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FOR Fall and Winter Session oI'1880-81,




ESSION OF 1879-80.



OF OF TilE . .

BIsrrop H. . McTYEIRE, D. D., llON. EDWIN ll. EWI G, LL. D., President. President. R. A. YOU TG, D. D., See'y.



EBEN S. S'I'EAUXS, D. D., Chanccllor of the University of Nashville. LAN DON C. GAULAN D, LL. D., Chanccllor of Vanderhilt Univcrsity


WILLIAM T. BRIGG, 1. D., Prafes.oor of Surgery. THOMA' L. MADDIN, M. D., Professor of the Institutes and Practice of Medicine and of Clinical Medicine WILLIAM L. NICHOL, M. D., PI'OfeESOr of Diseases of \Vowen and Children, and 01 Clinical Medicine. JOHN IT. CALLENDER, M. D., Professor of Physiology and Psychology. VAN S. LIND LEY, M. D.,. Professor of A.natomy. THOMAS MENEES, M. D., Profeswr of Obstetrics. JAi\1ES M. SAFFORD, M. D., Profe!'sor of Chemistry.

THO;\IAS A. ATCHISO J, M. D., Profes-lol' of 1\1 ateria Medica, Therapeutics, and State Medicine. -o CIIAHLES S. BRIGGS, M. D., rJl C Adjunct to the Chair of Surgery. o ORVILLE 1-1. MENEES, M. D., ] Demonstrator of Anatomy. "8 ~ AMBROSE ~IORRI ON, ~I. D. Assistant to Chair of Physiology. W. D. llAGGARD, ~f. D., AssiEtant to Chair of Obstctrics. - WILLIA~[ G. EWING, M. D., Assistant to Chair of Chemistry. eo R. W. Sl'EGER, M. D., Assistant to Chair of Practice. ~ ORVILLE n. J\lENEES, M. D., Assistant to Chair of Anatomy. C. C. A'l'CIIISON, M. D., Assistant to Chair of Materia Medica. I 5 e THUMAS L MADDIN, M. D., President of the Faculty. I 8 W, T. BRIGGS, M. IJ., Dean of the University of Nashville. THO,VlAS MENl!.ES, M. D., Dean of Vanderbilt University. o i' o JAMES M. SAFFORD, M. D., Seoretary of the Faculty. AllcOlI/mullica/iollS alld leiters aslling illformatioll should be addressed to Dr. J. M. SAFFORD, Sec. Nasllville, Tenn. Document from die collections oftile AAMC ANNOUNCEMENT.

ESSION, 1880··81. The Regular Course ofInstru tion in the Medical Departments of the University of ashville and of Vanderbilt University will com­ mence on Monday, the 4th day of October next, and end on the last Thursday in February, I88r, which is Commencement Day. On the 20th of September next, two weeks before the Lectures ommence, the Anatomical Rooms will be opened for students. The facilities for the study of Practical Anatomy are complete. ] n again issuing the Annual Announcement, the attention of the medical profession and that of the public is called to the UNEXAMPLED PROSPERITY which has attended this School. Durinl$ the. ession just concluded, this prosperity reached its highest point since the war. The number of students matriculating was nearly three hundred and fifty, and for the next winter, the attendance promises to be even greater. The munificent .,g ENDOWMENT ~ of buildings on which the School was founded, has b en from time ­o to time greatly increased ann extended. Its splendid equipment of CI:lc:: o Hospital facilities, Museum, Cabinets, Apparatus, etc., enables its corps of teachers to maintain the distin tion it has so long held ] among American Schools of Medicine. As an Alma Mater of Phy­ "8 sicians, it now numhers MORE THAN TWO THOUSAND in its catalogue .,g of Graduates. - LOCATION. eo f.l:: It would be difficult to fino a city combining more advantages, as a location for a , than Nashville. Highly' favored in 5e climate, midway between the cold of more northern cities and the 8 dehilitating temperature of the extreme South; a great railroad cen­ o tre, to which lines converge from all directions; having an active o population of fifty thousand; surrounded by an exceedingly fertile and beautiful country, thickly peopled; the capital of the State; the location of the Blind and Lunatic Asylums; the seat of great Universities-all nuke it a place for a School of Medicine. 6 UNIVERSITY OF NASHVILLE AND ------COLLEGE BUILDINGS AND MUSEUM. The buildings occupied by the Medical School and the Hospital form a large and commodious edifice of impo. ing appearance, front­ ing both on College and Market streets. The College building has been completely remodeled. A large and commodious I~ec­ ture Hall, capable of seating five hundred students, and provided with omfortable opera seats, has been erected. Thescats arc numbered and will be assigned to students in the in which they matr; ulate. The building is heated by hot air furnaces, which insures perfect comfort during the coldest weather, and is ventilated by flues ,'om­ municating with the furnace stack. The Hospital has ueen enlarged by the addition of three wards and an Ampitheatre for Clinical and Operating purposes. Besides ther is a large and inviting Museum Room, together with two large and well ventilated Dissecting Rooms, Special Labo­ ratories, Professors' and Apparatus Rooms, Janitors' Rooms, etc. The entire building is supplied with water and gas. The 1useum is noted for its extent, and the value and variety of its Anatomical, Physiological, Pathological, Surgical and Obst tri al Specimens, and for its Cabinet of Materia Medica. It has been re­ cently re-arranged, and rendered more complete by new additions. The Chemical portion is well supplied with medicinal substances and preparations, and such other articles as may be required in the elu­ cidation of the theory and practice of Chemistry and Pharmacy.

~ ­o METHOD OF TEACHING. rJlc:: o It is the purpose of the Faculty to make the teaching thorough and pra tical. Fil'e Lectures will be delivered daily, in the College ] Halls, upon the different subjects of the course. 8 Daily examinations reviews will be held by each Professor at the ~ beginning of his hour, in order that the facts of the previous lecture - may be impressed upon the minds of Students. The various courses eo WIll be illustrated by models, anatomical, botanical and chemical ~ specimens, experiments, dissections, clinics and surgical operations, 5 and by such other means as may make the instruction imparted e practical and pointed. The Cabmets of Anatomy, Physiology, Pa­ thology, Obstetrics, Surgery, Materia Medica and Chemistry, are 8o o richly supplied with Preparations and Specimens, whi h v.~ill be used as occasion ,demands. The hair of Obstetrics, in addition to it full supply of Models in Wax, Apparatus and Instruments, has re ently had added to it VANDERBTLT UNIVERSI'T'y 7

