minority fibre contents are important: 40 Why minority fibre contents do count ISSN 0378-5254 Journal of Family Ecology and Consumer Sciences, Vol 35, 2007 search Association, 1993:4; Jakobi & Löhr, 1987:221). oured fabrics (Joseph, 1988:67). Temperatures in the These machines are designed to remove soiling, con- tumble-dryer should not exceed 93 oC in order to pre- tamination and micro-organisms from large quantities vent the acceleration of fibre degradation (Trotman, of dirty . The process usually entails a pre-wash, 1984:44). main wash and rinse, followed by tumble-drying. Pre- weighed loads of laundry pass through a number of The melting point of nylon varies between 215 oC and compartments (typically ten to twelve) in which they 260 oC, depending on the type of nylon (Kadolph & are pre-washed, washed and rinsed. A CBTW ma- Langford, 2002:102). The swelling of the nylon fibres chine usually works with an internal counter-flow cur- in , together with their thermoplastic nature and rent system in which the wash load moves forward in the tendency of the fibres to weaken slightly when the machine (from one compartment to the next) while wet, limits the vigorousness of the laundering condi- the water flows in the opposite direction (Barrie, 1994; tions that nylon can withstand, and therefore moderate Fabric Care Research Association, 1993:4, 9; Jakobi washing and drying temperatures are recommended & Löhr, 1987:221). (Hatch, 1993:206; Kadolph & Langford, 2002:102; Tortora, 1992:131). Chemical additives are added automatically to the appropriate compartments and steam can be injected Polyester has the highest thermal resistance of all the into the main wash compartments to achieve the re- synthetic fibres; it has a melting point of between quired high temperatures. Stains and are removed 250 oC and 288 oC. Of considerable importance are the by a combination of mechanical action, time and tem- facts that the polyester fibres do not swell in water and perature control, detergent action and de-staining that their physical properties are not significantly al- agents, which can include . For thermal dis- tered by the temperatures used during the care proce- infection the achievement and maintenance of the dures. Polyester fabrics can thus be submitted to fairly required temperature is critical. The most important rigorous laundering conditions (Hatch, 1993:219; Jo- specific factors that influence effective cleaning and seph, 1988:106; Tortora, 1992:195; Wingate & Moh- also the retention of the durability of the textiles being ler, 1984:371). laundered are temperature, wash time, level of wash liquid (dip), mechanical action during washing, addi- Additives used during laundering can include deter- tives, the tumble-drying process, etc. (Fabric Care gents, alkalis and bleaching agents. Synthetic deter- Research Association, 1993:3,9). Of these, the tem- gents are usually alkaline and are used to remove or perature, additives and tumble-drying are of particular suspend soil, reduce the effect of hard water or re- relevance to this study. duce the surface tension of water with the purpose of enhancing soil removal. A detergent solution with a pH Temperature control during each phase of the laun- value higher than 10 enhances the effectiveness of dering process is necessary because, on the one the wash process (Fabric Care Research Association, hand, temperature has a direct influence on effective 1993:16). soil and stain removal, and on the other, certain fab- rics are sensitive to prolonged exposure to high tem- An alkaline medium will not damage fibres – peratures. Temperature control is also important when even at high temperatures, so all detergents on the using hypochlorite bleaching agents, as bleaching at market can be used to wash cotton fabrics (Hatch, too high a temperature can damage certain fibres. In 1993:168; Joseph, 1988:67; Wingate & Mohler, the hospitality and medical industries temperature 1984:248). Both nylon and polyester, as used in the plays an important role in the disinfection process; it ground structure of the terry cloth fabrics, have excel- is important that the critical temperature is reached to lent resistance to alkaline wash mediums. Polyester ensure effective disinfection (Fabric Care Research can be damaged by strong alkali but has good resis- Association, 1993:3, 9). According to Steyn tance to weak alkali, such as found in detergents (1994:216), a washing temperature of higher than (Hatch, 1993:207,218; Joseph, 1988:68,106; Kadolph 54 oC is necessary to ensure effective elimination of & Langford, 2002:100,107; Tortora, 1992:183,195). micro-organisms in household laundering. In industrial laundries temperatures of at least 71 oC for three min- During the rinse phase the remaining detergent and utes or 65 oC for ten minutes are recommended as suspended soil is removed through dilution. A weak safe time/temperature combinations for thermal disin- acid solution can be added to neutralise the alkalinity fection. Additional time should be allowed for ade- of the wash liquid. Cellulose fibres, such as cotton, are quate penetration in large laundry loads. It is usually damaged by strong acids, but even weak acids can preferable to employ a higher temperature range to degrade the fibres if not removed properly during rins- ensure thorough disinfection, and temperatures up to ing (Joseph, 1988:67; Wingate & Mohler, 1984:231). 85 oC are often reached within certain areas in the Polyester has excellent resistance to acids, but nylon machine (Fabric Care Research Association, 1993:9). is sensitive to hydrochloric acid and can be damaged if exposed to sulphuric acid. The effect of extended Cotton is not thermoplastic and will not melt in the exposure to weak acids, especially in the wet state, is presence of heat (Tortora, 1992:131). Normal expo- questionable (Kadolph & Langford, 2002:101; McIn- sure to elevated temperatures, as found in routine tyre, 2000:71; Tortora, 1992:183). care procedures, will not degrade cotton. White fab- rics can be washed in hot water (95 oC), but tempera- Bleaches are generally used during laundering proce- tures higher than 60 oC are not recommended for col- dures to remove stains. The choice of a suitable

