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R Graphics Output Monmouthshire Ebbw Vale Monmouthshire Bedwellty Monmouthshire Abertillery RhonddaWest Yorkshire West Riding Hemsworth Yorkshire West Riding Dearne Valley Durham Easington Derbyshire Bolsover Wigan Poplar Bermondsey Glamorganshire Neath Glamorganshire Caerphilly Rhondda East Durham Chester−le−Street Plymouth Sutton Stepney Kensington South Glamorganshire Ogmore Merthyr Tydfil Aberdare Durham Houghton−le−Spring Monmouthshire Pontypool Carmarthenshire Llanelli Yorkshire West Riding Rother Valley Glamorganshire Gower Swansea East Sheffield Hillsborough Dagenham Barnsley Perthshire and Kinross−shire Kinross and West Perthshire Glamorganshire Aberavon Worthing Blyth Bethnal Green Yorkshire West Riding Normanton Yorkshire North Riding Richmond Derbyshire Ilkeston Sheffield Attercliffe Salford West Southwark Fife West Glamorganshire Pontypridd Yorkshire West Riding Harrogate Yorkshire West Riding Don Valley Warwickshire Stratford Sussex West Horsham Surrey Esher Nottinghamshire Newark Nottinghamshire Bassetlaw Lancashire Westhoughton Lancashire Lancaster Jarrow Durham Durham DurhamConsett Willesden East West Ham South Newcastle−under−Lyme Hornsey Bristol West Shoreditch and Finsbury Chelsea Battersea North Angus and Kincardineshire South Angus Aberdeen North Yorkshire West Riding Ripon Yorkshire North Riding Thirsk and Malton Sussex East Lewes Surrey Farnham Lancashire Ormskirk Durham Blaydon Cheshire Kutsford Southend West Merton and Morden Bournemouth East and Christchurch Barking Islington South−West Deptford Camberwell Peckham Lanarkshire Hamilton Glasgow Gorbals Westmorland Sussex West Chichester Surrey Epsom Surrey East Buckinghamshire South Warrington Stoke−on−Trent Central Southend East Rossendale Liverpool Kirkdale Leeds North−West Beckenham St Marylebone Perthshire and Kinross−shire Perth and East Perthshire Kirkcudbrightshire and Wigtownshire Galloway Fife East Glasgow Bridgeton Yorkshire West Riding Penistone Worcestershire South Worcestershire Kidderminster Sussex West Arundel and Shoreham Lancashire Newton Kent Canterbury Hampshire Winchester Devon Honiton Derbyshire North−East Walthamstow West Ruislip−Northwood Rotherham Leeds South Harrow East Gateshead East Bromley Renfrewshire East Ayrshire and Bute South Ayrshire Ayrshire and Bute Kilmarnock Glasgow Springburn Glasgow Maryhill Glasgow Hillhead Sutton Coldfield Somerset Yeovil Lincolnshire Louth Lancashire South Fylde Hampshire Basingstoke Hampshire Aldershot Essex Maldon Cumberland Penrith and the Border Wolverhampton North−East Torquay Sunderland South Sheffield Brightside Leicester South−West Ipswich Enfield East East Ham North Brighton Pavilion Birmingham Edgbaston Woolwich East Lambeth Vauxhall Cities of London and Westminster Orkney and Shetland Angus and Kingardineshire north Angus and Mearns Denbighshire Wrexham Warwickshire Rugby Surrey Guildford Cheshire Wirral Sutton and Cheam Stockton−on−Tees Southgate Rowley Regis and Tipton Portsmouth Langstone Northampton Manchester Blackley Liverpool Edge Hill Kingston upon Hull East Bradford East Bornemouth West BirminghamSmall Heath Glasgow Shettleston Dunfermline Burghs Sussex East Eastbourne KentGravesend Wimbledon Stoke−on−Trent North Kingston upon Hull North Bristol South Blackpool North Banffshire Kirkcaldy Burghs Glasgow Central Yorkshire West Riding Goole Yorkshire East Riding Bridlington Sussex East East Grinstead Devon Tiverton Berkshire Windsor Tottenham Chesterfield Stoke Newington and Hackney North Argyll Aberdeenshire East Caernarvonshire Caernarvon Yorkshire North Riding Scarborough and Whitby Surrey Reigate Huntingdonshire Durham Bishop Auckland CumberlandWorkington Berkshire Wokingham Wakefield Manchester Cheetham Gloucester Ealing North Altrincham and Sale Stirlingshire and Clackmannanshire Clack and East Stir Edinburgh South Warwickshire Warwick and Leamington Lancashire Widnes KentTonbridge Hampshire New Forest Gloucestershire South Durham North−West Devon Totnes Devon Tavistock Twickenham Southport Leicester North−West Leeds North−East Exeter Crosby Blackpool South Birmingham Ladywood St Pancras North Islington East Hammersmith North West Lothian Moray and Nairnshire Surrey Woking Shropshire Shrewsbury Northumberland Morpeth Lancashire Haywood and Royton Kent Ashford Essex Saffron Walden Wallsend Poole Hastings Ealing South Coventry East Bristol South−East Wandsworth Streatham Islington North Greenwich Aberdeenshire West Edinburgh West Shropshire Oswestry Nottinghamshire Carlton Dorset West Cumberland Whitehaven Cheshire Runcorn Sheffield Heeley Pudsey Liverpool Walton Batley and Morley Paisley Glasgow Govan Warwickshire Nuneaton Northumberland Hexham Herefordshire Hereford Essex Colchester Cornwall St Ives Wembley South Watford Hendon North Lanarkshire North Ayrshire and