Iodem Plates and Diagrams, making complete its equipage for the elucidation of the entire ourse. The Cabinet of Materia Medica has also been liberally sUPllied with Plates, representations of Me­ dicinal Plants, specimens of Drugs and Chemicals, and all the ap­ pliances for the illustration of this branch. HOSPITAL AND CLINICAL INSTRUCTION. The Hospital building, erected by the Faculty, and under their exclusive control, has been enlarged by the addition of three large w:uds to its already commodious accommodations, it has a frontage of one hundred and fifty four feet, with other dimensions in pro­ portion, and adjoins the ollege edifice. Its wards, well filled at all times with material for Surgical and Iedical teaching, are immediately accessible from the Lecture Halls. This 115 a peculiar feature, enjoyed by few medical institutions, and one which has been pronounced by visitors, of large expenence as teachers, very superior and excellent in arrangement. Twice a week Surgical Clinics are held and Operations performed, when necessary, in the presence of the class. The number of these operations is large, and the variety great, embracing every Surgical disease and injury, with the Surgical operations of the Eye alld Ear.* The Obstetrical Ward of the Hospital will be under the Clinical control of"the Professor of Obstetrics and his Assistant. It is de­ signed to render Students familiar with the pra tical details of 1'ar. o tuntion, by assigning to their care, under the supervision of the Pro­ rIlc:: fessor or Assistant, such cases as may be available, not only in the o Hospital, but in private practice also. In this way it is proposed to ~ teaeh them to diagnose the various presentations and positions, more - fully to comprehend the mechanism of, labor, and give them facility "8 in manual manipulation and instrumental delivery. Q) ~ The facilities enumerated supply the Professors of Surgery, Ob­ - stetrics, Practice, Clinical Medicine, etc., with a for the thor­ ough teaching of disease, as seen at the bed-side, unsurpassed by any institution in the country. PRACTICAL ANATOMY. The Anatomical Rooms are abundantly supplied with fresh and ,;ell preserved material. The Del onstrator will be present e"ery evening to direct and assist in dissections. Students will be taught

'" All elLa/oily palients will be treated for disease {)r be madc thc subject of neccssary operations before the Claes free of . 8 UNIVERSITV OF NASHVILLE AND

the art of injecting, preparing and preserving specimens, both wet and dry; also the manner of making specimens of the vessels, tubes and ducts of the various organs. At the proper time, Classes in Operative Surgery will be formed, and each Student will receive pra tical instruction upon the Cadaver, in the applicatlOn of the bandage, in the ligation of arteries, and in the performance of am. putations, resections, etc. This Department will be opened on the 20th of September.


1. To graduate, the candidate must have attained the age of twenty-one years, and Le of good moral character. II. He must have attended two full courses of Lectures, the last of which must have been in this Institution. If the candidate ha~ at­ tended a full Course of Lectures in a regular Medical School, he may, by attendance upon a full Course of Lectures in this Institu­ tion, present himself for graduation. It is required also, that the Dissecting Ticket be taken for at least one session, either in this or some other regular Medical College.* III. He must have studied medicine for three years under a regular practitioner, the three years to include the time of attendance upon two courses of lectures. IV. The candidate is elected by ballot, and upon receiving THREE NEGATIVE votes will be rejected; but will be entitled to another ex­ amination by appearing before a full Faculty, after all other appli­ cants have been examined. 0 PREMATURE EXA~TJNATJON WILL BE GRANTED EXCEPT BY CO SENT OF THE ENTIRE FACULTY. Candidates will not be registered for examination until all fees are paid.

'i'A graduated scheme of study, extending through three years, ha~ been eo ~ arranged for the accommodation of such Students as wish to pnrsue a more prplonged course. This, though strongly recommended, is entirely optional with the Student. The scheme is as follows: (1) The Student may confine his attention for two full conrses to Anatomy, Chemistry, Materia Medica and Physiology, and after the end of the seconp course be examined upon these subjects. (2) Such Student, duriug the third course, tu devote hi:nself chieUy to lec_ tures upon the Theory and Praclice of Medi inc, Surgery, Obstetrics lind Dis­ eases of "Vornen and hildren, upon which snbjects only he shall be exami ned at the final examination [or the degree of M. D., his standing, however, to be determined by the result of both examinations. VA DERBILT UNIVERSITY 9 r


Matriculation (paid but once) . . . $ 5 00 Professors' Ticket . 50 00 Dissecting Ticket . 10 00 Graduating Fee . 30 00


Students, upon their arrival, will call at the Secretary's office, and, after registering their names, pay for their tickets.


Anatomy: Gray. Physiology: Fl£nt, Kirke, Dalton. Surgery: Bil/roth, Paget, Gross, Materia Medica: Stille, Wanng. ErUhsm, Bryant, Chemistry: Attfield, Fownes, Roscoe. Obstetrics: Lei~/lmall, Play/air. Theory and Practice: Roberts, Diseases of Women: TllOmas or Bristowe, ami ReYllOlds System Bartles. 0/ Medicil/e. .,g Diseases of Children: Smith. Ear: St. John Roosa. e- Dictionary: DUt/glisol/. Eye: Carler, S. Wells. ­o s::rn o ] DIRECTIONS TO STUDENTS. "8 It will be best for Students, upon arriving in the city, to take a .,g hack, and, with their baggage, go immediately to the Hospital attd College Buildings, 011 SOt/til College Street, two squares south of - Broad Street, where they can obtain assistance in securing such eo f.l::: boarding-houses as they may desire. Boarding can be obtained at from $3,5° to $4,5° per week. N. B.- We shall be pleased to receive the address of any physician wllO may desire a copy 0/ tlte Catalogue. Alumni of the sellOol are respectfully requested to tlOtify tlte Secretary of their respective post ojJices.

CommuniCations and letters asking informatwn should be addressed to Dr. J. ~f. SAFFORD, Sec., Nashville, Tenn. MATRICULATES.

