
January 2021

OUR FAVORITE The 150 Psalms convey a wide range of human emotion. Why might the psalmist have included so many emotions in the psalm songbook? What were the psalms originally used for? How are they used today?

PSALM 100 1. What six reasons does the psalmist give to praise the Lord? Do these apply to “all the earth” or just to “God’s people”?

2. What does it mean for us to know that the Lord is God (see v. 3). What are the responsibilities that come with that knowledge?

3. What attitude are we to have as God’s people? Just when times are good, or are we to have this attitude all the time?

4. Why is thanksgiving a communal, public event?

5. When are we the most motivated to praise the Lord?

6. How might our expressions of praise be too limited? How might these expressions be too private?

7. What is your favorite line, phrase, or verse in this psalm? Why?


January 2021

PSALM 37 1. To whom is this psalm directed? To himself? To God? To other people? What is the problem the writer is addressing (see v. 7)?

2. is credited as the author of this psalm. What different answers does he give to the fact that the wicked often go unpunished? See v. 2, 9, 13, 15, and 17.

3. Instead of worrying about the short-lived success of evil, what qualities should shape the lives of the believers (v. 3-8)?

4. What does it mean to “be still…and wait patiently for the Lord”?

5. What does David mean when he refers to the “meek” in v. 11?

6. Why is “inheriting” or “dwelling in” the land mentioned eight times in this psalm? How would these words comfort people who were dispossessed or disenfranchised?

7. The wicked being “Cut off” is mentioned five times. What other images portray how they will be frustrated every in their plans (see v. 2, 9-10, 12-17, 20, 35-36)?

8. What proverbial wisdom do you see here with regard to money matters, as in v. 16- 21 and 25-26? How is generosity with money an indicator of trust and waiting on the Lord?

9. Why is it that “nobody mourns the wicked” (to loosely quote the musical)?

10. Why do we only use the term “it is God’s will” when something bad happens? What really is God’s will for us? 2

January 2021

11. What do you secretly wish to happen to those who do evil and enjoy monetary success?

12. How does see the “meek”? See Matthew 5:5. Why would Jesus say such a thing? Is there a connection here between the Sermon on the Mount and ?

13. In the wake of the Riots in Washington DC, in what way does that event change the tone of this psalm?

14. What does it look like to “wait upon the Lord” (v. 34)? What does that mean particularly in the context of this psalm? Why is “waiting” particularly challenging for us in our culture?

15. According to Psalm 37, what “reward” do the righteous receive that the wicked do not (v. 18)?

16. What does this mean? For us? For others? Do you believe God really behaves this way? Why or why not?

PSALM 23 1. From what part of David’s life do you think he based this Psalm?

2. How is God like a shepherd?

3. How are we like sheep? Is this complimentary? Why or why not?

4. To what does “anoints my head with oil” literally refer?


January 2021

5. How does God care for the needs of God’s people?

6. What attitude should we have toward hardship and pain?

7. What kind of future can God’s people expect?

8. How enticing is God’s offer to come to God and rest?

9. Try reading the Psalm in the negative, is in “The LORD is not my shepherd; I shall be in want.” How does that feel? Which part(s) are the most disturbing when it is read this way?

10. With what do you want your cup to overflow?

11. Why do you think is such a favorite for so many?

PSALM 12 1. What is the initial lament of this Psalm (v. 1)?

2. What is happening among the neighbors (v.2)?

3. What is the problem with just giving “lip service” to others? How does this hurt the weak?

4. What does the Psalmist request of the Lord?


January 2021

5. What will cause the Lord to arise? What does this say about the Lord’s faithfulness to God’s people?

6. Why are the words of the Lord flawless? To what is this flawlessness compared?

7. Who wins the battle of the words?

8. What is the overall prayer in this Psalm?

PSALM 42-43 1. It is said that and 43 were originally one Psalm (which is why we are studying them together). What refrains and themes are common to each one?