Bute Bute and North Ayrshire Montgomeryshire Yorkshire West Riding Skipton Surrey Chertsey Shropshire The Wrekin Lincolnshire Holland with Boston Lancashire Chorley HampshirePetersfield West Ham North Liverpool Exchange Kingston upon Thames The Hartlepools Finchley Edmonton Bristol Central Lanarkshire Motherwell Edinburgh North Surrey Dorking Staffordshire Leek Shropshire Ludlow Lancashire North Fylde KentMaidstone Devon Torrington Derbyshire West (0.5,1] Cheshire Cheadle Pontefract Burnley Birmingham Stechford Greenlock Glasgow Cathcart Flintshire West Cardiganshire Leicestershire Loughborough Hertfordshire St Albans Wanstead and Woodford Wolverhampton South−West Newcastle−upon−Tyne East Derby North Birmingham Hall Green Paddington South Dumfriesshire Coeatbridge and Airdrie Wiltshire Devizes Surrey Carshalton Kent Sevenoaks (0.3,0.5] Cheshire City of Chester Berkshire Newbury Wembley North Wallasey Southall St Helens Newcastle−upon−Tyne North Huddersfield West Derby South (0.2,0.3] Birmingham Aston Stirlingshire and Clackmannanshire West Stirlingshire Lanarkshire Bothwell Iverness−shire and Ross and Cromarty Ross and Cromarty (0.15,0.2] Yorkshire West Riding Barkston Ash Middlesex Spelthorne Kent Orpington (0.1,0.15] Cheshire Macclesfield Manchester Moss Side Manchester Gorton (0.05,0.1] Lewisham South Anglesey Suffolk Bury St Edmunds (0,0.05] Lincolnshire Grantham Essex Harwich Swindon Nelson and Colne Luton Leigh Hove Halifax Doncaster Cheltenham Breconshire and Radnorshire Worcestershire Bromsgrove Somerset North Hertfordshire Hitchin Gloucestershire Cirenchester and Tewkesbury Dorset North Berkshire Abingdon Stockport South Sheffield Park Leeds South−East Hornchurch Kent Dartford Birmingham Handsworth Barrow−in−Furness Lambeth Brixton parliamentary constituency number Hampstead Caithness and Sutherland Newport Cardiff West Isle of Wight Norfolk Kings Lynn Lancashire Morecambe and Lonsdale Lancashire Ince Gloucestershire West Cornwall Bodmin Cheshire Northwich Buckinghamshire Wycombe Buckinghamshire Aylesbury Worcester Tynemouth Stretford Sheffield Hallam Leicester South−East Huddersfield East Bootle Birmingham Sparkbrook Bilston Iverness−shire and Ross and Cromarty Western Isles Edinburgh Pentlands Denbighshire Denbigh Lincolnshire Horncastle Lancashire Darwen Herefordshire Leominster Isle of Ely Wood Green Smethsick Oldham East Manchester Exchange Eccles Coventry North Paddington North Glasgow Scotstoun Aberdeen South Suffolk Eye Somerse Weston−super−Mare Northamptonshire Peterborough Lincolnshire Gainsborough Lancashire Farnworth Hertfordshire South−West Hertfordshire Hertford Cambridgeshire West Bromwich Stoke−on−Trent South Southampton Test Leyton Leicester North−East Leeds West Gateshead West Birkenead Ayrshire and ButeAyr Glasgow Pollok Edinburgh East Cardiff South−East Wiltshire Westbury Nottinghamshire Mansfield Middlesex Uxbridge Lincolnshire Brigg Hertfordshire Barnet Cheshire Crewe Lincoln Iverness−shire and Ross and Cromarty Iverness Cardiff North Somerset Wells Leicestershire Harborough Leicestershire Bosworth Kent Dover Devon North Cornwall Truro Richmond Manchester Withington Gosport and Fareham Bath Stirling and Falkirk Burghs Edinburgh Leith Pembrokeshire Flintshire East Carmarthenshire Carmarthen Essex Billericay Derbyshire Belper Bedfordshire Mid Salford East Preston South Middlesbrough West Liverpool Scotland Hendon South Harrow West Cambridge Dunbartonshire West Dunbartonshire East Monmouthshire Monmouth Glamorganshire Barry Wiltshire Salisbury Oxfordshire Henley Oxfordshire Banbury Northamptonshire Wellingborough Lincolnshire Rutland and Stamford Leicesternshire Melton Lancashire Middleton and Prestwich Dorset South Stockport North Newcastle−upon−Tyne Central Manchester Wythenshawe Liverpool Toxteth East Ham South Bradford South Bebington Kensington North Ayrshire and Bute Central Ayrshire Glasgow Woodside Dundee West Dundee East Yorkshire North Riding Cleveland Essex Thurrock Bedfordshire Bedford Oldham West Nottingham South Middlesbrough East Liverpool Garston Ilford North Eton and Slough Brighton Kemptown Bolton West Birmingham Northfield Bexley Wandsworthm Putney Glasgow Kelvingrove Merionethshire Yorkshire West Riding Shipley Yorkshire West Riding Colne Valley Suffolk Lowestoft Staffordshire Burton Staffordshire Brierley Hill Somerset Taunton Nottinghamshire Rushcliffe Willesden West South Shields Newcastle−upon−Tyne West Manchester Ardwick Liverpool Wavertree Yorkshire East Riding Haltemprice includes 169 Keighley Harrow Central Gillingham Carlisle Bolton East Birmingham Perry Barr Lambeth Norwood Renfrewshire West Edinburgh Central Wiltshire Chippenham Norfolk South−West Kent Isle of Thanet Derbyshire High Peak Rochester and Chatham Norwich South Mitcham Ilford South Enfield West Darlington
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