Cotton/polyester and cotton/nylon warp knitted terry cloth: Why minority fibre contents are important: Why minority fibre contents do count 41 ISSN 0378-5254 Tydskrif vir Gesinsekologie en Verbruikerswetenskappe, Vol 35, 2007 bleaching agent is dependent on fibre type. The tem- PURPOSE OF THE STUDY perature of the washing liquid and the concentration of the bleaching agent should be carefully controlled, as The main purpose of the study was to compare the degradation takes place more easily at higher tem- durability of cotton warp-knitted with a nylon peratures and concentrations. Cotton is highly sensi- ground structure to cotton warp-knitted terrycloth with tive to chlorine and can be degraded by exten- a polyester ground structure after exposure to indus- sive use thereof, whereas polyester is unaffected. trial laundering procedures and to determine whether Chlorine bleach is also known to cause damage to the relatively small percentages of nylon or polyester and discolouration of nylon fabrics (Hatch, 1993:168, play a significant role in maintaining the durability of 207, 218; Kadolph & Langford, 2002:39, 101, 107; the fabrics. Tortora, 1992:123, 195). In order to determine this, cotton/nylon and cotton/ Tumble-drying is the standard method of drying laun- polyester terrycloth samples were first analysed to dry during industrial laundering procedures. The size determine their structural properties and then com- of the load in the dryer, the mechanical action, and the pared with regards to the durability of the respective time and temperature of drying have an effect on the fabrics after exposure to industrial washing as well as amount of abrasion, and subsequently degradation industrial washing and tumble-drying that textile fabrics are exposed to (Kadolph & Lang- ford, 2002:352). Deans (2001) reports that tumble- drying is not a homogenous process. Both the distri- RESEARCH PROCEDURE bution of textile items in the drum and the variation in the temperatures of the air, sides of the drum and In order to describe the test samples and determine textiles being dried are dependent on the textile fabric the similarity (and therefore comparability) of the cot- type(s), moisture content and packing density of the ton/nylon and cotton/polyester terry cloth, the fibre load. The nature of the textiles in the load influences composition of the cotton/nylon and cotton/polyester the amount of moisture that migrates to the surface as textile samples was determined according to the ISO well as the cohesion of items in the bundle. Although 1833-standard test method (Test 10). The structural Hatch (1993:219) claims that polyester will maintain characteristics were compared by analysing the knit- between 70% and 80% of its tenacity upon prolonged ted structures under a microscope. The average exposure to temperatures exceeding 150 oC, it is not stitch density of the textile samples was determined recommended that fabrics with a synthetic fibre con- according to SABS method 1120. The average weight (especially nylon) should be exposed to condi- of the unwashed cotton/nylon and cotton/polyester tions such as those occurring during tumble-drying for terry cloth samples was determined according to extended periods, as this could lead to degradation SABS method 79. because of the high temperatures that can develop in the tumble-dryer (Kadolph & Langford, 2002:93, 100, Description of test samples 107). Fibre composition The average nylon content of Hence the question has arisen as to whether there is the cotton/nylon terry cloth samples was 4,40%. The a difference in the effect of industrial laundering proce- cotton/polyester terry cloth samples had an average dures on warp knitted terry cloth towels with nylon polyester content of 4,43%. The difference in synthetic yarns in the ground structure compared to a similar content of the two groups of samples was small fabric with polyester in the ground structure. enough for the synthetic components to be considered as being similar.


