Archaeological Investigations Project 2002 Post-Determination & Non-Planning Related Projects & Region NORTH

3/1725 (E.68.H020) TA 05741001 'THE BRIDLES' PHASE 6 'The Bridles' Phase 6, St. Barnabas Road, , Bray, S, Palmer-Brown, C & Rylatt, J Lincoln : Pre-Construct Archaeology, 2002, 450pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Pre-Construct Archaeology

An archaeological excavation was carried out on the site. A ditched settlement enclosure of Mid to Late Iron Age was identified, after this date the settlement focus moved to the south-east. An isolated Iron Age cemetery was also identified on the site, with an associated post built structure. [Au(abr)]

Archaeological periods represented: IA, LIA, MIA

3/1726 (E.68.H021) TA 05660985 30 VICTORIA ROAD, BARNETBY LE WOLD 30 Victoria Road, Barnetby le Wold, North Lincs Tann, G Lincoln : Lindsey Archaeological Services, 2002, 18pp, figs, tabs Work undertaken by: Lindsey Archaeological Services

An archaeological watching brief was carried out on the site. A ditch/pit of unknown date was observed. [Au(abr)]

Archaeological periods represented: UD

3/1727 (E.68.H016) SE 89900690 ASHBY GRANGE SOUTH Timberlands Distributor Road, Ashby Grange South, Bottesford Webb, A Morley : Archaeological Services WYAS, 2002, 26pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Archaeological Services WYAS

Archaeological monitoring was carried out along the route of the distributor road. A small pit and ditch were observed. The ditch contained Iron Age pottery. [Au(abr)]

Archaeological periods represented: IA, UD

3/1728 (E.68.H006) TA 03402169 BARROW ROAD, BARTON UPON Barrow Road, Barton upon Humber Humber Field Archaeology : Humber Field Archaeology, 2002, 13pp, colour pls, figs, tabs Work undertaken by: Humber Field Archaeology

An archaeological watching brief was carried out on the site. Post-medieval dump and levelling layers were observed along with a pit. [Au(abr)]

Archaeological periods represented: PM

1 Archaeological Investigations Project 2002 Post-Determination & Non-Planning Related Projects Yorkshire & Humberside Region

3/1729 (E.68.H013) TA 11421899 TA 10282106 BARROWS PHASE 1, MAINS RELAY SCHEME Barrow Phase 1 Mains Relay Scheme Atkinson, D Kingston upon Hull : Humber Field Archaeology, 2002, 40pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Humber Field Archaeology

An archaeological watching brief was carried out on the mains relay route. A brick culvert and stone lined drains were observed. [Au(abr)]

Archaeological periods represented: PM

3/1730 (E.68.H022) SE 92201948

BOOTH HOUSE, WINTERTON Booth House Farm, Winterton, North Lincs Tann, G Lincoln : Lindsey Archaeological Services, 2002, 23pp, colour pls, figs, tabs Work undertaken by: Lindsey Archaeological Services

An archaeological watching brief was carried out on the site. Only modern post holes were observed. [Au(abr)]

Archaeological periods represented: MO

3/1731 (E.68.H004) TA 14982562 COMMUNITY ALARM, SOUTH KILLINGHOLME Community Alarm, Harborough Road, South Killingholm Atkins, C Goxhill : Caroline Atkins Consultants, 2002, 8pp, figs, tabs Work undertaken by: Caroline Atkins Consultants

An archaeological watching brief was carried out on the site. A horse shoe shaped late 18th century land drain was observed. [Au(abr)]

Archaeological periods represented: PM

3/1732 (E.68.H014) TA 13171618 TA 16601700 CHP GASLINE Immingham CHP Gas Pipeline, Near Immingham, North Lincolnshire Cottrell, T Hindon : AC archaeology, 2002, 14pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: AC archaeology

An archaeological watching brief was carried out on the route of the pipeline. Ridge and furrow was observed in three places along the route. [Au(abr)]

Archaeological periods represented: MD

2 Archaeological Investigations Project 2002 Post-Determination & Non-Planning Related Projects Yorkshire & Humberside Region 3/1733 (E.68.H010) SK 95559905 SK 96159920 KIRTON LINDSEY MAINS RELAY SCHEME Kirton Lindsey Mains Relay Scheme Atkinson, D Kingston upon Hull : Humber Field Archaeology, 2002, 30pp, colour pls, figs, tabs Work undertaken by: Humber Field Archaeology

An archaeological watching brief was carried out on laying of mains cable. Bones from a cow and 19th century and Romano-British finds were recovered. [Au(abr)]

Archaeological periods represented: PM, RO, UD

3/1734 (E.68.H023) TA 03032190 LAND 11-15 HOLDYKE Land at 11-15 Holdyke, Barton upon Humber Atkins, C Goxhill : Caroline Atkins Consultants, 2002, 10pp, figs, tabs Work undertaken by: Caroline Atkins Consultants

An archaeological watching brief was carried out on the site. The medieval town ditch was observed along with a 19th century brick culvert. [Au(abr)]

Archaeological periods represented: MD, PM

3/1735 (E.68.H018) TA 04551319 LAND AT FLAREPATH Land at Flarepath, Elsham Industrial Estate, North Lincs Marshall, D Lincoln : Lindsey Archaeological Services, 2002, 12pp, figs, tabs Work undertaken by: Lindsey Archaeological Services

An archaeological watching brief was carried out on the site. No archaeology was observed. [Au(abr)]

3/1736 (E.68.H002) TA 06362271 LAND NORTH OF 'WAYSIDE', FERRY ROAD Land North of 'wayside', Ferry Road, , Atkins, C Goxhill : Caroline Atkins Consultants, 2002, 9pp, figa, tabs Work undertaken by: Caroline Atkins Consultants