2. What images does the psalmist use for his desire for God (v. 1-3)?

3. What is the writer grieving (v. 4)?

4. What is he committed to doing, even though he is sad?

5. How will he remember the Lord?

6. How does the psalmist demonstrate his faithfulness to God (v. 8)?

7. As we move into , why is the writer pleading for vindication?


January 2021

8. For what does he ask the Lord (43:3)? To do what (v. 4)?

9. Ultimately what does he decide to do?

10. This Psalm is rather dark. What is the “dark” side of faith? What is the “light” side of doubt?

11. Clearly the writer of the Psalm longs to be in Jerusalem. Where is her now?

12. There appears to be a progression in this psalm/prayer. What it is?

13. What does this Psalm teach us about grief/lamentation?

PSALM 46 1. In a moment of deep despair, used as an inspiration for his most famous hymn. What is the name of that hymn? What parts of the psalm do you hear in that hymn?

2. How does God protect God’s people?

3. Could v. 2-3 and 5-6 depict a crisis in your life? How did you respond to that crisis?

4. Why is this psalm comforting?

5. What seven phrases describe God in this Psalm? Which of these has proven true?


January 2021

6. How can remembering God’s power bring us peace?

7. What amazing things has God does for you?

8. What does it mean to “be still before the Lord”?

9. What happens when we don’t do this?

10. What difference does it make knowing that the Lord is God over all these things?

PSALM 6 1. This appears to be a psalm of confession. What has David done to cry out before the Lord?

2. Is God punishing him for his sins? Why hasn’t God answered David?

3. What does David believe about death (v.5)?

4. Why do David’s eyes fail (v. 7)? Is he in the dark? Is Justice blind? Is there no end in sight? Is seeing believing? Or is what we believe what we see?

5. Why is there a different tone in v. 8-10? How does David know God has heard and answered his prayer?

6. What phrases of David’s faith do you see in this psalm?


January 2021

7. Have you ever prayed and felt unheard?

8. What three answer does God tend to give to our prayers? Why does God do this?

PSALM 98 1. Why should we sing a new song? What’s wrong with the old ones?

2. What is the significance of the Lord’s right hand? The Lord’s right arm?

3. Why is Israel’s salvation a hope for all the nations?

4. Can creation praise God, of is this just a poetic metaphor?

5. What instruments are named here to use to praise the Lord? Why is the mention of “the ram’s horn” significant, especially to the Jewish people?

6. Do you expect God to do new things in your life? Why or why not? Do you see God as an active part of your life, or more hands-off (deist)?

7. Do you worry more about yourself and your choices, or do you pray about how God needs to change so-and-so?


January 2021

PSALM 130 1. What causes you to lose sleep at night?

2. Where are the “depths” (v. 1)?

3. What interferes with our relationship with God? What separates us from God?

4. How does forgiveness lead to reverence and praise?

5. What attitude does God want from us in our repentance (v. 5-6)?

6. What is God’s attitude toward us?

7. Why is it good to wait for God to act or answer our prayers?

8. Would this psalm be a good one for a funeral? Why or why not?

9. Describe a time where you had to wait for the Lord to answer a prayer. What was that waiting like for you? Did you give up? Or why did you continue to wait for an answer?


January 2021

PSALM 34 1. This psalm is credited to David. Read 1Samuel 21:10-15. What happened that prompted David to write this psalm?

2. Is this a psalm of praise and thanksgiving for deliverance, or is it a song of David “patting himself on the back” for what happened?

3. How does one “taste and see that the Lord is good” in v. 8? What does that look like?

4. What does David want to teach his descendants?

5. What promises do you see in the psalm?

6. Why is destruction predicted for the wicked (v. 21)? Why doesn’t God intervene?

7. St. John quotes v. 20 in his gospel at the crucifixion. What is significant about bones?

8. What does it mean to “seek peace and pursue it” (v. 14)? What does that look like for us in 2021?


January 2021

PSALM 139 1. According to this psalm of David, the Lord knows everything there is to know about each one of us. How do you feel about that? Is it freeing? Or oppressive? Or something else?

