
2604 THE GAZETTE, JUNE 21, 1861.

HIS is to give notice, that George Reeves, of Saint Barran, which said indenture •was, on the day of the date T Mary Cray, in the county of Kent, Carpenter and ' thereof, duly executed by the said Robert Foster, Alfred Builder, hath by indenture, bearing date the 25th day of Barran, John Barran, and Joshua Gibson, in the presence May, 1861, and made between the said George .Beeves, of of, and attested by, George Atkinson 'Emsley, of the one part, and Thomas Stiles,' of Saint Mary Cray aforesaid, Solicitor. And notice is hereby further given aforesaid, of the other parr, conveyed and assigned all his that the said indenture now lies at pur offices No. 12, Park- real {and personal estate and effects to the said Thomas row, in Leeds aforesaid, for inspection and execution by the Stiles, his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, upon creditors of the said Robert Foster and Alfred Barran. trust for the equal benefit of such of the creditors of the By order of the Trustees, said George Reeves as shall assent to, and execute the said G. A. and W. EMSLEY, Solicitors. indenture, within three months from the date thereof, and that the said indenture wes duly executed by the said OTICE.—William Francis and James.Hooper, of the George Reeves and Thomas Stiles on the 25th day of May N New Leather Market in the of Bermondsey, in aforesaid, which execution was witnessed by William May, the county of Surrey, carrying on business in copartnership df No. 2, Adelaide-place, London-bridge, in the city of as Hide and Leather Factors, under the firm of William London, Solicitor. Francis and Co., by indenture dated the 24th day of May, W. MAY, No. 2, Adelaide-place, London-bridge, 1861, assigned unto Charles Joseph Hyde Allen, Secretary Solicitor for the said Trustee. to the Bank of London, Ebenezer Ball Brown, of Adam's- court, Old Broad-street, in the , Bill Broker, OTICE is hereby given, that John Tall, of Kingston- and James Barrow, of Bermondsey aforesaid, Leather Mer- N npon-Hull, Tar and.Turpentine Distiller and Mer- chant, all their estate and effects as therein mentioned, in chant, hath by indenture, bearing date the 6th day of June, trust for the benefit of their creditors, which said indenture 1861, assigned all his personal estate and effects unto George was duly executed in the presence of Michael Abrahams, Harvey Jay, of No. 3, Moorgate-street. in the city of of No. 17, Qresham-street, in the city of London, Solicitor, London, Accountant, his executors, adniiuistrators, and as- by the said William Francis and James Hooper, on the signs, upon certain trusts for the benefit of the creditors of 24th day of May, 1861, by the said Charles Joseph Hyde the said John Tall; and the said .indenture also contains a Allen, and Ebenezer Ball Brown on the 27th day of May, covenant by. and ou the part of the said John Tall, to con- 1861, and by the said James Barrow on the 28th day of vey and assure all his real estate unto the said George May, 1861.—Dated this!7th day of June, 1861. Harvey Jay, upon trust for the benefit of the creditors of MICHAEL ABRAHAMS, Solicitor to the the said John Tall; and.notice is hereby further given, that Trustees. the said indenture was duly executed by the said John Tall on the said 6th day of June, 1861, in the presence of, OTICE is hereby given, that by an indenture dated and attested by Edward Cleathing Bell, of No. 16, Bowl- N the 28th day of May, 1861, made between Edward -lane, Kingston-upon-Hull, and of , in the Henry Cogswell, and George Day, both of , county of , Solicitor, and George Frederick Smith, of in the county of , Builders, and copartners of Kingston-upon-Hull aforesaid, Merchant's Clerk, and that the first part; William Thomas Capps, of Spalding, in the the said indenture was executed by the said George Harvey county of Lincoln, Timber Merchant, William Vergette, of Jay, whose place of abode is No. 3, Moorgate-street, in the Peterborough aforesaid, Grocer, John Sturton, of the same city of London, on the 13th day of June, 1861, in the pre- place, Chemist, and Thomas Hill, of Peterborough afore- sence of, and attested by Joseph Coltman Smith, of No. 70, said, Merchant of the-second part; and the several other Cowgate, and No. 48, Lister-street, both in Kingston-upon- persons whose hands and seals are thereunto subscribed and Hull aforesaid, and Lawrence King, Clerk to Messrs, Wells set, being respectively creditors of the said Edward Henry and Smith, of Kingston-upon-Hull aforesaid, Solicitors; Cogswell and George Day, of the third part; the said and notice is hereby further given, that the said indenture Edward Henry Cogswell and George Day conveyed and now lies for the inspection and signature of the creditors of assigned all their real and personal estate and effects, upon the said John Tall, at the offices of Messrs. Wells and Smith, the trusts therein mentioned for the benefit of their credi- No. 70, Lowgate, Kingston-upon-Hull.