An archaeological watching brief was carried out on the site. 19th/20th century bricks and other deposits associated with a farm complex were observed. [Au(abr)]

Archaeological periods represented: PM

3/1737 (E.68.H003) SE 89900690 LAND OFF BALDWIN AVENUE Land off Baldwin Avenue, Bottesford, Bradley, J Kingston upon Hull : Humber Field Archaeology, 2002, 11pp, colour pls, figs, tabs Work undertaken by: Humber Field Archaeology

3 Archaeological Investigations Project 2002 Post-Determination & Non-Planning Related Projects Yorkshire & Humberside Region

An archaeological watching brief was carried out on the site. An Iron Age loom weight and a sherd of early medieval pottery was recovered from a dark soil layer. [Au(abr)]

Archaeological periods represented: EM, IA

3/1738 (E.68.H012) SE 89960695

LAND OFF BALDWIN AVENUE, BOTTESFORD Land off Baldwin Avenue, Bottesford Carlyle, S, Holmes, M & Morris, S Northampton : Northamptonshire Archaeology, 2002, 55pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Northamptonshire Archaeology

An archaeological watching brief and excavation was carried out on the site. Residual roman finds were recovered and a possible Roman linear was identified. Mid to Late Saxon ditches were encountered across the site and probably formed field plots and land boundaries. Medieval ditches were also identified along with several palaeochannels. The site by the late medieval/post-medieval period was covered in alluvial deposits. [Au(abr)]

Archaeological periods represented: EM, MD, PM, RO

3/1739 (E.68.H017) TA 13712013 LAND OFF KING STREET, EAST HALTON Land off King Street, East Halton, North Lincolnshire Clay, C Lincoln : Pre-Construct Archaeology, 2002, 10pp, colour pls, figs, tabs. refs Work undertaken by: Pre-Construct Archaeology

An archaeological watching brief was carried out on the site. Two ditches and a medieval holloway were observed. [Au(abr)]

Archaeological periods represented: MD

3/1740 (E.68.H009) TA 14501750 LAND TO THE REAR OF CHURCH FARM Land to the Rear of Church Farm, North Killingholme Fenwick, H Kingston upon Hull : Archaeology & Environments Research Centre, 2002, 10pp, figs, tabs Work undertaken by: Archaeology & Environments Research Centre

An archaeological watching brief was carried out on the site. No archaeology was observed. [Au(abr)]

3/1741 (E.68.H001) TA 07401000 TA 07301070 MELTON ROSS Melton Ross Atkinson, D Kingston upon Hull : Humber Field Archaeology, 2002, 8pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Humber Field Archaeology

4 Archaeological Investigations Project 2002 Post-Determination & Non-Planning Related Projects Yorkshire & Humberside Region An archaeological watching brief was carried out along the pipeline. No archaeology was observed. [Au(abr)]

3/1742 (E.68.H019) SE 88201450 NORMANBY ENTERPRISE PARK SCUNTHORPE Normanby Enterprise Park, Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire Fraser, J & Steedman, K Kingston upon Hull : Humber Field Archaeology, 2002, 7pp, colour pls, figs, tabs Work undertaken by: Humber Field Archaeology

An archaeological watching brief was carried out on the site. A single shallow ditch was observed. [Au(abr)]

Archaeological periods represented: UD

3/1743 (E.68.H015) TA 16601720 ROSPER ROAD, SOUTH KILLINGHOME Rosper Road, South Killingholme Atkinson, D Kingston upon Hull : Humber Field Archaeology, 2002, 12pp, colour pls, figs, tabs Work undertaken by: Humber Field Archaeology

An archaeological watching brief was carried out on the site. No archaeology was observed. [Au(abr)]

3/1744 (E.68.H011) SE 97300000 SE 98130007 SCAWBY-BROUGHTON Scawby-Broughton, Mains Rerlay Scheme Atkinson, D Kingston upon Hull : Humber Field Archaeology, 2002, 30pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Humber Field Archaeology

An archaeological watching brief was carried out along the route of the mains cable. A 19th century brick culvert, a wall of possible Roman date and a pond/hollow containing medieval pottery were recorded. [Au(abr)]

Archaeological periods represented: MD, PM, RO

3/1745 (E.68.H007) SE 96870462 ST. ANDREWS, STURTON Sr Andrew's, Main Street, Sturton, Scawby Atkins, C Goxhill : Caroline Atkins Consultants, 2002, 12pp, figs, tabs Work undertaken by: Caroline Atkins Consultants

An archaeological watching brief was carried out on the site. No archaeology was observed. [Au(abr)]

5 Archaeological Investigations Project 2002 Post-Determination & Non-Planning Related Projects Yorkshire & Humberside Region 3/1746 (E.68.H005) SE 90502083 ST. ETHELDREDA'S CHURCH St. Etheldreda, West Halton Field, N & McDaid, M Lincoln : Lindsey Archaeological Services, 2002, 19pp, colour pls, figs, tabs Work undertaken by: Lindsey Archaeological Services

An archaeological watching brief was carried out on alterations to the church. A wall possibly from a vault was observed along with a grave slab and a stone recess for the base of a font. [Au(abr)]

Archaeological periods represented: PM, UD

3/1747 (E.68.H008) SE 88352152 THE MILL, WEST HALTON LANE The Mill, West Halton Lane, Alkborough Atkins, C Goxhill : Caroline Atkins Consultants, 2002, 8pp, figs, tabs Work undertaken by: Caroline Atkins Consultants

A watching brief was carried out on the site. No archaeology was observed. [Au(abr)]