SESSION OF 1879-80. --

" A.1E. ISTATE. I ]'RECEPTOR. ______1 ------Adams, Morgan, D. D. S. Miss. Dr. John Wright. Alexander, John Fulton. Ky . Drs. W. R. &J.R. Shepherd Alexander, James L., Jr. Tenn Dr. J. L. Alexander Allen, Jesse William.. . Tenn.. Dr. J. T. Darden. Allen LaFayette Jackson, M. D. Ky . Dr. F. 1. Allen. Alley, William Henry. .... Miss. Dr. J. D. Boyce. Almon, Everett T...... Ky. Dr. J. H. Matthews. Anderson, John Cole. .... Ala.. Dr. F. H. Anderson. Atkisson, James Albert, M. D. Ark. Practitioner. Ault, William Henry. .... Tenn Dr. G. W. Frazier. Austin, John Turner...... Tenn Dr. J. B. Covey. Bailey, Elijah Walker'...•. Tenn Dr. Asa Elltott. Baird, Andrew Johnson, M. D. Tenn Vanderbilt University. Baker, Julian C. .... Tenn Dr. T. M. Woodson. Baker, William Watson. Tenn Dr. - Martin, Sr. r...., Banks, David F. .... Tenn Dr. W. A. Hamilton. ­o \Y. Barbour, William A. .. Tenn Dr. R. Tompkins. rJlc:: Barnett, James Polk. .. Tenn Dr. R. W. Colville. o Barner, Wiley B., M. D.. Ark. University of Nashville. Barrett, William Allison.. . Tenn Dr. W. E. Whitley. ] Barry, William Turner. ., Tenn Dr. H. M. Moore. "8 Bell, Maney. .,. ., ., Tenn Dr. Vaulx Gibbs. Biggs, Reuben Milton, M. D. Tenn Practitioner. ~ Bigham, William Matthews.. Tenn Dr. D. A. Matthews. - Blakeman, Walter S" M. D. Ky. Practitioner. eo Blanton, Charles Edgar.. Tenn Dr. J. P. Barton. ~ Bloomstein, Max. .. .. Tenn Prof. ·W. T. Briggs. Boals, Nathan Orr, Jr. . Tenn Dr. J. W. Phillips. 5 Bond; George Doherty. . .. Tenn Dr. ]. W. Sharber. e Bone, John Lankford. .. Tenn Dr. A. B. Brown. 8o Bone, Robert Loughry. .. Tenn Dr. J. P. Bone. o Bone, Robert McConnell . Tenn Dr. O. D. Williams. Bdoker, Green Simmons. . Ky . Drs. Richardson & Kennelly Boyd, William Wesley.. .. Miss. Dr. W. L. Walker. Bradford, Abraham Demoss . Tenn Dr. J. H. Hooper. Bradford, William Sterling.. Tenn Dr. W. F. Robinson. Brandan, John William. •• Tenn Dr. J. C. I}ancock. Brandon, Wilkins Tanniehill. Tenn Dr. W. Brandon. VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY. II r


Brazelton, John Honston. Ala. Dr. A. C. DeBow. Brooks, Josiah Clinton.. Ala. Dr. W. L. Thomason. Bruer, Nathan Burdine. Tenn Dr. B. H. Cavitt. Bryan, Thomas David.. Ky . Dr. J olm Anderson. Buford, George Gillespie. La. Vanderbilt University. Burgie, James Thomas. Tenn Dr. G. D. Ridings. Burton, John R .... Tenn Dr. H. Fitzpatrick. Burton, Willis M. ... Ky . Dr. J. W. Hunt. Butler, James Dorsey... Tenn Dr. G. H. Butler. Caldwell, Benjamin David. Tenn Dr. J. J. Richardson. Caldwell, Luther Weeks.. Ala. Dr. J. A. Gardner. Callicott, Thomas Pleasant. Tenn Dr. G. W. Dibrell. Capps, Melville B. .... Tenn Dr. H. M. Colquitt. Carmack, Frank T. ... Miss. Dr. W. H. McDougal. Carnes, Charles F. .... Miss. Dr. P. S. Croom. Carney, Hiram Braxton. .. Tenn Practitioner. Carney, orfleet Lynn, M. D. Ky . University of ashville. Carter, Bellfield Frank. .•. Tenn Vanderbilt University. Caruthers, Robert, ] r. ... Tenn Vanderbilt University. Cary, Samuel Benjamin. .• Tenn Dr. S. T. Evans. Cherry, William West. . .. . Tenn Dr. W. A. West. Childress, Josephus Edwin.. Tenn Dr. E. T. Childress. Clement, Harold Eugene . Tenn Dr. Thomas Black. Clements, William H .. Tenn Dr. A. J. Clements. Coats, Kossuth. .... Ark. Dr. L. A. Lager. Collier, James Dickson. Tenn Dr. A. B. Tadlock. Compton, Felix Henry. Tenn Dr. William ompton. Connell, John C., M. n. Tenn Practitioner. Cooper, harles Thomas. •. Miss. Dr. G. E. Kelsey. Cooper, Ja ab Daniel...... Tenn Dr. S. A. M Donald. Corbitt, William Weaver, M. D. Tenn University of Nashville. Core, William W. .. . Tenn Dr. W. T. Davis. Covey, James Brown ... Tenn Dr. L. E. Covey. Cowan, James Baxter. .. Tenn Dr. M. W. Cowan. Coyle, James M...... Tenn Prof. W. L. ichol. Craigmiles, James Gideon . N. C. Dr. J. A. Reagan. eo Cross, William Cyprian, Jr. Ala. . Dr. W. C: Cross. ~ Crow, Calvin Jones. .... Texas. Dr. W. Wilkes. Cruse, John Winfield. .. .. Texas. Dr. S. B. Johnson. 5 Cunningham, Zachary Taylor. Ky. . Dr. J. H. Lackey. Dance, Edward Maze. ... Tenn. Dr. S. E. H. Dance. § Davis, Charles Tinsley. .. Tenn. Dr. W. L. Davies. o Davis, William Tera, M. D. Tenn. Vanderbilt University. o Dinsmore, William Louis. . Ala. . Dr. D. F. Dinsmore. Dodson, Elisha Franklin. .. Tenn . Dr. H. Stevens. Donoho, A. G...... Tenn. Practitioner. Dorris, George Milton. .. Tenn. Drs. Moore and Tate. Douglas, Richard. .... Tenn. Dr. C. S. Briggs. Douglass, Albert Gallatin . Tenn. Dr. W. D. Haggard. 12 UNIVERSITY OF NASHVILLE AND ------,-----,.------