—Dated this 14th tors, and that the said indenture was duly executed by the day of June, 1861. said Edward Henry Cogswell and George Day respectively, WELLS & SMITH, and BELL & LEAK, Joint on the day of the date thereof, and by the said William Vergette, John Sturton, and Thomas Hill respectively, on Solicitors to the Assignee. the 29th day of May, 1861, and by the said William OTICE is hereby given, that Richard Gardner, of Thomas Capps, on the 19th day of June, 1861, in the pre- N Chalford, in the county of , Baker, has sence of, and such executions were attested by, Simon by indenture of conveyance, assignment, and arrangement, , of Peterborough, in the county of Northampton, made, or intended to be made, in pursuance of " The Attorney-at-Law, and the said deed now lies for the in- Bankrupt Law Consolidation Act, 1849," with respect to spection of, and execution by,, the creditors of the said arrangements by deed, dated the 6th day of June, 1861, con- Edward Henry Cogswell and George Day, at the office of veyed and assigned all the real and personal estate, effects, the said -Simon Rutland, in Peterborough aforesaid.— claims, and demands whatsoever, 'of him the said Richard Dated this 19th day of June, 1861. Gardner unto Samuel Sims, of the Parish of Rodborougb, and William Davis, of Toadsmoor, both in the county of Christopher Naylor Wilson's Assignment. Gloucester, Mealman, upon trusts for the benefit of the OTICE is hereby given, that by an indenture bearing creditors of the said Richard Gardner, rateably and in pro- N .date the 5th day of June instant, Christopher Naylor portion to the amount of their respective debts, and that Wilson, of the Flatts, in , in the county of York, the said deed of conveyance, assignment, and arrangement, Mungo and Shoddy Merchant, granted and assigned all •was executed by the said Richard Gardner on the said 6th his real and personal estate and effects, whatsoever and day of June, 1861; and his execution thereof was witnessed whersoever, unto James Wood Horsfield, of Dewsbury and attested by Lindsey William Winterbotham, of Stroud, aforesaid, Boiler Maker, and Thomas Williamson, of in the county of Gloucester, Attorney and Solicitor, and Cleckheaton, in the said county, Oil Merchant, upon trust Thomas William Southam, his Clerk, and the said deed of for the equal benefit of the creditors of the said Christopher conveyance, assignment, and arrangement was executed by Naylor Wilson, and that the said indenture was duly exe- the said Samuel Sims and William Davis respectively, on cuted by the said Christopher Naylor Wilson, James Wood the 7th day of June, 1861, and their executions thereof Horsfield, and Thomas Williamson on the said 5th day of respectively were witnessed and attested by the said Lindsey June instant, in the presence of Charles Robert Scholes, of William Winterbotham and Thomas William Southam.— Dewsbury aforesaid, Solicitor, and Joseph Brearpy, of the Dated this 13th day of June, 1861. same place, his Clerk, and which indenture now lies at our LINSEY WILLIAM WINTERBOTHAM, office for execution by the creditors of the said Christopher Stroud, Solicitor to the Trustees. Naylor Wilson.—Dewsbnry, 19th June, 1861. OTICE is hereby given, that by an indenture dated SCHOLES and SON, Solicitors to the Trustees. N the llth day of June, 1861, and wade between OTICE is hereby given that by indenture, dated the Robert Foster and Alfred Barran, both of Leighton-lane. N 13th day of June. 1861, and made between John in Leeds, in the county of York, Wholesale Clothiers and Ivens, of Water Eaton, in the county of Buckingham, Far- Outfitters, of the first part; John Barran, of Leeds afore- mer, of the first part, James Pettit, of Stagsden, in the said, Wholesale Clothier and Outfitter, and Joshua Gibson, county of , Farmer, William Leaberry, of Stagsden of Leeds aforesaid, Cloth Merchant, trustees for themselves aforesaid. Farmer, and James King, of Winslow, in the and the rest of the creditors of the said Robert Foster and county of Buckingham, Auctioneer, of the second part, and Alfred Barran of the second part; and the several other the said James Pettit, William Leaberry and James King,, persons whose names and seals are thereunto subscribed and the several other persons whose names and seals are and set, being respectively creditors of the said Robert subscribed and affixed in or to the schedule thereunder Foster and Alfred Barran, of the third part; the said written, being respectively creditors of the said John Ivens Robert Foster and Alfred Barran did convey and assign all of the third part, the said John Ivens did assign all his im- their real and 'personal estate and effects, whatsoever plements of husbandry, horses, sheep, farming and other and wheresoever, unto the said trustees, their heirs, exe- live and dead stock and growing crops, household furniture, cutors, administrators, and assigns upon such trusts, as are good;, chattels, moneys, debts, and securities for money (if therein mentioned, for the equal benefit of themselves and any), and all and singular his personal estate and effects all other the creditors of the said Robert Foster and Alfred unto the said James Pettit, William Leaberry, and James