2. Why would David think about trying to escape from God? Have you ever felt that way?

3. Where does David imagine he would go to hide from God? What story does this remind you of?

4. David writes of child-bearing in mysterious terms (v. 13-16). Why would he do this? Has science helped or hindered our understanding of the “mystery of life”? How do you feel about hearing that God knew you were there, even in utero?

5. How do you feel about v. 16? Is this accurate?

6. What do you think is on God’s mind these days (v. 17-18)?

7. David is harboring some hatred toward his enemies (v. 19-22). Why would he think such things towards others after being so grateful for God’s awareness of himself? Do we do this?

8. Why does David ask God to search his thoughts (v. 23-24)? Is this a confession of his thoughts in v. 19-22?

9. What does this psalm say to us about our value in God’s sight?


January 2021

10. Is there every a time or place that we can escape from God’s awareness? Why or why not?

11. Why is it a good idea to ask God to check our motives, as David did in v. 23-24?

12. Do you have any relationships in your life that resemble what David describes as his relationship with God in this psalm?

PSALM 22 1. How is David feeling in this psalm? Why?

2. Where is his faith in his struggles (v. 3-5)?

3. What does he recall about God’s faithfulness and past actions (v. 1, 11)?

4. What is David’s claim in v. 10? How is this true? Is it true for you as well?

5. What is the mood of v. 1-21? How does that shift in v. 22-31?

6. Have you ever felt like David did in v. 1-21? (Share if you are comfortable doing so.) Does it comfort you to know Jesus felt that way, too?

7. Jesus prays v. 1 when he is on the cross. What other details of this psalm are included in the gospel accounts crucifixion (see Matthew 27, Mark 14, Luke 23, and John 19). How do these images help us understand what David is talking about here?


January 2021

8. Who is invited to David’s great assembly (v. 25)? Why? Why does David want to host such an extravagant party?

9. We have mentions of bones again (v. 14, 17). Why is this significant?

10. What does v. 30-31 foretell/prophesy?

11. Does it seem like David is bargaining with God? Why? Do we do this? When?

12. When we have troubles, why could it be helpful to remember past times of struggle?

PSALM 108 1. V. 1-5 are found in . V. 6-13 are in . Look briefly at these other two psalms which stem from different but also harsh situations. Why would these two segments be put together here in this psalm?

2. How can David’s heart remain so faithful during such difficult circumstances?

3. Even with all he is facing, how do you explain David’s growing sense of hope in v. 10-13?

4. WIGIAT? (Where Is God In All This?)

5. Why is it important to remember #4 when times are hard for us?


January 2021

PSALM 128 1. How can families receive God’s blessing?

2. According to the psalm, list the blessings that God gives us.

3. What does God think of God’s children? Why is it good to know this?

4. What good things does God want families to enjoy?

5. How can you tell if God is the head of your home?

6. What are some problems families face today?

7. How can families work to strengthen their relationships?

8. What encouragement can a family glean from this psalm?

PSALM 142 1. If God kept a “Complaint Box,” what would you put in it?

2. In which cave do you think this psalm was written in (the heading indicates David was in a cave). See 1 Samuel 22:1-2 and 1 Samuel 24:1-7.


January 2021

3. This one appears to be a psalm of lament. What is the tone of this lament? How freely is David expressing his true feelings?

4. What is the most painful for David at this time (v. 4)?

5. Why will the righteous gather around him when this is all over (v. 7)?

6. Do you ever hold your feelings back from God? Why or why not?

7. What happens when you are completely, totally vulnerable before the Lord? Before each other?

PSALM 150 1. According to the Psalm, what are some ways we can praise the Lord?

2. Where is God’s sanctuary (v.1)?

3. Why is “breath” so important in our praise (v. 6)?

4. Do you tend to praise the Lord with your head or your heart? Why?

5. What has God done in your life that is worthy of praise? Please be specific. (“Everything” (while accurate) is not an acceptable answer.)

6. When you praise the Lord, what are your favorite words or phrases you use?