Cotton/polyester and cotton/nylon warp knitted terry cloth: Why minority fibre contents are important: 42 Why minority fibre contents do count ISSN 0378-5254 Journal of Family Ecology and Consumer Sciences, Vol 35, 2007

Structural characteristics The knitted structure of area) of the machine the temperature does not exceed both groups of terry cloth samples was identified as 30°C. In the next two compartments, still in the pre- warp knitted terry cloth mixture fabrics in which three wash area, a temperature of 78°C is reached. In the sets of warp yarns were used, similar to those shown main wash area, consisting of compartments five to in Figure 1. From an optical microscopy analysis eight, the 78°C temperature is maintained. In the (Figure 2) it was clear that the pillar stitches that rinse area, in compartments nine to ten, the tempera- formed the ground structure of the fabric were filament ture gradually decreases to 55°C and 45°C respec- (synthetic) yarns. The other two sets of yarns, namely tively. In the last two compartments there are again no the second set of warp yarns and the pile threads, specified temperatures to be reached. The procedure were both cotton. is computer-controlled to ensure adherence to speci- fied processes and temperatures. In terms of the stitch density, the cotton/nylon terry cloth samples had an average of 48,2 whales and After washing, the excess water is pressed from the 65,8 courses per 10 cm, while the cotton/polyester laundry before it is transported via a conveyor to a terry cloth samples had an average number of 46,3 tumbler (not a tumble-dryer) to loosen the washing whales and 62,7 courses per 10 cm. The cotton/nylon items from each other before loading into the tumble- terry cloth samples therefore had a slightly higher knit dryer. The samples that were only to be washed were density than the cotton/polyester terry cloth samples. loaded back into the washing machine directly after The average mass of the untreated cotton/nylon and tumbling, omitting the tumble-drying process. To facili- cotton/polyester terry cloth samples was 560,1 g/m 2 tate sorting and prevent mistakes the samples were and 522,2 g/m 2 respectively. The average tensile marked with brightly coloured – one colour for strength of cotton/nylon terrycloth samples before those only to be washed and another for those to be treatment was 296,24 N and that of cotton/polyester tumble-dried. The laundering procedures were con- was 297,84 N. A variance analysis (ANOVA) was ducted under supervision of the researcher to ensure done on the above-mentioned results to statistically strict control during the procedures. determine the significance of the differences, after which the cotton/nylon and cotton/polyester warp- The industrial tumble-dryers were set to reach a maxi- knitted terrycloth samples were considered compara- mum temperature of 120°C. During the study tem- ble in terms of structural properties for the purpose of perature strips were used to measure the actual tem- this study. peratures inside the tumble-dryers. Temperatures of between 104°C and 110°C were measured. A load of Chemical damage To first determine possible ex- towels took between 30 and 45 minutes to dry, de- isting chemical damage to the cotton fibres as a result pending on the size of the load. of the process, cuprammonium fluidity tests were carried out on cotton fibres from the un- In order to compare the durability of cotton/nylon and washed cotton/nylon and cotton/polyester terry cloth cotton/polyester warp knitted terry cloth, the tensile samples. The fluidity values of both textile samples strength of the test samples in the warp direction was were <1 and the degrees of polymerisation (DP- determined after exposure to 50 wash and 50 wash/ values) were >3000, which showed that no chemical tumble-dry cycles according to the SABS method ISO damage had taken place at that stage (CSIR Manu- 13934-1 on an Instron Universal Testing Machine. facturing and Materials Technology Centre for Fibres, Change in tensile behaviour of fibre appears to be the Textiles and , 2004:2). almost universal way to recognize deterioration (Slater, 1991). Ten test samples per terry cloth sample Durability of cotton/nylon and cotton/polyester exposed to a specific treatment combination were warp knitted terry cloth samples after industrial tested to ensure the calculation of a representative washing and wash/tumble-drying average. Prior to testing, all test samples were condi- tioned according to standard procedures for 24 hours Samples were exposed to laundering procedures - under controlled atmospheric conditions (20 ± 2°C and resentative of those currently used in industrial laun- 65 ± 2% relative humidity). dries, which included washing in a continuous batch washing machine and tumble-drying. Test samples The tensile strength tests were only carried out in the were washed and tumble-dried together with other warp direction because the nylon or polyester ground laundry and exposed to 50 wash and 50 wash/tumble- structure (pillar stitches) runs only in this direction. dry cycles. Adjacent rows of pillar stitches are not directly inter- twined, but bound to each other by means of a second Wash bundles, weighing 35 kg per bundle, included set of cotton warp yarns (see Figure 1). Since the pur- only towels. Each bundle of washing was weighed in pose of this study was the comparison of the nylon advance to ensure the correct loading level and the and polyester components of the warp knitted terry corresponding concentration of wash additives during cloth, it was not relevant to compare the tensile the washing process. Wash bundles were loaded in strength of the two sets of samples in the weft direc- compartments on a that fed into the tion. The dimensional stability of the test samples was washing machine. The continuous batch washing ma- determined according to SABS method 960 and ad- chine used in this study has 12 different compart- justments made accordingly to the tensile strength ments into which washing additives are added in dif- results of the washed samples. ferent stages. In the first two compartments (pre-wash