NAME. STATE. PRECEPTOR. ---.------1----1------_·_- Dozier, Robert Porter. Tenn. Dr. W. Dozier. Downing, Littleton F. . Miss.. Dr. Parker. Drake, William Michael. . Ala. Dr. Jolm Clark. Duckworth, John Wiley. Tenn. Dr. W. J. Sneed. Dulaney, William Alfred.. Tenn. Dr. N. T. Dulaney. Dunbar, William Pitt. Tenn. Dr. T. E. Prewitt. Dunlap, Perry G. .. .. Ala. Dr. E. P. Chandler. Dunn, John Williams.. .. Tenn. Dr. J. R. Dunn. Eakin Arthur Dickinson. Tenn. Dr. J. E. Wendel. Edmundson, Van 0 . Tenn. Dr. J. S. EdmunBson. Edwards, John Thomas. Tenn. Dr. J. B. Harrison. Elliott, William Franklin. Tenn. Dr. T. M. Woodson. Elliston, Thomas Evans. Tenn. Dr. J. R, Lester. Everett, James Lassiter. Tenn. Dr. John T. Gleaves. Eves, Charles LaFayette. . Tenn. Prof. T. A. Atchison. Fagg, James Crabb. ... Tenn. Dr. C. p. Allen. Fanning, William Alfred. Tenn. Prof. T. A. Atchison. Fariss, Fletcher Monroe. Tenn. Vanderbilt University. Ferrell, Joseph Ramsey . Tenn. Dr. W. R. Freeman. Ferrell, Albert Allison.. Tenn. Dr. W. C. Ferrell. Ford, William H. . Texas. Dr. J. L. White. Foster, James Levick. Tenn. Prof. W. L. Nichol. Franks, Andrew Foster. Tenn. Dr. R. A. Hardin. Frey, Samuel Watkins, M. D. Tenn. Practitioner. Gillespie, Edwin Adolphus... Tenn. Dr. F. T. Sweet. Gillespie, James lark.• Ala. Dr. J. B. West. Gist, Vance. Tenn. Dr. B. Stone Plumlee. r...., ­o Gleaves, William Alfred.. Tenn. Dr. John T. Gleaves. Goldman, James F., M. D.. Ala. University of Nashville. rJlc:: o Goodlett, E. Erskine, M. D. Tenn. Vanderbilt University: Goodloe, John James. Ark .. Drs. Horton and Love. ] Gould, Hugh H . Tenn. Dr. p. F. Gould. Gragg, Wilford Harriss, M. D. Tenn. Practitioner. "8 Gravlee, William La Fayette. Ala. Vanderbilt University. ~ Gray, Madison Jackson . Tenn. Dr. A. B. Brown. Hackett, Thomas. . Ga. Dr. A. S. Fowler. - Haden, Andrew Wade •. Ala. Dr. A. C. DeBow. eo ~ HandleYJ Thomas Asbury. Ga. J. B. Mobley, M. D. Hardcastle, William L. .. Tenn. G. W. Martin, M. D. 5 Hardin, Philip. .. '" . Ky. Dr. R. N. Beauchamp. e Hardison, Thomas James. Tenn. Dr. J. G. Lee. Hargrove, Robert Harris. Tenn. Valtderbilt University. 8o Harrison, J. J., M. D.. Tenn. Practitioner. o Hart, Henry Eugene. Tenn. Dr. W. D. Haggard. Hearn, John F.... . Tenn. Dr. J. W. Perkins. Heath, James Monr0e.. Tenn. Dr. B. H. Cavitt. Henderson, John Michael. Miss.. Kentucky School Med. Hill, George W. R.. Tenn. Prof. J. M. Safford. Hodges, Walter Augustus. Miss.. Dr. R. S. Hodges. VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY. 13

NAME. STATE./ PRECEPTOR: ------Hoover, Samuel Blackburn. Tenn. Dr. 'V. M. Hoover. Horton, John Jackson. . Ala. 'IDr. Scott Pet~rs. Howlett, Kirby Smith. . T'enn Dr. M. B. SITIlSer. Hunter, Felix Bryan. . Tenn. IDr. A. Jones. Hurt, John Harrison, Jr. Ky .. Dr. A. P. Murrey. Irwin, Alexander Wyatt. Tenn Dr. J. Overton. Jackson, John Darius. Tenn Dr. J. J. Harrison. James, William Calvin. . Mo . Dr. W. H. James. Jenkins, William Rudgers . Tenn. Dr. W. A. Rodgers. Johnson, Allen Gregory. . •. Tenn. Dr. 1. J. Green. Johnson, Andrew. . Tenn. Dr. W. M. Edwards. Johnson, Anthony W., M. D. Ala .. University of ashville. Johnson, Isaac Nunn . ITenn. Dr. F. B. Johnson. Johnson, Julius H. Texa . Dr. E: H. Ayers. Johnson, William Augustus. Tenn. 'Drs. J. M. Head and Son. Jones, Alfonso A. .. .. Tenn Dr. T. F. Jones. Jones, Chalrriers Pervin . Ark .. Dr. G. P. Matthewson. Jones, Greenville B. . Tenn. Dr. M. S. Waterson. Jones, Henry Havelock. Tenn. Drs. T.A.&W.A.Atchison. Jones, James Hardin. Tenn. Dr. J. P. Hunter. Kelly, Edward. . •. • Ky. Vanderbilt University. Kent, James U. . Tenn. Dr. J. R. arrolls. Kernachan, William J. Tenn. Dr. W. C. Cross. Kinzer, John Wesley. Tenn. Dr. W. W. Joyce. Koffman, John Nathaniel. Tenn. Dr. J. W. Penn. Lackey, William K.. .. Tenn. Dr. J. A. Lackey. Lane, James A. ,Ga. Dr. J. H. Lane. Lee, Daniel Newton, M. D. ITexas . University of Nashville. Lee, William Butler. •. Tenn. Dr. T. Whittaker. Lee, William Quincy. .. ITenn. Dr.J. N. M. Lynch. Lees, Robert Blanchard, M. D. Tenn. Vanderbilt University. Legue, William. .... Tenn. Dr. W. G. Hart· Lenoir, Francis Marion. Texas. Dr. J. H. Brewton. Lester, Charles West. Ky. Dr. J. T. Johnson. Lewis, Charles C. . .• .. Tenn . Dr. D. R. Stubblefield. Lindsley, Frank. Tenn. Prof. V. S. Lindsley. Lindsley, Jacob McGavock .. Tenn. Dr. J. B. Lindsley. Little, William Worth. 'IAla .. Dr. J. L. Hughes. Long, James R. Dudley .. . Texas. Dr. J. A. Long. longley, William Ware.. Tenn. Dr. W. G. Ware. Love, John Harvey. . IMi s. . Dr. E. Y. Fleming. Lumpkin, Robert Donnel . Texas. Dr.. H. B. urrie. Lusk, Gustavus Adolphus. Tenn. Dr. D. P. Steele. Lyle, Samuel H.. ... N. c.. Dr. J. M. Lyle. McCallon, Bob Hardin. .. Tenn Dr. M. C. Clarke. McClendon, Jacob William . Tenn Drs. Moore and Tate. McKinney, Ellis S. Tenn Dr. . H. O. ,:,"oung. McKnight, John David. Ark. Dr. J. K. HamIlton. McMahan, Jerry C. Ala. Dr. M. Graham. UNIVERSITY OF NASHVILLE AND