Cotton/polyester and cotton/nylon warp knitted terry cloth: Why minority fibre contents are important: Why minority fibre contents do count 43 ISSN 0378-5254 Tydskrif vir Gesinsekologie en Verbruikerswetenskappe, Vol 35, 2007

TABLE 1: VARIANCE ANALYSIS OF AVERAGE TENSILE STRENGTH RESULTS Sample description Source of Sum of Degrees of Mean F-ratio p-value variance square freedom square Terry cloth samples washed 50 times Fibre content 2538 1 2538 5,907 0,0181

Fault 24922 58 430 Terry cloth samples Fibre content 42756 1 42756 62,537 p<0,001 washed and tumble Fault 39655 58 684 dried 50 times

Fluidity tests were carried out on cotton fibres from the directional ANOVAs are given for each level of laun- laundered cotton/nylon and cotton/polyester terry cloth dering in Table 1. samples to determine if there was any chemical dam- age to the cotton fibre structure. The tensile strengths of both cotton/nylon and cotton/ polyester warp knitted terry cloth samples that were Data analysis washed 50 times were lower than those of the un- treated samples, but only the decrease in average To compare the results of the tensile strength tests, a tensile strength of the cotton/nylon terry cloth samples two-directional cross-classification variance analysis was significant (p < 0,05). Statistical analyses con- (ANOVA) was used with fibre content and laundering firmed that there was no significant difference procedure as factors. The main effects were directly (p > 0,05) between the average tensile strength of interpreted if the interaction effects were not signifi- cotton/nylon and cotton/polyester terry cloth samples cant; otherwise various one-directional ANOVAs were that were exposed to 50 washing cycles. In the case done at each of the levels of industrial laundering pro- of cotton/nylon fabric this greater decrease in tensile cedures to determine if the tensile strengths differed strength can probably be attributed to the fact that significantly. A Bonferroni multiple comparison proce- nylon fibres swell and weaken slightly in water as the dure was used to determine where the differences hydrogen bonds in the amorphous areas of the fibre between levels of the main effects were. Throughout break when water molecules are absorbed. The ther- this study a 5% significance level was used. The fibre moplastic nature of nylon also causes it to deteriorate content included cotton/nylon and cotton/polyester for during harsh laundering procedures at high tempera- the purposes of the analyses. The care procedures included unwashed, washed, and washed/tumble- dried. p < 0,001 320


The main purpose of this study was to compare the 290 durability of cotton/nylon and cotton/polyester warp knitted terry cloth fabrics exposed to industrial laun- 280 dering procedures. The tensile strength results of 270 samples that were washed 50 times or washed and 260 tumble-dried 50 times were compared to the tensile 250 strength of the unwashed samples, as any change in tensile strength serves as a direct indication of a 240 change in textile structure, implicating a change in 230 durability (Merkel, 1991:110). (N) STRENGTH CORRECTEDTENSILE 220

Of the samples that were washed for only 50 wash 210 cycles, the cotton/nylon terry cloth samples had an 200 UW W W&D average tensile strength of 260,82 N, while that of the cotton/polyester terry cloth samples was 273,82 N . LAUNDERING PROCEDURES The average tensile strength of the cotton/nylon terry o = cotton/polyester m = cotton/nylon cloth samples exposed to 50 wash/tumble-dry cycles UW = unwashed W = washed W&D = washed and was 222,04 N and that of the cotton/polyester samples tumble dried was 275,43 N. These results are graphically illus- trated in Figure 3. FIGURE 3: COMPARISON OF THE TENSILE STRENGTHS OF UNWASHED (UW), WASHED (W) AS A two-directional ANOVA was done on tensile WELL AS WASHED AND TUMBLE DRIED (W&D) strength against laundering procedures. The interac- COTTON/NYLON AND COTTON/POLYESTER WARP tion was significant (p < 0,01); and thus one- KNITTED TERRY CLOTH SAMPLES