McRee, Francis M., M. D. Ky. University of Nashville. McReynolds, James H. W. Texas. Dr. J. L. White. Mc han, Francis Adams. .. Miss. Dr. J. D. WatsoH. Mc wain, Lucius Harrison Ark. Dr. John W. Daly. Maner, Franklin Brown Texas. Dr. J. D. hambers. Marable, William Allen . Tenn Dr. T. H. Marable. Martin, Hezekiah L. Ala. Dr. T. E. H. Steger. Martin, James Andrew. Tenn Dr. W. C. Martin. Martin, James V. .. Tenn Dr. W. R. Tomkins. Martin, Willie Henderson. Tenn Dr. J. A. . Matthews, Frank Iarion.. Tenn Dr. J. H. Matthews. Matthews, William F. .. Tenn Dr. T. McMurray. Maxwell, Frank Alexander Texas. Dr. T. O. Maxwell. May, William Ala. University of Nashville. Meacham, Elwyn F. Tenn Dr. TO.. ummel'S, jr. Menees, Y. Hooper. Tenn Prof. T. Mcnees. Mewborn, Walter Alba. Tenn Dr. G. A. Hunter. Milam, James Holland Tenn Dr. J. A. Milam. Miller, Virgil M., M. D. .. . Ala. Practitioner. Montgom~ry, William Andrew. Miss. Dr. J. M. Montgomery. Moody, Benjamin Franklin, M.D. Tenn University of Nashville. Moore, Thomas Cain . Tenn Dr. C. P. Allen. Moore, Atchilous B., M. D. Tcnn University of Nashville. Moore, Emile 0., M. D. Ark. University of Nashville. Moss, Thomas Rodum . Tenn Dr. J. B. York. aftel, Saint John . Ala. Dr. W. R. Chambers. Napier, Edward Y. Tenn Dr. R. S. Napier. ~ Nash, Cranston M. D. Tenn ­o Vanderbilt University. rJl Neas, Darius, M. D. . Tenn University of Nashville. c:: Nelson, Daniel Even Tenn o Drs. Bridges and Speer. Nicholls, William Alexander Tenn Dr. C. G. R. Nicholls. ] Nichols, Matthew. ... Tenn Dr. J. L. Jones. Nickelson, William R. D. Tenn Dr. W. R. Tomkins. 8 Norman, Ingram T., M. D. Ky. Practitioner. ~ Orr, William Harry. .. . Miss. Dr. F. P. Bibby. Owen, Henry, M. D.. lArk. Practitioner. -e Padelford, Robert J. .. . Miss. Dr. J. W. Williamson. o Page, Oscar Fitzallen Ky. ~ Dr. P. W. McKeel. Paine, William McKendree Miss. Dr. J. 1<. Lowe. Parish, Alex-ander Smith. Ark. Dr. P. S. Woodward. Parker, William James Ark. Dr. T. J. Parker. Parker, Will.iayn Worthington Tenn Dr. T. Page. Paschall, WIlham Andre . Tenn Dr. B. H. Paschall. Pate, Rice Mahar. Tenn Dr. S. C. Maddox. Patrick, William Garrison Tenn Dr. J. J. eely, Jr. Pe k, Edward J., M. ]). Tenn University of Nashville. Pendergrass, Henry Scott Ark. Dr. W. B. Stroup. Perry, Thomas James . Miss. Dr. J. M. Bynum. Plummer Hugh Kirk Tenn Practitioner. VA. DERBILT UNIVERSITY.

NAME. STATE. PRECEPTOR. --·------1----1-----·------Poland, John B. Texas. Dr. H. B. Sullivan. Porter, Nimrod Rees. Tenn Vanderbilt niversity. Porter William Thomas Tenn Vanderbilt University. Poston, James Thomas Tenn Dr. D. A. Matthews. Prichard, William Edward Tenn Dr. - McGaughey. Proctor, Francis Marion, M. D. Texas. University of Nashville. Priestley, Connie Pavatt Tenn Dr. W. M. Wright. Pulley, Thomas N.... La. Vanderbilt University. Puryear, Joseph Richard Tenn Drs. Thompson and Kidder. Ransom, Robert Paine, 1. D. Tenn Vanderbilt University. Rawles, Isaac Newton . TeIm Dr. E. R. Vernon. Reed, Daniel Blevins Tenn Dr. 1'. Q. Walker, dec·sed. Reni k, James Daniel .. Ky. Dr. W. S. Jones. Rentz, James Holmes. Texas. Dr. E. V. Jarrett. Rhea, Henry Francis . Tenn Dr. R. H. C. Rhea. Rhea, Roland H. C. jr. Tenn Dr. R. H. C. Rhea. Rhodes, Arnolphus W. Ky. Dr. J. A. McNielly. Richardson, Samuel Fletcher Ky. Dr. L. G. Richardson. Robertson, Le Roy Huggins Tenn Dr. A. H. Gordon. Robinson, Thomas Franklin Tenn Dr. Charles Drennen. Rodgers, Charles Weldon Tenn Vanderbilt University. Rogers, John Willoughby Tenn Dr. J. C. Ellis. Rogers, Orville Layne . Va. Dr. O. T. Rogers. Ryan, Michael. .... Tenn Dr. J. S. Edwards. Sadler, James Levi. .• Miss. Dr. Robert Sadler. Sanford, William Bailey • Miss. Practitioner.

~ Sargent, Oscar. . '" •.. Ala. Vanderbilt University. ­o Scott, Harvey Edward Ala. Dr. Jo. Thigpen. c::rJl Scott, John Wayne, M. D. Fla'. Practitioner. o Scott, William Bellfield Tenn Practitioner. Segraves, Samuel Louis Tenn Dr. J. W. Crabtree. ] Sharp, Edwin. . .. Tenn Dr. T. J. Hicks. Shell, James Jefferson Tenn Dr. J. W. Pritchett. 8 Shelton, Asa Kelly. • Tenn. Dr. R. E. Shelton. ~ Shelton, William C. Texas. Dr. S. H. Woods. - Smith, James Torrance Ind. ] r. James Hunter. eo Smith, John James, M. D. Ark. • University of Nashville. ~ Smith, Richard Carter . Tenn Drs. Bell and Neas. Smith, Thomas Richelieu . 1enn Dr. J. B. Smith. 5 Southworth, James R., M. D. Ark. University of Nashville. e Spruill, Dudley S. J. Ala. Dr. A. C. Molloy. 8 Stevens, Doddridge Amos Ga B. G. Hunt, M. D. o Stewart, William Van Buren Texas. Dr. W. P. Chapman. o Stinson, James Carey Telm Dr. R. T. Martin Stokes, James Henry . Tenn Dr. J. D. Slayden. Stokes, James William S. C. Dr. W. S. Barton. Stone, Jesse Parker . Term Dr. R. A. Stone. Strider, James H., M. D. Ark. Vanderbilt University. Stubblefield, Richard J. Ky. Dr. Robb. 16 UNIVERSITY OF NASHVILLE AND