Cotton/polyester and cotton/nylon warp knitted terry cloth: Why minority fibre contents are important: 44 Why minority fibre contents do count ISSN 0378-5254 Journal of Family Ecology and Consumer Sciences, Vol 35, 2007 tures (Hatch, 1993:206). A temperature of 78°C is the cotton/nylon samples, but this was not the case. reached during the washing process, which is much It is therefore proposed that the most important cause higher than the recommended temperature as pre- of the difference in tensile strength between the sented in literature (Hatch, 1993:206; Kadolph & washed and tumble-dried samples is the degradation Langford, 2002:102; Tortora, 1992:131). The tempera- of the synthetic yarns in the ground structure and not ture reached during tumble-drying was also as high as the cotton pile yarns or the second set of cotton warp 110 °C, and in this case the exposure was even yarns. longer than in the washing process. The significant decrease in the tensile strength of the The reason for the decrease in the tensile strength of cotton/nylon terry cloth after the 50 wash/tumble-dry the cotton/polyester terry cloth samples can not be cycles can be ascribed to the weakening of the nylon attributed to the polyester component, as there is no fibres when exposed to the severe friction action with significant difference between the wet and dry concurrent high temperature during the tumble-drying strength of polyester fibres. The abrasion resistance process (while still in the wet and probably slightly and strength of polyester fibres are not influenced by swollen stage). The fact that the tensile strength of the presence of water, and are expected to remain the cotton/polyester terry cloth samples remained stable after repeated washes (Joseph, 1988:67; almost unchanged after the 50 wash/tumble-dry cy- Kadolph & Langford, 2002:102; Mason, 1999; Wingate cles is a good indication of the excellent abrasion & Mohler, 1984:360). It is highly improbable that the resistance and resilience of polyester, enabling it to alkalinity of the detergents caused the decrease in withstand repeated and lengthy tumble-dry cycles. tensile strength as polyester fibres are only degraded by strong alkaline (Hatch, 1993:207, 218; Joseph, 1988:68,106; Kadolph & Langford, 2002:100, 107; CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Tortora, 1992:183, 195). The durability of cotton warp knitted terry cloth with a The tensile strengths of the cotton/polyester terry cloth nylon ground structure and cotton warp knitted terry samples that were washed 50 times and those that cloth with a polyester ground structure were com- were washed and tumble-dried 50 times did not differ pared after exposure to industrial laundering proce- significantly (p > 0,05). The tensile strength of the cot- dures to determine how important it is that industrial ton/nylon terry cloth samples did, however, decrease launderers and consumers should be made aware of significantly. This decrease in tensile strength was the presence of small quantities of synthetic fibres in highly significant (p < 0,001). There was also a highly the construction of a fabric. After 50 wash cycles there significant difference (p < 0,001) between the tensile was a similar decrease in the tensile strengths of both strengths of the cotton/nylon and the cotton/polyester the cotton/nylon and the cotton/polyester terry cloth terry cloth samples after the 50 wash/tumble-dry cy- samples. There was however a significantly greater cles. decrease in the tensile strength of the cotton/nylon warp knitted terry cloth samples compared to the cot- In terms of the results of the cuprammonium fluidity ton/polyester samples after the cycles that included tests, the fluidity value of the cotton in the cotton/nylon washing as well as tumble-drying. terry cloth samples changed from <1 to 5,46, and the DP-value from >3000 to 1848 after being washed 50 It is therefore concluded that industrial washing proce- times and tumble-dried. According to the laboratory dures have little or no effect on the durability of the report these values are comparable to normal damage nylon and polyester ground structures of warp knitted during washing and bleaching during manufacturing. towels, but that the tumble-drying process has a sig- In contrast to this, the fluidity value of the cotton in the nificantly greater degrading effect on the nylon con- cotton/polyester terry cloth samples changed from <1 tent of the cotton/nylon terry cloth fabric. to 19,60 and the DP-value from >3000 to 854 after being washed 50 times and tumble-dried. These val- It transpires from literature that the tumble-drying tem- ues are comparable to those of strenuously bleached peratures for synthetics should be kept low to average cotton, which points to a definite chemical damage (Hatch, 1993:206; Kadolph & Langford, 2002:102; (CSIR Manufacturing and Materials Technology Cen- Tortora, 1992:131). Although the temperature setting tre for Fibres, Textiles and Clothing, 2004:2). The dif- of the industrial tumble-dryer was set to 120°C, tem- ference in the extent of damage of the cotton in the peratures varying between only 104°C and 110°C cotton/nylon and cotton/polyester terry cloth samples were measured. Even such temperatures were clearly is difficult to explain, as they were both exposed to the too high for the fabrics containing nylon and, as a same laundering procedures. It is proposed that the result, they adversely affected the nylon component of reason for the difference in values is that the cotton the cotton/nylon warp knitted terry cloth samples. used during the knitting of the two samples could have differed in terms of a variety of factors, such as matur- In the light of the results of the fluidity tests, the impor- ity and fineness of the fibres, which could have an tant role that the polyester yarns in the ground struc- effect on the extent of chemical damage during the ture play in ensuring durability of warp knitted terry laundering process. cloth is underscored. The fact that the cotton content of these samples showed chemical deterioration From the fluidity test results it was expected that the (which subsequently translates into deterioration in cotton/polyester samples would appear weaker than tensile strength) would lead to the expectation that the

Cotton/polyester and cotton/nylon warp knitted terry cloth: Why minority fibre contents are important: Why minority fibre contents do count 45 ISSN 0378-5254 Tydskrif vir Gesinsekologie en Verbruikerswetenskappe, Vol 35, 2007 tensile strength of the samples would be lower than Washing technology . SDML Consultancy & Training that of their cotton/nylon counterparts. In contradic- (RSA). tion, the opposite was found. When the results of this GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 2005. Notice in terms of study, namely that the tensile strength in the warp the merchandise marks act, (Act No. 17 of 1941) Gov- direction of the cotton/nylon terry cloth samples was ernment Gazette no.27538 . Pretoria. Government lower than that of the cotton/polyester terry cloth sam- printers. ples after 50 wash cycles and significantly lower after HATCH, KL. 1993. Textile science . New York. 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Cotton/polyester and cotton/nylon warp knitted terry cloth: Why minority fibre contents are important: 46 Why minority fibre contents do count