Sumpter, Samuel Strange Tenn Dr. E. A. Norton. Taylor, Henry Sanford Ky. Dr. D. G. immons. Taylor, John Pervat . Miss. Dr. H. H. Huggins. Teague, Isaac "Warren . Tenn Dr. J. T. Raynes. Thaxton, John athaniel Tenn Dr. A. A. East. Thompson, William Barton Tenn Dr. J. M. Bridges. Thompson, Samuel Mims, M. D. Tenn Shelby Medical College. Thompson, Sidney .. Tenn Prof. J. F. Means. Tipper, William A., M. D. Ala. Dr. J. M. Safford. Tompkins, John Edward Ala. Dr. - Bizzell. Townsend, Gilson Ewing, M.D. Ky. University of Nashville. Trimble, Joseph Addison Miss. Dr. J. A. Trimble Sr. Turner, Melville. .•• Tenn Dr. R. E. Shelton. Turner, Thomas. ..• Miss Dr. G. W. Grimes. Turney, James T. •. •.. Tenn Dr. J. M. Turney. Walker, Dave A. Tenn Dr. J. B. York. Walker, David Harris .. , Ala. Dr. Frank Newsom. Walker, Joseph Parks ... Tenn Dr. A. B. Tadlock. Walker, Thomas Slater •... Tenn Dr. R. E. Sumners. Walker, Willie C. •. ., Miss Dr. W. L. Walker. Walton, Benjamin W. B. Tenn Dr. Greenville Dowell. "Walton, Isaac B. .... Tenn Practitioner. Walton, William Alvie. Tenn Dr. 1. B. Walton. Watkins, Richard Sharp. Ala. Dr. L. W. Desprez. Washington, John H., M. D. Tenn Dr. J. Manson. Wasson, Jeremiah Chapman Tenn Vanderbilt University. Webb, Abner Lawler. Tenn Dr. N. M. Williams, Webb, Elihu M. ... Tenn Dr. 1. N. Black. Webb, Henry McC.. Tenn Dr. W. H. Warren. Webb, JuliusCresar .. Tenn Vanderbilt University. Weems, Hartley. .. Miss Dr. W. H. Armstead. West, Rufus Badger .. Tenn Dr. 1. W. Perkins. Whitley, Joseph Bell. . Tenn Dr. W. E. Whitley. Whitman, William Joseph Ga Dr. A. S. Fowler. Whitney, Marcellus. ... Ky Dr. H. Fitzpatrick. e Whitson, Harmon H., M. D. Ky University of Nashville. o Willey, Albert Napoleon . Tenn Dr. W. C. harlton. ~ Williams, Robert Henry . Tenn Dr. J. M. Clark. Williams, Samuel Crawford. . Miss Dr. J. A. Bell. "5 Williams, Simon Turner, M. D. Tenn University of Nashville. e Wingo, . Miss Dr. W. R. Fontaine. 8o Winters, Willett Humphrey. Tenn Dr. W. Frey. o Wood, James Hardin. .•. Ala. Dr. A. J. Vann. Wood, William Saunders Ga. Dr. J. A. Wood. Wooten Lawrence . Tenn". Dr. Heber Jones. Yater, William Horton.. Tenn. Vanderbilt University. Young, Jesse Claiborne. Tenn .' Dr. H. Lassiter. VANDEBIRLT U)/IVERSITY.

Morgan Adams, D.D.S., .. · Iississippi. John Fulton Alexander, .. · .Kentucky. LaFayette J. Allen, 1\1. D. · Kentucky. Jesse William Allen, . · . Everett T. Almon,.. .• · Kentucky. Jolm Cole Anderson, .... · Alabama. James .<\lbt:rt Atkisson, M.D., · Arkansas. Elijah Walker Bailey, . ·.Tennessee. Andrew J. Baird, M.D., .. ·.Tennessee. David F. Banks, .... · Tennessee. Wiley B. Barner, 1. D., · Arkansas. James Polk Barnett,. .... · Tennessee. Maney Bell,...... · Tennessee. Walter S. Blakeman, 1\1. D., . · Kentucky. George Doherty Bond, .. · Tennessee. Robert Ic onnell Bone, . · Tennessee. John Lankford Bone,. . ·.Tennessee. Green Simmons Booker, . . Kentucky. Wilkins Tanniehill Brandon, · Tennessee. John Houstun Brazelton, . · Alabama. Josiah Clinton Brooks, .. · Alabama. George Gillespie Buford, . · Louisiana. Jolm R. Burton,. ... · Tcnnessee. Benjamin David Caldwell, · Tcnnessee. Luther Weeks Caldwell, . · Alabama. Thomas Pleasant Callicott, · Tennessee. Frank T. Carmack, ... · . Hiram Braxton Carner, . · Tennessec. 1 orfieet L. Carney, M. D., · Tennessee. Rob::rt Caruthers, Jr., . · Tennessee. Kossuth Coats, .... · Arkansas. Felix Henry Compton, · Tenne see. John C. Connell, M. D., · Tennessee. Charles T. Cooper,. . · Mississippi. Jacob Daniel Cooper, . · Tcnnessee. 5 William W. Corbitt, M.D., · Tennessee. e William W. Core, ... · Tennessee. 8 James Brown ovey, .. ·T nnessee. o William Cyprian Cross, · Alabama. o Zachary T. Cunningham, · Kentucky. Edward Maze Vance,*. · Tennessee. William T.Davis, M. D., · Tenne see. George Milton Dorris, · Tennessee. Robert Porter Duzier, . · Tennessce. 18 UNIVERSITY OF NASHVILLE AND _.-

William Alfred Dulaney, . , · Tennessee. William Pitt Dunbar, · Tennessee. . John Williams Dunn, · Tennessee. Arthur Dickinson Eakin, Tennessee. Van O. Edmundson, · Tennessee. John Thomas Edwards, · Tennes~;ee. Thomas Evans Elliston, · Tennessee. Charles LaFayette Eves, .. · Tennessee. William Alfred Fanning, Tennessee. James Levick Foster, · · Alabama. Samuel W. Frey, M. D., · Tennessee. Edwin A. Gillespie, · Tennessee. Vance Gist, · · Tennessee. James F. Goldman, M. D., · Alabama. John James Goodloe, Arkansas. Wilford H. Gragg, M. D., · Tennessee. Madison Jackson Gray, · Tennessee. Thomas J. Hardison, · Tennessee. John. M Henderson, · Mississippi. George W. R. Hill, . · Tennessee. Walter A. Hodges, Mississippi. J 01111 Harrison Hurt, Jr., · Kentucky. William Calvin James, · Missouri. Anthony W. Johnson, M. D., Alabama. Isaac unn Johnson, · Tennessee. Julius H. Johnson, · Texas. William A. Johnson, · Tennessee. Henry Havelock Jones, · Tennessee. James U. Kent, · Tennessee. William J. Kernachan, • Alabama. 0 John Wesley Kinzer, · Tennessee. rIlc:: James A Lane, · Georgia. 0 Daniel ewton Lee, M. D., · · Texas. B Robert B. Lees, M. D., · Te'nnessee. Q) Francis Marion Lenoir, · · Texas. -0 Charles West Lester, · · Kentucky. -C) Bailey P. Lester, M. D., · Kentucky. Q) · ~ James R. Dudley Long, · Texas. Bob Hardin McCallon, ------· · - Tennessee. -e . 0 Francis M. McRee, M. D., - - - · - - · - Kentucky. ~ James H. W. McReynolds, - - - - . . - · - Texas. Francis A. M<:Shan, --- -- · · · . · . Mississippi. -=Q) Franklin Brown Maner, - - - - . . -- - Texas. e Willie H. Martin, -- - . - - . - · -- · - Tennessee. 8 Frank M. Matthews, ------· . Tennessee. 0 . - Tennessee'. 0 William F. Matthews, ------Y. Hooper Menees, - . - . -- · - · . · Tennessee. Virgil M. Miller, M. D., ------· - - Alabama. Benjamin F. Moody, M. D., . - - · · · - · . Tennessee, Atchilous B. Moore, M. D., -- . - - - - · . Tennessee. VA DERBILT UNIVERSITY.

Enlile B. ~loore, M. D,---- - Arkansas. Saint John aftcl, Alabama. Edward Y. Napier, - Tennessee. William A. Nicholls, Tennessee. Ingram 1'. Norman, M. D, Kentllcky. Henry Owen, M. D., - Arkansas. Robert J. Padelford, - Mississippi. William M. Paine, - Mississippi. William G. Patrick, - Tennessee. EdwardJ, Peck, M. D., - - Tennessee. Thomas F Robinson, --- Tennessee. Henry S. Pendergrass, ------Arkansas. Thomas James Perry, - Mississippi. William E. Prichard, Tennessee. Robert P. Ransom, M. D.. -- -. - - Tennessee. Isaac Newton Rawles, Tennessee. Daniel Blevins Reed, ------Tenne,see. James Daniel Renick, - Kentucky. Henry Francis Rhea, -- Tennessee. Thomas F. Robinson, Tenne see. Charles W Rodgers, - - Tennessee. John Willoughby Rogers, - Tennessee. l'vIichael Ryan, - - Tennessee. James Levi Sadler, - Missi sippi. William Bailey Sanford, - - Mississippi. Oscar Sargent, Alabama. Harvey Edward Scott, - - Alabama. John W. Scott, M. D., - Florida. William C. Shellon, - -- Texas. John J. Smith, M. D., - - Arkansas. James R. Southworth, M. D., - Arkansas. James H Strider, M.D., - Arkansas. John Nathaniel Thaxton, - Tennessee. Samuel M. Thompson, M. D., . - Tennessee. William A. Tipper, M. D., - Alabama. John Edward Tompkins, - Alabama. Gibson E. Townsend, M. D., - - Kentucky. Dave A Walker, - - Tennessee. Isaac B. 'Valton , - Tennessee. eo John H. V,rashington, M.D., - Tennessee. r.l:: Jeremiah Chapman Wasson, Tennessee. Marcellus Whitney, - - Kenlllcky. 5 Simon T. Williams, M. D., - -T nnessee. e ThomasJefferson Wingo, - Mississippi. 8 Willett Humphrey Winters, . Tennessee. oo La,vrence Wooten, - - Tennessee. The Honorary Degree of M. D. was conferred by the University of ashville upon A. G. Donoho of Hartsville, Tennessee.



The following prizes (gold medals) were awarded at thc Com­ mencement in February. For general proficiency, University of Nashville Faculty Medals, to Arthur D. Eakin of Tcnnessee and Charles L~fayette Eves of Tennessee. For general profi,iency, Vanderbilt University Founder's Medal, to George Gillespie Buford of Louisiana.

University Quiz Class, onducted by Drs. Briggs, Morrison, Ewing and Menees: For Best examination, gold medal to William Calvin James of Mo. For second best examination, gold medal to "William McKendree Paine of :Miss. For third best examination, gold medal to George illespie Buford of Louisiana.

Class in Physical Diagnosis, conducted byDr. R. W. Steger. Class o. I, gold medal to J. H. \Y. McReynolds of Texas. Class o. 2, gold medal to W. P. Dunbar of Tennessee.

Class in Jinical and 01 erative Midwifery, conducted by by Dr. eo f.l::: W. D. Haggard. "5 Gold medal to 1. N. Rawles of Tennessee. e 8 oo VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY. 21



(To be subscribed and eO'RJol'lncd te by a'l the College.s uf the Assooialion..)

ARTICLE 1. Of the Faculty.

The medical momberR of the Faoulty must be regldar graduates or lioeutiates aud praotition­

ors of medicine, ill good standing. HAing tho word .4 regular 'I in the 80nse commonly lluderstl)od iu the medicall'rofession. The majority of the members of one Faoulty shall not cOlJstitute the majority of thc membcrs of another Facu:ty, uule,s the sessions of the two schools arc held tfirnultancously. ARTICLE II. Of Tuition. SECTION 1. Thost'heme of tuition Bbnll provido for a ycurl~~ Rystcmnlic ('ourse of iu,\trnction, ('overing the gonoral' topics (If Anatomy, inclnding Dissections, Pbysiology, Chemistry, 1futorio. Medica, and Thol'apeuticH,ObHlclri<.'8, SUl'gery, Pathology, nuel Pructice of l\t:edicine. The Col. leginto AOR8iou wherein tbiK OOU1'1

~ ARTICLE III. Requirements for Graduation. No person, whether u. graduate ill medicioo or not, sh0.11 be given fL diploma. of II Doctor of ~- }fedicillo" who Shllllllot have filled tho following reql1irements, e:rcijll a!i hereinafter provided IV: ell for in A.ticle s:: I. He must produce s"liRfar.tory evid nee of good moral charaet,'r, aDd of haviug attained tbe o age of twonty-one years. 2. lIe must file a satisfnctory cvid nce of havlIlg studied medicine for at leMt three years un­ ] tler a. l'fgU{(lT gra.dua.te, or liceutinte and practiti ner of medicine, in {,'Ood standing, using the o word" regular" in the flcns commonly undorliJtood in tho mecHenl profession. No candidate (,,) shall be eligible for linal examination for gradllntion unless his term of three yenrs' study sltnll ~ have bcen completed, or shall e>'"pire at a dato not later than lhree montbs after the cloLe of tbe finnl exanlinatiolls. Thia soction to take effect at and after the sel:!8ion of lSi!) 0, - 3. IIe mUBt file the proper ollicial e"idence that, during the above-mentiollt'd three yenrs. he e has matriculated at some affiliated coUego or coJlegc8 for two regular sessions, and in tho course o J ¢: of the same (except ns provided in 4) hus attended two fnll c"nrses of iustruetion on tho seven topies moutloned in Article lI. But the ["uer, allcast, of the two full courses must bavo been att neled at tbe college issuing tho diploma. No two cOllsecll.tivc courses of iustrnctioll Bhu,ll bc held lLS satisfying the above requiremeuts unless tbo time between the beginning of tho first course and the end of lh second is groater than lifteen months.¢ 4. In case a college shall adopt a R~'stematie graduated scheme of t nilion, attendanoc on tbe whole of the same shall be equivalent to the requh'ements mentioned in ?, provided sucb scheJlle includes instruction in the beven topics mentioned in Article II, and requires attendauce at least at two yearly regular collegiate sessious of not less tban tweuty weeks' dnralioll ench .

• At .. meeting of the American M dicn! College Association held in City, au llfay 31, 1880, the articles of Confederation were so 1l1llOlJ(led as to rquil'e attendnuco u)lon three yearly collegiate sessious as pre-requisite to graduation. This reqnirement ,,;11 not take effect until tLe session of 18 2-83. 22 Ul lVERSlTY OF NASHVILLE.

5.. The candidate must have pa,sed a personal examination before the Facility on all sovon of the branches of medicine mentioned in Article II.. 6. Ho must h,,,,e paid illfull all collcgo dllllJl, including the graduation foo.

ARTICLE IV. Of Honorary Degrees. An honorary dogree of "Doctor in Medicino " Illay be granted, in nnmbers not exceeding ono yearly, to distinguished ph~'slcians or scientific Illen of over forty years of age.. llut in fluch case the diploma shall acrOS8 its face tho word ., Honorary" in conspicuous charac­ ters, and the same word shall always be allpended t

SEOTION 1. All fees shall bo paid in lMVful money, and lloprom;sory notes or promises to pay ohall be accepted in lieu of cash for pa~'ment of fees. SEO. 2. '0 tieket or other cerWicate of attondance upon collegc exorcises shall be issued to IIny studeut untiltbe dues for the same shall havo been fully paid. SEO.:J. The established fees for the exercises of the regular session-except the matriculation fee, graduation fee, fee for dissections-may be redueed not more than one-half to graduates of other affiliated colleges of less than three years' standing, and to undergrad lUtes of the same who hwe alreaely atteueled two full courses of the instr \Ctiou of the reglliar session. SEO.. 4. The same feea Illay be remitted altogether to a college's own alumni, to graduates of other affiliated eollges of three year's staudiug (the three years dating from the time of gradua­ tion, and eUding at the close of the reguInr session for whieb the tickets are giv u), to under­ graduates wbo baveulready atteudeel two full courses of the instruction of the regular session, the latter of wbicb at least shall have been In the collelle making tbe remission, anel to theologi­ cal students wh"n not candidates for a diploma. SEO. 5. Tbe same fees may be reeluced or remItted to deserving ineligeut students, to a num­ ber not exceeding flve per cent. of tbe number of malricnlates at tbe previolls regular session of tho eollege. SEQ. G. Under no cirCllmbtancca whateverJ othor tha.n the abovo, shall tho fncnlties, OC any members of th'J I::ul.mo, grant UPUIL th'!ir OWn. UI£UwritJl any romis~jon or roductions of cstabli.;hcd fees, anel it is distinctly under.tood auel agt'eed that the faculties will eliscollntenance and oppose tbe allthorizing, by governlull board', of the admis310n of individual ,tudents on otber tban the l' gularly est~bllsb"d cbarges for tbeir grade. SEe. 7. Remission or reduction of fees for otbcr exercises th:l.lI th03C 01' the rcgnlar 8088ioD, return to a htudent of any moneys after payment of fees, or an appropriation of funds of tho , college for payment of auy stlldent's fees, or part thereof, shall be doemeel a violation of tbe pro­ visions of this article in rega.rd to romission or reduction of fees.

ARTICLE VI. Of Recognition of Other Colleges. Ko conede shall admit to tbe privllogos aecordeelin Articles III and V tbe studollts or gradu­ ates of any college wbich, dnring any period of tbe stndent's or graduates lllll,llage, .ball have been exchl

ARTICLE VII. Advertisements. No college sbnll advertlso in any otber than a strictly medical publication tbe names or its pro­ fessors. witb tbeir respeotivn cbairs. ARTICLE VIII. Amendments. Ameudments to these articles .bnll b3 prop,sed and a'hptel ill tbe msnner prescribod for amondments to the Constitution. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT ( ~lliuel'sifn o~ ~aflItvill~ llnd o~ Jall(t~l'bilt ~lliUellsitn.

s:: 0 J3PRING FOUf\SE OF' JNSTRUCTION. VJ rn ~ 8 8 ~.

§ _-_...... -·~.H__-_ Q,) ~ The Spring Course will begin the 1st of {arch, 1881, and continue =' u::0 until the 1st day of June. , This course may be' regarded as introductory to the succeeding and ~ regular Fall and Winter ourse. Attendance upon it is not required, :'0 Q,) neither does it count as a session towards graduation; but students who c..> attend it will be furnished with certificates, which will be taken as ad· :'0=' ..0 ditional evidence of proficiency in candidates applying for the degree of Doctor of Medicine. ..Q,) Q,) A1rBROSE MORRISO , M, D. -- Physiology. .Q W. D. HAGGARD, M. D. -- • - Obstetrics. 0 WILLIAM G. EWING, M. D. • - Materia Medica and Chemistry. -0 ROBERT W. STEGER, M. D. - • - Practice. Z- ORVILLE H. MI':NEES, M. D. -- Anatomy. u The prominent features of the Spring Course will be Clinical Instruc­ tion and Recitations, with the use of text-books, though Didactic ~ Lectures will be given on the various branches of Medicine and Surgery. ..c:Q,) The Lecture Rooms, Museum, Apparatus and Dissecting Room of r- the College building, will be u ed by the Instructors, just as during a -0 regular Winter Cou.rse, rn s:: The class will enjoy, .furthermore, the advantages of the Hospital, 0 B which is a part of the College buildings- Also, in addition to the above, .£ a daily lecture may be expected from the regular Faculty, "0 c..> FEES. ..c:Q,) MATRICULATION, PAID BUT O:-JCr, ­ . - $ 5 00 -e INSTRUCTORS' TICKET ­ 20 00 0 DEMONSTRATORS' l'ICKET 5 00 rJ:: d $30 00 Q,) e ( Students Matriculating in the Spring Course, will be exempted from 8 payment thereof at the Fall and 'Vinter Course. 0 0 For further information, address DR. AMBROSE MORRISO , SEC. No. 17 South Cherry treet, 1 ASHVILLE, TEN Document from the collections ofthe AAMC Not to be reproducea wltliout permission